Ant 391 L 2014231900

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Course #: AN1 391L
Un|que #: 31900

SAC 3.112
Wednesdays, 2:00 Lo 3:00 pm

VLkSICN: 14 Ianuary 2014

Instructor: AnLhony ul llore
ueparLmenL of AnLhropology
SAC 8oom 3.130

Contact: anthony.d|f|oreQaust|

Cff|ce nours: 1hursdays, 3:00 Lo 3:00 pm or by appolnLmenL

Webs|te: !"#$"% (hLLps://

Check !"#$"% regularly for announcemenLs, updaLed class lnformaLlon, readlngs, and
supplemenLary maLerlals

I. Course Descr|pt|on
1he lasL Lwo decades have seen Lhe lncreaslng use of lndlvldual or agenL-based" slmulaLlon
modellng ln Lhe soclal sclences for examlnlng how emergenL aspecLs of human and nonhuman
socleLles (such as domlnance hlerarchles, Lrade neLworks, coordlnaLed behavlor eLc.) mlghL
arlse from Lhe lLeraLed lnLeracLlons of seLs of lndlvlduals who each follow a llmlLed seL of
behavloral rules.
ln Lhls course, we wlll explore Lhe hlsLory and appllcaLlon of agenL-based models Lo
undersLandlng currenL problems ln evoluLlonary anLhropology and oLher soclal sclences,
lncludlng ranglng behavlor and use of space, coordlnaLlon and cooperaLlon, dlsease
Lransmlsslon, naLural selecLlon, and learnlng among oLhers.
1he course wlll also serve as a pracLlcal lnLroducLlon Lo compuLer programmlng and
sclenLlflc compuLlng. As a cenLral parL of Lhe course, sLudenLs wlll develop and execuLe a
sofLware deslgn pro[ecL uslng neLLogo, an open-source hlgh-level compuLer language deslgned
for mulLl-agenL slmulaLlon. ln developlng Lhelr models, sLudenLs wlll also galn experlence wlLh
lnLegraLlng neLLogo wlLh oLher open-source Lools for sclenLlflc compuLlng, lncludlng geographlc
lnformaLlon sysLems, daLabases, and sLaLlsLlcal programmlng sofLware.

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II. Course Iormat
1hls course comblnes lecLure, dlscusslon (ln whlch regular parLlclpaLlon and commenL ls
requlred of all enrollees and audlLors), and hands-on programmlng exerclses. ?ou wlll be
graded on your parLlclpaLlon, lndlvldual programmlng asslgnmenLs, and a flnal sofLware deslgn
pro[ecL LhaL you wlll work on over Lhe course of Lhe semesLer and presenL Lo Lhe group ln Lhe
lasL couple of weeks of Lhe class. Lach week, l wlll Lyplcally glve an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe Loplc for
Lhe week, Lhen we wlll spend Lhe resL of Lhe class perlod dlscusslng asslgned readlngs and
worklng our way Lhrough code examples Lo learn Lhe baslcs of compuLer programmlng
ln neLLogo and oLher sofLwares.

III. rerequ|s|tes
1hls course assumes LhaL sLudenLs have had aL leasL one semesLer of undergraduaLe
sLaLlsLlcs, sLaLlsLlcal programmlng, compuLer sclence or Lhe equlvalenL.

IV. kequ|red 1exts
8allsback Sl, Crlmm v. 2012. &'(#)*+"%(, "#, .#,/$/,0"1*+"%(, 23,(1/#'4 & 56"7)/7"1
.#)63,07)/3#. rlnceLon, n!: rlnceLon unlverslLy ress.
neLLogo 3.0.3 8%(69% 2"#0"1.

