Beginnings & Endings: Time For A New Vision: Mark Dodich
Beginnings & Endings: Time For A New Vision: Mark Dodich
Beginnings & Endings: Time For A New Vision: Mark Dodich
New Vision
by Mark Dodich
The constantly changing weather patterns of the spring season is a
good analogy for the March and April astrological forecast. That isnt a
bad thing. You just need combine flexibility with the ability to make
quick changes.
The March 5th full moon through the 16th is the only rough patch to
maneuver. Aggressive Mars is pushing explosive Uranus and burnyour-bridges Pluto early in March, so you need to get your body
moving. If you are willing to exert a reasonable amount of energy
towards your ambitions, you receive help in getting new projects off the
ground. But it is a little complicated this spring.
March 20th brings a total solar eclipse at the very end of Pisces. A
solar eclipse takes you to the depths of your being to bring forth
projects that your soul, not ego, wants to accomplish next. The
complicated part is that the last degree of Pisces represents endings,
yet solar eclipses represent new beginnings.
At the same time, this Pisces eclipse brings in a new energy that hasnt
been around since 2007. And, it provides early prophetic insight to
those who are paying attention to increasing Pisces and Virgo energy
coming later this year. You are now getting a peek into your not too
distant future, so listen to your intuition now. A hint: you are going to
bring your higher vision into practical application. More on that in future
In short, spring pushes you to release old ways of thinking and open to
a new, and temporarily illusive, vision. It is a bit like the Universe tarot
card showing the infinite figure eight symbol of beginnings and
endings. Make time for a short vision quest this spring.
On April 4th, the lunar eclipse swaps places to Libra and Aries, exactly
opposite from last October. It is like viewing two sides of the same coin
during this six month period.
Spiritual destiny points called the nodes of the moon are now entering
the home stretch of a journey that started in February 2014. Between
now and November, you are completing the realignment of your
sharing and self needs. It is not just your love life, but also family,
social, work and relationships that include honoring self.
All in all, the energies for this forecast will keep you shifting and on the
move. Be willing to adjust without losing your center. A new vision is
just barely coming into view, so allow it to organically rise up within
your consciousness rather than trying to force it. Happy Spring!