3.1 G and M Codes On The Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathes: 3.4.1 Summary of Commands

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The document discusses the G and M codes available on the EMCO Compact 5 CNC lathes and their functions. It also discusses the parameters used in programming the lathe such as X, Z, F, T, and H and their meanings and ranges. Tool changing and compensation is also covered.

The document discusses the various G codes for linear interpolation, circular interpolation, dwells, subroutines, threading cycles and canned cycles. It also discusses the M codes for spindle control, tool length compensation and miscellaneous functions.

The parameters discussed are the block number N, coordinates X and Z, feed rate F, tool number T, center point distances I and K, dwell time X, jump address J, and depth/width H. Their ranges and units (metric vs English) are provided.


1 G and M codes on the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathes

3.4.1 Summary of Commands
Table 3.1: G and M-codes Available with the Emco Compact 5
Command Function
G00 Rapid Traverse
G01 Linear Interpolation
G02 CW Circular Interpolation (2-d)
G03 CCW Circular Interpolation (2-d)
G04 Dwell
G21 Empty Line
G24 Radius Programming
G25 Sub-routine call-up
G27 Jump Instruction
G33 Threading with Constant Pitch
G64 Feed Motors Currentless
G65 Cassette Operation
G66 RS 232 Operation
G73 Chip Breakage Cycle
G78 Threading Cycle
G81 Drilling Cycle
G82 Drilling Cycle with Dwell
G83 Drilling Cycle, Deep Hole with Withdrawal
G84 Longitudinal Turning
G85 Reaming Cycle
G86 Grooving with Division of Cut (parameter H)
G88 Facing with Division of Cut
G89 Reaming and Drilling with Dwell
G90 Absolute Mode canceled only by G91
G91 Incremental Mode canceled only by G90 or G92
G92 Set Register (Zero Point Offset) Absolute Mode
G94 Feed in mm/min (or in/min)
Table 3.1: Emco Codes (continued)
Command Function
G95 Feed in mm/rev (or in/rev)
M00 Programmed Stop (Pause)
M03 Spindle ON, CW
M05 Spindle OFF
M06 Tool Length Compensation
M08 Switch exit X62 PIN 15 HIGH
M09 Switch exit X62 PIN 15 LOW
M17 Return Command to the Main Program
M22 Switch exit X62 PIN 18 HIGH
M23 Switch exit X62 PIN 18 LOW
M26 Switch exit X62 PIN 20
M30 End of Program (Must be in Program)
M98 Automatic Compensation of Play
M99 Circle Parameter
Command Function
3.4.2 G-Code Parameters
Meaning and Ranges of Parameters
Note that when programming on the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathes, every parameter will have an
integer value. (In other words the code is not entered in floating point format.) Also, the machine is
set to either English or metric units by setting the switch to either inches or mm. (As you will notice,
there is no G-Code to do this.) The scaling (i.e. how many inches or millimeters each unit represents)
is shown in Table 3.2, along with the meaning of the various parameters. Additionally, Figure 3.1
demonstrates the direction of the X and Z-axes. Notice that positive Z points away from the chuck,
while positive X essentially points "away" from the machine. Although no Y or J parameters exist, the
implied direction of the Y-axis is also shown. The significance of this shall be seen when discussing
the G02/G03 commands.
Entering Data
When you are keying data directly into the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe, you can really only input
numbers. Further, all the data you enter goes into one of six columns. The first column contains the
program number, and the computer essentially takes care of this for you. (Thus you really only need
to worry about entering data in the remaining five columns.) The second column is for the G or M
command. By default, the machine assumes you are entering a G-code to get an M-Code, press the
Minus "-" key. The third and fourth columns are used to store the X and Z values for a given move
(actually X can also be the pause time), or the I and K distances to the center point (if one is using
the M99 command). Note that as one is looking down on the lathe, the positive Z axis points along
the spindle axis, away from the spindle and the positive X axis points away from the machine. The
fifth column has the widest number of "interpretations," signifying the feed rate, F, the pitch of a
thread (which, unfortunately, is also called K), the tool number, T, or the line number, L. Finally, the
sixth column always contains the parameter called H, which generally corresponds to the amount of
material taken in a given step in one of the canned functions. Generally, one has to enter a value for
every parameter a given function uses. In other words, modality does not really work for most Emco
Table 3.2: Significance and Sizes of Emco Parameters
Range Scaling
Parameter and Meaning Metric English Metric English
[mm] [in]
N Block Number 00-209 N/A
G Move Command 00-95 N/A
M Miscellaneous Function 00-99 N/A
X Coordinate CNC-input 0 - _5999 0 - _1999 0.01 0.001
Z Coordinate CNC-input 0 - _32760 0 - _12900 0.01 0.001
F G94 (per min) 2 - 499 2 - 199 1 0.1
Feed rate G95 (per rev) 2 - 499 2 - 199 0.001 0.0001
I Center Pt X dist. 0 - 5999 0 - 1999 0.01 0.001
K Center Pt Z dist. 0 - 22700 0- > 1999? 0.01 0.001
X Dwell (time) (sec) 0 - 5999 0 - 1999 0.01s 0.01s
J Jump Address 0 - 221 N/A
T Tool Address 0 - 499 0 - 199 N/A
H Depth Per Step 0 - 999 0 - 999 0.01 0.001
H Width of Tool 10 - 999 10 - 999 0.01 0.001
H Impulse Edit 0 - 999 0 - 999 0.01 0.001
K Thread Pitch 2 - 499 2 - 199 0.01 0.001
Figure 3.1: Direction of Axes on the Emco CNC Compact 5 Lathe
3.4.3 Detailed G-Code Description
Rapid Traverse G00
Here the X and Z parameters are specified, and the tool moves in a straight line to the destination at
maximum speed. As with the DynaMyte mills (and any machine using a G00 code), this is intended
for motion in air only. Do not cut material with a G00. The Emco lathes also possess both absolute
and incremental modes- in fact on the Emco lathes, there are essentially two types of absolute mode.
