Sunnydale 1

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Its Californiamaybe a jump to the

left of the one everybody knows.

If you were driving up Highway 101 out of Los
Angeles, somewhere between Oxnard and Santa
Barbara, youd see an exit labeled Sunnydale.
Whack name, you might think, and drive on (well,
maybe not whackin fact, heres hoping you did-
nt actually think whack). But if by some strange
impulse, you turned and drove down into the small
coastal town, life would never be the same.
Those of us who watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer
regularly know whats to come. On the surface, all
red roofs and well-kept lawns; underneath . . . well, its Hell. Theres a great nexus point between this world and
the infinite dimensions beyond, where things walk that should only exist in nightmares. This town is where, more
than once, the fate of the Earth has been decided by a battle between the minions of darkness and the predestined
champion of humanity ( friends). An interesting place to visit, but would you really want to live (or play) there?
This book assumes the answer is yes.
Boc a De l
Inf i e r no
Buffy: . . . this town is a mystical whoosit?
Giles: Yes. The Spanish who first settled
here called it Boca Del Infiernoroughly
translated: Hellmouth. A sort of portal
from this reality to the next.
1.2 The Harvest
Just When Are We?
As many of you already know, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show left its home town in pretty sorry shape.
Okay, in basically non-existent shape. When last seen, the burg had been swallowed by the desert. We provide
some a few suggestions for setting a BtVS RPG Series in Sunnydale as it currently stands (sinks?), but theres not
a huge amount of description necessaryits a big hole in the ground. Given that this is the Welcome to Sunnydale
sourcebook, not the Welcome to Spelunking sourcebook, we assume your Series is set when Sunnydale did exist and
could be used as a setting. For that reason, we use the present tense to describe people, places, and things in the
Valley of the Sun (unless of course we are discussing some clearly historical event thats over and done with). Dont
wigthats the power and fun of a roleplaying game. It can be set anywhere and anywhen you like.

Canon Al ert
We take the view that the only canonical Buffyverse material is what you see on your TV. Still, the point of
the TV show is to entertain, not provide you with a fully fleshed-out setting for your roleplaying game. So, lots
of stuff is hinted at, left incomplete, and just plain ignored on the boob tube. Were going to cover all the stuff
thats on the BtVS TV show, but we have other goals in mind. We want you to have plenty of information and
options for running your BtVS RPG game. Be warned, you are entering a book that presents a variety of his-
torical and non-canon materials, and attempts to weave it all together to form a coherent history and geogra-
phy of Sunnydale. Well be sure and let you know when we launch off into creative-land by dropping these
Canon Alerts at various points. By the way, the myth coming up next, and all the other chapter-opening fiction,
are such non-canon spasms. Still, we think youll enjoy them.
Boca Del Infierno Boca Del Infierno 5
Chumash Myth
Long before the white man came but long after the people were no longer animals, there lived a powerful magi-
cian named Skumashtsh. He was a kipomo, or weather prophet, who was a member of the powerful antap coun-
cil. Skumashtsh had the most powerful medicine in all of Alpinche. He could make the thunder obey his com-
mands and speak with great spirits, but this was not enough for him. He was willing to do anything to gain more
power, even sacrifice his own people. He decided to open the Gateway to Shimilaksha, the Lower World.
There was no one else in Alpinche who could deny the kipomo. His fellow chiefs and shamans on the antap
were beholden to him. Others tried to dissuade him, but were destroyed by the lightning he called from the sky.
Skumashtsh made preparations for a great ritual that would bring Shimilaksha to the Middle World.
The only shaman left in Alpinche who had not been killed or corrupted by Skumashtsh was an aluctecanwa, an
old medicine woman. She knew she was too old and weak to fight the weather prophet. She fled Alpinche and
crossed the mountains into the lands to the east. That night the old woman had a dream where she was visited by
Slow, the Eagle who supports the Upper World above the Earth on his wings. The Eagle asked the old woman
why she was running, and she replied that it was because she was weak and afraid.
The Eagle spread his great wings and told the aluctecanwa that there was a girl who fought like the Hero Twins.
When she died another would take her place, just as she took the place of the one who came before her. She could
stand against Skumashtsh. But she was not there.
The Eagle also said that in lands far from Alpinche there were warriors who rode beasts and wore metal armor.
A few of these warriors had been granted powerful medicine in the name of Sun and Moon and all the Powers That
Be. Any one of those warriors could fight Skumashtsh. But they too were not there.
Then the Eagle said that there were beasts who no longer wished to serve Shimilaksha. They protected the peo-
ple in the name of the Sun and the Moon and the Powers That Be. Though they might appear as monsters, they
were brave warriors who would gladly give their own lives to stop Skumashtsh. But none of them were there.
There was only the old woman to perform this great deed. There was only the old woman to protect the peo-
ple. She must return and fight.
Skumashtsh did manage to open the Gateway to Shimilaksha, but only for a brief moment. As the kipomo mar-
veled at the great medicine he had created, the old aluctecanwa pushed the evil man into the gateway and then fell
in behind him. This disrupted Skumashtshs ritual and the Gateway to Shimilaksha was closed. The people were
saved by a brave old woman whose name is no longer even remembered, but her brave deed shall never be for-
Such is the tale told by the Chumash of Sunnydale to remind the children that what must be done can be done,
by the brave of heart.

