Eden Studios Presents 3 PDF
Eden Studios Presents 3 PDF
Eden Studios Presents 3 PDF
Welcome to vol-
ume three of Eden Studios Presents. Of course, we’d know
ESP is an ideal showcase for both new and known authors, giving everyone the potential
to be a part of the Eden team! Eden realizes there are a great many quality “unknowns”
out there and wants to give them the opportunity to shine. Veteran writers are also wel-
come, providing solid groundwork for gamers to use, spindle, and mutilate. Whether you
are a up-and-comer, an oldtimer, or just a fan, you'll find new and interesting Unisystem
material in each book.
Visit www.edenstudios.net
$15.00 (U.S.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer™ & © 2009, ANGEL™ & © 2009. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem™ Game System © 2009 CJ Carella. The Unisystem™ is used under exclusive license.
ISBN 1-891153-64-1
© 2009 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except for review purposes.
Any similarity to characters, situations, institutions, corporations, etc. (without satirical intent) is strictly fictional
or coincidental. This book uses settings, characters and themes of a supernatural nature. All elements, mystical and
supernatural, are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Volume 3 1
Volume 3 3
Volume 3 5
Chi Techniques
For obvious reasons, we can’t
include full power descriptions
here. If you want the range of Chi
Techniques and what they can add
to your game, we recommend
picking up a copy of Eden’s Enter
the Zombie sourcebook. Use the
section on advanced Martial Arts
rules and mystic powers to re-cre-
ate any Martial Arts-style charac-
ter, from Jackie Chan to Chow
Yun-Fat to Neo! So what are you
waiting for?
New Quality
Chi Mastery
Variable Supernatural Quality
All Chi Techniques work on the princi-
ple of Chi Mastery, a character’s ability to
channel her inner life force to achieve
astounding results. All Chi Techniques are
based on Willpower + Chi Mastery. Each
Ability has a Power Level, just like spells,
which must be achieved for the Ability to
function. Most Abilities can be used as
“free” actions; in other words, they don’t
use up one of the Cast Member’s standard
actions. However, there is a limit to how
many Focus Tests a character can make
per round of combat. In general, a charac-
ter gets one Focus Test every round, plus
one extra for every 2 levels of Chi Mastery he pos- Chi Techniques
sesses above 4 (rounded up), as shown on the cost Chi Techniques were introduced in the All Flesh
table. Must Be Eaten sourcebook, Enter the Zombie. They
For Example: Chiang-Lee, a Mystic Hero with a represent mystical Martial Arts and “Gun Fu”
Chi Mastery score of 5, wishes to use her Chi moves seen in Hong Kong Action Theater-style
Techniques. She automatically gets one free attempt films, television, and games. Chi Techniques (not to
to use a power, plus one extra Focus Test as shown be confused with Tao-Chi, presented in existing
below because her Chi Mastery is above 4. Now, if sourcebooks) allow your characters to play charac-
her first attempt fails, she gets a second shot at it. If ters that can go all Jackie Chan or John Woo with the
it succeeds, bonus! She can initiate (or try to, any- spinning and the guns and the flips, but without the
way) a second ability this round! wires and expensive special effects budgets.
Chi Mastery costs 2 points per level up to level 5, These guidelines seek to provide a means by which
and 5 points per level thereafter at character cre- Chi powers can be used in a Cinematic Unisystem
ation. After the game has begun, additional levels of campaign, based on the Metaphysics guidelines in
Chi Mastery cost the equivalent of the next level in existing sourcebooks. As such, the concept of
experience points, with a minimum of 3 (going from Essence is removed entirely, which results in minor
level 5 to 6 costs 6 experience points; going from “flavor” changes to the abilities; some become a bit
level 6 to 7 costs 7 experience points; but going more powerful for the lack of Essence Channeling,
from level 1 to 2 costs 3 experience points). The cost while all gain the possibility of a failure at some point
for each level must be paid in full: jumping from in time—particularly if and when the Role of Luck is
level 5 to 7 after the game begins would cost 13 imported into a Cinematic Unisystem game from a
experience points. At least one level of this Quality standard Unisystem book such as All Flesh Must Be
must be purchased at character creation, or the char- Eaten For details on the Role of Luck, readers are
acter may never use Chi Techniques. encouraged to check out the All Flesh Must Be Eaten
The Chi Master Costs table shows the costs to core rulebook, or the “Quick Start” rules found at
purchase levels of Chi Mastery at character creation, http://www.edenstudios.net/intropacks.html. If not
costs to improve the Quality with experience, and using the Role of Luck already, Directors may want
the number of extra uses of the Quality per round of to think about importing it along with the Chi
combat. Techniques, as the possibility of rolling a 1 can act as
an important power balance.
