1. This document provides assembly process sheets for Stage 1 and Stage 2 of assembling the aft fuselage structure.
2. Stage 1 involves assembling major structural components like bulkheads, longerons, and rings using locators and performing operations like drilling holes and locking components.
3. Stage 2 adds additional components like skin panels, brackets, and a wood component. It also involves operations like drilling holes, applying sealant, and locking components into place.
1. This document provides assembly process sheets for Stage 1 and Stage 2 of assembling the aft fuselage structure.
2. Stage 1 involves assembling major structural components like bulkheads, longerons, and rings using locators and performing operations like drilling holes and locking components.
3. Stage 2 adds additional components like skin panels, brackets, and a wood component. It also involves operations like drilling holes, applying sealant, and locking components into place.
1. This document provides assembly process sheets for Stage 1 and Stage 2 of assembling the aft fuselage structure.
2. Stage 1 involves assembling major structural components like bulkheads, longerons, and rings using locators and performing operations like drilling holes and locking components.
3. Stage 2 adds additional components like skin panels, brackets, and a wood component. It also involves operations like drilling holes, applying sealant, and locking components into place.
1. This document provides assembly process sheets for Stage 1 and Stage 2 of assembling the aft fuselage structure.
2. Stage 1 involves assembling major structural components like bulkheads, longerons, and rings using locators and performing operations like drilling holes and locking components.
3. Stage 2 adds additional components like skin panels, brackets, and a wood component. It also involves operations like drilling holes, applying sealant, and locking components into place.
4l5&ead bra!5ets 9 = ty'es. Operation sheet 00. +ns'e!t "ig. 10. <o!ate )...ring wit& 8mm t&i!5 >2 drill tem'late at 3 no.10 3/ s&ear &oles. ,&e!5 for 'ro'er alignment between tem'late and )... ring. Drill 20no. / &oles in stages. Remo?e )...ring and tem'late. Re-install only )...ring wit& lo!ators trned to t&e t&i!5er side. 10. <o!ate A.. ring at : 'oints sing bs&es #7D 32*+D 10$ and lo!5 wit& 10 'ins. 20. +nsert ,-longerons into A.. ring 'o!5ets meant for t&em. 2tart wit& bottom ,-longerons* t&en middle % to' ,-longerons. Transfer drill and lo!5.
20. @osition bl5&ead1: bottom and to' segments* simltaneosly inserting t&e ,-longerons. Atta!& t&e bl5&ead to lo!ators. Transfer drill and lo!5 t&e bottom % middle ,-longerons. T&e to' ,-longeron will be finaliAed in 2tage-2 "ig after BT s''ort bra!5et is installed. 30. @osition <- longerons #<.3 % R.3$ sing 3 no of lo!ators on ea!& side. Transfer drill and lo!5 t&e longerons to A.. % ).. rings % bl5&ead1:. 30. @osition bl5&ead 11 and 13 and !lam' to t&e +,- lo!ators for wing atta!&ment. ,lam' to' ends of bl5&eads to t&e ''er lo!ators. :0. @osition remaining :no. bottom bl5&ead segments and !lam' to t&e lo!ators. Transfer drill and lo!5 <- longerons to bl5&ead segments. :0. +ns'e!t. 00. @osition T-longerons wit& 3 no. lo!ators on ea!& side.#T&is stret!&es from stn1: to )...ring.$ 00. @osition t&e remaining = to' bl5&eads and !lam' to lo!ators. =0. Transfer drill and lo!5 bottom % to' bl5&eads to T-longeron sing bl5&ead bra!5ets as s&own in t&e drawing. =0. +ns'e!t. /0. 2tage- drill all &oles. Disassemble and debrr. A''ly sealant to inter-faying srfa!es. /0. Reassemble* w&en sealant is ta!5y sing t&e same lo!5 'ins. 7'en ot : to :.1 and ri?et. Remo?e lo!5 'ins* enlarge &oles to : and debrr in sit. 7'en ot : to :.1 and ri?et.
80. )inal +ns'e!tion. 80. Dis!onne!t only t&e lo!ators obstr!ting trolley mo?ement. Rest t&e str!tre on two "ig trolley saddles at stn6 % stn1:. ,onne!t trolleys wit& tie-rods. Dis!onne!t remaining lo!ators. Roll ot str!tre on to trans'ort trolley #Crond eqi'ment$ for frt&er o'erations. !otes "ig T&e "ig str!tre is rigid as &ea?y se!tions &a?e been !&osen for its fabri!ation and t&e str!tre is well s''orted and gsseted. +t is modlar in !onstr!tion. A!!essibility for wor5ing is good* as !are &as been ta5en not to &a?e t&e middle rnner on to' of t&e base str!tre. <o!ators are generally of two- 'ie!e design 9 a base frame atta!&ed to t&e "ig str!tre and a stri' of >2 'late !onne!ting t&e base frame to t&e !om'onent. 3en!e t&e lo!ators are easy to install or remo?e. T&e "ig !an be loaded wit& ease and t&e !om'leted assembly nloaded Dsing s'e!ially designed trolleys. #ri$$ing ter%ino$og& Transfer drill means transferring from t&e 're-drilled srfa!es t&e 'ilot &oles #1.0 or 2$ to blan5 srfa!es e.g. s5in 'anels to longerons or bl5&eads* and enlarging it to lo!5 'in diameter* say 2.8. 2tage- drill means o'ening ot a 'ilot &ole of 1.0 to say 0.2 in stages of 2.8* :.0 and 0.2. <o!5* in t&is !onte1t* means gri''ing t&e sta!5 !onsisting of s5in* longeron* bl5&ead et!. tig&tly wit& 2.8 ser?i!e bolts or A?del ;,le!o lo!5 'ins.