V. Cther Usefu| 8ut Cpt|ona| 1exts
LpsLeln !M, AxLell 8L. 1996. :63;/#' &6)/</7/"1 =37/()/(%4 =37/"1 =7/(#7( <63> )?( +3))3> 8@.
Cambrldge, MA: Ml1 ress.
llake CW. 1998. A?( !3>@0)")/3#"1 +("0)B 3< C")06( 4 !3>@0)(6 DE@136")/3#% 3< F6"7)"1%G
!?"3%G !3>@1(E =B%)(>%G "#, &,"@)")/3#. Cambrldge, Mass: Ml1 ress.
CllberL n, 1rolLzsch kC. 2003. =/>01")/3# <36 )?( =37/"1 =7/(#)/%)G Second LdlLlon. Clasgow,
uk: Cpen unlverslLy ress.
Crlmm v, 8allsback Sl. 2003. .#,/$/,0"1*+"%(, 23,(1/#' "#, D7313'B. rlnceLon, n!:
rlnceLon unlverslLy ress.
kohler 1A, Cumerman C! eds. 2000. HB#">/7% /# I0>"# "#, 56/>")( =37/()/(%4 &'(#)*+"%(,
23,(1/#' 3< =37/"1 "#, =@")/"1 5637(%%(%. new ?ork: SanLa le lnsLlLuLe.
Mlller !P, age SL. 2007. !3>@1(E &,"@)/$( =B%)(>%4 &# .#)63,07)/3# )3 !3>@0)")/3#"1
23,(1% 3< =37/"1 J/<(. rlnceLon, n!: rlnceLon unlverslLy ress.
vldal !M. 2010. F0#,">(#)"1% 3< 201)/"'(#) =B%)(>% ;/)? C()J3'3 DE">@1(%.

VI. kead|ng Ass|gnments
MosL of our readlngs for Lhe semesLer are elLher selecL chapLers from Lhe books llsLed
above or are Laken from Lhe prlmary llLeraLure. verslons of all 8LCul8Lu readlngs (aparL from
Lhose from Lhe prlmary LexLbook) wlll be posLed as ul flles Lo Lhe course !"#$"% slLe and llsLed
on Lhe syllabus so LhaL you can download Lhem for prlnLlng and readlng.
- 3 -
lor Lhose wlLh furLher lnLeresL ln a Loplc, l wlll also ofLen posL addlLlonal, C1lCnAL
readlngs for some weeks. 8eadlng asslgnmenLs and accompanylng programmlng examples and
problems should be compleLed before class. l sLrongly recommend LhaL you carefully work
Lhrough code examples lncluded ln Lhe readlngs as you prepare for class.
VII. Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves
8y Lhe end of Lhe class you should...
undersLand whaL dlsLlngulshes Lhe 'agenL-based slmulaLlon modellng' (A8SM) approach
from oLher modellng approaches
uescrlbe Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of Lhe A8SM approach
Pave famlllarlLy wlLh Lhe use of A8SMs ln modellng a varleLy of problems human and
nonhuman behavloral blology and ecology
Caln experlence wlLh fundamenLals of compuLer programmlng
Pave a solld famlllarlLy wlLh readlng and wrlLlng code ln Lhe modellng sofLware neLLogo
8e able Lo wrlLe or modlfy exlsLlng neLLogo code Lo address novel programmlng challenges
8e famlllar wlLh oLher sofLware Lools for A8SM
uevelop a novel A8SM ln neLLogo Lo explore a quesLlon or sysLem of your cholce
uocumenL your code and your model uslng Lhe Cuu framework
verlfy and LesL your model and use lL Lo conducL a slmulaLlon sLudy
Analyze and presenL Lhe resulLs of your model runs ln a formal paper and presenLaLlon Lo
your peers

