Annotated Sample Sip 2008-2009

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School Name: Sample School Name of Principal: Dr. S. Sample Please check all applicable boxes below:
Needs Improvement: Whole School: Subgroup Reading: Subgroup Mathematics: Title I: X Year 1 Reading Year 2 Year 3

School District: Sample District Current School Year: 2008-2009

Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Participation Black X Black Hispanic Hispanic X Economically Disadvantaged Economically Disadvantaged White White


X Students with Disabilities X English Language Learners X Students with Disabilities English Language Learners Schoolwide Program X Targeted Assistance

Principals Signature: Superintendents Signature:

Date: Date:

School Vision/Mission: The mission of Sample School is to empower all members to be life long learners, provide a safe and nurturing learning environment, celebrate diversity, demonstrate mutual respect between and among adults and children, and value parents and community members as partners in the process of educating the whole child. The school data team authored this plan and will be the body ultimately responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan. Its members include representatives from the central office, school and community: Central Office Representatives Assistant Superintendent Director of Curriculum and Instruction Director of Special Education School Administration & Staff Principal Assistant Principal Grade 1 Teacher Grade 3 Teacher Grade 5 Teacher English language learners teacher Special education teacher Paraprofessional Community Representatives Parent Parent Community member Specify responsibilities of the LEA, including technical assistance

Parents/guardians are part of the planning and decision making process

GOALS: 1. Increase reading proficiency for students in all grades by a minimum of 10% as measured by CMT 2011. 2. Increase mathematics proficiency for students in all grades by a minimum of 10% as measured by CMT 2011.

No more than 3-5 measurable goals that are specific and measurable

3. Increase parental and community engagement in the educational process by a minimum of 10% annually as measured by participation in academic school events. 4. Ensure a safe and secure learning environment where all members are respected as measured by an annual 10% decrease in office referrals.

SUBGROUP OBJECTIVES: 1a. Increase reading proficiency in Economically Disadvantaged students subgroup by a minimum of 20% as measured by CM 2011. 1b. Increase reading proficiency in Students with Disabilities subgroup by a minimum of 20 % as measured by CMT 2011. 1c. Increase reading proficiency in English Language Learners subgroup by a minimum of 20% as measured by CMT 2011. 2a. Increase mathematics proficiency in Black students subgroup by a minimum of 20% as measured by CMT 2011. 2b. Increase mathematics proficiency in English Language Learners subgroup by a minimum of 20% as measured by CMT 2011.

Targets for each of the groups of students identified in disaggregated data

SAMPLE SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2008 2011 GOAL 1: Increase reading proficiency for students in all grades by a minimum of 10% as measured by CMT 2011. OBJECTIVE 1a: Increase reading proficiency in Economically Disadvantaged students subgroup by a minimum of 20% as measured by CMT 2011. OBJECTIVE 1b: Increase reading proficiency in Students with Disabilities subgroup by a minimum of 20 % as measured by CMT 2011. OBJECTIVE 1c: Increase reading proficiency in English Language Learners subgroup by a minimum of 20% as measured by CMT 2011. Identified Need(s) Tier 2 Indicator School Strategies How will we monitor and Additional Skills, (adult action(s) that will provide evidence of Knowledge and Support impact student implementation and (Professional Development) achievement) effectiveness? CMT 08 Reading Whole School % Proficient or Above Gr. 3 81 Gr. 4 80 Gr. 5 82 CMT 08 Reading Subgroup = Free/Reduced Lunch % Proficient or Above Gr. 3 56 Gr. 4 67 Gr. 5 62 CMT 08 Reading - 100% teachers (general education, special education, English language learners, special area), student support staff and administrators will participate in the data team process. Provides evidence of disaggregated data analysis and identifies targets for identified subgroups Identifies actions that have greatest likelihood of improving achievement of students in identified subgroups New Strategies: - Set short term reading goals in all grade level data teams - Provide time for grade level data team meetings (including SPED and ELL teachers) to meet twice a month for 45 minute sessions - Implement district protocols for data team meetings - Give language arts common formative assessment to all new students who enter during the school Principal/Designee Will: - Regularly review grade level data team meeting minutes - Disseminate data regarding reading skills to each grade level data team by the first week of September through the school data team - Collect results monthly of common formative assessments that assess reading skills and ensure that the school data team Provide All Staff with Professional Development In and For: - Data-Driven Decision Making/Data Teams Professional Development is highly focused and aligned to goals and strategies - Mentoring for new teachers - Common Formative

