........ but hearing oftentimes The still, sad music of humanity,
Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample power To chasten and subdue.
Published by W H A R FED ALE W IRE L E SSW 0 R K S BRA D FOR D R 0 AD· I D L E . BRA D FOR D • Y O:R K S
Copyright Registered at Stationers' Hall
Made and Printed in England by Tapp & Toothill Ltd. Leeds, London and Johannesburg
Acknowledgments, Abbreviations and Symbols 6
Introduction .. 7
Foreword 8
Chapter I Amplifier Quality 9
" 2 Valve Theory 18
" 3 Valves, Voltage and Amplification .. 26
" 4 The Valve as a Power Amplifier 41
" 5 Decoupling and Instability 48
" 6 Push-pull Amplification 57
" 7 Negative Feedback .. 63
" 8 The Cathode Follower 85
" 9 Phase Splitters 91
" 10 Tone Compensation .. 106
" II Pick-up Input Circuits 123
" 12 Whistle and Scratch Filters 134
" 13 Microphones and Mixing Circuits .. 138
" 14 Power Supplies 152
" 15 Hum and Noise in Amplifiers 171
" 16 Measurement of Distortion .. 178
" 17 Gamer Amplifier 180
" 18 A Few Questions Answered 193
Conclusion 197 Supplement: Useful Formulee, Db tables, Reactance tables,
Transformer ratios, Loudspeaker Watts 198
Index ..
Gamer Amplifier Circuits ..
Our thanks are due to the Wireless World and other publications for permission to reproduce diagrams as acknowledged under various Figures. If as a result of two-fold authorship an acknowledgment has been inadvertently overlooked, we offer our apologies here and now to the authors and publishers concerned.
= Milliamps, i.e. _I_ of an ampere or I amp x IO-3. I ,000
=Millihenries (Henries x IO-3).
mV =Millivolts, i.e. _I_ of a volt or I volt x IO-3.
I ,000
M or Mn ~ Megohms, i.e. ohms x I,OOO,OOO or ohms x I06.
Mc.s =Megacycles per second, i.e. cycles x I,OOO,OOO.
=Microamps, i.e. I of an amp or I amp x IO-6•
I ,000,000
fl-F or Mfd-=Microfarads (Farads x IO-6).
fLH =Microhenries (Henries x ro-6).
fL V = Microvolts, i.e. I of a volt or I volt x IO -6.
I ,000,000
~ Picofarads (Farads x IO -12). =Resistance (Units Ohms). =Root mean square.
= Impedance.
= 211:f.
C cis
E or V lor i KorKU Kcls
mu or fl-
n pF
R or r RMS Z
=-Capacitance or Capacity in Farads (Units). ~ Cycles per second.
~ Kilohms, i.e. ohms x I,OOO, or ohms x I03. ~Kilocycles per second, i.e. cycles X I,OOO. = Inductance-Units Henries.
= Milli (one-thousandth).
=Micro (one-millionth).
fl- ~Amplification factor of a valve.
a ~anode, e.g. ra=Internal resistance, Ra=Anode resistance.
k = cathode, e.g. Rk=Cathode resistance.
f ~filament, e.g. Vf'-e Eilament volts.
g grid, e.g. V g = Grid voltage. gl Control Grid.
g, Screen Grid.
g3 Suppressor Grid.
h = heater, e.g. Vh = Heater volts.
RL = Load resistance.
gm =Mutual conductance of a valve.
When the second edition of Sound Reproduction was published, I sent a copy to Major Garner with the usual gesture of generosity, but in reality fishing for the odd word of praise. He replied in appropriate vein, but added a word of regret that the field of Amplification had not been covered and suggested that there was a gap which might with advantage be filled. I replied that in my opinion he was just the man for the job, and we finally came to the conclusion that we should have to put our heads together and produce a joint effort. The result of our work now makes its appearance.
I naturally do not mind admitting that my colleague has done all the donkey work, but I have also had to work very hard in order to preserve some continuity of style-whether good or bad-throughout the book.
As usual, the main problem has been what to leave out. I have been appalled at the vastness of the subject; an enormous amount of the original copy and scores of diagrams have been jettisoned, much to the chagrin of their hard-worked producers, in order to keep the volume down to a reasonable size and price.
I must acknowledge help from many directions. This is the fourth time that Mr. F. Beaumont, Chief Engineer of Ambassador Radio, Brighouse, has acted as my technical sub-editor; as he has succeeded in keeping me out of serious trouble, he must be good. Major Garner joins me in acknowledging the immense value of the corrections and suggestions which he has contributed to the present work. It is also the fourth occasion on which my old friend F. Keir Dawson has designed the cover and done the drawings. In this case, some of the diagrams have involved the burning of much midnight oil. I think all readers will agree on their general excellence-particularly for an amateur.
Mr. E. M. Price, M.Sc.Tech., has again helped in technical and oscillographic tests, and for final commendation there is my Secretary, Miss E. Isles, who not only transcribes illegible manuscripts but corrects mistakes in grammar at the same time.
This book is intended to supply the missing link between the previous volumes, Loudspeakers and Sound Reproduction, which described in considerable detail the equipment used before and after the process of amplification. It should furnish ideas for the experimenter so that he may obtain the best result from the amplifier and associated circuits, with his available resources. For those who are blessed with the necessary cash, there are several well-known designs for home construction of amplifiers which give superb results, and commercial amplifiers are now available which are a delight to use and hear. Such readers may well be able to assess and appreciate their equipment all the better after a perusal of this book. Many of us (the writer included) have to think twice before we buy what we want, and if we achieve good results by judicious and economic buying, we are all the more pleased, and value our masterpiece so much more highly. It is hoped, therefore, that the man who "makes one of his own", who is not content to put in 40K and 0'5 mfd just because it says so in the book but wants to know why he does it, will find most of the answers in the following pages.
No doubt this book will be considered by some to insult their intelligence by explaining a circuit in too great detail in words with too few syllables, whereas others may complain that there are too many technicalities; yet it is felt that a good foundation and appreciation of basic principles is necessary to build the finished article. Professional engineers may boggle at some of our short cuts to arrive at a general conclusion, but we plead that the means justify the end-that of giving some guidance and pleasure to the many amateurs striving to build or buy that elusive thing, the perfect reproducer, and to obtain therefrom the maximum performance.
The ideal audio amplifying system is, by definition, a device which will give an increased output relative to the input supplied to its terminals, without any additions to or subtractions from the nature of that input.
The first consideration is the avoidance of distortion. Distortion can be classified under a number of headings, and these will be discussed separately as follows:
I. HARMONIC DISTORTION. (The production of harmonics not present
in the original.) .
2. FREQUENCY DISTORTION. (Unequal amplification of a frequency or band of frequencies.)
3. PHASE DISTORTION. (Phase angle changes with frequency.)
4. SCALE DISTORTION. (Acoustic unbalance due to reproduction at a sound intensity differing from that of the original.)
5. DISTORTION OF TRANSIENTS. (Sudden, sharp sounds becoming
muddy and blurred.)
6. INTERMODULATION. (One frequency interacting with another.)
7. SPURIOUS combination tones.
9. INSTABILITY. (The production of spurious oscillations, continuously or intermittently.)
A harmonic, sometimes called an overtone, is a tone at a frequency which is twice, three times, four or more times that of the original frequency or fundamental. Whilst all musical instruments produce harmonics, an amplifier is capable of introducing harmonics on its own account, and these naturally modify the original tone quality, and may make a Strad violin sound like a one-string fiddle. The critical faculty of the human ear to distinguish harmonic distortion varies, and the only test of high fidelity reproduction is to compare the reproduced with the original sound at the same time, as the " memory" of the ear is most capricious. This is rarely possible, but if a reproducer is to please it must not cause the listener to flinch when a violin is bowed in the
upper register. The "wiry" type of reproduction in the so-called wide range reproducer can be attributed to :
(a) Undue amplification of the high tones. (b) The presence of spurious harmonics.
Harmonic distortion is generally worse when a reproducer is working at a level approaching its full output, and whilst the average output power required for ordinary domestic listening is not more than 0'5 watt, this usually sounds better from a so-called 10 watt amplifier than from a 3 watt version of the same standard.
Triodes show a preference for producing even harmonics, pentodes, odd harmonics, but any non-linearity in operation, using any valve, can produce combination tones.
As commercial amplifiers are now produced with a total harmonic content of not more than 0'1 per cent., the bogey of distortion from this cause may be said to have been frightened off, and I think we should pay tribute to H. J. Leak for his pioneer work in this particular form of ghost-laying. Pre-war figures accepting limits of 5 per cent. znd harmonic and 2! per cent. 3rd harmonic in high quality amplifiers now appear to be absurd.
The idea that spurious even harmonics are more acceptable than odd ones seems to have arisen because the 7th produces a strong discord with the fundamental, and the 9th is even harsher. This can easily be tested on the nearest piano by playing the overtones of the second C from the bass end, as follows:
Harmonic I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
~---- ---
Note C C G C E G B~ C
True Harmonic (cis) 65'4 13°·8 196 261 327 392 458 523
Tempered Scale (cis) 65'4 13°·8 196 261 330 392 466 523
Harmonic 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
Note D E F# G A B~ B C
True Harmonic (cis) 588 654 719 785 850 916 981 1,046
Tempered Scale (cis) 587 659 740 784 880 932 987 1,046 It will be observed that the first really discordant even harmonic is the rath, but above the roth the harmonics crowd more and more closely together, and there is little to choose between them. We can conclude, therefore, that all spurious harmonics are poisonous and affect the timbre of sound, but the even harmonics are a rather slower poison than the odd ones, and the higher they go the worse are the results.
While on the subject, it is interesting to note that the oscillogram of bottom C of a good piano shows traces of 30th harmonic, as in Fig. III.
FIG. IiI. - Oscillogram of piano tone at C 32'7 cis, showing traces of 30th
It is obvious that any harmonic distortion in valves would affect the tone colour of such a note, even if actual harshness were not produced.
This needs little explanation beyond saying that all frequencies should be amplified so that their relative intensities are as near the original as possible. The production of a continuous boom of bass, so beloved of receiver manufacturers in the days of early moving-coil loudspeakers, is not to be tolerated, whilst undue exaggeration of the sibilants of speech due to high frequency over-emphasis is equally distressing.
Figure 1/2 shows two voltages in phase, the same two voltages displaced through a phase angle of 180° and also out of phase by 90°. Phase displacement can of course be of any angle, but over 180° the phase displacement is becoming less, until at 360° you are back exactly where you started .
... ~~
.'~' -- -. -'-
- ... _._....... t! .---\
- 0 $00 \eOQ ~700 3bOD I
A-Two vcf reges HI phase Co r e s ult
FIG. I!2,-Diagrams to show voltages in and out of phase, with combined result in each
The audible effect of phase shift does not appear to be objectionable, but, contrary to general belief, it is of great importance up to the speaker diaphragm, from a transient point of view. It is now well known that
the tone quality of sounds is determined by attack and decay times, as well as by harmonic content. To illustrate this point, we cannot do better than examine the wave envelope of a typical piano note played staccato, if the reader will forgive another reference to this instrument in the first chapter.
FIG. 1/3.-Wave envelope of piano tone, C 523 cis as produced under normal domestic
room conditions.
From" Pianos, Pianists and Sonies",· G. A. Briggs
The steep wavefronts at the start of the note are clearly shown; the fairly exponential decay pattern lasting more than half a second is partly due to the reverberation characteristics of the room. It is an axiom that the steeper the pulse wavefront, the less the phase shift must be. This gives great point to securing good transients, which in turn demands both wide frequency response and a small and linear phase shift over the given frequency bandwidth.
Incidentally, there is an explanation here of why conventional bass and treble boost circuits often sound so muddy; it may also explain to some extent why excessive pre-emphasis of high frequencies in recording has such an unfortunate effect on the final tone quality.
In order to remove any impression that the amplifier is the only black sheep in the phase family, let us admit here that a form of phase distortion may be discerned when two loudspeakers in phase are used without a crossover network, and the listener is not positioned equidistant from the speakers. Sound waves having to travel different distances may arrive out of phase and cause varying degrees of cancellation of certain frequencies. The analogy could of course be applied with equal force to many concert halls, where the acoustics are so bad that cancellations from phase effects in certain positions result in the unfortunate concert-goer hearing only about half of the performance. (Such seats should be sold at half-price.)
The ear is a most deceptive organ, and if the volume level as heard from the loudspeaker is greater or less than the original (as normally heard), then the ear "hears" certain frequencies predominating. For example, at low level the double bass in an orchestra may be practically inaudible, yet at high level it could appear to be over-emphasised
due to no fault of the reproducing system. This is readily overcome by the use of suitable compensation, and for domestic listening at the low level which is nearly always necessary, it is desirable to incorporate bass lift, and possibly some increase in the extreme" top" above 5,000 cis.
Sudden, sharp noises of a percussion type may suffer a hangover effect that reduces their clarity and realism. Figure 1/4 shows the idealised waveform of a transient.
FIG. I/4.-Square Wave. Note that the changes are extremely rapid, as shown by the vertical edges of the pulse.
A square wave is actually a combination of a large number of sine waves of different frequencies, including the highest.
The next diagram, Fig. 1/5, shows an analysis of a square wave up to the 15th harmonic; but actually the odd and even harmonics extend up to infinite frequency. A first-class amplifier should deal with a square wave without distortion; restriction of the HF response will
., Sum or Harmonics
lito 15
From "Principles of Television Reception," A. W.Keen Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
FIG. 115. Analysis of square
into its harmonic components.
T 4
T 2"
show up, but this would hardly be classed as distortion where it operates above 20 Kc/s.
As a perfect square wave consists of an infinite number of pure sine waves in the harmonic series, it will be clear that any distortion of these pure sine waves will affect the shape of the square wave. Figure 1/6 shows two forms of distortion which may be produced.
FIG. 1/6.-Distorted Transient Waveforms. The rounding of corners denotes poor
HF response.
It is interesting to note at this point that loudspeakers are usually classed as the weakest link in the chain of distortionless reproduction (especially by amplifier makers !). It must be admitted that the strange effects which many loudspeakers produce on square wave input lend some support to this sad criticism. The following diagram, Fig. 1/7,
FIG. 1/7.- Transient effects produced on square waves by various types
of loudspeaker.
A. Output from amplifier.
B. Output from 8-in. speaker 8,000 lines magnet, corrugated cone.
C. Improved result from 8-in. speaker with 13,000 lines magnet and cloth suspension.
D. lo-in. speaker, 13,000 lines magnet and heavy one-piece corrugated cone.
E. Improved result from lo-in. speaker 14,000 lines, heavy one-piece cone with cloth suspension.
F. lo-in. speaker with rubber compliance in speech coil.
G. lo-in. speaker with jointed two-piece cone.
shows the effect of stiff suspension, cone resonances, inadequate air-loading, etc., as seen via microphone and oscilloscope.
It is probably very fortunate that the loudspeaker is at the end of the chain, and its output is projected into the air, where its performance is camouflaged by a multitude of room effects and then accepted by the wide tolerance of the average ear.
To return to the amplifier, satisfactory transient reproduction obviously calls for a very wide frequency range. The subject is further dealt with under the discussion of loudspeaker damping.
This effect may be observed whilst listening to a violin with an organ accompaniment, the amplitude of the higher frequency sound varying in accordance with the powerful low frequencies of the organ. The effect may be overcome by separating these frequencies in a dual or even treble loudspeaker system, if the intermodulation arises in the speaker.
It is, however, important to remember that in the case in question the distortion would only arise-even in a single speaker-when the powerful low notes were actually producing non-linearity. This is illustrated in Fig. 1!7A, where we have oscillograms of the output of loudspeakers fed from two separate tone sources, as follows:
FIG. 1/7A.-Oscillograms to illustrate intermodulation effects produced in loudspeakers.
(a) Frequencies 82 and 900 cis produced in one Is-in. speaker without intermodulation.
(b) Non-linear 62 cis note from lo-in. unit, with pure tone at 2,500 cis from 8-in. unit. Reasonably free from intermodulation.
(c) Treble note of (b) transferred to lo-in. speaker now suffers severe intermodulation from the non-linear 62 cis note. This is indicated by the difference in outline between top and bottom of trace, and also by general shading effects.
The important point is that the intermodulation in a single speaker is caused by non-linearity or overloading.
The same sort of thing can happen in pick-ups and amplifiers.
It is quite common practice, especially in America, to measure the intermodulation product of amplifiers, divide by 4, and take the answer as the distortion factor. The following tests with the EMI Intermodulation Test record JH.138, with 60 cl», and 2,000 c!s at 12 db lower level, and the Garner amplifier described at the end of this book, may throw some light on the problem. Fig. I!7B shows
output from pre-amp and main amplifier with 15 ohms resistive load, and the effect of deliberately overloading the output and increasing distortion by removing NFB.
FIG. 1/7B.-Intermodulation test using EMI Record JH.138.
(a) Output from Garner amplifier at 5 watts with full NFB, linearity is quite good.
(b) Output increased to 15 watts by reducing NFB. Note onset of nonlinearity.
(c) Output increased to 20 watts with excessive top lift. Severe intermodulation.
The performance at (a) is quite good. Overloading at (c) produces distortion and intermodulation with a shape that looks like the work of one of our modern sculptors, but testing for distortion by intermodulation always strikes the writer as equivalent to testing a man's strength by seeing how much force is required to knock him down.
As intermodulation is a product of distortion or non-linearity, surface noise from a record is intensified by intermodulation products which may be produced by non-linearity in a pick-up, amplifier or loudspeaker. It is claimed that surface noise is lower when a crystal pick-up with absolutely linear movement is used, compared with a type of pick-up which has some degree of non-linear output. The reason is, of course, that the sound waves of music are linear with overtones in the harmonic series, whereas surface noise from a record is absolutely non-linear, which in the musical sense would be severe distortion.
