This document provides an overview of a project to develop an Inventory Management System for the Meghalaya State Wide Area Network (MSWAN). The key points are:
1. The proposed system will computerize the inventory management processes like receiving, issuing, and tracking faulty products to make them more efficient and reduce errors compared to the current manual system.
2. The objectives of the system are to make the processes more user-friendly, allow fast searching and maintenance of product records, and generate accurate daily reports.
3. The project will be developed over 4 months using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008. It will have features like a user-friendly interface, quick transactions, and data security.
This document provides an overview of a project to develop an Inventory Management System for the Meghalaya State Wide Area Network (MSWAN). The key points are:
1. The proposed system will computerize the inventory management processes like receiving, issuing, and tracking faulty products to make them more efficient and reduce errors compared to the current manual system.
2. The objectives of the system are to make the processes more user-friendly, allow fast searching and maintenance of product records, and generate accurate daily reports.
3. The project will be developed over 4 months using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008. It will have features like a user-friendly interface, quick transactions, and data security.
This document provides an overview of a project to develop an Inventory Management System for the Meghalaya State Wide Area Network (MSWAN). The key points are:
1. The proposed system will computerize the inventory management processes like receiving, issuing, and tracking faulty products to make them more efficient and reduce errors compared to the current manual system.
2. The objectives of the system are to make the processes more user-friendly, allow fast searching and maintenance of product records, and generate accurate daily reports.
3. The project will be developed over 4 months using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008. It will have features like a user-friendly interface, quick transactions, and data security.
This document provides an overview of a project to develop an Inventory Management System for the Meghalaya State Wide Area Network (MSWAN). The key points are:
1. The proposed system will computerize the inventory management processes like receiving, issuing, and tracking faulty products to make them more efficient and reduce errors compared to the current manual system.
2. The objectives of the system are to make the processes more user-friendly, allow fast searching and maintenance of product records, and generate accurate daily reports.
3. The project will be developed over 4 months using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008. It will have features like a user-friendly interface, quick transactions, and data security.
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OF MEGHALAYA STATE WIDE AREA NETWORK (MSWAN) A PROJECT REPORT Under the Guidance of Mr. Partha Dasgupta (Faculty Associate, TCIT) Submitted by- RENUKA HAJONG Roll. No. 521019216 In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the aard of the de!ree "f Master o Co!"#ter A""$%&at%o' (MCA) #A$-%0&' & Chapter 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCTION Ths pro|ect s entted Inventory Management System s a software appcaton deveopment usng Mcrosoft Vsua Basc.Net (Vb.Net) as the front-end and SOL server as the back-end. So, we can easy manage the mpemented and unmpemented scheme n the Deputy Commssoner (DC) omce, West Garo Hs, Meghaaya. Ths software s user frendy and easy to hande t. Ths appcaton has certan features such as Deta statement of goods comes from Head Ouarter. Deta statement of recevng of goods. Deta statement of ssung of goods. Deta statement of fauty goods. Interface s user frendy. Sumcent nformaton and correct reportng system. Ths software s many focuses on the smooth functonng of the omce work as a whoe. In ths way, t s not ony drect and contro but aso energes the work ow. It w hep n proper functonng of Government omce wthout much manua work; t w many focus on easy mantaned of the data, tme savng and reabe. 1.2 ORGANIZATION PROFILE Meghaaya State Wde Area Network (MSWAN) s an approved scheme of Department of IT of Government of Inda camed to brng speed, emcency, reabty and accountabty of Government to Government functons. It s one of the core nfrastructure components under Natona e- Governance Pan and was panned as a converged backbone network for voce, vdeo and communcatons across each of the 29 states and 6 unon terrtores. Common Servce Centers (CSC) schemes woud serve as the end devery ponts. The Department of Informaton % Technoogy, Government of Inda, s the noda department for each SWAN mpementaton. The scheme was a centrazed ntatve wth decentrazed mpementaton. SWANs across the country are expected to cover at east 500000 departmenta omces through 1 mon (10 acs) route kometers of communcaton nks 1.3 Probe! "tate!e#t At present the Inventory Management System was done manuay. It s dmcut to manage dherent e system and t s sow and steady process. Ths phase of management system aso ead to fase nformaton. 1.$ DI"ADVANTAGE" OF PRE"ENT WOR%ING "&"TE' Some of the man drawbacks are: System s mantaned totay by paper work and Mcrosoft Exce. It s sow n process. Error may occur due to the records ambguty. Extra tme and ehort s requred to prepare the reports. Some nformaton needed to be wrtten more than one regsters. Number of es and regsters need to be compare to retreve some data. There s aso a chance of persona basness n changng the records. Ehort s requre ndng out the phase of e system. 