English Longbow Testing PDF
English Longbow Testing PDF
English Longbow Testing PDF
(time of impact) =
=0.1 sec
Calculation for (initial velocity)
( )
km m
v = 54.63 m/s
Calculation for (max distance)
74 . 0
2 2
d = 229.16 m (251 yds)
Calculation for (final velocity y) 45 sin v v
v = 38.63 m/s
Calculation for (flight time)
t = 7.88 sec
Calculation for (final velocity x)
m ctv
v = 27.535 m/s
Calculation for (final velocity)
2 2
y x f
v v v + =
v = 47.44 m/s
Calculation for (momentum)
mv M =
M = 3.08 kgm/s
Calculation for (kinetic energy)
mv KE =
KE = 73.1 J
75 lb Longbow calculations
Actual tested values (where different from historic assumptions)
(bow weight) f =75 lbs =333.75 N
(mass arrow) m =985 grains =.0638 kg
Calculation for (initial velocity)
( )
km m
v = 48.19 m/s
Calculation for (momentum)
mv M =
M = 3.08 kgm/s
Calculation for (kinetic energy)
mv KE =
KE = 74.1 J
From the calculations above, The 110 lb longbow at full 250 yd range will equal the 75 lb
longbow in momentum at point blank range. I used 10 yards for safety reasons to simulate point
blank range (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Testing setup
Figure 9. Needle Bodkin Cut
Jack Coat Test
Figure 10. Body Deformation
Figure 11. Short Bodkin Figure 12. Body Deformation
Figure 8. Needle Bodkin
The J ack coat was an armour primarily made up of layered linen topped with deerskin. This form of defense
would have been very common and was considered the most serviceable defense in the fifteenth cen-
tury (Ffoulkes, p. 87). Although seemingly less protective, this would have been easy to construct and would
have been the most inexpensive armor of my tests. The period construction would have been between 15 and
30 layers of linen stitched to one layer of deerskin on top (Ffoulkes, p. 87). I used 15 layers of linen stitched to
1 layer of deer skin on top. See figures 8 through 18 and table 1 for testing results.
Test #1 Test #2
Arrow Style Armor Label Body
Deformation Body
Needle Bodkin A 3.7" 0" 3.7" 0"
Short Bodkin D 0" 1.4" 0" 1.3"
Broadhead B 1.3" .8" 1.3" .75"
Type 16 Broadhead C 3.8" 0" 3.8" 0"
Table 1. Jack Coat
Figure 13. Broadhead Figure 14. Broadhead Cut Figure 15. Body Deformation
Figure 16. Type 16 Broadhead Figure 17. Type 16 Broadhead Cut
Figure 18. Body Deformation
Indicates probable death - based on National Institute of J ustice body armor testing for
certification. 1.7 threshold for deformation (NIJ 0101.04) & 0.28 threshold for cut-
ting penetration. (NIJ 0115.00)
Butted Maille Test
Figure 19. Needle Bodkin Figure 21. Body Deformation
Figure 22. Short Bodkin Figure 23. Body Deformation
Figure 20. Needle Bodkin Cut
Although no butted maille armor has ever been found, the debate as to its existence continues. I included this
armor test, not because I believe that it did exist, but to shed some light on how it would have performed. I
used 18 gauge mild steel wire with a inside diameter of 5/16 round wire butted together. The understanding
today is that most maille in period was iron and not steel. Dr. Smith tested 16 rings from various maille gar-
ments of known sources. Of these, 3 of them contained enough carbon to be considered steel (Smith). The pad-
ding that was used was 2 layers of linen stuffed with 1 of cotton batting (Fflulkes p.88). See figures 19
through 29 and table 2 for testing results.
Figure 24. Broadhead Figure 25. Broadhead Cut Figure 26. Body Deformation
Figure 27. Type 16 Broadhead Figure 29. Body Deformation
Test #1 Test #2
Arrow Style Armor Label Body
Deformation Body
Needle Bodkin E 4.2 0" - -
Short Bodkin E 1.7* 0 - -
Broadhead E 1.7* 0 - -
Type 16 Broadhead E 2.8 0" - -
Table 2. Butted Maille
Figure 28. Type 16 Broadhead Cut
Indicates probable death - based on National Institute of J ustice body armor testing for
certification. 1.7 threshold for deformation (NIJ 0101.04) & 0.28 threshold for cut-
ting penetration. (NIJ 0115.00)
* Indicates rings embedded into skin
Riveted Maille (average quality) Test
Figure 30. Needle Bodkin Figure 32. Body Deformation
Figure 33. Short Bodkin Figure 35. Body Deformation
Figure 31. Needle Bodkin Cut
Figure 34. Short Bodkin Cut
This was the first of two tests on riveted maille. I wanted to see if the quality and or material of the maille
would change the testing outcome. This maille is made up of 18 gauge iron wire with a 5/16 inside diameter,
with a 0.79 cm outside diameter. The range of ring diameters from the Battle of Wisby were from 0.4cm to
1.7cm (Thordeman, p. 111). These rings are slightly flattened with wedge rivets, much like the rings of the A9
mantel (Schmid). The patch was padded with 2 layers of quilted linen with 1 of cotton batting (Ffoulkes, p.
88). See figures 30 through 38 and table 3 for testing results.
Indicates probable death - based on National Institute of J ustice body
armor testing for certification. 1.7 threshold for deformation (NIJ
0101.04) & 0.28 threshold for cutting penetration. (NIJ 01115.00)
* indicates rings embedded into skin
Figure 36. Broadhead Figure 37. Broadhead Cut Figure 38. Body Deformation
Table 3. Riveted Maille (average quality)
Test #1 Test #2
Arrow Style Armor Label Body
Deformation Body
Needle Bodkin F 2.8 0" 4.7 0
Short Bodkin G 1.3* 1.2 1.4* 1.3
Broadhead H 1.8* 0 1.8* 0
Riveted Maille (high quality) Test
Figure 39. Needle Bodkin Figure 40. Needle Bodkin Cut
Figure 41. Short Bodkin Figure 42. Body Deformation
The second of the maille tests was a higher quality of material, craftsmanship and design. This maille is made
up of 18 gauge steel wire with a 5/16 inside diameter. As stated in the butted maille test, Dr Smith determined
that some period maille garments were made of steel (Smith). The rings were heavily flattened with a clock-
wise rotation. Flattening the entire ring was common to reduce the overall weight and force the metal into the
strong axis (Schmid, p. 13, image #25). Steel wedge shaped rivet were used to fasten each ring together. Euro-
pean maille was most commonly riveted with a wedge rivet made out of iron or Latten (Schmid, p. 13). Like
all previous maille tests, this patch was padded with 2 layers of quilted linen stuffed with 1 cotton batting
(Ffoulkes, p. 88). See figures 39 through 48 and table 4 for testing results.
Indicates probable death - based on National Institute of J ustice body armor testing for
certification. 1.7 threshold for deformation (NIJ 0101.04) & 0.28 threshold for cut-
ting penetration. (NIJ 0115.00)
Figure 43. Broadhead Figure 44. Broadhead Cut Figure 45. Body Deformation
Figure 46. Type 16 Broadhead
Figure 48. Body Deformation
Test #1 Test #2
Arrow Style Armor Label Body
Deformation Body
Needle Bodkin I 2.8 1.2 - -
Short Bodkin I 0 1.8 - -
Broadhead I 1.3 1 - -
Type 16 Broadhead I 3 0" 2.8 0
Table 4. Riveted Maille (high quality)
Figure 47. Type 16 Broadhead Cut
Figure 49. Needle Bodkin Figure 51. Body Deformation
Figure 52. Short Bodkin Figure 53. Short Bodkin Cut
Figure 50. Needle Bodkin Cut
Figure 54. Body Deformation
In the battle of Wisby excavation (1361) the majority of the body armour was coat of plates (Thordenman, p.
285). These coats were made of varying plate sizes riveted to a leather outer coat. The find that most closely
matches the test patch I made was Amour #24 (Thordenman, p.386). The plate sizes are between 1.5 and 4. I
used 3 square plates to simulate the #24 coat. Covered with 1/16 thick leather and padded with 8 layers of
linen. Ffoulkes refers to a steel coat padded with 9.25 yards of linen or 3 layers for an average body (Ffoulkes,
p. 50). Other padding details refer to linen stuffed with cotton, like in the maille tests. I decided to average the
two to make the 8 layer arming coat for under the plates. See figures 49 through 60 and table 5 for testing re-
Coat of Plates Test
Figure 55. Broadhead Figure 56. Broadhead Cut
Figure 57. Body Deformation
Figure 58. Type 16 Broadhead Figure 60. Body Deformation
Test #1 Test #2
Arrow Style Armor Label Body
Deformation Body
Needle Bodkin J 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1
Short Bodkin K 0 0.4 0 0.3
Broadhead L 0 0.2 0 0.2
Type 16 Broadhead L 0 0.4 0 0.3
Table 5. Coat of Plates
Figure 59. Type 16 Broadhead Cut
Indicates probable death - based on National Institute of J ustice body armor testing for
certification. 1.7 threshold for deformation (NIJ 0101.04) & 0.28 threshold for cut-
ting penetration. (NIJ 0115.00)
Like the coat of plates, plate armour was designed to increase the protective qualities against such weapons as
the longbow (Pfaffenbichler, p. 8). The most important detail of this test is the thickness of the metal. Meas-
urements were done by Robert Hardy in the Tower of London on many different helmets and breastplates and
the minimum thickness was 1.2 mm thick and the maximum was 4.57 mm (Hardy, p. 233). I decided to test the
minimum thickness and move up if need be to determine the penetration threshold of my longbow test. The
padding that I used under the plate was 3 layers of quilted linen. This thickness is equivalent to a arming coat
made for Henry VIII which was made up of 9 yards of Cheshire cotton (Ffoulkes, p. 92). See figures 61
through 71 and table 6 for testing results.
Plate Armor Test
Figure 61. Needle Bodkin Figure 63. Needle Bodkin Cut
Figure 64. Short Bodkin
Figure 62. Needle Bodkin Cut
Figure 65. Short Bodkin Cut
Figure 66. Broadhead Figure 67. Broadhead Cut
Figure 68. Body Deformation
Figure 69. Type 16 Broadhead Figure 70. Type 16 Broadhead Cut
Test #1 Test #2
Arrow Style Armor Label Body
Deformation Body
Needle Bodkin M 0.5 0 0.5 0
Short Bodkin M 0 0.1 0 0.1
Broadhead N 0.25 0 0.2 0
Type 16 Broadhead N 0 0.1 0 0.1
Table 6. Plate
Indicates probable death - based on National Institute of J ustice body armor testing for
certification. 1.7 threshold for deformation (NIJ 0101.04) & 0.28 threshold for cut-
ting penetration. (NIJ 0115.00)
Figure 71. Body Deformation
The question that needed answering is;
Can an average longbow, (average draw weight and average arrow weight) at range, defeat the
armour that I tested.
My goal was not to determine if there is a period longbow that can defeat all armour and to prove that plate is
not proof. My soul intent was to further understand the effect the archery community in an army had in battle
from a personal body armour point of view.
J ack Coat
This was the first test that was preformed and was, by far, the most surprising. Although defeated by three out
of the four arrow types, the effectiveness of slowing down arrows was great. The deerskin rolled into the pene-
tration in the needle bodkin tests and acted like a break. The linen padding was enough to distribute the force
of the short bodkin and keep the deformation under the fatal threshold. The armour that I tested was the thin-
nest documented jack I could find. The thickest was almost twice as thick, and in my opinion, would have
been enough to stop the needle bodkin as well as the short bodkin that the thinner armour stopped. The bladed
arrows on the other hand were much more in line with the outcome that I expected. The cutting force against
the deerskin and linen was very efficient and ended in a 3.8 penetration. The jack coat at it thickest would
have been an effective armour on the battlefield, although I expect very hot and resistant to movement.
Butted Maille
Many people believe that butted maille existed in period as an armour type. I feel that this test shows the main
reason why it was not used. The butted maille was no match for any of the arrows that were shot at it. Even the
short bodkin and large broadhead had 1.7 of penetration. The biggest reason that I feel that this armour type
was not used was the fact that either the penetration was excessively deep or only slightly deep but broken
rings were pushed into the flesh. Not only would this armour not stop arrows, but it would introduce more dan-
gers. It the case of the barbed arrows, the armour only impeded the arrow from being withdrawn. In my test
shots all the barbed arrows needed to be pulled through, not pulled out. The best summary that I can give on
butted maille is that it would be better to be wearing nothing rather than butted maille.
Riveted Maille (average quality)
This test patch, albeit riveted, was not much better than the butted test. The rings were inconsistent in craft and
the integrity of the metal around the rivet was questionable on average. Although the penetration depths were
slightly shallower, every arrow was fatal. I only had two test patches so I decided to only test the arrows that
were of lesser potential penetration and save the type 16 arrow of the high quality test. The needle bodkin, or
as it is referred at times, the maille bodkin, popped open one link and pushed in to a depth of 2.8. With such a
small area of amour contact, this arrow would be difficult to stop with any period maille. The short bodkin did
not punch all the way through but instead pushed rings through the padding and into the flesh, breaking the
skin to a depth of 1.3 and also leaving a dent very close to the fatal threshold. The Broadhead cut many rings
but not enough to get the barbs past the rings. Although not full penetration, the depth was 1.8 and it too sent
broken rings into the flesh. Riveted maille of this quality was not much more effective than butted.
Riveted Maille (high quality)
The last maille test was made of rings of high quality metal and craftsmanship. The metal around the rivets
was consistent and solid. The needle bodkin preformed exactly like the previous maille, breaking one link and
penetration 2.8. The short bodkin however, did not penetrated the metal and bounced off. This seems to be a
good sign, but the deformation was 1.8 which is over the fatal threshold. The broadhead arrow once again did
not get the barbs past the maille but in this case, did not introduce rings into the flesh. The penetration was
1.3. Finally the type 16 arrow, which is indicated as the most common, cut through the rings and the padding
to a depth of 3. This head was very efficient and deadly against this armour and, in my opinion, should take
over the title of maille arrowhead from the needle bodkin. Although the needle bodkin penetrated further, the
type 16 arrow would not be able to be removed while the armour was in place and would cause a much larger
cut in the body. This high quality maille shows that the craftsmanship of the rivet has a great impact on the
penetration of arrows. If the wearer was using thicker padding under the maille, the short bodkin and the
broadhead could possibly be rejected safely. No matter how thick the padding, except the very impractical
thickness, the type 16 and the needle bodkin arrows would not be stopped by maille armour.
Coat of Plates
The small overlapping plates under the leather were a good defense against arrows. Only the needle bodkin
penetrated at all and although technically past the threshold, the wound would be very small and, unless hitting
a major organ, likely survivable. The other tests did not penetrate but did leave large plate sized deformations.
These dents were well within the threshold, but would have had an impact on the wearer. The leather outer
layer would also help in oblique angle shots in giving the arrow head a purchase point. This would increase the
number of arrows that made full contact. Although protective, the coat of plates would have been an uncom-
fortable armour to be struck in by a longbow.
The outcome of this last test came as no surprise. The plate stopped most arrows. The needle bodkin again
punched past the threshold but would not create a great risk to the wearer. The padding that was tested seems
to be the bare minimum of arming coats. If this layer was increased, I believe that none of the arrows would
have touched the skin. There also was very little to no deformation. With a slight change in padding, this ar-
mour would be comfortable and very protective against the longbow with any arrowhead.
Compared with other tests
There are only 3 tests that I have read about that seem to get all the parts together to draw any real conclusions.
The first is the Dr Williams test (Williams). He tested armour on a laboratory drop tester to determine the
amount of energy that was required to penetrate maille. His tested energy levels for archery were 80 J oules,
very close to my 73 J oules. Dr Williams determined that an arrow would not penetrate maille. His maille was
made by Erik Schmid and I have no question to its authenticity (Schmid). The tip he used on the drop tester,
however, was a stock pyramidal spike very much like my short bodkin. So when I look at the two tests, I do
not disagree with his outcomes. The problem is that he did not measure any deformation caused by the transfer
of the arrows energy. He also did not test other arrow types like the type 16 that we saw penetrate with ease.
The second test is the Hardy test (Hardy, p.234). Robert Hardy was very particular about the arrows and the
armour but only tested plate. His conclusions were that the arrows only achieved partial penetration. The only
issue is that they were not over any padding material, so that the final body penetration is unknown.
The third test is the Primitive Archer test (Bickerstaffe). The bows in this test were up around 160 lb draw
weight and they were testing at point blank range. The energy in the arrows calculated out at 156 J oules. Al-
though the test showed the arrows penetrating a replica breastplate, I can not image this scenario occurring on
the battlefield. This was an impressive test but ultimately not very educational.
All in all, the test results that I recorded seem to fit in with the other known tests of archery and armour.
Most soldiers on the battlefield would have been at risk from the longbow. The average archer would have had
the tools to wound or kill most armour types. Even with the advent of coat of plates, the archer would have had
an impact on an advancing army. Only the most expensive and well made plate armour wearers would have
had an advantage. Although even with plate, I only tested the impacts to major protected areas. The joints and
gaps would all still be vulnerable being mostly of maille until the 16th century. Without significant metal to
withstand the energies of an arrow or excessive padding to spread out the force, arrows of the 1400s would
have been deadly.
1. Bickerstaffe, Pip. The old English Warbow, parts 1&2&3 Primative Archer,
volume 9, issue 2 & volume 9, issue 4.
2. Bradbury, J im. The Medieval Archer. The Boydell Press. Woodbridge, 1985.
3. Burgess, E Martin. Futher Research into the Construction of Mail Garments. The
Antiquaries J ournal volume 33, 1953.
4. Ffoulkes, Charles. The Armourer and His Craft. Dover Publications, Inc., New
York, 1988, originally printed in 1912.
5. Fliegel, Stephen. Arms and Armor. The Cleveland Museum of Art, New York,
6. Hardy, Robert. Longbow A Social and Military History. Patrick Stephens
Limited, Great Britain, originally printed in 1976.
7. Kaiser, Robert E. The Medieval English Longbow J ournal of the Society of
Archer-Antiquaries, volume 23, 1980.
8. Pfaffenbichler, Matthias. Medieval Craftsmen - Armourers. University of
Toronto Press, Toronto, 1992.
9. Price, Brian. Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproduction: The 14
Boulder. Paladin Press, 2000.
10. National Institute of J ustice. Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor. Law
Enforcement and Corrections Standards and Testing Program, #0101.04, J une
11. National Institute of J ustice. Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor. Law
Enforcement and Corrections Standards and Testing Program, #0115.00,
September 2000.
12. Rees, Gareth. The Physics of Medieval Archery http://www.stortford-
13. Schmid, Eric. The J ournal of the Mail Research Society. Vol. 1, No. 1, J uly
14. Smith, Cyril Stanley. Methods of Making Chain Mail (14
to 18
Centuries) A
Metallographic Note Technology and Culture volume 1 (1959): 60-67.
15. The Mary Rose Trust. Mary Rose Old Portsmouth, 1985.
16. Thordeman, Bengt. Armour from the Battle of Wisby. Almquist & Wiksells
Boktryckeri, 1939.
17. Wikipedia, Free online encyclopedia.
18. William, Dr Alan. The Archaeometallury of Armour. University of Reading.
Arrow head made by Saxon Fox Archery
All fabric backings made by Meagan Windemere
Average riveted maille made by Steve Stone.
Shooting and Bow by Brendan Strongbow
All other material made and provided by author.