This document provides guidelines for calculating freeboard requirements for embankment and concrete dams. It outlines procedures for determining normal freeboard at full reservoir level and minimum freeboard at maximum water level. The key steps involve computing effective fetch length, wind velocity over land and water, significant wave height, and design wave height. Factors considered for freeboard estimates include wave characteristics, wind setup, and upstream slope. Minimum requirements of 2m for normal freeboard and 1.5m for minimum freeboard of embankment dams are specified.
This document provides guidelines for calculating freeboard requirements for embankment and concrete dams. It outlines procedures for determining normal freeboard at full reservoir level and minimum freeboard at maximum water level. The key steps involve computing effective fetch length, wind velocity over land and water, significant wave height, and design wave height. Factors considered for freeboard estimates include wave characteristics, wind setup, and upstream slope. Minimum requirements of 2m for normal freeboard and 1.5m for minimum freeboard of embankment dams are specified.
This document provides guidelines for calculating freeboard requirements for embankment and concrete dams. It outlines procedures for determining normal freeboard at full reservoir level and minimum freeboard at maximum water level. The key steps involve computing effective fetch length, wind velocity over land and water, significant wave height, and design wave height. Factors considered for freeboard estimates include wave characteristics, wind setup, and upstream slope. Minimum requirements of 2m for normal freeboard and 1.5m for minimum freeboard of embankment dams are specified.
This document provides guidelines for calculating freeboard requirements for embankment and concrete dams. It outlines procedures for determining normal freeboard at full reservoir level and minimum freeboard at maximum water level. The key steps involve computing effective fetch length, wind velocity over land and water, significant wave height, and design wave height. Factors considered for freeboard estimates include wave characteristics, wind setup, and upstream slope. Minimum requirements of 2m for normal freeboard and 1.5m for minimum freeboard of embankment dams are specified.
May 2008 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Draft Indian Standard FREEBOARD REQUIREMENT IN DAMS GUIDELINES (Second revision) (Not to be reproduced without the Last date for receipt permission of BIS or used as a of comments is 30/8/08 STANDARD)
FOREWORD (Formal clauses will be added later) This standard was first published in 1983. The first revision of this standard has been taken to incorporate the latest practices being followed in the field. The major changes in this revision included modifications in the method for computation of freeboard, requirement of minimum freeboard, etc, and inclusion of a typical computation for freeboard. The present published standard is applicable only to embankment dams while freeboard for concrete/masonry dams has been covered under IS 6512:1984. Since methodology in both cases is based on the method recommended by T. Saville, it has been decided to have a common standard for both types of dams. The revision incorporates the changes on this account. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. Draft Indian Standard FREEBOARD REQUIREMENT IN DAMS GUIDELINES 1. SCOPE This standard gives guidelines regarding procedures for working out freeboard for embankment and concrete/masonry dams. 2. TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of this standard, the following terminology should apply. 2.1 Design Wave Height It is that wave height for which the structure is designed to withstand so that it does not undergo more than the accepted probability of damage. It is a suitable multiple of the significant wave height depending on the degree for risk to be accepted. 2.2 Fetch Length It is the horizontal distance along the wind direction (along central radial of fetch) over open water on which the wind blows. 2.2.1 Effective Fetch It is the weighted average fetch length of water spread, covered by 45 o angle on either side of trial fetch (assuming the wind to be completely non-effective beyond this area) and measured in a direction parallel to the central radial line of the trial fetch. 2.3 Free Board It is the vertical distance between the crest of dam (excluding camber) and the normal operating reservoir level. 2.3.1 Normal Free Board It is the freeboard above the full reservoir level (FRL). 2.3.2 Minimum Freeboard It is the freeboard above the maximum water level (MWL) worked out for designed inflow flood (DIF). 2.4 Maximum Wave Height It is the average wave height of the highest one percent of waves in a representative spectrum. 2.5 Significant Wave Height It is the average wave height of the highest one third of the waves present in each sampling interval 2.6 Wave Length It is the length in between successive crests or troughs for significant wave. 2.7 Wave Period It is the average interval in seconds between successive crests or troughs of significant waves. 2.8 Wave Run-Up It is the difference (vertical height) between maximum elevation attained by wave run-up on the upstream slope and the still water elevation on this slope excluding wave action. 2.9 Wind Set-Up When wind blows over a water surface it exerts a horizontal force on the water surface driving it in the direction of the wind. This effect results in piling up of the water on leeward side of the lake or reservoir. The magnitude of rise above the still reservoir water surface is called wind set-up or wind-tide. 2.10 Top of Dam It is the level of dam top ignoring road camber. 3. FACTORS CONSIDERED FOR FREEBOARD ESTIMATE 3.1 The following factors are considered for the estimation of freeboard : a) Wave characteristics, particularly wave height and wave length; b) Height of wind set-up above the still water level adopted as freeboard reference elevation; and c) Upstream slope of the dam and type of dam surface. 3.2 Freeboard requirement does not account for effects of earthquake, settlement of embankment dam and dam foundation, and earthquake seiches. 4. NOTATIONS For the purpose of this standard the following notations shall apply: D = Reasonable approximate average depth of water in m along the fetch length, F = Fetch length in km; F e = Effective fetch in km, f e = Effective fetch in m, g = Acceleration due to gravity in m/sec 2 H = Height of any specified wave in m measured from trough to crest. H max = Maximum wave height in m, H s = Significant wave height in m, Ls = Wave length of significant wave in m. Q = Coefficient described as the ratio of wind velocity over the water surface V to the wind velocity on land U, R = Wave run-up in m, Ra = Designed wave run up corresponding to type of upstream surface S = Wind set-up in m, Ts = Wave period of significant wave in sec, U = Maximum wind velocity in km/h, measured over land surface during the minimum period of time required for generation of waves V = Wind velocity in km/h over water surface, and v = Wind velocity in m/sec over water surface H o = Design wave height in m. 5. METHOD FOR FREEBOARD COMPUTATION 5.1 Out of the available methods for freeboard computations, assistance has been derived from T. Savilles method, which is widely used for freeboard computations of dams. The details of the procedure to be followed for computation of freeboard are given in Annex A and typical computations for freeboard are given in Annex B. 5.2 The freeboard should be calculated for following conditions: i) Normal freeboard that is at FRL. ii) Minimum freeboard that is at MWL. The freeboard which gives the highest level for top of dam should finally be adopted. 5.3 Normal Freeboard While calculating normal freeboard at FRL, full wind velocity should be adopted. The design wave height (Ho) be taken as 1.67 times the significant wave height (Hs). Normal freeboard should not be less than 2.0 m in case of embankment dam. 5.4 Minimum Freeboard While calculating minimum freeboard at MWL, two third wind velocity should be adopted. The design wave height (Ho) be taken as 1.27 times the significant wave height (Hs). The freeboard should be subject to a minimum of 1.5 m in case of embankment dam and 1.0 m for concrete/masonry dam. 6. OTHER RELATED FEATURES 6.1 PMF Considerations If the design flood is different from probable maximum flood (PMF), top of dam should not be lower than MWL corresponding to PMF. 6.2 Parapet Wall 6.2.1 0.8 m high parapet wall may be provided in all embankment dams but the same is not to be considered as a part of freeboard. 6.2.2 Out of freeboard computed for concrete/masonry dam, 0.8 m may be provided in the form of solid parapet. 6.2.3 The reservoir side of parapet wall be curved to act as deflector. ANNEX A (Clause 5.1) PROCEDURE FOR COMPUTATION OF FREEBOARD FOR DAMS A-0 Step by step procedure for computation of freeboard for dams is explained below. The procedure is illustrated through an example at Annex B. A-1 NORMAL FREEBOARD A-1.1 Select a line AB, with A on dam axis and B on FRL contour as shown in Fig. 1 so as to cover the maximum reservoir water spread area within 45 o on either side of line AB (fetch length) Draw 7 radials at 6 o a interval on each side of line AB and compute effective fetch (Fe) as shown in Fig. 1 for FRL by the following formula: S X 1 cosa .cos a Fe = --------------------- S cosa Where X 1 denotes the length of any radial which is at an angle from the central radial. If felt necessary more trials may be done so that maximum effective fetch may be computed. Enter effective fetch (F e ) as step (1) of Annex B. A-1.2 From Fig. 1 of IS 875 (Part 3) : 1987 read basic wind speed on land for 50 years return period (U) for region in which proposed dam falls. Enter wind velocity on land (U) as step (2). A-1.3 Compute wind velocity on water surface (V), by multiplying coefficient Q from Table 1 corresponding to effective fetch to the wind velocity on land (U). Enter Q and wind velocity on water surface as steps (3) and (4) respectively.
Table 1 Wind Velocity Relationship from Land to Water (Clause A-1.3) Effective Fetch in km (Fe) 1 2 4 6 8 10 and above Coefficient Q(V/W) 1.1 1.16 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.31
A-1.4 Using relationship given below or graphical diagram shown in Fig. 2, compute significant wave height (Hs) g.H s /v 2 = 0.002 6 (g.f e /v 2 ) 0.47 ..(1) Enter significant wave height (Hs) as step (5). A-1.5 Using relationship given below or graphical diagram shown in Fig. 3, compute wave period (T s ) g.Ts/v = 0.46 (g f e /v 2 ) 0.28 (2) Enter T s as step (6) A-1.6 Compute wave length (Ls) with the following relationship: Ls = 1.56 T s 2 Enter L s as step (7) A-1.7 Compute design wave height Ho, with the relationship given in 5.3 and 5.4 H o = 1.67 H s (For Normal free board) H o = 1.27 H s (For Minimum free board) Enter Ho as step (8) A-1.8 Work out steepness ratio Ho/Ls. With the help of curves given in graph in Fig. 4, between different values of steepness ratio and the dam slopes read R/Ho ratio, and compute wave run up on smooth surface (R). The wave run up on rough surface (Ra) may be computed by multiplying surface roughness coefficient, given in Table 2 below, to the wave run up on smooth surface (R).
Table 2 Surface Roughness Coefficient SL No. Type of dam surface Recommended Coefficient i Cement concrete surface 1.0 ii Flexible brick pitching 0.8 Hand placed rip rap: a) Laid flat 0.75 iii b) Laid with projection 0.60 iv Dumped rip rap 0.50 Enter Ho/Ls, R/Ho, R and designed Rs corresponding to upstream dam surface as step (9), (10), (11) and (12) respectively. Note - If the wave runup on rough surface (Ra) calculated above is less than the designed wave height (Ho) as obtained as step 7, keep Ra = Ho. A-1.9 Calculate average water depth (D) along fetch length (F). Enter average reservoir depth (D) as step (13). A-1.10 Compute wind set-up (S) from the formula : S = (V 2 . F) / (62 000 D) ..(5) If wind set-up as calculated above is higher than the average depth of water, the value of wind set-up should be limited to average depth of water. Enter wind set-up as step (14). A-1.11 Compute freeboard as step (12) + step (14). Enter as step (15). A-1.12 Check, if freeboard calculated in step (15) fulfill the norms given in 5.3. Enter required freeboard as step (16). A-2 MINIMUM FREEBOARD AT MWL For obtaining minimum freeboard at MWL repeat above procedure by calculating fetch length (F) and effective fetch (Fe) at MWL. The freeboard so calculated should be modified if required as per norms given under 5.4. A-3 FIXING TOP OF DAM Calculate the top of dam required for the following conditions and enter as step (17). i) FRL + Normal freeboard (As per clause 5.3) ii) MWL + Minimum freeboard (As per clause 5.4) Adopt the highest of the above two values as Top of dam. ANNEX B (Clause 5.1) TYPICAL COMPUTATIONS FOR FREEBOARD BASIC DATA : Full Reservoir level - 341.0 m Max. Water Level - 343.2 m Fetch Length - 6 km (see Fig. 1). U/S Slope of dam - 1 Vertical: 2.5 Horizontal (Embankment dam) - 0.25 Vertical: 1 Horizontal (Concrete/Masonry Dam)
Embankment Dam Concrete/Masonry Dam Step No. Computed item
Normal Freeboard Minimum Freeboard Normal Freeboard Minimum Freeboard Remarks (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 Effective fetch (Fe)in km 3.66 4 2 Wind velocity over land (U) in km/h 150 100 As per A-1.2 and 5.4 3 Wind coefficient (Q) 1.23 1.24 Table 1 (by interpolation) 4 Wind velocity over water surface (V) in km/h 184.5 124 (Q x Sl No. 2)
5 Significant wave height (Hs) in m 2.38 1.63 Fig. 2 or Eq.1 6 Wave period (Ts) in Seconds 5.0 4.3 Fig. 3 or Eq. 2 7 Wave length (Ls) in m 39 28.84 Eq.3 8 Design Wave height (Ho) in m 3.97 (1.67x2.38) 2.07 (1.27x1.63) As per A-1.7 9 Wave Steepness Ho/Ls 0.1018 0.072 10 Relative Run-up R/Ho 1.6 1.72 Corresponding to u/s slope and Fig. 4 11 Run-up (R) in m 6.35 3.56 12 Designed Ra considering type of surface 4.76 2.67 Table 2 Take hand placed flat laid rip rap type dam surface 13 Average depth of reservoir (D) in m 29.0 31.2 14 Wind set-up in m 0.11 0.048 Eq.5 15 Free board required 4.87 2.72 16 Permissible freeboard 4.87 2.72 As per A- 1.12/ A-2 17 Top of dam (as calculated) 341+4.87 = 345.87 343.2+2.72 = 345.92 As per A-3. 18 Top of dam to be provided 345.92 m, say 346.0 m
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