1.( Propo)e* "+)te! In our proposed system we have a computerze system to manage the varous records and reports emcenty. So the management of nventory w hep to keep track of the goods. Another advantage of the system s that t s very easy to add, edt the detas of the products, ssue product, receved product etc. The detas of the product and Head ( quarter are added n the database and so user can aso vew the detas whenever they want. Our proposed system has severa advantages > User frendy nterface > Fast access to database > Less error > More Storage Capacty > Search facty > Look and Fee Envronment > Ouck transacton A the manua dmcutes n managng the goods n detas have been rected by mpementng computerzaton 1., O-JECTIVE" A computer based management system s desgned to hande a the prmary nformaton requred to cacuate day statements. Database s mantaned to hande a the detas requred for the correct statement cacuaton. Ths pro|ect ntends to ntroduce more user frendness n the varous actvtes such as record, updatng, mantenance, and searchng. The searchng of record has been made qute smpe as a the detas of the product and Head Ouarter can be obtaned by smpy keyng n the dentcaton of the code. Smary, record mantenance and updatng can aso be accompshed by usng the dentcaton of the code wth a the detas beng automatcay generated. The entre nformaton has mantaned n the database or Fes and ony authorzed user can retreve the necessary nformaton whch can be easy be accessbe from the e. The man ob|ectve of the entre actvty s to automate the process of day to day actvtes of Meghaaya State Wde Area Network ke: 1. Receve deta 2. Issue deta 3. Fauty product deta 4. Vertca Head Ouarter deta 5. Horzonta Head Ouarter detas. ' Ths pro|ect has some more features: No Paper Work Requred Tme Emcent Cost Emcent Automatc data vadaton User frendy envronment Data securty and reabty Fast data nserton & retreva 1.. Pro/e0t Cate1or+ Ths pro|ect as tte Inventory Management System s comes under the Reatona Database Management System (RDBMS) and Ob|ect Orented Programmng Approach. Ths appcaton s deveoped wth the hep of Vsua basc student 2010 and SOL Server 2008. Ths appcaton can aso be run on the network envronment so t can be sad as network appcaton .e. ths appcaton work under cent/server Archtecture. 1.2 "0ope The scope of the pro|ect s the system on whch the software s nstaed, .e. the pro|ect s deveoped as a desktop appcaton, and t w work for a partcuar nsttute. But ater on the pro|ect can be moded to operate t onne Inventory Management System. 1.3 Pro/e0t "0he*4e The pro|ect has been panned to compete n a perod of 4 months n accordance wth the schedue of organzatona attachment requrement by ICFAI. Each task s predcted to be performed tmey and any obstaces w deay the pro|ect. The pro|ect has been dvded nto few phases as foows: 5 I#6t6a )t4*+. The rst two weeks s dedcated to study the background of the pro|ect and proposed the ob|ectve and scope to Organzatona Mentor. ) L6terat4re Re76e8. The background of the pro|ect w be studed; software engneerng methodoogy and VB.Net framework w be revew n ths phase. 5 "o9t8are Pro0e)). Ths phase conssts of few actvtes such system requrement anayss, software desgn, codng and debuggng. 5 Do04!e#tat6o#. The documentaton comprsng SRS, SDD and thess w be prepared occasonay and competed at the end of Industra Attachment phase. 1.1: Too);Pat9or! Ths pro|ect s deveoped usng the toos, whch are most suted for deveopment of the Appcaton Package. These toos are as foows: - 1. Vsua Studo 2010 (For front end) 2. SOL Server 2008 (For Database Storage as Back end) 3. Mcrosoft Wndows 7 (as an operatng system Patform) * Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 I#tro*40t6o# Ths terature revew ndcates the research nnovatve and nterestng exporaton of the research dea that reated to the pro|ect. It s mportant eement that covers the reevant knowedge to hep n pro|ect mpementaton. The terature revew begns wth the pro|ect understandng, foowed by deveopment methodoogy, software process and modes. Software Technque, toos and reated framework w aso be dscuss. 2.2 Pro/e0t Re76e8 In any Government omce, ts become amost mandatory to mpement a computerzed system to montor the work ow. Meghaaya State Wde Area Network (MSWAN) s an approved scheme of Department of IT of Government of Inda camed to brng speed, emcency, reabty and accountabty of Government to Government functons. Therefore, Mr.Amarnath proposes an dea to deveop a customze software to manage the goods that comes from Meghaaya State Head Ouarter. Mr.Amarnath who aso pays a roe as Organzatona Mentor. The needs of proper Inventory management system for MSWAN arse when the ncrease number of goods arrved from the Head Ouarter and has to be dstrbuted across dherent dstrct and to Government omce such actvtes ke receved, ssue, fauty product etc. The system shoud capabe to manage user proes, receve Items,ssue Items and fauty tems of day statements. The system shoud be accessbe by the authorzed user anytme; but there s a provson to access by authorzed user anytme and anywhere. For ths requrement, a cent based system has to make and nsta nto the cent system. 