The document presents regression models for estimating soil-water-retention curves from particle-size distribution, percentage of organic matter, and bulk density using data from 43 soil materials. The models were developed from measured retention curves of artificially packed soil cores and can estimate retention from -0.04 to -15 bars. The predicted curves approximated measured retention of 61 Missouri soils reasonably well.
The document presents regression models for estimating soil-water-retention curves from particle-size distribution, percentage of organic matter, and bulk density using data from 43 soil materials. The models were developed from measured retention curves of artificially packed soil cores and can estimate retention from -0.04 to -15 bars. The predicted curves approximated measured retention of 61 Missouri soils reasonably well.
The document presents regression models for estimating soil-water-retention curves from particle-size distribution, percentage of organic matter, and bulk density using data from 43 soil materials. The models were developed from measured retention curves of artificially packed soil cores and can estimate retention from -0.04 to -15 bars. The predicted curves approximated measured retention of 61 Missouri soils reasonably well.
The document presents regression models for estimating soil-water-retention curves from particle-size distribution, percentage of organic matter, and bulk density using data from 43 soil materials. The models were developed from measured retention curves of artificially packed soil cores and can estimate retention from -0.04 to -15 bars. The predicted curves approximated measured retention of 61 Missouri soils reasonably well.
Estimating Soil Water Retention Characteristics From Particle Size Distribution, Organic Matter Percent, and Bulk Density S.C. OUPTA AND W. E. LARSON Science and Education Administration, Agricultural Research, U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil and Water Management Research Unit, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Regression models are presented for estimating soil-water-retention curves from particle-size distribu- tion, percentage of organic matter, and bulk density. Models were developed from the measured soil-wa- ter-retention curves of artificially packed cores (7.6 x 7.6 cm) of 43 soil materials. These soil materials included 13 agricultural soils. Curves predicted with these models approximated reasonably well the measured water retention of 61 Missouri soils. Because conventional methods of obtaining retention curves are expensive and time consuming, these equations will be valuable for modeling salt and water ttow in soils and for estimating available water capacities. INTRODUCTION Soil water retention characteristics are needed to describe the availability of soil water to plants and to model movement of water and solutes in unsaturated soils. Measuring soft-wa- ter-characteristic curves is expensive and time consuming. Several efforts have been made to predict water retention from easily and routinely obtainable textural and structural soil properties. Soil water content at the -15-bar matric po- tential has been successfully related to clay [Lund, 1959; Kivi- saari, 1971] and organic matter [Crupta et al., 1977] contents of the soil. In other cases [Lund, 1959; $alter et al., 1966; Petersen et al., 1968], the difference in water retention corresponding to two matric potentials (available water capacity) was predicted from textural and structural properties. Using particle-size analysis, Husz [1967] developed relationships that describe water retention characteristics between-0.33 and- 15 bar. In this paper, statistical relationships are presented that can be used to predict soil water retention over a wide range (-0.04 to -15 bar) of soil matric potentials. These relationships are based on percent sand, silt, clay, organic matter, and bulk density (pb). MATERIALS AND METHODS The materials used in this study included a dredged sedi- ment (DS) and a soil sample from each of 10 geographic loca- tions in eastern and central United States. These samples were air dried on a plastic sheet and ground in a hammer mill to pass a 2.0-mm screen. Each sample was then mixed in a ce- ment mixer to obtain a homogenous sample. Air dried dredged sediment and soil samples from each location were further mixed in various proportions for laboratory and greenhouse plant growth studies [Crupta et al., 1978]. The treatments were (1) dredged sediment, (2) 2/3 dredged sedi- ment to 1/3 soft, (3) 1/3 dredged sediment to 2/3 soft, and (4) soft. In addition, three productive softs from Minnesota were also included as controls for the greenhouse study. Each sample is described by Cruta et al. [1978]. Particle-size distribution was determined by direct sieving for the sand fraction and by the international pipette method for the silt and clay fractions [Day, 1965]. Organic matter was estimated from the carbon content of the samples, as deter- This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. Published in 1979 by the American Geophysical Union. Paper number 9W 1249. mined by a Leco carbon analyzer. (The mention of a com- mercial product does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.) Water