220 MW (CCPP), Combine Cycle Power Plant Korangi Karachi
220 MW (CCPP), Combine Cycle Power Plant Korangi Karachi
220 MW (CCPP), Combine Cycle Power Plant Korangi Karachi
I wish to apply for the position of Instrument and Control Technician in your organization
commensurate with my professional experience and qualification.
Currently, I am working as an Senior Instrument and Process Control Technician in
220 MW (CCPP), Comine Cycle !ower !lant "orangi "arachi.
#hile working with CCPP in eraction phase I ha$e had the chance to Commissioning work on %&
'()*+++ !C Sprint Comine cycle %as ,urines, %& ,hermodyn steam turine ,ype -)..(C/
and 0oilers. I ha$e also Commission these systems include #oodward (icro logic %o$erning and
control system, #oodward 1+1& %o$erner, 2oneywell DCS, &!"S C)3++ Controller, 0ently
4e$ada 51++ 6iration and Speed (onitoring system. 7llen 0radley 80(S9 %uard, S'C)1. %&,
:; #ater ,reatment system, <';#,&C2 %as Compression Stations, %as and Steam ,urine
'ocal Instrumentation.
#orking with Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. I ha$e had the chance to work on 7mine, %lycol,
Dehydration, %as recei$ing and %as gathering stations also work on %as Compressors and 0owzer
filling system.
#orking with au!i ertili"er Com#an$ Ltd. I ha$e also had the chance to work on some of the
state of the art systems a$ailale in the country. ,hese systems include =okogawa Centum CS 5+++
and 2oneywell ,DC)5+++ 8DCS9.<oxoro Spec 3++ control system, =okogawa !rosafe and
!rosafe):S !'C,s, (ark II and (ark 6 8%as ,urine control and protection system, 0(S 0oiler
(anagement System9. 0ently 4e$ada 6iration (onitoring system. I ha$e also expertise in
trouleshooting > maintenance of different kinds of field and control room instrumentation.
I did my D.7.& in Instrumentation and #rocess control Technolo%$ 8.st Di$ision9 from Sind
0oard of ,echnical &ducation "arachi. 7fter that I ?oined <<C technical training center and
completed two years apprenticeship training. ,here I gained in$aluale experience aout the
applied aspects of what I had learnt in the college. I also ha$e done my 0),ech in 8&lectronics9
from Indus Institute of 2igher &ducation "arachi.
!lease find my C6 attached with this letter for a detailed re$iew of my credentials. I look forward
to hearing from you to further explore the chances of working at your prestigious organization.
Sincerely =ours,
T&'I( ')SS&I*
(C)..*1 %reen ,own "arachi @ A5 !akistan
Cell @ B/3)55A)5++3+-AC B/3)5++)31.5..-,
2ouse @ B/3)3.)A1-D--+
&)mailE tahirhussainF?eeGhotmail.com
tahirhussainF?ee Gyahoo.com
T&'I( ')SS&I* I*ST()M+*T &*, C-*T(-L T+C'*ICI&*
(C)..*1 %reen ,own "arachi @ A5, !akistan.
Cell @ B/3)55A)5++3+-A, B/3)5++)31.5..-
2ouse @ B/3)3.)A1-D--+
&)mailE tahirhussainF?eeGhotmail.com
tahirhussainF?ee Gyahoo.com
7 career, which incorporate to educate and influence industry to adopt maintenance, safety,
en$ironment practice and seeking a challenging and responsile position.
P(-+SSI-*&L +1P+(I+*C+
23 =ear &xperience in /a4er .rother P5t Ltd. 7s Huality Controller.
2)=ear apprenticeship as Instrument Technician from au!i ertili"er Com#an$ Ltd.
%oth (achhi, Sadiqaad, !akistan.
6 years work &xperience as an Instrument and Control Technician in au!i ertili"er
Com#an$ Ltd, which is the largest urea producing plant in !akistan, ha$ing two
independent 7mmonia Irea complexes, equipped with most modern control systems.
2)=ear work &xperience as an Instrument Technician in Pakistan Petroleum Ltd at
(azrani %as <ield 'arkana. !!' is the largest company of Sui %as Disco$ers and !roducer
in !akistan
!resently I ha$e een working in 220 MW CCPP "orangi Comine Cycle power plant for
2 years.
During my o$er 07J=ears experience in CC!! and <au?i <ertilizer Company 'td as an
Instrument and control Technician, I ha$e gained following experiences of different kinds
of instrumentation for the large)scale Chemical and !ower plant including Irea, 7mmonia
> Itilities 8%& %as)turine '()*+++ > (S)1++., %& ,hermodyn steam turine 7uxiliary
and #aste heat 0oilers, Compressors and %&, :; #ater treatment areas.
(y main ?os are :epairing, (aintaining, ;$erhauling, Caliration > installation of all
types of field and Control room, 2art, &lectronic, &lectrical > !neumatic instruments.
7lso o$erhauling > Caliration of Control 6al$es, !S6s > !neumatic Controllers.
!lan and manage maintenance 7cti$ates $ia S7! 8!( (odule9, (aintaining 2istory cards
and !re$enti$e (aintenance schedules. 7lso mange spares parts of plant.
Sol$e common prolem in software and hardware of DCS, !'C, #oodward turine control
and 0ently 4e$ada 6iration system.
I*,)ST(I&L P(-/+CTS
In &raction of CC!! Comine Cycle !ower !lant, I ha$e work in commissioning of %&
'()*+++ Sprint ,ype %as ,urines, #oodward (icrologic control and protection system,
%& ,hermodyn steam turine ,ype -)..(C/ #oodward 1+1& %o$erning and %& <anuc
Control and protection System , 2oneywell 8DCS9, &!"S 5+. C)3++ Controller 0ently
4e$ada 51++ 6iration and Speed monitoring system. 7llen 0radley 80(S9 %aurd, S'C)1,
(odicon, Siemens !'C, s, <lowtech %as Compression station and #ater ,reatment
In <au?i <ertilizer Company 'td. I ha$e also performed ma?or role of up gradation and
commissioning of Control system, 0aily D+++ to Centum CS 5+++ DCS. =;";%7#7.
7lso perform (a?or acti$ates in Commissioning to Ipgrade ,ailor control system to
=okogawa8DCS9 Centum CS)5+++ in <au?i <ertilizer (irpur (athelo.
Ipgrade and commission the 0(S 80oiler (anagement System9 at 7uxiliary and #aste
heat 0oilers. Install =okogawa !rosafe !'C 8Safety control System9 at 7uxiliary oiler and
=okogawa !rosafe :S 80(S9 at #aste heat oilers in <<C.
S8ILL IMP(-0+M+*T T(&*I*9S
%& ,raining for '()*+++ #oodward (icrologic %as turine control system.
%& (ark II and (ark 6 %as turine Control and !rotection System.
0ently 4e$ada 6iration and Speed (onitoring systems.
<ire and %as (onitoring and !rotection system, <ire <ighting system.
=okogawa CS)5+++ DCS ,raining.
2oneywell C)3++ !"S and ,DC)5+++ DCS system.
!rosafe and !rosafe :S 80(S9 =okogawa !'C, s.
Control 6al$e and !S6, maintenance and Caliration.
Instrument and pneumatic tuing.
9&S T)(.I*+S +1P+(I+*C+
#ork on %eneral &lectric 7roderi$ati$e '()*+++!C sprint type and (S)1++.! %as turines.
I ha$e expertise on #oodard 8(icronet9, %& (ark II and (ark 6 Control and protection system,
#oodward 1+1& %o$erning System, #oodward &( and 'H Digital <uel $al$e Dri$ers.
I can interpret different alarms and trouleshoot the systemKs hardware and software prolems
#orked on these systems,
;$er Speed and ;$er ,emperature !rotection.
%as %o$erning and Control System
6iration monitoring and protection System
<lame and Ignition System
Det),ronics <ire and %as Detection System.
<ield Instrumentation.
0lack Start up system.
I*,)ST(I&L I*ST()M+*T&TI-* +1P+(I+*C+
Pro%ramma:le Lo%ic controllers;
I ha$e worked and trouleshoot following systemsE
!rosfe :S, !rosafe
"oyo, Siemens
%.& <anuc
7llen 0radley, %uard
,elemecanique, (odicon
Carlogawzi relay logic.
2oneywell 8<SC9 fail safe control
,istri:uted Control S$stem;
I ha$e exposure to the configuration and trouleshooting ofE
Centum CS 5+++ =okgawa Distriuted Control System.
2oneywell &!"S 5+. DCS C)3++ Controller.
2oneywell ,DC)5+++ Distriuted Control System.
<oxoro S!&C 3++ Control System.
0aily D+++ Control System
ield Instrumentation;
I ha$e years of work experience on following systemsE
2art, Smart and &lectronics ,ransmitters.
0ently 4e$ada 51++, 55++, D3++ 6iration (onitoring and !rotection system.
Control $al$es of miscellaneous manufacturers and in many sizes.
Control $al$e !ositioners <ield $iew 8:osemount9, &lectronics and !neumatics.
!ressure safety $al$es 8!S6, !:69
,hermocouples, :,D,,hermisters and ,hermometers
!ressure, temperature, <low, le$el (easuring Instruments.
<lame monitoring ,<ire and %as Detection system.
6ariety of other instrumentation includingE :elays, 0arriers and !ower Supplies.
6ortex, ,urine, (agnetic and ,arget <low ,ransmitters.
:adar, Iltrasonic, Capacitance and !roxy 'e$el ,ransmitters and switches.
Conducti$ity, !2, ;:!, C;, C;3, Infrared, !aramagnetic, Lirconium and Dissol$e
;xygen, !rocess 7nalyzers.
%as Chromatograph 8Danalyzer %C)1D+ with 351+7 controller and 8700 6ista 5.++9.
!neumatic, electronic controllers and :ecorders.
<luke ,est &quipments. !neumatic and &lectronic.
2art Communicators :osemount 83D1, 5D19
C-MP)T+( P(-ICI+*C<
%ood working knowledge of #indows M! !rofessional and resol$e common prolems.
#orking on 6ISI; !rofessional and (icrosoft ;<<<IC&.
7 good working &xperience on .+N.++ (ps 'ocal 7rea 4etworks and ,rouleshooting
common network prolems
+,)C&TI-*&L =)&LIIC&TI-*S
,&+ (Instrumentation and control Technolo%$) !assed in (ay .//-
Oama (illia !olytechnic Institute .st di$ision
"arachi !akistan
.3Tech (+lectronics) !assed Dec 3++-
Indus Institute of 2igher &ducation "arachi .st Di$ision
9raduation. !assed in .//-
0 Com from "arachi Ini$ersity 3
Matriculation !assed in 7pril .//A
Metric with &lectronics 8,SC9 from .st Di$ision
Oama (illia !olytechnic Institute "arachi.
Com#uter =uali4ication
Diploma of information ,echnology from !assed in 3+++
Institute of Information ,echnology. &xcellent.
P+(S-*&L I*-(M&TI-*
Date of irth .A
7pril ./D/
Sex (ale
(arital status (arried
<atherKs name ,ali 2ussain
4ationality !akistani
:eligion (uslim
4IC 4o A33+.)+A+51*/)5
!ermanent 7ddress (C)..*1 %reen ,own
"arachi )A5 !akistan.