Characterization of Tribological Materials

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Preface to the Reissue of the Materials Characterization Series ix

Preface to Series x
Preface to the Reissue of Characterization of Tribological Materials xi
Preface xii
Acronyms xii
Contributors xv



2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 Considerations for Experiments 15
Background 15, Macroscopic Experiments 17,
Atomic Level Experiments 18, Microscopic Contacts 20

2.3 Theoretical Considerations at the Atomic Level 21

Background for Theory 21, Universal Binding Energy Relation 22,
Semiempirical Methods 23
2.4 Conclusions 27


3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Sliding Friction 31
Basic Concepts 31, The Dual Nature of Frictional Process 32,
Phenomenology of Friction Process 33, Real Area of Contact 36,
Adhesion Component of Friction 42, The Interface Shear
Stress 43, Deformation Component of Friction 44, Viscoelastic
Component of Friction 46, Friction under Boundary Lubrication
Conditions 48, Phenomena Associated with Friction 51

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3.3 Rolling Friction 55
Review of Rolling Friction Hypotheses 55, Free Rolling 57

3.4 Exceptional Friction Processes 60

3.5 Recapitulation 61


4.1 Introduction 65
4.2 Surface Analysis 68
4.3 Auger Analysis of Worn Surfaces after “Unlubricated Wear” 69
4.4 In Situ Systems 71
4.5 Conclusions 76


5.1 Abrasive Asperities and Grooves 80

5.2 Yield Criterion of an Abrasive Asperity 82
Abrasive Wear Mode Diagram 83

5.3 Degree of Wear at One Abrasive Groove 88

5.4 Macroscopic Wear in Multiple Abrasive Sliding Contacts 91


6.1 Introduction 98
6.2 Mechanical Effects in Lubrication 99
6.3 Adequacy of Hydrodynamic Fluid Films 99
6.4 Chemical Effects in Liquid Lubrication—Boundary Lubrication 101
6.5 Wear and Failure 102
6.6 Surface Protection When Λ <1—Break-In 104
6.7 Dynamics of Break-In 105
6.8 Research in Boundary Lubrication 106
6.9 Laboratory Research 106
6.10 Composition of Films 108
6.11 Further Mechanical Effects of the Boundary Lubricant Layer 110

vi Contents

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6.12 Surface Analysis of Boundary Lubricated Metals 111
Appendix: Ellipsometry 112


7.1 Introduction 116

7.2 Magnetic Storage Systems 117
7.3 Wear Mechanisms 119
Head–(Particulate) Tape Interface 119, Head–(Particulate) Rigid
Disk Interface 121, Head–(Thin-Film) Rigid Disk Interface 122

7.4 Lubrication Mechanisms 124

Measurement of Localized Lubricant Film Thickness 127,
Lubricant–Disk Surface Interactions 130, Lubricant
Degradation 130


8.1 Introduction 134

8.2 Disassembly 135
Examination, Optical Microscopy, and Photography 135,
Gas Analysis by Mass Spectrometry 135, Lubricant Analysis and
Removal 136

8.3 Microexamination 137

Scanning Electron Microscopy 137, Profilometry 139

8.4 Surface Analysis 139

Auger Electron Spectroscopy 139, Photoelectron Spectroscopy 143,
SIMS 146, Vibrational Spectroscopy 147

8.5 Future Directions 147


1 Light Microscopy 153

2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 154
3 In Situ Wear Device for the Scanning Electron Microscope 155
4 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Scanning Force Microscopy (STM and
SFM) 156
5 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 157
6 Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) 158
7 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) 159

Contents vii

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8 Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis (EPMA) 160
9 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) 161
10 Low-Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) 162
11 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 163
12 Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) 164
13 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 165
14 Raman Spectroscopy 166
15 Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) 167
16 Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (Static SIMS) 168
17 Surface Roughness: Measurement, Formation by Sputtering, Impact on Depth
Profiling 169

Index 171

viii Contents

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Preface to the Reissue of the Materials
Characterization Series

The 11 volumes in the Materials Characterization Series were originally published

between 1993 and 1996. They were intended to be complemented by the Encyclope-
dia of Materials Characterization, which provided a description of the analytical tech-
niques most widely referred to in the individual volumes of the series. The individual
materials characterization volumes are no longer in print, so we are reissuing them
under this new imprint.
The idea of approaching materials characterization from the material user’s
perspective rather than the analytical expert’s perspective still has great value, and
though there have been advances in the materials discussed in each volume, the basic
issues involved in their characterization have remained largely the same. The intent
with this reissue is, first, to make the original information available once more, and
then to gradually update each volume, releasing the changes as they occur by on-line