2.2.1 Abo4t 'e1haa+a "tate W6*e Area Net8or< ='"WAN> Meghaaya State Wde Area Network (MSWAN) s an approved scheme of Department of IT of Government of Inda camed to brng speed, emcency, reabty and accountabty of Government to Government functons. It s one of the core + nfrastructure components under Natona e-Governance Pan and was panned as a converged backbone network for voce, vdeo and communcatons across each of the 29 states and 6 unon terrtores 2.2.2 O7er76e8 o9 the "+)te! to be *e7eope* Prevousy there s no proper system to manage the products nformaton. The program documentaton and record has been comped n spread sheet format and not centrazed. The nformaton s not easy accessbe ether by the authorze user. The records become dmcut to manage after the program has been runnng for more than a year. Among the data that need to manage propery are receved product, ssue product, fauty product etc. The overa system to be but has a characterstc, to hep the organzaton n managng product record and generate varous reports whe organzaton requred. Demand on the above requrement, a Inventory Management System (IMS) s deveoped. The System w be deveoped on the foowng modues- Product Modue Receved Product Modue Issue Product Modue Fauty Product Modue Horzonta omce Modue Vertca omce Modue A these modues w be shared products record n the database eve. Ths pro|ect w dscuss about the Inventory Management System (IMS), as stated earer n the ob|ectve of ths pro|ect. The man purpose of the IMS system s to provde facty to techncan (store, update) products reated records. The system to be deveoped sha be abe to manage the foowng: User Management Product records Receved Product records Issue Product records Fauty Product records , Horzonta omce records Vertca omce records Generate Varous Reports Addtonay, the above servces shoud be accessbe by authorzed user anytme. From ths requrement, the system shoud be but n wndows based envronment. 2.3 "t4*+ o9 E?6)t6#1 W6#*o8) App60at6o# Ar0h6te0t4re The IMS pro|ect w be but n wndows envronment therefore t s mportant to study of wndows appcaton archtecture. Ths w gve a gudene and understandng on whch sutabe archtecture to be used. In software system pont of vew, archtecture s the set of sgncant decsons about the organzaton of a software system, ncudng: Seecton of the structura eements and ther nterfaces by whch a system s composed Behavor as speced n coaboratons among those eements Composton of these structura and behavora eements nto arger subsystems In other words, a system's archtecture represents the necessary strategc desgn decsons sumcent to form that system. Wndows appcaton can be bud wthout foowng any conventon of system archtecture, however t w dmcut to manage and mantan when the compexty of the system grow. A stabe archtecture s essenta to every successfu system ncudng wndows appcaton many because t provdes the foowng: Better understandng of the system Bass to organze the deveopment task Bass to contnuousy evove the system In the dscusson of wndows archtecture, the concepts of ayer and ter are often used nterchangeaby. However, accordng to the reference that the student have studed , a - ayer s a ogca structurng mechansm for the eements that make up the software souton, whe a ter s a physca structurng mechansm for the system nfrastructure. The foowng subsecton dscusses about the popuar system archtecture that beng adopted n wndows appcaton deveopment. 2.3.1. 1@2@ 3 or !ore T6er Ar0h6te0t4re 1ATer: a above ayers can ony run n one computer. In order to acheve 1-Ter, we need to use the embedded database system, whch cannot run n an ndvdua process. Otherwse, there w be at east 2-Ter because non-embedded databases usuay can run n an ndvdua computer (ter). 2ATer: ether presentaton ayer or appcaton ayer can ony run n one computer, or appcaton ayer and data ayer can ony run n one computer. The whoe appcaton cannot run n more than 2 computers. 3ATer: the smpest case of N-Ter archtecture; a above three ayers are abe to run n three separate computers. Practcay, these three ayers can aso be depoyed n one computer (3- Ter archtecture, but depoyed as 1-Ter). NATer: 3 or more ters archtecture. Dagram 2 beow depcts a typca N-Ter archtecture. Some ayers n 3-Ter can be broken further nto more ayers. These broken ayers may be abe to run n more ters. For exampe, appcaton ayer can be broken nto busness ayer, persstence ayer or more. Presentaton ayer can be broken nto cent ayer and cent presenter ayer. In dagram 2, n order to cam a compete N- Ter archtecture, cent presenter ayer, busness ayer and data ayer shoud be abe to run n three separate computers (ters). Practcay, a these ayers can aso be depoyed n one compute (ter). Fg 1: - N-Ter Archtecture &0 Beow are bref summares on a ayers n Dagram Fg: C6e#t a+er: ths ayer s nvoved wth users drecty. There may be severa dherent types of cents coexstng, such as WPF, Wndow form, HTML web page and etc. C6e#t pre)e#ter a+er: contans the presentaton ogc needed by cents, such as ASP .NET MVC n IIS web server. Aso t adapts dherent cents to the busness ayer. Business layer: handes and encapsuates a of busness domans and ogcs; aso caed doman ayer. Persistence layer: handes the read/wrte of the busness data to the data ayer, aso caed data access ayer (DAL). Data layer: the externa data source, such as a database. 