861 3 Hylomar Hylosil 310 SDS - EU EU English

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SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixtue and of the com!an"/undeta#in$

1%1% &oduct identifie
Tade name o desi$nation
of the mixtue
Hylomar / Hylosil 310
- 'e$istation numbe
S"non"ms None.
SDS numbe 25
Issue date 10-December-2012
(esion numbe 01
'e)ision date -
Su!esedes date -
1%*% 'e+e)ant identified uses of the substance o mixtue and uses ad)ised a$ainst
Identified uses Silicone sealant.
,ses ad)ised a$ainst Use in accordance with sulier!s recommendations.
1%-% Detai+s of the su!!+ie of the safet" data sheet
.anufactue: Hylomar "td.
Addess: Hylo House# $ale "ane# New Srin%s#
&i%an# 'reater (anchester#
U)# &N2 1*+
Te+e!hone numbe: ,--.0/10-2 112000
E/mai+ addess: in3o4hylomar.co.u5
Contact !eson: +echnical Deartment
1%0% Eme$enc" te+e!hone
6ccess code7 3335--
SECTION *: Ha1ads identification
*%1% C+assification of the substance o mixtue
+he mi8ture has been assessed and/or tested 3or its hysical# health and en9ironmental ha:ards and the 3ollowin% classi3ication
C+assification accodin$ to Diecti)e 23/405/EEC o 1666/04/EC as amended
C+assification ;i<=31/3>
+he 3ull te8t 3or all =-hrases is dislayed in section 11.
C+assification accodin$ to 'e$u+ation 7EC8 No 1*3*/*995 as amended
H31- - $auses se9ere s5in burns
and eye dama%e.
$ate%ory 1? S5in corrosion/irritation
Hea+th ha1ads
Ha1ad summa"
&h"sica+ ha1ads Not classi3ied 3or hysical ha:ards.
Hea+th ha1ads @rritatin% to eyes and s5in. Accuational e8osure to the substance or mi8ture may cause ad9erse
health e33ects.
En)ionmenta+ ha1ads Not classi3ied 3or ha:ards to the en9ironment.
S!ecific ha1ads $auses se9ere s5in burns and eye dama%e.
.ain s"m!toms B8treme irritation o3 eyes and mucous membranes# includin% burnin% and tearin%. @tchin%#
redness# burnin% o3 s5in.
*%*% :abe+ e+ements
:abe+ accodin$ to 'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 1*3*/*995 as amended
Contains: +riaceto8y ethyl silan e
Ha1ad !icto$ams
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 1 / 0
Si$na+ ;od Dan%er
Ha1ad statements H31- - $auses se9ere s5in burns and eye dama%e.
&ecautiona" statements
&e)ention D210 - Do not breathe 9aour.
D21- - &ash thorou%hly a3ter handlin%.
D2>0 - &ear rotecti9e %lo9es/rotecti9e clothin%/eye rotection/3ace rotection.
'es!onse D301 , D330 , D331 - @E S&6""A&BD7 rinse mouth. Do NA+ induce 9omitin%.
D310 - @mmediately call a DA@SAN $BN+=B or doctor/hysician.
D303 , D311 , D353 - @E AN S)@N .or hair/7 =emo9e/+a5e o33 immediately all contaminated
clothin%. =inse s5in with water/shower.
D305 , D351 , D33> - @E @N BFBS7 =inse cautiously with water 3or se9eral minutes. =emo9e
contact lenses# i3 resent and easy to do. $ontinue rinsin%.
Stoa$e D-05 - Store loc5ed u.
Dis!osa+ D501 - Disose o3 contents/container in accordance with local/re%ional/national/international
Su!!+ementa+ +abe+ infomation Not alicable.
*%-% Othe ha1ads Not a D?+ or 9D9? substance or mi8ture.
