Modulepool Faqs

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1. What i a tra!acti"!#
$ A tra!acti"! i %ia&"' (r"'ra) that cha!'e %ata "*+ect i! a c"!ite!t ,a-.
.. What are the re/0ire)e!t a %ia&"' (r"'ra) )0t 10&1i&&#
A %ia&"' (r"'ra) )0t 10&1i&& the 1"&&",i!' re/0ire)e!t
$ A 0er 1rie!%&- 0er i!ter1ace.
$ 2"r)at a!% c"!ite!ce chec3 1"r the %ata e!tere% *- the 0er.
$ Ea- c"rrecti"! "1 i!(0t err"r.
$ Acce t" %ata *- t"ri!' it i! the %ata *ae.
4. What are the *aic c")("!e!t "1 %ia&"' (r"'ra)#
$ Scree! (D-!(r")
$ Each %ia&"' i! a! SAP -te) i c"!tr"&&e% *- %-!(r".A %-!(r" c"!it "1 a
A!% it 1&", &"'ic a!% c"!tr"& e5act&- "!e %ia&"' te(.
$ ABAP67 )"%0&e P""&.
Each %-!(r" re1er t" e5act&- "!e ABAP67 %ia&"' (r"'ra) .S0ch a %ia&"' (r"'ra) i
a&" ca&&e% a )"%0&e (""& 8i!ce it
c"!it "1 i!teracti9e )"%0&e.
7.What i PBO a!% PAI e9e!t#
PBO$ Pr"ce Be1"re O0t(0t$It %eter)i!e the 1&", &"'ic *e1"re %i(&a-i!' the cree!.
PAI$Pr"ce A1ter I!(0t$It %eter)i!e the 1&", &"'ic a1ter the %i(&a- "1 the cree! a!%
a1ter recei9i!' i!(0t 1r") the Uer.
:. What i %-!(r"#What are it c")("!e!t #
$ A %-!(r" (D-!a)ic Pr"'ra)) c"!it "1 a cree! a!% it 1&", &"'ic a!%
c"!tr"& e5act&- "!e %ia&"' te(.
$ The %i11ere!t c")("!e!t "1 the %-!(r" are ;
2&", L"'ic; ca&& "1 the ABAP67 )"%0&e 1"r a cree! .
Scree! &a-"0t; P"iti"! "1 the te5t8 1ie&%8 (0h$*0tt"! a!% " "! 1"r a cree!
Scree! Attri*0te; N0)*er "1 the cree!8 !0)*er "1 the 0*e/0e!t cree!8 a!%
2ie&% attri*0te; De1i!iti"! "1 the attri*0te "1 the i!%i9i%0a& 1ie&% "! a cree!.
<. What i a ABAP67 )"%0&e (""&#
$Each %-!(r" re1er t" e5act&- "!e ABAP67 %ia&"' (r"'ra).S0ch a %ia&"' (r"'ra) i
a&" ca&&e% a )"%0&e (""& 8i!ce it c"!it "! i!teracti9e )"%0&e.
=..Ca! ,e 0e WRITE tate)e!t i! cree! 1ie&%#i1 !"t h", i %ata tra!1erre% 1r")
1ie&% %ata t" cree! 1ie&%#
$We ca!!"t ,rite 1ie&% %ata t" the cree! 0i!' the
WRITE tate)e!t.The -te) i!tea% tra!1er %ata *- c")(ari!' cree! 1ie&%
!a)e ,ith ABAP67 9aria*&e !a)e.I1 *"th !a)e are the a)e8it
tra!1er cree! 1ie&% 9a&0e t" ABAP67 (r"'ra) 1ie&% a!% Vice Vera.Thi ha((e!
i))e%iate&- a1ter %i(&a-i!' the cree!.
>.Ca! ,e 0e 1&", &"'ic c"!tr"& 3e- ,"r% i! ABAP67 a!% 9ice$9ere#
$ The 1&", c"!tr"& "1 a %-!(r" c"!it " a 1e, tate)e!t that -!tactica&&-
ree)*&e ABAP67 tate)e!t .?",e9er 8,e ca!!"t
0e 1&", c"!tr"& 3e-,"r% i! ABAP67 a!% 9ice$9era.
@.What i GUI tat0# ?", t" create 6E%it GUI tat0#
$A GUI tat0 i a 0*et "1 the i!ter1ace e&e)e!t 0e% 1"r a certai! cree!.The
tat0 c")(rie
