Too / Enough: / Enough Enough: Se Place APRES Un Adjectif (Qualifie Le Nom) Ou Un Adverbe (Qualifie Le Verbe)
Too / Enough: / Enough Enough: Se Place APRES Un Adjectif (Qualifie Le Nom) Ou Un Adverbe (Qualifie Le Verbe)
Too / Enough: / Enough Enough: Se Place APRES Un Adjectif (Qualifie Le Nom) Ou Un Adverbe (Qualifie Le Verbe)
Enough: se place APRES un adjectif (qualifie le nom) ou un adverbe (qualifie le verbe)
e!" The ruler isn't long enough.
se place A#A$T un nom
e!" They can't get enough food.
se place tr%s souvent dans une phrase n&gative
e!" It isn't sweet enough.
Too: se place A#A$T un adjectif ou un nom
e!" She is too usy.
on ajoute much (inquantifiable) ou man' (quantifiable) apr%s too quand celui(ci est plac&
avec un nom
e!" !ou are "a#ing too "any "ista#es.
se place tr%s souvent dans une phrase affirmative
e!" The s)eater is too big
* The plane is ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (lo)/too)
, The gate isn-t ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ()ide/enough)
. The )ater is ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (cold/too)
/ The questions aren-t ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (difficult/enough)
0 There hasn-t been ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (rain/enough)
1 There-s simpl' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (traffic/too)
2 3 didn-t have ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (mone'/enough)
4 3t-s ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ()et/too) for a nice picnic
5 6ou had ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (too/equipment)
*7 The s)eater is ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (big/too)
The house )as ++++++++++++++++++ for us8 so )e didn-t bu' it
9 :too e!pensive
9 :e!pensive enough
9 :enough e!pensive
3t-s not eas' for the bellbo' to carr' these suitcases8 the' are ++++++++++++++++++
for him
9 :enough heav'
9 :too heav'
9 :heav' enough
The bellbo' is carr'ing these suitcases )ith difficult'8 the' are not ++++++++++++++++++
9 :light enough
9 :enough light
9 :too light
The coffee is ++++++++++++++++++ hot8 but 3 can drin; it
9 :ver'
9 :too
9 :enough
<hen 3 came bac; home the house )asn-t ++++++++++++++++++ so 3 turned the heating on
9 :)arm enough
9 :too )arm
9 :enough )arm
<hat-s the matter =octor> =idn-t 'ou get ++++++++++++++++++ last night?
9 :enough sleep
9 :too sleep
9 :sleep enough
@oo; at Aett'> She is ++++++++++++++++++ hungr' toda'
9 :ver'
9 :too
9 :enough
Bar; didn-t feel ++++++++++++++++++ to go to school this morning
9 :)ell enough
9 :enough )ell
9 :too )ell
This boo; is ++++++++++++++++++ difficult to read8 3 don-t understand it at
9 :enough
9 :too
9 :ver'
The )eather is ++++++++++++++++++ to go to the beach
9 :nice enough
9 :enough nice
9 :too nice
Sonia>>> =o 'ou have ++++++++++++++++++ to help me?
9 :enough time
9 :too time
9 :time enough
This man can-t lift the )eights8 he isn-t
Aob is a fast runner8 he ran to )in the race
3 thin; Tom didn-t last night
This music is loud- (trop forte)
6our daughter loo;s pale8 don-t 'ou thin; she )or;s hard-
Ce caf& est trop sucr& pour moi
Tu n-as pas asseD d-e!p&rience pour ce t'pe de travail
3t is -ver' cold- toda'
This smile' spea;s -ver' quic;l'-
Tom marche tr%s vite 3l marche trop vite8 je ne peu! pas le suivre