This document outlines the terms of a technical collaboration agreement between two companies - Company A, an Indian company, and Company B, a foreign company.
The key points of the agreement are:
1) Company B will disclose technical know-how and information to Company A to help establish and operate a plant in India to manufacture certain products.
2) Company B will send technicians to assist and train Indian technicians.
3) Company A will have exclusive rights to manufacture the products in India and non-exclusive rights worldwide, and will pay royalties to Company B.
4) The agreement is effective for a set period of time, after which the technical know-how will remain the property of
This document outlines the terms of a technical collaboration agreement between two companies - Company A, an Indian company, and Company B, a foreign company.
The key points of the agreement are:
1) Company B will disclose technical know-how and information to Company A to help establish and operate a plant in India to manufacture certain products.
2) Company B will send technicians to assist and train Indian technicians.
3) Company A will have exclusive rights to manufacture the products in India and non-exclusive rights worldwide, and will pay royalties to Company B.
4) The agreement is effective for a set period of time, after which the technical know-how will remain the property of
This document outlines the terms of a technical collaboration agreement between two companies - Company A, an Indian company, and Company B, a foreign company.
The key points of the agreement are:
1) Company B will disclose technical know-how and information to Company A to help establish and operate a plant in India to manufacture certain products.
2) Company B will send technicians to assist and train Indian technicians.
3) Company A will have exclusive rights to manufacture the products in India and non-exclusive rights worldwide, and will pay royalties to Company B.
4) The agreement is effective for a set period of time, after which the technical know-how will remain the property of
This document outlines the terms of a technical collaboration agreement between two companies - Company A, an Indian company, and Company B, a foreign company.
The key points of the agreement are:
1) Company B will disclose technical know-how and information to Company A to help establish and operate a plant in India to manufacture certain products.
2) Company B will send technicians to assist and train Indian technicians.
3) Company A will have exclusive rights to manufacture the products in India and non-exclusive rights worldwide, and will pay royalties to Company B.
4) The agreement is effective for a set period of time, after which the technical know-how will remain the property of
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Indian company having its egisteed office at.!heeinafte efeed to as "A#$ of the one pat AN%a foeign fim having its pincipa& p&ace of '(siness at..!heeinafte ca&&ed "B#$ of the othe pat. WHEREAS "A# is engaged in the man(fact(ing and ma)eting of.and has considea'&e engineeing )no*+ho* and technica& infomation and e,(ipment egading said..and thei method of man(fact(e. AN% WHEREAS "A# is desio(s of man(fact(ing in India and ma)eting in India and othe co(nties of vaio(s types of items *hich ae set o(t in Sched(&e "A# heeto anne-ed !heeinafte efeed to as .R/%01TS$ on the tems and conditions heein contained. N/W THERE2/RE IT IS AGREE% 'et*een the paties that 3 4. 