th"e e&e)e!t that are c0rre!t&- !ee%e% *- the tra!acti"! .The GUI tat0 1"r a
tra!acti"! )a- *e c")("e% "1 the 1"&&",i!'
$Tit&e *ar.
$M!e0 *ar.
$A((&icati"! t""& *ar
$P0h *0tt"!.
T" create a!% e%it GUI tat0 a!% GUI tit&e8,e 0e the Me!0 Pai!ter.
1A. ?", %"e the i!teracti"! *et,ee! the D-!(r" a!% the ABAP67 M"%0&e ta3e
$A tra!acti"! i a c"&&ecti"! " cree! a!% ABAP67 r"0ti!e8 c"!tr"&&e% a!% e5ec0te%
*- a Dia&"' (r"ce"r. The Dia&"' (r"ce"r
(r"cee cree! a1ter the cree!8 there*- tri''eri!' the a((r"(riate
ABAP67 (r"cei!' "1 each cree! .2"r each cree!8the -te) e5ec0te the 1&",
&"'ic that c"!tai! the c"rre("!%i!' ABAP67
(r"cei!'.The c"!tr"& (ae 1r") cree! 1&", &"'ic t" ABAP67 c"%e a!% *ac3.
11. ?", %"e the Dia&"' ha!%&e 0er re/0et#
$ ,he! a! acti"! i (er1"r)e% 8the -te)
tri''er the PROCESS A2TER INPUT e9e!t.The %ata (ae% i!c&0%e 1ie&% cree!
%ata %ata e!tere% *- the 0er a!% a 10!cti"! c"%e. A 10!cti"! c"%e i a tech!ica&
!a)e that ha *ee! a&&"cate% i! a cree! Pai!ter "r Me!0 Pai!ter t" a )e!- e!tr-8a
(0h *0tt"!8the ENTER 3e- "r a 10!cti"! Be- "1 a cree!.A! i!ter!a& ,"r3 1ie&%("3$
c"%e)i! the PAI )"%0&e e9a&0ate the 10!cti"! c"%e8a!% the a((r"(riate acti"! i
1.. What i t" *e %e1i!e% 1"r a (0h *0tt"! 1ie&% i! the cree! attri*0te#
$ A 10!cti"! c"%e ha t" *e %e1i!e% i! the cree! attri*0te 1"r the (0h *0tt"!
i! a cree!.
14. ?", are the 10!cti"! c"%e ha!%&e i! 2&", L"'ic#
C Whe! the Uer e&ect a 10!cti"! i! a tra!acti"! 8the -te) c"(ie the
10!cti"! c"%e i!t" a (ecia&&-
%ei'!ate% ,"r3 1ie&% ca&&e% OBDCODE.Thi 1ie&% i G&"*a& i! ABAP67 M"%0&e
P""&.The OBDCODE ca! the! *e e9a&0ate% i! the c"rre("!%i!' PAI )"%0&e. The
10!cti"! c"%e i a&,a- (ae% i! E5act&- the a)e ,a- 8 re'ar%&e "1 Whether it
c")e 1r") a cree!E (0h*0tt"!8a )e!0 "(ti"! 810!cti"! 3e- "r "ther GUI e&e)e!t.
17.What c"!tr"& the cree! 1&",#
$ The SET SCREEN a!% LEAVE SCREEN tate)e!t c"!tr"& cree! 1&",.
17. The 20!cti"! c"%e c0rre!t&- acti9e i acertai!e% *- ,hat Varia*&e#
$ The 10!cti"! c"%e c0rre!t&- acti9e i! a
Pr"'ra) ca! *e acertai!e% 1r") the SF$UCOMM Varia*&e.
1:. The 10!cti"! c"%e c0rre!t&- acti9e i acertai!e% *- ,hat 9aria*&e #
$ B- SF$UCOMM Varia*&e.
1<. What are the G1ie&%H a!% Gchai!H State)e!t#
$ The 2IELD a!% C?AIN 1&", &"'ic tate)e!t &et
-"0 Pr"'ra) F"0r ",! chec3.2IELD a!% C?AIN te&& the -te) Which 1ie&% -"0
are chec3i!' a!% Whether the S-te) h"0&% Per1"r) Chec3 i! the 1&", &"'ic "r ca&&
a! ABAP67 M"%0&e.
1=. What i a! G"! i!(0t 1i&e%H tate)e!t#
The ABAP67 )"%0&e i ca&&e% "!&- i1 a 1ie&% c"!tai! the Va&0e "ther tha! the i!itia&
