Watercraft and Vessel Safety: T N U.S. C G A D B
Watercraft and Vessel Safety: T N U.S. C G A D B
Watercraft and Vessel Safety: T N U.S. C G A D B
Department Chief: John Potts, DC-B, 410-923-2904 jpotts38@msn.com
Newsletter Editor: Heather Bacon-Shone, BC-BRN heather.r.bacon-shone@uscg.mil
John Potts, DC-B
Welcome to the summer issue of WAVES! I am
always amazed to find that many Auxiliarists do not
know, or perhaps, have forgotten about the
amazing benefits contained in the agreements we
have negotiated with outside partners. This edition
of WAVES is mostly devoted to a review of the
offerings available to the membership &
recreational boating safety in general, by exploring
our partners web sites created especially for our
members. These offerings include not only some
deep discounts to services and products, but free
copies of boating safety oriented magazines for
your public education classes, such as Soundings
& Heartland. And how many Vessel Examiners
have forgotten about ORIONs pyrotechnics video
demo educational and rewards program based on
the number of VEs performed? All of these
Auxiliary dedicated web sites are accessible
through http://shopauxiliary.com/
know, or perhaps, have forgotten about the
amazing benefits contained in the agreements we
have negotiated with outside partners. This edition
of WAVES is mostly devoted to a review of the
offerings available to the membership &
recreational boating safety in general, by exploring
our partners web sites created especially for our
members. These offerings include not only some
deep discounts to services and products, but free
copies of boating safety oriented magazines for
your public education classes, such as Soundings
& Heartland. And how many Vessel Examiners
have forgotten about ORIONs pyrotechnics video
demo educational and rewards program based on
the number of VEs performed? All of these
Auxiliary dedicated web sites are accessible
through http://shopauxiliary.com/ site by clicking on
the Members Only
link & logging in.
Please make a
serious review of
these promotional
articles below.
Also, I am pleased
to announce the appointment of Bruce J ohnson as
the Boating Departments new Deputy Department
Chief. Bruce has been serving in the Liaison
Division doing a lot of valuable work for the
Auxiliary membership since last year. Be sure to
read his article below about the new Sea Scout/Boy
Scout agreement & consider how your flotilla might
participate. Enjoy your summer!
BRUNSWICK, Ga. (May 11, 2009) - An animated
dolphin is the new face for a campaign to end the
illegal feeding of wild dolphins. The video public
service announcement, produced by a coalition of
government agencies and private organizations,
highlights the dangers of animals becoming hooked
on human handouts. The health and welfare of
wild dolphins is severely compromised when
humans feed them, according to the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In some
cases, people are buying previously frozen bait
from bait stores along the coast. This bait is not
intended for dolphins and can lead to diseases
ranging from mild periodontal to possibly deadly
gastrointestinal, or GI, tract infections. Those who
feed dolphins
are also taking
According to
site, cases of
wild dolphins
biting humans
have been
Clay George,
a wildlife
biologist with
the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, said
dolphins have been seen approaching boats to beg
for food off Tybee Island. This lack of fear
indicates an emerging trend - that they are being
fed with some frequency, George said.
In areas including the Gulf of Mexico, human-fed
dolphins have caused problems for commercial
fishermen when, after following the boats, the
dolphins try to attack the fishermens catch.
Feeding wild dolphins is illegal under the Marine
Mammal Protection Act. Penalties can include fines
up to $20,000 and one year in jail.
Feeding any wild animal can cause it to become
dependent on human food, changing natural
behaviors and possibly leading to starvation if the
animal becomes unable to feed and hunt
successfully. The Georgia DNR encourages people
to consider the consequences before feeding any
animal, be it a dolphin, manatee, raccoon or other
The dolphin public service announcement can be
seen at www.youtube.com/user/GeorgiaWildlife.
