Smart Inventory Management System PDF
Smart Inventory Management System PDF
Smart Inventory Management System PDF
Fall 2015
Nagaraju Deshini
Governors State University
Sushmita Mamidi
Governors State University
Recommended Citation
Akarapu, Ajay; Dasari, Chandrakanth Reddy; Deshini, Nagaraju; and Mamidi, Sushmita, "Smart Inventory Management System"
(2015). All Capstone Projects. 154.
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1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1
6 DIAGRAMS……………………………………………………………………….14
7 SCREENS ................................................................................................................ 16
8 TESTING .................................................................................................................. 17
10 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 20
11. REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………. 21
Smart Inventory Management System 1
Prior to storage of goods this department has to manage different godowns, product-
wise stocks in each godown, inwards and outwards of each godown. It has to hold the
details of all gowdowns like godown id, godown location, capacity in quintals,
godown manager and start date. Whenever a product comes into a particular godown
then the details like Godown ID, Name of the Supplier, Date of Supply, Item Name,
Invoice No, quantity, received by, receipt no and bill checked by need to be stored in
the inwards register of the that godown by godown manager.
Whenever stock comes out from the godown then the details like Godown ID, Item
Name, Invoice No, Date of Supply, Date of delivery, Delivered to, Quantity, Purpose
(Sale/Service), Receipt No, Bill Value, Bill Checked by need to be stored in the
outwards register by the godown manager.
Whenever a customer returns a stock to the gowdown then we need to check the
reason for returning that item. If it is a damage then the details like Item Name, Date
of delivery, date of return, Return Godown ID, Quanity, invoice no, returned by,
receipt no, bill value and checked by needs to stored in returns register. If the reason
is order cancelled then we need to update the stock no in that godown. Checking for
particular inwards, outwards or returns entry info takes lot of time here.
Smart Inventory Management System 2
Thus the cycle is repeated for every day. Currently all the above activities are done
manually. The process is a tedious one. To arrive at the Inwards, outwards or returns
for items, data has to be gathered from various sources. Because of this errors are
occurring in the process, which is leading to delayed deliveries to the customers.
Some times because of the errors wrong products are sent out which have no
requirement & thus a lot of money is being wasted in maintaining the stock.
Automating such a process will not only eliminate the errors in the process, but also
bring down the delivery times & make the company more competitive. So it was
decided that an automated system should be developed to make the whole process
simpler & easier.
The following is the system developed for the above stated needs. An initial
feasibility study was performed & a conclusion was arrived at that automating such a
system will not only achieve all the things mentioned above, but will also provide
additional Reports which will enable the Management to look at the statistical side of
the inwards, inwards & returns related to each godown. This would also create an
effective Stock management system, which would reduce the confusion in
maintaining the stocks at different godowns, thus effectively reducing the expenditure
costs of the company. Another advantage was that the whole Accounts system could
be linked to this system in future, which would finally reduce the Overheads of the
It was decided to use good Software engineering principals in the development of the
system since the company had quite a big Stock management & was aiming to add
new godowns & employees & expand their operations in the near future. So the
following Project Plan was drawn up:
1. The Analysts will interact with the current manual system users to get the
Requirements. As a part of this the Requirements Specification Document will be
2. The requirements Specifications document will contain the Analysis & Design of
the system & UML will be used as the modeling language to express the Analysis &
Design of the System. According to Grady Booch et al, in The Unified Modeling
Language User Guide [UML-1998], “The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a
graphical language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the
artifacts of a software-intensive system. The UML gives you a standard way to write a
system's blueprints, covering conceptual things, such as business processes and
system functions, as well as concrete things, such as classes written in a specific
programming language, database schemas, and reusable software components”.
3. The Analysis, Design, Implementation & testing of the System itself will be
broadly based on the Rational Unified Software Development process. According to
Ivar Jacobson et al, in The Unified Software Development Process (The Addison-
Wesley Object Technology Series) [USDP-2000], the Unified Software Development
Process contains Inception, Elaboration, Construction & Transition as the main
Phases, which contain further cycles & iterations. This process will be followed to
Smart Inventory Management System 3
produce an incremental cycle, which will deliver milestones like the Requirements
Specification Document etc., at the end of each of the iterations, Phases or cycles.
