Questions and Answers

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include that the HSC and HSE promote health and safety awareness, provide advice and guidance, enforce legislation and regulations, and advise on the development of regulations. RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. Reportable injuries under RIDDOR include over-3-day injuries, major injuries such as fractures or amputations requiring over 24 hours of hospitalization, and fatal injuries.

The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) serve to promote awareness of health and safety, to provide advice and guidance to individuals and organisations, to enforce legislation and regulations and to advise and participate in the development of regulations.

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regu- lations 1995.

Chapter 1 questions and answers

Question 1
What are the prime objectives of the Health and Safety Commission
(HSC) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)?
The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) and the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) serve to promote awareness of health and safety, to
provide advice and guidance to individuals and organisations, to
enforce legislation and regulations and to advise and participate in
the development of regulations.
Question 2
What is RIDDOR an abbreviation for?
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regu-
lations 1995.
Question 3
What are the three reportable injuries reportable under RIDDOR?
Injuries reportable to the HSE under RIDDOR are subdivided into

Over-3-day injuries, as suggested by the name, are those that lead

to a workers absence from work for more than 3 days and must
be reported to the HSE within 10 days
Self-Assessment Questions
and Answers
Appendix 2 177

Major injuries those that may involve fractures, amputations,

dislocations and others that may lead to 24 hours in a hospital.
These must be reported without delay

Fatal injuries those resulting in death and these must also be

reported without delay
Question 4
Outline the HSEs Revitalising Health and Safety targets for the UK
construction industry.
These targets were:

To reduce the number of working days lost per 100 000 workers
from work-related injury and ill health by 30% by 2010

To reduce the incidence rate of fatal and major injury accidents

by 10% by 2010 for the construction industry this gure was ini-
tially set at 40% by 2004/05 and 66% by 2009/10

To reduce the incidence rate of cases of work-related ill health by

20% by 2010

To achieve half the improvement under each target by 2004

The stated aims of Revitalising Health and Safety are:

To inject new impetus into the health and safety agenda

To identify new approaches to further reducing rates of accidents

and ill health caused by work, particularly with regard to small

To ensure that the approach to health and safety regulation

remains relevant for the changing world of work over the next 25

To gain maximum benet from links between occupational health

and safety and other government programmes
Question 5
Provide a synopsis of the indications of Table 1.7.
Table 1.7 presents the incidence rate per 100 000 workers for fatal
injuries for the period 1997 to 2007. Figure 1.5 illustrates these rates
178 Appendix 2
for both all industries and the construction industry. Each is sub-
divided into employed and self-employed person rates. Construction
industry rates are consistently signicantly higher than the all industry
rates, with the rate for construction employees remaining the worst
rate throughout the entire period, though in recent years it has
declined to around four fatalities per 100 000 workers.
Chapter 2 questions and answers
Question 1
There are two types of European law concerned with health and
safety; identify and dene these two types.
Two types of European law concern health and safety, these are:


Regulations are entirely binding upon all member states and form
part of the law of member states. No additional legislative action is
required by member states in implementing a European Union-made
Directives do require additional legislative action at a national
level. They specify a standard or requirement which has to be
achieved by the national law of each member state. They are binding
and set goals for each legislative state to achieve by a specied
date. In this way directives recognise the existence of differences
within the legal systems of member states and facilitate the adop-
tion of varying approaches to the achievement of health and safety
Question 2
Identify the primary statute relating to UK workplace health and safety
and state its main focus.
The primary statute concerning UK workplace health and safety is the
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA). The HSWA sets out
the general duties that employers have towards employees and
Appendix 2 179
members of the public, and that employees have to themselves and
to each other.
Question 3
What is an ACOP and are they legally binding?
ACOP is an Approved Code of Practice and is provided for by Section
16 of the HSWA. ACOPs are not legally binding documents but serve
to provide practical guidance for compliance with health and safety
Question 4
Health and safety duties imposed by the HSWA and associated health
and safety regulations fall within three categories. Identify and dene
these categories.
The categories of imposed duty are:
1. Absolute this is a duty that must be carried out. It imposes an
absolute obligation on a party and any breach of duty may result
in prosecution
2. Practicable this is a duty that should be carried out irrespective
of inconvenience, time or cost. The standard of performance is a
high standard, but not absolute
3. Reasonably practicable this is a duty that is carried out having
considered the balance of that duty against inconvenience and
cost involved. Where cases of breach are brought, it is the respon-
sibility of the accused to demonstrate that it was not reasonably
practical to have done more than was undertaken to comply with
the duty.
Question 5
With regard to pursuing a health and safety prosecution, the HSCs
Enforcement Policy Statement (2002) denotes that the HSC expects
a prosecution in the public interest to be brought or recommended
when what circumstances apply?
180 Appendix 2

