Primer Hosp Acct Finance 4 The D

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a p r i me r o n

hospital accounting
and finance
f o r t r u s t e e s a n d o t h e r h e a l t h c a r e p r o f e s s i o n a l s
f o u r t h e d i t i o n
f e l i x k a u f ma n , p h . d . , c p a
ii A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
About the Author
and this Primer
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA, is a retired partner of the frm of Coopers
& Lybrand. During his 23-year career with the frm, Mr. Kaufman
held senior positions in the consulting practice, including 10 years as
National Director of Management Consulting Services.
Mr. Kaufman is a former Trustee of the Hospital for Joint Diseases
Orthopaedic Institute in New York City and New York University
Health Center. He served as Treasurer and Chairman of the Budget
and Finance Commitee at the Hospital for Joint Diseases.
Mr. Kaufman earned a Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago
Graduate School of Business. From 1974 to 1976, he was President of
the Institute of Management Consultants.
Mr. Kaufman authored the frst three editions this primer, which
Kaufman, Hall & Associates published in 1993, 1996, and 2005, respec-
tively. Te demand for the publication from trustees and healthcare
executives was strong and has not abated.
As a result, Kaufman, Hall & Associates prepared this fourth edition
in tribute to Felix Kaufman and his enduring contribution to healthcare
fnancial management and governance education. Revisions appear in
all sections to refect new developments in the feld.
As a mark of the primer's signifcance, Te Governance Institute,
which is known nationally for its quality board education initia-
tives, is producing and including this new edition in its Elements of
Governance series, made available to all member hospitals and health
systems. Te commendation is appreciated.
About Kaufman, Hall
& Associates
5202 Old Orchard Road
Suite N700
Skokie, IL 60077
847-441-8780 phone
847-965-3511 fax
Founded in 1985, Kaufman, Hall & Associates, Inc. is among the coun-
trys most respected independent strategic fnancial and capital consul-
tants, working with healthcare organizations of all types and sizes.
Te frm provides strategic advisory services; fnancial advisory
services to debt transactions; strategic, fnancial, and capital planning
services; capital allocation design and implementation services; and
merger, acquisition, joint venture, real estate, and divestiture advi-
sory services.
In addition, Kaufman Hall developed and markets the ENUFF
Sofware Suite of strategic and fnancial management products.
Kaufman Hall serves its clients from ofces in Chicago, Atlanta, Boston,
Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco. For more information,
2009 by Kaufman, Hall & Associates, Inc.
5202 Old Orchard Road, Suite N700, Skokie, IL 60077
All rights reserved. Reproduction or reuse in whole or in part is prohib-
ited except by permission.
iii BoardRoom Press october 2008
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA iii
1 Introduction
3 Key Accounting Principles and Concepts
3 Measuring Revenues and Expenses with Accrual
3 Allocation of Revenue (Income)
3 Realization of Revenue
3 Cash Accounting
4 Expense Recognition
4 Depreciation
5 Accounting Reports
7 How Hospitals Are Paid
7 Reimbursement
7 Who Are the Payers?
8 What Are the Sources?
9 From Retrospective to Prospective
10 PPS and Diagnosis-Related Groups
11 How MS-DRG-Based Payment Is Determined
12 Length of Stay
13 Te Impact of the New Payment Environment
13 Cost Management and Pay-for-Performance
14 Medicare and Medicaid Managed Care
14 Accounting Challenges: Retrospective Review
14 Audits and Final Setlements
15 Final Toughts on Reimbursement
17 Developing the Budget and
Monitoring Financial Performance
17 Budgeting
17 Preparing the Budget
17 Flexible Budgeting
18 Altering the Budget
18 Variance Analysis
18 Capital Budgets
18 Justifying Capital Expenditures
19 Using the Monthly Financial Package to Monitor
19 Package Overview
20 Defnitions of Selected Line Items
21 Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets
23 Balance Sheet
23 Statement of Cash Flows
25 Using Credit and Ratio Analysis to Monitor
25 Ratio Analysis
26 Credit Analysis
26 Using Financial Dashboards
27 Conclusion
Table of Contents
iv A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 1
Te worldwide economic crisis, which cascaded through
the U.S. capital and credit markets in 2007 and 2008, is
signifcantly altering the fnancial and competitive landscape
of the nations hospitals and health systems. In the current environ-
ment, all healthcare organizations are facing difcult fnancial chal-
lenges with potentially game-changing strategic implications.
Careful and credible decision making by trustees and executives is
more critical than ever. Decisions must refect fnancial expertise and
a thorough understanding of the organizations fnancial condition.
Te intent of this publication is to facilitate improved fnancial deci-
sion making by providing board members and senior leaders with
an easy-to-understand guide to the basic principles of healthcare
accounting, reimbursement, and fnance. Readers are advised to seek
in-depth information, as required in each specifc circumstance.
A Note about the Financial Statements
Tis publication includes sample fnancial statements and statistics
to illustrate certain general points and principles. Te documents do
not represent those from an actual organization. Because the presen-
tation of fnancial statements difers by organization, please consult
your senior fnancial executive for information about your organiza-
tions specifc methodology.
A Note about Terminology
Although the term hospital and organization appear interchange-
ably throughout the publication, the focus of this publication is not-
for-proft acute care facilities.
2 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 3
Key Accounting
Principles and Concepts
Measuring Revenues and Expenses
with Accrual Accounting
Accountants measure proft or loss by applying a concept
called accrual accounting. Tis is a way of accurately
comparing the organizations income against its expenses
over time. Te timing in recognizing each of these events is central
to the accrual method, which is used by all organizations. In health-
care, accrual accounting entails deciding when patients have received
services for which the organization is entitled to income, as well as
how and when the cost of these services is measured. Key points of
accrual accounting include the following:
Income (revenue) is earned when services are provided. A patient 1.
in a bed is receiving a service.
Expenses are the costs of providing material and service to the parties 2.
that receive the service, when the service is being provided.
Te timing of when an organization gets paid for the services it 3.
renders, or when it pays for the materials and services it purchases,
is irrelevant to the accrual accounting method. Cash fow is a sepa-
rate issue for consideration.
Te accurate measurement of profts or losses depends upon the 4.
correct matching of services provided and the costs of providing
these services.
ervices and materials can be paid for long afer they have been
received and consumed; reimbursement for services provided
may occur long afer the provision thereof, but the synchro-
nization of cash fows with the proper measurement of income and
expense is usually accidental. To illustrate these ideas, lets look frst
at the measurement of inpatient revenue.
Allocation of Revenue (Income)
Tere are several ways of being paid for patient care. Te
recognition of revenue depends upon the payment method.
Imaginative payers may come up with new reimbursement
approaches during these turbulent times, but currently there are three
key methods:
Case Basis: Also called prospective payment, this has been the domi-
nant reimbursement method due to the adoption by Medicare of diag-
nosis-related groups (DRGs), now called Medicare severity diagno-
sis-related groups (MS-DRGs). Tese are described fully in the sec-
tion entitled, How Hospitals Are Paid (see page 6). Within specifed
parameters, the hospital or health system is paid a set fee for the care of
a patient who has a certain condition, regardless of how long he or she
is hospitalized or how many resources are consumed during the stay.
Per Diem: Under this type of reimbursement, the hospital or health
system receives an agreed-upon amount per patient day. For a long
time, per diem was the only method of payment used, but it was cost per
diem. Te provider set the price. Now it is contractual per diem, and the
payer generally sets the price.
Capitation: Te hospital or health system receives a fxed amount per
enrolled individual per month or year to cover a specifed list of med-
ical services. Te provider is paid regardless of whether medical ser-
vices are used and conversely bears all cost overruns.
A fourth payment method used by commercial indemnity plans and
some PPOs involves payment of a percentage of charges.
Realization of Revenue
When does the healthcare organization realize income for
providing service to patients? Teoretically, hospitals or
health systems accrue income continuously while the patient
is in the hospital. Measuring income continuously, however, is neither
practical nor necessary.
For the case basis, patient revenue in a particular month is the total
of the following:
Te full fee for all patients admited and discharged in the specifc
month; plus
Te prorated portion of total revenue for all patients admited in a pre-
vious month and discharged this month; plus
Te prorated portion for all patients who are still in the facility past the
months end.
y prorated, we mean the estimate of the portion of the total fee
that we consider earned for the patients care, as of the end of
the period. Tis process seems straightforward in terms of its
logic, but prorated allocation is difcult. Tere are also complications
in applying appropriate rates.
For the per diem basis, income is determined by multiplying the
per diem rate by the number of days actually spent by patients in the
hospital during the time period being accounted for.
Observations about the revenue recognition implications of capita-
tion appear in the section entitled, Te Impact of the New Payment
Environment (see page 12).
Revenue realization is simpler for outpatient activity. Since service
is rendered on a one-day basis, there are no allocation issues.
Cash Accounting
Cash accounting is a simple alternative to accrual accounting.
Using this method, an organization recognizes income when
the payer pays for the service; the organization incurs an expense
when it pays for the costs involved. With cash accounting, a million-dollar
sale in December 2008, paid for in 2009, is income in 2009.
Cash accounting and cash fow are not the same things. Cash
accounting is one approach for recognizing income and expense; cash
fow is an analysis of past, present, or prospective cash activity. Cash
fow is a vital indicator of an organizations fnancial performance. Cash
accounting is mentioned here only to facilitate an understanding of
the accrual methodology.
4 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Expense Recognition
A number of timing issues arise in recognizing expenses under
the accrual method. Te frst and easy case involves recognizing
the steady fow of invoices for materials and services that are to be
consumed promptly to provide patient care. Typically, such trans-
actions are recognized as expenses when the invoices are recorded
(see Exhibit 1).
Exhibit 1. Recognize Expenses Immediately
|nvo|.c .|||vc .no .|c |c.o|oco
|ocnc .|c |c.ojn|co ooo .no c|v|.c
.|c .onuuco (u|.||,
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
A second category involves the purchase of goods and services for
which an obligation is incurred, but where the goods and services are
used during more than one accounting time period (see Exhibit 2).
For example, consider an insurance premium that is paid on July
1 and provides insurance protection for one year from that date. If
the accounting year ends in December, it is necessary to prorate the
premium. One half is an expense of the current period; the other half
is an asset pending transfer to the expense category in the next year.
Tese items are commonly called prepaid expenses and appear on the
lef side (the asset side) of the organizations balance sheet.
Exhibit 2. Prepayments
|.,ucn| |o| jooo .no c|v|.c
||.| .|c .onuuco ovc| uo|c
||.n onc ...oun||nj oc||oo
|c.o|o oo|||on
.onuuco |n .u||cn|
oc||oo . cocnc
|c|c| oo|||on
no| .onuuco
. .n .c| ..||co
o|co.|o cocnc
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
A third category of expense recognition involves charges for services
that have been provided to the organization but, for various reasons,
no paperwork yet exists. For example, our auditors fnish the 2008
audit in 2009. To recognize that cost in 2008, an entry must be made
even before there is fnal knowledge of the amount. Such transactions,
known as accrued expenses, run the gamut from situations where the
overlap into a future period is very brief, to new circumstances that
will not be explicit until some time well into the future.
Tere are many types of accruals, but a common example involves
payrolls. At the end of a month, wages and salaries for the last few
days of the month will not be recorded until the payroll for that week
is paid, for example, during the frst week of the following month.
Te cost of the overlapping days belongs to the current month (see
Exhibit 3) and is a liability on the right side (the liability side) of the
organizations balance sheet.
Exhibit 3. Accrued Expenses
\cc| cno|nj
.cc8 ,c.| cno
.cc8 ,c.| cno
/..|uc .o| o| .uo||
no. on c||u.|co
|.|, c| uo . ||.|||||,
|||u|n.|c ||.|||||,
Case : Wages
Case : Professional Expenses
/||o..|c onc o.,
|o .cc8
\cc| cno|nj
|/ u|u|| ||||,
|oo||.| o.,
|/ n||c
.cc8 .uo||
|.,|o|| |o| ||| .cc|
|n.|uoc ./,/c;
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Buildings, major equipment, and computers are fxed assets.