4. The Architecture & Technologies will be decided as a part of the Analysis of the
5. Once the Design is ready the Implementation & Testing strategy of the system will
commence. Each will be independent of the other. The implementation of the system
itself will be broken down into sub-systems following the Software Engineering
principles for the development of robust software.
6. Once the implementation is ready, the System testing will take place. If the system
is judged to be stable then Acceptance testing by the Users will take place & once the
Users are satisfied the System will be rolled out to the Users & they will be trained on
how to use it for an initial period.
The following chapters contain an account of how the Technology & architecture for
the system were chosen.
1. Functional requirements
2. Non-functional requirements
But the general Functional Requirements arrived at the end of the interaction with the
Users are listed below. A more detailed discussion is presented in the Chapters, which
talk about the Analysis & Design of the system.
1. The System holds all the details of the all the employees who are working in the
2. It allows admin to manage two types of users, hold their details, authenticate these
users at the time of login and accordingly provide different options.
Smart Inventory Management System 4
3. It holds the details of all the godowns which are part of our organization.
4. It holds the details of all Product Stocks held in the ware-house of the company.
5. The system allows the godown manager to log into the system and enter their
inwards entries related to their godown.
7. The system allows the godown manager to log into the system and enter their
outward entries and their purpose related to their godown.
9. Whenver an inwards entry is entered then accordingly the stock number will be
automatically updated.
10. Whenver an outward entry is entered then accordingly the stock number will be
automatically updated.
11. The system allows the godown manager to log into the system and enter stock
return entries and the reason for return.
12. Whenver a return entry is entered then accordingly the stock number will be
automatically updated if the reason is order cancelled otherwise It need not update the
12. It allows the users to change their password for future security.
13. It allows the authorized users to a new employee at the time of creating a godown
if the employee is a newly appointed for this godown.
14. It allows the admin to view the list of users and take the print.
20. It allows any user to logout when he wants to come out from the system.
Smart Inventory Management System 5
The use case diagrams, textual analysis and sequence diagrams & data dictionary fall
into this category. Since each category above is of considerable importance, they have
been dealt in separate chapters. An outline is only included here.
The Analysis & Design phases of the system yield Use Case diagrams, textual
analysis, Sequence Diagrams, Class diagrams & Data Dictionary. Data dictionary
consists of process statements showing how data is flowing from starting point to end
1.7.2 Constraints
These are the requirements that are not directly related to the functionality of the
system. These should be considered as mandatory when the system is developed. The
following Constraints were arrived at for the system:
1. The system should be available over the intranet so that the Users like the godown
managers & clerks can use the system from their respective locations which could be
anywhere in the organization.
2. For gaining entry into the system the admin should register user info and the user
should be able use login & passwords for gaining access to the system.
3. The users should be able to change their passwords for increased security.
4. The system should be easy to understand and organized in a structured way. The users
should also receive feedback about any errors that occur.
6. There should be no limitation about the hardware platform that is to be used to run
the system.
7. Data integrity should be maintained if an error occurs or the whole system comes
8. An inward entry should be entered in the database whenever stock comes into the
godown. That is the number of items should be updated automatically.
Smart Inventory Management System 6
9. An outward entry should be entered in the database whenever stock goes out into
the godown. That is the number of items should be updated automatically.
10. A return entry should be entered in the database whenever stock returned into the
godown. That is the number of items should be updated automatically.
1.7.3 Guidelines
1. The system should display a user friendly menu for users to choose from.
2. The system should display godown ID and item to be selected from the popup list
in the forms .
4. The system should be designed in such a way that it is easy to enhance it with more
functionality. It should be scalable & easily maintainable.
The Validation Criteria are dealt separately in the Chapter dealing with the Test
Strategy & Test cases.