This effect may be observed when two frequencies are fed into a non-linear system, with the result that in the output there appear, besides the original frequencies, various sum and difference combinations of the originals, their harmonics and their combinations. The number and strength of these combination tones increase as the harmonic distortion percentage increases, and also increase as the order of the harmonic increases. It is largely for this reason that insistence
is made on the necessity of avoiding any harmonic distortion like the plague, particularly the higher order odd harmonics, 3rd, yth and 7th, the 4th and 6th usually being negligibly small.
No amplifier can be considered as high fidelity if there is a constant buzz or hiss present in quiet intervals. In the designs discussed in this volume every hint will be given that may assist in a reduction of self-generated noise.
This may take the familiar form of" motor-boating ", when a plopping noise is heard in the loudspeaker. The more insidious types are of:
(a) Oscillations that are continuous, but above audibility or even of radio frequency; and
(b) Oscillations that only take place when triggered off by a sudden transient.
Figure 1/8 illustrates the effect of this type of oscillation on a square wave.
FIG. r/8.-Effect of oscillations set-up in amplifier by a transient.
These insidious faults are to be suspected in many home-built amplifiers, particularly in those using negative feedback, and as such will be discussed later. It is very necessary to check for condition (a) with an oscilloscope, and for condition (b) with the oscilloscope and a square wave generator.
It is not suggested that there is anything new in the foregoing summary of the qualities affecting the design and construction of good amplifiers. The list outlines most of the problems which confront the home constructor; but it is comforting to know that it is now possible to buy first-class amplifiers from reputable makers, which have been competently designed, built and tested.
As this chapter is inserted simply for the benefit of the amateur who is new to the subject, or for the older hand who may have forgotten all the theory he ever knew, let us begin by including a list of the symbols which will be encountered in its perusal.
E or V = Volts. I = Current, in amps. R = Resistance.
rnA = Milli-amps.
E, or Va = Anode voltage. Eg or V g = Grid voltage.
I, = Anode current.
Ig = Grid current.
ra = Anode resistance.
/) = Small change (not necessarily in copper!)
(Pronounced delta).
Vg = Grid/Cathode voltage.
gm = Mutual conductance.
fL = mu, meaning amplication factor.
The inclusion of this list makes it quite clear that the chapter is not intended for the expert, unless of course he wishes to read it in order to exercise his critical faculties.
An artist can make a good picture without studying the chemistry of his paints; in the same way, a knowledge of the physics of the Thermionic valve is not altogether essential to the investigator primarily concerned with the uses to which it may be put. He can examine, mathematically as well as electrically, the behaviour of a host of circuits, knowing not why the valve works, but only how it works. In this book our more practical concern is with the outward applications of valves rather than their inward design; nevertheless, as an appropriate introduction to the study of electronic circuitry, a brief survey of the theory of valve action is thought to be desirable.
It is generally accepted that, if matter is pulverised, broken up and sub-divided into tiny pieces, a point will be reached at which any
further sub-division will destroy the very nature and properties of the substance itself. When this point is reached, we are left with a molecule of the substance. Further investigation of a molecule would reveal that it is comprised of atoms, a water molecule being made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, or common salt comprising one atom of sodium (a metal) and one atom of chlorine (a gas). The molecules or atoms in a body are not tightly packed together, even in the hardest and most dense substances, and it is perfectly true to say that" iron has pores "-it has, in its inter-atomic spaces. The atom is the smallest part of an element capable of taking part in a chemical reaction. Investigation into the nature of an atom would reveal that it comprises a solar system in miniature. A central core of a fixed quantity of negative and positive charges, together with neutrons and probably other particles, is surrounded by orbital electrons revolving around the nucleus. In certain substances which are known as conductors, some of the electrons in the outer orbits are but loosely attached to their particular solar system, and there is a more or less constant flitting of these electrons across the wide inter-atomic spaces at normal temperatures.
In the absence of an external electric field the velocities of the free electrons have random distribution. No electric displacement occurs in any fixed direction; but if a difference of potential is maintained between two points in a conductor or a semi-conductor, a steady drift of electrons results, flowing from the region of lower towards the region of higher potential. It should be noted here that a battery, in spite of having a plus sign on its positive terminal, is actually deficient in electrons at the positive pole or plate. Therefore, in the electron sense, the flow is from the negative to the positive pole. This is very confusing when studying the old and classical text-books on electricity and magnetism which insist that current flows from plus to minus. One could note at this point that an insulator is a substance that has no free electrons which can be readily displaced.
From the foregoing summary it will be seen that the flow of electric current is but the movement or scurrying of electrons within the conductor. If the rate of flow is greatly accelerated, there is such intense activity within the body of the conductor and so many collisions occur between electrons, that heat is generated to the point of incandescence and ultimately volatilisation. At the point of incandescence electrons actually leave the surface of the conductor. If a thin filament of a refractory metal like tungsten is enclosed in an evacuated glass envelope, together with a plate or anode, as in Fig. 2/1, and the plate is given a positive charge relative to the filament, this plate will collect some of the electrons escaping from the surface of the filament and the current will flow in the external circuit back to the filament as indicated by the current measuring instrument.
: H.T
FIG. 2/ I.-Simple Diode Valve Circuit.
+- Direction of Electron flow.
This emission of electrons is known as Thermionic Emission, and is the basic principle underlying the construction of practically aU modem valves, the invention being due to an Englishman by the name of Fleming. The word " valve" is a mechanical term which implies that gases or liquids can only flow through it in one direction, just as the valve of a cycle tyre will allow air to pass into the tube but not out again. The simple circuit just described can be justly termed " valve" because it is only when the anode is positively charged by the external battery that electrons will be attracted to it. If the anode is charged negatively with respect to the filament, electrons will be repelled and thus no current will flow in the external circuit. The device outlined is termed a " diode". The filament, or more accurately the cathode, could well be, and was in early types of valves, a thin tungsten wire, but tungsten is quite a poor emitter, and the fact that it will only emit when its temperature is brought up to white heat is a disadvantage in two ways. It is wasteful of battery power, and the heat rapidly causes the metal to become crystalline and so extremely fragile.
Methods were sought to overcome these disadvantages and it was found that the addition of a very small quantity of the metal thorium greatly improved the thermionic emission efficiency and such filaments only required to be heated to yellow heat. These valves were then styled dull emitters as distinct from those with filaments operating at incandescence and styled bright emitters.
Further investigation to improve the efficiency revealed that coating a filament with a mixture of strontium and barium oxides produced higher emission at an even lower temperature, and these are the types commonly used in the modem valve.
The demand for " all mains" sets rapidly called for a valve whose cathode could be heated by using a low voltage AC source readily
obtained from a step-down transformer. However, the 50 cycle current caused the emission to be varied at 100 times a second when the AC current was at its minimum, due to the low thermal capacity of the filament. This defect was overcome by making the cathode a nickel cylinder coated with emitting material. The whole system was heated by a reasonably high wattage heater wire, the economy of current not being so important as when storage batteries were used. This type of cathode is known as the indirectly heated cathode and serves exactly the same function as the thin filament. Fig. 2/2 shows the schematic for an indirectly heated valve.
FIG. 2/2.-Schematic of indirectly heated Diode Valve.
Typical directly heated valves consume 50 rnA at 1·4 volts, 50 rnA at 2 volts and a few legacies I amp at 4 volts. Typical indirectly heated types operate with 4 volts ·65 to I amp, 6·3 volts ·3 to ·9 amps, 12 volts . 15 amps, etc.
Referring again to Fig. 2/1, if the voltage applied between anode and cathode is steadily increased and the current readings are plotted on a graph, a curve will be produced as shown in Fig. 2/3. It will
ANODE VOLTAGE FIG. 2/3.- Typical voltage! current curve of Diode Valve.
be seen that at low anode voltages the current increases but slowly. Then, as the anode is made more positive, the electron current grows rapidly, then less rapidly, and finally remains constant. Any further
increase in anode voltage produces practically no corresponding increase in current. At this point the electron current is said to be saturated. The actual value of current at which saturation takes place depends on the temperature of the cathode (for a given emitting material) and the electron capacity of the cathode surface. Any attempt at increasing the value of anode current beyond saturation by applying an excessively high anode voltage will most likely result in the destruction of the cathode. The initial knee on the curve is due to the electric field which surrounds the cathode, and contains a large quantity of negative electrons called a " space charge". Sufficient force must be applied to overcome this tendency to form a traffic jam at and near the cathode surface.
The resistance offered to the flow of the anode current is commonly known as the anode impedance, or internal resistance of the valve, and this depends upon the anode voltage and the relative geometrical dispositions of the anode and cathode. From the curve in Fig. 2/3, it will be seen that the relationship is never quite linear, although for the higher anode voltages it becomes very nearly so. We cannot, therefore, apply Ohm's law to arrive at the internal resistance of a valve; this can only be determined by taking the ratio of a very small change in anode voltage to the resulting very small change in anode
current. This is expressed mathematically as (ma, a (pronounced delta)
being the mathematical term for a very small change. E, of course means anode voltage and I, = anode current.
o 10 15 20 25 Va tV)
FIG. 2/4.-Anode Characteristic of Mullard DA90 Diode Valve.
Reference to Fig. 2/4 for a Mullard DA90 valve having a 1'4 volt heater consuming 0'15 ampere will show that for a change from 10 to 15 volts on the anode a current change from 2 to 3'2 rnA takes place.
Therefore, the anode impedance of this valve would be 5
3'2 - 2mA
5 x 1,000 ohms (expressed in basic units of volts and amperes) = 4,166 1'2
If a wire mesh grid is interposed between cathode and anode as shown schematically in Fig. 2/5, we have what is called a triode valve.
FIG. 2/s.-Schematic of Triode Valve.
This fine mesh grid is in the electron path between cathode and anode, and if it is given an increasingly negative charge the electrons will be progressively repelled until no more electrons can reach the anode, this point being known as cut-off. Fig. 2/6 shows the action
FIG. 2/6.-Grid Characteristic of Mullard ECS2 Triode.
Vs tv) -'5
graphically in the characteristic curve of a Mullard type EC52 valve. It will be seen that with a constant anode voltage of 300 volts, the application of 7 volts negative to the grid will completely cut off the flow of anode current. Even with the anode voltage increased to 400 volts, the grid is capable of cutting off anode current when made 10 volts negative. Fig. 2/7 shows a family of anode characteristics for various values of grid volts, with a shape very similar to that of the diode, except that these curves are not taken up to the point of saturation, otherwise the valve would be damaged.
H -H ECC33 -I- --i 103
'3 £ffiLL
w Vh = 6'3V
0 ~
~~ -~
,; , if
-o , fo'A ~
IV "'. » ~
0 "'~
,/ ,';+ ~
)0 ':\~
, ~
, ~
0 100 200 300 400 Va llQ_ FIG. 2/7.-Anode Characteristic of Mullard ECC33.
A dotted line indicates where the wattage dissipated at the anode as heat imposes a limit to the anode current.
The anode resistance of this triode valve with zero ~rid volts (V g = 0), calculated exactly as in the case of the diode, is as follows:
SEa _ 150 - 100 _ 50 X 1,000 (ohms) _ h
- -- . - 9,000 0 ms.
ala 14'5 - 9 5'5
From Fig. 2/7, which is known as the anode characteristic ()f the valve, it can be seen that with the anode voltage at 200 volts and the grid at minus 2 volts, I I rnA of anode current will flow. Increasing the grid voltage to - 3 volts reduces the anode current to 7'25 inA. This relationship shows that for I volt change on the grid there would be 3'75 rnA change in anode current. This is known as the mutual
conductance and is expressed in rnA/V. In this case the valve has a mutual conductance of 3'75 rnA/V.
One further relationship can be established from the family of curves shown in Fig. 2/7. With the grid at -2 volts and anode volts at 190, the anode current is 10 rnA. Increasing the grid voltage (Eg) to - 3 volts with the anode still 190, the anode current falls to 6'3 rnA. To restore the anode current to 10 rnA the anode volts would have to be increased to 225 volts. Thus a I volt change on the grid is equal to changing the anode volts by 35. This measure of the effectiveness of the grid compared with the anode in controlling anode current is the
amplification factor of the valve, in this case SEa = 35 giving an am-
plification factor of 35.
=fl= -
Anode Resistance = r, = SEa
Mutual Conductance = gm = SIa bEg
There is a fixed relationship expressed as
. SEa SIa SEa
fl = gm X r, r.e. SEg = 8Eg X SIa
In the valve quoted (Fig. 2/7), fl = 35, gm 3'75 rnA/V and r, = 9,000 ohms. Checking, 35 should equal 3'75 X 9,000, but actually equals 1,000
33'75 which is within reasonable limits of error in reading the graphs.
In the following chapter, an attempt is made to give an outline of the various methods of coupling and biassing different types of valve, without introducing technicalities which would be beyond the scope of the average amateur. Such chapters are always extremely difficult to write, as protecting readers from mental strain is liable to give the writers a few headaches. The subject is a dry one and covers a wide field; to make it entertaining would be almost as difficult as producing music from a slide rule. It is hoped that the result will enable the amateur to improve his general conception of valve practice, with consequent better understanding of amplifier " why and how" .
.---~ Ia. HT +
FIG. 3/1.- The Triode as an amplifier.
Fig. 3/1 shows a triode with a resistance interposed between anode and the anode battery (usually referred to as the high tension battery). Between grid and cathode is shown an AC generator Eg• From the grid characteristic in the previous chapter, it will be realised that, as the grid is made increasingly negative, anode current will fall. However, when the grid is made increasingly positive anode current will increase because the positive grid, instead of limiting the flow of electrons from cathode to anode, will now assist and accelerate the process. These variations in anode current have to flow through the resistance R, and by Ohm's law a voltage will be developed across this resistance in sympathy with the grid fluctuations. If a voltmeter is placed between anode and cathode it will show a rise in voltage when the grid is going increasingly negative (less anode current flowing, less volts dropped across R), but when the grid is going increasingly positive, the volt-
meter reading will fall due to the increase of anode current causing a bigger drop along resistance R. From this emerges the fact that when the grid is going increasingly negative the anode is going increasingly positive, thus showing that the grid and anode are in effect 1800 out of phase. Given a suitable value of R, the voltage fluctuations as read between anode and cathode will be greater than the voltage fluctuations between grid and cathode. Thus our valve is acting as an amplifier.
If the grid is made positive with respect to cathode, it will actually behave like a second anode and will collect electrons unto itself; not all of them, of course, due to the wide spacing of the grid mesh. The source of AC voltage applied to the grid has internal resistance. The
..-------HT+ ""'N' \""'ON'
FIG. 3/2.-Effect of Grid Current. Opposition voltage developed across internal resistance of input voltage
electrons collected by the grid will flow through this resistance back to the cathode, but by Ohm's law this will produce a voltage across the internal resistance of the generator and this voltage will be in opposition to that of the generator itself. The net result will be that, on the positive
FIG. 3/3.-Distortion due to Grid Current.
half cycle of input the actual input waveform will be distorted and therefore the output at the anode will not be a faithful replica of the input. This state of affairs arises from the grid being allowed to go positive. If, however, a small battery is introduced as in Fig. 3/4, and this battery has such a voltage that the positive swing of the generator can never drive the grid positive, then grid current cannot flow and distortionless amplification should result.
FIG. 3/4.-Grid Bias, to avoid grid current.
Another factor that must be considered is that to obtain distortionless output, the grid voltages must only be swung over the straight or sensibly straight part of the grid characteristic. This means that the battery voltage should be so chosen that the valve works either side of the mid point of the straight part of the grid characteristic. This battery is known as the bias give grid bias. The resistance R is called the anode load, and is referred to as " RL ".
From the foregoing description of the valve as an amplifier, it would seem that the bigger the value of load resistance employed, the better, so that very large voltage changes occur across it. However, even when the valve is not amplifying, a certain standing value of anode current is flowing and this will cause a voltage drop across the load. It follows that, with a large resistance, a very high value of high tension is required if the valve is to be worked at a high tension voltage which will give a sensible length of grid characteristic. It can be shown that the gain obtained from a valve equals the amplification factor:
load resistance
load resistance + anode resistance.
Formula A = [J. _ RL_ RL + r,
It will be seen that the stage gain can never quite equal the amplification factor of the valve, although it can approach it for high values of load resistance. This circuit arrangement is not as perfect as it would appear because a hidden factor creeps in which is the shunt capacitance across the load resistance. This shunt capacitance will have an increasing" admittance" with increase of frequency. Therefore the total load will be less as frequency rises. This change of" admittance" in ohms in a capacitor, in relation to frequency, will often be met with; for example, it is the basis of conventional crossover networks in loudspeakers.
The serious reduction of high tension voltage due to the voltage drop across the load resistance suggests the use of a load with a high impedance to alternating current and a low DC resistance. A choke may be used at both audio and radio frequencies providing it has a suitable inductance for the frequency or band of frequencies it is desired to amplify. But as the inductive reactance of a choke varies with frequency, the load will be less effective as frequency goes down. This means that the lower the frequency we want to amplify, the larger must be the inductance of the choke. Again, shunt capacitances are fairly high in this type ofload so that a response tailing off at the higher frequencies would result.
Having developed an ample voltage, it is necessary to apply this voltage to a succeeding valve for further amplification. Referring to Fig. 3/4, the output voltage appears across the load resistor, and we wish to apply this voltage between grid and cathode of the succeeding
valve. If direct connection were made between the load resistor and the second valve, the grid of this valve would have the high tension voltage applied to it. As we have already seen, a positive grid is to be
abhorred, quite apart from the fact that the valve would probably be destroyed by the excessive space current which would flow. So the use of a coupling capacitor is suggested, this capacitor having infinite impedance to DC and, if a suitably large value is chosen, a negligible reactance to even the lowest audio frequency voltages likely to be encountered. Reference to Fig. 3/5 shows the actual arrangement employed.