In incremental mode (G91), X and Z represent the signed distances from the current tool point to
the final tool position. Note that the machine default is to incremental mode. In absolute mode (G90 or
G92), X and Z represent the absolute coordinate values of the destination point. However, there is
one slight "wrinkle," to absolute mode. By default, any absolute coordinate is assumed to be a
diametral measurement. In other words the machine assumes that your zero point corresponds to the
center point and the X value that you enter is the desired diameter to which you wish to move. (So if
zero is at the center of the cylinder, you are in inch mode, working in absolute coordinates, and you
enter G00 2000 0000, the tool location will wind up being one inch from your zero point.) As
mentioned before, this is the default, but not the only mode. One can specify X to mean a radial
value, if one uses the G24 command before using the G90 command. Note that for linear
interpolation or rapid moves, if both X and Z are non-zero, then their ratio must be between 1:39 and
Linear Interpolation G01
G01 is used to specify a move in which the tool actually cuts material. As such, the feed rate F must
be specified, in addition to the X and Z parameters. X and Z have exactly the same meaning as with
the G00 commands. The feed rate F can be used to specify either a feed per minute (G94) or a feed
per revolution (G95). If neither G94 nor G95 have been specified, the machine default is to take
feed rates as inches (millimeters) per minute. Note that for linear interpolation or rapid moves, if both
X and Z are non-zero, then their ratio must be between 1:39 and 39:1. (At least this is the ratio for
incremental mode. If one is in the "diametral" absolute mode, it may be different.)
Circular Interpolation G02/G03
Circular interpolation works slightly different on the Emco lathes than it does on the DynaMyte
mills. If we think of how we defined "Clockwise" and "Counter-clockwise" on the DynaMytes, then
G02 and G03 have the same meaning. Recall that a "Clockwise" move was in the direction of the
negative axis, while a "Counter-clockwise" move was in the direction of the positive axis. On the
Emco lathes, only the X and Z are ever moved, so the "third" axis is the Y-axis. However, the X and
Z-axis are set up such that the Y-axis points down to the floor. According to our definitions, G02
does result in clockwise motion, while G03 produces counter-clockwise motion. The trouble with
this definition is that we always view the lathes from the top, where we see the negative Y-axis
pointing at us. To an observer viewing the G02 command from above, it may appear to be counter-
clockwise, while the G03 appears clockwise. To keep consistent with "standard" G and M code
terminology, we shall call G02 CW and G03 CCW. However, it will again be suggested that you try
remembering that G02 is about the negative Y-axis, while G03 is about the positive Y-axis.
Further, on the Emco lathes all circular interpolations are taken as single quadrant moves (arcs of 90_
or less). (There is no multi-quadrant mode on the Emco lathes.) In order to enter the center point of
the circle, the Emco lathes require an additional command, M99, to immediately follow the G02 or
G03 commands. Note that the I and K parameters that one enters again describe the relative distance
from the current tool position to the center of the circle, regardless of whether one is in incremental or
absolute mode. (In this sense, I and K work the same as on the DynaMytes.) Since only single quadrant
interpolation is allowed, I and K are unsigned parameters. Note that one does not always need to
specify I and K, coordinates with circular interpolation. For 90_ arcs one can simply specify the X
and Z parameters. If the values of X and Z are such that no 90_ arc is possible, but, one has not
used an M99 line following the G02/G03 command, an error will result. X and Z have the same
meaning and usage as in G00 and G01. Since G02/G03 are intended to cut material a feed rate must
also be specified.
Thus the syntax for a 90_ arc in incremental mode is as follows.
(G) 02
Whereas for an arc that does not run through a full 90, a little more is required.
