Tara Tantra
Tara Tantra
Tara Tantra
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Tara Tantra.
Translated from Sanskrit ON Erchenkova [Aryadeva].
Table of Contents.
The first chapter.
The second chapter.
The third chapter.
The fourth chapter.
The fifth chapter.
The sixth chapter.
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Pervaya head.
OM. Tarini worship! 1. On top of a great Kailasa, the question Bhairavi Devi, Maheshwari God of gods, reclining on
his bed; (Goddess Bhairavi said): 2. Tu mantra that was formerly be told the Buddha-deva and Vasishtha
Kulabhayravoy, this perfect mantra Tell The Lord, the Lord of the gods! Bhairava said: 3. CSA - Dzhanaradana
supreme God, in the form of Buddha-deva. Pronouncing Ugrataru - great pyatislogovuyu mantra; 4. (Yogi) performing
the ritual creation (Srishti), for the sake of gaining immortality and non-aging, becomes lord of death, being in
Nakshatras and worlds. 5. Becoming lord of yoga, it will shine like the light of the Beloved! You tell her utterance by
which (yogi) becomes the Lord of all. 6. At the beginning pronounce Pranava, (then) hrilekkha (then bija), welcome
Kuloi, Kurchatov (bija) and aster (bija). ( OM HRIM HUM PHAT TRIM ). This - the royal mantra such higher
divine tree. 7. Honoring her Sadashiva became Lord of all, and as Durvasa, Vyasa, Valmiki, Bharadwaja and other
sages. 8. Bhimasena, Arjuna and other Kshatriyas (honoring her) were winners. Tell her you about Davey is the highest
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mystery! 9. Hide this it carefully, if you have (you) love to me. Bhairavi said: 10. According to thy mercy, O God, me
heard this mantra, the divine tree. Tell me what the morning rituals established Buddha-deva. Bhairava said: 11. told
about morning rituals by which one becomes a siddha. During the last (night) Prachar, uttering the mantra thousand-
petaled lotus; 12. At Pitha, located inside the pavilion near the lunar mandala (should contemplate the guru),
shimmering as pure rhinestone shining as pure flax 13. shows gesture blessing and protection, quiet, with a satisfied
face and eyes. Should bring him incense, flowers, jewelry and stuff, if you can not - mentally. 14. Contemplating so
guru should bring him mentally n
and so on. Please say the mantra three times, seven or ten times. 15. At the beginning pronounce vagbhava
then called guru (then) " padukas pudzhayami Namah ". (This is the mantra) beloved guru. 16. Saying it secretly,
even uttering the mantra utter a hymn.
17a. Ohm Worship Bhagavan, Lord Shiva in the form of a guru,
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17b-18a. embodied knowledge, receiving a plurality of images, Jehovah, way of being, the original form of the
Supreme Atman!
18b-19a. (Worship) You, the boom of all knowledge, cutting through the darkness, self-sufficient, the Merciful,
unsullied, the essence of Shiva,
19b-20a. Lord of devotees, endows love love, discernment to distinguish conscious Consciousness.
20b. Luminaries Light, in which knowledge is knowledgeable.
21a. Glorifying (it is), with the mantra "put commandment" you should make a bow. 21b-23. muladhar In (should
contemplate) the original shape of the Kula Kundalini shining like ten million suns, pulling on a lotus stem, in the image
of a sleeping snake coiled three and a half times, with Hamsa mantra should read her mind. 24. struck six lotuses
should bring it to the rim. There should contemplate Kula guru of Kuleshvari. (Their names :) 25. Prahladanandanatha,
Sanakananada, Kumaraanandanantha, Vasishthaanandanatha; 26. Krodhannandanatha, Sukhananda, Dzhnanannada,
Bodhananda, Karanannada. 27. (All of them -) does not blink an eye, surrounded by a host of shakti . Then,
contemplating the sweet shining bindu should bring them tarpana. 28. thus finds its highest position, along with a lot of
them. About Davy! And should contemplate yourself with this set. 29. So, you tell the best morning ritual. You should
keep it out of love for me, O Lady of the gods! Such Tara Tantra Sacred in the first chapter.