Va&0e.Thi i!itia& Va&0e i %eter)i!e% *- the
1i&e%E Dta T-(e; *&a!3 1"r character 2ie&%
8Ier"e 1"r !0)eric. I1 the 0er cha!'e the 2ie&% Va&0e *ac3 t " it i!itia& 9a&0e8ON
INPUT %"e !"t tri''er a ca&&.
1>. What i a! G"! re/0et 2ie&%H tate)e!t#
The ABAP67 M"%0&e i ca&&e% "!&- i1 the 0er ha e!tere% the 9a&0e i! the 1ie&% 9a&0e
i!ce the &at cree! %i(&a- .The Va&0e
c"0!t a cha!'e% E9e! i1 the Uer i)(&- t-(e i! the 9a&0e that ,a a&rea%-
there .I! 'e!era& 8the ON REQUEST c"!%iti"! i tri''ere% thr"0'h a!-
1@. What i a! "!HJ$i!(0t 1i&e%H tate)e!t#
$ The ABAP67 )"%0&e i ca&&e% i1 the 0er ha
e!tere% the GJH i! the 1irt character "1 the 1ie&%8 a!% the 1ie&% ha the attri*0te J$e!tr-
i! the cree! Pai!ter.F"0 ca! 0e thi "(ti"! i! E5ce(ti"!a&
cae ,here -"0 ,a!t t" chec3 "!&- 1ie&% ,ith certai! Bi!% "1 I!(0t.
.A. What are c"!%iti"!a& chai! tate)e!t#
The ABAP67 )"%0&e i ca&&e% i1 a!- "!e "1 the 1ie&% i! the chai! c"!tai! a 9a&0e
"ther tha! it i!itia& 9a&0e(*&a!3 "r !0&&).
Thi c"!%iti"! 10!cti"! +0t &i3e ON REQUEST8 *0t the ABAP67 )"%0&e i ca&&e% i1
a!- "!e "1 the 1ie&% i! the chai! cha!'e 9a&0e.
.1. What i Gat e5it$c"))a!%;#
The 1&",&"'ic Be-,"r% at EKIT$COMMAND i a (ecia& a%%iti"! t" the MODULE
tate)e!t i! the 2&", L"'ic .AT EKIT$COMMAND &et -"0
ca&& a )"%0&e *e1"re the -te) e5ec0te the a0t")atic 1ie&% chec3.
... Which 20!cti"! t-(e ha t" *e 0e% 1"r 0i!' Gat e5it$c"))a!%H #
$ T" Ue AT EKIT C COMMAND 8We )0t ai'! a 10!cti"! T-(e GEH t" the
re&e9a!t 10!cti"! i! the MENU Pai!ter OR Scree! Pai!ter
.4. What are the %i11ere!t )ea'e t-(e a9ai&a*&e i! the ABAP67 #
$ There are : t-(e "1 )ea'e t-(e a9ai&a*&e.
.7. O1 the t," G !e5t cree! G attri*0te the attri*0te that ha )"re (ri"rit- i
.:. Na9i'ati"! t" a 0*e/0e!t cree! ca! *e (eci1ie% tatica&&-6%-!a)ica&&-.
.<. D-!a)ic cree! e/0e!ce 1"r a cree! ca! *e et 0i!' LLLL$ a!%
LLLLLC c"))a!%
Set Scree!8 Ca&& cree!.
.=. The c"))a!% thr"0'h Which a! ABAP67 M"%0&e ca! G*ra!ch t" G "r Gca&&H the
!e5t cree! are
$ Set cree!Mcr !"N8Ca&& cree!Mcr !"N 8Lea9e
cree!8 Lea9e t" cree! Mcr !"N.
.>. What i %i11ere!ce *et,ee! SET SCREEN a!% CALL SCREEN #
$ With SET SCREEN the c0rre!t cree! i)(&-
(eci1ie the !e5t cree! i! the chai! 8 c"!tr"& *ra!che t" thi !e5t cree! a "!!
a th e c0rre!t cree! ha *ee! (r"cee% .Ret0r! 1r") !e5t cree! t"
c0rre!t cree! i !"t a0t")atic .It %"e !"t i!terr0(t (r"cei!' "1 the c0rre!t
cree!.I1 ,e ,a!t t" *ra!ch t" the !e5t cree! ,ith"0t 1i!ihi!' the
c0rre!t "!e 80e LEAVE SCREEN.

