Automotive Workshop Practice 1 Report - Alignment
Automotive Workshop Practice 1 Report - Alignment
Automotive Workshop Practice 1 Report - Alignment
Title: Alignment
A wheel alignment is the adjustment of the suspension and steering component
angles to ensure proper vehicle handling with minimum tire wear. When a vehicle is
new, the alignment angles are set at the factory. After many miles and/or months of
driving, the alignment angles can change slightly. The change in alignment angles may
result from one or more of the following conditions:
1. Wear of the steering and the suspension components
2. Bent or damaged steering and suspension parts
3. Sagging springs, which can change the ride height of the vehicle and therefore
the alignment angles
By adjusting the suspension and steering components, proper alignment angles
can be restored. An alignment includes checking and adjusting, if necessary, both front
and rear wheels.
Maintaining proper alignment is fundamental to preserving both cars safety and
its tread life. Wheel alignments ensure that all four wheels are consistent with each
other and are optimized for maximum contact with the surface of the road. The way a
wheel is oriented on car is broken down to three major components; camber, caster,
and toe.
1. Able to carry out wheel alignment
2. Able to explain how camber, caster, and toe affect the handling and tire wear of
the vehicle
3. Able to use equipment properly for wheel alignment
1. Alignment machine
2. Wheel sensor
3. Turn plates
4. Screwdriver
5. Ring wrench
6. Set spanners
Procedure Diagram
1. Begin the alignment procedure by first driving
the vehicle onto the alignment rack as straight
as possible.
2. Position the front tires in the center of the turn
plates. These turn plates can be moved inward
and outward to match a vehicle of any width.
3. Raise the vehicle and position the alignment
rack following the rack manufacturers
4. Check and adjust tire pressures and perform
the prealignment checks necessary to be
assured of proper alignment.
5. Select the exact vehicle on the alignment
6. Securely mount the alignment heads or target
7. If mounting a transmitter-type alignment head,
be sure to attach the retaining wire to the tire
8. After installation of the heads, follow the
specified procedure for compensation, which
allows accurate alignment readings.
9. Rolling compensation is used on machines that
use lasers and wheel targets.
10. An alignment reading is displayed even though
caster has not yet been measured. The
readings marked in red indicate that they are
not within specifications.
11. Before performing a caster sweep, install a
brake pedal depressor to keep the front wheels
from rotating when the steering wheel is
12. Perform the caster sweep by turning the front
wheels inward, and then outward following the
instructions on the screen.
13. Most alignment machines will display where to
make the alignment correction and will often
include drawings and live-action videos that
show the procedure.
14. The rear toe is being adjusted by rotating the
eccentric cam on the lower control arm while
watching the display.
15. The alignment machine display indicates that
front caster is not a factory-adjustable angle.
16. Adjusting the front toe on this vehicle involves
loosening the jam nut (left wrench) and rotating
the tie rod using the right wrench.
17. One last adjustment of the left front toe is
needed to achieve a perfect alignment. The
final alignment reading can be printed and
attached to the work order.
18. After disconnecting all of the attachments,
reinstalling the valve caps, and removing the
steering wheel holder, the vehicle should be
test driven to check for proper alignment
before returning it to the customer.
Explain how camber, caster, and toe affect the handling and tire wear of the
1. Pull. A pull is generally defined as a definite tug on the steering wheel toward
the left or the right while driving straight on a level road. Bent, damaged, or worn
suspension and/or steering components can cause this problem, as well as a tire
A pull is usually defined as a tug on the steering wheel toward one side or the other.
2. Lead Or Drift. A lead or drift is a mild pull that does not cause a force on the
steering wheel that the driver must counteract. A lead or drift is observed by
momentarily removing your hands from the steering wheel while driving on a
straight, level road. When the vehicle moves toward one side or the other, this is
called a lead or a drift.
3. Road Crown Effects. Most roads are constructed with a slight angle to permit
water to drain from the road surface. On a two-lane road, the center of the road is
often higher than the berms, resulting in a road crown.
a. On a four-lane expressway (freeway), the crown is often between the two
sets of lanes. Because of this slight angle to the road, some vehicles may
lead or drift away from the road crown. In other words, it may be perfectly
normal for a vehicle to lead toward the right while being driven in the slow
lane and toward the left while being driven in the fast (or inside) lane of a
typical divided highway.
The crown of the road refers to the angle or slope of the roadway needed to drain water
off the pavement. (Courtesy of Hunter Engineering Company)
4. Wander. A wander is a condition where constant steering wheel corrections are
necessary to maintain a straight-ahead direction on a straight, level road. Worn
suspension and/or steering components are the most likely cause of this
condition. Incorrect or unequal alignment angles such as caster and toe, as well
as defective tire(s), can also cause this condition.
Wander is an unstable condition requiring constant driver corrections.
5. Stiff Steering Or Slow Return To Center. Hard-to-steer problems are
commonly caused by leaks, either low tire pressure (due to the leak of air) and/or
lack of proper power steering (due to the leak of power steering fluid). Other
causes include excessive positive caster on the front wheels or binding steering
6. Tramp Or Shimmy Vibration. Tramp is a vertical-type (up-and-down) vibration
usually caused by out-of-balance or defective tires or wheels. Shimmy is a
back-and-forth vibration that can be caused by an out-of-balance tire or defective
wheel or by an alignment problem.
NOTE: Wheel alignment will not correct a tramp-type vibration.
Proper wheel alignment of all four wheels is important for the safe handling of
any vehicle. When all four wheels are traveling the same path and/or being kept nearly
vertical, tire life and fuel economy are maximized and vehicle handling is sure and
predictable. A complete wheel alignment is a complex process that includes many
detailed steps and the skill of a highly trained technician.
1. James D. Halderman, Automotive Technology Principles, Diagnosis, and Service,
4th Edition, Pearson Education, 1 Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
07458, 2012.
2. Tom Denton, Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems, Elsevier The
Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB 225 Wyman Street,
Waltham, MA 02451, USA, 2011.