InThoraya head.
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Sri Bhairavi said: 1-2. Me heard about Endowed with great stakes of a great morning ritual. Now I wish to hear three
kinds of puja, told Buddha-deva, in tantra referred Mahachina, O Lord of the gods, about honoring the yoni, and
mental (reverence) yantras. Shri Bhairava said: 3. mental reverence usually tell, but first hear nyasa. Without performing
nyasa no preparedness (puja). 4. (should take) Rishi adi nyasa kara and anga nyasa, Varna and vpaka nyasa and then
pitha nyasa. 5. At Kurchatov vija rishis called Akshobhya metric size - Brhati, deity called Ugra Tara. 6. Shakti - aster
(bija), certain Varna are kilakoy. Saying " akhilavagrupini "should say" hridayaya Namah ". 7. Saying "
akhandavagrupini "(pronounced) then" sirasa matchmaker ", saying" brahmavagrupini "(should say)" shikhayay
vasat . " 8. Saying " Vishnuvagrupini "pronounced" kavaca "after" vishnuvagrupini "(should say)" netratrayayya
vaushat . " 9. Saying " Sarvavagrupini "should say" astraya phat . " Then, after Maya (BG) with six long
(vowels), should say " Vijnana . " 10. On (different) parts of the body should be put in hand with fingers crossed.
Should be placed at the heart of Varna from A to RR of the Beloved! 11. Honoring One, on both hands should be
placed on the Varna Hectares to Dha . Both ankles should (place of Varna) from On to Bha and from MA to CSA
about Beloved ! 12. (completing) mule mantra vyapaka Nyasa, perform pitha Nyasa. (It should contemplate) in the
lotus heart nectar ocean, in the middle of it - the golden island; 13-14. Surrounded by trees parijata with desire tree in
the middle. At its roots, (should contemplate) infinite decorated six (columns), gold arbor on all sides by the erosive
slight breeze fumigated fine incense. Setting there yantra should make worship. 15. So in the body (become) a sacred
place, should contemplate Ugratarini. He raised his hand to his heart first, perform dzhivanyasu. 16. So you tell, O
Beloved, the highest nyasa plexus. This method (worship) used before Niassa, O beloved! 17. followed perform
worship by which is acquired unity with Him. Must bathe in the sacred Pushkar tirthe located in the heart. 18.
compound called Shiva and Shakti Tantric Sandhu. It should make tarpana nectar waning moon, O beloved Life! 19.
then, reaching the cave in this body should bring, Formation (Tara) and other, udvartanu and wash divine waters. 20.
rubbed soft cloth should bring eye shadows on the forehead (should apply) sindur at the lotus feet of lacquer. 21.
should contemplate in the mind (her) way, decorated with all the ornaments, then contemplating "It am I" should bring
honeydew footsteps. 22. K mule (dhare is brought) Argh, to the mouth - the water, the whole body should bring
gandha. Of fragrant flowers - white lauhiti, Jawas, krishnaaparadzhity - 23. Footsteps, head, ears, neck, should bring a
garland. In folded hands (is brought up) dhupa, and nayvedya dip, followed by a taste of it (yourself). 24. should
bring Karani and meat, the Qur'an and the best fish, then again should bring Karan, then roasted. 25. followed (bring)
SWEET port wine, about Davy Then again should bring wine, with lots of moisture. 26. should bring Odan with
yogurt, milk and melted butter, O beloved! Then bring acamana and betel. 27. Then, having made a mental japa should
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make tarpana uttering praise and bowed and should bring an offering angadevatam. 28. should be (almost) every
shakti in its place, then the remains should taste yourself. Should contemplate yourself filled Tarini (uttering the mantra)
SA HAM . 29. This mental worship to tell (you) about Davy elusive. (It must be done) with the mind focused on the
One, with the worship of the lotus in the heart of the Beloved! 30. During time guru worship at dawn at noon or
sunset, should normally be carried, (solicitation) mercy at the feet of the guru. 31. Now tell about honoring yantra.