(M/-)99 iii kkk
Figure 3.2 illustrates the eight possible motions for 90 circular interpolation with the same radius.
These correspond to different signs on the D (radius) and to G02/G03 commands. (On Figure 1.8,
G03 and G02 interpolations are labeled. Additionally at each end point, one sees the signs on the X
and Z parameters, respectively, displayed in parenthesis.) Notice that if one has the same X and Z
values (and I and K parameters, if applicable) for a G03 command as for a G02 command the
endpoint will be the same. The only difference is the path that is traveled between the start and
Figure 3.2: Eight Possibilities for 90 Circular Interpolation
Delay G04
The delay command requires only one parameter, X, to express the duration of the delay in hundredths
of a second.
Empty Line G21
This command does absolutely nothing to the program when executing. It is sometimes useful as a
"placeholder," for future expansion. Primarily, though, it is "left over," from a time when one could
not insert blank lines and delete lines. (Now, one can insert blank lines by simultaneously pressing the
tilde key, ~, and the input key, INP, or delete lines, by simultaneously pressing the tilde key, ~, and the
delete key, DEL.)
Radius Input with Absolute Values G24
As already mentioned the default "move" mode of the machine is incremental mode. When one enters
absolute mode, using either G90 or G92, the machine will, by default, interpret any X value as a
diameter. Thus any move made will really only be "half" as far from the zero point as the X
coordinate appeared to specify. (Note that the Z coordinate functions "normally.") If one does not
want the absolute X coordinates taken as diameters, one can use the G24 before using the G90 or G92
commands, and then X will be taken as a radial value.
Subroutine Call-Up G25
To call a subroutine, one simply enters the G25 command, along with a line number, L, to which the
program should branch. (Note that the L is entered in the F T L K column.) Make sure that the
value in L is a line number that either starts or is in the middle of a subroutine. At the end of the
subroutine, one needs to have an M17 command to return control to the line immediately following
the original subroutine call. Note that subroutines can be nested up to 5 levels deep.
Jump Command G27
Using a G27 tells the machine to branch to the line indicated in the L parameter.
Threading with Constant Pitch G33
Essentially, all G33 does is tell the tool to move along the Z-axis of the lathe, however it does so at a
constant pitch (which it verifies by watching the spindle position/speed). As such, the G33 command
requires only two additional parameters, the length of thread, Z, and the pitch K (again entered in
the F T L K column). Note that Z is a signed quantity (allowing right and left handed threading).
Feed Motor Currentless G64
When you initially start the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathes, the motors are currentless. However, as
soon as you move any slides- in either hand or CNC mode- power to the motors is enabled, and
remains enabled. If one is not actively using the machine but still leaves the motors to "sit" under
power, the motors will get very hot. To cut off the power to the feed motors, one should use the G64
command. Note that the G64 command executes as soon as one pushes the input key, INP, and
then "clears itself" from the memory immediately after executing. (At that point any commands that
were deleted from the given line are restored.) Further note that there is no command to enable
power to the motors, as this will happen automatically. Finally note that this is an important command-
use it.
Threading Cycle G78
This is very similar to the G33 threading motion. However, as G78 is a cycle, the machine can be
made to perform several passes, to cut deep threads in a series of shallower passes. To use the G78
command, one needs all the parameters. Here, X describes the "final" depth of the thread, while Z
still describes the total length of the threads (again X and Z are in either absolute or incremental
coordinates). K continues to signify the pitch of the thread, but for the first time, we also need the
parameter H to describe how deep of a cut one wishes to take on each pass. If one enters a larger
value for H than the total amount of material that the X values indicates, the machine will simply go
to the value indicated by X in a single step. Similarly, if H is set to 0, the machine will go to the value
indicated by X in a single step. Finally, if the amount to be removed (as indicated by X) is not an
integer multiple of H the machine will take as many steps of H as it can (without exceeding the total
amount to be removed), then take a final "clean up" pass.
G78, just like G84 and G88, implements a full cycle that always finishes with the tool at its original
starting point. Further, all these commands have the same basic steps. First the tool moves rapid to the
desired "cutting depth," then the tool moves at feed rate, across the workpiece for the correct length
of cut. The tool then retracts, at feed rate, moving in the opposite direction to the first move. Finally,
the tool moves rapidly, backtracking the distance it covered in the second move. Then, another rapid
move to the correct cutting depth begins a new sub cycle.
Longitudinal Turning G84
G84 is another canned cycle that allows one to take a series of straight (i.e. purely along the Z axis)
cuts at progressively "deeper" cuts. Again, it requires that one enter all 4 parameters: X, Z, F, and H.
G84, just like G78 and G88, is a full cycle that always finishes with the tool at its original starting point.
Further, all these commands have the same basic steps. First the tool moves rapid to the desired
"cutting depth," then the tool moves at feed rate, across the workpiece for the correct length of cut.
