Sun in Virgo

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The text discusses the astrological sign of Virgo, its associated characteristics, and how different planetary placements can influence personality traits.

Virgo is associated with being brainy, attentive to detail, analytical, competent, modest, logical, tidy, well-organized, and perfectionist but also narrow-minded and irritating.

Having the Sun in the 12th House indicates a belief that spiritual evolution is achieved through ordeals and renunciation and a longing for a different world with an intuitive, poetic thinking pattern.

"I serve"

August 23 - September 22
2nd Earth sign - 2nd Mutable sign - Feminine
In analogy with Mercury, her ruler, and the 6th house
Virgo governs the intestine.
Her colour is green or yellow, her stone is the agate, her day is ednesday, her
!ro"essions are accountant, secretary, writer, com!uter scientist, nurse, doctor...
I" your sign is Virgo or your #scendant is Virgo$ you are brainy, !ers!icacious,
attentive to detail and numbers, analytical, serious, com!etent, scru!ulous,
sensible, modest, logical, tidy, well-organi%ed, clean, hard-wor&ing, !rovident,
honest, "aith"ul, reserved, shy, hel!"ul, a !er"ectionist, but also narrow-minded,
calculating, irritating, !etty, an'ious, cold, re!ressed or caustic.
(ome traditional associations with Virgo$ )ountries$ *ra%il, +reece, ,ur&ey, est
Indies, -nited-(tates .the same as +emini/, 0ugoslavia, )rete, Meso!otamia,
1ower (ilesia, (tate o" Virginia. )ities$ 2aris, *oston, #thens, 1yon, )orinthia,
Heidelberg, s!a towns in general. #nimals$ dogs, cats and all !ets. Food$ root
vegetables$ carrots, celeriac, &ohlrabies, !otatoes etc... #lso dried "ruits such as
chestnuts. Herbs and aromatics$ the same as +emini whose ruler is Mercury too,
lilies o" the valley, lavenders, myrtles, "erns, Venus-hair-"erns, bittersweets,
clovers. Flowers and !lants$ small bright-coloured "lowers, es!ecially blue and
yellow, such as dandelions, buttercu!s, yellow dead-nettles, buglosses, "orget-me-
nots 3 cardamoms, oa& leaves, acorns. ,rees$ all nut trees, e.g. the ha%elnut tree...
(tones, Metals and (alts$ sards .red agate/, mercury, nic&el, !otassium sul!hate
and iron !hos!hate.
Sun in Virgo
0ou strive to organi%e the com!onents o" your daily li"e. hile e'ternal disorders
do not a""ect you, everything related to your !ersonality and your environment
must be tidy. 0ou have a !er"ectionist but an'ious nature, e'ceedingly meticulous$
you en4oy discussing details, analy%ing and critici%ing. 0our concern to &ee! your
environment under your control re5uires modesty and distance. However, it is
im!ossible to mention your sign without shedding away a wrong, although
generally acce!ted idea$ no, Virgo is not doomed to the lowest ste!s6 eternal
servitudes7 (he is not the society6s re4ect who wor&s in the last o""ice at the dead
end o" the corridor. Virgo is aware o" her limits and she !re"ers to stic& to what
she masters rather than to venture into ha%ardous !laces. Her ca!acity to &ee! her
small universe under control constitutes a ma4or asset, an e'traordinary drive "or
growth. #s one "ocuses on what one e'cels in, one can go a long, a very long
way8 ith methods that you !robably devised yoursel", you clari"y, you !uri"y
and you wor& by a !rocess o" elimination, u! to the !oint where only the essential
remains. 0ou may lac& ambition. 9ever mind7 0ou leave !anache and
a!!earances to su!er"icial !eo!le and you ta&e u! challenges in your uni5ue style$
with discretion, restraint and reserve.
Sun in House XII
In your natal chart, the (un is in the :2th House, which the ,radition considers the
sector o" mystical e'!eriences, but also, o" ordeals and hurdles. 0ou believe that
s!iritual evolution is achieved through ordeals and through renunciation. *esides,
to your view, voluntary renunciation is the best way to avoid con"rontations and
hurdles. 0ou long "or a di""erent world, and owing to your intuition, your thin&ing
!attern is !oetic and innovative.
Sun Dominant
I" the (un is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are
said to be a (olarian$ you loathe !ettiness and Machiavellian manoeuvre, and you
are "ond o" natural nobleness as well as o" direct and honest attitudes. 0ou
endeavour to get out o" muddled or dar& situations as 5uic&ly as !ossible. 0our
need "or trans!arency may lead you to ma&e cut-and-dried 4udgments such as yes
or no, and blac& or white. However, your honesty commands your entourage;s
consideration. #t times, you come across as authoritarian. It is true that you never
want to be thought o" the notable absentee, and that you manage to ma&e !eo!le
!ay attention to you, as well as to your !lans and your assessments. ,o this end,
the (olarian sometimes develo!s a great talent "or !lacing himsel" under the
s!otlight without missing a single o!!ortunity to arouse interest. (ome other
(olarians, although more discreet, still manage to be the "ocus o" any debate, even
in situations o" e'clusion. It is your way o" being !resent even though you are
actually not there... More than other !eo!le, you a!!reciate the esteem e'tended
to you. It is useless to cheat with you, since in all areas you consider establishing
enduring relationshi!s only with those who love you, admire you, res!ect you, or
e'!ress some degree o" a""ection to you. 0our will to straighten out your inter-
!ersonal relationshi!s is your strength and sometimes, your #chilles; heel. 0ou
cannot achieve anything behind the scenes. ,here"ore, your com!ortment is
mar&ed with heroism, and your stands are devoid o" ambiguity, in the sense that
your commitments are un"ailing, and your rebu""s, "inal.
Interpretation of the 29 Virgo symbolic degree
"A man stands by a window with his head covered with a veil which prevents
him from seeing the daylight. Another man expresses himself with his fingers in
the deaf and dumb language." (Janduz version)
Melancholic, eccentric, and secretive character. <ne is attracted to occultism, and
mysteries in general, and en4oys studying in the solitude o" the night. <ne may be
a""ected by a mental disease or a head in4ury. -nless one is very care"ul in one;s
studies, one may end u! in a state o" mental chaos and con"usion.
Temperament $ 1ym!hatic
haracterology $ Emotive, non #ctive and 2rimary ty!e or 9on-Emotive, non
#ctive and 2rimary, 9ervous or #mor!hous ty!e.
oon in !isces
<n the day and at the time o" your birth, the Moon was in the sign o" 2isces.