Arriving at the house of sacrifice should make picking flowers. 32. uttered two words: " sata abhiseka ", followed by
utter Curci, aster, and the wife of fire ( SUVAH ) This is the mantra for the protection of colors starting with Tara (
OM ). 33. When veneration of asanas in the early to pronounce Maya (bija), then should say " adhara shakti ", then"
Kamalasai "in the dative case on the end, and hrd mantra (Nama). 34. installing vessel with argh, should cleansing
five faces. Initially (tell) you shodhana as it was reported in the Nile Tantra of the Beloved! 35. The second
purification, of Davie, should recite the mantra pratadhishnu third cleansing let knowledgeable mantra perform with
Tryabaka mantra. 36. C Matra " Thad visnoh ... "Let the fourth purification. With the mantra " pratad Vishnu "
(performed) the cleansing of his own nature. 37. Through purification shakti should be cleaned maithunam about
Beloved! Then I'll tell you, O beloved Davy, the Great yantra. 38. should draw candana vosmilipestkovy lotus
endowed yoni (also ) should draw about Davy quadrangular yantra endowed with four gates. 39. To the east, Ganesha
is worshiped in the south should read Vatuku the west - Kshetrapalu at Sevres be sacrificed Yogini. 40. shmashana
Then there is revered, there should also be sure to check out the tree desires, and his roots - precious pith, decorated
with many precious stones, 41-43a. decoration sets of ornaments, surrounded by sages and gods, cluttered with lots
of favorable meat and bones, decorated in four directions corpses, skulls, bones and limbs, saying HASAUH
Sadashiva then " mahapreta "then" Padmasana "and hridaya (Nama). This is the mantra for pitha nyasa. 43b-44a.
Lakshmi, Saraswati, Rati, Priti, Kirti, Shanti, Pushti, tuste - these eight shakti. 44b-45a. They should be read in the
order in petals, O beloved Life! Then let kaulika will hand a handful of flowers with Kurma tattva. 45b-46a. At the
heart (intuited) flickering light, surrounded by his retinue. With the syllable YAM should put (it) on top of the corpse.
46b-47a. mantra AM so'ham should perform nyasa Jiva. Then, with about Davy should padey and other read
Ugratarini. 47b-48a. (Saying) in order SUVAH , svadha , NAMA , VAUSHAT then " Nivedano "should all bring.
48b-49a. Saying " idam Drava ", then" devatabodhana "and should say" Vajra puspa pratichchedam HUM
PHAT . " 49b-50a. mule uttered mantra should add the name in the dative case. Then be honored ambience of Davie,
armed with spears. 50a-51b. (Saying) Pranava mantra from the beginning, then " idam Drava "(then)" parivarebhyo
"and at the end Namah let noble (sadhaka) performs worship (puja). 51b-52a. At the crown area (revered)
Akshobhya from east to eight petals - Shakti and eight (eight) Bhairav, at the gate - the four gods. 52b-53a. Starting
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from the north-west and north-east ending stays five teachers. Japa saying, glorifying their hymns, release them in my
heart. 53b-54a. should give nayvedyu sadhakam and women and no more. So shall tell you about the Good, the great
Tara puja. 54b. Mental (worship), yantra worship - there is a constant (worship performed) men. Women are not
suitable for (worship) yoni, mentally and yantra. 55b. rule this puja of Devi, should not be performed without
permission. Such Tara Tantra Sacred in the second chapter.
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Tretya head.
Bhairava said: 1-2. Now tell on, listen, about the daughter of the mountains! May the best of the characters drink a pot,
two, or five. Then he will be referred to Rudra. By connecting consciousness and bliss (wine) becomes Karan. 3. It -
Higher bliss, giving unity with Brahman. Therefore, enjoying it - the root of (all) Siddhi let sadhaka drink it. 4. drinking
(wine) without awareness of the source of bliss, does not generate bliss - as the Lord Buddha. 5. should always be
read with the guru, and each of its (teachers), his wife, with all the sense of always with kaulikami. 6. Due to their
satisfaction, becoming quite Davey about Beloved! Then bestow Brahmins and hymns of praise and oral glorification.
7. Now listen to rule the night japa with concentrated mind of the Beloved! Initially, put it on a body nyasa should then
make meditation guru; 8. then (running) mantra meditation, followed perform contemplation deity. Seto then saying,
then Tara (?) ( OM ) should perform japa. 9. then perform contemplation goddess Tara, should bring her (self). "I
- Shiva, in the form of Tarini "- so should contemplate yourself. 10. "I make (Her) suite" - so should contemplate
continuously. So, shall tell you about the secret of Davy Tarini. 11. It should not pass Pasha (under penalty) and my
thy curse, O beloved! Tara Tantra Sacred Such third chapter.
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WThe Fourth chapter.
Bhairavi said: 1. (about that), by whose grace all this universe is endowed kulacharoy, His majesty wish to hear in
detail from beginning to end. Bhairava said: 2. Guru Paramaguru, Paraparaguru, Parmeshthiguru - so referred to as
four teachers . 3. Rishi called Guru Paramaguru - giving mantra Paraparaguru - I myself, You - Parameshtika. 4.
Among the main - Paramaguru. Without the Guru there is no great liberation, not a K
or Ganges. 5. told his majesty, by which you will be happy. Guru mantra and beloved goddess considered
uniform. 6. Especially his wife. (She) - Higher Davy, (so) we perceive it. Right or wrong, it is rude or says pleasant; 7.
Healthy or sick, stupid or wise, O beloved, it should be the best of Kula applies Ishtadevate; 8. Allocation of her body
- we have fellowship with sadhakas, it should be carefully if you can not hold the (communication), then the sadhaka
will be (considered) fulfilled (ritual). 9. Veera May the best tastes, do not hesitate in mind vira leftover food in the
absence of wine or food shakti. 10. Listen, Bhairavi! Who eat five previously described (tattvas) or one separating
them and lift (Davey), who - Bhairava. 11. most perfect - sadhakas those who are in a great pith, indulging in the
worship of the guru, and offering (the gifts) sons and daughters ( guru) sadhakam and women. 12. Need to follow her
every wish, bring her on Parameshvari, obedience, (s), known as Tarini mantra and Shakti puja. 13. Especially
Ishtadevi should be revered in the image of his own beloved. If (sadhaka) says overall mantra deity for his shakti, 14.
Then it becomes a siddha in all senses, and Tarini is granted. (His) Beloved is half of his body, so doing (her
veneration), it will have fulfilled the veneration (Davy). 15. Some (side) Her majesty proclaimed me in Chinna Tantra.
Now tell whom to avoid maithuna. 16.
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A wife guru guru with her daughter, son and his wife guru with (wife) Veera sadhakas one tirtha, O beloved! 17. Due
to the delight of his wife and daughter Mantra (guru), (sadhaka) go to hell. Bhairavi Listen, tell maithuna about the rule.
18. Housed below the Great Davy and myself taking the form of Bhairava. Uttering the mantra mule, surpassing
dharma Adharma etc.; 19. should connect linga Bhairavi by tattva, called an elephant's trunk. Then, uttering one japa
or twenty times, you should emit seed. 20. After reciting the mule (mantra) says: "Appear"! So you named (sadhana)
as it was spoken (God) in the form of Buddha-deva. 21. Samayaacharu giving Siddhi should hide as his own bosom.
Such Tara Tantra fourth chapter.
Pyataya head.