$ With CALL SCREEN 8 the c0rre!t (ca&&i!') chai!
i 0(e!%e% 8 a!% a !e5t cree! (cree! chai!) i ca&&e% .The ca&&e% ca! the! ret0r!
t" the 0(e!%e% chai! ,ith the tate)e!t LEAVE SCREEN TO SCREEN A
.S")eti)e ,e )i'ht ,a!t t" &et a! 0er ca&& a ("( 0( cree! 1r") the )ai!
a((&icati"! cree! t" &et hi) e!ter ec"!%ar- i!1"r)ati"!.A1ter the- ha9e
c")(&ete% their e!terie8 the 0er h"0&% *e a*&e t" c&"e the ("(0( a!% ret0r!
%irect&- t" the (&ace ,here the- &e1t "11 i! the )ai! cree!.?ere c")e CALL
SCREEN i!t" (ict0re .Thi tate)e!t &et 0 i!ert 0ch a e/0e!ce i!t( the c0rre!t
.@. Ca! ,e (eci1- the !e5t cree! !0)*er ,ith a 9aria*&e (JFe6N")#
$ Fe

4A. The 1ie&% SF$DFNR re1er t"LLLLC

N0)*er "1 the c0rre!t cree!.

41. What i %ia&"' M"%0&e#
$ A %ia&"' M"%0&e i a ca&&a*&e e/0e!ce "1 cree! that %"e !"t *e&"!' t" a
(artic0&ar tra!acti"!.Dia&"' )"%0&e ha9e
their )"%0&e (""& 8 a!% ca! *e ca&&e% *- a!- tra!acti"!.

4.. The S-!te5 0e% t" ca&& a cree! a %ia&"' *"5 (("( 0()iLLL

CALL SCREEN Mcree! !0)*er.N
STARTING AT Mtart c"&0)!NMtart &i!eN
ENDING AT Me!% c"&0)!N Me!% &i!eN

44. What i Gca&& )"%eH#
$ I! the ABAP67 WORLD each tac3a*&e e/0e!ce
"1 cree! i a Gca&& )"%eH8 Thi i IMP *eca0e "1 the ,a- 0 ret0r! 1r") the 'i9e!
e/0e!ce .T" ter)i!ate a ca&& )"%e a!% ret0r! t" a 0(e!%e% chai! et
the G!e5t cree!H t" A a!% &ea9e t" it;
t" the 0(e!%e% chai! e5ec0ti"! re0)e ,ith the
tate)e!t %irect&- 1"&&",i!' the "ri'i!a& CALL SCREEN tate)e!t.The "ri'i!a&
e/0e!ce "1 cree! i! a tra!acti"! (that i 8 ,ith"0t ha9i!' tac3e% a!-
a%%iti"!a& ca&& )"%e)8-"0 ret0r!e% 1r") the tra!acti"! a&t"'ether.

47. The )a5 !0)*er "1 ca&&i!' )"%e tac3e% at "!e ti)e i#

4:. What i LUW "r Data *ae Tra!acti"! #

$ A GLUWH(&"'ica& 0!it "1 ,"r3) i the (a! "1
ti)e %0ri!' ,hich a!- %ata*ae 0(%ate )0t *e (er1"r)e% i! a! Ga&& "r !"thi!'H
)a!!er .Either the- are a&& (er1"r)e% (c"))itte%)8"r the- are a&& thr",! a,a-
(r"&&e% *ac3).I! the ABAP67 ,"r&% 8 LUW a!%
$ Tra!acti"! ca! ha9e e9era& )ea!i!';

LUW ("r G%ata*ae LUWH "r G%ata*ae tra!acti"!H)

Thi i the et "1 0(%ate ter)i!ate% *- a %ata*ae c"))it. A LUW &at8 at )"t8
1r") "!e cree! cha!'e t" the !e5t (*eca0e the
SAP -te) tri''er %ata*ae c"))it a0t")atica&&- at e9er- cree! cha!'e).

4<. What i SAP LUW "r U(%ate Tra!acti"!#
U(%ate tra!acti"! ("r GSAP LUWH)
Thi i a et "1 0(%ate ter)i!ate% *- a! ABAP67 c"))it. A SAP LUW )a- &at )0ch
&"!'er tha! a %ata*ae LUW8 i!ce )"t 0(%ate
(r"cei!' e5te!% "9er )0&ti(&e tra!acti"! cree!. The (r"'ra))er ter)i!ate
a! 0(%ate tra!acti"! *- i0i!' a COMMIT WORB tate)e!t.

4=. What ha((e! i1 "!&- "!e "1 the c"))a!% SET SCREEN a!% LEAVE SCREEN
i 0e% ,ith"0t 0i!' the "ther#
I1 ,e 0e SET SCREEN ,ith"0t LEAVE SCREEN8 the (r"'ra) 1i!ihe (r"cei!' 1"r
the c0rre!t cree! *e1"re *ra!chi!' t" Mcr
!"N. I1 ,e 0e LEAVE SCREEN ,ith"0t a SET SCREEN *e1"re it8 the c0rre!t cree!
(r"ce ,i&& *e ter)i!ate% a!% *ra!ch %irect&- t" the cree! (eci1ie% a the
%e1a0&t !e5t$cree! i! the cree! attri*0te.

4>. What i the i'!i1ica!ce "1 the cree! !0)*er OAE#
I! Gca&&i!' )"%eH8 the (ecia& cree! !0)*er A (LEAVE TO SCREEN A) ca0e the
-te) t" +0)( *ac3 t" the (re9i"0 ca&& &e9e&. That
i8 i1 -"0 ha9e ca&&e% a cree! e/0e!ce ,ith CALL SCREEN &ea9i!' t" cree! A
ter)i!ate the e/0e!ce a!% ret0r! t" the ca&&i!' cree!. I1 -"0 ha9e !"t
ca&&e% a cree! e/0e!ce8 LEAVE TO SCREEN A ter)i!ate the tra!acti"!.

