Starview - User Guide: Connect To The Star Cool Unit
Starview - User Guide: Connect To The Star Cool Unit
Starview - User Guide: Connect To The Star Cool Unit
Bjerndrupvej 47 6360 Tinglev, Denmark Phone: +45 7364 3500 Fax: +45 7364 3569
CVR/SE no.: 13 82 37 74
StarView user guide
StarView is software provided free of charge by Star Cool and can be downloaded from the Star Cool
website at
The StarView version and onwards is compatible with both the RCCU 5 (CIM5) and the
CIM 6/6.1 controller.
The software can be used for retrieving data logs and for monitoring the state of the unit on real
When the .exe- file has been downloaded it can be executed and the StarView software will be
installed on your computer - E.g. C:\Program files\StarView.
Connect to the Star Cool unit
In order to establish a connection between
the Star Cool unit and the laptop a retriever
cable is needed. The unit end must have a 5
pin connector and the pc end must have a 9
pole SUB D connector.
Newer laptops are not equipped with a serial
port. If this is the case a USB to serial
port- adapter or a retriever cable with a
USB plug (SC item no: 818575D) must be
Please refer to the user manual for the installation of the adapter before proceeding with these
The controller of the Star Cool unit must run either on main power or in battery mode in order to
communicate with the StarView software. Refer to the operation and service manual on how to
switch on the unit.
If you have got further problems to connect to the unit refer to File/Properties and
Device/Connect in this user guide.
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Menu functions
When you start the StarView software the main screen is the system overview.
In this view you can see the set points and operation data if a unit is connected to your computer.
Set points can be changed from the computer if the value you want to change is double clicked,
replaced by a new value and confirmed by a click on Enter. This is possible for Tset, RHset, 02set
and CO2set. All other boxes are grayed out, therefore cannot be changed.
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If you double click on the FC a popup window
will show you all the frequency converter
operating parameters.
Important values:
ComQ can be used to check how much data is
successfully transferred between the controller
and the FC.
Pfc is the power output to the compressor
calculated based on Umotor and Ifc.
Tfc is the temperature of the frequency
Fset is the requested frequency and Fact is the
actual output frequency to the compressor
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When clicking a popup window it will provide you
with two tabs.
Under General you can see the path to the
project home folder and you can go to the
folder by clicking the link.
Under Communication you can set the com-port
used to connect to the unit. Furthermore there is
a future option of setting up for modem
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Open PC Log
In Open PC Log you can open the PC Log file.
Select the PC Log you want to open.
Closes the program.
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System View
In system view temperatures, pressures, current,
frequency, voltage readings and other values are
displayed. This feature makes it easier to
troubleshoot a faulty unit. In the system view you
can see which components are presently active.
Please note that T0 (evaporation temperature) and
Tc (condensing temperature) are calculated values
based on the pressure readings.
Alarm list
This shows a list of active and inactive
The user can reset only the inactive
The Code column refers to the alarm code. See the the Operating and service manual or the Star
Cool online alarm list ( for a detailed description of each alarm code.
By pressing Reset All, all inactive warnings/alarms will be reset. Reset only resets the highlighted
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PC Log
Provides the option of creating a log file with the
laptop connected to the Star Cool unit. A good option
for trouble shooting purpose.
The log interval can be set from 1 second and
upwards. A shorter log interval will create a larger
data flow and slow your laptop. If your laptop isnt
able to log the file, try to increase the log interval.
Click Start and youll be asked where to save the
log file Default name is PC Log xxx, but you can
rename it to your need. Logging will be stopped when
selecting Stop. Logging can be paused by pressing Pause.
By clicking Graph it is possible to
follow the selected values on a trend.
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You can use your left
mouse button to select
an area to zoom in
(UnZoom will bring
you back to normal
view) and if you hold
the left mouse button
down you can drag the
current view back or
forth within the whole
datalog. By clicking
Copy you copy the
shown window E.g. for
a report.
Print will enable you
to print the current
view of the graph.