2.3.2. C6e#t;"er7er Databa)e "+)te!) Mcrosoft SOL Server s desgned to work ehectvey n a number of envronments: As a two-ter or mutter cent/server database system As a desktop database system Cent/server systems are constructed so that the database can resde on a centra computer, known as a server, and be shared among severa users. Users access the server through a cent or server appcaton: In a two-ter cent/server system, users run an appcaton on ther oca computer, known as a cent that connects over a network to the server runnng SOL Server. The cent appcaton runs both busness ogc and the code to dspay output to the user, and s aso known as a thck cent. Havng data stored and managed n a centra ocaton ohers severa advantages: && Each data tem s stored n a centra ocaton where a users can work wth t. Separate copes of the tem are not stored on each cent, whch emnates probems wth users havng to ensure they are a workng wth the same nformaton. Busness and securty rues can be dened one tme on the server and enforced equay among a users. Ths can be done n a database through the use of constrants, stored procedures, and trggers. It can aso be done n a server appcaton. A reatona database server optmzes network tramc by returnng ony the data an appcaton needs. For exampe, f an appcaton workng wth a e server needs to dspay a st of the names of saes representatves n Oregon, t must retreve the entre empoyee e. If the appcaton s workng wth a reatona database server, t sends ths command: SELECT rst name, ast name FROM empoyees WHERE emp tte = 'Saes Representatve' AND emp_state = 'OR' The reatona database sends back ony the names of the saes representatves n Oregon, not a of the nformaton about a empoyees. Hardware costs can be mnmzed. Because the data s not stored on each cent, cents do not have to dedcate dsk space to storng data. The cents aso do not need the processng capacty to manage data ocay, and the server does not need to dedcate processng power to dspayng data. The server can be congured to optmze the dsk I/O capactes needed to retreve data, and cents can be congured to optmze the formattng and dspay of data retreved from the server. The server can be stored n a reatvey secure ocaton and equpped wth devces such as an Unnterruptabe Power Suppy (UPS) more economcay than fuy protectng each cent. &% Mantenance tasks such as backng up and restorng data are smped because they can focus on the centra server. Fi! %. Client/Ser0er 1atabase Systems 2.3.3 De)<top Databa)e "+)te!) Whe SOL Server works ehectvey as a server, t can aso be used n appcatons that need stand-aone databases stored ocay on the cent. SOL Server can congure tsef dynamcay to run emcenty wth the resources avaabe on a cent, wthout the need to dedcate a database admnstrator to each cent. Appcaton vendors can aso embed SOL Server as the data storage component of ther appcatons. &( When cents use oca SOL Server databases, one copy of the SOL Server database engne runs on the cent and manages a the SOL Server databases on the cent. Appcatons connect to the database engne n much the same way they connect across the network to a database engne runnng on a remote server. Fi! (. 1es2top computer 2.3.$ C6e#t Co!po#e#t) Users do not access Mcrosoft SOL Server drecty; nstead, they use an appcaton wrtten to access the data n SOL Server. Ths can ncude uttes that come wth SOL Server, thrd party appcatons that run on SOL Server, or nhouse appcatons deveoped by programmers at the SOL Server ste. SOL Server can aso be accessed through COM, Mcrosoft ActveX, or Wndows Dstrbuted nterNet Appcatons Archtecture (Wndows DNA) components. Appcatons are wrtten to access SOL Server through a database appcaton programmng nterface (API). A database API contans two parts: The anguage statements passed to the database. The anguage used wth SOL Server s Transact-SOL. Transact- SOL supports a SOL-92 Entry Leve SOL statements and many addtona SOL-92 features. It aso supports the ODBC &' extensons to SOL-92 and other extensons specc to Transact-SOL. A set of functons or ob|ect-orented nterfaces and methods used to send the anguage statements to the database and process the resuts returned by the database. Natve API support means the API functon cas are mapped drecty to the network protoco sent to the server. There s no ntermedate transaton to another API needed. SOL Server provdes natve support for two man casses of database APIs: OLE DB SOL Server ncudes a natve OLE DB provder. The provder supports appcatons wrtten usng OLE DB, or other APIs that use OLE DB, such as ActveX Data Ob|ects (ADO). Through the natve provder, SOL Server aso supports ob|ects or components usng OLE DB, such as ActveX, ADO, or Wndows DNA appcatons. ODBC SOL Server ncudes a natve ODBC drver. The drver supports appcatons or components wrtten usng ODBC, or other APIs usng ODBC, such as DAO, RDO, and the Mcrosoft Foundaton Casses (MFC) database casses. &) Fi! '.client computer 2 .$ "o9t8are De7eop!e#t 'etho*oo1+ Re76e8 Ths secton provdes a terature revew on Software Engneerng Methodoogy. Software engneerng s the practce of usng seected process technques to mprove the quaty of a software deveopment ehort. Ths s based on the assumpton, sub|ect to endess debate and supported by patent experence, that a methodca approach to software deveopment resuts n fewer defects and, therefore, utmatey provdes shorter devery tmes and better vaue. The documented coecton of poces, processes and procedures used by a deveopment team or organzaton to practce software engneerng s caed ts software deveopment methodoogy or system deveopment fe cyce (SDLC). The dscusson of the software methodoogy has been dvded nto few sectons namey software process, technque, mode and toos. 2.$.1 "o9t8are De7eop!e#t Pro0e)) 'o*e &* There s varous software deveopment approaches dened and desgned whch are used or empoyed durng the deveopment process of software, these approaches are aso referred as "Software Deveopment Process Modes". Each process mode foows a partcuar fe cyce n order to ensure success n process of software deveopment. Accordng to the survey there are a ot of debates about seectng and foowng a specc software process mode. There are many cams about one deveopment mode s better than the others. In ths revew there are 3 we known software process mode to dscuss and compare whch are Waterfa Mode, Ratona Uned Mode and Age Mode. However the dscusson s mted to the mportant characterstc of the process mode. 2.