The tool then retracts, at feed rate, moving in the opposite direction to the first move. Finally, the
tool moves rapidly, backtracking the distance it covered in the second move. Then, another rapid
move to the correct cutting depth begins a new sub cycle. Figure 3.3 depicts the effect that different
signs in the value of _x and _z have upon the cycle. Additionally, Figure 3.4 further illustrates how
the "stepping" works.
3.3: Effects of Sign of _X and _Z on G84: Here, the step, h has been set to
approximately 1=3 of _X. Dotted lines are rapid, solid lines are feeds. (Note that
Positive X is Down and Positive Z is Right.)
Grooving Cycle G86
G86 is somewhat similar to the other canned functions (G78, G84, and G88), but there are some
differences. To start with, the "sub-cycle" that forms the basis for the G86 command really only has
3 steps.
1. The tool plunges into workpiece (X motion at feed rate)
2. The tool retracts (X motion at maximum speed)
3. The tool advances for next cut (Z motion at maximum speed)
On the final pass, however, instead of advancing for another cut, the tool instead moves along the Z-
axis to the original start point. Just like all the other canned functions, G86 always ends at the same point
it began. Another subtle difference between G86 and the other canned functions is that one enters the
width of the tool, not the "step" in the H parameter. The step will always be 10 Z units (i.e. 0.010" or
0.10mm) less than the tool width. Moreover, since one does enter the actual tool width, the Z value
that one enters is the total width of the groove that will be created and not how far the tool moves.
Figure 3.5 illustrates a typical sequence of moves for a G86 command. Note that the machine was in
incremental and inch mode when the command was executed.
Figure 3.4: Further Examples of G84- Effects of Different Step (h) Values. Machine is in (default)
Incremental mode. Dotted lines are rapid, solid lines are feeds. (Note that Positive X is Down and Positive
Z is Right.)
Absolute Value Programming G90
On the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe the default mode for all moves is incremental. You can change
this, by using either the G90 or the G92 commands. If you use the G90 command, the point where
the tool is sitting at the instant the command is issued becomes the new zero point. (Note that unlike
the ah-ha! Artisan controllers on the DynaMytes, the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe controllers do not
let one define a workpiece zero outside of the program.) Recall that in absolute mode, the default is to
interpret all X coordinates as diametral values. To change this, one must enter G24 before entering the
G90 command. If a G90 command is processed after a G24 command, all X coordinates will be
interpreted as radial values.
Incremental Value Programming G91
Entering G91 puts the machine in Incremental mode. On the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe the
default mode for all moves is incremental.
Absolute Value Program- Change Zero G92
On the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe the default mode for all moves is incremental. You can change
this, by using either the G90 or the G92 commands. If you use the G92 command, you must also
use the X and Z parameters to tell the machine how far from the current tool position the zero point
will be. (This is the opposite convention that the DynaMyte G92 command uses.) Recall that in
absolute mode, the default is to interpret all X coordinates as diametral values. To change this, one
must enter G24 before entering the G92 command. If a G92 command is processed after a G24
command, all X coordinates will be interpreted as radial values.
Figure 3.5: Sequence of Moves with G86 Command (Note that the machine is in incremental and inch
modes. Additionally, Positive X is Down and Positive Z is Right.)
Chapter 4
Notes for the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathes
4.1 The Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe Control Panel
4.1.1 Initializing: power, Safety, and Settings
Pictured in Figure 4.1 is a picture of the EMCO Compact 5 CNC Lathe Control Panel.
Figures 4.2 and 4.3 show "zoomed views" of the left and right sides (respectively) of the
control panel. In the top center (or maybe left of center) of Figure 4.2 (the left hand side of
the EMCO Compact 5 CNC Lathe Control Panel), one can see the key which functions as
the Main (power) Switch. When the key is vertical (pointing to the 0), the lathe is off when the
key is horizontal (pointing to the 1), the lathe is on. Immediately to the right of this switch is
the Control Lamp which should illuminate when the power switch is turned to 1. Just to the
left of the power switch is the Units Switch. As one can see, there are two choices: inches or
millimeters. Although the purpose of the switch should be somewhat intuitive, it is worth
noting that this is the only way to switch from one unit system to another. (One can not
change units via software, or program instruction it must be done via hardware.)
Additionally, you should note that "changing units" is only possible when the controller's
memory is clear. To the right of the on/off switch is a big red button. This is the Emergency
Stop button that shuts off everything. (What else would one expect from a big red button?)
This is primarily intended as a safety switch. There are ways to stop program from executing
without shutting off everything (and thereby loosing the entire program). However, "better
safe than sorry," is probably a pretty reasonable adage in a machine shop, so if you really
aren't sure what's happening next, or think that you or the machine or someone next to you
(even if it's someone you don't like) might get hurt- use the Emergency Stop button.
