581 - Guide - Corona Electromagnetic Probe Tests (TVA)

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- Corona Electromagnetic Probe Tests

Working Group

June 2014

Working Group



Working Group

Dan Zlatanovici Convenor (RO)
Robert Fenton (US), Kane Hendreson (NZ), Voitto Koko (FI), Nick Kruger (ZA),
Bill McDermid (CA), Bernard O'Sullivan (IE), Mladen Sasic (CA), Smit Nico (ZA),
Howard Sedding (CA), Stone Greg (CA), Vincenzo Tartaglione (IT), Alberto Villarrubia
Castellanos (ES), Jrgen R.Weidner (DE), Peter Wiehe (AU), Hugh Zhu (CA),

Copyright 2014

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personal purposes. Are prohibited, except if explicitly agreed by CIGRE, total or partial reproduction of the
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CIGRE gives no warranty or assurance about the contents of this publication, nor does it accept any
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ISBN: xxx-x-xxxxx-xxx-x

ISBN: 978-2-85873-276-0



4.1. Principle of the method.. 4
4.2. The test voltage.... 5
4.3. Scanning the slots 7
6.1. General method for analysis of the results...... 10
6.2. IRIS Power method for analysis of the results 12
6.3. Assessment criteria. 14
ANNEX 2: Excerpt from IEEE Std 1434-2000 on the electromagnetic probe...18



This Guide aims to revitalize a method for detecting and determining the location of the
partial discharges at the slot level in high voltage electric generators and motors. In the
distant past, there were several accidents leading to death by electrocution of the
operators of this equipment and as a result, some companies avoided the use of this
method (according to existing information on the International Generator Technical
Community Forum). The incidents were caused by lack of respect of the safety rules for
high voltage work. This has slowed the spread and development of this method for testing
high voltage electrical machines.

In 2010, CIGRE SC A1 has initiated the development of a Guide for this test. After the
approval of TOR by the Technical Committee CIGRE, the WG A1.28 was constituted.
This WG organized a questionnaire and a preliminary description of the test that were
distributed to all members of SCA1. 15 from whom responses were received and on their
basis the present Guide was developed. Also, information obtained from the International
Generator Technical Community forum IGTC [14] has been used.

In form-wound bars and coils rated greater than about 4 kV, partial discharges can occur
within the groundwall insulation or between the surface of the coil or bar and stator coil.
Groundwall insulation is the component that separates the copper conductors from the
grounded stator core. These partial discharges, which are sometimes colloquially (but
incorectly) called corona, are created by the high voltage stress that occurs in the
groundwall insulation.

According to the IEEE Standard Dictionary 100-1996 [13] , corona is a form of partial
discharges. But the term corona is reserved for the visible partial discharges that can occur
on bare metal conductors operating at high voltage, which ionize the surrounding air. Since
partial discharges within the groundwall insulation are not visible, they should not be
termed corona.

If an air pocket (also called a void or a delamination) exists in the groundwall insulation,
the high electric stress will break down the air, causing a spark. This spark will degrade the
insulation and, if not corrected, repeated discharges may eventually erode a hole through
the groundwall insulation, leading to failure.

The off-line and on-line partial discharge tests indicate that partial discharges are
occurring somewhere in the winding, thus, some stator winding insulation deterioration has
occurred. However, these tests do not give any indication of where in the winding the
problem is occurring. TVA probe test can answer this question [9].