Whats in a Setting
Cordelia: Its in the bad part of town.
Buffy: Wheres that?
Cordelia: About a half a block from the good part
of town. We dont have a whole lot of town
1.1 Welcome to the Hellmouth
This book is about setting your Buffy the Vampire
Slayer roleplaying game in Sunnydale. It gives you all
the information you need to place your Season in the
home ground of slayage. It isnt the only place you can
run a game, but its certainly one of the best. In the
Buffy TV series, Sunnydale is just as important as any
Cast Member. The Cast makes things happen, true, but
Sunnydale determines what can happen.
Stop for a moment and think through what you know
about our favorite Central Coast town. Giles told us it
was a mystical convergence, afflicted by emanations
from the Hellmouth. Faith said it straight and brutal;
Sunnydale was built and maintained by a sorcerer as a
feeding place for demons and to power his own bid to
transcend humanity. What does all this mean for the
highly varied assortment of residents as they go about
their daily and nightly lives?
For the most part residents just ignore the supernatu-
ral around themuntil they feel fangs sinking into their
necks. But every single one of them is affected in some
way. It may take the form of an unprecedented interest
in witchcraft, a peculiar taste in pets, or an addiction that
leaves puncture marks not quite as fine as those from a
hypodermic. Somehow it all hangs together. Sunnydale
has its own rules, its own ways of going about things.
Where else would the Chosen One live in a nice brick
two-story on a quiet street? Where else would circus
folk with bad skin conditions be so readily accepted
while at the same time gangs on PCP ravage the com-
munity? Theres something special about Sunnydale,
some basically good, decent quality that persists despite
the vampires and demons. No matter how much Buffy
and the others may yearn to leave and put all the mad-
ness behind them, they know they belong here.
Sunnydale can work just as well as a location for your
game. It can accommodate pretty much whatever Cast
Members you create and whatever kind of adventuring
you prefer, while still imposing its essential rules. You
can start a whole new series here. If you have already
been playing the Buffy RPG in some other setting, you
can move to Sunnydale due to a seemingly random com-
bination of circumstances. There is a precedent for that
kind of thing after all. The Cast can find houses and
jobs, places to hang out and others to avoid like the
plague, beyond what they may already know from the
series. They can meet people, some old friends and ene-
mies, others new and strange. They can come to know
and appreciate Sunnydales links with the past.
Although the sign at the entrance says founded in
1909, the history of Sunny D and the Hellmouth goes
back a lot further than that. There is a near continuous
succession of otherworldly invasions, battles, and magi-
cal events from prehistory to the present. Just when do
you wish the present to be? There are adventures to be
had before a certain sixteen year old moved to Sunnydale
back in 1996. If you want to set your Series during the
time covered by the show, do you set it during the final
years of the reign of Mayor Richard Wilkins III? Maybe
you set it during the time when the UC Sunnydale cam-
pus played host to a certain covert government opera-
tion? Perhaps the streets, parks and sewers are waiting
for some new evil to take possession of them? Or at
least try and take possession, since the Cast will be there
to stop them. As Giles would doubtless point out, by
virtue of what they are, they have a duty to perform!
This volume covers Sunnydale through to the end of
the Buffy TV series (and the end of Sunnydale itself).
Within those bounds it includes material useful to both
players and Directors of the BtVS RPG, as well as much
information of interest to anyone who wants to get to
know the place a little better. As we mentioned, weve
added some things, like the Chumash legend that heads
this chapter. We think youll find our inventions helpful
and intriguing, and perhaps feel inspired to make your
own contributions to the town of Sunnydale.

Boca Del Infierno Boca Del Infierno 7
Chapter Summary
A comprehensive guide to Sunnydale covers a lot of
ground. To ease your journey, this book is divided into
the following topics.
Chapter One: Boca Del Infierno runs through the pre-
liminaries (the stuff you are reading now), and then pres-
ents local history like you wont get at Sunnydale High,
everything from the pre-Columbian roots of the area to
the towns destruction. From the epochs of the Chumash
nation to the Spanish invasion, the original settlement of
the area, the gold rush years, and the founding of the city
as it was in modern times, its in here. Powerful crea-
tures of evil fought and reigned over the Hellmouth long
before the Mayor. He just had a better civic plan.
Chapter Two: If Its Tuesday, This Must Be Sunnydale
is the grand day tour of all the towns best features.
There has to be more to the town than vampires and a
Hellmouth or else people would stop moving here. Maps
of important locations, such as Sunnydale High School
and the Bronze, are included.
Chapter Three: Solid Citizens covers the people that
youll meetthats right, the people. No demons or
Initiative agents here! There have been a few recurring
characters who have managed to live through more than
one episode, and they are here for your use and abuse.
There are also some poor souls that snuffed it before the
end of Act Two, but they could be useful allies in your
own series if you get to them a little earlier than Buffy
did. From Jonathan Levinson to Rory Harris,
Sunnydales most notable citizens are available as
Supporting Cast.
Chapter Four: Nightlife is an after-dark tour, and were
not talking about the view of the lights from Makeout
Park. The Hellmouth itself and all the most popular
crypts and lairs are described. Also discussed is how the
dark side of the town functions, in some cases actively
supporting the society on which it preys.
Chapter Five: Episodes and Drama gets into some seri-
ous stuffhow to develop your own episodes centered in
Sunnydale, involving its history and its people. It shows
how to incorporate ideas and Big Bads from the series
into your game, plus helps keep your own creations in
the spirit of the show. There is also a set of new tem-
plates for useful Supporting Cast additions such as doc-
tors, journalists, and the ever-popular archeologist.
Chapter Six: The Road to Hell gets to the adventure.
Dont fret, we dont leave you all adrift in your new
Season with no guidance. This adventure is the kind that
just seems to happen on a bright, sunny morning in
Sunnydale. Burglaries at the Museum and UC Sunnydale
set the Cast on an artifact hunt where nothing is quite as
it seems.
The Appendix keeps everything in perspective by pre-
senting a summary timeline for the town of Sunnydale.
So much for the meet and greet. Welcome to
Sunnydale. We hope you enjoy your stay, and that it lasts
a long, long time.
History Never Repeats
The land now comprising the state of California has a
fascinating history in its own right, aside of Hellmouths
and demonic incursions. In constructing a history a la
BtVS, we have included actual historical incidents when-
ever possible, to provide a framework for those past
events that have been mentioned on the show. Each of
the sections here is described like it might be in some
potted history for Watchers new to the area. Variations
and suggestions (and some of our own cogitating) are
noted in Canon Alert sidebars.
Other words are set off from the standard text like
this. These boxes contain additional but tangential
information, or supplemental charts and tables.
Other words, mostly stats, are set apart in this
way. These boxes detail Guest Stars or Adversaries
that may be used in Episodes, if you want.
hese fiction sections or cut scenes give
you a better appreciation for the types of
tales that can be told during BtVS RPG
sessions. They cover settings and situations dif-
ferent from those you may be familiar with from
the TV series. None of this stuff should be con-
strued as adding to the Buffyverse in an official
way. We are just making these stories up. You
dont need to read them to understand this book
or the Buffyverse mythos, but you should find
them an enjoyable slice of life.

