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An Indian warship has destroyed a pirate ship off the coast of Somalia. The
sinking is the first the first victory against the Somali pirates. The Indian
navy ship INS Tabar encountered the Somali mother ship off the coast of
man in the !ulf of Aden. The captain of the Indian ship re"uested the
pirate ship to stop for an investigation. The pirate ship responded by
threatening to blow up the Indian warship if it got any nearer. After the
pirates opened fire on the naval ship# the Indian sailors retaliated and sank
the Somali vessel. An Indian navy statement said there were many
e$plosions as the pirate ship went down. %&ire broke out...and e$plosions
were heard# possibly due to e$ploding ammunition that was stored in the
vessel#% an Indian navy spokesman said.
This incident comes after a week of hi'ackings and high tension at sea.
(iracy in the Indian cean and !ulf of Aden is costing companies and
governments more and more money. ver )*+ million in ransoms has
already been paid to the Somali pirates this year. At the weekend# the
pirates gained their biggest pri,e to date. They boarded and captured a
Saudi Arabian supertanker carrying oil worth )-++ million. Since then# the
pirates have hi'acked a Thai fishing vessel# an Iranian cargo ship and a
.hinese fishing boat. There are now do,ens of hi'acked ships in Somali
ports. The country is almost completely lawless. There is no one able to
prevent the pirates# who are now driving around in top/of/the/range Toyota
0and .ruisers and building lu$ury villas for themselves.
1) HIJACKED: 1o you think you2d be good in a hi'ack situation3 .omplete the table
Kind of i!a"k #o$r %iggest &orries 'at (o$ &o$)d do to sta( safe
*) PIRAC#: 4ou strong)( believe companies and governments should never# ever#
ever talk to hi'ackers5 r you strong)( believe people must talk to hi'ackers and pay
ransoms to free hostages. 1evelop your opinion.
+) 'H, -,ES.: 1iscuss the order in which you would release these people.
66666 The 7.S. (resident
66666 A world/famous doctor
66666 A soldier
66666 The boss of 8c1onalds
66666 A poor woman from a poor country
66666 A really cute and intelligent little boy
/) HIJACK: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate
with the word 9hi'ack2. Share your words with your partner:s; and talk about them. Together#
put the words into different categories.
1. TR2E 1 3ALSE: 0ook at the article2s headline and guess whether these sentences
are true :T; or false :&;<
a. The Indian navy has sunk a Somali pirate ship in the =iver !anges. T > &
b. The mother of the ship2s captain was on board the Somali ship. T > &
c. The pirates attacked the Indian navy ship first. T > &
d. There was hardly a sound when the pirate ship sank. T > &
e. ne company has already paid over )*+ million in ransom this year. T > &
f. The pirates got a pri,e for hi'acking a huge oil tanker. T > &
g. There are twelve hi'acked ships docked in Somali ports. T > &
h. Some of the pirates drive e$pensive Toyota 0and .ruisers. T > &
*. S#0,0#4 4ATCH: 8atch the following synonyms from the article<
-. destroyed a. so far
? encountered b. ship
*. investigation c. happening
@. opened fire on d. check
A. vessel e. stop
B. incident f. got
C. gained g. wiped out
D. to date h. came across
E. prevent i. most e$pensive
-+. top/of/the/range j. shot at
+. PHRASE 4ATCH: 8atch the following phrases from the article :sometimes more
than one. combination is possible;<
-. a pirate ship off the a. e$plosions were heard
? The captain of b. at sea
*. the pirates opened c. lawless
@. &ire broke out... and d. pri,e to date
A. ammunition that was stored e. coast of Somalia
B. a week of hi'ackings and high tension f. fire on the naval ship
C. ver )*+ million in ransoms has g. Toyota 0and .ruisers
D. the pirates gained their biggest h. in the vessel
E. The country is almost completely i. the Indian ship
-+. top/of/the/range j. already been paid
-AP 3ILL: (ut the words into the gaps in the te$t.
An Indian warship has 6666666666 a pirate ship off the coast of
Somalia. The sinking is the first the first 6666666666 against the
Somali pirates. The Indian navy ship INS Tabar encountered the
Somali mother ship off the coast of man in the !ulf of Aden.
The captain of the Indian ship 6666666666 the pirate ship to stop
for an investigation. The pirate ship 6666666666 by threatening to
blow up the Indian warship if it got any 6666666666. After the
pirates opened fire on the naval ship# the Indian sailors retaliated
and 6666666666 the Somali vessel. An Indian navy statement
said there were many e$plosions as the pirate ship went down.
%&ire broke out...and 6666666666 were heard# possibly due to
e$ploding ammunition that was stored in the 6666666666#% an
Indian navy spokesman said.

This incident comes after a week of hi'ackings and high
6666666666 at sea. (iracy in the Indian cean and !ulf of Aden is
6666666666 companies and governments more and more money.
ver )*+ million in 6666666666 has already been paid to the
Somali pirates this year. At the weekend# the pirates gained their
biggest 6666666666 to date. They boarded and captured a Saudi
Arabian supertanker carrying oil 6666666666 )-++ million. Since
then# the pirates have hi'acked a Thai fishing vessel# an Iranian
cargo ship and a .hinese fishing boat. There are now 6666666666
of hi'acked ships in Somali ports. The country is almost completely
6666666666. There is no one able to prevent the pirates# who are
now driving around in top/of/the/6666666666 Toyota 0and
.ruisers and building lu$ury villas for themselves.
LISTE0I0-: Listen and fi)) in te spa"es.
An Indian warship has destroyed a pirate ship 66666666666666 Somalia.
The sinking is the first the first 66666666666666 Somali pirates. The Indian
navy ship INS Tabar encountered the Somali mother ship off the coast of
man in the !ulf of Aden. The captain of the Indian ship re"uested the
pirate 66666666666666666 an investigation. The pirate ship responded by
threatening to blow up the Indian warship 66666666666666 nearer. After
the pirates opened fire on the naval ship# the Indian sailors retaliated and
sank the Somali vessel. An Indian navy statement 66666666666666 many
e$plosions as the pirate ship went down. %&ire broke out...and e$plosions
were heard# 66666666666666 e$ploding ammunition that was stored in the
vessel#% an Indian navy spokesman said.
This incident 6666666666666666666 of hi'ackings and high tension at sea.
(iracy in the Indian cean and !ulf of Aden is costing companies and
governments more and more money. ver )*+ million 66666666666666
already been paid to the Somali pirates this year. At the weekend# the
pirates gained their biggest 66666666666666. They boarded and captured a
Saudi Arabian supertanker carrying oil worth )-++ million. Since then# the
pirates 666666666666666 Thai fishing vessel# an Iranian cargo ship and a
.hinese fishing boat. There are now do,ens of hi'acked ships in Somali
ports. The country is almost completely lawless. There 66666666666666
prevent the pirates# who are now driving around in 66666666666666 Toyota
0and .ruisers and building lu$ury villas for themselves.
a; Fave you been following the news of the Somali pirates3
b; Ghat do you think of the hi'acking of the Saudi Arabian supertanker3
c; 1o you think the recent sinking of the Somali ship is the beginning of
the end for the pirates3
d; 1o you think the international community should fight the pirates3
e; Fow would you negotiate with the pirates3
f; 1o you know of any piracy in the rest of the world
g; 1o you think governments should pay ransoms to pirates3
h; 1o you think the pirates could interrupt the world2s oil supply3
i; 1o you think all ships should avoid the !ulf of Aden3
'; Gould you sail on a ship that cruises the !ulf of Aden3
k; 1o you think the 0and .ruiser/driving pirates will be arrested one day3
An Indian warship has :-; 6666 a pirate ship off the coast of Somalia. The sinking is
the first the first victory against the Somali pirates. The Indian navy ship INS Tabar
encountered the Somali mother ship :?; 6666 the coast of man in the !ulf of
Aden. The captain of the Indian ship :*; 6666 the pirate ship to stop for an
investigation. The pirate ship responded by threatening to blow :@; 6666 the Indian
warship if it got any nearer. After the pirates opened fire on the naval ship# the
Indian sailors retaliated and sank the Somali vessel. An Indian navy statement said
there were many e$plosions :A; 6666 the pirate ship went down. %&ire broke
out...and e$plosions were heard# possibly due :B; 6666 e$ploding ammunition that
was stored in the vessel#% an Indian navy spokesman said.
This incident comes after a week of hi'ackings and high :C; 6666 at sea. (iracy in
the Indian cean and !ulf of Aden is costing companies and governments more and
:D; 6666 money. ver )*+ million in ransoms has already been paid to the Somali
pirates this year. At the weekend# the pirates gained their biggest pri,e to
:E; 6666. They boarded and captured a Saudi Arabian supertanker carrying oil
worth )-++ million. Since then# the pirates have hi'acked a Thai fishing vessel# an
Iranian cargo ship and a .hinese fishing boat. There are now :-+; 6666 of hi'acked
ships in Somali ports. The country is almost completely lawless. There is no one
able to :--; 6666 the pirates# who are now driving around in top/of/the/:-?; 6666
Toyota 0and .ruisers and building lu$ury villas for themselves.
P$t te "orre"t &ords fro5 te ta%)e %e)o& in te a%o6e arti")e.
-. :a; destroy :b; destruction :c; destroying :d; destroyed
?. :a; at :b; in :c; off :d; ne$t
*. :a; re"uests :b; re"uested :c; re"uesting :d; re"uest
@. :a; up :b; in :c; down :d; on
A. :a; has :b; was :c; as :d; us
B. :a; for :b; from :c; with :d; to
C. :a; tense :b; tension :c; tents :d; tenses
D. :a; more :b; most :c; much :d; many
E. :a; dates :b; date :c; dating :d; dated
-+. :a; do,en :b; twelve :c; do,ens :d; do,e off
--. :a; prevent :b; prevention :c; prevents :d; preventing
-?. :a; list :b; mountain :c; morning :d; range
Grite about pirates .
A. LETTER: Grite a letter to the boss of the company that owns the
supertanker. Ask her>him three "uestions about the situation in Somalia.
!ive her>him your three ideas on what to do to get the supertanker and its
crew back. =ead your letter to your partner:s; in your ne$t lesson. 4our
partner:s; will answer your "uestions.
7. DIAR# 1 J,2R0AL: 4ou are a pirate. Grite a diary entry about an
average day in your life at sea. =ead what you wrote to your classmates in
the ne$t lesson.
a. & b. & c. T d. & e. & f. & g. & h. T
S#0,0#4 4ATCH:
-. destroyed a. wiped out
? encountered b. came across
*. investigation c. check
@. opened fire on d. shot at
A. vessel e. ship
B. incident f. happening
C. gained g. got
D. to date h. so far
E. prevent i. stop
-+. top/of/the/range j. most e$pensive
-. a pirate ship off the a. coast of Somalia
? The captain of b. the Indian ship
*. the pirates opened c. fire on the naval ship
@. &ire broke out... and d. e$plosions were heard
A. ammunition that was stored e. in the vessel
B. a week of hi'ackings and high tension f. at sea
C. ver )*+ million in ransoms has g. already been paid
D. the pirates gained their biggest h. pri,e to date
E. The country is almost completely i. lawless
-+. top/of/the/range j. Toyota 0and .ruisers
Indian na6( sinks So5a)i pirate sip
An Indian warship has destro(ed a pirate ship off the coast of Somalia. The sinking is the first the first 6i"tor(
against the Somali pirates. The Indian navy ship INS Tabar encountered the Somali mother ship off the coast of
man in the !ulf of Aden. The captain of the Indian ship re8$ested the pirate ship to stop for an investigation.
The pirate ship responded by threatening to blow up the Indian warship if it got any nearer. After the pirates
opened fire on the naval ship# the Indian sailors retaliated and sank the Somali vessel. An Indian navy statement
said there were many e$plosions as the pirate ship went down. %&ire broke out...and e9p)osions were heard#
possibly due to e$ploding ammunition that was stored in the 6esse)#% an Indian navy spokesman said.
This incident comes after a week of hi'ackings and high tension at sea. (iracy in the Indian cean and !ulf of
Aden is "osting companies and governments more and more money. ver )*+ million in ranso5s has already
been paid to the Somali pirates this year. At the weekend# the pirates gained their biggest pri:e to date. They
boarded and captured a Saudi Arabian supertanker carrying oil &ort )-++ million. Since then# the pirates have
hi'acked a Thai fishing vessel# an Iranian cargo ship and a .hinese fishing boat. There are now do:ens of hi'acked
ships in Somali ports. The country is almost completely )a&)ess. There is no one able to prevent the pirates# who
are now driving around in top/of/the/range Toyota 0and .ruisers and building lu$ury villas for themselves.
LA0-2A-E ',RK
1 - d 2 - c 3 - b 4 - a 5 - c 6 - d 7 - b 8 - a 9 - b 10 -c 11 - a 12 - d

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