By the end of the 1940s, Westinghouse Electric Company (US) developed the first Corona
probe for locating the partial discharges on the bus bars of large generator windings in the
stator iron core area. In the 1960s, the engineer L.E. Smith from the Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA) developed and published the diagram of a Corona probe made up of a
radio frequency antenna tuned to 5 MHz and a meter. The probe and the meter were
commonly named the TVA test. ETI Ltd. manufactured the probe and the meter for 25
In 1997 the company ADWEL / IRIS has taken over the manufacturing of the probe under
the name PPM 97 (Fig. 1), keeping the original design, just replacing the enclosure [8]

Fig.1. TVA Probe PPM 97 type


According to the obtained information, the test can be applied to all types of turbo
generators, (cooled with air or hydrogen), hydro generators and electric motors, without
limitation of power and nominal voltage. In normal conditions, if the safety rules in section
4 are observed, there should be no limit to use the TVA test of any voltage rating of
rotating machines. The PPM 97 probe stick is tested at a test voltage of 12 kV for one
minute. The tip is to be always on grounded surfaces, never in contact with High Voltage
Depending on the length of the stator core, a probe with a suitable rod length must be
used. For very large turbo-generators (300 MW and large) , because of the length of the
stator core, it is possible to put the TVA probe operator in the stator bore (this is discussed
in more detail later).

The TVA test can be made on site or in the factory. At the same time, the method should
be associated with other normal tests made on the insulation of the stator winding, such as
the on-line partial discharges, off-line partial discharges, insulation resistance, tan, high
voltage (High potential), etc. Generally, TVA test is carried out as an additional verification
after the tests on-line/off-line partial discharges or as a complimentary test to on-line
partial discharges monitoring.

The majority of users perform this measurement occasionally, when the rotor is removed.
Others carry out this test when there are suspicions concerning the insulation condition,
resulting from other tests. Some experts recommend a frequency of at least once in five
years to perform such a test for each generator.

Normally the TVA test can not be used for the end windings. For this area it is necessary
to use other types of probes such as Ultrasonic Probe, Corona Scope, etc. However, under
certain conditions the TVA probe can be used, but the guidelines published in IEEE1434
will not be applicable.


4.1. Principle of the method

The Corona Probe test aims at detecting and locating the partial discharges in the stator
winding bars (coils or half coils) in the slot area. The test is also called the TVA test. The
TVA acronym comes from the name of the company where this test method was
developed: Tennessee Valley Authority (USA).

In principle, the TVA test consists of supplying each phase of the stator winding in turn with
an alternating test voltage of 50/60 Hz, and detecting the Corona discharges (partial
discharges) by means of an electromagnetic probe called Corona or TVA probe, in each
slot of the respective phase.

The probe has a ferrite core and a high frequency coil connected to an amplifying-tuning
block and a peak pulse meter in mA (Fig.2). The probe is placed on top long electro-
insulating rod. Rods or 1 to 3 meters are commonly used. The probe is positioned on two
stator teeth at a time, to form a closed loop iron circuit around the bars of the stator
winding . The probe will detect the partial discharge pulses occurring in the stator bar
insulation that will induce damping oscillations into the coil. The closer the probe is to the
partial discharge location, the higher the detected signal measured in mA. The probe
operates in a MHz frequency range coupling (0.5-10 MHz, centered on 5MHz) [1,2,3,4].


Fig.2. Principle diagram of the TVA probe
1.Stator slot; 2 TVA probe; 3. Peak Pulse meter

4.2. The test voltage

The test voltage is the rated phase voltage 3 / U U
n test
= (about 0.6 U
). For example,
for a generator of 24 kV a test voltage of 13.8 kV is required. For a generator or motor of
6.3 kV a test voltage of 3.64 kV is needed (Table 1).

Some users limit the level of test voltage to the value recommended by the PPM 97 probe
manual [8], i. e., a maximum of 8 kV. This is a consequence of most common voltage in
North America, 13.8 kV line to line. It should be noted that at voltages below 4.5 kV partial
discharge activity is less likely to occur because below this level air will not break down.
Therefore the PPM 97 probe manual recommends that the minimum test voltage to be 5
kV, which does not exclude the use it for locating partial discharges at 6.3 kV electrical
machines [8].

Table 1. Test voltage according to the rated voltage of the electrical machines

Un kV 24 18 15.75 13.8 10.5 8.7 6.3 3.3
Utest kV 13.86 10.39 9.09 7.96 6.06 5 3.75 1.9

For electrical machines with rated voltages of 6-7 kV can use a test voltage of 4.5 - 5 kV (overvoltage).
For electrical machines with rated voltages of 3-4 kV TVA test is not relevant.

The test voltage is applied only on a single phase, the other two phases being connected
to ground. For small power generators and motors, all three (six) phases can be
simultaneously energized, using an appropriate equipment. The test voltage must be
maintained for an appropriate period of time. Slot scanning by means of the TVA probe
can be started only after the stabilization (stilling) of the partial discharges. This is the so
called soak-in or conditioning period. It is required to stabilize the initially high partial
discharge activity (immediately after application of High Voltage) and allow the discharges
to reach their normal level.

The determination of the time needed for the stabilization of the partial discharges is made
as follows:
after applying the test voltage, a number of minimum 5 slots are scanned and the
respective values are noted;
after 10 minutes the same slots should be scanned again; if values different from
first values are obtained, wait 10 minutes and the same slots should be scanned
again and the new values should be compared with the last values;
the slots scanning should be repeated every 10 minutes and the results should be
compared with the values from the last scanning until the same values will be
it is considered that the partial discharges are stabilized if the same values are
obtained for the 5 slots at two successive measurements.

The time needed for maintaining the voltage is the time until the last scanning is
completed. For the other phases the same time can be used. This determined time is only
for the tested generator and only for the respective test. If the test will be repeated after a
number of years, it is possible that stabilization time may be different.
If stability cannot be achieved, this indicates that there is a problem with the insulation
system. In such a case the high voltage test (normal maintenance over potential test for
one minute) must be carried out.

4.3. Scanning the slots

The test is generally carried out with the rotor removed from the stator for turbo-generators
and large motors. However, for hydro generators the test can be performed with the rotor
in position if there is sufficient space between the poles or by removing a pole. If the rotor
is in place, It is necessary to rotate the rotor periodicvally with an approved method, little
by little. Otherwise the test will be incomplete - will not scan all the slots.

Each slot should be scanned. The majority of the users scan the full slot length, from one
end to another of the stator core. Some users measure partial discharges of each slot only
in one point situated at about 2 - 3 steel plate packs (core sections) at the end or in the
middle of the core or in 3 points respectively at the ends of the core and in the middle.

The continuous scanning at hydro-generators and electric motors is easy as the length of
the stator core has dimensions compatible with the size of the probe rod. For very large
turbo-generators, because of the length of the slot, a probe with a longer rod (about 3 m)
must be used or it is possible to scan half a slot length at each end of the stator core to
reduce the total test time, it is feasible to scan simultaneously two halves with two identical
probes. Another possibility is to place the TVA probe operator in to the bore of the stator.
This method requires a highly experienced operator. On generators with a small number of
slots, the slots belonging to the energized phase can be marked in advance. Scanning can
be done only on those slots, in which the coil side or bar is then known to be energized
assuming that only one phase at a time is under test.

On generators with a large number of slots it is very difficult to mark in advance the slots of
the energized phase. In this case, scanning can be made at all slots, but only the slots with
energized bars will be considered.

It is very important to have the winding scheme and the layout of the bars in the slots, in
order to identify them. Also, the correspondence between winding scheme and the real
position must be identified.

The duration of the test depends on the number of slots and the slots length. According to
users experience, for turbo-generator the test duration is about 2-8 hours. For hydro-
generators the duration is 4-10 hours up to one day (24 hours). These times refer to the
effective time of measurement and do not include the time for preparation of the test.