Bill Griswold, BC-BLN
Enter the "Be a Survivor: Wear It!" Contest
sponsored by the National Safe Boating Campaign
for chance to win a $1,000 shopping spree at West
Marine. This contest seeks stories about boaters
whose lives were saved by wearing a life jacket. To
enter, submit an essay or video with a story in
which you or someone you knew survived because
you or they had a life jacket on. The contest runs
through September 2. Winners will be announced
on October 31, 2009. Entry submissions and
contest details may be found here. Or, an
application can be found at any West Marine store.
Also, check out the Float Yourself Photo Contest
The online daily boating magazine and web-
based resource for boaters, is offering free one-
year subscriptions to Auxiliarists. You get a new
feature story every single day, marine news,
blogs, forums, boat reviews,
video podcasts and more. Go
to http://shopauxiliary.com/
then click on Members Only;
log in and click on Mad
The safety-oriented Heartland Boating Magazine
partnership specifically benefits Auxiliary members
in all three regions of District Eight. District Eight
member benefits include the following:
Discounted annual subscription (now just $13!)
Free 3-month subscription for current Flotilla
Commanders & PE officers at the National,
District, Division and Flotilla levels.
Free magazine copies for each family
anticipated to attend PE classes, upon request
by FSO-PEs (subject to availability).
Complimentary PE course listings in Heartland
Boatingto list your courses, click on the
"Contact Us" tab and then the "Submit
Course Listings" option at the bottom.
Publication of RBS-related articlesHeartland
Boating Magazine has
agreed to review
submissions for
publication promoting
America's Waterway
Watch, Vessel Safety
Check, and other
Auxiliary membership
and opportunities to
promote boating safety.
To access the Auxiliary Heartland Boating
Members Only website:
go to
and click on Members
Only...Log in...then just
click on the Heartland logo.
Rocna anchors tout an exciting new-generation
design, greatly improving holding and setting
performance over the traditional styles of anchors.
The Rocna sets very quickly, typically within 3
feet, and provides massive holding power across a
range of bottoms,
including sand, mud,
and weeds. For a 15%
discount and free
shipping for Auxiliarists, go to
http://shopauxiliary.com/ then click on
MembersOnly; log in and click on ROCNA.
Marinas across the country are gearing up for the
seventh annual National Marina Day, to be held
August 8, 2009. The Association of Marina
Industries https://www.marinaassociation.org/nmd/
organizes this public affairs event to spotlight the
important role that marinas play in the recreational
boating community.
National Marina Day is a great opportunity for
Auxiliary flotillas to engage in outreach of their own.
RBS Program Visitors are encouraged to contact
their local marinas in advance of National Marina
Day to organize Auxiliary participation. Giving free
Vessel Safety Checks, advertising upcoming Public
Education programs, reminding boaters about
Americas Waterway Watch, recruiting new
members, or setting up displays featuring PFD
wear and other elements of safe recreational
boating are all ways that local flotillas can capitalize
on the opportunities presented by National Marina
Many marinas nationwide have
already received resource kits
including suggestions for
partnering with the Coast Guard
and Auxiliary during this annual
event. Contact your local
marina today to find out how
you can help make National
Marina Day 2008 a success!
Have you heard about ORION's Safety Awareness
Program for Auxiliary Vessel Examiners? Earn
points & incentives for viewing an educational video
demonstrating pyrotechnics. Additional points for
reporting VSCs redeemable for free pyros. Plus,
top 3 point earners each year receive a quarterly
Omaha Steaks Gift, a $280 value! Check out the
details by going to PDF version of the brochure or
just go to http://www.shopauxiliary.com/ click on
Members Only, log in & click on the ORION logo!
In the last issue we reported that we were
nearly ready to announce discounts for online
training leading to a Coast Guard Captain's
License. We are pleased to report that we now
have an agreement with the Mariners School. The
Mariners School offers training leading to the
Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels
certification, 100 ton Master's license, Sail
Endorsement, and Towing Endorsement. Mariners
Learning System T is an exclusive suite of online
courses that offers a solution for students that want
to earn their Captain's License, however, due to
personal time constraints need the additional
flexibility online learning offers. Thanks to the
agreement we have developed, Auxiliarists can
take this training at a 25 percent discounted price.
