Resistance Temperature: Detectors (RTDS)

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Res"s&'#(e Te)*e+'&+e
De&e(&,+s (RTDs)
N,&e% RTD P+,-(& Ve#-,+s '+e !"s&e- ,# se*e+'&e *'.es.
W/'& '+e RTDs0
Resistance Te%peat&e Detectos o RTDs fo s$ot* ae (ie (o&nd and t$in
fil% devices t$at %eas&e te%peat&e beca&se of t$e p$"sical pinciple of t$e
positive te%peat&e coefficient of electical esistance of %etals. T$e $otte
t$e" beco%e* t$e la+e o $i+$e t$e val&e of t$ei electical esistance.
T$e"* in t$e case of #latin&% kno(n vaio&sl" as #RTs and #RT,--s* ae t$e
%ost pop&la RTD t"pe* neal" linea ove a (ide an+e of te%peat&es and
so%e s%all eno&+$ to $ave esponse ti%es of a faction of a second. T$e" ae
a%on+ t$e %ost pecise te%peat&e sensos available (it$ esol&tion and
%eas&e%ent &ncetanties o .-., /C o bette possible in special desions.
Us&all" t$e" ae povided encaps&lated in pobes fo te%peat&e sensin+ and
%eas&e%ent (it$ an e0tenal indicato* contolle o tans%itte* o enclosed
inside ot$e devices ($ee t$e" %eas&e te%peat&e as a pat of t$e device1s
f&nction* s&c$ as a te%peat&e contolle o pecision t$e%ostat.
2eneal #&pose RTD #obes co&tes" RTD Co%pan"
T/e A-1'#&'.es ,f RTDs
T$e advanta+es of RTDs incl&de stable o&tp&t fo lon+ peiod of ti%e* ease of
ecalibation and acc&ate eadin+s ove elativel" nao( te%peat&e spans.
T$ei disadvanta+es* co%paed to t$e t$e%oco&ples* ae: s%alle oveall
te%peat&e an+e* $i+$e initial cost and less &++ed in $i+$ vibation
T$e" ae active devices e3&iin+ an electical c&ent to pod&ce a volta+e dop
acoss t$e senso t$at can be t$en %eas&ed b" a calibated ead-o&t device.
RTD E++,+ S,+(es
T$e lead (ies &sed to connect t$e RTD to a eado&t can contib&te to t$ei
%eas&e%ent eo* especiall" ($en t$ee ae lon+ lead len+t$s involved* as
often $appens in e%ote te%peat&e %eas&e%ent locations. T$ose
calc&lations ae stai+$t fo(ad and t$ee e0ist 4-(ie and 5-(ie desi+ns to
$elp %ini%i6e o li%it s&c$ eos* ($en needed.
Often t$e lead eo can be %ini%i6ed t$o&+$ &se of a te%peat&e tans%itte
%o&nted close to t$e RTD. Tans%ittes convet t$e esistance %eas&e%ent to
an analo+ c&ent o seial di+ital si+nal t$at can be sent lon+ distances b" (ie
o f to a data a3&isition o contol s"ste% and7o indicato.
RTDs* as %entioned above* (ok in a elativel" s%all te%peat&e do%ain*
co%paed to t$e%oco&ples* t"picall" fo% abo&t -8-- /C to a pactical
%a0i%&% of abo&t 9:- to ;-- /C. So%e %akes clai% (ide an+es and so%e
const&ction desi+ns ae li%ited to onl" a s%all potion of t$e &s&al an+e.
)ns&lation esistance is al(a"s a f&nction of te%peat&e and at elativel" $i+$
te%peat&e t$e s$&nt esistance of t$e ins&lato intod&ces eos into
%eas&e%ent. '+ain* eo esti%ates ae stai+$t fo(ad* povided one $as a
+ood esti%ate of t$e t$e%al popeties of t$e ins&lato.
)ns&lato %ateial s&c$ as po(deed %a+nesia (<+O)* al&%ina ('l8O4) and
si%ila co&%po&nds ae caef&ll" died and sealed ($en encaps&lated in pobes
alon+ (it$ an RTD ele%ent.
'ST< $as standads elated to ins&lation esistance testin+ to $elp dete%ine
t$e pefo%ance of s&c$ sealed pobes* specificall" = ,9:8---.
RTDs O&/e+ T/'# P!'&"#)
RTDs can be %ade c$eapl" in Coppe and >ickel* b&t t$e latte $ave esticted
an+es beca&se of non-lineaities and (ie o0idation poble%s in t$e case of
#latin&% is t$e pefeed %ateial fo pecision %eas&e%ent beca&se in its
p&e fo% t$e Te%peat&e Coefficient of Resistance is neal" linea? eno&+$ so
t$at te%peat&e %eas&e%ents (it$ pecision of .-., /C can be eadil"
ac$eived (it$ %odeatel" piced devices. @ette esol&tion is possible* b&t
e3&ip%ent costs escalate apidl" at s%alle eo levels.
'll RTDs &sed in pecise te%peat&e %eas&e%ents ae %ade of #latin&% and
t$e" ae so%eti%es called #RTs to distin+&is$ t$e%.
S&'#-'+- P!'&"#) RTDs(SPRTs)
T$e )TS-A- ()ntenational Te%peat&e Scale of ,AA-- &sed as a (old(ide
pactical te%peat&e scale in national %etolo+" labs like >)ST* >#L et al) is
%ade &p of a n&%be of fi0ed efeence points (it$ vaio&s intepolatin+
devices &sed to define t$e scale bet(een points. ' special set of #RTs* called
S#RTs* ae &sed to pefo% t$e intepolation in s&c$ labs ove t$e an+es
,4.B-44 C (Tiple point of =3&ilibi&% !"do+en) to t$e Dee6in+ point of Silve*
A;,.;B /C.
T$e !at Scientific (ebsite povides a +li%pse into t$e eal% of pecision S#RTs
and eado&t e3&ip%ent &sed in calibation labs. T$e" opeate one of t$e ve"
fe( labs in t$e US' (it$ acceditation &nde >EL'# to t$e )SO7)=C ,;-8:
Featured Link
@&ns =n+ineein+* )nc. (US')* a +lobal s&pplie of $i+$ pefo%ance
te%peat&e %eas&e%ent sol&tions.
2. RTD T3*es4 C'!"5+'&",# T'5!es4 C,#s&+(&",#
T$ee ae so%e e0cellent efeences online* b&t none see%s totall"
co%plete si%pl" beca&se t$ee ae so %an" diffeent t"pes of device
T$e <inco #od&cts (ebsite $as lots of ve" &sef&l info%ation in a pdf
Tec$nical Refeence file? "o& can do(nload it $ee. )t contains tec$nical
detail abo&t a n&%be of RTD t"pes incl&din+ platin&% (#RTs)* coppe
and nickel. 'n online esistance calc&lato is also located $ee and
povides t$e te%peat&e-esistance val&es fo 84 diffeent RTDs t"pes*
incl&din+ so%e nickel and coppe ones.
@&ns =n+ineein+ Co%pan" $as a do(nloadable RTD esistance Es.
Te%peat&e calc&lato t$e" call D)>calc (it1s a 6ipped file). )t is based
on t$e ,-- O$%* 4B: Te%peat&e Coefficient #latin&% RTD t$at is
neal" a &nivesal standad in t$e pocess contol (old.
T$e 2e%an D)> standad D)> ;:, fo RTDs eco+ni6es onl" platin&%
%ateial (it$ a te%peat&e coefficient of esistance of -.--4B:
P!'&"#) RTD O&*& E6'&",#
'ST< Standads = ,,4; fo )nd&stial #latin&% Resistance
T$e%o%etes specifies t$at t$e esistance-te%peat&e elations$ip fo
s&c$ devices fo t$e an+e - /C to 9:-/C* to (it$in t$e toleances +iven
belo(* (ill be descibed b" t$e e3&ation:
R(t) F R(-)G, H 't H@tI8J
t F te%peat&e (to )TS-A-)* /C*
R(t) F esistance at te%peat&e t*
R(-) F esistance at -/C
' F 4.A-B4 K ,-I-4(/C)* and*
@ F -:.;;: K ,-I-;(/CI-8).