Volume 3 7
Volume 3 9
Volume 3 11
Volume 3 13
Volume 3 15
Monster Type Creature of Magic
Strength 5 Constitution 5
Dexterity 4 Intelligence 1
Perception 3 Willpower 3
LPS 30 Spd 30 (panther);
15 (fluid)
EPS n/a Essence 21
Skills: Brawling (bite D4 x 5 slashing damage)
(claws D6 x 5 slashing damage) 4, Dodge 3,
Stealth 5 (remember, she is very hard to see)
Volume 3 17
5’ x 7’ 3’ x 6’
4’ x 4’ 10’ x 5’
3’ x 3’
5’ 15’
Volume 3 19
Part One: Welcome to ating characters that fit into the chimerical setting.
Further installments will feature the workings of the
the Palace Court, sample adventures, and the secrets that lie
You have wandered far in many worlds and many behind the facade.
guises. You have fought evil, won riches and So welcome the Court of Chimera. We hope you
renown, overcome all the challenges that nature and gain as much from your stay as we do!
the unnatural have presented you. Perhaps you think
there are no real challenges left. The Chimerical Realm
Well, this is the Golden Palace. Wipe those feet! The Court of Chimera is the glory of the Chimera
Stand up straight! You can leave your weapons with family, who have ruled this realm for generations.
the Hosteller. This is the place where dwell those The Golden Palace is their hereditary seat. King
who rule this land. Here you will find people who do Calcidon has ruled for 5 years, since the death of his
not care what dangers you have overcome, but are mother, Queen Marcia. He and his consort, Princess
happy to use you to further their own schemes. Who Demara, preside over an assembly of dukes, mar-
know that a quick wit and willingness to gamble are quises, barons and knights (in descending order),
just as important as strength and good aim. Who are and the odd representative of a city or guild.
willing to have you murdered in your sleep for a per-
The power structure of the realm is that mix of
ceived insult. Here is power and influence, luxury
hereditary landowners (nobles), independent cities,
and intrigue, treachery, conspiracy and the chance to
and wealthy merchants which was current in Europe
fulfill your grandest dreams.
for so many centuries; not textbook feudalism but
This is the first of a series of articles covering the still a long way from democracy. The various bodies
Court of Chimera, a customizable setting that can be all owe obligations (and taxes) to the crown; the
the basis of an entire new Unisystem campaign or a crown owes them protection, governance, and has
change of pace for an existing one. It consists of an the actual ownership of all the land held by the
operational seat of government for a medieval/ren- nobility. The throne must officially recognize all
aissance-type realm, where the characters may inter- inheritances; theoretically, even a duke only holds
act with the powers of the world and, with luck and his family lands by the king's goodwill. The rights of
skill, among them. Please note, it is not a recon- an independent city (such as election of its own
struction of any historical Court or era, although his- mayor and payment of taxes directly to the crown,
torical material has been drawn upon. rather than an intermediary noble who takes his cut)
Chimerical games are principally games of high and of the merchant to freely conduct trade are also
stake intrigue. Characters are among the nobility or granted by the king. It is to be noted at this point that
gifted commoners with access to the throne. To achieve the crown maintains the realm's only professional
their goals, characters must be proactive in information army and is also responsible for minting the only
gathering, trickery, flattery, and every form of manipu- legal coinage. The Chimera family has a good record
lation. When combat takes place, it will often be clan- of managing the delicate balancing act between
destine, or in the situation of a tournament. allowing too much control to slip into other peoples'
hands and frustrating them so much that they rebel.