SECTION -: Com!osition/infomation on in$edients
-%*% .ixtues
Notes INDE< No% 'EACH 'e$istation No% CAS/No% / EC No% = Chemica+ name
>enea+ infomation
C+assification: DSD: $<=3-
S5in $orr. 1?<H31- C:&:
- - 121>0-22-0
+riaceto8yethylsilan e 1 - G 10
C+assification: DSD: ;i<=31
Bye @rrit. 2<H310 C:&:
- - 131->-12-0
Dolyal5yl silo8ane 3 - G 5
$"D7 =e%ulation No. 1222/200>.
DSD7 Directi9e 12/5->/BB$.
Com!osition comments 6ll concentrations are in ercent by wei%ht unless in%redient is a %as. 'as concentrations are in
ercent by 9olume. +he 3ull te8t 3or all =- and H-hrases is dislayed in section 11.
SECTION 0: Fist aid measues
>enea+ infomation @3 you 3eel unwell# see5 medical ad9ice .show the label where ossible/. Bnsure that medical
ersonnel are aware o3 the material.s/ in9ol9ed# and ta5e recautions to rotect themsel9es.
Show this sa3ety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.
0%1% Desci!tion of fist aid measues
Inha+ation @3 breathin% is di33icult# remo9e to 3resh air and 5ee at rest in a osition com3ortable 3or breathin%.
$all a hysician i3 symtoms de9elo or ersist.
S#in contact @mmediately ta5e o33 all contaminated clothin%. 'et immediate medical attention. &ash
contaminated clothin% be3ore reuse. @mmediately 3lush with lenty o3 water 3or at least 15 minutes.
E"e contact Elush thorou%hly with water 3or at least 15 minutes. 'et immediate medical assistance. @3 medical
assistance is not immediately a9ailable# 3lush an additional 15 minutes. (a5e sure to remo9e any
contact lenses 3rom the eyes be3ore rinsin%.
In$estion @mmediately rinse mouth and drin5 lenty o3 water. Ne9er %i9e anythin% by mouth to an
unconscious erson. Do not induce 9omitin%. @3 9omitin% occurs# 5ee head low so that stomach
content doesn!t %et into the lun%s. 'et immediate medical attention.
0%*% .ost im!otant s"m!toms
and effects? both acute and
B8treme irritation o3 eyes and mucous membranes# includin% burnin% and tearin%. @tchin%#
redness# burnin% o3 s5in.
0%-% Indication of an"
immediate medica+ attention
and s!ecia+ teatment needed
Dro9ide %eneral suorti9e measures and treat symtomatically.
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 2 / 0
SECTION 4: Fiefi$htin$ measues
>enea+ fie ha1ads +he roduct is not 3lammable.
4%1% Extin$uishin$ media
Suitab+e extin$uishin$
&ater sray# 3oam# dry owder or carbon dio8ide.
,nsuitab+e extin$uishin$
Do not use water Het as an e8tin%uisher# as this will sread the 3ire.
4%*% S!ecia+ ha1ads aisin$
fom the substance o mixtue
?y heatin% and 3ire# to8ic 9aours/%ases may be 3ormed.
4%-% Ad)ice fo fiefi$htes
S!ecia+ !otecti)e
e@ui!ment fo fiefi$htes
Sel3-contained breathin% aaratus and 3ull rotecti9e clothin% must be worn in case o3 3ire.
Selection o3 resiratory rotection 3or 3ire3i%htin%7 3ollow the %eneral 3ire recautions indicated in
the wor5lace.
S!ecia+ fie fi$htin$
Use standard 3ire3i%htin% rocedures and consider the ha:ards o3 other in9ol9ed materials. $ool
containers e8osed to heat with water sray and remo9e container# i3 no ris5 is in9ol9ed. Dre9ent
runo33 3rom 3ire control or dilution 3rom enterin% streams# sewers or drin5in% water suly.
SECTION 2: Accidenta+ e+ease measues
2%1% &esona+ !ecautions? !otecti)e e@ui!ment and eme$enc" !ocedues
Fo non/eme$enc"
69oid contact with s5in and eyes. &ear rotecti9e clothin% as described in Section > o3 this SDS.
@n case o3 sills# beware o3 sliery 3loors and sur3aces. 69oid inhalation o3 9aours. Do not touch
dama%ed containers or silled material unless wearin% aroriate rotecti9e clothin%.