Chumash Times
Buffy: Oh, right. The knife was some sort of
Indian artifact. Chumash, I think. Thats all
we got.
Giles: Oh, Chumash Indians. They were indige-
nous to this whole area.
4.8 Pangs
For thousands of years, the only people living near the
Sunnydale Hellmouth were the Chumash Indians, whose
nation covered much of southern California. The
Chumash thrived on the California coast, sending their
tomols (canoes built from split wood planks and reach-
ing twenty feet in length) out into the Pacific to catch
ocean fish. This gave them an advantage over other
California tribal nations, because they were the only peo-
ple in the area with an ocean-going capability.
The Chumash were led by their chiefs and shamans.
The shamans of the Chumash people were considered
very powerful, especially in the area known as Alpinche
(which means acorns in the Chumash language). The
shamans in the Alpinche region were powerful sorcerers
as well as healers. The Chumash considered such
shamans both blessed and cursed. That is because the
power of the shamans was enhanced by their proximity
to a place where the barriers between dimensions was
weak. Alpinche contained a Hellmouth.
The Portal To The World Below
Giles: Dig a bit in the history of this place.
Youll find a, a steady stream of fairly odd
occurrences. Now, I believe this whole area is a
center of mystical energy, that things gravitate
towards it that, that, that you might not find
1.1 Welcome to the Hellmouth
Just as in modern times, the area around the
Hellmouth was prone to supernatural events. Sometimes
these events were relatively minorsingle demons would
be attracted to the area and plague the Chumash for a
short period. Sometimes these events were cataclysmic.
At two periods in their long history, the Chumash peo-
ple felt the true power of the Hellmouth. This happened
about eleven hundred years ago and then again seven
hundred years ago. The demonic entity or entities
responsible remain unknown, but during both times the
Chumash nation suffered a devastating drought that
caused a famine. The Chumash fought each other, driv-
en to anger and violence by the Hellmouths influence.
If not for the skills of a few shamans and the bravery of
a few warriors, the Hellmouth would have wiped out the
Chumash civilization. The people of Alpinche were able
to survive the monsters of the Hellmouth, but their
greatest threat would come about two hundred and fifty
years later.
It should be noted that along with a Hellmouth, an
Egyptian-looking temple was located in Alpinche before
the Chumash settled in the area. The temple was over-
seen by members of the Guardians, females who secretly
watched over the Slayer line. A mystical Scythe would
eventually be buried in solid rock in the area as well, only
to be discovered at the time when the Slayer line would
need it most. Not only was all of this unknown to the
Chumash, it was also unknown to the Watchers. Since
there are no overt Egyptian influences in Chumash cul-
ture, and since the only mention of the temple was in the
obscure and relatively modern writings of some local
monks, it can be assumed that for most of its history the
temple was mystically hidden from the outside world.
Canon Al ert
The periods of famine and warfare around the
years 900 and 1300 were actual events in the histo-
ry of the Chumash people. Since there is a
Hellmouth in the middle of Chumash territory in
the Buffyverse, it made sense to attribute these two
periods to supernatural influences. The Hellmouth
existed in Sunnydale long before Buffy came to
town, in fact it existed long before there even was
a town to come to. It can be assumed that there
have been outbreaks of supernatural activity during
this long period.

Boca Del Infierno Boca Del Infierno
Spanish Colonization
Spike: You won. All right? You came in and
you killed them and you took their land. Thats
what conquering nations do. Its what Caesar
did, and hes not going around saying, I came,
I conquered, I felt really bad about it. The
history of the world isnt people making
friends. You had better weapons, and you mas-
sacred them. End of story.
Buffy: Well, I think the Spaniards actually did a
lot ofNot that I dont like Spaniards.
4.8 Pangs
In 1542 an event occurred that would forever change
the Chumash way of life. A fleet of three Spanish sailing
ships commanded by Juan Rodreguez Cabrilla were met
at sea by the ocean-going tomol of the Chumash people.
The Chumash welcomed and honored the strange new-
comers to their lands by throwing them a feast. Cabrilla
returned the favor by giving the Chumash some glass
beads and claiming their land in the name of King
Charles I of Spain. Despite this claim, the Chumash lands
remained unexplored by the Europeans until sixty years
later when Sebastan Vizcano followed Cabrillas route to
the southern coast of California.
Vizcano named the area after Saint Barbara. Unlike
Cabrilla, he spent a significant amount of time with the
Chumash. They showed the Spanish explorers the
resources of their beautiful country. They also told him
about the Portal To The Lower World. Vizcano named
this cursed area Boca Del Infierno, the Mouth of Hell.
This is the origin of the term Hellmouth.
Angelus: Acathla the demon came forth to swal-
low the world. He was killed by a virtuous
knight who pierced the demons heart before he
could draw a breath to perform the act.
Acathla turned to stone, as demons sometimes
do, and was buried where neither man nor
demon would want to look. Unless of course
theyre putting up low-rent housing.
2.21 Becoming, Part One
It was around this time that a virtuous knight who
served the Powers That Be prevented the Apocalypse (or
at least prevented an apocalypse) from happening in the
Aztec lands that would one day become Mexico. As the
Aztec Empire was being conquered by Spain, a group of
sorcerers used dark magic to summon the demon
Acathla to our world. As conventional fighting had
proven hopeless, it was hoped that the black arts would
defeat the Spanish. It is unknown whether the Aztecs
sorcerers knew that their actions would destroy the
world. It is possible that they were desperate enough
not to care . . . or evil enough not to mind.
Once the demon Acathla was summoned, it would
draw a deep breath and slowly create a vortex between
Earth and one of the demon dimensions. The vortex
would grow increasingly larger until the entire planet
was sucked through and humanity would find itself in
the middle of hell faced with legions of demons who
would like nothing more than to torture and kill them in
nasty and interesting ways. The knight, whose name has
been lost, crashed the ceremony, stabbed the demons
heart with a blessed sword, and proceeded to kill the
black magicians.
Canon Al ert
It is canonical that the Spanish were aware of the
Hellmouth and named it Boca Del Infierno. Since
Sebastan Vizcano was the first Spanish explorer to
spend any significant amount of time in the area, it
is reasonable to assume that he is the one who first
came up with the name.
Rol epl aying in a
Chumash Setting
You may want to set your Series in pre-colonial
Sunnydale, with the Cast Members as Chumash (or
possibly people from one of the other local indige-
nous nations). The Chumash have a long tradition
of shamanism, so Cast Members with the Sorcery
Quality would not be out of place. Cast Members
could also be Totem Warriors from the Slayers
Handbook. Otherwise, players should take the role
of pre-modern Native American men and women
(no modern skills or equipment).
Many of the same sorts of threats would exist due
to the presence of the Hellmouth, but the underly-
ing metaphor would probably be different. Instead
of demons who embody the problems of teenagers,
a Chumash Casts demons should represent forces
of nature and threats to the tribe. It has already
been suggested that the famine and warfare of 900
and 1300 had a supernatural cause, maybe there
was an actual Famine Demon and War Demon
behind the scenes. It would be up to the Cast
Members to defeat such entities and preserve as
much of the Chumash Nation as possible.

