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Export Feb Arowana

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Remains Potential for Export

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Table of Content
from the Editor’s
rowana is the natural resources from the
rainforests all over Indonesia. With an excellent
level of export, the availability of the resources
and the area of Indonesia’s rainforest have been the
Message from the Editor’s Desk 2 prime part to it. The freshwater ornamental fishes mainly
are collected from the Rainforest Rivers in Sumatra,
INDONESIAN EXPORT GALLERY West Kalimantan, Central and East Java, Bali, South
Sulawesi and Papua. Many people believe Arowana
REMAINS POTENTIAL FOR EXPORT 3 can give good fortune, good luck, and long life. On the
Pricy Species 5 other hand, keeping Arowana is also a good thing since
it is a rare fish, which is almost to face extinction.
Breeding 6
For Export 6 On this edition, Formcase as the winner in Primaniyarta
Award 2005 is also highlighted. As the producer of office
equipments, Formcase has been a well-known brand
INDONESIAN EXPORT BRAND in United States, Europe and Australia. Eventhough it
PT FORMCASE INDUSTRY 8 is not a very popular brand locally, but the domestic
market is still potential to be grabbed.

INDONESIAN EXPORT ICON Next to it, the article on Natural Rubber is also
mentioned. As the second biggest exporter of Natural
NATURAL RUBBER 10 Rubber to the world, Indonesia has been able to produce
several rubber products such as tires for different
vehicles. It is showing a great growth in the future.

Happy reading!

Published by : The Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia, National Agency for Export Development (NAFED)
Advisor : Acting Chairman of NAFED : Mr. Hatanto Reksodipoetro Chief Editor : Mr. Rahayubudi
Editor : Djasdi Darwis, Sri Maryani Consultant : CV Kopan Jaya Reporter : TB Machroja, Donawati, Tiara Lumban
Gaol Layout : Xi-ant Design Address : Jl. Kramat Raya 172, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia Phone : (62-21) 3100569 ,
31904774, Facsimile : (62-21) 31901371,31901470 Website : http//www.nafed.go.id e-mail: nafed@nafed.go.id
Remains Potential for Export

prawling across its vast including the Andaman, Java, South countries like Sri Lanka has (165
sea territories, Indonesia China, Sulawesi, Banda and Arafura species), Ethiopia (112 species), the
is home to world’s largest seas. Uniquely enough the vast array Philippines (109 species), Kenya (96
coral reef with over 50,000 of coral reefs are many of which species), Hawaii (60 species), Puerto
square kilometers or 18 are poorly described or completely Rico (49 species), and Singapore (32
percent of the total world coral reef unknown while the country has species).
populations. It‘s undeniable that been known for its greatest reef The freshwater ornamental fishes
Indonesia’s tropical coral reefs are biodiversity in the world. mainly are collected from the
among the richest on earth, rivaling There are more than 300 species of Rainforest Rivers in Sumatra, West
tropical rainforests in the biodiversity. marine and freshwater ornamental Kalimantan, Central and East Java, Bali,
Of about 4,000 fish species are fishes found in Indonesian water South Sulawesi and Papua. Initially,
believed to live in the world’s coral territories out of 1,100 or 34 percent the traded freshwater ornamental
reefs. It touches on both Indian of the world existing species, while fishes came from natural or wild
and Pacific oceans and many seas, for comparison, other tropical catching. There were approximately

