Business Application Programming Interface: Compiled by Y R Nagesh 1
Business Application Programming Interface: Compiled by Y R Nagesh 1
Business Application Programming Interface: Compiled by Y R Nagesh 1
Business Application Programming Interface
Compiled by Y R Nagesh 2
What is BAPI
A Business Application Programming Interface is a
precisely defined interface providing access process
and data in Business Applications Systems Such as
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Benefits of BAPI
Can be used in diverse languages / Development Environments
(ABAP, Visual Basic, Java, C++, etc.)
Can be called from diverse platforms (COM, CORBA, Unix)
Reduced development cost
Reduced maintenance cost
Best-of-both-worlds approach
Rich functionality of the R/3 system
User-specific front-ends
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Where BAPIs can be used
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Return Code Information
Usually a structure, sometimes a table
Data dictionary structures used
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BAPI Return Structure
Type Message type
blank or " S" =Success
" E" =Error
" W" =Warning
" I" =Information
" A" =Abort
Message Message text
Log_No Application Log Number
Log_Msg_No Application Log Message Serial Number
Message_V1 - V4 Message variables
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SAP transactions
BAPI Business Object Browser (BAPIs only)
SWO1 Business Object Builder (all objects)
SWO2 Business Object Browser (all objects)
SE11 Data Dictionary
SE37 Function Builder
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J CO Overview
High-performance JNI-based middleware
Support R/3 3.1H and higher.
Supports inbound and outbound calls.
Supports client pooling.
Supports desktop and web/application server applications.
Complete and correct code page handling
Easy to install and deploy
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Installation and Deployment
Required files in \WINNT\system32:
librfc32.dll (at least 46D, build 263)
jRFC11.dll (JDK 1.1)
jRFC12.dll (JDK 1.2 and 1.3)
Required files in Java class path:
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BAPI step by step procedure
STEP 1 - Define Structure For The BAPI
STEP 2 - Write Function Module
STEP 3 - Create the API Method Using The BAPI WIZARD
STEP 4 Final Steps
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About the Example
About the Example:
Front End : J ava Servlets (Web Application)
Web Server : Apache Tomcat
The Servlet takes Vendor number and passes it to the BAPI which
in turn fetches the Vendor information from the LFA1 table and
returns it in BAPIRET2 format to the servlet, the servlet fetches the
data from return structure and displays it.
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Step 1 : Define a Structure for BAPI
In this step structures for the parameters and tables of the
function module used for the BAPI are defined.
USE TCODE : SE11 then Data type -> Structure
Define the structure Name : Ex: ZVEND
Important note: You will have to define a structure for
every parameter in the BAPI. You cannot use the same
structures used in existing applications because BAPI
structures are frozen when BAPIs are released and then
there are restrictions on changing them.
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Creating a Structure
Enter the
Click on Create
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Creating a Structure
Click on
Check Button
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Creating a Structure
Activate the
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Step 2 : Write Function Module
Each BAPI must have its own function group.
Under the attributes tab remember to select Processing Type Remote
Enabled module, otherwise the function module cannot be invoked via
RFC and used as a BAPI
Import/Export parameters can only be BY VALUE for an RFC enabled
function module
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Creating Function group
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Creating Function group
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Creating Function module
Click on
Click on Save
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Creating Function module
Make the function
Remote Enabled
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Creating Function module
Import Parameters
Pass Value
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Creating Function module
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Creating Function module
Source Code
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Creating Function module
Activate Function Module
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Releasing Function module
Release the Function Module
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Step 2 : Create the API Method Using
BAPI wizard is used to expose the remote function module as a BAPI
Wizard will generate some additional code, so the function module is a valid
method of the BOR. This allows the BAPI to be called as a workflow method
in addition to be called by an outside program.
Each function module corresponds to a method in the BOR
Go to the Business Object Builder SWO1.
You can either create the new Object type as a subtype of anexisting business
object or create a new business object from scratch..
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Create new BAPI Object
Supertype not
required as we are
creating a new Object
* for Cross
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Create new BAPI Object
Note that when you create the business object a standard
interface, an attribute ObjectType and the methods
ExistenceCheck and Display are automatically generated.
These cannot be changed !
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Adding API method
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Adding API method
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Adding API method
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Adding API method
Click Yes
API method
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Implementing BAPI Object
Select the BAPI object
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Implementing BAPI Object
Change release status To implemented
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Releasing BAPI Object
Change release status To released
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Implementing API Method
Select the API Method
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Implementing API Method
Change release status To implemented
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Releasing API Method
Change release status To released
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Generating API Method
Click on Generate
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Configuring Apache Tomcat
Directory Structure
J akarta-tomcat-4.1.31
<User Folder> (Vendor)
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Configuring Apache Tomcat
This folder contains all the class files created for successful execution
of the servlet.
This folder contains all the library files required i.e
Note: While compiling the java code make sure that the Classpath is set to the above to .jar files
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Configuring Apache Tomcat
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app xmlns="
xsi:schemaLocation=" version="2.4">
<servlet-name>Some internal name</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Some internal name</servlet-name>
Servlet name
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Servlet Program
import statements required
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
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Servlet Program
public class display_vend extends HttpServlet
PrintWriter pw;
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
{ int num = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("rand"));
String no,name,city,district,po,tele,fax;
String SID = "R"+num;
String vendno = req.getParameter("vendno");
IRepository repository; // The repository we will be using
try {
// Add a connection pool to the specified system
J CO.addClientPool(SID, 100, "800", "hari", "sapnjoy", "EN", "sapides", "00 );
// Alias for this pool , Max. number of connections , SAP client , userid
// password , language , host name
Unique name for
connection pool each
time connection is
established random
number is generated in
the index.html i.e
starting page and
value is passed to
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Servlet Program
repository = J CO.createRepository("MYRepository", SID); // Create a new repository
// Get a function template from the repository
IFunctionTemplate ftemplate = repository.getFunctionTemplate("ZVENDFUN");
// Create a function from the template
J CO.Function function = new J CO.Function(ftemplate);
J CO.Client client = J CO.getClient(SID); // Get a client from the pool
J CO.ParameterList input = function.getImportParameterList(); // Fill in input parameters
input.setValue(vendno, "LIFNR" );
client.execute(function); // Call the remote system
J CO.Structure ret = function.getExportParameterList().getStructure("RETURN");
pw = res.getWriter();
pw.println("<html><body bgcolor=#eeeff8><center><hr><h1>Customer Details</h1><hr>");
// Get table containing the data
J CO.Table vend = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("ITAB");
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Servlet Program
for (int i = 0; i < vend.getNumRows(); i++)
no = vend.getString("LIFNR");
name = vend.getString("NAME1");
city = vend.getString("ORT01") ;
district = vend.getString("ORT02") ;
po = vend.getString("PFACH") ;
tele = vend.getString("TELF1") ;
fax = vend.getString("TELFX") ;
// Fetching data from SAP database and storing in local variables
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Servlet Program
pw.println("<table border=1><tr><td><B>Vendor Number</B></td><td>"+no+ "</td></tr><tr><td>" +
"<B>Customer Name</B></td><td>"+name+ "</td></tr><tr><td>" +
"<B>Customer Address</B></td><td></tr>"+
"<tr><td> </td><td><B>City</B></td><td>"+city+"</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td> </td><td><B>District</B></td><td>"+district+"</td></tr>"+
"<tr><td> </td><td><B>PO Box</B></td><td>"+po+"</td></tr>"+
"<tr><td><B>TeleFax</B></td><td>"+fax+"</td></tr></table>" );
pw.println("<form name=form1 action='index.html' method=get><input type=submit
value='Back'></form></center></body></html>"); } }
catch (Exception E)
} }
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<head><script language="J avaScript">
function randomnumber() {
var r=Math.floor(Math.random()*1111)
if (r!=0) document.form1.rand.value=r; }
<body bgcolor=#eeeff8 onLoad="javascript:randomnumber();">
<center><hr><h1>Enter the Vendor Number</h1><hr>
</center><form name=form1 action="" method=post>
<center><input type=text name=vendno>
<input type=submit value="Submit">
<input type=hidden name="rand"></center>
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