The bottom or anode end of the load resistor RL is connected to the grid of V 2 via the coupling condensor Ce• The top end of the load resistor is connected to the cathode of V 2 via the high tension battery which is assumed to have negligible internal resistance. The presence of the resistance Rg is necessary in order that the valve V2 may be supplied with the necessary grid bias voltage. The load resistance is actually shunted by the coupling condenser and grid resistance in series. It is important to appreciate this point because the effective load of the valve is influenced by the presence of the coupling condenser and the grid resistance. If the coupling condenser is of too small a value, its reactance will increase with decrease of frequency, giving a decrease of voltage across the resistance Rg and the input to the valve V2 will not be a faithful replica of the input voltage as applied to the first stage VI. It will also be seen that the value of Rg should be kept as high as possible to avoid giving a reduced total value of load for the valve VI. The same method of interstage couplings could well be adopted when a choke or a tuned circuit is used as the anode load for VI.
Another method of interstage coupling is shown in Fig. 3/6. This is the inter-valve transformer.
FIG. 3/6.-Transformer Coupled Amplifier.
The primary of the transformer constitutes the anode load for VI, the secondary applies the voltage between the grid and cathode of V2 and also supplies the DC path for the applicat;ion of the bias voltage: .This transformer can be of a step-up rano pnmary to secondary, giving a
step-up of voltage, and would appear at first sight to be an ideal method of interstage coupling. However, this is not altogether the case, because to obtain a sensibly constant value of anode load at all frequencies the primary must have a high value of inductance. This demands many turns of wire with considerable self capacity giving a shunting effect at the higher frequencies. The step up ratio in practice cannot exceed I to 7 and in most cases I to 3 or 4 is employed. The loss of inductance due to the flow of DC in the primary, in addition to the alternating component of anode current, can be avoided if the circuit of Fig. 3/7 is employed.
FIG. 3/7.-Parallel-fed transformer. Removes DC from primary and improves bass
This is known as shunt or parallel feeding and enables a smaller transformer with lower self capacity but the same inductance to be used, but either method of using an interstage LF transformer is not regarded with much favour where the highest fidelity of reproduction is demanded. The transformer method of interstage coupling is frequently employed in radio circuits where the HF transformer will have an air core or dust iron core to avoid eddy current losses.
In order to avoid the use of a condenser in the interstage coupling with troubles due to increasing reactance at low frequency and phase
FIG.3/8.-DIRECTCOUPLED AMPLIFIER. By eliminating coupling condenser bass response is maintained, and phase shift
shift, the direct coupling as shown in Fig. 3/8 may well be employed.
It will be appreciated that the cathode of V2 must be raised to a positive potential slightly higher than that at the anode of VI in order to avoid grid current. This method is employed in the well-known Williamson amplifier.
The value of grid bias must be chosen with a view to avoiding two sources of trouble :
(a) Too Iowa bias may permit of the grid being driven positive with grid current flowing.
(b) If bias is excessive then large excursions on the grid in the negative direction may produce cut-off of anode current and distortion of the negative half cycle of input after amplification.
FIG. 3/9.- The valve as an oscillator, with tuned grid circuit and tuned anode load. ega is internal capacity grid,
anode of the valve.
Fig. 3/9 shows a triode valve with a tuned circuit in the grid and another tuned circuit as the anode load. Assuming that inductive coupling cannot take place between the two tuned circuits, it would most probably be found that the amplifier was unstable and tended to behave as an oscillator. Now a valve can only behave as an oscillator when sufficient energy is fed back from the anode into the grid circuit to overcome the losses in the grid circuit due to resistance. Such feedback takes place through the internal capacity in the valve between the anode and the grid ega, the two electrodes behaving as the two plates of a condenser. The capacity may amount to several pico-farads and is quite sufficient to cause instability. This feedback is referred to as positive feedback and is sometimes deliberately introduced into a tuned circuit to reduce the resistive losses, as in a set with reaction. This increases the gain and improves the Q of the circuit, thereby narrowing the band of frequencies which it will accept. Reference is made to
this phenomenon because when the construction of a radio feeder unit is considered, it is important to realise that every step must be taken to avoid feedback in the radio frequency amplifier; otherwise the tuned circuits will not accept the full bandwidth of the station, with consequent loss of high notes contained in the outer fringes of the side bands. Whilst the capacity anode to grid is normally the one with which we are most concerned, it should be appreciated that capacity also exists between anode and cathode and grid and cathode.
.------- HT +
ega ~- -- -----,
"T'" :
.---+' ___,. = Cak
_____ .J
FIG. 3/Io.-Inter-electrode capacities in a valve.
When an alternating voltage is applied between grid and cathode of the triode amplifier shown in Fig. 3/10, an alternating current flows in the small condenser formed by the grid and cathode electrodes, Cgb just as in any other condenser. This means that the grid input impedance is by no means infinity, and as frequency increases the input damping will become more marked.
In a similar wayan alternating current flows in the condenser formed by the grid and anode, Cga, but since the instantaneous voltage between these electrodes is considerably larger than the signal voltage on the grid, the current in the grid/anode capacity Cga is larger than it would be were no amplification taking place. Looked at from the grid circuit the increased current is equivalent to an increase in input capacity of the valve and the effective input capacity is (I + A) times (where A is the amplification of the stage) the capacity which would be expected from an examination of the actual inter-electrode capacity c; alone.
Readers desiring to study the Miller effect more fully are recommended to an article by " Cathode Ray" in the August 1949 issue of Wireless World, which gives a well reasoned and lucid survey. The third hidden capacity is capacity anode/cathode, Cab which will shunt the load of the valve.
In early days of radio communication, the feedback due to interelectrode capacitance already described, made it exceedingly difficult to obtain stable radio frequency amplification. Attempts were made to balance out the positive feedback by applying an equal amount of feedback in the opposite sense, i.e. negative feedback. This system was known as neutralisation, but was never a particularly practical solution. At the same period, the idea of putting an electro-static shield between the grid and anode was evolved. A positive voltage was applied to the screen to draw the electrons through to the anode.
1" 80
FIG. 3/1 I.-The t e t r o d e valve.
This greatly reduced the anode to grid capacity but did not completely eliminate it. Examination of the grid characteristics of typical screen grid or tetrode valves shows them to be not dissimilar to those of an ordinary triode.
FIG. 3/I2.-Anode characteristic of a Tetrode Valve.
Examination of the anode characteristic shows that it is a very different shape from that of the triode. At low anode voltages, the anode current rises linearly, but after a certain critical value of anode voltage, the current actually falls and continues to do so until it again
takes on its normal upward trend. This kink in the characteristic is due to the fact that when electrons impinge on the anode sufficient energy is released to produce new electrons from the anode material, called secondary emission electrons. These are then attracted by the positively charged screen until the anode voltage is raised sufficiently to pull them back to itself. This kink in the anode characteristic is a serious drawback to this type oftetrode valve in that the voltage swings at the anode must be limited so that the valve works over the straight part of the characteristic.
This valve is a development of the tetrode and a further wide mesh grid is interposed between the anode and the screen. This grid is normally connected to cathode and its presence repels the electrons produced by secondary emission from the anode and these return to the anode. The anode characteristic of a typical pentode shows that the tetrode kink has been removed but that the characteristic is still very unlike that of a triode. The grid characteristic of a pentode is, however, very similar to that of a triode. This means that gm is similar to that of the triode. Referring to Fig. 3/12, and remembering that
the anode resistance of a valve is obtained from the relationship ~~
it will be seen that on the flat part of the characteristic, the anode resistance will be very high and in practice a value of one megohm is by no means unusual. From the relationship fL equals gm X ra, it will be seen that r, being very large fL will become very large. In other words, the valve will have a high amplification factor, and this implies that a high stage gain can be obtained from one of these valves used as a resistance capacity coupled amplifier. The screen is maintained at a potential of from half to two-thirds that of the anode and is coupled to the cathode by means of a bypass condenser, thus ensuring that AC fluctuations on the screen, remembering that the screen takes some little part of the space current, will be obviated.
By now the reader should have a fair appreciation of the basic principles underlying the choice of coupling values, but it is quite outside the scope of this book to tell him how to determine them for each and every valve. (Valve makers publish data for all their valves.)
As the value of grid leak in the succeeding stage affects the stage gain and maximum voltage output, the obvious inference is to use as large a value of Rg as possible. There is usually a maximum value of grid/ cathode resistance that a valve can tolerate, particularly in the case of a power valve.
It is necessary to bias a valve in order to prevent grid current, and up to the present a battery has been used for the sake of simplicity. However, the separate bias battery is a thing of the past as much simpler ways of biassing can be employed. If it is borne in mind that grid bias is fundamentally a matter of making the grid some few volts more negative than the cathode, then biassing problems do not exist.
FIG. 3/I3.-Cathode Biassing. Method of obtaining grid bias by resistance in
Fig. 3/13 shows an arrangement that is commonly adopted to produce so-called "Cathode Bias ", "Self Bias" or "Automatic Bias". (The last two terms are not liked as they can so easily be confused with another method used largely in RF technique.)
It will be seen that a resistance RK has been introduced between cathode and HT - of an amplifying system. The space current of the valve will flow through RK and in accordance with Ohm's law, IR = E, a voltage will be produced across it, so that the cathode is more positive than the HT - line. The grid is connected to the HT - line through its grid leak, Rg, and therefore the cathode is more positive than the grid, which is another way of saying that the grid is more negative than the cathode-the condition we seek for grid biassing.
The current flowing through RK will be the direct current component of anode current plus the alternating current component, therefore both a steady mean potential and an alternating voltage will appear across RK. This condition is undesirable for the following reasonwhen the grid of the valve is going less negative the anode current will increase and the cathode will go more positive with respect to the HT - line. Now the grid input of a valve is applied between grid and cathode, and therefore the potential across RK is in effect in series with the input, and a study of Fig. 3/13 shows that the two potentials are in anti-phase, or out of step, and the net input voltage is the difference between the two.
The effect may be overcome by shunting RK with a condenser of such a capacity that its reactance at any frequency within the range it
is desired to amplify is negligibly small relative to RK• It is usual to employ a low voltage electrolytic condenser for this purpose, having a capacity of from 25 to 100 microfarads. This ensures that the voltage across RK is a steady DC potential.
It might suggest itself that if it is desired to attenuate the bass frequencies, this could be accomplished by deliberately using a shunting condenser of a small value, thus achieving a form of " tone control". In practice, however, it is more difficult to produce the bass notes than lose them!
The partial cancellation of the input voltage by the voltage fed back to the input across the cathode resistor is often referred to as degeneration, the opposite of reaction or regeneration. As reaction is referred to as positive, in phase, feedback, it is logical to refer to degeneration, out of phase feedback as " Negative Feedback" and as it is due to the current through the valve the example outlined above is termed " Current Negative Feedback". The subject of Negative Feedback is treated in some detail in a later chapter.
FIG. 3!I4.-CathDde biassing applied to a directly heated valve.
Cathode biassing may be applied to a directly heated valve in the manner shown in Fig. 3/14. It is necessary to use a centre tap on the heater winding to establish a mean cathode potential, otherwise there will be superimposed on the bias voltage a 50-cycle ripple voltage equal to the heater voltage.
An examination of Fig. 3/15 shows that a resistance R, has been inserted in the HT - lead, and the total space current of the valve or valves flowing through this resistance will produce a voltage across it. If the grid of the valve is connected to HT - via its grid leak then the grid will be more negative than the cathode, which is the result desired.
A bypass condenser must be in shunt with the resistance Rb to avoid the production of alternating voltages across it, just as was used in Cathode biassing. This method of obtaining bias is well adapted for
FIG. 3/Is.-Back biassing, or HT- lead biassing.
use with directly heated battery valves where the cathode biassing system is not convenient to use, as the resistance R, may be tapped to obtain other values of bias.
The calculation of the bias resistance is a simple application of Ohm's
law, R = E, where E is the desired bias voltage and I is the current I
flowing through the bias resistance.
To take a practical example of cathode biassing, a Mullard output pentode type EL37 with 250 volts on both anode and screen requires a bias voltage of 13·5. The current flowing through the bias resistor will be the sum of the anode and screen currents. roo and 13·5 rnA respectively; therefore
13·5 (Remember the 1,000 because Ohm's
RK= X 1,000 law is in the basic units of amps)
= 13·5=120 ohms approx. 113·5
Take another example, this time HT - lead biassing; a small battery set has as its output pentode a Mullard DL93, preceded by three other valves taking a total HT current of 5"5 rnA. The output valve takes a total of 17·5 rnA and the bias voltage required is -7·5. The total HT current is 17·5+5·5 rnA; therefore the HT - lead resistance
7·5 X 1,000 ohms
= 326 ohms approx.
Note carefully that in this system the total HT current of the whole set or amplifier must be ascertained to make the calculation.
When using any particular valve as an RC coupled amplifier, a direct calculation of the bias resistance is not feasible because, due to the high value of load resistance, the actual HT voltage at the anode bears no relation to the figures of "Operating Conditions" as shown in a valve manufacturer's catalogue. In consequence the space current will be reduced, and for the correct bias to be obtained a higher value of bias resistor will be needed.
The calculations involved are complex, and the reader is recommended to refer to tables produced by the valve maker for each valve suitable for use as an RC coupled amplifier, in which the values of RL and RK and Rg of following valve are listed, together with stage gain and maximum output voltage for a given distortion figure.
For American type valves a comprehensive table is given in the (American) Amateur Radio Relay League's Handbook, easily obtained in this country.
A system sometimes used for early stage audio amplifiers is leaky grid or condenser bias. This method depends on the flow of grid current and for that reason is not to be recommended.
A point to note is that in both Cathode biassing and Back biassing, the bias voltage is obtained at the expense of the actual value of HT voltage applied between anode and cathode of the valve, but this is rarely a serious problem, especially in mains operated sets.
FIG. 3/I6.-Grid characteristic of variable-mu valve. The slope or gm decreases with
increase of bias.
Reference to Fig. 3/16 shows the grid characteristic of a variable-mu valve. Comparison with the grid characteristics shown in Fig. 2/6 shows that the essential differences are that the point of cut-off is much more remote and that the characteristic is not truly straight over
any portion. This is achieved by incorporating a grid varied with a non-constant pitch, i.e. the wires are close together, say, at the ends, and wide apart in the centre. The net effect is that very considerable negative voltage must be applied to the grid before it can completely prevent the flow of electrons to the anode through the widely spaced parts of the mesh, resulting in the long gradual curve as shown in the
diagram. Mutual conductance is defined as ala. It will be appreci-
ated that this value will be greater when the grid is slightly negative and the slope steeper, than at a higher value of grid volts when the slope is less steep; hence the name variable-mu. The gain afforded by an amplifier incorporating such a valve will depend on the working bias point selected, and the arrangements of Fig. 3/17 would enable the stage gain to be varied by adjustment of the value of VRK, where VRK forms part of a potentiometer across the HT supply.
FIG. 3/17.-Circuit for control of gain by variable bias.
The inclusion of RK is desirable, so that when the value of VRK is turned to zero the valve cannot be worked with zero bias but will have a minimum bias value dependent on the value of RK.
It will be appreciated that, due to the constant curvature of the characteristic, distortion is inevitable, but this will not be serious if the input is kept to a very low value. The chief application of these valves being in RF circuits, the latter condition will normally be satisfied; the type is mentioned here because it has a restricted application in giving an automatic gain control effect in audio amplifiers.
The problem so far has been to produce an exact facsimile of the input voltage, but amplified to give greater voltage excursions at the output. The problem in the final stage is to make a valve produce a distortionless power output to do work: the work of actuating a headphone diaphragm or causing the mass of a loudspeaker cone and coil assembly to move and displace a column of air. Electrical work or energy is measured in watts, the product of volts and amperes. Thus, besides large voltage changes, we require comparatively large current changes. The factors that govern the current that can pass through the valve are:
(a) the extent of the emissive surface on the cathode linked with heater wattage which together govern the number of electrons available, and
(b) the permissible heat dissipation at the anode without causing overheating and the possibility of softening the vacuum due to driving out occluded gases from the electrode structure. Study of these points shows that a power valve will generally speaking have a larger cathode and larger electrodes than a valve used only for voltage amplification.
For the triode there is a low inherent distortion due to straightness and parallelism of grid characteristics coupled with a low anode resistance. Against the triode is the low stage gain due to its low mutual conductance; a large voltage input is needed to drive it fully and it is greedy of high tension current for the output obtained. The triode also produces a fair measure of znd harmonic distortion although steps can be taken to eliminate this fault as will be seen in later chapters.
For the pentode is its high gain for a comparatively small input voltage and its good return for the expenditure of anode current. Against it is its higher inherent distortion due to lack of straightness and parallelism of grid characteristic, although these defects can very largely be overcome, as will be seen in Chapter 15. The pentode has a very much higher anode resistance; this question of internal resistance of the output valve and its effect on the quality of reproduction is discussed later in this chapter and also in Chapter 8.
The valve can be considered as an alternator and as such there will be a value of load into which it can deliver its energy to the best effect. It is helpful to consider the case of a simple battery possessing a certain internal resistance. When current is taken from the battery it has to flow through this internal resistance, made up of the resistance of the elements of the battery. A battery may be said to have an EMF of 1·5 volts, but on load it would not show a potential difference of 1·5 volts across its terminals. When current is drawn, a certain voltage drop will occur across the internal resistance and the potential difference at the terminals is the difference between the EMF and the voltage across the internal resistance.
