Service Now Integration
Service Now Integration
Service Now Integration
2014 Bomgar Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. BOMGAR and the BOMGAR logo are trademarks of Bomgar Corporation; other trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners. TC:7/29/2014
Table of Contents
Bomgar Integration with ServiceNow 3
Requirements for the Bomgar Integration with ServiceNow 4
Basic Integration Requirements 4
Additional Enterprise Integration Requirements 4
Firewall Test 4
Configure Bomgar for the ServiceNowIntegration 5
Configure ServiceNowfor Integration with Bomgar 7
Test the Setup of the Bomgar and ServiceNowIntegration 11
Transfer the Bomgar - ServiceNowIntegration Update Sets 13
Properties for Bomgar Integration with ServiceNow 14
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Bomgar Integration with ServiceNow
Service desks and customer support organizations using ServiceNow can integrate with Bomgar to improve service levels,
centralize support processes, and strengthen compliance.
Features of the Bomgar and ServiceNow integration are summarized below. Some of these features are available only with the
enterprise version of the Bomgar ServiceNow integration.
l Outbound Support Sessions Technicians can launch Bomgar sessions from within ServiceNow incidents using the
Generate Session Key button.
l Session Updates Bomgar session data is written back to ServiceNow tickets. The basic integration includes chat
transcripts. The enterprise integration includes chat transcripts, file transfers, system information, session notes, customer
and representative exit surveys, and session recordings.
l Inbound Support Sessions Remote end users can initiate Bomgar sessions with technicians through a Bomgar support
portal embedded within the ServiceNow Employee Self-Service application. This is an enterprise-only feature.
l Jump Sessions Technicians can connect directly to remote Configuration Items using Bomgar Jump Clients and/or vPro
functionality. This is an enterprise-only feature.
For more details about the integration between Bomgar and ServiceNow, see
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Requirements for the Bomgar Integration with ServiceNow
Outlined below are requirements for the basic and enterprise versions of the Bomgar and ServiceNow integration. If any of the
integration requirements are not yet met, they will need to be in place prior to starting the integration setup process unless the
associated features of the integration are not required.
Basic Integration Requirements
1. ServiceNow instance with:
l Version Aspen or later
l A working Service Desk application
l A working email configuration
2. Bomgar Appliance (physical or virtual) with:
l Version 13.1 or later
l At least one usable representative console which can generate session keys
l A working Bomgar public site through which users can connect to representatives
3. Network firewall rules to allow:
l TCP 443 traffic from the Bomgar Appliance to reach the appropriate ServiceNow instance
l TCP 443 traffic from the appropriate ServiceNow instance to reach the Bomgar Appliance
Additional Enterprise Integration Requirements
1. A working ServiceNow configuration management database (CMDB)
2. One or more ServiceNow Configuration Items on which Bomgar Jump Client services can be or have been installed
3. A working ServiceNow Employee Self Service (ESS) application and portal
Firewall Test
It is important to test all requirements of the integration prior to beginning setup. Most of these can be tested by the Bomgar and
ServiceNow administrators within their respective systems, but to test the network firewall, the Bomgar admin should take the
following steps to confirm that the necessary rules are in place.
1. Log into a machine either external to the Bomgar Appliance's network or in the same VPN as the ServiceNow instance,
depending on how ServiceNow is connecting to the appliance's network.
2. Log into the Bomgar Appliance's /appliance interface.
3. Browse to Support > Utilities ::TCP Connection Test.
4. Enter the hostname of the ServiceNow instance, enter the port number of 443, and click Test. The result should be a
Connected status message.
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Configure Bomgar for the ServiceNow Integration
All of the steps in this section take place in the Bomgar /login administrative interface. Access your Bomgar interface by going to the
hostname of your Bomgar Appliance followed by /login (e.g.,
1. Verify that the API is enabled.
l If running Bomgar 14.2 or later, go to /login
>Management > API Configuration and verify
that Enable XML API is checked.
l If running a version of Bomgar prior to 14.2, go to /login > Management > Security and verify that Enable XML API is
2. Create a ServiceNow API user account.
l Go to /login > Users & Security > User
Accounts. Click Create NewUser and name it
ServiceNowor something similar.
l Check Is Administrator.
l Set Support Session Reporting Permissions
to Allowed to ViewReports and ViewAll
l Check Allowed to viewsupport session
l Check Allowed to use reporting API and
Allowed to use command API.
l Check Allowed to provide remote support.
l Scroll to the bottom and save the account.
l Click Edit on the new account.
l Set Password Expires On to Never Expires.
Save again.
3. Add outbound events.
l Go to /login > Management > Outbound
l Click Add NewHTTPRecipient and name it
ServiceNow- Dev or something similar,
depending on your ServiceNow instance.
l Set the URL to where is the
ServiceNow instance name.
l Scroll to Events to Send and check Support
Session End and Customer Exit Survey is
l Scroll to the bottom and click Add Recipient.
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4. Set the custom link.
l Browse to Configuration > Options >
Representative Console :: Custom Link.
l Set the URL to where is the ServiceNow instance name.
l Click Save.
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Configure ServiceNow for Integration with Bomgar
Unless otherwise noted, all of the steps in this section take place in the ServiceNow interface. The development and/or test
instances of ServiceNow should be used initially so that the integration can be thoroughly tested before installation in the
production instance.
1. Import, preview, and commit update set(s).
l Log into ServiceNow with an administrative
user account, browse to System Update Sets >
Retrieved Update Sets, and click Import
Update Set from XML.
l Find the update set you just imported in the list
of retrieved update sets and click it. The name
should include Bomgar - ServiceNow, and its
Loaded date should be the most recent in the
list. Then click PreviewUpdate Set to check for
errors. Look through each update set.
l If the preview is satisfactory, return to the main
page of the update set and click Commit.
2. Create the local update set.
l Browse to System Update Sets > Local Update Sets, and click the Newbutton above the list of update sets to
create a new local update set.
l This update set will capture any changes you make during the configuration process. Just make sure that the
Bomgar Integration Install update set is selected in ServiceNow's update set dropdown for the following steps.
l After configuration is complete and tested, the local update set can be imported or promoted to new instances of
ServiceNow (e.g., the production instance) to quickly replicate the integration. This must be done after transferring
the Bomgar - ServiceNow retrieved update set. See "Transfer the Bomgar - ServiceNow Integration Update Sets" on
page 13 for details.
3. Configure Bomgar integration properties.
l Browse to Integration - Bomgar >
Administration > Properties and at a minimum,
configure the Bomgar Instance Name,
Username, Password, and Bomgar Appliance
IP Address. These should be taken from the
DNS address of the Bomgar Appliance, the API
user for ServiceNow on that appliance, and the
IP address of the appliance, respectively.
l If Bomgar is using Shared IP Failover, the
unique IP address of each appliance and the
shared IP should be added to the integration
properties using a comma-delimited list. See
for details.
l Save the settings.
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2014 Bomgar Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. BOMGAR and the BOMGAR logo are trademarks of Bomgar Corporation; other trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners. TC: 7/29/2014
4. Edit the Bomgar ESS module.
l This ESS module is available only with the
enterprise version of the integration.
l Browse to Self-Service, right-click on the
Bomgar icon, and select Edit Module.
l Note that right-clicking the Bomgar icon has an
entirely different effect than left-clicking it, as
does right-clicking the text beside the icon.
l In the Arguments field, put the Bomgar
Appliance's URL (
l Click Update when done.
5. Personalize incidents.
l Related Lists Browse to Incident and click
Create Newor select an incident by clicking the
Incident Number. Right-click the Incident title
bar and select Personalize > Related Lists.
Ensure that Bomgar Session > Task has been
moved to the Selected column, and then click
l Dictionary Skip this step if configuring the
basic integration. Otherwise, open the test
incident, right-click the label Configuration
Item, and select Personalize Dictionary. Find
the Attributes field and make sure one of the
following is included in the comma-separated
Be aware that bomgar_jump requires that
Bomgar Jump Clients be connected to each
remote machine used and that bomgar_vpro
requires vPro to be set up and working separately, outside of ServiceNow and Bomgar.
l Choice List Open the test incident, right-click on the label State, and select ShowChoice List. Take note of the
different incident choices (you may want to filter the list by the incident_state Element), specifically the value of
incidents with a label of Resolved or Closed and any custom incident states for which Bomgar Session Key should
not appear.
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2014 Bomgar Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. BOMGAR and the BOMGAR logo are trademarks of Bomgar Corporation; other trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners. TC: 7/29/2014
l UI Actions Go back to the incident, right-click
on the Bomgar Session Key button located in
the Incident title bar, and select Personalize >
UI Actions. In the UI Actions list, click Bomgar
Session Key, focus the Condition field, and
ensure current.incident_state is configured to
include the IDs of the incident states for which
the session key button should not appear.
l current.incident_state example If the
Resolved and Closed fields you took note of
earlier have values of 6 and 7, then the
Condition field mentioned above should
include the code current.incident_state
< 6 so as not to show a Bomgar Session Key
button on resolved or open incidents. If there
are custom incidents (e.g., Complete), then the
condition field may require logic such as &&
current.incident_state !=8.
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2014 Bomgar Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. BOMGAR and the BOMGAR logo are trademarks of Bomgar Corporation; other trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners. TC: 7/29/2014
6. Set up Bomgar username authentication.
l Log into your Bomgar /login interface with the same credentials as a ServiceNow user who is expected to be using
Bomgar. Download and install a Bomgar representative console from the /login > My Account tab.
l If login fails:
Make sure that Bomgar and ServiceNow are checking credentials against the same LDAP server(s), if
appropriate. Check the LDAP server in the Bomgar interface under /login > Users & Security > Security
Providers. To check the LDAP server for ServiceNow, see the LDAP Integration Setup article at
If LDAP authentication is not being used,
log into ServiceNow, browse to User
Administration > Users, select the user
to be used for testing, and focus the
Bomgar Username field.
If this field does not exist while viewing a
user, hover over the icon next to User
on the title bar, select Personalize >
Form Layout, and move the Bomgar
Username field from the Available list to
the Selected list. Once done, enter the
name of a known-working Bomgar user
account in this field and save.
7. Check email notifications.
l Browse to Integration - Bomgar > Administration > Notification. On the Email Notifications screen, click the
Bomgar Notification link. Verify that Send When equals Event is fired and Event Name equals Finally, check that Users/groups in fields under the Who will receive tab equals Caller.
l Browse to System Properties > Email. On the Email Properties screen, verify that the SMTP and POP settings are
correct, security settings are correct, and advanced settings are correct.
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2014 Bomgar Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. BOMGAR and the BOMGAR logo are trademarks of Bomgar Corporation; other trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners. TC: 7/29/2014
Test the Setup of the Bomgar and ServiceNow Integration
1. Test the ServiceNow API user.
l Log into a machine outside of the Bomgar Appliance's network and enter the following URL into a web browser:
PASSWORD&action=generate_session_key&type=support&queue_id=general&external_key=123, being
sure to use the hostname of the Bomgar Appliance and the appropriate values for the username, password, and
external key.
l If the browser returns an XML document tree in <session_key> tags, the test was successful. In most browsers, the
following message is expected: "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it." In
case of failure:
Check the username and password of the Bomgar local user account. This is located in the Bomgar interface
under /login > Users & Security > User Accounts.
Check access in the Bomgar interface under /login > Management > Security :: /login Network Restrictions
to confirm that the IP address range for ServiceNow is allowed.
Check that TCP port 443 is allowed through the firewall to Bomgar. This can be done using telnet as follows:
telnet 443. If the terminal window returns a blank, black screen and blinking
cursor, the port is open.