Fig.3. Hydro - generator measurements, P
= 55 MW, U
= 10.5 kV


Fig.4. Turbo generator measurements, P
= 60 MW, U
= 10,5 kV

Fig.5. AC Electric motor measurements, P
= 800 kW, U
= 6.3 kV


Due to the fact that during the TVA test the operators are near the stator winding which is
under high voltage, the danger of electrocution is genuine. This has slowed the
deployment and development of the method. The danger comes from the risk that the
operator handling the probe might fall on the wires coming out from the high voltage
transformer or on the stator coil ends if he loses his balance. On the other hand, mention
should be made that, in case such a breakdown or arcing to earth in the slot occurs, the
stator bar voltage falls to zero and, in fact, there is no danger, even if the probe is right in
front or near the fault location.

The measures that should be taken in order to protect the operators are the following:
The stator core should be connected to earth (if the stator is taken out from its
The meter should be connected to earth;
Three operators should participate in the test: one to handle the probe, another to
read the meter and the third to register the reading data (Figure 3);
A fourth operator handles the controls for application of high voltage (increase,
monitoring, reduction to zero);
The slot scanning should start from the second steel sheet (core segment or
package) and stop before the last steel sheet bundle (core segment); the front ends
of the coil should not be touched by the probe;
The two operators that get in contact with the probe and the meter should wear
electro-insulating gloves;
They should be on a platform with a barrier for the operator handling the probe to
lean against it, in case the generator is located on the high technological support
and the operator does not get to winding.

The test operators must stay on the opposite side of the turbo-generator, horizontal hydro-
generators and motors terminals. If operators must stay on the terminals end a solid
scaffold must be built to avoid the risk of losing balance and falling. For the vertical hydro-
generators, the risk is low because the operators stay inside the stator and the terminals
are outside.

The rod carrying the probe should be light and long enough to allow the operator to be
able to scan the entire lenght of the slot, from one end to another. If the stator length
exceeds the length of the rod and the two halves are scanned simultaneously the test
should be carried out by 6 operators, 3 for each end.

For very large turbo generators, the TVA equipment handlers will climb into the stator core
with the stator winding de-energized and earthed. Once the TVA equipment operators are
inside the stator core, the stator winding will be energized and voltage increased to the
required test voltage. Once the test voltage is reached, and stabilization time of partial
discharge passed, , scanning of the complete length of the stator slots commences. Care
must be taken that the operators stay within the core and not to touch or climb on the
stator end winding with the winding energized. Operators can get out of stator, at the end
of the test, only after the winding is de-energized and grounded.


6.1. General method for analysis of the results

According to IEEE Std 1434-2000 - Guide to the Measurement of Partial Discharges in
Rotating Machinery [12], the measured quantity is the Peak Pulse Value (ppv) and is given
in mA. The measurement results can be presented in the form of a table with the ppv
values according to the phase and the number of slots (Table 2) [11].

Table 2. PPV measured values for each slot of the energized phases
(TG 60 MW, 10.5 kV, 72 slots)

Phase A Phase B Phase C
Phases No.slot PPV Phases No.slot PPV Phases No.slot PPV
CA 7 15 AB 19 5.5 BC 67 8
CA 8 10 AB 20 7 BC 68 9.5
CA 9 14 AB 21 6 BC 69 8
CA 10 9 AB 22 6 BC 70 7.5
CA 11 14 AB 23 10 BC 71 10
CA 12 28 AB 24 10 BC 72 10
AA 13 70 BB 25 18 CC 1 25
AA 14 28 BB 26 38 CC 2 16
AA 15 8 BB 27 52 CC 3 17
AA 16 12 BB 28 34 CC 4 18
AA 17 14 BB 29 20 CC 5 24
AA 18 17 BB 30 26 CC 6 18
AB 19 22 BC 31 30 CA 7 14
AB 20 45 BC 32 15 CA 8 22
AB 21 12 BC 33 20 CA 9 16
AB 22 17 BC 34 14 CA 10 25
AB 23 16 BC 35 20 CA 11 14
AB 24 18 BC 36 25 CA 12 8
CA 43 14 AB 55 5.5 BC 31 7.8
CA 44 9 AB 56 10 BC 32 5
CA 45 5 AB 57 10 BC 33 5
CA 46 4.5 AB 58 8 BC 34 8
CA 47 9 AB 59 6 BC 35 6.8
CA 48 24 AB 60 10 BC 36 9
AA 49 42 BB 61 14 CC 37 24
AA 50 20 BB 62 14 CC 38 22
AA 51 25 BB 63 12 CC 39 22
AA 52 15 BB 64 12 CC 40 30
AA 53 18 BB 65 15 CC 41 24
AA 54 17 BB 66 17 CC 42 28
AB 55 12 BC 67 20 CA 43 28
AB 56 13 BC 68 14 CA 44 28
AB 57 10 BC 69 12 CA 45 24
AB 58 10 BC 70 15 CA 46 24
AB 59 8.8 BC 71 13 CA 47 18
AB 60 22 BC 72 14 CA 48 22

At the same time the results can be presented in the form of a chart in Excel, Chart Wizard
in two variants: Clusters column (Fig.6) or Scatter with data point connected by lines
(Fig.7) . Of course there are other ways to present the results.

TG 60 MW, 10.5 kV,72 slots, phase C, slots 31-48, 67-72-1-12
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71
Slot No.




Fig.6. Graphic representation in Excel, Chart Wizard, Clusters column

TG 60 MW, 10.5 kV, 72 slots, phase C, slots:31-48, 67-72-1-12
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71
slot No.




Fig.7. Graphic representation in Excel, Chart Wizard, Scatter with data point
connected by lines

Of all measured values for a slot (continuously along the slot, in 3-point or in a single point)
the highest value should be considered in the evaluation. For slots with two bars of the
same energized phase, the majority of users assign to the two bars the same measured
value. If the measured value is high, the bar toward the air gap is considered to have a
state of alarm. Interpretation of the results is made for each bar of the energized slots.

Another method of analysis is to plot the TVA probe values as a function of electrical
position of the bar or coil in the winding. By this method, conclusions may be derived as to
whether the winding is suffering from electrical or thermal ageing.

6.2. IRIS Power method for analysis of the results
(excerpt from the user manual TVA probe PPM 97 type [8])

If the machine to be tested has a relatively large number of slots, it is possible to arrange
the stator coil readings in small groups, to obtain a smoother curve for evaluation. If there
are several series strings or parallel multi-turn coils per phase, the readings for each coil in
the same position for those strings should be averaged
In this case, a curve can be plotted with coil position as the abscissa (X-axis) versus peak
pulse meter reading as the ordinate (Y-axis).

An example of this graph arrangement is shown below in Figure 8. It shows 14 coils from
connection to neutral and 5/6 turns per coils, in each phase, in a winding containing 216
slots phase , ((12x5+2x6)x3=216).

HG 55 MW, 10.5 kV, 216 slots, phase B
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
position coil in series string


phase front
phase back

Fig.8. Coil Position versus Peak Pulse Value average Graph

The Figure 9 presents a graph of the measured Peak Pulse Values for each slot of the
energized phase.

HG 55 MW, 10.5 kV, 216 slots, phase B
1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 100 111 122 133 144 155 166 177 188 199 210
Slots No.


Fig.9. Peak Pulse Value for each slot of the energized phase.

If the stator winding to be tested is designed with 30 to 50 coils in each parallel circuit
between the line end and neutral, the same test procedure is used to probe only those
coils energized by testing one phase at a time with the other two phases grounded. The
difference in plotting this data is that the coils are often grouped so that two or three coils
which are electrically adjacent to each other are plotted as one point. If for example, a
generator has 45 coils from the line end connection to the neutral end, it is easier to plot
the data into a meaningful curve if these coils are grouped together in "threes" to yield a 15
point curve. In this example, the three coils connected to the high voltage end are grouped
together and those readings are averaged to obtain a single point for plotting a curve of
that phase. The next three coil positions are averaged in a similar fashion. This procedure
is continued to the final three coils that are connected adjacent to the neutral end of the
stator phase winding. If it is possible to arrange the stator coil readings in groups of two,
this could also be done to obtain a smoother curve for evaluation.