Tey last for a relatively long time and are disposed of when
their productivity declines due to advances in technology,
the high cost of repairs, and so forth. To recognize such items as
expenses, we allocate their cost over their estimated useful life and
enter that dollar amount on the income statement. We call this
Accountants base the depreciation calculation on the cost of the
asset and its expected life. A percentage of the cost is then appor-
tioned to each accounting period of the items useful life. Even though
the market value of certain fxed assets, notably land and buildings,
may appreciate dramatically, these increases do not appear on the
fnancial statements and do not afect the depreciation calculation.
Incidentally, the value atributed to land itself cannot be depreciated.
Te cash fows associated with fnancing a depreciating asset do not
enter into the depreciation accounting charge. A separate accounting
entry recognizes the purchase of the asset, which may also involve
creating a liability.
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 5
Exhibit 4 illustrates the concept of depreciation. Exhibit 5 illustrates
the fact that the cash fows associated with fnancing a depreciating
asset are not coincident with the depreciation process.
Exhibit 4. Recording Depreciation
|u||o|nj ou| |n c|v|.c
o| ,c,ccc,ccc
|||u.|co |||c | ,c ,c.|
|c.o|o ,ccc,ccc .
oco|c.|.||on cocnc
c..| ,c.|
|u||o|nj .oo|.|co
|.||c| v.|uc | c,ccc,ccc
|co|c.|.||on .|.|jc | no| .o,u|co,
no| | |.|.n.c |cc|
/c| | |u||, oco|c.|.|co
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Exhibit 5. Paying for Building
|u||o|nj .o| | ,c,ccc,ccc
|., ,,ccc,ccc uo ||on|
c| .,,ccc,ccc |o.n
|c|||c |o.n |n .c ,c.|
o.,|nj o||n.|o.| o|u |n|c|c|
|cc .||.njcucn| .|c no| |c|.|co
|o ||c oco|c.|.||on ...oun||nj
.|.|jc |o.n |n |||||| |
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Accounting Reports
Accounting reports are generated on a regular basis to provide infor-
mation on the hospital or health systems activities and performance.
Regular reporting is necessary for meaningful comparisons by diferent
audiences (see Table 1). Standard reports include:
Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets (also referred to
as the Statement of Proft and Loss or the Statement of Revenue and
Balance Sheet
Statement of Cash Flows
eyond these, each organization generally has a variety of detailed
reports and exhibits. Te principal reporting time period is the
fscal year. Some public reporting is done quarterly, as in the
case of publicly placed fnancial transactions; internal reporting is done
monthly or more frequently.
Table 1. Dierent Reports for Dierent Audiences
Recipients Period Reports Provided
|u|||. /nnu.||,
/nnu.| |coo|| ,|.co on .uo||,
|.|cucn| o| Ooc|.||on .no
|.njc |n |c| /c|
|.|.n.c |cc|
|.|cucn| o| .| ||o.
/uo|| c|||..|c
|u|cc |on|||, o| (u.||c||,
|c||oo|. o..|.jc |n.|uoc
|.|cucn| o| Ooc|.||on .no
|.njc |n |c| /c|
|.|.n.c |cc|
|.|cucn| o| .| ||o.
\.||.n.c ||ou |uojc|
|on|||,, .cc||,,
.no . |c(u||co
|c||oo|. o..|.jc |n j|c.|c| oc|.||
|co.||ucn|.| .n.|,c
||oou.| ||nc .n.|,c
ouc ou|||. |coo|||nj | oonc (u.||c||,, . |n ||c ..c o| ou|||.|, o|
n.n.|.| ||.n..||on Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Reporting of Charity Care and Community Benet
|cj|nn|nj ..| ,c.| .cc;, ||c |n|c|n.| |cvcnuc c|v|.c |c(u||c
.|| |.ccuo| |oo||.| |o ||cu|c .|.|||, ..|c .no o||c|
un.ouocn.|co .ouuun||, |cnc|, |n o|oc| |o ocuon||.|c
.ouo||.n.c .||| ||c .ouuun||, |cnc| |.no.|o |c n.| |coo|||nj
|o|u.|cou|c |, |o|u ;;c.|o |n.|uoc |coo|||nj o| |co|..|c
unoc|o.,ucn| .no o.||cn| |.o oc||, |.o |uoo||.n| ..|cjo||c o|
un.ouocn.|co ..|c
|c || jo.| .||| .|cou|c | | |n.| ||.no.|cn., .no
...oun|.|||||, .uonj no||o|o|o| |oo||.| ., /|/ ||c|ocn|
.no |O ||.| |u|ocn|o.|, |c |uo|ovcucn| ||.| || u.oc |o
.|cou|c | .||| |c|o .ouuun|||c |||ouj|ou| ||c n.||on |c||c|
unoc||.no ||c |n.|co|||c |.njc o| o|oj|.u, c|v|.c, .no ..||v|||c
||.| |oo||.| o|ov|oc |o ||oc ||c, c|vc cvc|, o.,
ou|.c /|/ |c. |o. IRS Finalizes Form , New Schedule H,
||c| .c, .cc,
6 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 7
How Hospitals Are Paid
Federal, state, and occasionally local regulatory agencies
play a role in the hospital or health systems payment. While
ofen negotiated, payment occurs within a structured
For patients who are covered by governmental programs such as
Medicare or Medicaid, government agencies:
Defne the medical procedures for which there will be payment.
Assign weights to the procedures to adjust payment for varying factors
(for example, acuity levels).
Establish the mechanism for ataching dollar values to medical proce-
Defne exceptions.
Private payers, usually insurance companies, will ofen follow the
governments lead in using its framework for payment (the case-rate
Who Are the Payers?
Hospitals receive payments from four chief sources:
Te federal government, which administers the Medicare program
through regional Medicare intermediaries or carriers
State and local governments, which administer the Medicaid program
through approved carriers
Private payers, including non-proft Blue Cross Blue Shield and com-
mercial insurance companies, which ofer a wide range of healthcare
Patients and their families, who usually bear part of the cost of health-
care services through deductibles and copayments, and sometimes,
when they have no third-party insurance, bear the full cost of the ser-
vices as self payers
ayer distribution or mix, diferent for each hospital, is ofen
critical to organizational proftability. Exhibit 6 provides a
sample payer mix. A hospital or health systems payer mix can
vary substantially by the type of market, geographic location, and
specifc services provided. Large hospitals and health systems may
have hundreds of private payers, some of which are proftable and
some of which may not to be proftable for the hospital.
How proftable is it to provide services to a Medicare or Medicaid
benefciary compared to a privately insured patient? Payment-to-
cost ratios for community hospitals indicate that neither Medicare
nor Medicaid covered all hospital costs for treating their patients.
Medicares payment-to-cost ratio (91.3 percent) was higher than
Exhibit 6. U.S. Payer Mix
,` ||uc |o
c` |co|..|o
||` |co|..|c
.` ouuc|.|.|
,` |.n.jco .|c
Source: cn|c| |o| |co|..|c c |co|..|o c|v|.c, O.c o| ||c /.|u.|,
.cc8 o.|. |c| .nu.|, ,, .cc8
Price Transparency
|c ou| |o| |oo||.| |o u.|c ||c|| o||.c ou|||. o|
||.no.|cn| | .|oco|c.o .no j|o.|nj, |uc|co |, |coc|.| .no
|.|c jovc|nucn|, |nu|c|, .no .onuuc| |c ||.no.|cn.,
|uoc|.||vc | |||c|, |o |n.|c.c . .onuuc| .uuc ||j|c|
ou|o|oo.|c| .o|
|||.c ||.no.|cn., |c(u||c |oo||.| |o o|ov|oc ||c o.||cn|
.||| |n|o|u.||on on ||c .o| .o.|.|co .||| . c|v|.c o||o|
|o ||c o|ov||on o| ||c c|v|.c |c jo.| | |o o|ov|oc o.||cn|
.||| uc.n|nj|u| |n|o|u.||on .|ou| ||c|| n.n.|.| o|||j.||on
.no o.|. ||.| .||| cn.||c ||cu |o .ouo.|c o||.c |c|.ccn
|c .|.||cnjc |o| |oo||.| | ||.| |oo||.| o.,ucn|
uc.|.n|u ||.| ||n| n.n.|nj .no o||.|nj .|c .ouo|c
|oo||.| o||.|nj ,|cu .ouuon|, |.njc ||ou .|.|jcu.|c|
o| |cco|c|v|.c o||.c ||| |o |uno|co o.,ucn| ,|cu u.|
. |co|..|c cvc|||, o|.jno||c|.|co j|ouo ,|||,
/.||cv|nj uc.n|nj|u| ||.n|o|u.||on o| ||c | |oo||.|
o||.|nj ,|cu |o |..||||.|c o||.c ||.no.|cn., | . v.||,
.ouo|c cnoc.vo|, |c(u|||nj .o||.|o|.||on .uonj o|ov|oc|,
o.,c|, jovc|nucn|, cuo|o,c|, .no .onuuc| |c
|c.|||..|c ||n.n.|.| |.n.jcucn| /o.|.||on ,...||u.
o|j, |. ou||||co nuuc|ou |coo|| .no |c.ouucno.||on
|cj.|o|nj .., |oo||.| ..n uovc |o..|o . uo|c |.||on.|
o||.|nj ,|cu
8 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Medicaids (85.8); private payers covered 130.3 percent of cost.
caution against comparing payment levels across payer types, however,
because patient service mix and intensity vary.
What Are the Sources?
Where does the payers money come from?
Medicare is funded by a federally imposed payroll tax.
Medicaid is funded by the federal government (at least 50 percent),
state governments (up to 50 percent), and in some states, by local gov-
ernments as well.
Other commercial and non-proft payers receive payments from
employers and employees, or in some cases, from individuals purchas-
ing insurance coverage on the open market. Managed care organiza-
tions frequently provide benefts to individuals through employers.
1 American Hospital Association and Avalere Health, Avalere Health analysis
of 2006 American Hospital Association Annual Survey data for community
hospitals, Trendwatch Chartbook 2008, Trends Afecting Hospitals and
Health Systems, April 2008, Table 4.4, p. A-35, available at
2 Kaiser Family Foundation, Trends and Indicators in the Changing Health
Care Marketplace Chartbook, 2004 Update, Exhibit 6.9.
Family/individual incomes pay for expenditures on premiums, copay-
ments, and deductibles. Given the increasing number of uninsured
Americans, full payment for hospital services by patients is becoming
more common. In a tough economic climate, a proportion of self-pay
patients may not be able to pay for hospital services. Even when insured,
patients and their families are required to pay for procedures not cov-
ered by their insurer.
