Armando Menezes

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The document appears to be a thesis on the creative and critical writings of Armando Menezes, a poet and professor from Goa, India.

The thesis seems to be analyzing the works and contributions of Armando Menezes as a poet, critic, and participant in the Goan freedom struggle.

Some of the chapters mentioned are: Armando Menezes: The Man, His Poetry, Critical Writings, Prose Writings: Essays, Contribution to Goan Freedom Struggle, Miscellaneous Writings, and Conclusion.


Thesis submitted to
For the award of
M.A., M.Phil.
Selection Grade Lecturer,
Under the guidance of
Head, Department of English
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Taleigao Plateau,
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Goa.4032 06
May, 2 003
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I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Thesis titled,
has been written exclusively by me and that no part of this thesis has
been submitted earlier for any award of this University or any other
Taleigao Plateau, Goa.

(Edward JoachimD'Lima)
May, 2 003
Professor and Head
Department of English
Goa University
GPOart :t_eitNltI vo
of Engli

D e a n
Faculty of LvIguage
Goa .:! tv
As per the Goa University Ordinance, I certify that the thesis is a
record of researchwork done by the candidate himself during the
period of study under guide and that it has not previously formed the
basis for the award of any degree or diploma in the Goa University or
PcP 0) 6-
Taleigao Plateau,
May, 2 003
I acknowledge, withdeep sense of gratitude, my indebtedness to
Prof.A.K.JOSHI, Head, Department of English, Goa University, under
whose supervision this thesis was completed. Without his scholarly
guidance and perceptive criticism, the study would not have gained in
I wishto thank most sincerely Dr.S.S.Kulkarni, former Head,
Department of English, Goa University, for initiating me into the topic
of my thesis.
I am muchindebted to Mr.George Menezes, son of late
Prof.Armando Menezes for making available most of the publications
and manuscripts of his late father fromthe family library.
I am thankful to the late Mr. Aleixo da Costa, Curator of the
Central Library, Panaji, Goa for his assistance in identifying the
secondary sources and to the Librarian, KarnatakUniversity, Dharwar
and the Librarian, University of Mumbai, Mumbai for extending
facilities for easy access to journals and books. I amgrateful to the
Librarian, Goa University for providing all the necessary facilities.
I must thankmost sincerely my wife, Mrs. Sheila MiriamD'Lima,
for the encouragement and support given to me, and my children
Vikram. and Indika for their assistance at the computer.
Edward JoachimD'Lima
I Armando Menezes: The Man 1
II His Poetry 33
III Critical Writings 12 3
IV Prose Writings: Essays 183
V Contribution to Goan FreedomStruggle 2 33
VI Miscellaneous Writings 2 63
VII Conclusion 303
Bibliography 317
Appendix A 340
Appendix B 344
Armando Menezes: The Man
1. Armando Menezes: The Man
Professor Armando Menezes, poet and professor, was born at
San Mathias, Ilhas, Goa, on 11thMay 1902 . He was the son of Adv.
Luis Manuel de Menezes and Mrs. Arminda Correia Lobo. After
primary education in his village, and a stint at the Portuguese Liceu,
he studied Englishat Arpora at the famous 19thcentury school, the
first of its kind run by Fr. Lyons. He passed his Matric Examination
of the University of Bombay, withhighpercentage and obtained the
"Sir Cowasjee Jehangir Latin Scholarship". He completed all his
University Education at St. Xavier's College, Bombay, joining it in
192 0.
In 192 4 he stood first in the first class at the B.A. Examination
obtaining "the Duke of EdinburghFellowship" for two years and a gold
medal, conferred by the college. In 192 8, he passed the M. A,
Examination witha claimfor the Chancellor's Medal for having stood
first in Arts. From192 4 he joined the faculty of St.Xavier's College as
a professor of Latin and EnglishLiterature and continued up to 1934.
In 1934 he was selected by the Board of Public Instruction, Bombay
and joined the Bombay Educational Service as professor of English.
In the same year he was nominated as professor of Englishat
KarnatakCollege, Dharwar.
In 1949, he was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of
Public Instruction, Bombay and worked as a bureaucrat until 1950.
In 1950, he joined as professor at Elphinston College, Bombay. Later,
he worked as Principal, KarnatakCollege (1950-52 ) , Principal, M.N.
College, Visnagar (1952 -54) , and Principal, RajaramCollege, Kolhapur
(1954-57) . Althoughhe was reemployed for three years, he resigned to
join the Department of English, Karnatak University as Professor.
Simultaneously he became the Principal of Karnatak college from
1958 to 1962 . In March1967, he retired from the University and
continued as UGC Professor of Englishuntil he retired. He died in
1983 in Bombay at the ripe age of 81 years.
Among his other activities, he was appointed as Member-
Secretary, KarnatakUniversity Committee and functioned in that post
from1947 to 1949. In 1947, the government of India appointed him
to a diplomatic post in Goa as Indian Consul but was declared
persona non grata by the Portuguese who refused to accept his
credentials because of his strong background as a freedomfighter
against the Portuguese rule.
Sir Eugene Millington-Drake, Vice-President of "Poetry Society" of
London, once defined himas one of the most original of Indian poets.
And the great Indian philosopher and writer, Sri Aurobindo Ghose
wrote about him that " he is one of the few Indians who really (in
reality) succeeded in writing Englishverse whichdid not cease
pleasing the Englishthemselves, who until now viewed the efforts of
the majority of Indian poets witha certain disdain." His literary works
figure in various histories and anthologies of Indo-Anglian literature.
He has contributed to various newspapers and magazines like The
Goan World, The Anglo-Lusitano, In the Mission Field, The Popular
Magazine et cetera, whichwere published fromBombay in the early
thirties and forties. He was also the Editor of C atholic Action and
Youth, bothorgans of the Catholic students' Union of Bombay of
whichhe was the President. He also wrote a study in Englishof a
number of Indo-Portuguese poets, withthe title, "A Peep at our
He knew a number of Indian languages in depth, whichhelped
himto translate verses fromKannada and Marathi into English. As a
member of the committee of the Centenary of Francisco Luis Gomes,
he organized and published in 1931, in collaboration withProf.
Avertano Fernandes, the Memorial Volume in whichhe published an
Ode, entitled "Centenary Ode", and translated into Englishthe work
Le Marquis de Pombal.
Armando Menezes was a prolific writer and an Indian English
poet par excellence. His contribution to the Indian writing in English
is considerable and noteworthy. Among his earliest writings is a
social satire, The Emigrant, published in 1933 in blank verse on the
Goan emigrant in Bombay, BritishIndia from Portuguese India,
running into 1000 lines. The next to follow was a long mock epic, The
Fund, again in 1933, similarly in blank verse consisting of twelve
Cantos. These were followed by three collections of lyrics, namely,
C hords and Discords (1939) , C haos and Dancing Star (1940) , and The
Ancestral Face (1951) . It was soon followed by patriotic lyrics, Soul of
the People. In 1969, a selection fromthe various lyrics published
earlier formed the Selected Poems, another volume of poetry. The last
volume to see the light of day contained more lyrical poems in Songs
from the Saranas and Other Poems, published in 1971.
In his later years, Armando Menezes turned to translations, first
from the Portuguese Literature. His main translation from the
Portuguese was the translation into Englishof Os Brahamanes, by
Francisco Luis Gomes. His knowledge of the Portuguese language,
whichhe had studied in the primary school, stood himin good stead
in these translations. Speaking about the novel he says, "At first the
title of the novel is misleading, the main charge of the novel is against
Brahminism of all kinds and in all places." As far as drama is
concerned, he seems to have published only one play, a social comedy
called C aste.
Later on, he was deeply involved in the translations from the
original Kannad along withS.C. Nandimath, R.C. Hiremath, S.S.
Bhoosnurmath, Dr. M.S. Sunkapur and S.S. Angadi of Vacanas of
Siddharameshwara, Vacanas of Basavanna and Vacanas of
Akkamahadevi, and Sunya Sampadane, running into five volumes
published by the Karnatak University, Dharwar in 1978. He also
edited in the same year, withintroduction, translation and notes and
comments, a work called Essence of Satsthala, Vacanas of Tontada
Siddhalingueshwara. This exercise of translations fromthe ancient
religious Kannada texts provided hima mystical experience whichis
reflected in the choice of themes of his later poetry.
1.4 .
Armando Menezes had passed his Second Degree (Segundo Grau)
Portuguese primary examination when he was eight years old. Later,
in his autobiography, he recollects: "I see the second degree
examination as througha mist. The small, eight- year old boy with
the innocent face must have looked quite prim in his tie - for my
father believed in collar and tie for his boys froma very early age. I
dare say he did his act very well, or allowance was made for his size
and years. The only clear memory I have of this examination is my
wrestling witha sum- a conversion of the old coinage into the new, or
something - and getting involved in fractions and more fractions." 1
His passing the Second Degree Examination, on the contrary,
proved to be an impediment in order to get admission for the Lyceum
(secondary school institute) as the authorities were adamant that he
had to be ten or no entrance. Fortunately for him an elderly man
started an Englishschool in his own village. Goa was then awakening
slowly fromits torpor, and feeling its way gingerly towards a higher
level of emigration. All that the Portuguese primary school taught the
majority of the pupils, who did not speak Portuguese at home, was to
read their correspondence in Konkani. But it was deemed sufficient
by a generation that had no higher ambitions out of Goa than being a
butler, cook or ayah- a label whichstuck to the Goan at large for
many years and still dies hard in many quarters. But the middle
class emigrant wanted to be educated in English, and few of them
could afford to migrate to the few schools that were emerging in
different parts of Goa, and notably in the Bardezdistrict. Hence, the
Englishschool in the village proved to be extremely useful to
But as luck would have it, Armando and his second sister were
admitted to the Portuguese Lyceum when their father, who was
practicing law, made Panjimhis headquarters. Here he was loaded
withmany subjects like Portuguese and French, Mathematics and
Drawing, the Natural Sciences, History and Geography and
Gymnastics. He says that he was rather lonely in that 'crowded haunt
of scions of fisherfolk'. Somehow failure at the Goa Lyceumwas a
happy turning-point for him. He was again at another Englishschool
in a 'stately old mansion, long deserted, half in ruins, but whose long
halls and highceilings came nearest to the abbeys and cloisters where
learning was once kept alive in Europe'. After a stint here, the next
year he migrated to St.Joseph's Highschool, Arpora, whichwas the
best school in Goa in those days. Here, he studied under the
influence of Father Lyons, a great educationist, and learned fromhim
Mathematics and Latin. These were to be of great help to himwhen
he joined higher institutions in Bombay. Because he obtained the
Latin scholarship at the Matriculation, his father compelled himto
leave for Bombay for his college education.
The Latin scholarship, he says, gave hima certain distinction,
almost an aura, at St. Xavier's College. It gave him a good start,
which, throughgood luck or hard work, or a happy combination of
circumstances, was never lost. Bombay was in the twenties, a
cosmopolitan city, attracting Britishdramatic companies and Italian
operas. Armando and his colleagues never missed any of these
shows, specially operas but did not allow these diversions to interfere
withtheir studies.
Changing from the science stream to Literature he was
introduced to Shakespeare and Carlyle and Byron, Shelley and
While he was at college in 192 0, the Catholic life in Bombay was
disrupted and torn withdissentions. East Indians were set against
Goans and Mangaloreans and Mangaloreans against Goans. Being a
Goan and a Catholic himself, he had to diplomatically veer himself
fromall controversies throughgreat difficulty. He even lost a part-
time teaching post for being a Goan. But when the results were
announced three months later, he was standing first in the first class
at the B.A. Examination and was appointed in the same college as a
Lecturer in Englishand Latin. Soon he earned more laurels for
himself. At the M.A. Examination, he was awarded the Chancellor's
Medal and subsequently continued as Lecturer in the same college.
The teacher, according to him, is like the poet, born and not
made. He has to be forged in an implacable fire. The students are
resistant to a young teacher. They want to be awed by age and by the
aura of what is thought to be experience. They are even prepared to
be bored, provided it is an old bore that bores them, for they can
laughbehind his back. "But they couldn't laughbehind my back", he
continues. 2 Armando is very modest about himself as a teacher. He
says he was shy, often tongue-tied, largely unprepared, still,
unconsciously, groping for a style of his own. A few years fromhence
he had become the most loved and wanted teacher in his institution.
S.S. Wodeyar, the former Vice-Chancellor, KarnatakUniversity,
Dharwar, has this to say about Armando Menezes: "the lectures were
richwithallusions fromhis accurate reading of the classics as well as
fromthe latest writers and poets, interspersed withsparkling wit and
enlivened by relevant humour. These embellishments made his
teaching a creative art, not only would his students look forward to
his lectures, but students fromother faculties cut lectures to attend
his." He continues: "It was a continual delight to listen to these
lectures, full of beautiful ideas, images, floating up like 'beaded
bubbles winking at the brim'."3
Wodeyar says that Prof. Armando always came thoroughly
prepared. Even after forty-three years of teaching, he prepared for his
lectures. One could see small slips of paper in the books he carried to
the class. These slips would contain notes scribbled that very day in
the early morning while preparing for his classes. These scribbled
notes would probably not make muchsense to others. They were only
aids to his memory to help himin arranging his ideas on the subject
of his lecturing. Wodeyar has heard himteaching the same poemat
different times and at different levels in the college, and every time he
would have added something more, brought in more allusions,
enriched it withmore comparisons frommore recent writings on the
subject. Nothing was ever stereotyped or hackneyed by repetition.
Occasionally, he would come out withbrilliant flashes of imagery more
poetic than the imagery in the poemitself. Ideas and images would
come as if boiling and bubbling over, and sometimes it would lookas
thoughhe was choking withtoo many ideas trying to gushforthat
once. He used to be so engrossed while teaching, so lifted out of
himself, that the students too experienced a kind of rapture, a feeling
of participation in the enjoyment of literature. And when the bell
rang, the students felt as if a sort of rude jerk awakened them, froma
different world together.
Another great quality of Prof. Menezes as a teacher according to
Wodeyar, is his extreme attachment to his students. His interest in
their welfare was unsurpassed. Bothin the classroom and outside,
his attitude towards his students has always been friendly and
informal. He would welcome students meeting himeither in college or
at his house at any time of the day. He would always find time to
explain their difficulties and to give them guidance and help. He
would even excuse himself fromjoining a family outing or a party,
only to help a student withhis lessons or to solve his difficulties. His
house was a veritable second home to countless students for more
than forty years. A large share of the credit for this hospitality and
friendly atmosphere in their home went to Mrs. Menezes, who by
nature was extremely kind-hearted and generous. She looked upon
her husband's students withmotherly affection. The atmosphere in
their home was so charged withlove and cordiality that one was
drawn closer to their family as the days went by. Prof. Menezes mixed
freely withstudents withno inhibitions of whatever kind. He did not
need any distance to be maintained between the students and himself.
1 1
Wodeyar quotes the following lines from Tagore to describe the
cordiality and informality withwhichhe treated his students: 4
The Great walks withthe small
without fear,
The Midling keeps aloof."
The regard and respect that his intrinsic worthcommanded
could not be lessened by nearness to him. It is these qualities of
understanding, friendliness and informality that have made himso
popular among the students without taking away an iota of their
regard and respect for him.
He felt the pulse of the students. He seemed to know
instinctively their thoughts and aspirations. As the best example of
his understanding of the youthand its aspirations it would be useful
to mention what happened in the year 1942 when the 'Quit India'
movement broke out. It aroused patriotic feelings among the youthof
the country. Students went on strike and abstained from classes.
They organized demonstrations against the tyranny of the Britishrule
in India. The movement also aroused powerful patriotic feelings in
Prof. Menezes who had always been a nationalist at heart. The
students' movement found sympathetic support fromProf. Menezes
whose heart responded to the call of the newly awakened generation.
In his thoughts and outlook on life, Prof. Menezes had always
symbolized the spirit of youth. Up to that time, Prof. Menezes had
been highly westernized in his habits and ways of living and was
known for his fastidiousness about his clothes and manners.
However, a sudden change in his attitude towards life and ways of
dressing could be noticed. During the troubled days, he spent most of
his time meeting groups of students and discussing withthemand
directing their energies towards effective programmes and activities in
the cause of India's freedom. He appreciated their patriotic feelings
and understood their anxiety to participate in the fight for freedomof
the motherland and was himself prepared to play his part in the
national struggle. This compelled himto give up his western mode of
dress and start wearing khaddar. He was very fond of wearing a kurta
and pyjamas 5
Whenever misunderstandings arose between the students and
the authorities, he served as a link to clear suchmisunderstandings
and to restore amity and goodwill by explaining the students' point of
view to the authorities. In ugly situations when there was a possibility
of college property being destroyed or damaged by headstrong
students, he could persuade them to desist from suchacts, and he
saw to it that saner councils prevailed. Once when Principal Farran,
an Englishman was being harassed by a mobof students, only Prof.
Menezes could dissuade themfromdoing anything that would cause
harm or embarrass him. 6 Thus he played the role of a friend,
philosopher and guide to the students and to the authorities in those
troubled days of the struggle for India's Independence. He could
achieve this because he enjoyed the confidence of the Principal and
commanded the respect of students.
Another great quality of Prof. Menezes was that he could
understand all types of students. He could appreciate different talents
whether it was in Music or Dramatics, Debating or Sports. He was as
muchat home withsportsmen and artists as withscholars. He did
not encourage students to be mere bookworms. He took keen interest
in all the curricular as well as the extra curricular activities of the
college where he taught. He often took part in college debates and
participated in Englishplays produced by the EnglishAssociation of
the college.? Thus, bothby example and precept he encouraged and
assisted the students to develop an integrated personality and to play
their legitimate role in the larger life of the college community.
Writing in the Souvenir, published in Commemoration of his
sixty-fifthbirthday, Wodeyar again says: " Prof. Menezes is a man of
mature wisdom, erudite scholarship, a veteran teacher with43 years
of fruitful experience. He has dedicated his life to his noble
profession, and the number of students who have benefited fromhis
teaching, his scholarship and his wisdomwould be legion. Many have
obtained doctorates and many more adorn highpositions in different
fields. They are scattered all over the country and abroad. He had
infused in the minds of thousands of his students great love for
literature and kindled in thema burning desire for learning. We in
the Karnatak University are proud of him, as any University would be
proud to have a teacher of his attainment and eminence." 8
Dr. N.R. Tawde, Vice-Chancellor, Marathwada University,
Aurangabad, has this to say in a message to the Commemoration
Souvenir on the sixty-fifthbirthanniversary of Prof. Armando
Menezes: " His simple living and ease of associating himself withthe
common man coincided withhis free style of Englishwritings and
orations. One always felt a touchof subtle humour in listening to him
in conversation and in propounding of even serious themes in large or
small gatherings. Althoughplaced in highpositions of administrative
and literary spheres, he identified himself withdiverse societies in
social circles." 9
Prof. Menezes was a creative artist. Dr. G.S. Amur, Head,
Department of English, Marathwada University in his essay, "Prof.
Menezes: The Man", confides: "For Prof. Menezes literature is not a
potential source of criticismand researchas it is for many scholars
these days, but a joy and an end in itself. He never cared muchfor
criticismas an organized discipline and used to say that he would
rather read a third rate poemthan a first rate piece of criticism. As a
creative artist he knows how rare and valuable a gift creativity is." 10
Prof. Menezes never sought the refuge of the ivory tower though
he was a great lover of literature and the arts. His work as member-
secretary of the Karnatak University Committee way back in 1947
showed that poets could be even acknowledged legislators. Even when
he was called upon to play the role of an administrator or bureaucrat,
far frombeing overwhelmed by the role, he brought to his work an
endearing unconventionality and humanness. In an age when pukka
sahibs ruled even educational institutions, Prof. Menezes, muchto the
dismay of many of his Class I colleagues remained an Indian, in
thought and behaviour. His love of Kannada Literature led him
througha strange journey to the Vacanas and Shunya Sampadne.
K.S.Deshpande pays him richtributes as a man and as a
teacher: "Great teacher he is, he is even greater as a human person.
Those who have been privileged to sit at his feet, remember with
gratitude the miraculous way in which, he as a teacher, led them
away fromone book they were supposed to concentrate on, to many
other books, more interesting, deeper, more inspiring and elevating. In
fact, he fired our hearts and minds withthe romance of books,
kindled our curiosity for that wonderful world and inspired us to win,
beyond our paltry thoughnecessary examinations, a lifetime of good
reading." 11 This was the common fortune of those who, whether they
were keen or indifferent, devoted or casual, intelligent or dull, imbibed
the spirit of his discourses in the measure of their capabilities.
Students who were frequent visitors to his home soon became,
without knowing it, full-fledged members of his family It was here, in
a climate of affection and freedomand equality that they discovered
the human person that Prof. Menezes was. And this facet of his
personality always predominated over his aspect as teacher. His
paternal care, solicitude and love were not the exclusive prerogative of
his own children, his kithand kin, but even the students who did not
belong to his household could bask in the sunshine of his affection.
Prof. Menezes was ever extending the sphere of his family, and it can
be aptly said of himthat his motto was `vasudhaiva kutumbakam' -
the whole universe his family
He never tried to emulate the example of the elder generation,
where the head of the family was inaccessible, unapproachable,
always correct, always to be respected, admired and feared. At the
many dinners and tea parties, whichhe was fond of giving, Prof.
Menezes always played the role of an elder among equals. He would
tell stories and crack jokes, whichsent his guests into peals of
laughter. There was absolute freedomfor all, no inhibitions between
old and young, student and teacher, father and son. The mask of the
stern administrator, the exacting teacher, slid down and there was the
just human, very human person underneath.
Another facet of Prof. Menezes, whichimpressed everyone was
his ability to converse. It was a treat to listen to him. One did not
need to make any effort to cajole him into conversation. The
preliminaries over, he would take the initiative and the leadership,
and till your time was up he would be doing all the talking and when
you left his residence, you regretted that you had not more time at
your disposal. Like his classroomdiscourses, learned as they were,
his conversation was always punctuated withsparks of wit, refined
humour and apt quotations.
Menezes played the role of guardian to many of his students and
played it effectively. He was a never-failing friend and would always
be ready withadvice and help in times of difficulty. He would do
anything and everything for you, fromextending financial assistance
to getting a suitable jobor a suitable partner in life.
He was acutely conscious of his duties and by his example,
reminded others of theirs. He never spoiled his students, and while
allowing all liberty, he never let them lose sight of their primary
responsibilities. And he himself set a highstandard of duty and
discipline. Never on any pretext did he miss his engagements, either
in the college or outside. He would walk miles in any weather to keep
a tea engagement at the residence of a past student. He never
skipped a class.
Menezes was also fearless. He always spoke the truthwhether
that truthwas palatable or not and many have been the troubles he
has invited upon himself because of his frankness and fearlessness.
But that has never worried himin the least.
Menezes' writings are marked by their striking originality of
thought as well as expression. It is, however, pre-eminently as a poet
that his creative urge manifests itself. He is one of those Indian poets
writing in Englishwho do not strike a false poetic note or appear
cramped and ill at ease writing in a foreign language. He regards
Englishas one of the many Indian languages and his exploitation of it
to its fullest possibilities, bothin range and depth, produces some of
the best poetry and prose. To say that Menezes the lyrist is a great
thinker sounds like a paradoxical statement for those at least who
identify lyric withjust light airy nothings. And yet here is lyrical
poetry, whichis unique in that the weight of intellect never
overburdens their lightness of touchand feeling; there is music, which
has meaning of the soul and the intellect; a wealthof freshimagery,
whichis integral; happy and memorable phrases, whichare organic,
and spontaneous. 1 3
Menezes' prose, whichis represented by his broadcast, talks
Lighter than Air and Airy Nothings are no less remarkable than his
poetry. Thoughhe describes these as not 'shatteringly original or a
result of long and painstaking research', there is in them,
nevertheless, muchthat is remarkable and new. The talks deal with
individual writers, literary forms and movements and theories and
principles of literary criticism. Withhis discerning critical acumen he
brings a new point of view to everything.
2 0
Menezes has been throughout an ardent and frank nationalist.
For a person in pre-Independence India and especially in Goa, to be a
nationalist meant courting danger and self-sacrifice. It was all the
more so for a Government servant. In 1942 , the whole country,
surcharged withgreat emotional fervor, demonstrated on a national
scale against the continuance of foreign rule. That year, the Karnatak
college had to face several ugly situations. During a students' strike
the Principal, who had always looked upon Prof. Menezes as a frank
nationalist, was compelled by circumstances to ask for his support in
maintaining discipline in the college. Prof. Menezes accepted the
challenge of speaking to the students as a nationalist. He did this
even when his appointment had not been confirmed. He could
achieve this because of the respect he enjoyed fromthe entire student
community and hence could face any situation withtact and
resourcefulness. 1 4
Prof. Menezes had a deep loyalty to every institution where he
worked. This was on account of his primary concern: the utmost
possible service to students and to the cause of education in general.
He had the courage of his convictions and could stand on his own
against an unjust government order. He was sure that what he was
doing was the correct thing.
2 1
Prof. Menezes made mild history in 1951 by making admissions
in the quickest as well as the most unexceptionable manner, without
being criticized by the public or the government. He was never afraid
to tell influential public men that he looked to themto develop the
facilities in the college, rather than pusha questionable student into
it. According to S.B. Shapeti, controller of examinations, Karnatak
University: " Prof. Menezes fromthe first showed his fearless passion
for justice, by yielding to no pressures in the administration of the
college. He kept up that attitude all the time that he was in charge of
Government Colleges, in the face of an administration becoming daily
more erratic and partial." 1 5
As Member-Secretary of the Karnatak University Committee,
Prof. Menezes played an important role. The Committee and its
chairman, the late Justice N.S. Lokur, agreed to put their signatures
on a blank sheet of paper whichwas to be the last page of a Report
still to be drafted, printed and published. At the early stages of its
inception, there was a great controversy over the selection of a site for
the Karnatak University. The Senate was almost equally divided on
this question. One group canvassed vigorous support for a site of ten
acres in the collector's compound, the other was bent on doing
everything possible to select Chhota-Mahableshwar. Prof. Menezes
2 2
organized at the University as well as the Government level, support
for the choice of Chhota-Mahableshwar as the site for the Karnatak
University against the hostile expert opinion that it was impossible to
build anything on a hill. 16
Some time later, for no apparent reason, Prof. Menezes was
transferred to M.N. College, Visnagar. Being a man of philosophic
attitude, he took this as a matter of routine. In a short time he had
identified himself withthe college and the town. The small college, in
a small place, was riddled withfaction and deep-rooted hatred.
Principal Menezes threw the weight of his official position into the task
of reconciling permanent enemies among members of his staff, who
then became his devoted friends. And yet, living at Visnagar, a long
way fromhis family, he was not bored or depressed. He had enough
to occupy his mind. He had discovered a new pleasure altogether: the
pleasure of catching the first train out of Visnagar when the holidays
Principal Menezes came on transfer in 1954 to RajaramCollege,
Kolhapur. The staff and students of the college were by now
accustomed to accepting any stranger that the government was
pleased to send as Principal. The teachers and the alumni cautiously
waited to test the mettle of the new principal. The first decisive act,
2 3
whichestablished Principal Menezes in the eyes of the students, was a
small but meaningful incident. A group of student representatives
approached himwitha representation signed by hundreds of students
about a simple matter. He quickly tore the paper to shreds and to the
students disbelief, remarked that sucha procedure was not necessary
to get their demands met. They could simply talk it over. 17
Prof. Menezes possessed two rare qualities not generally found in
senior teachers in this country: (1) he was always punctual to the
second, a model for youngsters, (2 ) he was an indefatigable worker
who sportingly offered to do more work even when burdened with
administration. One characteristic feature of his was that whatever
work he undertook, he did it so meticulously as to set an example to
all his colleagues. He was first in everything in scholarship, work and
social virtues.
After retirement as Principal of a Government college, Prof.
Menezes was appointed Head of the EnglishDepartment in Karnatak
University. The fact that the University had to press him gently to
head the Karnatak Arts College in 1958, bears testimony to his
success as an administrator. He discharged simultaneously boththe
2 4
responsibilities - that of the college and of the EnglishDepartment,
Menezes, in his career as Principal, not only sought the best
possible performance out of his colleagues by timely appreciation or
gentle admonition, but by also securing their promotions in time and
safeguarding their interests. He expected everyone to work to the best
of his ability. His theory was - one must do one's maximum if so
disposed; but one must certainly do one's minimum. He always
preferred his staff to do their teaching, reading and researchfirst, and
then the extra curricular work. He never bothered about personal
animus or disloyalty. For him, the main thing was loyalty to one's
work and sincere service to students. 18
AlthoughMenezes was a strict disciplinarian by training and
temperament, he was very kind and sympathetic to the clerical staff.
They felt his human toucheven in small things. He would enquire
about their health, the education of their children, and the difficulties
they generally faced in their work. They knew that behind the
seemingly toughexterior was concealed a kind and generous heart.
They always knew that their interests and aspirations were safe in his
2 5
As Principal, he was in a class by himself It was aptly said by
a senior professor on the eve of his retirement from Government
service that it was precisely because he was a poet that Prof. Menezes
could achieve suchgreat success as administrator. But the whole
truthis that he was not only a poet and a scholar but also a
gentleman. 1 9
1.14 .
To circumscribe a multi-faceted individual in words runs the risk
of incompleteness, particularly, when the person happens to be a
vibrant and dynamic personality as Prof. Menezes. Some aspects of
his personality could easily be overlooked inspite of the best efforts to
capture Prof. Menezes, the man in whomthe teacher, the poet and the
critic stand in symbiotic relationship. Suchan exercise needs to
practice neutrality and objectivity if he is to be portrayed in a proper
Prof. Menezes decided to take up teaching as his profession even
before he obtained his Master's Degree in 192 8. No other profession
fired his imagination except teaching. His fond wishto be a teacher
turned to reality in 192 4 itself when he was appointed on the staff of
St.Xavier's College, Bombay in the same year. Althoughhe chose a
`road muchtraveled by', it made all the difference, more to the ones
2 6
who were privileged to be his students. The world would have been a
poorer place to live in but for his inspired and inspiring teaching.
Teaching gave himfromthe very start not only intellectual satisfaction
but a sensuous pleasure, rather a spiritual experience. It gave him
his identity, his insights and his views on world affairs.
His critical work on Indian and European writers, his cultural
criticism, his travelogue and autobiographical writings, light literary
essays, et cetera, published in Indian periodicals and published
volumes have added up to a sizeable corpus now. His amazing facility
withthe Englishlanguage has earned himpraise of the highest order.
It has made himappear elitist to quite a few of his readers who find
the idiomand literary references quite taxing for their minds.
One had to be his student to know what an intellectual giant he
was and what an academic treat it was to be present during his
lectures. So engrossing and enlightening used to be his ponderings
into literary subtleties that his classroomperformance was always a
pleasure. His ability to distil the spirit of the text while centering its
location in a historical, political, ideological and cultural matrix was
simply remarkable. He alone would stimulate his students into
asking the right kind of questions; he initiated theminto those secret
and hidden chambers of the writers and their texts to whichhe alone
2 7
could provide the key. The authors and texts that he explicated for
the students became their lifetime favourites. He could hold a class
spellbound as he recited Milton's Paradise Lost or Shakespeare's
Hamlet or quoted fromVirgil, Homer and Dante. He used to weave a
webof words whichleft his listeners wondering at the numerous
interpretations that he could find withsuchease and proficiency. For
his students, attending his classes became a psychic compulsion, as it
was there that they could drink deep and to their fill.
His creative journalismpoured forthweek after week, month
after month, and year after year. In Goa Today, a column called
`Figuratively Speaking' and 'Generally Speaking' whichhe wrote, made
readers wait for it eagerly. Until the end he was a regular contributor
to Goa Today, thus giving the mature fruit of his experience and
expertise to his fellow-Goans.
Creative journalismbecame his favourite forte as late as the ripe
age of eighty. It provided himan opportunity to air his strongly held
views on important issues, personalities, places and things. He had
the honesty to call a spade a spade even at the risk of being branded a
cynic, egoist and even a pessimist.
2 8
There is some truthin the fact that his style stipulates an elite
readership, whichseems to be consciously cultivated. He often uses
highly charged words, literary and difficult terminology, whichmakes
his writings, an unusually delightful affair meant only for the select
few. For one who played companion to literature for so long, the
literary hues and artistic and literary echoes come as naturally as
leaves to a tree.
As summarized earlier, the teacher, the poet and the critic in
him stand in a symbiotic relationship. While he was a teacher, the
poet in himwas silently taking shape and it surfaced a little later with
the volumes of poetry that poured forthfrom him. The critic must
have been his constant companion. How else does one account for
the excellent views he brings to bear upon almost everything that he
undertakes or touches upon. There was an extraordinary grain in his
genius; this grain sprouted and acquired astonishing proportions
when he was roused.
Today this intellectual giant, this rare gentleman who measured
up fully to Cardinal Newman's definition, is no longer in our midst. In
his passing away his shishyas have lost their beloved guru, and the
Goan community and the country the beacon of light whichguided
humanity along the true pathof sweetness and light. 2 0
2 9
But Prof. Armando Menezes was more than a teacher. In fact,
his many-faceted personality found expression in numerous directions
- as a poet, prose-writer, and administrator, besides having been a
model husband who sired several children holding key positions in
various walks of life. A student of his has this to say of Prof. Menezes
at forty: " One never failed to notice the glow of intellectual brilliance
on his handsome face. There was a certain attraction, nay, and an
almost Byronic charmabout his personality. Always immaculately
dressed, the well-tailored suits added to the charmof his tall figure,
chiseled features and glowing complexion." 2 1
The forthcoming chapters in the thesis will try to assess the
achievements of Menezes in many fields.
1. Armando Menezes, The Story of my Education (Menezes' family
collection, autobiography unpublished) , 8.
2 . Ibid, 48.
3. S.S. Wodeyar, 'Armando Menezes; The Teacher', 65th Birthday
C elebrations Souvenir of Professor Armando Menezes,
(Dharwar: Samyuktya KarnatakPress, March1968) , 66.
4. Ibid, 67.
5. Ibid, 68.
6. Ibid, 69.
7. Ibid, 69.
8. Ibid, 70.
9. Dr. N.R. Tawade. 'Messages', 65th Birthday C elebrations
Souvenir of Professor Armando Menezes (Dharwar: Samyukta
Karnatak Press, March1968) , 14.
10. Dr. G.S. Amur, 'Prof. Menezes: The Man', Armando Menezes
80th Birth Anniversary Tribute Goa Today, Panaji, May 1982 , 17.
11. K.S. Deshpande, 'Armando Menezes: The Man', 65th Birthday
C elebrations Souvenir of Professor Armando Menezes (Dharwar:
Samyukta KarnatakPress, March1968) , 53.
12 . Ibid, 55.
13. W.W.S. Bhasker, 'Armando Menezes: The Writer', 65th Birthday
C elebrations Souvenir of Professor Armando Menezes
(Dharwar: Samyukta Karnatak Press, March1968) , 37.
14. S.B. Shapeti, 'Armando Menezes: The Administrator', 65th
Birthday C elebrations Souvenir of Professor Armando Menezes
(Dharwar: Samyukta Karnatak Press, March1968) , 59.
15. Ibid, 61.
16. Ibid, 61.
17. Ibid, 62 .
18. Ibid, 64.
19. Ibid, 64.
2 0. Anne Menezes, Professor Armando Menezes', Boletim do
Instituto Menezes Braganca, Panaji 1984 No. 141, 5.
2 1. S.S.Wodeyar, 'Armando Menezes: The Teacher', 80thBirth
Anniversary Tribute Issue, Goa Today, Panaji, May 1982 , 15.
His Poetry
2 . His Poetry
Armando Menezes' contribution to poetry consists of a mock
epic called The Fund and a social satire in verse, called The Emigrant,
bothpublished in 1933 and four volumes of poetry published at
different times between 1939 to 1971, titled
C hords and Discords
(1939) , C haos and the Dancing Star (1940) , The Ancestral Face (1951) ,
and the Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems
(1971) . In 1969, he
came out withthe Selected Poems, another volume of poetry which
consisted mostly of lyrics chosen fromthe earlier volumes. On the eve
of India's independence, he had published the
Soul of the People and
Other Poems in 1947.
To assess the achievements of his poetry and judge eachphase
strictly on its merits, without losing sight of the total historical
perspective, it is necessary to make a detailed examination of the
sources of inspiration of Indian Englishpoetry right up to 1947. The
outcome would show its emergence as predominantly romantic in
spirit because the prevailing political and social conditions and the
general emotional climate were highly conducive to the growthof a
typically romantic art. l
2 .1.2 .
Indian Englishpoetry had not other alternative but to be born
under a Romantic star. According to V.K.Gokak, "it learned to lisp in
the manner of Byron and Scott in the verse of Derozio, M.M. Dutt and
others. It began withverse romances and lyrics written in the
Romantic vein."2 However, the deeper tone and accents of
Romanticismwere caught by poets who came later, during the third
quarter of the 19thcentury. Govind Dutt, the father of Toru Dutt, was
the first to introduce the introspective vein in poems like Romance and
Wordsworth. The process of assimilating Romanticism in all its
aspects continued well on into the century and even later. But
genuine lyric poetry and lyrical narrative poetry, bothof the Romantic
and Victorian type, came fully into their own in the last quarter of the
19thcentury withthe generation of Toni Dutt whichconsisted of
R.C.Dutt, Manmohan Ghose, Sri Aurobindo and Sarojini Naidu.
The first quarter of the 2 0thcentury produced a number of
poets who continued to write in the Romantic and Victorian manner.
The only contribution of these poets was that they exploited India or
oriental thought and wrote in the typical Indian manner. But there
were other Indian Englishpoets who responded to the new trend that
was perceptible in Englishpoetry - Georgianism. The poets whose
writings reveal a Georgian love of the colloquial idiomand of a simple
and forthright handling of poetical themes were Robi Dutt, Joseph
Furtado, P. Sheshadri, J. Vakil, G.S. Chettur and S.K. Chettur.
The second quarter of the 2 0thcentury may be said to yield a
richer harvest. V.N. Bhushan, S.R.Dongerkerry, T.S. Kailasam, M.
Krishnmurthi and Armando Menezes continued this humanistic trend
even thoughsome of the poets who used to write in the Romantic
tradition, later changed over to modernistic techniques. The third
quarter of the 2 0thcentury has seen the further strengthening of
modernist as well as neo-symbolist trends. The Calcutta Writers
Workshop has published the works of poets like P. Lal, Kamala Das,
V.D.Trivedi, Mary Erulker, A.K.Ramanujamand others, whichreveals
significant developments on modernist lines in Indian Englishpoetry.
NissimEzekiel and S. Mokashi-Punekar also belong to this tradition.
Indian Englishpoetry started as romantic poetry simply because
it was born under Romantic influences. It became Victorian because
EnglishRomantic poetry became Victorian. And when Englishpoetry
went modernist, Indian Englishpoetry had no alternative but to do
the same. It could not be considered as gross misunderstanding of
the literary situation to hold sucha view. All the movements that
affected the character of Englishpoetry fromtime to time also had
influences on Indian Englishpoetry some years later, after they had
made their impact on Englishpoetry. It would only be natural to
expect this specially when one is dealing withpoetry written in a
second language.
Besides, in India there was the additional fact of tremendous
significance - the meeting of East and West. The advent of the
Englishlanguage in India took place at a time when India was still in
a semi-feudal state of social development. The Englishlanguage
introduced into India, its 'bourgeois' culture, art and democracy. It
also introduced modern literary forms to the Indian people. This
impact brought about a veritable renaissance in India and her men of
letters were busy assimilating the new consciousness and the new
literary forms for nearly a century. This was also the reason for
Englishliterary movements making their impact on Indian English
writing fromtime to time.
It would appear that Indian Englishwriting was more imitative
than necessary in its earlier stages. But the reasons for this
emulation seemto have come about fromthe fact that Englishwas,
after all, a second language to Indian Englishwriters. They had to go
by the best models that they could lay their hands on in that
But this does not mean that the Indian Englishpoetry never
stood by its own existence. "It was no mere satellite moving around
the sun of Englishpoetry", states V.K. Gokak in his introduction to
The Golden Treasury of Indian English Poetry. No doubt, it may have
taken over an idea of a poetical romance or legendary or historical
material but what the poets attempted was to explore Indian oriental
themes. Once the forms of the song, the lyric, the sonnet, the elegy
and the ode were assimilated along withthose of the ballad and
romance, it was possible for the poets to express their most intimate
joys and sorrows in verse.
2 .1.3.
A second image of the Indian Englishpoet was also projected
during the last quarter of the 19thcentury. It was the image of Indian
Englishhumanism, religion or spirituality being kept in the
background. Humanism was at times accompanied by laughter at
crudeness and superstition. The Indian Englishpoet who was
converted to Christianity sometimes adopted this attitude. But
generally, fearless thinking and social criticismare a motive in all
Indian writing and they are a direct legacy of the Indian Renaissance.
The first decade of the 2 0thcentury brought major political
changes in the Indian scene. The Indian National Congress, which
had come into existence by then, began promoting a growing political
awareness among the Indian people. The Partition of Bengal resulted
in a nation-wide upsurge and the launching of the Swadeshi
movement by Sri Aurobindo received wide support. Althoughthe
Indians gave full support to the Allies in their war, the British
Government was in no mood to concede freedomto India. An angry
wave was sweeping the country. It was at this moment that Mahatma
Gandhi appeared on the scene. There was almost a non-violent war
declared on the Britishgovernment in India. Powerful emotions were
let loose and the various modern Indian languages seemed to be the
tongues destined to express them. But the medium of English
continued to be used by a number of gifted men and women. These
had been denied throughtheir public school education the possibility
of expression in their mother tongue and hence, on the contrary, had
developed an unusual facility in English. Englishcame naturally to
them. They may have had their education in rural or district schools,
but they had read and cultivated Englishwithloving care. And
moreover, most of these writers realized that they could reachthe
whole of India and even a world audience, throughEnglish.
2 . 1.4.
The spread of education had aroused the energy of the people
hitherto dormant and the publication of Indian Englishpoetry was as
popular as ever. Englishwas pressed into service against the British
rulers in a number of poetical political satires. Patriotismalso became
a passion withthe Indian Englishpoet as he also experienced the
same fervor for freedom as his brethren. Again in the words of
V.K.Gokak : "Indo-Anglian poetry like the rest of modern Indian
poetry, is Indian first and everything afterwards. It has voiced the
aspirations, the joys and sorrows of the Indian people. It has been
sensitive to the changes in the national climate and striven
increasingly to express the soul of India, the personality which
distinguishes her fromthe other nations." 3
Indian Englishpoetry has its own intrinsic value. To
understand it we have to examine its creative perceptions withregard
to the major themes of poetry like Nature, Love, Man and the heritage
of man consisting of myth, legend, history and the fine arts. In
balance withthese, we have another world of themes like
metaphysical longing, devotion, mystical contemplation and spiritual
illumination. Muchpoetry of significance has been written on the
second set of themes. Indo-Anglian poetry has also several vital
things to say about the destiny of man and his heritage.
The Indian Englishpoetry of nature reveals boththe unique
loveliness of the Indian scene and the freshness of vision withwhichit
is perceived. Examples of this kind of poetry may be Toni Dutt's The
Lotus', 'Our Casuarina Tree', G.K, Chettur's Mysore'. R. de Loyola
Furtado's 'Buffaloes', Tagore's 'Breezy April' and Sarojini's 'Summer
Words' among a host of others.
The following poems could be considered as the best illustrations
of Indian Englishpoetry of love: Manmohan Ghose's The Garden
Passion, Kamala Das"In Love', M.M. Dutt's The Captive Lady' and R.
de L. Furtado's The Moment' besides others written on themes of
disenchantment, married life and poems of bereavement.
The Indian Englishpoetry of Man has a great variety. There are
lyrics expressing a fervent love of the motherland like Derozio's To the
Pupils of the Hindu College' and 'Harp of my Country', Sarojini
Naidu's 'Awake' and Armando Menezes' Vande Mataram'. The Indian.
Englishwriters have also written several poems based on Western
mythand legend like Aurobindo's Ilion' and M.M. Dutt's 'King Porus'.
A poet has not only to see the world around himbut also study
the face of Nature, Love, Man and Human achievement. He has also
to look into his own heart besides the world of his imagination and
fantasies. Reflective poetry lies between the two worlds - the external
and the internal. If the poet reflects on the world around him and
expresses his reactions to it in a thoughtful manner, he writes
reflective poetry. If his attention turns inwards on the significance of
his own life, then he is writing introspective poetry. Reflective poetry is
concerned more withthe poet's ideas about the external world and the
images that come to him in its total significance. Reflective or
introspective poetry is thus the meeting-point of the two worlds of
poetry. The poet dwells in boththese worlds. He explores Nature,
Love, Man and the Human Heritage in one direction. In another, he is
on the way to metaphysical thought, passion, visionary power and
spiritual illumination. He writes as a reflective poet when he stands
at the threshold of the outer world and as an introspective poet when
he is on the threshold of the inner world. But examples of this kind of
poetry is Sarojini Naidu's Tarda Nashin', Amanda Acharya's The
Youthful Prophet' and Armando Menezes"Aspiration'.
Indian Englishpoetry is particularly richin metaphysical
reflection. Some of these are Tagore's The Child', a poem written
originally in English, Swami Vivekananda's The Cup' and Sarojini
Naidu's The Soul's Prayer'. We have fascinating examples of the
poetry of ecstatic devotion and exultation in Swami Vivekananda's
`Kali the Mother' and Sri Aurobindo's 'Rose of God'.
The Indian resurgence received a freshimpetus during the
Gandhian age (192 0-1947) , whichwitnessed a tremendous upheaval
in the political, social and economic spheres. The freedomstruggle
had reached its peak and there was an unprecedented awakening
among all sections of society - women, youthand the depressed
classes. The time appeared to be ripe for the flowering of romanticism
as never before. There was more than one reason for this. First, the
major Indian romantics had, withthe exception of Sri Aurobindo,
already produced their best work by this time. But after the
blossoming of this Romanticism, a natural twilight came in. The
minor romantics that followed were the disciples of Sri Aurobindo like
K.D. Sethna, N.K. Gupta and others like the academicians G.K.
Chettur, Armando Menezes, V.N. Bhushan and Harindranath
Chattopadhyaya. There was also a downward trend in the writing of
poetry and the conditions were more conducive to the writing of the
The post independence phase of Indian Englishliterature was
completely different from the earlier period. Withthe question of
political independence solved at last, the tensions of the Indian psyche
seemed suddenly to relax. The era of hope and aspiration was gone
and a new age of power games had replaced it. The 'free' national
identity also made the post-Independence poet bolder and more
confident. Althoughhis predecessor indulged himself in dreams and
visions, the post-Independence poet found himself in line withBritish
and American poets. No doubt there was more imitation of Eliot,
Yeats, Auden, Lowell and Sylvia Plath, whichhad now succeeded
Milton, Wordsworth, Shelley and Tennyson. The new poetry written in
the modern style is not more authentic than the imitative romanticism
of the minor writers of the earlier periods. These new writers wrote
poetry, whichwas conveniently freed fromthe restraints of metre,
rhyme and form, whichtheir predecessors religiously obeyed.