$.1.1 Water9a 'o*e The Waterfa s one of the we known exampes of a software engneerng methodoogy. It composed nto the stages of system requrements, software requrements, premnary and detaed desgn, mpementaton, testng, operatons, and mantenance. In the Waterfa software engneerng methodoogy, as often quoted and vewed, the process ows from stage to stage s ke water over a fa. Accordng to the paper tte as Software Engneerng Methodoogy: The Water Suce by Ron Burback, n the orgna descrpton of the Waterfa software engneerng methodoogy, there s an nteractve back step between each stage. Thus the Waterfa s a combnaton of a sequenta methodoogy wth an nteractve back step or feedback. Fgure 2.7 depct the phases n the tradtona Waterfa mode. A these phases are cascaded to each other so that second phase s started as and when dened set of goas are acheved for rst phase. Foowng are the stages nvoved n Waterfa mode. 5 ReB46re!e#t A#a+)6)C A possbe requrements of the system to be deveoped are captured n ths phase. Requrements are set of functonates and constrants that the end-user (who w be usng the system) expects from the system. The requrements are gathered from the end-user by consutaton, these requrements are anayzed for ther vadty and the possbty of ncorporatng the requrements n the system to be deveopment s aso studed. Fnay, a Software Requrement Speccaton (SRS) document s created whch serves the purpose of gudene for the next phase of the mode. &+ 5 "o9t8are De)61#C Before a startng for actua codng, t s hghy mportant to understand what we are gong to create and what t shoud ook ke. The requrement speccatons from rst phase are studed n ths phase and system desgn s prepared. System Desgn heps n specfyng hardware and system requrements and aso heps n denng overa system archtecture. Fnay Software Desgn Document (SDD) w be produced. The system desgn speccatons serve as nput for the next phase of the mode. 5 I!pe!e#tat6o# a#* U#6t Te)t6#1C On recevng system desgn documents, the work s dvded n modues/unts and actua codng s started. The system s rst deveoped n sma programs caed unts, whch are ntegrated n the next phase. Each unt s deveoped and tested for ts functonaty. Unt testng many veres f the modues/unts meet ther speccatons. 5 I#te1rat6o# a#* "+)te! Te)t6#1C As speced above, the system s rst dvded n unts whch are deveoped and tested for ther functonates. These unts are ntegrated nto a compete system durng Integraton phase and tested to check f a modues/unts coordnate between each other and the system as a whoe behaves as per the speccatons. After successfuy testng the software, t s devered to the customer. 5 Operat6o#) a#* 'a6#te#a#0eC Generay, probems wth the system deveoped, whch are not found durng the deveopment fe cyce come up after ts practca use starts, so the ssues reated to the system are soved after depoyment of the system. Not a the probems come n pcture drecty but they arse tme to tme and needs to be soved; hence ths process s referred as Mantenance. The waterfa mode, as descrbed above, ohers numerous advantages for software deveopers. Foowng are the advantages of Waterfa mode: The )ta1e* *e7eop!e#t 0+0e e#9or0e) *6)06p6#eC Every phase has a dened start and end pont, and progress can be concusvey dented through the use of mestones by both vendor and cent. The emphass on requrements and desgn before wrtng a snge ne of code ensures mnma wastage of tme and ehort and reduces the rsk of schedue sppage, or of customer expectatons not beng met. Dep 6!pro7e) B4a6t+C Gettng the requrements and desgn out of the way rst aso mproves quaty. It s much &, easer to catch and correct possbe aws at the desgn stage rather than at the testng stage. A6* eE06e#t <#o8e*1e tra#)9erC Because the rst two phases end n the producton of a forma speccaton, the waterfa mode can ad emcent knowedge transfer when team members are dspersed n dherent ocatons. Ea)+ to 4#*er)ta#* pro0e))C The stages n waterfa mode are much easer to understand. Ths w hep the company to reduce cost as ther stahs do not requre addtona tranng |ust to understand the process ow. Fig 5: Waterfall Model Despte the seemngy obvous advantages, the waterfa mode has come n for a far share of crtcsm n recent tmes. The most promnent crtcsm revoves around the fact that very often, customers do not reay know what they want up- front, and rather what they want emerges over tme. In ths stuaton, the waterfa mode wth ts emphass on up-front requrements capture and desgn s seen as somewhat unreastc and unsutabe |9|. Further, gven the uncertan nature of customer needs, estmatng tme and costs wth any degree of accuracy as the mode suggests s often extremey dmcut. In genera, therefore, ths mode s recommended for use ony n pro|ects whch are reatvey stabe and where customer needs can be ceary dented at an eary stage. 2 .