Table 2. Sources of Reimbursement Dollars
Payer Administered By Sources of Money
|co|..|c |coc|.| jovc|nucn|
o.|.| c.u|||, o.,|o|| |.
|.|||.|o.n| o|cu|uu
|.||cn| ocou.||||c
|.||cn| .o|nu|.n.c
|co|..|o |.|c .no |o..||||c |coc|.|, |.|c, .no |o..| |uojc|
|nu|c|, ||uc
|o ||uc ||c|o,
||O, o|c|c||co
|uo|o,cc .no cuo|o,c|
|.||cn| ocou.||||c
|.||cn| .o|nu|.n.c
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Medicare in Brief
|co|..|c | . |coc|.| o|oj|.u ooc|.|co |, ||c cn|c| |o|
|co|..|c c |co|..|o c|v|.c ,|,, . |coc|.| .jcn., .||||n
||c | |co.||ucn| o| |c.||| .no |uu.n c|v|.c
||.||||co |n ;, |||ouj| ||c o.|.| c.u|||, /.|, |co|..|c |
||c n.||on.| |c.||| |nu|.n.c o|oj|.u |o|
|coo|c .jc , o| o|oc|
ouc ocoo|c unoc| .jc , .||| o|.||||||c
|coo|c .||| cno|.jc |cn.| o|c.c ,|||,, .||.| | oc|u.
ncn| ||onc, |.||u|c |c(u|||nj o|.|,| o| . ||onc, ||.no|.n|
|co|..|c | u.oc uo o| |.o co.|.|c ||u| |uno
|oo||.| |nu|.n.c ,||, |u| |uno, o||c|.|c |no.n .
|co|..|c |.|| / |o| |no.||cn||c|.|co ..|c || | |unoco
o||u.|||, |||ouj| o.,|o|| .no o.|.| c.u|||, |.c
uoo|cucn|.|, |co|..| |nu|.n.c ,||, |u| |uno, o||c|
.|c |no.n . |co|..|c |.|| | .no | |o| o|,|.|.n
.no o||c| ou|o.||cn| c|v|.c ,|.|| |, .no o|c.||o||on
o|uj ,|.|| |, || | |unoco o||u.|||, |||ouj| |coc|.| |cvc
nuc .no o|cu|uu .|.|jco |o ||c |cnc.|.||c
|n .cc8, |co|..|c o|ov|oco .ovc|.jc |o .oo|o|u.|c|,
|| u||||on /uc||..n |co|..|c |c|u|u|cucn| |.|c ..n
.|.njc c..| O.|o|c| |n |coonc |o ||c |.|c| |coc|.| |uojc|
u|u|||co |n co|cu|c| o| c..| ,c.|
Medicaid in Brief
|co|..|o | . |.|c.ou|n||c|co o|oj|.u |o| o|.||co .no
|o.|n.ouc |no|v|ou.| .no |.u|||c .|o ..nno| .o|o |o o.,
|o| ouc o| .|| o| ||c|| uco|..| ..|c
|c |co|..|o ,|cu | no| . ..||on .oo, o| ||c |co|..|c
,|cu |..| |.|c c| || o.n ju|oc||nc |cj.|o|nj c||j||||||,
.no .ovc|.jc u|,c.| |o |coc|.| |u|c .no ju|oc||nc c||.|n
c|v|.c uu| |c .ovc|co |, ||c |.|c |n o|oc| |o |c.c|vc
|coc|.| |uno, o||c| c|v|.c .|c oo||on.| .no .|c c|c.|co
|, |.|c |.|c ..nno| o|u|n|| ||c |cnc| ||ou|.|co |,
|coc|.| |cju|.||on, |u| ||c, ..n u.|c .|.njc |o ||c o.,ucn|
.|cou|c .no ||c, ..n .ooo| per diem o.,ucn| |cnc| |o|
|co|..|o |c.|o|cn| .no |co|..|o o.,ucn| |o o|ov|oc| v.|,
||ou onc |.|c |o .no||c|
/..o|o|nj |o ||c |.||on.| /o.|.||on o| |.|c |uojc| O.c|,
|co|..|o cocno||u|c |co|ccn|co ||c |.|jc| o|ooo|||on o|
.|| |.|c cocno||u|c |, |un.||on ,... oc|.cn|, \|cn |.|c
|.vc ..| o|o||cu, ||c, o||cn ncco |o |cou.c |co|..|o
cocno||u|c /| |c.| ., |.|c o|u ||c |||||.| o| o|uu||.,
|n.|uo|nj cvc|.| o| ||c n.||on |.|jc| |.|c, | o| .|c
|..|nj .n c||u.|co |, |||||on |n .ou||nco |o|||.|| |n ||c||
..| ,c.| .cc; |uojc|
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 9
A recent review of the distribution of personal healthcare expenditures
by source of payment indicates that three categories of payment
prescription drugs (10.1 percent), hospital care (30.8 percent), and
physician and clinical services (21.2 percent)account for approxi-
mately 62 percent of total spending.
It is hard to exaggerate the complexity of the current hospital
payment environment and the processes required of hospitals to obtain
payment for services provided. A brief review of how the payment
system has evolved might be helpful at this point.
From Retrospective to Prospective Reimbursement
A look at the 1970s establishes the foundation. At that time,
hospital payment was based upon per diem costs as set by
the hospital. A hospital calculated the cost of a patient day
based on actual data viewed retrospectively and based its billed charge
on this cost. It was a no-lose system; hospitals were sure to cover their
expenditures. It was also a lazy system; there was no incentive to mini-
mize cost. As services provided to patients in their organizations
increased, so too did the payment received by the organization.
Under this retrospective fee-for-service system, healthcare was
consuming an ever-increasing share of national expenditures. In 1960,
national health expenditures of $27 billion consumed 5.1 percent of
gross domestic product (GDP). By 1980, health expenditures had
soared to $246 billion and share of GDP increased to 12 percent.
As a result, political and economic pressure to control healthcare costs
began to be intense in the early 1980s. A new set of legislative initiatives
resulted in the prospective payment system (PPS) for Medicare in 1983.
Te PPS approach was quickly mirrored by state Medicaid programs
in 1986 and private insurers in the mid- and late 1980s.
In contrast to the retrospective cost payment system, PPS had a
built-in incentive for hospitals and other healthcare organizations to
3 Kaiser Family Foundation, Trends and Indicators in the Changing Health
Care Marketplace Chartbook, 2008 Update.
4 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Ofce of the Actuary,
National Health Statistics Group.
control costs. Only prospectively approved costs, based on diagnosis-
related groups (DRGs)a patient disease classifcation system that
adjusts for acuity diferenceswere now covered. If actual costs
exceeded these, the hospital sufered a fnancial loss. Te prospective
or case-based payment system replaced the cost-based reimbursement
system and continues to this day to be the operant payment system
in this country.
In the late 1970s and 1980s, managed care and other forms of prepaid
healthcare ofered by employers also drove healthcare cost reductions.
Managed care is called what it is because the managed care organiza-
tion (MCO) manages or monitors the patient care process, striving to
pay only what it thinks is justifed if services are performed efciently.
Te goal, of course, is to reimburse only those services deemed by the
MCO to be needed.
Trough the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Act of 1973,
the federal government established grants and loan guarantees for
HMOs, and established ambitious enrollment goals.
HMO enroll-
ment reached a high of 31 percent of covered workers in 1996 and began
a steady decline,
with enrollment falling to 20 percent in 2008.
However, other managed health plan types, including preferred
provider organizations (PPOs) gained considerable market share. In 1988,
73 percent of covered workers had traditional fee-for-service indemnity
insurance. In 2008, PPOs had captured 58 percent of insured workers and
only 2 percent of workers had traditional indemnity coverage
(see Exhibit
7 on the next page). Te decline is a direct result of the PPO enrollment
growth, which was driven by cost and increased provider choice.
5 Tufs Managed Care Institute, A Brief History of Managed Care, 1998, avail-
able at
6 InterStudy Publications, New HMO Directory Finds Continued Industry
Consolidation Reason for Decline in HMO Enrollment, 2002 press
release, available at
7 Kaiser Family Foundation, Employer Health Benefts, 2008 Annual Survey,
available at
8 InterStudy Publications, National Commercial Managed Care Enrollment
Continues, 2008 press release, available at
10 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Te sidebar below defnes some of the many acronyms encountered
in managed care.
The Alphabet Soup of Managed Care:
Selected Denitions
Health maintenance organization (HMO): / u.n.jco ..|c
o|.n ||.| |n|cj|.|c n.n.|nj .no oc||vc|, o| . .ouo|c|cn|vc
c| o| |c.|||..|c c|v|.c |o .n cn|o||co ooou|.||on ||O u.,
.on||..| .|||, o||c.||, cuo|o,, o| o.n o.|||.|o.||nj |c.|||..|c
o|ov|oc| |n|o||cc .|c uu.||, |c(u||co |o .|ooc ||ou
.uonj ||cc o|ov|oc| .no |n |c|u|n |.vc ||u||co .oo.,ucn|
||ov|oc| u., |c o.|o |||ouj| ..o||.||on, .|.|,, per diem, o|
o|cncjo||.|co |cc|o|c|v|.c |.|c
Independent practice association (IPA): /n ||O ||.|
.on||..| .||| |no|v|ou.| o|,|.|.n o| u.|| o|,|.|.n j|ouo
|o o|ov|oc c|v|.c |o ||O cn|o||cc .| . ncjo||.|co oc| ..o||.
o| |cc|o|c|v|.c |.|c ||,|.|.n u.|n|.|n ||c|| o.n o.c
.no ..n .on||..| .||| o||c| ||O .no cc o||c| |cc|o|
c|v|.c o.||cn|
Managed care organization (MCO): /n o|j.n|.||on ||.|
oc| . |c.||| o|.n ||.| uc u.n.jco ..|c .||.njcucn| .no
|. . ocnco ,|cu o| c|c.|co o|ov|oc| ||.| .on||..| .|||
||c o|.n |n|o||cc |.vc . n.n.|.| |||vc |o uc o.|||.|o.||nj
o|ov|oc| ||.| .j|cc |o |u|n|| . ||o.o |.njc o| c|v|.c |o
||cu ||ov|oc| u., |c o.|o on . o|cncjo||.|co |.|
Physician/hospital organization (PHO): /n o|j.n|.||on ||.|
.on||..| .||| o.,c| on |c|.|| o| onc o| uo|c |oo||.| .no
.||.|co o|,|.|.n |c ||O u., .|o unoc||.|c u||||.||on
|cv|c., .|cocn||.||nj, .no (u.|||, .u|.n.c ||,|.|.n |c|.|n|||o o| ||c|| o.n o|..||.c, u.|n|.|n |jn|..n| |u|nc
ou||oc ||c ||O, .no |,o|..||, .on||nuc |n ||c|| ||.o|||on.| |,|c
o| o|..||.c
Point-of-service plan (POS): / u.n.jco ..|c o|.n ||.|
.ou||nc |c.|u|c o| |o|| o|co.|o .no |cc|o|c|v|.c
|nu|.n.c |c.||| o|.n cn|o||cc oc.|oc .|c||c| |o uc nc|.o||
o| nonnc|.o|| o|ov|oc| .| ||c ||uc ..|c | nccoco .no uu.||,
.|c .|.|jco |.||c .oo.,ucn| |o| c|c.||nj ||c |.||c|
Preferred provider organization (PPO): / |c.||| o|.n .||| .
nc|.o|| o| o|ov|oc| .|oc c|v|.c .|c .v.||.||c |o cn|o||cc
.| |o.c| .o| ||.n ||c c|v|.c o| nonnc|.o|| o|ov|oc| ||O
cn|o||cc u., c|||c|c| |o .n, nc|.o|| o|ov|oc| .| .n, ||uc
ou|.c |n|vc|||, o| \.||nj|on .|oo| o| |u|||. |c.||| .no ouuun||,
|co|.|nc, |o.|, o| |c.||| .|c .no |c.||| .|c |.n.jcucn| c|u,
.v.||.||c .| |||o//oco|..||nj|oncou/||./|cou|.c/j|o.|,||u|
Exhibit 7. Health Plan Enrollment for Covered
Workers, by Plan Types (percentages)
onvcn||on.| ||O ||O |O
Note: |c. o|.n |,oc |n.|uoc ||j|ocou.||||c |c.||| o|.n ,||||, .no oo|n| o| c|v|.c
,|O,, nc|||c| o| .||.| .c|c .v.||.||c |n ;88
Source: |.|c| |.u||, |ouno.||on/|c.||| |cc.|.| .no |ou..||on |u|,
|uo|o,c| |c.||| |cnc|, .cc8 /nnu.| u|vc,
PPS and Diagnosis-Related Groups
Te prospective payment approach assumes that the degree of care
required (case intensity) is a function of the patients diagnosis and
that payment to the provider should be based on the intensity of care
and resources required by the specifc diagnosis.
Diagnosis-related groups (DRG) were developed by a group of
researchers at Yale University in the late 60s as a tool to help clinicians
and hospitals monitor quality of care and utilization of services. Te
DRG concept is founded on the theory that patients in each category
or DRG have the same clinical and resource needs. In 1983, DRGs
became the system used by Medicare to pay hospitals.
Efective October 2007, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) revised its Medicare reimbursement system and
increased the approximately 500 DRG codes in use to 746 codes, now
called MS-DRGs or Medicare severity diagnosis-related groups. Te
purpose of expansion was to provide more granularity to Medicare
reimbursement, in particular as it pertains to higher-acuity services.
At the same time, CMS changed many of the weights associated with
various MS-DRGs, alleviating some of the pressure on overall base-
rate reimbursement increases.
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 11
CMS has defned 746 MS-DRGs, in which patients are grouped
together diagnostically for billing purposes. Hospitals are paid a
set fee for treating patients in a single MS-DRG category, regard-
less of the actual cost of care for the individual. Te 746 MS-DRGs
represent groupings of 10,000+ of the ICD-9-CM codes into a more
manageable number of meaningful patient categories. ICD-9-CM
is the International Classifcation of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical
Modifcationa diagnosis and procedure classifcation system avail-
able through the National Center for Health Statistics.
How MS-DRG-Based Payment Is Determined
MS-DRGs are based upon acuity and are weighted, according to
the severity of the patients illness, which can indicate the intensity of
care or services needed. Sicker patients require more of the hospitals
care and resources. A patient or case with a weight of 2.0 is deemed
to be double the intensity and hence require double the costs (and
payment) of a case with a weight of 1.0, which is the baseline weight.
A particular hospitals cost, however, is not directly involved in this
All things being equal, it is preferable to have more cases with higher
weights. Even though these cases involve higher costs, they generate
higher payments levels, which typically cover the extra costs. Hospitals
strive to increase case-mix intensity (i.e., atract patients with higher
acuity levels).
Each hospital has a unique MS-DRG distribution. Looking at which
MS-DRGs account for most of an organizations activity can be helpful
(see Tables 3 and 4). For a particular MS-DRG, a hospital may have
many, few, or no cases.
Table 3. DRG Characteristics at an Orthopaedic Hospital
MS-DRG Value
Type of Procedure
||j|c| .c|j|| ;8,
ou||nco .n|c||o|/oo|c||o| o|n.|
|u|on .||| u.,o| .ouo||..||on/
.ouo|||o||, ,|,
|o| ||c(ucn|
|.,o| ,o|n| |co|..cucn| o| |c.||..|
ucn| o| |o.c| c||cu||, .||| |
|o| ||c(ucn| o|o.c
ou|c .||| .n ||| .|
o| nc.| c
|jn .no ,uo|ou o| uu.u|o|
c|c|.| ,|cu .no .onnc.||vc ||uc
.||| |
||o.cou|c .||| |o.c|
.c|j||, .||.| o..u|
.||| ouc ||c(ucn.,
|jn .no ,uo|ou o| uu.u|o|
c|c|.| ,|cu .no .onnc.||vc ||uc
.|||ou| |
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Table 4. MS-DRGs by Discharges for a Sample Hospital
Number of
Percent of Total
,,, ,;, |o|u.| nc.|o|n ,
,c;8 ,,,
\.j|n.| oc||vc|, .|||ou| .ouo||
..||nj o|.jnoc
|uo|c oncuuon|. .no o|cu||,
.jc >, .||| .ouo||..||on/
,c ,;
|oo|.j|||, j.||ocn|, .no u|.
o|jc| o|o|oc| .jc >, .|||
, .;. |c.|| |.||u|c .no |o.| ,
Note: |o| ||| .ouuun||, |oo||.|, ||c |oo c ||| ...oun| |o| | oc|.cn| o|
o|.|.|jc, ||c |oo .c ||| ...oun| |o| ,, oc|.cn| o| o|.|.|jc
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Base rate: To fully understand the MS-DRG system, one needs to
understand the concept of a base rate. Te base rate is what a hospital
gets paid on an MS-DRG having an intensity of 1.0. CMS determines
the base rate nationally and adjusts it for regional and/or local difer-
ences, such as higher wage rates. In the case of teaching hospitals,
there are adjustments to help academic medical centers cover the
costs involved in medical education. Tere are also adjustments to
refect the use of capital.
Each patient is assigned an MS-DRG that represents that patients
diagnostic condition and has a service intensity weight. Tat weight
is multiplied by the dollar value of an MS-DRG with a weight (inten-
sity) of 1.0 (the base rate). Te result is the dollar value of the specifc
case. Table 5 illustrates a dollar value of a specifc case to be $10,000,
assuming a base rate of $5,000. If the hospital is a teaching hospital,
for example, the base rate may be set at a higher level (for example,
$7,000), thereby yielding a higher specifc case value of $14,000 for
an MS-DRG with the same weight of 2.0.
Table 5. Determining the Payment Level for a Particular Case
|| ||c ||| .c|j||
| .c
/no ||c |.c |.|c o| ||c
v.|uc o| . ..c .||| .
.c|j|| o| c | ,,ccc
|cn ||c v.|uc o| .
oc.|. ..c |
.c ,,ccc c,ccc
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
12 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Length of Stay
Length of stay (LOS) is used to measure the duration of a single
episode of hospitalization. It is measured on a per-patient basis in
whole numbers (days), and calculated by subtracting day of admission
from day of discharge. Average length of stay (ALOS) is the average
number of days patients stay in a facility. It is calculated by dividing the
total number of days all patients stayed in the hospital by the number
of patients discharged for the same given period of time. Statistical
reports that include ALOS invariably result in fractional numbers due
to averaging the experience of more than one patient.
Hospitals, employers, and others commonly use ALOS as a key
indicator of hospital efciency and utilization.
Given rising healthcare
costs, pressures to reduce such costs, and MS-DRG-based payment,
hospitals are under increasing pressure to reduce ALOS. In 1975, ALOS
nationwide was nearly 8 days; by 1995, it had dropped to approximately
6 days, and had declined further to 5.6 days in 2006.
Length of stay has cost and revenue implications. Consider what
happens when a hospitals management team, during the fnancial and
budget planning process, establishes reduced LOS as an operational
goal. At the same time, the management team also plans to achieve
the same number of discharges and the same level of overall patient
care activity with fewer beds. Te team reduces the number of beds
and stafng commensurate with the bed reduction. Patients must
be moved through the hospital quicker, which thereby will reduce
LOS. Tis decision for planned capacity reduction can achieve major
economies resulting from nursing and ofer staf reductions, reduced
space costs, and other factors.
9 Milliman USA ( and other organizations publish
national LOS data.
10 American Hospital Association, Average Length of Stay in Community
Hospitals: 19812006, April 2008, available at
Exhibit 8. Potential Advantage of Shorter Lengths of Stay
|.||cn| |., .c
o., |o .oo.|cn|
|.||cn| .ou|||co .||| ||
||.| |uo||c co., |., ,|Oc,
|| v.|uc | c,ccc |uo||co oc|
o|cu .o| o| ,ccc/o.,
|.||cn| |.,
, o.,
|u| |co | no| o..u
o|co |, . c.ono
o.||cn| |o| , o.,
Outcome: |oo||.|
|o|joc oo|
|||||, o| c.ono
ocno c,ccc
uo|c on ..c ||.n
|| |c|u|u|c
ucn| o|ov|oc
Outcome: |oo||.|
.o||c.| || |o|
o.||cn| c,ccc
|oo||.| .vc
v.||.||c .o|
ou||nj ,o.,
oc||oo o| no
|c .v|nj o| c||. .o| .|c
.oo|o|u.|c ou|.ouc
Outcome: |oo||.|
c.|n .c,ccc,
|o|.| o..uo.n.,
| , o., |o| ||
o.||cn| o|u , o.,
|o| c.ono o.||cn|
|.||cn| |.,
, o.,
c.ono o.||cn|
.||| .uc ||
v.|uc o..uo|c
|co |uuco|.|c|,
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
When hospitals were paid on a cost per diem basis, keeping a patient
longer meant more revenue. Tis is no longer the case. Prospective or
case rates are based on the length of stay deemed appropriate to the
case. Tus, if a patient is hospitalized for longer than the LOS deemed
appropriate to the case, the case-rate payment is unlikely to cover the
complete costs incurred by the hospital.
A hospital expects to incur costs of $1,000 per day to care for a patient
with a particular MS-DRG. If the MS-DRG is compensated at a fat
rate of $10,000, the implied LOS should be 10 days. If the patient stays
20 days, the hospital still receives only $10,000. Tere are some excep-
tions (called outliers) when additional payment is warranted.
A catch 22 may occur if 10 days are authorized and only eight are
needed. Tis appears to be the classic example of a desirable devel-
opment. However, the payer might indicate that if the hospital only
needed eights days, the payer would only pay for eight days. In this
case, the lower LOS has an adverse efect on revenue, although it may
be ofset by a cost beneft. LOS is complicated.
Shorter lengths of patient stays can result in unoccupied beds in an
active nursing unit. Te beneft of this situation is that variable costs
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 13
are saved. Such costs (for example, meals) are dependent on occu-
pancy rates. Nursing costs go up and down in a step-wise manner;
unoccupied beds today may not necessarily result in adjusted nurse
stafng. Exhibit 8 illustrates some of these situations.
In a hospitals monthly reporting of LOS, there is an inference that
reductions are necessarily benefcial. For example, a report notes that
last month LOS was 5.9; this month it is 5.7. Te reduction of 0.2 days
is deemed to be the basis of cost savings, but it is hard to monetize.
For beter or worse, reducing LOS and thereby discharging patients
sooner is an ever-present pressure for all hospitals.
The Impact of the New Payment Environment
Managed care, not as strong a force as it was in the 1990s,
changed the complexion of reimbursement accounting.
Payment rates in a managed care world can take many forms,
including per diem, fee-for-service, MS-DRG-based, and capitation.
Managed care organizations may use one or all of these payment
approachesin efect, a payment is negotiated and agreed to contrac-
tually on an individual basis between the managed care organization
and the hospital.
Te sidebar below presents a brief description of each type of
Types of Payment
Per diem payment: ||ov|oc co o.||, o.,ucn| ||.| oo no|
v.|, .||| ||c |cvc| o| c|v|.c uco |, ||c o.||cn|
Fee-for-service payment: |c|u|u|c ||c o|ov|oc| .|.|cvc|
|cc ||c o|ov|oc| .|.|jc on .ouo|c||on o| . oc.|. c|v|.c
Case-based (MS-DRG) payment: |., o|ov|oc| |.co on
o.||cn| ..u||, |cvc|
Capitation: |., o|ov|oc| . co .uoun| |o| c..| oc|on
c|vco ,cn|o||cc o| ucu|c|, |cj.|o|c o| ||c ..|u.|
nuu|c| o| n.|u|c o| c|v|.c o|ov|oco
anaged care payers encourage
per diem payment because it
facilitates utilization review.
Te payer uses LOS standards for diferent
cases to audit each patient situation. Per
diems make it easier for MCOs to adjust
claims, puting additional pressure on the
hospital or health systems ability to receive
payment for care already provided. Some
payers ofer the healthcare organization a
carrot. Beat our LOS benchmark and we
will split the savings. Te trend is clear:
keep pushing for reduced length of stay.
Commercial payers have increasingly
been moving toward case-rate payment,
instead of per diem payments. Tis shifs
the onus for LOS case management to
hospitals. Case management, as described
further in the next section, involves moni-
toring and coordinating the delivery of
health services for individual patients to
enhance care and manage costs. It is ofen
used for patients with specifc diagnoses
and those who require high-cost or exten-
sive healthcare services.
Under a capitation payment arrange-
ment, the hospital gets paid the same
amount per member per month, regard-
less of whether that person uses the orga-
nizations services. Te hospital or health
system bets that it will have an acceptable
level of sickness (acuity) across the entire
body of covered subscribers. In efect, the organization goes at risk
and becomes the insurer because it accepts responsibility for delivering
an uncertain quantity of medical service for a fxed cost.
Cost Management and Pay-for-Performance
Cost/services oversight has increased markedly in the last
decade. A typical community hospital, for example, may
treat many patients with a specifc MS-DRG with a value
of $10,000, as specifed by Medicare. Te hospital believes that the
appropriate LOS (and the LOS it most ofen experiences) for that
case is fve days. When negotiating a per diem payment with a managed
care payer, the hospital will try to obtain a per diem payment of no less
than $2,000. However, MCOs frequently insert their version of LOS
based upon their extensive research. Teir objective is to pay only for
what they believe to be the appropriate LOS, and perhaps that LOS
is 3 days, rather than 5 days. MCOs are exerting constant downward
pressure on LOS. Hospitals must react by changing systems and
processes to minimize LOS.