2. Test the Bomgar Session Key button.
l Log into ServiceNow and open a closed incident and a resolved incident to make sure the Bomgar Session Key
button does not appear.
l In ServiceNow, open a test incident. Confirm the State field matches one of the values for which the Bomgar
Session Key button should appear, and make sure the button appears as expected. Remember that the incident
must be saved before the Generate Session Key button will appear. Once done, click the button. It should return a
window with a seven-digit session key, a session URL, and a button to email the key. In case of failure:
Ensure that the ServiceNow user account is mapped to a Bomgar user account as described in "Configure
Bomgar for the ServiceNow Integration" on page 5.
Make sure TCP port 443 is allowed from the ServiceNow network (typically the WAN) to the Bomgar
Appliance (typically the DMZ).
In ServiceNow, open Integrations - Bomgar > Administration > Properties and make sure the Bomgar
Instance Name, Username, and Password fields are set correctly per the ServiceNow API user test above.
3. Test session updates.
l In ServiceNow, use the Generate Session Key button to start a Bomgar session, and then stop the session.
l In the Bomgar interface, check Bomgar's outbound event status at /login > Management > Outbound Events. Make
sure that it reads OK. Otherwise, check the configuration of the event.
l Return to the ServiceNow incident from which the session key was generated, scroll to the bottom of the page, and
check the Bomgar Sessions tab. There should be an entry for the recent session. If not:
Check that TCP port 443 is allowed from the Bomgar Appliance to ServiceNow using the Bomgar /appliance
TCP connection test outlined in "Requirements for the Bomgar Integration with ServiceNow" on page 4.
Switch to ServiceNow, open Integration - Bomgar > Administration > Properties, and make note of the
Bomgar Appliance IP Address. Browse to System Logs > Transactions, filter the list by bomgar_post, and
click one of the results. Make sure the originating IP address of the transaction matches that set in the
integration properties.
4. Test the Employee Self-Service application (enterprise only).
l Log into ServiceNow as a non-admin (non-ITIL) user, or use the key icon in the upper left of the screen to switch to
such a user if an admin is already logged in.
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l Open a new incident and click Get Support Now. A Bomgar session client or chat session should spawn. If not:
In the Bomgar interface, go to /login > Public Portals > Public Sites and edit the public site for the DNS
address entered in ServiceNow's Bomgar ESS module, and make sure Use Issue Submission Survey is
5. Test Jump sessions (enterprise only).
l Log into the Bomgar representative console and search for a Jump Client which is currently running on a machine
included in the ServiceNow CMDB. This will ensure the Jump Client in question can be accessed using the
Configuration Item in ServiceNow incidents.
l In ServiceNow, create or open an incident, assign the above host as the Configuration Item (CI) of the incident, and
click the orange Jump to CI with Bomgar button.
l Run the resulting .brcs file and make sure the representative console launches a session with the remote host in
l If applicable, test the Jump to CI with vPro via Bomgar and Push and Start with Bomgar buttons for the
ServiceNow CI in the same way as above.
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Transfer the Bomgar - ServiceNow Integration Update Sets
The steps below are typically used after the integration has been imported and configured in a test/development instance of
ServiceNow and is being transferred to a production instance. However, they are also applicable to transferring the integration
between any ServiceNow instances.
1. Follow the steps in the ServiceNow documentation to transfer the Bomgar - ServiceNowIntegration update set(s) into the
destination instance of ServiceNow.
Note: This is typically done by retrieving the update sets from the destination instance or by exporting the update sets
from the original instance as XML files. See "Transferring Update Sets" in the ServiceNow product documentation for
2. Follow the same steps to transfer the Bomgar Integration Install update set.
3. In the Bomgar interface, go to /login > Management >
Outbound Events and add a new event which uses the
URL of the destination ServiceNow instance. Click Add
4. Locate the outbound event created during testing and
click Edit. Check the Disabled checkbox and save.