Figure 4.2: The Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe Control Panel
Figure 4.2: Left Hand Side of the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe Control Panel
Figure 4.3: Right Hand Side of the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe Control Panel
4.1.2 Spindle Controls
In the bottom of Figure 4.2 (the left side of the EMCO Compact 5 CNC Lathe Control Panel),
one can see the Main Spindle switch, the Spindle Speed Control knob, and the Spindle Speed
Indicator panel. Note that the Main Spindle switch is actually a three position switch. When the
top (labeled HAND) is depressed, the spindle is in "Hand Control" mode. "Hand Control"
mode means that as long as the lathe is on, so is the spindle. (In other words, if the spindle is
in "Hand Control" mode, then the status of the main controller and other programming details
are irrelevant to the state of the spindle. (Notice here that there is a "Hand" and "CNC"
Mode for both the spindle and the main controller, and that the status of one is independent of
the other. When the spindle is in "Hand Control" mode, the spindle is activated. This is
essentially the equivalent of having the spindle on and in local mode on the DynaMytes.) If
the bottom of the main spindle switch (labeled CNC) is depressed, the spindle is in "CNC
Control" mode. When the spindle is in "CNC Control" mode, it will respond to the various
M codes (such as M03 and M05) in a program. (Thus, having the spindle in "CNC Control"
mode on the EMCO lathes is essentially equivalent to having the spindle on and in program
mode on the DynaMytes.) Finally, the main spindle switch has a third, "neutral" position.
When neither side is depressed, the spindle is off, regardless of what else is happening. Just
to the left of the main spindle switch, is the Spindle Speed Control knob. Notice that the
settings indicated on the perimeter of the knob are percentage of the maximum possible speed.
Actual speed depends on both the setting of this knob and the positioning of the drive belts
(which shall not be discussed here). When working with wax (and within the sizes possible),
usually somewhere around 900rpm is a "reasonable" setting for turning (slightly less is
sometimes better when one is parting). The Spindle Speed Indicator panel does give the actual
spindle speed, in rpm. (There is an encoder that actually measures the spindle speed- the
indicator does not simply feed back data from the control knob.) If you have already looked at
the manual for G and M codes on the EMCO Compact 5 CNC Lathes, you will notice that
there are no codes allowing one to set the spindle speed. Spindle speed is always set with the
Spindle Speed Control knob. Finally, in the bottom center of the control panel (refer to Figure
4.1), one sees the ammeter for the main spindle drive motor. Current to the main spindle
drive motor should not exceed 4A. (When machining wax or green plastic this should not be
a concern.)
4.1.3 Program Entry, Toolholder and Program Control
Turning to the right side of the EMCO Compact 5 CNC Lathe Control Panel (Figure 4.3),
one sees the numeric keypad that will be used to enter data for programs. Additionally, just
to the left of the numeric keypad are the four Manual Feed keys: +X, -X, +Z, and -Z. Refer
to Figure 4.5 for an illustration of the directions of the axes. The Z-axis points away from the
spindle and the X points away from the machine, as indicated by the respective positions in
the feed keypad. (Note that the implied sense of the Y-axis is shown in Figure 4.5, but you
can not move anything along this axis. The EMCO Compact 5 CNCs are two degree of
freedom machines. In other words, in addition to the rotating spindle, we can move two
axes- here the X and the Z.) To use the Manual Feed keys, one must be sure that the main
controller 3 is in "Hand" mode. (Note that the main controller and not the spindle is what
must be in "Hand" mode.) To toggle the "main controller" between "Hand" and "CNC"
modes, use the key marked H/C that is the top of the rightmost keys. Notice the two icons
below this button (shown again in Figure 4.4): one appears to resemble a hand, thus
indicating "Hand" mode, while the other depicts several arrows and indicates "CNC" mode.
Looking at the top right and left corners of the right side of the control panel (Figure 4.3),
one sees each of these icons, by itself, atop an indicator light. When you are in "CNC" mode,
the appropriate light (far right) illuminates, similarly for "Hand" mode. Additionally, the
computer screen atop the control panel (not pictured here) toggles between different
"views." In "CNC" mode, the computer screen says "CNC OPERATION" and displays the
six columns used for program entry. In "Hand" mode, the computer screen says "HAND
OPER." and displays the counter values for the X and Z-axes.
Figure 4.4: "Hand" and "CNC" Icons
Figure 4.5: Directions of Axes on the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe
4.2 Operating with "Main Controller" in Manual Mode
4.2.1 Moving the Tool Holder
As previously mentioned, when the main controller is in Hand Mode, the Manual Feed keys
allow one to manually move the tool holder. The rate at which the tool holder moves (the feed
rate) can be set using the Feed Rate Control knob, shown in the top left of Figure 4.3 (i.e. the
top left of the right hand side of the control panel). Notice, that the values indicated along the
perimeter of the feed rate control know are all in mm/min. Regardless of which units one has
selected with the units switch, in Hand mode, one always sets the feed rate in mm/min. Note
that one must program feed rates for CNC mode. Thus, the Feed Rate Control knob is only
effective when the main controller is in hand mode. Finally, "rapid" moves are achieved in
hand mode by simultaneously pressing the appropriate manual feed key and the Rapid Move Key
(~) which is immediately to the right of the Feed Rate Control Knob. (Note that "Rapid"
moves are only intended for moving the tool in air.)
