monopole antenna for ISM band applications is proposed.
The antenna has a simple structure with low profile and is placed on human tissues like Muscle, Fat and Skin. The designed antenna is made compatible for implantation by embedding it in a FR4. The proposed antenna is simulated with help of method of moments software IE3D by assuming the predetermined dielectric constant for the human muscle tissue, fat and skin. The antenna works in the short distance communication band (Electronic Communications Committee approved the frequency band - 688 MHz) and Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM Bands, 2.43GHz). Simulated maximum gains attain -18dBi and - 14.77dBi in the two desired frequency ranges, respectively. The return loss, VSWR, radiation pattern, Z-parameter and current distribution of these antennas were examined and characterized.
Index TermsISM Band (2.4 2.48 GHz), Coplanar Wave Guide Structure, Biomedical Applications.
I. INTRODUCTION The implantable antennas promise large improvements in patients care and quality of life. Pacemaker communication, glucose monitoring, endoscopy and insulin pumps are just a few examples of medical treatments that could take advantage of wireless control [1]. The Medical Implant Communication Service band (MICS, 401406 MHz) has been recently allocated to this purpose [2]. Among all the components necessary for implanted telemetry applications, the antenna plays a key role in obtaining robust communication. Modern technological advances in wireless networking, microelectronics integration and miniaturization, sensors, and the internet allow us to fundamentally modernize and change the way health care services are deployed and delivered. The range of medical devices being used on and into the human body are increasing rapidly and implanted device are of special interest in new sensing and monitoring device for healthcare. During the last few years there has been a significant increase in the number of wearable and implantable health monitoring devices, activity monitors and portable Holter monitors, to refined and expensive implantable devices. In most cases, implanted devices interface with the outside world in terms of both powering and telemetry. Powering is the delivery of useful energy to the implant from the external world in order to make it operate. Telemetry includes sensed
data transmission from the implanted device to an external one and vice versa [5].
The human body's effect on RF wave propagation is complicated by the fact that the body consists of components that each offers different degrees, and in some cases different types, of RF interaction. To erect a reliable wireless communication links from/to the human body, the body has to be characterized as a medium for wave propagation. To characterize the human body as a medium for radio frequency wave propagation, the electrical properties of the body tissues should be known for the frequency of interest. In this paper an implanted CPW fed slot monopole antenna for the human body medical device, their characteristics, and human body as a medium for radio frequency propagation at 2.43GHz are studied. All the results in this work were obtained with the Method of Moments by IE3D Simulator ver.15.
Fig. 1 shows the geometry of Implantable CPW-fed slot- monopole hybrid antenna for 688MHz and 2.43GHz dual- band biomedical applications. The antenna is printed on a 50 30 mm FR4 substrate with thickness of 1.6 mm and relative permittivity of 4.4. A 50 CPW transmission line of a signal strip width of 3mm, with a gap distance of 0.9mm between the strip width and the coplanar ground plane is used for feeding the antenna. L-shaped monopoles with slots are designed for dual-band biomedical operations.
Fig.1 Antenna Structure (All dimensions are in mm)
Implantable CPW fed Slot Monopole Antenna for Biomedical Applications
S. Ashok Kumar 1 and T. Shanmuganantham 2 1 Research Scholar, Department of Electronics Engineering, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry
Fig. 2 shows the simulated return loss against frequency with different monopole length. It is seen that dominantly affects the lower frequency. The lower band of the proposed antenna has an impedance bandwidth of 75 MHz (660735 MHz). Moreover, the upper band has an impedance bandwidth of 200MHz (22902490MHz), which is sufficient for the biomedical application.
Fig.2 Return Loss vs. Frequency B. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
The calculated 2:1 VSWR bandwidths cover a frequency range from 660 MHZ to 725MHz and 2.29GHz to 2.49GHz with a bandwidth of 75MHz and 200MHz respectively as shown in fig.3.
Fig.3 VSWR vs. Frequency C. Reflection Gain
Fig.4 shows simulated antenna gains against frequencies. The simulated gain of the lower band varies in a range of -18.99 to -18.51 dBi and upper band varies in a range of about -15.30 to -15.77 dBi. The result that the proposed antenna has larger gain in the high band is mainly because the antenna gain is a function of its electrical dimensions relative to the wavelength of interest, current/field distribution and radiation pattern.[3]
Fig.4 Reflection Gain vs. Frequency D. Effective Quality Factor
The effective quality factor is defined as the ratio of imaginary part of input impedance to the real part of input impedance. Im( ) Re( ) in eff in Z Q Z (1)
This definition leads to eff Q becomes zero at resonance. In this paper the quality factor of 688MHz and 2.43GHz is 0.51 and 0.08 respectively. The effective quality factor is shown in the fig.5.
2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research
Fig.5 Quality Factor vs. Frequency
E. 3D Current Distribution
Fig.6 shows 3D current / field distribution as shown. The green colour shows maximum current distribution in antenna structure.
Fig.6 3D Current Distribution
F. Radiation Pattern
Fig.7 and Fig.8 shows the simulated radiation pattern of elevation pattern and azimuth pattern at 688MHz and 2.43GHz respectively. At low band, the radiation pattern is obtained in the E-Plane and a nearly omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H-plane.
Fig.7(a) Elevation Pattern at 2.43GHz
Fig.7(b) Azimuth Pattern at 2.43GHz
2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research
Fig.8(a) Elevation Pattern at 688MHz
Fig.8(b) Azimuth Pattern at 688MHz
An implantable CPW fed slot monopole antenna for biomedical applications is presented. The proposed antenna was analyzed by mentor graphics software. The antenna occupies a surface area of 3 50 30 1.6mm and has a impedance bandwidth of 1.07% and 8.33% of frequency at 688MHz and 2.43GHz within 2:1 VSWR. The antenna simulated results of lower return loss (-12dB and -25dB for 688MHz and 2.43GHz respectively), better impedance matching (around 50) and maximum gain -18dBi and 14.7dBi for 688MHz and 2.43GHz respectively. It should be noted that while a homogeneous tissue model is sufficient for a basic design, a more realistic model of the human body will give more exact representation of the actual operating scenario. In future, experiments will be conducted to validate these numerical calculations.
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2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research