Armando Menezes asks: "Why should we, after 15thAugust, go on
writing in English? Because one would write worse in any other
language. Because Englishis one of the many Indian languages." 4
He continues to say that most of the writers cannot write, verse or
prose. But then, most of the writers cannot write in any other
language, prose or verse. Besides, if there was time to think, English
has a wider appeal, even in India. For Armando Menezes poetry must
have a rhythmand a rhyme, otherwise it is not poetry. He says that
'for so muchof modern poetry is either just verse or only eccentric
prose.' 5
The new poets like NissimEzekiel, A.K. Ramanujamand Jayant
Mahapatra had rebelled against the moralizing, mystical attitude of
their poetic predecessors. They wished to be more radical in their
writing by adopting a highly critical and eclectic attitude towards life
and preferred writing in colloquial speechrhythmand conversational
tone. It appears that Menezes' comment is critical of this style of
It is in this backgound of the flowering and development of the
Indian EnglishLiterature that Armando Menezes, a teacher of English
Literature, began writing poetry in English. We have to bear in mind
the literary situation in India as well as the political scene in order to
study his true achievements in verse. A nationalist to the core, he
could not have remained unaffected by the freedomstruggle and the
sequence of events that followed it. It cannot be forgotten that
althoughhe was in the midst of the freedom movement in India,
whichsaw its final attainment in the formof Independence, his own
land - Goa, was still enslaved by the Portuguese. His own people did
not enjoy the freedomof thought, speechand action, whichhe, as an
inhabitant of free India, exercised. This would naturally have an
impact on his thinking, his psyche and his writings.
Discussing his poetry, Armando Menezes has this to say: "As
critics and other readers of muchof this verse have been interested in
its derivations, it would not be impertinent to say here that my poetry
has been made by many things: Goa (its history as well as landscape) ;
a Christian upbringing; a live curiosity about other faiths and
cultures; the Classics; some acquaintance, in varying measure, with
the Romance languages and literatures; a quick interest not only in
music and art but in history, philosophy and science, and, of course,
in the enduring masterpieces of EnglishLiterature. We may add to
these influences an inherited passion for freedom and personal
independence, and a quite early discovery of India." 6
Thus various conditions and circumstances and a variety of
experiences had shaped his character and his thinking. Born and
bred as a Goan village boy, his studies at St. Xavier's College,
Bombay, and his travels across the Deccan Peninsula had made him
imbibe many of the characteristics, whichwe come across in his
As proof of this, Menezes further says that "How muchof this
motley heritage was consciously felt and how muchonly
unconsciously, it is not for me to say, but for anybody to say, glibly,
that my essential verse had a Portuguese quality, or that its formis
cast in Latin moulds, has always seemed to me more than usual
guesswork. More perceptive critics have recognized a great deal of the
Goan scene in my imagery, as would only be expected, althoughit was
something of a revelation to the poet himself to be told sorg- For
Menezes, the Goan consciousness is, by and large, a good example of
cultural synthesis.
2.2. Early Poetry
ThoughMenezes may have written a few poems for magazines,
his first published volumes of poetry were The Emigrant and The Fund
in 1933. The Emigrant, a satire, is in the formof a discussion between
Jose Maree de Souza, who is a bit of a poseur, and the poet. Bothare
Goans thrown amidst the hustle and bustle of city life in searchof
jobs and away fromtheir homeland, Goa. De Souza is very bitter of
the city life in Bombay and decides to leave this 'busy hive' where one
must 'starve one's mind to live'. The poet reminds himof professors
who 'starve the body to sustain the mind'. Jose Maree, on the other
hand, longs for the life in Goa and thinks of his lands, whichare lying
fallow. He feels imprisoned in the city life and says: 'I must be free -
must call my soul my own.' Here, he is the slave of the landlord and
at his workplace, his boss rules over him. He is forever longing to
`recline on a grassy hill' and to watchthe river flowing still' and the
golden miles of waving rice.' Armando is nostalgic of the beautiful
island of Divar and San Mathias in Goa from where he hails. The
river Mandovi flowing peacefully by the golden sheaves of paddy fields,
whichwave withthe breeze, a sight very different fromhis present
one. Jose Maree continues to complain throughout the poemthat in
his present situation, there is no peace or joy. He feels like returning
home where he can build his cottage, pay the loan and marry, as his
parents are alone. He dreams of showing off to his neighbours by
celebrating the village churchfeast. He is just fed up of the deafening
clamour of newspaper boys, of the hooting of the taxies, of the rattle
of the lumbering, clattering cart, of the murderous din of crowded
thoroughfares, of the hawkers and of the trams whichshriek and
shunt and grunt and groan.'
The Professor poet on the other hand takes all the inconveniences
of the city life in a stride. Althoughhe is tired of Bombay, he feels 'in
Goa endless weariness.' He loves the touchof books, the clashof
minds, the swift-changing life, the race and the strife. What Jose
Maree would call a fever, is joy to the poet. But one really wonders
whether the poet is really convinced about all this or is only consoling
himself. There is no doubt that the poet's heart flutters as Jose Maree
recounts the life in Goa.
The reader, on browsing through The Emigrant, cannot avoid the
feeling that Jose Maree is the other half of the poet himself. Boththe
characters are actually one and the same. It is one half of the poet
that is disgusted withthe city life and the other half searching for
plausible reasons to continue living there. In short, it is the story of
the Goan emigrant in Bombay and his struggle for adjustment to the
city life, told by the poet who feels a nostalgia for what he has left
behind in his quest for intellectual and financial success. This satire,
written in heroic couplets, points to the facilities of mere
intellectualism. The Emigrant, for all its Prufrock-like poses of
spiritual negation, is an honest attempt to probe the futilities of mere
intellectualism; its touchis surer, its tone certainly severer, and its
emotional background far clearer.'s
The Fund is a mock epic of about 1000 lines in heroic couplets
consisting of XII Cantos. It depicts the Goan emigrant community in
Bombay and their problems of existence in an alien world. The epic is
intended to avert the danger of the Goan community being
demoralized by the acceptance of doles and subsidies fromthe Goa
It contains sketches of many Goan personalities in public life at
that time - whichare also types: the orator, the poet, the philosopher,
the politician and others. The village middle-class lad living in the
village clubs of Bombay and ekeing out his existence is referred to
again and again.
The action is described as a heroic conflict between various forces
- Gods, Titans, Giants, et cetera as is expected in a mock epic. While
some myths have been adopted, others have been invented for the
purpose. There are verbal travesties as well as formal; and the
mocking echoes of Homer, Virgil and Milton among others.
According to W.W.S. Bhasker, The Fund won a success d'estime,
even a succes d'escandale, in the community as a work of art.
Compared with The Emigrant, its scope is narrower, while its plan
ampler." 9
K.R.S. Iyengar praises the workby saying that in The Fund he has
attempted a 'mock-epic' withastonishing success. The portraits are
vivid and the mock-epic similes are eminently enjoyable.
2.3. Later Poetry
Armando Menezes later published three collections of lyrics -
C hords and Discords (1939) , C haos and Dancing Star (1940) , and The
Ancestral Face (1951) , to whichhe added Selected Poems (1969) . Later
on the last and fifthvolume of poetry to be published by Armando
Menezes was Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems in
September 1971.
2.3.1. Chords and Discords
Withthe publication of C hords and Discords, Armando Menezes
rose to his full stature as a poet. There are about forty pieces in all,
displaying a pleasing variety of theme and treatment of temper and
technique. The volume was devoted to the memory of his father, Adv.
Luis Manuel de Menezes, whomhe described as "mute inglorious
Milton". The volume was divided into five parts as Religio Poetae, Eros
and Psyche, Roots, Many Strings and Epilogue.
It opens witha Proem- a very challenging, thought-provoking
synthesis in whichthe author suggests an answer to what poetry is:
its gift of discovery; the difference, if any, between ancient and modern
poetry; its problems of technique. Every poem shows the author a
scrupulous artist, a fastidious critic, an original thinker witha
profound imagination. lo
I would agree withManuel C. Rodrigues that Armando is an artist
and an original thinker whose verse is fashioned in an unique manner
withnew themes and freshimagination.
Armando Menezes is a romantic poet. He lives in a world of
dreams. But his dreams bear on the realities of life. Any provocation,
however slight, stirs the depthof his being. It comes like the first
conscious dawn and opens the windows of his soul, bringing in a
sense of wonder - or sadness, as the case may be. And his spirit
soars, a skylark singing in the skies, true to the kindred points of
heaven and home. 11
Armando's dreams become real in his poetry. In the words of
Manuel C. Rodrigues, his soul opens up to new experiences whatever
they may be, happy or sad and the poet rises to the occasion.
C hords and Discords
consists of forty poems divided into five
sections. The poems have a variety of themes but are predominantly
love poems. The other themes are children, beauty, death, silence,
truth, dreams, war, brotherhood, creation, adolescence, loneliness
and sin.
Let us study some of the poems and the themes whichare
handled by Armando Menezes in his individual manner. Menezes
sings about beauty and love as lyrists mostly do. But, as in
everything else, witha difference. He sees the spirit of beauty
shinning everywhere in the world:
I have seen thee lift a corner of thy tent's
Cloud's canvas, like an archpurdanashin.
(Ode to Beauty', 45-46)
He yearns to gaze on her naked loveliness. The poet is even
ready to die if only he could view her beauty for a moment:
If thy white lily feeds on dungy dust,
And final glory asks for final pain,
Destroy me now, withdeathor derision
So may I see Thy face, 0 Mistress of my Vision.
(Ode to Beauty', 101-104)
In another long poemthe poet says that all the world's beauty is
his possession and he enjoys it thoroughly whether it is the tiniest
flower blooming or the squirrel darting around. He loves the 'sunset
bleeding in the west/ and dawn, the eternal bride who blushes red'.
He loves the very young and the old. In fact, there is very little that
the poet does not love. The drift of the clouds, the miles of ricefields,
gold or green, and even ice tinkling in the glass give himpleasure. For
the poet there is beauty everywhere in nature:
Bothshade I love and light; and light and shade
Commingled in fantastic masquerade;
(The Mighty Lover, 12 9-30)
His poet sings of unborn generations and
Sitting alone upon the ruined heap
Of his self-blasted years, the poet sings. (The Poet', 1-2 )
In a six stanza poem addressed to silence, Menezes describes
silence as a mystery. If silence could laugh, it could also weep but
silence is far above the human tears. He tells silence:
Yours is the blossoming of nocturnal skies
And yours the slumbering surges of the ocean.
(To Silence', 2 5-2 6)
The poet elsewhere describes a vision of modern day war, which
destroys and kills and brings pain and devastation everywhere. He
describes it as:
A panic of white wings flying,
A howl of women crying
For children dead and dying,
And blasting shells. (`A Vision of war', 18-2 1)
In another poem the poet describes how Lord Buddha sat
meditating 'cross-legged upon a palmleaf woven mat'. His great soul
transcended above all the earthly things. His only mission in life was
to spread love and brotherhood among all men.
"No peace for me," he mused, "no rest frompain,
While of this vast creation one but should
Be to his brother-creature curse or bane."
(Brotherhood,' 9-11)
Althougha stone may be worthless or meaningless to some, the
poet finds plenty of meaning and feelings in a stone. In a short poem
of fourteen lines, the poet says that others may find a stone worthless
But in the bosomof a wayside stone
There is a world of aching melodies
Predestined to a dumband dawnless night.
(The Stone', 12 -14)
The poem'Prospero Speaks' is divided into six parts. Eachpart
has three stanzas of three lines followed by a single line. The poet
says that he is the lord of this enchanted world, whichhas been
specially created by God. The Painter, the Bard and the Sage, who are
the only ones who have visualized its beauty, are the only ones who
can understand God's creation. All the creatures of the earthand
Nature play their part. The poet questions the meaning of his own
existence here but is reminded:
And, far above us, there is He -
The playwright of this scene we play,
The unplucked heart of Mystery. (58-60)
The poet looks at adolescence fromdifferent angles. This poem
of six, four-line stanzas, begins witha question: 'What would you I
shall be?' The poet offers various choices: a cloud hovering above
when the sun is hot, a bird sitting and chirping on your window sill or
a delicate flower in his beloved's hair? Again, the poet offers other
devices like a placid streamchuckling and coiling around his beloved's
feet or a book between her hands the pages of whichshe may turn leaf
by leaf. At the end the poet concludes:
I must be I; a body doomed to ache
And taste the scented lust of sacrifice,
A spirit dedicate to Beauty's eyes
And bursting into music for her sake.
(Adolescence', 2 1-2 4)
In another love poem, 'The Reason', the poet wants to know the
reason for his loving his beloved. Is it the music of her laughter or is
it her Beauty? The poet finally finds a divine answer to his questions.
He tells her:
Thou art an echo afar;
Or must I think that Beauty chose
To tempt my Vision witha star
And bar my footsteps witha rose?
The poemhas six stanzas and abab, cd cd, rhyme scheme.
The poem'Eternity' is again a love poem. The poet imagines a
situation when the lovers have separated and stopped loving each
other. Is sucha situation possible? Can the experiences and
pleasures of love be ever forgotten? True love has an enduring quality.
The poet asks:
How could the scent forget the flower.
The tune forget the thrill of strings;
How could the flight forget the power
Of wings? (13-16)
The poet concludes that every experience of love becomes a part of the
beloved and can never be forgotten.
`Loveliness' is another love poem where the poet feels the
hunger of unfulfilled love. His spirit longs for something that is higher
and above this mundane existence. The poet consoles his beloved that
he is not tired of her kisses or her embraces but there is a call from
heaven, whichhe dare not disobey, and he must tread that pathof
self-denial and purity in order to be face to face withGod. He tells his
But I have seen the Vision; and my feet
Must tread a perilous pathway, strong and pure,
To that enthroned Peace whichwaits above.
(12 -14)
Menezes"Ode to Laughter' is a poem running into twelve
stanzas. The poet welcomes Laughter into our lives and make us
better persons than we are. There are innumerable references to
humorists and writers like Horace, Swift, Aristophanes, Plautus,
Jonson and Chaucer, who represented various humorous forms of
literature. The poet speaks of Shakespeare's Falstaff and Rabelais
and Moliere in the same vein. The poet wishes that the joy of laughter
may dissolve the darkness of our spirit. His words of welcome are:
Oh, come, and laughwithall who dimly grope
Within the daedal mazes of their minds;
Laughwiththe dupe of love, the fool of hope,
Laughwiththe soul whomfrozen Silence binds;
Laughus backhumble, laughus to forgive,
Laugh, laugh, great protean god: laughand let live.
(67-72 )
The short poem, `To a Fallen One', is a different kind of poem
fromthe rest. Here the poet advises the sinner to keep the secret even
if he or she has sinned and not to divulge anything to inquisitive
neighbours. The poet tells the sinner to keep silent and hence to
guard the sanctuary of the soul within. He asks:
Why should they pluck your silence, bit by bit? (9)
'The Sweeper's Song', is a beautiful and short poem. The first line
of the poemis repeated as the fourthline of the poem: 'Sweep, sweep,
sweep.' Similarly, the fifthline of the poem is repeated after every
stanza: ' And my dust is the dust that is gathered into sleep'.(53)
The lines add a lilting rhythm to the poem, whichdescribes the
sweeping motions of a sweeper. The poem, whichis like a song, tells
its own tale, whichis the tale of men's happiness and sadness, of
happy days, whichare no more.
We may conclude that in C hords and Discords, Menezes had set
out to prove that modern poetry was actually only ancient poetry
written by the moderns. He had said in the preface to C hords and
Discords that metre and rhyme was necessary to every poemand in
this volume he had set out to do exactly that. Every poem in this
volume has its own metre and rhythm even thoughthe poems may
differ in thought and theme.
2.3.2. Chaos and Dancing Star
The volume 'Chaos and Dancing Star' was published by
Armando Menezes in 1940 and was devoted to his beloved mother,
Mrs Armida Correia-Lobo. This volume is divided into four sections:
The Mirror, Lacrumae Rerurn, Counterpoint and Transpositions. This
volume consists of forty-six poems. The themes of the poems are
predominantly on love and nature.
After the prelude, the volume opens witha long poemof nine
verses, named 'Instead of a Dedication'. In the poemthe poet wonders
as to what he should dedicate to:
White flower of womankind
You who made bloom
My shapeless limbs of mind
In your heart's tomb
As in a womb. (6-10)
The poet finds that there is nothing worthwhile he can offer his
mother and concludes:
You I can nothing give,
O strengthto fight,
0 breathby whichI live,
Eternal light
On the sours height. (41-45)
In the poem, 'The Mirror', Menezes tells his beloved that he is like
the faithful glass reflecting the beauty of his beloved without asking
for any reward in return:
He never asks for recompense:
He waits alone
To see your image in suspense
Over his own. (9-12 )
Another love poem, 'Broken Melody' is in the formof a dialogue
between the Poet and the Lover. The Poet warns against turning love
to lust and dreaming to desire. For the poet, love must be sacred and
pure. The Lover on the other hand replies that the fleshis weak and
that 'mouths are made to kiss'. The poet is not convinced by this and
When love is turned to lips
And loveliness to pain,
The sun endures eclipse
The heavens suffer stain.... (2 1-2 4)
In the poem, The Palm', the poet regards himself as a solitary
palmthat had enjoyed its quiet existence until his beloved came into
his life and there has been no rest for the poet since then:
And then you came and built your nest
Amid my crown of green....
Alas, no more for me the rest
That once had been! (9-12 )
`Parenthood' is a short poemof two stanzas where the poet tells
his beloved that their love and life is barren without the presence of a
Our love is barren, Sweet!
No pattering faltering feet
Are heard
On its unlittered floor. (1-4)
This poem, as many of the other lyrics, deals withchildren and
provides excellent study of the child. A child is a symbol of wonder,
affection and innocence. It is also a symbol of universal love and
For Menezes, an expectant mother is a wonder full of dreams and
expectations. Who can guess what passes her mind in the expectation
of the great joy? The mother's eyes would soon have a tender look as
she enfolds her child. The poet therefore says:
When the ineffable splendour
Of those eyes so lone and wild,
Softened to a fire more tender,
Shall be smiling on a child? (9-12 )
In another poem, Play', the poet compares all human
relationships and deeds to a child's play. Just as the child cannot
understand the significance of the various relationships in his play, so
does man in his. The poet concludes that all that happens to us in
our lives is destined by God. Therefore, he says:
All is play, it seems:
All our deeds and dreams,

All we thinkor say! (13-15)

Menezes looks at the journey of a train very differently in his
long poemof eight stanzas, 'The Train'. For him, the train produces
different musical sounds along its course as it runs throughwoods,
over bridges, across grasslands, tunnels, ravines and neglected
stations. He compares the sound produced by the passage of the
train to the various musical notes produced on a violin. He
A little pause, and off I go....
My simple art
Touches to music withmy bow

Earth's silent heart! (2 9-32 )

A long poem, Ilarnpi' on the ancient Vijaynagar kingdomtakes
us back to history. The poem has eleven stanzas and the rhyme
scheme is ab, ab. In this poemthe poet brings back to us the images
of the glory of the Vijaynagar city - its elephant processions, its
queens and temple-girls, its religious ceremonies, its glories, joys and
pains. For the poet, the very ruins speak of the ancient splendours:
Man's joy and sorrow and his shame and glory
Are deathless; for, thoughmen sometimes forget,
The Felt and Done survive the human story,
Wove in Time's substance unperceived as yet. (2 1-2 4)
The Lotus and the Lake' is another long poem running into
twelve stanzas. In the first part of the poem the lotus complains to
the Lake that it cannot fly to a cloud in the sky because:
While my foot is bound in earth
Frommy birth! (11-12 )
The Lotus would like to be free to move hither and thither and
complains that it is obscurely rooted in the lake. In the second part of
the poemthe Lake answers the Lotus that it is Nature's law that has
made theminseparable like a child and mother. The Lake also tells
the Lotus that it is also a prisoner by birthand is confined to one
place when it would have also liked to meet the ocean. It is Nature's
law that has destined that they should spend their lives in this way till
the end.
`Counterpoint' is another of Menezes' love poems. The poet, who
loves his beloved, would like to be free and not to be bound by love.
The poet would like to love his beloved just as he loves the clouds,
moonlight on the sea or the air around him. In the final stanza the
poet tells his beloved that she should only let himyearn for her love
and need not return his love:
No, no, you need not love me!
Just let me yearn!
I love, don't I, unhopeful ever of return, (2 5-2 7)
In another short poem, 'Way and Goal', Menezes compares the
yearning of two lovers to two parallel tracks of steel, on eacha train.
The lovers are yearning to reacheachother but are unable to do so as
the parallel tracks never meet. Hence there is only despair. Therefore,
the poet concludes that there is:
The lonely-aching loss
When they are faring
On parallel tracks, and cross
Despairing. (5-8)
`Love and Light' is another short and beautiful poemwhere the
theme is love. For Menezes the Night is like a pretty damsel that
charms her beloved withher dew and her fragrance in the dark nignt
and flies away withher sobs and thrills behind the hills once the sun's
light spreads everywhere. The poem has only two stanzas and the
rhyme scheme is abab, cd cd.
"Maid in Waiting' is a delicate lyric portraying in a series of
similes the eagerness withwhicha maid waits for love and happiness,
like the 'lotus for the dew', 'sky for the star', 'bud for the bloom' and
symbolizes the whole life in terms of waiting:
Like the sky for the star, you wait;
Like the field for the corn;
As the night for the morn;
You stand at the darkling gate
Of a day unborn. (5-9)
In conclusion we may say that the majority of the poems
included in this volume are love poems. The poet explores the
relationship of lovers in different situations. There is novelty of
thought and expression althoughthe rhyme scheme and the metre
used in the earlier poems still continues. The lone poem, `I-larnpi'
takes us back into history and rediscovers the past glory and
splendour. Similarly the poem, The Play' is of a philosophical nature
where God's actions are juxtaposed against his human creatures.
2.3.3. The Ancestral Face
The Ancestral Face, published in 1951, consists of sixty-six
poems and the volume is devoted to his wife, Matilde Rebelo. The
contents are divided into six parts under different themes like The
Pilgrimage, The Garden of Dreams, The Breaking of the Nations, Soul
of the People, Songs of Circumstance and Renderings. The Soul of the
People deals exclusively withnationalistic themes and consists of
eight patriotic lyrics like 'Gandhi Jayanthi', 'Soul of the People', To
thee Mother', ThirtiethJanuary' and Vande Mataram'
Many of the poems included in this volume have a variety of
themes, ranging from nature and humanity to nationalism and
religion. There are poems devoted to eminent persons, children,
creation, to his grandchildren and festivals and school hymns. In fact,
there is an infinite variety in the themes whichhe chooses to write on
and also uses a variety of techniques and verse forms like division into
three line stanzas and eight line stanzas. Most of the poems in the
section, 'Soul of the People', are poems on nationalistic themes and a
discussion on these poems will be found elsewhere in this chapter
that deals withpoems on nationalistic themes.
A study of a few of the poems included in the volume The
Ancestral Face will be useful to understand the kind of poetry
included here.
In the very first poem, 'The Poet', Menezes tells us how the poet
tries to grasp reality behind the shadow. The poet can dream of
Heaven on a patchof grass and can see beauty in everything. The
poet laughs at the one who in his foolishness would strike hima blow.
The poet is like a child and therefore Menezes says:
And like a child that looks into a glass,
Turning it sharply to surprise the thing
That mocks it frombehind. (6-8)
The poemconsists of four stanzas withfive lines eachand a rhyme
scheme that changes in every stanza.
In another poem, The Fall', the poet wonders at the waterfall that
falls froma great height over the black rocks. The poet compares it to
great Lover, fearful and majestic at the same time. It produces
muffling music withits sudden flashand roar. This is one of the
magnificent nature poems of Menezes. The poet asks the waterfall:
What is your quest? Why does your terrible favour
Searchso incessantly the soul of the earth? (9-10)
Thoughthe poem consists of only three stanzas, the poet has
succeeded in portraying the glory and beauty of the mighty waterfall.
The rhyme scheme employed here is abab.
`Christmas' is another poem in five stanzas on the Christmas
festival. The poet describes how the divine soul becomes incarnate
withthe birthof Jesus as man. Jesus is at once the baby boy as well
as the Divine Father. The poemis full of words like 'light, Bethlehem,
Angels and Mary, whichrecall the happy days of Christmastide and
the worship of the godchild. The poem opens withthese beautiful
Every morn is Christmas morn,
Every day is Jesus born,
And we can kiss His garment's hem
Everywhere, at Bethlehem,

The poem 'Work', is a long poem of five stanzas whichhas a
refrain at the beginning of eachstanza:
How many meanings lurk
In Work! (1)
The poemis full of alliterations and a lilting rhythm:
They can't afford to tarry
They can't afford to sleep
Who 'ye everything to carry
And nothing at all to keep. (17-2 0)
For the poet work has many meanings and connotations. There is the
work of farmers whichis never ending, backbreaking work until they
get the golden corn. There is the work of the load carrier, who carries
loads of whichhe cannot keep anything for himself. There is the work
of the silent housewife withher heartaches and frustrations. Among
the different kinds of work mentioned by the poet, there is also the
workof the poet, who:
Makes the song of his Dream
Fromthe moan of his meaning
And the flow of a stream... (57-59)
The Tree' is a seven-stanza poemon the theme of Nature. The
poet who used to climbthe tree and its wandering boughs, now feels
he is one withthe tree. He feels all the joys and sufferings of the tree
because he has totally identified himself withthe tree. Even when they
cut the tree, he says, 'to me the axe is laid'. The wind that wanders
throughthe boughs of the tree, rustle the poet's soul and the
aspirations of the tree heavenward are because of the aspirations of
the poet. Therefore, he says that the tree is no more a separate object
Now in rare ecstasy I find
Your being merged in me. (17-18)
The Poem' is Menezes' masterpiece on the art of poetry. The poem
consists of six stanzas withthe rhyme scheme aa, bb, cc. The poet
tells us how he composes his poem. His compares his task to that of a
builder, who builds brick upon brick. So does the poet build his
dream upon a dream withwords that are slow to come in the
beginning. He tests his rhythm and selects the words while not
hesitating to even discard and reject those, whichdo not suit himin
his creation. He is constantly, 'shaping, forging' and 'hammering
hard' until he gets perfection. In seeking perfection for his poem, the
poet says he seeks to be perfect as a man. Elsewhere in the poemthe
poet tells us:
Out of the heart's womb, shrieking, torn,
The poem's fluted limbs are born.... (19-2 0)
`The Great Servant' is Menezes' long poemof fifteen stanzas. It
has a rhyme scheme: ababand a stanza of four lines. For the poet,
the great servant is no other than God who created the heavens and
the earth. He has given us the stars, the sun and grassy meadows
like carpets. He describes him doing various chores and serving
humanity. He is at once the sweeper of the clouds, the tireless coolie
burdened withmystery, the postman trudging along withmessages
and the dreaming engineer. He sends us friends to console us when
we are desolate and sends a beamof light when we grope in the dark.
Menezes is a devout Christian and firmly believes that Jesus died on
the cross to redeemmankind fromsin. Therefore:
When we lose ourselves in strife
He chiefly bears the loss
For when He came to give us life,
He died upon the cross.

(49-52 )
`The Sitar Speaks' is a beautiful lyric, whichexpresses the feelings
of the sitar. The poet can thrill or still' the sitar withthis magical
touchof his fingers. The sitar tells us that it came into existence with
the rising sun and the rainbows. Its spirit was taken and bound to the
frame of the sitar. It can produce whatever music one would wish. It
can echoe The nightingale's voice or rustling of a leaf or the winter of
grief. The Sitar knows everything that one could feel in one's heart
before hand. This is on account of its past existence. Therefore, the
sitar says:
Thrill me or still me
Withyour hands distil me
Crushing me strong;
Withyour soul's power will me
To silence or song. (36-40)
The poemconsists of eight stanzas withthe first stanza, 'Thrill me or
still me' repeated again at the end of the poem.
In another poem, Reprieve', Menezes longs for respite fromthe
burdens of life. The poet finds every creature enjoying a reprieve, be it
the cattle fromits pasture or the setting sun. The poet sees the egrets
flying and vanishing in the sky and the stars doing the same. He
wishes he could just fly and vanish. The dark clouds in the sky
remind him of deathbut the rays shinning across a rainbow make
himwishto live for another day.
The poemhas five stanzas witheachstanza of three lines. The
rhyme scheme is a a a, bbb, c c c, e e e.
`Creation' expresses Menezes' own views on the creative art. He
explains in detail how a poem comes into existence; how the poet
searches for the right word that would express his thought and give a
meaning to the words. The poet depends on his imagination to provide
the music for his song as he experiences dimvibrations in his heart.
The poet right in the beginning describes the art of creation as:
To beat a tune together, find the word
True-feathered for the bull's eye of the thought. (1-2 )
The poemhas four stanzas. The first two stanzas have four lines and
the last three stanzas have three lines each. The rhyme scheme is
abba, abba, cdc, cdc.
Many of the poems by Menezes are on the theme of children and
their behaviour. 'Tara, Sarah, Clara' is one suchpoem, where the poet
makes pretty sketches of three little girls named Tara, Sarahand
Clara. Tara is a pretty girl, Sarah, a steady girl. ThoughTara is
shrewd and sensitive, Sarahhas the gentler eyes. The poet delineates
the characters of eachone of themwithdaft touches of his pen. But
the one the poet admires and calls as his favourite is Clara, who is
muchfairer and bigger. She has a clear complexion and is neat and
clean in manners and appearance.
The lyric has thirteen stanzas and a varying rhyme scheme. The
poet expresses his admiration for Clara thus:
Her frockis clean as clean can be
Her moutha deep vermillion;
She's never changed, she's never washed -
A maiden in a million! (45-48)
The poem'The Hero' is another suchpoemon children. The poet
describes a ten year old boy in the forties, who is influenced by the on
going freedom struggle against the British. He has heard of the
sacrifices of so many Indians for the country and himself decides to
lead a procession of five children on the street near the station and
give their lives if need be. But, suddenly along the street, the boy
leader remembers that his granny would beat himif he were late for
lunchand becomes frightened. The poet gives a sudden turn to the
gallant action of the children who remember that their duty comes
first. The poet describes the fancy of the children to fight for freedom
They bid their books and ...backs to hell;
They, only they, would save the nation
And should there need be, hang alive. (2 6-2 8)
The main themes of the poems on whichMenezes writes are
Nature, children and religion. The religious theme is manifested in his
poems 'Christmas', The Great Servant', and 'Creation'. Poems like
'The Hero' and 'Tara, Sarah, Clara' are on children. 'Work' and
`Reprieve' are poems dealt seriously.
2.3.4 . Selected Poems
The volume Selected Poems consists of poems, as Menezes
confides in the Introduction, written over a period of forty years and
more. He has selected many of the poems, whichhad already
appeared in the earlier publications like C hords and Discords, C haos
and Dancing Star and The Ancestral Face. Some seventeen new poems
have been included in this volume. The dominant themes here are the
same as in the previous volumes: love, nature and God. There are two
poems withnationalistic themes like 'Mahatma Gandhi' and 'Nehru'
and a poemon Goa.
Let us now go throughsome of these poems in order to
understand the themes, style and technique as these poems appeared
after a gap of eighteen years after the last volume, The Ancestral Face
in 1951.
`To my Father On the Centenary of his Birth' is actually an elegy
running into six long verses. It seems to be written on the occasion of
the centenary of the birthof Menezes' father, Adv. Luis Manuel
Menezes. The poembegins withthe narration of an incident, which
had occurred while Menezes' father was on the deathbed. The prayers
for the dying were being recited by the family gathered around on their
knees. Menezes' father commanded him to kneel down also and a
great peace seemed to have settled on his face after that was done.
Remembering this incident after many years, the poet tells his
father throughthe poemthat he had always knelt in worship and in
love before all things. He says, since his childhood, he had felt
`divinity in man and nature'. But the poet asserts that he had not
learnt to bend in order to display false humility He had refused to
bend in support of what he considered as wrong, even thoughhe had
to stand alone in life. May be, the poet says, he has not become
successful in the ways of the world but in his deepest soul he had
found peace. In this way the poet tells his father he had lived for
thirty years. The lines:
I have not learnt to bend the body's knee -
Too humble to parade humility. (30-3 1)
sumup the poet's philosophy of life as expressed throughthe poem.
The poemconsists of a new variety of stanza formand is written in
The Poet to His Heart' is the poet's prayer to God. The poet says
he has done whatever he could and now the time has come for himto
depart. Everything reminds him that his time is near. The poet's
imagination is also at an ebband hence Art has to come to a stop.
The last stanza expresses strong faithin God who exists forever and
loves every human being. The poemechoes the holy sonnets of the
Elizabethan period, particularly the last stanza:
Lord, all things breakand pass away:
Thou only art.
All hearts that ail, or fail, but stay
Within Thy heart. (17-2 0)
Platonics' is a poemon the theme of platonic love. The poet tells
his beloved that his shadow must not stain her perfect beauty. But it
seems to be impossible to avoid eachother's gaze. It is extremely
difficult for the poet to forget her nearness and avoid speaking to her.
The poet is even afraid to touchher hand but concludes:
But should I dare so much,
You will understand. ( 1 14 2 )
The poem has only three stanzas and is simple in form and
`I ama Pool' is another simple poemwhere the poet imagines
that his life is like that of a pool in the middle of a crowded city. The
poet suffers a lonely existence in a city square withnothing but the
glare of the sun at noon and reflection of the sunset in the evening.
During the day, the pool experiences a variety of people like urchins
and clowns and pigeons and fair maidens coming down to the pool.
But as the suns sets, it is again lonely and forgets all that has passed
during the day. Withnightfall it longs to embrace a solitary star in the
sky. In the same way the life of the poet is similar to the pool.
'Tact' is a passionate love poemby Menezes. The poet is tired of
tactfulness and all pretences. He would like to physically possess his
beloved and satisfy his desire. But he has learnt to practice patience
fromNature, whichpatiently waits for everything to happen. The poet
Therefore I wait as morning waits the bud
As summer waits the green and golden corn;
I wait for power to unfold within your blood,
As the wombwaits the wonder yet unborn. (13-16)
`A Girl to Her Own Heart' is a beautiful love poemwhere a young
girl discloses the excitement she feels when her beloved calls her by
her name. She cannot imagine that the one who she had imagined to
be so far above her, could actually call her by her name. She
expresses various other experiences, whichlovers experience. She
dreads the moment when his eyes and hers would meet. She tries in
various ways to hide her feelings for himand finally decides:
I will be nothing: never speakto him,
Althoughmy love heart brim
Withthirst; (41-43)
`Night in Goa' expresses the nostalgia of the poet for Goa.
Menezes, who lived in Dharwar and other places in India, could never
forget the lovely memories of his youth, whichhe had spent in Goa.
The poet describes vividly various night scenes, whichare typically
Goan. The poet misses the warmsea-beachand the native language
and the candlelight atmosphere. Truly, it is the Goa of the forties and
the fifties before Liberation when life was simple and there was no
electricity. Various images like the boiling cauldron of rice, the fishing
smack going to the sea, the Christmas festival, the Shimga fair and
devotees walking throughfire at Sirigaon describe the old scenes of
Goa faithfully. The poet writes verse after verse nostalgically about
the village churchfeast and the people dancing to the tunes of the
fiddle. He also describes how the rain thrashes and the thunder gets
louder and louder. The poem at the end takes on a sad note and
laments for those who are dead:
But there's never any returning
For those who kept the home fires burning:
They have gone Home and shall never come back! (38-40)
There are two poems, `In Memoriam: Mahatma Gandhi' and
"Nehru', whichdo not seem to belong withthe other poems. The
themes are nationalistic and hence it would be more fitting to discuss
themunder nationalistic poems elsewhere in the chapter.
In conclusion we can say that thoughMenezes added some new
poems to these selections, the themes and the technique used in his
earlier poetry had not changed. The only poem, whichappears a little
different fromthe other poems is the poem, 'Night in Goa'.
2.3.5. Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems
Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems is a volume that
consists mostly of religious and mystical poetry. This poetry will be
discussed in the section that deals withreligious and mystical themes
in the Poetry of Armando Menezes.
Now let us see the various dominant themes in Menezes' poetry
and study the poems that come under these themes. According to
these themes the poetry of Armando Menezes can be divided into
Romantic or Love Poetry, Poetry of Exile and Poetry withreligious and
Mystical themes.
2.4 . Love or Romantic Poetry
Menezes continued to write in the Indian EnglishRomantic
tradition even after the Independence. Thoughmany poets tried to
turn their backs on the romantic tradition and tried a verse more in
tune withthe age, Menezes had already chosen his pathand was not
to imitate these modern Indian Englishpoets.
Menezes lets us into the secret of his art and 'craft' in several of
his poems. The true poet is a dreamer, an architect, a blacksmithall
in one as he visualizes himin 'Creation':
To beat a tune together; find the word
True-feathered for the bull's eye of the thought;
To marry sounds; together to be stirred
By the vague stirring of some unbegot
Imagination... (The Ancestral Face, 41)
Elsewhere, in The Poet', the artist seeks the Real behind the shadow:
Like a child that looks into a glass,
Turning it sharply to surprise the thing
That mocks it frombehind... (The Ancestral Face, 2 )
The poet is a pilgrimwho walks towards his 'one Desire' with'feet of
fire'. He discovers beauty of various types in unexpected places, as in
The egret rides the buffalo, a pond
Of muddy water burns withsun or moon;
A sudden sunbeamnets a swarmof flies
Upon a dunghill.... (Selected Poems, 15)
In the same poem, quoting Keat's well-known line, 'A thing of
beauty is a joy forever'; he adds a corollary, whichmakes it more
Neither the beauty's lasting, nor the joy,
Unless there's beauty in the passing
And joy in marking it. (Selected Poems, 14)
It is not given to everyone to have this experience unless there is a
feeling of oneness withthe object, whichthe poet feels:
The flower or bird
Is but the poet himself
Experiencing himself as bird or flower. (Selected Poems, 14)
The man of science also experiences reality but in quite a different
way. This contrast comes charged witha new poetic beauty in
`Science and Art' where, describing the artist's attitude to a child he
I do not pause to count or scan
Eachdimple and eachcurl,
Nor seek to read the oyster's plan
In every grain of pearl. (Selected Poems, 2 5)
And adds:
I thrill
To silhouettes crossing over the hills
I do not know
Where they come from, where they go,
Nor care
Where, or where... (Selected Poems, 11)
Menezes sings about the beauty and love as lyrists mostly do; but
as in everything else, witha difference. He sees the spirit of beauty
stirring everywhere in the world:
I have seen thee lift a corner of thy tent's
Cloud-canvas, like an archpurdanashin.
(C hords and Discords, 3)
He yearns to gaze on her naked loveliness. In 'Ode to Beauty', he
If thy white lily feeds on dungy dust,
And final glory asks for final pain,
Destroy me now, withdeathor derision.
So may I see thy face, 0 Mistress of my Vision.
(C hords and Discords, 5)
Many of Menezes' poems abound in love themes. Love transforms
this monotonous world of miracles of scent and sound and hue. True
love has an enduring quality. In the poem'Eternity', the poet says:
How could the scent forget the flower,
The tune forget the thrill of strings?
(C hords and Discords, 35)
Love can make man the 'heir of immortality'. In Tonight', he
cries, 'Let me once forget that man is dust.' But love sometimes turns
to lust, and in 'Broken Melody', he denounces it:
When love is turned to lips
And loveliness to pain,
The Sun endures eclipse,
The heavens suffer stain... (C haos and Dancing Star, 17)
For the poet love is always pure and cannot be defiled by physical
passion. There is pain in love. The heartache of two lovers is
compared to trains in 'Way and Goal'. The frustration of the lovers in
not being able to be united is expressed in the lines:
Two parallel tracks of steel
On eacha train. (C haos and Dancing Star, 53)
There is comfort too, and one's beloved is unique in 'Afterglow'. The
poet reminiscences withpleasure every moment they had shared
together thus:
we too
Chased firefly wings of feeling, wrung frompain
Music, like poppies, to make heartaches whole,
And you, whatever you did, were simply you,
(The Ancestral Face, 39)
`Contrariness' reveals one more aspect of love - denial and
disappointment. The poet says:
When the fires have died -
Love shall e'er remember
This one kiss denied. (C haos and Dancing Star, 59)
`Two Worlds' exposes subtly the fondness of the impatient lover to
deny separate life and being to his beloved. The beloved has her own
existence in an 'ivory tower' blooming like a 'fragrant flower'.
Therefore, the poet says:
I have imagined you, miraculous bud,
And yet I know you have your life apart,
Outside my dream, outside my fancy's chart,
Your own, where you, autonomous, taste your blood.
(Selected Poems, 150)
`Maid in Waiting' is a delicate lyric portraying in a series of similes
the eagerness withwhicha maid waits for love and happiness, like
`lotus for the dew', 'sky for the star', 'bud for the bloom' and
symbolizes the whole life in terms of this waiting. The poet says the
maid waits for love:
As the field for the corn
As the night for the morn;
(C haos and Dancing Star, 58)
Many of the lyrics deal withchildren and provide excellent studies
of the child. A child is a symbol of wonder, affection and innocence.
He is a dreamer, impetuous and frank. In Parenthood' he speaks of
the barrenness of love if:
No pattering faltering feet
Are heard
On its unuttered floor
No more
The adventure of a word.
(Chaos and Dancing Star, 18)
The poet laments that they have not been gifted witha child
althoughthey have been united for a longtime.
The child is sometimes a rebel withhis weak mutiny of bitter
tears. God himself is a child and the world is his play-pen:
He bumps this world withshade and shine
Romps withmortal grief and joy...
(Chaos and Dancing Star, 2 1)
Children, according to Menezes, unlike adults, still have the
power to dream. For us, chairs are just things to sit on. For a child,
A chair laid low - behold a car!
A little shake - a horse!
A few more chairs - a railway train,
Also a bridge, of course! (The Ancestral Face, 2 5)
And then the poemtakes wing and soars beyond the eye of childhood:
For while we sit around a board
And talkprosaic things,
Our chairs must thrill withmemories
Of hours when they had wings.
Before they swore to keep quite still,
Resolving to be wise,
And wait upon our paltry needs
Like angels in disguise. (The Ancestral Face, 2 5)
A child sits witha book 'rapt in the adventure of festooning
words'. In `Gradus ad Parnassum', the poet reminds the child:
Child, you are all the pages of the book
You are the scintillation of the star
That turns to music in the throats of birds.
(The Ancestral Face, 33)
Tara, Sarah, Clara', is Menezes' beautiful attempt to describe
three little girls and bring out their different qualities.
A child can be impishand full of tricks. Armida finds a pair of
scissors and cuts off a strand of hair. She is afraid to face Mummy,
but a happy idea crosses her innocent mind:
That poor Correia-Afonso
His hair it has all gone so!
I've cut this bit for him. (The Ancestral Face, 44)
Of course, she means to stick it on his head when he is asleep.
Many times children like to play the hero fromthe stories that
they have read. One suchattempt by a ten-year old boy gives us the
mock-heroic poem, The Hero' (1942 ) :
He towered
Above the rest a quarter-inch. (71-le Ancestral Face, 48)
The hero who leads a procession of little rebels suddenly remembers
his granny and
He shook as shakes a mountain rock;
My granny...
Would beat me were I late for lunch.
(The Ancestral Face, 49)
The mother's love for her child is so real and poignant in
`Ultimate', where the mother says:
Let me not give - Ohaskme not to miss
This lovely thing that suckles at my breast
Whose toil and hunger are my meat and rest -
Not this! (Selected Poems, 145)
And the absence of the child leaves a void:
But oh! the missing laughter and the kiss,
And the sharp silence of a baby's voice!
(C haos and Dancing Star, 35)
Menezes is a great Nature poet. There are a number of poems on
Nature and the experiences of the poet. He can identify himself so
completely witha tree that he can say:
It is my soul that burgeons forth
And laughs itself to leaves... (The Ancestral Face, 19)
The poet can even feel the pain of the tree when it is cut. He adds:
In me you grow and fade,
And when they thinkto cut you down
To me the axe is laid. (The Ancestral Face, 19)
The calm of a tree is disturbed by birds in The Palm'. The
parched fields waiting for the rain are described as the 'furrows
patience of the fields'. A waterfall is a great lover ceaselessly
searching for the soul of the earthin the poem, The Fall':
Over the rock's black ruin you leap, great Lover,
Fearful-majestic here, sweet feminine there.
(The Ancestral Face, 5)
In 'Sunsets at Dharwar' he marvels at God's power to create new
variations on old sights and scenes for the delight of man. As a Goan,
it is a new experience for the poet to watchthe sun set in the Western
Ghats as in Goa the sun sets in the Arabian Sea. In 'Lotus and the
Lake', the sky itself is imagined as a large lotus-lake on high', which
the lotus, rooted to one spot in the lake aspires to reach. Laughter is
compared to the 'morning sea' and by contrast a 'midnight sea' is
strange, sad silence.
`I ama Pool' illustrates the poet's freshness of outlook, whichsees
unsuspected meanings in ordinary things. The pool has a life and
secret of its own:
I ama pool amid a populous town,
Suffering its lone existence in a square (Selected Poems, 149)
After describing the many types of images it is forced to reflect, it
reveals its own romantic yearning:
Patient, to hold in innocent embrace,
The solitary image of a star. (Selected Poems, 149)
Most of the poems therefore are on the theme of love, nature and
children. Thoughpublished in separate volumes the poems belong to
the same romantic pattern and were published in the forties and
2.5. Nationalistic Themes in Menezes' Poetry
Menezes is truly Indian in all that he has written, and his
sentiment is free fromcheap and misguided nationalism. He sings of
India's struggle for independence, commemorates her great men and
celebrates significant events. The early poems - when freedomwas
yet an unrealized ideal - are, rightly, stirring poems of encouragement.
`Gandhi Jayanti' is one suchpoem, whichexcites the national
sentiment withits marching rhythmand a popular refrain:
Mahatma Gandhi was born today;
Gandhi-ki-jai, Gandhi-ki-jai! (The Ancestral Face, 64)
`Soul of the People' and Dawn' hold out promise of freedom. They
sound the call to continue the struggle and strike hard at the
cramping fetters. The marching lilt of the poemis unmistakable:
Soul of the people, marching, marching,
Heaving the flag of Freedomhigh,
Can you not see above you arching
The calmprocession of the sky? (The Ancestral Face, 60)
Vande Mataram' enshrines the spirit of worship of Mother India,
in traditional style. The poemuses imagery and emotions, whichare
characteristically Indian:
Withnoise of gong and roll of drum
Lo, thy sons and daughters come
To do thee worship, Mataram! (The Ancestral Face, 73)
The poemwas written on 15thAugust 1948.
The sonnet RabindranathTagore' also uses the theme of
freedom. The poet cries out against 'blind walls of creed' and 'muffling
wools of tongue', whichdivide and weaken the people in their march
towards freedom. Menezes says:
You sang, and our hearts found their ancient tears;
And our souls sought a haven where you sung -
Bengal, the earliest home of Liberty.
(The Ancestral Face, 61)
The poemwas composed o 7thAugust 1941.