4.2.2 Readouts in Manual Mode
The right hand side display panel indicates the current counter value for either the X or Z-
axes, depending upon which is "active." When you move an axis it becomes "active." To
toggle "active axes" (only one is ever "active" at any time) without moving, one can hit the ""
key. Notice the string of indicator lights above the display panel on the right side of the
control panel. If the X-axis is "active," then the third light from the left will illuminate the
fourth illuminates when the Z-axis is "active." Additionally, the display monitor on top of the
lathe will display the current counter values for both the X and Z-axes. (Thus one can also
determine which axis is current by comparing the right hand side display panel with the X
and Z values on the display monitor.)
4.2.3 Zeroing/Setting the Axis Counters
To "zero" the counter for the "active" axis, press the DEL key. Pressing the INP key allows
one to set the counter for the "active" axis to any arbitrary value. After, the INP key is
depressed, the right hand side display panel will go blank and the appropriate LED (for either
the X or Z-axis) will flash. One can then key in any numeric value using the numeric keypad.
Pressing the INP key again will set the counter to the recently entered value. Note that
zeroing or setting the axis counters on the EMCO lathes only changes the local zero and has no
effect on the workpiece zero that will be used when running a program in absolute mode.
Workpiece zeroes (used in absolute mode) can only be set in a program and are always at or
relative to the current tool position.
Further, note that any time one toggles the main controller to "CNC" mode and then back to
"Hand" mode, both axes are automatically "zeroed" at their present locations. Again, the axes counter
values are really just for one's use in manual mode, and zeroing or setting them does nothing
more than make the math a little easier when one is moving from one point to another.
However, if one zeroes an axis at an important reference point, then moves from that spot,
goes to program mode and back to hand mode, one's reference could well be lost. Because of
all this, "good practice" is to be sure one has the tool sitting at the desired reference point
before toggling the main controller to "CNC" mode.
4.2.4 Manually Machining the Workpiece
To manually machine the workpiece, one must have both the main controller and the spindle
set in "Hand" mode. The appropriate spindle speed should be selected, using the Spindle
Speed Control knob. Additionally, one should set the Feed Rate Control Knob should be set
to the proper feed. (Somewhere around 50-100mm=min works well for the machinable wax.)
Then the Manual Feed keys can be used to move the tool.
4.3 Various Command Keystrokes
Table 4.1 presents a summary of the various Command Keys and Command Key Combinations.
Notice that most of the functions are dependent on the current mode of the main controller (i.e.
"Hand" or "CNC").
Table 4.1: Command Keys on the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe
4.4 Working in CNC Mode on the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe
4.4.1 Entering and Editing a Program
This section shall present how one enters the various G Codes and qualifiers. It will not
discuss what the commands are or how they work, as this is covered in another section of the
lab manual. Finally, it should be noted that the EMCO Compact 5 CNC lathes do not retain
their programs if one cuts off the main power. As has already been stated, this means that
hitting emergency stop will cause all entered programs to be erased.
In order to enter a program in "CNC" mode on the EMCO Compact 5 CNC Lathe, the
main controller must be in "CNC" mode. As previously discussed (in Section 4.1), one can
determine whether or not the main controller is in "CNC" mode, by checking the LED
beneath the CNC icon. Additionally, the display monitor on top of the lathe will say "CNC
OPERATION" and displays the 6 columns used to program the lathe. If the main controller
is not in "CNC" mode, pressing the H/C button will toggle from "Hand" to "CNC" mode.
Once in CNC mode, one uses the , REV, and FWD keys to move through the program.
The key functions essentially as a "tab" key. Pressing it once tabs to the next accessible
word. When one first switches the main controller to "CNC" mode, the cursor is initially in
the N column on line 00. Since the line number is already entered (line numbers never need to
be entered in the N column), one can press the key to "tab" the cursor to the G (and M)
column. After a program is entered, one can scroll through it a "word" at a time using the
key. To move through the program faster, one can use the FWD key to move to the N
column in the following line. Both and FWD move "forward" through the program. REV
allows one to move "backward" through a program. If the cursor is in a column other than the
N column, pressing the REV moves back to the N column of the current line. If the cursor
is already in the N column, REV "jumps" back to the N column of the previous line.
To actually enter or alter data, use the INP and DEL keys. INP can be thought of as the
input key. After one has keyed in numeric data, pressing INP enters the data in the register.
