Forwarding Letter and Guidelines
Forwarding Letter and Guidelines
Forwarding Letter and Guidelines
2.2.1 Geotechnical parameters
The geotechnical parameters of seabed materials within the area need to be ascertained, where
the Floating Jetty/platform are installed for determination of the following:
a) Support systems for floating Jetties/ platform, e.g. piles, cables or chains with anchors.
b) Stability and settlement characteristics for revetments, breakwaters, and any
reclamation works.
c) Response to prevailing natural coastal and estuarine processes, currents and waves, as
well as susceptibility to artificial influences such as propeller wash and boat wake.
d) Material characteristics for ease of excavation, transportation and disposal. Chemical
tests may also be required.
For an entrance channel, the minimum width should be the greatest of—
(a) 20 m;
(b) (L + 2) m, where L is overall length of longest boat proposed to be handled in the
floating jetty/ platform, in metres; or
(c) 5B m, where B is the beam of the broadest mono-hull boat in the floating jetty/
platform, in metres.
In order to minimize the penetration of waves into a boat harbour, it is permissible to narrow
the width of the entrance channel over a short length at protecting breakwaters. The minimum
width of this narrow section shall be the greater of 15 m and 3B m, where B is the beam of the
broadest mono-hull boat in the floating jetty/ platform, in metres
Where the area outside the floating jetty/ platform is not protected from open sea conditions,
the entrance channel and main channel should be deep enough to allow the largest boat berthed
in the floating jetty/ platform to enter the floating jetty/ platform at any stage of the tide.
Where the area outside the floating jetty/ platform is protected, the entrance channel should be
deep enough to allow all boats that usually berth in the floating jetty/ platform to enter at any
stage of the tide. However, in areas of extreme tides the cost of excavating the channel may
dictate that the larger boats cannot enter the floating jetty/ platform at very low tide.
The designer should determine the maximum draught of vessels to be accommodated at the
floating jetty/ platform.
3.2.3 At berths
While it may be acceptable in a floating jetty/ platform to restrict the larger boats to movement
at higher tides, it is essential that the deepest draught boat likely to use any berth does not touch
bottom at low tide.
Yachts have a deeper draught than the same length power boat. Hence, when there is
insufficient water depth for yachts, it is recommended that a sign is placed at the berth
restricting its use to shallow draught vessels.
This berth sizes shall be followed for sizing of floating pontoons.
3.3.1 General
Where more specific requirements are not available for the floating jetty/ platform, the length,
width and depth of berths should be determined. These design characteristics should be
recorded on the floating jetty/ platform drawings. Where no specific design criteria are
established, guidelines for minimum design criteria are given in Clauses 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 and
Table 3.2.
These dimensions may need to be increased to allow for larger fenders. The maximum length
of boat for which each berth has been designed should be clearly marked on the floating jetty/
platform layout drawing. For alongside berths, the minimum space between boats should be
0.2L up to 3.0 m.
(Extracted from AS3962)
Width of berth (b), m
Boat length (L), m Boat beam (B), m
Single berth Double berth
6 2.8 3.8 6.6
7 3.1 4.1 7.2
8 3.4 4.4 7.8
9 3.7 4.7 8.4
10 4.0 5.0 9.0
11 4.3 5.3 9.6
12 4.4 5.4 9.8
13 4.6 5.6 10.2
14 4.8 5.8 10.6
15 5.0 6.0 11.0
16 5.2 6.2 11.4
17 5.3 6.3 11.6
18 5.4 6.4 11.8
19 5.5 6.5 12.0
20 5.7 6.7 12.4
21 5.8 7.3 13.1
22 5.9 7.4 13.3
23 6.0 7.5 13.5
24 6.3 7.8 14.1
25 6.5 8.0 14.5
27.5 7.0 8.5 15.5
30 7.5 9.0 16.5
35 8.7 10.2 19.0
40 10.0 11.5 21.5
45 10.0 11.5 21.5
50 10.0 11.5 21.5
Number of berths Width (m)
Up to 2 0.7
Greater than 2, up to 10 0.9
Greater than 10, up to 60 1.2
Greater than 60, up to 120 1.5
Greater than 120 1.8
3.6.3 Handrails
At least one handrail should be provided on gangways for pontoons with up to 2 berths, i.e. for
restricted access of floating jetty/ platform. For unrestricted access, gangways should have
Handrails on both sides. Handrails are not normally provided on floating jetties in working
marinas or fishing harbours since the falling height (i.e. deck to water) is minimal and because
handrails obstruct operations / functionality. However, handrails should be provided on
floating jetties with unrestricted access and whose primary use is for the general public (e.g.