5no* ho*# means and inc&(des a&& inventions6 pocesses6 patents6 engineeing and man(fact(ing s)i&& and othe technica& infomation *hethe patent o patenta'&e o not *hich ae pesent&y o*ned 'y "B# o *hich may 'e so o*ned6 d(ing the tem of this ageement inc&(ding *itho(t &imitation 3 + Technica& and engineeing data6 ca&c(&ations and infomation. + %esign data6 ca&c(&ations and infomation. + %etai&s of &ayo(t of *o)s6 inc&(ding detai&s and specification of machiney + A&& othe foms of ecoveed infomation6 techni,(e and design in ma)ing of 7igs6 too&s6 dies6 pattens and mo(&ds. 8!a$ "B# sha&& f(&&y and pompt&y f(nish "A# *ith s(ch ")no*+ho*# as "A# may e,(ie fom time to time d(ing the tem of this ageement in connection *ith the man(fact(e of the pod(cts. !'$ "B# *i&& dep(te technicians at the e-pense of "A# to he&d to esta'&ish and opeate the p&ant at.and to tain..Indian technicians in its *o) e-pense of "A#. 9 "A# at thei e-pense6 sha&& poc(e and maintain patents in India on s(ch inventions and impovements made 'y "A# 3 as "A# in thei so&e discetion sha&& choose. "B# sha&& a&so have the ight to (se the invention and impovements in a&& co(nties o(tside Indian and sha&& ta)e f(&& tit&e to s(ch poc(ed 'y "B# o(tside India. Ho*eve6 "B# sha&& not6 *itho(t the consent of "A#6 &icence any thid paty (nde said patents e-cept its s('sidiaies6 its paent company o othe s('sidiaies of the paent company. !d$ "A# sha&& man(fact(e the .R/%01TS in stict accodance *ith the said )no*+ho*6 the STAN%AR% of ,(a&ity em'odied theein o as may 'e set fom time to time 'y "B#. To ens(e the pefomance of this povision6 "B# sha&& have the ight to inspect at easona'&e inteva&s and d(ing '(siness ho(s the faci&ities of "A# to the man(fact(e of the said .R/%01TS. :. S('7ect to othe povisions of this ageement6 "B# hee'y gants to "A#. !a$ an e-c&(sive &icence to ma)e in India the pod(cts 'y the (se of any o a&& of "Bs# )no*+ho*. !'$ a non+e-c&(sive &icenses to (se and se&& the said .R/%01TS tho(gho(t the *o&d. ;!a$ in consideation of "B# having ageed to disc&ose to "A# the &atest method of man(fact(e of .R/%01TS and othe pocesses and having f(the ageed to s(pp&y technica& advice and date6 "A# agees to pay "B# a s(m of ..*hich d(e and paya'&e in insta&&ments as fo&&o*s. i$ (pon effective date. ii$ (pon de&ivey 'y "B# of the comp&ete design and engineeing doc(ments. iii$ *ithin.months afte tende o cetificate of %ischage of g(aantees. .. Tota& .. In consideation of "B# fo having ageed to disc&ose to "A# the &atest method of man(fact(e of pod(cts and othe pocess6 and having f(the ageed to s(pp&y technica& advice and date6 "A# *i&& aange to a&&ot "B#shaes atRs.each *itho(t any payment 'y "B# !'$ "A# f(the agees to pay to "B# a oya&ty cent of the net se&&ing pice of the pod(cts coveed 'y the ageement fo a peiod of.yeas fom the date of e-ec(tion of the ageement. The net se&&ing pice *o(&d means the e-+*o)s pice of the pod(cts coveed !&ess the &anded cost of a&& impoted components$ inc&(ding ocean feight6 ins(ance6 c(stoms d(ties paya'&e theeon6 etc.6 iespective of the so(ce of impot. S(ch oya&ty payments ae s('7ect to Indian ta-es. <!a$ "A# sha&& ende to "B# 'i+ann(a&=ann(a& epots on o 'efoe the &ast day*ing each ca&enda yea *ith espect to *hich oya&ties ae paya'&e (nde this ageement6 stating the amo(nt of .R/%01T man(fact(ed in the p&ant d(ing the peceding yea the amo(nt of oya&ty d(e and paya'&e *ith espect theeto. At the time of endeing s(ch epots A sha&& pay to B the amo(nt of oya&ty stated theein to 'e d(e and paya'&e. !'$ A agees to )eep comp&ete ecods of the acco(nt concening the pod(cts *hich ae the s('7ect+ matte of this ageement6 *hich ecods sha&& 'e open to inspection of B >its appointed epesentative ageea'&e to 'oth paties6 d(ing eg(&a '(siness ho(s fo veifying the payments d(e to B (nde this ageement . ?. A&& payments d(e 'y A to B (nde the ageement ae to 'e made in .. to B@s acco(nt in any 'an) hit designates.