Subgroup = Special Education % Proficient or Above Gr. 3 - 32 Gr. 4 - 44 Gr. 5 45 CMT 08 Reading Subgroup = English Language Learners % Proficient or Above Gr. 3 - 19 Gr. 4 21 Gr. 5 33

- Align school goals to district benchmarks - Align IEPs to grade level performance expectations - Implement Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Incorporates mentoring program for new teachers - Differentiate instruction to accommodate diverse student learners Continuation Strategies: - Reading portfolio review to assess progress and inform instruction - Mentor new teachers Incorporates scientifically research-based strategies - 90 minute literacy block that includes learning stations focused on phonological awareness, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary and oral language - Continue to develop classroom libraries that include multicultural and non-fiction texts - Continue to implement

sets short-term goals for all students and subgroups


- Effective Teaching - Attend and participate in Strategies for English grade level data team Language Learners meetings on a rotating basis - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol - Review lesson plans biweekly to ensure alignment with standards and district reading curriculum and use of Clearly reflects SIOP strategies how, when and by whom - Observe lessons to implementation of ensure that differentiation strategies will be is occurring monitored and measured - Monitor use of culturally relevant Effective Teaching Strategies and Effective Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners Teachers Will: - Administer, collect and analyze formative reading assessment results every month - Use data to set short

Effective Teaching Strategies, with an emphasis on differentiation

term learning goals (2 to 4 weeks) and related instructional plans - Participate in grade level data team meetings twice a month to review student achievement data from common assessments - Rotate duties of convening and facilitating data teams - Agree on ground rules for meetings - Maintain a classroom data wall highlighting student achievement data and the instructional strategies that impacted results - Implement instructional accommodations and modifications in alignment with the IEP

Clearly reflects how, when and by whom student achievement will be monitored and will be monitored and measured


2008 2011 GOAL 2: Increase mathematics proficiency for students in all grades by a minimum of 10% as measured by CMT 2011. OBJECTIVE 2a: Increase mathematics proficiency in Black subgroup by a minimum of 20% as measured by CMT 2011. OBJECTIVE 2b: Increase mathematics proficiency in English Language Learners subgroup by a minimum of 20% as measured by CMT 2011. Identified Need Tier 2 Indicator School Strategies How will we monitor and Additional Skills, provide Knowledge and Support evidence of (Professional Development) implementation and effectiveness? CMT 08 Math Whole School % Proficient or Above Gr. 3 - 75 Gr. 4 - 77 Gr. 5 82 CMT 08 Math Subgroup = Special Education % Proficient or Above Gr. 3 56 Gr. 4 49 Gr. 5 9 CMT 08 Math Subgroup = Black % Basic/Below Basic Gr. 3- 30 Gr. 4 32 Gr. 5 40 71% at AYP - 100% of teachers will plan and implement lessons that are aligned with district Power Standards, culturally relevant and differentiated to accommodate the needs of diverse learners New Strategies: - Set math short term learning goals in all grade level data teams Principal/Designee Will: - Disseminate data regarding math skills to each grade level data team by the first week of - Develop a lesson plan template September through the that connects lesson plans to school data team Power Standards and addresses need to differentiate for diverse - Collect results monthly learners of common formative assessments that assess - Require inter-disciplinary math skills and ensure that performance assessments in the school data team sets every classroom once a marking short-term goals for all period students and subgroups - Align school goals to district benchmarks - Align IEPs to grade level performance expectations Activities before school, after school and extension of school year - Provide extended learning - Conduct weekly walkthroughs to monitor teaching to standards and implementation of lesson plans - Provide feedback to Provide All Staff with Professional Development in and for: - Making Standards Work - Inclusion and co-teaching - Culturally relevant instruction, opportunities and materials Addresses professional development needs of staff as related to cause of identification and clearly identifies targeted audience