4@. What %"e the OSUPPRESS DIALOGE %"#
S0((rei!' "1 e!tire cree! i ("i*&e ,ith thi c"))a!%. Thi c"))a!% a&&",
0 t" (er1"r) cree! (r"cei!' Gi! the
*ac3'r"0!%H. S0((rei!' cree! i 0e10& ,he! ,e are *ra!chi!' t" &it$)"%e 1r")
a tra!acti"! %ia&"' te(.

7A. What i the i'!i1ica!ce "1 the )e)"r- ta*&e OSCREENE#
At r0!ti)e8 attri*0te 1"r each cree! 1ie&% are t"re% i! the )e)"r- ta*&e ca&&e%
OSCREENE. We !ee% !"t %ec&are thi ta*&e i!
"0r (r"'ra). The -te) )ai!tai! the ta*&e 1"r 0 i!ter!a&&- a!% 0(%ate it ,ith
e9er- cree! cha!'e.

71. What are the 1ie&% i! the )e)"r- ta*&e OSCREENE#
Na)e Le!'th

NAME 4A Na)e
"1 the cree! 1ie&%
GROUP1 4 2ie&%
*e&"!' t" 1ie&% 'r"0( 1
GROUP. 4 2ie&%
*e&"!' t" 1ie&% 'r"0( .
GROUP4 4 2ie&%
*e&"!' t" 1ie&% 'r"0( 4
GROUP7 4 2ie&%
*e&"!' t" 1ie&% 'r"0(7
ACTIVE 1 2ie&%
i 9ii*&e a!% rea%- 1"r i!(0t.
REQUIRED 1 2ie&%
i!(0t i )a!%at"r-.
INPUT 1 2ie&%
i rea%- 1"r i!(0t.
OUTPUT 1 2ie&%
i %i(&a- "!&-.
INTENSI2IED 1 2ie&% i
i 0((ree%.
LENGT? 1 2ie&%
"0t(0t &e!'th i re%0ce%.
DISPLAFD4D 1 2ie&% i
%i(&a-e% ,ith 4D 1ra)e.
VALUED?ELP 1 2ie&% i
%i(&a-e% ,ith 9a&0e he&(.

7.. Wh- 'r"0(i!' "1 1ie&% i re/0ire%# What i the )a5 !" "1 )"%i1icati"! 'r"0(
1"r each 1ie&%#
I1 the a)e attri*0te !ee% t" *e cha!'e% 1"r e9era& 1ie&% at the a)e ti)e thee
1ie&% ca! *e 'r"0(e% t"'ether. We ca! (eci1- 0(
t" 1"0r )"%i1icati"! 'r"0( 1"r each 1ie&%.

74. What are the attri*0te "1 a 1ie&% that ca! *e acti9ate% "r %eacti9ate% %0ri!'
I!(0t8 O0t(0t8 Ma!%at"r-8 Acti9e8 ?i'h&i'hte%8 I!9ii*&e.

77. What i a cree! 'r"0(# ?", it i 0e10&#
Scree! 'r"0( i a 1ie&% i! the Scree! Attri*0te "1 a cree!. ?ere ,e ca! %e1i!e a
tri!' "1 0( t" 1"0r character ,hich i a9ai&a*&e
at the cree! r0!ti)e i! the SF$DNGR 1ie&%. Rather tha! )ai!tai!i!' 1ie&% e&ecti"!
e(arate&- 1"r each cree! "1 a (r"'ra)8 ,e ca! c")*i!e &"'ica&&-
a"ciate% cree! t"'ether i! a cree! 'r"0(.

7:. What i a S0*cree!# ?", ca! ,e 0e a S0*cree!#
A 0*cree! i a! i!%e(e!%e!t cree! that i %i(&a-e% i! a ! area "1 a!"ther (G)ai!H)
cree!. T" 0e a 0*cree! ,e )0t
ca&& it i! the 1&", &"'ic (*"th PBO a!% PAI) "1 the )ai! cree!. The CALL
SUBSCREEN trate)e!t te&& the -te) t" e5ec0te the PBO a!% PAI e9e!t 1"r the
0*cree! a (art "1 the PBO "r PAI e9e!t "1 the )ai! cree!. The 1&", &"'ic "1
-"0r )ai! (r"'ra) h"0&% &""3 a 1"&&",;
Area i the !a)e "1 the 0*cree! area -"0 %e1i!e% i! -"0r )ai! cree!. Thi !a)e
ca! ha9e 0( t" te! character. Pr"'ra) i the !a)e
"1 the (r"'ra) t" ,hich the 0*cree! *e&"!' a!% cree! i the 0*cree!E

7<. What are the retricti"! "! S0*cree!#
S0*cree! ha9e e9era& retricti"!. The- ca!!"t;
P Set their ",! GUI tat0
P ?a9e a !a)e% OB c"%e
P Ca&& a!"ther cree!
P C"!tai! a! AT EKIT$COMMAND )"%0&e
P S0(("rt ("iti"!i!' "1 the c0r"r.

