This document provides information for the Computer Communication Networks II course offered in Spring 2014. It outlines the course details such as instructor information, meeting times, prerequisites, textbooks, grading breakdown and policies. Key topics covered include an introduction to computer networks, layered network architecture, protocols, multimedia networking and network security. The tentative lecture schedule and project details are also provided which involve students selecting research papers on a networking topic, writing reports summarizing and analyzing the papers, and presenting their findings.
This document provides information for the Computer Communication Networks II course offered in Spring 2014. It outlines the course details such as instructor information, meeting times, prerequisites, textbooks, grading breakdown and policies. Key topics covered include an introduction to computer networks, layered network architecture, protocols, multimedia networking and network security. The tentative lecture schedule and project details are also provided which involve students selecting research papers on a networking topic, writing reports summarizing and analyzing the papers, and presenting their findings.
This document provides information for the Computer Communication Networks II course offered in Spring 2014. It outlines the course details such as instructor information, meeting times, prerequisites, textbooks, grading breakdown and policies. Key topics covered include an introduction to computer networks, layered network architecture, protocols, multimedia networking and network security. The tentative lecture schedule and project details are also provided which involve students selecting research papers on a networking topic, writing reports summarizing and analyzing the papers, and presenting their findings.
This document provides information for the Computer Communication Networks II course offered in Spring 2014. It outlines the course details such as instructor information, meeting times, prerequisites, textbooks, grading breakdown and policies. Key topics covered include an introduction to computer networks, layered network architecture, protocols, multimedia networking and network security. The tentative lecture schedule and project details are also provided which involve students selecting research papers on a networking topic, writing reports summarizing and analyzing the papers, and presenting their findings.
rerequ|s|tes: LCL 333 or equlvalenL class ln compuLer neLworks
1extbook: - !ames l. kurose and kelLh W. 8oss, CompuLer neLworklng: A 1op-uown Approach, 6 Lh LdlLlon, Addlson-Wesley, 2013. Supp|ementary 1exts & keferences: - Andrew. S. 1anenbaum and uavld !. WeLherall, CompuLer neLworks, 3 Lh LdlLlon, renLlce Pall, 2010. - ulmlLrl . 8erLsekas and 8oberL C. Callager, uaLa neLworks, 2 nd LdlLlon, renLlce Pall, 1992.
Course Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls course, we wlll learn abouL compuLer neLworks, ln general, and Lhe lnLerneL ln parLlcular. Cne goal wlll be Lo glve some lnslghL lnLo Lhe raLlonale of why neLworks are sLrucLured Lhe way Lhey are Loday and Lo undersLand Lhe lssues faclng Lhe deslgners of nexL-generaLlon daLa neLworks. 1oplcs wlll lnclude: layered neLwork archlLecLure, proLocols and algorlLhms aL Lhe physlcal, llnk and MAC, neLwork, and LransporL layers. 1lme permlLLlng, we may also cover selecLed Loplcs on mulLlmedla neLworklng, moblle neLworks and neLwork securlLy. De||verab|es and Grad|ng: What Grade Pomework 20 MldLerm l 13 MldLerm ll 13 ro[ecL 20 llnal Lxam 30
nomeworks are ~bl-weekly and lnvolve calculaLlons and some programmlng (wlreshark labs, sockeL programmlng, eLc.).
ro[ect: 1he class pro[ecL wlll lnvolve readlng one Lo Lwo lmporLanL research papers ad reporLlng on Lhem.