1etting go is the best way to "ind tran5uillity. 0ou are a loner and you "ind !eace
in isolation and contem!lation. 0ou may "eel that only you can understand the
elements o" your intimate li"e. It is !robably due to the !eculiar nature o" your
sensitivity. 0our intuition !rovides you with !ieces o" in"ormation that remain out
o" your entourage6s reach. 0our rece!tivity em!hasi%es the selective character o"
your behaviours$ not everyone can become a close "riend and your entourage must
res!ect the !recious moments o" "orget"ulness and indi""erence that are necessary
"or your balance. 0our li"e rhythms are mar&ed by your detachment "rom customs
and outdated habits. 0ou o"ten go o"" on your own7 0ou don6t mind it, because
real serenity can e'ist only i" you live according to your inner demands.
oon in House VI
ith the Moon in the 6th House, your !rivate world has nothing to do with a
windmill7 0our selective and demanding sensitivity does not leave your li"e
setting to chance. 0ou observe "or a long time, you weigh u! !eo!le and things
with !recision be"ore you allow them in. 0ou are sometimes criticised "or your
!rudishness and your e'cessive reserve. #ctually, you need to digest
and to slowly integrate the s!eci"icities o" the circle
where you move be"ore you can "eel com"ortable.
oon Dominant
I" the Moon is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are
said to be a 1unarian$ the driving "orce behind your actions is mainly the !ursuit
o" well-being and tran5uillity. 0our sensitive and romantic sel" lives on those
!eriods o" rest during which you let your imagination wander at will. ,his is your
way o" "inding ins!iration and balance. 9othing is allowed to disturb your "eeling
o" "ul"ilment and security within a harmonious cell, be it a "amily or a clan. More
than other !eo!le, the 1unarian is attached to those moments during which one
"orgets one;s worries and lets onesel" cast adri"t aimlessly, with no other goal than
to be lulled into an ambiance, a situation, or a !er"ect moment. Many !eo!le do
not understand such absences and their meaning, which is to regain strength.
,hese !eo!le readily describe you with such un"lattering terms as a!athy and
nonchalance. 9ever mind7 (ome ins!irations re5uire surrendering as well as
stri&ing a balance derived "rom alternate action and !assivity. 0our 5ualities are
e'!ressed to the "ullest in situations which demand "amiliarity and !rivacy. 0our
ca!acities to res!ect and blend into your environment is at least as valuable as
some other !eo!le;s aggressive dis!ositions. However, you are well-advised to
avoid indolence and renunciation out o" la%iness or indi""erence.
Interpretation of the 2" !isces symbolic degree
"!n a lavishly furnished room" a beautiful and scantily dressed woman bends
over a sofa on which a man is lying asleep." (Janduz version)
=e!raved, sensual, and greedy character. orldly assets are !erishable goods. I"
one is only !ursuing a li"e o" !leasures and insouciance, one ends u! "inding that
!hysical beauty is e!hemeral, and that o!ulence can melt as "ast as ice in the sun.
Money and love a""airs lead to debauchery and ruin. <ne must &ee! base instincts
tightly reined in and absolutely avoid getting involved in activities lin&ed to
es!ionage, !rostitution or !rocuring, and illegal drugs trade. ,his degree is
dangerous "or males and "emales ali&e.
#he !art of $ortune is an ancient conce!t, used by 2tolemy and other astrologers
be"ore him. Firstly, it has nothing to do with "ortune7 In modern astrology, it is
actually used to enhance a !lanet or angle when in close con4unction with it$ it thus
am!li"ies the meaning associated to the !oint a""ected by its !resence. It is
calculated in the "ollowing way$
2art o" Fortune > #( ? Moon - (un .it is the Moons !osition when the (un rises/
,he classical 2art o" Fortune, o" which the calculus method is unchanged whether
in a diurnal or nocturnal chart, is usually distinguished "rom the diurnal@nocturnal
2art o" Fortune which is calculated by the "ormula #( ? (un - Moon "or a
nocturnal chart, and #( ? Moon - (un in a diurnal chart.
e currently use the latter "ormula "or our astrological !rogrammes.
Interpretation of the 29 !isces symbolic degree
"!n a large antechamber" a good#loo$ing young woman with a stately
demeanour and wearing a horse riding apparel proudly stares at her image in a
full#length mirror ostentatiously holding her riding crop." (Janduz version)
Intuitive, conceited, and sel"ish character. <ne is driven by an over-develo!ed ego
and conceals one;s mediocrity under haughty manners. <ne never hesitates to
!lagiari%e other !eo!le;s wor& or a!!ro!riate it. However, i" the natal chart clearly
indicates strong moral standards, one has e'ce!tionally shar! intelligence and is
dedicated to high ideals and the good o" man&ind. In both cases, one believes in
one;s intellectual su!eriority and behaves with arrogance and disdain, which
alienates relatives and "riends. ,his degree warns that a!!earances are o"ten
!luto re!resents dee! trans"ormations, mutations and eliminations, se'uality and
magnetism, !ower and secrets, destruction with a view to regeneration, the !hoeni'
rising "rom the ashes. Its element is inde"inite3 burning .li&e lava in "usion A/, it
rules (cor!io, is in e'altation in 2isces and is in analogy with the se'ual organs and
It re!resents dictators, sadistic !eo!le, violent characters, is instinctive and
!ower"ul but also mysterious with hidden strengths.
Temperament $ rather *ilious
haracterology $ Emotive or non-Emotive, #ctive, 2rimary ty!e3 it is a 2assionate
)holeri ty!ec.
!luto in Scorpio
,he !lanet 2luto symboli%es dee! disru!tions and u!heavals, domination and
se'ual instincts, and the inner !ower we have in ourselves. 2luto destroys in order
to reconstruct and he !rovo&es !ain"ul crises that are needed in metamor!hosis.
2luto is our dee!est instincts6 brutal "orce. It is the hidden and unconscious
violence that can e'!lode in us with incredible intensity be"ore being !ro4ected in
our actions3 in itsel", the !lanet is not negative$ the might and the intensity o" its
energy are beyond the conceivable but it can be "unnelled. 2luto is the only
!ossibility we have at our dis!osal to overcome our inner bloc&s and to eliminate
outgrown situations that have become ine'tricable. 2luto6s energy is valuable
because o" its use"ulness "or the irreversible destruction o" what constitutes a
!roblem and not because o" its negative side and its !erversity. 2luto allows to
reconstruct and to regenerate !arts o" our !ersonality or whole stretches o" our
li"e, !rovided that we manage to "unnel his wild energy and to ste! bac&. It is
im!ossible to tame this energy, given its essence. However, it is !ossible to ta&e
advantage o" it "or a !recise aim, through a tem!orary identi"ication o" some !arts
o" us with this energy. In such a case, the outcome is our "inal evolution and even,
our trans"ormation. In your natal chart, 2luto6s house !osition is more im!ortant
than his sign !osition because, li&e Bu!iter, (aturn, -ranus and 9e!tune, 2luto is a
slow !lanet. Many !eo!le born in the same !eriod have 2luto in the same sign.
