Sow Body Condition Scoring Guidelines: Condición Corporal 1
Sow Body Condition Scoring Guidelines: Condición Corporal 1
Sow Body Condition Scoring Guidelines: Condición Corporal 1
It is critical to understand the points of evaluation on the animal and to be able to distinguish between fat and muscle.
Begin by locating the ribs, the backbone and the hips.
An inexpensive, low-labor means of estimating sow weight was developed by Kansas State University using a cloth
tape measure (see photo and caption).
Ultrasound equipment should be used to obtain backfat estimates at the sows last rib. See photo and caption explain-
ing procedures for obtaining backfat measurements.
The rear view pictures show a high view and a low view of a sow as her body condition score (BCS) progressed from
BCS 1 to BCS 5. Sows can be in any of these conditions in any parity and stage of production. A body condition score of
3 is considered ideal.
These photos present a visual reference to help train your eyes to see visual differences in sow condition. Captions
between photos provide descriptions, explanations and backfat estimate ranges for each body condition score. These
backfat estimates were obtained by A-mode ultrasound; real-time values may be slightly higher for fat sows. The
backfat recommendations for each BCS classification can differ slightly, depending on the genetic lines. The weight and
backfat estimates, combined, are used to estimate daily feeding requirements. Be sure to consult your genetic supplier
for specific weight, backfat and nutritional recommendations.
Excessively Thin
Backfat: < 10 mm
(<0.39 inches)
Ribs, hips and backbone are easily visible and
palpable. Sow is in poor condition and needs
large amounts of muscle and fat gain to main-
tain productivity. Significantly increase feed
allowance to this sow.
Corporal 1
Excesivamente delgada
Grasa dorsal: <10mm
(0.39 pulgadas)
Las costillas, caderas y espina se ven y
se sienten fcilmente. La cerda tiene mala
condicin y necesita ganar msculo y grasa
para mantener su productividad. Aumente la
cantidad de alimento ofrecido a esta cerda.
Flank-to-Flank Weight
Flank-to-flank measurements using a cloth tape can
be used to estimate body weight. The derived equation
is: Sow weight (lb.) = (26.85 x flank measure in inches)
628. Use weight and backfat measurement to estimate
feed intake requirements. (See Kansas State University
Gestation Feeding Guidelines at:
Estimando el peso
usando la medida entre
Se puede estimar el peso de la cerda midiendo la distancia
entre sus flancos con una cinta mtrica. La frmula a
usar es: Peso (en lb.) = (26.85 x medida en pulgadas)
628. Use el peso y la grasa dorsal para estimar los
requerimientos alimenticios. (Vea las guas de alimentacin
de la Universidad Estatal de Kansas en: http://www.asi.ksu.
Backfat Estimate
Palpate (feel) the last rib (slightly forward and above
rear flank). Follow the last rib up to the sows spine,
then drop back down 2 inches off midline to posi-
tion the ultrasound transponder to measure backfat
depth. Check the ultrasound manufacturers recom-
mendations for accurately estimating sow backfat. It
is important to be consistent in the method used to
measure and estimate backfat.
Estimando la
grasa dorsal con
Encuentre la ltima costilla (ligeramente arriba y
hacia el frente del flanco). Siga la ltima costilla
hasta la espina, mida 2.5 pulgadas hacia el lado para
encontrar el sitio para medir la grasa dorsal. Revise
las recomendaciones del proveedor para estimar la
grasa dorsal. Es importante usar este mtodo para
medir grasa dorsal consistentemente.
Sow Body Condition Scoring Guidelines
Excessively Fat
Backfat: >30 mm
(>1.17 inches)
Ribs, hips and backbone cannot be palpated.
Sow has gained excessive amounts of fat
tissue. Reduce feed allowance to bring her to
a more ideal body condition. Sows at BCS 5
frequently have lower feed intake and perform
poorly in lactation.
Corporal 5
Excesivamente gorda
Grasa dorsal: >30 mm
(>1.17 pulgadas)
Las costillas, caderas y espina no se sienten.
La cerda ha ganado demasiado tejido graso.
Reduzca su alimento para llegar a una condicin
ideal. Cerdas en esta condicin comen menos y
se desempean mal durante la lactancia.
Moderately Fat
Backfat: 23-29 mm
(0.90-1.13 inches)
Ribs, hips and backbone cannot be palpated.
Reduce feed allowance moderately. Exceeding
this sows dietary requirements results in
inefficient use of diet and increased manure
Corporal 4
Moderadamente gorda
Grasa dorsal: 23-29 mm
(0.90 1.13 pulgadas)
Las costillas, caderas y espina no se sienten.
Reduzca su alimento moderadamente. Exceder
los requisitos alimenticios resulta en uso
ineficiente de la dieta y mayor produccin de
Ideal Condition
Backfat: 15-22 mm
(0.59-0.86 inches)
Ribs, hips and backbone can be palpated with
firm pressure, but cannot be observed visually.
Monitor feed allowance to maintain this level
of condition.
Corporal 3
Condicin ideal
Grasa dorsal: 15 22 mm
(0.59 -0.86 pulgadas)
Las costillas, caderas y espina se sienten con
presin firme pero no se observan. Monitoree
su consumo de alimento para mantener esta
condicin corporal.
Moderately Thin
Backfat: 10-15 mm
(0.39-0.59 inches)
Ribs, hips and backbone can be palpated with
slight pressure. A moderate increase in feed
intake is required before this sow farrows her
next litter.
Corporal 2
Moderadamente delgada
Grasa dorsal: 10 15 mm
(0.39 -0.59 pulgadas)
Las costillas, caderas y espina se sienten con
poca presin. La cerda requiere un aumento
moderado en su consumo alimenticio antes de
su prxima camada.
Sow Skeleton
Points of the skeleton that can be palpated or visually
identified when sows are scored for body condition.
Measure backfat at the last rib, 2.5 inches off the midline of the sows spine.
El Esqueleto
Partes del esqueleto que se palpan u observan
para evaluar la condicin de la cerda.
Mida la grasa dorsal a la ltima costilla, a 2.5 pulgadas de la espina de la cerda.
shoulder blades
hip bones
tail head
top shape
between legs
(seam of hams)
Las escpulas
La espina
Las caderas
Cabeza de la cola
La forma del lomo
Entre las patas traseras
Photos by Locke Karriker, DVM, Lori Layman, Alex Ramirez, DVM * Copy and cutlines by Dale Miller and Ken Stalder * Spanish Translation by Palmer Holden and Angela DeMirjyn * Sow study funded by Pork Checkoff
National Swine