Pressing INP without first entering any data will copy the data from the preceding line (or
most recent line with data in the current column) into the current register. To change an
entry that has already been input, one first needs to clear the entry, using the DEL key. Note
that pressing DEL does not completely clear the register. One needs to enter new data and
press INP to ensure the change is completed. For "larger" changes, one may need to delete
or add entire lines. To delete a line, first position the cursor somewhere on the line. Then,
simultaneously press ~ and DEL. "Blank" lines may also be inserted, by moving to the line
that should follow the new line and pressing ~ and INP. (Actually, lines inserted with ~ and
INP contain G21, the G code for a "blank" line. One can simply delete the 21 and enter the
needed command.) Finally, if one needs to delete the entire program, one can do so by
pressing DEL, and (while continuing to hold DEL) then pressing INP. (As has been stated
several times, cutting off the main power will also serve to clear the entire program.)
4.4.2 Executing a Program
While the main controller is in "CNC" mode, pressing "Start" causes the program to run
from the "current" line (i.e. where the cursor sits) to the end of the program (i.e. the M30
command). Actually, when Start is pressed, the controller first scans the program for errors.
If errors are found, an alarm code will be displayed. (Please refer to the Emco Compact 5
CNC Manuals for a complete description of alarm codes.) Alarms must be cleared before
anything else can be done in "CNC" ode. To clear an alarm, press INP and FWD
simultaneously. If no errors are (initially) found, the controller will begin to execute the
If one only wishes run a few lines at a time, one can press a numeric key (nn) and then press
Start, while still holding the original numeric key. The controller will execute the next nn lines.
Notice that pressing the Start when the cursor is on the M30 command or on a blank line
causes the program to return to the start of the program. Additionally, if the cursor is in the
N column, pressing the - (minus) key causes the program to return to the first column of the
first line of the program (assuming it was not already there). Once the cursor is on the first
column (i.e. the N column) of the first line, pressing - checks the first line for errors, and
moves to the second line. One can then repeatedly press the - key to debug the program a
line at a time.
4.5 Interrupting Program Execution
Program execution can be interrupted in several different ways. Pressing (or slamming) the
emergency stop button kills all power to the lathe. If there is ever any kind of a safety concern hit the
emergency stop button. However, if there is not a safety concern, you may not want to hit the emergency
stop button. Hopefully, by now you are tired of reading about how killing the power erases any
programs entered into the controller, and can thus understand why emergency stop is not always the
best method to stop a program from executing. One can use two different keystroke combinations
to either stop or pause a program.
Simultaneously pressing INP and REV immediately stops the program. If the spindle is in CNC mode
and an M03 command is active, INP-REV will also turn off the spindle. Note that even though the
controller is returned to the very start of the program, the tool does not move after one hits INP-
REV. Further, there is no way of determining exactly how much of a given command had been
executed when INP-REV was hit. Thus, there is no way to retrace the tool motion and reposition
the tool at its original starting point.
Simultaneously pressing INP and FWD immediately pauses the program. INP-FWD does not stop the
spindle- even if the spindle is in CNC mode, with an M03 active- but it does stop the tool holder at its
present position. Additionally, INP-FWD causes controller to insert a "hold" at the break point.
When one presses Start, the controller finishes the command that was interrupted and then goes on to
complete the program. The controller does keep track of how much of the given command it had
executed before the pause, and will not "re-run" any previously executed commands. However, there
is no way for the operator to extract any information about how much of the command has been
executed from the computer. Note that the "hold" that gets inserted will cause the controller to
begin executing the program at the break point- regardless of where the cursor is positioned. Finally,
there is a way to stop the spindle after a pause command, if one is in CNC mode with an M03
command active. Transferring the main controller to "Hand" mode and pressing the - (minus) key shuts
off the spindle. This method has the following benefit over simply turning the Main Spindle Switch
to its neutral position. When one returns the main controller to "CNC" mode and presses start, the
spindle will automatically start- thus there is no risk of forgetting to restart the spindle.
4.6 Tool Changes
4.6.1 "Typical Tools" Used in the RDPL
Figure 4.6 shows the tools "typically" used in the RDPL. Starting from the left of Figure 4.6,
the right hand turning tool is so named because it was meant to approach the workpiece from the
right. (Note that this assumes the cutter is working on the "+X" side of the workpiece.) (In
other words it was made to cut as it moves to the left.) Hopefully, this should be somewhat
intuitive from the shape of the cutter. Similarly, the left hand turning tool is made to approach the
workpiece from the left. Do not misuse the right or left-handed turning tools. Again, just by
looking at them, it should be somewhat intuitive that it really does make a difference and
cutting "backwards" won't work too well. For cases where one really needs to move to the
left and the right, and tool changes are not practical, some clever wag has developed the
neutral turning tool. Acting as the chunky soup of the turning tool community, the neutral
turning tool can cut from the left or the right. Typically, we (here I mean "we in the RDPL,"
and not some larger brotherhood of man) will use the right handed tool, but the geometry of
the workpiece frequently dictates what "approaches" and tools must be used.