VIII. Grad|ng and Assessment
Cradlng ln Lhls class ls based on a varleLy of asslgnmenLs, lncludlng regular homework and
programmlng exerclses, parLlclpaLlon ln class dlscusslons, developmenL and wrlLe-up of an
lndependenL A8SM pro[ecL, and malnLenance of a blog or wlkl [ournal documenLlng Lhe
developmenL of your programmlng skllls and your pro[ecL over Lhe course of Lhe semesLer.
Lach of Lhese asslgnmenLs wlll be dlscussed ln more deLall durlng class.
Pomeworks and rogrammlng Lxerclses: 10 x 3 = 30
Pomework and programmlng asslgnmenLs are due 24 hours before Lhe sLarL of Lhe class
perlod afLer Lhey are asslgned.
arLlclpaLlon: 10
?our aLLendance and your parLlclpaLlon ln class consLlLuLe a comblned 10 of your flnal
grade. Slmply puL, you MuS1 aLLend and conLrlbuLe Lo Lhls course ln order Lo geL a good grade.
l expecL you come Lo class wlLh quesLlons and commenLs abouL Lhe days readlngs and Lo
parLlclpaLe ln class dlscusslon. ALLendance wlll be Laken regularly durlng LhroughouL Lhe
semesLer, so absences wlll be noLed and penallzed.
A8M ro[ecL: 30
Larly ln Lhe semesLer, afLer an lnLroducLlon Lo agenL-based modellng and Lhe neLLogo
sofLware, you wlll choose a problem ln human or nonhuman prlmaLe behavlor, ecology, or
populaLlon geneLlcs around whlch you wlll develop an agenL-based slmulaLlon model. uslng
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neLLogo, you wlll develop and LesL your model and presenL lL and Lhe resulLs of LesLlng, ln Lhe
form of a sclenLlflc presenLaLlon and paper, durlng Lhe flnal weeks of Lhe class.
ulglLal !ournal: 10

Ik. Cther Log|st|ca| Informat|on
"#$ %& '()*(#
lor Lhls class l wlll use !"#$"% - a Web-based course managemenL sysLem wlLh password-
proLecLed access aL https:]]utexas.|] - Lo dlsLrlbuLe course maLerlals, Lo
communlcaLe wlLh you, and Lo posL asslgnmenLs and grades. ?ou may also be asked Lo use
!"#$"% Lo submlL some asslgnmenLs.

+$,(*-%.(/ 012$34(4-%)#
lnasmuch as sLudenLs have volunLarlly soughL admlsslon Lo Lhe unlverslLy, l expecL you Lo
aLLend all class meeLlngs, lncludlng all lecLures and all meeLlngs of assoclaLed dlscusslon
sesslons. SLudenLs may be excused for documenLed medlcal or personal emergency and wlll
recelve reasonable accommodaLlon for Lhe observance of rellglous holldays (see below). ln
Lhese cases, Lhey should conLacL me ln advance or, ln cases of emergency, as soon as ls
pracLlcable. SLudenLs are responslble for maklng up any maLerlal or asslgnmenLs Lhey mlss.

Classroom uecorum
lease remember LhaL Lhe classroom ls a space for free and open lnqulry and for Lhe crlLlcal
evaluaLlon of ldeas, and lL should be free of personal pre[udlce. Lvery sLudenL has Lhe 6/'?) Lo
learn as well as Lhe 6(%@3#%/K/1/)B noL Lo deprlve oLhers of LhaL rlghL, and every sLudenL ls
accounLable for hls or her acLlons. SLudenLs and lnsLrucLors allke have an obllgaLlon Lo all
members of Lhe class Lo creaLe an educaLlonal aLmosphere of muLual LrusL and respecL ln whlch
dlfferences of oplnlon can be sub[ecLed Lo dellberaLe and reasonable examlnaLlon wlLhouL
anlmus. uurlng classroom and onllne dlscusslons and lnLeracLlons wlLh one anoLher, please
LreaL your fellow classmaLes wlLh courLesy, clvlllLy and respecL.
As a maLLer of courLesy Lo me and Lo your fellow sLudenLs, l expecL you arrlve aL class on
Llme, prepared and ready Lo parLlclpaLe. lease do noL schedule oLher engagemenLs durlng Lhls
class Llme.
SLudenLs are remlnded LhaL cell phone use ls forbldden ln class. lease shuL off all cellular
Lelephones and pagers before class sLarLs and refraln from checklng messages and LexLs durlng
class Llme. lf Lhls becomes an lssue, sLudenLs vlolaLlng Lhls rule wlll be asked Lo leave Lhe class.
SLudenLs should also refraln from eaLlng ln class. ?ou are welcome Lo brlng ln waLer or anoLher
non-alcohollc beverage Lo drlnk durlng class.
LxcepL ln cases of emergency, l expecL you Lo remaln ln Lhe classroom for Lhe duraLlon of
Lhe lecLure or secLlon meeLlng. lf you know LhaL you wlll need Lo leave a parLlcular class sesslon
early, please leL me know beforehand. lf lL ls necessary Lo leave or enLer a room once class has
begun, please do so quleLly and wlLh as llLLle dlsrupLlon as posslble.
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lf you have Lrouble hearlng or concenLraLlng on Lhe lecLure or medla presenLaLlon because
of dlsLracLlons around you, quleLly ask Lhose responslble for Lhe dlsLracLlon Lo sLop. lf Lhe
dlsLracLlon conLlnues, please leL me know. ulsrupLlve classroom behavlor may be sub[ecL Lo
dlsclpllnary sancLlon.
llnally, please be aware LhaL no audlo or vldeo recordlng of my lecLure ls permlLLed wlLhouL
prlor, wrlLLen approval, and l do noL glve asslgnmenLs for exLra credlL, so please be sure Lo pay
close aLLenLlon Lo due daLes of asslgnmenLs.