,his is the reason why the sign occu!ied here is less meaning"ul than when it is
occu!ied by the so-called "ast !lanets, i.e. the (un, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and
Mars. ,here"ore, some caution is to be e'ercised as you read what "ollows. ,he
sign !ositions o" -ranus, 9e!tune and 2luto have a collective meaning. ,hey do
not in"luence your !ersonality and they are not to be really ta&en into account,
unless they are involved in numerous as!ects or when they em!hasi%e a !ersonal
!oint o" your natal chart such as your #scendant6s ruler, an angular !lanet, i.e. a
!lanet near the #scendant, the Midheaven, the 9adir or the =escendant. In such
cases, the activity o" the slow !lanet is very highlighted. 2luto in (cor!io is in his
own sign, and according to the ,radition, he is most !otent and at his best3
se'uality and "antasies, !ower"ul libido and instincts, strong domineering
tendencies, outbursts o" !assions8
!luto in House II
ith 2luto in the 2nd House, what are your most !recious !ossessionsA It;s a
secret7 In any case, you are not 5uite sure to &now what is really valuable. 0our
ca!ital is hidden. 0ou do not "launt your money, i" you have any, and you do not
reveal your dearest "eelings. 0ou are not interested in !ossessing, which does not
!revent you "rom wor&ing behind the scenes in order to ma&e your assets yield
!ro"it. (ome day, you may be rich. However, you will always loo& !oor.
!luto Dominant
I" 2luto is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are said
to be a 2lutonian$ you sometimes "eel li&e a "oreigner who does not belong to the
world, to its laws, and its concerns. ,he rules o" li"e in society are not necessarily
yours. 0ou are interested in what is un&nown and in the subtle laws o" a hidden
order. (o, you ta&e malicious !leasure in ridiculing the !atterns you "ind too
sim!listic or too rigid. 0ou also revel in underlining the limits o" e'!lanations you
deem too common. ,here is something unconventional about the way you are, the
way you thin&, and the way you act. hat is your s!eci"icity made o"A Is it an
e'traordinary !artnerA # li"e o"" the beaten !athA <r do you only distance yoursel"
"rom conventional moralsA In any case, you have the "eeling, sometimes 5uite
vague, that you come "rom nowhere, and that you do not belong to any de"inite
grou!... In short, it means that you cannot be sim!li"ied in order to con"orm to
e'isting models. ,he ga! between you and ordinary mortals is also an element o"
your strength. 0our dee! clear-sightedness, "irstly, enables you to !ut things into
!ers!ective and to grant them only the attention they deserve. 0our other
remar&able asset is your ca!acity to intervene "rom behind the scenes, to secretly
organise events, and to bring about the desirable outcome without seeming to
im!ose or to dictate anything. However, you must still overcome one o" the ma4or
di""iculties o" this dominant, which is to get !eo!le to acce!t your di""erence and
to smoothly "it into your environment.
Interpretation of the "% Scorpio symbolic degree
"%eople are gathered around a buffet offering a wide array of nice food and
drin$s. A stylus and a riding crop are lain on a corner of the table." (Janduz
2arado'ical character, at the same time combative and !assive, benevolent and
5uarrelsome, bold and care"ul. ,he e""orts !ut in with a view to achieving success
bene"it "rom the !rotection o" !ower"ul !eo!le to whom one is loyal. ,his degree
may also indicate a strong a!!etite and overweight !roblems.
ars re!resents the desire "or action and !hysical energy, se'uality, strength. For a
woman, Mars corres!onds to the &ind o" man she;s attracted to .but not es!ecially
in marriage which is rather symboli%ed by the (un, Mars is the lover, not the
husband/. Fire is its element, it is hot and dry, and it rules #ries and (cor!io .along
with 2luto/, is in e'altation with )a!ricorn and is in analogy with the muscles and
the s!leen.
It re!resents the soldiers, s!ortsmen, warriors, surgeons, blac&smiths... 3 the age o"
Mars goes "rom C2 to DE years old.
Temperament $ *ilious
haracterology $ Emotive, #ctive, 2rimary ty!e. It is a )holeric.
ars in &ibra
,he !lanet Mars indicates how you react to li"e concrete stimulations. It also
describes your "ighting s!irit, your abilities to stand "or yoursel" and to ta&e
action. ith Mars in 1ibra, you are enthusiastic when the situation "avours
e'changes and dialogues. 0our a""ectivity res!onds to contacts with other !eo!le
and with the un&nown. 0ou show your e'cited nature at each new encounter. 0ou
strive to reconcile o!!osite view!oints more than to em!hasi%e
divergences. However, you do not con"use the interests at sta&e$ what is white is
not blac&8 0ou may have an innate talent "or di""icult negotiations, and you may
!lay the role o" natural mediator in contentious situations. 0our strength lies in
your ability to handle con"licts and to harmoni%e antagonistic !ositions. #ll
situations o""er several alternatives, all !roblems have
several solutions. 0our matching s&ills may ma&e you a!!ear as a !erson
who is more sociable than you really are. hen necessary, you can be curt. For
you, action means intense relationshi!, connection, sym!athy
with the e'ternal world and establishing a li"e "rame that is
based on harmony and res!ect"ul o" di""erences.
ars in House I
ith Mars in the :st House, to &now and to discover the world mean to cross
swords with it. 0our "irst e'!erience with a !erson or an un&nown issue may be
assimilated to a duel or a con"rontation. #lthough it does not "oreshadow the
"uture 5uality o" the relationshi!, it is very li&ely that the meeting ta&es !lace
under the sign o" !ower struggle and the will to test the interlocutor. ,he
beginning o" the game is always stormy. Every new element re!resents a
challenge as well as an invitation to live, ta&e action, and !ractice.
ars Dominant
I" Mars is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are said
to be a Marsian$ in your hand-to-hand struggle "or li"e, you demonstrate an acute
and active sense o" con"rontation with the world, with other !eo!le, and with your
own destiny. 0ou need to ta&e action and to "ight "or your !ro4ects and your
desires. 0ou !erceive all situations with dee! intensity, and you react to the here
and now without bothering to ste! bac& in order to ensure that events are under
your control. 0ou ta&e u! challenges with e'cessive "oolhardiness as a
conse5uence o" your im!ulsiveness. However, better than anyone else, you &now
how to mobilise your resources in case o" crisis. 0ou ta&e action whenever it is
necessary to do so, and you are !resent in a timely manner. ith Mars, your
attitudes are dictated by the realities o" the moment, by your emotions, and by
everything which !roved to have wor&ed in the !ast. hen this dominant is not
well integrated, it may bring about an aggressive or im!ulsive behaviour.
,here"ore, you must learn to control your hy!er-sensitivity and your "its o"
tem!er. 0ou are also endowed with Marsian 5ualities$ the "ighting s!irit and the
taste "or duel without which one may "ind onesel" overwhelmed by events. hen
this will!ower is well channelled, its !recious energy enables to co!e with all
sorts o" contingencies. ,here are a thousand ways to win, and a thousand
challenges to ta&e u! with the enthusiasm and the dynamism which ma&e li"e so
worthy. # certain idea o" li"e which is wild, !assionate, and in tune with events.
Interpretation of the "' &ibra symbolic degree
"An aurora borealis illuminates a sea of ice as two men ride a sledge drawn by
reindeers." (Janduz version)
#mbitious, inventive, and active character endowed with shar! intellectual
ca!acities. <ne is dee!ly interested in literature, the arts, 4ourneys, e'!lorations,
and scienti"ic research, !articularly in all theories about "orce, light, cold, and
waves. ith great leadershi! abilities, one tact"ully boosts "riends and colleagues;
sel"-con"idence. <ne is stimulated by obstacles and overcomes them with
!anache. 1i"e is !ac&ed with 4oy, successes, and honours.
#he $irst House or (scendant re!resents one;s behaviour in the eyes o" others,
and also one;s health. It corres!onds to the way the individual acts in the world. It
is the image o" the !ersonality seen by others and the !erson;s visible behaviour
e'!ressed outwardly. ,he :st House is in analogy with #ries and thus Mars too,
and then the (un. It is an angular house, the most im!ortant one with the
Midheaven, maybe even more so due to its lin& with the body and health.
(scendant in &ibra
0our !sychological nature is sanguine and communicative or nervous and
introverted, de!ending on who, either Venus or (aturn, is the strongest. 1ibra is
ruled by both Venus, the !rinci!le o" harmony, e'traversion, attractiveness,
outgoing and airy in this sign, and by (aturn, the !rinci!le o" rigour, introversion,
restraint, concentration and meditation. -nless (aturn is very strong in the chart,
1ibra is delicate, charming, sociable, !er!etually com!romising. For this reason,
you may sometimes come across as hesitant and wea& because you dare not to
insist or to give your o!inion. 0ou !re"er to act as a uni"ier, an element o"
understanding and e5uity, even though it is detrimental to your own assertiveness.
0ou loathe violence, you s!are no e""orts "or the sa&e o" !aci"ication and you
ad4ust to the situation with "le'ibility and charm.
ith this #scendant, you come across as sentimental, charming, !olite, delicate,
re"ined, loyal, !eace-loving, "air, distinguished, light, romantic, cultured, airy,
li&eable, neat, !er"ectionist, caring, gentle, 5uiet, tidy, artistic, tolerant, lenient,
sociable, seductive, elegant, &ind, with a taste "or aesthetics. *ut you may also be
hesitant, wea&, wavering, sel"ish, "ragile, indecisive, "ear"ul, indolent, cold or
even, insensitive.
Interpretation of the % &ibra symbolic degree
"&ear a bedridden man" a woman stands by a child who cries. A young girl
weeps on the stairs of a mausoleum." (Janduz version)
Feserved, sensual, and melancholic character. ,his degree o"ten !ortends a
se!aration caused by a bereavement which occurs during childhood or
adolescence. In adulthood, one would be well-advised not to listen to one;s heart
im!ulses unless the !artner is really trustworthy. ,here is a strong !robability o"
widowhood, or divorce, "ollowed by a second marriage. ,his degree also indicates
!sychic !owers as well as talent "or astrology and the inter!retation o" cards or
ercury re!resents communication, logical and rational mind, intellectual s&ills.
Earth is its element, it is cold and dry, and it rules Virgo and +emini, is in
e'altation in Virgo and is in analogy with the arms, hands, nervous system.
It re!resents tradesmen, lawyers, messengers3 the age o" Mercury goes "rom G or:E
years old to about :D..
Temperament $ 9ervous
haracterology $ Emotive, non #ctive and 2rimary ty!e or 9on-Emotive, #ctive
and 2rimary, 9ervous or (anguine ty!e.
ercury in Virgo
Mercury describes your relations, your communication s&ills and the way you
relate to the e'ternal world. However, other astrological elements also in"luence
these areas. ,he sign Mercury occu!ies is signi"icant only i" Mercury is !art o"
your !lanetary dominantes. In your chart, Mercury is in Virgo. )ommunication is
discreet and balanced. It is im!ortant that you !ro!erly understand the limits o"
your &nowledge and your contacts. #ssimilating in"ormation is "ine. *ut "or you,
organi%ing them is better. 0ou are a !er"ectionist regarding the choice and the
5uality o" your relationshi!s$ limits must be borne in mind. 0ou are credited with
an analytical and o"ten critical mind. *ecause every small detail may be
meaning"ul, as you "ace new situations, you are an'ious to &ee! them under
control and you analy%e !ersons and events with a magni"ying glass. 0our
observation abilities allow you to understand the ins and outs o" any given
!roblem. ,he only danger is that you may clutter you li"e with meaningless trivial
ercury in House XII
ith Mercury in the :2th House, you are in search o" the un&nown. 0ou dis!lay
&een curiosity about strange to!ics, the !aranormal, as well as unusual !eo!le and
worlds. 0our intuition and your analytical mind "orm one whole !iece, and they
!er"ectly blend into each other. 0ou try to understand what is une'!lainable, and
to "eel what is im!al!able, which boils down to s5uaring the circle7 In such
conditions, it is most li&ely that your mode o" communication has its own s!eci"ic
rules. 0our com!ortment is !retty bi%arre.
ercury Dominant
I" Mercury is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are
said to be a Mercurian$ the tradition !oints out the im!ortance o" communication.
From idle but enriching chatters to observation gi"t, such a dominant endows you
with a wide range o" e'!ression. Human beings have one thousand "acets and one
thousand mas&s they wear according to circumstances and the "ortunes o" the
game o" li"e. 0ou ta&e the role o" an observer who is avid "or novelties,
discoveries, and sur!rises. Everything catches your attention and becomes an
o!!ortunity "or new encounters, relationshi!s, and learning. ,he world ama%es
you, amuses you sometimes, and stimulates your curiosity. *ecause the most
im!ortant thing is to discover, and because you consider that each new situation is
!ac&ed with !otentialities, you try to "ill the ga!s in your &nowledge. #lthough
your o!en-mindedness may scatter your centres o" interest, it also enables you to
care"ully avoid stic&ing to only one immutable and rigid view. ,he slightest sign
enables you to !erceive the other side o" the coin, as well as the in"inite
com!le'ity o" !eo!le and o" situations. <n the human !lane, you see& the
dialogue and the in"ormation without which you &now that you are not able to
"ully gras! the nature o" your interlocutor. ,his &een interest in the -n&nown
shar!ens your inter-relational s&ills. #ll these 5ualities are traditionally associated
with Mercury.
