This document provides an overview of key concepts in biochemistry including:
- Myoglobin transports oxygen in muscle cells and contains heme groups. Hemoglobin in red blood cells also transports oxygen but has four subunits that allosterically modify each other's oxygen affinity.
- Proteins are made of amino acids connected by peptide bonds. There are 20 standard amino acids but some proteins contain modified amino acids.
- Enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions by lowering the activation energy and some are regulated through inhibition, feedback, or allosteric modification. Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle generate ATP through oxidation phosphorylation in the mitochondria.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in biochemistry including:
- Myoglobin transports oxygen in muscle cells and contains heme groups. Hemoglobin in red blood cells also transports oxygen but has four subunits that allosterically modify each other's oxygen affinity.
- Proteins are made of amino acids connected by peptide bonds. There are 20 standard amino acids but some proteins contain modified amino acids.
- Enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions by lowering the activation energy and some are regulated through inhibition, feedback, or allosteric modification. Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle generate ATP through oxidation phosphorylation in the mitochondria.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in biochemistry including:
- Myoglobin transports oxygen in muscle cells and contains heme groups. Hemoglobin in red blood cells also transports oxygen but has four subunits that allosterically modify each other's oxygen affinity.
- Proteins are made of amino acids connected by peptide bonds. There are 20 standard amino acids but some proteins contain modified amino acids.
- Enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions by lowering the activation energy and some are regulated through inhibition, feedback, or allosteric modification. Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle generate ATP through oxidation phosphorylation in the mitochondria.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in biochemistry including:
- Myoglobin transports oxygen in muscle cells and contains heme groups. Hemoglobin in red blood cells also transports oxygen but has four subunits that allosterically modify each other's oxygen affinity.
- Proteins are made of amino acids connected by peptide bonds. There are 20 standard amino acids but some proteins contain modified amino acids.
- Enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions by lowering the activation energy and some are regulated through inhibition, feedback, or allosteric modification. Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle generate ATP through oxidation phosphorylation in the mitochondria.
Has heme Lots of protein globulin Polar residues exterior, non-polar residues interior Amino acid composition - primary structure of protein Amino acids are connected by peptide (amide) bonds Naturally occurring 20 amino acids Example: protein collagen has some modified a.a. hydroxylysine and hydrohyproline; Vit.C is responsible for the hydroxylation Proteins can be also modified by phosphorylation Ph at Ph7 H = 10 and OH = 10 at Ph3 - [H+] = 103 and [OH- ] = 1011 Lysine and arginine are + charged at neutral ph Aspirin has a COO group at ph~4 (like in duodenum) and a COO+ at more acidic ph ~2 (stomach); absorbed easier when is uncharged. Isoelectric point such ph at which there is no charge present Henderson-Hasselbach equation know the relationship Chaperons aid in protein folding Saturation curves for hemoglobin:
Hemoglobin contains 4 subunits, once oxygen binds to one subunit others have higher affinity allosteric modification Low ph, high CO2 and high DPG lower hemoglobin affinity for oxygen In sickle cell anemia there is a substitution of Val to Glu on the beta chain
Many enzymes are proteases Digestive enzymes are released in the zymogen (inactive) state and then cleaved and become active; example trypsinogen is cleaved by enterokinase to become trypsin Protease inhibitors inactivate the proteases Serine proteases have serine at the active site Thrombin is a serine protease, it is attached to the endothelial membrane Mechanism of action of most enzymes - increase the speed of the reaction by lowering free energy of the transitional state
Inhibition: Competitive inhibitors bind at the same site, increase Km Noncompetitive inhibitors Uncompetitive inhibitors binds to the enzyme substrate complex, change both Km and Vmax Irreversible inhibitors
Allosteric interaction binding at a different site of the enzyme causes the active site to bind better; example hemoglobin Know what is free energy, entropy, enthalpy (change in heat content), equilibrium constant Often reactions with unfavorable free energy (positive) are coupled to the ones with favorable free energy (negative); example glucose to glucose 6 phosphate is coupled with ATP hydrolysis.
