Acknowledgement: Funding For This Study Was Provided by The Measuring Teachers'
Acknowledgement: Funding For This Study Was Provided by The Measuring Teachers'
Acknowledgement: Funding For This Study Was Provided by The Measuring Teachers'
No: 030
Gavin T L Brown
The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Lois R. Harris
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Paper presented at the International Association for Educational Assessment annual conference,
Bangkok, Thailand, August, 2010
Acknowledgement: Funding for this study was provided by the Measuring Teachers
Assessment Practices Project (Faculty of Education, The University of Auckland) and the FRSS
Fund (Dept of Curriculum & Instruction, The Hong Kong Institute of Education). The
cooperation of teachers in Auckland, New Zealand is greatly appreciated.
This paper examines the relationship between teacher conceptions of assessment and the
curriculum content and cognitive demand of their classroom assessment practices, working from
the assumption that what is assessed should reflect the teachers understanding of assessment. In
this exploratory study, a volunteer sample of New Zealand teachers (n=9) provided 32 self-
selected samples of assessments they used in the subject English and indicated their purposes and
uses as well as their conceptions of assessment. Each assessment was rated for its content and
cognitive demand using the American Surveys of Enacted Curriculum (SEC) project taxonomy.
There were no statistically significant relationships between teacher beliefs about assessment and
their enacted practices. The study found that in the main, the assessments required low levels of
cognitive demand, focusing on memory, recall, explaining, and following procedures rather than
analysis and evaluation. Curriculum and cognitive demand in the assessments varied considerably
between teachers. This paper suggests that the SEC taxonomy also needs revisions if it is to be
used effectively to code teacher-made assessments, especially those underpinned by the principles
of Assessment for Learning.
The understandings teachers have of curriculum have been found to shape their classroom
assessment practices (Calderhead, 1996; Thompson, 1992) and predict the types of assessments
they implement. New Zealand primary school teachers who conceived of assessment as being for
improvement agreed that they used informal assessment practices more than formal tests, while
the belief that assessment was for making students accountable predicted greater use of formal
tests with surface levels of cognitive demand (Brown, 2009). Conceptions of subject matter have
also been found to shape assessment practices. In a review of international research, different
major conceptions of the subject mathematics (i.e., relational understanding vs. instrumental
understanding) were claimed to be at the root of disagreements about what constitutes sound
approaches to the teaching of mathematics and what constitutes sound student assessment
practices (Thompson, 1992, p. 133). For example, those who conceived of mathematics in
relational terms appeared to emphasise authentic, problem-solving, and process-focused forms of
assessment, while those who conceived of mathematics in instrumental terms tended to use
correct answer-focused forms of assessment.
To further examine the relationship between teachers curriculum priorities and their
enacted practices, it would be useful to look at the enacted curriculum embedded in the content of
their assessments. Under the general assumption of what you test is what you get, it seems
logical to presume that the aspects of the curriculum that teachers deem important will get
assessed. Of course, if assessment practices are controlled by school or jurisdictional policies,
teachers may have little personal influence over the curriculum enacted in their assessments.
Hence, research examining this hypothesis would need to take place in a setting where teachers
Correspondence: Dr Gavin T L Brown, Dept of Psychological Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai
Po, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR; Email:
Teachers enacted curriculum 2
generally control the assessment process.
While the relationship between teachers curriculum priorities and their assessment has
been studied, the relationship of teachers conceptions of the nature and purpose of assessment in
general to the content of their classroom assessment practices is less well understood. Brown
(2008) identified four major purposes for assessment (i.e., improved learning and teaching, school
evaluation, student evaluation, and irrelevance). These four conceptions of assessment have been
shown to relate to teacher beliefs about the nature of teaching, learning, and curriculum and to
self-reported assessment practices (Brown, 2008, 2009). It seems likely that if teachers conceive
of the dominant purpose of assessment to be student evaluation, they would tend to use relatively
formal, and possibly standardized, assessment tasks that focus on the surface features of the
curriculum most readily assessed in paper-and-pencil formats. In contrast, if improved learning is
the dominant purpose, teachers, at least in jurisdictions that do not practice high-stakes national
testing, would tend to use informal tasks that focus on higher-order cognitive tasks and complex,
integrated performances. Thus, it is expected that teachers purposes for assessment could be a
contributing factor in the curriculum enacted in their assessment practices.
