The document provides guidelines for creating MT100 messages in Kazakhstan local currency to allow priority payments through HSBCnet File Upload. It defines the required syntax and format for tags like originating customer, beneficiary, amounts and references to successfully process transactions. Examples of valid MT100 messages are also included.
The document provides guidelines for creating MT100 messages in Kazakhstan local currency to allow priority payments through HSBCnet File Upload. It defines the required syntax and format for tags like originating customer, beneficiary, amounts and references to successfully process transactions. Examples of valid MT100 messages are also included.
Original Description:
Description of MT100 format message for bank file transfer.
The document provides guidelines for creating MT100 messages in Kazakhstan local currency to allow priority payments through HSBCnet File Upload. It defines the required syntax and format for tags like originating customer, beneficiary, amounts and references to successfully process transactions. Examples of valid MT100 messages are also included.
The document provides guidelines for creating MT100 messages in Kazakhstan local currency to allow priority payments through HSBCnet File Upload. It defines the required syntax and format for tags like originating customer, beneficiary, amounts and references to successfully process transactions. Examples of valid MT100 messages are also included.
The key takeaways are that this document provides guidelines for creating MT100 messages in Kazakhstan's local currency to allow priority payments through HSBCnet File Upload. It specifies the required format and fields for the messages to be successfully processed.
The MT100 message format is designed specifically to handle local priority payment instructions in Kazakhstan's local currency.
According to the document, tag 20 (Sender's Reference), tag 32A (Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount), and tag 50 (Ordering Customer) are mandatory tags in an MT100 message.
HSBCnet File Upload
Kazakhstan local currency MT100 Message
Implementation Guidelines Version: 1.0 SB HSBC JSC/Subsidiary bank HSBC Bank Kazakhstan Joint stock company, 2013. All rights reserved. License 249, dated 24th of December 2007, issued by Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision, of financial market and financial organizations. 1. Introduction This Message Implementation Guideline (MIG) is prepared by HSBC for data being submitted through HSBCnet File Upload. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the creation of a MT100 message to allow priority payments. This MIG is based upon the structure of the KISC MT100 rules, and defines the syntax that is required by HSBC to successfully process the intended transactions. This MIG does not include any information regarding the technical specification of HSBCnet, such as security or transmission protocols. 2. Usage Notes This document details each tag within an MT100 message that is used by HSBC for payment processing. Each tag is displayed individually. Below is an example of a tag with accompanying information to assist in the construction of the MT100 message that will be accepted by HSBC. Tag 50 1 Tag 2 :50: SWIFT Field Name 3 Ordering Customer Description 4 Provides details of the party that has originated the instruction Format 5 /1a/20x = Account 6*70x = Additional Information Presence 6 Mandatory Specific Values 7 Tag lines must be formatted in the following structured form /D/20x /IDN/12n /NAME/60x /IRS/1n /SECO/1x Usage Rules and Validation Requirements 8 20x = Ordering customers account number 12n = ordering customers tax payer identification number 60x = ordering customer name 1n = ordering customer residence code 1x = ordering customer economic sector /NAME/ field can be in English, Russian or Kazakh Example: 9 1. The tag number 2. This details how the tag will appear in the MT100 message. 