Boating Liaison Division Chief Bruce J ohnson
reports that the online training fit well into his busy
Auxiliary schedule. In fact, as this issue of WAVES
was going to press, he received his Master of
steam, motor or auxiliary sail vessels of not more
than 50 gross registered tons license. Even if you
have no plans to become a commercial merchant
mariner, the training is great for brushing up on
your skills for your recreational and auxiliary
For the 25% discount being
offered to Auxiliary members, go
to: http://www.shopauxiliary.com/ .
Click on MembersOnly and log in;
then click on the Mariners Learning System logo.
The FY 2008 USCG Performance Report has
the following statistics:
The 5-year average number of recreational boating
deaths and injuries continued a steady decline,
dropping from 4,253 in 2007 to 4,070 in 2008.
Eighty-six percent of reported fatalities occur on
boats where the operator was not reported to have
received boating safety education. Issues which
safety education seeks to address operator
inattention, not maintaining a proper lookout,
carelessness, reckless operation, and excessive
speed are all primary contributing factors in all
reported accidents. Overall, two-thirds of all fatal
boating accidents, the victims drowned. Of those
who drowned, 90% of the victims were not wearing
a life jacket. Alcohol use is a significant contributor
in over 20% of boating fatalities.
There were 761 fatalities and 2,897 injuries
reported at the end of FY
2008 for a total of 3,658
casualties. Fatalities over
the past few years varied
slightly around an
average of 690 and the
improving trend in combined boating casualties is
due to the modest year-to-year decline in reported
Note: 2008 actual results are based on reports
submitted by State authorities that require
validation. The Coast Guard expects further review
of these 2008 reports will reveal a decrease in
deaths and an increase in injuries, resulting in a
probable net increase in the 2008 Actual Number.
Partner Soundings Magazine issues are packed full
of articles on boating safety and seamanship.
Benefits include the following:
Deeply discounted new and renewal annual
Soundings subscriptions regularly $24.97,
available to Auxiliarists at only $13.97/year.
Free annual Soundings and
Trade Only subscriptions for
current Flotilla Commanders
and Public Education
Officers at flotilla, division,
district and national levels.
Free Soundings copies for
each family in your PE
classes, with a PE graduate
subscription discount coupon inside each
Free online and print listings
for your PE classes.
Last but not least, access to
your own digital special
Auxiliary Seamanship &
Safety edition. This 80-page
digital digest outlines tactics,
strategies, and advice to get
you, your crew, and your
boat safely back to the dock after every marine
To learn more about the
Soundings benefits, go to
http://shopauxiliary.com/ and
click on Members Only. Then log in. Click on the
Soundings logo.
Bruce Johnson, DVC-BL
National Commodore Nicholas Kerigan signed an
agreement on behalf of the Coast Guard Auxiliary
with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in February.
The agreement is available on the Boating
Department website at
The agreement calls on the Auxiliary and BSA to
work together to promote boating and vessel safety
efforts, as well as making membership aware of the
opportunities the other organization offers. Boating
Liaison Division Chief Bruce J ohnson is working
with our BSA counterparts toward specific
implementation strategies to put the agreement into
operation. A major piece of this effort
will be building a number of 'best
practice' web pages to show how the
Auxiliary can work with Cub Scouts,
Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, and local
Scout councils. Specific areas will include public
education, vessel examination, and public affairs
If you have experience working with Scouts,
whether in your role as an Auxiliarist, or simply as a
Scouting volunteer, we would like to hear from you.
Please contact Bruce J ohnson at
bjoh@seascout.org , or mail him at 6148 Llanfair
Drive, Columbia, MD 21044. We would like to learn
from your experience so that other Auxiliarists can
work well with our new BSA partners.
For information about this
terrific display, contact
Stu Soffer, Special
Events Manager
USCG Auxiliary National
Marketing Group at
Distribution: All FCs, DCOs, with email
addresses in AUXDATA, plus NEXCOM, CG-542,
CG-5422, and CG-54222 via direct email from
DC-B. Upon receipt, FCs are asked to copy and
provide copies to Flotilla members.