Thus, a goal of this study was to explore the possibility that teachers beliefs about the
goals and purposes of assessment have systematic relationships with the curriculum content and
cognitive demand of the assessments they actually use. This study was an exploratory
investigation in New Zealand of the assessment practices of nine teachers within the context of
the English curriculum. New Zealand was chosen because of the low-stakes way assessment is
practiced through the first 10 years of schooling. Within New Zealand, schools are self-governing
and the New Zealand Ministry of Education is committed to the use of Assessment for Learning
(AfL), expecting schools to use assessment data to improving student learning. There are no
compulsory national assessments or tests in the New Zealand school sector (Crooks, 2002), with
school quality judged through a range of measures (e.g., school visits and evaluations conducted
by the Education Review Office, National Education Monitoring Project). In the last decade, two
significant resource initiatives [i.e., the Assess to Learn (ATOL) professional development
program and asTTle, a computer-assisted assessment tool] have been deployed nationally to assist
teachers with assessment practices (Brown, Irving, & Keegan, 2008; Hattie, et al., 2004); these
focus on using assessment formatively to improve learning. Under the Ministry of Education
(1994b) assessment policy, schools are able to select whatever Ministry assessments they believe
are valid and appropriate for both reporting student learning and guiding teaching and learning
activities in the classroom. Thus, wide usage of different government-funded tools alongside
teacher created tasks would be expected to assess student learning of curriculum standards within
New Zealand; however, this process is entirely controlled at the school level during years 1-10.
At the time of this study, a new curriculum had been announced (Ministry of Education,
2007) and was being gradually phased in. This English curriculum has two strands which
integrate language and literature across three modes of communication. Students are expected to
(1) make meaning of ideas or information they receive through listening, reading, and viewing
and (2) create meaning for themselves or others by speaking, writing, and presenting. This is
substantially the same material, albeit structured differently, as the 1994 English curriculum
(Ministry of Education, 1994a). To assess these strands, teachers and schools were allowed to
create their own assessments, or draw on a large range of diverse assessments created by the
Ministry (details in Brown, Irving, & Keegan, 2008). These tools include more traditional
standardized tests, as well as performance tasks and annotated exemplars.
While a major line of investigation within this study related to how teacher conceptions
of assessment related to the content and cognitive demand of their enacted assessment process,
methodological questions about how the content of these enacted assessments could be
appropriately categorized and calculated were also examined. The American Surveys of Enacted
Curriculum (SEC) project taxonomy was selected as the framework for coding the curriculum
and cognitive content within this study as it has been successfully used to examine the alignment
of state standards, assessment tasks, and curriculum content in mathematics and English language
arts/reading (Porter, 2002; Porter & Smithson, 2001, 2002; Porter, Polikoff, Zeidner, & Smithson,
2008). In the SEC methodology, assessment tasks are classified at the item level against
Teachers enacted curriculum 3
achievement objectives and strands provided in the taxonomy for both curriculum content and
cognitive demand. In English Language Arts/Reading (ELA/R), the major strands for reading
have a hierarchical arrangement (i.e., simpler content has been assigned lower numbers than more
complex content; values 100 to 800); however, the remaining tasks do not seem to be inherently
more demanding in terms of curriculum than the various reading tasks. Likewise, the cognitive
demand categories have a similar hierarchical arrangement (i.e., less complex are coded earlier
than more complex).
Of three major alignment methods identified in the literature, the SEC methodology has
reported reliability of judges to make similar ratings across instructional and assessment tasks
(Martone & Sireci, 2009). While there are obviously differences between the English curriculum
in various American states and the national New Zealand English curriculum, because this
taxonomy provides a wide range of coding categories and has been found to be reliable in other
studies, it was deemed appropriate to trial with New Zealand curriculum. The SEC ELA/R is a
relatively young document, having undergone only one revision (J. Smithson, personal
communication, 18 December 2009). This means that coding conventions that clarify distinctions
between the strands and achievement objectives have not been fully developed. Hence, part of
this trial was also designed to examine the utility of the ELA/R taxonomy for classifying both
assessments in general and also for specific use with New Zealand English assessment tasks.
This study, using a small sample of volunteer cases (Yin, 2009), had a non-experimental
design mixing both factor analysed survey responses (Kline, 1994) and content analysis (Smith,
2000) methods. The study was part of the Measuring Teachers Assessment Practices project,
which was a multi-faceted, two-year investigation into teacher assessment beliefs and practices
carried out in New Zealand.