Genera| o||c|es: ! !"#$ &'()*+, -' ("#$ .'/$0'1234 &1'5$*# &1'&'3"(34 "67 &1'5$*# 1$&'1#3 wlll be accepLed. Pomework soluLlons wlll be posLed onllne shorLly afLer Lhe deadllne. Pomeworks, pro[ecL proposals, pro[ecL reporLs noL submlLLed by Lhe deadllne wlll geL zero polnLs. Powever, Lo accommodaLe for unforseen clrcumsLances, your homework wlLh Lhe lowesL grade (lncludlng 0 for a mlsslng one) wlll be dropped. 1hls means LhaL +'8 *"6 32)& '6$ .'/$0'12 wlLhouL asklng permlsslon. 1hls does noL apply Lo your pro[ecL proposals and pro[ecL reporLs. ! 9'((":'1"#)'6 '6 .'/$0'123, ?ou are allowed Lo dlscuss wlLh your classmaLes, buL you are supposed Lo do your homework lndlvldually. lf we noLlce LhaL Lwo homeworks are ldenLlcal, boLh sLudenLs wlll geL 0 grade, Lhey wlll also be sub[ecL Lo Lhe rules of ulC Academlc lnLegrlLy ollcy. ! ;##$67"6*$ ls noL mandaLory. lL ls up Lo you Lo keep up wlLh Lhe maLerlals. ! <="/ >'()*+, 1) All Lhe exams, l.e., MldLerm l, MldLerm ll, and llnal Lxam, are open book, closed noLes. ?ou can access Lhe LexLbook and reference books durlng Lhe exam, buL you cannoL access your slldes, noLes, eLc. ?our book wlll be checked by Lhe lnsLrucLor before Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe LesL. ?ou wlll noL be allowed Lo use any LexLbooks whlch have any wrlLLen noLes on Lhem. 2) ?ou wlll be glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lake a make-up exam only ln cases of medlcal or personal emergencles, whlch musL be verlfled. lf such an emergency occurs, call me or leave a noLe (or phone message) wlLh Lhe deparLmenL secreLary as soon as posslble. lf you wlll be ouL of Lown when an exam ls scheduled, l musL be Lold ln advance and may requlre you Lo Lake Lhe exam early. CLherwlse, lf you mlss an exam you wlll recelve 0 polnLs. ! ?1"7)6@ >'()*+, 90-100 (A), 80-89 (8), 63-79 (C), 30-64 (u), 8elow 30 (l). ! A$()@)'83 B'()7"+3, SLudenLs who wlsh Lo observe Lhelr rellglous holldays should noLlfy lnsLrucLor by Lhe LenLh day of Lhe semesLer of Lhe daLe when Lhey wlll be absenL unless Lhe rellglous hollday ls observed on or before Lhe LenLh day of Lhe semesLer. ln such cases, Lhe sLudenLs should noLlfy Lhe lnsLrucLor aL leasL flve days ln advance of Lhe daLe when he/she wlll be absenL. Lvery reasonable efforL wlll be made Lo honor Lhe requesL. ! ;*"7$/)* C6#$@1)#+, ulshonesL acLlons by sLudenLs lncludlng plaglarlsm wlll resulL ln approprlaLe dlsclpllnary acLlon. lnLenLlonal use or aLLempL Lo use unauLhorlzed asslsLance, maLerlals, lnformaLlon, or people ln any examlnaLlon, qulz, or asslgnmenL may lead Lo penalLles such as a falllng grade. ulC Academlc lnLegrlLy ollcy wlll be followed.
1he class pro[ecL wlll lnvolve readlng one Lo Lwo lmporLanL research papers ad reporLlng on Lhem. ro[ecL sLeps are summarlzed ln Lhe followlng.
1) ro[ect roposa|: ?ou are Lo selecL a Loplc and one-Lwo papers from Lhe llsL below. ro[ecL proposal (selecLlng a Loplc and papers) ls due on 01/30. 1hls sLep wlll be 1 of your grade.
2) ro[ect keport I: ?ou should sLudy Lhe papers you selecLed ln Lhe flrsL sLep and wrlLe a 3-page (slngle column 10pL) reporL. ?our reporL should summarlze Lhe papers you sLudles and explaln how Lhey relaLe Lo each oLher. ro[ecL 8eporL l ls due on 03/11. 1hls sLep wlll be 7 of your grade.
3) ro[ect keport II: ?ou should wrlLe a 3-page (slngle column 10pL) reporL. 1hls reporL should be devoLed Lo ldenLlfylng an open problem (ln Lhe area you sLudled ln Lhe flrsL Lwo sLeps) and aLLempLlng Lo formulaLed and solve Lhe problem. ro[ecL 8eporL ll ls due on 04/17. 1hls sLep wlll be 6 of your grade.
4) ro[ect resentat|on: ?ou wlll need Lo prepare 10-mln oral presenLaLlon on Lhe pro[ecL. ro[ecL presenLaLlon should lnclude your moLlvaLlon Lo choose Lhe Loplc, summary of Lhe papers, and Lhe open problems ln Lhe area and your approach. resenLaLlons wlll be scheduled ln Lhe lasL Lwo weeks of classes. 1hls sLep wlll be 6 of your grade.
"#$% &' lf you wlsh Lo research a Loplc LhaL ls noL on Lhe llsL, LhaL would be ok, buL you should seek my approval for your plan. "#$% &&' ro[ecLs can be conducLed as a Leam of up Lo Lhree sLudenLs. MulLlple people pro[ecLs should selecL Lhe number of papers accordlng Lo Lhelr slze. 1haL ls 2-people Leam should selecL aL leasL Lwo papers Lo sLudy, 3-people Lem should selecL aL leasL Lhree papers Lo sLudy. "#$% &&&, ulfferenL pro[ecLs and Leams may selecL Lhe same/slmllar papers. Lach Leam ls responslble for Lhelr lndependenL pro[ecL. lf we noLlce LhaL mulLlple pro[ecLs on Lhe same Loplc are ldenLlcal, boLh Leams wlll geL 0 grade from Lhelr pro[ecL. 1hey wlll also be sub[ecL Lo Lhe rules of ulC Academlc lnLegrlLy ollcy.
()#*%+$ ,#-.+/' See ro[ecL 1oplcs" flle on 8lackboard.