Addresses fundamental teaching and learning needs of specific academic problems of low achieving students

- Best practices for all staff in

74% Needed 3% Shortfall

opportunities before/after school and during the summer based on student need - Provide culturally relevant instruction - Give math common formative assessment to all new students who enter during the school - Differentiate instruction to accommodate diverse student learners Continuation Strategies: - Utilize constructivist approach to instruction, emphasizing the appropriate use of manipulatives

faculty regarding walkthrough observations and plan professional development accordingly Teachers Will: - Utilize new lesson plan format and implement quarterly performance based assessments - Implement instructional accommodations and modifications in alignment with the IEP - Identify students who require extended learning opportunities through data team process

teaching English Language Learners - Overview of IDEA 2004 provided by LEA, including IEP process and expectations for all teachers in implementing accommodations and modifications

Address the fundamental teaching and learning needs in the school

- Incorporate non-fiction writing into math lessons daily - Administer, collect and analyze math assessment - Embed open-ended response results every month questions - Use data to set short - Daily oral math review term learning goals (2-4 weeks) and related instructional plans


2008 2011 GOAL 3: Increase parental and community engagement in the educational process by a minimum of 10% annually as measured by participation in academic school events. Identified Need Tier 2 Indicator School Strategies How will we monitor and Additional Skills, provide Knowledge and Support evidence of (Professional Development) implementation and effectiveness? All parents are not engaged in assisting school to meet academic goals - 100% of staff will provide multiple opportunities for parents to become involved in school activities in various ways New Strategies: - Convene a Community Engagement Committee to establish baseline data regarding parent/community involvement - Survey parents/community members regarding engagement, involvement, etc. - Community Engagement Committee will monitor and assess communications between school and home Include strategies to promote effective parent/guardian involvement - Hire a family liaison that is bilingual and will assume volunteer coordination responsibilities - Community Engagement Committee will host three events throughout the school year: community night, literacy night, math night to promote Principal/Designee Will: - Serve on Community Engagement Committee - Assist with development of initial involvement survey - Communicate school policies and resources at Open House Night Teachers Will: - Contact all student families by phone within the first month of school - Record all parent meetings, contacts, emails and phone calls in a binder for review by school - Participate in school survey efforts Provide All Staff with Professional Development in and for: - Involving parents as partners in school Provide staff with training on promoting effective parental involvement - Community outreach and communication

parental/community involvement Continuation Strategies: - Translate all communications into every language found in student homes - Advertise all school events to student families through automatic phone system - Publish a school newsletter twice a year that is available in every language found in student homes

- Ensure at least one positive contact with all student homes twice a year


GOAL 4: Ensure a safe and secure learning environment where all members are respected as measured by a 10% annual decrease in office referrals. Identified Need Tier 2 Indicator School Strategies How will we monitor and Additional Skills, provide Knowledge and Support evidence of (Professional Development) implementation and effectiveness? - There are students who are missing instructional time because they are not in class - 100% of faculty and staff will participate in the review, development and implementation of school climate improvement campaign New Strategies: - Establish a School Climate Committee charged with the review and revision of schoolwide rules and conduct, facilitation of periodic climate assessments, collating the data, scheduling of professional development, reporting to entire faculty staff and evaluating efficacy of school climate campaign - Implement Positive Behavior Supports as a student management system All staff will track classroom and office referrals and review in data teams (grade level and school data teams) - Ensure that every student has an adult in school that they perceive to be their advocate Continuation Strategies: Principal/Designee Will: - Participate on the School Climate Committee - Facilitate the process of conducting school climate assessments through the year for students, faculty/staff and parents - Model respectful behavior in interactions with all school community members Teachers Will: - Implement school-wide rules and code of conduct and manage classroom disciplinary issues - Participate, as requested, on School Climate Committee - Model respectful behavior in interactions Provide All Staff with Professional Development in and for: - Positive Behavior Supports - School Climate Improvement including principles, practices and strategies necessary for creating physically, emotionally and intellectually safe and respectful school - School-wide book reading on relevant topics (i.e. school connectedness, character education, service learning, creating emotionally safe schools, etc.)