In patient service areas where there are high material costs (for
example, with prostheses and stents), per diem reimbursement does not
cope adequately with the fact that the costs involved with such devices
are frontloadedi.e., incurred on the frst day of the patients stay,
or even before the patient is admited. Hospitals may try to put some
of the costs of certain procedures on what is known as a carve out
basis. Te total cost is divided into two parts: one part remains on a
per diem basis; the other on a direct reimbursement for material.
In most surgical and medical situations, more than 50 percent of the
costs of delivering patient care occur during the frst two days of the
patients stay. Accordingly, hospital negotiators may negotiate non-linear
per diem reimbursement, in which more money is received for the frst
few days, and less money for the last few days of the patients stay.
Hospitals are zealous in monitoring each case and providing over-
sight of patient days. Te goal is to document the medical necessity
14 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
of each and every patient day. Hospitals use staf nurses and case
managers to review the services prospectively, concurrently, or retro-
spectively to determine whether the services would be, are, or were
medically necessary. When the contractual LOS approaches the limit,
the case manager or nurse contacts the MCO to identify the neces-
sity for additional days. Negotiations ensue to determine whether the
MCO will pay the hospital for additional days.
More recently, both Medicare and commercial payers are shifing
away from the utilization management approach, as just described,
towards pay-for-performance. Pay-for-performance programs assume
that the business case for quality improvement will be enhanced by a
more close alignment of performance with fnancial rewards. Payers
measure hospital performance against pre-determined metrics, and,
in addition to negotiated or established base payment rates, distribute
bonuses to participants based on performance relative to those
metrics. Pay-for-performance programs are proliferating nationwide,
using a wide variety of incentive approaches; analyses of data over a
long period of time and best practices have not yet been conducted
or identifed.
Medicare and Medicaid Managed Care
ince 1990, the Medicare and Medicaid programs have encouraged
benefciaries to move from fee-for-service to managed care plans.
Qualifed MCOs negotiate a per capita payment per enrollee for
both Medicare and Medicaid programs and agree to deliver medical
services to enrollees as specifed.
Medicare managed care plan enrollees increased steadily in the 1990s,
declined between 2000 and 2003, but by 2008 overall enrollment was
19 percent of the 44.2 million individuals covered by Medicare
Table 6). Coverage through a managed care plan may be less expensive
for enrollees than fee-for-service plans and benefts may be broader.
States, which administer the Medicaid program, have chosen to rely
on MCOs to deliver coverage to their Medicaid populations because
MCOs have ofered guaranteed access to comprehensive benefts at a
predictable cost. Medicaid benefciaries, who represented 13.2 percent
of the U.S. population in 2007,
ofen have less income than Medicare
benefciaries. Tey may have litle, if any, shopping discretion and
ofen must go with the program ofered by their state. As a result, the
number of Medicaid benefciaries enrolled in some form of managed
care program is growing rapidly, from 48 percent of enrollees in 1997
to 65 percent in 2006.
11 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Ofce of the Actuary,
National Health Statistics Group.
12 U.S. Census Bureau, Health Insurance Coverage, 2007, available at
13 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Brief Summaries of Medicare
& Medicaid as of November 1, 2007, available at
Table 6. Enrollment in Medicare Managed Care Plans
Managed Care
Managed Care
;;c ,| , |
;; ,8 |;
.cc, | |
.cc8 ||. 8| ;
Source: cn|c| |o| |co|..|c c |co|..|o c|v|.c, O.c o| ||c /.|u.|,
Accounting Challenges: Retrospective Review
When is revenue revenue? Recognizing revenue in the period
it actually was earnedi.e., when the patient was treated
is a difcult process in hospital accounting, as described
earlier in this publication. Medicare and Medicaids right to review,
challenge, and adjust the rates a hospital has charged in a previous
period (a specifc year) increases the complexity of the accounting
Medicare and Medicaids retrospective review process can be
described as follows:
Reimbursement rates for concluded patient activity can be reevalu-
ated in the future.
Te amounts involved in the reevaluation are ofen material and can
signifcantly afect the organizations prior reporting period results.
With a few exceptions, however, outside auditors will not change prior-
period accounting statements, and the penalty will appear in the year
in which it is levied.
Te period reviewed by Medicare and Medicaid frequently includes
several years. In a recent example, Medicare changed a hospitals rates
for fve prior yearsfour years later. Tis means, for example, that Medi-
care can change a hospitals rates for the 2000 to 2005 period in 2009.
Tese afer-the-fact changes afect both accrual and cash results, but
the efect on cash may not coincide with the accrual efect.
Medicare and Medicaid use fnancial intermediaries (FIs) to conduct
audits. Tese audits can lead to claims against (or less frequently,
payments to) hospitals and health systems. Medicare frequently uses
Blue Cross as an FI.
Audits and Final Setlements
ospitals and health systems are required by Medicare and
Medicaid to submit a cost report by June 30 of each year
for the previous year ending December 31. Te cost report
is voluminous, containing a large amount of fnancial and quantitative
data collected and presented by the organization.
Following an analysis of this cost report, Medicare or Medicaids
FI conducts its frst type of investigation or audita base rate audit.
As mentioned earlier, the FI can challenge the base rate used by the
hospital in the preceding year (a discussion of base rate appears on
page 8), up to four years later. To exacerbate the situation, once a fnal
setlement is reached, the FI can reopen the case beyond the four-year
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 15
period. Also, up to two years afer patient discharge, healthcare orga-
nizations can appeal base rates on specifc cases. Appeals can delay the
FIs audit investigation. When this investigation has concluded, fnal
setlement has been reached.
Te second investigative process conducted by the FI involves an
examination of medical records held by the organization. Investigatory
situations, which can be extensive, fall into two broad categories: the
coding of cases and documentation. Both can be challenged. Te
FI may indicate that the assignment of MS-DRGs was faulty or that
documentation was defcient and does not justify the reimbursement
claimed and obtained. Trough examination of medical records, the FI
can indicate, for example, that procedures performed and reimbursed
were not in fact performed, or that physicians claimed by the healthcare
organization to be present at a procedure were not in fact present.
In this contest between the payer and healthcare organization,
Medicare and Medicaid FIs are trying to minimize payment and health-
care organizations are trying to maximize payments. Both parties are
operating within the constraints of a contractual and regulatory frame-
work. When do healthcare organizations know an audit will occur?
Generally, when the FI calls them and informs them of such.
If an audit results in an adverse rate revision for the healthcare orga-
nization, the accounting efects can be signifcant. Because the orga-
nization overstated revenue in a prior year, it must refund the payer
the diference between the amount the hospital was reimbursed and
the new rate. Te organization can make the payment in one of two
ways: it can adjust current rates, and get paid less for cases performed
now, or make a cash payment.
How do organizations present this correction on fnancial state-
ments? External auditors have strong convictions about adjusting
prior-period results to refect required revisions. Tey hold that the
healthcare organization should estimate these changes in the appro-
priate period, thereby enabling the establishment of reserves so that
the rate change would be recorded at the proper time. External audi-
tors further believe that the failure to set up the reserve, or establish a
reserve in the right amount, should be refected in the period in which
corrections are made.
Healthcare organizations cannot do anything about prohibition of
prior-period adjustments. However, many organizations do not wish
to include adjustments in the portion of the fnancial statement that
is focused on current period operating revenue. Tus, organizations
ofen show the rate change as an unusual item.
Final Thoughts on Reimbursement
Te hospital payment environment is constantly changing,
making it difcult to generalize at this time about the types
of contractual arrangements that will yield the best fnancial
results for hospitals. Accounting challenges associated with contract
types and required payer adjustments abound. Te time-honored
accounting objective of matching revenues and expenses is becoming
increasingly difcult.
16 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 17
Developing the Budget
and Monitoring Financial
How do directors monitor hospital performance as the year
progresses? Te principal and essential tool is the budget,
which is a revenue and expense forecast describing a hospi-
tals fnancial goals for the forthcoming year. Te estimates for each
account or line item refect what management wants and expects to
achieve in the upcoming year.
Te budget is presented as a set of values on the Statement of
Operations and Changes in Net Assets (see page 18). A variance
column provides the diference between actual results by category and
the budget for the category. Tese variances are available for analysis
whenever the board reviews fnancial information.
Is budgeting planning? It is. However, the terms long-range plan-
ning, fnancial planning, and strategic planning usually mean something
else. A budget has a one-year time horizon. It refects objectives that
are achievable in the short-term. Long-range plans have longer time
horizonsthree to fve years, and perhaps longer. Tey refect future
plans and goals. For example, a long-range plan might include the addi-
tion of a major new service three years from now or a new facility for
which construction will begin fve years from now.
How are the budgeting and planning processes connected? Te
current budget is a step toward the fulfllment of the long-range plan.
However, the cumulative efect of fve budgets does not equate to a
fve-year strategic plan. Why not? Frequent changes experienced over
a fve-year period, including assumptions, circumstances, and short-
run results, alter the cumulative efect.
All hospitals prepare budgets, but some hospitals do not prepare
formal long-range plans. Tis represents a signifcant problem.
Organizations should have an ongoing planning process that results
in a writen, data-based plan, which identifes where the organization
wants to be in the future and how it plans to get there. According to
the capital markets, the preparation of long-range fnancial plans is an
increasingly important core competency for healthcare executives.
Given the availability of easy-to-use contemporary sofware tools, the
integration of strategic and fnancial plans is both practical and desir-
able. So too is the integration of the annual budget with the strategic,
capital, and fnancial plans. Strategic planning, which frequently still
is a separate planning process, can and should now be integrated with
long-range plans and annual budgets, whether as one integrated plan
or a strategic plan tied to a fnancial and capital plan.
With an integrated approach to fnancial management, the specifc
targets of the fnancial plan are used to drive initial budget develop-
ment, in efect, rolling the fnancial plan down through the organization.
Initiatives in the longer-range fnancial plan may produce results in the
current budget year, and thus are refected in the current budget.
Preparing the Budget
n todays environment, completing the budget in a timely manner is
ofen difcult. Uncertainty about payment arrangements and rates
may delay the process. Budgeting requires atention from budget
professionals and, due to its grass-roots nature, considerable time and
atention from staf at all levels. A budget cannot be imposed arbitrarily
on individuals who must operate within its constraints. Department
heads must participate in budget development and implementation.
In short, budgeting is complex, and ofen either does not get the time
it deserves or consumes a very large amount of staf time. Submiting
an annual budget in a timely manner is critical. Exhibit 9 illustrates
the budgeting process.
Exhibit 9. The Budgeting Process
|.|| .|ou| | uon|| |c|o|c ,c.| cno
The Steps
oo u.n.jcucn| o|ov|oc ju|oc
||nc, .uuo||on, .no .on||.|n|
,u.| . o|.|.|jc jo.|,
nuu|c| o| ||, o.,c| u|,
|co.||ucn|.| u.n.jcucn| .|oco |,
|. o|oou.c oco.||ucn| |uojc|
|no|v|ou.| |uojc| .|c .jj|c
j.|co ,.|cn ||c o|c.c .|c .ooco
|ojc||c|, |o|.| .o| o|o|.||,
c.cco .n|.||c |cvc|,
|u|||c| ncjo||.||on
ouo|c|co |uojc|
Board approval Hopefully, two months
before the new year
Note: '||' |u||||uc c(u|v.|cn|
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Flexible Budgeting
Flexible budgeting is a process than can be used on a monthly basis
to more efectively measure budget-to-actual variances. Te fexible
budget answers the question, If we had budgeted volumes perfectly,
what variances would be lef? Flexible budgeting involves creating a
budget in which the budgeted rate per unit is multiplied by the actual
Many hospital line items or expense categories depend upon the
level of activity. For example, the number of meals served depends
upon patient days; surgical supplies depend upon the number and
type of surgeries.