Initially, over 160 teachers completed the abridged Teachers Conceptions of Assessment
inventory (Brown, 2006) and 26 teachers agreed to be interviewed (Harris & Brown, 2009). In a
second round of data collection, out of the 100 teachers who agreed to participate beyond
completing the initial survey, 14 primary and secondary teachers agreed to supply a self-selected
sample of assessments they had used in either English or mathematics. Teachers were asked to
provide six examples of assessment tasks and complete a short questionnaire for each which
explained its origins and purposes; primary teachers were encouraged to provide a mix of English
and mathematics tasks. While teachers were asked to provide assessments which were
representative of their typical practice, it is difficult to claim that in all cases the samples reflect
typical assessment practices within the classrooms since only four teachers from this sample
were observed in the classroom.
In all, nine teachers provided 32 assessments which they used in English. There were 339
separate identifiable items, tasks, or questions within those assessments. The curriculum and
cognitive characteristics of each assessment item in the tasks were classified according to the
SEC ELA/R strands. Rating was carried out by the second author, an experienced English teacher
who has taught in Australia and the United States. The first author, an experienced New Zealand
English language arts teacher, validated this coding and resolved uncertainties as to the meanings
of the curriculum categories. Items were classified according to the major strands of the
taxonomy (Table 1) and were assigned to multiple strands when applicable.
The nine teachers were employed in nine different schools. Two worked in secondary
schools (Years 9-13), one at an intermediate school (Years 7-8), and the balance at full (Years 1-
8) or contributing (Years 1-6) primary schools. Four teachers provided assessments for Year 6
(nominally aged 10); three for Years 7 and 8, and two for Year 10 (nominally aged 14). Eight of
the nine teachers were female. All were of New Zealand European ethnicity. Two were associate,
assistant, or deputy principals; two were senior teachers; and the balance was regular classroom
Teachers enacted curriculum 4
Conceptions of Assessment. The abridged Teachers Conceptions of Assessment Inventory
was used to measure the teachers conceptions of assessment. It has 27 items which aggregate
into four major purposes. These have been shown to have good fit to the data in studies with New
Zealand primary and secondary teachers and Queensland primary teachers (Brown, 2007, 2008).
For each teacher, their general attitude towards the four purposes of assessment was obtained
from the average of their responses to the items associated with each purpose.
Table 1. Frequency of SEC ELA/R Taxonomy Strand Classifications
Curriculum Content Weight N Cognitive Demand Weight N
100 Phonemic
Awareness 100 0 B Memorize/Recall 100 91
200 Phonics 200 5
C Perform
Procedures/Explain 200 180
300 Vocabulary 300 10
D Generate/ Create/
Demonstrate 300 62
400 Text and print
features 400 14 E Analyze/ Investigate 400 32
500 Fluency 500 0 F Evaluate 500 4
600 Comprehension 600 66
700 Critical reading 700 23
800 Authors craft 800 26
900 Writing process 500 64
1000 Elements of
presentation 800 70
1100 Written
applications 600 121
1200 Language study 600 30
1300 Listening and
Viewing 600 7
1400 Speaking and
presenting 600 24
Total 460 438
Assessment tasks. Teachers were asked to complete a short questionnaire to accompany
each assessment item. Teachers provided data about the sources of the assessment (e.g., teacher
made, made by colleague, externally created) and the reasons had they had for using it. A total of
27 different reasons were listed and teachers were asked to indicate all that applied. Specifically,
the reasons were aggregated into five major categories (i.e., administration, assessment for
learning (AfL), evaluation, planning, and reporting), which were used for analytic purposes. The
AfL category was based on the Ministry of Educations (2007) policy priority, which meant this
category included purposes relating to student engagement and motivation (e.g., making work fun
and interesting) alongside student-centered assessment practices (e.g., self- and peer-assessment,
students setting learning targets); it is noted that the reasons relating to student engagement and
motivation may not actually lead to greater learning (Harris, 2008). Generally, the reasons fell
into improvement (i.e., AfL and planning) and accountability (i.e., administration, evaluation, and
reporting) oriented reasons.
Conceptions of Assessment
Through responses to the Teachers Conceptions of Assessment inventory, the nine
teachers agreed that assessment evaluates school quality more than any other conception
(Cohens d>1.60 [Cohen, 1992]) (Table 2).
Previous studies with New Zealand teachers had found that school accountability was one
of the least endorsed purposes of assessment (Brown, 2007, 2008). Brown and Harris (2009)
suggested that the strong emphasis on this purpose has arisen in part because of schooling
improvement initiatives in which school-wide assessment results are used to fulfill school self-
Teachers enacted curriculum 5
and external-review expectations. It is also noteworthy that the correlation between student
accountability and improvement was much larger than previously found among New Zealand
teachers and approached values seen in a Hong Kong study with the same instrument (Brown,
Kennedy, Fok, Chan, & Yu, 2009). This demonstrated that this small group of teachers conceived
of assessment as demonstrating school quality and that grading or evaluating students was
associated with improved teaching and learning.
Table 2. Teachers Conceptions of Assessment inventory factor statistics
TCoA Factors
Statistic I. II. III. IV.
M 3.67 4.81 3.60 3.31
SD 0.62 0.63 0.38 0.30
Pearson (r) Mean score differences (Cohens d)
I. Student Accountability -1.84 0.13 0.76
II. School Accountability .11 2.40 3.25
III. Improvement .80 .32 0.84
IV. Irrelevance .25 -.32 .11
Note. Pearson correlations below diagonal in italics; Cohens d effect size above diagonal in bold.
Assessment Tasks
Of the 32 tasks, 13 were writing or editing, 9 were reading comprehension, three were
visual text analyses, four were spoken language performance, and three were grammar or spelling
activities. Hence, the priority in terms of curriculum coverage was written language (both reading
comprehension and writing) and relatively equal between making and communicating meaning. It
is unknown whether this is a reflection of the medium of assessment (paper-and-pencil) or a true
reflection of the curriculum priorities. Over two-thirds (n=23, 72%) of the 32 assessments were
created by the teachers or their colleagues, with the balance coming from external sources. Of
those sources, asTTle, national exemplars, Progressive Achievement Tests, and the Assessment
Resource Banks were all used more than once.
A total of 247 different responses were given to the 28 specific purposes for using the
assessments. Barring the five other responses, the 247 responses were dominated by three major
categories: reporting (n=66, 27%), evaluation (n=55, 22%), and assessment for learning (n=74,
30%). Planning (n=44, 18%) and administration (n=3, 1%) comprised the balance of responses.
Hence, real educational functions around improvement and accountability are given for using
these assessments, with accountability and improvement purposes being nearly equal (i.e.,
reporting, evaluation & administration=50%; assessment for learning & planning=48%, with 2%
being other).
Curriculum Characteristics
A total of 460 ratings were made for curriculum strand and 438 ratings were made for
cognitive demand (Table 1). Only 31% of tasks were related to making meaning by reading text.
It is clear that a large portion of tasks focused on writing applications, with a high emphasis on
the cognitive processes: memorize, recall, perform procedures, and explain.
In order to examine relationships between conceptions of assessment and the SEC ELA/R
ratings, a weighted profile for each of the 32 tasks for both curriculum content and cognitive
demand was created. Close inspection of the tasks provided suggested that most teachers were
implementing the less demanding aspects of these categories which led to the adoption of the
weighting system shown in Table 1 in which a weight was assigned to the writing, listening, and
speaking tasks identical to the reading task that was judged to be the most similar in demand.
Since some assessment tasks had many more items than others (e.g., the standardized tests), a
weighted score for each task was created and the average for the teacher was found for the two to
six tasks each had provided.
The resulting weighted scores show the relative importance of the curriculum content and
cognitive demand for each teacher (Table 3). Teachers with higher mean scores provided
assessments that require more demanding content and/or cognitive performances. Note that only
three teachers had SD<10% of the mean value for curriculum and one for cognitive demand.
Teachers enacted curriculum 6
Hence, the assessment tasks were highly variable in what was demanded for curriculum and
Table 3. Teacher profiles for enacted curriculum and cognitive demand and conceptions of
Weighted SEC ELA/R Teacher Conceptions of Assessment
Teacher Curriculum Cognitive
Accountability Improvement Irrelevance
3.00 4.00 3.00 3.33
3.00 4.33 3.58 3.50
3.33 5.33 3.25 2.89
4.33 5.67 4.08 3.67
3.33 5.67 3.58 3.11
4.33 4.67 3.92 3.22
3.33 5.00 3.67 3.00
3.67 4.33 3.25 3.78
4.67 4.33 4.08 3.33
M 624.18 214.41 3.67 4.81 3.60 3.31
SD 87.15 51.34 0.62 0.63 0.38 0.30
Pearson Correlations
Curriculum 0.28 -0.54 -0.34 -0.38 -0.32
Cognitive -0.38 -0.28 -0.21 0.42
Note that none of the correlations were statistically significant because r<67. Hence,
while it may be possible to interpret the observed values, it is best to conclude there is no
systematic relationship between how teachers conceive of the competing purposes of assessment
and their enacted curriculum choices in the assessment tasks provided. Clearly, a much larger
sample is required to establish with statistical significance the nature of these relationships.