External Current in PD across Power in
Resistance Circuit external R external R
7.0 ohms 0·2 amp 1·4 volts 0·28 watt
2·5 " 0·5 " 1·25 " 0.625 "
1·0 " 1·0 " 1·0 " 1·000 "
0·5 " 1·5 " 0·75 " 1.125 "
0·25 " 2·0 " 0·5 " 1·000 "
0·1 " 2·5 " 0·25 " 0.625 "
0·05 " 2·73 " 0.136 " 0.372 " Columns 1,2 and 3 in the table shown in Fig. 4/1 should make this clear. Reference to column 4 of the table shows that the watts dissipated in the external load steadily increase until a maximum is reached when the external load resistance equals the internal resistance of the battery.
After this, reduction of the load causes more current to flow, but only produces a lower dissipation of energy external to the battery, where, after all, it is of most use.
From the foregoing example it can be seen that the greatest voltage appears across the external load when this load is so very large that practically no current flows, and in consequence there is little voltage drop across the internal resistance of the battery. This agrees with our conclusion that when the greatest voltage output is wanted from a valve connected as a voltage amplifier, the load should be as high as possible: many times the anode resistance of the valve.
Let us take the case of a valve as a generator of an alternating potential as shown in Fig. 4/2 (a). This represents a valve of anode resistance r, feeding into a load RL• The alternating input to the grid is Eg volts. Fig. 4/2 (b) shows the electrical equivalent of the circuit, in which the
valve is shown as a generator of internal resistance r, delivering f-lEg volts into the load RL when [1. is the amplification factor of the triode. Our argument shows that for maximum power in the load, RL must equal ra, and the practical significance is that when a triode valve is
.-------HT +
FIG. 4/2.- The valve as a generator.
working into a loudspeaker approximating to a pure resistance, we get maximum power into the speaker when its resistance is equal to the anode resistance of the valve.
Most readers already know that for various mechanical and electrical considerations, it is usually undesirable to produce a moving coil loudspeaker having a coil resistance much in excess of 15 ohms, which is nowhere approaching the anode resistance of a valve and cannot be placed directly in the anode circuit for an efficient development of power across it.
To overcome this difficulty, it is necessary to introduce a step-down transformer into the circuit, the primary being placed in the anode circuit of the valve and the secondary connected to the coil of the loudspeaker. The turns ratio of this transformer can be determined approximately from the following formula:
ILoad required by valve : I
vi Resistance of speech coil
The load usually required by a triode valve is approximately twice its anode resistance because the load offered by a loudspeaker is not resistive. When the load RL is twice r, the most efficient condition is obtained at the expense of an increased driving voltage on the grid.
A beam tetrode employs the principle of focusing the stream of electrons flowing from the cathode to the anode. Furthermore, the control grid and screen grid have the same winding pitch and are
assembled in the valve so that they are in optical alignment. The effect of the latter is to reduce the value of screen current as compared with a pentode of similar power. This is due to the screen wires being in the " shadow" of the grid wires which, being negatively charged, cause the electrons to diverge. This reduction in screen current represents a saving of power, giving a higher overall power efficiency.
Beam forming or confining plates, connected to cathode, are employed to shield the anode from receiving any electrons coming towards it from the direction of the grid support wires, where the focusing of the electrons is imperfect. The presence of these plates, bent round as they are, prevents the slow velocity secondary emission from the anode reaching the screen, and the anode characteristic exhibits no kink. as in the normal tetrode. This means that greater swings of anode current over the approximately linear part of the characteristic can produce greater power output. Furthermore, due to their general shape, the harmonic distortion produced is principally znd, with but little 3rd, which is the opposite to a pentode and more like a triode. In push-pull the znd harmonic is cancelled and a pair of such valves gives a better return in terms of undistorted power output than a pair of equivalent pentodes for the same HT requirements.
Well known examples of this type of valve are the Osram KT66 and American types 6V6, 6L6 and 807.
When using pentode or tetrode output valves the method of determining the value of the load previously outlined is not applicable, as such valves have very high values of anode resistance, 50-70,000 ohms, and work most satisfactorily into loads generally between one-third and one-sixth of their anode resistance. These output valves can give an intolerable degree of distortion (without NFB) unless matched most carefully to the loudspeaker.
A pentode or tetrode will give more inherent distortion than a triode in any case, due to lack of parallelism in its characteristics. It is apparent that a value of load should be chosen that will give the least possible total harmonic distortion, but this is pretty certain not to be the value of load that will give greatest power output.
ACTUAL VALUE OF LOAD FOR A POWER VALVE The calculations needed to determine the actual value of load required for any particular type of power valve are quite complex. The requirements of maximum power output and minimum harmonic distortion are conflicting as already indicated, and it is quite beyond the scope of this book to treat fully the methods adopted. The interested reader might well refer to Radio Designers' Handbook, edited by F. Langford Smith and published by Iliffe & Sons Ltd.
The experimenter would do well to obtain the recommended values of load resistance for any particular valve from the makers and abide closely to their data.
A power amplifier is certain to be working into an inductive load and it is assumed that the inductance of the transformer primary is sufficiently high to offer a sensibly constant load with no appreciable shunting of the AC load at all frequencies it is called upon to handle. However, if it does not fulfil these conditions, or even if a capacitance is placed across the primary to reduce top response, then the load will be reactive and not a constant value.
The general effect is either to increase distortion for the power output the valve is capable of giving, or to produce less output for the quoted distortion figure.
This is a term used indiscriminatively to describe two separate and yet inter-related phenomena.
First the ability of a loudspeaker moving system to come to rest immediately the input applied to its terminals ceases, and secondly the damping out of resonances, particularly the bass resonance of the moving system, by the action of the output stage. Treating the second one first, it will be seen from the impedance curve of a typical loudspeaker shown in Fig. 4/3 that the impedance of the speaker rises to a high value at 52 cis.
- 10
~ ~ ~ 2 g iil~~ ~ ~ § U~~§~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U~~~
FIG. 4/3.- Typicalloudspeaker impedance'curve,
The effective resistance shunted across the primary of the output transformer is the resultant of the anode resistance and the load resistance in parallel. If the load resistance were a fixed resistance load say of 2,500 ohms for an Osram PX4 of anode resistance 860 ohms
then the resultant would be 2,500 and 860 in parallel = 606 ohms. However, with a speaker load, if the impedance of the speech coil rises six times at the bass resonant frequency, the shunt impedance on the primary will be 15,000 and 860 ohms in parallel = 814 ohms.
Taking the case of a pentode output valve, Mullard EL32, working into a load of 8,000 ohms with an anode resistance of 20,000 ohms, a rise of speech coil impedance by a factor of 6 will give a shunt impedance of 20,000 and 48,000 ohms in parallel = 29,000 ohms approximately as compared with a normal value of about 7,180 ohms.
By comparing the figures quoted, it can be seen that the voltage output will rise very considerably in the case of the pentode, and a pronounced audible effect will take place when a note is fed to the loudspeaker in the region of its bass resonant frequency. The triode however, by virtue of its low anode resistance, tends to swamp the rise in load resistance and gives a much less pronounced effect.
This must not be taken as a condemnation of the pentode or tetrode, as methods can be employed to give them in effect a very low anode resistance and these are described in the chapter on Negative Feedback.
The foregoing arguments have assumed that a good output transformer has been used, i.e. one with adequate primary inductance to reproduce down to the lowest audible frequencies. It should, however, be realised that a transformer having a low primary inductance will be helpful in reducing bass resonance with a pentode output stage, due to low value of inductance acting as an appreciable shunt across the load. The power output will, in this case, be reduced to a value very much less than the rated output of the valve.
Reverting to the question of damping of a loudspeaker for the reproduction of transients, the moving system should come to rest immediately the transient ceases and should not come to rest like a pendulum. Loudspeakers vary enormously in this quality of transient response.
Results are improved by high flux density, free suspension and efficient systems of mounting, all of which help to reduce " ringing".
The coil of a loudspeaker moving in a powerful magnetic field will behave as a dynamo and when falling back to rest will generate an EMF in opposition to the one originally causing it to move. This EMF will cause a current to flow in the coil and the field produced will interact with the flux of the field and tend to cause a movement in the opposite direction to the original one, taking the system past its dead centre position instead of coming to rest immediately. Now the anode resistance of the output valve as reflected into the loudspeaker via the output transformer acts as a shunt damping resistance across the speech coil, and it can be seen that the lower the anode resistance of the valve the better the damping on the speech coil. It would appear that the triode valve would score here over the pentode or tetrode,
but the same measures can be applied to these as for improving the resonance damping. The" damping factor" of an output system can be expressed in general terms as the ratio of the load resistance to the anode resistance (RL to r.).
As this is the case, the damping at frequencies at which the impedance of the loudspeaker rises will improve, since RL is greater and a greater effective damping factor is obtained. It will be seen therefore that whilst the increase of load resistance, at bass resonance of the loudspeaker in particular, tends to increase the output fed to the loudspeaker, the improved damping factor tends to improve the reproduction as regards transients.
In the case of the P)4, the damping factor would be :
2,500 : 860, 3: I. The EL32 8,000 : 70,000, I : 8'5.
In view of the fact that the popularity of negative feedback has resulted in more and more cases of instability in amplifiers, often unsuspected in home-built equipment, it is considered worth while to devote an entire chapter to the study of the problem.
For the benefit of readers who are not accustomed to inspecting the antics of amplifiers with the aid of an oscilloscope, we will begin by the study of a few os cillo grams of typical effects of instability, before proceeding to a technical, albeit less picturesque, diagnosis.
For the purpose of the first test (and others described elsewhere in the book) an amplifier with uncorrected push-pull tetrode output was used and was known to be unstable with any more than 20 db NFB. A variable resistance provided a means of adjusting feedback to any value between 26 db and zero, giving an effect equivalent to source impedances varying between I ohm and about 100 ohms. A rough-andready test for ascertaining this important impedance value in an amplifier (which incidentally may vary with frequency) is to feed in a steady tone between 500 and 1,000 cis from AF oscillator or constant frequency record, and measure the voltage across the secondary of the output transformer without loudspeaker load: then to connect a calibrated variable resistance across the secondary and adjust the value until there is a voltage drop of 50 per cent. The resistance reading then approximates the amplifier impedance in question. With the tetrode amplifier, variation of feedback produced the following impedance readings, with corresponding effect on the voltage rise due to bass resonance of a loudspeaker. The transformer ratio was for load matching to a 15 ohms speaker.
Tetrodes and Voltage NFB. No load.
Volts Volts Impedance
Feedback Input Output measured
a db I 7 100 ohms
6 " 10 7 13 "
8 " 12 7 10 "
14 " 32 7 4 "
20 " 75 7 2 "
26 " * * *
* Serious instability intensified by absence of speech coil load. DECOUPLING AND INSTABILITY
Table 1 shows the impedances achieved by varying the feedback up to 20 db. The gain control of amplifier was set very low and was not moved during the test. At 26 db the oscillations made readings impossible. (They blew the fuse of the voltmeter.)
Fig. 5/1 illustrates the presence of oscillation at a frequency as high as 150,000 CiS in the tetrode amplifier. It was found that reducing feedback (in this case) from 26 db to 20 db completely cleared the oscillation, and improved the quality of reproduction-despite the very high frequency of the disturbance.
26 db
22 db
20 db Feedback
FIG. 5/r.-Oscillation at ISO Kc/s in tetrode amplifier. Time base 50 micro-sees,
It is fairly easy to check the frequency. The oscillograph was set with the time base at 50 micro-sec., '000050, which is --I~sec. There
are 7'5 waves in the complete trace, so the frequency is 7'5 X 20,000 = 150,000. It is hardly necessary to say that an ordinary AC voltmeter will not give a reading at such frequencies, but it is necessary to add that a dummy speech coil, fed by this input, started to go up in smoke. (The output transformer is still standing up to grave abuse, and is a credit to its makers, Excel Radio, of Shipley, Yorkshire, who threw together the" guinea pig " amplifier for the purpose of these tests.)
An amplifier which gives poor results, with excessive "top" and possibly excessive heat in the output valve (or valves) should be suspect. An AC voltmeter connected across the speech coil of the loudspeaker should obviously give no reading with the absence of input to amplifier. An oscilloscope similarly connected should show no amplitude on the " Y" axis. The discovery of unwanted voltage by either of these simple tests would clearly indicate that the" patient" required medical attention. Unfortunately, the oscillation might only occur at a particular part/amplitude of a low frequency cycle. This would not show statically, i.e. with zero input, so diagnosis of the fault would require the use of an oscilloscope and a signal source. The writer recently tested an amplifier in which this fault produced a picture rather like a string of sausages, as shown in Fig. 5/2, which has been drawn from memory.
The amplifi~r received some attention, with slight improvement, and the sausages disappeared from the menu, but there is still a tendency
FIG. 5Iz.-0scillogram of shock-excited parasitic oscillation of extremely high frequency, carried on 50 cycle mains hum.
to.wards motor-boating, which is easily provoked by switching on without a reasonable load on the output stage. This is coupled with instability which is provoked by turning the treble control fully on. These combined operations produce some rather fascinating pictures on the oscilloscope, and incidentally burnt out quite a robust variable resistance which was tried as a dummy load. (See Figs. 5/3, 5/4 and 515.) In the first of these oscillograms, Fig. 5/3, a steady tone at 1,500 cis was fed into the amplifier, to be mixed with the motor-boating and HF oscillation.
FIG. 5/3.-Picture of combined effect of m?tor-boati~g and parasitic oscillation, with steady tone at 1,500 cis, showing severe intermodulation.
Three traces are included in Fig. 5/3 because the period of the motorboating was too slow for the complete cycle to be reproduced in one shot. It is interesting to observe how the 1,500 cycle note is pushed around by the low frequency of the motor-boating; also (in the third picture) how the high frequency oscillations beat in sympathy with the 1,500 cis" carrier".
The next oscillogram, Fig. 5/4, shows at A the combination of motorboating and two bursts of HF oscillation, taken with motor-speed of 1·2 ins. second (which establishes the frequency of the LF disturbance at about 5 cis), and at B a single trace to show the effect of connecting a loudspeaker to the output of the amplifier.
When comparing these oscillograms, it is necessary to bear in mind
that A is a continuous trace with a moving film, whereas B is a snapshot.
The final oscillogram in this set, Fig. 515, shows the effect of the HF oscillation on a pure tone of 800 cis.
The audible effect of condition B-C was to introduce a hissing effect
FIG. 5/4.
A. Motor-boating and HF oscillation. No loudspeaker. Film speed 1'2 ins. sec.
B. Motor-boating stopped by connection of speaker. Two shockexcited bursts of oscillation remain. Time base 50 m/s,
to the pure tone of A which was easily heard and could not be overlooked by the normal ear. Unfortunately, a listening test on music resulted in condition B-C being mistaken by experienced loudspeaker-
FIG. 515.-Effect of oscillation on a pure tone (Loudspeaker in circuit).
A. 800 cycle note, with treble control at normal position. Time base IS m/s,
B. Oscillation caused by turning treble control to maximum. Time base IS m/s.
C. Same as B, but time base on oscilloscope altered to 5 milli-secs.
builders as an increase in HF response, instead of being classified as distortion, which it undoubtedly is. This only goes to prove how difficult it is to trace this type of trouble-which may be dangerous to valves and coils-by simple listening tests. In fact, an oscilloscope
is an invaluable aid in checking any amplifier for a wide range of suspected and unsuspected faults.
The cure for oscillation produced by in-phase feedback due to coupling through the common HT power supply is to reduce the internal resistance of this supply at the frequencies involved. The connection of a large condenser across the HT supply will do this, and a value of 16-100 mfd is suggested, the larger the better.
A 16 mfd condenser has a reactance of 332 ohms at 30 c/s whilst 100 mfd has a reactance of but 53 ohms, thus too small a value will not effect a cure at low frequencies. It should be noted that this feedback effect can only take place over three or more stages of amplification, but serious difficulties can arise in an amplifier of high gain, and a more elaborate system of decoupling becomes necessary.
r---------~-------__t~!N;N;-HT+ RHT
~ __ ~~ ~ __ ~~ ~_+--~-----HT-
FIG. 5/6.- Three stage amplifier. The resistance of the HT supply forms
a common coupling resistance to all stages.
In Fig. 5/6 is shown the outline of a typical amplifier. VI is RC coupled into V 2' and V 2 into V 3 the output stage, which being a power valve will make large excursions of anode current. Ideally there will be no internal resistance in the HT battery or other source of HT supply but some will exist in practice (RHT Fig. 5/6), and the large current variations in the anode circuit of V 3 will produce alternating voltages across RHT. The valves VI and Vz also deriving anode volts from the same source, will receive a DC potential with an AC potential superimposed. Taking the instant when the grid of VI is becoming more negative, its anode volts will be increasing due to reduced voltage drop across its anode load. The grid of V 2 will therefore be going positive and its anode negative, and the grid V 3 will be going negative and its anode positive. It will be seen that the variations at the anodes
of V3 and VI are in step, and it is quite possible for the variation in HT voltage at the anode of VI to be quite as large as that caused by the input voltage on the grid. If this is the case the input could be removed and the system would continue to operate as an oscillator, supplying its own input at some frequency determined by the circuit values, and the value of the common coupling resistance. If in the audio range, this would give rise to the familiar noise of " motor-boating". The exact frequency of oscillation is difficult to forecast and may quite easily be above audibility, at 20 Kc/s or more, and its presence is difficult to detect, as already shown in Fig. 5/1.
FIG. 517.-Decoupling the HT Supply.