- Monitor attendance and tardiness of students - Include component in report card informing parents/guardians of student behavior and social skills development - Conduct periodic school assemblies reminding students about respectful behavior and equitable treatment for all

with all school community members - Intervene and respond as appropriate to every incident of disrespectful behavior

Connecticut State Department of Education Addendum to School and District Improvement Plans for Technical or Other Assistance Provided by the CSDE to Meet the Requirements of Sec. 1116 of NCLB
(This addendum must be attached to all school and district improvement plans) The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) will support the school and district improvement process through the Connecticut Accountability for Learning Initiative (CALI). The initiative will serve as a professional development vehicle and will: focus on the district as the primary change agent; create a culture of professional learning communities in schools, districts and the state; differentiate support based on individual district and school needs; and increase student achievement for all students.

The CSDE will provide technical assistance to districts and schools who have been identified as in need of improvement. This support will be provided by the CSDE in conjunction with: Regional Education Service Centers (RESCs); State Education Resource Center (SERC); Cambridge Education; Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS); and The Leadership and Learning Center. The following types of support will be provided to district and school-level improvement teams, with priority given to Title I schools and districts identified as in need of improvement: telephone technical assistance; site visits; guidance in the development and implementation of improvement plans; professional development focused on accountability for student learning, data-driven decision-making, implementation of data teams, understanding standards, aligning standards instruction and assessment, effective teaching strategies and common formative assessments; on-site job-embedded professional development, follow-up and support; and coaching for principals and superintendents. The CSDE and the Bureau of School and District Improvement shall coordinate communication between all stakeholders, the schools, districts, RESCs and SERC while working to unify school and district improvement efforts in the state. Revised 8/08

2008-09 School Improvement Plan Feedback Form Connecticut State Department of Education School: Sample School Date: September 15, 2008

Please complete this check list prior to submitting a school improvement plan for approval. School improvement plans must have evidence of each of the following elements:
Data Analysis evidence that plan is based on analysis of data of subgroups Annual Measurable Achievement specific measurable achievement goals* targets for each of the groups of students identified in disaggregated data* no more than 3-5 goals Strategies & Actions incorporate scientifically based research strategies* identify actions that have greatest likelihood of improving achievement of participating children* Monitoring and Measuring clearly reflects how, when and by whom implementation of strategies will be monitored and measured clearly reflects how, when and by whom student achievement will be monitored and measured Core Academic Subjects address the fundamental teaching & learning needs in the schools* address the fundamental teaching & learning needs of specific academic problems of low achieving students* Professional Development addresses professional development needs of instructional staff as related to the cause of identification* commitment to not less than 10% of funds received under subpart 2 for each fiscal year identified for improvement (for Title 1 districts only)* is highly focused and aligned to goals and strategies clearly identifies the targeted audience and outcomes for each professional development _X__ Evident _____ Not Evident

_X__ Evident _X__ Evident _X__ Evident _X__ Evident X _ Evident

_____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident

_ X _ Evident _X __ Evident

_____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident

__X_ Evident __X__ Evident

_____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident

__X__ Evident __X__ Evident __X__ Evident __X__ Evident

_____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident

Specify Responsibility of LEA and State specify responsibilities of State, including technical assistance* (this form is included in the Connecticut School and District Improvement Guide, available online at: specify responsibilities of LEA, including technical assistance* Strategies for Parent/Guardian Involvement include strategies to promote effective parent/guardian involvement* parents/guardians are part of the planning and decision making process* training for staff is included* Activities Before, School, After School, and Extensions of School Year, as appropriate* activities before school activities after school activities during the summer extension of school year Teacher Mentoring incorporates a teacher mentoring program

__X__ Evident __X__ Evident

_____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident

__X__ Evident __X__ Evident __X__ Evident

_____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident _____ Not Evident

__X__ Evident

_____ Not Evident

__X__ Evident

_____ Not Evident

* indicates school improvement plan requirement by No Child Left Behind Act

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