Fo eme$enc" es!ondes )ee unnecessary ersonnel away. &ear rotecti9e clothin% as described in Section > o3 this
sa3ety data sheet.
2%*% En)ionmenta+ !ecautions Dre9ent 3urther lea5a%e or silla%e i3 sa3e to do so. Do not dischar%e into drains# water courses or
onto the %round.
2%-% .ethods and mateia+ fo
containment and c+eanin$ u!
Scrae u the silled material. +rans3er to a container 3or disosal. Eollowin% roduct reco9ery#
3lush area with water.
2%0% 'efeence to othe
Eor ersonal rotection# see section >. Eor waste disosal# see section 13.
SECTION 3: Hand+in$ and stoa$e
3%1% &ecautions fo safe
69oid contact with s5in and eyes. &ear rotecti9e clothin% as described in Section > o3 this sa3ety
data sheet. &ash thorou%hly a3ter handlin%. &ash contaminated clothin% be3ore reuse. Abser9e
%ood industrial hy%iene ractices. 69oid breathin% 9aour.
3%*% Conditions fo safe
stoa$e? inc+udin$ an"
)ee away 3rom heat# sar5# oen 3lames and other sources o3 i%nition. )ee container ti%htly
closed in a cool# well-9entilated lace. Store away 3rom incomatible materials. @ncomatible
materials7 Eluorine. Eluorides.
3%-% S!ecific end use7s8 Silicone sealant.
SECTION 5: Ex!osue conto+s/!esona+ !otection
5%1% Conto+ !aametes
Occu!ationa+ ex!osue +imits
Austia% .AA :ist
T"!e Fom Com!onents
(6) - m%/m3 @nhalable 3raction. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
Be+$ium% Ex!osue :imit (a+ues%
T"!e Com!onents
+&6 10 m%/m3 Silicon dio8ide .$6S
Bu+$aia% OE:s% 'e$u+ation No 1- on !otection of ;o#es a$ainst is#s of ex!osue to chemica+ a$ents at ;o#
T"!e Fom Com!onents
+&6 10 m%/m3 @nhalable 3raction. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
0#02 m%/m3 =esirable 3raction.
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 3 / 0
C"!us% OE:s% Conto+ of facto" atmos!hee and dan$eous substances in factoies e$u+ation? &I -11/3-? as amended%
T"!e Com!onents
+&6 2 m%/m3 Silicon dio8ide .$6S
C1ech 'e!ub+ic% OE:s% >o)enment Decee -21
T"!e Fom Com!onents
+&6 - m%/m3 Dust. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
Estonia% OE:s% Occu!ationa+ Ex!osue :imits of Ha1adous Substances% 7Annex of 'e$u+ation No% *6- of 15 Se!tembe
T"!e Fom Com!onents
+&6 2 m%/m3 =esirable dust. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
>eman"% T'>S 699? :imit (a+ues in the Ambient Ai at the Co#!+ace
T"!e Fom Com!onents
6'& - m%/m3 @nhalable 3raction. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
Ie+and% Occu!ationa+ Ex!osue :imits
T"!e Fom Com!onents
+&6 1 m%/m3 +otal inhalable dust. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
2#- m%/m3 =esirable dust.
:at)ia% OE:s% Occu!ationa+ ex!osue +imit )a+ues of chemica+ substances in ;o# en)ionment
T"!e Com!onents
+&6 1 m%/m3 Silicon dio8ide .$6S
No;a"% Administati)e Noms fo Contaminants in the Co#!+ace
T"!e Fom Com!onents
+"C 1#5 m%/m3 =esirable dust. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
&o+and% .ACs% .iniste of :abou and Socia+ &o+ic" 'e$adin$ .aximum A++o;ab+e Concentations and Intensities in
Co#in$ En)ionment
T"!e Fom Com!onents
+&6 2 m%/m3 =esirable dust. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
10 m%/m3 +otal dust.