Indonesia Export Gallery 3

through tens millions of years. It
means that it is indeed a very hardy
fish that is rumored to live hundreds
of years. Arowana belongs to an
ancient fish family, Osteoglossidae,
which literally means bony-tongue.
Name of “bony tongue” is derived
from a toothed bone on the mouth
floor. The toothed tongue bites
against teeth on the mouth roof. The
head is bony, and large and heavy
scales with a mosaic pattern cover
its elongate body. Its dorsal and anal
fins have soft rays with a long base,
while its pectoral and ventral fins are
The fact that Arowana is a
62 species of freshwater ornamental very large meal. Arowana is large and prehistoric relic of the past along
fishes, which are popular in trading sometimes aggressive. Therefore, it is with their unique and beautiful
activities. not in everyone’s taste, nor can it be appearance has become a topic
One of the most popular housed in a standard size of aquarium. of conversation that adds up its
Indonesia ornamental fish species is The fish has potential for rapid popularity among aquarists, many of
Scleropages sp. or Arowana, ancient growth, and in most cases, it grows whom come to dote on their pet. Its
species, which has yet to face very quickly, especially when fed a charm is that the fish with its unusual
extinction. It has a flat and large body high protein diet, reaching 24 inches shape is very fascinating. Most
with two pieces of moustache on the and more in the aquarium. In nature, hobbyists who have stood watching
lower lips, which makes it look like a it ranges from 3 feet up for most an Arowana for a couple of minutes
dragon. Therefore, Arowana is also varieties, and up to 9 feet or more cannot help but notice its elongated
named as dragon fish. Like a dragon, for the giant South American variety. body, large formidable mouth, and
Arowana is deemed as a symbol of Housed in a small tank as a juvenile, serpentine movements, executing a
achievement: mighty and glory. Now, it will require a 55-gallon tank in only 180 turn and almost bumping into
it has even become a sort of symbol a few months, and eventually a 175- their tails in its process. Another
of prestige. It looks very beautiful gallon or larger tank. Bigger is always attraction of Arowana to aquarium
when flickering while swimming in better for Arowana. hobbyists is that it grows quite large
the aquarium. The above reasons Studies reveal that Arowana is a in captivity, at least in comparison
have prompted Department of primitive fish. Fossil records of this to most tropical fish species kept
Trade to make Arowana as a mascot ancient and widespread family of at home. A large fish, such as the
of Indonesia Ornamental Fish fishes date back to 10-60 million Osteoglossum, makes a startling
Directory. years depending on species and display of which any aquarist could
Other names for Arowana are continent. Arowana has evolved be justifiably proud.
Dragon Fish, Baramundi, Saratoga,
Pla Tapad, Kelesa, and Aruana,
depending on which part of the
world you are in. It is one of the most
expensive and unusual aquarium
fishes with a unique character. A long
and sleek fish shows a great beauty
and becomes aquarist’s pride and
joy. Its colors range in nature from
green to silver to red and to other
variants with large scale having a
brightly reflective sheen. The two
barbells attached to the lower lip are
used to sense vibrations of struggling
prey on the water surface, which is
then sucked into a cavernous mouth,
opening like a trap door as it leaps
from the surface.
It is indeed capable of swallowing a

4 Indonesia Export Gallery

In nature, the fish is a surface dweller, of jumping at great distances. finally breed. When female is ready
gliding just below the water surface, In the wild, Arowana pair by natural she will lay eggs on slow stream
and keeping a sharp eye out for low selection spends weeks courting. riverbeds, which will be up to 1/2”
flying insects to catch by surprise. A pair of Arowana will chase and in diameter and are then fertilized
So feeding Arowana is not usually a bite each other’s tail while courting, by the male. The Arowana male
problem so long as one knows it is eventually together side by side and then scoop up the eggs and hatch
a surface catcher and generally will chasing off other fish before they in his mouth. The fry will begin to
not take food from the bottom. It is
usually not a particular eater, taking
most carnivorous foods with gusto,
but at times it could and would
become finicky either demanding
the same foods over and over,
refusing variation, or just turning
its nose opposite up at the usual
foods until something new is given.
It usually attacks food by coiling
its body like a spring and lunging
forward to engulf the prey. The
acts provide a great entertainment
for owners and startle visitors. It
can be found in still water of lakes
and rivers. It is excellent jumper
and is especially jittery when first
introduced to their new home, so a
sturdy cover is essential to prevent a
prized specimen from leaping out of
its tank. Even juveniles are capable