Metabolism (please refer to the hand out)
In di- and monosaccharides glucose can be linked by different types of bonds (a- 1,4 glucose in starch, which is digestible; and -1,4 glucose in cellulose which is not digestible) Ribulose important in ribosemonophosphate shunt Xylulose in photosynthesis Complete oxidation of 1 gram of carbohydrates gives 4 kilocalories Amylase breaks down starch Intestinal enzymes lactase, maltase, isomaltase, sucrase act at the surface of the absorbing cell Fructose is taken in the cells by a carrier mediated passive transport Glucose and galactose are taken in by a sodium linked active transport; there is always a sodium gradient, created by sodium potassium ATPase Liver regulates the glucose level in blood it takes the glucose during the meal and releases it later to maintain glucose level RBC can not survive without glucose because they do not have mitochondria, brain can use ketone-bodies Glucose transporters in the muscle and fat are regulated by insulin, in intestine and kidney there are active transporters Glycolysis is a continuos process, occurs in the cytoplasm In the absence of oxygen glucose goes through the glycolysis pathway in the cytoplasm which ends in pyruvate or lactate Glycolysis yield total of 2 molecules of ATP: 4 molecules per glucose are produced and 2 molecules are used Liver regulates the glucose level in blood it takes the glucose during the meal and releases it later to maintain glucose level RBC can not survive without glucose because they do not have mitochondria, brain can use ketone-bodies Glucose transporters in the muscle and fat are regulated by insulin, in intestine and kidney there are active transporters NAD is a coenzyme in glycolysis, NAD and NADH are involved in the oxidation reduction processes Enolase is a specific target for the fluoride intoxication Regulated enzyme of glycolysis PFK phosphofructokinase which responds to changes ATP and ADP but the key regulator in the body is the fructose 2,6 bisphosphate Pyruvate kinase is another regulatory enzyme In RBC lactate is the end product, formation of lactate regenerates NAD needed for the previous steps of glycolysis Glycolysis is a universal process Pyruvate goes on to the TCA cycle and high amount of ATP are generated through oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria Glucose can be synthesized in the liver from small precursors - lactate, pyruvate, amino acids, glycerol, but not from fatty acids breakdown product acetyl Co-A First step in gluconeogenisis (reversal of the glycolysis) pyruvate to oxaloacetate occurs in the mitochondria; needs a coenzyme derived from biotin Unique steps of gluconeogenesis go around irreversible steps of glycolysis, example PFK, hexokinase Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver, kidney and to a small extent in the intestine Insulin and glucagon are the regulator Glucagon always leads to the phosphorylation of proteins Glucagon will increase blood sugar level Glucose 6 phosphate is used in pentose phosphate shunt 1 st enzyme is glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase which uses NADP NADPH protect against oxidative damage, used in synthesis of fat and steroids Pentose phosphate pathway provides pentoses Extra steps are required for the metabolism of fructose and galactose to convert them in to the intermediates of glycolysis Sugar nucleotides are used in the synthesis of polysaccharides UDP glucose is used in the formation of glycogen Glycogen has a-1,4 links with a-1,6 links at branching points Glycogen synthase lengthens the chain, then there is a branching enzyme forms a-1,6 links Breakdown of glycogen: glycogen phosphorylase and a debranching enzyme Regulated steps are synthase and phosphorylase Addition of phosphate has an opposing effect on these 2 enzymes, it deactivates the synthase and activates the phosphorylase Key regulators insulin and glucagon
Citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
TCA occurs in mitochondria Pyruvate is converted to acetyl Co-A :pyruvate + CoA + NAD = acetyl Co-A + CO2 + NADH Acetyl Co-A enters the TCA cycle, where NADH, FADH and GTP are produced NADH and FADH are used in electron transport chain Oxydative phosphorylation occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane Electron transport chain generates a proton gradient across the membrane which is used to generate ATP