retentions were deter- mined in the laboratory on artificially prepared cores. Loosely packed, air dried samples were saturated overnight on the pressure plate and desorbed to -15-bar matric poten- tial in the pressure plate apparatus [Richards, 1965]. Three cylinders (7.6-cm diameter x 7.6 cm high) were taped to- gether, and a known weight of the soil at -15 bar water con- tent was compressed at both ends until the desired bulk den- sities were obtained. These bulk densities corresponded to the air dried bulk densities obtained in a greenhouse experiment [Gupta et al., 1978; Crupta and Larson, 1979]. Soil was com- pressed at a rate of 1.0 cm/min with an Instron universal test- ing instrument. The middle core was used for water retention determinations. Bulk density of the middle core was deter- mined from the weight and volume of the soil core. Variation in the packing of each soil core was checked with a gamma probe at 1-cm-depth intervals. Cores showing significant de- viation between their average reading and readings with length were discarded. Soil water retention values were obtained between -0.02 and -15.0 bar with a pressure plate apparatus [Richards, 1965] by desorbing the saturated cores at several pressure steps. The cores were initially saturated overnight from the bottom under a small head of water. At least three cores were used to obtain water retention values over the entire range studied; i.e., -0.02 to -2 bar (millipore filter), -0.1 to -1.0 bar (1-bar ce- ramic plate), and -3.0 to -15.0 bar (15-bar ceramic plate). Water content at each pressure step was calculated from the volume of outflow between pressure steps, the final water con- tent, and the weight of oven-dried soil. The cubic spline method was used to smooth the experi- mental data points. Since experimental data were not deter- mined at exactly the same pressures for all samples, water content values used in the regression analyses (equation (1)) were taken from the smoothed curve: 0, = a x sand (%) + b x silt (%) + c x clay (%) + d x organic matter (%) + e x bulk density (g/cm 3) where 0 s is the predicted water content (cm3/cm 3) for a given matric potential and a, b, c, d, and e are regression coeffi- cients. 1633 1634 GUPTA AND LARSON: SOIL WATER RETENTION CHARACTERISTICS ]o0 i ! i i i i i i i , i [ : iil i i i i i iii i i i i i i r .8 z i- z ,2 SOUTH CAROLI NA 2/3DS + ]./3 SOIL .'.__ , . "' 1/3DS + 2/3 SOl L .' ' ' 1.32 . - SOIL I I 1 I IIII I I I I [ ill 1 I I I I IIIII I I I I I I I 01 -, 1 - - 10 - 100 MATRI C POTENTIAL , BARS Fig. 1. Soil water retention characteristics of dredged sediment (DS), soil, and their mixtures from South Carolina. Smooth curves were fitted using the cubic spline method. TABLE 1. Regression and Correlation Coefficients for Prediction of Soil Water Content at Specific Matric Potentials Matric Regression Coefficients Correlation Potential, Coefficient, bars ax 103 bx 103 cx 103 dx 103 ex 102 R -0.04 7.053 10.242 10.070 6.333 -32.120 0.950 -0.07 5.678 9.228 9.135 6.103 -26.960 0.959 -0.10 5.018 8.548 8.833 4.966 -24.230 0.961 -0.20 3.890 7.066 8.408 2.817 -18.780 0.962 -0.33 3.075 5.886 8.039 2.208 -14.340 0.962 -0.60 2.181 4.557 7.557 2.191 -9.276 0.964 - 1.0 1.563 3.620 7.154 2.388 - 5.759 0.966 -2.0 0.932 2.643 6.636 2.717 -2.214 0.967 -4.0 0.483 1.943 6.128 2.925 -0.204 0.962 - 7.0 0.214 1.538 5.908 2.855 1.530 0.954 - 10.0 0.076 1.334 5.802 2.653 2.145 0.951 - 15.0 -0.059 1.142 5.766 2.228 2.671 0.947 Sand (%) + silt (%) + clay (%) = 100. Sand = 2.0 - 0.05 mm. Silt = 0.05 - 0.002 mm. Clay = < 0.002 mm. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Basic data used in developing these regression equations in- cluded soils with a wide range of sand (5-98%), silt (1-72%), clay (0-65%), organic matter (0-23%), and bulk density (0.74- AAATRIC POTENTIAL R / TBAR- -- - 8 o. o4 0.00 o O. 33 O. 962 . /o 7 o 7.0 O. 954 .. ep - a SAND + b SILT + c CLAY + d OM + e BD, /. 6 #.. . . z .5 :$ z I 3 Oo ,,,p o o ee %o .1 0 i i i i i i i i 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 MEASURED WATER CONTENT O m, cm3/cm3 Fig. 2. Predicted versus measured water content at -0.04, -0.33, and -7.0 bar matric potential. 1.74 g/cm 3) values. Soil water contents measured between -0.02 and -15 bar by volume ranged from 0.03 to 0.82 cm3/ cm 3. These ranges include most agricultural soils. The clay fraction of these sediments and soils included both expanding (montmorillonite) and nonexpanding (kaolinite, i!!ite, chlo- rite, and vermiculite) type clay minerals. Surface area mea- surements and X ray analysis indicated the presence of amorphous clay-sized materials in some sediment samples. An example of the shape of the water retention curves and scatter of the experimental data for dredged sediment, soil, and their mixture from South Carolina is shown in Figure 1. Table 1 gives the regression and correlation coefficients be- tween soil water retention and five soil properties at 12 de- TABLE 2. Regression Analysis (y = a I -- fll x) of Predicted (y) and Measured (x) Water Contents at Four Mattic Potentials for 61 Mis- souri Soils Matrix Potential, bars a I +_ se* [1 +-- se* s t -0.1 0.0494 +_ 0.0244 0.9934 +_ 0.0677 0.0604 -0.33 0.0456 +_ 0.0151 0.9489 +_ 0.0456 0.0434 -1.0 0.0478 + 0.0116 0.9173 + 0.0386 0.0364 -15.0 0.0555 + 0.0090 0.9336 + 0.0412 0.0346 *Standard error. Standard error of the regression. GUPTA AND LARSON: SOIL WATER RETENTION CHARACTERISTICS 1635 ' I I i i Illl[ [ I I I Ill[I ] [ [ [ [ Ill[ [ I I I 11[[I o -O.Ol SHARKEY 1 ICLAY) ( Vertic Haplaquepts) RICHLAND B 12 (SILT LOAM,) (Typic Hapludalfs) SHELBY All (SANDY CLAY LOAM,) (Typic Argiudolls) FREELAND B1 (SANDY LOAM,) ( G lossic F ragiudal fs ) BEULAH Cl (LOAM,Y SAND) (Typ/c Dystrochrepts) i I I lllll i I I lilii i I I IIIIII I I I IIIIII -. 