3. This provides the name of the tag as defined in the SWIFT Handbook. 4. The description provides a clearer understanding of the use of the tag. 5. This details how the data in the tag should be presented, including any limitations on size and character set. /1a/20x >> This indicates the content of the tag will begin with a single alpha character placed between slashes, followed by 20 alphanumeric characters. 6*70x >> This indicates 6 lines of 70 alphanumeric characters 6. This field will determine whether the tag is Mandatory, Optional or Conditional on the presence of another tag. 7. Specific values required by HSBC will be detailed here. 8. Any validation and usage rules required by HSBC in formatting the MT100 will be detailed here. 9. An example of the tag in an MT100 message. HSBCnet File Upload Section 2 GLOSSARY ! = Fixed length a = Alpha x = Alphanumeric n = Numeral 3. Transaction Types The MT100 message format is designed specifically to handle local priority payment instructions. 3. Special Notess All files containing non-Latin characters need to be saved using UTF-8 encoding Separating character for MT100 between payment instructions should be - 4. Message Specification Tag 20 Tag 20 SWIFT Field Name Senders Reference Description Reference for your account Format 16x Presence Mandatory Specific Values Usage Rules and Validation Requirements The information quoted here must be unique within a period of 3 months and will appear against the debit entry on your bank account. HSBC will truncate information longer than 16 characters. Example: :20:MT100TESTFILE Tag 23A Tag :23A: SWIFT Field Name Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Description A type of Bank Operation Format 6!n = Date (YYMMDD) 3!a = Currency 15d = Amount (15 symbols including 2 symbols after the comma, but not including comma) Presence Mandatory Specific Values Usage Rules and Validation Requirements Comma separator must be used for currency units Value date must not be before today. Value date must not be more than 15 days forward. Currency must be ISO valid. Amount must be positive and greater than zero. Example: :32A:111104KZT10000,00 HSBCnet File Upload Section 3 Tag 50 Tag :50: SWIFT Field Name Ordering Customer Description Provides details of the party that has originated the instruction Format /1a/20x = Account 6*60x = Additional Information Presence Mandatory Specific Values Tag lines must be formatted in the following structured form /D/20x /IDN/12n! /NAME/60x /IRS/1n /SECO/1x Usage Rules and Validation Requirements 20x = ordering customers account number 12n = ordering customers tax payer identification number 60x = ordering customer name 1n = ordering customer residence code 1x = ordering customer economic sector Please note only the following values are valid for SECO field: A - International Organizations 1 - Central Government 2 - Regional and local governments 3 - Central (National Banks) 4 - Commercial Banks 5 - Other Financial Organizations 6 - Governmental Nonfinancial Organizations 7 - Nongovernmental Nonfinancial Organizations 8 - Non-commercial organizations, serving households 9 - Households /NAME/ field can be in English, Russian or Kazakh Example: :50:/D/KZ079490001000234001 /IDN/485418590103 /NAME/HSBC TEST /IRS/1 /SECO/4 Tag 52B Tag :52B: SWIFT Field Name Ordering Institution Description This provides information about the institution that holds the account of the ordering customer Format 4!a2!a2!c[3!c]= BIC Presence Mandatory Specific Values HSBCKZKA Usage Rules and Validation Requirements Must contain the HSBC KZ BIC Example: :52B:HSBCKZKA HSBCnet File Upload Section 4 Tag 57B Tag :57B: SWIFT Field Name Account with Institution Description This provides information about the institution that holds the account of the beneficiary Format 4!a2!a2!c[3!c]= BIC Presence Mandatory Specific Values Usage Rules and Validation Requirements Example: :57B:KZKOKZKX HSBCnet File Upload Section 5 Tag 59 Tag :59: SWIFT Field Name Beneficiary Customer Description The account details of the beneficiary that will receive the funds. Format 20x = Account Number 4*60x = Additional Information Presence Mandatory Specific Values Tag lines must be formatted in the following structured form 20x /NAME/60x /IDN/12n! /IRS/1n /SECO/1x Usage Rules and Validation Requirements 20x = beneficiary account number 60x = beneficiary name 12n = tax payer identification number of beneficiary 1n = beneficiary residence code 1x = beneficiary economic sector Please note only the following values are valid for SECO field: A - International Organizations 1 - Central Government 2 - Regional and local governments 3 - Central (National Banks) 4 - Commercial Banks 5 - Other Financial Organizations 6 - Governmental Nonfinancial Organizations 7 - Nongovernmental Nonfinancial Organizations 8 - Non-commercial organizations, serving households 9 - Households Line 1 should contain beneficiary account number in IBAN format Line 2 should contain beneficiary name Lines 3, 4, and 5 should contain beneficiary tax payer number, resi- dence code, and economic sector respectively. /NAME/ field can be in English, Russian or Kazakh Example: :59:KZ619490001002641007 /NAME/Beneficiary LLP /IDN/100241007446 /IRS/1 /SECO/7 HSBCnet File Upload Section 6 Tag 70 Tag :70: SWIFT Field Name Description Information provided here will be passed through the transaction chain to the beneficiary. Format 16*70x = Remittance Information Presence Mandatory Specific Values /NUM/9x /DATE/6n /SEND/2n /VO/2n /KNP/3n (payment purpose code) /PRT/01 /BCLASS/6x /ASSIGN/ 1* 62x 6*70x (N.B. /ASSIGN/ must occupy the first 8 characters of the first line) Usage Rules and Validation Requirements 9x = document number 6n = Date (YYMMDD) 2n = method of sending the document 2n = type of operation 3n = payment purpose code 01 = priority, should be 01 6x = KBK code (in case of tax payments) 1*62x + 6*70x = payment narrative Line 1 should contain only :70: Example: :70: /NUM/000002554 /DATE/111115 /SEND/07 /VO/01 /KNP/911 /PRT/01 /BCLASS/106201 /ASSIGN/ 1 - 62 N 2 - 70 N 3 - 70 N 4 - 70 N 5 - 70 N 6 - 70 N 7 - 70 HSBCnet File Upload Section 7 6. Example Message HSBCnet Tax Payment :20:MT1004BTBFUTO :32A:111115KZT18,18 :50:/D/KZ079490001005844001 /IDN/999999999999 /NAME/HSBC TEST /IRS/1 /SECO/4 :52B:HSBCKZKA :57B:KKMFKZ2A :59:KZ24070105KSN0000000 /NAME/ /IDN/000442006846 /IRS/1 /SECO/1 :70: /NUM/000002554 /DATE/111115 /SEND/07 /VO/01 /KNP/911 /PRT/01 /BCLASS/106201 /ASSIGN/ 1 2 3 4 HSBCNet Regular KZT Payment :20:B01MSHKBKKNP :32A:111115KZT1,11 :50:/D/KZ079490001080876001 /IDN/999999999999 /NAME/HSBC TEST /IRS/1 /SECO/4 :52B:HSBCKZKA :57B:HSBCKZKA :59:KZ719490001002286001 /NAME/TEST LLP /IDN/111111111111 /IRS/1 /SECO/7 :70: /NUM/000002554 /DATE/111115 /SEND/07 /VO/01 /KNP/710 /PRT/01 /BCLASS/000000 /ASSIGN/1 2 3 4 HSBCnet File Upload Section 8 HSBCnet Multiple Payment File :20:INTCTEST3JM :32A:120403KZT11,11 :50:/D/KZ719490001002286001 /IDN/111111111111 /NAME/HSBC NET TEST /IRS/1 /SECO/7 :52B:HSBCKZKA :57B:HSBCKZKA :59:KZ719490001002286001 /NAME/HSBC NET TEST /IDN/111111111111 /IRS/1 /SECO/7 :70: /NUM/000000427 /DATE/111129 /SEND/07 /VO/01 /KNP/321 /PRT/01 /BCLASS/000000 /ASSIGN/TRANSFER OF OWN FUNDS -:20:INTCTEST4JM :32A:120403KZT11,11 :50:/D/KZ719490001002286001 /IDN/111111111111 /NAME/HSBC NET TEST /IRS/1 /SECO/7 :52B:HSBCKZKA :57B:HSBCKZKA :59:KZ719490001002286001 /NAME/HSBC NET TEST /IDN/111111111111 /IRS/1 /SECO/7 :70: /NUM/000000427 /DATE/111129 /SEND/07 /VO/01 /KNP/321 /PRT/01 /BCLASS/000000 /ASSIGN/TRANSFER OF OWN FUNDS HSBCnet File Upload Section 9