<oe details and t$e e3&ation fo -8-- /C to -/C as (ell as t$e invese*
te%peat&e as a f&nction of esistance ae povided in t$e standad.
T$e standad is a cop"i+$t pod&ct of t$e 'ST< and %a" be p&c$ased
at t$ei (ebsite* (((.ast%.o+.
)n =&ope* t$e fo%e 2e%an D)> standad* D)> 54;9-* $ad been t$e
%aLo* eco+nised so&ce fo RTD popeties. >ot (it$standin+ t$is fact*
t$e @itis$ $ave lon+ $ad standad @S ,A-5:,A95. @ot$ eco+ni6e t$e
-.--4B:- te%peat&e coefficient fo platin&% RTDs. >o( t$e )=C
ad%inites t$e MD)>M standad as )=C Standad 9-;:,.
T$e C'!!e#-'+-V'# Dse# e6'&",# and ot$es ae &sed to coect fo
t$e nonlineait" of t$e esistance-te%peat&e elations$ip fo ve" $i+$
acc&ac" %eas&%ents* s&c$ as t$ose pefo%ed in a %etolo+" o
calibation laboato"
7. Re(,))e#-e- Use L")"&s '#- T,!e+'#(es%
)n t$e US'* 'ST< Specification =,,4; MStandads Specification fo
)nd&stial #latin&% Resistance T$e%o%etesM +ives %an" details and
specifications fo t$e% ove t$e an+e fo% -8-- /C to 9:-/C.
)t defines t(o RTD +ades* ' and @ (it$ a esistance-te%peat&e
elatiions$ip t$at $as t$e follo(in+ toleances:
2ade ' Toleance F .G-.,4 H-.--,; K|t|J /C
2ade @ toleance F.G-.8: H-.--58 K|t|J /C
($ee |t| is t$e absol&te val&e of t$e RTD1s te%peat&e in /C.
@elo( ae e0a%ples of t$ese toleances fo a no%inal ,-- o$% (at -/C)
#latin&% RTD. T$e act&al 'ST< doc&%ent incl&des %oe e0a%ples.

RTD Classifications And Tolerance
Limits per ASTM E1137
De.+ees C
G+'-e A
G+'-e B
8C O/)s 8C O/)s
-8-- -.5; -.8- ,., -.5;
- -.,4 -.-: -.8: -.,-
,-- -.4- -.,, -.9; -.8:
5-- -.B, -.8B ,.A -.99
9:- ,.85 -.5- 4.- -.A5
T$e D)> Standad eco+ni6es t$ee diffeent toleance classes* t$e" ae:
D)> Class ' toleance: .G-.,: H -.--8K|t|J /C
D)> Class @ toleance: .G-.4- H -.--:K|t|J /C
D)> Class C toleance: .G,.8- H -.--:K|t|J /C
O& pa+es on RTD standads.
C'!"5+'&",# & T+'(e'5"!"&3
T$is link takes "o& to ot$e pa+es on t$is (ebsite fo details.
T+'"#"#. C,+ses '#- O&/e+ Res,+(es
Tainin+ co&ses and ot$e eso&ces pa+es %a" be eac$ed b" clickin+
on t$e link above.
Senso Scientific1s (eb site $as co%paison of fo& pop&la contact
te%peat&e senso t"pes* T$e%oco&ples* Resistance* T$e%istos and
Se%icond&cto* s$o(n on a one pa+e c$at and in a ve" eadable
S,)e RTD Ve#-,+s
O& RTD vendo lists ae lon+ and spead ove seveal pa+es* aan+ed
alp$abeticall" b" co%pan".

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