CompleLlon of AsslgnmenLs
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo submlL course work on Llme and Lo reLaln coples of Lhelr work
unLll a flnal grade has been recelved for Lhe course. lnsLrucLors are noL obllged Lo accepL laLe
work and may asslgn a falllng or reduced grade Lo such asslgnmenLs.
SLudenLs who encounLer sudden and lncapaclLaLlng lllness or oLher comparably grave
clrcumsLance beyond Lhelr conLrol LhaL prevenLs Lhem from compleLlng an examlnaLlon or
asslgnmenL ln a course should see me lmmedlaLely Lo dlscuss Lhe slLuaLlon. under approprlaLe
clrcumsLances, Lhe sLudenL may be granLed a Lemporary mark of .#73>@1()(. 1o recelve an
.#73>@1()(, sLudenLs musL have compleLed all oLher requlremenLs for Lhe course, lncludlng
saLlsfacLory aLLendance, and Lhere musL be a sLrong llkellhood Lhey wlll pass Lhe course when
all work ls compleLed.

5$/-6-%7# 8%/9 :(9#
8y unlverslLy of 1exas aL AusLln pollcy, you musL noLlfy me of your pendlng absence aL leasL
fourLeen days prlor Lo Lhe daLe of observance of a rellglous holy day. lf you musL mlss a class,
an examlnaLlon, a work asslgnmenL, or a pro[ecL ln order Lo observe a rellglous holy day, l wlll
glve you an opporLunlLy Lo compleLe Lhe mlssed work wlLhln a reasonable Llme afLer Lhe

;47<$)4 =$$<>(3?
uurlng Lhls course l wlll perlodlcally be asklng you Lo glve me feedback on your learnlng ln
lnformal as well as formal ways, lncludlng Lhrough anonymous surveys abouL how my Leachlng
sLraLegles are lnfluenclng your learnlng. lL ls very lmporLanL for me Lo know your reacLlon Lo Lhe
maLerlal we are coverlng ln class and on graded maLerlals and assessmenLs, so l encourage you
Lo respond Lo Lhese surveys, ensurlng LhaL LogeLher we can creaLe an effecLlve envlronmenL for
Leachlng and learnlng.

@A2%.4()4 B%/-3-$#
LaLe asslgnmenLs
AsslgnmenLs are due aL Lhe S1A81 of class on due daLe glven. AsslgnmenLs Lurned ln afLer
Lhe sLarL of class wlll be marked down 10 for each day or porLlon of a day LhaL Lhey are laLe.

- 6 -
Make-up asslgnmenLs
Make-up asslgnmenLs wlll noL be permlLLed, excepL ln Lhe case of medlcal emergency (for
whlch documenLaLlon from your physlclan's offlce wlLhln 2 days of Lhe due daLe ls requlred) or
for observance of rellglous holy days (ln whlch case you musL leL me know Lwo weeks ln

8evlew of grades
lease revlew all grades asslgnmenLs lmmedlaLely afLer Lhey are reLurned. lf you feel an
error has been made ln how you were graded or lf Lhere ls anyLhlng you do noL undersLand
abouL why you recelved a parLlcular grade, you musL come Lo offlce hours or come see me ln an
lndlvldual appolnLmenL Lo brlng LhaL Lo my aLLenLlon wlLhln one week of Lhe asslgnmenL belng
reLurned. Lmall ls noL an accepLable venue for requesLlng a revlew of your grade.

k. 1entat|ve Course Schedu|e
8elow ls a 1Ln1A1lvL schedule of lecLure Loplcs, whlch represenLs my currenL plans and
ob[ecLlves. As we go Lhrough Lhe semesLer, Lhose plans are LlkLL? Lo change somewhaL Lo
enhance Lhe class learnlng opporLunlLy. Such changes are noL unusual and should be expecLed.
Any changes, revlslons, or updaLes Lo Lhe course schedule wlll be posLed ln a Llmely fashlon
on Lhe course !"#$"% slLe and/or noLed ln class. ul flles of Lhe readlngs for each class, aparL
from Lhose from Lhe prlmary LexL, wlll also be posLed on Lhe course !"#$"% slLe, and you should
check Lhe slLe regularly for announcemenLs and Lo be prepared for class.

Week Date 1op|c
1 13-!an lnLroducLlon Lo AgenL-8ased SlmulaLlon Modellng
2 22-!an 8eglnnlng rogrammlng wlLh neLLogo
3 29-!an LplsLemology of Lhe A8SM Approach and lurLher SLeps wlLh neLLogo
4 3-leb Lmergence and ComplexlLy
3 12-leb loraglng and uleL
6 19-leb MovemenL, Search, and 8ange use
7 26-leb Model verlflcaLlon and 1esLlng
8 3-Mar Soclal lnLeracLlons - CompeLlLlon and uomlnance
12-Mar S8lnC 88LAk
9 19-Mar Soclal lnLeracLlons - CooperaLlon and CollecLlve AcLlon
10 26-Mar Learnlng and AdapLaLlon
11 2-Apr lnLegraLlng neLLogo wlLh uaLabases and 8
12 9-Apr AAA MLL1lnCS - nC CLASS
13 16-Apr lnLegraLlng neLLogo wlLh ClS
14 23-Apr Model resenLaLlons
13 30-Apr Model resenLaLlons

- 7 -
kI. Academ|c Integr|ty
C,$ ")-*$.#-49 %& C$1(# 8%)%. '%<$
1he core values of 1he unlverslLy of 1exas aL AusLln are learnlng, dlscovery, freedom,
leadershlp, lndlvldual opporLunlLy, and responslblllLy. Lach member of Lhe unlverslLy ls
expecLed Lo uphold Lhese values Lhrough lnLegrlLy, honesLy, LrusL, falrness, and respecL Loward
peers and communlLy.
As a sLudenL aL 1he unlverslLy of 1exas, you are expecLed Lo malnLaln Lhe hlghesL lnLegrlLy
ln your academlc work and Lo adhere Lo and ablde by Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas Ponor Code all
Llmes. All work you submlL ln Lhls course for academlc credlL musL be enLlrely your own work,
you are permlLLed Lo collaboraLe wlLh anoLher sLudenL on a graded asslgnmenL wlLhouL Lhe
express permlsslon of Lhe lnsLrucLor.
?ou are encouraged Lo sLudy wlLh your fellow sLudenLs and Lo dlscuss lnformaLlon and
concepLs covered ln lecLure and Lhe secLlons wlLh one anoLher. ?ou may also glve "consulLlng"
help Lo or recelve "consulLlng" help from your classmaLes. Powever, Lhls permlsslble
cooperaLlon should never lnvolve one sLudenL havlng possesslon of a copy of all or parL of work
done by someone else, ln Lhe form of an emall, an emall aLLachmenL flle, a dlskeLLe, or a hard
copy. Should copylng occur, boLh Lhe sLudenL who copled work from anoLher sLudenL and Lhe
sLudenL who gave maLerlal Lo be copled wlll boLh auLomaLlcally recelve a zero for Lhe
uurlng examlnaLlons, you musL do your own work. 1alklng or dlscusslon ls noL permlLLed
durlng examlnaLlons, nor may you compare papers, copy from oLhers, or collaboraLe ln any
way. Any collaboraLlve behavlor durlng examlnaLlons wlll resulL ln fallure of Lhe exam, and may
lead Lo fallure of Lhe course and addlLlonal unlverslLy dlsclpllnary acLlon. uurlng exams, you
also may noL use noLes or oLher sources Lo answer exam quesLlons wlLhouL Lhe lnsLrucLor's
laglarlsm conslsLs of presenLlng ldeas and words wlLhouL acknowledglng Lhelr source.
WheLher lnLenLlonal or lnadverLenL, plaglarlsm ls anoLher serlous offense agalnsL academlc
lnLegrlLy and wlll also resulL ln fallure on an asslgnmenL and posslbly fallure lf Lhe course and
addlLlonal unlverslLy dlsclpllnary acLlon. Any of Lhe followlng acLs consLlLuLes a crlme of