C. R. Brundle and C. A. Evans, October 2009


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Preface to Series

This Materials Characterization Series attempts to address the needs of the practical
materials user, with an emphasis on the newer areas of surface, interface, and thin
film microcharacterization. The Series is composed of the leading volume, Encyclope-
dia of Materials Characterization, and a set of about 10 subsequent volumes concen-
trating on characterization of individual materials classes.
In the Encyclopedia, 50 brief articles (each 10 to 18 pages in length) are presented
in a standard format designed for ease of reader access, with straightforward tech-
nique descriptions and examples of their practical use. In addition to the articles,
there are one-page summaries for every technique, introductory summaries to group-
ings of related techniques, a complete glossary of acronyms, and a tabular compari-
son of the major features of all 50 techniques.
The 10 volumes in the Series on characterization of particular materials classes
include volumes on silicon processing, metals and alloys, catalytic materials, inte-
grated circuit packaging, etc. Characterization is approached from the materials user’s
point of view. Thus, in general, the format is based on properties, processing steps,
materials classification, etc., rather than on a technique. The emphasis of all volumes
is on surfaces, interfaces, and thin films, but the emphasis varies depending on the
relative importance of these areas for the materials class concerned. Appendixes in
each volume reproduce the relevant one-page summaries from the Encyclopedia and
provide longer summaries for any techniques referred to that are not covered in the
The concept for the Series came from discussion with Marjan Bace of Manning
Publications Company. A gap exists between the way materials characterization is
often presented and the needs of a large segment of the audience—the materials user,
process engineer, manager, or student. In our experience, when, at the end of talks or
courses on analytical techniques, a question is asked on how a particular material (or
processing) characterization problem can be addressed the answer often is that the
speaker is “an expert on the technique, not the materials aspects, and does not have
experience with that particular situation.” This Series is an attempt to bridge this gap
by approaching characterization problems from the side of the materials user rather
than from that of the analytical techniques expert.
We would like to thank Marjan Bace for putting forward the original concept,
Shaun Wilson of Charles Evans and Associates and Yale Strausser of Surface Science
Laboratories for help in further defining the Series, and the Editors of all the indi-
vidual volumes for their efforts to produce practical, materials user based volumes.

C. R. Brundle C. A. Evans, Jr.

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Preface to the Reissue of Characterization
of Tribological Materials

There have been many advances in the area of Tribology since this volume was origi-
nally published in 1993, but the basic principles and understanding of the roles of
adhesion, friction, abrasive wear, and lubrication, as discussed in the first 4 chap-
ters, have not changed. Likewise, the two specific technologies discussed as examples
where understanding of tribological materials is important (magnetic recording and
bearings) have seen changes and advances, but many of the principles and the meth-
ods for characterization of the materials involved are still valid. After the reissue of
this volume, in a form close to the original, it is our intention that updates, covering
advances that have occurred, will be released as downloads as they become available.

C. R. Brundle and C. A, Evans, November 2009


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Characterization of Tribological Material was written to illustrate the ways in which

surface characterization is being used in tribology and the expected future trends.
Since tribology is a discipline involving the moving contacts of surfaces, it should
not be surprising that surface science must play a role. Although materials used
in bearings, gears, sliding seals, brakes, clutches, electrical contacts, and magnetic
recording devices have been developed expressly for these applications, the materials
are not unique. Most have been adapted from conventional engineering materials.
For tribological use, however, parts require some surface characterization. Currently,
surface analysis during manufacture includes the determination of roughness, opti-
cal properties, surface hardness, and surface coating thickness and bond strength.
More sophisticated surface analysis is not, as a rule, used routinely—except for mag-
netic recording media. Advanced surface analytical techniques are used mostly in the
investigation of the mechanisms of friction, lubrication, and wear.
This volume presents several chapters which describe the basics of tribological
phenomena and examples of the use of characterization equipment to further the
understanding of these phenomena. These chapters also serve to show where surface
science can play a role in advancing our knowledge of friction, wear, and lubrication.
Two chapters describe current uses of advanced surface characterization tech-
niques for routine inspection of manufactured components (rolling contact bearings
and magnetic recording media).

William A. Glaeser


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ADAM Angular Distribution Auger Microscopy

AED Auger Electron Diffraction
AES Auger Electron Spectroscopy
AEM Analytical Electron Microscopy
AFM Atomic Force Microscopy
ATR Attenuated Total Reflection
BSE Backscattered Electron
CARS Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering
CBED Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction
CL Cathodluminescence
CTEM Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy
EDAX Company selling EDX equipment
EDS Energy Dispersive (X-Ray) Spectroscopy
EDX Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy
EPMA Electron Probe Microanalysis (also known as Electron Probe)
ESCA Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis
FTIR Fourier Transform Infra-Red (Spectroscopy)
FT Raman Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy (See Raman)
GC-FTIR Gas Chromatography FTIR
GIXD Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction (also known as GIXRD)
HRTEM High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
IR Infrared (Spectroscopy)
IRAS Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy
KE Kinetic Energy
LEED Low-Energy Electron Diffraction
LTEM Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy
Magnetic SIMS SIMS using a Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometer (also known as
Sector SIMS)
OES Optical Emission Spectroscopy
PISIMS Post Ionization SIMS
PHD Photoelectron Diffraction
Q-SIMS SIMS using a Quadruple Mass Spectrometer
RA Reflection Absorption (Spectroscopy)
Raman Raman Spectroscopy
RBS Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry
RRS Resonant Raman Scattering
RS Raman Scattering


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SAD Selected Area Diffraction
SAM Scanning Auger Microscopy
SE Secondary Electron
SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy
SEMPA Secondary Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis
SERS Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
SFM Scanning Force Microscopy
SIMS Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (Static and Dynamic)
SPM Scanning Probe Microscopy
STEM Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
STM Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy
TGA-FTIR Thermo Gravimetric Analysis FTIR
TOF-SIMS SIMS using Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
WDS Wavelength Dispersive (X-Ray) Spectroscopy
WDX Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy
XAS X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
XPS X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
XPD X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction
XRD X-Ray Diffraction

xiv Acronyms

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Guillermo Bozzolo The Role of Adhesion in Wear

Analex Corporation
Brookpark, OH
Brian J. Briscoe Friction
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College
London, UK
Bharat Bhushan Magnetic Recording Surfaces
Mechanical Engineering Department
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Stephen V. Didziulis Surface Analysis of Bearings
The Aerospace Corporation
El Segundo, CA
John Ferrante The Role of Adhesion in Wear
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Cleveland, OH
William A. Glaeser Introduction, Adhesive Wear
Batelle Laboratories
Columbus, OH
Michael R. Hilton Surface Analysis of Bearings
The Aerospace Corporation
El Segundo, CA
Kenneth C. Ludema Boundary Lubrication
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
T.A. Stolarski Friction
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Brunel University
Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK
Koji Kato Abrasive Wear
Mechanical Engineering Department
Tohoku University
Sendai, Japan


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william a. glaeser

Although the subject of this series is surface characterization of materials, the field
of tribology tends to use surface analysis to determine surface contact mechanisms.
This volume demonstrates the surface science involved in tribology and provides a
number of examples of the application of surface analysis.
Tribology is a discipline involving the physics, chemistry, and engineering of mov-
ing contacting surfaces. Friction, wear, contact fatigue, lubrication, and adhesion are
all elements of the field of tribology. Until the development of the Reynolds equa-
tion, which presented a mathematical model of hydrodynamic lubrication, tribology
was an empirical science. Over a period of about 50 years, an elegant fluid-dynamic
model was developed, enabling engineers to design lubricated bearings with very low
friction and practically unlimited life. This fluid dynamic system eventually included
even gears, ball bearings, and roller bearings (elastohydrodynamics). Hydrodynamic
lubrication involves separation of moving contacting surfaces by a pressurized liquid
or gaseous film. This condition has little to do with surface science. It falls within the
discipline of fluid dynamics.
Bearings and other sliding surfaces in machinery, however, often do not operate
under full film lubrication. Some kind of solid contact occurs even under lubrication.
K.L. Johnson and others1–3 advanced the mathematical analysis of contact stress
states and of the concept of asperity contact. The understanding of surface deforma-
tion and of the resulting microstructural changes during sliding and rolling contact
has yielded many ideas on the mechanisms of wear.
Prior to this work in modeling real contacts, Bowden and Tabor4 introduced
the concept of asperity contact. Real surfaces, being bumpy on a microscopic scale,
make contact at only a few high points, or asperities. This means that the load is
supported on a very small total area during contact. The resulting local contact
stress is very high, usually resulting in plastic deformation when ductile materials
are involved. The harder asperities then penetrate the surface of the softer material.
Sliding contact results in plowing or scoring of the softer surface. Surface deforma-
tion induces extremely high plastic strain in a thin surface layer. Hydrocarbon films

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are penetrated and oxides are broken up, allowing close proximity of metal atoms
in both surfaces, promoting adhesion. If asperity contacts can bring atom layers to
within 0.5 nm of each other, strong bonding takes place, producing asperity cold
welding. The interface between the contacting layers of atoms resembles a grain
Metal surfaces, whether they are lubricated or dry, are covered with native oxides
and hydrocarbons which tend to prevent adhesion. Under sliding and rolling con-
tact (light load conditions) surface damage is minimal. Increased loads can pen-
etrate hydrocarbon films and break through oxide layers. Adhesion and surface
damage result. However, if a chemisorbed oxygen layer can immediately take the
place of the ruptured oxide, adhesion can be inhibited. The loads at which adhesive
damage initiates vary considerably depending on the material surface chemistry,
near-surface mechanical properties, and the environment. For instance, Welsh5
found that steel resisted wear damage depending on the type of oxide developed.
He conducted unlubricated wear experiments with mild steel and cast iron using a
wide range of load levels. As the load was increased, a transition point was reached
in which friction increased by orders of magnitude and surface damage was severe.
However, when the load was increased more, another transition point occurred in
which friction dropped and surface damage ceased. Welsh concluded that frictional
heating caused a change in oxide chemistry, producing a tougher oxide at the sec-
ond transition.
At the time of these experiments, surface analytical tools were not available. Welsh
could not explore his thesis and analyze the surface chemistry of his wear speci-
mens. Current state-of-the-art surface analytical equipment could provide a com-
plete description of the surface and near-surface chemistry and probably would reveal
other factors not anticipated by Welsh.
Another surface-related phenomenon which occurs in wear is metal or polymer
transfer. During adhesive wear, asperity contacts cold weld and shear off because the
bond strength at adhesive contacts is greater than the cohesive strength of either of
the two mating materials. The softer of the pair will tend to shear off and transfer to
the harder surface. Subsequent passes over the transfer region smears out the original
lump and produces a thin layer. This layer can contain material from both surfaces.
The structure of the layer in metals is very similar to mechanically alloyed materi-
als.6 In polymeric materials a structure associated with turbulent mixing develops.
The discovery of the nature of transfer layers is a recent development. Advanced
techniques7 for analyzing near-surface wear morphology by TEM in metals has con-
tributed much to this advance.
Lubrication improves the resistance of sliding contacts to adhesion and surface
damage. Lubricants are formulated to provide several kinds of protection. Under
operating conditions where an oil film is penetrated and asperity welding develops,
lubricant additives can produce an adsorbed layer of a gel-like material or a soap
which helps to support the load. Under severe conditions, additives are used which


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Figure 1.1 Streibeck lubrication curve (from Czichos)3

react with the metal surface and produce chemisorbed soft layers that protect the
This process is called boundary lubrication. A large percentage of machinery
components run under boundary lubrication conditions. The use of surface ana-
lytical equipment for the study of the complex processes involved in boundary
lubrication is increasing. The hydrodynamic lubrication theory and the boundary
lubrication theory can be illustrated by the Streibeck curve shown in Figure 1.1.
In the Streibeck curve, friction is plotted against the Sommerfeld number (ZN/P).
The quantity Z is the lubricant viscosity, N is the rpm, and P is the bearing pres-
sure. Figure 1.1 is divided into three regions: full-film lubrication (the surfaces
are separated by a pressurized film of lubricant), mixed-film lubrication (the load-
support film is so thin that some asperity contact occurs, along with wear), and
boundary lubrication (friction is no longer influenced by viscosity and the load is
supported by a semisolid film). The full-film operating region can be pushed to
the left in the diagram by increasing the smoothness of the bearing surfaces, thus
allowing thinner films without asperity penetration. Surface roughness analysis
(using a profilometer) is an important inspection tool for predicting the reliability
of a hydrodynamic bearing system.

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Figure 1.2 Tribological system

Effective boundary lubrication requires as much knowledge of the surface chem-

istry of the system as possible. This allows the selection of additives to a lubricant
and prediction of operating limits of the bearings. This area is not as well advanced
because of the complexity of the surface chemistry. Surface analysis contributes
more to the development of boundary lubrication models than to inspection or
quality control.
It can be seen that tribology deals heavily with surface behavior. Thus, the use
of surface analysis is very important to the advancement of the understanding of
tribology basics. Except for surface roughness measurements and surface hardness
determinations, not much surface characterization of materials for tribology is done
on a routine basis. Surface analysis is being adapted to the solution of long-standing
problems in the failure of rubbing or rolling surfaces. There is a growing acceptance
of surface characterization of materials in this field—led by the magnetic recording
industry, where the surface chemistry of magnetic recording media is well defined
and inspected by such systems as Auger spectrometers.
The complexities of surface contact are illustrated in Figure 1.2. Two mating sur-
faces are shown supporting a load. One surface is moving relative to the other. Each
surface has a roughness character, so that real contact occurs between asperities. The
surfaces also have several layers on them, beginning with a native oxide and proceed-
ing outward to adsorbed species including gases, water vapor, hydrocarbons, and


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products of chemical reaction. If the system is adequately lubricated, the adsorbed
boundary film supports most of the load, allowing few asperity contacts. The two
contacting surfaces are surrounded by an environment of liquid lubricants contain-
ing chemical additives which react with the surfaces. The lubricants also carry dis-
solved gases, including oxygen, which may participate in the boundary lubrication
reactions. Solid particles (wear debris, dust, microbes, etc.) are also found suspended
in the lubricant. The solids may be incorporated in a semisolid boundary film.
In order for the system in Figure 1.2 to work properly, a minimum of solid-
to-solid asperity contacts must exist, and the boundary film on the surface must
be well bonded, resist penetration, and have low shear strength. The film will be
removed by attrition and therefore must be renewable. Additives in the lubricants
will renew the film if their reaction rate is faster than the film removal rate. Wear
debris must not foul other components in the system (small clearances, capillary
tubes, seals, etc.). Some wear debris will coagulate into a “mud” which can be quite
disruptive in some systems.
Most boundary additives in modern lubricants are mildly corrosive to the sur-
faces that they protect from wear and adhesion. Changes in the operating condi-
tions, such as an increase in temperature, can accelerate wear to an unacceptable
Additive components such as sulfur can influence oxide formation. It is possible
that modification of oxidation during lubrication can contribute to the boundary
lubrication process. Sulfur can attack and selectively remove constituents (lead, for
instance) in bearing surfaces.
Rubbing contact produces very high strain in near-surface regions. The layer
affected is thin—on the order of a few microns. Within this high strain region dislo-
cation density is very high. The dislocation configurations are similar to those found
in metal-forming operations. Dislocation cells and subgrains predominate. A typical
wear-induced structure in copper is shown in Figure 1.3.
The very high strain in the surface can result in surface chemical changes. Reac-
tion rates are increased and segregation of alloy constituents can occur. In copper-
aluminum alloys, lubricated wear can produce selective removal of aluminum from
the surface. The result is a thin layer of high copper concentration.9
In machining operations, alloy constituents can be lost from a tool by diffusion
into the chip rubbing on the tool. Diffusion barrier coatings are used to reduce this
effect and increase tool life.
One of the oldest known surface phenomena in tribology is the mechanism of
graphite lubrication. During World War II, aircraft flew at higher altitudes than they
had flown before. At a critical altitude, electric motor brushes failed. A condition
known as dusting occurred in which the carbon-graphite brushes would wear at high
rates and disappear in clouds of carbon dust. Research into this problem revealed that
graphite requires an adsorbed layer of water vapor to lubricate effectively.

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Figure 1.3 TEM micrograph of thin foil section through a wear scar on copper
(from Rigney)

When aircraft reached altitudes where the dew point dropped sufficiently that
water vapor was not replenished on the brush surfaces, heavy wear of the carbon-
graphite resulted. High-altitude brushes were developed in which a constituent was
added to take the place of the water vapor. This research was carried out without the
benefit of modern surface analytical equipment. It was the result of critical experi-
ments in simulated atmospheres and intuitive analysis of the results.
The use of surface analytical devices in tribological research has been effective in
revealing new processes related to wear and friction.10 Much of the surface chemistry
in boundary lubrication is not understood. Therefore, the selection of lubricants has
involved empirical methods which are time consuming and expensive. Ideally one
would like to be able to select specific chemical systems for a given set of operating
conditions on the basis of a set of basic principles.
In addition, the mechanisms of adhesion are being explored, with much ground
still to be covered. The effect of the space environment on sliding contact systems has
been significant in the use of satellite telemetry, gyro stabilizers, and rocket engine
components. Even now, it is suspected that atomic oxygen in space can artack solid
lubricant films and possibly disable sensitive instruments.
Electronic recording has produced tribological problems involving surface phys-
ics and chemistry. The prevention of head crashes on hard disks involves the use of
vapor-deposited protective films that provide lubrication while not inhibiting high
density recording. Extensive use of surface analytical equipment in this field has been
the norm. Because of the extremely light loads involved in operating read-write heads
for magnetic recording disks, new friction-measuring devices are being developed.
The concern is to eliminate the surface deformation factor from the friction process
and to measure only the shear properties of nanometer films on polymeric surfaces.
The atomic force microscope is being adapted for this purpose.


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It is not surprising that surface analytical techniques have been rapidly incor-
porated into tribological research because of the heavy surface science implications
inherent in lubrication, friction, and wear. Most of the applications involving surface
science analytical tools have been found in research programs. So far, it has been dif-
ficult to convince industry that the investment in such sophisticated equipment is
cost effective. However, there are increasing examples of the use of surface analytical
The importance of surface properties in magnetic recording media has been men-
tioned above. The magnetic recording industry has been using Auger and XPS rou-
tinely for many years. A description of some of the surface analytical methods used in
this industry can be found in Chapter 7. A listing of surface science equipment used
in tribology and their tribological applications is presented in Table 1.1.
Note that most of the surface analytical equipment listed in Table 1.1 involves
high vacuum chambers. Auger and XPS are the techniques most often used in tri-
bological research. Most applications have been in the analysis of dry wear surfaces.
These experiments have shown the value of Auger and XPS for uncovering changes
in surfaces brought about by sliding contact. Because of the high vacuum, however,
organic species, water vapor, and adsorbed gas layers are removed before analysis.
Some evidence of residual hydrocarbons has been detected on worn metal surfaces as
carbon peaks in the spectra.
In Battelle experiments with Auger in situ wear, surface hydrocarbons were
detected and were observed to inhibit transfer until they were removed by wear or
by sputtering.11 The surface chemistry of wear debris has been analyzed by XPS
measurements. An example of this analysis for wear debris developed in a ball mill
setup is shown in Figure 1.4.12 The figure shows the chemisorbed products resulting
from reaction with bulk iron coupons and the reactions that occur when ball mill-
ing iron particles are in the presence of the lubricant. The first spectrum is for the
ZDDP alone. Comparing peak ratios for phosphorous and sulfur, it can be seen that
a phosphorous layer predominates on the solid iron coupon, see spectrum (b). Sulfur
and iron predominate on the ball milled wear debris spectrum (c), and energy shifts
indicate that sulfide is present on the debris surface.
Ellipsometery and Raman operate in air environment. Ellipsometry has been
used to measure the thickness and structure of hydrocarbon boundary films devel-
oped during boundary lubrication.13 An example is described in Chapter 6. Ellip-
sometery has also been used in the investigation of the role of metal oxides in wear
This book has been organized to cover various aspects of tribology that are related
to surface science. Chapters by experts include the theory of adhesion, friction
between moving surfaces in contact, adhesive wear, abrasive wear, boundary lubrica-
tion or lubrication by thin solid semisolid films, and the singular relation of surface
science to the performance of mechanical magnetic media data storage systems (hard
disks, for instance).

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Analytical depth of Spatial
method penetration resolution Tribological applications
Auger 0.5–1.5 nm 1000 nm Metal transfer, surface segregation
Magnetic recording surface inspection
Analysis in vacuum
XPS 1.5–7.5 nm 1–4 mm Lubricant reaction products chemistry
Analysis in vacuum
Ellipsometry 400–500 nm 1 mm Transparent solid film thickness
Analysis in air
Raman 400–500 nm 10 µm Organic film thickness and chemistry
Analysis in air
Rutherford 2 µm 10 µm Surface film thickness composition
SIMS Sputters 0.5 nm 500 nm Surface chemistry
Analysis in vacuum
In situ SEM 500 nm Microstructure of developing wear scar
wear test Elemental analysis of transfer products as
they are produced
Analysis in vacuum
Light 200 nm Character and size of wear topography
microscopy surface film color
Nomarski texture
Fourier 2000 nm Chemistry of organic films: polymer
transform transfer and boundary lubrication
infrared Analysis in air
Atomic force 0.1 nm Friction forces on the atomic level
microscopy Atomic level surface roughness
Profilometer 0.1–25 µm Surface roughness by stylus
Micro-topography of surface finish and

Table 1.1 Surface analytical tools used in tribology

Chapters 2 and 3 describe the theory of adhesion and friction, showing the origins
of forces between contacting asperities at the atomic level. Both of these chapters lead
one to believe that measurements of friction and adhesion on the atomic level should
be useful in testing the theories.


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Figure 1.4 Low binding energy XPS spectra for three conditions of iron reaction with the
boundary lubricant zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP)

A number of investigators have been using atomic force microscopy to measure

friction forces on an atomic level and to study the relation between atomic binding
energies and interatomic separations.
Mate15 and colleagues used an atomic force microscope in their studies of fric-
tion, sliding the tungsten wire tip over the basal plane of a single graphite crystal in
polycrystalline graphite at low loads. They found a friction force influenced by the
atomic structure of the graphite surface.
Kaneko16 investigated friction variations on magnetic storage disk surfaces. He
used a modified atomic force microscope with a leaf spring friction force measuring
system. He found friction variations with periods of 50–60 nm.

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Ferrante and colleagues17 used the atomic force microscope to determine the
force-distance characteristics of approaching surface of pure metals to verify these
characteristics as derived from theory. They found that the force-distance curve is
influenced by the geometry of the probe tip. However, the shape of the force-distance
curve is universal.
Landman and colleagues18 used the atomic force microscope to verify computer-
generated models of asperity contact involving approximately 50 atoms.
This sampling of the current usage of the atomic force microscope in tribology to
supplement the development of theoretical models for adhesion and friction shows
the probable future direction of fundamental research in this area. This research is
barely in its infancy. The relation between friction on an atomic level and macro-
scopic friction processes is yet to be developed and will require considerable investi-
gation before any breakthrough comes.
Kaneko’s work suggests possible future applications of ATM for characterization
of magnetic recording material.
Briscoe19 has recognized that the friction developed in polymer films on rigid
surfaces is a function of the shear properties of the solid films. The shear properties
of the polymer films are influenced by the interaction of polymer molecules. These
interactions are more complex than metal shear processes. The resistance to flow
arises from continual deformation of the polymer molecules, which on relaxation
convert the stress into thermal energy. The details of this process are influenced by
the molecular structure and contact pressure in a film. Characterization of films using
vibrational spectroscopy is being investigated as a tool to improve understanding of
the basic mechanisms of friction for polymer surface films. This might be extended
to transfer films (PTFE and UHMWPE) on metal surfaces.
Chapter 4 describes the application of adhesion theory to adhesive wear phenom-
ena. Surface analytical techniques are used to detect small amounts of metal transfer
during sliding contact. Of critical importance to understanding the adhesive wear
process and to developing methods for selection of compatible materials for sliding
contact, is the determination of the surface conditions favorable to metal transfer.
Does the native oxide have to be removed before transfer can occur? Some oxides
appear to promote the transfer process.
Kato, in Chapter 5, describes the application of in situ SEM wear experiments to
the development of a theory of abrasive wear. In situ wear experiments in the SEM
show the microscopic deformation processes that occur during wear. The change in
surface morphology can be followed in a selected small area for consecutive passes of
a sliding contact. The abrasion process has been followed in real time and recorded
on video tape.20
In Chapter 6, Ludema demonstrates the application of ellipsometry to the devel-
opment of a theory for boundary lubrication.
Bushan, in Chapter 7, and Hilton, in Chapter 8, describe the use of surface ana-
lytical equipment for routine inspection of mechanical components—Bushan for


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magnetic recording media, and Hilton for precision rolling contact bearing
Surface analysis has been an important part of tribological research. To date, the
greater use of surface analytical equipment for tribological purposes (save for pro-
filometry and scanning electron microscopy) has been in the research laboratory.
That is, routine surface characterization of bearings, gears, seals, and other manu-
factured sliding or rolling surfaces is not currently prevalent. However, in certain
industries—especially in the magnetic recording industry—the necessity for main-
taining defect-free recording surfaces has required the use of sophisticated surface
analysis as routine quality control. In addition, the development of new surface treat-
ments like ion implantation and CVD diamond coatings requires surface character-
ization in order to assess the integrity of the treatments.
Expensive surface analytical equipment is found mostly in research laborato-
ries and in specialized industries like the semiconductor, magnetic recording, and
advanced surface treatment industries. In the future, it is expected that surface
characterization will become more widely used for quality control and for failure
analysis. Companies will find that investment in surface analytical equipment will
become more cost effective, starting with companies involved in the manufacture
of precision components.
It is expected that surface characterization will be used more in the selection of
materials and lubricants for mechanisms of improved reliability and life. An exam-
ple of the potential for solving an engine lubrication problem is found in research
by Mattsson et al.21 These researchers found that when alcohol was substituted for
conventional diesel fuel, it reduced the beneficial boundary films developed on the
cylinder liner surfaces and increased the wear of piston rings and cylinders. Wear tests
and engine tests revealed the adverse effect of alcohol fuel on lubricant additives in
engine performance. The actual cause of the increased wear was found by the use of
post test analysis of cylinder surfaces by XPS analysis.
Development of new materials for tribology will involve an increased emphasis
on surface treatment rather than new alloys or monolithic ceramics. In the field of
polymers, the incorporation of lubricants and strengthening fibers in composites is
increasing. For both of these material development trends, surface characterization
will be essential. The atomic force microscope and the scanning tunneling micro-
scope developed by physicists and materials scientists will be adapted to character-
ize real materials on the atomic scale. Just as light microscopy was adapted to the
study of the crystalline structure of materials, ATF and STM microscopy will find
their way into the metallographic laboratories. The imaging of surface atom con-
figurations will be useful in designing coatings with required bonding strengths.
These microscopes can be used at “low magnification” where micron-sized crystals
on a surface can be resolved in three dimensions. The surface structure of diamond
and diamond-like coatings deposited under different conditions are strikingly
apparent in AFM micrographs in a 3000-nm square area.22 These micrographs can