$.1.2 Rat6o#a U#6Fe* Pro0e)) &- The Ratona Uned Process (RUP) s an teratve and ncrementa deveopment process. The Incepton, Eaboraton, Constructon and Transton phases are dvded nto a seres of tme boxed teratons as shown n gure 2.8. Each teraton resuts n an ncrement, whch s a reease of the system that contans added or mproved functonaty compared wth the prevous reease. Foowng are the characterstc of ths process: U)e Ca)e Dr67e#. Use cases are used to capture the functona requrements and to dene the contents of the teratons. Each teraton takes a set of use cases or scenaros from requrements a the way through mpementaton, test and depoyment. Ar0h6te0t4re Ce#tr60. Ths process nssts that archtecture st at the heart of the pro|ect team's ehorts to shape the system. Snce no snge mode s sumcent to cover a aspects of a system, the Uned Process supports mutpe archtectura modes and vews. One of the most mportant deverabes of the process s the executabe archtecture basene whch s created durng the Eaboraton phase. Ths parta mpementaton of the system serves to vadate the archtecture and act as a foundaton for remanng deveopment. R6)< Fo04)e*. Ths process requres the pro|ect team to focus on addressng the most crtca rsks eary n the pro|ect fe cyce. The deverabes of each teraton, especay n the Eaboraton phase, must be seected n order to ensure that the greatest rsks are addressed rst. %0 Fig 6: RUP Model Referrng to gure 2.8, durng the ncepton phase, the busness case for the system s estabshed and demts the pro|ect scope. The purpose of the eaboraton phase s to anayze the probem doman, estabsh a sound archtectura foundaton, deveop the pro|ect pan, and emnate the hghest rsk eements of the pro|ect. Durng the constructon phase, a remanng components and appcaton features are deveoped and ntegrated nto the product, and a features are thoroughy tested. Accordng to survey done on the research paper, RUP process s dmcut to earn and consst of many processes. The exbty of the process w aso contrbute to the dmcuty when t needs to moded n accordance wth the pro|ect requrement. 2.$.1.3 A16e 'o*e Most promote deveopment teratons, teamwork, coaboraton, and process adaptabty throughout the fe- cyce of the pro|ect. There are many specc age deveopment methodooges for exampe Scrum, XP and Crysta Orange. Age methods break tasks nto sma %& ncrements wth mnma pannng, and don't drecty nvove ong-term pannng. Iteratons are short tme frames that typcay ast from one to four weeks. The term age eads to a deveopment process that s more responsve to customer needs compared tradtona methods. Age methodooges beeve that adaptabty to changng requrements at any pont durng the pro|ect fe s a more reastc and better approach than attemptng to dene a requrements at the begnnng of a pro|ect and then expendng ehort to contro changes to the requrements. Foowng are the characterstc of age methodoogy: 5 Re*40e the 0o)t o9 0ha#1e. In age, mutpe teratons may be requred to reease a product or new features. Each teraton s worked on by a team through a fu software deveopment cyce, ncudng pannng, requrements anayss, desgn, codng, unt testng, and acceptance testng. In tradtona system deveopment methods the requrements for the system are determned at the begnnng of the deveopment pro|ect and often xed from that pont on. Ths means that the cost of changng the requrements at a ater stage w be hgh. 5 E!pha)6) o# 0o*6#1. Age argue that the ony truy mportant product of the system deveopment process s code. Codng can be drawng dagrams that w generate code, scrptng a web-based system or codng a program that needs to be comped. 5 E!pha)6) o# te)t6#1. Testng s one of the core roots of age deveopment. Both acceptance tests and unt tests are used. Unt test shoud be automated tests that test the code. The programmer w try to wrte as many tests he or she can thnk of that mght break the code he or she s wrtng; f a tests run successfuy then the codng s compete. 5 L6)te#6#1 to 04)to!er #ee*). Communcaton between the customer and programmer need to be estabshed. The programmer has to try to understand the busness probem, and to gve the customer feedback about hs or her probem, to mprove the customer's own understandng of hs or her probem. 5 "o9t8are Ar0h6te0t4re De)61# 6) opt6o#a. Some of the age methodoogy dd not emphass on desgn. Extreme Programmng (XP) for exampe, beeve that from the pont of vew of smpcty, one coud say that system deveopment doesn't need more than codng, testng and stenng. If those actvtes are performed we, the resut shoud aways be a %% system that works. Accordng to the study, XP use Cass- Responsbty-Coaboraton (CRC) card based on cents story to capture requrement. 5 E!pha)6) o# "o9t8are Reea)e. A Reease s a pece of deveopment where the customer gets some new software. Through fast teraton, Age stress on product reeases whch can be done from 2 weeks to 6 months. Iteraton may not add enough functonaty to warrant a market reease, but the goa s to have an avaabe reease wth mnma bugs at the end of each teraton. Age process s sutabe for the pro|ect where product reease s mportant factor. It aso requres huge stah and ater break nto group whch tacke specc probem . Ths process s aso needs more customer nvovement. However, n some age process for exampe XP, severa potenta drawbacks has been noted, as compared to more document-based methodooges, Ths ncudng probems wth unstabe requrements, no documented compromses of user concts, and ack of an overa desgn spec or document. %( Fg 7: Age Mode 2.$.1.$ "4!!ar+ o9 "o9t8are Pro0e)) 'o*e Ths secton provdes the bref comparson between Software Process Mode that beng studed n ths pro|ect. However the comparson s not done n deep manner, rather the compare about the usage and common characterstc. Tabe 2.1 shows the comparson. %' Fig 8: Software process summary 2.$.2 "o9t8are Te0h#6B4e) The favorabe software technque n ths pro|ect s Water fa mode whch s heped to deveop the product very tradtona way. Beng my rst pro|ect, I found Water Fa mode s more convenent to deveop the system on the current requrement.
2.$.3 "o9t8are 'o*e %) Software mode s an abstract representaton of the system to be but, the system beng but, and the system that was but. The mode therefore evoves wth the system and s a ma|or part of every phase of the pro|ect. The mode s a coecton of artfacts, each one representng a vew of the system. The mode s used by neary every member of the team rangng from the stakehoders to system mpementer. Foowng are the key features that the software mode provdes: 5 Dep !a#a1e 0o!pe?6t+C As systems become ncreasngy compex, they extend beyond the abty of any one ndvdua to comprehend. Contractng an abstract mode to the system heps manage ths compexty. 5 Cear 76e8 o9 0o!po#e#t a))o06at6o#C A good mode w be abe to te whch components are assocated wth whch use cases and n whch capactes. Thus, t heps to predct the reatve mpact that change request mght make to the system. 5 Tra0eab66t+C The abty to start wth one eement of the mode and trace ts coaboraton and connecton to other parts of the mode. Traceabty enabes pro|ect managers to navgate the mode to hep nd answer and soutons to the probems encountered durng the deveopment process. Hence, choosng the adequate mode s an mportant managera decson for the success of the pro|ect. 2.$.$ "o9t8are Too) Ths secton w dscuss about the mportance of software toos usage n the software engneerng deveopment. Computer Asssted Software Engneerng (CASE) toos s synonym to the software toos. CASEs are desgned to enhance programs that ad the deveopment cyce of the system. The toos assst software engneers and dedcated programmers through premnary nvestgaton and system anayss. Whenever a new system s nstaed, the mpementaton ntegrates a number of reated and dherent tasks. The process has to be emcenty organzed and t s for ths very reason that CASE toos are deveoped. CASE toos are argey marketed and understood as: Investgaton, anayss and desgn, or Front-End CASE Impementaton and nstaaton, or Back-End CASE %* Workng n software deveopment n genera requres specc toos and software. CASE toos are deveoped for the foowng reasons: Increase the speed durng system deveopment. Oucker nstaaton. Enhanced anayss and desgn deveopment. Optmum use of avaabe nformaton. Create and manpuate documentaton. Enrch graphca technques and data ow. The foowng secton w descrbe the toos beng used durng deveopment of the system. 2 .$.$.1 V6)4a "t4*6o 2:1: IDE Mcrosoft Vsua Studo s an ntegrated deveopment envronment (IDE) from Mcrosoft. It s used to deveop consoe and graphca user nterface appcatons aong wth Wndows Forms or WPF appcatons, web stes, web appcatons, and web servces n both natve code together wth managed code for a patforms supported by Mcrosoft Wndows, Wndows Mobe, Wndows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Mcrosoft Sver ght. Vsua Studo ncudes a code edtor supportng InteSense as we as code refactorng. The ntegrated debugger works both as a source-eve debugger and a machne-eve debugger. Other but-n toos ncude a forms desgner for budng GUI appcatons, web desgner, cass desgner, and database schema desgner. It accepts pug-ns that enhance the functonaty at amost every eve-ncudng addng support for source-contro systems (ke Subverson and Vsua SourceSafe) and addng new toosets ke edtors and vsua desgners for doman-specc anguages or toosets for other aspects of the software deveopment fecyce (ke the Team Foundaton Server cent: Team Exporer). Vsua Studo supports dherent programmng anguages by means of anguage servces, whch aow the code edtor and debugger to support (to varyng degrees) neary any programmng anguage, provded a anguage-specc servce %+ exsts. But-n anguages ncude C/C++, VB.NET, Vsua C#, and F# . The .NET Fra!e8or< (pronounced dot net) s a software framework deveoped by Mcrosoft that runs prmary on Mcrosoft Wndows. It ncudes a arge brary and provdes anguage nteroperabty (each anguage can use code wrtten n other anguages) across severa programmng anguages. Programs wrtten for the .NET Framework execute n a software envronment (as contrasted to hardware envronment), known as the Common Language Runtme (CLR), an appcaton vrtua machne that provdes servces such as securty, memory management, and excepton handng. The cass brary and the CLR together consttute the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework's Base Cass Lbrary provdes user nterface, data access, database connectvty, cryptography, web appcaton deveopment, numerc agorthms, and network communcatons. Programmers produce software by combnng ther own source code wth the .NET Framework and other brares. The .NET Framework s ntended to be used by most new appcatons created for the Wndows patform. Mcrosoft aso produces an ntegrated deveopment envronment argey for .NET software caed Vsua Studo. 