The idea of freedom is symbolized in 'Waterfalls', where the
waterfalls are a blind force-giving rise to beauty and music. In
anticipation of the freedomof India, the poet awaits:
Blind force crashing
Throughall wrong,
Into song.
(The Ancestral Face, 63)
In ThirtiethJanuary' he laments the loss of Mahatma Gandhi,
`Freedom's unstained, unbending blade', and express shock at the
news of his assassination:
A silence fell upon us all
As if a star had vanished quite,
As if a world beyond recall
Had vanished in the vacant Night.
(The Ancestral Face, 70)
His poems written after 1947 strike a very realistic note on post-
Independent India and convey feelings of disillusionment and
bitterness in no uncertain terms. Republic' Day (1950) wonders
whether Mother India is in fact free:
Why is your rising, Mother solemnly cold?
condescend to seem
What you indeed must be!
(Selected Poems, 111)
The poet expresses his frustration throughthe poemon finding
poverty and violence all around him.
`Freedom' (1962 ) is bold and direct and voices great concern about
the state of affairs in Independent India:
Freedomis greed, is violence,
Lust, and the lordship of the fool
...Freedom's image cannot keep
Even a poet's loyalty.
(Selected Poems, 112 )
The freedomfighters, who had great dreams for India before the
Independence, were all disappointed men.
In pro the Mother' (1958) , written on 15thAugust 1947, Menezes
celebrates Mother India, who is the mother of peace and mother of
strife. For the poet, as a Christian, she is also the Mother of God:
Mother of Worlds, Mother of God,
Crowned withthe heavens and shod,
Great Mother India, Mother divine,
0 Mother mine!
(The Ancestral Face, 69)
In 'Tashkent' a poem written muchlater, Menezes describes
Shastriji's deathas a dream:
An ocean of universal light
Was all around me, yet I was not,
... A void, fulfilled of peace, a What
That knew not When or Where.
(Selected Poems, 12 9)
The poem'Nehru' attempts an analysis of Nehru's genius against
the background of several knotty problems:
Wise in most things, you were wisest when you gave in
Resolving to adjourn...
(Selected Poems, 12 7)
The cold war, the gap between profession and act, fulfillment and
intent, the problem of the enemy within and without, the serious
question of law and order become a schoolboy jest.
`In Memoriam: Mahatma Gandhi' is another of those poems - a
long and sustained effort - in whichsignificant events in Indian
history pass before our eyes as in a pageant. The poemis a long poem
divided into eight sections. Irony plays an important role:
The land that saw themborn
Is glad withwater, gold withcorn
For strangers' selling and buying...
While her own children die of starvation.
(Selected Poems, 19)
Elsewhere, the frustration and disillusionment of Gandhiji is
expressed throughthe following lines:
About my fruitful garden, gay withstreams...
Alas, the streams run blood, and the sweet bird
Is startled out of song...
(Selected Poems, 12 4)
The land praying and waiting for the grace of a saint', the birthof
Gandhi, his assassination by a fellow Indian - reminiscent of Abel and
Cain fromthe Bible - are portrayed in lines of deep-felt poetry.
The great difference between the poet's earlier idealismand his
present feeling of despair in his recent poems is very marked. But the
Ode on Tilak' is a return to the old mood. The poem venerates this
great selfless freedomfighter, this 'father of unrest', withthe ocean's
wideness in his stormy heart' who get the waters of the Ganga loose
over the thirsty land'. Elsewhere in the poem, Menezes says that
Heard the wild Maratha cry, and saw
The beacons flashupon eachguarded hill,
And Freedomcrashing thoroughan alien law -
A torrent bursting froma people's will-
(Selected Poems, 115)
Another poem, 1-lindoostan Hamara', speaks of the patriotism
and love of Armando Menezes for his motherland. He praises the
natural beauty of his country and compares it to the Biblical Garden
of Eden, withits flowers, mountains and rivers. He is also proud of
the different faiths existing side by side and says:
No creeds dictate unbrotherly hate;
Made one in thy heart, thy children we stand,
And nought shall us part, 0 Motherland!
(The Ancestral Face, 104)
Most of these poems withnationalistic themes were written either
just before the Independence of India or soon after. They manifest
Menezes' great patriotismand concern for his country and its people.
As a poet and thinker he could not have remained unaffected by the
events taking place around him and he gives vent to his feelings
throughhis verse.
2.6. Religious Poetry
Menezes' poetry abounds withreligious themes. For the poet,
God's creation was a great mystery. He was concerned withthe
relationship of man and God and particularly his own relatonship with
the creator. As a deeply religious man, on account of his strict
Catholic upbringing, many of his poems are Christian in character.
He tells us in a speechdelivered on his 65thBirthday Celebrations: "I
have at times suspected myself of holding exceptional religious
temper; and I firmly believe that to acknowledge a spiritual power
pervading the world and transcending it is the main differential of
man as man."
In 'To My Father, on the Centenary of His Birth', he tells us:
Fromchildhood have I felt Divinity
In Man and nature, thoughI knew it not,
And followed withecstatic peace or joy
Eachseen and unseen motion of all things.
(Selected Poems, 39)
Many of his poems are inspired by religious feelings. His poem
`Christmas' comes as a new awakening to most people who fail to
grasp the meaning of the true spirit of Christmas:
Every morn is Christmas morn,
Every day is Jesus born.
(The Ancestral Face, 6)
Only our joy at the birthof Jesus must be the joy experienced
by the Virgin Mother. In 'The Intellectual's Prayer', he stresses the
need for faith; the power of the intellect is not enough:
Grant me to reject
When tired withmuchcause and effect
This pride of intellect
Whichoften shoots too wide.
(The Ancestral Face, 7)
`Judas' symbolizes Jesus Christ as Beauty. It is the sins of men,
whichpierce him to death, whichis a new way of interpreting the
betrayal of Christ by man. The poemspeaks about the final despair of
Judas after the betrayal of Christ:
Judas is swaying in despair
Too Beauty drunk to bear
The Beauty's self betraying
Her Heavenly care.
(The Ancestral Face, 11)
Divine Solitude' establishes a new link between God the creator
and the creative artist. The creative urge is born not out of the 'poet's
joy' or the 'artist's pride' but the artist's loneliness. God would be
miserable if the stars were `unskied'. And therefore, the poet says:
Oh, could you know it - You who bless
The poet's joy, the artist's pride -
You'd know the very stars unskied,
And guess at God's own loneliness.
(The Ancestral Face, 18)
Talking of the relations between man and his Maker, how many of us
think of God as a great servant, humbly dutiful, busy round the clock
to keep the world in order. God has sown the sky withstars, set up
the sunlight, spread green carpets for lawns. These lines echo the
First Book of Moses, commonly called Genesis, whichdescribes how
God created the heavens and the earth.
The poem, The Great Servant', speaks of God as the greatest creator.
Sunsets and dawns are His smiles. He combines in himself the
sweeper, coolie, postman, soldier, shopkeeper and dreaming engineer.
The poemspeaks of God's infinite love for his creatures. He extends
his helping hand and courage when men falter in the darkness of their
lives. He suffers for the sins of men again and again as he did on the
cross. And:
He sends us laughter like the sun
And tears like the cleansing rain;
And when His service seems all done,
He does it over again.
(Me Ancestral Face, 2 8)
Manuel C. Rodrigues describes Armando as a fundamentally
religious poet and a symbolist of profound depths. 12 He considers him
as of the lineage of Shelley, Francis Thompson and other spiritual
masters. For, his is not the cold, ascetic mysticism- all spirit and no
flesh- but a radiant, emotional idealism. Living in a world of man and
things, the poet cannot close his eyes, deaden his senses to the
manifold pleasures Nature offers. But these must be sublimated.
Even sensuality must be spiritualized. And it is here that the poet
cooperates withGod.
2.7. Poetry of exile
To know the reason why the Goan poets like Armando Menezes
wrote poetry of exile we have to understand why they became exiles in
the first place. The main cause of Goan Emigration is, no doubt, due
to economic circumstances; a desire to live a larger life, whichthe
limited resources of the country do not permit and its direction
throughout has been, firstly, towards suchcenters of activities as are
nearer home and then further afield to newly-opened settlements and
young colonies that offered the best possible prospects for
employment. The best elements in a country's population do not
always emigrate and similarly in the case of Goa, the bulk of its
emigration in the early stages of its evolution, consisted mostly of
untrained and ill-equipped lower classes of society. The first move in
the migratory current was towards the neighboring BritishColony of
Bombay. The lackof Englisheducational and technical knowledge was
a serious handicap to them to being admitted to more lucrative
careers. The Goan emigrants who were in reality unmarried males,
took shelter in the village clubor lcudd' as it was called in Konkani
and this clubplayed an important part in their lives.
But as the demand for educated men became insistent, the
wonderful adaptability displayed by Goans stood themin good stead.
The sons of emigrants who could afford to study Englishgradually
drifted in the higher technical and professional careers available to
competent men. There were those frombetter off families in Goa like
Armando Menezes who came to Bombay in searchof higher English
education and became professors in the educational services and
Bombay colleges.
The apparent success of the returned emigrant reflected in the
higher standard of life, the regular flow of remittances in the country
and gave rise to palatial structures in the Goan villages in place of the
old mud tenements. Emigration became the surest pathto economic
and financial freedomand the imagination, specially of the masses,
was tickled to a dangerous degree. Englisheducation was very much
in demand and Englishschools began to mushroomall over Goa. But
the school that rendered the maximum service to educate the Goan
emigrant was the famous Arpora school, founded by that saintly man,
Williams Robert Lyons, alias Fr. Lyons. The history of this school is
the history of the Goan emigration. Armando Menezes had been a
pupil of this school before proceeding to Bombay for his Matriculation. Goveia Melo states that 'the Goan emigrant has always
suffered from an acute megalomania and is obsessed withthe idea
that, as soon as he has succeeded in amassing only a small fortune,
he must return to his homeland than to perpetuate his stay abroad, in
brick and mortar'. 13 He adds further that it is the peculiar
characteristic of Goan emigrants that they are attached to the country
of their birthand seldom, if ever, make up their minds to settle abroad
in spite of the good many inducements that are offered to themto do
so. They do not, therefore, evince more than a passing interest in the
civic and economic life of the country of sojourn. Their great
preoccupation is to be able to spend the evening of their life in the
familiar surroundings of their early childhood'. 14
`The greater and more important part of the history of Goans
during the past century has been a history of emigration', says Prof.
Lucio Rodrigues.
Fromthe land that gave thembirththey have gone forthinto the
wide world. But they have always looked back wistfully. The
memories of home, the yearning to be back once more in the village
where they spent the best part of their youth, have always remained
withthemin their wanderings.
This spiritual love of the home lies deep in the heart of every
Goan, and it is nowhere seen more clearly than in Goan poetry.
Literature has always expressed the soul of the people. Their
thoughts, their feelings, their passions, their hopes, their
achievements, their exultations have found an echo in their literature.
The poet has invariably sung themin immortal verse. And Goan poets
have given a voice to the secret yearning of their people abroad for
Goa. Prof. Lucio Rodrigues further says that they have spent their
youth, the most impressionable period of their lives in Goa'. "They
have breathed", he continues, the pure air of the green countryside.
They have romped about on the native cashew-hills, they have seen
the simple life and labour of the people, they have heard the music of
nature and felt the joy of living. They have seen, heard and felt - and
they have remembered. Their memory is a treasure of old sights,
sounds and affections. And when they sing, reminiscences of what
they have lived and remembered, mellowed and enriched by time,
steal into their verse'.
The sentiment of exile in their poetry is expressed in several ways,
and best expressed when it is spontaneous and almost unconscious.
There are poems where the poets turn their eyes homeward and witha
pathetic longing, sing of their exile fromhome. In these there is no
mistaking the love of the poets for Mother Goa. Often 'then and now'
is the theme, the glory of the past and the sad contrast of today. More
often, it is seen in the choice of a typically Goan subject or in
references to the beauteous forms of nature, the native life withits
customs and superstitions in all its colour and joy. Suchpoems are
full of local colour and the poet re-lives his early experience. But the
best of all, the spirit of exile can be felt as a subtle presence invading
the imagery of the poet so that he unconsciously betrays his spiritual
yearning for home.
Menezes is a poet of exile and his `Commendia Goana' is
veritably a poemof exile. The first of the sonnets describe the scene of
departure, the second wistfully recapitulates lost pleasures, weaves
fancies about themand yearns for them:
How often, wearied withungotten gold.
Have I, 0 Mother, dreamed, and dreaming, sighed
For the pure gold of thy sunsets and the tide
Of golden ricefields when the wind is bold!
(C hords and Discords, 43)
Undoubtedly, it is the exiled Goan dreaming of his native land. In
fact, it is the quintessence of the poetry of exile.
In the third sonnet the 'emigrant' is back again, he is a sadder,
wiser man; he is 'ambition's fool, toil-tossed, life-beaten wreck'. The
ecstasy of the reunion galvanizes himfor a moment and he:
Sees, as if waking froman anguished dream,
The thin, white-ribbon of the palm-girt shore;
Gray fortresses, white churches, hills of jade,
Mandovy rushing withhis yellow stream,
And then, like Venus formthe billows hoar,
Lo! Panjimrises - queen of masquerade.
(C hords and Discords, 44)
This is a sight visible to anyone approaching Goa by steamer from
Bombay. The coastline first, then the forts and churches and green
hills and finally Panjim, the capital of Goa comes into view.
`Night in Goa' is another typical poem of an exile. The Goan
emigrant thinks of the simple folks, festivals and the pouring rains
wistfully and of various things taking place in Goa at night and longs
to be there. Menezes always remembered the beautiful sights in Goa,
its monsoons. All these memories filled him withnostalgia and
longing for his beloved land. Menezes not only reminisces on the
Christmas festival but even the Hindu devotees walking throughfire
as in:
In Sirigaum, withflare of lights and clamour of men,
And fasting fleshpurifying; and then
Feet walking over fire.
(Selected Poems, 182 )
Armando Menezes is a more sophisticated poet than Joseph
Furtado, an earlier poet, althoughbothwrote poetry of exile.
Furtado's poetry is noted for its simplicity of rhyme and diction like
The Goan Fiddler':
A fiddler amI of seventy-three
I go fiddling up and down
Bothcountryside and town
No children nor kithnor kin have I,
Not even a home of my own
I roamin the world alone.
(The Goan Fiddler, 6)
Menezes' thought is more complex and lines in his poems are more
painstakingly expressed. Furtado is basically a poet of exile as
Manuel C. Rodrigues has described himwhereas Menezes' poetry has
a variety of themes.
Like a Herrick, Furtado pipes the same song over and over again.
His heart is also in Goa thoughhe may be living elsewhere:
And I cannot rise, I cannot pray,
For the feast of flowers is drawing near
And my heart is far away.
(The Goan Fiddler, 7)
Menezes' Goa, is his song offering to those ruins gray'. The
poet's fancy takes wings, time revolves backwards and Old Goa re-
lives for a glorious instant. Soon the enchantment fades away and the
poet wakes to realize that he had but 'walked among the dead'. The
poet tells us:
And there were hurryings of a million feet;
And million hands outstretched in hopeless prayer;
And lamentation in the echoing street,
Awe and astonishment, despair and dread.
Then, while the dust of ruin choked the air,
I woke to know I walked among the dead.
(C hords and Discords, 45)
2.8. Mystical Themes in Menezes' Poetry
The last volume of poetry to emerge fromthe poet's pen is Songs
from the Saranas and Other Poems, published in 1971. By this time,
Armando Menezes was an older and more matured poet. His poetry of
this period has simple diction and rhythm but is of a deep kind. He
has had mystical experiences and has at last found his true God. He
was greatly influenced by the Vacanas in Kannada while collaborating
in rendering theminto Englishfor almost a decade. This episode in
his life has proved to be a pilgrimage as it has taken him through
many collections: Sunya Sampadane, Basavanna, Akkamahadevi and
Siddharameshwara. The experiences he has enjoyed while translating
have been recorded here. In the Introduction to the above mentioned
volume, he says that the mystic aspiration may take, among others,
two distinct, thoughnot separate, forms: a desire to know God, or
whatever else He is called - The Ultimate, the Supreme, the Absolute,
the Highest Perfection, and a desire to love Him. The quest - even at
the level of knowledge - is not a purely intellectual one; rather a full
outgoing towards the object. It is an act of perception but also an act
of love, and perception for the sake of love, whichin its turn implies
union. The act of love, it is evident, itself involves an act of surrender,
and so three separate activities of the self are involved: intellect, heart
and will. There is also a corollary to this two-fold desire to know and
to love: a desire for transformation, whichpresupposes a process of
instant or gradual self-purification.
These experiences of mystical life are shared by mystics of all
times, races and creeds. The symbols may vary but sometimes only
slightly. The mystic may be a wanderer, a seeker, a pilgrim. His
journey is a paradox: it is - it has to be - voluntary, but it also fulfils a
destiny. Here is the eternal pair of complementaries - aspiration and
descent, merit and grace. Not only do we yearn towards God, God
may actively, passionately, sometimes painfully call to us. The
Absolute seems to exert a gravitation upon us. It would seem that
man can sometimes resist, but not escape, its pull.
But the mystic may also be the lover: God is the perfect Mate.
The soul is the bride; God is the bridegroom, who alone can slake the
soul's craving for love. 'Let himkiss me, withthe kisses of his mouth',
says St. Bernard, using the bold imagery of the Song of Songs; and the
imagery has, as will be seen, analogues in the Sarana poetry included
in the volume. But the Bridegroomwho is sought also seeks for man's
love; he is dying, sometimes literally, to chase and capture us. This
pursuing Divine love has been figured, in the West, as a mild dove or a
fierce hound; or God has been conceived as a stranger knocking at
your door at night, wanting to be admitted, his feet tired and travel
sore. In Francis Thompson, the Divine feet are untired and all
conquering. Sometimes, too, as Teresa of Avila says in her 'Interior
Castle', the door need not be opened. The God that seeks you from
outside is already inside you.
The notion of the relation between God and Man as a sort of
business, or legal relation of give and take, of merit and reward,
failure and retribution, has vitiated all the religious concepts. It is
throughthe intuition and the experience of the mystics and saints
that we know it to be a relation of love. It is love that wipes out the
difference between the infinite and the infinitesimal finite; between
God's mercy and the 'merest worm'. The grace of God is as infinite as
The poet says that he has called the pieces collected in this
volume, Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems. The 'other poems'
are not a mere appendage or an after thought. These and the others
together, and only together, express the book's clear purpose: whichis
to show that similar, nay, identical experiences, obtain everywhere
and at all times, and often employ identical imagery for the expression
of the inexpressible. It is the unity of religious experience that is the
real intention of the book.
The Saranas, by their very name, suggest one of the primary
conditions of holiness: surrender; and in the Vacanas of Basava and
Akkamahadevi we have an ecstasy of surrender and acceptance, of
tremulous expectance and thrilled consummation whichconstitutes
the height of mystical experience and inevitably expresses itself in
supreme poetry. According to Armando Menezes, the Great Secret is,
not where scholars worry their glosses or scientists send rockets to
the moon, but where the poor in spirit, the utterly surrendered,
passionately seek after perfection with'no other light/ Except for that
whichin my heart is burning.'
Francis A. Menezes comments: "It is no accident then that in
recent years Armando Menezes has turned to the mystic poets,
translating works fromthe East and the West in the knowledge that
true communion withthe Divine, after a point, knows no religious
barriers. A truththat has been recently accepted by the new Church
as the basis of ecumenism.1- 8
Of the 66 poems included in this volume, majority of the poems
have themes, whichare influenced by Basava's Vacanas,
Akkamahadevi's Vacanas and Siddharama's Vacanas. Rest of the
poems manifest the knowledge of Christian scriptures and the lives of
the saints. Thanks' is a poem that expresses the poet's gratitude to
God because the poet:
`has thirsted and have found a spring'
`has been blind and seen the light'
(Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems, 1)
The poet feels self-sufficient in the fullness of God's love. Poems
like 'Hypocrisy', 'Frustration', 'Without Love', 'Devotion', 'Grace' and
`Aspiration' express the poet's longing for the divine love and the
emptiness within if the Lord is not present. God cannot live in the
heart or the soul of a sinner, reiterates another poem: 'Absence of
God'. In took my way, 0 Lord! ' the poet requests God to turn his
eyes towards the poet
`So that the sea of joy
May Wave upon wave, swell in me.'
(Songs -, 34)
On the other hand, Menezes' Christian experience and
knowledge of the lives of the saints is manifested in poems like 'Test',
Toy', 'Aikya"Choice', 'Imitation of Christ', The Linnet and the
Canary' and 'Theresa of Lisieux'. These poems deal withthe life of the
Christian saint, Theresa of the Child Jesus, also known as Theresa of
Lisieux, who lived between 1873 and 1897. Theresa had surrendered
herself totally to God's wishand she would speak to God and feel his
presence everywhere. 'In Imitation of Christ', Theresa confesses:
` A humming
Come fromafar I hear
That tells me that my Groomis coming'.
(Songs -, 44)
Armando's Pater Noster', consists of the variations on the 'Our
Father', a popular Christian prayer. According to him, the word 'Our
Father' actually means 'ours', not mine alone and thoughwe seek Him
in heaven, he actually dwells in the purest of hearts. The poem is
divided into seven parts, eachpart has comments in verse on each
line of the prayer, 'Our Father'. Every line of the poem expresses
Menezes' deep faithin God the Father. For the poet every human
being is his brother when he says:
Our Father. . . In this little phrase
I can embrace
The untold myriads of the human race.
(Songs -, 50)
Other poems have themes from other Christian saints and
mystics like Theresa of Avila (1515 - 1582 ) and Saint Catherine of
Sienna (1347- 1380) . There is only one poembased on the life of St.
Rose of Lima. Themes from St. John of the Cross appear in two
poems: 'Butterfly' and 'Sitter'. Most of these poems have similarity in
thought and expression and appear to be the Christian equivalents of
the Vacanos. In the poem, The Kitchen', Theresa of Avila says:
God can be found
Among the pots and pans.
(Songs -, 60)
She is convinced that God is everywhere even among the lowest and
humblest of his creatures.
Another poem, Theresa of Liseux' describes the life of Saint
Theresa in simple verse. For the saint:
The Lord was in her thoughts the live long day
But when she slept at night, her dreams were gay,
Not by God's glory and celestial powers,
But gay withwoods and brooks and seas and flowers.
(Songs -, 63)
The poem'Catherine of Sienna, relates how Catherine for the
love of God, 'drank a leper's pus/ And took a convict in her arms'.
The Saint loved the Lord greatly and had a strong will power to do
anything for the sake of this great love. And hence,
She told the priests, and popes above,
They should behave and thus and thus.
She put her foot down and she prayed:
They fumed and fretted, but obeyed.
(Songs -, 64)
The last poem in this volume is `Mirabai' and has two songs.
Mirabai was a hindu devotee of Lord Krishna (15thcentury) , who says
to the Lord thus:
0 mountain-mover, mighty Lord
Be not so distant, come to me!
Crushme, or stabme withThy sword.
(Songs -, 65)
Thus we see that the volume, Songs from the Saranac and Other
Poems, consists of the poet's deep religious commitment. As a
Christian he had a strong faithin Christianity and its beliefs and
traditions but as a scholar and poet he had imbibed the best of the
hindu scriptures. All this is reflected in his poetry, specially his later
2 .9.
Miss Tehmi Masalawala says that "almost every poem in
Armando Menezes' C haos and Dancing Star is a little gem; sometimes
a glittering diamond, its facets reflecting the colour of life; sometimes
a glowing pearl, less sparkling perhaps and less polished, but closer
yet to pulsing, breathing life, and full of silent dynamism.
In his introduction to Selected Poems, published in 1969,
Armando Menezes declares that the poems included in the volume
were written over a period of forty years and more. In this volume he
has drawn heavily upon the published volumes -C hords and Discords,
C haos and Dancing Star and The Ancestral Face, but added a few new
pieces. According to him this new volume was brought out mainly
because hardly any copies of the earlier collections seemed to survive
and there was a demand for them from various quarters to include
themin anthologies and other selections and also for being translated
into other languages. For him, these poems "happen to be a memorial
of a certain kind of sensibility, certainly composite, perhaps complex,
which, in its instinctive searchfor simplicity, for harmony, for
survival, has stumbled upon some kind of beauty, and in that
process, at heightened levels, a momentary peace." 17
In the words of K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, " Armando Menezes
has no use for blandishments and shock-tactics of "modernist" poets;
he rightly feels that 'poetry is modern enoughif it is just poetry'; he
lays down the wise dictum that the pain of a pariahtoday does not
differ, qualitatively, from the pain of Prometheus'; and hence the
poetry of Menezes is severely traditional and is 'new' only because it
comes witha new note. The rhythms and the words are the same but
nonetheless the utterance is distinctively that of a twentieth-century
cultured Goan. like his own Poet', Armando Menezes sings 'sitting
alone upon the ruined heap' of this world, and we just overhear him
and effect an intimate exchange of pulses that increases our
awareness of himand ourselves as well."
We may thus conclude that the poetry of Armando Menezes
passed throughthe various phases that marked the Indian English
poetry of the pre-Independence and the post-Independence eras as
mentioned in the earlier part of this chapter.
Beginning to write in the 2 0thcentury, Armando Menezes
imitated the Romantic and Victorian manner of the Indian English
poets. In the second quarter of the 2 0thcentury, some of the poets
had changed over to modernistic techniques. However, Menezes
continued writing romantic poetry althoughwitha new choice of
Armando Menezes, like other poets, also came under the influence
of the Indian freedommovement. This led to an outburst of poetry on
nationalistic themes voicing the aspirations, joys and sorrows of the
Indian people.
Menezes was also a Nature poet. He loved Nature, Man and
expressed his passionate love for all things of Nature. Althoughhe
explored Nature, Love and Man, and the human heritage, he also
expressed metaphysical thoughts like the other Indian Englishpoets
of the age.
The post-Independence phase brought a new turn into the poems
of Armando Menezes. He began writing poems of disillusionment and
disappointment because the era of hope had ended witha new age of
power games. He asserted his national identity throughhis poems.
Menezes, on account of his profession, had to live by compulsion
in various states of India thoughhe loved Goa and had his heart in
Goa. He could not forget the happy memories of his childhood days.
This love for Goa and the nostalgia for the peace and beauty of Goa,
led him to indulge in poetry of exile, expressing his feelings of
alienation and loss. His alienation was also because of his status as
an educationist, whichprompted his countrymen to keep aloof.
In the final phase of his life, Menezes turned to religious and
mystical poetry. This was on account of his involvement in the
translations of Kannada religious scriptures into English. His
Christian faithand upbringing came face to face withthe reality of a
non-Christian faith. He came to realize that God is one, whether
Hindu or Christian. Most of his poems included in The Songs from the
Saranas and Other Poems, are a testimony of this kind of poetry. Here
we have a poet who faced no conflict of conscience in spite of his
Judo-Christian tradition and the other traditions withwhichhe came
face to face in his life.
12 0
1. M.K. Naik. ed. The Achievement of Indian Poetry',
Perspectives on Indian Poetry in English (New Delhi:
Abhinav Publications, 1984) , 2 08.
2 . V.K.Gokak. ed. The Golden 7'reasury of Indo-Anglian Poetry
1825 - 1965 (New Delhi: Sahitya Academy, 1986) , 19.
3. V.K. Gokak, 2 6.
4. Armando Menezes, Initiating Ceremony: an Introduction to
The Ancestral Face (Dharwar: Jai Hind Art Press, 1951,
5. Edward Aloysius Pires, Silence Sings, Preface by Armando
Menezes (Bombay: Padwal and Co. Printers, 1931) , 5.
6. Armando Menezes, Introduction to Selected Poems
(Hubli: Samyukta Karnataka Press, 1959, iv) .
7. Armando Menezes, Selected Poems, iv.
8. K.R,S. Iyengar, Indo-Anglian Literature (Bombay: The P.E.N. All
India Centre, 1943) , 30.
9. W.W.Bhasker, 'Armando Menezes: The Writer'. 65th Birthday
C elebrations Souvenir of Armando Menezes (Hubli: Samyukta
KarnatakPress, March1968) , 49.
10. Manuel C. Rodrigues, 'Armando Menezes: The Lyrist,
A fundamentally religious poet' The Goan World, Bombay,
Jan. 1939, 31.
12 1
11. Manuel C. Rodrigues, 31.
12 . Manuel C. Rodrigues, 32 .
13. C. de Goveia Melo, The Goan Emigration' The Goan World,
Bombay, March1936, 13.
14. C. de Goveia Melo, 14.
15. Lucio Rodrigues, The Spirit of Exile in Goan Poetry'
The Goan World, Bombay, Dec. 1939, 34.
16. Tehmi Masalawalla, 'Chaos and Dancing Star'
The Goan World, Bombay, Dec. 1940, 32 .
17. Armando Menezes, 'Introduction': Selected Poems
(Dharwar: Samyukta KarnatakPress, 1969) , 4.
18. Francis A. Menezes, 'My Father - Knight of Saint Gregory',
The C radle of My Dreams, Selected Writings of Armando
Menezes, 1902 -1983 ed. Louis Menezes and Ignatius
Menezes. (Chennai: Ind-compress, 2 002 ) , 2 32 .
12 2
Critical Writings
3. Critical Writings
There was hardly any literary criticismin the forties and fifties
when Armando Menezes and his contemporaries began writing literary
pieces. According to K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar, there is very little
criticism by Indo-Anglians, because it is harder to be a critic of a
foreign literature than to produce original work in a foreign language.
Therefore, literary criticism produced by Indo-Anglians is almost
inescapably derivative and imitative.i. Hence, althoughthere may be
plenty of derivative criticism, there are very few writers who display
direct, strong and personal thinking. Among these are a few Indian
Englishprofessors like Armando Menezes who tried to express the
Indian sensibility and have given us some interesting studies and
essays on Criticism.
The first criticism to come from Armando Menezes was his
appreciation of Indo-Portuguese and Indian Englishpoetry in the
essay entitled 'A Peep at Our Parnassus', published, in The Goan World
in the thirties. He says that Goan poetry has been written in four or
five languages. Of these, Marathi and Konkani are native languages.
Konkani poetry, especially in the formof the Mando, has been so far
12 3
the only extensively successful vehicle for the spontaneous overflow of
powerful feelings.
3.1. On Portuguese Writings
There are a number of poets who have expressed themselves in
Portuguese and some of them of respectable stature. Some of the
names he mentions are Soares Rebello, Leopoldo da Costa, Trajano da
Costa, Leandro Pereira, J.J. Fragoso, J.F.Vaz, J.F. Soares, F. Aila,
Barreto Miranda and Sanches Fernandes. The first two, although
natives of Goa, their poetry like their souls belonged to Portugal and
their workbelongs no more to Goan Literature than Kipling's to Indian
or Conrad's to Polish. But the poets he praises are Mariano Gracias,
Floriano Barreto, Paulin Dias and Nascimento Mendonca.
Mariano Gracias, according to Menezes, thougha Goan by blood
as well as birth, carries within hima divided soul, as he carries also a
broken heart. The land of his birthhas to share his affections with
the land of his adoption, and the better share is dedicated to the
latter. In the early deathof Floriano Barreto, Goan Literature, and
specially Goan poetry, lost perhaps its greatest hope. For the poetry
of Floriano Barreto accepts all that has set Goa apart fromthe rest of
India - its mixed customs, its peaceful landscape, the heroic epopee of
its conquest, the splendor of its old capital and its Christianity.
12 4
Menezes says that he is a Goan first, then Indian. Yet, sometimes his
eye travels over the vaster India, to mark the religious fanaticismof
the Hindu mother before the car of Juggernath, or the Parsee bowed
down in rapt adoration before the rising sun. 2
According to Menezes, Floriano Barreto has sung of the coconut
tree scratched against the blue heaven of his motherland, he has
described the bucolic sights and sounds and the profound peace of
the village; he has breathed a soft prayer to the Virgin, whose shrine
crowns the hill of his native town. The Muse of Floriano Barreto
responds to all the influences of his environment. His lyre strikes
music fromall the manifestations of life - science, art, religion. Three
notes of his poetry must strike even the casual reader: its universality,
its sense of moral values, and its melancholy. What he calls his
pessimism is nothing worse than the sadness of a young sensitive
poet, who has felt the dreams of his boyhood crumble into dust
around him at the first touchof experience. 3 The experience of the
poet as an adult prompt himto write suchpoetry as he has written.
Menezes reserves special praise for poet Nascimento Mendonca.
He says, for the poet, Life itself is an illusion - Maya. Beauty is the
only reality - and Love. As he was sensible of the beauty of Pain, he
realized also the tormenting pain of Beauty. Only true poets,
12 5
according to Menezes, know how imperious and relentless is the call
of Beauty. Nascimento Mendonca has dreamed a Golden Dreamand
dares all Pain for its sake. The poetic harvest of Nascimento
Mendonca is abundant and various. He has written many books. Yet,
his work is one. His strong temperament and original outlook stamp
themselves early in his writings. As poet of the Orient, the soul of the
East broods over Nascimento Mendonca. He has described himself as
a "happy bohemian", and "twin-brother of the rivers." There is in him
the artlessness of bohemians and rivers, and also their freedom, and
perhaps, their sensitiveness to colour. 4
Most of his poems are on natural beauty of Goa, its countryside,
its people and their culture. He expresses his love for Goa throughhis
poems on the natural beauty of Goa.
3.2. Goa n Poe tryin En glish
After discussing the Goan poets in Portuguese, Menezes now
turns to Goan poetry in English. The poet he picks up is Joseph
Furtado, whom he calls the poet of Emigration. He finds the
sentiment of exile in his poetry. According to Menezes, the substance
of his poetry is suchstuff as makes all that is most characteristic in
the country he loves so well, all that is deepest and most abiding in
the immortal heart of man. The Lays of Goa may be lays for Goa. But
12 6
The Goan Fiddler is the fiddler of humanity. And The Exile carries
across the Ghats:
The pangs of all the partings gone,
And the partings yet to be.
(The Exile, 9)
According to Menezes, the simplicity of Furtado's poems is a
marvel, and not the least of its charms. The poet of The Desterrado
sings because he must sing, and sings of Goa because he must sing of
Goa. There is no deliberate attempt to be local or representative. Yet,
when he sings of our birds and trees, of the 'padre' and the beata',
Menezes says, we recognize more than the power of evocation.
Menezes compares Furtado to Wordsworthin his attitude to
Nature and the simple things of life. But he is even more like himin
his bitter sense of "what man has made of man." For there runs a
little recognized strain of bitterness and of irony throughhis poetry:
bitterness at the inhumanity of man; irony at the strange behaviour of
the gods.5
Poet of nature, Furtado is also the poet of childhood. Sometimes
one almost gets the feeling that The Exile is less the man who has
gone out of his motherland, than the man who has grown out of his
12 7
childhood years. His poetic vision is so freshbecause it is the vision
of a child. If he attains simplicity in his poems, it is because he has
reached the artlessness of his childhood. 6 He has described himself in
a marvelous poemas
An untaught poet
Of trees and birds,
Whomno man knoweth.
And, wanting words,
But dreams and sings
Of simple things.
Menezes' study of Goan poetry is confined only to the Poems of
JosephFurtado, who was the first Goan poet to write poetry in
Englishin Bombay. Menezes must have found similiarity in thought
and emotion in Furtado's poetry akin to his own thoughthe style and
technique differ. Bothwere Goans ad exiles living in BritishIndia, who
had abundant love for their native land.
3.3. Menezes on Os Brahamanes of Francisco Luis Gomes
In May 192 9, Armando Menezes wrote his famous treatise in
The Goan World on the famous Goan economist, political thinker and
novelist of the Os Brahamanes fame, Francisco Luis Gomes, entitled
`Francisco Luis Gomes: The Novelist'. According to Menezes,
12 8
Francisco Luis Gomes wrote Os Brahamanes at a time when the
ethical romanticismof the nineteenthcentury was firmly established,
thoughit had already suffered violent onsets from the aesthetic
realism of Gautier and his school. Lamartine and Victor Hugo, to
mention only the chief, still swayed the sensibilities of the budding
litterateur of most Latin countries. Liberalism in various forms
dominated Portuguese literature. But what is more important is to
note that before 1866 (the year of the publication of Os Brahamanes)
there had been no great Portuguese novel in Portugal witha clear
liberal message, thoughthe new poetry was seething withit, and the
theatre was a mirror of the political preoccupations of the society, and
nearly every drama an apologia of liberalism. It was a year later that
Zola in France published his Therese Roquin and eight years later
there appeared in Portugal, 0 C rime do Padre Amaro. The genius of
Francisco Luis Gomes remained, in the midst of this welter,
unswervingly loyal to the earlier masters. The author of Os
Brahamanes, shares withVictor Hugo the propensity to hasty
generalization and careless analogy, whichare too often the nemesis
of an epigrammatic style. But it is also from him chiefly that
Francisco Luis Gomes inherited the hatred for tyranny in all shapes
and places.?
12 9
According to Menezes it is liberalismin its broadest and most
practical scope that is the inspiring motive of Os Brahamanes. To its
creator it was confessedly its only raison d' etre. Gomes says in the
novel that it is necessary that the principles of liberty, equality and
fraternity, eternal in their duration, be universal in their application;
that being realized in institutions, laws and customs, they spread over
the surface of the globe, and filter down to its lowest strata. Only then
shall the regeneration of man be accomplished. 8
Menezes reiterates that the novel was the work of a doctrinaire
and reformer who seeks to make his gospel heard by masking it as a
novel. Os Brahamanes was to Gomes journalismin gorgeous disguise,
but still journalism. It is journalism exalted into literature and
consecrated by art.
Menezes says that the thesis of the novel is the injustice of class
distinctions and the triumphof charity over passion, the plot, the
common plot of the roman passionel. He then analyses the plot and
the characters in the story in detail.
Menezes further emphasizes that the liberalismof Francisco
Luis Gomes was the liberalism, whichEurope and America had
inherited fromthe precursors and apostles of the FrenchRevolution.
But it was a great deal more. It was a liberalism profoundly
permeated by Christianity. The author of Os Brahamanes saw in
Christianity not the earnest dogmatism and world theocracy of De
Maistre, but the religion, par excellence, of charity.
Natural curiosity makes Menezes to enquire why it was that
Francisco Luis Gomes placed his novel in Oudh, Northern India. He
was trying to expose the absurdity and cruelty of caste but he did not
go to the land of his birth, Goa, but chose a Hindu Brahmin in conflict
withAnglo-Indian society. Perhaps, it was because, he says, in the
Portuguese colonies there was not that deep gulf between "the
conquerors and the conquered, whichexisted in Britishterritories
withserious prejudice not only to civilization, but also to the British
domination." 9
It thus became clear to Menezes that the central theme of the
novel is not the conflict of castes in the specific Hindu sense, but the
struggle between races and colours. According to Francisco Luis
Gomes, all social tyranny and exclusiveness is Brahminism. Menezes
concludes that all political oppression and exploitation is Brahminism,
too. In pursuance of this plan to proclaima universal social message,
the author of Os Brahamanes weaves withunequal art into his novel a
large number of themes whichfilled his mind at that time. We have
here an exposition of nearly the whole of the liberal programme: the
liberal viewpoint on monasticism, the liberal theory of the relations
that ought to exist between Churchand State, the liberal protest
against slavery and slave-trade, and, as his liberalism warms into
humanitarian idealism, the indignant remonstrance against
distinctions of caste and colour.
3.4 . Menezes' views on poetry
Menezes' own views on poets and poetry are expressed in the
Prefaces and Introduction to every volume of poetry that he published.
These views sumup his own conception of poetry and what it must
be. In a way, it can be concluded that he lets us know indirectly that
he adheres to these ideas in the poetry that he wrote.
In the Proemto C hords and Discords (1939) , he says that poetry
is 'enchanted discovery'. There flow 'underneaththe rippling
movement of our lives', 'deep-sea rhythms'. These Bach-like chords'
are discovered by poetry. He describes further what is modern poetry.
According to him, it is 'ancient poetry written by moderns', yesterday
and today are the shadows. It is poetry that is the substance and
therefore, ' poetry is modern enough, if it is just poetry'. He defends
the rhythms and metre as essential to it.
In his prelude to Chaos and Dancing Star (1940) , Menezes speaks
of his personal experiences in writing poetry. He says that the poet
publishes his poems and his poems publishhim. Publication is the
poet's last act of humility, as creation is his first. The poet, according
to him, in the first instance is concerned withhis own thoughts and
feelings. He has only his own experiences to go by. To be false to that
is to be false to Truthand to the divine spirit of poetry in him.
Therefore, he must earnestly endeavour to enlarge and deepen his
experience. Experience is never simple, thoughthe poet simplifies it
for literary convenience.
Menezes further tells us that thought and emotion is
ceaselessly, and often simultaneously, climbing up and down our
consciousness. Passion and calm, faithand doubt, pride and
humility, tears and laughter are ever counter pointing eachother
within us. It is necessary that poetry should be made of that too. The
poet should not forsake his older function of seeing, in his lust for
making. Before the image he moulds comes the image he reflects.
For, to see clearly, is the beginning of all creation. The poet mirrors
everything. Within the narrow frame of his glass he catches the
multitudinous universe of sense. But throughall this he catches his
own reflection. Man is a mirror that mirrors itself. Poetry or rhetoric,
romantic or modernist, optimist or pessimist, East or West, nothing
matters to the Mirror. 10
In his 'Initiating Ceremony', whichis an introduction to his
Ancestral Face (1951) , Menezes says that poetry is the golden
pilgrimage. It is always romantic in that it is always an adventure, a
series of enchanted discoveries. Poetry, even when it does not make a
poem, makes the poet. Or unmakes him, when he is whoring after
strange gods. The freedomof the poet is the freedomof a train. He
must accept the prosody of the rails. As regards metre, he says that
there is a metre deeper than the audible, to whichthe poet must
submit. No vers-librist' can escape that metre, and the history of
muchfree verse is a fearful warning. This could be regarded as
Menezes' defense of the use of metre in poetry.
In his Introduction to Selected Poems (1969) , Armando Menezes
says that he has no personal theory of poetry, at any rate, none to fit -
and justify - his own. Whatever he has written, was as the spirit
moved him, without thought of school or fashion. His idea of tradition
does not exclude change, nor does his idea of change exclude
tradition. Other people's so called modern verse does not deter
Menezes frompublishing his own poetry because according to himhe
is well-rooted in tradition and too well-read in literary history to be
daunted by other people's experiments in free verse. 11
In his Introduction to Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems
(1971) , Menezes speaks about the problems of translation. He says
that there are many approaches to the problemof translation. One is
to fit words together in the order, or at least in the manner, of the
original, and, having achieved the verbal structure, let the sense take
care of itself. Another is for the translator to project himself, using the
original as a springboard, withthe least regard for the formor content
of the original. Still another is to give a literal rendering, whichmay
prove to be at once meaningless and unreadable. Many translators
aimat the pure substance, the essential sense, of the thing and let the
words look after themselves. But words in literature have symbolic as
well as intrinsic value and if one reverently hugs and strokes the
words, one has a better chance of unveiling the original.
Poetry, therefore, for Menezes, is a product of his own
experiences. The poet cannot be false to his own experiences, as it
would mean he is false to truth. It is a romantic adventure, a journey
the poet undertakes for his own pleasure and whichfinally enriches
him. The poet looks as if througha mirror and sees his own
reflection. His act of creation does not end withthe poembut it also
makes the poet. The poet writes as the spirit moves him. He is not
muchin favour of free verse because poetry, according to him, must
have a metre. Menezes is also not in favour of literal translations. For
hima translator must aimat the pure substance.
3.5. Menezes' Critical Views expressed in Lighter than Air and
Airy Nothings
Armando Menezes expressed his critical views for a number of
years over A.I.R, Dharwar. All these talks and essays were compiled
and then published into two volumes as Lighter than Air in 1959 and
then as Airy Nothings in 1977. The talks deal withindividual writers,
literary forms and movements, and theories and principles of literary
criticism. Withhis discerning critical acumen he brings a new point
of view to everything. 1 3
These essays were milestones during the whole life journey of the
poet of delightful explorations in the realmof literature. According to
S.K.Dessai, the obvious things that strike you as you read through
Prof. Menezes' critical essays are, among other things, (a) his profound
(Arnoldian and Leavisian) faithin the supreme significance of literary
culture in the context of our 'bad, sad, mad world', (b) his exceptional
artistic sensibility, fully responsive to literature, particularly to poetry,
(c) his wide-ranging scholarship whichhelps himto make quick and
surprising relationships in terms of parallels and contrasts, and (d)
his delightful critical style full of scintillating wit, unexpected
antithesis and telling imagery, without straying a bit from his
essentially dialectical formof reasoning.
3.5.1. Views expressed in Lighter Than Air
In a Foreword to Lighter Than Air, Menezes admits that the
talks "represent a part of the mind whichgoes throughmany years of
teaching, in contrast withbooks and in constant discussion with
colleagues and students." 15 Hence the pieces written here are in the
formof a classroomdiscussion.
AlthoughMenezes' views on poetry have been discussed earlier,
these views are exclusively expressed in Lighter Than Air.
3.5.2. On Conventions in Poetry
Now, let us consider some of the views expressed by the poet
on 'Conventions in Poetry, Poetry as Prophecy and Poetry as
Philosophy'. According to Menezes, poetry itself is a convention.
Poetry is not natural. It does not flow as freely as the song of the
linnet; it does not grow as spontaneously as leaves do on the trees. It
is a carefully contrived artifact. Its emotions are the product of a
highly unnatural state of mind. Its imagery roams all over the world
and beyond, to say the simplest thing. It looks at a thing, at a very
plain and known thing, and behaves towards it as if it was something
quite different. It looks at the merest flower and is reminded of the
one-eyed Cyclops or a cloistered nun; and, of course, the other way
round too. It listens to a common bird and, instead of carefully
recording its notes, dreams of Italian vintages and heartsick gleaners,
or of highborn maidens in palace towers.
He states further that Rhythmis another great accompaniment
of poetry, and it follows fromits emotional content. When the rhythm
is deliberately ordered into metre, another convention in poetry is set
up. Whatever the sources of the delight we get frommetre, the thing
itself is highly artificial. One falls rarely into metre in ordinary
speech. Once, it was decided that rhyme was not an essential of
poetry and might even be an impediment, the attack was opened on
metre itself. First blank verse, and then free verse. In the last
hundred years or so, poets have tried to strip poetry of its artifice.
They have pulled out every one of its feathers until poetry has been
left as simple, and as unattractive, as a plucked fowl in the hands of a
chef. They have tried to lay it bone-bare and to make the bones sing;
they merely rattle. They have put blank verse for rhyme and have put
symbols for the old images. But they have not made poetry more
natural or more simple.
A convention means that people have come together to agree to
something: some common way of living or living together or just living
and letting live. Convention in poetry is a conspiracy between the
writer and the reader. The vitality of convention in poetry can be
illustrated fromthe number of epic features whichhave survived in
epic from the days of Homer; or from the persistence, say, of the
pastoral convention in elegy.
He asserts further that the most popular convention in present
times is the convention that must not appear conventional. The new
writers think that they must break withtradition at all costs - even at
the cost of poetry. They must strip, they think, poetry of all clothes
except the invisible clothes of the credulous king. It would seemthat
a sort of nudism, in art as in life, is the newest fashion. Off withall
clothes, the latest cry!