ASSEMBLY PROCESS SHEETS Name of AFT FUSELAGE (Stage ') Assembly: Drawing No. RD-02-03-02-02-1-02-18-00-000 Tools Reqd: Aft fselage str!tral assembly "ig #stage-2$ % standard assembly &and tools % 'ortable 'ower tools (ig )n!tions: )itting fin bra!5ets #2 nos$ )inaliAing to' ,- longerons #2 nos$ )itting to' ,- longeron bra!5ets #2 nos$ <o!ating body fla's #2no$ 25inning #: 25in @anels$. +nstalling 3ood #1no$ ,om'onents to be assembled: 1. Aft fselage str!tre 1no. 2. BT bra!5ets 2no. 3. 3ood 1no. :. To' s5in 'anel 2no. 0. <3 % R3 s5in 'anels 2 no. =. 4ottom s5in 'anel 1 no. /. 4ody fla' &inges 2no. 8. 4l5&ead bra!5ets 2nos. 6.,li's <ot >aster 'ro!ess s&eet: 00. +ns'e!t "ig. 10. Raise to' !ontor 'lates % lo!5. Remo?e 4ottom <3 % R3 !ontor 'lates. 10. >o?e aft fselage str!tre on trolleys to stage2 (ig. 20. <o!5 bl5&ead 11 % 13 to +,- lo!ators. 20 Atta!& BT bra!5et lo!ators to t&e !ontor 'late at stn.1:. +nsert BT s''ort bra!5ets and !lam' to t&e lo!ators. Transfer drill and lo!5. 30 @s& t&e to' ,-longerons to btt against t&e BT bra!5ets. Transfer drill and lo!5. 30 )it to' ,-longeron bra!5et btting on t&e inner side of t&e longerons. Transfer drill and lo!5. :0 Remo?e t&e BT bra!5et lo!ators. :0 +ns'e!t. 00 @osition to' s5in 'anel. <ower to' !ontor 'lates* w&ere reqired and lo!5. A''ly 'ressre on t&e 'anel t&rog& t&rst 'ads. ,&e!5 for 2mm niform !learan!e wit& feeler gage. Transfer drill and lo!5. 00 +ns'e!t. =0 2tage- drill all &oles. Raise !ontor 'lates. Disassemble t&e 'anel and debrr. A''ly sealant to t&e inter- faying srfa!es. =0 @osition bottom s5in 'anel* install <3 % R3 !ontor 'lates* and a''ly 'ressre on t&e 'anel t&rog& t&rst 'ads. ,&e!5 for 2mm niform !learan!e wit& feeler gage. Remo?e !ontor 'lates. Transfer drill and lo!5. /0 +ns'e!t. 2tage- drill all &oles. Remo?e !ontor 'lates. Disassemble t&e 'anel and debrr. A''ly sealant to t&e inter-faying srfa!es. :0. @osition <3 s5in 'anel* install <3 !ontor 'late* and a''ly on t&e 'anel t&rog& t&rst 'ads. ,&e!5 for 2mm niform !learan!e wit& feeler gage. Remo?e !ontor 'late. Transfer drill and lo!5 :1. +ns'e!t :2. 2tage- drill all &oles. Remo?e !ontor 'late. Disassemble t&e 'anel and debrr. A''ly sealant to t&e inter-faying srfa!es. :0. @osition R3 s5in 'anel* install R3 !ontor 'late* and a''ly 'ressre on t&e 'anel .t&rog& t&rst 'ads. ,&e!5 for 2mm niform !learan!e wit& feeler gage. Remo?e !ontor 'late. Transfer drill and lo!5. :=. +ns'e!t. :/. 2tage- drill all &oles. Remo?e !ontor 'late. Disassemble t&e 'anel and debrr. A''ly sealant to t&e inter-faying srfa!es. Reassemble* in t&e following seqen!e* w&en sealant is ta!5y sing t&e same lo!5 'ins. 7'en ot : to :.1 and ri?et. Remo?e lo!5 'ins* enlarge &oles to : and debrr in sit. 7'en ot : to :.1 and se t&rst 'ads and ri?et.
=0. 3olding t&e str!tre on ). ring and wing lo!ators* remo?e all !ontor 'lates* bring t&e trolleys from t&e aft end and rest t&e str!tre on t&e saddles at stn6 % stn1:. ,onne!t trolleys wit& tie-rods. Dis!onne!t lo!ators on t&e ).. ring. Roll ot t&e aft fselage assembly on to trans'ort trolley for frt&er o'erations.
!otes Conto(r P$ates) ,ontor 'lates are aligned to t&e fwd fa!e of t&e bl5&ead. 2tation line is not !onsidered. )... and A... rings are not 'ro?ided wit& !ontor 'lates* as t&ey are single 'ie!e ma!&ined 'arts. T&e total t&i!5ness of t&e !ontor 'late is 1=mm e1!e't in t&e !ase of bl5&ead 1:* w&ere 20mm !ontor 'late is 'ro?ided in order to !arry t&e BT bra!5et lo!ators. T&e !&e!5ing edge of t&e !ontor 'late is 0mm t&i!5 and maintains a ga' of :mm from t&e to' srfa!e of t&e bl5&ead and 2mm from t&e to' srfa!e of t&e s5in 'anel. T&e rest of t&e !ontor 'late is relie?ed by 0mm.
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