14 For more information on this topic, see the white papers available on
Kaufman Halls Web site:
18 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
o develop accurate budgets using currently available budgeting
sofware, organizations set the expected level of activity for
a particular department based upon their best estimates as
to what the level of activity will be on a month-by-month basis. Te
actual activity level and hence expense are unlikely to ever be exactly
the same as the estimate. Flexible budgeting deals properly with this
condition. Using a computer-driven formula, the budget varies based
on the level of activity for the reported period. Sofware is essential for
such budgeting and volume-adjusted variance reporting.
A major part of the budget represents the compilation of departmental
data provided by department managers or directors. Departmental
managers must have the opportunity on a regular basis to review
their departments performance. Tey assume responsibility for the
results, and through a comparison of actual values to budgeted values,
can best explain why a variance may be present. Flexible budgeting
ensures that the managers see results that refect the actual level of
department activity for each expense item.
Altering the Budget
Numerous changes in a hospitals operating environment may appear
to require a budget adjustment. However, budgets generally are
changed only when signifcant changes occur early in the budget year.
Tereafer, fnancial management must advise the board, as necessary,
that budgeted results will not be achieved, and use the interpretation
of variances to highlight the changes.
Variance Analysis
Te use of a budget allows a variance to be noted in a revenue and
expense statement. Te analysis of a variance, using certain techniques,
provides the basis for a penetrating explanation of the diference
between what was budgeted and what actually occurred.
Variance analysis quantifes the diferences between actual and
budgeted values for a resource, revenue, or service. Revenue variances
usually involve the largest dollar amounts and deserve the greatest
atention. Board members and physician leaders do not need to learn
how to perform variance analysis. Rather, they need to know that this
process can provide answers to questions that arise when results are
monitored against budget.
Capital Budgets
Capital expenditures require separate consideration through
a capital budgeting process. Capital expenditures are outlays,
frequently large, that provide benefts for more than the
year in which they were incurredfrequently for many years. Two
major examples are facilities (new buildings, additions to existing
buildings, and facility improvements) and equipment (for example,
new imaging technology).
Capital expenditures are depreciated over their estimated useful life.
However, capital expenditures also incur ongoing costs, such as labor,
supplies, and maintenance, which must be included in the organiza-
tions annual budget.
In previous decades, capital expenditures were reimbursed by payers
as a pass-through. Tis was a cant-lose situation that ofen provided
an excuse for not doing capital budgeting. Tat honeymoon is over.
Te failure to prepare and maintain a capital budget can be extremely
hazardous. Te board may fnd it more challenging to provide over-
sight for the capital budget, but oversight is critical.
Justifying Capital Expenditures
ecisions about capital expenditures made on an ad hoc or
political basis in response to internal pressures or power
centers are unlikely to be in the organizations best fnan-
cial interests. Depreciation charges and required cash fow may not
have been taken into account with decisions made on this basis. In
such instances, working capital ofen is used to meet the needthe
working capital required for day-to-day operations.
Most capital projects should increase revenues and/or reduce costs.
For example, a new outpatient clinic or diagnostic testing facility
should bring new revenue to the organization. Te operating impact of
approved capital projects should be included in the annual operating
budget. Capital requests above a certain dollar fgure, as defned by
the organization, require analysis through accepted methodologies,
such as net present value (NPV) analysis and expected net present
value (which adjusts the NPV based on possible risks). Organizations
need staf with the skills to make forecasts and prepare simulations;
executives need to know how to judge the worthiness of proposed
Long-range planning focuses managements atention on capital
budgeting. Organizations with a long-range plan have a more thor-
ough understanding of the capital outlays required to meet long-term
goals. On big-ticket capital items, board members should be assured
that appropriate staf and executive work has been completed.
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 19
Using the Monthly Financial Package
to Monitor Performance
Package Overview
Te hospital should distribute a package of fnancial infor-
mation to board members on a monthly basis. Although
other fnancial materials are circulated to directors from
time to time, the monthly package is critical to keeping board members
up to date about the hospitals fnancial condition. An abridged version
of the information received by the management team, the trustee
package does not include underlying detail, such as data related to the
performance of diferent units and services.
Account structures and the way data are organized difer by hospital.
Te fnancial material in the trustee package should include, at a
minimum, the following:
A Balance Sheet, also known as a Statement of Financial Position, as of
the last day of the reported month
A Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets, previously known as
the Statement of Revenue and Expense, for the month and year-to-date
A Statement of Cash Flows, also known as a Statement of Sources and
Uses of Cash, for the year-to-date
A Statistical Report that refects levels of patient activity and supports
analysis of fnancial and operational performance
o facilitate an understanding of the reports, lets assume that
readers are board members atending a regular meeting of
the board fnance commitee, either as an observer or as a
commitee member. As its principal task, the commitee regularly
monitors the hospitals performance. Te sidebar below presents some
of the monitoring challenges.
Both the fnancial presentation, which is always an important agenda
item at board meetings, and the favor of what typically occurs at
such meetings are described here. Board fnance commitee agendas
generally are wide-ranging, but the purpose of the fnancial presenta-
tion is to focus on the portion that addresses the question, How are
we doing? Report contents are examined and information is provided
on how hospitals are performing.
As mentioned earlier, the reports included here do not refect actual
data from a hospital. Tey are streamlined, and in some instances, the
linkage between reports is not made. However, these shortcuts do
not diminish the value of the reports for the analysis described. In addi-
tion, in the interest of simplifcation, the reports assume only one line
of service and one payer (perhaps Medicare), although all hospitals
have multiple service lines and payers. Readers can assume that the
analytical techniques used here can simply be repeated with multiple
service lines or payers.
Monitoring Challenges
|on||o||nj . |oo||.| oc||o|u.n.c on . ||c(ucn| |.| | onc
o| ||c |c, .no uo| |uoo||.n| |.| oc||o|uco |, ||c n.n.c
.ouu|||cc o| ||c |o.|o o| o||c.|o| |.||cnjc |nvo|vco |n
u.| uon||o||nj |n.|uoc ||c |o||o.|nj
|uojc||nj, .||.| o|ov|oc |n|o|u.||on |o |..||||.|c ||c
|cv|c. o| n.n.|.| |coo||, | . o|.u|| o|o.c |c(u|||nj
c|cn|vc c||u.||nj
|cno u., no| |c v||||c |n |nj|c uon|||, |coo||, |u| .
jcnc|.||, ..n |c |ocn||co . .oo|||on.| uon|| .|c .ooco
|o ||c ,c.||oo.|c ju|c
|jn|..n| n.n.|.| .|.njc ||.| cuc|jc , after ||c |uojc| |
n.||co .ouo||..|c ||c uon||o||nj o| n.n.|.| oc||o|u.n.c
/uo||o| u., u.|c cnoo|||c,c.| .o,u|ucn| ||.| |jn| |
..n||, .c.| ||c n.n.|.| |coo||
Te what happened discussion at board fnance commitee meet-
ings as described here does not assume that board members are versed
in the methodologies used to conduct the analyses. However, the
discussion does assume that board members understand the nature
of the methodologies and can follow a discussion of how the various
analyses are conducted. Te chief fnancial ofcer and the fnance staf
provide the presentation. Board members are more than listeners, but
not implementers.
20 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Prior Year
Actual Budget Variance Last Year Actual Budget Variance
Patient Revenues
Inpatient $9,691 $10,266 ($575) $10,651 $96,662 $97,871 ($1,209) $89,956
Ambulatory Surgery 1,444 1,506 (62) 2,282 14,488 14,135 353 13,644
Clinic 1,085 1,290 (205) 1,411 10,874 11,327 (453) 11,546
Private Ambulatory 552 566 (14) 546 4,958 4,708 250 4,686
Total Patient Revenues 12,772 13,628 (856) 14,890 126,982 128,041 (1,059) 119,832
Other Revenues 2,659 2,868 (209) 3,219 26,000 25,476 524 25,960
Investment Income 161 52 109 132 322 465 (143) 392
Net Assets Released 252 107 145 43 957 715 242 469
Contributions 39 86 (47) 68 176 560 (384) 439
Total Revenues 15,883 16,741 (858) 18,352 154,437 155,257 (820) 147,092
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Wages 7,317 7,408 91 7,462 66,068 65,788 (280) 64,549
Employee Benefits 1,723 1,748 25 1,903 17,069 17,154 85 16,628
Supplies 3,809 3,677 (132) 3,669 38,322 37,564 (758) 34,717
Purchased Services 1,016 981 (35) 979 10,219 10,016 (203) 9,258
Medical Fees 254 245 (9) 245 2,554 2,504 (50) 2,314
Energy 285 392 107 339 2,630 3,042 412 2,657
Insurance 538 565 27 589 4,942 5,081 139 4,945
Interest 258 267 9 290 2,328 2,444 116 2,448
Depreciation and Amortization 486 487 1 565 4,103 4,103 0 5,087
Provision for Bad Debt 554 566 12 520 5,349 5,209 (140) 4,968
Total Operating Expenses 16,240 16,336 96 16,561 153,584 152,905 (679) 147,571
Surplus (deficit) from Operations (357) 405 (762) 1,791 853 2,352 (1,499) (479)
Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets
Unrealized Gains and Losses on Investments (41) 0 (41) 10 176 0 176 556
Increase (decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets ($398) $405 ($803) $1,801 $1,029 $2,352 ($1,323) $77
Statement of Operations
($ in 000s)
Month Year to Date
Defnitions of Selected Line Items
Other Revenue: Revenue resulting from such activities as cafeteria sales and parking garage fees.
Medical Fees: Payments to physicians for a variety of contractual services.
Purchased Services: Includes a wide variety of outlays, such as the cost of agency nurses, fees for
legal, accounting, and consulting services, and collection expenses.
Supplies: A major item covering medical and non-medical supplies.
Investment income: Auditors have promulgated some changes to the reporting of investment income.
Realized gains and losses appear in the operations section. Unrealized gains and losses appear in the
changes in net assets section.
Statement of Operations
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 21
Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets
Te Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
recently changed
the title of this report to the Statement of Operations and Changes
in Net Assets, or in shortened form, Statement of Operations. Tis
report uses the words surplus and defcit in order to move away from
associating profts and losses with a not-for-proft organization.
Te Statement of Operations has two parts. Te line items above
the Surplus (Defcit) from Operations line are specifc to the task of
taking care of patients. Patient activity is defned broadly, however, and
Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses can include small items,
such as revenue generated from parking lot fees, and very signifcant
items such as salaries. Te focus in this description is on the line items
appearing before Surplus (Defcit) from Operations. In the not too
distant past, the items appearing beneath this line did not appear on
the Statement of Operations.
Although not refected in this sample report, hospitals ofen wish
to report unusual or extraordinary events on the Statement of
Operations right above the Surplus (Defcit) from Operations line.
However, external accountants do not favor this treatment and would
prefer the reporting to occur in the appropriate category (either
Operating Revenues or Operating Expenses).
Te commitees analysis: During the board fnance commitee
meeting, the central question to be answered is, How did the hospital
do since the commitee last met? Te Statement of Operations
provides results for the current month and year-to-date. Should
commitee members focus on the former, the later, or both? Generally,
an analysis of year-to-date results sufces, and hence is described
15 A private organization administered by the Certifed Public Accounting
profession, FASB has the mission of establishing and improving standards
of fnancial accounting and reporting in the United States. Although its
promulgations do not have the force of law, the standards are supported by
the SEC and observed in practice.
here. All of the calculations are based on information in the reports
provided here.
Te analysis starts by observing what happened year-to-date on the
line labeled Surplus (Defcit) from Operations. Tere is a negative
variance of $1,499M.
Te variance is the diference between the actual
and the budgeted amount. Notice, however, that the hospital did not
lose money, but has a surplus of $853M. Nonetheless, negative vari-
ances are a mater of concern and commitee members will want to
determine the likely cause(s).
Variance analysis enables the commitee to probe for root cause(s).