2.1 Existing System:
Current system is a manual one in which users are maintaining ledgers, books etc to
store the information like suppliers details, inwards, deliveries and returns of items in
all godowns, customer details as well as employee details. It is very difficult to
maintain historical data. Also regular investments need to purchase stationary every
2.1.1 Disadvantages:
Proposed system is a software application which avoids more manual hours that need
to spend in record keeping and generating reports. This application keeps the data in a
centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It is very easy to
manage historical data in database. No specific training is required for the employees
to use this application. They can easily use the tool that decreases manual hours
spending for normal things and hence increases the performance. As the data is
centralized it is very easy to maintain the stocks of the various items in all godowns.
2.2.1 Advantages:
The following are the advantages of proposed system
Easy to manage historical data in a secure manner
Centralized database helps in avoiding conflicts
Easy to use GUI that does not requires specific training.
Smart Inventory Management System 8
Front end: JSP / Servlets, J2SDK 1.4, HTML, DHTML, Java Script
recording the transactions made by the system. All the inwards, deliveries,
• Data Dictionary components: These components are used to store the major
returns etc information handled by these components
4.1 System Design:
4.1.1 Users:
The major functionality of this product is divided into two categories.
1. Administrative User Functions.
2. Normal User Functions.
4.1.2 Administrative User Functions: Administrators can perform the
4.2.2 Visualizing :
UML helps to visualize how the components of the system communicate and
interact with each other.
Smart Inventory Management System 10
4.2.3 Specifying :
4.2.4 Documenting:
The deliverables of a project apart from coding are some artifacts which are critical
in controlling, measuring and communicating about a system during its development
The UML has Nine diagrams these diagrams can be classified into the following
1. Class diagrams.
2. Object diagrams.
3. Component diagrams.
4. Deployment diagrams
4.2.6 Dynamic:
4.3 Modules
The System after careful analysis has been identified to present with the
following modules.
This module maintains all the information which belongs to the employees
who are working for the company. It allows the administrator to add an employee
record to the database very easily and it allows to view the list of employees in tabular
format out of which he can edit a particular employee. Admin can take the print of
employee report just by making a single on print icon and It also allows the
administrator to remove an employee from list. It makes all the above can be done
very flexibly.
4.3.2 INWARDS MODULE: This module maintains all the information related to
manage inwards done in the godowns. All the inwards are recorded to database and
can be viewed as a report that displays all the inwards made by the company at each
godown. It allows the normal user to enter godown-wise inwards details whenever
inwards done in any godown. It facilitates the user to select godown id from the list
which prevents entering invalid godown ids and allows the user to select the directly
from a calendar which reduces lot of confusion in date formats and all. It doesn’t
allow admin to enter the above details.
4.3.3 DELIVERIES MODULE: This module deals with major and crucial part
which includes deliveries of items whose purpose is for sale or service. This module
provides interface to add the deliveries details and can be viewed as a report that
displays all the deliveries made by the company at each godown. It allows the normal
to enter whenever some delivery to has to done from any godown. It facilitates the
select godown id and item id from the list for better user-friendliness. It also asks the
user to select purpose of the delivery whether it is sale or service. It provides an
option to take the print out of delivery report.
4.3.4 RETURNS MODULE: This module deals with another major and crucial part
which includes returns of items whose purpose is of damage or order cancelled. This
module provides interface to add the returns details and can be viewed as a report that
displays all the returns made by the customer at each godown. It allows the normal
user to enter return details whenever a return will takes place at any godown. It
provides the facility for the user to select the delivery items list out of which he can
select id of return item very easily. It also facilitates the user to view returns report in
tabular format.
Normal user
It allows administrator to add a new user, view the list of user and delete a user from
the list. It allows to send a print request to the printer for printing user report.
Smart Inventory Management System 12
Feasibility study should be performed on the basis of various criteria and parameters.
The various feasibility studies are:
Technical Feasibility
Economic Feasibility
4.4.1 Technical Feasibility: The system is self-explanatory and does not need any extra
sophisticated training. As the system has been built by concentrating on the Graphical
User Interface Concepts, the application can also be handled very easily with a novice
User. The overall time that is required to train the users upon the system is less than half
an hour.