Indonesia Export Gallery 5

leave briefly father’s mouth slowly It could reach a price of more than When a pair is formed, they will
increasing their exposure to the US$ 1,000 per fish. Some extensive chase the others away and started
outside world. There will be fewer breeding of Super Red Arowana in laying eggs. Then a net is put in to
Arowana than originally consumed. West Kalimantan and Riau Pekanbaru, segregating the pair from the other
It is believed Arowana when startled Sumatra have several hectare of lands Arowana. When the fry are free to
sometimes accidentally swallows for cultivation of the most expensive swim, they are netted and kept in rear
some of the young. During this time, ornamental fish. tanks. However, most aquarist does
the father will signal the fry when There are some reasons why not have an earthen pond at home
there is a sign of danger and they will Arowana is pricy. Many people or live in a climate suitable to leaving
immediately swim back immediately believe Arowana can give good them outside for several months.
for safety. The babies will have a yolk fortune, good luck, and long life. At first, it was impossible breeding
sack that they will use until they are An international magazine, Tropical Arowana in a tank due their large size
ready to feed on their own. The fry Fish Hobbyist Magazine (July 1985), when mature. Many people around
will leave the father when they are reported a story on Arowana that the world have started trying to breed
capable of surviving on their own. once a coffee maker was suddenly Arowana in captivity, but it is nearly
An exception is for the Arapaimas rich because of keeping Arowana as impossible. One successful aquaria
who bury their eggs in the sand until a pet. It is not the only story; many breeder, Mr. Hiroshi is the most
they hatch. tell keeping Arowana help people respected fish breeder in Japan. To
become rich and lucky. On the other accomplish his successful breeding
Pricy Species hand, keeping Arowana is also a good in the aquarium, he first has access
Arowana species found in thing since it is a rare fish, which is to pairs of adult Asian Arowana that
Indonesia are Scleropages formosus almost to face extinction. have been successfully bred in pond.
and Scleropages jardini. Scleropages So the fishes are already paired off,
formosus consists of Super Red Breeding and have spawned once before
Arowana (found in Kalimantan), There were few records that Asian moving into his tank. His basement
Golden Red Arowana (found in North Arowana was bred successfully in is dedicated to fish breeding, which
Sumatra, Riau, and Jambi), Malayan aquariums. Commercial breeders of reduces stress of the Arowana. He
Bonytongue (found in Malaysia), Arowana usually use large earthen published the first article on captive
and Green Arowana (found in ponds. When breeding in earthen breeding of Asian Arowana in 1992
Kalimantan), while Scleropages ponds, ten or more mature Arowana after 20 years of research on the fish.
jardini are found in Papua and in (half males, half females) are put (See the January, 1992 issue of TFH).
Queensland, Australia. into the pond and natural selection
The most expensive Arowana from is allowed to take its course. The For Export
Indonesia is Super Red Arowana. Arowana are observed carefully. Having a vast natural beauty of

6 Indonesia Export Gallery

ornamental fishes like Arowana, in 2006. It is nearly equal as the 48,000 farmers throughout Indonesia.
since 1970s, Indonesia has exported price per kilogram of freshwater Companies engaging in the business
them to Asia’s biggest markets, ornamental fish is much higher. include those from small, medium, to
Singapore and Hong Kong. Indonesia However, since 1990s many large-sized enterprises. Most farmers
Central Bureau of Statistics reported of Indonesian original species have only 100 square meter lands for
ornamental fish export was less have been cultivated as among raising fishes. Some of them even
than US$ 100 thousand. In 2004, others, Sclerophages formasus, carry out the cultivation in the front
it recorded to US$ 14.3 million in Melanataenia, and Glassolepis. Even house garden. Such farm operation
export value. Exports have reached people have bred the Bala shark is named as the people’s economy.
50 countries, including the United and Botia macracanta, which were In 1980, Minister of Agriculture
States, Japan, and European Union. originally imported. Other imported of the Republic of Indonesia made
Even data of Quarantine Stations freshwater ornamental fishes which an announcement through circular
at Soekarno-Hatta Int’l Airport, is also bred, include, among others, letter on Arowana’s preservation.
Denpasar (Bali), Pontianak (West Discus (Symphysodon discus), With the assistance of the
Kalimantan), Riau, Jambi, Palembang Neon Tetra, Red Noise, Blue Lamp, government, people work together
(South Sumatra), West Sumatra, and Tiger Fish, Hafistobranga, Chalceus to set up Arowana’s breeding places
Lampung, exceeded that of Central macrole pidatus, and other species, all across Indonesia. Ornamental fish
Bureau of Statistics. In 2004, it approaching a total number of 240 exporters from City Jakarta, Surabaya,
recorded 130 million in ornamental species. Semarang, Jogjakarta, Medan and
fishes export; it means total revenue The production centers of other big cities, continue to build
was US$ 130 million (with price range f r e s h w a t e r
of US$ 0.5-US$ 600/fish). Based on ornamental fishes in
the data from httP://www.trademap. Indonesia are North Sumatra, Riau, Arowana’s breeding places. As one
org, export ratio between freshwater Jambi, South Sumatra, Jakarta, West of the Indonesia’s favorable export
and marine ornamental fishes is 52%: Java, East Java, West Kalimantan, commodities, authorities should
44%. It means 52% of ornamental East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, have taken a special consideration
fish export is from freshwaters. and Papua. According to data from of Arowana breeding. Arowana
Ornamental freshwater fish export the Ministry of Marine Affairs and remains potential and worth for
quantity in 2004 was only 830,576 Fisheries, the annual total production export. Everyone has to work hard
kilograms out of 5,571,068 kilograms of Indonesian freshwater ornamental to meet continuously soaring world’s
in total exports of ornamental fishes fish is 60 million and there are about demand on Arowana.