7=. ?", ca! ,e 0e 6 %i(&a- ta*&e i! a cree!#
ABAP67 "11er t," )echa!i) 1"r %i(&a-i!' a!% 0i!' ta*&e %ata i! a cree!. Thee

7>. What are the %i11ere!ce *et,ee! TABLE CONTROLS a!% STEP LOOPS#
TABLE CONTROLS are i)(&- e!ha!ce% STEP LOOPS that %i(&a- ,ith the &""3 a!%
1ee& "1 a ta*&e ,i%'et i! a %e3t"( a((&icati"!. B0t
1r") a (r"'ra))i!' ta!%("i!t8 TABLE CONTROLS a!% STEP LOOPS are a&)"t
e5act&- the a)e. O!e )a+"r %i11ere!ce *et,ee! STEP LOOPS a!% TABLE
LOOPS their ta*&e r", ca! (a! )"re tha! "!e ti)e "! the cree!. B- c"!trat the
r", i! a TABLE CONTROLS are a&,a- i!'&e &i!e8 *0t ca! *e 9er- &"!'.
(Ta*&e c"!tr"& r", are cr"&&a*&e). The tr0ct0re "1 ta*&e c"!tr"& i %i11ere!t 1r") te(
&""(. A te( &""(8 a a cree! "*+ect8 i i)(&- a erie
"1 1ie&% r", that a((ear a a re(eati!' *&"c3. A ta*&e c"!tr"&8 a a cree! "*+ect
c"!it "1; I) ta*&e 1ie&% (%i(&a-e% i! the cree! ) ii) a c"!tr"&
tr0ct0re that '"9er! the ta*&e %i(&a- a!% ,hat the 0er ca! %" ,ith it.

7@. What are the %-!a(r" 3e-,"r%#
2IELD8 MODULE8 SELECT8 VALUES a!% C?AIN are the %-!a(r" 3e-,"r%.

:A. Wh- %" ,e !ee% t" c"%e a LOOP tate)e!t i! *"th the PBO a!% PAI e9e!t 1"r
each ta*&e i! the cree!#
We !ee% t" c"%e a LOOP tate)e!t i! *"th PBO a!% PAI e9e!t 1"r each ta*&e i! the
cree!. Thi i *eca0e the LOOP tate)e!t ca0e
the cree! 1ie&% t" *e c"(ie% *ac3 a!% 1"rth *et,ee! the ABAP67 (r"'ra) a!% the
cree! 1ie&%. 2"r thi rea"!8 at &eat a! e)(t- LOOPQ.ENDLOOP )0t *e there.

:1. The 1ie&% SF$STEPL re1er t" the i!%e5 "1 the cree! ta*&e r", that i c0rre!t&-
*ei!' (r"cee%. The -te) 9aria*&e
SF$te(& "!&- ha a )ea!i!' ,ithi! the c"!1i!e "1 LOOPQ.ENDLOOP (r"cei!'.
O0ti%e the &""(8 it ha !" 9a&i% 9a&0e.

:.. ?", ca! ,e %ec&are a ta*&e c"!tr"& i! the ABAP67 (r"'ra)#

Ui!' the -!ta5 c"!tr"& Mta*&e c"!tr"& !a)eN t-(e ta*&e9ie, 0i!' cree! Mcr !"N.

:4. Di11ere!tiate *et,ee! tatic a!% %-!a)ic te( &""(.
Ste( &""( 1a&& i!t" t," c&ae; Static a!% D-!a)ic. Static te( &""( ha9e a 1i5e%
iRe that ca!!"t *e cha!'e% at
r0!ti)e. D-!a)ic te( &""( are 9aria*&e i! iRe. I1 the 0er re$iRe the ,i!%", the
-te) a0t")atica&&- i!creae "r %ecreae the !0)*er "1 te( &""(
*&"c3 %i(&a-e%. I! a!- 'i9e! cree! -"0 ca! %e1i!e a!- !0)*er "1 tatic te( &""(
*0t "!&- a i!'&e %-!a)ic "!e.

:7. What are the t," ,a- "1 (r"%0ci!' a &it ,ithi! a tra!acti"!#
B- 0*)itti!' a e(arate re("rt.
B- 0i!' &ea9e t" &it$(r"cei!'.

::. What i the 0e "1 the tate)e!t Lea9e t" Lit$(r"cei!'#
Lea9e t" Lit$(r"cei!' tate)e!t i 0e% t" (r"%0ce a &it 1r") a )"%0&e (""&.
Lea9e t" &it (r"cei!' tate)e!t a&&", t" ,itch
1r") %ia&"'$)"%e t" &it$)"%e ,ithi! a %ia&"' (r"'ra).

:<. Whe! ,i&& the c0rre!t cree! (r"cei!' ter)i!ate#
A c0rre!t cree! (r"cei!' ter)i!ate ,he! c"!tr"& reache either a Lea9e$cree! "r
the e!% "1 PAI.

:=. ?", i the c"))a!% S0((re$Dia&"' 0e10&#
S0((rei!' e!tire cree! i ("i*&e 0i!' thi c"))a!%. Thi c"))a!% a&&", 0
t" (er1"r) cree! (r"cei!' Gi! the
*ac3'r"0!%H. The -te) carrie "0t a&& PBO a!% PAI &"'ic8 *0t %"e !"t %i(&a- the
cree! t" the 0er. S0((rei!' cree! i 0e10& ,he! ,e are *ra!chi!' t"
&it$)"%e 1r") a tra!acti"! %ia&"' te(.

:>. What ha((e! i1 ,e 0e Lea9e t" &it$(r"cei!' ,ith"0t 0i!' S0((re$
I1 ,e %"!Et 0e S0((re$Dia&"' t" !e5t cree! ,i&& *e %i(&a-e% *0t a e)(t-8 ,he!
the 0er (ree ENTER8 the ta!%ar% &it "0t(0t
i %i(&a-e%.

:@. ?", the tra!acti"! that are (r"'ra))e% *- the 0er ca! *e (r"tecte%#
B- i)(&e)e!ti!' a! a0th"rit- chec3.

<A. What are the )"%e i! ,hich a!- 0(%ate ta3 ,"r3#
S-!chr"!"0 a!% A-!chr"!"0.

<1. What i the %i11ere!ce *et,ee! S-!chr"!"0 a!% A-!chr"!"0 0(%ate#
A (r"'ra) a3 the -te) t" (er1"r) a certai! ta38 a!% the! either ,ait "r %"e!Et
,ait 1"r the ta3 t" 1i!ih. I! -!chr"!"0
(r"cei!'8 the (r"'ra) ,ait; c"!tr"& ret0r! t" the (r"'ra) "!&- ,he! the ta3 ha
*ee! c")(&ete%. I! a-!chr"!"0 (r"cei!'8 the (r"'ra) %"e !"t ,ait; the
-te) ret0r! c"!tr"& a1ter )ere&- &"''i!' the re/0et 1"r e5ec0ti"!.

<.. SAP -te) c"!1i'0rati"! i!c&0e%e Dia&"'ta3 a!% U(%ateta3.
<4. Dia&"'$ta3 0(%ate are S-!chr"!"0 0(%ate.
<7. U(%ate Cta3 0(%ate are A-!chr"!"0 0(%ate.
<:. What i the %i11ere!ce *et,ee! C"))it$,"r3 a!% R"&&*ac3$W"r3 ta3#
C"))it$W"r3 tate)e!t G(er1"r)H )a!- 10!cti"! re&e9a!t t" -!chr"!iRe%
e5ec0ti"! "1 ta3. R"&&*ac3$,"r3 tate)e!t Gca!ce&;
a&& re0et re&e9a!t t" -!chr"!iRe% e5ec0ti"! "1 ta3.

<<. What are the %i11ere!t %ata*ae i!te'ritie#
P Se)a!tic I!te'rit-.
P Re&ati"!a& I!te'rit-.
P Pri)ar- Be- I!te'rit-.
P Va&0e Set I!te'rit-.
P 2"rei'! Be- i!te'rit- a!%
P O(erati"!a& i!te'rit-.

<=. A&& SAP Data*ae are Re&ati"!a& Data*ae.
<>. What i SAP &"c3i!'#
It i a )echa!i) 1"r %e1i!i!' a!% a((&-i!' &"'ica& &"c3 t" %ata*ae "*+ect.

<@. What %"e a &"c3 "*+ect i!9"&9e#
The ta*&e.
The &"c3 ar'0)e!t.

=A. What are the %i11ere!t 3i!% "1 &"c3 )"%e#
Share% &"c3
E5c&0i9e &"c3.
E5te!%e% e5c&0i9e &it.

=1. ?", ca! a &"c3 "*+ect *e ca&&e% i! the tra!acti"!#
B- ca&&i!' E!/0e0eM&"c3 "*+ectN a!% De/0e0eM&"c3 "*+ectN i! the tra!acti"!.