Interpretation of the 2) Virgo symbolic degree
"A food wholesaler holds a heavy bag of money in one hand and silver coins in
the other." (Janduz version)
2etty, stingy, and mercenary character. <ne is interested in "inancial !ro"its and
strives relentlessly to increase one;s wealth, considering every !enny s!ent,
including those meant to meet basic daily needs such as meals and clothes.
(!eculations in "ood and raw materials are very lucrative.
*upiter re!resents e'!ansion and !ower, benevolence, large vision and generosity.
Its element is #ir, it is hot and moist, and it rules (agittarius and 2isces .along with
9e!tune/, is in e'altation with )ancer and is in analogy with the hi!s and
endocrinal system.
It re!resents the governors, magistrates, !ro"essors, religious men too3 the age o"
Bu!iter goes "rom DE to DD or even HE years old.
Temperament $ (anguine
haracterology $ Emotive, #ctive, 2rimary ty!e3 it is an e'trovert )holeric.
#ctually the humid version o" Mars, inclined to action li&e him.
*upiter in Virgo
,he !lanet Bu!iter symboli%es e'!ansion, broadness and generosity. Bu!iter is
associated with the "unctions o" synthesis, enthusiasm and o!timism. In your natal
chart, his house !osition is more im!ortant than his sign !osition because, li&e
(aturn, -ranus, 9e!tune and 2luto, he is a slow !lanet. Many !eo!le born in the
same !eriod have Bu!iter in the same sign. ,his is the reason why the sign
occu!ied here is less meaning"ul than when it is occu!ied by the so-called "ast
!lanets, i.e. the (un, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. ,here"ore, some
caution is to be e'ercised as you read what "ollows. Bu!iter in Virgo gives you a
talent "or wor&, "or !ractical activities and a higher than average de'terity. 0ou
have a strong sense o" duty. 0ou are very a!!reciated in your wor& environment
because you are a !er"ectionist. ,he ,radition underlines that all the "ields related
to health and !hysical wellbeing are "avoured.
*upiter in House XI
Bu!iter is in the ::th House. 0ou have a &nac& "or ma&ing "riends. 0ou do not
hesitate to show your generosity, and you receive a""ection and esteem in return.
,hus, some o!!ortunities may arise as a conse5uence o" a contact or a "riendly
su!!ort. 0ou thin& that you can rely on the members o" your entourage. I", at
times, you are disa!!ointed by events, you still &ee! on believing in the virtues o"
"raternal relationshi!s.
*upiter Dominant
I" Bu!iter is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are
said to be a Bu!iterian$ because this !lanet brings about a &een interest in social
and !ro"essional success, the ,radition considers it to be bene"icial. Indeed, you
&now how to ad4ust to events and to 4um! at the chance when it arises. ,he
members o" you entourage gladly entrust you with high res!onsibilities because
they are o"ten im!ressed by your learning s&ills and your ada!tation abilities as
you deal with new structures and new languages. hat is the secret o" your good
starA It is your sel"-con"idence which wins !ublic su!!ort. 9ow, what is the secret
o" your charmA =e"initely, enthusiasm, eu!horia, and e'altation. E'aggeration
also. hen this dominant is well integrated, it is a "actor o" a""luence and
o!timism, and a certain degree o" 4oviality enables you to easily "it into various
s!heres. It constitutes your main asset to manage your li"e. However, you must at
times curb your desire "or integration, lest your sense o" o!!ortunity turns into
e'treme o!!ortunism. Here also, the &ey to success lies in a correct estimate o"
everyone;s chances and !ossibilities. #lthough management is one o" your "orte,
and you can ad4ust your ob4ectives to current realities better than other !eo!le,
you lac& the hindsight which enables you to avoid short-term vagaries and daily
"luctuations. I" you strive too much to ada!t, you run a ris& o" betraying yoursel".
,his is the other traditional side o" the coin with I,he +reater *ene"icI7
Interpretation of the 2 Virgo symbolic degree
"A scientist carries out chemical experiments in his laboratory." (Janduz
Hardwor&ing, !atient, and !ragmatic character. ,he "irst "ace o" Virgo, "rom EJ to
CJDK;, is o"ten activated in the chart o" unsuccess"ul
scientists. ,here"ore, it is necessary to care"ully e'amine the natal chart in
order to assess the state o" the intellect. I" it is strong, then, one must believe in
one;s good star. Indeed, a"ter years o" !ainsta&ing wor&, success can be achieved
in scienti"ic research, !articularly in agronomics. I" the natal chart indicates
limited intellectual abilities, one is advised to choose a !ro"ession which
addresses less theoretical matters, "or instance the trade o" !roducts meant "or the
im!rovement o" agriculture such as "ertili%ers, etc. #ll occu!ations related with
the soil are "avoured.
Venus re!resents the way one loves, relationshi!s, sharing, a""ectivity, seductive
ability. For men, she also corres!onds to the &ind o" woman he;s attracted to .but
not es!ecially in marriage which is more symboli%ed by the Moon, Venus is the
lover and not the wi"e/. Her element is the #ir, she is moist, rules ,aurus and 1ibra,
is in e'altation in 2isces and is in analogy with the &idneys, the venous system, the
bladder, the nec&.
(he re!resents the artists, tradesmen, occu!ations lin&ed to beauty and charm3 the
age o" Venus goes "rom :D to about 2D years old.
Temperament $ (anguine and 1ym!hatic
haracterology $ Emotive, non #ctive and 2rimary ty!e or Emotive, non #ctive
and (econdary ty!e.
Venus in &eo
Venus describes your a""ective li"e. <n the day o" your birth, she is "ound in 1eo.
For you, love can be but brilliant, e'alting, absolute and e'clusive. 0our
sensitivity is lively and you e'!erience your emotions and your "eelings to the
"ullest. 0our character is always unyielding, !assionate and intransigent. 0ou give
your love totally, without com!romise and hal"-measure. 0our sentimental li"e is a
theatre !lay. 1ove is the best thing in the world and the most rewarding "or you.
,hrough your a""ective relationshi!s, you want to earn recognition "or your
5ualities and your worth. ,here"ore, you do not hesitate to show your !artner an
unlimited generosity8 as long as you are not disa!!ointed. 0our will to
e'!erience an e'em!lary !assion is very strong because you are an idealist and
you can love only i" you can admire. )heers "or loyal love based on ama%ement
and mutual recognition7 I" your !artner has theses 5ualities, all is "ine. *ut when
you do not control the game, when you cannot manage to have your merits and
your 5ualities ac&nowledged, you may become tyrannical. However, !ride is
detrimental to the cou!le6s harmony and to genuine e'changes. 0ou &now it but
you are adamant regarding your image. ,his is the other side o" the coin o" your
Venus in House XI
Venus e'!resses her characteristics through the ::th House values. 0ou ma&e no
di""erence between "raternal "riendshi! and absolute love. #""ective relationshi!s
are mar&ed by a com!licity which turns your cou!le into a "ull-"ledged entity. #l
least, in theory7 #lthough the a!!lication o" this !rinci!le does not go without
creating !roblems, you stic& to your ambition to establish e'em!lary
relationshi!s. ,he world is so much more beauti"ul when a""ectivity comes into
!lay7 =o you have "riends who are artists, or sensitive to aestheticsA
Venus Dominant
I" Venus is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are
said to be a Venusian$ you are a sensual and emotional !erson !articularly
rece!tive to the natural li&es and disli&es aroused by your contact with !eo!le.
0ou are !rone to "re5uent instinctive aversions and true !assions which are
e'clusively driven by the "eeling o" love. ,he heart has its reasons which Feason
&nows nothing o"... 0our balance is based on the richness o" your a""ective li"e.
ithout love, the Venusian is resourceless, lost, and de!rived o" any reason "or
living. 0ou have an obvious and strong will to charm and to arouse the
attachments without which you cannot !ro!erly "unction. Every area o" your li"e
is thus mar&ed by your a""ectivity. ,he danger is that you may Ibe ta&en inI by
charm. In such cases, you would !re"er to &ee! your emotions under better
control. ,hus, hy!er-sensitivity has its own inconveniences. 9evertheless, better
than anyone else, you &now how to !lay with "eelings and attractions. #lthough
you are sometimes caught in the tra!s o" an over sensitive emotionalism, "eelings
remain your best assets in many circumstances. ,here is another as!ect to the
Venusian dominant. #ccording to the ,radition, this !lanet rules the #rts, and you
are endowed with some degree o" artistic dis!ositions, ranging "rom good to
Interpretation of the 22 &eo symbolic degree
"A star rises above a two#headed man standing by the shore of a la$e." (Janduz
*enevolent, discreet, and "air character endowed with !ower"ul intellectual
ca!acities. <ne has broad &nowledge covering a wide range o" disci!lines,
!articularly in human sciences. #ny career in education and mentoring are
"avoured. (hould the natal chart concur, one is some sort o" !ro!het whose name
is most li&ely to go down in history.
+hiron is almost renowned and used everywhere. Most astrologers consider it as a
&ind o" ImediatorI between (aturn and outer !lanets. )onse5uently, )hiron is o"
(aturn;s nature and at the same time is in"luenced by -ranus, the "irst slow-moving
!lanet. #strologically, it symboli%es wisdom, !atience and the "aculty to reduce
others; su""erings$ it is said to be the Igreat healerI o" the %odiac. 1i&e all the
secondary bodies, it must be in close con4unction with !lanets or angles in order to
"ully e'!ress its action.
Interpretation of the , &eo symbolic degree
"A man riding a lion holds a sceptre surmounted by a spar$ling diamond."
(Janduz version)
)ourageous, wise, and noble character. )areers in law, !olitics, government, the
arts, or science are very "avoured. <ne is most li&ely to achieve outstanding
success and to have one;s dearest wishes "ul"illed. (hould the natal chart concur,
one;s name may go down in history. However, great caution is needed in order to
avoid accidents in general.
#he #enth House still called the idheaven, is the highest !oint amidst the
houses, at the to! o" the chart, in the (outh, and relates to destiny in general and
career .and not daily wor& as meant by the (i'th House/. ,he Midheaven
re!resents our achievements and goals in the social s!here, our social !osition in
society, and becomes more and more im!ortant as we get older. It is in analogy
with )a!ricorn and (aturn. ,he ,enth House is the most im!ortant angular house
along with the #scendant.
idheaven in +ancer
0ou are a care"ul !erson, and you wait "or the right time be"ore you ta&e action,
but then, nothing can !revent you "rom im!lementing your !ro4ect, which is o"ten
related with real estate matters or with the !ast. -nless !articularly salient "actors
o" your natal chart indicate otherwise, owing to your need "or !rotection and your
worry-!rone nature, it is 5uite unli&ely that you !lay a !rominent role early in li"e.
)ancer !eo!le are 5uite versatile. ,han&s to their need "or security, they are very
li&ely to be success"ul in many di""erent !ro"essions, such as those o" hotelier and
restaurant mentioned above, but also real estate agent, notary !ublic, cor!orate
manager, accountant, actor, sailor, diver, historian, anti5uarian, social wor&er,
wood-wor&er s!ecialised in "ine "urniture, musician, or !oet.
Interpretation of the 9 +ancer symbolic degree
"!n a harvested field" under the branches of a big oa$" a man smiles as his
hands feel the 'uality of a sheaf of wheat." (Janduz version)
Hard-wor&ing, "le'ible, and honest character. <ne is driven by the willingness to
!rotect the "amily and outsiders ali&e. (uccess is achieved in !rivate underta&ings
as well as in international a""airs aiming at the collective good. <rdeals are
courageously co!ed with and bring about honours and !re"erment. (hould the
natal chart concur, there may be an accident or some congenital illness.
Saturn re!resents concentration, e""ort, !erseverance, time, the hard reality,
inevitable conse5uences. Earth is its element, it is cold and dry, and it rules
)a!ricorn and #5uarius .along with -ranus/, is in e'altation in 1ibra and is in
analogy with the bones .s&eleton/ and the s&in.
It re!resents the grand!arents, old !eo!le, scientists, &nowledgeable men, (aturn
corres!onds to old age3 it goes "rom HE years old until death.
Temperament $ 9ervous
haracterology $ 9on-Emotive, #ctive and (econdary ty!e or Emotive, non
#ctive and (econdary ty!e or sometimes 9on-Emotive, non #ctive and (econdary
ty!e3 it is a 2hlegmatic, a (entimental or an Em!athic ty!e
Saturn in (-uarius
,he !lanet (aturn symboli%es contraction, e""ort, time, limitation and
concentration. (aturn eliminates anything that is not authentic, sooner or later. It
is im!ossible to cheat him as he gives an irresistible desire to "orm a coherent
whole with onesel", in res!onsible and wise ways. He is the great !uri"ier. He
re!resents our limitations but also our truth. In your natal chart, the house !osition
where (aturn is !osited is more im!ortant than his sign !osition because, li&e
Bu!iter, -ranus, 9e!tune and 2luto, he is a slow !lanet. Many !eo!le born in the
same !eriod have (aturn in the same sign. ,his is the reason why the sign
occu!ied here is less meaning"ul than when it is occu!ied by the so-called "ast
!lanets, i.e. the (un, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. ,here"ore, some
caution is to be e'ercised as you read what "ollows. (aturn in #5uarius endows
you with the ca!acity to deliver in collective areas, humanitarian causes or avant-
gardist !ro4ects. 0our sensitivity is withdrawn but it is o""set by your ability to
handle human relationshi!s in a daring and e""icient way, which allows you to
achieve your goals "or the sa&e o" a cause.
Saturn in House IV
In your natal chart, (aturn is in the Cth House. 0our attitude is highly selective.
0ou leave no room "or hy!ocrisies and shams, and you im!ose much rigour on
other !eo!le as well as on yoursel". 9ot everyone can enter your !rivate s!heres.
*y nature, you doubt !eo!le and relations, and you see& a !ersonal world which is
devoid o" com!romise. 0ou do not cheat with intimate issues. 0ou need to build
"or yoursel" a small but strong clan, an un"ailing "amily, and a cast-iron cell.
Saturn Dominant
I" (aturn is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are
said to be a (aturnian$ you gladly leave to other !eo!le the decision to ta&e li"e as
it comes. #s "ar as you are concerned, you !re"er to ta&e advantage o" your
e'!eriences in order to discover, to grow, and to 5uestion yoursel".
Interpretation of the ) (-uarius symbolic degree
"A wreath of laurel is hanging at the (unction of two crossed swords." (Janduz
Inde!endent, re"ined, and courageous character. (uccess is achieved in all
occu!ations re5uiring strength, de'terity, and a swi"t intellect such as "encing or
the military, di!lomacy, art or literary review, as well the *ar. #lthough one
en4oys sustainable "ame, one is unli&ely to become very wealthy, unless one
marries a wealthy !erson. Indeed, this degree grants sudden riches but ta&es them
away as 5uic&ly.
#he .orth .ode .,rue 9ode here/ re!resents the goals that must be achieved
during li"e, in the &armic sense according to some traditions. Its !osition in house
indicates in what "ield an e""ort is necessary in order to evolve. ,he 9orth 9ode is
o"ten called the =ragon;s head, it is usually considered bene"icial, a bit li&e Bu!iter
with the !lanets. ,he 1unar nodes are "ictional !oints and not actual heavenly
bodies$ they are the intersections o" the Moon with the Ecli!tic .the !ath made by
the (un in its orbit as seen "rom the Earth/. ,he a'is o" the 1unar nodes moves :K
degrees each year, namely a bit more than three minutes each day.
#he South .ode is diametrically o!!osed to the 9orth 9ode, there"ore it "aces it
.it;s not drawn here, it;s the same symbol but u!side down/. It symboli%es what has
already been achieved or ac5uired, in a &armic sense$ it;s the !ast "rom which it;s
advised to move on in order to !rogress. ,he (outh 9ode is rather negative, o" a
(aturnian nature$ the e'!erience through su""ering.
Interpretation of the ", +apricorn symbolic degree
"A $ing in ceremonial costume is greeted by a courtier who bows down in
reverence." (Janduz version)
<bliging, !ersistent, and !rovident character. <wing to one;s human 5ualities and
!ro"essional s&ills, one is entrusted with a high-level !osition, or one earns an
electoral mandate. It is also !ossible that one meets a !erson wielding !ower who
grants his !rotection and brings about wealth.
.eptune re!resents esca!ism, im!ressionability, daydreaming, delusions,
carelessness, dece!tion or intuition, dishonesty or ins!iration, tele!athy. ater is
its element, it is moist, it rules 2isces, is in e'altation in )ancer, though some
authors say it is 1eo, and is in analogy with the vegetative system.
It re!resents dreamers, mediums, magicians, merchants o" illusion, drug addicts.
Temperament $ rather 1ym!hatic
haracterology $ Emotive, non #ctive, 2rimary or (econdary ty!e3 it is a
(entimental, or sometimes #mor!hous ty!e.
.eptune in +apricorn
,he !lanet 9e!tune symboli%es e'treme rece!tivity, intense emotional shar!ness,
im!ressionability and ins!iration3 it is the !lanet o" mediums, mystics and
religious "aith. In an astrological chart, it indicates dilution, vagueness,
understanding one6s environment through emotions and the absence o" clear and
determined limits and structures. In your natal chart, 9e!tune6s house !osition is
more im!ortant than his sign !osition because, li&e Bu!iter, (aturn, -ranus and
2luto, he is a slow !lanet. Many !eo!le born in the same !eriod have 9e!tune in
the same sign. ,his is the reason why the sign occu!ied here is less meaning"ul
than when it is occu!ied by the so-called "ast !lanets, i.e. the (un, the Moon,
Mercury, Venus and Mars. ,here"ore, some caution is to be e'ercised as you read
what "ollows. ,he sign !ositions o" -ranus, 9e!tune and 2luto have a collective
meaning. ,hey do not in"luence your !ersonality, unless they are involved in
numerous as!ects or when they em!hasi%e a !ersonal !oint o" your natal chart
such as your #scendant6s ruler, an angular !lanet, i.e. a !lanet near the #scendant,
the Midheaven, the 9adir or the =escendant. In such cases, the activity o" the
slow !lanet is very highlighted. 9e!tune in )a!ricorn brings a touch o" humanity
and emotion into your ambition made o" cold and calculated vision. <r, on the
contrary, it may disru!t your !recise and clear vision o" your !ro"essional "uture.
.eptune in House IV
ith 9e!tune in the Cth House, the "amily cell is your source "or ins!iration, and
the goldmine "rom which you draw your intuitions and your dearest motivations.
0ou are im!ressionable. 0ou tend to let your close "riends guide you, and you rely
on the com"ortable assistance o" your clan. 0our acute sense o" !sychology
enables you to ta&e advantage o" atmos!heres, and to e""ortlessly sei%e the
o!!ortunities o""ered by your "amily circle.
.eptune Dominant
I" 9e!tune is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are
said to be a 9e!tunian$ your intuition is highly develo!ed. 0ou are o" a
contem!lative nature, and you are !articularly rece!tive to ambiances, !laces, and
!eo!le. 0ou gladly cultivate the art o" letting-go, and you allow the natural
un"olding o" events to construct your world. 0ou "ollow your ins!irations, "or
better or "or worse. #t times, you dis!lay an e'traordinary clairvoyance gi"t. 0ou
seem to be able to read your subconscious li&e a boo&, and you trac& down subtle
underlying mechanisms, "laws, or o!en breaches. ,his innate intuition might
e'!lain the stro&es o" good luc& which the 9e!tunian is sometimes credited with.
However, you may also be the victim o" illusions and misleading intuitions. 0ou
are an idealist, and you let your dee!est as!irations !revail over the realities o" the
moment. ,hen, you set o"" in 5uest o" some 5ui'otic ob4ective, living li&e a =on
Lui'ote who relentlessly !ursues an im!ossible dream. 0ou have a great talent "or
!sychology and the mysteries o" the human soul. (ince you instinctively !erceive
!eo!le;s intents and motivations, as you swim in the com!le'ity o" human nature,
you "eel in your element. ,he subtlety o" your !erce!tiveness is the source o" both
s!ecial a""ections and irrevocable re4ections. hat is the danger o" such a
dominantA I" it is not o""set by other in"luences in your natal chart, you may not
have an iron will. 0our trum! card is your instinct, which may be develo!ed to the
e'tent that it becomes clairvoyance.