The System has been added with features of menu-driven and button
interaction methods, which makes the user the master as he starts working through the
environment. The net time the customer should concentrate is on the installation time.
i) Time Based: Contrast to the manual system management can generate any
report just by single click. In manual system it is too difficult to maintain historical
data which become easier in this system. Time consumed to add new records or to
view the reports is very less compared to manual system. So this project is feasible in
this point of view
ii) Cost Based: No special investment need to manage the tool. No specific
training is required for employees to use the tool. Investment requires only once at the
time of installation. The software used in this project is freeware so the cost of
developing the tool is minimal and hence the overall cost.
i) Problem/Requirement Analysis:
The process is order and more nebulous of the two, deals with understand the
problem, the goal and constraints.
Here, the focus is on specifying what has been found giving analysis such as
representation, specification languages and tools, and checking the specifications are
addressed during this activity.
The Requirement phase terminates with the production of the validate SRS document.
Producing the SRS document is the basic goal of this phase.
The Basic purpose of developing this project to cater the needs any large scale stock
management departments like FCI
5.4 SCOPE:
This document is the only one that describes the requirements of the system. It
is meant for the use by the developers, and will also by the basis for validating the
final delivered system. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have
to go through a formal change approval process. The developer is responsible for
asking for clarifications, where necessary, and will not make any alterations without
the permission of the client.
Smart Inventory Management System 14
The scope of this system to allow the stock management departments to manage
gowdowns, inwards info, delivers info, order cancellation info, damages info and
generate the reports dynamically by updating the info very effectively with user
friendly screens.
6 Diagrams
6.2 ER Diagram:
Smart Inventory Management System 16
7 Screens
Testing is a process, which reveals errors in the program. It is the major quality
measure employed during software development. During software development.
During testing, the program is executed with a set of test cases and the output of the
program for the test cases is evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it
is expected to perform.
In order to make sure that the system does not have errors, the different levels of
testing strategies that are applied at differing phases of software development are:
8.1 Unit Testing:
Unit Testing is done on individual modules as they are completed and become
executable. It is confined only to the designer's requirements. Each module can be tested
using the following two Strategies:
In this strategy some test cases are generated as input conditions that fully execute all
functional requirements for the program.This testing has been uses to find errors in
the following categories:
a) Incorrect or missing functions
b) Interface errors
c) Errors in data structure or external database access
d) Performance errors
e) Initialization and termination errors.
In this the test cases are generated on the logic of each module by drawing flow
graphs of that module and logical decisions are tested on all the cases.It has been uses
to generate the test cases in the following cases:
Bottom up approach
Top down approach
Testing can be performed starting from smallest and lowest level modules and
proceeding one at a time. For each module in bottom up testing a short program
executes the module and provides the needed data so that the module is asked to
perform the way it will when embedded with in the larger system. When bottom level
modules are tested attention turns to those on the next level that use the lower level
ones they are tested individually and then linked with the previously examined lower
level modules.
Smart Inventory Management System 19
This type of testing starts from upper level modules. Since the detailed
activities usually performed in the lower level routines are not provided stubs are
written. A stub is a module shell called by upper level module and that when reached
properly will return a message to the calling module indicating that proper interaction
occurred. No attempt is made to verify the correctness of the lower level module.
8.6 Validation:
The system has been tested and implemented successfully and thus ensured
that all the requirements as listed in the software requirements specification are
completely fulfilled. In case of erroneous input corresponding error messages are
If you (end user) want to enter into the form, then if you are admin user then
you should enter through login form which checks for authorized access . If you are
normal user then you to need to be created by the administrator then only this user
will be allowed to start the operations. Adding the user details through registration
form with your own identification name and password which gives you an unique
identification to you and firm.
Then the administrator can create a new godown in which the normal user
can save transaction details regarding inwards, deliveries and returns. Whenever the
transaction goes on then those details will be updated in the centralized database
which helps in generating the updated reports very effectively.
10 Conclusion
The efficiency of any system designed to suit an organization depends cooperation
during the implementation stage and also flexibility of the system to adopt itself to the
“Stock Analyzer” has been developed to overcome the problems with traditional stock
management in large scale. Advantages over traditional manual systems are online
application access through out all the godowns from the same location, reducing the
manual work, storage the data at a secured centralized locations and quick generation
of reports as per our requirements.
Smart Inventory Management System 21
11 References
• Java Developer Tutorials and Online Training. 2015. [ONLINE] Available at: