ST Joseph's Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College

School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

Page 2 of 13 08/09/2014

Priority 1: Achievement to work towards all pupil achievement becoming outstanding by establishing the highest standards and
performance of all
Objective Strategy
Lead Success Criteria
Evaluation / Monitoring
of progress
1.1 Improve attainment

1.1.1 Aim to ensure grades are at least in line or
above targets at KS4 and monitor them against
national average
Sep 15 PA Specified subjects to match national
average 2014 and 2015
Post Trawl reports to SLT link
1.1.2 Departmental targets to be set in DDPs and
agreed with SLink
Sep 15 PA
Deptal targets met exceeded 2014
results and at least in line or above FFT

1.1.3 continue with online data tracking system,
add separate Food and Workshop data columns.
Food and Workshop to report individual grades 6
times a year. End of KS3 combined score.
Intervention record as per school, PA to intervene,
report on and analyse impact of interventions
following data trawls
Sep 15 PA and
SISRA used effectively and
interventions analysed and reported
SLinks to learn of the impact of
SLT will have reports on data
1.2 Improve pupil progress
across all year groups and all
sub-groups / gap-groups
including Pupil Premium and the
most able
Department to develop rigorous procedures to
analyse pupil progress and intervene where
necessary. Continued development of existing
Create end of unit tests to monitor student KU of
projects ideally on-line using Google forms and
Sept 15 whole
Successful interventions and deptal
Post Trawl reports to SLT
1.3 The standards of attainment
of almost all groups of pupils are
likely to be at least in line with
national averages with many
pupils attaining above this.
1.3.1 Set challenging targets
Accuracy in predictions meeting actuals (and
targets) at KS4
To be monitored each trawl
Sep 15 whole

1.3.2 Progress of pupils from each sub-level,
intervening where necessary.
DepSEF to track this, and discussions with SLinks
Sep 15 whole

1.4 Pupils make rapid and
sustained progress throughout
KSs3&4 data to be analysed to show % meeting and
exceeding targets issues to be addressed when
Sep 15 whole
St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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year groups and learn
exceptionally well.
they arise. Learning exceptionally well LObs LWs
1.5 The achievement and
progress of pupil premium
pupils at least matches that of
other pupils in the school or has
risen rapidly, including in English
and mathematics.
Focus on gap between non-PP and PP pupils in all
classes to ensure a diminishing gap (if one exists),
and make appropriate interventions where this is
not the case.
HLTA and other support to be focused on PP pupils.

Sep 15 whole

1.6 The learning of groups of
pupils, particularly those who
are disabled, have special
educational needs, those for
whom the pupil premium
provides support, and the most
able is consistently good or
HoD to analyse every gap group (SEN PP MAb
Gender ..) post-trawls to demonstrate impact of all
efforts to ensure effective interventions for best
progress and attainment of all

Sep 15 PA
1.7 Pupils read widely, and often
across all subjects to a high
Implementation of schools literacy policy with
support of all department team
Dept must incorporate reading into SoWs
Sep 15 whole

1.8 RWCM Pupils develop and
apply a wide range of skills to
great effect in reading, writing,
communication and
mathematics. They are
exceptionally well prepared for
the next stage in their
education, employment or
training (EET).
Audit provision across school through LObs LWs
and identify areas to develop/improve RWCM
Ensure dept is satisfied that we do all possible to
prepare for next stage in EET

Sep 15 PA and

St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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1.9 Replace NC Levels with
suitable alternative
Review target setting protocols, while looking at
replacement of NC Levels
Sep 2015
1.10 Dept to be more incisive
with intervention (and monitor
impact of this work to establish
best practice patterns)
Improve and monitor more closely the process of
departmental interventions,
Evidence of actions and monitoring,
with improved progress with the
pupils involved

1.11 Interventions across school
to be improved. Dept to liaise
with Student Support / Raising
attainment and Achievement for
CA to oversee specific flexible intervention
according to prioritised need, liaising with E/M
Jan 2015 PA
Gaps and underachievement

St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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Priority 2: Teaching and Learning that all learning experiences are of the highest quality
Objective Strategy
Lead Success Criteria
Evaluation / Monitoring
(a record of progress so far and
date of report to SLT / Govs)
2.1 Much of the teaching in all
key stages and most subjects is
outstanding and never less than
consistently good. As a result,
almost all pupils currently on
roll in the school, including
disabled pupils, those who have
special educational needs, those
for whom the pupil premium
provides support and the most
able, are making rapid and
sustained progress.

Lesson observations to implement new lesson
observation Proforma and training in its use with
staff. Observations will continue to take place at
three points in the year. Lessons no longer judged
so it will become increasingly important to judge
the whole work of a teacher (Work scrutiny,
learning walks, lesson objectives, and performance
data) when judging the quality of teaching.
Feedback from observations and the sharing of
good practice significant in developing the quality
of teaching.
Department will make a judgement on their
department as part of the DepSEF document.
Sep 15 whole
All lessons to be judged as mostly
positive with any areas for
improvement to be acted on by
teacher in collaboration with
HoD and other relevant staff

2.2 All teachers have
consistently high expectations
of all pupils. They plan and
teach lessons that enable pupils
to learn exceptionally well
across the curriculum, by
providing appropriate challenge
to all pupils, particularly the
most able.

Lesson observations three points in the year,
supported by work scrutiny at regular intervals, will
monitor the expectations of staff and lessons they
teach. Challenge will continue to form the basis
of department work and CPD in the coming year.
Sep 15 whole

2.3 Teachers use well-judged
and often imaginative teaching
strategies, including setting
appropriate homework that,
together with clearly directed
and timely support and
intervention, match individual
needs accurately. Consequently,
pupils learn exceptionally well
Monitoring of Lesson observations as well as the
whole work of a teacher (Work scrutiny, learning
walks, lesson objectives, and performance data)
used to monitor imaginative teaching strategies.
Sharing of good practice through CPD.
Department to monitor and evaluate practice in
relation to homework that is individual and
matches pupils needs.
Sep 15 whole

St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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across the curriculum.

2.4 To develop homework tasks
that together with clearly and
timely support and intervention,
match individual needs
accurately. Consequently, pupils
learn exceptionally well across
the curriculum
Agree frequency and timings of homework tasks
that should be independent, and supporting
individuals needs, particularly the most able
July 2015 GH and
dept will have an agreed number of
homework tasks that meet the
objective in the SIP
Three points in the year SLink
discusses with HoD progress on
this area
2.5 Provide challenge to all
Develop strategies and approaches that allow for
challenge for all pupils in all lessons
GH and
Department will be able to
demonstrate that they have
provided challenge for all pupils
through the development of the
teaching and learning in their
department, and the sharing of good
Three points in the year SLink
discusses with HoD progress on
this area
Department to take part in the
sharing good practice events and
to seek appropriate training to
extend and enhance personal
2.6 Independent Learning To develop a whole-school approach to
independent learning
Contribute to a set of resources for
school and teachers that
demonstrates the schools approach
to independent learning that staff
can use. Expected that staff use
these various methods.

2.7 Appraisal Target focused on teaching and learning Sept/Oct
each teacher to have a target that
addresses an element of teaching
and learning that they are to
develop in the course of the year ,
and ideally share best practice in for
the school.

2.8 - Ensuring that the work in
lessons is always adapted well
to offer appropriate challenge
to all pupils, particularly the
most able
All lessons should include planning and resources
for all abilities to ensure that all students are able
to make progress and stretch no matter their
starting point.

2.9 Promote independent
Giving pupils more responsibility
Aim to introduce more peer assessment / marking.
Ensure use of RAG and progress monitoring within
Sep 14
PA and
Learning walks and lesson obs show
more peer assessment /marking
Report to SLink
St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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for their own learning by always
giving clear criteria for success
in lessons, so that they can
assess for themselves how well
they are doing
Develop use of SIT stickers as appropriate.
2.10 Staff meeting standards

Focusing more clearly on the
impact of teaching on learning
when observing lessons to
enable all staff to promote
better learning and progress
2.10.1 Calendared and focused lesson
observations, trawls, learning walks and work
scrutinies (see SIPAAD for dates) with reviews and
subsequent necessary actions
all year
PA and
Evident in SIPAAD. Results and
findings of lesson observations etc
Report to SLink
2.10.2 Monitor and ensure effective use of TAs
(CH,CAS) throughout the department.
all year PA
Improved use of TAs, identified
pupils progress improved. Share
best practice. Work sampling.

2.11 Develop and embed the
use of School IP
Use School IP for appraisal and all relevant uses. From
Sep 13
PA CPD appraisals and reviews September 2013 onwards
2.11.2 Used by all staff Oct 13 PA All staff using School IP to record
CPD, work on Appraisal targets and
Lesson Observations

2.12 Best practice in marking
and feedback (Literacy and AfL)
2.12.1 Monitoring that Whole-School Literacy
Policy is embedded in all student documentation
where appropriate. Creation of subject specific
literacy mats to be extended to KS4 and revision
Sep 13
PA All to work on ensuring any new or
modified student documentation
has literacy at heart. To include
literacy marking margins, keywords
and ensure marking includes correct
marking procedures as per School
Report to SLT and Gov *** cttee
in Autumn term
2.12.2 Continued development of AfL in all
documentation and lessons where appropriate. to
be monitored so that quality feedback is having
an impact on the learning and progress of pupils.
Allow reflection time when handing back work to
students and planning of lesson objectives for each

Sep 13
PA monitoring demonstrates quality
feedback and this is shared as good
Lesson observations, work
scrutiny and learning walks
2.13 Appropriate use of
2.13.1 Homework procedures departmental
homework process to provide challenge in tasks
creation of homework booklets separate to lesson
project booklets that build on related theory and
Sept 13
PA To work as a team to build up a set
of homework booklets identifying
core knowledge and then
developing approx. 18 homework
Lesson observations, work
scrutiny and learning walks
St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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under pin essential Knowledge required for success
at KS4
tasks per year.
2.13.2 Monitor and develop effectiveness of
Sep 13
PA Homework monitoring to appear monitoring and scrutiny

2.14 Ensure best practice in use
of questioning across the school
2.14.1 to continue to develop questioning
Oct 13
PA Lesson judgements on questioning

Priority 3: Leadership and management standards and performance are at the highest level
Objective Strategy
Lead Success Criteria
Evaluation / Monitoring
(a record of progress so far and
date of report to SLT / Govs)
3.1 to ensure that department
uses and shares excellent
policies underpinning practice
that ensures that pupils have
high levels of literacy, or pupils
are making excellent progress in

We need measurable outcomes to show the
impact-what will they be?
Our whole school approach to literacy marking will
be continued with evidence seen through work
scrutinies, Learning walks, and lesson observations.


3.11 Staff model professional
standards in all of their work
and demonstrate high levels of
respect and courtesy for pupils
and others.
Application of issues raised in TRs presentation to
staff outlining expectations made in September
Learning walks/seeing staff on duty and Lesson
observations will provide a regular source of data.

St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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3.12 To ensure the
departments curriculum
promotes and sustains a thirst
for knowledge and a love of
learning. It covers a wide range
of subjects and provides
opportunities for academic,
technical and sporting
excellence. It has a very positive
impact on all pupils behaviour
and safety, and contributes very
well to pupils academic
achievement, their physical well
being, and their spiritual, moral,
social and cultural development.

Research to develop current curriculum further to
ensure broadest and most relevant provision, which
is best for all of our pupils and puts us in the best
place with local providers
Continue to improve curriculum that enables pupils
to achieve their best grades
Department to consider provision to ensure that all
courses are the most beneficial/relevant to our

3.13 Scholastic -Culture (Ofsted)

Need to create a culture which
promotes academic excellence.

The department will be challenged to review our
teaching areas to ensure they visibly a sense of
high challenge; high expectations; high

A member of the SLT will have responsibility for
ensuring that the physical environment of the
school projects a scholastic culture.

All Senior Team links will be required to ensure that
high challenge; high expectations; high aspirations
permeate ALL dept documents/SOW/Appraisal

A member of the SLT will have specific
responsibility for ensuring that the school offers a
wide range of extracurricular
opportunities/challenges/experiences for all pupils.
We will conduct an audit of current provision as a
Oct 2015
and then

PA and
Physical evidence around the school
and in classrooms.

Feedback from SLT links

We will keep a data base showing
which pupils have /are participating.

St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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first step.
3.4 Develop school
improvement planning to ensure
more rapid and sustained
All staff to provide evidence of school improvement
through the appraisal process and directly linked to
the SEF, SIP, DDPs and production of ADRs
Sep 13
PA School IP will show a variety of staff
Appraisal reviews and completion
and involvement in completing
DDP objectives by all members of
D&T dept.

Priority 4: Behaviour and Safety that all pupils attend school regularly and behave according to expectations
and SMSC
Objective Strategy
Lead Success Criteria
Evaluation / Monitoring
(a record of progress so far and
date of report to SLT / Govs)
4.1 Behaviour management is
SIMS Behaviour/Reward logs need to be effective &
consistent use (with follow up monitoring and
Sep 13 PA All staff consistently using SIMs for
rewards & sanctions
SIMs Data
SLT Observation

4.2 Rewards (to celebrate
achievement) and sanctions (to
support Behaviour for Learning
Aim to improve use of rewards through the use of
merit stickers, postcards and HoD award stickers.

Sep 13
PA Carrot rewards identifies consistent
use of rewards by all members of
SIMs Data
SLT Observation

Priority 5: D&T specific development plans extra to SIP priorities
Objective Strategy
Lead Success Criteria
Evaluation / Monitoring

5.1 to ensure that we are
coherent and following any new
5.1 At present the new PofS is vague and not clear

Dec 2014 PA All staff consistently using new Pof S
to inform planning
Attendance if required of training
to inform of new Pof S
St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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PofS from the government
5.2 to ensure that we are
coherent and following any new
PofS from exam boards
5.2 to ensure that we are clear of any exam board
requirements and receive up to date training on
Dec 2014 PA All staff consistently using new Pof S
to inform planning
Attendance if required of training
to inform of new Pof S

5.3 develop new technologies
5.3 new proposed PofS for D&T highlights use of 3D
printing we currently have no facility for this.
Laser cutting also a priority most local schools
have laser equipment we are behind in this due to
PA To aim to raise awareness to SLT of
need for newer technologies for
dept and ideally to seek funding to
allow for purchase and training of
suitable equipment
Update July 2014
commitment to invest in Laser
cutter given. To be researched
further and ordered asap in
Autumn term 2014.
5.4 develop specific scheme of
work for Robotics and KNEX
5.3 new robotics and KNEX still have no direct Sof
W needed in order to justify larger purchase price
Sof W in place for Sept 2014 for
robotics and KNEX

In addition to the above there are a few extra issues that the D&T department need to develop:

The following are not in any priority order.
What is my GCSE document to parents to all GCSE subjects and ideally for each year -
student survey of projects to enable planning - across all year groups - online result
Monday meetings - NOT optional
homework - develop standard homework booklets that link to projects and KS4 theory to embed knowledge.
End of unit tests linked to homework and theory work that can be used again at KS4
STEM afterschool clubs -(the curriculum is enriched and enhanced in meaningful ways through excellent links forged with other agencies, industry
and the wider community)
Develop SofW for Robotics and KNEX
3D printing
develop independent working
ensure up to date specialist knowledge
develop students ability to teamwork and give presentations
develop students initiative and independence
ensure accurate monitoring of levels and the intervention - develop rigorous procedures to analyse pupil progress and intervene where necessary
ensure accuracy of predictions at KS3 and GCSE
to develop and embed peer assessment and peer marking
lessons observations
self assessment of lessons - staff
learning walks
St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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monitor use of TAs
use of AfL - ensure quality feedback is given - ensure literacy marking scheme and use of stamps and written targets used - SIT method.
SIT means: Strengths, Improvements, Targets
aim to ensure use of BYOD is used where relevant
ensure website is up to date, informative and appealing
embed and develop rewards policy - use of merits, postcards home, HoD stickers
ensure uniform applied and consistent - extend to LLD, mobile devices, punctuality, homework and personal equipment
CPD time - What do we need next year?
effective questioning

Expectations that we all need to do from September
Monday meetings - NOT optional
homework - develop standard homework booklets that link to projects and KS4 theory to embed knowledge - each will be given key areas to
develop -
End of unit tests linked to homework and theory work that can be used again at KS4 - each will be given areas to develop
literacy sheets and specific language on worksheets - key words
embed use of RAG toblerones in all lessons - part of whole school ABC
develop independent working
ensure up to date specialist knowledge
develop students ability to teamwork and give presentations
develop students initiative and independence
ensure accurate monitoring of levels and the intervention - develop rigorous procedures to analyse pupil progress and intervene where necessary
ensure accuracy of predictions at KS3 and GCSE
to develop and embed peer assessment and peer marking
self assessment of lessons - staff
monitor use of TAs
use of AfL - ensure quality feedback is given - ensure literacy marking scheme and use of stamps and written targets used
ensure website is up to date, informative and appealing
embed and develop rewards policy - use of merits, postcards home, HoD stickers
ensure uniform applied and consistent - extend to LLD, mobile devices, punctuality, homework and personal equipment
effective questioning

St Josephs Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015

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Whole dept co-operation
student survey of projects to enable planning - across all year groups - online result
homework - develop standard homework booklets that link to projects and KS4 theory to embed knowledge.
End of unit tests linked to homework and theory work that can be used again at KS4
STEM afterschool clubs -(the curriculum is enriched and enhanced in meaningful ways through excellent links forged with other agencies, industry
and the wider community)
Develop SofW for Robotics and KNEX
3D printing
ensure accurate monitoring of levels and the intervention - develop rigorous procedures to analyse pupil progress and intervene where necessary
ensure accuracy of predictions at KS3 and GCSE
to develop and embed peer assessment and peer marking
lessons observations peer assesments
self assessment of lessons - staff
learning walks
monitor use of TAs
use of AfL - ensure quality feedback is given - ensure literacy marking scheme and use of stamps and written targets used
aim to ensure use of BYOD is used where relevant
ensure website is up to date, informative and appealing
embed and develop rewards policy - use of merits, postcards home, HoD stickers
ensure uniform applied and consistent - extend to LLD, mobile devices, punctuality, homework and personal equipment
CPD time - What do we need next year?
effective questioning

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