The material herein is principally for prospective
Chroniclers. It describes how to customize the set- Primogeniture (i.e.: inheritance by the first born
ting and the physical layout of the Golden Palace, male) is law. The exemplar duke, for instance, was
which starting characters should not, as a rule, have his father's eldest surviving son, and received his
knowledge of. The next article concentrates on cre- title and rulership of the family lands. His siblings
Volume 3 21
The Golden Palace the crown and form the main source of supplies,
other than the luxuries brought in from the city.
Location The Golden Palace takes its name from the saffron
The Palace is set in walled grounds some distance glazed tiles of its roof and the honey-colored sand-
from the capital city, for reasons of both tradition stone of its facade. This is a comparatively recent
and prudence. Through the grounds runs a small development; the tiles, façade, and most of the west
river, the Chimera's Tongue, the tributary of a larger wing are only 50 years old. Before that a smaller but
flow that supplies the city. Backing onto the grounds much more utilitarian fortress occupied the site.
is a large area of woodland, preserved for hunting. Parts of it survive, principally in the east wing.
Most of the farmlands around are owned directly by
10. BARN
3 1
2 6 7 8 9
4 5
Volume 3 23
On the west side, there is an actual hostel for the might provide cover enough to shoot someone tra-
accommodation of unranked visitors (musicians, versing the drive, but it is impossible to sight a use-
merchants and such). The dormitory-style accom- ful mark in the palace, or to use the trees to cross the
modation is a cut above most inns. The gatekeepers Tongue or scale the wall or any of the towers. The
clean the hostel and tend the guests with the assis- bridge over the Tongue is solid stone.
tance of the Hosteller's wife. The Tourney Field: The bridge leading to the
No non-noble may carry a weapon past the Gate field across the Tongue is wooden but solid. It regu-
House. Next to the Hosteller's office is an armory larly takes the weight of laden carts.
where a messenger's blade, etc. may be left. The Just to the left of the bridge is a kind of grove of
guards enforce this rule as necessary. fragrant shrubs. This is where the palace laundry is
Beyond the Gate House, a wide, graveled drive hung to dry. Both the laundry and the kitchen have
leads straight to the palace proper. Carts delivering direct access to the tourney field by stairs and, where
supplies to the kitchen follow an offshoot to the east. noted, steam and fumes rise from the kitchen and
The Lawns: On either side of the drive, up to the laundry vents.
banks of the Tongue, is a well-tended lawn spotted The tourney field itself is hard, sparsely grassed,
with huge, old trees. These trees have a "pie-plate" and marked with cart tracks. It hosts training by the
shape resulting from decades of trimming. They Golden Guard and the more athletic nobility, as well
Volume 3 25
as laundering and kitchen deliveries. When archery their lord or lady, musicians, or the unobtrusive gar-
practice is underway, the ringing of a bell, by order dening staff. Permanent residents include the fish in
of the Chamberlain after a regrettable incident that the ponds and 2 pairs of peacocks.
no one wants repeated, precedes the loosing of every The Stables and the Park Gate: The grass of the
volley. During off-hours, servants sometimes gather garden gradually gives way to trampled earth. This
for a game of kickball. entire area is for the convenience of the horses and
Of course, come a tournament, all of that changes. their attendants. It is here that any hunt assembles
The Gardens: The western side of the grounds is before proceeding out of the Park Gate.
very different. Here the Tongue spreads into a series Built of brick in a defensive style, the Park Gate
of large, shallow pools, crossed at their narrowest by has a heavy wood door with an eye slot and a bar (4
a wooden bridge, around which the turf grows lush SL, ignore 1st, BV 10).
and banks of flowers surround elegant gazebos. The stables have 19 permanent stalls. The
Planting is arranged so that something is always Stablemaster and grooms (liveried servants) sleep in
blooming. Corridors in the west wing open directly the loft; at the near end is the coach house contain-
onto the garden and it is a popular place for the ing the royal coach.