Interpretation of the "/ +apricorn symbolic degree
")n a carpet of flowers" a man with a falcon head plays the harpsichord."
(Janduz version)
Fe"ined, devoted, and calculating character endowed with great artistic gi"ts. In
the "irst !art o" li"e, one is driven by envy and sel"ish ob4ectives and there"ore, in
order to reach one;s artistic goals, one shows much dedication and res!ect to one;s
mentors. <nce success, "ame, and wealth are achieved, !robably in music, the
cinema, or !hiloso!hy, one becomes gentle and benevolent. I" in the natal chart,
the Moon is in con4unction with this degree, it heralds honours and une'!ected
riches which are "ar above one;s original social status.
0ranus re!resents individual "reedom, originality, inde!endence, marginality,
avant guard ins!iration, ultra modernism. Fire is its element, it is dry, and it rules
#5uarius, is in e'altation with (cor!io and is in analogy with the brain and the
It re!resents inventors, odd characters, revolutionaries.
Temperament $ 9ervous to the e'treme
haracterology $ Emotive, #ctive, (econdary ty!e3 it is a 2assionate ty!e.
0ranus in +apricorn
,he !lanet -ranus symboli%es originality, inde!endence and cerebral energy
bursting suddenly. -ranus triggers the irresistible need "or "reedom that we have
in ourselves. -ranus tends to brea& the constraints that have become unbearable
and gives us the courage and the will to get rid o" what has become a burden3
when he is well as!ected, he also indicates genius. In your natal chart, -ranus6
house !osition is more im!ortant than his sign !osition because, li&e Bu!iter,
(aturn, 9e!tune and 2luto, he is a slow !lanet. Many !eo!le born in the same
!eriod have -ranus in the same sign. ,his is the reason why the sign occu!ied
here is less meaning"ul than when it is occu!ied by the so-called "ast !lanets, i.e.
the (un, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. ,here"ore, some caution is to be
e'ercised as you read what "ollows. ,he sign !ositions o" -ranus, 9e!tune and
2luto have a collective meaning. ,hey do not in"luence your !ersonality, unless
they are involved in numerous as!ects or when they em!hasi%e a !ersonal !oint o"
your natal chart such as your #scendant6s ruler, an angular !lanet, i.e. a !lanet
near the #scendant, the Midheaven, the 9adir or the =escendant. In such cases,
the activity o" the slow !lanet is very highlighted. -ranus in )a!ricorn increases
your detachment "rom emotions and "eelings$ !arado'ically, coldness blended
with e'ce!tional results may give a hectic career and !ro!el you to very high-
level !ositions.
0ranus in House III
-ranus is in the Mrd House. 0ou are endowed with an acute sense o" innovation
and a mind avid "or discoveries. #ssimilation o" &nowledge constitutes a
challenge "or your thirst "or renewal. 0ou are o!en to modern ideas, and you do
not hesitate to !ut all your energy at the service o" a !ersonal e'!erience or an
uncommon relationshi!. (ometimes, the way you communicate has some sort o"
eccentricity touch, which disconcerts the members o" your entourage, amuses
them, or win them over.
0ranus Dominant
I" -ranus is !art o" your natal chart;s !lanetary dominants, in astrology, you are
said to be a -ranian$ !ersonal values are !revailing. Inner certainties "uel an
in"le'ible will and a desire to call attention on yoursel" as well as to "ollow your
belie"s through. ,his !lanet !rom!ts you to behave with determination, to !ut
"orward your own truth, and to start your !ersonal revolution. More than other
!eo!le, you are willing to &ee! some degree o" autonomy in all circumstances,
and you o"ten dis!lay an individualistic nature. In order to achieve your ideal o"
"reedom and inde!endence, you may act li&e a des!ot as you try to convince and
to im!ose your views, whether smoothly or "orce"ully. Fegardless o" the
"le'ibility o" your com!ortment, some situations demand an absolute "irmness as
well as uncom!romising, "ran& and straight"orward attitudes. 2eo!le may criticise
you "or your intransigence and say that you are a hardliner. <utsider;s o!inions
don;t matter7 ,he most im!ortant thing is that you act in all conscience and reach
your !rimary ob4ectives. More than anyone else, you &now how to use your
will!ower and to "ocus your energy on a !recise aim, relentlessly, whatever the
conse5uences might be. In the cha!ter o" 5ualities, let;s mention a de"inite sense
o" res!onsibility, an innovative mind o!en to techni5ues and modern ideas, as
well as a natural sel"-disci!line which overcomes many an obstacle. ,here"ore,
!eo!le are well-advised not to hound you into a corner.
Interpretation of the 9 +apricorn symbolic degree
"!n the moonlight" a man holds an owl in each hand." (Janduz version)
(ecretive, wise, and alert character. (uccess and "ame can be achieved in any
night shi"t wor& and in careers re5uiring con"identiality. 2hiloso!hy, astronomy,
and occultism are also very "avoured. #lthough one is not deliberately willing to
harm colleagues or com!etitors, one readily ta&es advantage o" their mista&es.
(hould the natal chart concur, setbac&s stem "rom over-develo!ed sensuality.
&ilith or the =ar& Moon .,rue 1ilith here/ re!resents the uncrossable threshold,
taboos, the individual;s !rovocative and "ascinating side, including on a se'ual
level. (he symboli%es violence and IuntameabilityI, the radical and dee!-seated
re"usal to submit. ,he &eywords "or 1ilith can be sterility, sadism, !erversity,
castration, sadomasochism, eroticism, orgasm, "orbidden "antasies, marginality,
cruelty3 redem!tion, illumination, rebelliousness... 1ilith;s o!!osite !oint is called
2ria!us3 it is the 1unar !erigee, the !osition where the Moon is closest to the Earth.
It symboli%es man;s !rimitive nature, the horror hidden in our dee!est sel"3
masochism, e'treme sensuality, im!ulsiveness, irrationality and e'cess. 2hysically
s!ea&ing, the =ar& Moon is the "ocal !oint unoccu!ied by the Earth$ it is not a
concrete body but a mathematical !oint.
Interpretation of the 1 +apricorn symbolic degree
"A man with a puppy on each shoulder carries a heart crowned with flames in
his stretched out hand." (Janduz version)
=evoted, sel"less, and loyal character. <ne is totally wra!!ed u! in one;s sole
!assion, be it a romantic attachment or a higher e'!ression o" love im!lying sel"-
sacri"ice such as, "or e'am!le, a daughter who attends to her widowed "ather, or
the "ounder o" a charity institution, etc. In any case, one;s altruism receives !ublic
recognition. ,his degree warns against !ossible slanders.

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