This document introduces theories and models relevant to health promotion. It begins by noting that theories and models both aim to explain phenomena, though they have distinct characteristics. Theories are broader concepts that interpret reality from disciplinary perspectives, while models visually represent elements of theories and allow inclusion of empirical findings. Health promotion draws on theories from various disciplines like education, communication, sociology, and psychology. The document then directs the reader to a reading on understanding the terms "theories" and "models" in more detail to clarify the difference between the two concepts. The main goal is to be able to apply relevant theories and models to health promotion practice and planning interventions.
This document introduces theories and models relevant to health promotion. It begins by noting that theories and models both aim to explain phenomena, though they have distinct characteristics. Theories are broader concepts that interpret reality from disciplinary perspectives, while models visually represent elements of theories and allow inclusion of empirical findings. Health promotion draws on theories from various disciplines like education, communication, sociology, and psychology. The document then directs the reader to a reading on understanding the terms "theories" and "models" in more detail to clarify the difference between the two concepts. The main goal is to be able to apply relevant theories and models to health promotion practice and planning interventions.
This document introduces theories and models relevant to health promotion. It begins by noting that theories and models both aim to explain phenomena, though they have distinct characteristics. Theories are broader concepts that interpret reality from disciplinary perspectives, while models visually represent elements of theories and allow inclusion of empirical findings. Health promotion draws on theories from various disciplines like education, communication, sociology, and psychology. The document then directs the reader to a reading on understanding the terms "theories" and "models" in more detail to clarify the difference between the two concepts. The main goal is to be able to apply relevant theories and models to health promotion practice and planning interventions.
This document introduces theories and models relevant to health promotion. It begins by noting that theories and models both aim to explain phenomena, though they have distinct characteristics. Theories are broader concepts that interpret reality from disciplinary perspectives, while models visually represent elements of theories and allow inclusion of empirical findings. Health promotion draws on theories from various disciplines like education, communication, sociology, and psychology. The document then directs the reader to a reading on understanding the terms "theories" and "models" in more detail to clarify the difference between the two concepts. The main goal is to be able to apply relevant theories and models to health promotion practice and planning interventions.
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Unit 4 Introduction
Health Promotion Theories
and Models Congratulations, you have reached the final unit and session of this Module. The focus is on theories and models which are relevant to Health Promotion. You may wonder why it is necessary to study theories when you are a practitioner in the field, but as you are probably aware, much practice is informed by theory and can be improved and developed through applying theories. If you feel unsure of the difference between theories and models, you will have a chance to study this uestion in the first part of this session. However, you may be interested in the reasons for our introducing models and theories at this point of the module. Theories combine understandings gained from past practice and suggest what is li!ely to happen in future situations. They also help us to organise comple"ity in our practice. Models offer the possibility of creating order out of the chaos of practice and can assist us as health promoters to design interventions based on the commonalities observed in the e"periences of others. In this #nit there is one $tudy $ession which will ta!e you about three hours. $tudy $ession %& 'pplying Health Promotion Theories and Models to Practice The intended outcomes are listed below, but in reality, the most important outcome for you will be to be able to plan a health promoting intervention using the common wisdom and guidance of theories and models developed in the field to date& this is what the 'ssignment see!s to assess. Learning outcomes of Unit 4 By the end of Unit 4, you should be able to: 'pply selected Models of Change to a Health Promotion problem. (escribe a plan for programme evaluation. There are also a number of academic s!ills which have been integrated into the unit. They focus mainly on applying theoretical concepts and models to life situations. 'n e"ample is provided so that you can practise this sort of academic writing and loo! at the !ind of points which one could ma!e in such a discussion. (o SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 109 not be afraid to use it at first as the basis for your answer. Then move away from it and develop your own approach. )hen you have completed the Module, we would be grateful if you would fill in the evaluation form. You*ll find it at the end of the module& please send it to us with your 'ssignment. Your positive and negative e"periences of studying this Module through fle"ible learning will be helpful to us in trying to improve the system and the support we give through the materials. 'lthough this may not benefit you, it could help the ne"t group of students. )e loo! forward to hearing from you+ SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 110 Unit 4 - Session 1 Applying Health Promotion Theories and Models to Practice Introduction This is the final session of the Health Promotion module, and although it may loo! li!e the most theoretical section so far, it has been designed to give you a chance to try out applying theoretical models to a real case study before you have to do so in your 'ssignment. The session starts off by clarifying the differences between theories and models and then focuses on one particular category of model which is very relevant to Health Promotion , Models of Change. ' selection of relevant e"amples are presented in terms of addressing change in individuals, in the community, through communication and in organisations. )e hope that you will find the session challenging, and through it recognise the value of using models in theories in your Health promotion wor!.
Contents 1 Learning outcomes for this session 2 Readings - #nderstanding the terms theories and models . Commonly used models in Health Promotion / 'pplying Health Promotion theory to practice 0 The value of theories and models 1 $ession summary 2 3eferences and further readings Timing of this session This session contains three tas!s and two readings. 'llow three hours for it, and ta!e a brea! after section .. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 111 1 LEARNING U!C"E# $ !%I# #E##IN Intended learnin& outco'es 4y the end of this session, you should be able to& %ealth (ro'otion outco'es: 5utline the !ey components of the Health 4elief Model, the $tages of Change Model and the (iffusion of Innovations Model. 6"plain how theories and models can assist in Health Promotion practice. (escribe a plan for programme evaluation. Acade'ic outco'es: 'pply concepts to case studies. 'pply components of theories and models to practice in the form of case studies. $ummarise a te"t. ) REA*ING# The readings for this session are listed below. You will be directed to them in the course of the session. There is also one website to consult in relation to section -& http& In the Health Management I module, you will be introduced to the process of programme planning. The end of 3eading %0 loo!s at the lin! between theory and programme planning. You might find it useful to refer to this reading while studying #nit . of Health Management I.
Readin& (ublication details 16 Nutbeam, D. & Harris, . !1"""#. Theory in a Nutshell: A Guide to Health Promotion Theory. Rose$i%%e, &ustra%ia' (c)ra*+Hi%%. 1, -ou%son, N., )o%dstein, .. & Ntu%i, &. !1""/#. -ha0ter 6 of Promoting Health in South Africa: An Action Manual. .andton' Heinemann. + UN*ER#!AN*ING !%E !ER"# THEORIES AN* MODELS In order to get down to studying some selected theories and models relevant to Health Promotion, we are first going to investigate what is commonly meant by a theory or a model and how they are both used to assist Health Promotion practice. The first reading 83eading %09 e"plores these terms. 's you read, try to answer the uestion in Tas! %. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 112 READING 16: :utbeam, (. ; Harris, 6. 8%<<<9. Theory in a Nutshell: A Guide to Health Promotion Theory. 3oseville, 'ustralia& Mc=raw>Hill& %?>%2. $EE*BAC, There are many different definitions and uses of these two terms. 5ften they are used as interchangeable terms. 4oth aim to offer a hypothesis or an e"planation as to how something wor!s, or to describe and illustrate the principles underlying an issue or a sub@ect. They do however have distinct characteristics which are useful to consider when reading about particular Health Promotion models and theories, li!e the Health 4elief Model or the (iffusion of Innovation Theory. In attempting to differentiate between the two terms, 6arp and 6nnett note that a model is often used to mean the visual representation of the elements of a theory. It is often informed by more than one theory, and allows the inclusion of processes and characteristics not grounded in formal theory but in empirical findings or derived from practising professionals 86arp ; 6nnett, %<<%& %0.9. ' theory is thus seen as a broader concept, something that interprets or represents reality from a discipline>specific perspective. 6arp and 6nnett 8%<<%9 suggest that theories are Ausually concerned with very general and global classes of behaviour and do not deal directly, as conceptual models do, with specific types of behaviour in specific conte"tsB 86arp ; 6nnett, %<<%&%009. Theories are the roots of the ideas and concepts that form the basis of models. 's you might recall from your reading on the history of Health Promotion in earlier $tudy $essions, Health Promotion is a relatively young sub@ect and draws on a number of disciplines for its theory. These include& Teaching and learning theory e.g. $ocial Cearning theory assists in the development of Health 6ducation campaigns. Communication theory e.g. $ocial Mar!eting Theory is used in some areas of Health Promotion. $ociological theory, which assists in understanding issues related to gender, ethnicity, social divisions and social change. Psychological theory which assists in understanding individual constructs li!e self esteem, self efficacy, locus of control and the different stages of the life cycle. These ideas are valuable in understanding the attitudes and needs of clients. Theories of organisational change which assist in e"plaining the development and implementation of public policy. You might have noticed that in 3eading %0, :utbeam and Harris note that unli!e the physical sciences, many of the theories in Health Promotion have not been rigorously tested and thus might be Amore accurately referred to as theoretical framewor!s or modelsB 8%<<%& %%9. =iven that Health Promotion is a social science 8as opposed to a physical science9 this is to be e"pected. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 113 !as- 1 . Read about theory in the %ealth (ro'otion conte/t )hat do you understand by the terms theory and modelD Eot down your own interpretation, and then add to your e"planations from the 3eading. It is li!ely that in your own wor! and reading you will find that different authors, learners and health professionals will use these two terms in a variety of different ways. $ome people might also even use the term approaches > a term that 6wles and $imnett used in %<2/ when they mapped out the various ways one could approach Health 6ducation practice. Their five approaches ranged from AMedicalB interventions where patients were encouraged to see! early detection and treatment of diseases to a A$ocietal ChangeB approach which focused on ta!ing action to change the physical and social environment. )hilst it would be important in your Health Promotion wor! to be able to communicate clearly about the different theories and models > we would li!e to suggest that it is not necessary to be overly particular about the e"act difference between the two terms. More important is to be able to use and apply the different theories and models in practice. If you would li!e more information on theories and models in Health Promotion Faren =lanG has produced a useful monograph entitled Theory at a Glance: a Guide for Health Promotion Practice. 8$ee bo" below9. 4 C""NL0 U#E* "*EL# IN %EAL!% (R"!IN In the field, one freuently hears other people tal!ing about different Health Promotion models. $ometimes you might not recognise the name of a model , this should not alarm you as there are many models out there+ 's :utbeam and Harris suggest, Ano single theory dominates health promotion practice, and nor could it, given the range of health problems and their determinants, the diversity of populations and settings, and differences in available resources and s!ills among practitionersB 8%<<<&%/9. 's a Health Promotion practitioner, you will find that models are useful in that they can really help you ma!e your wor! more effective. In the field of Health Promotion, you are li!ely to come across three different groups or clusters of models& Planning models& These are often used by organisations to plan an intervention or a programme. This forms part of #nit . of the Health Management I Module. Models of Health 6ducation and Health Promotion 8which we have discussed in #nit H, $tudy $ession %9. Models of change& $uch models focus on change at an individual, organisational and community level. )e will concentrate on the third cluster. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 114 It can be accessed off the :ational Cancer Institute website at http&77www.nci.nih.gov7 You will need to go to Acancer informationB then to Ainformation for the public and mediaB then to ApublicB and then to ApublicationsB. You will need to search for publications using the title of ATheory at a glanceB. 411 "odels of Chan&e Cet us now consider the third cluster , Models of Change, and introduce you to some e"amples that underpin Health Promotion practice in this area. The following table outlines the areas in which health promoters wor! and lists some of the common theories or models that can be applied to HP problems or dilemmas in each area. Clustering the theories in this way enables you to select a model according to the area of Health Promotion wor! in which you are involved. Area of 2or- Co''on dile''as or 3roble's that the theories or 'odels can hel3 2ith !heories or "odels Individual How can we motivate individuals to changeD How do individuals learnD )hy do individuals relapse or not complyD Health 4elief model. $tages of Change7model. $ocial Cearning Theory. Theory of 3easoned 'ction. Community )hy do some people adopt new ideas readily whilst others are more conservativeD (iffusion of Innovation Theory or (iffusion of Ideas Model. Community MobiliGation. Communication How do we mar!et or design effective communicationD $ocial Mar!eting. Communication>4ehaviour Change Model. 5rganisational Change )hy do some organisations resist changeD Theories of 5rganisational Change. ' Model of Inter>sectoral 'ction. 8The above table has been adapted from Table % in :utbeam and Harris, %<<<& <9. 41111 #elected 'odels In the ne"t section, we loo! in more detail at selected models. Preview reading %1 and ta!e a loo! at the guiding uestions in Tas! H. $EE*BAC, Here are short summaries of the theories or models clustered according to the areas of wor!. )e have included feedbac! on organisations too. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 115 REA*ING 17& Coulson, :., =oldstein, $. ; :tuli, '. 8%<<29. Chapter 0 of Promoting Health in South Africa: An Action Manual. $andton& Heinemann& /H>1H. TASK 2 Clarify your understanding of three Change Models 's you read, focus on the Health Belief Model HBM!" the Stages of Change Model and the #iffusion of Ideas Model. $ummarise the main points that are made about these models focusing in turn on the first three areas of wor! $ indi%idual" community and communication. Individual 's you will see, the first set of models focus on the level of individual health behaviour and behaviour change. The Health 4elief Model and $tages of Change model fall into this category. They are directed at the intra>personal 8within an individual9 or the inter>personal 8between individuals9 levels. The models consider things li!e people*s !nowledge, beliefs and attitudes about health. They also focus on the barriers and benefits that individuals perceive to improving their health as well as the factors that influence behaviour change 8or that influence an individual*s intention to act9 both at an individual level and in interaction with the environment. They ta!e account of self>efficacy or the belief in one*s ability to ta!e action as well as the actual process of behavioural change. In relation to behavioural change, Prochas!a and (iClemente 8%<<H9 in their $tages of Change model suggest that there are five different stages of behavioural change& pre>contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Community The second set of models includes the (iffusion of Innovation Theory or (iffusion of Ideas Model and the Community MobiliGation model. These models focus on change in communities and communal action for health. The models in this set are directed at understanding and improving the health of populations and achieving change in social and environmental conditions affecting health rather than focusing on the health of individuals. The diffusion of innovation model developed by 6verett 3ogers, which loo!s at how the adoption of new ideas and practices occurs through communities, is an e"ample of this category of model. 4y identifying the variables that will determine how an innovation is ta!en up by different members of a community, models assist health promoters to plan how to introduce a new idea or practice into the community. :utbeam and Harris 8%<<<9 also place models which describe the process of community participation and community action in this category. Their view is that these models serve to assist health promoters to understand how they could support and strengthen the capacity of individuals to act collectively to solve problems. Communication The third category loo!s at models and theories that guide the use of communication strategies. The communication can be directed at an individual level or at a mass communication level. $ocial Mar!eting falls into this category. $ocial Mar!eting is the application of commercial mar!eting techniues li!e mar!et analysis, to the health and welfare conte"t. Mar!et analysis see!s to predict the appropriate balance between the value of the product, the price, the promotion strategy and its accessibility to the mar!et. It also aims to evaluate its success. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 11 4y borrowing these mar!eting principles, $ocial Mar!eting tries to sell ideas and products which are socially beneficial to the public. The $ocial Mar!eting of condoms 8at an affordable price to local communities9 is a good e"ample of how this theory has been applied to Health Promotion in $outh 'frica. :utbeam and Harris 8%<<<9 mention another communication model& Mc=uire*s Communication>4ehaviour Change Model which loo!s at what the different components of an educational campaign are that should be considered in its development. Important considerations in developing a campaign are, for e"ample, understanding the particular needs and opinions of the target audience, selecting an appropriate person or organisation to deliver the message to the target audience, deciding on the content and form of the message and the best medium to convey the message as well as identifying the desired outcomes of the campaign. Organisations The fourth area of wor! focuses on the level of organisational change. Theories of 5rganisational Change assist health promoters to understand how change occurs within organisations and to plan for this. Ior e"ample if a health promoter is attempting to influence the policies or activities of an organisation so that it becomes more health supportive, s7he would do well to draw on 5rganisational and Management Theory. This would enable her7him to analyse the organisational setting and to plan an intervention that ac!nowledges the different stages of change that the organisation is li!ely to go through. $imilarly, if a health promoter was trying to facilitate a process whereby a number of organisations collaborate with one another to promote the health of a community, for e"ample, in trying to improve living conditions or develop recreational facilities, s7he would do well to draw on other*s e"periences of wor!ing inter>sectorally. :utbeam and Harris suggest that these models Aprovide useful guidance on the different steps reuired to introduce and sustain a program in different organisational settingsB 8:utbeam ; Harris, %<<<& 0/9. The success of such programmes, it is hoped, will bring about systematic and lasting change within or between organisations. There is one other area of theory relevant to Health Promotion > that of public policy. )ell> !nown theorists in this area of Health Promotion include :ancy Milio, de Ceeuw and 6rio Jiglio. This is a category that we are not going to focus on in this $tudy $ession. However, if you would li!e to find out more about public policy, Chapter 2, pp 2<>%?% of Coulson et al 8%<<29 provides a basic introduction to the development and implementation of health public policy. )e have not provided this chapter. Iinally, it is important to remember that the use of a theory or a model alone will not guarantee the success of an intervention. Theories and models can, however, assist in increasing the rigour of the intervention design and enhance the chances of success. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 11! 4 A((L0ING %EAL!% (R"!IN !%ER0 ! (RAC!ICE The following section contains an opportunity to test your ability to apply Health Promotion models to practice. )e have developed a sample or model answer for one of the scenarios listed below, so that you are able to get guidance on the tas!. If you would li!e to get feedbac! on your own wor!, you can send your response to this tas! to the $chool of Public Health Programme and your supervisor for this Module will return it with feedbac!. Scenario 1 A smoking cessation service You are a health wor!er in a district clinic. You have decided to develop a smo!ing cessation service for smo!ers who have not yet thought of giving up, and for those who want to give up. )hat programme8s9 will you offerD How will you publicise the new serviceD How will you evaluate the serviceD Scenario 2 Nutrition education in schoos You want to introduce better nutrition education into all schools in your district, possibly followed by a more general Health Promoting $chools pro@ect. How will you do thisD )ho do you thin! the !ey sta!eholders would beD )hat would you do with the schools and the communities themselvesD How will you evaluate the pro@ectD Scenario ! Im"roving a communit# recreationa $aciit# Cocal residents in an urban neighbourhood have nowhere for their children to play safely. The local par! is run down& the boundary fence is bro!en, it suffers from dog fouling and there are no rubbish bins, the children*s swings are bro!en and homeless people use the par! to sleep in. You are part of a local wor!ing group that has been set up to address the problem. )hat would you doD How would you evaluate whether you have made a differenceD
Scenario % Im"roving h#gienic "ractice at a $ood sta The stallholders at a local food mar!et at the ta"i ran! are criticised by residents for their unhygienic practices, the way they attract flies to the area and the way they leave rubbish behind their stalls at the end of each day. There have been some instances of serious illnesses caused by poor food handling. You are a member of the district health service and have been as!ed to represent the SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 11" !A#, + 5 A33ly -ey co'3onents of %( theories and 'odels to 3ractice Choose one of three scenarios below. $!etch out a HP intervention that incorporates ideas from the models of behaviour change in individuals, organisations and communities. You don*t need to provide precise details of the intervention but concentrate on which theory could help you and in what way it could be of use to you. )rite down how you would evaluate your proposed intervention. service on a tas! team that has been formed to solve the problem. )hat do you thin! the team should doD How should they evaluate their wor! at the endD 8This e"ercise has been adapted from the wor! of (r 3achael (i"ey, Health 6ducation (epartment, Ceeds Metropolitan #niversity, #nited Fingdom9. )e have developed a response to $cenario %. 3emember that there are always a number of ways in which you can tac!le a tas! li!e this& this is the way we have approached it. $EE*BAC, A33lyin& %ealth (ro'otion "odels to a #'o-in& Cessation (ro&ra''e 5ne way of addressing this need would be to use the $tages of Change Model and design one clinic smo!ing cessation programme for both the groups. However, as the model suggests, you would need to organise interventions in a seuential way so as to incorporate each of the five stages i.e. starting with pre> contemplation. In this way you would tailor your interventions to fit people*s particular needs in relation to thin!ing about 8or not thin!ing about9 giving up smo!ing. (ublicity Ior those that have not thought about giving up smo!ing, you could advertise a clinic support group for smo!ers who are trying to uit the habit. You could encourage those attending the clinic to come to an introductory meeting. In the introductory meeting, the principles underlying the smo!ing cessation programme could be introduced. Issues li!e the benefits and limitations of smo!ing could be discussed, why people smo!e and their e"periences of smo!ing could also be e"plored. Innovative pamphlets giving basic information about the effects of smo!ing for particular target groups could also be developed. Ior e"ample, with a group of pregnant mothers, you could discuss the effects of smo!ing on the health of babiesK for teenagers, an information pac! could be designed which could have contemporary or trendy role>models tal!ing about how AundesirableB it is to !iss a smo!er+ These interventions could be used to encourage smo!ers to consider the implications of their habit and advice could be given about the opportunities available at the clinic, if they should thin! of giving up smo!ing. (ro&ra''e de6elo3'ent Ior those smo!ers who are already wanting to give up smo!ing, they could @oin the smo!ing cessation support group. The support group could run in such a way that it provided particular support to individuals throughout the stages of the change cycle. The facilitator 8and possibly the other members9 would help other participants to move on to the ne"t stage, or to support one another in times of relapse. It would be important to run the smo!ing cessation group at a convenient time and place for participants. This would ensure that the practicalities of attending a support group would not discourage participants from initially attending SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 119 meetings, or maintaining their involvement. It might initially be important to encourage and follow up with participants who have e"pressed an interest in attending the group, ma!ing sure that their first e"perience of the group is encouraging and inspiring+ It would also be important that the group is facilitated by someone empathetic to the issue or habit. $uch a person should be a good role>model for the community and 8ideally9 an inspirational change agent as well+ 'lthough a nice idea, an e">smo!er would not necessarily always be the most appropriate facilitator , given that many e">smo!ers often become the most unsympathetic and intolerant non>smo!ers once they have uit the habit+ The group facilitator would also need to possess s!ills to handle group dynamics, counsel individual clients and be able to give input to the group about life s!ills issues e.g. self> esteem, assertiveness and informed decision>ma!ing where appropriate. The (iffusion of Ideas Model could also aid one in identifying how a ne& idea li!e stopping smo!ing could be adopted and supported within the group and in the broader community. The introduction of a new practice is more li!ely to be successful if it is compatible with the prevailing ideas and values of those whom one is trying to target. If the relative advantage of using the new practice over the old is made clear, or if the innovation is sufficiently fle"ible and simple, it would not reuire any unnecessary e"pense. Those contemplating the adoption of an innovation would also be encouraged to do so if they are able to observe the results in those who have already adopted the new practice e.g. They could be e">smo!ers who feel strong and confident about not smo!ing or women smo!ers who have not put on weight after uitting smo!ing. Thus, the strategies suggested by the clinic to smo!ers who are trying to uit, should be considered in the light of these characteristics, so that they do not promote unrealistic innovation strategies. The Health 4elief Model could also assist the health wor!er and his7her team to gain insight into some of the !ey factors that influence smo!ing behaviour. Ior e"ample, the model could guide the health team to e"plore with smo!ers whether they feel that they are at increased ris! of getting lung cancer by smo!ing, or whether smo!ing had or would have serious conseuences on their health. Here they would be e"ploring the 'ercei%ed threat. They could also e"plore whether they believed that a ris! reduction option such as uitting smo!ing, would in fact minimise their susceptibility to ill>health, and whether the benefits of adopting the option would outweigh the costs or the barriers to giving up smo!ing. The model would also assist one to determine the level of self>efficacy of the potential clients. 6fficacy means the e"tent to which they believe in their own competence to ta!e the recommended action i.e. the actions reuired to stop smo!ing and to !ic! the habit on an ongoing basis. 'n understanding of such beliefs would assist the team to design strategies which ta!e account of their client*s perceptions of the issue, and wor! with their real concerns and e"pectations. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 120 The 4'$:6I Model 8a model based on '@Gen and Iishbein*s theory of 3easoned 'ction and Planned 4ehaviour9 would also alert one to e"plore what enabling factors e"isted within the client*s environment to support a change in their behaviour. Ior e"ample, to what e"tent do the clients* peer group or social circle influence their behaviour and would they be supportive if the client were to change their behaviour. In other words, would it be possible to give up smo!ing if there was considerable pressure to be part of a group which considered smo!ing desirableD In addition, this approach encourages one to consider whether the client has sufficient time to commit to wor!ing on changing their behaviour e.g. do they have time to attend a support groupD E6aluation strate&y In terms of evaluation, the health wor!er might want to consider evaluating the smo!ing cessation pro@ect by e"ploring some of the following issues& )hat encouraged the smo!ers to @oin the programmeD )hat encouraged them to maintain their participation in the programmeD )hat hindered people from @oining the programme, or what caused clients to leave the programmeD How successful was the programme in getting clients to stop smo!ing both in the short>term and after a couple of months , and even in the medium to long term e.g. a year or two laterD )hat impact did the educational pamphlets have on smo!ers and non> smo!ers visiting the clinicD How else could the clinic have responded to this issueD )hat was the cost of the programme i.e. how much time, staff and finances did the programme cost the clinicD $ome of the ways of conducting the evaluation could be& Interviewing a sample of longer>term clients of the support group and as!ing them to describe their e"periences of being part of the group e.g. what helped them stay part of the group, how they have benefited personally from the $mo!ing Cessation Programme, what were some of the difficulties they e"perienced in trying to give up smo!ing and what would they li!e to have changed in the programme. Interviewing clients who had @ust started the programme. Here one could as! them to discuss their e"pectations of the group and the programme and why they have decided to @oin the programme. Interviewing a random sample of patients or clients as they leave the clinic and as!ing them whether they pic!ed up an information pamphlet about smo!ing, or saw the poster advertising the smo!ing cessation group. If they did, one might as! them what the !ey messages were for them in the pamphlet or poster. The opportunity could also be used to as! these patients and visitors to the clinic what they thin! the clinic should do about smo!ing and for their ideas on the issue. 3unning a focus group with clinic staff members and as!ing them what their involvement had been in the programme, how they thought it had impacted on their wor! 8both negatively and positively9 and how they thought it could be improved. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 121 3eviewing the records of the $mo!ing Cessation $upport =roup and determining the success rate. Ior e"ample, one could calculate the proportion of people who had participated in the programme and had been able to stop smo!ing versus those that had not been able to stop smo!ing. 5ne could calculate how many people were still on the programme and were attempting to give up the habit as well as how many people had left the programme or had left for periods and then returned. 's suggested earlier, a sample of the group*s clients could be followed up individually for interviews, during which one could also determine whether those that had given up the habit were still not smo!ing and why those that had left the programme had left. 5ne could also as! them what could have prevented them from leaving the programme. It would also be interesting to review how long, on average, it too! for people to stop smo!ing, so as to give one an indication of how long the cycle described in the $tages of Change Model too!. This would help the clinic in its future planning. The annual cost of the programme could also be calculated if good administrative records were developed from the beginning of the programme. Try out the other scenarios using this answer as a model. It will be good practice for your 'ssignment
7 !%E 8ALUE $ !%ERIE# AN* "*EL# Theories and models are important in Health Promotion for a number of different reasons. Ta!e a loo! at 3eading %0. These two diagrams illustrate the range of purposes which models and theories might serve. )e will discuss the value of models and theories below. Iirstly, theories and models help to organise comple"ity. AHealth promotion theories and models can help to bind together our observations and ideas, and ma!e sense of themB 8:utbeam ; Harris, %<<<& %%9. In some ways models offer a possible way of creating order out of the chaos of practice. They organise and synthesise a variety of disparate variables li!e causes and effects into a coherent form which allows the practitioner to then uic!ly grasp the !ey points. In this way models can also allow the practitioner to ta!e a step bac! 8metaphorically9 and observe how all the different variables wor! together. This helps to see the &hole more clearly. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 122 READING 16: :utbeam, (. ; Harris, 6. 8%<<<9. Theory in a Nutshell: A Guide to Health Promotion Theory. 3oseville, 'ustralia& Mc=raw>Hill, Iigure % on page %H and Iigure H on page %1. Models and theories can also assist in the design of an intervention. ATheories L inform decisions on the timing and seuencing of our interventions in order to achieve ma"imum effectsB 8:utbeam ; Harris, %<<<& %-9. Theories and models can also guide or assist you as you embar! on developing an intervention or a programme. They help you to consider what other people might have learnt in the past about targeting a change in behaviour within an organisation or a community. More specifically, theories or models can help us to& #nderstand the causes of the problem or the issue. Pinpoint what you need to !now or do to design an intervention. $hape programme strategies to reach the targeted individuals or organisations. Identify what needs to be monitored in the implementation process. Identify what outcomes ought to have been achieved at the end of the intervention. 9 #E##IN #U""AR0 In this session, you have been introduced to a number of theories and models and as!ed to apply them to several real scenarios. You were also offered the opportunity to clarify what theories and models are and their value for Health Promotion interventions. You were also provided with an e"ample of applying them to a scenario. You are as!ed to do @ust this in your 'ssignment, so ta!e advantage of the practice run offered to you in Tas! -& you may send it to your Module Tutor at the $chool of Public Health to ma!e sure you are on trac!. This is the final session of the Health Promotion I module& by now, you should be wor!ing on your 'ssignment and preparing to submit your (raft 'ssignment. )e hope that the Module has been interesting and that it has given you some deeper insights into the different perspectives embodied in Health Promotion and its approaches. : RE$ERENCE# AN* $UR!%ER REA*ING# If you would li!e to read more about some of the issues discussed above, Coulson et al*s Promoting Health in South Africa: An Action Manual has a useful discussion of community development presented in a simple but clear way in Chapter %%. In addition, Chapter %? of the te"t discusses media and Health Promotion in greater detail and Chapter 2 focuses on health policy. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 123 Iran 4aum*s boo! The Ne& Pu(lic Health: An Australian Pers'ecti%e 8%<<29 is also an e"cellent boo! for further reading on these and other issues related to Health Promotion. 4aum, I. 8%<<29. The Ne& Pu(lic Health: An Australian Pers'ecti%e. Melbourne& 5"ford #niversity Press. (i"ey, 3. 8%<<<9. (iscussion with :. $chaay. Health 6ducation (epartment, Ceeds Metropolitan #niversity, #nited Fingdom. 6arp, E.'. ; 6nnett, $.T. 8%<<%9. Conceptual models for health education research and practice. Health )ducation *esearch" 08H9& %0->%1%. 6wles, C. ; $imnet, I. 8%<<<9. Promoting Health: A Practical Guide" Iourth 6dition. Condon& 4ailliere Tindall. =lanG, F. Theory at a Glance: a Guide for Health Promotion Practice. See http& :utbeam, (. ; Harris, 6. 8%<<<9. Theory in a nutshell: a Guide to Health Promotion Theory. 3oseville, 'ustralia& Mc=raw>Hill. Prochas!a, E. 5. ; (iClemente, C. C. 8%<<H9. $tages of change in the modification of problem behaviors. In M. Hersen, 3. M. 6isler, ; 3 M. Miller 86ds.9, Progress in Beha%ior Modification" H2. $ycamore, IC& $ycamore& %2.> H%2. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 124 E6aluation co''ents on the Health Promotion I "odule MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Please ta+e a little time to gi%e us some feed(ac+ on your e,'erience of this module. Than+s %ery much. )hat were some of the strong points of the Health Promotion I moduleD Thin! about content, what you learnt, what was covered. )hat were some of the areas that could be improved in the moduleD )hat were some of the things which made the materials helpfulD )hat suggestions would you ma!e to improve the materialsD If you were to be honest, what percentage of the Tas!s did you do in a $tudy $essionD Please say how you found the Tas!s in terms of challenge, interest and clarity. (id you feel sufficiently prepared when you started the 'ssignmentD Can you pinpoint any specific areas of a unit or session which you found difficult. Pages numbers would be helpful. SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 125 SOPH, UWC, Postgraduate Certificate: Health Promotion I Uni t 4 12