ferry / tourist jetties). The design and location of such handrails is normally self-evident and
common-sense can be applied.
Section 4 Loading and Stability
4.1 General
Fixed and floating structures should be designed for the following loads:
a) Dead load.
b) Live load.
c) Environmental loads.
d) Loads from vessel wash.
e) Berthing and mooring loads.
In designing Floating Jetties/ platform, the design should include assessment of the structural
ability to resist all loads and the flotation and stability of floating systems.
Strength limit-state loads should be calculated for a 1 in 50 year return period for wind, wave,
surge and flooding loads.
4.2.1. Limit State Design should be used with the load combinations and load factors.
Notwithstanding the loads and load combinations suggested below, all structures should comply with
the requirements of AS 1170.1.
1. The structural, flotation and stability design of the floating jetties/ platform shall be
carried out in compliance with Section 4 of AS 3962-2020."
2. Wind loading is based on the ultimate wind velocity. The ultimate wind loading from
IS 875 part 3 can be used, adjusted with the appropriate factors allowed for therein.
3. Where the water depth in a particular section of varies, the piles should be checked for
a water level at lowest astronomical tide (LAT). In this situation the piles in the
shallower water will tend to carry a greater proportion of the total loads applied to this
section of the Floating Jetty/ platform.
4.2.2. Due to the critical nature of the environmental loads on the design of a floating jetty/ platform,
serviceability limit state is rarely critical. Stability is dealt with separately due to the special
considerations for floating pontoons.
4.2.3. For Strength Limit States, the designer should be satisfied of the appropriate load
combinations and load factors for the particular circumstances.
4.2.4. However, where more accurate data is not available, the following load combinations
are suggested:
a) For pontoon piling:
(i) Wind load (See Note 1) + 1.5 × current load + 1.5 × wave load.
(ii) The piles are to be designed for water level at highest astronomical tide (HAT)
(See Note 2).
(iii) Where flooding or surges can occur: 0.8 × wind load (see Note 1) + 1.25 × current
load + 1.25 × wave load taken at the maximum water level.
b) For the Floating Jetty/ platform, Wind load (see Note 1) + 1.5 × current load + 1.5 ×
wave load + 1.5 × the vertical effect of wave action.
c) For boat impact:
(i) 1.5 × the loading created by boat impact.
(ii) Taken on its own without environmental loads.
4.3 Dead Loads
The dead load should include the self-weight of the structure and the load due to services such
as electrical cables and water pipes and fittings (full of water).
4.4 Fixed Structure Live Load
4.4.1 Structures for unrestricted access
Fixed walkways and fingers with unrestricted access should be designed for either of the
following live loads, whichever produces the most adverse effect:
(a) A uniformly distributed load over the deck plan of 5 kPa.
(b) A concentrated load of 4.5 kN.
4.4.2 Structures for Restricted access
Fixed walkways and fingers with restricted access should be designed for either of the
following live loads, whichever produces the most adverse effect:
(a) A uniformly distributed load over the deck plan of 3 kPa.
(b) A concentrated load of 4.5 kN.
4.5 Floating Structure Live Load
Floating structures should be designed for the following live loads:
(a) Structural load—applied to the full length and width of the structure or to any part
thereof so as to produce the most adverse structural effect on the structure.
(b) Flotation load—the floating structure should have 50 mm reserve buoyancy when the
flotation load is applied to the full length and width of the structure. If full flotation is
not provided to the top of the deck, the minimum freeboard to the top of the deck
should be sufficient to maintain 50 mm reserve buoyancy. If the width of the flotation
unit varies with the degree of immersion, the minimum freeboard under stability
loading should be increased so that the reserve buoyancy is equal to the maximum
width of the flotation unit multiplied by the 50 mm freeboard.