A!a$ "A# sha&& maintain sececy at a&& time d(ing this ageement of a&& the )no* ho*6 da*ings and the &i)e disc&osed 'y "B# to "A# and=o p(s(ant to the tems heein o a'o(t *hich "A# &eans d(ing the pefomance of this ageement. !'$ "A# *i&&6 ho*eve6 'e fee to s('+&icense the technica& )no*+ho*6 pod(ct design=engineeing design (nde the ageement to anothe Indian paty=paties6 sho(&d it 'ecome necessay. The tems of s(ch s('+&icence *i&&6 ho*eve6 'e as m(t(a&&y ageed to 'y a&& paties concened inc&(ding "B# and *i&& 'e s('7ect to the appova& of the Govenment. B. This ageement sha&& 'ecome effective afte it has 'een d(&y appoved and signed 'y "A# and "B# and the appova& of the Govenment of India has 'een o'tained theeto. C!a$ This ageement sha&& emain effective fo a peiod of.. yeas fom the date of signing the ageement. 0pon the e-piation of this ageement6 the 5N/W H/W THERE2/RE de&iveed to "A# sha&& emain its popety fo its f(&& and fee (se theeof. !'$ S('7ect to the appova& of the Indian Govenment6 this ageement may 'e ene*ed in *ho&e o in pat fo f(the peiod 'y m(t(a& ageement. 4D. This ageement sha&& 'e 'inding (pon and ens(e to the 'enefit of the s(ccessos and assigns of the espective paties heeto6 and the o'&igations hee(nde sha&& not 'e assigna'&e 'y eithe paty *itho(t *itten consent 'eing fist o'tained fom the othe. 44. This ageement em'odies entie (ndestanding of the paties as to its s('7ect matte6 and it sha&& not 'e amended e-cept in *iting e-ec(ted 'y 'oth paties to the ageement. 48. Eithe paty may 'y notice in *iting to the othe teminate this ageement in the event of 3 !a$ Any defa(&t 'y s(ch othe paty in the pefomance o o'sevation of any of its o'&igations (nde this ageement *hich is not emedied to the satisfaction of the paty giving s(ch notice *ithin ninety !CD$ days fo&&o*ing de&ivey of s(ch notice6 s(ch notice to contain easona'&e patic(&as of s(ch defa(&t and to state the intention to teminate the ageement (nde this c&a(se (n&ess s(ch defa(&t is made good o emedied. !'$ E(dicia& poceedings fo 'an)(ptcy6 composition *ith ceditos6 se,(estation of assets fo ceditos6 o eceiveship instit(ted 'y o against s(ch othe paty6 inso&vency of s(ch othe paty o its fai&(e to meet its o'&igations as they mat(e fo any mateia& peiod of time. 9 Fi,(idation 6 comp(&soy o vo&(ntay of s(ch othe paty e-cept in connection *ith an ama&gamation6 econst(ction6 mege6 conso&idation6 e+oganisation o disposition of assets as a going concen vo&(ntai&y (ndeta)en and *ith a vie* to the contin(ance of the '(siness 'y the tansfeee theeof6 povided6 ho*eve6 that (pon s(ch event the '(siness entity contin(ing the '(siness fome&y caied on 'y s(ch othe paty sha&&6 in an appopiate inst(ment de&iveed to the othe paty to this ageement6 (ndeta)e to pefom a&& of the o'&igations of s(ch othe paty hee(nde. 4:. Neithe paty sha&& 'e in defa(&t (nde this ageement 'y eason of its fai&(e o de&ay in the pefomance of its o'&igations is s(ch fai&(e o de&ay is ca(sed 'y acts of God6 Govenment &a*s and eg(&ations6 sti)es6 &oc)+o(ts6 *a o any othe ca(se 'eyond its conto& and *itho(t its fa(&t o neg&igence. 4;. A&& disp(tes6 ,(estions6 o diffeences6 etc.6 aising in connection *ith this ageement sha&& 'e efeed to a sing&e a'itato in India in case paties agee (pon one6 othe*ise t*o a'itatos in India ae to 'e appointed 'y each paty in accodance *ith and s('7ect to the povision of the A'itation G 1onci&iation Act6 4CC?6 o any othe enactment o stat(toy modification theeof fo the time 'eing in foce. 4<. Notices and othe comm(nications (nde the ageement sha&& 'e in *iting6 o 'y esta'&ished ca'&e6 adio o facsimi&e sevice6 addessed as indicated in the desciption of paties a'ove o as eithe paty may e,(est in *iting6 and the effective date of each is the date of its epaid deposit in the mai& fo dispatch 'y ai o s(ch sevice pope&y addessed. 4?. The ageement sho(&d 'e const(ed in accodance *ith and 'e govened 'y the &a*s of India. IN WITNESS WHERE/26 the paties heeto have e-ec(ted this ageement as of the date fist a'ove *itten. 2o "B# . !1haiman of the Boad$ 2o "A# . !%iecto$