By clicking Cursor a
vertical line will be
shown in the window.
This line can be moved
back and forth with your mouse.
The values for time the line is pointing at will be shown in the legend. This enables an easy overview
of a specific event.
By default Tset, Tret, Tsup, Tusdas and Tcargo are displayed, but the view can be adapted to your
need by pressing Setup.
For each of the desired values tick Visible in order to see this value in the graph window. You can
adjust the colour to represent this value, the style of the line and minimum and maximum values on
the Y-axis.
In the Graph tap you can choose background colour for the graph and the position of the legend.
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Retrieve data log
Download the controller data log file to the PC.
First step is to choose which type of datalog
you want to retrieve. In Logtype choose
Datalog or Fastlog.
Second step is to choose how much data that
will be downloaded. This setting is only
possible if you retrieve a standard log file
(Datalog). In many cases it is a good idea to
choose All in Date range and keep all
Types selected, but the log can also be
retrieved for a specific date range. If you are
retrieving a Fastlog the Date range and
Types will be greyed out.
The next step is to add a comment if
required. This option is useful if the log is
downloaded due to a specific incident.
The last step is to click on Retrieve from
unit and choose where to save the log file.
The default folder is the subfolder:
Data/Datalog, but any location can be
selected. Click on Save.
The progress of the download can be seen in
the bottom of the window.
Please note that it normally takes longer time
to retrieve a Fastlog than a Datalog.
Upon completion of the download the data
log will automatically be opened in a new
window. The Datalog is saved in
SXXXU123.456 format and the Fastlog is
saved in a .BIN format. Upon viewing your
Datalog file, you will be able to convert to
Excel if needed.
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Once the data log has opened in a new window you can start to analyze it. The first column shows
the date and time of an occurrence.
In the second column the colour indicates what kind of an occurrence the set of data represents.
Green is an event, such as: Power up, Power down, Defrost start and Defrost stop, PTI steps and the
change of set points etc.
Black is a timed data logging. The interval can be adjusted from 15 to 240 minutes in the setup of
the controller.
Red is for warnings/ alarms.
The third column is for event id and description. For warnings and alarms the number refers directly
to the operating and service manual for further information, nonetheless the short text gives a good
indication of the problem.
Par 1 5 refers to parameters for each warnings/alarms and event. These parameters can be found
in the operating and service manual in conjunction with the current warnings/alarms number.
An example of warning/alarm parameters Alarm 971, Sensor bus sup LO
Par 1 Par 2 Par 3 Par 4 Par 5
Manual writes: Active/Inactive Low limit High limit Actual
Log file writes: Active
Low 10.00 High 14.00 Act 6.05
The definition of each parameter for this warning:
Par 1: State of the alarm/warning - The alarm is active
Par 2: Lower limit for the voltage supply on the bus - The limit is 10.00 volt
Par 3: Upper level for the voltage supply on the bus - The limit is 14.00 volt
Par 4: Actual voltage reading between phase 2 and 3 - The reading is 6.05 volt
The columns that follow Par 5 all display a value or a status of a component in the system at the
time of the logging. Refer to Legend in operation and service manual for the definition of the
abbreviation used.
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The data log can also be viewed as a graph. Click the Graph button. Refer to the PCLOG section for
instruction about the use of the graph function.
By default all information is shown in the report, but if less information is required, this can be
adjusted by clicking off the unwanted information (Data, Events or Alarms). E.g. if you only want
warnings/alarms to be shown, then you click on Events and Data so that only Alarms will
remain blue.
In Header info contains the basic information about the unit which the log was retrieved from.
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In Export to Excel the datalog can be exported to Excel file format. The file can be saved in .xlsx
or .xls format.
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In CT report you can have the latest Cold Treatment trip documented in a Cold Treatment report.
If the log doesnt contain any CT youll get this message: No cold treatment was found
If the log contains a CT, a report will be generated and from export the report can be printed and
either be saved as a PDF or a text file.
