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Three time’s a charm – or it’s a kind of magic!

Welcome to vol-
ume three of Eden Studios Presents. Of course, we’d know


you’d be here. We’ve got a great line up for you with plenty of
magical ideas for you to use.

Volume 3 of the ESP supplement series features:

• Background on the Shadefont from Charlie VonEschen.
• Crossover rules from Jason Vey furthering your Essence based magics
in a cinematic world.
• A short scenario for you cat lovers from Kyla Ward.
• A brand new setting for use with any Unisystem core book from Kyla
Ward. It’s the first in a series of articles on this setting.
• More spells from the Buffy TV show from John Snead and Alex Jurkat.
• More Totem Warriors to liven up your Buffy and Angel games from Steve
• Four archetypes for your AFMBE survival horror sessions.
• Cover by Sam Araya.

ESP is an ideal showcase for both new and known authors, giving everyone the potential
to be a part of the Eden team! Eden realizes there are a great many quality “unknowns”
out there and wants to give them the opportunity to shine. Veteran writers are also wel-
come, providing solid groundwork for gamers to use, spindle, and mutilate. Whether you
are a up-and-comer, an oldtimer, or just a fan, you'll find new and interesting Unisystem
material in each book.

So, what are you waiting for?


Visit www.edenstudios.net
$15.00 (U.S.)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer™ & © 2009, ANGEL™ & © 2009. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem™ Game System © 2009 CJ Carella. The Unisystem™ is used under exclusive license.

ISBN 1-891153-64-1
© 2009 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Eden Studios

Credits • Table of Contents

From the Editor
Volume 3
by Derek Stoelting
Cover Shot: Shadefont 3
by Charlie Von Eschen
Gifted in the Cinematic Unisystem 4
by Jason Vey
Mystic Places: The Scalper 9
by Kyla Ward
The Court of Chimera (Part One) 20
by Kyla Ward
Putting the Cauldron on a High Boil 38
by John Snead and M. Alex Jurkat
New Totem Warriors 53
by Steve Darlington
New Qualities and Drawbacks 72
by Jarrod Moschner

Editing and Proofing

by David F. Chapman, Shari Hill, Daniel Holmes, M. Alexander Jurkat, Derek Stoeltin
Cover Art Interior Art
by Carlos Samuel Araya by Travis Ingram, Christophe Swal
Graphic Design and Art Direction
by George Vasilakos
Special Thanks
The fans. You make it all worthwhile!

Produced and Published by Eden Studios

6 Dogwood Lane, Loudonville, NY 12211
Buffy the Vampire Slayer™ & © 2009, ANGEL™ & © 2009. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem™ Game System © 2009 CJ Carella. The Unisystem™ is used under exclusive license.
© 2009 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except for review purposes.
Any similarity to characters, situations, institutions, corporations, etc. (without satirical intent) is strictly fictional
or coincidental. This book uses settings, characters and themes of a supernatural nature. All elements, mystical and
supernatural, are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only.

Comments and questions can be directed via the Internet at www.edenstudios.net.

via e-mail to eden@edenstudios.net or via letter with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
First Printing, February 2009
Stock EDN5502 ISBN 1-891153-64-1 Printed in USA

Volume 3 1

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Letter from the Editor
A Brief Note from Derek Stoelting,
Editor of Eden Studios Presents
or how I learned to love talking about other peoples’ assignments
Welcome to volume three of Eden Studios Presents!
Volume one sold out in its first printing.
You clamored for volume two when you discovered that you could pick up a reprint of volume one at the
same time.
Now, you ask, “What’s in store for volume three?”
Third time’s a charm. Or in this case, it’s a kind of magic! We’ve got a great line up for you in this vol-
ume: Steve Darlington, John Snead with Alex Jurkat, Kyla Ward, Jason Vey, and Charlie Von Eschen’s back
with another take on the cover.
Charlie starts us off with a new magic item. We saw some comments on the Eden Studios Discussion
Boards requesting more magic items and more Taint – and who doesn’t just love adding more of each to
their games? Charlie suggested killing two zombies with one bullet and combined the ideas! While the
Shadefont is not overly powerful, it’s certainly a tempting toy.
In volume two, Jason discussed vampires and vampyres. In this volume, he discusses using Essence based
magic in a cinematic world. Two new character types are provided – the Gifted and the Mystic Hero – as well
as suggestions for using Chi Mastery for Enter the Zombie Shooters and Martial Artists in a cinematic world.
The Scalper continues a line of material produced by Kyla Ward for the Unisytem universe. Check out the
Unisystem home page (www.edenstudios.net/unisystem) for more of her works along these lines. The
scalper isn’t what you expect it to be. The kitty is worse.
We’re letting Kyla shine in this volume. Her second feature is the first part of a series of articles detailing
a brand new setting for use with your Unisystem core books. She designed it for use with both cinematic
and standard rules. Everyone from ape-lovers to vampire slayers will be able to use this piece. Magic, a
medieval court, intrigue, and more await those who enter the Golden Palace.
The Magic Box probably gives the average gamer more info than they’ll ever need in one campaign. But,
we know our rabid fans are far from average. Due to space considerations, we weren’t able to include every
spell we wanted to include in The Magic Box. Well, now we can. We let John Snead and our very own Alex
Jurkat run amok. They’ve provided more spells from seasons 2 through 6, magic items not in The Magic
Box, and a handful of brand new spells!
Steve D. serves up a wonderful dish to compliment your Buffy or Angel game. New Totem Warriors go
well with any cinematic game, really, but we think you’ll get a kick out of these animal spirits and the direc-
tion Steve took with them. The Great Mouse Detective, Buffalo Gals, a Lounge Lizard or two, and a fine
Foxy Lady all make appearances.
Finally, we give you new Qualities and Drawbacks from Jarrod Moschner. This is his first appearance in
ESP. You’ll often find Jarrod at Origins and GenCon running events for Eden Studios as one of our stalwart
“red shirts.”
Looking even farther ahead, volume four material has begun leaking into my “in-box.” No announce-
ments, yet. I’m holding off on doing that until I finish working on Worlds of the Dead for the AFMBE game
– Derek

2 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Cover Shot: Shadefont
Cover Shot: Shadefont
Centuries ago, just after the Cult of Rending Shadows was brought low for their attempt to bring their mad
visions to our reality, a Templar named Manuel Cortasi discovered a strange item – a small box, bathed in
invocational energies of unknown origin. A little over a hand span in length and slightly less than a hand span
wide and tall, the item was marked by a hole in the top, just large enough for a small fist or unclenched hand.
Light would not penetrate this hole. Noting the strange effects of the box, Cortasi spent weeks studying it and
could find no indication of hostile magic or intent.
Eventually, Cortasi took the plunge and curiosity won with Cortasi placing his hand through the hole,
expecting to be attacked by a minion of the Rending Shadow. What happened was far stranger – he felt a
coolness inside the box, and something caressed longingly at his skin. Pulling his hand back abruptly, he
noticed a few pinpricks of blood welling around his smallest finger. He began a Shielding Invocation and
realized the power fueling the Invocation was not coming from him, but from the box! As the Shield formed,
his vision shifted; darkness turned to brightest day, and light fell into shadow. Bile rose in his throat and he
felt as if the world had slipped sideways. The Templar stumbled, backing away from the box, realizing after
a few steps that his perception, stomach, and his sense of balance were slowly returning to normal. His vision
cleared, composure slowly returned, and the Shield fell, as if the box had stopped powering the Invocation.
Intrigued, Cortasi experimented with his find until
Shadefont he was confident he had unlocked its abilities. When
The Shadefont grants the user a temporary Taint he was near the box, he could draw on its power as
Channeling score equal to her Essence Channeling if it were his own, in quantities that would have left
and the ability to draw up to her Essence Pool in him near unconscious, with no apparent ill effect.
Taint in one turn. However, the Taint flows Moreover, the power seemed to replenish almost
through Shadefont, not the owner. This power instantly. Although the Keys of Solomon, he knew,
recharges completely every turn and may be used could only be powered by his personal energy, the
if the cast member is within a few inches of the only other limitation he discovered was a require-
Shadefont. The box will automatically fuel ment to place his hand in the box for a few moments
Invocations, Necromancy, and Disciplines of the every few days sacrificing a small amount of blood
Flesh abilities if in the owner’s possession when each time.
casting. (The owner gains no access to Taint abili- There is no credible record of Cortasi passing
ties unless they were already possessed.) from the world of the living. Over 100 years after
Shadefont must drain D6(3) Life Points of blood Cortasi recorded his find, the artifact was stolen
from an extremity placed inside the box at least from a babbling, man-like creature formed of shad-
once every 53 hours to maintain the user’s bond. ows and tentacles. Since then, the box, which
This damage may be healed as normal. Cortasi named Shadefont, has been seen at various
times in the possession of people that have experi-
After Shadefont fuels a power, the owner must enced violent accidents or disturbing suicides.
make a Simple Willpower Test, with a penalty
equal to the amount of power drawn. Failure
means the owner gains 1 Madness point with all
associated effects (see Abomination Code p. 118).
Additionally, the box and its user will appear
Tainted to those with the Gift when channeling or
under if something or someone is under the effects
of something powered by Shadefont.

