The document provides the schedule of events for a church for the week of August 24, 2014. It includes details of the morning and evening worship services on Sunday with speakers and songs. It also lists the weekly activities happening at the church such as bible studies, choir practice, and aerobics classes. Additionally, it provides announcements for upcoming events like church directory photo sessions and a progressive dinner. Financial information is given and attendance numbers are noted for the previous Sunday's services.
The document provides the schedule of events for a church for the week of August 24, 2014. It includes details of the morning and evening worship services on Sunday with speakers and songs. It also lists the weekly activities happening at the church such as bible studies, choir practice, and aerobics classes. Additionally, it provides announcements for upcoming events like church directory photo sessions and a progressive dinner. Financial information is given and attendance numbers are noted for the previous Sunday's services.
The document provides the schedule of events for a church for the week of August 24, 2014. It includes details of the morning and evening worship services on Sunday with speakers and songs. It also lists the weekly activities happening at the church such as bible studies, choir practice, and aerobics classes. Additionally, it provides announcements for upcoming events like church directory photo sessions and a progressive dinner. Financial information is given and attendance numbers are noted for the previous Sunday's services.
The document provides the schedule of events for a church for the week of August 24, 2014. It includes details of the morning and evening worship services on Sunday with speakers and songs. It also lists the weekly activities happening at the church such as bible studies, choir practice, and aerobics classes. Additionally, it provides announcements for upcoming events like church directory photo sessions and a progressive dinner. Financial information is given and attendance numbers are noted for the previous Sunday's services.
Opening Prayer.............Mr. Mark Smith/Mr. Garnett Parke Song of Celebration: There is Power in the Blood ~ Hymn 132 Welcome/Greeting......Dr. Deron Cobb Lords Supper Songs of Praise: In The Cross Worthy Is The Lamb Crown Him With Many Crowns ~ Hymn 161 Scripture Reading Message.......Dr. Deron Cobb Fireproof Faith Daniel 3:1-30 Invitation: Only Trust Him ~ Hymn 317 Offertory Prayer..Mr. Kevin Coleman/Mr. Roy Baxter Worship Through GivingMrs. Lola Payne with Hwy 388 Announcements.Rev. Dwayne Abrahamson/Rev. Gary Maynard Closing Song
Evening Worship
Song of Mission: God of Grace and God of Glory ~ Hymn 395 Welcome/Opening Prayer......Rev. Dwayne Abrahamson Childrens Time..Mrs. Linda Coulter Song of Faith: Show Us Christ Message.......Dr. Deron Cobb Invitation: How Great Thou Art ~ Hymn 10 Offertory Prayer..........................................................Usher Worship Through Giving..........................Hanna Allen Closing Prayer.......Mr. Bob Chaffins Ministerial Staff Deron Cobb - Senior Pastor Gary Maynard - Minister of Education/Senior Adults Dwayne Abrahamson - Minister of Students/Recreation Linda Coulter - Director of Childhood Ministries Jordan Nickell - Minister of Music
Support Staff Dawn Burns - Church/Financial Secretary Becky Hereford - Administrative Assistant Financial Stewardship Update (As of August 17, 2014) General Fund Actual Budget Weekly 16,815 17,463 YTD 519,367 576,268 Building Fund Actual Budget Weekly 2,300 3,150 YTD 122,607 103,950 FLC Loan Balance: $1,323,107 S.S. Attendance: 417 AM Worship: 494 PM Worship: 127 Date: Sun. 8/24/14 Sunday Morning Speaker: Dr. Deron S. Cobb Series: Discovering Gods Story Together Message: Fireproof Faith Te!t: Danie" #:1$#% Please be sure to fill out the reservation form and place it in the pottery bowl at the Welcome Center. (At this time we do not have online reservations available.)
Wednesday Night Suppers August 27 ~ @2.00 Meal Tacos/Refried Beans Nacho Chips & Cheese Assorted Desserts I. The _______________they Faced (Dan. 1:3!" #e$. 1%:&1%' They Stood for (od in an )$i* ________________ the pro$idence of +aby*on They Stood for (od in front of an )$i* ______________ They Stood for (od again,t an )$i* ________________ They Stood for (od again,t an __________________ )ntice-ent (Dan. 3:.' They Stood for (od again,t a ____________Induce-ent (Dan. 3:%/' They Stood for (od again,t _____________)nforce-ent (Dan. 3:0' They Stood for (od again,t ______________Defi*e-ent (Dan. 3:0" #e$. 13:!1'
II. The __________________ they Fo**o2ed (Dan. 3:1311' 3. They had a ________________Faith (Dan. 3:10' +. They had a ________________Faith (Dan. 3:1.4 1!: 5, .6:1.' C. They had a _________________Faith (Dan. 3:1!11" 7eb. 11:3%3.'