- uslng a phrase, senLence, or passage from anoLher person's work wlLhouL quoLaLlon marks
and aLLrlbuLlon of Lhe source.
- araphraslng words or ldeas from anoLher's work wlLhouL aLLrlbuLlon.
- 8eporLlng as your own research or knowledge any daLa or facLs gaLhered or reporLed by
anoLher person.
- SubmlLLlng ln your own name papers or reporLs compleLed by anoLher.
- SubmlLLlng your own orlglnal work Loward requlremenLs ln more Lhan one class wlLhouL Lhe
prlor permlsslon of Lhe lnsLrucLors.

laglarlsm and oLher cases of academlc fraud are maLLers of facL, noL lnLenLlon. lL ls
Lherefore cruclal LhaL you be dlllgenL ln assurlng Lhe lnLegrlLy of your work by:
- 8 -

- uslng quoLaLlon marks Lo seL off words noL your own.
- uslng proper forms of clLaLlon and aLLrlbuLlon for source maLerlals.
- uolng your own orlglnal work ln each class, wlLhouL collaboraLlon, unless oLherwlse
- noL uslng publlshed sources, Lhe work of oLhers, or maLerlal from Lhe web wlLhouL
- Asklng your professor or precepLor lf you have quesLlons abouL an asslgnmenL or Lhe use of

AddlLlonal vlolaLlons of academlc lnLegrlLy lnclude Lhe followlng:
Clvlng your work Lo anoLher sLudenL Lo submlL as hls or her own.
SecreLlng or desLroylng llbrary or reference maLerlals.
SubmlLLlng as your own work a paper or resulLs of research LhaL you have purchased from a
commerclal flrm or anoLher person.

arLlcular emphasls ls placed on Lhe use of papers and oLher maLerlals Lo be found on Lhe
lnLerneL, wheLher purchased or freely avallable. 8e aware LhaL ln addlLlon Lo havlng access Lo
Lhe same search englnes as sLudenLs, faculLy also have aL Lhelr dlsposal a number of speclal
webslLes devoLed Lo deLecLlng plaglarlsm from Lhe web.
enalLy for vlolaLlon of 1he unlverslLy of 1exas Ponor Code and for all of Lhe vlolaLlons of
academlc lnLegrlLy dlscussed above can also be exLended Lo lnclude fallure of Lhe course and
unlverslLy dlsclpllnary acLlon.

kII. Cther Un|vers|ty Not|ces and o||c|es
"#$ %& 0A(-/ &%. D&&-3-(/ '%..$#2%)<$)3$ 4% ;47<$)4#
All sLudenLs should become famlllar wlLh Lhe unlverslLy's offlclal e-mall sLudenL noLlflcaLlon
pollcy. lL ls Lhe sLudenL's responslblllLy Lo keep Lhe unlverslLy lnformed as Lo changes ln hls or
her e-mall address. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo check e-mall on a frequenL and regular basls ln
order Lo sLay currenL wlLh unlverslLy-relaLed communlcaLlons, recognlzlng LhaL cerLaln
communlcaLlons may be Llme-crlLlcal. lL ls recommended LhaL e-mall be checked dally, buL aL a
mlnlmum, Lwlce per week. 1he compleLe LexL of Lhls pollcy and lnsLrucLlons for updaLlng your e-
mall address are avallable aL http:]]]|ts]he|p]utma||]1S64.

:%37A$)4$< :-#(>-/-49 ;4(4$A$)4
Any sLudenL wlLh a documenLed dlsablllLy who requlres academlc accommodaLlons should
conLacL Servlces for SLudenLs wlLh ulsablllLles (SSu) aL (312) 471-6239 (volce) or 1-866-329-
3986 (vldeo phone) or vla Lhe lnLerneL aL http:]]]d|vers|ty]ddce]ssd. laculLy
are noL requlred Lo provlde accommodaLlons wlLhouL an offlclal accommodaLlon leLLer from
- 9 -

lease noLlfy me as qulckly as posslble lf Lhe maLerlal belng presenLed ln class ls noL
accesslble (e.g., lnsLrucLlonal vldeos need capLlonlng, course packeLs are noL readable for
proper alLernaLlve LexL converslon, eLc.).
lease noLlfy me as early ln Lhe semesLer as posslble lf dlsablllLy-relaLed accommodaLlons
for fleld Lrlps are requlred. Advanced noLlce wlll permlL Lhe arrangemenL of
accommodaLlons on Lhe glven day (e.g., LransporLaLlon, slLe accesslblllLy, eLc.).
ConLacL Servlces for SLudenLs wlLh ulsablllLles aL 471-6239 (volce) or 1-866-329-3986 (vldeo
phone) or reference SSu's webslLe for more dlsablllLy-relaLed lnformaLlon:

+$,(*-%. '%)3$.)# E<*-3$ F-)$ G+'EFH
lf you are worrled abouL someone (e.g., a fellow sLudenL) who ls acLlng dlfferenLly, you may
use Lhe 8ehavlor Concerns Advlce Llne Lo dlscuss by phone your concerns abouL anoLher
lndlvldual's behavlor. 1hls servlce ls provlded Lhrough a parLnershlp among Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
uean of SLudenLs, Lhe Counsellng and MenLal PealLh CenLer (CMPC), Lhe Lmployee AsslsLance
rogram (LA), and 1he unlverslLy of 1exas ollce ueparLmenL (u1u). Call 312-232-3030 or
vlslL http:]]]safety]bca|.

I :.%2 B%/-39
1he SLaLe of 1exas has enacLed a law LhaL llmlLs Lhe number of course drops for academlc
reasons Lo slx (6). As sLaLed ln SenaLe 8lll 1231:

8eglnnlng wlLh Lhe fall 2007 academlc Lerm, an lnsLlLuLlon of hlgher educaLlon may noL
permlL an undergraduaLe sLudenL a LoLal of more Lhan slx dropped courses, lncludlng any
course a Lransfer sLudenL has dropped aL anoLher lnsLlLuLlon of hlgher educaLlon, unless Lhe
sLudenL shows good cause for dropplng more Lhan LhaL number."

0A$.6$)39 0*(37(4-%) B%/-39
CccupanLs of bulldlngs on Lhe u1 AusLln campus are requlred Lo evacuaLe and assemble
ouLslde when a flre alarm ls acLlvaLed or an announcemenL ls made. lease be aware of Lhe
followlng pollcles regardlng evacuaLlon:

lamlllarlze yourself wlLh all exlL doors of Lhe classroom and Lhe bulldlng. 8emember LhaL
Lhe nearesL exlL door may noL be Lhe one you used when you enLered Lhe bulldlng.
lf you requlre asslsLance Lo evacuaLe, lnform me ln wrlLlng durlng Lhe flrsL week of class.
ln Lhe evenL of an evacuaLlon, follow my lnsLrucLlons or Lhose of class lnsLrucLors.
uo noL re-enLer a bulldlng unless you are glven lnsLrucLlons by Lhe AusLln llre ueparLmenL,
Lhe u1 AusLln ollce ueparLmenL, or Lhe llre revenLlon Servlces offlce.

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