In general, the assessment tasks exhibited relatively low levels of cognitive demand (i.e.,
recalling, memorising, following procedures, and explaining) as opposed to tasks which required
analysis and evaluation. The mean curriculum score was 624.18, indicating a dominance of tasks
which required comprehension or basic text production with little critical reading and
consideration of audience and purpose in writing. This curriculum content may be expected at
these grade levels as this content is considered foundational; however, it raises concerns that, if
assessments do not require higher order curriculum tasks, students will not acquire those skills. It
was interesting to note the dominance of reading and writing tasks as opposed to those focused on
speaking and viewing; if these domains are considered to be of equal importance within the
curriculum, clearly a shift is needed to produce more emphasis on speaking and viewing tasks.
However, these results may be an artifact of teachers not providing assessments for higher order
curriculum and cognitive challenges in English that they consider cannot be legitimately
evaluated through paper-and-pencil assessments (e.g., informal and performance assessments).
While it would be tempting to interpret the statistically non-significant correlations
between conceptions of assessment and curriculum and cognitive demand, this will not be
discussed. What is more apparent is that factors other than the personal conceptions of the nature
Teachers enacted curriculum 7
of assessment must have influence on teachers curriculum choices in their assessment tasks. It
seems probable that the official English curriculum and school-level curriculum or assessment
priorities play a significant role. Future research into the enacted curriculum of teacher-controlled
assessments should focus more on their curriculum beliefs.
While small sample size obviously affected the power of these results, problems were also
encountered when using the SEC framework for evaluating New Zealand English assessment
items. Some classification caused conflicting responses as they had similar wording (e.g., word
meaning or vocabulary occurred in strands 300 and 600, inference occurred in strands 600 and
700, spelling occurred in 900 and 1200). As the taxonomy has not been published with a training
guide to clarify these cross-overs, it was very difficult to determine what these distinctions might
actually refer to. Furthermore, there were no clear guidelines for distinguishing between and
among elements of verbal and written presentation (strand 1000), what a writer has to do (strands
900 and 1100), comprehension of material (strand 600), critical reading of texts (strand 700),
author's craft analysis (strand 800), listening and viewing of texts (strand 1300) and speaking and
presenting (strand 1400). A strategy and system for resolving overlap between strands is needed.
Smithson (personal communication, 18 December 2009) indicated that reference to the
more global or coarse grain curriculum construct would be used to resolve these category
distinctions. This would require consensus among local curriculum experts to develop rules by
which distinctions could be made within a curriculum jurisdiction. This would increase the
validity of the taxonomy for usage in any one jurisdiction, while reducing the utility of the
taxonomy for usage beyond the context where these judgments were made.
An additional problem emerged when trying to use these categories to mathematically
calculate weights and scores for tasks. First, within each strand (i.e., 100, 200, 300, etc.) there
were often items which greatly varied in difficulty. The weightings we used reflected the way we
saw these categories enacted in our particular data set; however, these same weightings would not
be valid if teachers had been using more complex curriculum content under certain categories.
For example in 1200, Language Study, our teachers were looking for identification of simple
parts of speech rather than the higher level linguistic analyses described later in the category.
How to mitigate the broad differences in demand within categories remains unresolved.
Finally, facets of the New Zealand English curriculum were not well-handled by the
taxonomy. For example, category 400 text and print features relates to printed texts. However, the
English curriculum in New Zealand requires literary and technical analysis of static and moving
images which are treated as texts which may belong to strand 1300 rather than 400. Furthermore,
research skills are considered part of the English curriculum in New Zealand and were assessed in
this sample, but these do not appear explicitly in the taxonomy. We agree with Smithson
(personal communication, 18 December 2009) that the development of a new category for
research skills should be implemented in future versions of the taxonomy. Additionally, in an
assessment context with an AfL focus, student self-assessment tasks were relatively common;
where these might fit against curriculum and cognitive levels was often unclear. Again, it would
appear that reference to the global context and allowing for multiple categorization of each task is
needed to fit New Zealands English curriculum assessments to the SEC taxonomy. Hence, in its
current format the SEC taxonomy would appear to have limited utility for application beyond a
US type ELA/Reading curriculum.
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