ladies in particular to spend their time. As a rule, any
servants found here are the personal attendants of
Palace Key: Ground Floor (AV 10, DC 70, BV 6). The portcullis is controlled
Unless otherwise stated, all floors are stone flags from the Armory.
and all doors are wooden and close with a latch. Walls on all sides surround this square, graveled
Where locks are specified, doors are 4 SL, ignore 1st, space. All stonework is sandstone, all doors golden
BV total. The residents keep keys and a complete set oak. Directly opposite the entrance are the yellow-
is in located in the Steward's office. Ceilings are tiled stairs leading up to the double doors of the
wood, reinforced with beams. Windows are dia- Foyer, also topped with a carven chimera. These
mond-shaped lattices with heavy leading and are doors may be barred from the inside and are shut
(theoretically) unable to be opened. At any one point, ceremonially at sunset. Two Golden Guard flank the
the outer wall of the palace is 5 feet thick (AV 10, DC steps at all times.
80). Inner walls are 2 feet thick (AV 6, DC 60). Guests below the rank of Marquess are actually
The Palace does not have sewerage as such. Tiled received at the stairs to the west, also tiled but nar-
washrooms are provided for some residents, but rower and leading up to the offices of the Court offi-
these contain a chamber pot and a hipbath that must cials. A further set of stairs leads down into the
be filled by hand. Servants Hall. To the east, more stairs lead to the
The Courtyard: The drive runs through the front Guest Wing.
wall of the palace via a tunnel, just wide enough to The Courtyard is used for the changing of the
accommodate the royal coach. Above the entrance is guard. At 6:00 AM/PM, the new guard assembles,
carved the Chimera arms, fully 6 feet high in golden then disperses to individual posts. The old guard
sandstone. To either side hangs a large lantern. then returns to the Courtyard and assembles likewise
Beneath each is a guard post, manned day and night. before going off-duty. It is also sometimes used for
The tunnel can be closed at each end by a portcullis official greetings and farewells of important guests.
Volume 3 27
Volume 3 29
The 4 Royal Messengers share a well-appointed basement level of the Barracks. The halls and stairs
chamber at the south end of the west wing. They can be sealed off from the rest of the palace by 2
wear livery with riding leathers. All were chosen for amazing, sliding wooden doors (AC 15, DC 20, BV
a combination of looks and riding ability. They are 20). Made of thin panels reinforced with metal, they
on call 24 hours a day for errands that can range contain slots for missile weapons. When not locked
from finding the Chamberlain because the Steward across the end of the hall, they stand rolled up in a
needs to speak to him, to taking a letter to a city on niche. Pulling a door along metal-lined channels in
the south coast. Between times, they live it up the floor and roof and locking it into place is a mat-
shamelessly. ter of seconds. It is one of the innovations of the
The Barracks (ground floor): The 2 halls to the architect/ engineer/toy maker that supervised the
east and west of the courtyard entrance tunnel house palace's reconstruction 50 years ago.
7 Golden Guard each. They are severe stone cham- Each hall has a door into the Courtyard.
bers with a bed for each soldier, a chest standing at
the foot. The only signs of luxury are the glass win-
dows in the north and south walls. Each hall contains
a stairway leading up to the Armory and down to the
2 12
B 15
7 17
8 9
Palace Key: First Floor lowering the portcullis are here, and there are 3 mur-
Unless otherwise stated, all floors and ceilings are der holes in the floor (usually covered). Gleaming
wooden, all doors are wooden and close with a latch. racks of well-tended weapons fill the rest of the
Where locks are specified, doors are 4 SL, ignore 1st, space, except for the large, centrally positioned
BV total. The residents keep keys and a complete set clock that dictates the changing of the guard.
is in located in the Steward's office (with the excep- Doors in the south wall lead onto the Roof Walk,
tion of the Treasury, of course). Windows are dia- a 5-foot ledge running along the west wing, the
mond-shaped lattices with heavy leading but close Armory, and the east wing. There is no railing. At
with a latch and are able to be opened. At any one the east end of the Walk, stairs lead up to the Tower.
point, the outer wall of the palace is 5 feet thick (AV Day and night, 2 Golden Guard patrol the Roof Walk
10, DC 80). Inner walls are wooden (AV 4, DC 30 ). and the Tower.