Indonesia Export Gallery 7

Quality of Indonesia
Made Office Furniture
Equal to the Developed
Country Producers

T Formcase Industries was founded in 1962
in Medan, North Sumatera by duo brothers Most consumers of the developed countries deem
Edwin Manan and John Manan. They started that Asian Office Furniture products especially from
a home industry business producing home Indonesia are shoddy and have low quality.
and office furniture by applying simple tools Company’s dedication toward quality and design
and machineries. eventually paid off, winning International recognition
and receiving ISO 9001 Certificate from the UK based
In 1983, Robert Manan, son of Erwin Manan joined quality certification body, Lloyd. Formcase is the first
the company and took initiative to transforming home Indonesian Office Furniture company receiving ISO 9001
based industry to mass product industry by deploying Certificate.
computerized automatic machines. The products are With the international recognition, FORMCASE is
launched to the market with Grand Furniture Brand positioned as luxurious brand which is sold in the five
which is positioned as mid class products. continents. The corporate achievement has changed

8 Indonesia Export Brand

the developed country
consumers’ negative images.
Hence, Indonesia made
furniture is equal in its quality
to those products made in the
developed countries as Europe,
the USA, and Australia.
Both Formcase Industry
brands are developed for local
and export market but with
different market positions:
o Formcase brand is positioned
as luxurious products.
o Grand Furniture brand is
positioned as mid level

In 1999 despite economic

crisis hit Indonesia, with its
capacity to reach international
market, the company has been
able to develop products for
export by opening branch in
Perth, Australia.
In 2001, PT Formcase
Industries opened its branch
in Atlanta, the USA, world’s
biggest furniture market. The
office in Atlanta is equipped with is equal to the world’s biggest and outstanding Office
Distribution Warehouse facility reaching all states in the Furniture producers as: Steelcase, HON, Herman Miller
United States, Canada, Latin America and Europe. Besides and Haworth.
opening overseas branches, business development In 2005, PT Formcase Indusrty won Primaniyarta
is carried out by selling its products through: Dealer / Award from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia,
Distributor and Sales Representatives spread in the five held by the Department of Trade, as the company which
continents. had achievement in increasing non-oil and gas export
In the year 2004, Formcase was selected to occupy with the category of “Global Brand Builder”.
permanent showroom in Merchandise Mart, Chicago, PT. Formcase Industries has vision to become a world
world’s biggest Design Center Office Furnishing class office furniture company whose products made by
frequented by millions of visitors every year. Only those Indonesian will bestow prestige to the consumers with
world class companies are allowed to occupy Design competitive prices, quality, and world class quality and
Center. PT Formcase Industry is the only Indonesia and design as well as winning recognition of consumers in
Asia’s Office Furniture Indonesia producer occupying the five continents as global brand from Indonesia.
the space in showroom there. PT Formcase Industry