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Open datalog file
Select the data log you want to open. Setup of the
report is done as described in the previous section.
PTI test
Execute and monitor Pre Trip Inspection test.
The Pass/Fail result of each sub test step is shown in
the list.
FT: Function testing system components (10-20
PTI: Pre Trip Inspection test is a Function test plus
a longer duration capacity test.
Choose PTI test then it will open the window for PTI
test. In order to initiate a test from this window you
must double click in one of the field you want in the top line. If you need to stop the test you can
choose Abort in this window. Confirm the selection by pressing OK
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Container ID
Change the 11 character Container ID text by entering 4
letters and 7 digits and then click Set new Container
ID, the new ID will be displayed in blue in the top field.
The check digit is automatically calculated and appended
if only 10 characters are entered.
Sensor calibration
USDA and Cargo temperature probe offset adjustment.
When placing the USDA and cargo probes in ice water,
they should display 0 C. If any reading deviates from
this value the probe requires calibration.
Calibration is simply done by looking at the calibrated
value and when it becomes stabile you click Calibrate
in the popup window. The maximum offset calibration
is 3K. If more is required the offset field of that sensor
will be coloured red and the probe must be replaced. If
you try to calibrate in spite of a red offset field a warning will displayed. If you click OK only the
sensors with a grey offset field will be calibrated.
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Unit configuration
In unit configuration it is possible to customize the
unit for the specific customer.
After replacing a CIM6 /
CIM6.1 controller module you
must configure the Model
code on the new controller
module. This setting must
normally be equal to the
model code stated on the
name plate of the unit. This
setting can either be done in
the configuration menu of the
controller menu or here in
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Chill / Freeze limit:
Here you can adjust the limit
that defines chilled and freeze
mode on the unit.
Double click in the value field
for Tchill and a popup window
will appear. Enter the value
desired by the shipping line.
Normally -5 C or -10 C.
Confirm the limit by clicking
Default value is -5C.
Default Quest mode:
Here you can adjust default
setting for Quest mode. If Off,
then Quest needs to be
enabled in Operation menu on
the controller in order to run
the Quest program. If Auto,
then Quest will run
automatically when a set point
from -1C to +30C has been
entered. Default value is
This setting only applies to
units which are capable of
running Quest.
Display read-out unit
Here you can change the
default setting for
temperature unit in the
display. If selecting F all
pressures will be displayed in
PSI and air exchange
ventilation in CFM.
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If the unit is equipped with
Trans Fresh option the setting
must be set to Enabled
Software upload
Occasionally new controller software is released on the Star Cool website.
Its always encouraged to update the controller software to the latest version.
The first step in the update process is to download and save the controller software (S0xxx_xx.bin)
to a known location on your hard disk.
After connecting to the unit, click Software upload and
youll be asked to choose the software file to upload.
After clicking Open the upload should start
automatically. If not then switch the controller Off and
then On again.
The progress of the upload is displayed on the bar at the
bottom of the window.
Upon completion the text in the top displays File transfer succeeded waiting for controller
to verify firmware.
The controller will restart and configure itself displaying programming Please wait with the new
software when the PC screen displays: Firmware updated successfully. Please notice that the
self-configuration can take 1-2 minutes.
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Use this option for connecting / disconnecting
to the unit.
When working offline set this option to
Disconnected in order to minimize the load
on the CPU of your PC.
Download definitions
Normally StarView will download the
definitions automatically when connecting to
an unknown controller software version. If
for some reason this download fails the
Download definitions button can be used.
StarCool on the web
A link to the Star Cool website
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Check for updates
Check for a more recent version of the
StarView software available.
Shows the software version number for
the StarView software. Furthermore the
available and used memory on the
computer is shown.
Extra buttons
Same function as Device / connect
Same function as File / properties
Further questions
Please dont hesitate to contact the Star Cool service department: or +45 73643500 / Skype: StarCoolService for any further questions.
Star Cool website:
Star Cool online alarm list: