A Wiki of Ice and Fire
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
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From A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Targaryen is a
member of
Targaryen, the
former royal family of the Seven
Kingdoms. Her father was King
Aerys II, and her mother was his
sister-wife Queen, Rhaella.
Daenerys was conceived during
Robert's Rebellion that that would
ultimately end her family's reign.
Before she was born, following the
defeat at the Battle of the Trident,
her pregnant mother and brother,
Viserys, were sent from King's
Landing to Dragonstone for
safekeeping, the family ancestral
Daenerys was born as a fierce storm
struck Dragonstone, and so was
called Stormborn. Her mother died
as a result of the labor. By that time
the war was lost, Robert Baratheon
had claimed the throne, all of her
family dead, but her and her older
brother, Viserys. The garrison at
Dragonstone decided to surrender
and turn them over to the rebels for
their lives, but before they could act
on this plan, Ser Willem Darry
Darry and several other loyal
retainers rescued the children and
smuggled them into the Free City of
Braavos. Read more....
"You know nothing, Jon Snow."
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More interesting things..
"You may well have the better
claim, but I have the larger
army." Renly Baratheon
"You know the saying about the
Hand?" Robert Baratheon
"What the King dreams, the
Hand builds." Eddard Stark
"I bedded a fishmaid once who
told me the lowborn have a
choicer way to put it. The king
eats, they say and the Hand
takes the shit." Robert
House Templeton may be
distantly related to House Stark
through a sister of Eddard
Stark's grandfather.
The lords of House Arryn only
lived in the Eyrie during the
summer, but moved down to the
Gates of the Moon when winter
Wyman Manderly has the titles:
Lord of White Harbor, Warden
of the White Knife, Shield of
the Faith, Defender of the
Dispossessed, Lord Marshal of
the Mander, and A Knight of
the Order of the Green Hand.
1. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 15, Jon,
2. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 26, Jon,
3. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 31, Catelyn.
4. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 4, Eddard.
5. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 45,
6. A Feast for Crows, Chapter 10, Sansa.
7. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 19,
Did you know...
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This page was last modified 19:21, 30 August 2013 by Elio M. Garca, Jr.. Based on work by Joramun, A Wiki
of Ice and Fire user Rosenzweig and others.
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