Fatty acid metabolism
Animals can not convert fat to glucose Triglycerol (3 fatty acid residues) main reservoir of fat Triglycerol is broken down by lipase in to 3 FA and glycerol Nomenclature of fatty acids: 2 different systems COOH group carbon is designated as delta carbon or the last carbon on the other end as omega carbon Fat is broken down in two units yelling acetyl Co-A which goes in to TCA cycle or production of ketone bodies During starvation ketone bodies are produced; can be used by the brain as a source of energy Fatty acid synthesis also occur in 2 carbon units, except in the first step malonyl Co-A is added Regulated step of the synthesis is acetyl Co-A to malonyl Co-A which uses biotin as a coenzyme
Cholesterol synthesis
Acetyl CoA + acetoacetylCoA = HMG CoA HMG-CoA + NADPH = melavonate + NADP this is the first commited step. Regulated by the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase Statin molecules inhibit this enzyme, statins are used in many cholesterol lowering drugs Cholesterol is used to make bile acids, biological membranes, steroid hormones and Vit.D Cholesterol in bile acids is secreted in the small intestine and later is reabsorbed, transported back to the liver and recycled LDL is a major cholesterol carrier, contains apoprotein ApoB which is specific for the liver cells After a cholesterol rich meal, liver cell contains a lot of cholesterol esters, which inhibits HMG reductase and down regulates LDL receptors on the liver cell membrane LDL enters liver cell by receptor mediated endocytosis Hypercholesterolemia can be caused by defect in the downregulation of HMG reductase by cholesterol in the liver cell Or due to downregulation of the LDL receptors in the liver which leads to high LDL levels in the blood High LDL in the blood causes LDL uptake by endothelial cells in the blood vessels as well as other tissues
Amino acid metabolism
Essential amino acids come from the diet Know what they are Precursors of a.a. synthesis: Oxaloacetate aspartate Pyruvate alanine Alpha keto glutarate glutamate 3 phosphoglycerate Transaminase enzyme acts in the transfer of the amino group to alpha ketoglutarate Tetrahydrofolate is used in one carbon units transfer Urea cycle BIOCHEMISTRY REVIEW (PART 2)
Hormones Tree chemically distinct classes of hormones: amino acids (or amine hormones), peptides and steroids peptides TRH,ACTH,ADH, insulin and glucagon Amines epinephrine and tyroxine Steroid cortisol, aldosterone, estradiol, testosterone,progesterone Steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol, so that inhibition of HMG-reductase by cholesterol lowering drugs can lead to inhibition of steroid production Another group are locally acting hormones like prostaglandins, leukotriens and thromboxanes Peptide hormones are fast acting, steroids are slow acting with long lasting effect Insulin is secreted as preproinsulin with a signal sequence at one end and c-peptide in the middle, it is proteolytically processed to form mature insulin Prostaglandin synthesis is inhibited by aspirin There are multiple isoforms of cyclooxygenase, aspirin inhibits all, including one that acts in the stomach to produce a type of prostaglandin responsible for mucus production, that is why aspirin is a stomach irritant New drug was developed that does not act on cyclooxygenase in the stomach lining
Hormone receptors
G-protein linked receptors Tyrosine kinase receptors Serine/Treonine receptors Steroid and thyroid hormone receptors in the nucleus Gs-protein adenylate cyclase c-AMP protein kinase A phosphorylates proteins Different effects in different cells: Ex: epinephrine binds to R in liver, everything to protein kinase A is the same, protein knase A in liver activates glycogen phosphorylase kinase, which activates glycogen phosphorylase and inhibits glycogen synthase; in smooth muscle protein kinase A acts on myosin light chain kinase inactivates myosin, causing relaxation. G-protein linked R have the same basic structure, all span the membrane 7 times Clinically relevant example: cholera toxin covallently modificates Gs protein by ADP ribosalating it which blocks its GTPase activity, so that G-protein stays constantly active Phosphodiesterase is responsible for the breakdown of