Revenue variances usually involve the largest dollar amounts and
deserve the greatest atention. Te most likely culprit is the Inpatient
line under Operating Revenues, where there is a negative variance of
$1,209M. What is the likely cause? Because inpatient revenue refects
the number (i.e., volume) of discharges experienced by the hospital
and the payments received for these discharges, the commitee will
want to look closely at these data, which appear in the Statistical
Report below.
16 M represents sums in thousands (000s).
Month Year to Date Prior Year
Actual Budget Variance Actual Budget Variance
Discharges 599 615 (16) 5,948 6,078 (130) 5,848
Average Length of Stay 4.72 5.22 (0.50) 4.64 5.15 (0.51) 5.22
Case Mix Index 1.99 1.98 0.01 2.01 2.00 0.01 1.97
Average Daily Census 130 135 (5) 132 134 (2) 130
Clinic Visits 6,354 7,644 (1,290) 59,854 67,109 (7,255) 61,754
Ambulatory Surgery 713 756 (43) 6,963 7,031 (68) 6,811
Private Ambulatory 9,609 10,279 (670) 89,233 85,614 3,619 86,233
Emergency Room 1,542 1,718 (176) 8,006 7,243 763 7,940
Statistical Report
Statistical Report
22 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Te frst review considers the fnancial efects of lower-than-expected
volumea shortfall in discharges.
Revenue loss = Discharge shortfall (excess)
Average value of a discharge
$1,300M = 130 $10,000
Tis might appear to almost completely explain the negative $1,499M
variance on the Surplus (Defcit) from Operations line. Stopping the
analysis at this point, however, would likely ignore a number of other
important variances, which could ofset each other and therefore
should be explored.
Price variances (also referred to as rate variances) can result from a
number of factors. A rate variance may be caused by changes in case
mix intensity (CMI). If the hospital budgeted a specifc acuity for its
discharges, and the actual acuity is greater, the hospital will be paid
more than it had anticipated, resulting in a positive variance. Te
opposite situation could occur as well. Does our example hospital
have a case mix variance?
Dollar value of case mix variance =
Gain (loss) per case Total discharges
$297.4M = $50 5,948
Te $50 sum is derived as follows: Statistical Report data indicate
that the hospital budgeted a weighted average case mix of 2.0, which
refects the average of all anticipated MS-DRGs and their respective
weights. Te year-to-date actual case mix is 2.01. Te favorable vari-
ance of .01 can be monetized. Table 5 indicates that our hospital has
a base rate of $5,000 for a MS-DRG of 1.0. Tus, a positive variance
of .01 has a value of $50.
Te other price variance is payer mix. Te hospital may not be
achieving the proportion of revenue expected from one or more of its
many payers. Payers most ofen have diferent rates for a given service.
If two payers, for example, are each expected to provide half of the
cases, but in fact one payer accounts for 60 percent of the cases, the
actual year-to-date weighted average rate will not be what the hospital
budgeted. Tis creates a payer mix variance.
Tere could be additional reasons for revenue variance, for example,
payer denials and negative prior period setlements.
Te volume variance (-$1,300M) plus the case mix variance
(+$297.4M) accounts for $1,002.6M of the total negative variance of
$1,209M on the Inpatient revenue line. Te variance due to payer mix,
the diference between these numbers, amounts to $206.4M.
Based on the variance analysis, the board members might ask senior
management about the following:
Discharge shortfall: Why did it occur and will it continue? What 1.
steps can be taken to improve the discharge rate?
Payer case mix: Can the higher intensity be sustained, or is it a 2.
transient condition?
Te commitee reviews the Operating Expenses section of the
Statement of Operations and identifes the largest positive and nega-
tive variances. Commitee members note that Salaries and Wages
show an unfavorable variance. With lower-than-expected discharges,
shouldnt salaries and wages also be lower than expected, rather than
higher? For a number of reasons, salaries and wages are not purely a
variable cost, meaning they do not rise or fall proportionately with
patient volume.
Review of non-patient care-related revenue, which includes Other
Revenue, Investment Income, Net Assets Released, and Contributions,
follows. In this instance, these revenues aggregate to a positive variance
of $239M. Although the aggregate number looks good, the commitee
might wish to review and discuss individual line items.
In todays climate, some claims for payment are always being nego-
tiated. Tis increases the need for organizations to maintain adequate
reserves in order to state revenues realistically. A reserve is created by
an accounting adjustment, one side of which is an estimated liability
for claims losses. Te other side is an expense. Organizations assume
Current Assets
Cash $5,312 $3,363
Accounts Receivable 28,888 33,676
Marketable Securities 4,654 4,193
Assets Limited as to Use 5,216 7,100
Inventory 7,489 7,489
Other Assets 2,332 1,774
Total Current Assets 53,892 57,595
Non-Current Assets
Marketable Securities 6,599 6,471
Assets Limited as to Use 823 1,018
Other Assets 4,702 4,763
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net 52,281 52,041
Total Non-Current Assets 64,405 64,293
Total Assets 118,298 121,888
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses 21,018 29,276
Accrued Salaries 5,268 4,125
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 1,027 1,241
Other Current Liabilities 3,486 1,416
Total Current Liabilities 30,799 36,059
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-Term Debt Less Current Portion 49,864 45,980
Other Liabilities 9,486 8,416
Total Non-Current Liabilities 59,350 54,396
Net Assets
Unrestricted 6,378 5,531
Temporarily Restricted 15,172 16,421
Permanently Restricted 6,599 9,481
Total Net Assets 28,149 31,433
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $118,298 $121,888
Note: Numbers may not add exactly due to rounding.
Balance Sheet
($ in 000s)
Balance Sheet
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 23
some loss of revenue arising out of contested charges, and do this by
estimating claim losses. Periodically, the reserve must be adjusted to
actual experience.
As the year progresses, fnance commitee members are likely to
be increasingly interested in what the numbers will look like at the
end of the year. Te managements fnancial team can prepare a
projection that takes the most current year-to-date actuals and adds
a forecast for the remaining months. Tat forecast is essentially the
budget for the remainder of the year, subject to signifcant changes
to the values originally used in the budget. For example, perhaps the
hospital expects a signifcant variance in inpatient discharges for the
remainder of the year.
Balance Sheet
Te Balance Sheet provides a snapshot of the organizations resources
(assets), liabilities, and resulting net worth at one point in time. As its name
implies, the Balance Sheet is based upon the following equation:
Assets = Liabilities + Net worth (called
net assets in not-for-prot world)
Assets are the resources needed to conduct a business or run an orga-
nization. Liabilities are the claims or the interest in those assets repre-
sented by creditors who provide the wherewithal to acquire assets.
Net assets: Te concept of net worth applies in the for-proft world
and is the dollar value of a companys asset position which belongs to
the stockholders. Until recently, the equivalent concept in the not-for-
proft sector, where there are no stockholders, was fund balances, but
the accounting profession is now calling these net assets. Net assets are
the diference between assets and liabilities.
Te Balance Sheet includes line items for three categories of net
Permanently Restricted: 1. Tese assets, such as an endowment,
can be used only in accordance with the restrictions stipulated by
those providing the asset.
Temporarily Restricted: 2. Tese assets have restrictions with an
expiration date, and/or become unrestricted when certain condi-
tions are met.
Unrestricted: 3. Tese assets are what is lef over afer balancing the
above-mentioned equation.
When the Balance Sheet is reviewed, the emphasis is on line items
that have changed signifcantly between the previous year-end Balance
Sheet and the current-month Balance Sheet. When signifcant difer-
ences are apparent, commitee members focus on why those changes
occurred. Most ofen, the Balance Sheets of two consecutive months
will not display signifcant changes.
Statement of Cash Flows
As its name implies, the Statement of Cash Flows tracks an organiza-
tions fow of cash and provides a detailed look at the organizations
sources and uses of cash during a specifed period of time. Typically
the report provides data for the current year and previous year in two
separate columns in order to enable review of what changed.
Te fnance commitee reviews items that may have changed signif-
cantly. Prominent possibilities include Accounts Receivable; Accounts
Payable; Property, Plant, and Equipment; and Cash.
Accounts Receivable refects the amount owed to the organization for
the services provided to patients. A growth in this asset can indicate
both good and bad trends. A good trend is that the organizations total
revenues are increasing and the Accounts Receivable is increasing
proportionately. A bad trend is that the organization may not be
collecting its payments due (cash) in a timely manner.
Te Statement of Cash Flows indicates that the hospital has decreased
Accounts Receivable. Te hospital therefore has increased cash by
$4,788M. Accounts Receivable may be decreasing because revenue
is shrinking, however, this appears not to be the case. Another possi-
bility is that the Accounts Receivable collection system has improved,
thereby reducing payments yet to be received.
Given unrelenting fnancial pressure on organizations, commitee
members should be alert to the rate at which Accounts Receivable are
collected and evaluate whether the current rate is at the right level.
A ratio widely used in the healthcare and other industries is helpful in
geting a feel for how the organization is performing in this area:
Days in A/R =
Accounts receivable (net)
Patient revenue per day
28,888M = 62
$126,982M 274
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Change in Net Assets $1,029 $192
Adjustments to Reconcile Change in Net Assets to
Cash Provided by Operating Activities
Depreciation and Amortization 4,103 5,102
Unrealized Gains and Losses on Investments 131 (449)
Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities 0 0
Accounts Receivable 4,788 2,817
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses (8,258) (86)
Accrued Salaries 1,143 (4,945)
Other Operating Liabilities 74 1,755
Other Operating Assets (300) 977
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 2,710 5,363
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Net Acquisitions of Property, Plant and Equip. (4,343) (8,553)
Changes in Marketable Securities 1,666 942
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (2,677) (7,611)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Principal Payments on Long-Term Debt (1,250) (1,218)
Short-Term Borrowing 3,166 (192)
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities 1,916 (1,410)
Increase (decrease) in Cash 1,949 (3,658)
Cash at Beginning of Year 3,363 7,021
Cash at End of Year $5,312 $3,363
Statement of Cash Flows
($ in 000s)
Statement of Cash Flows
24 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Two hundred seventy-four (274) is the number of days year-to-date
in the typical nine-month period.
Te board should compare the hospitals Accounts Receivable Days
results to industry benchmarks, which are compiled annually and
available from the major rating agencies (Moodys Investors Services,
Standard & Poors, and Fitch Ratings).
Accounts Payable is the amount the hospital owes to vendors. Te
Statement of Cash Flows indicates that the hospital has reduced its
accounts payable, thereby reducing its cash by a material $8,258M.
Why might this have occurred? Did the hospital accelerate payments
to its suppliers in order to bring accounts payable down to a satisfac-
tory level? Perhaps payment delays were creating credit holds, which
the organization could overcome only through an infusion of cash and
paying vendors quicker.
What is an acceptable level for Accounts Payable? Again, using a ratio
to identify the hospitals accounts payable position and comparing
results to industry benchmarks are important and helpful. We calcu-
late Days in Accounts Payable as follows:
Days in A/P =
Accounts payable
Average daily expense
98 = 21,018M

Te result for our hospital is an average payment period of 98 days,
which is somewhat higher than standard in the industry.
When hospitals are slow to pay their vendors, hospitals will not be
able to take advantage of discounts. Vendors will also set higher prices
to ofset the problem of slow payment. If total Accounts Payable is
trending upward and cash is remaining stable, the hospital is gaining
working capital by borrowing from its vendors and suppliers. Terms
most likely may not be favorable to the hospital.
Property, Plant, and Equipment is reviewed if the change is conse-
quential. Te Statement of Cash Flows indicates decreased cash of
$4,343M from Net Acquisitions of Property, Plant, and Equipment.
Te hospital spent this amount to fund needed purchases or improve-
ments for property, plant, and equipment.
To investigate the appropriateness of the spending level, manage-
ment needs information about the capital budget. Te hospitals
depreciation expense of $4,103M is not appreciably diferent than the
level of capital spending. However, capital needs almost always exceed
the depreciation level. Financing is needed, but the organization may
not be able to obtain such fnancing. Te temptation is use cash from
working capital to fund additional spending for property, plant and
17 Average daily expense (for expenses from vendor activity) = (Total operat-
ing expense Salaries and wages Employee benefts Depreciation
Interest Bad debt) 274. Or, 214M = (153,585M 66,068M 17,069M
4,103M 2,328M 5,349M) 274.
equipment. Tis can have a deleterious efect on needed liquidity and
an organizations future ability to borrow to fund identifed strategic
growth opportunities.