S+o)a#ia% OE:s% Decee of the $o)enment of the S+o)a# 'e!ub+ic concenin$ !otection of hea+th in ;o# ;ith chemica+
T"!e Com!onents
+&6 0#3 m%/m3 Silicon dio8ide .$6S
S+o)enia% OE:s% 'e$u+ations concenin$ !otection of ;o#es a$ainst is#s due to ex!osue to chemica+s ;hi+e ;o#in$
7Officia+ >a1ette of the 'e!ub+ic of S+o)enia8
T"!e Fom Com!onents
+&6 - m%/m3 @nhalable 3raction. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
,A% EH09 Co#!+ace Ex!osue :imits 7CE:s8
T"!e Fom Com!onents
+&6 1 m%/m3 @nhalable dust. Silicon dio8ide .$6S
2#- m%/m3 =esirable dust.
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 - / 0
Bio+o$ica+ +imit )a+ues
Hun$a"% Chemica+ Safet" at Co#!+ace Odinance Doint Decee No% *4/*999 7Annex *8: &emissib+e +imit )a+ues of
bio+o$ica+ ex!osue 7effect8 indices
Sam!+in$ time Deteminant S!ecimen Com!onents
25 I red blood cell
or total blood
erase acti9ity
acti9ity in
red blood
J Silicon dio8ide .$6S
J - Eor samlin% details# lease see the source document.
'ecommended monitoin$
Eollow standard monitorin% rocedures.
Dei)ed no/effect +e)e+ 7DNE:8
Fom Com!onents T"!e 'oute (a+ue
Silicon dio8ide .$6S 2131->1-0/ &or5ers @nhalation - m%/m3 "on% term Systemic
&edicted no effect
concentations 7&NECs8
Not a9ailable.
5%*% Ex!osue conto+s
A!!o!iate en$ineein$
Dro9ide adeKuate 9entilation. Abser9e occuational e8osure limits and minimise the ris5 o3
e8osure. Bye wash 3acilities and emer%ency shower must be a9ailable when handlin% this
Indi)idua+ !otection measues? such as !esona+ !otecti)e e@ui!ment
>enea+ infomation Dersonal rotecti9e eKuiment should be chosen accordin% to the $BN standards and in
discussion with the sulier o3 the ersonal rotecti9e eKuiment.
E"e/face !otection &ear aro9ed sa3ety %lasses or %o%%les.
S#in !otection
/ Hand !otection &ear rotecti9e %lo9es. Nitrile or neorene %lo9es are recommended. ?e aware that the liKuid
may enetrate the %lo9es. EreKuent chan%e is ad9isable. Suitable %lo9es can be recommended
by the %lo9e sulier.
/ Othe Normal wor5 clothin% .lon% slee9ed shirts and lon% ants/ is recommended.
'es!iato" !otection Under normal conditions# resirator is not normally reKuired. @n case o3 inadeKuate 9entilation7 @t is
recommended to use resiratory eKuiment with combination 3ilter# tye 62/D2.
Thema+ ha1ads &ear aroriate thermal rotecti9e clothin%# when necessary.
H"$iene measues 6lways obser9e %ood ersonal hy%iene measures# such as washin% a3ter handlin% the material
and be3ore eatin%# drin5in%# and/or smo5in%. =outinely wash wor5 clothin% and rotecti9e
eKuiment to remo9e contaminants.
En)ionmenta+ ex!osue
Bn9ironmental mana%er must be in3ormed o3 all maHor releases.
SECTION 6: &h"sica+ and chemica+ !o!eties
6%1% Infomation on basic !h"sica+ and chemica+ !o!eties
A!!eaance =ed aste.
&h"sica+ state "iKuid.
Fom Daste. +hi8otroic %el.
Co+ou =ed.
Odou Cine%ar.
Odou thesho+d Not a9ailable.
!H Not alicable.
.e+tin$ !oint/fee1in$ !oint Not a9ailable.
Initia+ boi+in$ !oint and boi+in$
Not a9ailable.
F+ash !oint Not a9ailable.
E)a!oation ate Not a9ailable.
F+ammabi+it" 7so+id? $as8 Not alicable.