Figure 5/7 shows the modification that can be applied to VI of Fig. 5/6. An additional resistance R, is inserted between the HT supply and the load resistance RL with a condenser Cd to the ground line from the junction of Rd and RL•
The time constant in seconds of the system Rd and Cd is obtained by multiplying R, X Cd where R, is expressed in ohms and Cd in farads. To be completely effective the time constant should be such that it is longer than the time internal of any frequency to which the amplifier will respond. For example, 25 cis takes 1/25th of a second for one complete cycle ('04 second). Suitable decoupling values would be 40,000 and 2 nf, having a time
constant of 40,000 X 2__ sec. = _!_ sec. = '08 sec. which gives
1,000,000 100
an ample margin. If an increase of Rd is possible, bearing in mind the reduction of available HT (not usually serious in an early voltage amplifying stage where the grid voltage swing is limited), then Cd could be decreased in proportion; 80,000 and I mfd would give the same result as 40,000 and 2 mfd. A rule of thumb is to make Rd = !; of Rj, with an appropriate value for Cd. The addition of the decoupl-
ing Rd and Cd will also assist in the reduction of hum when a mains HT supply unit is used, but this aspect is treated in the chapter devoted to Hum.
Whilst motor-boating is one particular form of instability, it has been indicated that supersonic oscillations may be taking place and these are unlikely to be caused by coupling due to the common supply, but to hidden factors such as valve inter-electrode capacitance. Fig. 5/8 shows an output stage with valve inter-electrode capacitances indicated.
FIG. 5/8.-Feedback through inter-electrode capacities causing oscillation in output stage. Rb ani Cb act as tone control by reducing higher frequencies, thus pre-
venting oscillation.
TypiCll values :
Rb ~ 10KQ Cs ~ 0'01 mfd
Due to phase shift in the transformer at high audio frequencies the capacity Cag, small but nevertheless present even in a pentode (greater in an output pentode due to larger electrodes), will feed back enough energy into the grid, thus further shifting the phase, so that oscillation will take place. Pentodes and tetrodes are particularly prone to this trouble because they tend to produce more high order harmonics, and with increase of frequency the reactance of Cag will decrease and so help to produce oscillation. An output pentode will normally have a resistance (Rs) and capacitance (Cb) in shunt with the transformer primary as Fig. 5/8, to reduce the high frequency response which is harsh and objectionable due to the presence of harmonics, and is intensified by the normal increase of loudspeaker coil reactance at high frequencies. The component R, and C, will normally remove the possibility of feedback and oscillation.
Further steps to reduce the possibility of oscillation are the inclusion of" Stoppers" in the grid, screen and anode circuits.
The presence of resistance in an oscillatory circuit damps the oscillations and may even preclude oscillation from starting. The grid stopper will not reduce the input voltage to the grid as normally no current flows in the grid circuit, and may be of a large value up to
0'1 megohm for example, bearing in mind limitations of resistance between grid and cathode. The presence of the capacity between grid and cathode also limits the size of grid stopper that one may introduce,
FIG. 5/9.-" Stoppers". Resis.ances in anode, screen and grid leads reduce tendency to
spurious oscillation.
as the grid stopper and the capacity (R and Cgk, Fig. 5/10) form a low pass filter and attenuate the higher frequencies. R, and Cgk behave as a potentiometer in which the reactance of Cgk becomes less with increase of frequency.
FIG. 5/Io.-Diagram to illustrate formation of low-pass filter by grid stopper and capacity grid/cathode; higher frequencies are attenuated.
However, as considerable current flows in the anode circuit, both DC
and AC, a large resistance cannot be tolerated due to the power lost therein, and a value from 5-50 ohms is suitable. When using a pentode or tetrode 47-470 ohms would be suitable values in the screen; anything greater would unduly reduce the screen potential.
To be completely effective, stopper resistors should be wired in circuit directly on to the pin of the valve base concerned.
Whilst continuous parasitic oscillation is fairly easy to detect, the triggered variety previously mentioned may require a Sherlock Holmes
technique. The trouble may only arise during operation with a signal input, usually started off by a transient and rapidly dying away. It will cause muddiness of reproduction. A transient is a rapid build-up and dying away of signal and for checking purposes may be produced by a square wave generator. Comparison of the input and the output waveform on oscilloscope will reveal any differences. Distortion of the shape of the waveform will reveal amplifier deficiencies usually of the OP stage as a whole, whereas the addition of a " tail" of oscillations of high decrement will reveal parasitic oscillation.
The reason why a transient will produce oscillations is that the shock excites the resonant circuit of stray capacity and inductance, usually leakage, the resonance dying away rapidly due to the resistive losses of the circuit.
A square wave obviously starts with vertical transients, and contains harmonics up to and above audio frequency limits; it is therefore the ideal "yardstick" for the characteristics in question.
When the need arises for obtaining a great power output there are several ways of approaching the problem. First one thinks of using a larger valve with a greater anode dissipation. This is perfectly feasible as single output valves are capable of producing 20 watts of audio; the same result could be achieved by using two valves in parallel as shown in Fig. 6/1, where double the power output range of one valve would be obtained for the same grid swing.
FIG. 6/I.-Valves connected in parallel to increase power output capacity.
Both systems would demand an output transformer capable of carrying the large anode current without saturation of the core. This requires a generous core which is expensive. Push-pull output probably has its greatest merits in that saturation of the core by the DC component is obviated. There are other important advantages; in fact, the writer considers the expense and complication of push-pull to be worth while even for an output of 4 watts because of the low distortion obtainable. Figure 6/2 shows two valves arranged in a push-pull circuit.
In the absence of signal input to the grid of V 1> the quiescent anode current of the valves V 2 V 3 will be equal, or very nearly so, depending on how closely they are matched. Therefore the anode current in the two halves of the output transformer primary T2, flowing in opposite directions, will tend to cancel out the magnetising effect on the core of the transformer. This means that the transformer core will only need to provide sufficient primary inductance to give adequate loading at the lowest frequencies.
At any instant, the ends of the secondary winding of the input transformer TI will be at opposite potentials with respect to the midpoint which is connected to the common cathode, so that the grid of
one valve is swung positive at the same instant that the grid of the other is swung negative, hence the anode current of one valve is out of phase with that of the other. The net effect is that of two valves both delivering power to the load. A common analogy is that of two men sawing a
FIG. 6/2. Push-pull output stage.
tree trunk with a double-handled saw-one man pushes as the other pulls, and vice versa, with equal force (provided they are both working equally hard !).
In push-pull operation the even harmonics, znd, 4th, etc., are cancelled in the symmetrical anode circuit so that for the same output the distortion will be less than with parallel operation of the same pair of valves. This feature is of special importance when triodes are used as the distortion produced by a triode is very largely znd harmonic. Fig. 6/3 illustrates the grid characteristics of valves V2 and V3 showing
I~ Ia
_Jp~: D:CR~:~NG
- ---
-- --_-
that the grids are operated in anti-phase on the straight part of their characteristic, with mid-point biassing known as the class A condition. The exciting voltage measured between the two grids will be twice that required for one valve, or parallel valves, but this presents little difficulty in practice, and the transformer TI in Fig. 6/2 readily enables the grids to be fed in anti-phase. Other methods of obtaining the " phase split" are described in Chapter 9.
The value of anode load for each valve is not the same as that required for single output working. The precise value is always quoted in the maker's published characteristics and is a figure arrived at by a careful computation of conditions that will give the minimum odd harmonic distortion.
The dominant harmonic with Power Pentodes is the 3rd, and there is very little reduction of distortion with push-pull operation. If, however, the load resistance per valve is decreased the effect is to increase the znd harmonic distortion which is cancelled out, and to decrease the 3rd harmonic, thus improving the overall performance. Beam Power Tetrodes have considerable znd harmonic, but less 3rd and higher order harmonics than pentodes and are thus very suitable for push-pull operation.
FIG. 6!4.-Classes of Bias.
So far the description of a push-pull amplifier has been taken to mean a pair of valves biassed to the mid-point of their grid characteristic. This is referred to as Class A amplification. However, the valves may be ~iassed slightly in excess of the Class A condition, normally ~o the point where the bott~m ~rve is commencing (Fig. 6/4). This IS re~erred to as Class AB biassing and the general effect is to step up consIderabl~ the power output available from a pair of valves as compared WIth the Class A condition, because each valve is contributing much greater anode current. swings in the primary of the output transformer. Reference to FIg. 6/5 shows that each valve is driven
well beyond cut-off on the negative half cycle input, but that the current-swings to the positive half cycle of input "marry" in the primary of the output transformer to give a result which approximates the waveform of the input. The same pair of valves biassed to the Class AB position may be driven even harder on their grids so that grid current is produced. This is referred to as the Class AB2 condition. When no grid current flows it is referred to as the Class ABI condition. In both the Class ABI and AB2 conditions greater output is obtained than in the Class A condition, but at the expense of fidelity. A pair of valves may be worked still harder by biassing them to the point of projected cut-off shown in Fig. 6/4. This is in effect biassing the valves almost to the point of cut-off and is known as Class B amplification.
. .
OUTPUT OF V3-,..\ :
~ .. -'
FIG. 6/5.-0perating condition for Valves in Class B Push-pull.
Class B operation would never be considered for high fidelity results; its use is limited to public address work where high power at low cost is required. This statement is not intended to imply that P A equipment is usually designed on these lines. Very high standards of quality are nowadays provided and, indeed, expected.
A further method of biassing known as Class C involves biassing the valve to ~ X cut-off voltage and exciting the grids with a high input voltage. The" pips" of anode current of high value that will flow can be used to excite a tuned circuit which will " fill in " due to the flywheel action of such a circuit, but this is of course only applicable to radio frequency technique.
A problem that often worries the experimenter when dealing with push-pull circuits is the question of " balance". We have assumed
in this chapter that the pair of push-pull valves were identical in every way, that the grids were fed with exactly equal voltages, exactly 1800 out of phase, that the loads for the anodes had exactly the same inductance and DC resistance-now let us come down to the hard facts of reality.
It is desirable that the pair of valves shall be reasonably alike and it is always possible to purchase a pair" matched" by the manufacturer. Matched is put in quotes because it is pretty certain that the valves even then will not have identical anode currents. It is impossible to do better than I rnA in 50 rnA, but 2 per cent. is nothing to worry about. The need for matched pairs arises to avoid possible differences of 20 per cent. which may occur when valves are selected at random.
The question of equal input voltages and opposite phase is dealt with in the chapter on Phase Splitters.
The value of load for the two halves of the transformer should be fairly closely matched. This is attained by having the same turns! ratio in the two halves of the transformer. In other words, the number of turns in the two halves of the primary winding must be identical, regardless of the effect on the DC resistance of each half. As a coil is wound, the size increases and the length of wire per layer increases at a proportionate rate. This may result in a difference of 10 to 25 per cent. between the resistance of the inner and outer sections. Many amateurs are unduly worried by such differences.
In a large, expensive transformer, wound with 4, 6 or even more primary sections (and 3, 5 or more secondaries neatly sandwiched to reduce leakage inductance) the different resistances are balanced by suitably "marrying" long and short primary sections. It should nevertheless be remembered that the main object of section-winding is to improve the coupling between primary and secondary; the equalising of resistance is of secondary importance (in spite of being in the primary).
In a small or medium size transformer, considerations of space and cost usually make section-winding an impracticable proposition. It so happens that the need is less because the leakage inductance is ipso facto lower in a small winding.
The actual effect of a difference of 10 per cent. in resistance values works out as follows;
The load is actually made up of two parts-the DC resistance and the inductance. The reactance of the inductance XL is equal to wL = 2 r-fL. Therefore the impedance Z = vR2 + X2L, where R is the DC resistance. It will be instructive to take a likely value for L and see what part of the total load R actually is. A triode valve of ra = 1,000 ohms requires a load of about 3,000 ohms, 16H would be a very generous primary inductance, and say 100 ohms of DC resistance. XL at 30 cycles would equal 3,014 ohms approx. Thus the DC
resistance is approx. 3t per cent. of the load at 30 cycles, and but 0'33 per cent. at 300 cycles. This should show that small differences in resistance will have but little effect on the effective load. Due to the direct component of anode current there will be a voltage drop across the primary. Taking likely figures, So rnA for a certain Tetrode's anode current and 10 per cent. difference in primary resistances, 100 ohms one half and 110 ohms the other, we arrive at the following result:
= ~o X 100 Volts = SV. 1,000
So X 110
other = Volts = S·SV.
The difference of 0' S volt in the anode voltage of one valve will not affect its anode characteristics and load line in any way and will not upset the push-pull working.
In all mass produced output transformers as used in the average radio set, the primary winding is continuous, with tappings brought out as required. The secondary winding is put on either before or after the primary. In rather more expensive types, one half of the primary is wound on, the coil is removed to another machine to receive the secondary winding, and then returned to the first machine for completion. These antics have the effect of reducing the leakage inductance, increasing the cost of production, and intensifying the difference in resistance between the two primary windings-which may now amount to 2S per cent. The voltage drop in a typical case with So rnA, 200 ohms one half and 2S0 ohms the other, would be IOV and I2'SV respectively. The difference in anode volts is still only 2·SV.
From a quality point of view, the reduction of leakage inductance is more important than the increase of disparity in the resistance readings.
The voltage drop across one
There are two types of negative feedback-current and voltageboth of which are investigated and explained in this chapter.
Voltage feedback is the form usually employed for the improvement of amplifier performance, at the expense of available gain. It would remove ambiguity if the use of the initials" NFB " could be discontinued in favour of " CFB" for current feedback and "VFB" for voltage feedback.
For the benefit of those readers who are new to the subject, or possess only a vague idea of its function, a few illustrations of the effect of NFB (voltage type) on amplifiers and loudspeakers now follow. So far as the loudspeaker is concerned, it will be observed that 14 db feedback with uncorrected tetrode output was adequate in levelling the response of the amplifier reasonably well, and also in removing the bass resonance of the speaker. This 14 db application of feedback
(A) NFB Zero
(B) 14 db
(C) 26 db
FIG. 7/r.-Oscillograms showing effect of NFB on tetrode response.
reduces the source impedance from 100 to 4 ohms, where the optimum load is matched to 15 ohms. Increasing NFB to 20 db lowers the source impedance to 2 ohms, and 26 db to I ohm. It is evident that the reduction of source impedance is becoming more and more difficult. It is therefore absurd, so far as the loudspeaker is specifically concerned, to increase the NFB beyond a reasonable point of safety and stability.
The use of a variable resistance for the control of feedback in homebuilt amplifiers is an attractive proposition, which would in some cases
lead to the elimination of HF squirting and to prevention of cruelty to loudspeakers, transformers and valves.
Figure 7/1 shows the effect of NFB on the response of uncorrected tetrodes, as seen by oscilloscope. The glandular swelling is neatly removed by 14 db feedback.
The 26 db curve is identical with the response of the AF oscillator as fed into amplifier.
No apology need be made for including details of loudspeaker performance in a book on amplifiers. After all, the improvements which are achieved in amplifier quality must culminate in improved speaker performance, otherwise they become abortive; research should be co-ordinated as much as possible.
A very simple test for the effect of NFB on speaker resonance is to measure the volts developed in the voice coil. The following Table 2 gives results with the tetrode amplifier of Fig. 7/1, already used in Chapter 5, and a typical 8-in. speaker mounted on a small baffle, with voice coil resistance of 10 ohms.
Effect of voltage NFB on cone resonance. 8-in. unit on baffle.
20 " 26 " Oscillator direct
9'5 ohms to speaker 3'5 6'0 80 "
The addition of the voice coil load to the amplifier reduced the instability at 26 db mentioned in Chapter 5, Table I, but the 150 Kcjs oscillation pictured in Fig. 511 must have been present as an invisible guest.
For the tests of Table 2 the power was in every case set at 3'5 volts at 500 cis into the loudspeaker. The source impedance of the AF
Approx. Feedback
Source Tetrodes
100 ohms o db
13 " 6 "
10 " 8 "
4 " 14 " 2 " I ohm
Voice coil Volts at 500 cis into speaker
Voice coil Volts at cone resonance
10'0 6·8 6'2 4'5 4'0 375
Frequency of cone resonance
85 cis 82 " 80 " 77 " 74 "
71 "
N.B. The oscillator output stage was triodes in push-pull without NFB.
oscillator at this frequency was about 10 ohms. It is interesting to note that the voltage rise at cone resonance was in this case about the same as the rise with tetrodes with 8 db feedback, where the internal impedance is also 10 ohms.
Another interesting disclosure, which the writer had not previously observed, is the fact that the frequency of the cone resonance goes down as the intensity of the resonance is reduced by feedback. This is an obvious advantage; but whether it is always desirable to absorb all the bass resonance of a loudspeaker by feedback is another question. It is conceivable that where the frequency of the resonance is very low it may be an advantage to retain some of it in order to make up for losses in other parts of the reproducing system, and for the inefficiency of small listening rooms at very low frequencies.
Not infrequently, keen listeners complain of lack of bass after installing an amplifier with a high damping factor, which tends to make the cone move with constant velocity at low frequencies. A similar effect may be produced by using a magnet with very high flux density, but results are always affected by the mass of the cone and coil. For example, flux density of 13,000 lines with a r-in, centre pole-total flux 54,000 lines-completely damps the cone resonance of an average 8-in. speaker; but the same flux density with a I i-in. centre pole-total flux 145,000 lines-does not succeed in damping the cone resonance of the average rz-in. speaker. A really expensive 17,000 line magnet does the trick here, but some users then complain oflack of bass and write the makers insinuating they have been swindled! It should always be remembered that " perfection" in a single link in a reproducing chain is still impossible, and usually undesirable.
The following oscillograms show the effect of NFB on resonance, linearity and response in a more interesting and vivid way. The oscilloscope is far more sensitive in recording loudspeaker performance than the mechanical stylus used in conventional pressure response curves. The free-field readings were taken with the loudspeaker mounted in the wall of the research room, facing into a large field at a height of some 16 ft. above ground level; they are, therefore, free from any special characteristics which may be associated with anechoic rooms.
Figure 7/2 illustrates the response of a typical rz-in. speaker used with the tetrode amplifier, with snapshots of the waveform produced by the speaker at 60 and 50 cycles per second, under different conditions of feedback.
The cone resonance at 60-65 cis with zero NFB is very pronounced.
Frequency doubling and trebling are shown as shadows in the trace, and disappear at about 75 cis. With 14 db of feedback the bass resonance disappears, but there is still some distortion at 60 and 50 cis. The LF waveform is again improved by increasing the NFB to 26 db, but the shape is still non-sinusoidal at 50 cis.
It is very important to note here that any steps which are taken to
reduce the amplitude of cone movement at resonance (e.g. reflex loading) automatically improve the waveform by reducing frequency doubling. It follows therefore that the difference between the wave-
(A) Zero NFB (B) 14 db NFB (C) 26 db NFB
(100 ohms source) (4 ohms source) (I ohm source)
FIG. 7/2.-Free-field response of rz-in. unit with corrugated cone suspension, plus waveform at 60 and 50 cis. Input 3'5 volts at 500 cis.
Mic. 12 ins. on axis.
form at A and B is due to reduced cone movement as well as to improved quality from NFB, whereas the difference between Band C is due entirely to the improved amplifier quality from the extra feedback. (The possibility of distortion from HF instability is being ignored here.)
Before leaving Fig. 7/2, a word must be said about the response in the region of 1,000 cis upwards. The HF output is reduced with increase of feedback-as one would expect after seeing Fig. 7/1-but the rise in the region of 1,500 to 3,000 cis cannot be blamed entirely on tetrodes, nor can it be entirely removed by NFB. Unfortunately, it is in the nature of loudspeaker cones to display a range of maximum efficiency usually covering between one and two octaves in extent : the smaller the cone, the higher the frequency range of this rise in output. With a small cone and very light voice coil, it is possible to cover the range of 5 to 15 Kcjs with remarkable efficiency. Incidentally, these oscillograms, by reproducing the full positive and negative half-cycle of the sound waves, make the rise in output appear twice as bad as it really is, compared with the normal sound pressure curves, so there is no need for readers to consign their rz-in, speakers to the lumber-room as a result of shock from seeing these illustrations.
The next illustration, Fig. 7/3, shows results with the same speaker as the previous one, but fitted with cloth suspension. It will be observed that the cone resonance has gone down from 65 to 45 cis. There is
still frequency doubling at 50 cis with zero NFB, but it has largely disappeared at 60 cis.
As regards the HF performance, the tendency for soft surrounds
(A) Zero NFB
(B) 26 db NFB
FIG. 7/3.-Free-field response of rz-in. unit with cloth suspension.
Conditions as in Fig. 7/2.
to smooth out the sharper peaks of resonance is discernible by comparison with Fig. 7/2.
The third picture in this series, Fig. 7/4, is intended to show the effect of NFB in reducing resonances associated with reflex loading. A typical rz-in. speaker with corrugated cone suspension was mounted
(A) Feedback Zero
(B) 14 db
FIG. 7 !4.-Live-room response of rz-in, unit in reflex cabinet, showing effect of NFB on resonances at 40, 75 and 120 cis. Tetrode source. Input 3·5 volts into 12 ohms at 500 cis. Mic. 12 ins. on axis.
in a reflex cabinet with inside dimensions of 32 ins. X 15 ins. X 16 ins. and a port area of9 ins. X 3 ins. The readings were taken in a room 16 ft. X I S ft., with the cabinet standing in a comer. The start of room reflections is clearly shown. (In fact, the use of oscillograms may greatly enhance the value of live-room readings in assessing speaker performance.)
There is a fundamental cone resonance at 40 cis which is (fortunately?) hardly affected by NFB, but the main resonance at 7S c!s is virtually removed, and the next one at 120 cis is rounded off.
Although outside the purpose of the present investigations, it is interesting to note that the first outbreak of room reflections begins at about 220 cis, with still stronger effects at soo cis. These are related to the corner position. Moving the cabinet away from the corner produces strong reflection effects as low as 120 cis.
Two references have already been made to actual examples of negative feedback; one when describing cathode biassing where it was seen that the omission of the bypass condenser from across the cathode resistor reduced the effective input voltage to the amplifier, and the other when describing the split load type of phase splitter which was seen to be an exaggerated version of case one. Sundry hints have been made that NFB would prove to be a panacea for all ills, but whilst this is not strictly true, it will be seen from this chapter that its discriminating application can be most beneficial in the reduction of harmonic distortion and in generally improving amplifier performance. NFB is a vast subject; it is hoped that the survey given will enable readers to acquire a fair appreciation of its commoner uses.
FIG. 7/5.-Equivalent circuit of an amplifier with an output of fL times the input
fLEg (Ohm's voltage. 1= --R- law). ra+ L
Reference to Fig. 7/s shows the now familiar equivalent circuit of an amplifier. Consideration of this circuit will show that the current in the circuit will depend on the application of Ohm's law, and that it
will be equal to fLEg_ amps.
Referring now to Fig. 7/6 with the cathode resistance RK unbypassed, if the value of the anode load is decreased, say by connection of another loudspeaker, then the signal current through the circuit
FIG. 7/6.-Bias resistance RK un-bypassed giving CURRENT NFB in an
output stage.
will increase and therefore the voltage developed across RK will be greater. This will reduce the effective input volts still further, causing a decrease in anode current which tends to offset the original rise due to the reduced value of load RL, i.e. the feedback is tending to make the valve into a constant current generator.
Now if the current has been maintained constant it would appear that the total value of resistance in the circuit of Fig. 7/5 has remained constant. But the load has been reduced by parallel connection of an additional speaker, therefore the anode resistance (ra) must have been increased. This is undesirable in an output stage. The advantages of low anode resistance giving a high value of damping factor have already been explained.
We can conclude that current NFB is not desirable in the output stage, and the omission of the cathode bypass condenser is to be deprecated, although this is often done in the mistaken belief that some NFB is better than none-regardless of type.
On the other hand, current feedback can often be usefully employed to raise the input impedance of a valve. An analysis of the arrangement is made later in this chapter.
An output circuit of this type is shown in Fig. 7/7.
A proportion of the output voltage has been fed back into the grid/cathode circuit by means of the potentiometer chain C, RJ and R2. The anode being in anti-phase with the grid, will develop a voltage across R2 opposing the grid voltage Eg, and effectively reducing the voltage input between grid and cathode. Assuming that r, (the anode resistance) is high compared with RL (the load resistance), and RL is increased, say due to a speaker resonance in the case of an output stage, then the voltage across the load will tend to rise. This, however, will
increase the ~e~dbac~ V?lts and so tend to reduce the input volts and cancel the original nse rn output volts. This means that voltage NFB tends to make the valve into a constant voltage generator. If the voltage
FIG. 7/7.-Amplifier with a fraction of the output voltage fed back in anti-phase to the
across the circuit of Fig. 7/5 tends to remain steady, it is as if the total resistance load on the generator is constant. As RL the load resistance is known to have increased, the effect of voltage NFB is an apparent reduction of the anode resistance, and so is a desirable state of affairs in the output stage, as seen in Chapter 4 on the output stage.
Figure 7/7 is not a practical circuit as it is nearly always necessary to have one side of the input to an amplifier earthed, and this arrangement would make earthing impracticable. The presence of C is necessary to act as a blocker to the HT voltage, and its value in the feedback network would have to be chosen with due care to ensure that feedback did not take place at different values for different frequencies (unless so desired). If C is small, then more feedback will take place at high frequencies than at low, allowing bass notes to receive less attenuation, thus giving a form of tone control which has decidedly useful applications.
When thinking of phase relationships in connection with NFB it should be remembered that by definition NFB is feedback which has a component out of phase with the input voltages. Ideally the feedback should be 1800 out of phase at all frequencies but the presence of a reactive component will mean that the phase shift can be something other than 1800•
Figure 7/8 shows a vectorial diagram. If e is the input voltage, the output voltage E and thus the feedback voltage BE (where B is the fraction fed back) will ideally be 1800 out of phase. If there is a change of phase due to a reactive component the output voltage may be as shown at ED and the feedback voltage BE will be at the angle e with OE. The effective feedback voltage is therefore reduced to OA)
(BEl cos e). When the angle e is 90°, there is no feedback vol~a~e, and if e exceeds 90° there will be an in phase feedback voltage glVlng positive feedback and instability.
A single RCC stage can never cause an undesirable phase angle
FIG. 7/S.-Vectorial diagram of feedback voltage less than ISOo out of phase, showing how magnitude of effective feedback is reduced from OBE to ~A. Method of arriving at actual feedback voltage where a
phase shift other than ISOo is involved.
rotation of more than 90°, even at the extreme limits of frequency where there is the greatest possibility of phase shift. Therefore feedback over a single stage is safe from the risk of instability.
If feedback is applied over two or more RCC stages it is possible for regeneration to occur at the extreme ends of the frequency scale, although by careful design stability can be achieved up to three or even four stages if the degree of feedback is not too high.
0---- I I
FEEDBACK ViLTAGE BE FIG. 7/9.-Block schematic of voltage feedback circuit.
Figure 7/9 shows a block schematic for NFB of the voltage type. A potential divider, RI and R2, across the output of the amplifier feeds back a proportion of the output voltage in opposition to the input voltage e, leaving a net input of eg to the grid of the first valve.
The fraction of voltage fed back, called B, is equal to RI . If no
RI +R2 voltage is fed back, that is e=eg, then the basic gain of the amplifier, called A, will be the ratio of the input and output voltages, that is
A=~. If feedback is now applied, the input volts e will have to
be raised to obtain the same output voltage E, and the new gain of the
amplifier, AI' will equal E; this value for Al will be less than A.
Now e is equal to the sum of the input volts to the grid circuit, eg, and the feedback volts, BE, but as the feedback factor B is negative for negative feedback, e=eg-BE. Thus Al may also be expressed E
The Gain Reduction Factor due to feedback can be expressed as the ratio of the old gain without feedback to the new gain with feedback,
. A E E A E/eg BE
that IS: --, but A=- and AI= ... --= I--
Al eg Eg-BE Al e/eg-BE eg
The block schematic of Fig. 7/9 forms the basis for a practical circuit shown in Fig. 7/10. This leaves room for experiment on an existing amplifier.
FIG. 7/IO.-Typical NFB circuit (with potentiometer control) over three stages.
The feedback is taken from the secondary of the output transformer.
One side of this is earthed and the feedback network comprises RI and R2. R2 is a potentiometer of, say, 200 ohms, and RI is 800 ohms. With the slider of R, at the end nearest the cathode of VI' 20 per cent. feedback would be obtainable, variable down to zero at will.
If, on switching on, the amplifier gives a violent moan, one can conclude that positive feedback has been inadvertently applied. It should be switched off hurriedly, and the connections to the secondary of the output transformer reversed.
It is always advisable to apply a minimum of feedback when first checking for sense of feedback.
One should not be surprised if an amplifier of three stages as shown, or even two stages, to which the experiment can equally well be applied, oscillates when a large measure of feedback is applied. To check if
the feedback circuit is working, the connection to the slider of R2 can be broken and a rise in gain should be observed.
EXAMPLE: Taking a practical example, if 20 per cent. feedback
. EX20
is employed, the fractional feedback voltage B will be ~~ or 100
0'2 E. Assuming the amplifier without feedback had a gain A of 20
times, then the new gain Al will be ~ 20
I-BA I-(-0'2X20)
Another way of expressing the same thing, which is often employed, is to say that the gain with feedback is equal to the gain without feed-
back divided by I+AB. Using the figures above: Al 20
I+(20X '2)
= - = 4. This latter expression is more convenient if not strictly
accurate, as the fact that B is negative in the first expression can, and
often does, lead to errors in calculation!
(I) Voltage feedback lowers the output impedance of a valve.
(2) As a result of (I), better damping of the loudspeaker resonances is obtained.
(3) Voltage feedback re+ces the gain of an amplifier.
(4) As the gain is reduced, so is the available output; this can be counterbalanced to some extent by providing a bigger signal input to the amplifier, but this may necessitate a further stage of amplification, with more distortion.
(5) Voltage feedback can cause instability in an amplifier due to phase shifts at extremes of frequency producing positive feedback. These phase shifts can arise from two main sources:
(a) An insufficiently sectionalised output transformer with a high leakage inductance producing phase shift at high frequencies. This applies most particularly when the feedback is taken from the secondary winding, which is usually desirable to correct for distortion arising in the transformer.
(b) Inadequate size of interstage coupling condenser causing phase angle rotation at the lower frequencies.
The next sections deal with other effects of NFB, and may well be skipped on a first reading, as they are summarised at the end of the chapter.
If an amplifier has different gains at various frequencies due to deficiencies of one kind or another, the application of feedback will tend to make the gains at these frequencies more nearly equal.
Let A=gain of amplifier at one frequency.
Let X=gain of amplifier at another frequency.
The ratio of gains without feedback will be~.
A With feedback the new gains will be: Al = 1 + BA
X _ ___L I-I+BX
and the ratio of gains with feedback will be :
AI __ A_ X
x, I+BA I+BX
This equals the ratio of gains without feedback multiplied by the I+BX
factor I+BA.
Assuming the gain A was 20 and the gain X was 25, the new ratio of gains will be with 20 per cent. feedback:
20 1 + (·2 X 25)
25 1 + (-2 X 20)
_ 20 1 + 5 20 6 120
- -- X --= - X - = -.
25 1 + 4 25 5 125
The ratio of 120: 125=96 per cent. is considerably better than 120: 150=80 per cent., thus demonstrating that voltage NFB tends to even out the gain of an amplifier at all frequencies.
The application of voltage NFB will assist in reducing harmonic distortion generated within the amplifying stage itself, and a proof, not entirely rigorous, but giving a close approximation for practical purposes is appended.
Let D=distortion voltage in the output without feedback. Let Y = distortion voltage in the output with feedback.
Now the distortion voltage fed back to the input will be BY, but at the input there is no component at this frequency, so no cancellation can take place, and the fed back voltage is amplified, giving an output of ABY. This amplified distortion is out of phase with the original distortion voltage and the resultant voltage will be :
.'. Y + ABY= D
D ... Y (I + BA) = D .' . Y = --.
From this it can be seen that the harmonic distortion is reduced by a factor approximating to the gain reduction factor.
The inevitable circuit noise generated in an amplifier will tend to be reduced in the same way that harmonic and frequency distortion is " ironed" out by feedback, but what one gains on this particular swing one may lose on the roundabout of an extra stage to make up for the gain lost by feedback. There is little advantage in using feedback on the early stages of amplifiers handling very small voltages where distortion is not likely to creep in.
Figure 7/II shows a valve amplifier in which a resistance R, has been inserted in the cathode circuit. The alternating anode current will have to flow through R, and a voltage will be developed across it in opposition to the input voltage, i.e. current NFB.
Now the input impedance, Z, will equal ~ and in the absence of Rl I
would equal Rg, the grid leak, neglecting inter-electrode capacitances and Miller effect for the moment. When feedback is applied the effec-
rive voltage appearing across R, will be lessened and I will fall. If I is reduced then the value of Z in the expression Z = ~ will increase.
FIG. 7/1 I.-Useful current feedback circuit; the presence of R, will give rise to current feedback and one effect is to increase the input
Practical figures may serve to clinch the argument.
Assume E, the input =1 volt, Rg, the grid leak =0'25 meghom,
then without feedback 1= I X 106 micro-amps-e a [LA. With feed- 0'25X 106
back the effective input voltage across Rg (eg), might well be reduced to 0'25X 106
0'25 volt, then 1= ---=1 [LA, and now the input impedance= 0'25X 106
- - -- = I megohm.
I X 106
It will be seen that with an increase of feedback, the voltage across the grid leak will be made smaller, and the input impedance will rise in proportion, with, of course, increasingly reduced stage gain.
When the Miller Effect was discussed, it was seen that the input capacitance to a valve was much greater than might be expected, thereby reducing the input impedance so that the effect of current feedback will largely wipe out Miller effect to great advantage, particularly on the input circuits for crystal pick-ups and microphones.
In the circuit of Fig. 7/11, the omission of the cathode resistor bypass condenser will give the same effect as the inclusion of Rj, but if the value of resistance needed to get adequate feedback is greater than is required for biassing purposes, then R, can be included and CK omitted in addition.
FINAL SUMMARY OF EFFECTS OF NFB (I) A reduction of harmonic distortion.
(2) Improved linearity of frequency response.
A reduction of noise. A reduction of gain.
A modification of internal resistance of an amplifier.
Greater stability with changing supply voltages, ageing valves, and difference between individual valves.
(7) A modification of input resistance to an amplifier.
Some not so obvious practical implications of these effects are to be noted as being of considerable importance.
Possibly one of the biggest problems in the mind of the constructor is concerned with speaker matching; how far can one mis-match before trouble starts?
Referring back to the section on voltage feedback it was found that the feedback tended to offset any change in the load resistance of the valve. The load resistance in the case of an output valve is the loudspeaker, and changes on the secondary of the transformer are reflected back to the valve's anode circuit. It is not suggested that the reader would be so casual as to connect a 3 ohms speaker to a transformer wound to match a 15 ohms speaker*, but if this experiment is carried out, using an amplifier with a heavy degree of feedback, it is very surprising how tolerant the amplifier has become. The main effect will be a restriction of power output available, and a loss of bass, due to the valve being underloaded. If a 15 ohms speaker is connected to a 3 ohms secondary, there will be loss of power, without the attenuation of bass. Another aspect of the same problem would be the use of a transformer ratio of, say, 26: I with valves and loudspeaker calling for a ratio of 20 : I. With NFB, such liberties may be taken with impunity.
Heavy NFB is used in commercial amplifiers, say in a school, where the load may vary from one speaker, demanding 3 watts, to eight demanding 24 watts, and almost perfect regulation is achieved. Listening at the first speaker to be switched on, no change in level is perceptible when the other seven are switched in circuit, and the quality remains remarkably uniform.
In-phase feedback may occur in audio amplifiers over which a large amount ofNFB has been applied. Phase shifts at extremes offrequency in various parts of the circuit, mainly the output transformer, produce instability either continuously or on peaks and transients only, but always disagreeably.
Instability usually occurs in a feedback amplifier at a high audio or supersonic frequency. The response of a quite usual amplifier is
*1 often do this.-G.A.B.
fairly flat up to some high frequency and then drops off sharply. This rapid fall off means that the phase shift runs rapidly up to 1800 before the amplitude has dropped appreciably, and instability results. The old dodge of applying condensers across anode loads of RC coupled stages may work by reducing the amplification rapidly but is not nee:essarily a cure. What is really required is a stabilising device that will provide attenuation without phase shift. The arrangement in Fig. 7/12 will practically meet the requirement because the" tailing off" of the high frequency response is gradual and once the phase
FIG. 7/I2.-Modification of anode load giving a gradual fall of amplification with rise of frequency, thus avoiding large phase shift. Values are those of Williamson amplifier.
shift peak is passed the phase displacement remains small up to several hundred Kc/s and so the danger of high frequency parasitics is lessened. This circuit is used in the Williamson amplifier.
FIG. 7/I3.-NFB circuit in which feedback increases with rise of frequency due to shunting of R. by C.
The arrangement of Fig. 7/13 is particularly valuable for obtaining a high stability margin under conditions of wide changes in load, and for applying to awkward cases. The resistor RK, the cathode resistor of an early valve, has feedback applied across it from the secondary of the output transformer by means of the network R1, R2 and C. At low frequencies the reactance of C is made great and the feedback is proportional to RK/RK + R; + R2• At the higher frequencies the presence of C corrects for the phase shift introduced by the leakage inductance and self capacity of the output transformer.
Yet another method of cancelling phase shift effects consists of shunting the two halves of the primary of the output transformer by condensers as in Fig. 7/14'
The capacity tends to reduce gain with increase of frequency so that as the critical frequency is approached where leakage reactance of the output transformer is liable to cause instability, the gain has fallen to such a degree that there is not enough positive feedback to
J] ~~~~;2n~o,~
NFB rea,u.trli!d
FIG. 7/14.-Method of stabilising amplifier with heavy NFB, as employed in Garner amplifier described at end of book.
cause trouble anyway. The inclusion of resistors is to damp out possibility of forced oscillations in the primary circuit. To translate into the sordid terms of £ s. d. this" economy" operation of extracting bad teeth enables the user to work with an 8-section OP transformer; the RC network used on the primary costs but a fraction of the higher price involved in winding a transformer with 16 sections.
It is sometimes considered advisable for the degree of negative feedback to vary the gain of an amplifier differentially (a) at different volume control settings; (b) according to the frequencies being reproduced by the amplifier.
It is quite possible to arrange for either bass boost or cut and/or treble boost or cut by including frequency discriminating networks as part of the negative feedback loop. These may consist of either inductances or capacitors, or sometimes a combination of the two. Similarly it is easy enough to arrange for the volume control to act additionally as a potentiometer across the injection points for negative feedback and thereby to vary the amount of applied feedback.
We will consider both these conditions when applied to the simple amplifier shown in Fig. 7/15.
The amplifier is designed to provide 3·3 watts maximum into the 15 ohms load of the speaker. Therefore, approximately 7 volts RMS will be developed across this load. The output valve requires 5 volts
RMS at its grid, and since VI has a gain of 10 times it is obvious that a signal of ·5 volt RMS is required between grid and cathode at the
Circuit by F. H. Beaumont
FIG. 7/15.-NFB circuit giving higher proportion of extreme bass and treble as the volume level is reduced. Independent control of treble and bass can be included. (See text.)
input. Taking the case of the volume control being adjusted for maximum input and with the feedback disconnected, ·6 volt input will be needed however, since ·1 volt is dropped across the series resistance R; Introducing feedback so that the gain of the amplifier is halved with the volume control at maximum, it will be seen from the values given on the circuit that six times this amount of feedback must be applied at the earthy end of the volume control. In other words, if the output were fully maintained at such a control setting 3 volts RMS must appear as a result of feedback at the point Z. Since we have 7 volts across the speaker, a divider consisting of FBRl and FBR2 of the values given on the diagram would meet the requirements. At minimum volume control setting, a signal of 3·5 volts RMS would now be needed at the grid of V, so that negative feedback has reduced the gain 7 times or 17 db. At the maximum volume setting, however, gain reduction is only 2 times or 5 db, and intermediate settings of the volume control will vary the amplifier gain proportionately.
Now it is permissible to introduce counter distortion at lower volume settings to correct for the non-linearity of sound perception of the human ear when plotted against frequency. This means that we want more bass and more treble and less middle at low volume settings. Dealing with the bass boost required if we insert a capacitor in series with FBRl of such a value that the impedance in this branch of the feedback network totals 6 times FBRl alone at, say, 50 cis we shall obtain a bass boost at that frequency of I I db. Similarly, if we connect a capacitor across FBR2 of such a value that the impedance between Z and earth is only one-sixth of the value of FBR2 at, say, 10,000 cis we shall have a treble boost of I I db. Thus, with both capacitors
connected, bass and treble boost result. The amount of boost becomes relatively larger the nearer the volume control is set towards minimum. A ready means of correcting for aural characteristics is therefore to hand. The amount of boost permitted by this method is restricted by considerations of stability, since the two capacitors naturally introduce a phase shift. Care must be taken with the output transformer design, and in general such selective feedback is only permissible over one or two stages.
If it is desired to vary the amount of boost introduced, a variable resistance of say 1,000 ohms connected across the bass boost capacitor CB and another variable resistor of about 2,000 ohms in series with the treble boost capacitor CT would allow adjustment of either.
On the other hand, bass cut could be accomplished by inserting a capacitor in series with FBR2 and treble cut by connecting a capacitor across FBR1•
Our imaginary correspondent writes: "Can you elucidate the following points? Please reply in simple language as I have forgotten all my algebra and I can only multiply up to 10 times."
No. I.-I have an amplifier with pentode output and a medium-price output transformer with leakage inductance in excess of ·IH. I should like to apply negative feedback to improve quality. I am prepared to accept a reduction to I watt output. 15 ohms speaker. How do I proceed?
Answer.-As the output valve is a pentode, the distortion is probably largely odd harmonic. The best method would be to apply feedback from the secondary of the output transformer and feed it into the cathode circuit of the previous valve. A 200 ohms potentiometer would be inserted between cathode resistor and earth, the slider being connected to a 1,000 ohms resistor-thence to transformer secondary. If excessive feedback is attempted, the high leakage inductance of the OP transformer will result in instability, either audible or supersonic. If the loss of gain is too severe for available input, the feedback loop could be taken to the bottom end of the grid leak of the output valve, thus limiting its operation to one stage, and incidentally reversing the sense of the required connection to the output secondary winding.
No. 2.-1 have an amplifier similar to No. 1 but fitted with power valve instead of pentode. What must I do for the same results?
Answer.- The triode valve, providing it is reasonably well matched to its load, will not produce much distortion inherently, and the application of NFB will give little advantage. The low anode resistance of the triode is already giving a measure of loudspeaker damping, and whilst NFB will provide increased damping
it is a moot point whether any real advantage will accrue. If distortion is present it is probably in the driving stage, a triode needing a large drive voltage. (The pentode and tetrode output valves score here, as they need less driving, and with NFB can be arranged to give plenty of damping to the loudspeaker.) To deal with distortion, check that the penultimate stage is supplied with adequate HT voltage and is correctly biassed.
No. 3.-1 have an amplifier with push-pull output of about 10 watts, which I am prepared to drop to 2 watts by NFB if there is any benefit. What do you advise?
Answer.-If the push-pull amplifier is giving satisfactory results, leave it alone. If distortion is present, find out where it comes in. Suspect:
Gross mis-match between valves and load. Unmatched pair of output valves.
Poor quality output transformer.
Phase splitter grossly out of balance. Ageing valves or low HT voltage.
Wrong bias conditions.
Short on bias resistor due to electrolytic bypass failure.
Load resistor or screen feed resistor to early valves changed
in value.
NFB is not a patent purge to eliminate distortion; it is asking for trouble to apply it to a basically unsatisfactory amplifier. It will however improve frequency response and LS damping, and could be applied over penultimate stage as shown in Fig. 7/16, or to previous valve as described in Answer No. I.
FIG. 7/r6.-PP Amplifier with NFB applied over penultimate stage, with less reduction of gain than if fed into cathode of VI.
No. 4.-lf my output conditions are matched to a 3 ohms speaker instead of 15 ohms, how would this affect the NFB arrangements?
Answer.- The voltage appearing across the secondary of the output transformer will be less with the 3 ohms unit. For 3 watts the voltage is 3 V across a 3 ohms voice coil, but 6"7 volts appear across a 15 ohms coil. Therefore, the ratio of the feedback potentiometer arms will be lower for the 3 ohms secondary to obtain an equivalent feedback voltage.
No. 5.-1 have an amplifier with NFB which is used with a 15 ohms speaker. If I connect another speaker in parallel and reduce the load to 71 ohms what effect does this have on the NFB voltage? Does it increase the NFB or reduce it ?
Answer.-When the second loudspeaker is connected, the voltage across the two will be reduced, but this will reduce the feedback, so the gain of the amplifier will rise and a compensating effect will take place. The output therefore tends to remain level and voltage feedback tends to produce a constant voltage generator. This accounts for the fact that NFB helps to overcome a mismatch in the output transformer or speaker load.
No. 6.-1 should like to know a simple way of estimating the amount of NFB which is being applied in one or two typical cases.
Answer.-As the premise is that 10 X table is the highest one we know, it is rather difficult to answer this question. An approach in terms of input sensitivity for equal outputs seems to present the fewest mathematical obstacles. If an input of 0·25 volt will give an output X without feedback, and 1·5 volts are needed to give the same output X, then we have divided the gain by 6. This is clearly a voltage ratio of 6 : I, which is approximately 15·5 db. (The db/ratio can be checked by reference to the table in the supplement.) Also, in the case in question, we must have fed back 1·25 volts.
Looked at from the other end, let us assume we produce 15 volts across a 15 ohms load. The power is now 15 watts. Feedback is applied and the output volts fall to one-sixth of the former value, i.e. 21 volts, which is equivalent to 0.416 watt. This is a power ratio of 15 : 0.416, say 36 : I which is again 15·5 db approx.
If it is desired to restore the output to 15 watts without reducing NFB, this can be done by increasing the input volts by 6 times, and the grid/cathode circuit of the first valve still only receives its original net input and all the valves in the amplifier proper are only called upon to handle the same voltage excursions as without feedback. Also, the power-handling capacity of the output stage is not destroyed in any way. This is one advantage of overall feedback to an early stage, which more than offsets phase shift difficulties that may creep in. When feedback is
applied to fewer stages or only one stage, there is always the danger of overloading if the input level is increased to counterbalance the feedback losses.
For reading voltages as outlined in this answer, a valve voltmeter on the input and ordinary AC meter across a dummy resistive load on the output are quite satisfactory.
Although the use of a valve in a cathode follower circuit actually converts it into a de-amplifier, it has so many useful and interesting aspects that the system cannot be ignored in a book about Amplifiers.
Inspection of the basic circuit shows that the load is connected in the cathode circuit instead of the usual anode circuit, and the output is taken from cathode and earth. The effect is to reduce the stage gain
FIG. 8/lo-Basic Cathode Follower circuit in which the output is in opposition to the input, giving a "gain" of
less than unity.
L--"""_---'----HT -
to a value slightly less than unity, for the total output voltage appears across the cathode resistor and opposes the input voltage, thus giving 100 per cent. feedback.
The salient features of such an arrangement are to give a high input impedance and a low output impedance.
The stage gain can be calculated from the usual formula
Al = A where A = gain of amplifier without feedback, and
1+ BA
B = the fractional voltage feedback. Since B in this case is unity, the
expression becomes Al = _P.._, but as A is always larger than unity, I + A
the gain is slightly less than unity: e.g. A = 20 Al = ~ = 20 =
1+20 21
0·95. This means that the input voltage must always be slightly higher than the output voltage required; in fact, obtaining sufficient grid drive for the stage often constitutes a difficulty.
This particular circuit arrangement has caused more obscure
" explanations" of how it works than any other circuit the writer has ever encountered, but he considers that the best approach to the problem is to observe the facts and then explain them.
The amplifier at first glance appears to be very similar to that in which the current feedback was obtained by omitting the cathode bypass condenser and this can quite well be the case as the stage has a high input impedance.
,..----t-- HT+
FIG. 812.-Voltages appearing across inter-electrode capacities in a cathode follower.
This can also be argued by reference to Fig. 8/2 in which the actual voltages applied across the inter-electrode capacitances are shown. If the grid is made 1 volt less negative, i.e. 1 volt positive, the cathode follows it to nearly 1 volt positive (hence the name cathode follower). The voltage across Cgc (capacity grid-cathode) will now be o·oSV. This will certainly cause less current to flow than the 1 volt that would appear across it in an ordinary amplifier as shown in Fig. 8/3 .
FIG. 813.-High value of voltage appears across ega in normal amplifier, cf. Fig. 812.
Now the voltage appearing across Cga (capacity grid-anode) is only 1 volt in the cathode follower, but in Fig. 8/3 it would be eg X (I + A) volts. In an amplifier with a stage gain of 20 times, this would amount to 21 volts for 1 volt input. Furthermore, much more current would flow. The cathode follower behaves like a Miller effect in reverse, and has the highest input impedance obtainable in any circuit with a
particular valve. . .
Taking the cathode follower's second characteristic, that of a low
output impedance, this is not a characteristic of a current NFB arrangement, but rather that of a voltage feedback arrangement. It is argued that the feedback is the voltage across the load, the whole of it, but it cannot be both kinds of feedback at once, yet it certainly appears to be so.
Take a case as shown in Fig. 8/4 in which the cathode follower is used as an output stage. The load in the cathode as presented by the
FIG. 8/4.-Cathode Follower as an output stage driving a loudspeaker.
loudspeaker via the transformer is the optimum load quoted for the particular valve employed.
If the load rises, as it will do at the frequency of the bass resonance of the loudspeaker, then the voltage across the load will increase, giving rise to greater feedback, thus tending to cancel the increase in output. Conversely, connect another loudspeaker in parallel with the original one and the load impedance will fall; this gives less feedback and the gain rises. These are all the characteristics ofa low impedance generator and are admirable for an output stage.
The argument of the output stage still goes on: whether to use the cathode follower, a low impedance triode, or a pentode or tetrode with NFB, but the general tendency seems to be to use the pentode or tetrode with NFB giving adequate loudspeaker damping. The extra damping factor conferred by cathode follower output is considered to give no appreciable improvement in speaker performance. It is possible to have too much of a good thing and give a loudspeaker excessive damping.
It is certainly much easier to provide the drive for an output stage of a more normal type. For instance, a PX25 triode would require a grid drive of approximately 230 volts to give 6 watts output as a cathode follower, but with an output resistance of 120 ohms. The normal grid drive is 33 volts. It is a big problem to provide seven times as much, demanding a voltage amplifier with a very large value of anode load and HT supply to match. An inter-valve transformer might be used to give a voltage step-up, but the shunt capacities would take their toll.
If the reader desires to experiment, the circuit of Fig. 8/5 could be used. This has given very satisfactory results, such as one only expects from a more ambitious output stage.
RI= 450 n R2- 100 K R3= 2S K R4= SOOK Rs=250K R6-IOO n
CI- 0·25"uF VtGJ7 OR
C2= B,uF V2-roVIO
C3- 2S,uF GVW
c4= O·If!F
FIG. 8/s.-Practical amplifier circuit for a cathode follower output stage.
A 6V6 Tetrode is used in the output stage, but will of necessity become a triode with an expected output of 0·8 watt. This valve works into a load of approximately 3,000 ohms, through a suitable matching transformer, ratio 14: I with 15 ohms speaker, or 32 : I with 3 ohms LS. The matching is by no means critical due to the low internal resistance of output. To develop 0·8 watt across 3,000 ohms
requires about 49 volts; this means that an input of ~ volts = 54 volts
0'9 is needed.
A 6J7 pentode as an RCC amplifier is capable of giving 81 volts peak across a: following grid leak of 0'25 megohm, the recommended value for a 6V6, using a 300 volts HT supply. The anode load of the 6J 7 should be lOoK, screen resistor o- 5 megohm, cathode resistor 450 ohms, screen bypass conveniently 0'25 mfd, cathode bypass 25 mfd. The coupling condensor due to the high input impedance of the output stage need not be large, 0'1 mfd is adequate. The 6J7 will give a stage gain of 82 times, thus a I volt input will fully load the output. I volt is easily obtained from a radio feeder, but if a pick-up is used a low gain triode might be employed ahead of VI' The bias voltage for the 6V6 is in the order of 15 volts, thus with a space current of 50 mA the DC resistance in the cathode should be H X 1,000 ohms = 300 ohms. If the primary of the output transformer is less than 300 ohms then it should be made up to 300 ohms as shown in Fig. 8/6A.