To review the hospitals cash position, the commitee frst identi-
fes how much money is in the checking account by looking at the
botom line of the Statement of Cash Flows or the top line of the
Balance Sheet. Te sums should be the same. For our hospital, the
fgure is $5,312M. Next, in order to appraise the total amount of avail-
able cash, board members should add to this sum other accounts that
are cash equivalents, notably marketable securities. Te commitee
should evaluate whether this cash position is sufcient to support
current operations.
Days Cash on Hand is the most common ratio used to assess
liquidity. It measures the number of days of cash operating expenses
an organization could support if its revenue stream were to be reduced
or eliminated. Bond rating agencies review this closelythey like to
see it exceeding certain levels when the organization has outstanding
long-term debt or is planning to acquire new debt. Tere are accounts
that may or may not qualify for the Days Cash on Hand calculation. A
good example is Certain Assets Limited as to Use, the categories and
classifcations of which vary widely. In many instances, this account
would not qualify. It has been included in this calculation.
We calculate Days Cash on Hand as follows:
Days Cash on Hand =
Cash + Marketable securities + Certain assets limited as to use
Average daily expense
28 = 5,312M + 4,654M + 5,216M
Days of cash vary signifcantly by region, but this organizations Days
Cash on Hand is three or four times lower than national averages.
Note that the hospitals Balance Sheet includes Marketable Securities
under Current Assets and under other non-current assets. Commitee
members will also observe that the value of the non-current asset
($6,599M) is precisely equal to the value of Permanently Restricted net
assets. Tis is not an accident. Te hospital has endowments involving
donations that can only be spent for specifc purposes. Tis sum cannot
be included in the calculation of Days of Cash on Hand.
Analysis of other ratios can give Finance Commitee members insight
into the hospitals proftability, liquidity, leverage, and physical plant.
Key ratios include operating margin, excess margin, operating EBIDA
margin, cash-to-debt ratio, cushion ratio, debt service coverage ratio,
18 Average daily expense (for expenses involving use of cash) = (Total operat-
ing expense Depreciation) 274. Or 545M = (153,585M 4,103M) 274.
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 25
debt burden ratio, debt-to-capitalization ratio, debt-to-cash fow ratio,
and average age of plant ratio.
Hospitals are bufeted by a variety of forces, including unfavorable
reimbursement adjustments and increasing costs. Notwithstanding,
sound fnancial management is imperative. Te alternativeoper-
ating in the perpetually tense world of subsistence cash levelsis
difcult, at best.
Using Credit and Ratio Analysis
to Monitor Performance
Dozens of factors are relevant to fnancial performance; the
challenge for an organizations board and management team
is to select those most indicative of the organizations fnancial
strengths and weaknesses and closely monitor these on a regular basis.
Ratio Analysis
A ratio compares quantities relative to each other; for example, the
amount of cash an organization has in dollars compared to the amount
of debt outstanding in dollars. Ratio analysis is a process used to
conduct a quantitative analysis of the information in an organizations
fnancial statements. Ratios are calculated from current year numbers
and are then compared to previous years, other organizations, or the
industry to judge the performance of the hospital.
Financial ratios can be used to identify organizational trends and
comparative performance.
Te sidebar below lists the key measures used in many efective
fnancial analyses and Table 7 defnes their associated ratios. Financial
statements provide the data required for ratio calculation.
Key Indicators Used in Many Eective Financial Analyses
Protability Indicators
Operating margin |cc.| ||c o|o|.|||||, o| .n o|j.n|.||on
||ou || ..||vc o.||cn| ..|c .no |c|.|co ooc|.||on
Excess margin |cc.| o|o|.|||||, ||ou ooc|.||on .no
|n.|uoc |cvcnuc .no cocnc ||ou nonooc|.||nj ..||v|||c
u.| . |nvc|ucn| c.|n|nj .no o|||.n|||oo,
Operating earnings before interest, depreciation, and amortiza-
tion (EBIDA) margin o|ov|oc . jooo |oo| .| .n o|j.n|.||on
.|||||, |o jcnc|.|c cnouj| ..| |o ucc| |n|c|c| .no o||n
.|o.| o.,ucn| on oc||
Liquidity Indicators
Days cash on hand, o|o|.||, ||c uo| |uoo||.n| .|co|| |.||o
|n uc |oo.,, |cc.| ||c nuu|c| o| o., o| ..| c| .|oc
|, ||c o|j.n|.||on |o uooo|| ooc|.||nj cocnc || ||c
|cvcnuc ||c.u .c|c |o |c | o| c||u|n.|co
Cash-to-debt ratio uc.u|c ||c .v.||.|||||, o| .n o|j.n|.
||on ||(u|o||, |o o., o c|||nj oc||
Cushion ratio .ouo.|c ||c o|j.n|.||on ||cc ..| |o || .nnu.|
oc|| c|v|.c||j|c| nuu|c| .|c |c||c| ||.n |o.c| onc
Debt Indicators
Debt-service coverage ratio uc.u|c ||c .|||||, o| .n o|j.n|
.||on ..| o. |o ucc| || oc||c|v|.c |c(u||cucn|
Debt-to-capitalization ratio |no|..|c |o. ||j||, |cvc|.jco, o|
oc||, ||c o|j.n|.||on |||c ||j|c| ||c ..o||.||.
||on |.||o, ||c ||j|c| ||c |||
Other Indicators
Average age of plant o|ov|oc . |c|.||vc uc.u|c o| ||c .jc o|
||c o|,|..| |..|||||c .no o|ov|oc |n|j|| |n|o ||c o|j.n|.
||on |u|u|c ..o||.| ncco
Capital spending ratio, . |c|.||vc|, nc. uc|||., .cc ..o||.|
ocno|nj . . oc|.cn|.jc o| ||||/
Indicator Financial Ratio
Ooc|.||nj u.|j|n o|.| ooc|.||nj |cvcnuc Ooc|.||nj cocnc
o|.| ooc|.||nj |cvcnuc
|.c u.|j|n |n.ouc ||ou ooc|.||on + |onooc|.||nj |cvcnuc
o|.| ooc|.||nj + |onooc|.||nj |cvcnuc
Ooc|.||nj ||||/
Ooc|.||nj |n.ouc + |n|c|c| +
|co|c.|.||on + /uo|||.||on
o|.| ooc|.||nj |cvcnuc
|., ..| on |.no .| + |.||c|.||c c.u||||c +
|o.|ooc|jn.|co |uno ,,
o|.| ooc|.||nj cocnc |co|c.|.||on
.||ooc|| |.||o .| + |.||c|.||c c.u||||c + |o.|ooc|jn.|co |uno
|onj|c|u oc|| + |o|||c|u oc||
Indicator Financial Ratio
u||on |.||o .| + |.||c|.||c c.u||||c + |o.|ooc|jn.|co |uno
|.|uuu .nnu.| oc|| c|v|.c
|c||c|v|.c .ovc|.jc
|.c |cvcnuc ovc| cocnc + |co|c.|.||on +
|n|c|c| + /uo|||.||on
/nnu.| oc|| c|v|.c
|onj|c|u oc|| ,|c .u||cn| oo|||on,
|onj|c|u oc|| ,|c .u||cn| oo|||on, + |n|c|||.|co
nc| .c|
/vc|.jc .jc o| o|.n| /..uuu|.|co oco|c.|.||on
/nnu.| oco|c.|.||on
.o||.| ocno|nj |.||o .o||.| cocno||u|c
,.oo|||on |o o|ooc||,, o|.n|, .no c(u|oucn|,
|co|c.|.||on cocnc
Table 7. Key Creditworthiness Ratios
26 A Primer on Hospital Accounting and Finance fourth edition
Credit Analysis
An excellent way for boards and executives to understand a hospital
or health systems current fnancial position is to conduct a fnancial
credit analysis. Tis essentially allows them to compare the organiza-
tions recent fnancial performance to relevant national standards that
serve as a benchmark.
Organizational leaders typically construct the necessary data chart
by using key median indicators from Standard & Poors, Fitch Ratings,
or Moodys Investors Service for similarly rated organizations. Tese
indicators include revenue, income, cash, and debt fgures as well
as proftability, debt, and liquidity ratios. (See Table 8 for fnancial
credit analysis highlights for a sample health system.) An analysis of
the data enables the board and management to draw conclusions or
make key observations about relative performance. Benchmarking
against median data ofen enables organizations to identify negative
trends that must be addressed in order to preserve or enhance the
organizations credit rating.
Using Financial Dashboards
Many organizations use fnancial dashboards, which present key
fnancial data on one or two pages, enabling executives and trustees to
track performance of important indicators on a regular basis. Exhibit
10 provides an example of a monthly dashboard used by one health
system. As evident, the dashboard is a credit analysis, as described
earlier, with an extra column that indicates (using green and red
arrows) whether the trend for each line item is positive or negative.
Table 8 Financial Credit Analysis Highlights For A Sample Health System (Dollars In Millions)
|.||o/|.||||. |ooo, /, |||.| /
.cc| .cc, .cc .cc,
|c| |.||cn| c|v|.c |cvcnuc .,88 ,,, ,,, ,,,c .8; ,||
Ooc|.||nj |n.ouc ,, ,c ., c, ,|c,
Ooc|.||nj ||||/ .8| ,.8 ,, ,,c
|c| |n.ouc ,; .;. ,,. 8 .
.| ||o. ,|c| |n.ouc + |co|c.|.||on, ; ,,c 8,, ,..
|n|c|||.|co .| 8. .,. .;|, ,c| ,.8,
o|.| |c|| cc. ,|., ||| |.;. ||,
.o||.| |ocno||u|c ,c8 8| ;,8 ;,
Ooc|.||nj |.|j|n .|` .8` .;` ;` ,` ,c,`,
Ooc|.||nj ||||/ |.|j|n ;` .|` .,` ,` c` ,;`
|.c |.|j|n |;` ,;` |;` ,` .` .,`
Debt Position
|/| ovc|.jc ,, |c |. ,. , ,; ,|
|c|| |o .o||.||.||on ,8c` |c;` |,,` ,c.` ,c` |,8`
|c|| |o .| ||o. ,, , , ,, , ,;
.| |o |c|| c;c` c` ,,` ;,` ;,` ,,,`
|., .| on |.no ,8 8| 8,c 8,, ,,. ,,
|., |n //|, |c| ,c || ,c, ; ,;, |,
/vc|.jc /jc o| ||.n| ;; ;, , , ,,
.o||.| ocno|nj |.||o |cc` ,;` .,|` 8,,` .c|` 8,8`
ouocn.||on |.||o |;,` ,|,` ,,,` ,,` ,.c`
Source: |.u|u.n, |.|| c /o.|.|c, |n.
Felix Kaufman, Ph.D., CPA 27
Healthcare leaders must take exceptional care of the orga-
nizations fnancial health. Trustees and executives of hospi-
tals and health systems can have signifcant impact on their
organizations fnances, either positively or negatively.
Tis publication has touched on some of the key concepts and tools
used in hospitals and health systems across the U.S. Board members
must understand and feel comfortable with these concepts; the impor-
tance of this cannot be understated. In todays healthcare environment,

trustees and senior executives cannot assume that someone else
other more knowledgeable members of the fnance commitee or
senior managersare solely responsible for the numbers.
If reading this has lef you with more questions than when you started,
please insist on further information and education to understand the
reports you receive and the trends they may indicate. Your organiza-
tions fnancial health and future depends on such understanding.
CREDIT PROFILE ($ in 000s)
: rating agency median data represents year 5 median information
: Arrow indicates direction of desired trend; shading indicates TBHs year 5 performance relative to calendar year 4(green favorable, red unfavorable)
Exhibit 10. Financial Dashboard

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