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 5 / 0
,!!e/+o;e f+ammabi+it" o ex!+osi)e +imits
F+ammabi+it" +imit / +o;e
Not a9ailable.
F+ammabi+it" +imit / u!!e
Not a9ailable.
(a!ou !essue Not a9ailable.
(a!ou densit" Not a9ailable.
'e+ati)e densit" 1#20 .25 L$/ . &ater M 1/
So+ubi+it"7ies8 @nsoluble in water.
&atition coefficient
Not a9ailable.
Decom!osition tem!eatue Not a9ailable.
(iscosit" Not a9ailable.
Ex!+osi)e !o!eties Not a9ailable.
Oxidi1in$ !o!eties Not a9ailable.
6%*% Othe infomation No rele9ant additional in3ormation a9ailable.
SECTION 19: Stabi+it" and eacti)it"
19%1% 'eacti)it" +he roduct is stable and non reacti9e under normal conditions o3 use# stora%e and transort.
19%*% Chemica+ stabi+it" (aterial is stable under normal conditions.
19%-% &ossibi+it" of ha1adous
No dan%erous reaction 5nown under conditions o3 normal use.
19%0% Conditions to a)oid $ontact with incomatible materials.
19%4% Incom!atib+e mateia+s Eluorine. Eluorides.
19%2% Ha1adous
decom!osition !oducts
$arbon mono8ide. $arbon dio8ide. Silicon o8ides.
SECTION 11: Toxico+o$ica+ infomation
>enea+ infomation Accuational e8osure to the substance or mi8ture may cause ad9erse e33ects.
Infomation on +i#e+" outes of ex!osue
In$estion @n%estion may roduce burns to the lis# oral ca9ity# uer airway# esoha%us and ossibly the
di%esti9e tract.
Inha+ation @n hi%h concentrations# 9aours may irritate throat and resiratory system and cause cou%hin%.
S#in contact $auses se9ere s5in burns.
E"e contact $auses serious eye dama%e.
S"m!toms B8treme irritation o3 eyes and mucous membranes# includin% burnin% and tearin%. @tchin%#
redness# burnin% o3 s5in.
11%1% Infomation on toxico+o$ica+ effects
Acute toxicit" (ay cause discom3ort i3 swallowed.
Test esu+ts Com!onents S!ecies
Dolyal5yl silo8ane .$6S 131->-12-0/
"D50 =abbit
NM 5000 m%/5%
"D50 =at
NM 12000 m%/5%
S#in coosion/iitation $auses se9ere s5in burns.
Seious e"e dama$e/iitation $auses serious eye dama%e.
'es!iato" sensitisation Not classi3ied.
S#in sensitisation Not classi3ied.
>em ce++ muta$enicit" Not classi3ied.
Cacino$enicit" Not classi3ied.
'e!oducti)e toxicit" Not classi3ied.
S!ecific ta$et o$an toxicit" /
sin$+e ex!osue
Not classi3ied.
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 1 / 0
S!ecific ta$et o$an toxicit" /
e!eated ex!osue
Not classi3ied.
As!iation ha1ad Not classi3ied.
.ixtue )esus substance
Not alicable.
Othe infomation No other seci3ic acute or chronic health imact noted.
SECTION 1*: Eco+o$ica+ infomation
1*%1% Toxicit" +he roduct is not classi3ied as en9ironmentally ha:ardous. Howe9er# this does not e8clude the
ossibility that lar%e or 3reKuent sills can ha9e a harm3ul or dama%in% e33ect on the en9ironment.
1*%*% &esistence and
Not a9ailable.
1*%-% Bioaccumu+ati)e !otentia+ Not a9ailable.
Bioconcentation facto 7BCF8 Not a9ailable.
1*%0% .obi+it" in soi+ Not a9ailable.
.obi+it" in $enea+ +he roduct is insoluble in water.
1*%4% 'esu+ts of &BT
and )&)B
Not a D?+ or 9D9? substance or mi8ture.
1*%2% Othe ad)ese effects None 5nown.