The Armory: The Armory proper and the The Tower: Comprises the flat roof of the royal
Captain's quarters occupy the area above the apartments and the actual battlemented tower that
entrance tunnel. Stonewalls are pierced with heavy, rises above them and all other parts of the Palace. It
lockable doors (AV 10, DC 15, BV 10) containing is here the Chimera banner is raised and lowered at
slots for missile weapons. Immediately outside each 6:00 AM/PM , to the sound of the horn that signals
end are the stairs from below, where a guard is the changing of the guard. The view is spectacular,
always stationed. but the only people who have access are the Golden
Windows line the north wall, set just above the Guard and the royal family. An amazingly large area
carved chimera, and provide a view all the way to of clear glass is set in the stonework, a skylight that
the gatehouse. The windows in the south wall com- illuminates the stairwell below. Accidents over the
mand the Courtyard. The controls for raising and years indicate this glass is unusually tough.
Volume 3 31
The Captain's Room: The quarters occupied by Servants whisper of the strange and macabre con-
the Captain of the Golden Guard are more spacious, tents of the shelves. There is a tiled washroom
but scarcely more luxurious than those of his men. beyond the office and a short passage leads to his
They do include a desk with gold candlesticks, and a private chamber.
leather map of the realm on the wall. The Chapel: A short passage leads past the
The Doctor's Rooms: If magic is permitted, the Deacon's own room to the Chapel proper. There is a
Doctor may also be the Court Magician. Anyone of beautiful stained glass window in the east wall. The
noble rank or the Golden Guard may attend the candelabrae and religious fittings are gold. The walls
Doctor in his office; he frequently visits downstairs are hung with white and saffron curtains, and wood-
to tend the servants and has been known to make en limnings of religious subjects. The place is
"suite calls." always spotless.
The Doctor compounds his medicines in his The Deacon's small, windowless chamber is mod-
office. There are shelves, chests, and a large table. estly appointed but contains a desk and books, and a
Volume 3 33
3 4
5 10 20 FEET
5 6 5 5 1 1
Volume 3 35
Volume 3 37
Volume 3 39
Volume 3 41
Volume 3 43
Volume 3 45
Demon Portal
Source: New
Quick Cast: No
Power Level: 6
Requirements: A creature, object, or even a pinch
of dirt from the dimension the caster wishes to visit.
This spell can also only be cast at special dimen-
sional weak points. The caster also needs to draw a
circle with a pentacle inside on a wall or the ground.
Effect: When the spell is cast, a gateway to the
other dimension opens up inside this circle – the
pentacle vanishes, along with the portion of the
ground or wall inside the circle. It is replaced by a
glowing circle of light. Anyone walking through or
on the circle is instantly transported into the new
dimension. The portal only remains open for 30 sec-
onds, so once it’s open the caster will need to move
The hardest part of performing this spell is locat-
ing dimensional weak points. Other than trying this
spell at random locations, the best way to figure out
where such places are is to look for places where
weird events happen a lot. A vacant lot that has had
occasionally be the site of weird lights at night and
once experienced a rain of toads is a good candidate
for a dimensional weak point. Alternately, the cast-
er can ask a demon or a powerful magician where
the nearest dimensional weak point is.
Unfortunately, if the caster wants to get back home,
she will need to find another weak point and cast this
spell again. The place where the caster came
through into the new dimension may or may not be
a dimensional weak point in this new dimension, so
she may have a long search ahead of her. This spell
is a great way to visit everything from the nastiest
hell dimension to the dimension without shrimp –
however, getting home can take a bit of work.
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
effect (+3).
Volume 3 47
Volume 3 49
Volume 3 51
Volume 3
by Steve Darlington
The Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplaying game cally or literally) and forced against their better
supplement Slayer's Handbook only lists seven ani- judgment to stand and fight. This probably happens
mal spirits to infuse the Totem Warriors of Grizzly a lot to Totem Warriors.