Right and wrong use of the conventions is, therefore, one
measure of poetic talent. To the real poet, a convention is a natural
language, and may actually lend wings to his message; to the
poetaster, a convention is all there is to poetry: a ready-made
decoration which, like wall-paper, may create an illusion of beauty,
thoughthe mind behind it is as blank and as insensitive as a wal1. 16
Hence, according to Menezes, convention is very important to
every poet. He cannot break away from convention completely
howsoever he may try just as he cannot break away from the
3.5.3. On Poetry as Prophecy
In his essay on 'Poetry as Prophecy', Menezes says that though
the belief in the prophetic power of the poet was as simple as it was
genuine, that is not the sense in whichpoetry is here claimed to be
prophecy. The word inspiration itself has two distinct orthodox
senses. A man is said to be inspired when he is the direct instrument
of a divine message. The Hebrew prophets claimed to be inspired in
this strict sense. It is God that is the supreme Poet, whose delight it
is to see His creation throughthe human poet's eyes.
Poetry and prophecy, according to him, therefore, have this in
common: that they abjure the claimto reason, that they are supposed
to proceed froma non-rational source. The experience of poets would
show that this is substantially true; that the composition of poetry
proceeds by virtue of a force whichliterally possesses the poet and
uses him, perhaps not as a passive, but certainly as a helpless, often
an unwilling, instrument.
Bothpoetry and prophecy are alike symbolic: in the sense that
neither is concerned primarily withthe material aspect of existence,
but withreality whichis of these but also beyond these, concerned
withtheir truthand not only withthe facts that seem to constitute
them. Poetry is the word made fleshand it could be said in the words
of Francis Thompson, 0 world invisible, I view thee! 0 world
intangible, I touchthee! ' He adds that while picklock reason is still a-
fumbling at the words, imagination is well inside the chamber of
mystery, and is ready to body forththe formof things unknown. 17
It is throughthis peculiar way of apprehending and
communicating reality that poetry assumes the role of prophecy.
Poetry fulfills the prophetic character in various ways. One is the way
of Song of Songs, or of many of Blake's 'prophetic' poems. Another is
the way of the great epic poets, who, while symbolizing some
important aspect of the contemporary consciousness, chart out a
spiritual map for the ages to come. Still, another way is the way of the
Utopian visionary, who will see the redemption of fallen man in
freedomor beauty or love, like the younger Romantics or in a complete
surrender to Nature, like Rousseau or Wordsworthor D.H.Lawrence.
The plays of Shakespeare abound in prophecy. Hamlet has meant
more to succeeding generations than to the contemporaries of
Shakespeare or to Shakespeare himself. T.S.Eliot is supposed to have
caught in his poetry the mood of Europe after the World War I.
Menezes concludes by saying that poetry is indeed the best and rarest
thoughts of the rarest and best minds. 18
The poet has a peculiar way in whichhe understands what is
reality and then attempts to communicate it. In this way the poet
fulfills the prophetic character of poetry in various ways. The thought,
whichhe conveys to us, creates ripples in our consciousness and
spreads in all directions.
3.5.4 . On Poetry and Philosophy
In another essay ' Poetry and Philosophy", Menezes compares
poetry to philosophy. He says that the aimof poetry is the same as
Philosophy's, to understand and interpret the world and the life of
man, here and beyond. But, while to Philosophy, this understanding
comes froma carefully reasoned process of observation, analysis and
synthesis, to Poetry it comes from a flashof exciting personal
experience. While the philosopher gives us his conclusions, the poet
tells us just what he has felt; for feeling is fundamental to Poetry,
whatever else is or is not. And yet, there is muchcommon ground,
even substantial identity, between their aims.
Menezes tells us that Shelley begins withdemarcating the several
spheres of Poetry, Science and Philosophy; but the burden of his
argument is based on the moral power of the imagination. The
imagination is, to Shelley, the poet's differentia; but imagination, he
affirms, is an organ of the moral faculty; and Poetry subserves the
effect by acting upon the cause. By purifying imagination, Poetry
strengthens the will, while at the same time placing before us worthy
objects of desire.
The poet's prejudice against the philosopher is not so
fundamental; and it could not be, for the poet feels a natural kinship
withthe philosopher. Wordsworthcould never have meant the real
philosopher; for, in one of his prefaces, he declares that a great poet
must also be a philosopher. On the other hand, there have been
philosophers who have used the mediumof verse for the exposition of
their doctrines. This is true of most ancient philosophers, of both
East and West.
Philosophy, he continues, is evidently concerned withideas. So
is poetry. Hegel calls Poetry the realm of aesthetic ideas. The
philosopher's quest is indeed for the forms of things unknown; but he
cannot body them forth; they remain airy nothings, or almost that,
without a local habitation and a name. While the philosopher isolates
the idea fromthe sumof his facts and sees the idea naked and pure,
the poet merely sees it as underlying a concrete experience.
Philosophy and Poetry are bothconcerned withuniversals. Philosophy
rises to the universal while in poetry there is descent. Poetry is the
incarnation; the avatar; the Word made flesh. 19
Menezes further states that Philosophy has been described as
the kingdomof ends. Poetry is not averse to ends; it is quite at home
withthe ultimate, whichcome to poetry without the poet going in
searchof them. To the poet, the end is in the here and now. Poetry
would rather hold Infinity in the palmof her hand and Eternity in an
Menezes mentions that there is a common misconception about
the relative aims of Poetry and Philosophy. It is said that Philosophy
aims at truth, while Poetry aims at beauty. This is not so. Both
Poetry and Philosophy equally aim at truth, thoughthey aim at
different aspects, perhaps at different kinds of it. While Philosophy
states value, the poet sees it, grasps it.
In conclusion, Menezes says that boththe poet and philosopher
see the real and the ideal throughtheir own perspective. Bothare
right, eachin his own way, as bothaim at different aspects of the
3.5.5. On Harindranath Chattopadhyaya
In separate critical essays, Menezes discusses two Indian
poets: HarindranathChattopadhyaya and Sarojini Naidu.
HarindranathChattopadhyaya, whose poetic career lasted over forty
years, wrote real Indian poetry in English. He wrote Englishwith
suchfluency and yet without servility, witha power and mastery that
showed India was conquering England. Opinion over the merit of his
poetic achievement was sharply divided. There were people who regard
him as a great poet and others who look upon him as a mere
charlatan. His amazing versatility is not the aspect of Harin's genius.
One is his extraordinary precocity. At nineteen or perhaps earlier, he
was writing poetry of the order and quality whichfew born poets hope
to achieve at forty. Another is, at fifty he was still writing the same
sort of poetry.
Menezes further says that H.C. has had a restless temperament,
ever breaking out into desperate efforts at discipline. Endowed with
more than the normal share of the poet's sensibility, he was quick to
respond to influences, emotional, mystical, political, whichoften
confound and perplex himas man of integrity and a poet. His mind's
mirror is often a rippling river than a quiet lake; it blurs even as it
reflects, and rushes on incessantly to no one knows what secret sea.
What Francis Thompson called the predestined curse of verse was
upon him.
Harin's work is voluminous as well as varied, Menezes adds. His
earliest book, The Feast of Youth, marks him as a real poet, bothin
promise and performance. His second, The C oloured Garden, is,
however, inferior in content as well as form. Then followed in quick
succession, slim volumes of plays as well as poems, some of them
withsignificant titles like Perfume of Earth and The Magic Tree.
There was a period in Harin's life, as Menezes continues, when all
the movements of his spirit found a still center. In the poems
included in his C rossroads, he is crossing out of pain and spiritual
travail into a yet undefined repose. Upon reaching Pondicherry, Harin
appeared to be pouring himself out into some of the most directly
seeing poetry he has ever written. Strange Journey and The Dark
Wall, whichwere published after the crucial experience, abound in the
sort of paradox, whichis the native idiom of the seer. Song and
silence now blend in the poet's heart; he is at once crowded and alone;
he is at once moving and still. Gone is the pride of creation; he has
ceased to be the potter and learned to be the clay. 2 0
Menezes concludes by saying that for all his unequal
performance and fatal facility, the voice of Harindranathwas the voice
of authentic poetry. He would have been a poet of considerable
stature in any language but he chose to write in Englishover whichhe
had a mastery.
Menezes casts HarindranathChattopadhyaya, Sarojini Naidu's
younger brother in a romantic mould. He describes himas a prolific
writer who wrote romantic poetry on a variety of themes like nostalgia,
melancholy, passion for beauty, the changing moods of love, idealism
and humanitarian compassion.
3.5.6. On Sarojini Naidu
Using antithetical and paradoxical statements, Menezes
conveys the very essence of Sarojini Naidu's poetic personality. He
calls her 'an apostle of peace'. Poet and patriot, her patriotism was
part of her poetry, her poetry part of her patriotism. She made the
sword of her spirit sing; she wielded her song like a sword. She asked
the Englishto quit India, and entered forever the literature of
Menezes says her eloquence was singularly and unmistakably
feminine. She did not speak, she chanted. She did not try to
convince, she was content to charm. One would fall under the spell of
her voice, as she painted picture after picture for you, of people and
places and events whichher capacious memory had stored up and her
poetic imagination had endowed withnew meanings. Her voice had
an orchestral range, and every tone and timbre of our country's music
was at its command. No doubt, she was called the Nightingale of
For Sarojini, he says, there was always pain present and death
was round the corner. Hence, the titanic joy that pulsates through
her work was learnt at the stern fact of physical pain and passionate
sorrow; her immense vitality and faithin life were snatched fromthe
very jaws of death. Sarojini, therefore, could be called the poet of life.
Eachphase and season of life has its irresistible appeal for her. Her
lullabies are some of the loveliest and haunting pieces. There is The
Cradle Song', withits drowsy tune evoking the familiar landscape of
our country. There is also The Slumber Song for Sunalini', a tiny
miracle of song pattern, withits open and hidden rhymes. Her verse
is perfumed withthe vague longing and sweet anguishof brides. The
delicious little creature that the palanquin-bearers carry along falls
like a tear fromthe eyes of the bride. In The Bangle-Sellers', there are
bangles of many colours and patterns; and some are like fields of
sunlit corn, 'meet for a bride on her bridal morn'; some like the flame
of her marriage fire, or richwiththe hue of her heart's desire, tinkling,
luminous, tender and clear, like her bridal laughter and bridal tear.
Sarojini was a true nationalist. Her self-dedication to her
country's cause is not a thing apart from her personality as a poet.
She had won her personal freedomin many ways before she joined the
movement for the freedomof her country. Her country was to her as a
mother - but a mother young throughher immemorial years; and she
loved her ever-young beauty in grass and flower and bird and beast.
Menezes says her verse is heavy withnative scents and glitters with
images struck in the native mint. Her song is ablaze withgulmohur
and cassia, withthe champak and the jasmine. We wander withher
into pomegranate gardens of mellowing dawn or watcha June sunset,
when a brown quail cries fromthe tamarisk bushes and a bulbul calls
fromthe cassia plume. 2 1
Menezes describes Sarojini as a poet of beauty and a poet of
freedom; besides, she is also the poet of love. The love she expresses
is passionate and uninhibited; love whichitself without a stint or
measure, love whichdares pain and contempt and humiliation. It is
love of many great women of history who have also been poets:
Sappho, Mariana Alcoforado, ElizabethBarrett, Alice Meynell. This
Indian patriot, Menezes says, also wrote Englishpoetry, whichis
Indian to its fingertips. At the fall of the day, when the mystic hour
calls for prayer, she hears in the same wind the voice of many creeds -
of Hindu and Muslim, of Parsee and Christian.
Menezes summarizes the poetry of Sarojini Naidu as romantic
and nationalistic. She loved her motherland very deeply and hence the
charmof traditional Indian life and the splendours of the Indian scene
became the themes on whichshe wrote muchof her poetry. She was
passionate and womanly and humanity was her religion.
3.5.7. Menezes on Blake
Interpreting Blake's works, Menezes discovers a message, which
is of vital importance to the whole world now: 'all forces of our
civilization have conspired against the empire of joy. We must
organize a crusade; we must recover the holy land that we have lost'.
Blake, many years ago raised the battle cry of that crusade. He was
born into a time when reason ruled supreme in the temple of the
Muses, and imagination was as a dead tree. Some of his early verses
do echo the measures of the time; but only for a little while and in
minor details. Blake was nothing if not himself, his own complete and
undistracted self, untainted by schools of thought or style, untutored
except by the spirit of Poesy, believing in nothing except his own pure
wisdom. But Blake himself would not admit that he was self-made.
He was only a proud vehicle - a proud vehicle of the divine presence.
Menezes concludes that Blake has a message for us even today.
We have to organize a crusade to recover the holy land that we have
lost. Blake's thoughts may be for England, he says, but are they not
applicable to India also?
Menezes says Blake had heard a heavenly voice, a divine childish
voice, whichbade himwrite whatever he saw and heard. His response
to this world was one of pure and unalloyed joy.
3.5.8. On Bernard Shaw and Back to Methuselah
In Bernard Shaw and Back to Methuselah, Menezes attempts to
establishBernard Shaw as an important man of letters. Shaw's plays
ranged over the world of adults - slum-landlordism, prostitution,
militarism, marriage, history, current politics, Christianity, national
and individual character, professional delusions and impostures,
questions of conscience and paradoxes of convention. For him,
Creative Evolution was already a religion, newly arisen fromthe ashes
of pseudo-Christianity. But creative evolution, as a mere scientific
hypothesis, in order to become a popular religion, must have its
legends, its miracles, its parables. Shaw's dramatic presentation of
this new religion in Back to Methuselah was to be taken as a series of
parables of the newest Testament. Shaw's first essay in the
dramatization of this new religion had appeared in Man and
Superman. The Life Force does not, indeed, despair of life; but Shaw
despairs of Man. If the only hope for Man is that he should be
surpassed, or be as something else; there is really no hope for Man.
Menezes describes Back to Methuselah as a landmark in
literature. It asserts that man is a fallen creature and must evolve
further to save himself.
3.5.9. On Poetic Justice
In his essay on 'Poetic Justice', Menezes tells us that poetic
justice is natural justice modified by poetry. In other words, it is one
of the greater poetic licences althoughthis may sound like a
falsification of reality by the poetic imagination. Actually, the very
opposite is what happens. Poetic Justice is the fulfillment of reality by
the imagination, thoughreality is perhaps the wrong word to be used;
for in poetry we pierce throughappearances to Reality.
Therefore, Menezes says that the true nature and function of the
Imagination, we must seek in the highest poetry, as in the highest
love. The great lover does not falsify; he disowns what is invisible to
the naked eye, as it were; for true love is not blind, but all-seeing. So
too, the great poet. Before he is the maker, he is the seer; and what
he sees are the latent forms of things, of whichhe instinctively knows
all objects to be imperfect projections. For the poet, then, idealization
does not mean falsification. It means restoring the objects of sense
their own proper formor idea. Hence, when we say that Poetic Justice
is natural justice modified by poetry, we certainly do not mean that
there is here a falsification of natural values. All we mean is, poetry
corrects the perspective of penetrating the phenomenal events with
real values.2 2
Menezes further states that Virtue does not always get its reward
in this life; but it should, says the poet, or all life is a lie, and the
universe not a moral but an immoral, order. In Shakespearean
tragedy, as in most of the classical, poetic justice operates only
partially. Macbeth, who had waded throughblood to power, finds a
bloody end. Iago is exposed and tortured in Othello. Even the King
and Queen in Hamlet, come to a violent end. The penalty is
disproportionate whichovertakes the heroes, horribly wanton and
irrelevant where it strikes the innocent or near innocent.
That is the reason, Menezes concedes, why pure tragedy is not
popular withthe Plain Man, who prefers melodrama and romance.
The Plain Man likes to see young lovers marry in the end. His sense
of propriety prefers a wedding to funeral bells. He loves the thrill of
danger and difficulty, but he also wants his delicious suspense to
resolve itself into a happy ending. 2 3
For Menezes, there is need for poetic justice in Art. Therefore,
many popular writers have used all their inventive resources to
extricate their heroes from the most intricate knots they had tied
themselves in. The common man is always yearning for a happy
ending because he believes that the universe is just.
3.5.10. Menezes' views on Satire
Menezes' views on Satire begin withthe definition in the words
of Merediththat 'Comedy is the humour of the mind; humour, the
comedy of the heart; and the effort to understand this antithesis leads
us into the region of glorious nonsense where the pure humorist
takes, like Falstaff, his ease at his inn.' Comedy is also the foundation
of good sense, the genius of the thoughtful laughter. Satire is a blow
in the back or the face. According to Menezes the satirist holds a
place halfway between the preacher and the wit; he has the purpose of
the first and the weapons of the second. He seeks to move you, not by
the congruities of virtue, but by the incongruities of vice. But it is to
the congruities of virtue that he owes his ultimate loyalty.
The satirist, therefore, is then a moral agent but witha difference.
He is the laughing moralist. The quality of his laughter may vary. But
laughhe must. This variation is responsible for the classification of
Satire into the Juvenalian, or tragic satire; the Persian, or philosophic
satire, and the Horatian or the humorous satire. But, he continues to
win his credentials as a laughing moralist. The satirist must laugh
only at what is corrigible. He may not laughat humanity because it is
just itself. The true satirist, therefore, according to Menezes, is an
optimist, not a misanthrope. He is a lover before he is a critic.
Menezes differentiates between the humorist and the satirist thus:
The humorist is the realist, he takes things as they are, and reconciles
himself to the status quo. The satirist, on the other hand, is the
idealist - the devotee, call himfanatic, of Reason and Sanity. His is
the laughter of Bergson - a social gesture. His is the laughter of
Shaw, pulling people's legs to pull crooked legs straight. His is the
laughter commended by Nietzsche's Zarathustra.
To Menezes, Satire is the young man's weapon: the penknife he
carries in his pocket. Humor is the middle-aged man's drug; the pipe
he sucks in his mouthto soothe himself. Menezes asks whether verse
or prose is the better vehicle of satire. For him, it depends again as
great satires are written in either medium. Like Humor, Satire is as
old as the world. It was probably born withAdam. Its target has been
moral corruption, social folly, political tyranny and religious
perplexity. 2 4
Menezes is of the opinion that the satiric spirit has been present
in man since the beginning. It has manifested itself into the formof
art at various periods of history. Different writers have expressed
humour in different forms and different situations thoughthe formal
satire may have originated in Rome.
3.5.11. On Tragedy
Menezes' last essay in the volume Lighter Than Air is on
Tragedy. There is, he says, pain in the world, horrible, inexorable
pain. There is drawing of blood, often; deathand destruction; but
these are not one of the essences of tragedy. Only suffering is.
Tragedy brings us face to face withthe problemof pain, and the wider
problem of evil. There are villains in the world, and they unchain
spirits of mischief, and leave a trail of ruin in their wake.
He further states that the justice of the tragic world is not the
poetic justice, only adjusting retribution to sin. It is a mystery.
Tragedy enacts disaster, distils pain, and yet it gives pleasure. What
in life would be intolerably painful, an outrageous assault upon our
sensibilities, the tragic art transforms into a thing of beauty. Tragedy
does not spare our feelings; does not solicitously shield us fromthe
shock of fact. On the contrary, it angles for our pity, harrows us with
terror, canvasses our sympathy and awe. Yet, in doing this, it pleases
us. This tragic experience, therefore, at once deepens our
understanding of life and reconciles us to its darkest depths. It
converts even pain and deathinto spiritual values. And one of the
things tragedy teaches us is the duality of man. Man, says tragedy, is
at once body and spirit; at once weakness and strength; at once angel
and ape. He is caught between his reason and his passion. He is at
once free and helplessly dependent. His will is at odds withitself.
Man's freedomis hemmed in by circumstances: by the limitations of
his own powers; by the presence of other wills; of forces, visible or
invisible, too strong for him.
Menezes continues that where there is no dualism, there can be
no tragedy. Where the spirit alone matters, deathand pain are an
illusion. But tragedy says: the body is real; man's passions are not
only fatal but splendid; the human will is not only perverse but heroic.
But tragedy also says: the spirit is paramount; deathis no defeat;
suffering is not only a crucible of regeneration, but a test of courage.
Therefore, too, tragedy is a source of joy. 2 5
Menezes concludes in his essay that althoughtragedy enacts
disaster and gives us pain, it also gives pleasure. It does not spare our
feelings or shield us fromthe shock of fact. On the contrary, it angles
for our pity, fills us withterror and evokes our sympathy. But in
doing this, it also pleases us.
3.6. Views expressed in the volume: Airy Nothings
Menezes published his next collection of Essays on Literary
Criticism, Airy Nothings, in 1977. Most of these essays, as he
mentions in the Preface, were also radio talks broadcast fromDharwar
A.I.R. Station. The author says that he has divided these collections
of essays into four sections: Authors, Englishand American, topics on
literary theory and criticism, Indian personalities and belles lettres.
Fromthis volume on 'Authors - Englishand American', I have
selected eleven essays for analysis and discussion. It would also be
interesting to note what are Menezes' views on these eleven poets.
Menezes evaluates eachof these poets in his own way and explains
why their poems appeal to the readers. Menezes expresses in a novel
but bold manner his own ideas and interpretations of the poetry
written by these Englishand American poets and their relevance at
the time of writing.
Some of the other essays in this volume have been discussed in a
later chapter that deals withMenezes' essays and prose writings.
3.6.1. On William Butler Yeats
The collection Airy Nothings carries an essay on WilliamButler
Yeats. Menezes says that Yeats was never exactly, a popular poet.
His poetry is not full of resonant commonplaces. The oratorical
element is particularly absent in him. The early Yeats of The Lake
Isle of Innisfree', was romantic, escapist, nostalgic; nothing new in
poetry. But then, never has the escapist mind, the romantic
nostalgia, found suchexact words, suchwistful music:
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made.
This is, according to Menezes, the city man's cry for the wide-
open, lonely places. This is the feeling that is at the head of all
pastoral poetry. But it is also the mood of one who has come to the
end of the world, or is on the threshold of adolescence, whichoften
means the same thing. But this, above all, is poetry. Adolescence
does not always succeed in escaping its surroundings, and had there
been a real escape, there would have been no poetry. Poetry of the
order to whichYeats belongs is so often adolescent poetry, poetry that
refuses to grow up. Even when the adolescent personality tries to
escape into love, all it wants is a temporary security, not fulfillment.
And that is the kind of love we have in most of the early Yeats.
Troy and Usna, two themes and two symbols haunt Yeats for a
longtime to come and perhaps never quite leave him. The sons of
Usna are the heroes of that somber tragedy of legendary Ireland,
whichbecame for Yeats and other champions of Irishindependence a
symbol of their distressed and fretting Ireland. In a poemcalled 'The
Secret Rose', the symbol evokes for himthe dimpagan and Christian
past of Ireland. But the Greek symbol haunts him perhaps deeper
still. In an exquisite poemcalled Vo Second Troy', where love is all its
nobility and where the lover offers as his highest gifts, not his life, but
a great understanding of the nature of his beloved, has the recurring
epic of la femme fatale.
As old age creeps upon him, he says he would not like to be as 'a
tattered coat upon a stick', but let his 'soul clap its hands and sing'.
Old age is an absurdity, an irrelevancy, something tied up to one as to
a dog's tail. His imagination is still lively, his heart still young. 2 6
The themes, whichpredominate Yeats' early poetry are longing for
the open spaces of the countryside and an adolescent's love for his
beloved. His later poetry echoes his approaching old age.
3.6.2. On T.S.Eliot
In twin essays, T.S.Eliot - A Tribute' and The Poetry of
T.S.Eliot', Menezes says that the deathof T.S.Eliot marked the end of
a long and fruitful life, but not, perhaps, the end of the Eliot legend.
Eliot had impressed himself upon the imagination of several
successive generations ever since the publication of The Waste Land
in 192 2 . He had created a school, whichhe repeatedly repudiated.
His enormous prestige was based not only on what he did say but on
what he seemed to say.
The one secret of Eliot's appeal was that he had not only put his
finger in the causes of the modern malaise, but had taught himself to
talk the patient's language. His thinking was direct and unequivocal.
The poet that Eliot most looked backin respect of diction was Donne,
who had healed what Eliot described as dissociation of sensibility,
whichhad disabled the preceding generation of poets. Like Dante's,
Eliot's poetry was of clearly articulated traditional beliefs.
Eliot's achievement has been no less as a critic. Here, he was
that paradox: a bold adventurer in defence of tradition. As in the case
of his poetry, his appeal as a critic derives froma deft combination of
paradox and good sense: his good sense seemed to give authority to
his paradoxes, and his paradoxes to give a fine edge to his good sense.
Discussing his poems, Menezes states that Eliot throughhis
poem, The Waste Land, had fixed the center of modern poetry in the
city. The City is all the cities - a symbol of modern civilization, but it
is specific-ally London, for the brown fog is a powerful and pointed
symbol - here and elsewhere in Eliot's poetry. In Ash Wednesday,
published as a single poemin 1930, Eliot has turned his back upon
the wasteland of disillusionment and despair, althoughnot resolutely
as yet. He will not turn again to the desert; but he cannot yet turn
positively to the garden fromwhichhe has so long been an exile. On
this day of penance, when the ashes on the brow remind us we are
dust, Eliot cannot yet finally turn away fromtime and place. So he
prays God for mercy as, relieved of passion, even of thought, he climbs
up the winding stair, struggling withtemptation; he sees light and
shrinks in his unworthiness. At this stage, the poemis suffused with
an ecstatic adoration of Mary, mother of Christ, as in Dante's poem.
The significance of the title, Four Quartets, is obvious. Eliot
planned his last great poem on the musical principle withan
architectonic analogous to Beethoven's final and greatest utterance.
The principle, however, goes beyond the Quartets and embraces the
whole of Eliot's poetic work. Eliot described himself as a classicist in
Art and an Anglo-Catholic in religion. In his poetry he has placed his
classicist art at the service of his faith. 2 7
Menezes in this essay comments on The Wasteland, Ash
Wednesday and Four Quartets. Eliot believed in tradition and the
traditional values. He was also a social thinker and a modern in
temperament. Throughhis verse he propounded his philosophy of
man and society.
3.6.3. Three Essays: Lewis, Pound and Frost
The next three essays of Menezes are on Cecil Day Lewis, Ezra
Pound and Robert Frost. When Cecil Day Lewis emerged, says
Menezes, it was the difficult period between the Wars, a period of
disillusionment and bewilderment, withthe collapse of the American
economy and its repercussions in Europe, and the latter rapidly
splitting up into Fascist and non-Fascist states. Eliot had reflected
the earlier mood of the period. The modern poet at this time would
have to be a man of exceptional sensibility if he was to have any
relevance for his generation. There was to be no art for art's sake
anymore; no more 'luxury poetry'. They were the New Signature
citizens of what was known as New Country. They were determined to
cope withthe new complexity of the world, to grapple withthe
physical facts of existence as well as the new scientific theories. And
because these poets felt that they were cut off fromall moorings, they
had to embrace contemporary movements of thought or become, as
Lewis called themlater, 'horizon-addicts and future-fans'.
3.6.4 . On Lewis
Lewis himself, in his Hope for Poetry, mentions Eliot, Owen and
Hopkins, among the immediate ancestors of the New Country poets.
In spite of his long membership of the Oxford trio, it is possible to
isolate the distinct personality of Lewis as a poet. His concern with
personal problems was there fromthe first. Transitional Poem has for
its central theme ' the single mind'. His resolution was to be poetic as
well as social; and he was, first, to resolve his private chaos into new
patterns of his own. Looking about himat the new world, he found it
difficult to decide, as he says, between pylons and poplars, the
aeroplane and the albatross. Here was a new reality, whichwas also a
new kind of romance. However, the pull of tradition was strong in
Lewis. His arms were stretched, as he says, to opposite poles, in a
sort of crucifixion.
His Muse almost reverts, at times, to the outmoded Georgian
mood. Briefly, Lewis is a poet who has evolved: his successive I's, who
wrote his poems over many years, are, as he says, mostly strangers to
himnow. His was, anyway, not a demoniac Muse. His mind was too
well trained and too critical. Problems of craftsmanship were as
important to him as the travail of prophecy. He was also much
concerned withthe problems of identity. He was also extremely
sensitive to influences and claimed many poets as his masters.
However, he sees in his work as a whole certain obsessive themes:
admiration for the heroic is one of them; the others are a sense of life's
transience, and the riddle of identity. He tried to be as lucid as he
could, to make sense, if not always beauty, out of the chaotic mass of
his ideas and impressions. In short, he was an evolving poet, even if
he evolved, not outwards, but inwards towards his own identity.
2 8
3.6.5. On Ezra Pound
Menezes finds Ezra Pound one of the most potent forces and
influences on the poetry of the English-speaking world at the
beginning of this century. When Ezra Pound fled his country - the
United States of America - for the first time, he was in his early
twenties; yet he was responsible for giving a new turn to English
poetry, and teasing it into a new idiomand a new voice. He was aware
of the cultural continuity of the tradition, whichwas not confined to
one country or to one language, but made of the whole of Europe a
single country of the mind.
Pound is not a popular poet, Menezes says. He never was;
althoughin his prime, he was a friend and patron of many poets and
writers who are now more widely read, besides being a powerful
critical influence for good on Englishpoetry in general. Although
Pound did great service to literature and the arts throughother
people, he was himself, undoubtedly, a poet of considerable stature.
Throughhis poetry, he forever sought his own identity. His first
important collection of verse is called Personae meaning 'masks' in
original Latin,
A great part of Pound's influence was on the technical side of
poetry, for technique was to himsomething more than external to the
poet's business. Because of his wide interests, his humanism, Pound
was necessarily a student of languages. He began in his native
country, withRomance literature, whichincluded Provencal, and went
on to Italian, French, German and Spanish. He also had a sound
knowledge of Greek and Latin. But whatever he wrote, Pound's work
is ever a pilgrimage to himself, towards the discovery of his own
identity, but what is more important is that throughall his quest and
perplexity, he could write beautiful poetry. 2 9
3.6.6. On Robert Frost
Menezes considers Robert Frost a truly American poet, who
spent twenty years in frustration and obscurity and was a gift of
England to America. His first two books were published in London.
He was a nature poet (the land and landscape of New England stand
out in all his poetry) and predominantly the poet of Man. He does not
suffer fromthat vague nature mysticismwhichso many nature poets
fall prey to. Althoughhe began writing when the skies were filled with
`new poets', Frost preferred to ploughhis lonely furrow, unaffected by
contemporary trends: he was to be a 'new' poet all right, but witha
newness all his own. His roots were in the past, in the European
tradition of culture. Althoughclose to earthand interested in the
local scene, Frost was no naive country bard, but a learned, even
sophisticated person. While poetry was his demon, it was also, as he
named it, his cause. He had a clear idea of what he wanted out of
poetry. While it was certainly an expression of experience, it was at
the same time a careful construction. He did not trust a poem, which
was a put-up job; whose end was already known. The good poem
must be a surprise to the poet before it is a surprise to the reader.
The poembegins as a lump in the throat, homesickness, loneliness,
and grows as a tree grows, organically, unhampered by geometry.
According to Menezes, a typically Frostian poemis 'Mending
Wall' because nobody else that we know could have written it. Frost
has been called a metaphysical poet. In a sense, he is. Thoughhe
loves facts, he can see beyond the facts, and that is metaphysics.
Stopping_by Woods on a Snowy Evening', in spite of its unpretentious,
not to say prosaic, title, is, deservedly one of the most popular of
Frost's poems. The lines follow so effortlessly, the thought and words
are so simple, not to say rustic, that one does not realize at first how
carefully the poem has been built up. There is something in this
poem that is profoundly satisfying: the homely details, the sudden
plunge into symbolism, the gentle sighof nostalgia, the flashof manly
responsibility, the sucking reminder of the end of everything. There is
here what Frost calls the honest duplicity of poetry that says one
thing and means another; something as restoring as sleep, something
as irrevocable as death. 3
Menezes discusses in great detail these three poets, Lewis, Ezra
Pound and Frost. He discusses eachpoet's literary achievement and
their lives. In fact, we come to know a great deal about their lives and
the forces that influenced themto write the kind of poetry, whichthey
wrote. All three men were modern poets who wrote excellent poetry.
3.6.7. On Francis Thompson
In an essay on Francis Thompson, Menezes describes his poetry
in the words of Chesterton that " in his poetry, as in the poetry of the
universe, you can workinfinitely out and out. Yet infinitely in and in."
What he meant was that Thompson's work possesses the two
essentials of great poetry: great beauty of expression and great depth
of meaning. That Thompson's poetry possesses, at its best, boththese
qualities in a surpassing degree, is obvious to the most careful eye.
Menezes says further that Thompson's symbolism should be
religious symbolism. It was expected from a poet who owned
passionate and painful allegiance at once to the outer truthof the
world, whichis beauty and to the inner beauty of the world whichis
Truth. If he is a Catholic, we should expect himto be a greater for
being a Catholic, not less. For a Catholic to say that he has given
utterance in his verse to the profoundest truths is simply to admit
that he was a Catholic and hence could see clearly and calmly what
others see fitfully and, as in a glass, darkly. It is only when we realize
the profound beauty of this utterance that we begin to recognize him
not merely as a great Catholic, but as a great Catholic poet. Menezes
admits that there is something about Francis Thompson's poetry,
whichgives one the assurance that he would have been a great poet
even if he had not been a Catholic, though, certainly not the same
kind of poet.31
Thompson's symbolism is therefore, the priest's symbolism
because it is the symbolism of a poet but also because it is the
symbolism of a Catholic and his diction becomes, in our minds,
associated withliturgy in two different ways. He actually borrowed
his phraseology fromthe actual liturgy of the Church.
Menezes believes that Thompson was not only a good Catholic
but also a great Catholic poet. He tried his best to express the truth
in terms of beauty and the higher the truththat he has to express, the
greater is the beauty of his expression.
3.6.8. On Gerald Manley Hopkins
The next Catholic poet Menezes writes about is Gerald Manley
Hopkins. Hopkins, he says, had accepted a dogmatic faithand had
the temerity to be a priest of the Society of Jesus. The truth, however,
is that, without this vocation and this discipline, Hopkins would not
have been the kind of poet that he is; and the world would have
missed a new experience in poetry.
In The Wreck of the Deutchsland, Hopkins has a subject much
after his heart: the manifestation of God's love as terror. God, for him,
is the 'father and fondler' but He is also the 'martyr-master'. The
experience of the Christian and the priest wrestling withGod
transpires throughwhat has been described as Hopkins's 'terrible
sonnets'. He longs for peace. But the price of peace is patience,
which'wants war, wants wounds'. And when peace does come at last,
it comes witha creative purpose. 32
Menezes says that Hopkins was the first of the moderns. He
rejected the common measure and the accepted tune in his verse. He
claimed to have revived an old rhythmand called it Sprung Rhythm.
He was a passionate lover of Nature and in his poetry he tried to
reconcile God and Nature.
3.6.9. On D.H.Lawrence
Menezes describes D.H.Lawrence as a surrealist. His great
religion, as he wrote, was a belief in the blood, the flesh, as being
wiser than the intellect. We can go wrong in our minds. But what our
blood feels and says, is always true. The body of the man was a kind
of flame, like a candle flame, forever upright and flaming, and the
intellect was just the light that is shed on the things around. And
Lawrence's own concern was not withthe things around as withthe
mystery of the flame forever flowing. To him, it was not the Word that
was made flesh, but the reverse: it was the Fleshthat was made word.
We know God truly in the Woman. She is the door of our incoming
and out-going. In her we go back to the father. This was the answer
that Lawrence thought the age wanted - a curious reversal of
Christian values - a sort of Anti-Christianity using myths and
phraseology of Christianity. 32
We can read further in the essay that Lawrence's chief claimto
artistic, as apart from his prophetic, originality is that he made us
aware of these levels of consciousness whichlie below the surface or,
being known, are rarely brought into the orbit of polite speech. It is in
his repeated emphasis on this, no less than in his constant exaltation
of the instincts that Lawrence comes very near the surrealists.
According to Menezes, the age was beginning to grow
dissatisfied withnaturalismwhen D. H. Lawrence came on the scene.
Therefore he did not write poetry that attempted to state the obvious.
His originality lies in that he made us aware of those levels of
consciousness, whichlie below the surface.
3.6.10. On G.K.Chesterton
Menezes brings out the true personality of G.K. Chesterton in
two essays. For him, Chesterton was different fromBernard Shaw.
While Shaw looked for Superman alone to save man, Chesterton on
the other hand, took his stand on man as he is: the beer-drinking,
fighting, law-making, law-breaking, sensual, respectable man - man
who is beast and angel, spirit and flesh, fallen man, but capable of
heroismand holiness, by the grace of God.
For Chesterton the secret of mysticismis that you understand
all things withthe help of that whichyou do not understand. The
Christian virtues are rooted in conflict: they are irrational; for faith
means that you are to believe in something whichyour reason sees as
absurd; hope is a virtue when there is reason only for despair; charity
means that you should love somebody who does not, in reason,
deserve your love. This paradox is often used by Chesterton to prick
the bubble of pretensions. Paradox is, withChesterton, as we have
seen, a means of discovery - it makes the world richer by discovering
new truths or merely rediscovering the old. 33
Menezes says Chesterton's poetry makes you feel that all poetry
is a formof paradox - a sort of discovery. He describes himalso as a
biographist and literary critic. As a critic his judgement is sure
because he has an infallible test to apply in every case. But, above all,
Menezes tells us, Chesterton was a born poet.
3.6.11. On Mathew Arnold
Mathew Arnold, for Menezes, lives not only by virtue of what is
permanent in his writings, but also by virtue of what was
contemporary. Arnold was a Victorian, but there is a sense in which
Arnold was not a Victorian, was emphatically anti-Victorian; and this
is where he touches us: he might have been the spokesman of our
age. Arnold was of those who were perplexed; but he did not stand
still. Brought up in an intense religious environment, he fell upon an
age where the most sacred dogmas were being challenged. At every
point, he found himself hanging between a world that was dead and
another refusing to be born. Irony never ceased to dog him. Proud of
his love poems, he seemed ashamed of his love.
As a poet, Arnold is not in the first rank. Menezes says that he
often had the singer's robe without the singer's voice. But, if poetry is
to be a mirror of the age, Arnold's poetry, thoughnot as impressive or
as copious, is truer than either Tennyson's or Browning's.
As a critic, he not only criticized, says Menezes, but he taught
others to criticize. He laid down laws and principles, not all original
but 'hammered in withindefatigable iteration'. In practical criticism,
he prescribed the touchstone method: to test new poetry by the best in
the old. Highseriousness is what he demanded in poetry; great
actions; fidelity to life; interpretative power; moral profundity; even,
sometimes, natural magic. 34
Menezes considers Arnold as a greater critic than a poet. His
poetry has echoes of loneliness but it does not drive himto despair.
As a critic, he has carved a niche for himself in modern literary
3.6.12. On Shakespeare
In an essay on Shakespeare, Menezes declares Shakespeare to
be a dramatist of all ages and for all times. He says that he is an
excellent entertainer. The shrewd old playwright himself never lost
sight of this vital fact; that his plays must play. And they did play to
his own generation. The miracle is that they have gone on playing
down to our own. This enduring quality of entertainment is, therefore,
Shakespeare's first claimto modernity. We weep withhim, and we
laughwithhim; we thrill to his ghosts and witches; we follow,
worshipping or hating, the careers of his heroes and villains. But the
lasting quality of Shakespeare's work is his perennial modernity than
in treading the highroad of normality, of sanity in ethics. 35
Menezes says further that Shakespeare appealed to a wide
spectrumof London society. It is the people, and not the highbrow
that demanded, not only comedy but history and poetry. It is this
that kept Elizabethan drama generally sweet and sane and at the
center of normality. Hence, their universal appeal.
Menezes basically refers to many qualities of Shakespeare in his
essay on Shakespeare. He stresses on the enduring quality of
Shakespeare's entertainment and his ability to please different kinds
of audiences. He has the first claimto modernity. He does not belong
only to the age in whichhe lived and wrote, but for all time.
3.6.13. On Baudelaire
In the middle section of the critical essays, Menezes describes
Baudelaire's position in Englishliterature. He says that it was
Swinburne who introduced Baudelaire to Victorian England. Bothof
these poets had certain things in common: an abnormal sensibility,
extravagant, even perverse, desires; an unusual gift for extracting
beauty out of vice.
It was in the 1890's that Baudelaire's influence was felt most
widely. This decade was particularly ready to receive the impact of his
most distinctive poetry as a revolt against the prolonged domination of
Tennyson and muchthat he stood for in Victorian England. Missing
Christianity in the world around him, Baudelaire set out to discover
for himself. He began at the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, after
the Fall. In an age withits faithpinned to automatic progress on the
wings of science and technology, he believed in Original Sin. Arthur
Symons was the first to popularize Baudelaire and the Symbolists in
England. Symons speaks of Baudelaire's poetry as 'passionate
devotion to the passions', of the 'ecstasy of evil' in him.
The Baudelarian 'dandyism' has its reflection in the 1890's in
Oscar Wilde, Aubrey Beardsley, James Whistler the painter, Max
Beerbohm. Dandyismwas more than a trick to catchthe eye, or to
protest against the dreary and drabmonotony of Victorian costume.
Dandyism, to Baudelaire, was a profound philosophy. The aspect of
Baudelaire's dandyismwas the repudiation of Nature. He rejects the
purely natural, as he rejects the purely human. Crime, he writes, is
natural. Virtue is artificial, supernatural.
Baudelaire, however, did not repudiate Nature altogether. He
reconciled Nature and Man by the theory of Correspondences. Nature
is an alien, an enemy, unless its appearances can correspond to our
inner existence. Poetic knowledge is an ordering face to face, of the
internal and external world for man. This is the philosophy of
Symbolism. Baudelaire sees in Nature, a 'forest of symbols'. 36
In this long essay Menezes evaluates Beaudelaire's stature as a
poet in EnglishLiterature. He says that the influence of Beaudelaire
was felt most widely in the 1890's. He has influenced many poets like
Arthur Symons to imitate his kind of poetry. His philosophy and
symbolismbecame very popular withhis contemporaries.
Airy Nothings abounds in different other essays on topics as far
apart as 'Keats and Tagore', The Vacanas of Basavanna', The
Humanismof Mahatma Gandhi', The Imitation of Christ as Literature'
and The Rare Art of Laughter without Tears' and many others. Some
of these essays could not be called as criticismin the strict sense of
the termand could be discussed in a later chapter as Essays.
All these essays on authors, bothEnglishand American, throw
a great deal of light on the writings of various poets that Menezes has
dealt with. He has delved deep into their lives and studied the
environment in whichthey lived and the social forces that influenced
their writings. Eachof the poets he has studied belongs to a certain
political period. They were products of the age and their writings
denote this very clearly. They were also influenced by the literary
movements of the past and many times they rebelled against the
existing tradition and wished to strike a new chord. Menezes has
evaluated the works of these different poets in his own personal and
inimitable manner and his assessment provides us witha new
According to S.K.Dessai, "as a critic, Prof. Menezes is essentially
rasika, 'tasting himself as he says, in the works of kindred souls. His
criticism, therefore, is more of a poet-rasika than of a philosopher-
critic." 37 Hence, eachessay of his is a thing of beauty and has a
permanent appeal for the readers because Menezes is himself a poet
and his excitement and pleasure can be gleaned throughhis criticism
of the poets that he has taken up for scrutiny. As a poet he relives the
experiences of other poets and is thrilled withthe style, imagery and
diction that eachpoet manifests throughhis work. It is said that only
a poet can be a judge of other poets and Menezes being a poet himself
can understand the processes of thought that eachpoet experiences
in the creation of a poemand the effort that it demands. He naturally
enjoys reading poetry by other poets and the complex thoughts, which
they try to convey by choosing the right word.
1. K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Indo-Anglian Literature (Bombay: The
P. E, N. Books, 1943) 55.
2 . Armando Menezes, 'A Peep at Our Parnassus'. N.p., n.p., n.d.10
3. Ibid, 11.
4. Ibid., 2 1.
5. Ibid, 2 4.
6. Ibid, 2 4.
7. Armando Menezes, 'Francisco Luis Games: The Novelist',
The Goan World, Bombay, May 192 9, 4.
8. Ibid, 4.
9. Ibid, 2 1.
10. Armando Menezes, C haos and Dancing Star (Bombay: Wagle
Press, 1940) , 2 .
11. Armando Menezes, Selected Poems (Hubli: Samyukta Karnatak
Press, 1969) , iv.
12 . Arnmando Menezes, Songs from the Saranac and Other Poems
(Dharwar: KarnatakUniversity Press, 1971) , viii.
13. W.W.S. Bhasker, 'Armando Menezes: The Writer' 65th
Birthday C elebrations Souvenir of Armando Menezes
(Hubli: Samyukta. KarnatakPress, March1968) , 50.
14. Dr. S.K.Desai, 'Prof. Menezes: A Critic as Artist'
Armando Menezes 80th Birth Anniversary Tribute Issue, Goa
Thday, (Panaji: May 1982 ) ,18.
15. Armando Menezes, By Way of a Foreword' (Dharwar: Lighter
Than Air, Samyukta Karnatak Press, 1959) , 1.
16. Armando Menezes, 'Conventions in Poetry', Lighter Than Air,
17. Armando Menezes, Poetry as Prophecy', Lighter Than Air,
2 3.
18. Ibid, 2 5
19. Armando Menezes, Poetry and Philosophy', Lighter Than Air,
2 0. Armando Menezes, 1-larindranathChattopadhyaya',
Lighter Than Air, 1959, 60.
2 1. Armando Menezes, Sarojini Naidu', Lighter Than Air, 45.
2 2 . Armando Menezes, Poetic Justice', Lighter Than Air, 70.
2 3. Armando Menezes, 'Satire', Lighter Than Air, 82 .
2 4. Armando Menezes, Tragedy', Lighter Than Air, 12 6.
2 5. Armando Menezes, 'WilliamButler Yeats', Airy Nothings
(Dharwar: Manohar Printing Press, 1977) , 63.
2 6. Armando Menezes, The Poetry of T.S. Eliot', Airy Nothings,
2 7. Armando Menezes, 'Cecil Day Lewis', Airy Nothings, 102 .
2 8. Armando Menezes, 'Ezra Pound', Airy Nothings, 108.
2 9. Armando Menezes, Robert Frost', Airy Nothings, 116.
30. Armando Menezes, 'Francis Thompson', Airy Nothings,
2 8.
31. Armando Menezes, 'Gerald Manley Hopkins', Airy Nothings
32 . Armando Menezes, D.H. Lawrence', Airy Nothings,
42 .
33. Armando Menezes, `G.K. Chesterton', Airy Nothings,
34. Armando Menezes, 'Mathew Arnold', Airy Nothings,
2 0.
35. Armando Menezes, 'Shakespeare The Dramatist', Airy Nothings
36. Armando Menezes, Tiaudelaire in EnglishLiterature', Airy
Nothings, 191.
37. Dr. S.K.Desai, Prof. Menezes: A Critic as Artist, Armando
Menezes 80th Birth Anniversary Tribute Issue, Goa
Today, (Panaji: May 1982 ) , 18.