III. The ____________________they Found (Dan. 3:%/%.' 3. They )8perienced ________________(Dan. 3:%!' +. They )n9oyed the _______________of :e,u, (Dan. 3:%.' C. They )ffected the ___________ of a ;ing (Dan. 3:%1%&'
<Faith i, not be*ief 2ith proof4 but tru,t 2ithout re,er$ation. )*ton Trueb*ood Thursday, August 28 Lifetouch Church Directory Pictures 8/28 - 8/30 ~ Fri - Sat 1:00 - 4:00 pm - MCA VB practices - gym 5:00 pm - Aerobics - Aerobics Rm 6:30 - 8:00 - Gym Reserved 6:30 pm - Reaching Richmond 7:00 pm - Praise Team - Sanctuary Friday, August 29 Lifetouch Church Directory Pictures 8/28 - 8/30 ~ Fri - Sat 1:00 - 5:00 pm - MCA practices - gym 2:00 pm - Body Recall - Cancelled Saturday, August 30 Lifetouch Church Directory Pictures 8/28 - 8/30 ~ Fri - Sat 11:00 am - Baby Shower - Choir Room Sunday, August 31 9:15 am - 1st Service/Sunday School 10:45 am - 2nd Service/Sunday School 1:30 - 2:30 pm - Morning Pointe Bible Study 4:30 pm - Bible Doctrine Bible Study - FLC 118 5:00 pm - MOPS PM Mtg. - FLC 105 5:15 pm - Praise Team 6:00 pm - Evening Worship/S.S. Blitz Sunday, August 24 Lords Supper Am Worship Services 8:20 am - Praise Team 9:15 am - 1st Service/Sunday School 10:45 am - 2nd Service/Sunday School 2:00 - 3:00 pm - Choir to McCready Manor 5:00 pm - MOPS PM Mtg. - FLC 105 5:15 pm - Praise Team 6:00 pm - Evening Worship Monday, August 25 2:00 pm - Body Recall - FH 7:00 pm - BCM Progressive Dinner - Gym Tuesday, August 26 12:00 - 5:00 pm - MCA practice - gym 5:00 pm - Aerobics - Aerobics Rm 6:00 pm - MOPS PM Ice Cream Social Event - FH Wednesday, August 27 11:30 am - 1:00 pm - XYZ Choir - FH and Choir Room 2:00 pm - Body Recall - FH 6:30 pm - RAs, GAs, Mission Friends 6:30 pm - Priscilla Shirers Study on Gideon - FLC 119-120 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study - Sanctuary 6:30 pm - Youth Worship/Bible Study - Youth Room 6:30 pm - MOPS AM Mtg. - Ed. Bldg 6:30 pm - Sanctuary Choir 7:45 pm - Cardio Circuit Class - Aerobics Room College BCM Events (at EKU) Amplify (worship), Tuesdays, 7:30 pm, BCM building The Well, Thursdays, 5:00 pm, BCM building BCM Progressive Dinner, Monday, August 25 ~ (Hosting the dessert portion) Students will arrive at 7:30 pm. We need 7 people to provide brownies. Also need several people to be here at 7:00 pm to be ready to greet and host. Sign up at FLC. The Bridge, 2nd & 4th Sunday nights at the Petersons (1230 Forest Lane, Richmond) at 8:15 pm. Begins TONIGHT. Discussion based Bible study covering topics relevant to the lives of college-age students. Also open to high school seniors. College Lunch, Sunday, September 7, after 10:45 am worship at the home of Doug and Julie Peterson, 1230 Forest Lane, Richmond. Come for a great time of fellowship and we want to get your ideas of things we can do (events, ministry projects, etc) to enhance this ministry. Passion Conference, January 2-4, 2015, Atlanta, GA. Cost: $139 plus $75 for hotel. Deadline (at this price): Sunday, August 31. All that is due by August 31 is a $50 non- refundable deposit; the remaining balance will be due by November 23. If you would like to go, let Dwayne know. Youth Choir: If you are interested in being part of a youth choir, please sign up on the youth board, located between FLC 118 and 119. If there is enough interest, it will begin in late August/early September. HRIVE HRIVE HRIVE HRIVE Worship, Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Overflow Practice, Sundays, 5:00 pm, FLC 122 Family Cook-Out, TODAY, August 24, following 10:45 am worship service, behind HRIVE HRIVE HRIVE HRIVE Room. Food and games. Parent meeting begins at 2:00 pm. Child-care provided. Important for new and current youth parents. Youth Breakfast, Sunday, September 7, 10:30 am, FLC 121 For Current and Soon-to-be High School Seniors: Passion Conference, Atlanta, GA, January 2-4, 2015. (See more details under college announcements). Mi$$ion Po$$ible: Grace Now, Monday, August 25, 5:30 pm. Remember to give to Mary Beth. HRIVE HRIVE HRIVE HRIVE Twitter Acct: @RedHouse_Youth - Follow for updates, reminders, etc. Youth This is the week the photographers will be here to begin directory photo shoots. To schedule your directory photo sessions, you may go to the church website: and click on Sign Up Now! Schedule for either Aug. 28-30 or Sept 15-18. If you do not have home internet connections, directory team members will have a computer at the welcome center before and after services on Aug. 24 th , Sept. 7 th and 14 th . As of Wed. morning the 20 th we have 81 portrait sessions scheduled. Why should I schedule a portrait? With two services, you may see someone you dont know. The directory allows you to associate faces with names and improves our church family unity. By scheduling a session, you will get a free directory and a free 8x10 portrait. Bring some non- perishable food items and get $5 off of any portrait purchase you decide on. Coupons are available at the welcome center and the day of your portrait session. If you prefer to submit a professional portrait, there will be a $10 charge, payable to the church. If you have a family member or someone close to you who is an active member of the military, you may submit a photo at no cost. Please give any submitted photos to Dave Dailey at the Welcome Center by September 14 th . If you would like to remember someone who has passed, there will be a memorial page in the directory. Give or e-mail a short remembrance to Dave at If you have questions, please contact Dave at 859-979-0294. We will also be taking more Sunday School class pictures TODAY. MOPS and Moms Next PM Ice Cream Social/Registration Tuesday, August 26
6:00 - 8:00 pm Fellowship Hall Register, get information about the coming year, and have ice cream!
Our MOPS and MOMSnext evening and morning groups are in need of volunteer childcare workers to help keep the costs low for the Moms who attend the meetings. If you can help, please contact Michelle Farmer or sign up at the FLC table. Morning meetings (1 st & 3 rd Fridays, 9-11 am); evening meetings (2 nd & 4 th Tuesdays, 6-8 pm). Any help is appreciated.
Womens Cardio Circuit Class Wednesdays ~ 7:45 - 8:45 pm Aerobics Room ~ by Cristie Bost Senior Adults Bread of Life Caf and Amish Stores Thursday, September 18, 9:30 a.m. Sign up at FLC Table. XYZ CHOIR BEGINS Wednesday, August 27 11:30 am - Sing in Choir Room 12:15 pm - Potluck Lunch Food ~ Fellowship ~ Sing Old Favorites Baby Shower honoring Bethany & Tyler Hurt (Carla & Tom Clouses daughter) Saturday, August 30 11:00 am ~ Choir Room
Its a girl! Her name is Riley Madison Hurt. The expectant couple is Registered at Babies R Us. Deacon Nomination
Forms are available at the Welcome Center. If you have someone you would like to nominate as a Deacon, please pick up a form and place back in the basket provided at the Welcome Center when completed. All recommendations must be returned by Sunday, 9/28/14. The First Grade Sunday School Class would like to thank the church for their new Bibles and book bags! A special thank you to Norma Conley, Debbie Holbrook, Linda Coulter and the Moonlight Missionaries for all their work and support. We are excited to learn how to use our new Bibles and look up Bible verses! Thank you for your love and encouragement! ADULT CHANGERS September 25-27 We need people who know how to put on metal, run electric, and plumbing. We also need helpers. We will work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, leaving after dinner on Saturday. Everyone will be housed at Richmond First Baptist Church. For more information, please see Marvin Hereford. Sign up at the FLC table if you would like to participate. Recreation Mens 3-on-3 Basketball Sign-up begins Monday, August 4 through Sunday, August 31. Cost: $20/team. Games start Monday, September 8 and end November 17. Co-ed Volleyball If interested in playing, sign up at the FLC table. (You must be at least 16 to play). Games are on Tuesdays and will be played at the Telford YMCA. If you have any questions, contact Eddie Coulter.