(c) Stability load—the floating structure should comply with Clause 4.12 when subjected
to the stability load.
If the freeboard is greater than 500mm and the draft is less than 150mm, the response time of
the floating jetty/ platform to cyclic vertical loading should be checked.
4.5.1 Floatation and stability loads
Floating structures should be designed for flotation and stability loads. These loads should be
applied over the whole of the deck area and gangways, where applicable. Design loads should
be applied at a location to cause the most adverse action effect. For example, for a finger, the
load may be applied across half the width of a floating pontoon.
4.6 Environmental Loads
The principal environmental loads likely to be encountered in Floating Jetty/ platform are as
(a) Wave loads, both short-period local wind waves and long-period swells resulting from
storm or wind activities offshore.
(b) Wind loads on the Floating Jetty/ platform structures and on vessels moored at the
Floating Jetty/ platform.
(c) Current loads due to tidal currents, river and stream flows, and storm water outlets.
4.6.1 Negative Lift
For floating pontoons, a phenomenon known as negative lift should be considered during
flooding. This phenomenon occurs as a result of current velocities passing under the pontoon
and causing suction downward on the leading edge of the structure. The negative lift is
proportional to the velocity squared, and can result in submersion of the leading edge of
pontoon at moderate velocities. However, depending upon the draft of the fishing boats, the
suitable decision need to be taken on case to case basis.
4.7 Berthing and Mooring Loads
The berthing impact force should be derived from the energy impacted to the structure and
restraining system from the design vessel striking the structure at a perpendicular velocity not
less than 0.3 m/s. For recreational vessels greater than 25 m in length, a berthing velocity of
0.2 m/s may be used and for floating ferry terminals a perpendicular velocity greater than 0.3
m/s may be appropriate.
The effect of berthing impact loads should be considered at both high and low tide. At low tide
the pile loading is likely to be the dominant effect. At high tide, the effect of the pile deflection
on the structure is likely to be dominant. The mass of the attached water should be taken into
account and berthing energy shall be determined for mid-point berthing. However, berthing
velocity need to be cross checked based on the location of the berths (sheltered exposed, etc.)
and applicable codes such as BS.
4.8 Anchor Loads
Floating structures should be designed to include the effect of the elasticity in the anchorage
system. The loads transferred into the structure will depend upon the method and number of
attachment points. The attachment points should be designed as cleap / bitt attachment points.
The jetties and attachment points must be capable to withhold the (inner) stresses resulting
from attached ships under wave impact.
4.9 Provision for future requirement
While planning for the floating jetties/ platform, suitable provision should be made to add
additional units either longitudinally or laterally to increase the size of the floating jetty/
platform. Interconnecting arrangements shall be made as an inherent part of the floating jetty/
platform to cater to the future requirement.
4.10 Stability
A principal factor in safe pedestrian or vehicular access on floating structures is stability, i.e.,
the ability to withstand overturning forces or moments and return to a normal attitude after
removal of these unbalanced forces or moments.
A floating structure is stable if under all conditions of loading the metacentre is located an
adequate distance above the centre of gravity. Alternatively, adequate stability is provided if
under all loading conditions, the whole of the top of the flotation structure is clear of the water
surface and the opposite chine remains submerged.
Section 5 Design Consideration
5.1 Conventional Jetties Vis-à-vis Floating Jetties/ platform
The conventional way of increasing the berthing capacity in small harbours particularly in
Fishing Harbours is to develop Fixed Concrete Jetties. However, development of a fixed
concrete jetty may often have delayed because:
Fixed jetties and quays are expensive.
Fixed jetties and quays are relatively slow to build.
The traditional quay only provides berthing along its front edge particularly when the fish-
handling sheds need to be built on the quay itself.
A few harbours have fixed "finger" jetties that allows berthing along both sides, which is a
more desirable solution than quay walls, yet it will still suffer from the time-consuming
consents process and, in locations with a large tidal range tantamount to freeboard problem
As an alternative, the Concrete floating jetties/ platform can be suggested if any of the above
narrated restrictions are faced.
5.2 Floating Jetties/ Platform
Floating jetties/ platform are recommended especially in locations having a large tidal range
where a conventional quay would mean the fishing boat floating many metres below the top of
the quay during low tide periods.
In such locations, the deployment of floating jetties/ platform results in a constant freeboard
between jetty and boat which eases the disembarkation of the catch and the embarkation of
ships' stores, with a consequent increase in productivity and safety.
Floating Jetties/ platform will require the following considerations:
i. Floatation stability: Ensure under all conditions the Floating Jetty / Pontoon will float
and possess a positive righting level.
ii. Mooring stability: Ensure the mooring design considers worst load combinations with
a factor of 1.5 minimum.
Floating Jetties/ platform may be suitable in benign wave conditions typically of about 1m
from an operational point of view. In any case, the relative motion between a pontoon and
vessel/boat shall not be more than 0.5m.
The floating jetties/ platform may be implemented initially in India's over-crowded fishing
harbours since they are cost effective and also.
They do not require any form of permanent construction on the seabed.
They can be easily moved or removed in case of a need to re-configure the port.
The environmental impact is negligible.
Safety is much improved.
If floating jetties/ platform are considered they shall be unsinkable, fully reinforced concrete
jetty, as was recently developed in Maharashtra, Goa, Kerala and Gujarat.
Considering the heavy use of our fishing harbours, it is clear that the structure of any floating
jetty/ platform must be built of fully reinforced concrete. The use of lighter forms of
construction such as steel or aluminium will not provide the strength or durability required.
However, a steel structure in saltwater locations would need frequent slipping, chipping and
painting, thus imposing on the harbour authority an onerous, ongoing and expensive
maintenance regime.
A similar comment applies to the deck of the floating jetty/ platform. A deck made from
anything other than reinforced concrete will never survive the loads (especially impact loads),
the frequent spillages of caustic chemicals and petroleum products, and the degradation caused
by sunlight and high humidity.
Whenever floating jetties/ platform are designed, the following major factors to be given proper
There should not be any "one size fits all" approach. For example, for the small boats
of the coastal fleet, a 3m wide floating jetty/ platform with a freeboard of 0.5m would
be adequate, while for the larger vessels of the offshore fleet, a jetty width of 6m may
be required.
The width of the jetty should be kept as low as possible, say upto 3 - 6m, eventhough,
a 3m jetty width is inadequate for road vehicles it is fine for hand-trollies and electric
trollies and the 6m width is adequate for 3-wheelers and light trucks. It may also be
noted that for much wider floating jetties/ platform, the cost increases very substantially
due to the increased volumes of materials required and hence, an optimization in width
is required.
Considering the floatation safety, the jetties must be unsinkable no matter how much
they may suffer from vessel impact or lack of maintenance. It is therefore advised to
use special foam (EPS, Expanded Polysterene) core which is encapsulated by concrete
on all but the bottom side (in order to reduce weight and ensure floatation). The foam
material should be chosen according to environmental guidelines. The EPS should have
a moulded density of 15kg/m, water absorption for 96 hours of 3-3.5 % by volume and
Compressive strength of 65-110 Psi at 10% deflection. It should be secured that the
foam is able to withstand saltwater, acid, and biologic impacts. A typical cross-section
of the floating jetty/ platform is depicted hereunder:
Fig 5.1 Typical cross section of concrete pontoon with foam core. For reference only, the
open recess / utility duct location depends on the design and need not be at the centre.
An open recess along the top of the unit has to be provided to carry utilities. Alternatively,
considering the intensity of use in fishing harbours, instead carry the utilities within under-
deck, cast-in ducts to ensure that the utility pipes and cables are not damaged by the fishermen
or their vehicles. Open ducts also hinder passengers with trolley luggage and / or buggy carts
at sea plane stations. Utility ducts should be concealed by covering with reinforced concrete
covers of the same strength as that of the pontoon. This provides an unobstructed and aesthetic
surface which requires minimal or no maintenance.