Prose Writings: Essays
4. Prose Writings: Essays
Menezes appears to have been influenced by the Indian English
prose of the nineteenthcentury. The Indian renaissance of the
nineteenthcentury produced prose of many types of which, as in the
earlier period, the two most prominent prose-forms were historical-
political and religious-cultural prose. The prose was prompted by the
two-fold impulse of the rediscovery of the Indian past and a strong
awareness of the problems of the day.'
Menezes' prose, whichis represented by his broadcast talks
Lighter Than Air and Airy Nothings, is no less remarkable than his
poetry. Thoughhe describes these works as not 'shatteringly original'
or The result of long and penetrating research', there is in them
nevertheless, muchthat is remarkable and new. To these may be
added the hundreds of essays he wrote in Bombay magazines like The
Goan World, The Anglo-Lusitano, The Examiner in the forties and much
later in the magazine Goa Today, published fromGoa.
These essays range from reflective to narrative themes and are
written on a variety of themes and topics like education, religion,
various personalities in the world and Goa and many humorous
pieces on current affairs of the time. In his reflective essays, he
expresses ideas that are out of the ordinary and individual viewpoints.
As an educationist himself, he has many useful and interesting ideas
to express on the state of education. His essays on various
personalities present a true picture of the individuals and their
contribution to the society or the state as the case may be. They
contain most of his ideas, attitudes and insights; the living teacher is
more capacious, wittier, more wide-ranging and more thought
It would be necessary to study some of his essays in order to
understand the beauty of his expression and the depthof
understanding in his essays on various personalities. I have therefore
selected only the following essays for study: Tagore at Karwar', Tagore
Centenary', RabindranathTagore: His Poetry', 'Yeats and Tagore',
`RabindranathTagore: His Philosophy', Basavanna: Mystic Poet', The
Vacannas of Basavanna', 'The Humanismof Mahatma Gandhi', 'John
Fitzgerald Kennedy', 'Francisco Luis Gomes,' 'Francisco Correia-
Afonso', `Menezes Braganca', 'Tristao de Braganza Cunha,' Basava
and Christ', St.Francis Xavier, Critic of India,' D.C. Pavate', The Rare
Art of Laughter without Tears', 'Also an Art:Plagiarism', 'Literature and
Psychoanalysis', 'Literary Utopias', The Imitation of Christ as
Literature', Veerashaivism and Christianity', 'On Education and
Democracy', The Generation Gap', 'Student Discipline', 'On Old Age',
The Second Sex', The World', The Mother Tongue', The Lighter side
of My Profession'. I have divided the above essays into Literary
Writings, Political Writings, Religious Writings, Eminent Goan
Personalities, humorous writings and serious reflections.
4 .2. Literary Writings
4 .2.1. Menezes On Tagore
In five essays on Tagore, entitled Tagore at Karwar', Tagore
Centenary', RabindranathTagore: His Poetry', 'Yeats and Tagore', and
RabindranathTagore: His Philosophy', Menezes gives us a complete
picture of the man that was Tagore, his poetic genius and his
philosophy. He describes Tagore's reaction on reaching Karwar, with
`this little harbour as it lay ringed round withhills, its crescent-
shaped beachthrowing out its arms towards the shoreless sea'. The
sea-beachat Karwar, Tagore has written, is certainly a fit place to
realize that the beauty of Nature is not a mirage of the imagination
but a reflection of infinite delight, drawing us to seek the reality
behind its shadow. 2
Describing his poetry, Menezes says that The Gitanjali might be
described as the Religion of the Poet. It is primarily the book of the
Singer, who tries, throughmanifold songs, to fathomthe mystery of
Song itself. The poet's voice, he says, is drowned and lost in the
endless music of God, his master. But sometimes, the song does not
come. The poet waits, like a woman for her lover, stringing and
unstringing his instrument. 3
For Tagore, God is the divine lover. The soul is a woman. She
might, in the dark night of love, beg her lover for the garland round
his neck; and groping in the morning dusk, she might fmd a sword
instead. But God's gift, however terrible, must be borne next to one's
heart. Tagore continues that God is the playmate of our empty hours.
We sing of himnight and day; and yet, what is He? We know not. He
is the infinite and the finite at once: the sky as well as the nest. 4
Menezes asks, if so muchof Tagore's religious poetry is poetry of
love, one might have expected that some of his love poetry would be
poetry of God. But this is hardly the case. The pieces in The
Gardener are described as poems of love and life. The poet is the
gardener of the Queen's flower garden, and his is the service of her
idle days. To the poet, love is the highest form of self-giving. The
giving must be unreserved, unconditional. Love does not thrive beside
prudence. If you are too thrifty and careful, the lamp goes out, the
flower fades, the stream dries up, and the harp-string breaks. The
true lover, therefore, revolts against the conventional and the
commonplace, the sobriety of the worldly-wise. 5
Menezes says that Tagore's poetry of childhood is at once poetry
of love and poetry of God: it starts in love and reaches out to God.
This is perhaps the profoundest, certainly the most unique, of
Tagore's poetry. Here we have the mystery of childhood, its sudden
and incalculable wisdom, and its humour. It is the end of all poetry,
for all great things end where they began. 6
For Menezes, bothpoets, Yeats and Tagore were playwrights as
well as poets; and wrote the same type of symbolic plays. Of the two,
Tagore was certainly the most versatile and copious. He is the only
poet who is thought by some to be greater in prose.
In the essay on Tagore's Philosophy', Menezes says that
RabindranathTagore is first and last a poet, and like the poet that he
is, he writes straight out of his personal experience. By being a very
great poet, his personal experience naturally includes a great deal of
thought. This thought is profoundly felt and is implicated in that
universal vision of joy, whichis Tagore's single source of poetic
inspiration. This joy is the core of Tagore's philosophic as well as
poetic faith. Joy is everywhere, and is the surest sign that reality is
one and indivisible, and that its fullest significance is love. Another
name for love is beauty; it too is the manifestation of oneness. In it
pleasure and pain become one, the breachbetween the finite and the
infinite fills love and overflows and it is throughlove, through
sympathy, that we really know nature.
Menezes describes Tagore's philosophic and poetic faithin this
essay. For Tagore, joy and love are of great significance. For him, love
is beauty. It is in experiencing bothpleasure and pain that we really
come to understand nature. It is this experience of universal joy in
Nature that inspires Tagore to write poetry.
4 .2.2. Basavanna: Mystic Poet
In the essay, 13asavarma; Mystic Poet', Menezes says that a
man's quest of God and his wrestling withthe highest destiny, have
found expression in great poetry. And not a few mystics of all times
and lands and creeds have unburdened their hearts in song. There is
indeed a close relationship between mysticism and poetry. The
mystical experience, in its turn, has the quality of something
undefinable yet poignantly real, something felt without mediation, like
a sensation, like the warmthof a flame or the scent of a rose.
He adds that a poem is essentially a cry; and, inspite of the
theoretical position that one who has realized himself cannot any
longer speak of, a saint still remains a man - a man tasting the savour
of his experience, bursting witha profound thankfulness for it, driven
by a very human urge to sing of it, to utter it withthe most perfect
utterance within his power, within any man's power. 7
According to Menezes, Basavanna's command of metaphor is of
astonishing quality and range. Sometimes the similes and metaphors
are drawn fromthe less pleasing objects of nature, or the common
occupations of life, and are perhaps all the more striking for it.
Basavarma's mind is, sometimes like a lizard darting about a hedge,
or like a dog riding a palanquin, whichreverts to his natural bent, or
it leaps and bounds among the branches of a tree, like a monkey. His
bhakti is like an ox circling an oil-mill that has no sesamum. Natural
images jostle images drawn fromdomestic life. Worship, without
piety, is like a silk-cotton tree bearing flower and fruit. 8
In an identical essay on The Vacanas of Basavanna', Menezes
tells us that thoughBasavanna was born in a Brahmin family, he
strove always for social justice. The community was riddled with
caste: Basavanna would have no difference between man and man,
between a pariahand Brahmin. Basavanna is ready to humble
himself before the humblest of men, whatsoever their birth.
Menezes in this essay discusses the mystic faithof Basavanna,
whichprompted him to write beautiful verse. Althoughhe has
experienced mysticismhe is still a man and would like to share his
experiences. His sense of gratitude for these richexperiences inspires
him to burst into song. Basavanna is a humble person and would
never thinkof hurting or harming anyone.
4 .3. Political Writings
4 .3.1. On Mahatma Gandhi
In his essay on 'The Humanismof Mahatma Gandhi', Menezes
brings out the true essence of Gandhiji's humanism. He says that one
striking feature of Gandhiji's humanism is that his devotion to
humanity is perfectly consistent withhis faithin God; and his entire
life is an object-lesson, showing that neither faithin God need
withdraw us from our human obligations, nor a vague humanism
screen from us the presence of God. You cannot divide social,
economic, political and purely religious work into watertight
compartments, and he adds: 'I do not know religion apart fromhuman
activity.' For Gandhiji, 'religion is something that grips one's whole
personality and expresses itself in the way in whichhe lives.' God is
to himTruth, and this Truthmust be realized in this world, in terms
of service to man.
Menezes says that whoever first called Gandhiji Mahatma, had
the true instinct of definition in him. He was, indeed, the Great Soul;
a soul in whom all the virtues and values of humanism were so
perfectly harmonized, that while still in this life, he transcended the
limitations of life.
Menezes discusses in fine detail, Mahatma Gandhiji's biography
by Romain Roland in his essay on `Gandhiji and Romain Roland. He
says, as a biography it is thin and discursive, and stops at Gandhiji's
great Ahmedabad trial. Romain Roland, Menezes says, was a child of
the European Enlightenment; an apostle of reason and as suchhe
could not at first stomachwhat seemed to him as Gandhiji's
medievalismlike his belief in caste system, in cow and idol worship.
His opposition to machinery seemed to him at first an even more
heinous example of medieval and retrograde thinking. But, in all this,
Roland was ready to understand. He let Gandhiji himself speak, to
defend himself, or rather, to explain himself. That is why nearly half of
Roland's biography of Gandhi is made up of quotations fromGandhi
himself. Step by step, he unrolls before us the various phases of his
hero's life; his 2 0 years of apprenticeship in SouthAfrica; his meeting
withDadabhai Naoroji and Gokale. Episode after episode of the
nationalist movement follows. Roland assesses eachof these in so far
as it throws light on Gandhiji's methods and character. Roland's
enthusiasm is firmly rooted in the faiththat the Indian experiment
had lessons for war-torn Europe. 9 Menezes writes withadmiration of
the humanism of Gandhiji stating that his devotion to humanity is
perfectly consistent withhis faithin God.
Menezes had great admiration for Mahatma Gandhi. He says
that all the virtues and values of humanismwere ingrained in him.
Althoughhis comments are on Romain Roland's impressions of
Gandhiji, in reality, they are Menezes' comments on the greatness of
Gandhiji and his devotion to duty and love for mankind.
4 .3.2. On John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Menezes provides us witha character sketchof John Fitzgerald
Kennedy in the essay withthat title. John Kennedy, writes Menezes,
never lost the academic detachment, the power to see bothsides of a
question, in spite of the strong call of politics. Throughout Kennedy's
political life, the persistent charge against him was that he was a
sitter on the fence, that he was neither conservative nor liberal; not
muchto the right, but also not muchto the left; a Catholic, yet not
enoughof a Catholic; an Irishman, who was American first, an
American who was a citizen of the world; an idealist who relied a good
deal on organization; a true democrat who strongly believed in
Again and again, Menezes says, that in the course of his public
career, Kennedy was confronted withan issue that would not brook
non-committal, that would not pushhimoff the fence; and in every
case, this moderate, rational, unsentimental, dispassionate man had
it in himto make what he called the hard and unpopular decision.'
His courage had a moral, even a spiritual basis. None saw this
courage in John Kennedy more clearly than his counterpart in the
other camp - Nikita Khruschev.
John Kennedy, he says, was built up, brickupon brick, by many
things; by the tragic history of his race; by the early poverty of his
family as muchby its later enormous wealth. But underneathall, he
was, in spite of his matinee-idol appearance, an intensely serious man
and most serious when he smiled. In spite of his death, the world has
inherited his dream, the experience of his large humanity, his sense of
responsibility for world peace, whichmeans the very continuance 0'
the human race. 1
For Menezes, John F. Kennedy was an ideal president who r'
frompoverty to riches. He was a very serious man who loved not
America but also the world. He was, according to him, a great
democratic leader whose dreams the world has inherited.
4 .4 . Famous Eminent Goan Personalities
Writing on four eminent Goan personalities namely Francisco
Luis Gomes, Francisco Correia-Afonso, Menezes Braganca and Tristao
de Braganca Cunha, Menezes describes the mettle of whichthese men
were made of and their contribution to the society and the world in
whichthey lived. Menezes tells us that Francisco Luis Gomes took his
seat in the Portuguese Parliament for the first time in 1861. Goa had
been for three centuries and a half in searchof her lost soul - of a way
out of political tutelage and the consequences of a hybrid culture. The
new climate seemed to permit a demand for the colonies of an equal
status with(what used oddly to be called) the mother country. Goan
representatives in Parliament had rushed into the fight witheloquence
equal to their courage. Francisco Luis Gomes succeeded to this noble
tradition and he enriched it by the prestige of a versatile talent and
wide interest.
Thoughhe was a sort of liberal conservative in politics, and an
individualist in economics, his liberalism knew no bounds in the
social sphere. His passionate faithin liberalismis very touching; for,
in his time, the Liberal party was still the party of liberty. This
liberalismsought inspiration, not in Rousseau's return to Nature, but
in the honest application of the highest and purest tenets of the
Christian faith. Some of the most brilliant parliamentarians of
Portugal, as well as its historians and men of letters, on a footing of
equality, as one of themselves, accepted Gomes. Menezes says that
Gomes was s good speaker and was ever throwing himself headlong
into the attack upon Portuguese slave trade in Africa. He was no
rebel. Political good sense had set bounds to his aspirations; and all
he did was to press for a fair deal to the colonies. He was clearly aware
of an India outside the Portuguese enclave - an India that was heir to
ancient and noble traditions; whichhad, as he wrote to Lamartine,
composed The Mahabharata and invented chess - two things which
seemto have in themsomething of the eternal and the infinite. 11
As an economist, Gomes seems to have broken new ground, in
relating economics to law and morality and was acknowledged by
John Stuart Mill in England and Chevalier in France as their fellow
and friend, and admitted as member to the very exclusive Political
Economy Society of Paris.
Menezes describes Francisco Luis Gomes as a historian, man of
letters and a great parliamentarian. He was a great patriot, who,
althoughliving in a Portuguese state, was proud of his Indian
ancestry and the great civilization to whichhe belonged. He was no
less an economist than a politician who made Goa proud.
4 .4 .1. On Menezes Braganca
Writing about Menezes Braganca, Menezes says that he was a
pioneer thinker in the whole of Goan history. He says further that
before he could apply his thought to questions of liberty, he had
earned freedom for his thought by shaking off all trammels and
blinkers. He was a great emancipator; and the first thing he
emancipated was his own mind. Coming on the scene, in the first
decade of the century, he was a free man fromthe start. This rebel,
was, in a severe sense, a traditionalist, staunchly loyal to the oldest
and proudest of civilized tradition: Reason. He claimed the right to
argue, to analyse, to explain, to prove, in a word, to think. His wide
embracing and unswerving liberalismhad that liberty at its source.
He could admire Portugal to the point of cultivating its language to
perfection, and yet condemn, its political and administrative errors.
He detested any formof dictatorship: Napoleon or Mussolini, Sidonio
Pais or Salazar.
Braganca taught a whole generation to see. It is not without
significance that while the weekly he founded in 1911 was known as 0
Debate, the last two journals he filled without formally editing were
named Prakasha and Pradeepa. His style, always his own, combined
clarity withdensity and power. He had a large gift for irony, and his
rapier could crushlike a bludgeon. He was never personal, never
appealed to emotion, never deviated fromthe ethics of journalism.
The joy of battle was in his Kshatriya blood, but he fought for a cause:
the great cause of civilization, whichhas been defined as Reason
Enthroned and a Sense of Values. 12
For Menezes, Menezes Braganca was a great liberal thinker.
Inspite of his Portuguese education, he attacked its political
administration. Throughhis two Portuguese journals, Pradeepa and
Prakasha, and his earlier journal, 0 Debate, he strove for the freedom
of thought and speech.
4 .4 .2. On Francisco Correia- Afonso
In the next essay, Menezes describes Francisco Correia-Afonso
as a man, who, by the rousing quality of his rhetoric, by the gently
solvent power of his wit and humour, as well as by the authority of his
unimpeachable position as a member of the Church, undermined the
complacent claimthat the continuance of the Portuguese in India was
necessary in the interests of the Catholic faith. He demonstrated,
again and again that the very opposite was true. He untiringly
pointed to the existence of a flourishing Christianity in India before
the arrival of the Portuguese. He reminded the Portuguese that India
was Catholic and civilized long before Portugal was either. The last
phase of his life was an impassioned dedication to the cause of Goa's
Menezes further elaborates on the personality of Correia-Afonso
by saying that his personality was perhaps his trump suit. All
prejudice, all hostility, melted in its presence. It was also in great
measure the secret of his oratory. Correia-Afonso did not put the best
of himself in his writings. Some of his most brilliant articles were
delivered as speeches. As he grew older, the tendency to rhetoric
increased. He wrote more and more speeches. Menezes calls himan
immensely likeable man, one of the most brilliant academic men Goa
ever produced, an astonishing debater, a master of sober and elegant
Francisco Correia-Afonso is described by Menezes as an erudite
and master orator. He was one of the great Goan academicians and
devoted his life for the cause of Goa's freedom.
4 .4 .3. On Tristao de Braganca Cunha
The last essay on another Goan personality is Tristao de
Braganca Cunha. Menezes says that he was moved to write a sonnet
in his honour, in whichhe compared himto someone, who, preferring
to plan a play and prompt it fromthe wings, finds himself pushed into
the glare of the footlights, to play the hero's role. He has also
compared himto Moses, catching fromthe heights of Pisgaha distant
view of the Promised Land. Menezes adds further that he was an
unflinching realist, a very practical idealist. He had by rote the entire
history of colonialism; he knew more than the mentality that creates
it; he knew the mentality that it creates. He knew, throughtheir
disguise, the many subtle ways in whichman is wolf to man; the
many insidious forms in whichman is despoiled of his human dignity.
Menezes says that forty or more years ago, when some of the
younger men and women still dreamed of a Goa at long last united to
Mother India, Tristao de Braganca Cunha had formulated his plan of
action. He had joined the Indian National Congress as a Goan who
was also an Indian. He had brought back from Europe a whole
technique of political action. As a newspaper correspondent and
newsagent for India in France, he had gained a detailed knowledge of
every phase; of every turn and twist of India's struggle for
independence. He commanded the moral support and perhaps the
resources of a powerful international organization. He had also
earned the gratitude of the masses by organizing relief measures after
a destructive flood and exposed the white slave traffickers who
exported Goa labour to the tea plantations in Assam. He was a
master strategist, and knew the necessity of losing many a battle in
order to win the war. He remained the longest and most consistent in
the service of Goa's freedom. There were other men, who spoke and
wrote for Goa's freedomstruggle but few names will be found of men
who served the cause of Goa's freedomso well and so long as Tristao
de Braganca Cunha.
4 .5. Religious Writings: Christian and Non- Christian
Most of the Christian and non-Christian writings of Armando
Menezes, whichare available to me, are contained in the volumes of
poetry like Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems that he published
and his translations of the Kannada scriptures. Besides these he
published a number of essays on Christianity and Veerashaivism,
Basava and others in various periodicals from time to time. I have
included in my forthcoming discussion some of these essays, whichI
came across in the family collection of Armando Menezes. I could not
trace the history of their publication.
4 .5.1. Basava and Christ
In a long essay, named Basava and Christ', Menezes says that
similar circumstances seemto have prevailed about the time Christ
and Basava were to appear. He says that it is not the purpose of his
2 00
article to establisha point-to-point parallel between Basava and
Christ, but to indicate similarities where they exist, between the
salient tenets of the two faiths. Just as Jesus is believed to be the
Son of God, there is a Veerasaiva belief that Basava was an
incarnation of Nandi and had already passed throughsix lives before
he was born to Madarasa and Madalambike. Menezes quotes line
after line from Basava's teachings to prove that bothChrist and
Basava had similar beliefs and hence taught similar truths. Ideas
after ideas follow on truth, justice, wealth, perfection and love. The
religion founded by Jesus Christ is essentially one of love. That is
what the New Testament tells us. Love is also the essence of the
Veerasaiva faithas Basava conceived it. As examples of similarity
may be considered Basava's abhorrence of distinction of caste based
on birth, wealth, trade or sex, whichhave found utterance in many of
his Vacanas. Christ, on the other hand, according to Menezes,
shocked his best disciples by mixing withSamaritans, Publicans,
prostitutes and other sinners. There are many suchinstances and
parallels in the essay whichprove the similarities in the teaching of
Christ and Basava. He, however, states that boththe religions had
their own separate tenets because they were two separate religions.
2 01
4 .5.2. On The Imitation of Christ as Literature
Menezes' 'The Imitation of Christ as Literature', is a superb
critical essay establishing The Imitation of C hrist as a great classic of
literature because of its idealism. Only, the idealism here is of a
transcendental quality. Its 'divine discontent' is not merely a godlike
thirst: it is a thirst for God. It pursues along the narrow path, the
Way. It aspires, beyond sublunar truths, the Truth. It loses life, in
order to gain Life. Idealism here takes up the Cross and follows,
seeking the splendours of Tabor throughthe agonies of Calvary, the
Vision throughthe sacrifice. Yet, Menezes continues, it is something
besides the vision that makes of this masterpiece of Christian devotion
a literary classic. If the book is of supreme moment in its divine
aspirations, it also presents, in a hardly lower degree, an interest
purely human. It fulfills in boundless measure one of the primary
functions of literature - to portray human experience, to unroll the
heart's many-hued filmof hopes and fears, exultations and dejections,
to picture the battlings of the spirit withthe world and withitself, its
cries of victory and its groans of defeat. The Imitation of C hrist thus
realizes the common paradox that by aiming at the divine, one can
truly understand the human. In this sense, he says, there is no
human document of greater worthor more convincing than a treatise
of spiritual exercise.
2 02
Menezes sees further in The Imitation of Christ, two elements of
prime importance essential to a literary masterpiece: supra-sensual
aspiration, seeking to model man by more-than-man; and profound
knowledge of all the peaks and depths of the human heart. Menezes
concludes that Religion alone teaches the negation of Self: destruction
of Self, as in Buddhism, suspension of Self, as in Hinduism, Victory
over Self, as in Christianity. Thus can the Buddhist attain Nirvana,
the Hindu be one withBrahma, the Christian imitate Christ. 14
4 .5.3. On Veerashaivism and Christianity
In Veerashaivismand Christianity', Menezes tells us that it is
at once easy and difficult to compare two religions. Easy, because in
so far as they are religions, they must have many points of similarity.
Difficult, because they are, despite their similarities, two religions.
And yet, one can presume some strong resemblance between
Veerashaivism and Christianity because the early Christian
missionaries, who knew their Christianity better than most of us,
wondered whether Christianity had not directly influenced
Veerashaivism. He adds further that the founder of Christianity is
believed by Christians to be God Himself, who became man in order to
redeem mankind that, throughpride and disobedience, had fallen
fromGod's grace and willfully shut itself off fromHeaven. Thoughit is
claimed that Basava was an incarnation of Nandi, strange
2 03
circumstances are reported as having attended the birthof each. The
coming of Christ was foretold by generation after generation of Jewish
prophets, and there was a tense expectation of a Messiahto come, but
most of the Jews would not accept himas such. Basava's birthhas a
tinge of the marvelous: he was born of aged parents, already hopeless
of a son, and the passing Muni who blessed his parents made a
prophecy of the yet unborn child's future greatness.
Basava, like Christ, also confounds the wise men in the temple.
As in the case of Christ, we are not sure that it was Basava's intention
to found a new religion. He was a Sarana, among many Saranas, all
drawn by a common impulse and doubtlessly inspired and energized
by Basava's example, so that it is not a historical fact whether
Veerashaivismwas founded by Basava or Prabhu. 15
Basava believed that compassion should be not only towards
other human beings, but also towards all living creatures, the
absolute equality between man and man, between man and woman,
and the simplification of all religious practices. Menezes believes that
the idea of Prasada and what Christians generally call Communion
are very close to eachother. In bothcases, we offer a gift to God and
receive it backfromHimtransformed.
2 04
4 .5.6. On St. Francis Xavier
Menezes writes a beautiful essay entitled, 'St. Francis Xavier,
Critic of India'. He says that the history of the Portuguese in the East
is offset by the history of St. Francis Xavier. The Portuguese came
withwar. He brought peace. They came to take away. He came to
give; and what he gave us was far more precious than that whichthey
took away. Trained in the school of penance and humility, he came
withlove in his heart and blessings in his hand. They hungered for
gold. In his soul was a divine thirst. SixteenthCentury natives of
India were to a large extent based on prejudice. There is in the letters
of St. Francis Xavier abundant evidence of this attitude towards India.
His own feeling toward its people was, as a rule, one of charity, not of
pity. His capacity to understand was as boundless as his capacity for
suffering. His humility was abysmal as it was sincere. He did not
care for power, not for wealth, not even for comfort. In his own life he
bore the living Christ across the countries of the East, filling the land
withthe fragrance of his holiness.
The Portuguese conquerors, demoralized by wealthand power,
led lives in shameless defiance of Christian morality and sound
European tradition. Not content withsetting a bad example to the
natives, they constantly hampered the good work of the missionaries,
by rapine and violence and outrages of every description. St.Francis
2 05
Xavier deplored all this and his letter to Fr. Simao Rodrigues of
Portugal could be called a cry of despair. Ideal missionary that he
was, he looked not only after the spiritual, but also after the temporal
welfare of his flock. He loved the people and was passionately loved
by those among whomhe lived. His character and his miracles gave
hima powerful hold upon the lower classes, and consequently earned
him a proportionate hatred of the Brahmin priests. In conclusion,
Menezes says that before St. Francis left Goa, he had achieved great
results. He had partly reformed the morals of the Portuguese and he
had weaned the new converts fromtheir superstitions. 16
4 .6. Writings on Miscellaneous themes:
Menezes has a number of writings on miscellaneous themes.
Some of these appeared in his collection, Airy Nothings, while some
were published in the magazine Goa Today from time to time. They
consist mainly of character sketches, humorous pieces, literary
writings and serious essays. They provide us a proof of the scholarly
style of Menezes' writings. His humorous pieces in fact convey serious
thoughts and his essays on topics like Education, U.N.O. and his own
profession provoke us into serious discussion.
2 06
4 .6.1. Character sketch: D.C.Pavate
Menezes worked for many years at Dharwad and had close
contact withthe officials at Karnatak University. He delineates the
character of the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. D.C. Pavate, in one well-written
essay. He says D.C. Pavate was a humanist. Whatever his
achievements as educational administrator, and they were significant,
his real interest was humanitarian. The sciences, he saw, were trying
to do something for man; but the humanities were ignoring humanity.
Thoughby no means a mystic, his faithin what he was doing had
immediacy Theoretical processes were alien to his temper, except
perhaps in mathematics; and he rarely defended the processes that
preceded his action, not because he would not, but simply because he
couldn't. Yet, in his heart of hearts, he knew he was right. He was an
existentialist if ever there was one; the given situation was more to
himthan mere abstract principles. He had seen a hierarchical formof
society perpetuating itself by sheer force of inertia He now saw a
democracy assuming an equality where there was none, and reali7ed,
as if by instinct, the necessity of hammering a real equality out of the
existing inequalities.' 7
Menezes, in this essay, provides us witha complete picture of
D.C. Pavate, withwhomhe worked and had close contact. According
2 07
to Menezes D. C. Pavate was a humanist who strived hard to build the
Karnatak University withhis great vision and exuberant enthusiasm
4 .6.2. The Rare Art of Laughter without Tears:
In another essay 'The Rare Art of Laughter without Tears',
Menezes begins by saying humorously that we often laughat what we
love; as we often learn to love what we began by laughing at. In
laughing at all lapses fromperfection, laughter recognizes a standard.
There would be no laughter without seriousness; man, as Chesterton
says, is the most laughable creature of all, because he is so dignified.
Menezes further tells us that laughing at the proper time and the
right thing is a valuable social virtue, even when not always exercised,
and makes for a sane outlook while ensuring the graces of life.
Provided, of course, that our laughter takes the form, not of satire but
of humour. Laughter, according to Menezes, like poetry, is no doubt,
a criticism of an incongruity, and a deviation from the norm. This
incongruity may be between the norm and actual fact or the
incongruity may be between the actual and the desired. Menezes
concludes that it is a question whether there can be laughter without
tears at all. Writers on laughter have maintained that laughter was
ordained by nature for correction, and that Horace's to correct
2 08
manners by laughing' is laughter' s most legitimate function, whichis
negated in pure humour. 18
4 .6.3. On Plagiarism:
In a different essay 'Also an Art: Plagiarism', Menezes says
Plagiarism was, to ancient Greeks, just plain kidnapping - that is
what the word meant to them. Fromthis simple act of naked brutality
it rose to be a respectable, even a necessary, art. From lifting the
children of one's body it rose to lifting the offspring of one's mind. Not
only was imitation the sincerest formof flattery, as somebody said
later, but downright spoliation was the done thing. They did not
protect their writings from pilferings - as was done in later, more
possessive and degenerate days. For them, copyright, if they could
have foreseen the word, would have meant the right copy; the highest
originality, to themmeant: to be the first to copy, or imitate. 19
Menezes tells us further that in the tradition of the epic form,
plagiarismwas more than a right - it was a duty. The obligation to
copy exercised the same compulsion on writers that fashions exercise
upon women today. In modern times, he says, we have other
modalities of plagiarism. A wit has made a comparison between
plagiarism and research: to copy from one book, he has said, is
plagiarism; to copy frommany, is research. The researcher does not
2 09
approachhis sources like a conqueror, more like a cat burglar, or a
sneaking petty thief. He concludes by saying that not all plagiarists,
however, are aware that plagiarismis an art. 2 0
In this humorous essay Menezes traces the history of the word
`plagiarism' and concludes that in modern times it no longer has a bad
name when practiced according to certain well-laid norms. In fact, it
can be considered a virtue.
4 .6.4 . On Literature and Psychoanalysis
Menezes discusses the connection between Literature and
Psychoanalysis', in an essay withthat title. He says that where
literature is concerned withdeeper human impulses, withinexplicable
and apparently uncaused, or insufficiently motivated behaviour, it
invites the attention of psychoanalysis; whichtells us that, where
motives are not apparent, there may be unapparent causes: in the
subconscious, or deeper down in the unconscious. 2 1
Psychoanalysis, says Menezes, explains the effect of tragedy - at
the psychological level - as relief frompsychological tensions, or from
some formof nemesis to whichall of us, specially the more sensitive of
us, are liable. What probably happens in tragedy, he says, is that the
purely personal and self-regarding drops away for a moment, and pain
2 10
is expelled when the taint of egoismin suffering is removed. There is
a sort of escape frompersonal anxieties into the larger life. This is
probably akin to what psychoanalysts call sublimation. Again, when
we consider the cause of pleasure in tragedy, we are confronted with
explanations, whichborrow terms frompsychoanalysis: sadismand
masochism. In conclusion, Menezes says that while psychoanalysis
does certainly stimulate a certain type of literary criticism, we must
remember that psychoanalytic problems have been embodied in
literature before Freud and the naming of Psychoanalysis.
4 .6.5. On Literary Utopias
In the next essay, named 'Literary Utopias', Menezes explains
Utopia as a literary genre, whichimagines a world far better than our
very imperfect world; one, whichgives a local habitation and a name
to our desires and hopes of what, a world should be. In this sense, he
says, all imaginative literature is Utopian. The world of poetry is,
essentially, a mental world, that is, its location is nowhere. It is a
world of Ideas, of Forms, of eternal values; and the Utopian writer
writes of sucha world as already realized, in order to bring home to
us, more strikingly, more achingly, a sense of our own floundering
2 11
Menezes further elaborates that thoughhe is speaking of
Utopias, there is in fact no clear-cut difference between political and
literary Utopias; thoughsome of themare better written than others.
Every Utopia, according to him, is more or less literary in as muchas
it is imaginative writing; and the most literary Utopia must be
concerned withsome sort of state or society. Sir Thomas More's
Utopia, for instance, is a literary work, a romance, and an ancestor of
muchEnglishfiction. While More's stress is, among other things, on
learning and culture, Bacon's emphasis is on science and scientific
research. 2 2
Menezes discusses various works by authors to prove his point,
like WilliamMorris' News from Nowhere, Wells' Men like Gods and A
Modern Utopia, Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Samuel Butler's Erewhom,
and Aldous Huxley's Brave NewWorld. He concludes that some kind
of socialismprevails in most Utopias, fulfilling humanity's dreamof
complete freedom, eqiiality and justice.
4 .6.6. On Education and Democracy
In the essay on 'Education and Democracy', Menezes
expresses his opinion on education. The first concern of a nation, he
says, should be to educate itself. Education in the past, according to
him, was the preserve of the few, whichincluded the aristocratic
2 12
drove, for whomeducation was a necessary evil; the social fop withan
unearned income, for whomeducation was neither for profit nor for
knowledge but for ornament. But at present, education even higher
education cannot be the prerogative of the chosen few; but still, the
best end products of education, if education is rightly conceived, could
not help being an elite, but it would be a classless elite. Democracy,
according to him, does not mean that higher education should be
brought to the level of everybody. It is the function of education to
bring out the potential aristocrat.
Menezes further laments that there is no clear aimin education.
We act as if all we want is to keep the largest number of our young
men and women occupied for the longest possible time of the day.
The conditions for admission are lowered, the rigor of examination
relaxed, the compulsory element on the curricula minimized withthe
result that our institutions of higher learning have become degraded
to waiting rooms.
He tells us further that education for a democracy is not a lower
education, but only a more varied education. In a democracy,
everyone has the right, and should have the choice, to get that
education for whichhe is most fitted and whichshall prepare himfor
his station in life. Remove the challenge, the resistance, and all we
2 13
are going to breed is a fauna of spiritless invertebrates, fit only for
common fodder or adult suffrage. 2 3
In this essay Menezes asserts that every young man and woman
in a democracy has a right to education. But educational standards
must not be lowered. They must provide a challenge for an individual
to rise to the level for whichhe or she is most suited.
4 .6.7. On The Generation Gap
Menezes' The Generation Gap', is a very interesting essay. He
says that gaps between generations have always been there but the
social phenomenon called generation gap is of recent growth. The
progress of science and technology has brought in fast changes in
everything. Change was once slow; so slow that it was hardly noticed.
As our bodies today move faster as well as more frequently fromplace
to place, our minds too, move at great speed. The bug of change has
bitten everybody. Mere faithhas lost muchof its former authority.
Withthis skepticismin the air, the younger generation, rightful heirs
to the scientific spirit, have learned to question everything. They want
to know for themselves, instead of accepting what they are told. They
want experience, not doctrine; they want to create their own values,
and test themon their own pulses. The generation gap seems, largely,
a conflict between essentialismand existentialism.
2 14
Menezes humorously says that the parents who work hard do
not produce hard-working children. Rather, they produce children
who want life to be a perennial picnic, full of excitement. The concept
of equality, he says, has been misunderstood, and everybody thinks
himself equal to everybody else, in everything, and not only in some
things. Thoughparents and children are equal before God, and, given
certain circumstances, equal before the law, they need not be equal in
all things.
Menezes points out that the generation gap begins to yawn only
when parents and adolescent children live together. Parents grow
restless when their children begin thinking for themselves. There
follow constant clashes between the attitudes of children and parents.
The children fall into a chronic mood of protest and revolt and nurse a
feeling of intolerable oppression. Menezes reminds the older
generation that it has entirely forgotten it was once young. Therefore,
the children find their parents to be so many stick-in-the-muds,
lacking in understanding, irresponsive to new ideas. And hence a lack
of faithin the older generation results. The older generation reacts by
despairing of the young. A breachoccurs. 2 4
2 15
In this essay Menezes brings out the essential difference in the
thinking of the new generation and their parents, whichcomplicates
many situations. Withthe new ideas, education and freedom, the
youthdo not consider it necessary to obey their elders.
4 .6.8. On Student Discipline
The essay 'Student Discipline', discusses the various causes of
student indiscipline. Menezes says that the behaviour of students
outside the class roomand the campus must depend largely upon far
more complex and deep-rooted causes, to whichpeople who govern
the country and surely have the moral healthof the nation at heart,
must turn their urgent and serene attention. He says that there is no
evading the fact that there is among us a general decline in civilized
values and civic sense. This general decline is naturally reflected in
our colleges and other institutions of learning. Parents, forsaken by
the traditional aids, like religious practices and social taboos, transfer
their responsibility for discipline to the school, and the school in its
turn shifts the burden on to the college. Discipline is, obviously
enough, lax at the top. Whatever happens, the immediate 'authorities'
are invariably blamed for being tactless if they are firm, for being weak
if they are tactful. Even student organizations, Menezes says, draw
their strengthfrom an assumption that the interests of the students
and teachers are by nature conflicting and that the students must,
2 16
therefore, organize their own defense. The teacher's responsibility
therefore is paramount. But the teacher himself has problems of his
own. Withmost of them, the struggle for mere existence is acute to
the point of humiliation. Most of the teachers themselves out of the
college have not had the time to solve their personal problems or to
achieve that measure of integration, whichthey must try to inculcate
in their pupils.
Another reason for indiscipline, according to Menezes, is the
student is all along hag-ridden by the thought that the sort of
education he is undergoing, often at incredible cost to his people, is
not really necessary for the type of jobhe is likely to get; that there is
the least possible relation between one's qualifications and one's
chances of securing employment and that employment itself goes,
muchtoo often, rather by favour and 'luck' than by merit as also the
results of examinations are not always fair.
In conclusion, Menezes tells us that it is all the more imperative
for us teachers and leaders of youth, to restore in ourselves our own
lost faithin youthand begin once more to trust their native
generosity, their sense of humour - whichis another word for a sense
of proportion. 2 5
2 17
Menezes is of the opinion that the students are not wholly
responsible for their unruly behaviour. There is a general decline of
values in the society and that is reflected in the behaviour of the
students. The education we impart to themdoes not actually make
themfit for the jobs they are likely to get. They are aware of all this
and they give vent to their feelings throughtheir behaviour.
4 .6.9. On Old Age
In an essay 'On Old Age', Menezes tells us that old men often
sound depressing. Yet old age has its consolations, its moments of
pride, even its moments of cheerfulness. It depends muchon how our
youthand manhood have been lived. If you have not, throughthe
robust years, fawned upon base power and crooked the hinges of your
knees, you can still stand upon your 'shrunk shanks' as if you were a
youthof twenty. Being left 'sans everything', you still have your self-
respect. It is a gift of old age that one understands even the rebellion
of youth, this perky insolence whichgenerations of senile failures have
taught it. This is, perhaps, the most precious gift of old age: that one
sincerely desires, even lives for, the complete happiness of the young,
even when this happiness takes forms unknown to one's youth. 2 6
Writing on 'Old Age'. Menezes emphasizes that self-respect is all
that is left when everything else seems to have disappeared. It greatly
2 18
matters how one has lived one's youthand manhood. It is the gift of
old age to understand the rebellion of the youth.
4 .6.10. On The Second Sex
Menezes' The Second Sex', is no doubt an essay in a lighter
vein. He says that even to think of describing the second sex as the
second sex gives himthe horrors. He says that votes have been made
available to women but it has not made any difference to politics or
even the women themselves. Politics continues to be the same old
shady game. Women continue to be, in their own opinion, the same
old slaves, grubby or gorgeous. Menezes tells us further that it must
be some sort of curse, what the Greeks called hybris, that woman,
who so far had succeeded in turning her weakness into strength,
should now want to reduce her very strengthto weakness. If woman
is just the same as man, who will want a woman, he asks. It is true,
he says, that man has, all throughhuman history, taken unfair
advantage of this difference to keep woman in an inferior state. The
Greek woman dared not enter a theatre even witha mask The Roman
woman was, all her life, a dependent first of her father, then of her
husband, and at last of her son. Never could she call her soul her
own. The medieval woman, he says, was the devil's snare and a sink
of iniquity. In our own country, where the religious imagination has
flowered into sublime concepts, in whichthe eternal feminine
2 19
symbolizes the highest energy, fortune and even learning, woman has
had a raw deal fromman-made social codes. And yet we have had
women who could vie withthe best in any country like the Rani of
Jhansi and the Rajput women who shut the gates against their men
who had run away frombattle. Even the bad women of history have
had a dashand mettle of greatness in them: Semiramis of Babylon,
the Egyptian Cleopatra and Catherine of Russia And there is Helen,
whose face launched a thousand ships.
Menezes wonders why must the women shrink and dwindle to
mediocrity after sucha record. He concludes saying that in fact, there
are few things that a woman cannot do as well as a man. Send her to
school or college, and she runs away withall the prizes. 2 7
In this essay Menezes praises the ability of the woman to
compete withman in any field. He deplores the way the woman has
been treated by man and speaks about the great women of history
who have proved their greatness.
4 .6.11. On The U.N.O
The World' is a brilliant essay by Menezes on the United
Nations Organization. He says the UNO is making a valiant effort to
save Peace. We cannot afford another World War. For, the next World
2 2 0
War is going to mean widespread destruction and misery than any
other war has ever meant. It is going to be a setback to our boasted
progress. It is going to put back the clock of civilization by several
centuries, so that what mankind had patiently and laboriously won
during many centuries, will have to be won again. Peace, therefore
must be saved for the world. And the UNO is trying to save it.
According to Menezes it is not the tool that will save the world,
but the hand that wields that tool, and the heart that guides the
hand, then the peace of the world - and the future of civilization will
depend upon that heart, i.e. upon the goodness of men. St.Augustine
had, between the days of Plato and the days of Bacon, the great dream
of a world saved by the grace of Christ - the city of Man redeemed by
Christ fromthe Devil - gradually evolving into the City of God. Shri
Aurobindo had a similar dream: the establishment of a new heaven on
a new earth, by bringing down the highest level of consciousness into
the mental and physical planes, so that humanity might achieve, by a
leap as it were, a new stage in its evolution.
He concludes that the UNO was conceived in the very center of a
devastating worldwide struggle, out of a cool determination to make
another world war impossible. It was born at a time when a large wave
of freedomand independence was rolling over the countries of the
2 2 1
world; when ancient or new imperialisms were cracking under the
impact of this wave; when more countries were genuinely anxious for
the preservation of world peace, knowing that a war would mean a
fatal setback to their progress - perhaps a blow not only to their
posterity but to their independence. 2 8
According to Menezes, the U.N.O. therefore, is a necessary
instrument in order to prevent world wars in future. Peace is very
important for mankind and the U.N.O. is trying its level best to
safeguard peace.
4 .6.12. On The Mother Tongue
His essay on The Mother Tongue' has a direct reference to
Goa and Konkani. Konkani, at the time Menezes was writing this
essay, enjoyed an unenviable position as only a spoken language and
that too of the masses. Menezes says that withpolitical freedom, a
self-consciousness was growing among all the people. Among the
Goans, self-consciousness has coincided witha growing interest in the
mother tongue. Menezes recounts how at one time the ability to
speak Portuguese was a hallmark of social advancement, and every
aspiring child struggled upwards on weary wings to that sufficient
heaven. The linguistic barrier, he says, was then more estranging
than any 'brazen wall' of caste. The Portuguese-speaking families
2 2 2
were called the Rich, irrespective of their financial condition. Every
social event, wedding, benzimento or ladainha, was graced witha toast
in Portuguese even thoughnot a soul present understood what was
said, except, perhaps, the speaker. Sucha toast would be punctuated
withunderstanding nods at every freshrecurrence of a familiar
phrase, till the glasses raised and the Viva resounded. Thus, he
continues, brainless scions of the Richgot ample oratorical
opportunities by this simple linguistic advantage of theirs over the
Solomons of the village. Also a sermon in Portuguese would make the
splendor of a feast more splendid, even thoughthe Portuguese spoken
was Greekto nine-tenths of the pious congregation. This led to a kind
of snobbery in Goa. Even if you addressed one of these people in
Konkani, he would eachtime reply in Portuguese; till sheer good
manners forced you to humour himand follow suit.
Menezes is happy that this kind of taste was fast outgrowing. It
would be worthwhile to inquire into the precise cause or causes of this
change. It was not wholly because of the English-teaching schools or
expansion of the Portuguese primary and secondary education in Goa.
Menezes firmly believes that it was because of emigration. The rank
and file of the emigrants, cut off from home and its peculiar
snobberies, and unable to wield any other tongue, must perforce fall
back on their own. Hence, the emigrant, seeking an outlet and
2 2 3
knowing only Konkani, found in Konkani journalisma means of self-
expression. Menezes concludes by saying that while earlier attempts
to encourage the cultivation of Konkani were doomed to partial
success or total failure, there was no suchencouragement needed
now. Nothing in the world could stop what had started. There was
more and more demand for public speeches in Konkani and the
leaders gave in to them. There were toasts in Konkani in Bombay as
well as in Goa, whichwas a noble feature, rather a gesture of
emancipation. To add to these, dozens of newspapers had sprung up
everywhere, whichused only the mother tongue. 2 9
In this essay Menezes expresses his happiness that Konkani, his
mother tongue is gaining social acceptance. It was being spoken at
various social occasions and even journalismhad begun to flourishin
this language. He recollects painfully that there was a time when
Goans were compelled to learn Portuguese and the knowledge of this
language was a hallmarkof social advancement.
4 .6.13. Menezes On His Profession
The essay The Lighter Side of My Profession' provides an
opportunity to Menezes to narrate his experiences of the profession of
a teacher. Menezes begins by saying that a profession is a
2 2 4
tremendously serious thing and that can be the reason why people
insist in knowing whether it has a humorous side.
According to Menezes, we have to put ourselves outside ourselves
to be able to laughat ourselves, or even to see the point of a joke
about ourselves. Our own profession is always most painfully serious
to us. For that matter, even the profession of a clown is a serious
business to the clown. He confesses that he did not enter the
teaching profession by a clear, conscious, deliberate act of choice. He
only slipped into it. He says, as a teacher, at first, he was in such
dead earnest, so serious, that he was dull. His learning was only
pedantry; his explanations were laconic and explained nothing; there
was nothing in themto relieve the monotony of his lectures. When he
learned to amuse the class as part of the technique of teaching, it was
the hard way. It took him some time to weave humour into his
lectures and yet keep the serious business going.
Menezes laments that the status of the teacher has diminished to
an astounding, and to the teacher, humiliating, extent. Speaking
about the past, he says, the Guru in ancient India, was father as well
as the teacher, a sage and a saint. The disciple was glad to slave for
himand to touchhis feet in reverence. He was a mine of learning and
a paragon of wisdom. The relationship between himand his disciple
2 2 5
was a sacred relationship. His students paid him directly and his
earnings depended upon the extent of his learning and his didactic
and inspirational power. If he was a bad teacher, he simply starved.
There was no middle way. His only recourse was to packup and move
elsewhere. He could not, unlike teachers today, perpetuate himself in
his joband go on drawing his salary and perquisites without adding
anything to his own or his student's knowledge or mental training.
He concludes saying that the teacher's status has naturally
diminished throughthe ages, because teaching has, in the course of
time, dwindled into a poor alternative to any other job. It has become
the refuge of people who have tried and failed elsewhere. 3
In this essay Menezes laments that the status of the teacher had
diminished. He speaks of the ancient Gurukul system where the
teacher and his disciple had a sacred relationship. Menezes is sad
that the quality of teachers is not being maintained anymore.
4 .7.
Menezes' literary writings prove to us that he belonged to the
great Englishintellectual tradition, whichhe bothlived and taught.
His keen interest and love for Indian Englishpoets like Tagore,
Sarojini Naidu and HarindranathChattopadhyaya can be seen in the
2 2 6
essays in whichhe appreciated their poetry and seemed excited by
their imagery and diction as well as their nationalism.
His religious writings like Basava and Christ and Veerashaivism
and Christianity bring to us the similiarity in Hinduism and
Christianity. Menezes is convinced that God incarnates as Man from
time to time to bring to us the Truthin order to bring us closer to
Heaven. All religions preachTruthand Love of God. His essay on St.
Francis Xavier for the first time tells us that Francis was concerned
not only withthe spiritual welfare of the people but their temporal
welfare as well. St. Francis complained against the Portuguese rulers
in Goa for their immorality whichhampered the work of the
missionaries. The essay 'Imitation of Christ as Literature' focuses on
the negation of self whichis the supreme fiat of all religions, whether
Christianity, Hinduismor Budhism.
His essays on the four eminent Goan personalities, Francisco
Luis Gomes, Francisco Correia-Afonso, Menezes Braganca and Tristao
de Braganza Cunha, throw light on the social and political climate
prevalent in Portuguese Goa of the eighteenthand early nineteenth
century, and the efforts of some of these stalwarts like Menezes
Braganza to kindle the fire of freedom throughtheir journalism.
Coming to modern limes, in his brilliant essay on John Fitzgerald
2 2 7
Kennedy, Menezes tells us that President Kennedy had the power to
see bothsides of a question, inspite of the strong call of politics.
Menezes establishes that the striking feature of Gandhiji's
humanism was his devotion to humanity, whichwas perfectly
consistent withhis faithin God. The great Frenchwriter Romain
Rolland had discovered that the west had a lot to learn from
Gandhiji's methods and character.
Menezes writes humorous essays like The Rare Art of Laughter',
where he says that there would be no laughter if there was no
seriousness. In another humorous piece on Menezes
comments on how muchis plagiarismand how muchis considered as
researchnowadays. The essay on The Lighter side of My Profession',
narrates humorously his own experiences as a teacher.
Menezes makes serious reflections on various subjects in his
essays, 'Literary Utopias', 'Education and Democracy', The Generation
Gap' and the U.N.O. The ideas he expresses in these essays are very
thought-provoking and are a result of his long experience as a teacher
and administrator.
2 2 8
Menezes loved Goa and its language Konkani. This can be noted
in his essay, The Mother Tongue'. Menezes tells us how Konkani
came to be suppressed on account of the Portuguese and expresses
happiness that it is being revived again.
In conclusion, we can say that Menezes' writings introduce us to
an interesting personality, richand varied because it is steeped in
complex experiences of life. They shock us out of feeling of
complacency by their startling, original points of view and a
stimulating new way of expressing themwhether in prose or verse. 31
Menezes' prose is indeed marked by his strong personal style
and his views are expressed frankly and freely on any subject that he
may choose to write on. He also has the ability to look at the subject
objectively and to grasp the crux of the problem. Every subject is
highlighted throughhis richand varied experience and erudite
2 2 9
1. M.K. Naik, A History of Indian English Literature (New Delhi:
Sahitya Academy, 1992 ) , 71.
2 . Armando Menezes, Tagore at Karwar', Airy Nothings (Dharwar:
Manohar Printing Press, 1977) , 12 2 .
3. Ibid, 12 6.
4. Armando Menezes, `RabindranathTagore: His Poetry,' Airy
Nothings, 12 8.
5. Ibid, 132 .
6. Ibid, 133.
7. Armando Menezes, Basavaria: Mystic Poet', Airy Nothings,
8. Ibid, 146.
9. Armando Menezes, `Ganclhiji and Romain Roland', Airy
Nothings, 169.
10. Armando Menezes, 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy', Airy
Nothings, 2 02 .
11. Armando Menezes, 'Francisco Luis Gomes-The Novelist'.
The Goan World C entenary Issue, Bombay, May 192 9,
12 . Armando Menezes, Menezes Braganca'. Goa Today, Panaji,
January 1970, 4.
2 30
13. Armando Menezes, Sasava and Christ' Bangalore: Basava
C entenary Volume, n.p, n.p, n.d, n.pag.
14. Armando Menezes, The Imitation of Christ as Literature', Airy
Nothings, 2 64.
15. Armando Menezes, Veerashaivismand Christianity'. n.p,
n.p, n.d, n.pag.
16. Armando Menezes, 'St. Francis Xavier' Goa Today, Panaji,
December 1974, 14.
17. Armando Menezes, Pavate', Dharwar, n.p, n.d, n.pag.
18. Armando Menezes, The Rare Art of Laughter without Tears',
Airy Nothings, 2 2 5.
19. Armando Menezes, 'Also an Art: Plagiarism', Airy Nothings,
2 2 8.
2 0. Ibid, 2 31.
2 1. Armando Menezes, 'Literature and Psychoanalysis', Airy
Nothings, 2 38.
2 2 . Armando Menezes, 'Literary Utopias', Airy Nothings, 2 47.
2 3. Armando Menezes, 'Education and Democracy' Goa
Today, Panaji, n.d, n.pag.
2 4. Armando Menezes, The Generation Gap' Goa Today, Panaji,
n.d, n.pag.
2 5. Armando Menezes, 'Student Discipline' Goa Today, Panaji,
n.d, n.pag.
2 31
2 6. Armando Menezes, 'On Old Age' Goa Today, Panaji, March
2 7. Armando Menezes, The Second Sex' Goa Today, Panaji, n.d,
n. pag.
2 8. Armando Menezes, The U.N. 0' Goa Today, Panaji, n.d, n.
2 9. Armando Menezes, 'On the Mother Tongue' Goa
Today, Panaji, June 1974, 12 .
30. Armando Menezes,The Lighter Side of My Profession'
Goa Today, Panaji, n.d, n. pag.
31. W.W.S.Bhasker, 'Armando Menezes: The Writer'
Birthday C elebrations Souvenir of Professor Armando
Menezes, Dharwar, March1968, 52 .
2 32
Contribution to Goan Freedom
5. Contribution to Goan FreedomStruggle
Armando Menezes was not only a poet, critic and writer; he was
also a nationalist to the core. As a young lecturer in Bombay and
later at various other places, he came under the influence of the
Indian freedomstruggle. He was greatly influenced by speeches and
writings of Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent movement. Just as
Menezes' students were acutely aware and participated in the various
political movements like Swadeshi and Quit India Movement, he was
whole-heartedly withthem and they knew this. Their movements
found sympathetic support fromMenezes whose heart responded to
the call of the newly awakened generation. They also noticed that
there was a sudden change in his attitude and mode of dressing. From
the well-pressed westernized suits he always wore, he changed over to
the khaddar kurta-pyjamas. During these troubled days, he spent
most of his time meeting groups of students and discussing with
them, and directing their energies towards effective programmes and
activities in the cause of India's freedom. He understood and
appreciated their patriotic feelings and their anxiety to participate in
the fight for freedomof the motherland and was himself prepared to
2 33
play his part in the national struggle.' In case of any
misunderstanding between the students and the authorities, he
attempted to be the link to restore goodwill and amity by explaining
the students' point of view to the authorities.
Menezes expressed his patriotismand love for freedomin many
poems on national leaders and nationalistic themes like 'Gandhi ki
Jai', Vande Mataram', RabindranathTagore', ThirtiethJanuary' and
`Republic Day'. Most of these poems have themes on freedomand the
emotions of a true Indian patriot.
While Menezes was deeply conscious of the freedomstruggle for
India's independence fromBritishrule, he was also reminded that the
land of his birthwas under foreign yoke. A number of articles and
essays illustrate his strong concern for Goa and Goans who lived
under Portuguese rule. These articles, written before the
independence of India and after, express Menezes' feelings and
emotions for Goa, its language and its people. He was anxious about
the future of Goa and its freedomfromforeign rule, whicheventually
had to come one day. He was also concerned withthe problem of
Goan emigrants in Bombay and other Indian cities. Goans were
leaving Goa in hordes in searchof greener pastures. Their social,
economic and psychological problems were the themes on whichhe
2 34
wrote again and again in the form of poems, dialogues and essays.
After the liberation of Goa, Menezes tookactive interest in the political
life of Goa. He was against the merger of Goa withthe neighbouring
Maharashtra and the imposition of Marathi language on Goans. In
many of his post-liberation writings he makes virulent attacks on the
policies of the local government and other leaders in India, who were
bent on Goa's merger either directly or indirectly by adding other
territories to Goa in the name of Vishal Gomantak.
In his pre-liberation writings he uses every argument against the
idea that the Goan is happy under the Portuguese rule and that
Christianity needed the support of the Portuguese.
Menezes loved Goa very muchand in spite of his domicile and
employment in BritishIndia, his heart was always in Goa, where he
had spent his childhood and the most impressionable years of his life.
He was a great protagonist of the Konkani language though, as he
admits, his drawback was that he could not speak in the language
fluently because of his studies in Englishand speaking of Portuguese
at home. He appreciated in no simple words the stalwarts of the
Konkani movement like Vaman Varde Valauliker or Xenoi Goembab
and the poets like BakibabBorkar and Manoharai Sardessai. 2
2 35
Menezes was equally proud of the great Goan writers and thinkers of
the pre-liberation Goa, who made Goa proud all over the world. In a
number of essays, he eulogizes their mighty thoughts and deeds and
the fame they brought for Goa.
Withthis brief introduction it would be worthwhile to study in
detail some of his writings, whichprove his love for Goa and speakof
his great nationalism.
5.2. On The Future Of Goa
In an article, The Future of Goa', Menezes expresses his anxiety
of what political status Goa would have when the rest of India attains
independence. He says that there is an obvious geographical sense in
whichGoa cannot help being part and parcel of India. He asserts that
Goa has never been actually separated from the rest of India. Her
most cherished traditions have been India's traditions. Her poets, the
soul's truest interpreters, have all leaped across her narrow
boundaries, and sought their highest and purest inspiration in the
deathless symbols whichwere once common to both. They have felt
the continuity of her history was interrupted at her last conquest.
There is still a third sense, not so obvious, in whichGoa has been one
withIndia. There are no boundaries in the moral empire of
dependence. Subjection, he says, is all of one colour, or no colour,
2 36
whether you paint it red or green on the map. There is an unseen
bond, whichjoins souls in humiliation and defeat, far stronger than
the sympathy, whichclashes wing-to-wing, bright spirits of liberty. 3
Menezes further expresses a fear whether independent Goa will
remain a part of India or exist as a separate identity in India. He
consoles himself saying that the blood of the Great Mother will throb
in our pulses once more, that the heritage of her splendid traditions
will come flooding in again into the precious corner, whichthe seven
rishis chose for their abode, and where the gods fought in
unremembered days. Menezes has bright visions of a united India.
He sees one soul warming up this vast beautiful India, fromend to
end. He sees her as a giant lotus afloat on her seas, withits white
bloom turned up heavenward in prayer. And, in the blaze of that
dream, the interests and fanaticisms of men, and all their pettiness,
shrivel up to ashes like a leaf in fire. 4
Menezes predicts that it is not far off when BritishIndia will gain
her independence. Then, what will be the political status of Goa, he
asks. According to him, the young blood of Goa is already inoculated
withthe new virus of freedom. The names of India's heroes are
bywords on the lips of the new generation there. Young Goan
enthusiasts in Portugal as well as in the motherland, show their warm
2 37
sympathy withthe cause of India. Their outlook is decidedly and
frankly supra-Goan. The older generation, indifferent to all but their
own material interests, are incapable of looking beyond the low fence
of their territorial limits. The Hindus, he says, represent in Goa the
party, whichfollows withbreathless interest eachact in the drama of
India's battle for freedom. It is they who are administering to the Goan
public the political education of the future. Many of the Catholics,
young and old, affect a certain indifference to the religion in which
they were cradled. They write to the Hindu papers, adopt Hindu
noms-de-plume, and grow rapturous over the traditions, good and bad
of Hindu civilization. Menezes says we wrong the Catholic religion in
identifying our political passiveness witha faith, whichhas always
stood for the self-respect of man.
Speaking about India, he says that there is nothing to show that
India will lapse back to barbarism after Independence. On the
contrary, India, after achieving her Independence, will naturally step
forthon an equal footing into the Commonwealthof Nations. He
concludes that Independence is not worthhaving, unless you have
fought for it, or shown yourself in any other way worthy of so
invaluable a possession. And that is the reason why a new political
outlook must be impressed on every section of Goa. An intense and
2 38
more direct political education must spread among Goans a more
active spirit of self-determination. 5
5.3. Goan Religious Figures
In 'Some Great Goans', Menezes defends Goa's Catholic culture
and education, whichhas produced so many personalities that make
Goa proud. He begins by saying that the Goan culture, like Goa itself,
is a very mixed and peculiar affair; and in this lies its highly
distinctive quality. The Goan culture is a distinct culture;
impoverished, may be, by cutting off, in varying measure, fromthe
parent culture, but evolving into a different species under the shockof
western occupation. There should not be a charge against Goan
culture that it is the result of an alien culture upon the native. There
is, he says, muchvirtue in grafting. 6
So intensely Catholic was that culture, he says, that the clergy
held for a long time almost the monopoly of learning in Goa and
produced some of her most eminent sons. The clergy gave Goa, two
eminent Oratorians - Father JosephVaz, now venerated as Saint in
Sri Lanka, even more than in Goa and Father Jacome Gonsalves, who
has an enduring place in the history of Tamil and Singhalese
literatures. L'Abbe Faria could not be described as a saint; he was a
man of science. He was a pioneer in the field of hypnotism; and his
2 39
name lives all over the world in the particular doctrine and method
whichis known as Fariism. He was undoubtedly a man of genius;
and if he was a revolutionary in science, he was a revolutionary also
in politics. He took an active part in the FrenchRevolution as a
partisan of the Jacobins; and like his father, also a priest, was a link,
in Portugal, of a revolutionary party, whichnearly overthrew the
Portuguese administration in Goa, in 1787. 7
It needs recording, Menezes says, that two other priests, Father
Couto and Father Gonsalves, participated in this all but successful
coup known as the 'Conspiracy of the Pintos'. While the secular
members of this conspiracy were hanged, the clergy were merely
deported to Portugal as an example for the rest. Thus, during the
Portuguese monarchy, the clergy in Goa were actively interested in
politics. And of all the classes of the Goan people, the clergy have
been, by and large, the most discontented against the Portuguese
policy, for they have always had to look to India for the fulfillment of
their legitimate ambitions. Between the 17thand the 18thcenturies,
there were as many as eight Goan bishops - all outside Goa, and
outside the areas where Portugal ruled jointly withthe Church. Many
of these bishops were men of learning, as well as politicians and
2 40
Menezes writes further in his essay that the clerical regime
received successive setbacks in the days of the Marquis of Pombal,
withthe onset of Liberalism in 182 4 and withthe passing of the
monarchy in 1910. Withthe advent of Liberalism, politics took a
secular turn, and a memorable symbol of this change is the
personality of Bernard Peres da Silva, a Goan, who became Prefect of
Portuguese India. However, he was soon ousted by the intrigues of
the Portuguese diehards whose sense of racial superiority could not
accept the idea of a Goan at the head of the administration in Goa. It
was at this time that Salazar, whomMenezes describes as a monster
named the Hydra of Nativism, came into the picture. He gradually
stifled all freedomof speechand association in Goa as in Portugal,
and exalted racialisminto a basic principle of a belated imperialism.
Menezes mentions further in his essay, the successive revolts of
the Ranes against the Portuguese. He places the leaders of these
revolts among the eminent, even among the great Goans, because they
displayed a sense of human dignity and the great principle that 'even
a wormwill turn'. 8
5.4 . Goan political figures
Menezes also lists the outstanding Goan political figures of the
three-quarters of the century. They are men like Jose Inacio de
2 41
Loyola, Constancio Roque da Costa and Roque Correia-Afonso.
Loyola, besides being the leader of a party, was an eminent doctor,
noted as muchfor his charity as for his medical skill. Constancio
Roque, after disabling an insulting Portuguese officer on the streets of
Lisbon witha revolver shot, ended up as Portugal's Minister
Plenipotentiary at Buenos Aires. Roque Correia-Afonso, besides
wielding withgreat power bothpen and tongue, was an unflagging
champion of the village communities and local self-government.
Political journalism produced giants in the land. Luis de Menezes
Braganca was the last of the free men. The last journals, whichhe
maintained withhis potent pen, were significantly named Pracasha
and Prad0a, and when they were successively snuffed out by the
rigorous censorship, the light almost literally went out of Goa.
Menezes remarks that Menezes Braganca was not only the last hero of
the Liberalism, but the first martyr of the then Portuguese regime.
Another Goan, Leopoldo da Gama, was perhaps the greatest name in
Goan journalism. To these eminent personalities can be added the
names of Luis da Cunha Gonsalves, one of the most eminent
professors of Law in Portugal; Philip Neri Xavier, the indefatigable
historian, whose book on the Village Communities is a classic in the
subject and Gerson da Cunha, a polyglot and historian. The last
personality Menezes mentions is that of D. Kosambi, sage and saint in
2 42
one, who devoted his life to the study of the Pali language and the
literature of Buddhism.
Menezes says that Goa seems to be the last place to breed a
warrior; and yet it has produced much-sought officers for the armies
of the Deccan. General Jose Antonio Pinto fought withdistinction in
the wars of the Peshwas; and it is withhis bright name that the
famous conspiracy for the overthrow of the Portuguese is associated.
Menezes concludes that the Goan, withfew exceptions, found
Goa too small for his many gifts. He is, therefore, an emigrant not so
muchby economic compulsions as by an inner impulsion which
drives his genius out to expend and flower in a wider environment.
Today, he says, he is the son of the soil - an Indian among Indians.
Menezes anticipates the Indian government issuing orders to the
Indian Army to enter Goa and there shall at that time, certainly be
Goans ready and able to lead. 9
5.5. Francisco Luis Gomes
In his article, 'Francisco Luis Gomes, Centenary of a Great
Indian', Menezes bestows lavishpraise on Francisco Luis Gomes, a
true nationalist and a Goan. The Portuguese conquistadors, he says,
tried by methods more robust than wise to pull an ancient civilization
2 43
up by its secular roots, and plant a new culture in its place. The
Portuguese, withfar better intentions, left Goa witless. And the history
of Goa ever since has been the history of a people in searchof its lost
heritage. The conquistadors made a wilderness - an intellectual
wilderness and called it not peace, but civilization. The birthof
Francisco Luis Gomes was like the desert blooming witha rare genius.
He was one of those Goans who won international reputation for
himself and distinguished honour for the land of his birth. The land
was, not Goa, but India. This is only one example, Menezes tells us,
of the tendency of sincere, earnest Goans to fall back upon India as
their common Mother. Our most inspired and original poets, he says,
have shown an instinctive readiness to plunge withall their hearts
into the past of that immense India of the tiger and the lotus - a past
richwithmemories, half ascetic, half voluptuous, of Sanyasis and
Apsaras. Francisco Luis Gomes, in a letter to Lamartine, whose
familiar friend he subsequently became, vaunted himself on being a
son of India. "I belong to the race", Gomes wrote, "whichcomposed
The Mahabharata and invented chess -two conceptions whichhave in
themsomething of the eternal and the infinite." 10
Menezes says that Gomes was a true son of India, and proud of
his lineage. He had assimilated all the culture of the West. He had
mastered science and literature and his brilliant pen was matched by
2 44
a persuasive tongue. Economist, statesman, orator, publicist,
historian and novelist, there was hardly any activity of the human
mind whichhe did not touch, and touching, did not adorn. Elected
Deputy to the Portuguese Parliament at the age of 31, he astounded a
cultured audience by the largeness and wisdom of his views on all
sorts of subjects and the daring withwhichhe expressed themno less
than by the distinction of his phrase and the arresting fluency of his
oratory. No Indian but must feel proud, Menezes says, of a fellow-
countryman who had the pluck to say before a wholly European
audience that he had 'come to teachArithmetic to the Portuguese
Parliament'. 11
Francisco Luis Gomes, he continues, wrote what lay closest to
his heart on every subject under the sun in his only novel, 'Os
Brahamanes'. It is a novel of passion, of considerable merit and
power and unique in the choice of its subject as well as in the
description of Indian life and nature. It is here that the eminent writer
has lavished the most precious gifts of his heart and preached a noble
gospel of universal brotherhood. It is here that he protests, with
indignation kindled to eloquence, against all distinctions of race, caste
and colour. The Brahminismhe holds up to execration is the proud
spirit of exclusiveness and untouchability wherever it is found.
Writing only a few years after the Sepoy Mutiny, Gomes believed with
2 45
fond simplicity that the transfer of India from the Company to the
Crown would mean a change fromcommercial exploitation to paternal
rule. 12
5.6. The Grand Illusion
Menezes' true feelings of a nationalist can be noticed in his
vituperative attack on the Portuguese government in his article, `The
Grand Illusion'. He begins by saying that the continued existence of
Portuguese colonialismconcerns not Portugal or its colonies alone; it
concerns the entire civilized world. It is one aspect of the Grand
Illusion that Portugal should think it is nobody's business but its own.
Portugal, however, seems to believe firmly that it is living in a world of
its very own, withno moral responsibility to any country or recognized
international authority. 13
Writings like these earned the author special attention fromthe
Portuguese who had declared him persona non grata. Menezes
further tells us that Portugal had fortified itself inside a freshillusion,
pulling it hastily over its head like a night-prowler's hood. This fiction
consisted in proclaiming the Portuguese possessions to be, not
colonies, but provinces. Portugal, he says, is no longer a European
nation; it is an Afro-European power. The Portuguese empire has,
after 450 years, vanished like a mist.
2 46
Menezes' sarcasmis the finest when he attacks the lie that all
the people of the colonies are Portuguese without a difference.
Therefore, he continues, when a native of India is kicked in the groin,
or an African Negro sold into virtual slavery, he must understand it is
a fraternal gesture, between perfect equals under the benign
Portuguese law. It is this monstrous travesty of equality that gives
Portugal the immoral courage to repeatedly declare before the United
Nations Organization that it has nothing to report on its non-existent
colonies. What happens in Portugal - Indian Portugal, Chinese
Portugal, African Portugal - is its business; if not, what price
sovereignty? And yet, Menezes continues, only a few years ago, the
so-called provinces were colonies plain and unashamed, and were
administered, under the Colonial Act by the Minister for Colonies, now
deftly, by an act of judicial prestidigitation, Minister for Overseas
Provinces. But legal fiction cannot hide the truth, anymore than the
ostrichcan save itself by burying its head in the sand. 14
Menezes finally concludes withexamples how the Portuguese
exploited the Africans withsuchillusions and pretence of
5.7. Nationalists Galore
In 'Nationalists Galore', Menezes describes a dreamsequence in
whichdifferent Goan nationalists appeared to be discussing their
2 47
different ideas on Goa and expressing varied viewpoints. There was
one who was clad in immaculate homespun withan equally
immaculate cap on his head. He had worn that cap when to wear it
was a crime against Portuguese sovereignty. There was another who
had sharpened his love for his mother tongue into a spearhead of his
attack upon Portuguese imperialism, and yet another who had spoken
elegantly of the young India and intoned devout hymns to Mother
India. There were other nationalists who thought the independence of
India would sound the knell of the Portuguese empire in India. And
there were still others who had hoped India would marchin, in the
wake of the peaceful satyagrahas any day. There was one group that
wondered what would be the fate of Christianity if the Portuguese quit
India. Another group was worried about the taxes that they would
have to pay in free Goa. A lone voice expressed his anguishthat if
Goa merges, all the Indians would flood their dear little homeland.
Another group a little away in a complacency wanted to know why
they should worry about Goa. According to themit was the people
inside Goa who should fight if they wished. They were the best judges
of what was good for them. But thoughall these voices spoke in
different tunes, everyone wanted a merger of the numerous Goa
freedomparties. Only every other party must merge in his own. They
all cried for better leadership; only eachone assumed he would be the
only leader. As the poet awakes, the babel of tongues vanishes and he
2 48
sees the splashand chatter of Dudhsagar Falls. 15 This dream
sequence illustrates the disunity and confusion among the different
Goan nationalists.
5.8. On Goan Education
Menezes relates to us the kind of education that existed in Goa
in his article 'Goan Education - A Retrospect'. He says that there was
only one primary school to three villages and the Portuguese
education for as many as five years enabled one to read a letter in
Konkani. The people had long begun to realize that this sort of
education did not lead anywhere. Still, they sent their children
helplessly to these primary or parishschools. But suchwas the need,
that Englishschools soon began to spread, first in a humble way, and
then on a full fledged scale. The Portuguese schools were in imminent
danger of being emptied, when a shrewd decree made the first primary
certificate (Primeiro Grau) a pre requisite of EnglishEducation.
This steady decline of Portuguese education in Goa, Menezes
tells us, was a barometer of the flight abroad. All classes of the people
rubbed shoulders in this stampede out of the country. Even highly
placed officials of the government sent their children to English
schools or schools in neighbouring India. Soon emigration changed
the whole character and, even more, the extension of Goan culture.
2 49
Where there was a solitary landlord, a new middle class arose, to
scale, in eachsuccessive generation the social scarp. Emigration had
another, and a more far-reaching consequence. It established a closer
linkbetween the two Indias. Freed fromthe Portuguese domination, a
Goan could breathe more freely.
The Portuguese at this time curbed civil liberties altogether. The
Pracasha was the last free paper and when it was snuffed; the light
finally went out. The Goan revolution was smothered until the
Independence of India provoked a major crisis. The Goan revolution,
Menezes says, went underground in Goa itself and existed openly
outside it. The English-speaking or English-knowing middle class was
in the forefront; the ex-officials of the Portuguese in Goa or in Portugal
were also in the fight.
When the Englishschools began to be suspect as possible
nurseries of anti-Portuguese feeling or Indian nationalism, the
ecclesiastical authorities of Goa tookover. They encouraged or started
Englishschools, in the hope of countering a denationalizing influence,
whichthey dared not remove. This is an indirect tribute to the vitality
of Englisheducation in Goa. Withthe desire of emigration being so
powerful, the Portuguese could not tamper withthe English
education. 16
2 50
Menezes tells us that while the Catholic clergy, trained to look
upon the world as their country and Rome as their capital, have long
looked towards India as a land where a Goan priest can become a
bishop, the Hindus of Goa have been in touchwithIndia through
Marathi literature and periodicals. The sense of unity of India must
have lived on in the thousands of children who learned their three R's
throughMarathi. Thoughthe percentage of literacy in Goa was
deplorably low, the educated minority, has, fromthe earliest times,
never lacked for opportunities. When the limited resources of their
native land drove Goans out in searchof better prospects, the
versatile and adaptable Goan soon began to make his presence felt in
various parts of India, and particularly in Bombay. Suchnames as
Gerson da Cunha, Dr. Viegas, Dr. Lisboa, Telang belong to the history
of India rather than of Goa.
Speaking about the past, Menezes tells us that the Goan's
versatility and gift for adaptation have never forsaken him. The Goans
have been, as far as memory can carry us, either migrants or a
subject people. Their country's very natural advantages have, like a
woman's beauty, been her undoing. She has been wooed and wooed
again. Fromthe Kadambas to Adil Shah, she has known an unbroken
succession of overlords, until the Portuguese came and held her in
lasting concubinage. 17
2 51
In this essay Menezes traces the history of Goan Education. He
tells us that it is Englisheducation that was primarily responsible for
the emigration of Goans to BritishIndia in searchof employment.
Goans are very adaptable by nature and have adapted to very difficult
situations in the past. Goa has always been under the rule of people
outside Goa and the Portuguese rule was the worst.
5.9. On Vishal Gomantak
In Vishal Gomantak', Menezes' love for Goa comes to the fore.
He is a strong protagonist for the existence of Goa as a separate entity
among the other states of India. He vehemently attacks Y.B.Chawan,
who, according to him, was attempting a backdoor entry of Goa into
Maharashtra after the Opinion Poll had proved Goa's unity and will to
remain separate. On the contrary he lavishes great praise on late
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, whomhe calls a true statesman if there was
one. He supports Nehru's view on the 'uniqueness' of Goa and his
desire to conserve and develop that uniqueness as a unit in the great
India, whichprides itself on its unity in diversity and diversity in
Wit,. 18
5.10. On Goa and the Goans
The article 'Goa and the Goans' is written muchafter Goa's
Liberation. Here the author discusses what makes a Goan so proud of
2 52
his Goaness and so fond of Goa. Menezes tells us that there is more
artistic talent in Goa per square inchthan will be found in a square
mile in the rest of India. The Goan is gifted in music and dance and
in poetry and the plastic arts. There has been hardly any exhibition of
painting in Bombay where more than half of the best artists have not
been either Goans or Goan descendants.
Menezes reiterates that the Goans' love of his little homeland is,
more pronounced among the emigrants. One finds one's home, he
says, best by going away fromit; and there is a thrill in the spine, a
lift of the heart, in the emigrant, whichcannot possibly be experienced
by the home-keeping Goan.
Menezes tells us further that the sociological map of Goa had
changed. In the past, the middle-class emigrant, ill-endowed with
letters and withno inclination to acquire them, would bring home his
savings, invest them in a plot, where he would, on his next leave,
build a little home; still later, perhaps, he would marry and perhaps
celebrate the parishfeast withmore pomp than he could really afford.
At a later period, the Goan emigrant has ceased to be a compulsive
homecomer. He chose to become, if he could afford it, a settler and
acquire a home, and perhaps other property abroad. When two
enterprising Goans started the monthly, The Goan World, in Bombay,
2 53
in the 2 0's, they were really thinking of the 'Goan world', which
existed outside Goa. The Goan World kept, among Goans dispersed all
over the world, the memory of their homeland alive; it was a precious
link. It kept the emigrant in contact withhis home, whichhe, though
a voluntary exile, still cherished. The Goan World was then, as Goa
Today is now, an infallible cure for homesickness. 19
Menezes cites the reasons for the Goan to settle abroad further
in his essay. The Goan wanted for himself and for his family the best
comforts and conveniences he could afford, including the best possible
education for his children. The situation, he says, has changed now.
Goa now provided all the standard amenities, including education,
electricity, transport and medical services in rural areas.
Menezes finally confides that a co-efficient of the Goan' s love for
Goa is his pride in being a Goan, not for any particular reason but
just the pride in being Goan. Muchof this love is due to the natural
beauty of Goa. The beauty of the surroundings is known to be an
element in the make up of the artistic temperament, and the Goan's
love of beauty naturally includes the love for the natural beauty of his
homeland. One must love a thing in order to make it beautiful. The
Goan loves Goa and it becomes beautiful in his eyes.
2 0
2 54
Armando Menezes loved Goa very much. Its natural beauty
and the scenes of the Goan countryside where he spent most of his
childhood haunted himwherever he went. He could never forget the
golden ricefields, the placid river Mandovi, the white-coated churches
and the sunsets. All these made up for him the Goa of his dreams
and he spoke of these dreams constantly in his poetry and prose
writings. This beauty of Goa was a source of strengthto his pride of
being a Goan and he loved it immensely.
5.11. On Indo- Portuguese Relations
Menezes' Indo-Portuguese Relations' is written many years after
Goa's liberation, at a time when the relations between India and
Portugal continued to be strained. In the essay, Menezes welcomes
the visit to Delhi and Goa of Dr. Mario Soares, Portugal's foreign
minister. He says it is a happy augury of the resumption of friendly
relations between India and what the Prime Minister of India
described as the new Portugal. This development should be welcomed
by the inhabitants of Goa and, indeed by the rest of the former
Portuguese India, who have mostly assimilated in large measure the
kind of culture Portugal represented in the modern world.
Menezes declaims the recent hostility in Goa and calls it
irrational. This new development was the logical result of Portugal's
2 55
change of attitude towards its colonies resulting fromthe retrograde
and anti-liberal policies of the Salazar dictatorship. The benefits of
this new overture made by the new, free Portugal - a liberal,
democratic, anti-imperialistic, socialist and truly Christian, is that
there shall be no more any pro-Portuguese among the Goans, or
rather, they shall all be, fromnow on, all pro-Portuguese and friends
of Portugal.
He says that this simple gesture that Dr. Mario Soares has
called one of reconciliation, opens up mutual doors of communication
between Portugal and India, in the economic and commercial sphere
and perhaps, chiefly, on the level of culture and the exchange of
civilized values. Now, at last, he continues that we will gladly and
gratefully acknowledge that it was a Portuguese that opened the
communication between Europe and India. It is also a matter of pride
for us to know that without India, there would be no Lusiads, that is,
without India, world literature would be poorer by one great
poern. 2 1
During the Portuguese regime, the Indian government had offered
Menezes an appointment to a diplomatic post in Goa but after
protracted negotiations withPortugal, was withdrawn. The Portuguese
were of the contention that as a Goan born and bred in Goa, he
couldn't represent another country in Goa. But Menezes tells us: "
2 56
The objection, ostensibly legal, was at bottompolitical. I had been, for
some time, for my views on the Salazar dictatorship and on the
oneness of India, a persona non grata withthe Portuguese
government, and my movements -innocent, as they were - had been
watched by the police for many years. The very virtues that
recommended me to the Indian government disqualified me in the
eyes of the Portuguese. And yet, it was not till many years later that I
was 'advised' not to go to Goa for my holidays. It meant an exile of
nine years, until I caught the first available train to Goa a week after
the military action of 19thDecember, 1961." 2 2
ThoughMenezes was a worthy son of the soil and a proud Goan
nationalist, he was not to occupy any important post or position in
Goa, whichhe loved so much. Soon after the Liberation of Goa, the
Congress Party in Goa proposed his name as a candidate for the Lok
Sabha. But Menezes lost the election because as he says, his
community was divided and besides he was a novice in Politics. 2 3
Menezes could not have played any direct role in the freedomof
Goa. He did not participate in the Satyagraha movement conducted
on the borders of Goa. Neither was he a member of the Azad
Gomantak Dal, a militant organization that was working for the
2 57
freedomof Goa througharmed struggle. Menezes fought Goa's battles
for freedomthroughhis pen. He evinced great interest in the future of
Goa once India obtained independence. There was a general talk of
the idea of Goa seeking a separate existence fromthe rest of India.
Menezes was against this idea and wrote relentlessly against it.
According to him, Goa had always been a part and parcel of India and
it was pure logic that it should join the Indian Union after its
Liberation or freedomfromPortuguese rule.
Menezes was equally proud of belonging to the Catholic
community. In well-written essays on 'Some Great Goans', he
eulogizes the contribution to Goa and Goan Christian society of
stalwarts from the clergy like Fr. JosephVazand Fr. Jacome
Gonsalves who are mentioned in the Tamil and Sinhalese literature of
Sri Lanka. He mentions that two Catholic priests, Fr. Couto and Fr.
Gonsalves participated in the famous Revolt known as the 'Conspiracy
of the Pintos', whichwas brutally put down by the Portuguese. This
revolt was equal to the successive revolts of the Ranes against the
Portuguese at a later date in history.
Menezes delves deeply into the political history of Goa and lists
the Goan political figures of the early 19thcentury, who made Goa
2 58
proud bothin Goa and Portugal. They are men like Jose Inacio de
Loyola, Constancio Roque da Costa and Roque Correia-Afonso.
Among themLuis de Menezes was a great journalist who held the
banner of freedom highthroughhis two Portuguese language
newspapers, Pradipa and Pracasha until banned by censorship.
Menezes also mentions the names of a galaxy of Goans of the great
period like Leopoldo da Gama, Gerson da Cunha and Dr. Kossambe.
Menezes has a special word of praise for Francisco Luis Gomes,
who is the author of the famous novel, Os Brahamanes. Economist,
statesman and historian, he was elected to the Portuguese Parliament
at an early age of 31, and astounded a cultured audience withhis
wisdomand fluency of his oratory.
Menezes finds the Goan nationalists on the eve of the liberation of
Goa, disunited and speaking in different voices althoughtheir dream
is the same. Menezes has described at lengththe reasons for the
migration of Goans and the Englisheducation, whichfacilitated this
His articles written after the Liberation of Goa continue to express
his concern for the future of Goa, whether Goa should continue to
2 59
remain a separate identity or be merged in one of the states and
consequently lose its uniqueness.
Thus we see that Menezes was a true nationalist. He was proud
of being an Indian and contributed his own mite for freedomof the
motherland. But living in BritishIndia, his concern was for his
beloved Goa, whichwas under the Portuguese rule. Even after the
Liberation of Goa, his writings on the events taking place in Goa prove
that he wished the best for Goa and the Goans. He was filled with
great pride to mention the names of the famous Goan thinkers and
scholars of the Portuguese era.
In his essays here, he writes on a variety of subjects that
concern Goa and its people like education, language and a political
entity. In the essays written before Independence of India, he predicts
the consequences of India's freedomon Goa. He visualizes a great
future for India and hopes that Goa will be a part of this great country
2 60
1. S.S.Wodeyar. 'Armando Menezes: The Teacher'
65th Birthday C elebrations Souvenir of Armando Menezes,
Dharwar, March1968, 68.
2 . Armando Menezes, `Konkani Again' Goa Today, Panaji,
May 1975, 16.
3. Armando Menezes, The Future of Goa'. N.p, n.d, n. pag.
4. Ibid, 3.
5. Ibid, 6.
6. Armando Menezes, 'Some Great Goans'. N.p, n.d, 2 .
7. Ibid, 4.
8. Ibid, 6.
9. Ibid, 14.
10. Armando Menezes, 'Francisco Luis Gomes: The Novelist'
The Goan World C entenary Issue, Bombay, May 192 9, 2 .
11. Ibid, 3.
12 . Ibid, 5.
13. Armando Menezes, The Grand Illusion: an article on the
continued existence of Portuguese Colonialism'. N.p.
n.d, 1.
14. Ibid, 2 .
15. Armando Menezes, 'Nationalists Galore'. N.p, n.d. 6.
2 61
16. Armando Menezes, 'Goan Education - A Retrospect'. N.p,
n.d, 6.
17. Ibid, 8.
18. Armando Menezes, Vishal Gomantak'. N.p, n.d. 5.
19. Armando Menezes, 'Goa and the Goans'. N.p, n.d. 4.
2 0. Ibid, 6.
2 1. Armando Menezes, Indo-Portuguese Relations'. N.p, n.d,
n. pag.
2 2 . Armando Menezes, The Story of My Education, Menezes
family collection, unpublished autobiography, 116.
2 3. Ibid, 2 2 7-2 2 8.
2 62
Miscellaneous Writings
6. Miscellaneous Writings
Menezes is known as a poet and critic because of the volumes of
poetry and critical essays that he published. But he did not stop at
that. He tried his hand at different forms like drama, short stories
and journalistic writings and translations. Althoughhe did not earn
laurels for his only play and the short stories that he wrote, it may be
useful to study themin order to understand the nature and character
of the man behind them. That Menezes loved Goa and its village life
can be seen throughhis stories. The village characters we come
across the Goa of the 40's and its setting are intensely Goan.
AlthoughMenezes lived in various cities of India for most of his life,
his early experiences of childhood and boyhood were deeply embedded
in his consciousness. Never could he forget the richfamilies, the
middle classes and the labourers who were dependent on one another
in their day to day life. Besides, the life of the country gentleman, his
foibles and the shadow of the Catholic Churchbehind every family is
the atmosphere for most of his stories.
His journalistic writings are a proof of his erudite scholarship,
his logical mind and his commitment to the society to whichhe
2 63
belonged. His speeches bear witness to the fluency of language and
continuous flow of thoughts, whichonly a scholar and teacher of his
repute could have delivered to the various audiences. And his stories
are intensely Goan in their setting and characterization.
During his later life, Menezes was involved in the translations of
the Kannada Sunya Sampadane, Volumes I, II, III, IV and V, Vacanas
of Basavanna and Akkamahadevi, whichbrought him mystical
experiences. He has his own views on translations and translators.
Early in his life, he had translated fromthe Portuguese, the novel: Os
Brahamanes of Francisco Luis Gomes and his translation was
acclaimed by the educated world.
Therefore, in order to understand the complex personality of this
man it would be interesting to study also some of the minor works
whichwe may safely classify as Miscellaneous writings.
6.1. Menezes' Drama:
6.1.1. C aste, a Social C omedy
The only play written by Menezes is C aste, a social comedy
consisting of four acts. The play dwells on the problemof caste in
Goan Catholic society. Althoughthe Catholic Churchregards all as
equals, the Goan society is caste-ridden and the problemcomes to the
2 64
fore, particularly, at the time of marriage. The parents of the groom
and the bride check and recheck the caste of the parents of the
prospect before any proposal is made. In the play, Freddie, the son of
Dr. De Souza, is in love withHelen, the daughter of Dr. Ferreira, a
judge. Freddie is a dandy who is not interested in the legal studies,
whichhe is supposed to pursue. The matter comes to a head when it
is discovered that Helen is also madly in love withFreddie. Dr.
Ferreira imposes an impossible condition on Freddie: he should
complete his law studies and become a professional if he intends to
marry his daughter. There is an altercation between Dr.Ferreira and
Dr. De Souza on the status of eachother's families, but Fr. Afonso,
the parishpriest acts as the pacifier. Dr. Ferreira, who regards himself
as a liberal man, would not like to refuse Freddie's marriage to his
daughter on account of caste. As a Christian, he says, he does not
believe in caste. At the same time he does not accept Freddie. It is Fr.
Afonso who discovers that it is caste and nothing else that prevents
Dr. Ferreira fromgiving his daughter in marriage to Freddie. The play
ends on this note.
Menezes is superbat characterization. The two gentlemen, Dr.
De Souza and Dr. Ferreira, are typical Goan landlords and specimens
of the gentry of pre-liberation days and so are their sons, Freddie, the
happy go lucky and Ernest, the studious and serious one. The old
2 65
vicar, Fr. Afonso, is the typical Goan clergyman, who is a regular
visitor to the homes of the richand participates freely in their social
life. The play is centered on Caste. Menezes opines, "In our Goan
society, apart fromthe cancer of caste among Catholics, the velleity of
`family', has often, no other goodness than that it is 'good'. As well as
caste, it is a serious impediment to marriage. These are the families
that expect spontaneous and unconditional respect from the hoi
polloi. Whatever their moral standards and their service to the
6.2. Menezes' Short Stories
Menezes has at least five short stories to his credit, whichwere
published in various magazines of the time They are Pingoo, The
Sensational C ase of the Stolen C iborium, C hristmas Tide, Mother's
Birthday, and Marianna Goes Home.
6.2.1. Pingoo
Pingoo dwells upon the popular superstitions of the Catholic
masses of the appearance of the devil in various shapes. Menezes
introduces authenticity in the story by declaring at the outset that the
story he is going to tell is a true story because it was his father who
had told it to himand his father had it fromhis father. `Pingoo' is a
devil who comes to the house of an old woman in the disguise of 'a
2 66
young, short, plump, boy witha bronze complexion and an amiable
face'. The boy said his name was Pingoo. Althoughthe name
sounded like a Hindu name, the old lady does not mind and keeps
himin her household. There are a few hints in the story that the boy
is supernatural. He could split firewood in no time and if asked to
bring fishfromthe trap-doors, he never failed. The old lady became
quite fond of him. She didn't mind him stretching himself on the
balcaum and puffing at viddis. Only every evening, when it was time
for the family rosary, Pingoo would escape throughthe back door. No
one seemed to notice. The matter was exposed when the old lady's
daughter came to visit her withthe children in May. The daughter
suspected his antics and his pranks withthe children from the
beginning. She finally goes and speaks to the village priest. The
priest soon arrives withthe holy water one evening and at the first
sprinkle of the water, Pingoo shrinks and sags and wilts and witha
shriek and a flashof flame vanishes into the air. Menezes keeps the
surprising twist to the story till the end. In fact, it is a story told by an
elder to the children. 2
Pingoo is a story that is based on the common superstition
among the Christians in Goan villages of the existence of a
mischievous devil that appears in human form. The Sunday sermons
of the parson that the devil comes to tempt the faithful to sin has
2 67
preyed upon the minds of the people to suchan extent that they all
believe that they should beware of this creature. Althoughthe devil
seems to be harmless, yet he is the devil and the only remedy lies in
sprinkling himwithholy water by the priest, who alone can dispel
The formof the story is simple as it is centered around Pingoo,
the devil. The narration gathers authenticity as the storyteller says it
is a true story told by his father, who had in turn heard it from his
father. The story dwells on the simple life style of the Goan Christian
villagers who work throughout the day, relax in their balcaum,
smoking their viddis and pray the rosary every evening soon after
sunset. The life described here is the life in the villages of the thirties
and forties when there was no electricity and life was simple.
6.2.2. The Sensational Case of the Stolen Ciborium
The story, The Sensational C ase of the Stolen C iborium, is told
by Epis Mae, an old woman, to the children. It is the story of a
Ciborium, a golden vessel in whichthe Catholic priests place the
blessed hosts. The story goes hundreds of years back when the
Churchof Malar was being built. At that time, there were many
aristocratic families in the village and their houses were around the
church. The Ferreiras were one of these. They had given a lot of
2 68
money for building the church. As usual withthe richfamilies of the
time, they had built a side chapel, withits alter, entirely withtheir
own money for St. Anthony. The story goes that while the vault of the
churchwas being completed, the Blessed Sacrament in the Ciborium
was kept in this chapel. And when the main altar was at last ready,
the Ferreiras would not let the Tabernacle be shifted. The story takes
a serious turn, when one day, the people find that the Ciboriumhas
disappeared. The Ferreiras deny having taken it away and go about
their business as usual. But a village barber admits that he had
overheard Ferreira giving instructions to his Negro servant. This
brings in the Inquisition, the religious court fromOld Goa into the
picture. BothFerreira and his pregnant wife are arrested by the
Inquisition and taken to Old Goa for interrogation. Senhor Ferreira
and his wife are kept in a dungeon and questioned day after day but
they are able to get nothing fromthem. At last, when they are about
to be burnt at the stake, news arrives that the Ciboriumhad been sold
to a goldsmithin Mapusa by one Menezes. This was immediately
reported to the police. He was arrested and rushed to Old Goa just in
time to save the poor innocent pair. 3
Menezes recounts throughthe story the terrible power of the
Inquisition, whichwould torture and burn even innocent people on
accusation. These so called religious courts wrought havoc on the
2 69
new Christians and were an institution to be hated and feared the
most. The story is based on happenings at Malar or St.Mathias, from
whichvillage the author hails and hence the description of the
church, its surroundings and nearby village of Narvem, adds further
authenticity to the old story of the stolen Ciborium.
6.2.3. Christmas Tide
The story, C hristmas Tide, is narrated by an unknown,
garrulous, old Goan, gentleman. He describes withnostalgia all the
wonderful days of his childhood and the fun that he had in the village
and school. He reminiscences his school days and remembers his
classmates one by one and relates what has happened to eachone of
them. The narration goes on at the Professor's house while he sips his
He begins by telling us that he loves Bombay as he has spent
most of his life there. He remembers his classmate Pascoo, who did
well in business and died young. Another classmate Aleixo who had
become a drunkard and begged for money to drink is the next.
Manuel, another classmate, got married at 18 and was drowned in a
well at the first San Joao feast. And his brother who married the
widow, played the coronet in the village band, and died of
consumption. He remembers Anton Philip, who got a clerk's job
2 70
somewhere and built a fine cottage and then disappeared. And there
was Camilo, who tooka jobon board the ship, went round the world a
dozen times, made pots of money and was finally deserted by his wife,
who, they said, ran away witha tailor. He then remembers Paulu,
whose father had been in jail and his mother was an ayah. He cannot
forget his teacher, the village priest, whomhe called padre-mest. He
would hammer this Paulu as if to drive away the devil in him and
would devise all kinds of tortures. 4
The old man talks of almost everything that occurred in a Goan
village. The life of a seaman, particularly of a boy who went to sea,
rose to second enginner's rank and then vanished. They say he was
thrown aboard by his enemies who were jealous of his abilities. The
story finally concludes witha tale of the washerwoman's son who was
possessed by a demon while going to fetcha doctor to the end of the
The story is strictly a tale of Goan emigrants who think
nostalgically of their home and their schoolmates scattered all over the
country in the evening of their lives. The storyteller lives in the past,
the memories of his childhood come flooding back to himas he sips
fromhis glass of liquor. Probably, the storyteller had only his Goan
memories to share withthe Professor, who was above himin status
2 71
and he somehow tried to bridge the social gap, whichexisted between
6.2.4 . Mother's Birthday
Mother's Birthday is a humorous story of a Goan family
consisting of five children - three girls and two boys. The five children
decide to celebrate their mother Mrs. Hilda Noronha's 75thbirthday.
They began by planning a churchservice followed by a dinner. But
they are unable to go further in their plans because they realize they
cannot plan anything without consulting their mother. They come to
the conclusion that it would be better if they leave it to mother herself
to prepare the dinner. The story humorously conveys to us the
inability of the children to decide anything without their parents and
are completely dependent on them.
6.2.5. Marianna Goes Home
Marianna Goes Home is a Christmas story. It is the story of
Marianna, a Goan girl working in Bombay who intends to leave for
Goa after her dreams turn sour. She counts whatever money she has
collected but it is not sufficient to pay the rent, buy a sari for her
mother and gifts for her relatives and neighbours in Goa. As she
packs her items, she keeps on thinking of her life in Bombay. She
realizes that a brute of a man had duped her. When she settled down
2 72
eventually, she would be witha man who could look after her; an
honest, hard-working man, a real man, not just a parasitic male. One
thing, whichworried her, was that she had to face her mother. Her
mother knew all but would not say anything. She wished her father
were alive. He had seen life abroad and would understand. But her
mother sacrificed everything for 'respect'. She liked keeping
appearances. She had been married at fourteen and for thirty years of
married life, had kept appearances. The thought of her mother's
goodness hurt Marianna. She had once thought of marrying Anton, a
poor ineffectual boy but he was jobless.
The thought that she could never forgive her mother comforted
Marianna. She needed this comfort badly. She wished her mother
would scold her, beat her, call her a whore. She could bear that. But
her mother wouldn't. But even if her mother forgave her, she would
not forgive herself for the great folly. She wished she could have met
that man again. She could have plucked his eyes out. He had taken
advantage of a poor stranded girl's plight. She had sold her gold chain
and her bangles to give himmoney and he had gambled it away. She
wished she could explain all this to her mother. But she couldn't face
her mother. It would be better for her to stay in Bombay. But then
her mother wanted her to come back. Her asthma always became
worse about Christmas and her heart had never been strong. Her son
2 73
Fanchu, on whom she had doted, had broken her heart. And the
shrew of his wife withher pretty face wanted to live apart and was
always wishing to take possession of the house when Mother died.
She knew she had no share in the house anymore and this thought
maddened Marianna.
Somehow, she boarded the T.S.Champavati, for her journey to
Goa and seems to be in a pleasant mood while the steamer takes her
nearer home. After arriving in the village, she realizes it is Christmas
eve and before every house there is star of coloured paper, cunswar
(Christmas sweets) sizzling in hot pans, and the smell of coconut oil
and jagaree everywhere. She is in all anticipation of meeting her
mother when the porter who lifted her box, conveys to her the sad
news - the news of her mother's deathand burial the previous day.
Marianna's heart almost stops beating at his words. Her world comes
crashing down. She had now no one to turn to. Nine days later, she
takes the next steamer, T.S. Prabhavati back to Bombay. She realizes
that there is no escape for her. 6
Marianna Goes Home is a poignant story of a poor girl who has
nowhere to go to find peace and solace in her life. She is forced by
circumstances to return to her humdrumlife in Bombay fromwhere
she has no escape. In fact, Marianna's plight is more painful because
2 74
on Christmas day every home is filled withjoy and festivities and it is
the day to be home but for Marianna there is only sadness and no
comfort of any kind.
Menezes' short stories appeared first in The Goan World and
then later in Goa Today. The stories were written in a simple style
and the narratives deal withthe emigrant Goans in Bombay and the
simple middle class Goan families living in the villages of Goa. They
are the tales of the Goan emigrants' struggle for survival in an alien
world in Bombay as well as the stories of the simple God-fearing folks
living in Goa. The stories may not possess highliterary merit but as
stories they sustain the reader's interest.
6.3. Menezes' Speeches
Armando Menezes was an excellent orator and was invited by
various organizations to deliver speeches at inaugurations, seminars
and valedictories. His ability to speak well and his fluency in English
impressed everyone. His rhetoric and clear thinking on various
subjects, bold statements and razor-sharp arguments attracted
everyone's attention. No study would be complete without discussing
some of the important speeches delivered by him and whichare
available. I have selected only a few of the hundreds of speeches he
made at public gatherings, whichcould be worthy of study. I will
2 75
consider only some of the speeches out of the numerous speeches he
delivered to exemplify his ability as a speaker. I amnot aware if any
of the speeches were published. I found themas typewritten sheets in
the Menezes' family collection without any indication of the dates
when these speeches were delivered.
The first speechis 'International Cooperation', an address to
medical students on International Cooperation Day.
Menezes begins the above speechwiththe quotation: 'The
healthy, says the Physician, know not of their health, but only the
sick', and he goes on to say that the aphorismapplied to all spheres -
the moral, intellectual, political and even the poetical, no less than to
the physical. Healthis unity; harmony; a healthy man is also a whole
man. The proper functioning of an organismis silent and unnoticed;
we begin to hear of it when it is out of order. That is the time when we
go to the doctor. That is the time also when we begin to talk of
He continues that the healthy, according to a Physician, know
not of their health, but only the sick. Only in a sick world, in a world
subjected to tensions and hypertensions, in a world torn apart by
2 76
dissensions and conflicts, would we be ready to talk and to hear of
cooperation at suchgreat length.
At first, Menezes says, the law of the jungle prevailed. But
human nature had it in itself to rise above this seemingly 'natural'
law. Men organized themselves into a human society, a community,
even thoughthey had to surrender some of their personal freedom.
Force, whichhad been an instrument of struggle, now became an
instrument of peace and progress; for the maintenance of that balance
between the individual wants and urges and impulses whichis the
basis, the very meaning, of a civilized society as distinguished froma
herd. And, therefore, he says, the need for international cooperation
is clear, and every day gives a sense of urgency to that need. But it is
not enoughto pass resolutions or resort to other ways of paying it our
lip service. It is even not enoughto wishfor it; we must will it.
Menezes humorously comments that it is a fact of common
observation that the man who talks most loudly of international
cooperation is often the man who has failed to achieve cooperation in
his house or neighbourhood; just as parents who complain of lack of
discipline in the school or college are those who have not been able to
enforce it at home.
2 77
In this speechMenezes stresses on the need for international
cooperation if there is to be peace and prosperity in the world. But
cooperation, he says, must first begin at home or in the
neighbourhood among individuals in order that it may spread
The second speechis 'International Relations' - A speech
delivered at a Rotary conference on International Relations, Panjim:
Menezes commences his speechby declaring that if the problem
of International Relations is not resolved at an early date, there will
soon be no problems to solve it at all, and the world will be reduced to
a heap of rubble in whichnot even dogs will prowl, for not even dogs
will have survived. There will be no longer any culture, any
civilization, any science, any Rotary. He pleads withthe audience to
follow what St. John said nearly 2 000 years ago: "Brethren, love one
another'. That is the beginning, the middle, and the end of any talk.
He draws the attention of the audience to the fact that they have
international conferences on the growing menace of pollution. And no
wonder. The growthof industry, whichis the symbol of our
prosperity, also poisons the air we breathe, the water we drink, the
fishwe eat. International pollution is not what we have desired. It
2 78
has happened - it is a by product. There are other forces, whichbring
home to us the interdependence and, indeed, the oneness of mankind,
and work in spite of ourselves. One need not be an economist, he
says, to know how close is this interdependence.
Menezes describes two kinds of internationalism. There is the
internationalismthat rushes to the ends of the earthand expends its
sympathy upon the poor victims of hunger, disease or oppression in
far-off lands, and yet cannot live at peace withthe next door
neighbour. Internationalismis a circumference, whichmust have its
center, and this center is the home. Or rather, to go still further
inwards, the center is the mind of the individual man.
Menezes further describes different types of nationalism. There
is the nationalism based on one's common culture, one's common
language, one's common history - even if it be a history of common
suffering, as Gandhiji said, and there is the nationalismof hatred and
suspicion, an aggressive nationalism that will not be happy until it
conquers and destroys other nations. It is against this latter brand of
nationalismthat true internationalismmust be built up, firmly, in the
minds of modern man. He concludes by saying that if we want peace
in the world througha sense of oneness of brotherhood, we must
accept every man and woman as a person.
2 79
Menezes is against all selfishnationalism, whichbreeds hatred
and suspicion among nations. A true nationalism, he says, is one,
whichleads to brotherhood of all men and hence results in true
We can take the Speech delivered on the 10th Anniversary of
Goa Youth Union for consideration. Menezes tells the youthin this
speechthat there has appeared in our time a dangerous trend, which
is known as the Generation Gap, whichseems to mean that the young
have lost complete faith, not only in the values of their elders, but
even in their good faith. He says the causes of the Generation Gap
are: the democracy, whichstresses the value of liberty and equality.
The young feel that they should have a full share of that liberty and
sometimes mistake it to mean power to do what they like. The other
cause of this Generation Gap is the phenomenal advancement of
science, whichunderplays authority and emphasizes the role of
reason in human behaviour. The young people, therefore, want to
think, and think for themselves; and they suspect all authority even
what used to be called legitimate authority.
Menezes advises the Youthnot to make their Youthunion a
platformfor the Generation Gap, but on the contrary, to have certain
2 80
constructive, even creative objectives and programmes for the
intellectual advancement, for the social and economic amelioration,
for the moral formation of Goan Youth, and, throughthem, of the
entire Goan society.
Menezes in this speechappeals to the youthto make their
union an ideal one, whichwill seekintellectual advancement and fight
for social justice. He wishes that the Goa YouthUnion may become
an ideal union of the entire Goan society.
6.3.4 .
We will now take the Presidential Address - 3rd Konkani
Conference, Bombay (1945?) for discussion. Menezes apologizes right
at the outset that his fluency in Konkani being poor, he is obliged by
circumstances to address in English. But he says he always had an
interest in the cause of Konkani. He admits that Konkani is not his
only mother-tongue, because as far as he can remember he spoke
Portuguese at home. This was because there was a certain class of
families in Goa where Portuguese is all but the only medium of
intercourse among its members. But he was lucky to be born in a
family, where it was possible for a child to absorba minimum of
2 81
Menezes says further that inspite of his writings in English,
everything drove himto the same conclusion: the need of a return to
the mother tongue. Marathi, according to the speaker, is not Goa's
mother tongue althoughquite a few people speak and write in that
He says that when he worked withMr. V.V. Valaulikar, the father
of the Konkani Movement in Bombay, he was most responsible for
compromising on the Roman script for Konkani in the hope of
weaning his Christian countrymen back to their mother tongue. He
was convinced even then that the chief stumbling block to the
unification and systematization of Konkani was the script, and that
Devanagiri was, logically, the only script for Konkani. Another
problem, whichfaced Konkani, was whether it was a language or
dialect. For him it did not matter whether it was a language or
dialect, Konkani was our mother-tongue. But it was also sufficiently
removed fromits nearest kin Marathi. According to him, a dialect is
the natural stage from whichwe pass on to a language; that is the
way all the so-called languages have come to be. Englishwas once
the Midland dialect and Italian began by being a Latin dialect, even
Marathi began as a dialect of Prakrit.
2 82
Menezes concludes that it suffices for himthat Konkani is our
mother tongue, and that no other will do for us as a mother-tongue,
however muchwe may learn other languages for culture's sake or for
business' sake. He says that there are several varieties of Konkani,
whichneed to be unified and that all Konkani-speakers must learn as
many languages as possible.
Menezes expresses his wishthat Konkani, his mother tongue,
may become the language of culture and business for all Goans.
Whatever may be its weaknesses, he wishes that they should be
sorted out so that the language can become a unified speechof all
Konkani speakers.
We will now refer to his Inaugural Speech at the Department of
History, Karnatak University:
In this inaugural speech, Menezes states that in our study of
literature, history is one of these things one keeps bumping into at
every step: not only in the formof histories of literature, but also in
the shape of history whichis literature in its own right. For history,
he says, whatever else it may be, is literature; and many histories can
be studied as literature: it can be just literature in addition to being
good history.
2 83
But since, he continues, the word history has evolved into our
story, it may be assumed that history came, at some time, to be
understood primarily as an account, a narrative, a tale. Only in
history, the facts of the tale had to have actually happened. A
historian may write in glorification of his country, or the historian's
allegiance may be, not to his country as a whole, but to a king or a
party or a historian may be carried away by a romantic enthusiasm
for a hero - for a Napoleon, for example, and white washall his faults.
History as science can do one of the two things: it can either use facts
for the sake of generalization, extracting laws out of them, or it can
confine itself to the mere recording of facts, whose authenticity has
been established beyond doubt, and shrink from all inference,
generalization or speculation.
Menezes concludes that history is to him, at once an art and a
science. As science, it must be factual, a record of what has actually
His ideas on education are expressed in a Speech at the laying
of the foundation stone of Sharada Mandir High School, Panjim.
Menezes admits at the outset that it was a very happy idea that
the ceremony is held on the birthanniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
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Few days in the year would be more auspicious. Althoughit is the
hands that laid the foundation stone, it is the spirit of the great patriot
and great saint that has blessed it. Unless the Lord builds a house, it
is said, he says, in vain do they labour that build it.
Speaking on Gandhiji's education, he says, it was natural that
Gandhi should think that the existing system of education was not
only wasteful but also positively harmful. The existing system of
education was unreal and artificial. There was no coordination among
the various subjects taught, learning was not related to concrete life
situations. There was no scope for experiment and discovery. It was,
at best, a passive absorption of what was, too often, useless and
unassimilated information. 'The true education of a child,' as
Gandhiji says, 'begins fromthe very moment of its birth. The child
learns even in play.' And next to play, he says, it learns not from
books, but fromthe living teacher.
Menezes ends on a note that the management of the Sharada
Mandir school, will make serious efforts to approximate to the ideal of
education advocated by Mahatma Gandhi, and staff itself withwhat
he called 'living' teachers, who have not only mastered the tools of
their vocation, but are fully dedicated to teaching as a creative art,
conscious of their enormous responsibilities towards their little
2 85
charges. He hopes the soul of Mahatma will inspire themand bless
their efforts.
Menezes, in this speech, asserts that it is the teacher who is
responsible for the proper guidance of the young. He advises the
school management to follow Gandhiji's principles and to provide
devoted teachers at the Sharada Mandir School.
6.3.7. A Speech on "Committees and Sub- Committees':
The humorous opening sentence of Menezes' speechis that the
ideal committee consists of three members of whichtwo remain
absent, and the question has been seriously debated whether the
third member need be present.
Menezes tells the audience that there are, among many, two
overmastering reasons for appointing a committee: one, whenever a
correct decision is wanted; the other, whenever a quick decision is not
wanted. In the first case, the committee has to deal withan
overwhelming mass of data, sort out details, judiciously weighthe
pros and cons, and make recommendations. These recommendations,
however, must reverently stop short of any appearance of a final
judgment, for the discretion of the appointing authority must not be
either cramped or forestalled. In the second case, if you are fit to be
2 86
the chairman of a committee, you know exactly what is expected of
you. You have a great number of meetings, or have them at long
intervals as some of your members, anyway, have other meetings to
attend. You may even convene a meeting at a hill-station if it is
summer, or, at any rate, at some place, whichis good for shopping or
a sight seeing center in all weathers. And there must come a day
when your report is to be submitted at last. As already understood,
the executive shelve the report, and, perhaps, after a reasonable
interval, appoint another committee witha slightly changed, or
perhaps the same, terms of reference. And the new committee, after
many sittings, makes the same recommendations as the first.
Now, let us turn to a Speech on 'Goa University', delivered at
Institute Menezes Braganca, Panjirn.
Menezes here enumerates the reasons why Goa should have a
University. He says the idea of a university does not come within the
perspective of the common man, anywhere in the world; certainly not
of the common man in Goa, who is still trying to see what Liberation
means to himpersonally in terms of hard facts or what he thinks to
be hard facts. It is even a question whether the idea of a university for
Goa has engaged the continuous attention of the bulk of our
2 87
intelligentsia; for if it had, there would have been at least occasional
signs of it in our press.
Menezes then discusses the case for a university in Goa. One
simple reason, he says, is that other Union Territories are to have
Universities. This is, philosophically speaking, a very poor reason, but
to those who only understand the language of politics, a very sound
one indeed. Another reason is that the Jha Commission Report has
recommended it, that a great and influential educationist like Dr.
Radhakrishnan is interested in it and that the Education Ministry has
considered it formally to the extent of sending it down to the
University Grants Commission. A third reason would be that many of
the States of India have more than one University.
Menezes further tells the audience that a new conception of the
University has evolved. Culture is to be no longer the badge of
aristocracy. The ideal of democracy is not a leveling down, but a
leveling up, of every man or woman being a potential aristocrat. In
the olden days, the scholar was a rare phenomenon, a pilgrimof the
spirit prepared to go to the end of the world in quest of knowledge.
Today, that knowledge, enormously increased, must come to our
doors. A university must be open to all, richor poor, who are able to
benefit by what it has to give. It is no longer a privilege but a right.
2 88
Menezes expresses his own ideas on the need for University
education in Goa and enumerates the different viewpoints. He is of
the strong opinion that University education in free Goa was the need
of the hour and it was a fundamental right, whichcould not be
denied. The richas well as the poor had an equal right for University
education and culture, whichwas no longer the prerogative of the
Menezes' ideas on Goa University are important because they
come in the early days of Goa's Liberation when the idea of a
university was being mooted for the first time. In this public speech
at Institute Menezes Braganca, Panjim, Menezes speaks strongly in
favour of a university for Goa.
Menezes' speeches prove that he was an excellent speaker and
whatever the subject or the occasion, he always delivered something
worthwhile and his advice to those he addressed was the result of
deep thought and deliberation on the subject. It could be said that he
was a well-read man and had personal knowledge of whatever he
chose to speak on. He was humorous but serious at the same time
and his speeches are really worthreading.
2 89
6.4 . Menezes' Journalistic Writings and Belles Lettres
Menezes tried his hand at journalism and in the thirties and
forties in Bombay, he contributed to various magazines like C atholic
Action, The Goan World and The Goan Tribune. He expressed his
points of view on a variety of subjects under the sun, whichmake
interesting reading, even today. Althoughthese magazines have
ceased to exist, a few copies can still be procured fromprivate and
public libraries. In a later period, Menezes contributed regularly to
Goa Thday, a magazine published fromPanjim, on a variety of topics
and day-to-day affairs of the society and state under the title;
`Generally Speaking' and 'Figuratively Speaking'.
From1936 to 1939 Menezes wrote in The Goan World, under the
title, 'Letters to Granny'. Some of the themes on whichhe wrote
under this title were: 'the Congress and the ideals of Christianity',
`Fashions', 'On Love Marriages', 'On Poets and Poetry', 'On success in
life', 'On Journalism', and 'On Short Stories'. Most of these letters
begin with'Dear Granny' or 'Granny Dear' and continue discussion on
a variety of serious and not so serious topics.
Another feature of Menezes' journalistic writings, under the title,
`My Friend', are his character-sketches of different individuals. They
were, in fact, caricatures of the kinds of people he came across in his
2 90
profession or met socially in Bombay. 'My Friend, Boniface the Poet',
describes Boniface Verdes in Bombay and his attempts at writing
poetry. In 'My Friend, Sophronius, the Journalist', he writes about a
character called Sophronius Novais, a journalist, who always dreamed
of starting his own paper. Menezes composes a long poemon 'My
Friend Bombastus, the Professor'. The poemis a humorous narrative
on the professor who speaks always in verse and is filled withliterary
references and allusions. 'My Friend Somehow, the Social Worker', is
similarly a narrative poemin verse on his friend, whom, for a better
name, he calls Somehow.
Menezes' writings under the title, 'Generally Speaking', are on a
variety of themes, some seriously discussed while others are
humorous and witty. Some of the topics on whichhe writes under the
above title are: 'Goa, the Beautiful', 'On Democracy', `Konkani Once
More', 'Colonialismand Language', 'On Culture', 'Modern Trends in
Indo-Anglian Poetry', 'On Being called Names', 'On Humanism', 'On
Plagiarism', 'My Journalistic Career', 'Labels', On Schizophrenia', Two
Cultures', The Mystery of Teaching', 'Meditations on Time', 'Christian
Democracy', The Cat and Mother Theresa', The Calendar', `Goa
Revisited', and the like.
2 91
In an article entitled, 'My Journalistic Career', Menezes narrates
his experiences as a journalist. He says that he is not a journalist in
the real sense, he is only a writer of sorts, writing for journals. He
tells us that his so called career in journalismbegan with The Goan
World, published by Justin de Souza and Jose Dores da Silva in
Bombay in the thirties and it was about to end at the age of 74 with
Goa Today. In between, he says, he wrote for The Goan Tribune, as
his modest contribution to the Goa FreedomMovement. A sharp eye,
he says, will detect the common factor in these three titles. Its
nothing less than three little mystic letters that make up the magical
name of a great little territory. He has wandered to many places, has
laboured at many trades, and has, like Dante, climbed many stony
stirs and eaten the bitter bread of exile; but he has been, all this
time, the prisoner of his Goanity. Friends had begged himnot to waste
his talents on local papers, but to aim at wider readership. But he
has remained solidly impenitent.
He concludes that his primary impulse was always to talk to his
countrymen, as one might chat within one's family circle, rather than
mount a platformto address a crowd. He liked to converse, even in
print, never to orate.
2 92
Menezes chose a variety of subjects to write upon and
contributed to various Englishmagazines in Bombay and Goa.
Althoughhis writings were meant for Englishreaders, he was aware
that a chunk of these were Goan emigrants in Bombay and elsewhere,
and therefore he made it his mission to write on matters particularly
concerning Goa and the Goans. Even after his retirement Goa Today
published an article by Menezes every monthuntil his death.
6.5. Menezes' Translations:
Among the earliest translations of Menezes, was the translation
of the novel, Os Brahmans by Francisco Luis Gomes. This
translation was published by the Centenary Committee, Bombay in
1931 under the title: Selected Works of Francisco Luis Gomes.
Althoughthe author says in the Foreword that there had been at least
two translations before his, the translation by Menezes was acclaimed
as the truest to the original and widely read in Bombay.
On Francisco Luis Gomes, whose novel he translated, Menezes
says that appreciation of the writer's novel was not wanting in either
century. Its manifold worthand significance had been duly noted and
justly admired; and it had also been studied in the context of the age
in whichit was written.
2 93
Menezes tells us that when Francisco Luis Gomes wrote Os
Brahmans, the romantic mode still prevailed in most Latin countries;
and in spite of inroads fromrealismof one kind or other, Lamartine
and Victor Hugo still swayed the sensibilities of the younger
generations. It is withthis background that Francisco Luis Gomes
wrote his novel.
The central theme of the novel is a Hindu Brahmin in conflict
withAnglo-Indian society. The word Caste now widens its
connotation, to embrace the struggle between races and cultures. The
book is a satire on the Brahmins of all times and places. Robert
Davis, the tea-planter is Anglo-Indian as mucha Brahmin as Magnod,
the Hindu Brahmin. Besides the Indian Brahmin whose shadow no
pariahmay cross, we have the European Brahmin whose shadow
must not be crossed by an Indian.
Not content withthis message built into the very structure of the
plot, Francisco Luis Gomes frankly converts the novel into a platform,
and we have an exposition of nearly the whole of the liberal
programme: the liberal attitude to monasticism; the liberal theory of
the relations that ought to subsist between the Churchand State; the
liberal protest against slavery; and, as the novelist's liberalismwarms
2 94
up into humanitarian idealism, the indignant remonstrance against
all social and political tyranny.
Withthe translation of Os Brahamanes, Menezes proved his
ability to render Portuguese prose into Englishwithout losing its
essential sense and replacing the Portuguese idiom into its English
equivalent. This he could accomplishon account of his mastery over
boththe languages and the western liberal education that he had
acquired along withhis study of Latin and the western classics. The
Englishversion of Os Brahamanes brought to the Englishreaders the
humanitarian message of Francisco Luis Gomes. He had expressed
his innermost thoughts on every subject under the sun and Menezes
throughhis translation presented this interesting personality to all
During the later part of his life, Menezes, in collaboration with
others, translated the following books fromthe Kannada scriptures:
1. Sunya Sampadane, Vol. I, 1965
2. Sunya Sampadane, Vol. II, DI and IV, 1968, 1969, 1970.
3. Sunya Sampadane, Vol. V, 1972.
4. Essence of Satsthala, 1978.
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5. Vacanas of Siddharama, 1978.
6. Vacanas of Basavanna, 1967
7. Vacanas of Akkamahadevi, 1978.
Menezes tells us: ' I must own that to collaborate in rendering
Vacanas fromKannada into Englishhas been, over nearly a decade,
botha joy and a test; and the pilgrimage has taken me throughmany
collections: Sunya Sampadane, Basavanna, Akkamahadevi,
Siddharamesvara'. 7
Menezes underwent mystical experiences as he studied and
translated these Kannada scriptures. He adds further: the mystical
experiences may take, among others, two distinct thoughnot
separate, forms: a desire to know God, or whatever else He is called:
The Ultimate, the Supreme, the Absolute, the Highest Perfection; and
a desire to love Him. The quest - even at the level of knowledge - is
not a purely intellectual one; rather a full outgoing towards the object.
It is an act of perception, but also an act of love, and perception for
the sake of love, whichin its turn implies union. The act of love, it is
evident, itself involves an act of surrender, and so three separate
activities of the Self are involved: intellect, heart and will. There is also
a corollary to this two-fold desire to know and to love: a desire for
transformation, whichpresupposes a process of instant or gradual
self-purification.' 8
2 96
In an editorial note to Sunya Sampadane, Menezes tells us
about the difficulties involved in the editing of a text of that nature
and magnitude. He says they had to collate the readings in the
numerous available manuscripts and fix the one that seems to give
the best sense in the particular context. They had to interpret each
vacana, not only in the light of the entire corpus of Virasaiva literature
and, when parallel ideas were discovered, withthe aid of Sanskrit and
other texts. 9
As Menezes was involved in so many translations, he has
described his many approaches to the problemof translation. One is
to fit words together in the order, or at least in the manner, of the
original, and, having achieved the verbal structure, let the sense take
care of itself. Another is for the translator to project himself, using the
original as a springboard, withthe least regard for the formor content
of the original. Still another is to give a literal rendering, whichmay
prove to be at once meaningless and unreadable.
Writing an essay, entitled, 'Are translators traitors?' Menezes
defines the various snags of translation. That translation is, often,
more difficult than original writing, particularly when it involves
transposition of culture. That when you are translating a personality,
a style, a voice, the feel of a language withall its undertones and,
2 97
overtones, your problemgrows manifold. You may have put a dress
on a skeleton; and the skeleton may rattle at every joint. The true
virtue of a translation, Menezes concludes, is that it does not read as
a translation, but as an original; not as the original, but as an original
- an original in another tongue.
Menezes worked withother Kannada scholars on the translation
of Sunyasampadane and other texts. The Sunyasampadane is the
quintessence of the Verasaiva philosophy and the presentation is
mainly in the formof discussions between various saints, somewhat
as in Plato's dialogues. The central figure of Sunyasampadane is
Allama Prabhu (popularly known as Prabhudeva) who brought about a
synthesis between the various paths leading to God.
In the 12 thcentury there was a great movement in Karnatak,
whichled to the revitalization and reformation of the Saiva cult of the
Hindu religion. There was muchdecadence in the Hindu way of
thinking and living at that time, particularly on account of the
invasion of India by Muslims fromthe North. Hence there was a need
for greater cohesion and unity among the Hindus. All these causes
prepared the ground for starting of a new Hindu sect, known as
Virasaivas or Lingayats.
2 98
The Sunyasampadane is in successive five volumes, withtext,
transliteration, Englishtranslation and criticism. The editors say that
care has been taken, above all, to be faithful to the original, in most
part to the extent of being quite literal and retaining something of the
old-world diction. The Vacanas are translated in the original formas
pieces of rhythmical prose or free verse and notes provided at the end
for better understanding. The same method is followed in translating
the various vacanas of Basavanna, Siddharama and Akkamahadevi.
The other volume of Essence of Satsthala consists of the
translations of the Vacanas of Tontada Siddhalingeswara, a great
mystic philosopher of the 15thcentury, who gave the final touchto the
Satsthala philosophy. The translation of this volume in Englishby
Armando Menezes and S.M. Angadi fulfills the great need to reveal to
the world of philosophers that Virasaivismhas a definite and distinct
philosophy of its own. They have brought the treasures of the
Kannada literature to the rest of the world. The translation in English
has an introduction, notes and comments, whichare very valuable
and helpful in the understanding of the Virasaiva philosophy.
Menezes admits in the Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems
that his deep involvement and commitment to the translations of the
2 99
Kannada Scriptures into Englishbrought to hima profound mystical
In conclusion, we may say that Menezes was an accomplished
writer, who attempted various forms of literature beginning witha
play and short stories followed by journalistic writings of all kinds.
Thoughhis play and short stories may not be suchas may attract
highintrinsic values, it is in his journalistic writings and speeches
that he excelled. It is in these that we can observe the sharpness of
his intellect and the spontaneity of his expression. They are full of
thought-provoking ideas, which, thoughhe expressed some forty years
ago, are still relevant in the modern world. In fact, they hold our
attention and make us ponder over the various facts that he
addressed and whichdominated the social, economic or educational
scenario at that time. His translations, no doubt, are a testimony of
his scholarship and his spiritual bent of mind. Althoughthey mostly
deal withthe Kannada scriptures, he was greatly influenced by them
as is proved by his later poetry. They are also a proof of his mastery
over many languages like Latin, Portuguese, and Spanishbesides
Englishand even Indian languages like Kannad. I have discussed this
ability at different languages in an earlier chapter but what is
important to note was his ability to bring to us the essence of the
original in his translations without any loss to its original style and
1. Armando Menezes, 'On Titles of Nobility' Goa Today, Panaji, April
1974, 12 .
2 . Armando Menezes, Pingoo' Goa Today, Panaji, July 1968, 16.
3. Armando Menezes, The Sensational Case of the Stolen
Ciborium' Goa Today, Panaji, May 1968, 14.
4. Armando Menezes, 'Christmas Tide' The Goan World, Bombay,
December 1935, n.pag.
5. Armando Menezes, 'Mother's Birthday,' n.p, n.p, n.d, n.pag.
6. Armando Menezes, 'Marianna Goes Home: A Christmas
Story' The Goan World, Bombay, December 1938, n.pag.
7. Armando Menezes. Introduction to Songs from the Saranas
and Other Poems (Dharwar: KarnatakUniversity, 1971) , vii.
8. Ibid, viii.
9. Armando Menezes, S.S.Bhoosnurmuth, Editorial note,
Sunyasampadane, Vol. II. (Dharwar: Karnatak University
1968) , viii.
7. Conclusion
7.1. Menezes: The Poet
Armando Menezes, an eminent scholar and educationist, served
as Professor of Englishin several colleges in different centers in
Western India. He was no less a poet, critic and a true patriot. The
volumes of poetry published by him right from the forties to the
eighties are a testimony of his abilities as a good poet. His earliest
collections, C hords and Discords and C haos and the Dancing Star
"were trailing clouds of glory in the firmament of Romantic poets,
Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, studied in imagery, restrained in gesture
and tone, reflective but not philosophical as are Tagore's lyrics". 1
Later, he published a third volume of poetry, The Ancestral Face,
whichwas divided into six different sections on six different themes.
Althoughcritics have categorized himas a minor romantic poet within
the legacy of Indian Englishpoetry on account of his early poems,
Menezes has experimented in a diversity of poetic forms as is evident
fromThe Emigrant, a satire and The Fund, a mock-epic.
During India's freedom struggle, Menezes tried his hand at
nationalistic themes in poetry witheight lyrical poems: 'Gandhi
Jayanthi', 'Soul of the People', To thee Mother', 'ThirtiethJanuary'
and 'Vande Mataram', whichcontain an unmistakable authenticity of
patriotic utterances. The true nationalist in Menezes comes to the
fore in these poems. Menezes was one withthe Indian Englishpoets
of that period, who were concerned withthe freedomof the country
influenced by Gandhiji's non-violent movement and the enthusiasmof
the Indian masses to rise unitedly against the Britishrule. Indian
Englishpoetry came forthlike a torrent full of nationalistic themes.
Manuel C. Rodrigues has described Armando Menezes as a
religious poet and a symbolist of profound depths. In his later life,
Menezes had experienced Mysticism. The experience had come to him
while he was involved in the Englishtranslations of the Kannada
vacanas. Menezes had come to a realization that God was one to the
believer, whether he was a Christian or a Hindu. The main thesis of a
person's belief in God was the same everywhere. This is manifested in
his poems, entitled Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems,
published in 1971. The involvement of the poet in the translations of
the Kannada vacanas had changed the complete outlook of the poet.
It had also been a time of personal reprochment, a home-coming to
the Catholic Churchfrom whichhe had separated for almost three
decades. His religious experiences are common. He is convinced that
it is throughthe intuition and the experience of a mystic and saint
that we learn to love God. It is this love that wipes out the difference
between God's mercy and the sins of the penitent creature. The Songs
from the Saranas and Other Poems, also contain many poems on
Christian themes like the 'Imitation of Christ', Theresa of Lisieux', and
Tater Noster'. The Christian poems possess similarity of thought and
expression and are actually the Christian equivalents of the Vacanas.
Menezes' poetry has also been classified by M.C.Rodrigues as
poetry of exile. The theme of exile also fits into the romantic norm, as
essentially Menezes was a romantic poet. Menezes, thoughborn and
brought up in Goa, had to live the life of an exile most of his life in
western India, whichwas at first under the Britishrule and then
independent. Menezes was a nationalist and his numerous essays on
Goa's freedomfromthe Portuguese antagonized the Portuguese in Goa
who had declared himpersona non grata. Althoughaway fromGoa,
Menezes could never forget his beloved land, whichin an essay, he
described as The Cradle of My Dreams'. He longed for the beauty and
peace of Goa and these feelings goaded him to produce poems of
longing and nostalgia.
7.2. Menezes' views on Poetry:
Menezes tells us: " My poetry, as one critic said, was a poetry of
exile, as so muchof Goan poetry is; another, more perceptive perhaps,
would have said it was the poetry of the island of Divar. Bothwere
right, thoughone thought only of the mood, the other of the imagery.
I have written a good deal about Goa; thoughI have written a great
deal more as a Goan. I have been stirred by its humours as well as by
its tragedies, including the long tragedy of its language. I never failed
to salute the memory of its eminent sons - suchas had thought or
dreamt or sung, or raised against its alien rulers the standard of
revolt. For its sake I have courted arrest and exile - and the chagrin
of an electoral defeat. For its sake, I have earned admiration abroad
and enemies at home." 2
According to Santan Rodrigues: "Menezes' poems are well
rhymed, metrically precise and the words chosen withcare. They are
intellectual in tone, questioning, philosophical and less earthy than
JosephFurtado, another Goan poet who was his contemporary." 3
Like Santan Rodrigues, other critics have also compared
Menezes to Furtado, an earlier poet. Thoughbothwere Goan poets,
Furtado's verse is simpler in form and diction whereas Menezes'
poetry appears more meticulously written and more intellectual in
7.3. Menezes The Critic:
Menezes' broadcast talks on literary criticism were no less
remarkable than his poetry. These were later published in book form
as Lighter than Air in 1959 and as Airy Nothings in 1977. Boththese
volumes contain talks and essays on individual writers, literary forms
and movements and dwell at lengthon principles of Literary criticism.
These were supposed to be milestones during the life journey of the
poet, of delightful explorations in the realmof literature. S.K.Desai
has said that these critical essays display Menezes' artistic sensibility,
fully responsible to literature, particularly to poetry. The essays
endorse Menezes' wide-ranging scholarship, whichhelp himto make
quick and surprising relationships in terms of parallels and contrasts.
They are also full of his delightful critical style full of witticisms and
surprising antithesis. 4
According to Menezes, poetry itself is a convention. It does not
flow freely like a song nor does it grow spontaneously as leaves do on
trees. It has to be carefully contrived and moulded according to the
emotions and state of mind of the poet. He calls poetry, 'enchanted
Menezes tells us in his Prelude to Chaos and the Dancing Star,
that the poet publishes his poems and his poems publishhim. The
poet, at the first instance, is concerned withhis own thoughts and
feelings. He has his own experiences to go by. He cannot be false to
his own thoughts and feelings because it would be false to truthand
the divine spirit of poetry. He says that thought and emotion are
ceaselessly and often simultaneously climbing up and down our
consciousness. Therefore, before the image he moulds, comes the
image he reflects. And to see this clearly, is, according to him, the
beginning of creation. 5
7.4 . Menezes' Prose Writings:
Menezes' prose writings published in various magazines and
journals prove himto be a gifted essayist. His essays range fromthe
reflective to the narrative and deal witha multiplicity of subjects like
literature, politics, education, religion and even philosophy. There are
also humorous pieces on the current social and political affairs of the
time, whichmake interesting reading besides giving us a great deal of
information of the past. His early prose, like a large part of the Indian
Englishprose of the pre-independence period, was inevitably political
in character. Withthe attainment of Independence, a new outlook
had come in the political thinking. However, most of the earlier type
of prose, whichhe had written, continued even vigorously. These also
included autobiographical sketches, historical and religious writing
and prose of social criticism.
Menezes' prose writings are an excellent example of that
overworked dictum, 'Style is the man.' His learning, a mark of his
insatiable intellectual curiosity, is almost encyclopaedic. He seems to
take 'all knowledge' for his province and the breadthof his interests is
overwhelming. The largeness of his interests naturally makes for a
largeness of utterance and his periodic style is punctuated with
quotations fromseveral languages like Latin, Italian and Portuguese.
It also has an amazingly wide range of reference. He has an eye for
lively anecdote and homely parallel and his use of irony and satire add
a punchto his style.
7.5. Menezes' Personality:
Menezes says: "The 'me' I was driven to express was, as I see it
now, a very definite and yet plastic me, bristling withunresolved
tensions: Goan-Indian; nationalist-internationalist; aristocrat-
democratic; mystic-secular; radical-conservative; critical-creative;
classical-romantic; ethical-aesthetic; alienated yet centripetal... 6 I
think this reveals to us in his own words the kind of personality that
he possessed and the thoughts and ideas that went into all his
writings bothcreative and critical.
Menezes, an ardent nationalist, was stirred up during the
freedom struggle for India and this can be noted in his poems and
other writings on freedomof India and Goa. As VivekMenezes writes:
" He wrote in an era when it was unpopular to describe and voice
singularly Goan aspirations, but he did so fearlessly, without the
slightest hesitation. In a period when Konkani was unfashionable, not
even recognized in its own right as a national language, he
championed its cause unceasingly. Unflinchingly, he attacked the
persistent iniquity of caste in his own community even when urged to
hold his tongue. He eschewed diplomacy, finding in it a taint of the
dishonest; in these essays you find no false pieties, or closeted
skeletons, or mundane blandishments." 7
Menezes, says Santan Rodrigues, can get into polemics, as he
does when he is arguing for his Goa against its merger with
Maharashtra, or when he sings praises of his mother tongue,
Konkani. He has a sense of history and hence writes well-informed
articles on some eminent Goans, who were not only freedomfighters
but also great thinkers. 8
Poet, critic, nationalist and journalist, Menezes' contribution to
Indian Englishliterature is not negligible His contribution can truly
be defined as the Goan contribution to Indian Englishliterature. He
was a poet in Englishwhose work was praised by Sarojini Naidu,
HarindranathChattopadhyaya and Aurobindo Ghoshamong many
others. Sadly these admirers of his verse too passed out of fashion
and his verse, whichwas so finely chiselled, effortlessly written was
also losing out as modern Indian verse began to be popular 9
As modern Indian verse came into fashion the works of Sarojini
Naidu and HarindranathChattopadhya also lost some of the glamour
they had at the time of their first appearance. This is because the
idiomof poetry and critical thought underwent a major change at the
mid-century point. Poets like NissimEzekiel and others contributed a
lot for the sharp turn in the affairs of Indian poetry in English.
Fromthe thirties to the eighties, he wrote relentlessly until the
final call came to himon June 2 , 1983 in Bombay. On his retirement
and return to Bombay, he stood alone, unassimilated and
unacknowledged by the new wave of younger, perhaps freer, Indian
contemporary urban poets. He had no literary circle and little
support. Armando Menezes remained without connections withthe
changing literary world, and was essentially misplaced, marginalized
and uprooted. 10
As the new trend in modern Indian Englishpoetry became
popular and new anthologies were being published, the poetry of
Armando Menezes did not seemto fit into these anthologies. This new
poetry had a different diction and appeared to be mostly experimental.
Menezes, who belonged to an older generation of poets and was on the
verge of retirement in service, had no literary circle to whichhe
belonged or whichcould provide himsupport. This is probably what
Victor Coelho means in the above statement.
For almost forty years, Armando Menezes wrote continuously.
His lyrical and romantic poetry place himamong the romantic Indian
Englishpoets of the early twentiethcentury. Althoughhis
contemporaries turned away fromthe romantic trend and commenced
writing poetry, whichbegan to be acclaimed as the new Indian English
poetry and the poets made their presence felt as new voices in the
realmof Indian poetry, Menezes continued his lonely pathand was
not deterred by the transformation taking place around him.
Althoughacknowledged as a poet in his own right, he tried his
hand at various other forms like a Drama, short stories and
travelogue. His essays on criticismwere not less remarkable than his
poetry althoughthey were originally broadcast talks and were later
published in separate volumes. His study on individual writers,
literary forms and movements, themes and principles of literary
criticism, is a noteworthy contribution to Indian Englishcriticism,
whichwas a rare thing at the time when he was writing. His essays
on other subjects whether serious or humorous express a different
viewpoint as he looks at things froma different angle.
Menezes was a great orator and was often invited to address
gatherings on important occasions. Some of the speeches delivered by
himwere published while a bulk remained as typewritten sheets in
the family collection of his writings and no information is available if
at all they were published. The speeches are a proof of his ability to
understand and grasp any matter quickly as also that he was well
informed and well read and hence could speak on any subject. They
reveal to us that he was a nationalist at heart, truly secular and
cosmopolitan in temperament. He also loved Goa very muchand any
matter that had a bearing on Goa, always touched him to the
maximum. The speeches also manifest his extraordinary intelligence
and his soaring vision besides the facility to mould the English
language to his thoughts.
Above all, he was a conscientious professor and administrator,
who has over long years exemplified the best traditions in the teaching
profession. His creative writings as well as his critical writings which
he began in the mid-twentiethcentury and continued long afterwards,
establishhimas an important figure in the history of Indian English
A study of the history of Indian Englishliterature I feel could
not be said to be complete without taking into consideration the
copious contribution of this professor-poet who lived from1902 to
1983 and who during the best years of his life produced volumes of
verse, critical writings and prose essays. In his miscellaneous
writings like short stories and journalistic essays and the numerous
speeches he delivered to different audiences, he has left a mark of his
personality as a man of letters, who was first and foremost a devoted
teacher, a patriotic Indian and a Goan to the core.
1. George Victor Coelho, 'A labour of love', The C radle of My
Dreams, Selected Writings of Armando Menezes 1902 -1983,
ed. Louis Menezes and Ignatius Menezes (Chennai: hid-corn
Press, 2 002 ) , 2 2 .
2 . Armando Menezes, The Cradle of My Dreams', March13, 1970, in
The C radle of My Dreams, Selected Writings of
Armando Menezes 1902 -1983, ed. Louis Menezes and
Ignatius Menezes (Chennai: Ind-corn Press, 2 002 ) , 99.
3. Santan Rodrigues, 'Incredible Cradle' Goa Today, Panaji, October
2 002 , 55.
4. Dr. S.K.Desai, 'Prof. Menezes: A critic as Artist', Armando
Menezes 80th Birthday Anniversary Tribute Issue, Goa Today,
Panaji, May 1982 , 18.
5. Armando Menezes, 'Prelude to Chaos and The Dancing Star'
(Bombay: Wagle Press Studio, 1940) , 4.
6. Armando Menezes, The Cradle of My Dreams', March13,1970, in
The C radle of My Dreams, Selected Writings of Armando
Menezes 1902 -1983, ed. Louis Menezes and
Ignatius Menezes (Chennai: Ind-corn Press, 2 002 ) , 98.
7. Vivek Menezes, 'Shaking free of Armando Menezes', The
C radle of My Dreams, Selected Writings of Armando
Menezes 1902 -1983, ed. Louis Menezes and Ignatius
Menezes (Chennai: Ind-corn press 2 002 ) , 2 2 4.
8. Santan Rodrigues, 'Incredible Cradle' Goa Tbday, Panaji, October
2 002 , 55.
9. Ibid, 55.
10. George Victor Coelho, 'A labour of love', The C radle of My
Dreams, Selected Writings of Armando Menezes 1902 -1983,
ed. Louis Menezes and Ignatius Menezes (Chennai: Ind-corn
Press) , 2 1.
Primary Sources
Published books by Armando Menezes.
The Punch A Mock Epic. Bombay: n.p. 1933.
The Emigrant Social Satire in Verse. Bombay: n.p. 1933.
C hords and Discords: lyrics. Bombay: n.p. 1939.
C haos and the Dancing Star lyrics. Bombay: Wagle Process
Studio, 1940.
Soul of the People and Other Poems: patriotic lyrics.
Dharwar: Lingaraj Art Press, published by RK.
Hukkeri, 1947.
The Ancestral Face: lyrics. Dharwar: Jai Hind Art Press,
Published by M. R Thakur, 1951.
Selected Poems. Hubli: Samyukta Karnatak Press, 1969.
Songs from the Saranas and Other Poems. Mysore: Wesley
Press, 1971.
C aste: A Social C omedy. Bombay: n.p. , n.d.
Short Stories
`Christmas Tide'. Bombay: The Goan World, December
`Marianna Goes Home: A Christmas story'. Bombay: The Goan
World, December 1938.
Tingoo'. Panjim: Goa Today, July 1968.
The Sensational Story of the Stolen Ciborium'. Panjim: Goa Today,
May 1968.
`Mother's Birthday', n.p., n.p., n.d. n.pag.
Lighter than Air (Talks over All India Radio) . Hubli: Samyukta
KarnatakPress, 1959.
Airy Nothings - Essays on Literary C riticism. Dharwar: Manohar
Printing Press, 1977.
Translated and Edited Works
Sunya Sampadane, Vol. I, withS.C. Nandimathand R.C. Hiremath,
Dharwar: KarnatakUniversity, 1965.
Sunya Sampadane, Vol. II, III and IV, withS.S. Bhoosnurmath.
Dharwar: KarnatakUniversity, 1968, 1969, and 1970.
Sunya Sampadane, Vol. V, withDr. M.S. Sunkapur. Dharwar:
KarnatakUniversity, 1972 .
Essence of Satsthala, withS.S. Angadi. Dharwar: KarnatakUniveristy,
Vacanas of Siddharama, withS.M. Angadi. Dharwar: Karnatak
University, Dharwar, 1978.
Vacanas of Basavanna, withS. M. Angadi, ed. H. Deveerappa.
Sivigere: 1967.
Vacanas of Alckamahadevi, withS.M. Angadi. Dharwar: 1978.
Selected Works of Francisco Luis Gomes, Memorial volume. Bombay:
The Centenary Committee, 1931.
Published Journalistic Writings of Armando Menezes.
`Francisco Luis Gomes - The Novelist'. Bombay: The Goan World
C entenary Issue, May 192 9.
`Organizing The Emigrant', three articles. Bombay: The Goan World,
August, September and October 1930.
`Why I amnot a Leader'. Bombay: The Goan World, August 1932 .
`A Goan Utopia'. Bombay: The Goan World, December 1933.
`In Defence of Intolerance'. Bombay: The Goan World, June 1934.
The Problemof Language'. Bombay: The Goan Tribune, September
`What Shocks Them'. Bombay: The Goan World, September 1936.
`My Friend Boniface, The Poet'. Bombay: C atholic Action, January
`My Friend Sophronius, The Journalist'. Bombay: C atholic Action,
February 1937.
`My Friend Bombastus, The Professor'. Bombay: C atholic Action,
September 1937.
`My Friend Somehow, The Social Worker', Poem. Bombay: C atholic
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`My Choice'. Bombay: The Goan World, August 1938.
`Our Motherland'. Bombay: The Goan World, February 1939.
The St. JosephHighSchool, Arpora'. Bombay: The Goan World, April
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`Letters to Granny' (seven articles) . Bombay: The Goan World, 1939.
`Hindoostan Hamara' and Tande Mataram', published in the Souvenir
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The Aesthete' (a monologue) . Panjim: Goa Today, August 1966.
`ClubLife'. Panjim: Goa Today, March1968, 14.
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`Neither Fishnor Flesh'. Panjim: Goa Today, December 1969.
32 0
Menezes Braganca'. Panjim: Goa Today, January 1970, 4.
`In Defence of Hippies'. Panjim: Goa Today, March1970, Vol. 4,
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`Defeat' (Fragment of an autobiography) . Panjim: Goa Today,
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`Education in the U.K.'. Panjim: Goa Today, January 1972 , 10.
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`On Democracy'. Panjim: Goa Today, June 1972 , p.12 .
`Symposiumon Humanism'. Panjim: Goa Today, July 1972 , 16.
Shri Aurobindo (1872 -1972 ) '. Panjim: Goa Today, October 1972 , 17.
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The Calendar'. Panjim: Goa Today, February 1973, 14.
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The Martyr's Monument'. Panjim: Goa Today, May1973, 13.
Tragedy without Tears'. Panjim: Goa Today, June 1973, 11.
Panjim: Goa Today, July 1973, 14.
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On Christmas'. Panjim: Goa Today, December 1973, 17.
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32 1
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The Third Sex'. Panjim: Goa Today, March1974, 12 .
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`Goa, the Beautiful'. Panjim: Goa Today, October 1974, 19.
`Goa Revisited'. Panjim: Goa Today, November 1974, 37.
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Top Woman'. Panjim: Goa Today, July 1975, 12 .
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32 2
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32 3
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The Many Faces of Man'. Panjim: Goa Today, July 1981, 10.
`St. Francis Xavier'. Panjim: Goa Today, December 1981. N.pag.
Thought for Independence'. Panjim: Goa Today, August 1982 , 13.
`On Being Called Taj Mahal'. Panjim: Goa Today, September 1982 , 10.
Stick-in- the-Mud'. Panjim: Goa Today, October 1982 , 14.
Diogenes (a Parable) '. Panjim: Goa Today, November 1982 , 15.
`testa Dei'. Panjim: Goa Today, December 1982 , 15
`On New Year Resolutions'. Panjim: Goa Today, January 1983, 8.
`On Culture'. Panjim: Goa Today, March1983, 13.
Romila (for her 9thBirthday) '. Panjim: Goa Today, April 1983, 14.
`Modern Trends in Indo-Anglian Poetry. Panjim: Goa Today, May 1983,
32 4
`G.K. Chesterton, 'Servant of Truth', Speechdelivered by Armando
Menezes on 7thFebruary 1941.
Farewell Function, RajaramCollege, Kolhapur (Reply to Address) , 2 3r d
February 1957.
KarnatakUniversity - Conferment of Honorary Degree on C.D.
Deshmukh, D.R. Gadgil and ShivramKaranth(Citations
Prepared and Read by Armando Menezes) , October, 1963.
`John Fitzgerald Kennedy', Inauguration of the Weekof Educational
Activities, USIS/KarnatakUniversity, Dharwar, December 1963.
`On the Education of Children', - Speechdelivered at the Foundation
Stone Laying Ceremony of Sharada Mandir School, Panjim, Goa,
October 1967.
The Poet as teacher, the teacher as Poet', Speechdelivered at his 65th
Birthday Celebrations, Dharwar, March31, 1968.
`John Masefield', A.I.R., Dharwar, 1 lthFebruary 1968.
The Cradle of My Dreams', A.I.R., Goa, 13thMarch1970.
`FromLoin Clothto Lungi', A.I.R., Dharwar, 2 3rd November 1970.
`Ethics of the Queue', Talkin English, A.I.R., Dharwar, 2 2 11d April
Commemoration Speechat the 60thBirthAnniversary of
V.M.Salgaonkar, n.d.
32 5
The Values I have cherished in Life', Talkin English, A.I.R., Dharwar,
Presidential Address, 3rd Konkani Conference, Bombay, 1945.
Rivers', A.I.R, Goa, n.d.
Symposiumon Humanities, UNESCO Club, n.d.
Impressions of Education in the U.K.', A.I.R., Dharwar, n.d.
`As I lookBack', A.I.R., Panjim, n.d.
Literature, in the series 'Unity in Diversity', A.I.R., Dharwar, n.d.
International Cooperation, Address to Medical Students on
International Cooperation Day, Bombay, n.d.
Other Works mentioned in The C radle Of My Dreams (Selected
Writings of Armando Menezes1902 -1983) ed. Louis Menezes and
Ignatius Menezes, Chennai, 2 002 .
In The C radle of My Dreams the editors say: 'if published, 'information
`Some Great Goans'
`My Favourite City'
`Student Indiscipline'
`Literature and Life'
Transposition of Culture in Translation'
The Evolution of Words'
32 6
`Mathematics and Poetry'
`My World View'
The Future of Goa'
The Churchand the Arts'
`In a Reminiscential Mood: On Shakespeare'
VabindranathTagore: His Poetry'
`Memories of a Teacher'
`Christless Christmas?'
The Statue' (Poem) , Dharwar, 6 September, 1967
To Christ in the Eucharist' (Poem, 31 July, 1964
`Arcades Ambo' (Literary Criticism)
`Francisco Correia Afonso' (1893-1961)
The Second Sex'
The Shaken Edifice - Teacher-Student Relationship'
`Shakespeare, The Dramatist'
`Holier Than Thou'
The Problemof Language' (A Dialogue)
`Grandfather and I'
Postgraduate Teaching in English'
The Grand Illusion', article on continued existence of Portuguese
`A Minha Aldeia' (Portuguese article)
32 7
'Typos Goeses: 0 Pescador' (Portuguese article)
The Case for the Mocking-Bird'
taetus Tibi Serviat'
`Poems: Indian Summer'
`Ezra Pound', (Criticism)
`Indiscipline of Development'
`Examination Technique'
The Problem'
`History of Indiscipline'
`Culture and the Absurd'
`Does Culture Matter?'
32 8
`Language Problem' (Criticism)
The Churchin India: Educational Activities'
`Shaw and I 1Criticism)
'Troubles of an Editor'
The Life Intellectual'
`Part Examinations'
Tradition and Modernity'
`Liberty and Law'
Democracy and Education'
`Literature and Life'
The Churchand the Arts' (Criticism)
Teachers' Day'
`Education and Democracy'
Education for Democracy
`Mediumof Instruction'
`National Integration'
`Art and Administration'
`On Being Kind'
`An Administrator'
`Student Discipline'
`Educational Standards'
32 9
The Return of the Humanities'
`General Education'
`Shakespeare Today' (Criticism)
`Shakespeare and Emergency'
Teaching Aids'
The Student'
Transposition of Culture in Translation'
Two Seminars, Excerpts froma dairy, EnglishHoliday, 1960'
In a Reminiscential M000d on Shakespeare - Morituri to salutamus'
`Educational Standards', Talkat the Institute of Education, Dharwar.
`Going South, Travelogue'
`Idea of a University'
Democracy and Indian Architecture'
`Who is a Good Citizen?'
On History', Notes for an inaugural talk, Dept. of History, Dharwar.
Anti-Merger Conference', Inaugural Speech, 17 April, 1965
Oersoppa Falls'
Remembering 50 years at KarnatakCollege'
`Unity in Diversity'
`Rai Sahebof Visnagar'
Tristao de Braganca Cunha'
The Library'
`Shakespeare at Dharwar'
Basava's Octocentenary'
D.C. Pavate'
Basava - Mystic and Poet'
`KarnatakUniversity and I'
`Higher Education in NorthKarnatak'
`Literature and the Arts' (Criticism)
`Man, an artistic creation'
`Francisco Luis Gomes - Centenary of a Great Indian'
The Moon that was'
The Generation Gap'
Do it yourself
'The Lighter Side of My Profession'
Veerashaivismand Christianity'
`Poetic Truthand Allied Subjects' (Criticism)
Francisco Luis Gomes, a critical study of The Brahmans'
`Art and Citizenship'
`Plans and Man'
The Great Dilemma'
The Tagore Centenary'
`What is a University?'
`International Relations'
`Sense of Humour'
The Limits of Democracy'
`Are Translators Traitors?'
The Twenty-First Century'
`One World'
`St. Francis Xavier and the Portuguese'
Indo-Portuguese Literature'
`Goan Education - A Retrospect'
`Cornmittees and Sub-Committees'
`Nationalists Galore'
`Invitation to Goa: A Symphony in Four Movements'
Indo-Portuguese Relations'
"A Peep at Our Parnassus' (criticism)
1Conkani Samaj', 15 December 1970.
Vishal Gomantak'
`Francisco Luis Gomes - Novelist and Man of Letters'
`Francisco Correia Afonso, 1993-1961, In Memoriam', July 1961
St.Francis Xavier: Critic of India'
`Goa and Goans'
The Story of My Education' - Unpublished autobiographical
Notes, Bombay: Menezes' family collection.
Alphonso-Karkala, J.B., Bibliography. Appendix IV Indo-English
Literature in the Nineteenth C entury. Mysore: The Literary Half
Yearly, 1970.
Bateson, F.W. ed. The C ambridge Bibliography of English Literature,
Vol. III, Section 7, ii, Literature of Dominions - Anglo-Indian
Literature. Cambridge: Cambridege University Press, 1940.
Central Institute of Englishand Foreign Languages, A Bibliography of
Indian English. Hyderabad: CIEFL, 1972 .
Karkala, John A. and Leena. Bibliography in Indian Writing in English.
Bombay: Nirmala Sadanand Publishers, 1974.
Iyengar, K.R. Srinivasa. Bibliography in Indian Writing in English.
Bombay: Asia Publising House, 1962 , 1973.
Aspects of Indian Writing in English: Essays in Honour of K.R. Srinivasa
Iyengar. New Delhi: The Macmillan Co., 1979.
Boehmer, Ellek. C olonial and Post-C olonial Literature, migrant
metaphors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Bhatnagar, M.K. ed. C ommonwealth English Literature. New Delhi:
Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 1999.
C ommemorative Souvenir on the occasion of the 6,9h Birthday
C elebrations of Prof. Armando Menezes. Hubli: Samyukta
Karnatak Press, 1968.
Chindhade, Shirish. Five Indian English Poets. New Delhi: Atlantic
Publishers and Distributors, 1996.
Das, Bijaykumar. C ritical Essays on Post-C olonial Literature. New
Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2 001.
Daruwala, Keki N. ed. Two Decades of Indian Poetry 1960-1980. New
Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1980.
Da Costa, Manuel Aleixo. Literatura Goesa. Lisboa, 1967.
Gokak, VinayakKrishna. The Golden Treasury of Indo-Anglian Poetry,
1828-1965. New Delhi: Sahitya Academy, 1986.
Gokak, Vinayak Krishna. Studies in Indo-Anglian Poetry. Bangalore:
Sai Ratan Agency, 1972 .
Iyengar, K.R. Srinivasa. Indo-Anglian Literature. Bombay: The P.E.N.
All India Centre, 1943.
Iyengar, K.R. Srinivasa. Indian C ontribution to English Literature.
Bombay: KarnatakPublishing House, 1945.
Journal of South Asian Literature: Goan Literature - A Modern Reader.
Michigan: Asian Studies Centre, Michigan State University,
Winter, Spring, 1983. Vol. XVIII.
Modak, Cyril. ed. The Indian Gateway to Poetry. Calcutta: Longmans
Green, 1938.
Modern Indian Poetry in English: An Anthology and A C redo. Calcutta:
Writer's Workshop, rev. ed., 1971.
Naik, M.K. Perspectives of Indian Poetry in English. New Delhi: Abhinav
Publications, 1984.
Naik, M.K. A History of Indian English Literature. New Delhi: Sahitya
Academy, 1992 .
Nandy, Pritish. Indian Poetry in English: 1947-1972. New Delhi: Oxford
8s I.B.H. Publication, 1972 .
Narasimhaiah, C.D. The Swan and the Eagle. Simla: Indian Institute
of Advanced Study, 1969.
O'Reilly, Christopher. Post-C olonial Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2 001.
Panicker, Ayappa K. Modern Indian Poetry in English. New Delhi:
Sahitya Akademi, 1991.
Pandey, Surya Nath. ed. Writing in a Post-Colonial Space. New Delhi:
Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 1999.
Parthasarathy R Ten Twentieth C entury Indian Poets. New Delhi:
Oxford University Press, 1976.
Peradina, S. C ontemporary Indian Poetry in English. Bombay: The
Macmillan Co., 1972 .
Trivedi, Harishand Meenakshi M-ukherjee. Interrogating Post-
C olonialism: Theory, Text and C ontext. Shimla: Indian Institute of
Advanced Studies, 1996.
Verghese, Paul C. Essays on Indian Writing in English. New Delhi: N.V.
Publishers, 1975.
Verghese, Paul C. Problems of the Indian C reative Writer in English.
Bombay: Somaiya Publications, 1971.
Articles and Essays On Armando Menezes
Azavedo, Carcino. 'Armando, Row the Boat Ashore, Alleluia! ' A Vida,
(Portuguese) Panjim, Goa. N.d, n.pag.
Anonymous. 'Armando Menezes'. Bombay: The Goan World. 1939.
Amur, G.S. 'Prof. Menezes: The Man'. Armando Menezes 80thBirthday
Anniversary Tribute. Panjim: Goa Today, Goa, May 1982 : 15-17.
Bhasker, W.W.S. 'Armando Menezes: The Writer'. Professor Armando
Menezes 6.9h Birthday C elebrations Souvenir. Dharwar: March
1968: 37-52 .
Barreto, Antonio. Prof. Armando Menezes'. A Vida, (Portuguese)
Panjim: Goa, 17 Feb., 1967. N.pag.
De Goveia Melo, C. The Goan Emigration'. Bombay: The Goan World.
March1936. N.pag.
De Lima, Edward. The Goaness of Goan Poetry in English', a paper
presented at the UGC Refresher Course, Gulbarga: Gulbarga
University, November 2 000: 70-76
Desai, S.K. 'Prof. Menezes: A Critic as Artist'. Armando Menezes 80th
Birthday Annivesary Tribute. Panjim: Goa Today, Goa, May, 1982 :
Deshpande, KS. 'Armando Menezes: The Man'. Professor Armando
Menezes 65th Birthday C elebrations Souvenir. Dharwar: March,
1968: 53-56.
Godinho, J.S. Eddie. 'Prof. Armando Menezes'. The C oastal Observer,
Bombay: May 1982 . N.pag.
Gadre, P.K. The Poetry of Prin. A. Menezes - A Glimpse'. Kolhapur:
The Rajaramian, 1957. N.pag.
Kavi India. Special Section on Armando Menezes. Bombay: Vol. 3, No.
4. N.d.
Menezes, Louis. ed. And Menezes, Ignatius, ed. The C radle of My
Dreams. Selected Writings of Armando Menezes (1902 -1983)
Chennai: Ind-comPress, 2 002 .
Masalawala, Tehmi. 'Chaos and Dancing Star'. Bombay: The Goan
World. December 1940. N.pag.
Mahajan, Prabha. 'Goan Poets in English'. Panjim: Goa Today, Goa,
June 1983. N.pag.
Menezes, Anne. Professor Armando Menezes'. Boletim do Institute
Menezes Braganca. Bastora, Goa: Tipografia Rangel, No. 141,
Menezes, George. 'To My Father...WithLove'. Armando Menezes 80th
Birthday Anniversary Tribute. Panjim: Goa Today. May, 1982 : 2 0-
2 1.
Mascarenhas, Lambert. 'Armando Menezes and I'. Armando Menezes
80th Birthday Anniversary Tribute. Panjim: Goa Thday. May 1982 :
2 3.
Rodrigues, Manuel C. 'Armando Menezes, The Lyrist'. Bombay: The
Goan World. January 1939. N.pag.
Rodrigues, Lucio. The Spirit of Exile in Goan Poetry'. Bombay: The
Goan World. December 1939.
S.M.V. 'A Poesia do Armando Menezes'. A Pracasha (Portuguese) . No.
579. [1956?]
Sar Dessai, Manohar Rai. `Armandbabache Don Mog: Konkani ani
Goem'. (Konkani) Boletim do Institute Menezes Braganca. Bastora,
Goa: Tipografia Rangel, No. 141, 1984.
Shapeti, S.B. 'Armando Menezes: The Administrator'. Professor
Armando Menezes 65th Birthday C elebrations Souvenir. Dharwar,
March, 1968: 57-64
Wodeyar, S.S. 'Armando Menezes: The Teacher'. Armando Menezes
80th Birthday Anniversary Tribute. Panjim: Goa Thday. May 1982 :
On Menezes' collection of Sonnets titled Indian Summer
In 1983, while browsing throughthe family collection of
Armando Menezes' writings at the house of Mr. George Menezes, his
son, in Bombay, I came across 43 typewritten sheets pinned together,
whichconsisted of a preface and 41 sonnets entitled Indian Summer.
I have no doubt Prof. Armando Menezes intended to publishthemas
he declares in the Preface, but for some reasons could not do so.
In the Preface, titled 'PROEM', whichactually means a preface
or preamble to a book or a prelude, Menezes tells us that 'this
collection of sonnets was inspired by someone dearer to me, in fact,
dear to the entire family and whoever else has known her at close
quarters.' I strongly believe that this reference is made to Mrs.
Matilde Menezes, his beloved wife, who was his faithful companion for
so many years and the woman, who inspired him to write these
The collection of sonnets has an epigraphselected froma poem
by John Donne, a metaphysical poet. Out of the 41 sonnets included
in this volume, 39 sonnets are untitled, sonnet number 32 is titled 'No
Beauty?' and sonnet number 38 is titled 'Stepmother'. Thirty-three of
the sonnets are fourteen line Spenserian sonnets while sonnets 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 41 are divided into eight and six lines. The
rhyme schemes vary fromsonnet to sonnet.
The theme of the sonnets is love, human and pure, of a lovely
creature whom the poet describes as sent from heaven and
unrestricted praise for whatever she does for everyone. She possesses
goodness in abundance and also the desire to heal eachwound and
soothe eachhurt. For the poet, she is at once 'a scarlet vision rising
fromthe sea' as also 'a dancing shape composed of ecstasy.' The poet
is overwhelmed by the gentleness and largeness of her 'mother-heart'
that 'goes out to the orphaned and the blind.'
The poet recollects beautiful memories in her company in the
days gone by. He describes her youthfulness throughlovely images,
calling her 'an old man's boy-companion' and 'a village maiden, bold
and fair', who is unaware of anything like sin. The poet desires to be
near her as it brings himpeace and contentment.
In one of the sonnets, the poet asserts that God is surely love or
otherwise he could not have created sucha lovely creature. As he
watches her every movement, he becomes more and more convinced of
the existence of God. Poemafter poemis full of the poet's rhetoric on
the creation of sucha wonderful woman by God. It is the same God
that has created the sun and the moon, the beautiful nature like the
tiger's stripes and the leopard's spots.'
Elsewhere the poet tells his beloved that he would like to
communicate withher in perfect silence, because language is a curse
that is 'made of randomfragments that disperse the meaning that is
only one if true.' To the poet, the beloved's beauty is that no glass
can show.' The poet wonders why he writes these poems when his
inspiration had been dead for years. There is no reason except his
great wishto present his beloved withsomething that is endearing
and permanent when life is no more.
The sonnets are full of allusions and references to death, Art and
religious experiences and the seasons like the spring, summer,
autumn and winter. The sonnet number 30, appears to be the last
sonnet of the collection: Indian Summer. The poet seems alarmed with
the passing away of summer and the fast approaching winter of old
age when the old body is oppressed withthe lard/ And learns to
breathe in pain, to walk in fear.'
The remaining 11 sonnets are mere additions to the Indian
Summer and appear to have been added at a later date as even the
typewritten script is of a smaller size than the previous 30 sonnets.
Only two of these sonnets have titles, 'No Beauty?' and 'Stepmother'.
The poem 'No Beauty celebrates the beauty of his beloved, which
according to the poet is immortal. The poem has echoes of
Shakespeare's sonnets and Wordsworth's Lucy Gray poems. The
poem, 'Stepmother' has a different theme and speaks about the joys of
motherhood. In sonnet 39, the poet chides his beloved for not willing
to wear glasses. He tells her that she does not know what she misses.
In sonnet 41, the poet wishes he could lift and play withhis beloved,
as would a father withhis child.
The sonnets were probably the last poems that Armando
Menezes wrote between the publication of his Songs from the Saranas
and Other Poems in 1971 and his deathin June 1983. There is no
doubt that he intended to publishthis volume as he mentions in the
Preface. Since I consider this unpublished collection of sonnets
important to understand the achievement of Menezes as poet, I have
added themto the thesis as Appendix B.
Edward J. D'Lima
Menezes' Preface to the book of unpublished sonnets
The title of this little bookshould leave no roomfor conjecture or
speculation. I have to say this, because I have not always had much
luckwithmy titles. When I sent a copy of my first collection of lyrics -
C hords and Discords - to an exalted ecclesiastical dignitary, he wrote
to say he had liked the Chords - as if the book had been neatly
divided into C hords and Discords - whereas what the title suggested
was that, in the poem, the discords had been resolved into chords. My
second collection of lyrics, C haos and The Dancing Star, was received
by no less personage than the Vice-Chancellor of a University, who
remarked that he had liked the poems but not the title. Thank God,
he did not say that he had liked the title but not the poems! When I
put together some of my broadcasts to make a volume, I entitled it
Lighter than Air, witha pun on AIR, but also withan allusion to an
aeronautical term. And I had it! For, a friendly critic insisted that, on
the contrary, the broadcasts were quite heavy! And when I, quite
recently, brought out a sequel and named it Airy Nothings, a sage
member of the committee that approved it for publication by the
University said, generously, that the matter was all right, indeed quite
good, but the title was frivolous and gave no hint of the seriousness of
the content.
So, I keep my fingers crossed. Will they find in Indian Summer
some recondite, esoteric meaning, or, on the other hand, sneer at it as
too trivial and detracting fromthe universality of poetry (Why Indian?)
This collection of sonnets was inspired by someone dearer to me,
infact dear to the entire family and whoever else has known her at
close quarters. Eliot has a theory that the man who writes is not the
man who feels. Right or wrong, this theory is a comfort to me: it
places a discreet distance between the author and the theme of the
poem. I wishthey were better than they actually are. But what can
one reasonably expect froman Indian Summer?
Armando Menezes
Sonnets: Indian Summer
In buying things perfumed, we aske: if there
Be muske and amber in it, but not where.
Thoughall her parts be not in th'usual place,
She hathan Anagramof a good face.
Things simply good, can never be unfit.
She's faire as any, if all be like her,
And if none bee, then she is singular
All love is wonder; if wee justly doe
Account her wonderfull, why not lovely too?
- John Donne
I tease imagination withthe thought
That you had never been; or, having been,
Had passed us by... Who could, not having seen,
Guess the perfection that you are, inwrought
Withall that is on earthand what is not,
Between the green globe and the blue serene?
A sullen grayness o'erspread the scene,
And a blight trampled o'er our garden-plot.
Tell me, dear heart, by what circuitous way
You glided down across the luminous night,
A ministering angel sent to heal and bless?
All future ages shall record the day
When someone came to us, and how delight
Returned to earth, and Love, and Loveliness.
I keep recalling all the little things
You do, and do, and do, and never tire,
Weaving withkindness, like a magic fire,
A girdle round our weaknesses. Your wings
Ne'er rest; and yet your valiant spirit sings,
Soaring into the heavens, higher and higher,
Beyond the selfishfrontiers of desire,
Too busy withits own ministerings.
How is it Nature, chary of her gifts,
Gave you so muchof goodness, filled your heart
Withjoy that cheers, withwisdomthat uplifts,
Letting the rest be selfish? Far, apart,
Above our poesy, amidst the drifts
0 angel feathers, is your simple art.
There is a Joy abides in all that is;
That moves and animates eachnerve and vein.
Throughthis all things are born; by this
All things subsist; and all that makes us fain
Is as a foamupon that sea of bliss.
Throughit all loss becomes a glorious gain;
It achemises into peace all pain
Like the hurt infant by his mother's kiss.
At what suspicious moment were you girt
Withsuchabundant goodness that you should
Desire to heal eachwound, to soothe eachhurt
By the sheer power of the eternal Good?
To make white blossoms burgeon fromthe dirt
By the mere presence of your womanhood?
I saw you once, upon the foamy beach.
A scarlet vision rising fromthe sea,
A dancing shape composed of ecstasy
Beyond imagination's utmost reach.
What is this beauty, that is made of good
And yet is more than good? Transcending form,
And yet a lovely form? How can the storm
Conceive of its own essence? Does the wood
Know of the wind that shakes its leaves again?
As when June riots and the raging blast
Bashes all Nature withits whip of rain,
The good earthheaves and travails - and, at last,
Laughthroughthe murky weather overcast
The green and golden prophecies of grain.
How gentle and how large your mother-heart,
That goes out to the orphaned and the blind,
The offal of the worst of humankind,
The dying old, the children dead in part!
How well, how well you understand the smart
Of solitary souls who seekto find
A refuge for the lacerated mind,
A distant rat-hole where to die apart!
How shall it be when your seed shall vibrate
To the creative fiat, and your womb
Shall be a temple of a vestal rite;
When you shall, languid, wait the fateful date
Till the dear promise stirring in the gloom
Shall burst, in beauty, to the astonished Light?
Withyou conversing I have missed a day:
All distance vanished; and all time stood still.
Right fromthe moment of departure till
We had arrived some thirty miles away,
Was but an instant. Nothing was: you were?
No scene passed by; no station I recall.
Nothing at all. Nothing, nothing at all.
(I vaguely seemed to know that you were there) .
Was it a day lost, or youthrenewed?
Was it a gap in time, or was it time
Finding itself in all its plentitude?
A foretaste of eternity, a chime
Of the great silence of Infinitude -
Experience far beyond the poet's rhyme?
Well I remember how you jogged along,
Swinging your arms, flinging your legs about,
And old man's boy-companion, primed to shout,
Ready to laughor breakout into song.
Across the railyard's iron parallels
You tripped: a village maiden, unaware
Of sin; like a village maiden, bold and fair.
Our mutual silence was like silver bells!
It seemed a chain was broken withall life
That named you daughter, healer, mother, wife,
And you a child once more - too innocent
Of all the world knows and the world has sown.
Thus, throughthe endless afternoon we went,
Two fellow-travellers to a land unknown.
Why do I want to be withyou so much?
Is it to contemplate your looks and find
Some peace of heart? Maybe, to probe your mind?
To prove affection witha grin or touch?
One at my years has hardly need of such...
I like to sit within the atmosphere
Of your great goodness, and to feel so near
That brave heart pulsingoh, how much, how much!
For all that suffers, all who are not well:
The crippled who can never run for joy;
The eyeballs shut off fromthe blue above;
The leper who endures a living hell;
The dying destitute, the orphaned boy
All that should make us doubt if God is Love.
But then, if God is not Love, who made you?
If God is not Love, tell me what is meant
By all the goodness that you represent?
I watchyou moving and I know it true
That God exists, althoughbeyond man's view,
All-permeating and omniscient,
Who, sorrowing for men's predicament,
Sent the All-goodness that the Apostle knew.
For Love is patient, Love is kind and just;
It never gives offence or takes offence;
Endures what comes and ever lives in trust;
Full of delight yet strong in continence.
Love does not function only when it must,
But dares all hell withLove's magnificence.
I know why you were born a monthtoo soon...
Did you not, hearing in that dark recess
Some cry of pain, some stabbing of distress,
Resolve to jump one dilatory moon
And burst into October's blinding light
You, lonely, calling to that loneliness,
Impatient to be there to soothe and bless,
Like summer sun emerging fromthe night?
Beware! the jealous gods do not approve
Of too muchgenerosity of love:
They want us to be prudent, sober, wise;
They punishall excess; they cannot bear
To see someone too loving or too fair...
Beware! the gods appear in dangerous guise!
What is this beauty that defies all sense?
What is this goodness that disdains all measure?
What this delight transcending all base pleasure?
What is this daring so like innocence?
She can be naughty, yet give no offence;
Can be solicitous in the midst of leisure;
Can be so coy, and yet bestride a treasure
Of inexhaustible self-confidence.
What makes bothold and young towards her yearn?
Is it to seek a warmththat will not burn?
The providence of Nature has decreed
Fulfillment of eachlawful human need:
The self-same that will make blind people turn
To the maternal bosom, there to feed.
Who made the tiger's stripes, the leopard's spots?
Who made the stars in heaven, the flowers on earth?
Who made the mysteries of deathand birth,
Or the sublimity of poet's thoughts?
There is a science of our Whys and Whats;
Yet, all our principles are nothing worth:
What law can regulate a baby's mirth,
The moral absolutes or Shoulds and Oughts?
Is it not strange that, miserly so oft,
Nature may make one creature of suchsplendour
And hoist it like a glorious flag aloft,
Until brave hearts are vanquished and surrender?
O splendid creature, noble yet so soft,
WhomGod has made so lovely yet so tender!
There is a poetry of Spring. I know
That Autumn has it too; a generous bard
Has sung of Winter. Why is Summer barred,
Throughwhomseeds burgeon and the harvests grow?
To sing of goodness must be very hard!
It is the province of philosophers
And moralists that never penned a verse,
Who talkof it like a librarian's card.
Thoughgoodness is God's foremost attribute,
To themit is pedestrian: the show
Of Beauty is not hers; she has no lute
To set themdancing till their faces glow.
She sits and watches, modestly and mute,
To run where Truthand Beauty will not go.
The Good knows not itself; and should it do,
It's as if glimpsed in action's looking-glass.
It would undo itself if once it knew
Its own pure essence. Actions come and pass...
How can the birds know why they mate and build?
They only know nests have their uses too
When they are built; and nestlings, that they shield,
Were very sweet and hungry till they flew.
Goodness knows not itself, nor why it be;
It feels no tension, thoughit longs to serve;
Waits, happy in its own Reality;
It holds its wealthin trust, not to conserve
But give in godlike generosity -
As when a spring will dart out fromits curve.
I wishI could communicate withyou
In perfect silence: language is a curse
And made of randomfragments that disperse
The meaning that is only one if true.
What is this traffic of words old and new,
What is this maundering in prose or verse,
When heart withheart could wordlessly rehearse
An endless dialogue, as angels do?
Alas! our words, intended to express
Our inmost feelings, too oft let us down!
They tar withshame bothlove and loveliness,
That people lookat innocence and frown;
They view delight withsomething like distress.
And see but thorns when they behold a crown.
To love is laughable; to admire and praise,
Highly suspicious! The right technique
Is carrying throughsociety the face
You made up in the morning. Never pick
A friend out of the motley crowd; but stick
To the anonymous and faceless days
Until the glaring daylight makes you sick
And evening spreads around its veil of grace.
There shall be empty laughter and no joy;
Curiosity without a true concern;
Food without hunger and without thirst drink.
There shall be stacks and stacks of snacks that cloy,
And stacks of words that, circling round, return,
And narcotize the appetite to think.
What have I done now that you doubt me so?
I have proclaimed your beauty: can't a man
See what he sees? and hymn it if he can?
Is this some secret that I may not know?
Yours is the beauty that no glass can show:
It is something eyes can never scan;
A loveliness conforming to no plan;
Undoomed by Nature to decay and go.
It is a beauty that lights up the face
Fromdimrecesses of the inmost self;
No vacant beauty of a heartless elf;
But one that leaps up in a thousand ways
Fromkindness that makes bright a single word
The unexpected warbling of a bird!
Why do I write these poems, I who thought
My inspiration had been dead for years?
But what else can I give you that endears
A dying frame that presently shall rot?
You have heard of the tumbler who so loved
Our Lady, that he stood upon his head
Before her altar. This was how he prayed,
In desperate hope that he would be approved.
One offers what one has and thinks his best:
A tumbler, his quaint skill; and gardeners,
The flowers they woo forthfromthe niggard soil;
The lonely seeker dedicates his quest;
The poet prays and tumbles in his verse,
As the poor farmer worships in his toil.
AshWednesday: the grey dust cross is drawn
Upon my brow witha memento mori.
I smile as on this penitential dawn
I glimpse a flashof sunset, and feel sorry.
What if we are of dust and must return
To dust again? Must we at once deny
The wonder of all glorious things that burn
Withbeauty in and out, and weakly sigh
That all things perishon this mortal earth,
Where sickness festers and the sick men moan,
Where sorrow strikes an unsuspecting mirth,
And children born for comfort die alone?
What, then? Does not the immortal spirit flash-
A rose of beautyon this mound of ash?
2 0
When he is born, eachman begins to die;
Whichever way he goes, they always point
To Calvary. Betrayed to mockery,
He suffers scourges in his every joint,
And spittings of the rabble; e'en his crown
Is woven of pain; he bears his heavy load
And, stumbling, falling down, and falling down,
He travails, sweating, all along the road,
Towards the mount of skulls. He sees the skull,
His own skull grinning throughhis glossy hair;
And sees it and he panics; seeks to dull
That fiend withfrequent drugs: he is still there!
Eachman begins to die the day he's born;
And in his glory weaves a crown of thorn.
2 1
Art is a deathbefore it can create:
Brute facts melt in the crucible of Art,
Whichturns to pulp eachindividual part
To issue into joy to contemplate.
Art has a magic that can liberate
A senseless object and give it a soul;
Eachfraction dies into the saving whole,
Eachlonely fragment finds its destined mate:
The stone is resonant withsilences;
Trees talk, and horses sprout withwings;
Birds sing our hearts aloud; and swarms of bees
Issue fromrotting bulls, like thoughts fromthings;
The commonplace is wrapped in mysteries,
And Mystery lifts up its voice and sings.
2 2
Yet, Art does not make beautyonly shows
The beauty that to staled eyes is no feast,
Or, being seen, not understood. She knows
The ancient tale of beauty and the Beast
How one loves not the beautiful, but things
Turn beautiful when loved; and never lies
Or overstates; she lends themeyes and wings,
To see with, and, having seen, to rise
Up to a plane where miracles are true.
Few men or women, spite of vanity,
Know what they really are. The mirror's view,
The flatterer's bluff, their love of vanity,
Fail to detect the mystery that is You
The essence of your own humanity.
2 3
Do not say that again: This is not me! '
What profit do I have in flattering you?
Poetry is not cosmetic toiletry!
Her business is to tell us what is true
In spite of blindness, and the coy disguise
Misnamed humility: that longs to be
Assured and reassured by loving eyes
And praise packed up in subtle artistry.
Imagination is the seeing eye
That penetrates thick walls of ignorance,
The poison of indifference, the lie
Of maudlin sentiment or false romance,
And draws the heavy veil aside to show
What only poets, saints and lovers know.
2 4
Have I not wandered throughthe musty maze
Of theories, and left you, limp, behind,
Unheeded, withno stumbling word of praise
That, known as false, yet comforts and is kind?
But there are words at parting of the ways:
Imaginary is not imaginative!
One fancies things; invents, makes up, betrays;
The other probes to you where you most live.
Is this too muchfor you? Why do you think
That poetry is falsehood, or too good?
That all this writing is suchwaste of ink,
And the bard is poor victimof a mood,
Or a grey owl that only knows to blink?...
I must be silent, or must seemtoo rude!
2 5
Like Moses' bush, I blaze but do not burn.
Why waste emotion when the brains avail?...
Behind the blazing bush, thin voices yearn:
`I'mwho I am'; and all their voices fail!
The world reeks withcast-iron identities,
Eachlittle ego in itself cocooned;
Distraught withthis and that, withthat and this,
On its own insularity marooned.
The poet blazes but he never burns;
He glows withthe world's splendour and its dark;
He bids the ungodly mobtake off its shoes
Before the Vision that, unhurried, turns
The whole creation to a Noah's ark,
Where God herds all the animals in twos.
2 6
The great Saint said that God is to be met
`Mid pots and pans; and not because He is
In every place, involved in mysteries,
But that for souls He made he also set
A body needing food. We know He fed
His people in the desert; gave themdrink
Out of a rock; and lest they starve and sink,
He gave themHis body for their living bread.
And many years ago, in Nazareth,
A virgin, clad in blue and white, demure,
So maidenly, unconscious of her charms,
Mused on an Angel and the cruel death
That her maternal heart must soon endure,
And stirred the fire, her baby in her arms.
2 7
She said my silence was an empty sound.
How wonderful it beats upon the ears
Like tape-recorded music of the spheres
That humtheir pop-songs as they circle round.
1st crackling thorns where is no charity?
Or empty vessel that makes too muchnoise?
Or sudden silence of a baby's toys
That stabs his mother's bosomlike a cry?
Yet, silence is the fruitful wombof song;
No two have loved unless they've sat together
Without a word: for words on more words wait.
Words are the baser coinage that ere long
Is spent; the homely, faithful dog you tether
To barkout silence at Love's jewelled gate.
2 8
What is this portent for whommen will die?
Or, thwarted, cross in haste the desperate seas?
Why should compassionate heart refuse to please?
Why should suchgenerosity deny?
Goodness is prodigal, it knows now why;
But Beauty sleeps until the magic keys
Of her heart's chamber rattle, and on knees,
The master of the keys is heard to cry.
Then there is a great awakening, and the walls
Of the heart's chamber crumble all at once,
And a great sweetness blows across the light.
Now every screen of seperation falls
Fromheart and eyes and limbs; and faery suns
Illuminate the no-more-lonely night.
2 9
I never was on the Damascus road;
I never felt the sharp electric Grace,
Nor fell to rise. I 'ye missed innumerous ways;
My pachydermhas never known the goad,
I never went to Emmaus, nor felt
The third that walked beside me, seen, unknown;
I never knew the gushof tears that melt
The wicked heart's inveterate granite-stone.
Paul or Augustine, they knew what Love is:
For Love is fire and water; air that blows
Hither and thither, reckless of men's lives.
Love is a mystery of mysteries;
The wandering perfume of a summer rose,
The bitter honey of Sardinian hives.
This Indian Summer! And the winter near,
When the sap slows and arteries grow hard;
When the old body is oppressed withlard;
And learns to breathe in pain, to walkin fear;
When the old Spectre withhis eyeless leer
Keeps night and day an unremitting guard
Upon you, may you bumpkin be or bard,
And poisons everything you hold most dear.
But why should one who filled eachhour withjoy
Lament the unavoidable destiny;
One who disdained to choose, e'en as a boy,
And always let what had to happen, be,
And drew fromthe tempest bolts as froma toy,
The same big thrill, and never bent his knee?
"Next time you have to decorate my cake,
Set but one candle: that is just to say
I'mone year older. That is for your sake!
The truthwill cheat you. I must always stay
As young as you and bothour children make
Me be. What profit is in looking grey
And wan? Not yet is my heart fit to ache!
Why should it when its pulse is youthful, pray?
Not for my sake but yours I shall remain
Just one year older, and escort your days,
Withmy ripe heart beside your tender youth.
The years, impatient, rushalong in vain.
As in the ocean billows billows chase:
I'll lie about my years and know it truth".
No Beauty?
There is a loveliness that never wanes:
The bloomof amaranth- - immortal flower.
Not mothnor rust nor wrinkled age has power
To breachwithlosses her enduring gains.
She has a hidden witness nothing stains;
She grows on, year by year, nor her richdower
Is frittered on the play of sun and shower,
Diminished not by pleasures or by pains.
What means this fallacy of single traits,
Of what attracts - - and what deceives - - the eye,
Eachline, eachlimb, and the successive dates,
Torn fromthe calendar, that eachday die!
For you possess the beauty that frustrates
The insidious onset of mortality.
A place is what we make of it, they say:
A person, too, is what we make of it.
We build ourselves by piling bit on bit;
We are not born what we should be one day.
Civilization is a long array
Of all that Art can makeor Science fit;
We mould our finite fromthe Infinite;
Our soaring wings are woven of common clay.
The nature of a thing is how it ends,
The Grecian sage hathsaid. The mango root
Into the dungy depths of earthdescends,
Yet what lushsweetness permeates its fruit!
Great Nature breaks us, and great Nature mends;
Not wood and strings, but music, is the lute.
The true, the beautiful, the good - these three;
And of the three the good is most divine.
For God is beautiful and true; but He
Is good above all things: Love is His sign.
When man is good, he's beautiful and true:
His goodness radiates througheye and word;
The generous heart is manifest to view,
And the large music of the soul is heard
The good is true and beautiful: it flowers
As a globe witha candle lit within;
As the sky blossoms when the sun-god shows
His rose-gold grace upon a --- of sin.
How wondrous when a noble spirit dowers
The entire earthwithwhat she harbours in!
Whichof your virtues do I like the best?
That your concern can be so easily stirred
By distant pain and weeping yet unheard,
Or dim-seen cloudlets yet unmanifest.
I wonder if folks fall ill just to test
Your splendid healing power? To be conferred
Your mother comfort? - as a little bird
Will flutter wildly be when it news its nest?
You may disclaimall beauty: don't gainray
That glory issuing fromthe generous heart
That makes your frame transparent as the day.
We do not measure beauty part by part:
True beauty ever knows to find the way
Throughall that prisons it, alone, apart.
Nature has crowned you withher greatest gifts;
Then taken back a little here and there,
Lest goodness be all lost within the fair,
And sense draw downwards what the soul uplifts.
Nature, notorious for ambiguous shifts,
Plays fast and loose; even as a girl might tear
A gorgeous fabric, bought for her to wear,
To streamers waving withthe wind that drifts.
But beauty, driven inwards, yet appears
As light and love upon the visage marred,
By cares that furrow and by ruinous tears,
And leaves the outer feature worn and scarred:
The while the Spirit grows withgrowing years,
And breathes soft accents thoughthe mouthis hard.
I know your husband understands you well,
And trades affection for your tenderness,
And watches as you go about to bless,
Fromwires a-tinkling to the outer bell;
About the little duties none can tell,
Between the washing tuband kitchen mess;
To wipe the grubby face, to teach, to dress,
To tread the stairs up hill and down the dell.
In all this traffic of the day is lost
The silver laughter and the golden bowl;
While the limbs, weary, and as tempest - tost,
And tasks, fragmented, hide the crystal Whole.
God only knows what is the plumbless cost
That slowly wears away the godlike soul.
What needs this boring prowess: swelling girth,
The morning sickness, and the aching head,
The fits of temper and the lonely bed,
The nagging worry ere the painful birth?
Those natural stages that are nothing worth,
That weight a woman hates when all is said,
The absent eye and the encumbered tread,
That freeze the moment of a creature's mirth?
If to be mother is to own a heart
That floods withtenderness when something weak
Stamses or aches or feels a sudden smart?
Why all this heaviness for a loved squak?
The great event grows never part by part:
One step, and here the motherhood you seek!
Why all this phobia for spectacles?
Do you not train your hair to waves? Or paint
Your lips red till you looka martyred saint?
I thinkI know of many graver ills
Than wearing glasses in a dainty frame
And lookat all the world and see it right.
Why make the daylight an untimely night
Because to see withglasses seems a shame?
Look, what a lot you miss of nice and fair:
The tint of roses in your garden glowing;
Your father-in-law, blind, groping for his way;
Your love's waist, or receding line of hair;
Your younger friends now growing old and blowing,
Are thinking that this is the end of day!
Art is a challenge to dame Nature: Art
Is something that this self-same Nature made.
The Loveliest things of Nature bloomand fade:
They come and breathe awhile and then depart.
Art can transmute to pleasure Nature's smart,
To loveliness the simple country maid,
To poetry the farmer's sweaty spade
And crown withgold what Nature underpaid.
Art make perpetual Nature's daying works,
And renders perfect Nature's fumbling sketches;
ThroughArt we see how lovely Nature is:
Art turns to beauty what is Nature irks;
Where Nature stagnates, Art, high-daring, fetches
Fromher own spirit new-born mysteries.
Why should I feel I lifted you at birth,
And played withyou, a father withhis child;
And you, wide-eyed, looked up at me and smiled.
And kicked and gurgled withangelic mirth?
I would have given all there is - the earth,
The music in my heart, light of my eyes,
The present prize, the promised paradise,
All my mind's harvest, all my spirit's worth.
If I could only manage to persuade
My memory to backthirty years,
And see a blossom, budded, yet unblown,
A wingless seraphin our cradle laid,
A rainbow interwoven of joy and tears,
Star-eyed, milk-smelly, but our among our own!

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