=.. What are the e9e!t *- ,hich ,e ca! (r"'ra) Ghe&( te5tH a!% %i(&a- G("i*&e
9a&0e &itH#

=4. What i a )atchc"%e#
A )atchc"%e i a! ai% t" 1i!%i!' rec"r% t"re% i! the -te) ,he!e9er a! "*+ect 3e-
i re/0ire% i! a! i!(0t 1ie&% *0t the 0er
"!&- 3!", "ther (!"!$3e-) i!1"r)ati"! a*"0t the "*+ect.

=7. I! ,hat ,a- ,e ca! 'et the c"!te5t e!iti9e 21 he&( "! a 1ie&%#
$ Data e&e)e!t %"c0)e!tati"!.
$ Data e&e)e!t a%%iti"!a& te5t i! cree! (ai!ter.
$ Ui!' the (r"ce "! he&( re/0et e9e!t.

=:. What i r"&& area#
A r"&& area c"!tai! the (r"'ra)E r0!ti)e c"!te5t. I! a%%iti"! t" the r0!ti)e tac3
a!% "ther tr0ct0re8 a&& &"ca& 9aria*&e a!%
a!- %ata 3!",! t" the (r"'ra) are t"re% here.

=<. ?", %"e the -te) ha!%&e r"&& area 1"r e5ter!a& (r"'ra) c")("!e!t#
$ Tra!acti"! r0! i! their ",! r"&& area.
$ Re("rt r0! i! their ",! r"&& area.
$ Dia&"' )"%0&e r0! i! their ",! r"&& area
$ 20!cti"! )"%0&e r0! i! the r"&& area "1 their

==. D"e the e5ter!a& (r"'ra) r0! i! the a)e SAP LUW a the ca&&er8 "r i! a
e(arate "!e#
$ Tra!acti"! r0! ,ith a e(arate SAP LUW
$ Re("rt r0! ,ith a e(arate SAP LUW.
$ Dia&"' )"%0&e r0! i! the a)e SAP LUW a the
$ 20!cti"! )"%0&e r0! i! the a)e SAP LUW a
the ca&&er.
The "!&- e5ce(ti"! t" the a*"9e r0&e are 10!cti"! )"%0&e ca&&e% ,ith IN UPDATE
TASB (V. 10!cti"! "!&-) "r IN BACBGROUND TASB (ALE
a((&icati"!). Thee a&,a- r0! i! their ",! (e(arate) 0(%ate tra!acti"!.

=>. What are 10!cti"! )"%0&e#
20!cti"! )"%0&e are 'e!era&$(0r("e &i*rar- r"0ti!e that are a9ai&a*&e -te)$,i%e.

=@. What are the t-(e "1 (ara)eter i! the 10!cti"! )"%0&e#
I! 'e!era&8 10!cti"! )"%0&e ca! ha9e 1"0r t-(e "1 (ara)eter;
$ EKPORTING; 1"r (ai!' %ata t" the ca&&e% 10!cti"!.
$ IMPORTING; 1"r recei9i!' %ata ret0r!e% 1r") the 10!cti"! )"%0&e.
$ TABLES; 1"r (ai!' i!ter!a& ta*&e "!&-8 *- re1ere!ce (that i8 *- a%%re).
$ C?ANGING; 1"r (ai!' (ara)eter t" a!% 1r")
the 10!cti"!.

>A. What i the %i11ere!ce *et,ee! Lea9e Tra!acti"! a!% Ca&& Tra!acti"!#
ca0e the -te) t" tart a !e, SAP LUW. Thi ec"!%
SAP LUW r0! (ara&&e& t" the SAP LUW 1"r the ca&&i!' tra!acti"!.

>1. ?", ca! ,e (a e&ecti"! a!% (ara)eter %ata t" a re("rt#
There are three "(ti"! 1"r (ai!' e&ecti"! a!% (ara)eter %ata t" the re("rt.
$ Ui!' a re("rt 9aria!t.
$ Ui!' a ra!'e ta*&e.

>.. ?", t" e!% a re("rt t" the (ri!ter i!tea% "1 %i(&a-i!' it "! the cree!#
We ca! e!% a re("rt t" the (ri!ter i!tea% "1 %i(&a-i!' it "! the cree!. T" %" thi8
0e the 3e-,"r% TO SAP$SPOOL;

>4. ?", ca! ,e e!% %ata t" e5ter!a& (r"'ra)#
Ui!' SPA6GPA (ara)eter(SAP )e)"r-).
Ui!' EKPORT6IMPORT %ata (ABAP67 )e)"r-)

>7. What are SPA6GPA (ara)eter (SAP )e)"r-)
SPA6GPA (ara)eter are 1ie&% 9a&0e a9e% '&"*a&&- i! )e)"r-. There are t," ,a-
t" 0e SPA6GPA (ar)eter;
B- etti!' 1ie&% attri*0te i! the Scree! Pai!ter.


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