5. Go to /login > Configuration > Options and scroll down
to Representative Console :: Custom Link. Update
the URL to direct to the destination instance of
6. Test the integration setup in its new location following the same steps used to test the original instance. See "Test the Setup
of the Bomgar and ServiceNow Integration" on page 11.
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Properties for Bomgar Integration with ServiceNow
After the initial setup is complete and tested, you may wish to customize the Properties page of the Integration - Bomgar
application in ServiceNow. The meaning and expected behavior of these options are explained below.
Bomgar Instance Name
The hostname or IP address of your Bomgar site.
The Bomgar username which is set up in the Bomgar /login interface.
The password for the Bomgar user which is set up in the Bomgar /login interface.
Bomgar Appliance IP Address
The IP address of the Bomgar Appliance.
Create Bomgar Exit Surveys
Writes customer exit survey information into ServiceNow session and related incident reports. It is recommended to uncheck this
setting. This setting requires a ServiceNow customer exit survey setup exactly the same as the Bomgar customer exit survey setup.
ServiceNow supports only one survey per incident, but Bomgar supports one survey per session. This does not match up very well
for most customers.
Survey Record sys_id
The System ID of the survey record to which Bomgar surveys are matched.
Create Stub Incident
Creates a stub incident in ServiceNow for sessions started in Bomgar. This automatically creates an incident in ServiceNow for
sessions started outside of ServiceNow, i.e., sessions that are not already associated with a ServiceNow incident. This setting is
generally unchecked because it contains very limited data and clutters the list of incidents, but you may find it useful because it
provides additional audit trail. These stub incidents are also unassigned in ServiceNow.
Outbound Events
Comma-separated lists of outbound events. The complete list of outbound events which can be used here is: support_
conference_end, support_conference_customer_exit_survey_completed, support_conference_rep_exit_survey_
Log Outbound Events
Logs Bomgar outbound events that come to ServiceNow into the Bomgar Events table and processes the events.
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Log Run Commands
Logs Bomgar run commands which happen in the Bomgar session into ServiceNow. This allows links to command shell recordings
to be imported into ServiceNow.
File Transfers
Logs Bomgar file transfers into ServiceNow.
Pass Email Subject
This relates to emailing through ServiceNow. It is possible to specify an email template to use in ServiceNow, but most users start
with the default email template.
System Information
Logs Bomgar session information into ServiceNow.
Session Key Validity Duration
The amount of time a session key should be valid. If left blank, the Bomgar /login default is used.
Jump Client Button
Activates a button on the cmdb_ci_computer table to Jump to the CI. If integration is not going to use Jump Clients, then uncheck
this setting.
Work Notes
Notes added during a Bomgar session can be imported and tied to the Bomgar session within ServiceNow. This option also allows
the work note to be rolled up into the incident so that it is logged in two places.
Button and Session Notes
Logs a work note on the incident every time the Get Support Nowor Generate Session Key buttons are clicked or when a Bomgar
session is completed.
System Messages
Displays all Bomgar system messages that were created during the chat session. If unchecked, only the chat dialogue between the
representative and the customer will be displayed in ServiceNow. It is recommended to check this setting so that all system
messages can be seen, giving a full picture of the session.
ViewRecorded Sessions
Shows a button which allows you to view recorded Bomgar sessions. Bomgar must be configured to record sessions.
General Queue
If checked, generated session keys will always go to the general queue and not to a specific representative. In most cases, a
session should go to the representative who generated the session key.
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Enables click-to-chat when starting sessions from Self Service. If this is not checked, the full Bomgar customer client is downloaded
to the end user.
Available Reps
Allows the end user to select from a list of available representatives when choosing to get support now. It is recommended to
uncheck this setting.
Start Session from Ticket
Allows the end user to start a Bomgar session from their submitted ticket.
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2014 Bomgar Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. BOMGAR and the BOMGAR logo are trademarks of Bomgar Corporation; other trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners. TC: 7/29/2014