Jl. Kalisabi I Km. 4 Cibodas
Tangerang 15138, Banten

Phone : (62-21) 5524348

Facsimile : (62-21) 5525044
E-mail/Website :
info@formcase.com / , www.formcase.com
President Director : Halizah Abdul Manan
Director : Sony Manan,
Commissioner : Ilhamsjah Abdul Manan
Products : Furniture/ office furniture
Brand : Formcase, Grand Furniture

Indonesia Export Brand 9

and the remaining of 8.4% were private companies. The
above number could swell by making use of the farmers’
lands, which fit to the rubber plantation and have yet in-
tensively been used to boost their incomes.
The rubber plants were originated from the Latin Amer-
ica, especially Brazil. The province of North Sumatera is
the Indonesia’s biggest rubber producer with those giant
rubber companies as the state-owned PT Perkebunan
Nusantara (PTPN) II and III, publicly-listed PT Bakrie &
Brothers as well as publicly-listed PT PP London Sumae-

The other big rubber producer regions are Riau prov-

ince (PTPN V), South Sumatera, Jambi and Lampung
(PTPN VII), West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan
(PTPN XIII), West Java (PTPN VIII), Central Java (PTPN IX),
East Java (PTPN XII), South Sulawesi (PTPN XIV) and Nang-
groe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) (PTPN I).

The rubber plants need certain climate and soil to sup-

port their growth. The areas that fit to the rubber plants
have 150C South Latitude and 150 North Latitude with
the optimum of annual rainfall from 2,500 mm – 4,000
mm and the rainy days are annually around 100 to 150
HH. The rubber plant will grow optimally in the lowland
with the height of 200 meter from the sea surface and the
The optimum temperature from 250C - 350C.
natural rubber The rubber plant needs six years before tapping the la-
is an export commodity that is able to give boost to the tex for crops. The products with natural rubber material
Indonesia’s foreign exchange contributions. Its planta- are as SIR, RSS and thick latex. Its downstream products
tion fits to certain lands of which most locations are in have well prospective in world market. Indonesia gives
the areas of Sumatera and Java. The Indonesia’s rubber contribution to 70% world’s rubber production and tire
plantation in 2004 was 2,769,800 ha with the production factories absorb nearly 90% Indonesia rubber products.
capacity of 4,095,000 ton nationwide. The market segment needs natural rubber with the me-
dium quality as SIR or TSNR (Technically Specified Natural
Of the number, 84.5% were rubber plantations belong- Rubber). Indonesia also gives its rubber supplies to the
ing to the people, 7.1% were the state-owned plantations world’s outstanding brands as Goodyear and Cooper (the

10 Indonesia Export Icon

USA), Continental (Germany), Michelin (Franch), Bridge- increase from 6,462,035 ton in 2002 to 6,917,111 ton in
stone, Yokohama and Sumitomo (Japan), Hankook dan 2003. The data indicates that there is an increase in de-
Kumho (Korea). For Indonesia, the rubber supplies go to mand on the natural rubber and it remains potential for
Gajah Tunggal, Bridgestone, Goodyear and so forth. Indonesia rubber product marketing.

Numerous other industries using rubber products of

thick latex are among others wire insulation industry, sole
of the shoe, gloves, condom, baby’s suckle, rubber yarn
and so on. While industries with raw material of crumb
rubber (SIR), but small in number, they are conveyor belt,
dock fender, rubber dam and so on.
Indonesia is the second biggest rubber producer after
Thailand. Over the last five years, Indonesia rubber ex-
port has shown an increase. In 2005, Indonesia perched
on fifth rank of its rubber export with the total shares of
4.18 %. It noted a 7.39% increase in rubber exports to
2.02 million ton or US$2.58 billion compared to that of
in 2004.

Based on its quality, Indonesia rubber export com-

prises 4,000 ton latex or 0.20% of the total exports, RSS
334,13,000 ton (16,51%), SIR 16,747,200 ton (82,75%) and
other types 1,092,000 ton (0,54%). The rubber export
destinations are the USA, Japan, China, Singapore, South
Korea, Canada, Germany, Brazil, France and South Africa.
Indonesia has superiority to increase its rubber product
in the future that is the vast tropical land availability fits
with rubber plants.

The world’s rubber consumption continues to note an

Indonesia Export Icon 11

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