The purpose of the grouping is to yield a reasonable number of points that can be plotted
to obtain a representative curve for that phase winding. This curve represents the overall
condition of the insulation in that phase of the winding. Analysis of these test curves,
together with a knowledge of winding failures, on-line partial discharge analysis (PDA)
readings, winding repairs, will help to provide a more complete evaluation of the present
condition of the insulating system in the stator windings.

This method of analysis although convenient may result in averaging out problem areas.
But the purpose of the TVA probe test is to identify localized sites of high partial discharge.

6.3. Assessment criteria

According to the IEEE Std 1434-2000 [13] the following limits corresponding to the
insulation system can be used:
- Asphalt mica: 100 mA
- Polyester mica: 30 mA
- Epoxy mica: 20 mA
In the case of the polyester-mica and epoxy-mica insulation systems, the higher values of
these limits are frequently caused by partial discharges on the outside of the bars in the
slot. There have been cases where values higher than the upper limits have been
registered due to internal delamination.

In IEEE Std 1434-2000 it is also stated:
Although the comparison of results from similar machines is frequently the best way of
establishing appropriate limiting values, some users have found by experience that the
condition of coils/bars should be questioned when the peak pulse readings in milliamps
peak pulse at operating voltage exceed the values above

Some specialists use their own evaluation criteria, resulting from their experience but
these are generally not made public.
Different examples of some actual evaluation criteria suggested:
Using absolute values of TVA probe readings without considering the electrical
position of the bar or coil in the winding may lead to over pessimistic results. That
is, high TVA probe readings in bars close to the neutral position are not necessarily
of concern. The value of a TVA probe test is significantly enhanced by
measurement of the discharge extinction voltage from an off-line partial discharges
If on-line partial discharges measurements indicate an increasing trend then with
the first opportunity of removing the rotor the TVA test is performed
If a phase has more bars with values above the limit of the IEEE, perform a AC
high voltage test
The level of risk (epoxy mica): < 20 mA operation without risk , 20- 120 mA
medium risk operation, >120 mA high risk operation and a AC high voltage test is
Values between 20-100 mA indicate a state of aging, values between 100-200 mA
indicate a questionable state (of care) and values over 200 mA indicate possible
faults in evolution. Values between 200-500 mA indicate the end of the insulation
life time (IGTC) [14].

This Guide proposes the expansion of the IEEE 1434 criteria with the following values:
20-200 mA possibly aged insulation, questionable state, operation with medium
risk, analyzes correlated with other industry tests are needed;
>200 mA possible faults in evolution, operation with high risk, the a.c. high voltage
test (high potential or hipot) is recomended at a voltage that sufficiently stresses the
winding (e.g. 1.5 U


Although it takes a long time, the TVA test is not dangerous for stator winding insulation,
because, in fact, the applied voltage is the voltage of service.

Experts, who have used this method, have established a good correlation between the
TVA test results and the results of other tests insulation: on-line partial discharges, off-line
partial discharges, tan delta, leakage DC current, AC High Voltage. However, the test is
treated as an additional test after the other tests of insulation, if the rotor is removed.

The test is carried out by the manufacturers of large electrical machines, the users of large
electrical machines and the service companies for large electrical machines.
However, the test should be done only by experienced specialists of HV laboratories.

Future development of the method is uncertain.
Safety issues will continue to exist. Robotic methods could solve this problem.
Also, direct recording of measured values and of the geometric position of the probe
on the slot on laptops would be useful.
The present quantitative criteria of the IEEE are not agreed by all specialists.
Should only be performed with combined measurements of a multiple of other tests
together with the dissection of the bars with problems.

There were published very few articles about this method and the results obtained,
compared with the method of on-line partial discharges. Perhaps this guide will be an
incentive for appliance manufacturer to upgrade the device, for the experts to use more
this test and publish more articles on this topic.


[1] Dakin T.W., Works C.N., Johnson J.S., An Electromagnetic Probe for Detecting and
Locating Discharges in Large Rotating-Machine Stators, IEEE Transactions PAS , vol
88, No.3, 1969, pp 251257
[2] Smith, L.E., A peak- Pulse Ammeter Voltmeter Suitable for Ionization (Corona)
Measurement in Electrical Equipment, Minutes of the 37
Annual International
Conference of Doble Clients, 1970, Section.3-401
[3] Goodwin, T.A., Corona Probe Measurements Taken on Hydro Machines at Grand
Coulee Dam, Minutes of the 38
Annual International Conference of Doble
[4] Vorobev S. E, Gluhov I.S. , Muhina A.A. Vaiavlenie sterjnei s vnutrenimi pustotami
v izoliatii vasokovoltnah ghidrogheneratorov (Identifying bars with internal voids in the
high voltage insulation of hydro generators) Electriceskie Stantii (Russia) no. 11,
1979, pp.40- 43
[5] McDermid, W., How Useful Are Diagnostic Tests on Rotating Machine Insulation ?,
Proceedings of the 19th Electrical Electronics Insulation Conference, Chicago,
Illinois,September 25-28, 1989, pp. 209
[6] Timperley, J. E., Corona probe testing of hydro-generators, Minutes of the 56th
Annual International Conference of Doble Clients, Section 7-4.1, 1989.
[7] Timperley, J. E., Improvements in corona probe testing of modern hydroelectric
generators, Proceedings of the 19th Electrical/Electronics Insulation Conference,
Chicago, Ill., IEEE 89CH2788-8, pp. 300304, 1989.
[8] Corona probe model PPM 97, Operating Instructions, Adwel, 1997
[9] Stone G.C., Boulter E.A., Culbert Ian, Dhirani H. Electrical Insulation for Rotating
Machines. Publishing House IEEE Press, USA, 2004, 372 p, ISBN 0-741- 44506-1
[10] Gheorghiu M., Gheorghiu C., Zlatanovici D. Checking electrical insulation power
equipment. Publishing House Editura Tehnica, Romania, 1984,126 pp,
[11] Zlatanovici Dan, Test code of electric generators, vol II, ICEMENERG Publishing
House Bucharest, 2007 pag.152, ISBN 973-1741-01-7
[12] IEEE Std 1434-2000 - Guide to the Measurement of Partial Discharges in Rotating
[13] IEEE Std 100-1996 - IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronix Terms.
Sixth Edition
[14] International Generator Technical Community (IGTC),



Continuous wave sensitivity: 0.9 V RMS continuous at 5 MHz gives a full scale
reading on the 100 mA range, with batteries at 8V.

Bandwidth: 0.5 MHz - 10 MHz

Pulse polarity: Reads correctly only on negative pulses, or the negative
swing of ringing pulses.

Minimum pulse length: 35 ns approximately.

Effect of pulse length: Reads approximately 25% higher on a very long pulse
(i.e. milliseconds) than on a 35 ns pulse.

Effect of ringing pulses: Oscillatory (ringing) pulses within the bandwidth
of the preamp will read higher than a single short
pulse. As the ringing time ncreases, the reading will
approach that of a long pulse.

Pulse repetition rate: Reading is not affected by pulse repetition rate if
greater than approximately 20 pps.

Effect of battery voltage: Reading decreases approx. 10% as the battery output
drops from 9V to 7V.

Batteries: Two (2) 9V

Input ranges: 0-10/30/100/1000 mA selection.

Test switch: Either momentary (down position) or continuous (up
position) can be selected by depressing the ON-OFF-
ON switch on the side of the instrument.