SECTION 1-: Dis!osa+ consideations
1-%1% Caste teatment methods
'esidua+ ;aste Disose o3 in accordance with local re%ulations. Bmty containers or liners may retain some
roduct residues. +his material and its container must be disosed o3 in a sa3e manner .see7
Disosal instructions/.
Contaminated !ac#a$in$ Bmty containers should be ta5en to an aro9ed waste handlin% site 3or recyclin% or disosal.
E, ;aste code +he &aste code should be assi%ned in discussion between the user# the roducer and the waste
disosal comany.
Dis!osa+ methods/infomation Do not dischar%e into drains# water courses or onto the %round. $ollect and reclaim or disose in
sealed containers at licensed waste disosal site. Disose o3 contents/container in accordance
with local/re%ional/national/internat ional re%ulations.
SECTION 10: Tans!ot infomation
UN1210 10%1% ,N numbe
$orrosi9e liKuid# n.o.s. .+riaceto8yethylsilane/ 10%*% ,N !o!e shi!!in$
> 10%-% Tans!ot ha1ad
- Subsidia" c+ass7es8
@@ 10%0% &ac#in$ $ou!
No 10%4% En)ionmenta+ ha1ads
B Tunne+ estiction code
> :abe+s e@uied
=ead sa3ety instructions# SDS and emer%ency rocedures be3ore handlin%. 10%2% S!ecia+ !ecautions
fo use
UN1210 10%1% ,N numbe
$orrosi9e liKuid# n.o.s. .+riaceto8yethylsilane/ 10%*% ,N !o!e shi!!in$
> 10%-% Tans!ot ha1ad
- Subsidia" c+ass7es8
@@ 10%0% &ac#in$ $ou!
No 10%4% En)ionmenta+ ha1ads
> :abe+s e@uied
=ead sa3ety instructions# SDS and emer%ency rocedures be3ore handlin%. 10%2% S!ecia+ !ecautions
fo use
UN1210 10%1% ,N numbe
$orrosi9e liKuid# n.o.s. .+riaceto8yethylsilane/ 10%*% ,N !o!e shi!!in$
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 2 / 0
> 10%-% Tans!ot ha1ad
- Subsidia" c+ass7es8
@@ 10%0% &ac#in$ $ou!
No 10%4% En)ionmenta+ ha1ads
> :abe+s e@uied
=ead sa3ety instructions# SDS and emer%ency rocedures be3ore handlin%. 10%2% S!ecia+ !ecautions
fo use
UN1210 10%1% ,N numbe
$orrosi9e liKuid# n.o.s. .+riaceto8yethylsilane/ 10%*% ,N !o!e shi!!in$
> 10%-% Tans!ot ha1ad
- Subsidia" c+ass7es8
@@ 10%0% &ac#in$ $ou!
No 10%4% En)ionmenta+ ha1ads
> :abe+s e@uied
>" E'> Code
=ead sa3ety instructions# SDS and emer%ency rocedures be3ore handlin%. 10%2% S!ecia+ !ecautions
fo use
UN1210 10%1% ,N numbe
$orrosi9e liKuid# n.o.s. .+riaceto8yethylsilane/ 10%*% ,N !o!e shi!!in$
> 10%-% Tans!ot ha1ad
- Subsidia" c+ass7es8
@@ 10%0% &ac#in$ $ou!
No .aine !o++utant
10%4% En)ionmenta+ ha1ads
> :abe+s e@uied
E-6# S-? EmS
=ead sa3ety instructions# SDS and emer%ency rocedures be3ore handlin%. 10%2% S!ecia+ !ecautions
fo use
Not alicable. 10%3% Tans!ot in bu+#
accodin$ to Annex II of
.A'&O: 3-/35 and the IBC
SECTION 14: 'e$u+ato" infomation
14%1% Safet"? hea+th and en)ionmenta+ e$u+ations/+e$is+ation s!ecific fo the substance o mixtue
E, e$u+ations
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 1994/*996 on substances that de!+ete the o1one +a"e? Annex I
Not listed.
