Evangelion - An RPG
Evangelion - An RPG
Evangelion - An RPG
Any action not related to an EVA or Angel requires a d100 roll <=SAN.
For example, having normal relationships with people, shooting guns, running
away from things.
Each character is allowed one (yes… just one) obsession. When they make a
roll related to their obsession they can flip-flop the dice before comparing to
Sample Obsessions:
Get revenge on angels for loss of father
Meddle with things best left alone
Fight things
Gain fathers love
Please your creator
Come back from the dead
Make passes at any woman in sight
Look inscrutable
Drop gun and whine about not being trained
Unrequited love for boss
Requited love for boss/repeat mistakes of previous generation
Beat up other children
Make dinner/lunch
Military equipment
Have ambiguous sexuality
Sleep in fridge
Sanity is lost and, rarely, gained through play. Each of the following events
triggers a 2pt SAN loss, except those in BOLD which gain 2pts.
If you roll DOUBLES on any roll you react in a completely hysterical/insane way
to the situation that required the roll. Refer to the table below for ideas (GM
should choose most amusing result, if you cant’t find a suitable one make one
Enter Coma
Shag ex-boyfriend
Grope someone
Get punched
Get embarrassing erection (boys only)
Run away
Become momentarily entranced by cicada’s
And many more….
Bugger… the game’s just collapsed… no players left sane.. but then if you
even read this footnote you’re probably totally whacked already.