c-AMP; caffeine inhibits phosphodiesterase Another type of G-protein is Gq protein Gq protein acts on phospholipase C which breaks down PIP2 (phosphoinositolpyrophosphate) in to IP3 (inositol tri phosphate) and DAG (diacylglycerol) IP3 and DAG are second messengers IP3 stimulates Ca release, Ca acts on Ca/calmoduline dependent protein kinase Calmoduline is a Ca binding domain in Ca dependent kinases Breakdown of IP3 is inhibited by lithium Tyrosine kinase R - growth factors, insulin Tyrosine kinase R phosphorylates itself after hormone binding Autophosphorylated tyrosine kinase R becomes a binding site for SH2 domain of proteins, a cascade follows which leads to activation of RAS protein RAS is a GTP binding protein In many cancers there is a mutation in RAS protein which prevents RAS from hydrolyzing back to GDP (inactive form) so that RAS is always on RAS activates RAF kinase kinase cascade stimulates cell growth Serine/Threonine kinases - receptors for bone morphogene proteins
Nucleic acid structure and synthesis
Nucleotide nitrogenous base, pentose, phosphate Nucleoside nitrogenous base and pentose Nucleotides building blocks for nucleic acids Genetic info is carried in the sequence of nitrogenous bases; two types of bases purines (A and G) and pyrimidines (C,T and U) A double bonds to T G triple bonds to C In RNA T is substituted by U DNA contains deoxyribose hydrogen atom instead of hydrogen group on carbon 2 Phosphate groups form the linkages between nucleotides 3`-5` phosphodiester linkage is the most common; binding always occurs in 5` to 3` direction DNA replication occurs by base paring DNA polymerase: Synthesis in 5` to 3` direction Uses antiparallel template Associated with proofreading enzymes Requires a primer short strand of RNA complementary to the template strand Helicase forces two parental strands of DNA to separate at the replication fork Topoisomerase unwinds 3-dimentional structure of DNA DNA gyrase winds up DNA to package more efficiently Synthesis of one of the daughter strands of DNA occurs continuously (leading strand) Other strand (lagging strand) is made in short fragments (Okazaki fragments) that are then joined together Okazaki fragments are also synthesized in the 5` to 3` direction
RNA polymerase Specific sequences in DNA act as start and stop sequences Promoter sequence binds RNA polymerase allows for start of transcription Steroid hormone receptor complexes bind to enchancer sequences on DNA which activate promoter sequences 3 steps : initiation, elongation, termination inhibitors of prokaryotic transcription: rifampin inhibits initiation actinomycin D blocks movement of RNA polymerase RNA is initially synthesized as a precursor molecule containing introns and exons Introns are spliced out Processing of the RNA includes 5` capping, polyadenylation and RNA splicing
Techniques in molecular biology
Restriction endonucleases are enzymes that recognize specific double-stranded sequences of DNA and cleave the DNA at the restriction site Know about hybridization techniques Sothern blot Nothern blot PCR polymerase chain reaction is used to multiply DNA fragments provided you have primer sequences
Protein synthesis
mRNA messenger RNA acts as a working copy of a gene coding for a protein rRNA component of ribosomes tRNA bring amino acids to the site of protein synthesis, they have anticodone region which is complementary to the codone of the mRNA tRNA`s react with amino acids at their 3` end Specific amino acyl synthesases attach amino acids to t RNA Start codone on the mRNA is AUG coding for methionine Translation factors are GTP binding proteins that bring amino acid tRNA complexes to ribosome Look at the table in the book for list of antibiotics that interfere with translation Dipthteria toxin - ADP ribosalates a GTP binding protein that is involved in translation , inhibiting translation
Signal sequences
Dolichol carrier for surgar molecules that are added to proteins in Goldgi
2020 The Essential Diets - All Diets in One Book - Ketogenic, Mediterranean, Mayo, Zone Diet, High Protein, Vegetarian, Vegan, Detox, Paleo, Alkaline Diet and Much More: COOKBOOK, #2
2020 The Essential Diets - All Diets in One Book - Ketogenic, Mediterranean, Mayo, Zone Diet, High Protein, Vegetarian, Vegan, Detox, Paleo, Alkaline Diet and Much More: COOKBOOK, #2