The demon was incapacitated but not destroyed. It
turned to stone, the sword still embedded in its chest.
The knight didnt want anyone attempting to revive the
abomination, so he took the stone demon far to the
north, in what he considered an uncivilized wilderness.
When he found a spot that he deemed remote enough, he
buried Acathla deep into the earth where it would never
be disturbed again. It was pure dumb luck that the place
he chose was so close to the Hellmouth, but that kind of
dumb luck happens a lot in Sunny D (or the area that
would become Sunny D).
Mission Mania
Giles: Now can we discuss the impending disaster?
Willow: Giles found something.
Giles: A text. It refers to the Gem of Amara as
residing in the Valley of the Sun.
Willow: Demon fancy talk for Sunnydale.
Giles: It seems that Spike may know what its
about. The gem may exist after all, in
Sunnydale in a sealed underground crypt.
4.3 The Harsh Light of Day
One of the historical goals of Spain was to convert the
native people of America to the Church of Rome. In
1697, the Jesuits arrived in Baja California with a royal
charter. By 1767, their mission was assumed by the
Franciscans. Father-President Junpero Serra led the
Franciscan effort to expand missionary work north into
Alta California. Three years later, a troop of soldiers
commanded by Captain Gaspar de Portola were sent to
explore the California Central Coast in preparation for
the coming missions. The Spanish troop encountered
the types of dangers that can be expected while explor-
ing an unknown wilderness, though the Captain was
unfazed by these troubles. This changed when his men
were attacked by supernatural forces near Boca Del
Infierno. The Captain knew that something demonic
and evil was responsible for what happened to his
troops, but the various deaths at this point of their jour-
ney were officially explained away as attacks by wild ani-
mals or Indians.
The true nature of Boca Del Infierno and its sur-
rounding area may have been covered up, but it was still
considered a dangerous place. In 1786, Governor of New
Spain Felipe de Neve ordered a presidio (fort) to be built
in the area before any missions were started. Four years
later, the Mission Santa Barbara Virgen y Martir was
founded. The Santa Barbara Mission was the largest set-
Canon Al ert
The only thing that is said about Acathla in the
Buffy TV show is that it tried to destroy the world
but was defeated by a knight who buried it in
Sunnydale. The late sixteenth or early seventeenth
century is about the earliest that a European knight
would know that there was a California wilderness
in which to bury Acathla. This implies that the
knight in question was a Spanish knight, which is
supported by the fact that sword stuck in Acathlas
chest looks like Renaissance Toledo-work. Acathla
had to have been summoned by somebody. As the
Aztecs were already practicing human sacrifice, it
doesnt stretch credibility very far to say that, at
least in the Buffyverse, a few of them were also
practicing dangerous black magic. The name
Acathla might simply be the Spanish interpreta-
tion of an Aztec word. The knight in question had
to have some kind of mojo going to defeat a pow-
erful demon and the sorcerers who summoned it;
being some sort of agent of the Powers That Be
seemed both reasonable and vague enough.
Of course, that begs the question, why would an
agent of the Powers That Be bury a powerful
demonic entity so close to the Hellmouth? Surely
they know at least approximately where the mysti-
cal portal was located. Maybe the knight was mis-
directed to that specific spot. For added conspira-
cy theory fun, maybe the Jesuits convinced the
knight to bury Acathla there without telling him the
true nature of that location. Why they would do
something like that is up to the Director to devise
and the Cast to discover.
Canon Al ert
Captain Gaspar de Portolas exploration of the
California Central Coast is a matter of historic
record. Demons eating Spanish soldiers is a bit of
creative extrapolation to add to Sunnydales bloody
history. Coming up with a rational explanation for
strange deaths is something of a favorite pastime
for anyone in Sunnydale.

Boca Del Infierno Boca Del Infierno 11
tlement near Boca Del Infierno. In the following decade,
the Franciscans founded a mission in the valley itself.
They optimistically named the place Valle Del Sol (which
more or less translates as Sunnydale) and the area
developed a reputation for having a healthy climate.
Invalids flocked to the valley for healing.
Some of the visitors to the Sunnydale Mission were
quite wealthy, and it was around this time that the Gem
of Amara first arrived in Sunnydale. Vampires had been
looking for the mystic artifact since the tenth century
understandable since the gem would make a vampire
invulnerable. Wooden stakes would only tear a hole in a
vampires shirt and the sun would just be a bright object
in the sky that shined warm light on a vampires face.
The fact that nobody was able to find it for a thousand
years eventually relegated the Gem of Amara to the realm
of fairy tales. This doesnt change the fact that the Gem
of Amara was indeed real and would be sitting in an
underground tomb for about two hundred years before a
vampire named Spike eventually dug the thing up.
The Chumash Wars
Buffy: So what happened to the Chumash?
Willow: How about imprisonment, forced labor,
herded like animals into a mission full of bad
European diseases.
Buffy: Boy. Cultural partnership center really
didnt stress any of that stuff.
Willow: Not even a diorama. And it gets better.
The few Chumash who tried to rebel were
hanged. And when a group was accused of
stealing cattle, they were killedmen, women,
and children. And for proof to bring back to
their accusers . . .
Giles: They cut off their ears?
Buffy: So Hus wasnt kidding about the rightful
vengeance routine.
Giles: Hes recreating all the wrongs done to his
people. And its up to us to stop him.
4.8 Pangs
At first the religious efforts went well, at least from the
Spanish perspective. The Chumash lined up to be bap-
tized in exchange for metal goods like knives and nee-
dles. They were then expected to behave like good
Spanish Catholics. The problem was that the Chumash
didnt speak Spanish, so they had no idea what they had
gotten themselves into. When the Chumash continued
practicing their old ways, the Spanish grew angry and
tried to repress them.
Then, at the beginning of the nineteenth century,
European diseases began to take their toll on the
Chumash, who had not developed natural defenses
against the invaders germs. What started as minor out-
breaks soon spread throughout the Chumash nation. A
powerful shaman of the Chumash people said that they
were cursed and that any Chumash who had been bap-
tized would die a painful death. The only way to prevent
this was by undertaking a ritual specifically designed to
cancel out the baptism. The Spanish considered such
counter-baptism rituals to be works of evil, and sup-
pressed them as well.
The situation worsened when a massive earthquake
struck along a hundred mile area of the Central Coast.
The Spanish suffered as the nearby Mission La Prisma
was reduced to rubble. Mission Santa Barbara and the
presidio sustained severe damage. A tsunami was even
reported in the area by the smuggling ship Charon. In
what would be Sunnydale by the end of the century,
Mission Valle Del Sol sank beneath the ground and the
nearby crypt containing the Gem of Amara was buried
and lost. The Spanish colony was not doing well.
Canon Al ert
Except for founding of the presidio and Santa
Barbara Mission, this is all complete conjecture.
The date for the founding of the Sunnydale Mission
makes sense given what is known about the spread
of missions in the Central Coast. The mission is
referred to as the Sunnydale Mission in 4.8 Pangs
and the name had to come from somewhere. It
makes more sense that Franciscan monks would
describe the general area as a Sunny Valley instead
of a Mouth of Hell, for the same reason that Vikings
called the large island to the northeast of Canada
Greenland instead of Bleakfrozenhorribleland.
As far as the Gem of Amara goes, the date of its
arrival in Sunnydale is never given. Placing its
arrival in the late eighteenth century seemed rea-
sonable, based on the other items seen in the tomb
and the time period when Europeans first started to
live in the area.

By 1812, Mexico declared its independence from Spain.
Things changed in Alta California after that. All missions
were secularized, the Franciscans were removed, and
non-monastic priests took over the duty of converting
the Chumash. All church lands were turned over to pri-
vate owners. This didnt help the relations between the
Californios (the name by which the Spanish settlers in the
area were known) and the Chumash. Within three years,
the Chumash started to rebel throughout the Central
Coast. The Chumash fought bravely, but were largely
unsuccessful in their efforts. Defeated warriors were
either executed or imprisoned. During the next few
decades, diseases like malaria and smallpox virtually
wiped out the natives. As a final act, the Chumash placed
a curse on their conquerors. A Vengeance Spirit called
Hus was attached to the Mission nearest to the
Hellmouth, which was the sunken Sunnydale Mission,
where he was called upon to make the conquerors suffer
as the Chumash had suffered. When the Mexican-
American War ended in 1848, Alta California became part
of the United States. Two years later California became
the 31st state and any land belonging to the Californios
or the Chumash (as well as any other Native American)
was taken away and given to American settlers.
The Wild West
Wesley: They eventually became the acolytes of a
demon called Balthazar, who brought them to
the New World, specifically here.
Giles: You seem to know a lot about them.
Wesley: I didnt get this job because of my looks.
Buffy: I really, really believe that.
Wesley: Ive researched this towns history
Giles: So why have we not seen them before this?
Wesley: They were driven out a hundred years
ago. Happily, Balthazar was killed. I dont
know by whom.
3.14 Bad Girls
Something darker was happening while earthquakes
were ravaging the Central Coast and the Spanish were
doing their best to wipe out the Chumash. A vampiric
dueling cult known as El Eliminati left their home in
Europe under the leadership of a demon named
Balthazar and headed for the New World. Once the
Franciscans were removed from the missions and church
lands became secularized, the vampires started to move
in. El Eliminati were the main inhabitants of Sunnydale
at that point, since the mission and surrounding settle-
Canon Al ert
The Chumash rebellion was a historic event and
according to episode 4.8 Pangs it was the reason
for summoning Hus. It is never stated how or
when Hus summoned, but making it the last act of
a desperate people using the mystical energies of
the Hellmouth seems entirely plausible. It certain-
ly is more dramatic that way. Some Directors may
not agree, in which case the appearance of Hus
was more of an act of divine providence. The
Chumash gods (for the sake of the argument, lets
call them Coyote Of The Sky, Great Eagle Who
Knows What Is To Be, and Lizard) took pity on
their suffering people and sent Hus to one day
avenge the defeated Chumash.
Rol epl aying in a Spanish
Col onial Setting
Setting a Series back when Sunnydale was
known as Boca del Infierno offers all sorts of pos-
sibilities for players. This is the time when many
of the things that would make life difficult for
Buffy in the future first showed up, from Acathla
to the Gem of Amara to Hus. Maybe a Cast in this
setting has to deal with all of those things first.
The Cast Members could still be Chumash
shamans or Totem Warriors, fighting the Spanish
and the Hellmouth at the same time. This time
period also brings in the Spanish, facing a hard
enough time adapting to a strange new world with-
out the extra complications from living near a
Hellmouth. Much of the Spanish Colonial era was
during what could also be called the Swashbuckling
Age. The Slayer could be a fearless young woman
with a quick sword and a pirate ship, unaware of
her true destiny until she pulls into port on the
California coast. The Cast Members could also be
local swashbuckling types, a few White Hats sup-
porting the Herowho might dress in black and
carve letters on walls with a rapier (use the Big
Knife damage). It could also be a Robin Hood kind
of series where one Hero was clever and swift like
a fox, and his band of merry outlaws (helping the
helpless and oppressed from their rich Spanish
overlords, or something like that). The Hero
would of course be known as . . . um . . . however
you say fox in Spanish.

Boca Del Infierno Boca Del Infierno 13
ment had been destroyed during the 1812 earthquake and
the following Chumash War. Once California became
part of America, gold was discovered in the new posses-
sion. The territory became a state and the population
surged as hopeful Americans arrived with dreams of
becoming ridiculously wealthy.
Towns quickly sprung up wherever gold was discov-
ered. They were promptly abandoned when the gold ran
out. One such ghost town was good old Boca del
Infierno. The gold ran out quickly, but its proximity to
the Hellmouth made it irresistible to El Eliminati. They
were the first vampires to set up a home for themselves,
but they were certainly not the last. The place soon
became a haven for vampires. Travelers would be killed
and eaten, or sometimes turned, so that the vampire pop-
ulation slowly increased. There was even a Willys Place.
It was called Whiskey Willys back then, but it was the
same kind of bara dark place where demons could drink
cheap booze and eat bad food in a dismal environment.
The vampire town didnt last long. The Slayer at the
time, a young woman of the Navajo, tracked a vampire
across the Southwest to the California Central Coast. The
Slayer set fire to Whiskey Willys in an effort to call out
her vampire enemy. As she fought and eventually slew
the vampire, the entire town burned to the ground.
Fortunately for the Slayer, Balthazar and his minions
were not in Boca Del Infierno at the time. They returned
to find a burning ruin and piles of dust where there used
to be a thriving vampire sanctuary. Things only got
worse when an ambitious magician named Richard
Wilkins arrived at the Hellmouth shortly thereafter.
Faith: Keep dreaming. No one can stop the
Ascension. Mayors got it wired, B. He built
this town for demons to feed on and come grad-
uation day, hes getting paid. And Ill be sit-
ting at his right hand.
3.17 Enemies
Richard Wilkins was a cheerful, optimistic man who
came to California during the final days of the nineteenth
century. Sure he was overly fussy about cleanliness and
some people might have considered him nothing but a
duded-up tenderfoot, but he was hard as steel at the core.
What wasnt readily apparent about Richard Wilkins was
that he was a dark magician in league with demonic
forces who had all granted him power in exchange for
the services he offered his dark masters. Even back then,
it wasnt a good idea to underestimate Mr. Wilkins.
The demon Balthazar had increased his potency by
investing an amulet with much of his power. This
allowed him to easily bully and control El Eliminati. It
also gave him a major vulnerability. Wilkins stole the
amulet and ultimately defeated Balthazar. By defeat, we
mean leave weak and crippled so severely that most
occult scholars who knew about the fight assumed
Balthazar had died. The demon dragged his mangled
body underground and hid with what remained of El
These were the early stages in Wilkins quest for
Ascension. He was asked to build a town from which the
demons could feed, and he was promised prosperity and
a long life. He complied and thus did not age for the
next hundred years. At the end of that hundred-year
period, if Wilkins continued appeasing his demon mas-
ters and performed the appropriate rituals, he would
ascend and become a great and powerful demon. Not
one of the humanoid creatures that are routinely seen on
Earth and dispatched (if you happen to be a Slayer or
Initiative agent or something like that), but a gargantu-
Canon Al ert
The date for El Eliminatis arrival is conjecture,
but it makes sense that the Spanish sect of vam-
pires would arrive in Sunnydale around this time.
The mission is gone and California is now a wild
territory instead of a colony of Spain. That sort of
wild danger probably appealed to the dueling cult.
The Boca Del Infierno ghost town tale is from a
short story by one of the shows writers, so were
passing it along.
Rolepl aying in a Wil d
West Setting
A Wild West Setting is probably one of the easiest
to run. Need a Big Bad? Balthazar and El Eliminati
are already detailed in Monster Smackdown. Need
some good guys? Use the Slayer Gunslinger and the
Victorian Watcher from Slayers Handbook. Of
course at this time Sunnydale is entirely populated by
vampires, but maybe it is the Cast Members who
clear the place out enough to make it possible to
build a human town again one day. Throw in a cor-
rupt land baron, a hired mercenary gunslinger, and
some oppressed poor settlers for the B Plot, and you
have everything you need for a classic western.
Wild West Series creators may also benefit from
consulting a sister Unisystem book called Fistful o

an monster able to massacre an entire population. In the
case of Wilkins, this meant becoming a giant snake.
But all that was in the future. First Wilkins needed to
build his town. Sunnydale grew and prospered, doing
surprisingly well for a small California town with an
appalling death rate. People died here, but businesses
and people kept moving here as well. As the town
thrived, the demonic population of the place increased as
well. Vampires roamed the streets at night and demons
did monstrous things. Other mystic types, magicians and
witches, also tended to end up in Sunnydale. As long as
you played by the Mayors rules, everything was fine.
True, Mayor Richard Wilkins was an evil man who
planned on destroying his town to appease his demon
masters. Yes, he was allied with monsters and performed
all sorts of horrible rituals and sacrifices. But he also
loved his town and didnt want anything bad to happen
there. Part of this is because he didnt want anything
coming between him and his Ascension, but part of this
is because there are certain things that should be a given
in a place like Sunnydale. Just because you are a demon
is no reason to disrupt the entire town. You can feed on
the innocents, but do it discreetly, dont be rude, and
remember that some people have to work in the morn-
ing. Granted this is a strange attitude in a person who
planned on eating the entire population on his way to
demonhood, but nobody ever said evil crazy people need-
ed to be logical.
The Master
Giles: Did you find anything of interest?
Willow: I think, maybe . . . I surfed through the
old newspapers around the time of that big
earthquake back in 37? And for several
months before there were a rash of murders.
Giles: Great! I-I mean, well, not, not great in
a good way, uh, um, uh, go on?
Willow: Well, they sound like the kind you were
looking for. Throats, blood . . .
Giles: Its all coming together. I rather wish it
1.2 The Harvest
The early days of the town of Sunnydale were plagued
with strange occurrencesghosts, monsters, druidic rit-
uals in Breakers Woods. A scholar of the occult named
Josephus du Lac was one of the towns first residents.
The sect he founded was excommunicated by the
Vatican, but they continued their practices without the
Popes approval. With so many demons and vampires to
study, du Lacs metaphysical research progressed nicely.
He even managed to create a ritual that would restore a
severely injured vampire back to full health. When
Josephus du Lac realized that this might not actually be
a good idea, he had the ritual encoded and buried with
him. This is an example of the type of resident the Mayor
liked. He was quiet, kept to himself, and his research
into the black arts never got in the way of the Mayors
own plans.
The Master was a different sort of visitor. This ancient
vampire led a vampire sect known as the Order of
Aurelius. The Master and his Order were a powerful
force feared and respected by other vampires. The
Master was disdainful of mankind and rejected human
societyhe had evolved beyond humanity. He always
appeared as a vampiric monster and had no human form,
he choose to live in sewers and tunnels as a demon
instead of above ground as a man. He was also one of
those vampires who talked a lot about destroying the
Canon Al ert
The Buffy TV show never stated that the Mayor
was responsible for the Masters entombment. But
given the facts we later learn, it certainly makes
sense. Before turning into a giant snake and get-
ting blown up, the Mayor was pretty much on top
of things. He would have certainly been aware of
the Masters arrival in Sunnydale and his subse-
quent plan to destroy the town. The cult of
Proserpexa were also apocalyptics. Since the
Mayor needed Sunnydale intact for another sixty
years, it is reasonable to suspect that he (or at least
one of his many demon bosses) had something to
do with both earthquakes.

Boca Del Infierno Boca Del Infierno 15
world because he actually wanted to destroy the world.
His chosen method of doing this was to open the
Hellmouth and allow all the demons who had been driv-
en from our world to return. He wanted to create a Hell
on Earth.
The 1930s were a time when all sorts of dark cults
planned to unleash one thing or another. The Order of
Aurelius relocated to Sunnydale and started a reign of
terror. The cult of Proserpexa was mainly human in
composition but they werent keeping quiet either. They
constructed a huge church overlooking the town on
Kingmans Bluff, whose main feature was a naked figure
of their patron displayed on the steeple. What the Mayor
could not let go was the attempt to open the Hellmouth.
If Sunnydale was destroyed, that would definitely get
in the way of the Ascension. In 1932 and 1937, intense
but severely localized earthquakes struck Sunnydale.
Neighboring cities like Santa Barbara or Ventura did not
feel the slightest tremor. Surprisingly few buildings in
Sunnydale itself were damaged. But in 1932 the church
of Proserpexa was swallowed by a yawning chasm. The
cult never successfully re-established itself, and it may be
surmised most of their powerful members died in the
incident. The Order of Aurelius had taken control of a
church that just happened to be built directly above the
Hellmouth. In 1937, it too vanished. The Master found
himself confined to a small area where the altar once
was. A mystical barrier prevented the Master from leav-
ing that limited area. The Mayors route to Ascension
was once again clear.
A New Slayer In Town
Giles: I was afraid of this.
Buffy: Well, I wasnt! Its my first day! I was
afraid that I was gonna be behind in all my
classes, that I wouldnt make any friends, that
I would have last months hair. I didnt think
thered be vampires on campus. And I dont
Giles: Then why are you here?
Buffy: To tell you that . . . I dont care, which . . .
I dont, and . . . have now told you, so . . . bye.
1.1 Welcome to the Hellmouth
Sunnydale has always appealed to vampires. It was easy
enough to survive there if you didnt step on the Mayors
toes. It was obscure enough that you could aspire to be
a big bloodsucking fish in a little pond. There really was-
nt anything but a demon-obsessed mayor to get in the
way of killing whoever you want, and that was a pretty
easy limitation to deal with once you knew the rules.
Quite frankly, most vampires never even knew what the
rules were. If all you did was kill a bunch of people from
time to time, the Mayor didnt care. If you planned on
destroying the world before 1999, you were taken care of
without ever realizing his true identity. As we mentioned,
the perfect place to set up shop.
All of that changed in January 1997 when Buffy Anne
Summers moved to Sunnydale from Los Angeles in the mid-
dle of her sophomore year. Buffy was the latest in a long
line of Slayers, one girl in all the world who would fight the
vampires, etc. She had no idea that her new school was
built over a buried Hellmouth, but she quickly rose to the
challenges of being a Slayer in Sunnydale. She killed the
Masters right hand man, a vampire named Luke, before she
had been in town a month. Soon afterward, Buffy managed
to kill the Master (with the help of Giles, Willow, Xander,
Angel, Jenny Calendar and, occasionally, Cordelia.)
Buffy fought continuously against the forces of evil and
Rol epl aying in Earl y
Sunnydal e
Sunnydale in 1920s and 1930s would be the per-
fect setting for some Pulp Adventure roleplaying.
The place was already swimming with secret cults
trying to summon Things Too Horrible For Man
To Comprehend. You could also throw in some
mad scientist types using the Superscience rules
from The Magic Box. The Pulps were full of sto-
ries about powerful Heroes supported by a team of
more mundane sidekicks, so an Experienced Hero
working with a group of Heroes or White Hats
certainly fits the genre.
If the Cast Members are going around saving
Sunnydale from the mad schemes of various vil-
lains, they might even find help from the Mayors
Office. Most of the players probably know that the
Mayor becomes a big evil snake in the end, but the
Cast Members wouldnt know any of this. If you
never refer to the Mayor by name and have only
go-betweens like the Deputy Mayor or the Chief of
Police deal with the Cast Members, it might help
the players forget that the Mayor is named Wilkins.
Then you can build up to a surprising twist where
the groups benefactors suddenly needs to sacrifice
the lot of them for one of those pesky demonic
deals he was always making.
Pulp Series creators may also benefit from con-
sulting a sister Unisystem book called Pulp