Figure 4.6: "Standard Tools" Used with EMCO Compact 5 CNC Lathe
Studying the right hand, left hand, and neutral turning tools, it becomes apparent that using
them to machine a narrow groove with straight and square edges could become a serious
pain, and may not even be completely successful. What will you do? Where will you turn?
Again noting that the name of the tool actually does have some significance, might I humbly
suggest the grooving tool. Notice that the name is (in fact) intended to signify that this tool is to
be used to form grooves (and not that it was developed by Jerry Garcia, Phil Lesh, Bob Weir,
and Mickey Hart after an exceptional 30 minute extended jam of "Mindbender"). The
grooving tool is also referred to as the plunging tool. While a plunging tool by any other name
may well smell as sweet, few other names would so succinctly express its intended use. Figure
4.7 shows a close up view of the cutting tip of the plunging tool. (Please note that the exact
dimensions of the cutting tip vary from tool to tool- always measure the tool you are using to
know the exact dimensions.) Only the tiny tip of the plunging (grooving) tool is intended to
cut material, and this small tip is only intended to cut material when it is plunging. (My, but
those machinists can be literal minded folk, huh?) To cut a groove wider than the plunging
tool, one must plunge the tool into the workpiece, retract the tool, then move the tool along
the workpiece, and again plunge, retract, etc. (Fortunately, there is a canned cycle for this on
the EMCO Compact 5 CNC Lathes.)
Lastly, the parting tool is designed to part (i.e. cut off some portion of) the workpiece. It is a
fairly solid edge that is designed to be plunged deep into the workpiece, as is needed when
one wishes to separate a finished part from the rest of the stock. Generally, one will not get a
very good surface finish when using the parting tool. Thus, if you want a wide groove, refer
to the previous discussion of how to do this with the grooving tool- do not use the parting tool
as a grooving tool. (Why would you want to disregard the very clear naming conventions?)
Figure 4.7: "Zoomed View" of Plunging (or Grooving) Tool (with Approximate
4.6.2 Tool Changes
Our EMCO Compact 5 CNC lathes do have an optional tool turret, but we will most likely
not be using it. Instead, you will manually change tools. To manually change tools, you need
to know two things.
1. How to physically remove one tool and insert another
2. How to get the new tool to "line up" with the old tool
The first item is easier to communicate in a "hands on" fashion so you will be shown how to
change tools during your lab session. For now, I will point out the following. There are
several socket head cap screws on the tools and toolholders, but none of them are used when
changing tools. We have two slightly different toolholders on the RDPL lathes: one uses a hex
head cap screw to "lock" in the tool, the other a "specialty" piece with a head that looks like
an extra thick hex head. Thus, you will use either an open wrench or a socket to change tools
on the lathes. If you are using an Allen wrench, please notice that an Allen wrench is neither
an open wrench nor a socket, read the previous sentence, and stop what you are doing!
Lining up the tools is accomplished by moving the tool holder through some compensation
move after using the first tool and before using the second. Listed in Table 4.2 are the
approximate tool offsets and widths. I will again repeat that all of the values are approximate.
To get the exact tool compensation factors, see the sheet by the specific lathe you are using. To get
the correct tool widths, measure the tool. Tool compensation factors relate other tools to
the cutting point on a right-handed cutting tool. For example if you were using a right-
handed cutting tool and needed to switch to another tool, the tool compensation factor
would indicate how far you would need to move in order to get the cutting tip in the exact
same position that the cutting tip of right handed tool had occupied before the tool change.
In the case of tools with cutting edges as opposed to cutting tips (like the parting and
grooving tools) the tool compensation factor measures from the left corner of the tool.
(This is assuming the tool is situated as shown in Figure 4.6.) The existence of a large
positive X compensation value indicates that the new tool is much longer than the right-
handed cutting tool. In many cases, this might dictate making the compensation move before
performing the tool change, to ensure there is room for the new tool. (Of course, if you had
a large negative move, you would have to make the move after changing tools. Basically, you
need to think first and use a little common sense.)
Table 4.2: Nominal Tool Offsets and Widths
Tool X Z Width
Right Hand 0 0 N/A
Neutral 0 -275 N/A
Left Hand 0 -550 N/A
Outside Threading 0 -100
Plunge 400 0 47
Parting 0 0 123
***My Serial Cable was like so...
pins 1,2,3,4 & 7 were used on the DB25 that goes into the lathe.
I connected those to a DB9 connector- pin order matching above sequence=
Shield,3,2,7,5 I thought that I might have to swap the tx/rx lines, but I did not have

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