The jetty may be constructed of reinforced concrete of grade M45 or greater. Concrete mix
design to include a suitable percentage of GGBS to ensure chloride protection of concrete.
Rate penetration, water absorption, initial surface absorption tests to be performed to
establish suitable concrete mix design and ensure durability.
5.3.2 Steel/Stainless Steel
The concrete shall be reinforced with hot-dipped galvanised steel or corrosion-resistant steel.
The concrete cover shall at no location be less than 45mm.
All cast-in components shall be of stainless-steel Grade 316 / 316-L / A4. The pontoons wall
be connected using multiple flexible connectors on both sides. Connecting parts to be suitably
protected and easily accessible.
5.3.3 Aluminium
Aluminium is a common material typically used in mooring bollards,
5.3.4 UPVC
Cast-in industry grade UPVC utility ducts can be considered along each side and along centre
line of the jetty.
5.3.5 Piles
Wherever Steel and Concrete piles are used, maintenance required is simple touching up of the
protective epoxy paint / coating in the inter-tidal zone.
In case of driving of the mooring piles, it must be done from a work-barge equipped with spuds
to ensure accurate positioning.
5.3.6 General
It shall be ensured that the materials used in the construction of Floating Jetty/ platform
should comply with the relevant materials Standard.
The design of a floating jetties/ platform may include the following services on need basis:
a) Water supply.
b) Lighting.
c) On-land storm water control and disposal.
d) Electricity.
e) Telephones.
f) Any other services required to suit the user requirements.
Permanent and temporary services should be installed in such a manner as to minimize the
hazard of users tripping over them.
Water services, if provided from public mains, should be in accordance with the requirements
of the relevant authority. Flexible, non-corrodible, ultraviolet-stabilized piping should be used.
A water reticulation system that is also used for firefighting is appropriate. If fire hydrants are
installed on a floating jetty/ platform, a separate reticulation system may be necessary. Non-
return valves may be required by water authorities.
Adequate lighting should be provided for safe pedestrian access to the berths, security of
vessels and shore facilities, and safe navigation within the floating jetty/ platform area.
All lighting should be designed and located to minimize glare for vessels navigating in the
Contaminated run-off from hard-stand including boat maintenance areas should be capable of
being isolated so that run-off can be collected, treated and disposed of, in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant authority.
Adequate outlets shall be provided per internationally recognised custom and practice. In
fishing harbours, careful consideration shall be given to the provision of electrical outlets (if
any) due to the likely issues of control and damage. The use of earth leakage circuit breaker
devices on all electrical circuits including floating jetties/ platform, is necessary. One device
should be included for each outlet.Adequate power should be provided for all berths so that on-
board generators do not have to be used.
This Appendix sets out the metacentric height method for calculating the stability of the
Floating Jetties/ platform. The method only applies to an angle of tilt up to 15°.
For the purposes of this Appendix, the definitions below apply
A2.1 Chine
The lower external line of any flotation component.
A2.7 Displacement volume (V) The volume of the fluid displaced. A2.8 Metacentric height
The vertical distance between the centre of gravity (G) and the metacentre (M).
The stability for marina pontoons should be calculated as follows.
a) Calculate the height of the vertical centre of gravity of the marina pontoon above the
keel, under dead load (hg) , as follows:
i. Divide the marina pontoon into elements and calculate the height of the centre
of gravity of each element above the keel.
ii. Calculate the weight of each element.
iii. Multiply the weight of each element by the height of its centre of gravity above
the keel, to obtain its moment.
iv. Calculate the total weight of the marina pontoon by summing the weights of the
individual elements.
v. Using the theory of moments, calculate the height of the centre of gravity of the
marina pontoon above the keel (hg), by dividing the sum of the moments in
Item (iii) by the total weight in Item (iv).
