MASK Equalizer Plugin For Photoshop User Manual
MASK Equalizer Plugin For Photoshop User Manual
MASK Equalizer Plugin For Photoshop User Manual
The install files are downloadable from the download email links
or logging in your My Account page
Same procedure using the button Photoshop CC and above Install Tutorial
MAC OSX 10.7 Lion and above
WIN 10 and above (64bit only)
KnowHowTransfer | MASK Equalizer | 2
Open Mask Equalizer Open Mask
Photoshop/Window/extensions/MASK Equalizer
Then you can drag it in the palette area.
You can open this user manual from the book icon in the panel.
KnowHowTransfer | MASK Equalizer | 4
The panel in compact and extended mode The Panel
APPLY: In general you will not use it. When you re-open MASK
Equalizer, the sliders will set to the last values applied. In this
case you must press APPLY to activate MASK.
Alternatively, you can use one the three channels of RGB or the
Saturation channel of HSB.
To start you have four presets buttons that cover the most common needs.
Shadows Midtones Highlights and Shadows + Highlights added. This last one is the most common. You can, of course, modify them.
Multiple tonal ranges (luminosity) sliders. Left to right, blacks, shadows, shadows/mid tones, mid tones, mid tones/highlights, highlights, and
whites. Starting from the presets, or from scratch, you will be able to easily and quickly create even the most elaborate mask.
The horizontal sliders allow changing the opacity of the mask, feather it or tweak its contrast while keeping the mid tones unchanged.
The use of these options, usually complicated, is made easy by the double preview which will allow you to work perceptively.
The sliders must be used differently depending on whether you are using CC 2015 and above, or previous CC versions.
Dedicated Tutorial
The double live preview is the priceless wonder-option of MASK Equalizer. You can preview the black & white mask or just the image with the
mask already applied. Switching from mask to image (comp) preview you will be able to refine the mask avoiding posterization and halos.
A quick example. The original was very flat. So we used Mask preview (Mask button) Comp preview (Comp Button) and the final result after
Wow! (with preset Enhanced Black Control) Adding adding a 50 feathering to avoid banding in the neon
shape and mood. However blacks were too dark, and lights.
whites, already in the original were not well detailed.
BEFORE: Start with the original layer and with a second layer already AFTER: The mask created was added to the previously
post-produced. For instance, you may have added a layer mask, a selected layer.
version with a lot of clarity or an application of Know-How Transfer
NOTE: MASK Equalizer works with RGB files only, 8, 16 or 32 bit.
(Wow!, VitaminBW, ALCE, NEXT, etc.) or third party.
BEFORE: add an adjustment layer. AFTER: As MASK Equalizer cannot work on THE MASK ON THE ADJUSTMENT LAYER:
adjustment layers it creates a composite layer The user must simply drag the mask to the
on top and deactivates the adjustment layer as adjustment layer, activate it and trash the
this allows to see the preview also in this case. temporary layer.
BEFORE: Similar situation as the previous AFTER: As MASK Equalizer doesnt work with THE MASK ON THE ADVANCED OBJECT:
page but with an advanced object. advanced objects it creates a composite layer The user must simply drag the mask to the
on the and deactivates the selected advanced advanced object, activate it and trash the
object as this allows seeing the preview also in temporary layer.
this case.
MASK PREVIEW: we added a shadow mask COMP PREVIEW: once switched to Comp
to a curve adjustment layer: Judging from the Preview you may notice an unacceptable
mask preview it looks fine. posterization.
MASK PREVIEW: The mask, judging from the COMP PREVIEW: Once switched to comp FEATHER 35: FEATHER 35: The gradations
mask preview seems to be perfect. preview you may notice a very ugly effect in have been greatly improved. Please notice
some borders. that this correction is perceptive. The user
does not need to be an expert.
Learn More
This plug-in that creates sophisticated luminosity masks with one click shines used together with Wow!
Thanks to Mask Equalizer you can push the sliders of Wow! Without worrying about blacks details or lights unwanted areas.
Just apply the highlights+shadows presets, a quick adjustment and a bit of feathering will fix this issues. As a final touch, opacity slider will help
you to control the amount of the effect. This before after below is a one-step application.
Learn More
The two plugins work even better in non-conventional techniques combining the Decompose function in Wow! Pro. Mask Equalizer, in this case,
makes the difference for a next level control of contrast, local contrast, sharpness, highlights and shadows detail.
Now launch Decompose first and reduce the opacity of the Base layer, i.e. 50. Now add a shadow or shadow/highlight mask to the Decom-
pose group. Now drag the layer mask from the temporary layer to the Decompose group, activate it and trash the temporary layer. Finally you
can tweak the opacity of the base layer. Contrast, local contrast, saturation, and sharpness will be improved with a natural result and no halos.
Learn More
Mask Equalizer is a perfect complement with Camera Raw. You can export two or more versions and add a layer mask on the top layer.
Fixes the ugly rendition of blacks with clarity and many other issues.
Out of this example, Mask Equalizer is a must have tool virtually in any digital workflow.
Learn More
We mean the first version of CC, released in 2013. 2014 and later are OK.
Move the in foldercom.knowhowtransfer.maskequalizer
from CEP to CEPServiceManager4 folder
This below is the path for WIN
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEPServiceManager4\extensions\
This below is the path for MAC
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/ CEPServiceManager4/extensions/
If you don t see the folder CEPServiceManager4 create it manually and inside create
a folder named extensions. Please type them as they are. Names are case-sensitive.
Go to FAQ page
Here where you can check the latest version number You can access the user manual trough the book icon at the
1. At the bottom of the product page bottom of the panel.
2. In the FAQ page under Version and Compatibility You may verify if a more recent version is available checking
3. In the purchase page the release date in the manuals front page.
Download the latest version of the application To update the embedded manual:
1. Download the latest version.
To download the latest version; 2. Replace it in the propers folder.
1. Go to your My Account Page MAC: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/MASK
2. Log-in using your username and your password. If you dont WIN: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Know-How Transfer\MASK
remember it, please use the password recovery service.
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NEXT Local Contrast Enhancer Wow! Frequency Equalizer Pro Edition VitaminBW - Single and Triple Tone Black&White Converter
NEXT Local Contrast Enhancer. The Next Generation ALCE. Live preview, Same features of Wow! Classic plus the new Decomposition button You An original approach to B&W Conversion with a very clean and simple
improved embedded halos suppress tool, three masking sliders, Quad- can now turn each frequency into its pixel layer for a better and more interface. Just press the Single Tone or the Triple Tone button to be
Core processing and 32bit computing, not available in Photoshop. precise frequency based retouching. quickly introduced to advanced conversion techniques.
PS CC and above - MAC & WIN. Buy 30 > PS CC and above - MAC & WIN. Buy 40 > PS CS6 and above - MAC & WIN. Buy 28 >
Wow! Frequency Equalizer Social Edition Wow! Frequency Equalizer Classic Edition Channels Power Tool - Advanced Mask Editing
A miniaturized version of Wow! with a re-designed algorithm with Boost and smooth an image in one step detail scales through five dedi- Easily get a preview or create masks out of all available channels. Use
shorter range sliders and dedicated preset optimized for sizes from 800 cated sliders. Positive values, which add detail or shape. Negative value the powerful Apply Image option to precisely recover the details of your
to 1500 px Works with files up to 19201920 px removes detail and create great, soft transitions. files. CPT will enhance your color control precision and productivity. PS
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Wow! is an exclusive Photoshop extension that improves images with a magical combina-
tion of sharpening, shape and smoothing we call this the The Wow! Factor.
Wow! adds style, image sharpness, and three-dimensionality together with incredibly
smooth transitions. Use our easy presets with just one button, or take full control with the
high quality live preview to add and remove details by tweaking our five dedicated sliders.
There are four versions of Wow!, three for Photoshop and one for video.
Wow! Frequency Equalizer Video Edition for Adobe Premiere and After Effects
Works with the same powerful engine of Wow! Classic. Same ease of use and tuning effect. Wow! generates an
instant video preview and the export process his very fast. Its easy to use.
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Floating Adjustments - Restores the old CS3 floating window False Profile - Tonal range control with low or high gamma Hasselblad 3F 16bit Raw Scan Service
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Adjustment kinds as big, floating windows, and the modifications of to the process of assigning false profiles. Works in conjunction with the 35mm to a 13x18cm/5x7, color or black and white, negative or positive.
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Images credits:
cover Irina Gromovataya-
other images Roberto Bigano