Peak. This article supplies thirteen more beasts of
the field (and one bird of the air) from which to Buffalo
choose. These totems are not necessarily the most Buffaloes were once found everywhere across the
heroic of beasts, but even the smallest grants advan- plains of America, but now are limited to just a few
tages appropriate to their strengths. They can be small herds in the frozen north. Massive and woolly,
used for Cast Members, Supporting Cast, or even they are the biggest land animals found in the
Little Bads, either in a Grizzly Peak game or as a Americas. Don't be fooled by the wooliness or the
new twist in any other Buffy game. You could even size though—the horns are not there for decoration
include them in a game of Witchcraft or All Flesh and they certainly know how to use them.
Must Be Eaten, although you'll need to convert their
stats to the classic Unisystem rules. Attributes: Str +4, Con +4
You can use these animal spirits as models for the Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Hearing)
creation of your own Totem Warriors. After all, a Special Ability: Buffalo warriors get a +2 bonus
beaver is just like an otter with bigger teeth, and a when protecting the weak of the herd (or the Scooby
squirrel is pretty similar to a field mouse (again, gang) from great danger (no, a math test doesn't
except for the teeth thing). As always, though, check count).
with your Director before including any of these, or
variations upon them, on your character sheet. Of Crane
course, if you’re full shopping schedule leaves you Blue ones inhabit pastures, paper ones often pop
with little time to make up your own Cast, we pres- up in origami classes. These large, long-legged birds
ent eight of them ready to play —four Heroes and are found in wetlands where they scoop up bugs in
four White Hats—that make use of some of these their conical beaks. They are also graceful fliers and
creatures. They’re ready to go—just give them a often considered symbols of good luck. These stats
name and you can step right into Grizzly Peak and also work for wild geese, swans, or any other large
start laying waste to wendigos. waterbirds.
Remember that all Totem Warriors also receive Fast Attributes: Dex +3, Per +2, Wil +2
Reaction Time, three levels of Hard to Kill, and +1 to
Kung Fu. Also, Totem Warrior is a 12-point Quality. Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Vision)
Special Ability: Cranes have natural grace and
Badger poise. They gain a +2 bonus on rolls to impress with
visuals alone (i.e., without the making of the chit-
Both the U.S. and Britain have badgers—although
chat). Examples might be dancing, making a grand
different genus and species, they are both striped,
entrance to a party, or causing a distraction so your
fox-like insectivores who like to mark their territory
friend the wolverine can sneak up behind the pack of
with a lot of grunting (much like some frat boys we
wendigos and rip their heads off.
know). The gruff old man of the forest is also an
excellent tracker and a tough fighter.
Attributes: Str +2, Dex +1, Con +3, Wil +2
Elks are horned ungulates larger than deer, but
Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) smaller than moose. Males that are very aggressive,
Special Ability: Badger warriors gain a +1 bonus particularly when rutting. Their proud demeanor leads
whenever they're backed into a corner (metaphori- some to identify them as the royalty of the forest.
Volume 3 53
Volume 3 55
Covetous (Mild Conspicuousness) (1)
Honorable (Serious) (2)
Humorless (1)
Secret (Totem Warrior) (1)
Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computers 1
Crime 0
Doctor 1
Drive 2
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 1
Influence 5
Knowledge 3
Kung Fu 3 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 2
Notice 2
Occultism 0
Science 2
Sports 3
Wild Card 0
"I was raised to believe that you should give back to the community. Not eat it.”
Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Disarm 4 — Resisted by Parry
Dodge 7 — Defense action
Hunting Rifle 5 20 Bullet
Kick 6 16 Bash
Punch 7 14 Bash
Sweep Kick 6 7 Bash, knocks target down
Volume 3 57
Attractiveness –2 (2)
Emotional Problems (Depression) (2)
Misfit (2)
Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computers 2
Crime 0
Doctor 0
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 1
Gun Fu 3
Influence 0
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 2
Notice 0
Occultism 1
Science 2
Sports 0
Wild Card (Farm Life) 3
"I may be fat but I can still kick your skinny ass"
Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 4 Defense action
Grapple 6 — Impairment varies
Hunting Rifle 5 20 Bullet
Kick 3 16 Bash
Punch 4 14 Bash
Slam-Tackle 7 14 Bash
Toss 10 7 Must grapple first
Volume 3 59
Covetous (Serious Conspicuousness) (2)
Emotional Problems (Narcissistic) (1)
Mental Problems (Mild Phobia— Icky Bugs) (1)
Mental Problems (Severe Obsession—Personal Beauty) (2)
Acrobatics 2
Art (Fashion) 4 (1 level from Artist Quality)
Computers 0
Crime 1
Doctor 0
Drive 0
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 0
Influence 5
Knowledge 2
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 1
Mr. Fix-It 0
Notice 3
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card (Personal Grooming) 5
"We lure it, we trap it, we kill it. Then I wear its fur as a stunning accessory to my Versacci evening
Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Crossbow 6 16 Slash/stab
Dodge 8 — Defense action
Head Butt 6 6 Miss hurts self
Kick 7 8 Bash
Punch 8 6 Bash
Volume 3 61
Emotional Problems (Fear of Rejection) (1)
Mental Problems (Severe Delusion—My parents love
my sister and hate me) (2)
Misfit (2)
Obsession (Uncovering Secrets) (2)
Teenager (2)
Acrobatics 2
Art 0
Computers 2 (2 levels from Nerd Quality)
Crime 2
Doctor 0
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 0
Influence 0
Knowledge 2
Kung Fu 1 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 3
Notice 4
Occultism 2
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card (Bow) 2
"Oh, you want to know where the wendigos are hiding out? Well, I know . . . but why should I tell you?"
Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Aiming 10 — Add Success Levels to shooting
Bowshot 10 8 Slash/stab
Dodge 8 — Defense action
Feint 5 — Add Success Levels to next action
Kick 7 6 Bash
Punch 8 4 Bash
Volume 3 63
Clown (1)
Covetous (Serious Conspicuousness) (2)
Love (2)
Mental Problems (Severe Recklessness) (2)
Minority (Latino) (1)
Acrobatics 0
Art (Singing) 2
Computers 2
Crime 1
Doctor 0
Driving 3
Getting Medieval 1
Gun Fu 0
Influence 2
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 1
Mr. Fix-It 1
Notice 1
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0
"Right now, I wouldn’t mind getting eaten. At least I’d be warm.”
Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Baseball Bat 6 16 Bash
Dodge 7 — Defense action
Feint 5 — Add Success Levels to next action
Kick 6 10 Bash
Punch 7 8 Bash
Thrown Objects 6 8 Bash
Volume 3 65
Dependent (Grandfather) (2)
Impaired Sense (Hearing) (2)
Honorable (Serious) (2)
Obligation (Minimal—Church Attendance) (0)
Acrobatics 4
Art (Dance) 5 (1 level from Artist Quality)
Computers 1
Crime 0
Doctor 3
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 0
Influence 2
Knowledge 2
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 1
Mr. Fix-It 0
Notice 3
Occultism 1
Science 1
Sports 0
Wild Card (Religion) 3
“Hey, just because we’re trapped and surrounded doesn’t mean we have to be all mopey! How about a
Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 10 — Defense action
Feint 6 — Add Success Levels to next attack
Jump Kick 5 12 Bash
Kick 7 8 Bash
Punch 8 6 Bash
Spin Kick 6 10 Bash, looks cool
Sweep Kick 7 3 Bash, knockdown
Volume 3 67
Adversary (Covert Military Group) (3)
Secret (Hunted By Covert Military Group) (1)
Paranoid (2)
Resources (Below Average) (2)
Acrobatics 2
Art 0
Computers 2
Crime 3
Doctor 2
Driving 2
Getting Medieval 2
Gun Fu 5
Influence 1
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 5 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 2
Notice 3
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0
"I don't know who's after me, but I know how to run, and I know how to hide. They won't catch me again."
Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Break Neck 8 12 Bash, special
Dodge 12 — Defense action
Grapple 14 — Impairment varies
Kick 11 8 Bash
Pistol 11 12 Bullet
Punch 12 6 Bash
Takedown 8 3 Bash, knocks down
Wrestling Hold 10 — –1 per Success Level
Volume 3 69
Adversary (Local Law Enforcement) (1)
Addiction (Various) (3)
Love (2)
Mental Problems (Mild Cruelty) (1)
Obligation (Important—Drug Dealers) (1)
Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computers 2
Crime 5 (1 level from Criminal Quality)
Doctor 0
Driving 1
Getting Medieval 3
Gun Fu 1
Influence 3 (1 level from Criminal Quality)
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 0
Notice 1
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0
"Hey, buddy, you've stolen the body of one of my best customers. That's not good for business. It's cer-
tainly not good for you."
Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 8 — Defense action
Kick 7 10 Bash
Kick to the groin 4 10 Ouch!
Punch 8 8 Bash
Switchblade 9 6 Slash/stab
Volume 3 71
Demon Magnet reflect the time spent studying to be a priest and the
2-point Drawback secular text studied.
For some reason your character attracts the atten- Priests also have 4 levels of Good Luck. On the
tion of demons and other supernatural things. Your down side, religious devotion requires much of you
character is usually the first one they go after. Their and your time. Priests have the Drawback
particular interest in you will vary from demon to Obligation (minimal), as they are free to leave the
demon. You are just as likely to end up a demon’s cloth at any time they desire. They also have the
love toy, as you are their afternoon sacrifice. Honorable (rigid) Drawback resulted from their per-
sonal devotion to their path. The faith also teaches
Doesn’t Breathe that all the supernatural is evil and must be
2-point Quality destroyed. This is represented by the Delusion (All
You’re still alive, well as alive as a demon can be, Supernatural is Evil) Drawback.
just so happens you don’t require oxygen or any So, to list it all at once, Priests receive +2 Mental
other gases for that matter to survive. You cannot Attribute, +4 Good Luck, +1 to Knowledge,
drown or suffocate and gain +1 to resist air born tox- Language, and Occult. Yet, they suffer from –3
ins. The difficulty to notice the character is not Honorable and a –2 Delusion. Sitting in the middle
breathing is equal to the distance to the cast member, of all of this is their 0 level Obligation and their abil-
in feet. For example, if someone is two feet away ity to make holy water (we’ll call that a +1 perk).
they need two success levels on a Perception +
Notice roll to tell the character is not breathing. Practiced
3-point Quality
Hunter Hunted Magnet The character is highly practiced at a Skill. They
2-point Drawback get +2 to that Skill and gain +1 to the Attribute that
For some reason your demonic character attracts they plan to use the most alongside that Skill (for
the lowest of the low, humans. Your character is usu- humans the attribute has a max of 6). They also gain
ally the first one they go after. Some thing about just a 1-point Obsession associated with that Skill. If the
makes you get hunted first. Of course, if you’re real- Skill is combat related, they will use that Skill first
ly hurting for points, or want to give the Director even if it is not the most appropriate. They usually
extra ammo, feel free to take the Adversary try their Obsession-related Skill instead of others,
Drawback, as well. such as using Science when Occult should be used
and so forth.
Priest Quality
5-point Quality Speechless
High school students and elite military groups 2-point Drawback
aren’t the only ones who encounter demons. For You’re character cannot talk. For whatever reason,
centuries, Priests have done their part trying to keep they are incapable of verbal communication.
minions of hell at bay—weather by making holy Reasons can include a genetic defect, physical war
water or exercising demons. wound, or psychological trauma (perhaps caused by
As a priest you gain +1 to any two Mental Raul the hairdresser?).
Attributes (the max is still 6 for humans). This is to
reflect the mental discipline and time spent studying
to become a priest. Priests also gain + 1 to
Knowledge, +1 to Language (either Hebrew, Arabic,
Latin, or Greek), and +1 to Occult. This also is to
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$15.00 (U.S.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer™ & © 2009, ANGEL™ & © 2009. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem™ Game System © 2009 CJ Carella. The Unisystem™ is used under exclusive license.
ISBN 1-891153-64-1
© 2009 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.