b) Calculate the displacement volume of the marina pontoon under dead load, as
𝑉 = . . . A3(1)
𝑉 = displacement volume (in sea water), in cubic metres
𝑊 = total dead weight of marina pontoon, in kilograms
ρ = density of water
= 1026 kg/m3 for sea water
= 1000 kg/m3 for fresh water
c) Calculate the draught of the marina pontoon under dead load, as follows:
ℎ =
……… A3 (2)
ℎ = draught, in metres
Vd = displacement volume under dead load, obtained from Equation A3(1), in cubic
A = plan area of the pontoon at the water surface, in square metres
d) For the worst combination of loads, obtained from Section 4, calculate the new centre
of gravity of the pontoon. This is done by considering the combination of loads as a
weight located at the centroid of the water surface area and an applied moment which
causes the pontoon unit to tilt through an angle φ (see Figure A1(b)).
i. Calculate the height of the centre of gravity of the pontoon unit above the keel
(hg), by dividing the sum of the moments determined from Paragraph A3(a)(iii),
by the total dead weight of the pontoon plus the weight of the loads obtained from
Section 4.
ii. Calculate the displacement volume of the marina pontoon when loaded as
𝑉 =
…… A3 (3)
𝑉 = displacement volume under dead and live load, in cubic metres
𝑊 = total dead and live weight, in kilograms\
γ = density of water
ℎ =
………… A3 (4)
ℎ = draught, in metres
𝑉 = displacement volume under dead and live load, obtained from
Equation A3(3), in cubic metres
A = plan area of the pontoon at the water surface, in square metres
f) Calculate the height of the metacentre above the centre of buoyancy, as follows:
ℎ =
ℎ = height of the metacentre above the centre of buoyancy, in metres
I = second moment of area of pontoon area about the axis of symmetry
under consideration, in metres to the fourth power
𝑉 = displacement volume under dead and live load, in cubic metres
ℎ = ℎ + − ℎ
ℎ >0
ℎ = metacentric height, in metres
ℎ = height of metacentre above centre of buoyancy, in metres
H1 = height from keel to loaded waterline
Hg = height from keel to centre of gravity, in metres
tan ∅ =
∅ = angle of tilt, in radians
M = applied moment, determined from Paragraph A3(d), in kilogram metres
ℎ = metacentric height, in metres.
ℎ = ℎ − (ℎ + 0.5 𝑏 tan ∅)
ℎ = freeboard, in metres
h = depth of pontoon, in metres
ℎ = draught, in metres
B = width of pontoon, in metres.
∅ = angle of tilt, in degrees
j) Check the freeboard and chine calculated, in accordance with Clause 4.9.2.
Specification / Schedule of Technical Requirements (SOTR) for Floating Jetties
Details of all designs and specifications of the pontoons and all their component parts shall be
submitted approval.
For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions furnished below shall apply.
C.1 Attenuator
A floating barrier to reduce wave height.
C.2 Berth
Boats at Floating Jetty/ platform can either occupy single or double berths. An area of water
allocated for the wet storage of boats attached to a fixed or floating jetty / platform and allowing
for walk-on access to boats.
C.3 Berth, double
A berth for two boats between finger floats or piles
C.4 Berths, fixed
Berths consisting of piled walkways (jetties) and mooring piles
C.5 Berths, floating
Berths consisting of walkways that are buoyant and not supported by any other structure. These
floating walkways may be located by means of guide piles, anchor chains or cables, allowing
free vertical movement. The boats are moored in either single or double berths, with finger
pontoons or along-side berth configuration.
C.9 Channel
An unobstructed waterway that allows the movement of boat traffic.
C.15 Chine
The lower external line of any flotation component.
C.17 Fairway
An unobstructed waterway between rows of berths which allows boat movement between
interior channels and individual berths.
C.18 Fetch
The distance over open water across which wind waves can be generated.
C.19 Finger
A fixed or floating structure connected to the walkways, which provides pedestrian access to
and from a berthed boat.
C.22 Freeboard
Distance from the still water level and deck level.
C.23 Gangway
A structure that provides pedestrian access between a fixed jetty or shore and a floating
C.26 Marina
A group of pontoons, jetties, piers, or similar structures designed or adapted to provide berthing
for craft used primarily for pleasure or recreation and may include ancillary works such as
slipways, facilities for the repair and maintenance of boats and the provision of fuel, provisions
and accessories.
C.27 Mooring
A detached or freestanding structure to which a boat is moored.