Bhairavi said: 1. According to Thy mercy Me know it all, but without purashcharany mantra is barren. 2a. therefore
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narrate purashcharanu endows endless fruits. Bhairava said: 2b. Now tell, the highest purashcharanu. Tuesday or
Wednesday, after procuring a human skull; 3. should dig a hole, the depth of the palm, without attachment. In it for a
hundred and ten nights should recite the mantra for (finding) Siddhi. 4. purashcharana performed this way. Now tell
about purashcharane performed in another way. 5. should give guru (skull), or his son or his son's son. Honoring him
as God, should make japa oh Prekrasnolikaya! 6. (mantra uttered) one hundred eight times or more (which is done)
when performing puja and contemplation (deity) in the crown lotus called purashcharanoy. 7. Taking the form of
Bhairava, should make japa one thousand one hundred and eight times. (Rite performed) in a manner called
purashcharanoy. 8-9. purashcharanu call now performed otherwise. Beginning with caturdasi until the next caturdasi
should pronounce japa 1008 times (when the yogi) becomes lord Siddhi. All this (running) at night shmashane. (Then
the yogi) called viroy. 10. So shall tell you about the Good, the highest purashcharana. It should be carefully
concealed, as old age (own) mother. 11. 's body without a soul, unable to any action - the same mantra is called
without purashcharany. 12. This higher purashcharanu should be carefully performed once, twice three times or four
times. 13 . now (tell) rule presentation to the blood of Prekrasnotelaya! Blood obtained from the home, forest and
water (animals), increases satisfaction. 14. (should) fill Kalash separately butter, honey and human blood, daughter of
the mountains! 15. Prescribed blood volume tilu, from his own body, (should) be taken from the forehead, hands,
heart, crown or bridge of the nose. 16. raised blood taken from his body (sadhaka acquire body) body like Rudra,
whether Brahmin, Kshatriya Vaishya or Sudra. 17. should bring their blood, carefully reciting mantras. Shakti is not
suitable for presentation to the blood from his body. 18. told another mantra, listen, Bhairavi carefully! (should say)
the above mantra (adding) in the middle of three vija about Beloved 19. This (mantra) called Kuluka, Nilasarasvati .
One is, of Mahadeva, is three names. 20. third (mantra), including Pranava (called) Ekajati. How pyatislogovaya so
trehslogovaya also chetyrehslogovaya; 21. No difference in their greatness, they are considered equal. So shall tell you
my elusive truth about sweetheart! 22. She should carefully hiding as the bosom of strangers. Such a Holy Tara Tantra
fifth chapter.
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WYestay head.
Bhairava said: 1. Now tell another mystery Tarini. The greatness of the three mantras Ugra and other I will reveal. 2.
Briefly here I will reveal about Maheshwari! Uttering the mantra, knowing Tara mantra, mantra and Kali; 3-4. Exceeds
Shiva, there is no reason to doubt! Without Tara mantra of Devi, and Kalika mantras are not achieved pleasure,
Liberation, fame, and wealth, of Parameshani! Knowledgeable heart Tarini and latasadhanu; 5. Knowing usually five M
revered gods. (It should be read Tarini) in its form, in the Beloved, in the form of their own kin. 6. Who hesitates when
performing sadhana (fear of) poverty and other things, stopping in front of the humiliation and other, will be punished
by the gods and other pain. 7. Therefore , Lord of heroes, with all diligence, he should make an offering to the guru.
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Everywhere and with all diligence, he should honor all-honored Tarini. 8. Who acts, distinguishing favorable and
unfavorable, that fool. So, be told the truth to you in brief in which to dwell. 9. Those Bhakta Shakti, which will tell
Taratantra, Chinatantra, Kalitantra, solemn warning from the guru will give pleasure and will enjoy themselves. 10.
should totally hide (them), like Shakti dwells on the chest, (which) should be read. Give (them) to be decent, peaceful,
sadhak great soul. 11. sake playful manifestation of His Freedom (manifest) and Tantric guru, vows of commitment to
good! All (these Tantra), spoken by the mouth guru, not (intended) for others. 12. And, although they contradict the
teachings of the Vedas, they should listen to, there is no doubt of it. Such Tara Tantra Sacred in the sixth chapter. End
of book
Holy Tara Tantra .
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1 - Padya - water for washing the feet.
2 - Kashi (Benares or Varanasi) - the holy city, it is believed that the deceased there attains liberation.