imo-glaeser-01.indd 11 11/23/09 1:50 PM

be used to understand Raman spectra taken from the same surface. Comparing a
polished and etched sample of AISI 1018 steel using light microscopy and AFM
has shown that, contrary to accepted beliefs, grain boundaries etch faster than
grains—the ferrite in the pearlite is the slower etching constituent. It has been
speculated that carbon atoms migrate to grain boundaries, forming cementite
between the ferrite grains. These particles serve as barriers to dislocation move-
ment. This might explain the Hall-Petch effect, in which the smaller the grain
size, the stronger the steel.
This example shows an exciting new approach to the study of material struc-
ture and its relation to mechanical behavior and to wear. It is likely that AFM and
STM will become powerful adjuncts to the techniques for understanding of material
mechanical behavior. In addition, these and other surface analytical devices will be
used to help tailor surface treatments and lubricants for tribological applications.
Just as the SEM started our as an interesting laboratory innovation and ended up an
essential component in the characterization of surface finish and wear topography, so
should ATM and STM soon be accepted in the metallographic laboratories.


1 K.L. Johnson, Contact Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 1985.

2 F.P. Bowden and D. Tabor, The Friction and Lubrication of Solids, Oxford
Clarendon Press, 1964, 29–51.
3 J.A. Greenwood and J.B.P. Williamson, Contact of nominally flat surfaces,
Proc. Roy. Soc., A295, 300–319, 1966.
4 Ibid Bowden and Tabor.
5 N.C. Welsh, The dry wear of steels, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A257, 31–70,
6 H.J. Fecht, Z. Han and W. Johnson, Metastable phase formation, in Zr–
Al system by mechanical alloying, J. Applied Physics, 67 (4), 1744–48,
7 P. Heilmann, J. Don, T.C. Sun, W.A. Glaeser, and D.A. Rigney, Sliding wear
and transfer, Proceedings Wear of Materials 1983, ASME, 414–425.
8 Czichos, H., Tribology Elsevier Tribology Series 1, 1978, 131.
9 M.T. Thomas and W.A. Glaeser, Surface chemistry of wear scars, J. Vac. Sci.
Technol., A2(2) 1097–1101, 1984.
10 W.A. Glaeser, The use of surface analysis techniques in the study of wear,
Wear, 100, 477–487, 1984.


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11 W.A. Glaeser, Transfer of lead from leaded bronze during sliding contact,
Proceedings of Wear of Materials, 1989, 255–260.
12 W.A. Glaeser, Ball mill simulation of wear debris attrition, Proceedings of
18th Leeds-Lyon Symposium, 1991.
13 C.M. Allen, E. Drauglis, and W.A. Glaeser, Aircraft propulsion lubricating
films additives: Boundary lubricant surface films, AFAPL-TR-73-121, 3,
June 1976.
14 S.C. Kang and K.C. Ludema, The role of oxides in the prevention of
scuffing, Proceedings Leeds-Lyon Symposium, Butterworths, 1984, 3–7.
15 C.M. Mate, C. Mathew, G.M. McClelland, R. Erlandsson, and S. Chang,
Atom-scale friction of a tungsten tip on a graphite surface, Phys. Rev. Lets.,
59 (17), 1942–1945, 1987.
16 R. Kaneka, A frictional force microscope controlled with an electromagnet,
J. of Microscopy, 152, 363–369, 1988.
17 A. Banerjea, J.R. Smith, and J. Ferrante, Universal aspects of brittle fracture,
adhesion and atomic force microscopy, Proc. Mater. Soc. Symp., 140, 89–
100, 1989.
18 U. Landman, W.D. Luedtke, N. Burnham, and R.J. Colton, Atomistic
mechanisms and dynamics of adhesion, indentation and fracture, Science,
248, 454–461, 1990.
19 B.J. Briscoe, P.S. Thomas, and D.R. Williams, Microscopic origins of the
interface friction of organic films: The potential of vibrational spectroscopy,
Wear, 153, 263–275, 1992.
20 K. Kato, D.F. Diao, and M. Tsutsumi, The wear mechanism of ceramic
coating film in repeated sliding friction, Proceedings of Wear of Materials,
ASME, 243–248, 1991.
21 L. Mattsson, H. Abramsson, and B. Olsson, Surface spectroscopic study of
reaction layers in alcohol-fuelled diesel engines, Wear, 130, 137–150, 1989.
22 T.L. Altshuder, Atomic-scale materials characterization, Advanced Materials,
and Processes, Sept., 18–21, 1991.


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