Death was a result of a breach of health and safety legislation

The gravity of an alleged offence, taken together with the serious-

ness of any actual or potential harm, or the general record and
approach of the offender warrants it

There has been reckless disregard of health and safety


There have been repeated breaches which give rise to signicant

risk, or persistent and signicant poor compliance

Work has been carried out without or in serious non-compliance

with an appropriate licence or safety case

A duty holders standard of managing health and safety is found

to be far below what is required by health and safety law and to
be giving rise to signicant risk

There has been a failure to comply with an improvement or pro-

hibition notice; or there has been a repetition of a breach that was
subject to a formal caution

False information has been supplied wilfully, or there has been an

intent to deceive, in relation to a matter which gives rise to sig-
nicant risk

Inspectors have been intentionally obstructed in the lawful course

of their duties
Chapter 3 questions and answers
Question 1
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 provided the founda-
tion for UK health and safety law and imposes duties upon all
persons within and all persons responsible for the workplace. The
key sections of the act in relation to imposed duties are: 2, 3, 4, 6,
7 and 8.
Outline in brief the duties placed upon the parties concerned for
each of the above sections.

Section 2 places general duties on employers towards


Section 3 places duties on employers and self-employed people

other than employees
Appendix 2 181

Section 4 places duties on people in control of premises

Section 6 places duties on people who design, manufacture,

supply and install plant, equipment and substances used during a

Section 7 places a duty on every employee

Section 8 places a duty on everybody

Question 2
Dene the main purpose of the Manual Handling Operations Regula-
tions 1996.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1996 facilitate the preven-
tion of musculoskeletal disorders caused by the manual handling of
heavy goods in the workplace.
Question 3
Dene the main purpose of the Work at Height Regulations 2005.
Work at Height Regulations 2005 were introduced to further address
the UK construction industrys single biggest cause of injury and fatal-
ity. The regulations apply to all work at height where there is a risk of
a fall liable to cause personal injury.
Question 4
Dene the main purpose of the Construction (Design and Manage-
ment) Regulations 2007.
These regulations were initially introduced in March 2004 to empha-
sise and improve the management of health and safety throughout
all stages of construction projects. The regulations place responsibility
on the client and designers as well as contractors and promote a pro-
active approach to safety management. The 2007 regulations
(CDM2007) revoke and replace the 2004 regulations. CDM2007 also
182 Appendix 2
revoked and replaced the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare)
Regulations (1996).
Question 5
Section 15 of the HSWA provides the Secretary of State with the
power to create health and safety regulations following proposals laid
down by the Health and Safety Commission (HSC). Outline the param-
eters of the regulations.
Parameters of the regulations are that they can:

Set the goal or standard of what has to be achieved but not state
how it must be achieved

Prescribe what has to be done (e.g. with regard to isolation of


Require that very hazardous activities be licensed and only carried

out by approved persons (e.g. asbestos removal)
Chapter 4 questions and answers
Question 1
What are the aims of CDM2007?
The aim of CDM2007 is stated by the Health and Safety Commission
as being:
to integrate health and safety into the management of the project
and to encourage everyone involved to work together to:

Improve the planning and management of projects from the

very start

Identify risks early on

Target effort where it can do the most good in terms of

health and safety; and

Discourage unnecessary bureaucracy

Question 2
When is a construction project notiable under CDM2007?
Appendix 2 183
A construction project is notiable to the Health and Safety Execu-
tive (or the Ofce of Rail Regulation) when it is being delivered for
a non-domestic client and has a construction phase duration that is
expected to be greater than 30 days or 500 person days of construc-
tion work. When a project is notiable it is the CDM co-ordinators
responsibility to submit an F10 notication of the project to the
Construction projects are non-notiable when the work is being
done for a domestic client people who have work undertaken on
their own homes or the homes of family members or if, regardless
of the client, the construction phase duration is expected to be less
than 30 days or 500 person days.
Question 3
What does a client need to do to comply with CDM2007?
Clients must ensure that they:

Check the competence and resources of all appointees

Ensure that there are suitable management arrangements for the

project this includes checking that suitable and sufcient welfare
facilities are being provided

Allow sufcient time and resources for all stages of the project

Provide pre-construction information to designers and

For notiable projects a client must also:

Appoint a CDM co-ordinator

Appoint a principal contractor

Make sure that the construction phase does not start unless there
are suitable:

Welfare facilities, and

Construction phase plan

Retain and provide access to the health and safety le after the
project is completed
Question 4
What are the key duties of the CDM co-ordinator?
184 Appendix 2
It is necessary to appoint a CDM co-ordinator when a construction
project is notiable. It is the CDM co-ordinators responsibility to
advise and assist the client so that the client is aware of their duties
under CDM2007. The CDM co-ordinators duties principally entail:

Advising the client regarding:

Their duty to appoint competent designers and contractors

Their duty to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place

for managing the project

The suitability of the principal contractors construction phase

plan and the arrangements made by the principal contractor
to ensure that suitable and sufcient welfare facilities are on

Notifying the HSE about the project (usually with an F10 form
signed by the client)

Co-ordinating the health and safety aspects of design work and

co-operating with others involved with the project

Facilitating good communication between client, designers and


Liaising with the principal contractor regarding ongoing design

Identifying, collecting and passing on pre-construction


Preparing and updating the health and safety le

Question 5
What are the key responsibilities of the designer under CDM2007?
Designers must ensure that they:

Are competent to undertake the design work

Eliminate hazards and reduce risks by design. Hazards and

risks should be reduced through design with consideration to

Carrying out construction work

Liable to be affected by the construction work

Engaged with the cleaning of any window, transparent or trans-

lucent wall, ceiling or roof

Undertaking maintenance of permanent xtures and ttings

Using the structure as a workplace.

Appendix 2 185
When a project is notiable the designer has the additional responsi-
bilities of:

Providing relevant information with a design regarding any signi-

cant remaining hazards and risk

Checking that the client is aware of their duties under CDM2007

and that a CDM co-ordinator has been appointed

Providing any information that is needed for the health and safety
Question 6
When a notiable construction project is being undertaken, what are
the key duties of the principal contractor?
The key duties of the principal contractor are to:

Plan, manage and monitor the construction phase to ensure, so

far as is reasonably practicable, that it is carried out without risks
to health or safety

Ensure that there are adequate welfare facilities for those working
on the site

Draw up and implement the site rules as necessary

Draw up and implement the construction phase health and safety


Provide a suitable site induction and ensure that those working on

site have received the training that they need to carry out the work
safely and without risks to health

Ensure the site is suitably fenced and prevent unauthorised people

from entering the site

Ensure that there is co-operation between those working on the

site, and that work is co-ordinated in such a way as to prevent

Ensure that there are suitable arrangements for effective consulta-

tion with the workforce

Make sure that the right health and safety information is provided
to the right people at the right time
Question 7
When does a principal contractor need to prepare a construction
phase plan and what should it contain?
186 Appendix 2
CDM2007 requires that a construction phase plan be developed by
the principal contractor before construction phase work commences.
This plan serves to outline how health and safety is to be managed
throughout the construction phase of a project and is to be updated
and developed as is necessary.
The contents of the construction phase plan should address the
topics outlined in Box 4.3 on page 68 of this book. The level of detail
contained within the construction phase plan should be proportionate
to the risk involved in the project.
Chapter 5 questions and answers
Question 1
In the context of safety dene the term risk.
The term risk refers to the chance or likelihood that someone will
be harmed by a hazard. It infers an element of probability and is
dened by British Standard 4778 as:
a combination of the probability, or frequency, of the occurrence
of a dened hazard and the magnitude of the consequence of the
The assessment of risk presented by a hazard entails the calcula-
tion of the likelihood or probability of harm occurring to someone
and the severity or impact of the harm that can result from the
Question 2
Dene the term residual hazards.
Hazards remaining within a design which are not removed or fully
mitigated at the design stage are commonly termed residual hazards.
In order to enable effective safety management it is essential that
information regarding these hazards is communicated to project con-
tractors as early as possible. As such it is good practice for project
Appendix 2 187
clients and design teams to provide pre-construction information to
those bidding for or planning the work.
Question 3
The HSE provide guidance regarding requisite pre-construction infor-
mation in Appendix 2 of the Approved Code of Practice document
Managing Health and Safety in Construction. What does the guidance
state in relation to the pre-construction information to be provided
to contractors?
This guidance states that pre-construction information provided to
contractors should include:

Description of the project

The clients considerations and management requirements

Environmental restrictions and existing on-site risks

Signicant design and construction hazards

Detail regarding the health and safety le

Question 4
A deciency in peoples knowledge, attitude and behaviour on site
can contribute to construction site hazards. Identify these potential

Lack of awareness of hazards and risks on site

Lack of alertness on site not paying attention

Untidy site due to waste materials and poor housekeeping

Not working to agreed method

Not following instructions or following agreed procedures


Lack of knowledge of site rules

Lack of knowledge of evacuation procedures and routes

Non-wearing of personal protective equipment

Use of plant and equipment by non-qualied personnel

Use of mobile phones

Smoking on site


188 Appendix 2
Question 5
Why is it important to have a positive safety management culture?
In order to combat safety hazards it is important to develop a safety
culture within construction organisations and construction projects.
A positive safety culture can signicantly contribute to the mainte-
nance of good safety management practice, the achievement of
favourable safety performance indicators and the overall success and
reputation of both a project and construction organisation.
The development of a safety culture within an organisation or
project involves the embedding of a safety approach to all activities.
A positive safety culture requires participation by all project or organi-
sational personnel, and is evidenced through each persons safety-
related knowledge, attitude, belief, behaviour and practice.
Chapter 6 questions and answers
Question 1
Dene the term safety risk.
The Health and Safety Executives (HSE) Five Steps to Risk Assessment
(2006) denes risk assessment as a careful examination of what, in
your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up
whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to
prevent harm. The term safety risk refers to the chance or likelihood
that someone will be harmed by a hazard. It infers an element of
probability that a harmful occurrence will result from a hazardous pre-
existing condition.
Question 2
Within the context of construction health and safety, what is the risk
assessment process concerned with?
The construction health and safety risk assessment process is con-
cerned with:
Appendix 2 189

Identifying signicant hazards and assessing risks at the design

stage of the project this entails evaluation of the risk posed by
the hazard by:

Assessing the likelihood of an undesirable occurrence; and

Assessing the impact or harm resultant from an undesirable


Removing or designing out hazards

Clearly communicating and informing regarding signicant remain-

ing or residual hazards that have not been designed out. Limiting
the risks presented by both residual hazards and site environment
hazards as low as reasonably practicable. This is done by evalua-
tion of the risk posed by the hazard by:

Assessing the likelihood of an undesirable occurrence

Assessing the impact or harm resultant from an undesirable


Reducing risks via the removal of hazards (changes in proposed

method of working for example) or incorporation of effective
controls and protective measures to achieve a level of risk
that is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). (Safety
improvements through risk reduction must be enabled until
costs of further reductions become disproportionate to bene-
ts gained)

Recording and communicating the risk assessment and associated

method statement to all necessary managers, supervisors and site
personnel. Method statement might also be displayed in work
areas for quick reference

Undertaking to review all risk assessments on a periodic basis

Question 3
Article 6 (2) of the European Council Directive 89/391/EEC identies
general principles of risk prevention in the workplace. Identify these
general principles.
These general principles of risk prevention in the workplace identied
by the Directive are:
a. Avoid risks
b. Evaluate risks which cannot be avoided
c. Combat risks at source
d. Adapt the work to the individual, especially as regards the design
of workplaces, the choice of work equipment and the choice of
190 Appendix 2
working and production methods, with a view, in particular, to
alleviating monotonous work and work at a predetermined work-
rate and to reducing their effect on health
e. Adapt to technical progress
f. Replace the dangerous by the non-dangerous or the less
g. Develop a coherent overall prevention policy which covers tech-
nology, organisation of work, working conditions, social relation-
ships and the inuence of factors relating to the working
h. Give collective protective measures priority over individual pro-
tective measures
i. Give appropriate instructions to employees
Question 4
It is critical to the safety management process of construction projects
that risk is evaluated and managed in a systematic manner. Describe
a methodology for systematically assessing the degree of risk pre-
sented by construction project hazards.
One method by which this can be done is by use of a numeric likeli-
hood severity evaluation. Here hazards are rated according to two
factors, their likelihood or probability of causing an undesired occur-
rence and the severity of harm resulting from such an occurrence.
Likelihood and severity are graded on prescribed scales and the
two ratings are then multiplied together to produce a risk rating.
This risk rating is then considered on a risk matrix.
1. The likelihood of causing an undesirable occurrence (the potential
of a hazardous circumstance); and
2. The severity of harm (the extent or level of harm that would result
from an undesired occurrence)
The evaluation of risk can be undertaken with the following
Likelihood of an undesired occurrence Severity of resulting harm
= Risk rating (potential for harm)
Question 5
With regard to risk assessment and an organisations duty to its
employees, Regulation 10 of the Management of Health and Safety
Appendix 2 191
at Work Regulations 1999 requires that employers provide employ-
ees with information. What must this information include?
Information provided by employers to employees must include:

Health and safety risks identied by assessment

Preventive and protective health and safety measures

The identity of competent persons nominated to implement the

procedures in the event of serious or imminent danger

The risks arising from the conduct and undertaking of other

employers and their employees in the instance of shared work-
places such as construction sites
Chapter 7 questions and answers
Question 1
Identify four ill health problems commonly encountered in the UK
construction industry.
Four ill health problems commonly encountered within the UK con-
struction industry can be categorised as:

Musculoskeletal problems

Respiratory problems

Skin problems

Noise- or vibration-induced problems

Question 2
Outline the work-related ill health targets of the Revitalising Health
and Safety initiative.
With specic regard to work-related ill health, the Revitalising Health
and Safety initiative of 1999 targets for improving workplace health
and safety in the UK are:

To reduce the incidence rate of cases of work-related ill health by

20% by 2010
192 Appendix 2

To reduce ill health caused to members of the public by work

activities by 20% by 2010

To reduce the number of days lost due to ill health by 30% by

Question 3
Identify the possible key components of an organisations occupa-
tional health management strategy.
The key components of an occupational health management strategy
can be considered to include:

Health surveillance health assessment of employees, monitoring

absence and facilitating rehabilitation

Removing and reducing health risks redesigning activities and

using protective equipment

Workforce training, toolbox talks and self-assessment

Awareness-raising health promotion campaigns

Question 4
Describe two brief examples of how designers can positively contrib-
ute to the removal and reduction of health risks on a construction
Designers may specify smaller plaster boards or lighter blocks to
reduce manual handling risks to health. A second example might be
that they specify the use of plasterboards or built-in service ducting
to better integrate services and remove the need to chase out
block, brick or concrete thereby reducing dust and the need for
the use of hand-held power tools and the possibility of handarm
Question 5
What are the key challenges in delivering an effective occupational
health management strategy?
Appendix 2 193
Some key challenges in the delivery of an effective occupational
health management strategy include:

Identifying and locating the cause of ill health this can be varied
and may have its root in a domestic or social context rather than
that of the workplace

The fact that some symptoms of ill health and disease, be they
work-related or not, can take a number of years to develop

That construction personnel can be transient in their work and

move from site to site and even employer to employer over a
period of time

That construction personnel may not consider ill health or its

symptoms to be signicant and as a result may not visit a doctor
for diagnosis
Chapter 8 questions and answers
Question 1
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) describe the essential elements
of a successful health and safety management system in their publica-
tion HSG 65 Successful Health and Safety Management. According to
the HSE, successful safety management systems require what

The establishment of a clear policy for health and safety

The organisation of all employees for the management of health

and safety

The planning for health and safety by setting objectives and

targets, identifying hazards, assessing risks and establishing stan-
dards against which the organisation can measure performance

The measurement of health and safety performance

The auditing and reviewing of safety performance and practice,

in order to inform improvement
Question 2
BS8800 identies nine commitments that should be achieved by an
organisation undertaking to develop a comprehensive health and
194 Appendix 2
safety policy statement. Identify these commitments for a construction
The commitments of the organisation are:

Recognise that health and safety is an integral part of business


Achieve a high level of health and safety performance, with a

minimum standard being legal compliance and cost-effective
health and safety performance improvement

Provide adequate and appropriate resources to implement the


Set and publish health and safety objectives, even if only by inter-
nal notication

Place the management of health and safety as a prime responsibil-

ity of line management, from the most senior executive to rst line
supervisory level

Ensure that the policy statement is understood, implemented and

maintained at all levels in the organisation

Ensure employee involvement and consultation to gain commit-

ment to the policy and its implementation

Periodically review the policy, the management system and audit

of compliance to policy

Ensure that employees of all levels receive appropriate

training and are competent to carry out their duties and
Question 3
The HSE describe a positive health and safety culture as comprising
four Cs. Identify the four Cs.
The four Cs are:

Competence recruitment, training and advisory support

Control allocating responsibilities, securing commitment, instruc-

tion and supervision

Co-operation between individuals and groups

Communication spoken, written and visible

Appendix 2 195
Question 4
Identify the key components of a principal contractors health and
safety management system.