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 1994/*996 on substances that de!+ete the o1one +a"e? Annex II
Not listed.
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 549/*990 On !esistent o$anic !o++utants? Annex I as amended
Not listed.
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 256/*995 concenin$ the ex!ot and im!ot of dan$eous chemica+s? Annex I? !at 1 as amended
Not listed.
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 256/*995 concenin$ the ex!ot and im!ot of dan$eous chemica+s? Annex I? !at * as amended
Not listed.
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 256/*995 concenin$ the ex!ot and im!ot of dan$eous chemica+s? Annex I? !at - as amended
Not listed.
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 256/*995 concenin$ the ex!ot and im!ot of dan$eous chemica+s? Annex ( as amended
Not listed.
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 122/*992 Annex II &o++utant 'e+ease and Tansfe 'e$ist"
Not listed.
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 1693/*992? 'EACH Atic+e 46718 Candidate :ist as cuent+" !ub+ished b" ECHA
Not listed.
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 > / 0
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 10-/*911 Annex <I( Substances SubEect to Authoisation
Not listed.
'estictions on use
'e$u+ation 7EC8 No% 1693/*992? 'EACH Annex <(II Substances subEect to estiction on ma#etin$ and use as amended
Not listed.
Diecti)e *990/-3/EC: on the !otection of ;o#es fom the is#s e+ated to ex!osue to cacino$ens and muta$ens at
Not re%ulated.
Diecti)e 6*/54/EEC: on the safet" and hea+th of !e$nant ;o#es and ;o#es ;ho ha)e ecent+" $i)en bith o ae
Not re%ulated.
Othe E, e$u+ations
Diecti)e 62/5*/EC 7Se)eso II8 on the conto+ of maEo/accident ha1ads in)o+)in$ dan$eous substances
Not re%ulated.
Diecti)e 65/*0/EC on the !otection of the hea+th and safet" of ;o#es fom the is#s e+ated to chemica+ a$ents at ;o#
Not listed.
Diecti)e 60/--/EC on the !otection of "oun$ !eo!+e at ;o#
Not listed.
Othe e$u+ations +he roduct is classi3ied and labelled in accordance with B$ directi9es or resecti9e national
laws. +his Sa3ety Data Sheet comlies with the reKuirements o3 =e%ulation .B$/ No 1002/2001.
Nationa+ e$u+ations Eollow national re%ulation 3or wor5 with chemical a%ents.
14%*% Chemica+ safet"
No $hemical Sa3ety 6ssessment has been carried out.
SECTION 12: Othe infomation
:ist of abbe)iations $"D7 =e%ulation No. 1222/200>.
DNB"7 Deri9ed No-B33ect "e9el.
D?+7 Dersistent# bioaccumulati9e and to8ic.
DNB$7 Dredicted No-B33ect $oncentration.
9D9?7 Cery Dersistent and 9ery ?ioaccumulati9e.
'efeences HSD?O - Ha:ardous Substances Data ?an5
=e%istry o3 +o8ic B33ects o3 $hemical Substances .=+B$S/
BS@S .Buroean chemical Substances @n3ormation System/

Infomation on e)a+uation
method +eadin$ to the
c+assification of mixtue
+he mi8ture is classi3ied based on test data 3or hysical ha:ards. +he classi3ication 3or health and
en9ironmental ha:ards is deri9ed by a combination o3 calculation methods and test data# i3
a9ailable. Eor details# re3er to Sections 0# 11 and 12.
Fu++ text of an" statements o
'/!hases and H/statements
unde Sections * to 14
=3- $auses burns.
=31 @rritatin% to eyes.
=31/3> @rritatin% to eyes and s5in.
H31- - $auses se9ere s5in burns and eye dama%e.
H310 - $auses serious eye irritation.
Tainin$ infomation Eollow trainin% instructions when handlin% this material.
Disc+aime +he in3ormation in the sheet was written based on the best 5nowled%e and e8erience currently
Hylomar / Hylosil 310 SDS BU
00013> Cersion No.7 01 =e9ision date7 - @ssue date7 10-December-2012 0 / 0

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