1 -1 -10 -100 M,ATRIC POTENTIAL, BARS ' Fig. 3. Comparison between the measured (points) and predicted (smooth curve) soil water retention characteristic curves of five Missouri soils. creasing matric potentials. At all matric potentials, correlation coefficients were 0.94 or greater. High correlation coefficients obtained for these regression equations are reflected in the limited data scatter between the predicted and measured wa- ter content values at three typical matric potentials (Figure 2). The regression models in Table I were tested on data from 61 Missouri soils [Jamison and Kroth, 1958; Kroth et al., 1960]. Regression analysis (Table 2) suggests intercept (a) to be sig- nificantly different than zero and the slope of the line (fi) not significantly different than 1.0 at all matric potentials. The presence of a nonzero intercept and a slope of 1.0 suggests a constant bias between the predicted and measured water con- tents. This bias could be due to the differences in the experi- mental procedures used by Kroth et al. [1960] and by us in the present study: (1) 1- to 3-cm-thick versus 7.6-cm-thick cores and (2) estimation of particle-size distribution by the hydrom- eter method as compared with the pipette method (present study). Low values for measured water retention by Kroth et al. [1960] may also have been caused by the presence of coat- set (>2 ram) fragments in the undisturbed core samples. Fig- ure 3 shows the difference between the predicted and mea- sured water retention characteristics of five Missouri softs of different texture. The agreement between the measured and predicted value is good. Regression models presented here may be used to estimate with reasonable accuracy water retention characteristics from particle-size distribution, percentage of organic matter, and bulk density. This will be of particular help in modeling salt and water flow in softs and in estimating available water ca- pacities. Water retention curves obtained from these regres- sion equations may also be used to approximate hydraulic conductivity-water content relationships [Green and Corey, 1971; Campbell, 1974]. Acknowledgement. Appreciation is expressed for financial support of this research in part by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Day, P. R., Particle fractionation and particle-size analysis, in Meth- ods of Soil Analysis Part I, Agronomy, vol. 9, edited by C. A. Black et al., pp. 545-567, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wis., 1965. Green, R. E., and J. C. Corey, Calculation of hydraulic conductivities: A further evaluation of some predictive models, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J., 35, 3-8, 1971. Gupta, S.C., and W. E. Larson, A model for predicting packing of soils from particle size distribution, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J., 32, 758- 764, 1979. Gupta, S.C., R. H. Dowdy, and W. E. Larson, Hydraulic and thermal properties of a sandy soil as influenced by incorporation of sewage sludge, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J., 41, 601-605, 1977. Gupta, S.C., W. E. Larson, R. G. Gast, S. M. Combs, and R. H. Dowdy, The agricultural value of dredged material, Tech. Rep., D- 78-36, U.S. Army Eng. Waterways Exp. Sta., Vicksburg, Miss., 1978. Husz, G., Determination of the pF curve from texture, using multiple regressions, Z. Pfianzenernaehr. Bodenk., 116, 115-125, 1967. Jamison, V. C., and E. M. Kroth, Available moisture storage capacity in relation to textural composition and organic matter content of several Missouri soils, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc., 22, 189-192, 1958. Kivisaari, S., Influence of texture on some moisture constants, Acta Agr. Femica, 123, 217-222, 1971. Kroth, E. M., V. C. Jamison, and H. E. Grogger, Soil moisture survey of some representative Missouri soil types, ARS-41-34, pp. 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 27, 29, 35-37, 43, 47, 48, 52, 56, U.S. Dep. of Agr., Wash- ington, D.C., 1960. Lund, Z. F., Available water-holding capacity of alluvial soils in Lou- isiana, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc., 23, 1-3, 1959. Petersen, G. W., R. L. Cunningham, and R. P. Matelski, Moisture characteristics of Pennsylvania soils, II, Soil factors affecting mois- ture retention within a textural classysilt loam, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc., 32, 866-870, 1968. Richards, L. A., Physical condition of water in soil, in Method of Soil Analysis Part 1; Agronomy, vol. 9, edited by C. A. 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A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Quadriceps Resistance Exercise and Vitamin D in Frail Older People: The Frailty Interventions Trial in Elderly Subjects