ANNEX 2: Excerpt from IEEE Std 1434-2000 on the electromagnetic probe

IEEE Std 1434-2000

IEEE Trial-Use Guide to the Measurement of Partial Discharges in Rotating Machinery

6. Electrical pulse and RF radiation sensing systems (pag.12)

Table 2Off-line partial discharge measurements . Case 5. (pag. 21)
Sensors: Electromagnetic probe bridging each slot in turn.

Detector/output: Peak responding meter scaled in milliamps or quasipicocoulombs.
Frequency range: Probe tuned to 5 MHz.
As a result of winding attenuation at 5 MHz, a partial discharges site can be located to within one
or two slots.
User needs to be aware that some partial discharges sites become less active after the test voltage
has been applied for a period of time.
If detection of phase related partial discharges sites is required, an appropriate electric stress
needs to be applied to this insulation.
Pros and cons:
Not always reliable for pinpointing the partial discharges site in a given slot. Does not discriminate
between partial discharges occurring on the positive and negative half-cycles of 60 Hz. Can usually
test with hydrogenerator rotor in place.

6.3.1 Electromagnetic probe (pag. 25)

The electromagnetic, or TVA, probe is a proximity sensor that responds to the RF signals radiated
by partial discharges within or outside the stator coils. The search coil probe consists of an 1 m
insulated rod with a multiturn coil wound on a ferrite core at one end. A typical coil consists of 15
turns of AWG #14 wire wound on a 10 mm diameter ferrite rod, although some users have
employed a lesser number of turns. The ferrite rod is about 50 mm in length. The sensor coil is
attached to a coaxial cable for connection to the peak pulse meter.
The probe and its connecting cable capacitance form a tuned circuit, which is usually tuned to 5
MHz. Frequencies from 200 kHz to 20 MHz have been evaluated. In some machines, a higher or
lower frequency was found to be more sensitive than 5 MHz was in detecting partial discharges
activity. However, standardization on 5 MHz is recommended to permit comparison of data
between machines.

The closer the antenna is to the source of partial discharges, the higher the signal output. It is used
to identify locations of partial discharges within a high-voltage winding. The magnitude of the signal
is displayed in relative terms and may not be useful for specifically quantifying the level of partial
discharges. The probe and peak pulse meter cannot distinguish between slot discharge and
internal coil partial discharges, and they do not discriminate between positive and negative pulses.
However, if the probe is terminated in an oscilloscope instead of the peak pulse meter, the polarity
of the pulses can be determined.

This sensor is used for off-line tests with the winding energized at the normal phase-to-neutral
voltage, or at lower voltages.

11.2 Electromagnetic probe readings (pag.40)

Measurement of partial discharges at individual slots using the electromagnetic probe, tuned to 5
MHz, and the peak pulse meter results in readings in terms of milliamps peak pulse. (Other
similar peak pulse meters are scaled in quasi-picocoulombs.) These readings are not greatly
affected by the winding configuration, but they do reflect the particular insulation system and the
condition of surface coatings and end arms.

Although the comparison of results from similar machines is frequently the best way of establishing
appropriate limiting values, some users have found by experience that the condition of coils/bars
should be questioned when the peak pulse readings in milliamps peak pulse at operating voltage
exceed the following values:
Asphalt mica: 100 mA
Polyester mica: 30 mA
Epoxy mica: 20 mA
In the case of polyester-mica and epoxy-mica insulation systems, readings in excess of these limits
frequently are caused by slot discharge, for which corrective measures are available. However,
cases have also been reported involving polyester- and epoxy-bonded systems in which readings
in excess of the above limits have been as a result of internal delamination.

These limits apply to ferrite probes and peak pulse meters that have been constructed as
described in Smith [B40 - IEEE Std 1434-2000, pag.37] / [2], and where the ferrite probe is held in
contact with the stator core, across the slot in which the coil or bar in question is installed.

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