The organisations health and safety manual

The pre-construction information provided by the client and


The project health and safety plan

Site rules

Site induction

Communication of health and safety information and guidance to

site personnel

Sub-contractor co-ordination, communication and co-operation

(and competency management)
Question 5
Produce a bullet point list of what a good site induction scheme will
A good site induction scheme will:

Emphasise and remind why health and safety is important

Outline the nature of the site (and include clearly marked access
and egress routes and storage areas)

Identify the current key hazards and hazardous activities of the


State the PPE requirements of the site

Detail the site rules

State procedures for attaining a permit for work

Identify the mechanisms for communicating safety information

(key hazards boards, site safety and emergency response chart,
signage, toolbox talks etc.)

Inform workers of the welfare facilities available

Outline the procedures for the reporting of an on-site injury or

Site inductions must be delivered by competent persons who are
knowledgeable regarding the project and its health and safety man-
agement arrangements.
196 Appendix 2
Chapter 9 questions and answers
Question 1
It is reasonable to suggest that a valid denition of culture might
embrace certain precepts. Identify these precepts.

Culture is a complicated concept

Culture is a construct that is multifaceted

Culture is something that is created and sustained by people

within a social environment

Culture is dynamic
Question 2
The HSE (2005) outlines a concise and useful three aspect approach
to distinguishing an organisations safety culture. Identify the three
interrelated aspects.
The three interrelated aspects are:

Psychological aspects

Behavioural aspects

Situational aspects
Question 3
Identify the three stages of safety cultural development.

Dependent culture

Management driven and owned


Little employee involvement

Independent culture

Greater employee involvement, engagement and

Appendix 2 197

People behave safely they look after themselves, with or

without management supervision

Interdependent culture

Driven by all

A team commitment

People actively look after each other (not just themselves)

Question 4
A generic safety climate toolkit that can be used across industries and
national boundaries has been developed and published by the HSE.
Identify its constituent parts and purpose.
Constituent parts are:

A questionnaire that is issued to employees. This contains 71

statement type questions

A manual outlining the survey process and how to take the results

Computer software that enables organisations to customise the

survey to their organisational structure

A software manual
The main purpose of the HSE safety climate toolkit is to facilitate
worker involvement in health and safety. This is done by eliciting the
views of workers with regard to aspects of health and safety in the
organisation and workplace.
Question 5
The US Department of Labors Occupational Health and Safety Admin-
istration (OHSA) (2007) outline a number of practical actions that can
be taken by a construction organisation seeking to improve its safety
culture. Identify these improvement-enabling actions.
The improvement-enabling actions are:

Dene safety responsibilities for all levels of the organisation, e.g.

safety is a line management function

Develop upstream measures, e.g. number of reports of hazards/

suggestions, number of committee projects/successes, etc.
198 Appendix 2

Align management and supervisors through establishing a shared

vision of safety and health goals and objectives vs. production.

Implement a process that holds managers and supervisors account-

able for visibly being involved, setting the proper example, and
leading a positive change for safety and health

Evaluate and rebuild any incentives and disciplinary systems for

safety and health as necessary

Ensure the safety committee is functioning appropriately, e.g.

membership, responsibilities/functions, authority, meeting man-
agement skills, etc.

Provide multiple paths for employees to bring suggestions, con-

cerns or problems forward. One mechanism should use the chain
of command and ensure no repercussions. Hold supervisors and
middle managers accountable for being responsive

Develop a system that tracks and ensures the timeliness in hazard

correction. Many sites have been successful in building this in with
an already existing work order system

Ensure reporting of injuries, rst aids, and near misses. Educate

employees on the accident pyramid and importance of reporting
minor incidents. Prepare management for initial increase in inci-
dents and rise in rates. This will occur if under-reporting exists in
the organisation. It will level off, and then decline as the system
changes take hold

Evaluate and rebuild the incident investigation system as neces-

sary to ensure that it is timely, complete and effective. It should
get to the root causes and avoid blaming workers
The process of taking actions to improve safety culture should be a
continuous one.

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