If the primary of the output transformer has a resistance greater than 300 ohms, then the grid is returned to a potential divider across the
HT supply as shown in Fig. 8/6B, thus raising the grid to a positive potential equal to the excessive bias produced in the cathode circuit.
FIG. 8/6.
A. Method of obtaining more bias for a cathode follower output stage.
B. Method of cancelling excessive bias voltage developed across transformer primary.
For example, transformer primary 400 ohms, therefore excess bias (400 - 300) X _ _5_<:l_= 5 volts. A suitable divider across the HT would 1,000
be one in which the elements are in the ratio of 295 : 5 e.g. 295,000 ohms: 5,000 ohms. A low 300K would be suitable.
The bypass condenser of Fig. 8/6A makes no audible difference if R is quite small, say less than 100 ohms, which it normally would be, but the omission of a bypass condenser in Fig. 8j6B produces mains hum.
It is very instructive to compare the cathode follower amplifier with the one shown in Fig. 8/7, where the 6V6 is used as a tetrode with NFB. The loading is 5,000 ohms, bias -15V, input say 12 volts.
The 6J7 stage gain is 82, therefore the input required is 12V = 0'15V
without feedback.
Assuming 3 watts output across 15 ohms voice coil, we have 6'7 volts.
With VRI at 150 ohms in feedback loop, the voltage feedback will be 6'7
- = I '675 volts. Therefore the input voltage for full output becomes
1.825 volts (1'675 + 0·15V). This degree of feedback may cause instability due to phase shift in output transformer, but very pleasant results can be achieved with only 20-30 ohms of VRI in the feedback loop.
rr: __ -+_47_K---l18Mf~
'-+7 M
450 n
FIG. 8/7.-Comparable amplifier to that of Fig. 8/5, but arranged for tetrode output with variable voltage NFB overall.
The use of the cathode follower in the output stage is judged to be hardly worth while, but a trial of the system may interest the experimenter. The loudspeaker can be over damped, and the NFB is limited to the output stage, leaving preceding stages to produce distortion unless they have NFB overall.
I. Using crystal microphones or pick-ups, the cathode follower with its high input impedance is excellent as the first stage, in spite of contributing less than no gain.
2. If a microphone or pick-up of high impedance is operated remotely from the main amplifier, a long length of screened cable will introduce excessive top cut due to its self capacity. A cathode follower between pick-up and line will avoid this attenuation, and provide a form of line matching which obviates the use of a step-down transformer with its inherent distortion and unerring instinct for finding any stray induction fields and producing hum.
3. As a device for mixing two or more inputs into an amplifier, a cathode follower in each input channel provides ideal isolation and great ease of mixing, using low resistance wire-wound potentiometers as cathode loads.
When discussing push-pull output stages in Chapter 6, it was seen that the two grids of the output valves must be fed in anti-phase ; therefore a voltage is required balanced to earth. This was obtained in Fig. 6/2 by the use of a transformer, but a transformer as phase splitter is not regarded with much favour in modern high fidelity apparatus, due to its tendency to attenuate the upper frequencies by shunt capacities. There is also the difficulty of maintaining adequate primary inductance, although this problem is eased by shunt feeding the primary, as shown in Fig. 3/7.
Other drawbacks are the high cost of a good component, and the possibility of hum pick-up due to interaction with mains transformers and smoothing chokes. A single valve may be employed as a phase splitter, and, whilst it contributes little to amplification in some cases, it is an elegant way of obtaining a phase split and is favoured both on the basis of cost and efficiency.
When the output stages are driven into grid current, as in the AB2 and B2 modes of high power operation, it is essential to have a low value of resistance in the grid circuit, otherwise the flow of grid current will develop a voltage across the resistance and completely upset the biassing condition. This requirement can only be satisfied by using a transformer with a suitable low-resistance secondary. To assist in this direction, a step-down transformer is usually employed. The use of a nickel/iron alloy core is precluded in this application due to the high level of operation. Quite a large transformer will be required presenting no small design problem. As we are more interested in good quality than maximum noise, the RCC types of phase splitters have the strongest appeal.
The desirable attributes of a phase splitter device may well be summarised as follows:
(I) The two outputs should be of equal amplitudes, i.e. in balance at all instants of time.
(2) The high frequency response should be well sustained.
(3) The two outputs should be in exactly 1800 phase relationship over the frequency range involved.
(4) If possible some useful amplification should be obtainable, with a sufficiently high voltage output to fully drive the succeeding push-pull pair of valves.
(5) No hum should be introduced into the circuit.
(6) Initial adjustments for balance, if any, should not demand complex apparatus.
(7) It should not be extravagant of valves or components. Six possible types of phase splitters are described in this chapter and a summary of their merits or demerits is made in the light of the above requirements, before an explanation of their mode of operation is attempted. It might be thought a waste of time and space to include three types of phase splitters which are later condemned out of hand, but these arrangements are so frequently met with in published designs that an analysis of their working and defects should prove of value in assessing the merits of a particular circuit.
The following list is not exhaustive, as other systems exist, and some possible modifications in detail in those described are not discussed.
1. THE CONCERTINA OR SPLIT LOAD PHASE SPLITTER (I) Good balance of outputs at all times, say 0.125 per cent. error. (2) Some unbalance of outputs at the highest frequencies (0·02 per cent.) but amplitude well maintained.
(3) Some phase shift at the highest frequencies.
(4) Stage gain less than unity, for each output; subject to limitation imposed by permissible anode swings of the valve, equal to 0·9 of input to stage.
(5) Tends to introduce heater hum into the circuit, but this can be counteracted.
(6) No initial setting up for balance apart from fairly close match of load resistors.
(7) Economical of components and only one valve needed.
In order to obtain sufficient drive for succeeding stages, the temptation exists to increase input to stage to get greater output with risk of introducing harmonic distortion due to operation over curved part of valve's characteristic. NFB reduces distortion.
Whilst not quite perfect, can be recommended for use at low output levels as giving excellent results with minimum trouble.
(I) Balance of amplitude of outputs usually poor at low frequencies. (2) High frequency response falls off.
(3) Severe phase shift at extremes of frequency.
(4) Useful gain of a voltage amplification stage available. (5) No tendency to introduce heater hum.
(6) Initial adjustment for balance not too easy.
(7) Economical of components but two valves required giving discount in gain obtainable.
Gives mediocre results, and two valves can be used to much better effect.
(1) Never exactly in balance under dynamic conditions, and not essentially stable.
(2) No initial balance adjustment required-in theory.
Other remarks as for Type 2.
To be avoided, although often used in cheaper apparatus for ease of initial testing.
4. CATHODE COUPLED PHASE SPLITTER (I) Completely self-balancing in effect.
(2) High frequency response well sustained. (3) Only very small phase shift effects.
(4) Gives gain of approximately one-half a stage of amplification. (5) Some tendency to introduce heater hum which can be counter-
(6) No setting up for balance.
(7) Economical of components but two valves required.
Probably the best types to be employed where medium drive voltages are required. Reduction of effective anode voltages make maximum signal output somewhat reduced as compared to Type 5.
5. THE ANODE FOLLOWER PHASE SPLITTER (I) To a very large degree self-balancing due to NFB employed. (2) High frequency response well maintained.
(3) Phase unbalance can be held to 1 per cent.
(4) Gives gain of one stage of amplification. (5) No tendency to introduce hum.
(6) No initial balance adjustment.
(7) Two valves required and somewhat extravagant of components.
The best all-round type, especially when the maximum drive voltage is required.
This type has all the characteristics of the Concertina Type I, but has the advantage that the full gain of the preceding amplifier, a pentode, can be realised, which offsets the disadvantage of no gain from the normal circuit arrangement.
Ru= RL2 = ra of valve
FIG. 9!r.-The single valve Concertina Phase Splitter.
In the arrangement of Fig. 9/1 the valve is given two equal loads, one in the anode RLI which is completely normal, and one in the cathode RL2, which resembles the cathode follower output stage. The outputs taken from anode and cathode will be equal and opposite in phase. The circuit is interesting because of the NFB principles involved. RL2 will provide current feedback for output 1 making it of high impedance, whilst output 2 will appear to have a very low impedance due to the effect encountered in the cathode follower. However, the apparent internal resistance of the output will not influence the grid circuits to which the outputs are fed; the only thing that matters is that the voltages shall be equal. This specification is well met at low frequencies providing the decoupling condenser Cd, if present, is of adequate value with negligible reactance at the lowest frequencies; otherwise the anode load will rise and there will be inequality of output. Cd should be at least 8 microfarads.
The output at high frequencies is slightly out of balance due to the presence of CgK and Cg2. The currents through these capacitances (of unequal size) are not in phase with the space current, and they have the effect of making the anode and cathode voltages unequal in amplitude at the highest audio frequencies, and of giving them a small phase difference not equal to the ideal 1800•
Reference to Fig. 9/1 shows the arrangement for obtaining bias.
The value of CK must be made adequate or output 2 will become larger than output I at low frequencies, although the degree of unbalance will not be very serious as RK is small compared with RL2, say 1,000 ohms, compared with 50,000 ohms. In practice the two load resistors are made roughly equal to the anode resistance of the valve. Rg, the grid leak, should be as large as possible, otherwise the current flow through Rg and RK tends to increase the cathode output, but with Rg = 2 megohms, the degree of unbalance for a valve of mutual conductance 2 rnA/V, is only o· 125 per cent., and the degree of unbalance is not of practical importance unless Rg is below about lOoK ohms.
The output expected at each output can be reckoned as about 0'9 of the input for average stages.
The input resistance can usually be taken as about ten times the value of the grid leak, thus the size of Ce, the coupling condenser, can be reduced accordingly, effecting a saving. This high input resistance is very valuable when the preceding amplifier is a pentode, enabling more gain to be obtained, and less attenuation of the higher frequencies.
A disadvantage of this circuit is that the cathode of the valve is considerably positive with respect to its heater which is usually earthed. This may give rise to a breakdown of insulation between heater and cathode. Valve manufacturers usually give the maximum permitted voltage that may be applied across heater and cathode, and care has to be taken that this voltage is not exceeded. The difficulty might be overcome by using a separate heater winding for this valve and raising potential of the winding to some point above earth, as shown in Fig. 9/2, although this is an unwanted complication and expense.
FIG. 9/2.-Modifications to Concertina Circuit. Arrangement to make heater of valve more positive than the cathode to avoid the effects of heater emission, and to avoid excessive voltage between heater and cathode. Separate heater winding is
sometimes required.
Another way of tackling the problem is to raise the whole heater circuits throughout the amplifier to a suitable positive potential. This can be done quite successfully.
This circuit sometimes gives rise to mains hum, as the heater of the valve may be producing thermionic emission, and the electron stream, modulated with hundred cycle ripple, will be collected by the positively charged cathode. Either of the artifices previously described may be adopted to eliminate this trouble. Although with some valves heater hum may be troublesome, the 6J 5 and 6C5 seem to work well in every respect, also the Mullard EF37A strapped as a triode. The use of a pentode is inconvenient in this circuit, as with the cathode follower, because a screen supply must be decoupled to the cathode if the valve is not to become in effect a triode. The currents through the decoupling condenser to cathode would materially affect the balance of output.
Figs. 9/3 and 9/4 show two circuits in which VI is a standard amplifier and a fraction of the output of VI is fed into V2 so that the output of V, is equal to that of VI and of course in anti-phase. Fig. 9/3 shows
I ~\W.~ ~ Rd HT+
FIG. 9!3.-Paraphase Splitter.
a form of phase splitter in which V 2 is fed with a fraction of the output of V I from the potentiometer RI R2 so that the output of V 2 equals that of VI' RI + R2 = R, serving as grid leaks for succeeding valves.
Fig. 9/4 is a similar circuit to Fig. 9/3 giving a somewhat improved HF response as Rg can be made much larger than R2 in Fig. 9/3.
These circuits cannot be recommended as the phase unbalance at extremes of frequency is too great (up to 12 per cent.). Their advantages are that the system gives amplification and is capable of higher
output than the concertina type; also the large difference in potential between cathode and heater is avoided.
FIG. 9/4.-Alternative feed to phase inverter valve in paraphase splitter.
The resemblance here to Fig. 9/3 is marked, but the circuit has its weakness, that of poor HF response. RI = Ra, therefore RI + R2 and R3 - R2 may be used as grid resistors for the succeeding valve. This limits the upper values of RD R2 and R3 in practice, and is one reason for the weakness of the circuit.
The circuit of Fig. 9/5 shows the general form of the arrangement.
Resistors RI and R2 form a load across the output of VI. A portion of
FIG. 9/5.-Fioating paraphase.
the output of VI is fed to the grid of V2 whose output will cause a voltage to appear across R3 and R2. The voltage developed by V 2 across R2 will, of course, be in opposition to the voltage developed across R2 by V 1. If the outputs of VIand V 2 are of the same order,
then. the point X ~ill be virtually at earth potential. If the output of VI rises, then the input to V 2 rises and so V 2 gives increased output and the net result is that point X is balanced at earth potential and the voltages across R, and R3, the input voltages to the output valves, are equal. The circuit has the advantages of the previous type, but in practice the point X is never quite at earth potentia 1, but floating, hence the name. Equality of output is rarely attained.
HT+ ~8)'F minimum
I >OP2
NOTE -Anode loads ere nor equal
FIG. 9/6.-Cathode-coupled phase splitter.
The name of the circuit can readily be understood because the cathodes of VI and V2 (Fig. 9/6) are coupled due to the common resistor RK. The mode of operation can easily be followed. If the grid of VIis made more positive, the anode current increases, and so a larger voltage appears across RK. The anode of VI will, of course, be negative going. The increased voltage across RK makes the cathode of V 2 more positive relative to the grid, which is another way of saying that the grid of V 2 becomes more negative than its cathode; consequently the anode current of V 2 falls, and the anode of V 2 is positive going. We thus have two outputs in anti-phase.
A common bias resistor R3 is employed with suitable grid leaks R, and R2 returned to the junction of R3 and RK. The size of C2 is important; if it is not large enough it will introduce phase unbalance at low frequencies, because then in effect the grid of V 2 would not be returned to earth but to a tapping on a potential divider formed by R2 and C2 across RK.
There is a slight unbalance at all frequencies brought about by the presence of R, causing extra current in RK due to the input current flowing through RI and RK. This was also a defect of the Concertina type, but if R, is large, up to 2M being common, the unbalance due to this cause is almost negligible. At high frequencies stray capacitances
greatly complicate the action of the circuit, but providing RK is not large any unbalance is virtually cancelled out.
A further advantage of keeping RK small is that a large voltage is not developed across it thereby seriously reducing the effective HT voltage between anode and cathode, and of course not giving an excessive cathode/heater voltage.
To preserve a good high frequency response the value of anode load should not be too high or shunt capacities take their toll. As the anode load should not be less than twice the anode resistance of the valve, to secure good linearity, a valve of fairly low anode resistance will be chosen.
The value of RK is usually chosen to equal the anode resistance of the valve, but as a low anode resistance valve is needed for the reason above, RK will be low which satisfies on all counts.
With the preceding conditions met there will be an unbalance if equal values of anode loads are employed, but adjustment of these values can put this right. The anode load of V 1 should be smaller than that of V a-
To obtain exact balance the equation below must be satisfied:
R _ _R--,a=z _
at -
raZ + Raz
I + ---~ ~
RK (I + Raz)
Let us take two common examples of valves suitable for this application: 6SN7 or Mullard ECC32 or 6J5's.
r, = 14,000 ohms, Raz say 47K, RK = 15K, iJ. = 32.
By substitution in formula: 47K
Ra1= -------'-'------~
1+ 14K + 47K 15K (I + 32) 6SL7 or Mullard ECC35.
r, = 34K, Raz say 68K, RK = 33K, r = 68.
By substitution:
68K R -----
at - 34K + 68K
33K (I + 68)
47K 1+ 61K. 495K
102K 1+---
33K X 69
1:044 = 65K.
1- + IOiK_
2,277K It can be seen ~hat as RK and iJ. become larger, and with a small value for. Raz the difference between Ra1 and Raz becomes less. Quite satIsfactory results have been achieved using an ECC35 with Raz =
180K and RK = 47K with Ral = 180K as the difference in outputs is negligible if the above formula is applied, the denominator being but ~·oS6. The ideal value for Ral being approximately 170K, the error IS only 0·5 per cent.
This circuit arrangement is by no means new, as it was used in the Science Museum Receiver described in Wireless World in 1930. New importance was given to the circuit during World War II by its suitability for radar work, when it received its present name.
FIG. 9/7.- The Anode Follower, which is the modified version of the " Floating Paraphase " of Fig. 915.
Fig. 9/7 shows one form of the circuit which will give phase unbalance of less than I per cent. The cathodes of both valves are not at a high potential relative to the heater, which is often an advantage. Also the undistorted output given by each valve is greater than the arrangement of Fig. 9/6 in which the effective HT voltage is reduced by the drop across the common cathode resistor. Where high output voltages are required to drive big output valves this circuit is undoubtedly the best so far discussed, although for low level work it is somewhat costly and cumbersome as compared with the Concertina type.
The valve V 2 is fed from a potential divider comprising CD R3, R5 across the output of VI so that the overall amplification of V2 is unity. V2 is provided with negative feedback from anode to grid via C2 and R4 thus giving it a low input impedance which is effectively one arm of the input potential divider. As the input impedance depends on the amplification and the potential divider ratio depends on the input impedance, the circuit is largely self-compensating for changes of amplification.
The greatest drawback in practice is obtaining values for R3 and R4 to ensure that near balance is achieved, but in Fig. 9/7 looK and 2M would be suitable.