most of the time the people of Sunnydale had no idea what
was going on. There were times when many witnesses
caught a glimpse of the supernatural underbelly of the
town of Sunnydale. In September of 1997, a number of
parents were trapped in Sunnydale High School by a
newly arrived Spike and some vampire lackeys. The
attacks were explained away as gang members on PCP (a
favorite of those involved in the conspiracy to keep the
people of Sunnydale ignorant of what really goes on in
their town). After Buffys birthday in January of 1998 led
to her first night with Angel (or anyone else for that mat-
ter), which in turn led to Angel losing his soul and becom-
ing evil, the shoppers at Sunnydale mall were attacked by
the Judge. The Judge was in turn destroyed by a rocket
launcher fired by Buffy (thanks goes to Xander for teach-
ing her how to fire a rocket launcher). Christmas of 1998
was marked by an unusually thick snowfall that left the
streets of Sunnydale looking all White Christmas (the
snow clouds also managed to keep the sun covered up and
vampire-safe, fortunately for Angel). The following
month was highlighted by an angry mob (led by Mothers
Opposed to the Occult, or M.O.O.) attempting to burn
Buffy, Willow, and Amy at the stake. The vast majority of
the mob managed to completely forget about the horrible
thing they almost did.
In June of 1999, the Mayor finally achieved his goal of
Ascension. Once he became a giant demonic snake,
Xander commanded the entire graduating class of
Sunnydale High in a battle with the Ascended Mayor and
his vampire minions. Buffy led the Mayor into a booby-
trapped school library. The trap was sprung, the Mayor
exploded into crispy snake chunks, and the entire school
was demolished. The average resident of Sunnydale
believes it was all part of a tragic accident that took the
lives of Mayor Wilkins and Principal Snyder, as well as
students like Larry and Harmony. In December of that
year, the entire town was struck mute as a result of the
Gentlemen, though most people believe it was a devas-
tating outbreak of laryngitis.
In March 2000, the entire population of Sunnydale was
caught up in a strange augmentation spell where every-
one thought that Jonathan Levinson was a Superstar.
Once the spell was broken, the effects wore off and most
people forgot about the time they spent worshiping
Jonathan (much like the way most of the women in
Sunnydale have forgotten that they were all murderously
in love with Xander Harris back in February 1998). That
Fall the number of mental patients in Sunnydale rose
sharply as Glory began sucking the minds out of the
townsfolk. There were reports of two meteor strikes in
the Sunnydale area at this time, but no impact sites were

Boca Del Infierno Boca Del Infierno 17
ever conclusively identified (thanks to the efforts of the
remnant Initiative on the one hand, and Glory walking
away on the other).
In the year 2001 the Bronze got remodeled (after
extensive troll damagepart of a rampage all the way
from Main St. and back), an entire train car full of mur-
der victims pulled into town (all because Dru wanted to
pay her Spike a little visit, and apparently got hungry on
the way), and a bizarre jumbled tower was built in the
industrial section of town. The purpose of the junk
tower was to reach the exact spot where the Key could
be used to break down the barriers between dimensions.
Although this was only partly successful, many people
saw horrors that were difficult to explain away (then
again, this all happened at night so the vast majority of
people missed the whole thing because they were sleep-
ing). The barriers were finally closed through Buffys
self sacrifice.
Buffys friends concealed her death to maintain the
protection Sunnydale gained from her reputation. Still,
a demon biker gang eventually saw through the ploy and
trashed half the city. Due to the nature of her death,
Willow long believed that the correct resurrection spell
could bring Buffy back. The spell succeeded in a most
untimely way as far as the biker gang was concerned
(although Willow should have read the fine print about
exhuming the subject first). Also, Willow was never
quite the same.
Over the next few months Sunnydale experienced a
rash of unusually baroque crimes, starting with the rob-
bery of the Sunnydale bank in broad daylight. Shortly
thereafter the spectacular Iluminatus Diamond was stolen
from the Sunnydale Museumthe guard frozen almost to
death in the process. Yes, Sunnydale had acquired its
own trio of supervillains, complete with subterranean lair
and partiality for black outfits. Initially, not even the
Slayer noticedthough her life got awfully strange there
for a while because as it turned out, Warren Mears,
Jonathan Levison, and Andrew Wells all knew her from
school. But time loops and sudden materializations were
nothing compared to what happened only weeks after-
wards to Sunnydale as a whole. By the time the first of
the cases of spontaneous human combustion came to the
attention of police, all they could do was take witness
arias. For forty-eight hours the entire population sang
and danced through their lives, until the phenomenon
stopped as suddenly as it began. As usual in Sunnydale,
the incident was mostly forgotten . . . or overlooked.
In May, Sunnydale experienced another series of
severely localized earthquakes. One caused serious dam-
age to the Sunnydale Police HQ and two suspects being
held over a payroll robbery the previous night escaped in
the confusion. Another tremor nearly flattened The
Magic Box occult supplies shop on Maple Court. Most
astonishing of all, the next day the steeple of the Church
of Proserpexa was discovered to have risen on
Kingmans Bluff. Some people reported seeing another
meteor falling across Sunnydale during the night.
Further, the Restfield Cemetery suffered odd damage that
most attribute to another tremor.
Rol epl aying During the
Buffy Era
This setting is the most detailed one, and has
already been dealt with in the other Buffy role-
playing books, novels, comics, and fanfic. If the
players are portraying the Original Cast, you must
decide at which point your Series diverges from
the BtVS TV show (because once the players get
into it, it will diverge whether you want it to or
not). If the players are playing new Cast Members,
you have to decide how that group interacts with
the Original Cast. The show already had periph-
eral White Hats like Amy (before she became a rat
and turned bad) and Jonathan (before he became
a supervillain), maybe the Cast Members could
work like that.
You could also choose to completely alter what
happened in the show. Buffy stays in Los Angeles,
Angel goes after her, and Kendra is assigned to
Giles as his new slayer. Bizarro Sunnydale and a
Sunnydale where Glory fared a little better in her
fight with Buffy have been touched on in other
sourcebooks, but what about other variations?
What if Angelus had turned Willow during Season
Two, but Giles located and destroyed Acathla early
on. Buffy, Giles, Jenny, and Xander would be
caught in a war against Angelus, Willow, Spike,
and Dru. What if Riley had even more implanted
initiative tech than was shown in Season Four?
Maybe he becomes yet another man who makes
love to Buffy and then turns evil, his personality
taken over by some AI chip designed by Maggie
Walsh. Another route would be for you to decide
that the Original Cast doesnt exist in your
Sunnydale. Buffy never left Los Angeles, Giles is
still in England, Angel is wandering aimlessly
around New York, and it is up to a new Cast to save
the town . . . repeatedly.

All Good Things Must Come To
An End
Buffy: Spike
Spike: I mean it. I gotta do this.
Buffy: I love you.
Spike: No you dont. But thanks for saying it.
Its your world up there. Now GO! I wanna
see how it ends.
7.22 Chosen
The 2002-2003 school year was notable for Sunnydale
because of the fact that for the first time in three and a
half years there was a Sunnydale High School again.
Sunnydale High v2.0 was different from the school that
Buffy, Willow, and Xander attended. It had a more mod-
ern look and layout (Xanders construction crew was
partly responsible for this). The principal was the son of
a Slayer instead of the pawn of an evil demon wannabe.
Finally, this time the Hellmouth was under the principals
office instead of under the library. Some things did stay
the same thoughthere were demon summonings, dis-
turbing apparitions, and the usual assortment of phe-
nomena that would have made Charles Fort shake his
head in disbelief.
Principal Wood (the aforementioned son of a Slayer)
asked Buffy to take a counselor position early in the
school year, mainly to make sure that there was a Slayer
on the grounds to help protect the students from the
effects of attending school on top of a Hellmouth. The
school year started with the usual assortment of evil and
high weirdness, but as the months went by it became
apparent that something different was happening in
Sunnydale. The First Evil had begun a campaign against
the Watchers and the Slayer line (the First Evil hadnt
been active in Sunnydale since that mysterious snowfall
in 1998). A number of possible Slayers, dubbed
Potentials, started arriving or being gathered in
Sunnydale. It seemed both the forces of good and evil
were marshalling.
An underground structure known as the Seal of
Danzalthar was uncovered beneath the High School,
roughly where the Hellmouth was located. The Seal
could be opened briefly through a ritual involving lots of
blood loss (a Jonathan Levinson amount of blood wasnt
quite enough, but a Spike amount of blood seemed to
work just fine). As the Seal was opened, a type of
Primordial Ubervamp known as the Turok-Han was able
to escape. What nobody realized until much later was
that the Turok-Han was more than a solitary survivor of
its species. Indeed, a massive army of them waited on

Boca Del Infierno Boca Del Infierno 19
the other side of the Hellmouth. It was also at this time
that the residents of Sunnydale did something complete-
ly unprecedented. They became aware of the strange
goings-on and even the upcoming apocalypse. They
started leaving town in droves.
After an adventure or two in L.A., Faith returned to
Sunnydale. Buffy and Faith tried to prepare the
Potentials to the best of their ability, but nothing seemed
to have any real effect on the First. Then Buffy found a
sacred weapon of the Slayers, an ancient Scythe that had
been protected from evil forces and hidden from the
Watchers for centuries (it seems that there was a group
of female guardians who thought that they looked after
the Slayers better than any patriarchal Watcher ever
could). Angel also returned to Sunnydale (for a short
time) and dropped off a mystical amulet and a thick file
on the bad guys, courtesy of Wolfram & Hart. The
amulet was some kind of cleansing artifact that could
only be used by a champion with a soul who was also
more than human. Angel assumed that this meant him,
but Buffy quickly figured out it was for Spike.
Buffy and Faith decided to lead the remaining good
guys on an all-out assault on the First and its minions.
Using their own blood, the Slayers and Potentials opened
the Seal of Danzalthar and took the fight to the Turok-
Han horde. Spike was with them, wearing the amulet.
The rest of the Scoobies remained in Sunnydale High as
back-up for any Turok-Han that made it past the Slayers.
Willow and a Potential named Kennedy holed up with the
Scythe. Just as Willow had become a channel for Dark
Magic a year ago, she now used the Scythe to become a
channel for True Magic. She went all Cate Blanchett as
she manipulated a tremendous amount of magic and acti-
vating every Potential on the planet. Then Kennedy took
the Scythe to Buffy and the Turok-Han horde had to face
dozens of Slayers instead of just two Slayers and some
scared girls.
A fierce battle raged and Anya was among the casual-
ties. Then the amulet that Spike wore kicked in. The
ensouled vampire was surrounded by bright golden light.
The light burned the Turok-Han like sunlight. As Buffy
and remaining Scoobies fled Sunnydale, Spike exploded
in a burst of pure light. This killed all the Turok-Han,
closed the Sunnydale Hellmouth, and caused the entire
town to implode.
The last time Buffy and her allies looked upon
Sunnydale, it was nothing but a huge dark crater.
Presumably it would eventually be filled with water from
the Santa Barbara Channel, once high tide kicked in.
After centuries of being the site of conflicts between the
forces of good and evil, nothing remains of Sunnydale
except a road that leads into a strangely circular bay.
Though the First was defeated and its manifestation driv-
en from our world, its hard to say evil has been van-
quished. There are still plenty of demons roaming the
world and we know Cleveland has another of those pesky
hellmouths. Still and all, Sunnydale and the Hellmouth
that it was built around no longer exist.
Thats probably why it is so hard to find the town on
a map of California these days.
Rolepl aying After the
Buffy Era
This is going to be a bit rough, certainly at the
beginning. Sunnydale is a big hole in the ground.
Once it fills in with the sea, its a big inlet or at
best a lake near the coast. You could work up
some oddball underwater Series with scaly demons
and ocean behemoths. You would need Cast
Members that breathe underwater. Perhaps the Gill
Monsters from 2.20 Go Fish (and featured in
Monster Smackdown) develop some humane ten-
dencies and take on the fight against evil.
Alternatively, you could have the ground settle
into its new topography and civilization return to
the Sunnydale area. New developments could
spring up and new residents move in. Of course,
the Hellmouth wouldnt be as destroyed as previ-
ously thought (what with it being a supernatural
force and all). So strange things start happening.
Sooner or later, a Slayer or other do-gooders show
up and the tales begin again . . .

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