2.$.$.2 "GL "er7er 2::2 SOL Server 2008 (formery codenamed "Katma") was reeased on August 6, 2008 and ams to make data management sef-tunng, sef organzng, and sef mantanng wth the deveopment of SQL Server Always On technooges, to provde near-zero downtme. SOL Server 2008 aso ncudes support for structured and sem-structured data, ncudng dgta meda formats for pctures, audo, vdeo and other mutmeda data. In current versons, such mutmeda data can be stored as BLOBs (bnary arge ob|ects), but they are generc bt streams. Intrnsc awareness of mutmeda data w aow specazed functons to be performed on them. Accordng to Pau Fessner, senor Vce Presdent, Server Appcatons, Mcrosoft Corp., SOL Server 2008 can be a data storage backend for diferent varieties of data: XML, email, time/calendar, le, doc!ment, s"atial, etc as we as perform %, searc#, $!ery, analysis, s#aring, and sync#roni%ation across a data types. Other new data types ncude specazed date and tme types and a s"atial data type for ocaton-dependent data. Better support for unstructured and sem-structured data s provded usng the new &IL'S()'AM | data type, whch can be used to reference any e stored on the e system. |16| Structured data and metadata about the e s stored n SOL Server database, whereas the unstructured component s stored n the e system. Such es can be accessed both va Wn32 e handng APIs as we as va SOL Server usng T-SOL; dong the atter accesses the e data as a BLOB. Backng up and restorng the database backs up or restores the referenced es as we. |17| SOL Server 2008 aso natvey supports herarchca data, and ncudes T-SOL constructs to drecty dea wth them, wthout usng recursve queres. SOL Server ncudes better compresson features, whch aso heps n mprovng scaabty. It enhanced the ndexng agorthms and ntroduced the noton of tered ndexes. It aso ncudes )eso!rce *overnor that aows reservng resources for certan users or workows. It aso ncudes capabtes for transparent encrypton of data (TDE) as we as compresson of backups. SOL Server 2008 supports the ADO.NET Entty Framework and the reportng toos, repcaton, and data denton w be but around the Entty Data Mode. SOL Server Reportng Servces w gan chartng capabtes from the ntegraton of the data vsuazaton products from Dundas Data Vsuazaton, Inc., whch was acqured by Mcrosoft. On the management sde, SOL Server 2008 ncudes the +eclarative Management &ramewor, whch aows congurng poces and constrants, on the entre database or certan tabes, decaratvey. The verson of SOL Server Management Studo ncuded wth SOL Server 2008 supports InteSense for SOL queres aganst a SOL Server 2008 Database Engne. SOL Server 2008 aso makes the databases avaabe va Wndows Power She provders and management functonaty avaabe as Cmdets, so that the server and a the runnng nstances can be managed from Wndows Power She. %- 2.$.$.3 "AP CR&"TRAL REPORT Cr+)ta Report) s a busness ntegence appcaton used to desgn and generate reports from a wde range of data sources. Severa other appcatons, ncudng Mcrosoft Vsua Studo, at one tme bunded an OEM verson of Crysta Reports as a genera purpose reportng too. Crysta Reports s a popuar report wrter, especay when Mcrosoft bunded t wth Vsua Studo versons 2003 through 2008. Mcrosoft dscontnued ths practce and ater reeased ther own compettve reportng too, SOL Server Reportng Servces (SSRS). Crysta Reports for Vsua Studo 2010 s st avaabe as add-on software. Crysta Reports aows users to graphcay desgn data connecton(s) and report ayout. In the Database Expert, users can seect and nk tabes from a wde varety of data sources, ncudng Mcrosoft Exce spreadsheets, Orace databases, (0 Mcrosoft SOL Server databases, Mcrosoft Access databases, Busness Ob|ects Enterprse busness vews, and oca e system nformaton. Feds from these tabes can be paced on the report desgn surface, and can aso be used n custom formuas, usng ether BASIC or Crysta's own syntax, whch are then paced on the desgn surface. Formuas can be evauated at severa phases durng report generaton as speced by the deveoper. Both eds and formuas have a wde array of formattng optons avaabe, whch can be apped absoutey or condtonay. The data can be grouped nto bands, each of whch can be spt further and condtonay suppressed as needed. Crysta Reports aso supports sub reports, graphng, and a mted amount of GIS functonaty. Supported Data Source are- Databases such as PostgreSOL, Sybase, IBM DB2, Ingres, Mcrosoft Access, Mcrosoft SOL Server, MySOL, Interbase and Orace Btreve Spreadsheets such as Mcrosoft Exce Text es XML Fes Groupware appcatons as Lotus Notes, Mcrosoft Exchange and Nove GroupWse SAP: BW, Info Sets, Tabes, and Busness Ob|ects Unverses (& Any other data source accessbe through a web servce, ODBC, |DBC or OLAP.