Model Service Delivery
Model Service Delivery
Model Service Delivery
Research driven
RBWH hosts an annual healthcare symposium which showcases the hospital’s research strengths and attracts
worldrenowned speakers. In many medical, allied health and nursing areas it is a leader, successfully bridging
innovative science with state-of-the-art clinical medicine.
The Centre for the Advancement of Clinical Research promotes innovative clinical research within the hospital to assist
current and future researchers participating in research programs and providing links between researchers and funding
opportunities, such as RBWH Foundation. The centre is complementary to, and liaises closely with RBWH Foundation, whose
key role is to raise funds for research and manage any grants placed through the Foundation.
The hospital fulfills a significant teaching and research role with links to universities from the Group of Eight, a coalition of
Australia’s leading universities and Universitas 21 which is an international network of 21 leading research-intensive
universities in thirteen countries.
Teaching emphasis
RBWH collaborates with world-leading tertiary institutions and has been committed to training and mentoring the next
generation of leaders in innovative health care, providing a wealth of opportunities for physicians, nurses, and allied
health professionals. These talented men and women, in turn, lend fresh and innovative perspectives on treating and
caring for patients.
In July 2012 Queensland implemented the National Health Reforms and as part of these reforms RBWH defined its Vision
and Mission to provide clear direction for its service delivery model.
To be a world-class academic, tertiary and quaternary health centre taking care of our community.
RBWH will provide peak services in tertiary and quaternary care and will ensure that all secondary and primary care is
provided close to the patients’ home/local catchment area, where ever possible.
Knowledge-led, world-class care, education, training and research.
‘Transforming Complex Health Care’
As an organisation, RBWH provides world-class specialised care. Additionally, we seek to lead the world in education,
training and research.
Key principles
To support RBWH’s Vision and Mission statements a number of underpinning principles where determined to focus RBWH’s
efforts to be a world class health care provider including:
1. Patient-centred care
2. Evidence-based practice
3. Education and training
4. Partnerships
5. Capable staff
6. Governance
7. Leadership
8. Efficiency.
1. Patient-centred care
We will provide, for an agreed group of patients; equitable, evidenced-based, timely, efficient, high quality care which
achieves clinical outcomes that meet both patient need and clinician satisfaction.
Patient and family-centred care places an emphasis on collaborating with patients and families and acknowledges that
families, however they are defined, are essential to patients’ health and well-being and are allies for quality and safety
within our healthcare system. At RBWH, we integrate the core concepts of patient and family-centred care in all
we do. For members of the health care team this is encapsulated through:
Equity—committed to providing equable access for all population groups to the health care that is available.
Dignity and respect—listen to and honour patient and family perspectives, , choices, knowledge, values, beliefs and
cultural backgrounds. Ensure the planning and delivery of care incorporates these patient and family contributions.
Information sharing—communicate and share unbiased information with patients and families in ways that are affirming
and useful. Patients and families receive timely, complete and accurate information in order to effectively participate in
their care and decision-making regarding their care.
Participation—patients and families are encouraged and supported in participating in care and decision-making at the level
they choose.
Collaboration—patients, families, health care practitioners and hospital leaders collaborate in: policy and program
development; implementation and evaluation; health care facility design; and professional education, as well as in the
delivery of care.
2. Evidence-based practice
We will provide innovative clinical and non-clinical services that use validated evidence.
Where it is lacking we create it, where it exists we test it.
4. Partnerships
We will identify principles of effective partnerships, align concepts with other key principles of RBWH, assign accountability
step by step, prioritise/establish who our partners are, and establish partners across the continuum of care.
Our work is guided by the needs of patients and their carers. RBWH has strong links with its local communities and
takes every opportunity to build, improve and sustain health care delivery and maintain and/or improve the health and
wellbeing of those who live and work in these communities.
5. Capable staff
We will establish a minimum set of standards for all staff and reward and recognise our staff where desired
behaviours/achievements are reached.
Services are provided through clinical, operational and administrative teams. Clinical and non-clinical staff engagement
occurs on a daily basis to support the provision of services that assist patients and their carers to receive the highest level of
The application of this principle requires recruitment of qualified and skilled staff and ongoing skills development through
education and training activities and planned professional development. The organisation of time and resources to support
staff access to suitable education and training is a management priority.
Programs for reward and recognition of staff achievement are part of the RBWH ethos, e.g. annual QuARRIES (Quality
Awards Recognising Remarkable Initiatives and Excellence in Service) awards. RBWH demonstrates the application of
this principle in several ways including:
• use of Performance Appraisal and Development (PADs) Plans
• use of a recruitment and selection processes aimed at identifying competencies and staff skills
• coordinated mandatory training and updates for all staff e.g. fire training
• vocational training and placement, traineeships and clinical supervision
• provision of accessible clinical specialty education within the clinical areas
• reward and recognition programs
• access to a comprehensive range of professional development activities.
6. Governance
We will have an organizational structure that is clear and facilitates transparent lines of delegation and accountable
decision making.
Governance is aimed at achieving organisational goals and objectives and can be described as the set of responsibilities
and practices, policies and procedures used to provide strategic direction, ensure objectives are achieved, manage risks,
and use resources responsibly and with accountability.
The Queensland Health Governance Framework has been adopted by RBWH given the sound governance principles
underpinning this framework. RBWH has developed a governance framework reflecting the local application of these
principles. The framework summarises governance mechanisms and identifies the planning context for service lines and
executive sub-committees to plan for and engage in Metro North Hospital and Health Service and Queensland Health
governance activities as relevant to RBWH.
RBWH supports and integrates the National Health Service Leadership Qualities Framework in its leadership roles
and programs.
scanning Political
Holding to
account Effective
and strategic
Empowering influencing
Through the Performance Appraisal and Development (PAD) process, RBWH encourages staff to identify the key personal
qualities required for leadership, such as:
• Self-belief
• drive for improvement
• self-awareness
• personal integrity
• self-management.
PADs also encourage staff to reflect on their personal qualities as a leader, and to implement practical strategies that will
facilitate improvement in their leadership capability within the workplace.
8. Efficiency
We will have clear performance KPI’s with a governance and reporting framework to support their achievement.
Planning at the strategic and operational level is essential to generate and guide the management of available resources,
establish performance measures and integrate outcomes across the broad spectrum of services provided. In making budget
decisions it is important to be mindful of managing funds efficiently and effectively to ensure the delivery of outputs
equates to value for money. Operational plans articulate an agreed base level of performance to be achieved by RBWH and
its service lines.
RBWH’s model of service delivery—Transforming complex health care—also provides a consistent approach for contributing to and
aligning with MNHHS’s Putting people first Strategy and its three key dimensions of:
OUR PATIENTS: to partner with our patients to provide high quality health care
OUR PEOPLE: to enable, support and professionally develop our people
OUR PARTNERS: to engage with our partners to improve the patient experience.
RBWH’s model of service delivery provides a foundation pathway for patient centered care that aims not only to enhance a patient’s
experience but also to enhance a staff’s personal and job satisfaction.