Volume 3 3

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Gifted in the Cinematic Unisystem
Gifted in the Cinematic Unisystem
Rules Guidelines
by Jason Vey

Introduction New Character Types

Existing sourcebooks for the Cinematic In the All Flesh Must Be Eaten sourcebook Enter
Unisystem present an amazingly workable system the Zombie, two new Character Types are intro-
for translating standard WitchCraft Metaphysics into duced: the Shooter and the Martial Artist. Neither
a cinematic game. However, it can be difficult to Character Type is really appropriate for use in an
create a magic-wielding cinematic character as “Essence-less” Cinematic Unisystem campaign;
potent as her standard Essence-based WitchCraft however, the “standard” Hero Type may not possess
counterpart. The designers may have done this delib- quite the distribution of points to gain all the
erately in order to maintain the feel of the Cinematic Metaphysics necessary for one of these characters.
Unisystem through the Sorcery mechanic, or they Thus, in the interest of play balance, and allowing
may have felt that “pumping up” the magic levels in characters to gain a reasonable number of starting
a cinematic game could unbalance the game and abilities, we are introducing two new Character
draw focus away from the intended hero, an Types for the cinematic system: the Gifted, and the
arguably legitimate fear. Mystic Hero.
While at first it may seem that the lower power
level serves to balance the game, this isn't exactly The Gifted
true. In practice, WitchCraft Gifted are in fact rough- The Gifted are men and women with an innate
ly the same as the lowest powered Cinematic flair for magic. These are the wizards, warlocks, and
Unisystem Character Type, and Lesser Gifted witches whose talent is more innate than even
roughly correspond to the cinematic Hero. With that Cinematic Unisystem Sorcerers. With a simple
in mind, I sought to come up with a method to let Invocation, the Gifted can accomplish astonishing
characters gain a bit more in the way of metaphysi- and varied results from their channeling of mystical
cal abilities, while still being able to afford standard energies. Some Gifted even possess the ability to
Qualities. The following guidelines present two new commune with and control the spirits of the dead!
Character Types that accomplish this. One is based Gifted Characters may purchase any type of
on the White Hat template, but adds points for Metaphysics, including Chi Techniques, with the
Metaphysics while subtracting from the initial sole restriction that those Cast Members who pos-
Drama Point pool; the other is based on the Hero, sess Divine Inspiration may not purchase any other
modified in a similar fashion. type of Metaphysics.
In addition, below you will find guidelines for When using the new Character Types below, the
using other creatures and Metaphysics from standard costs for Invocations, Necromancy Paths, Tao Chi
Unisystem games, including Chi Techniques as pre- Powers, and other 2-point-per-level Metaphysics
sented in All Flesh Must Be Eaten. The ultimate goal from existing Cinematic Unisystem sourcebooks
of this document is to continue the growth and adap- should be slightly inflated, costing 2 points per level
tation of Cinematic Unisystem mystical options up to level 5, and 5 points per level thereafter. As
available to Cast Members and Directors wishing to standard for the Unisystem, Metaphysics points
run a far-reaching modern dark fantasy game that is may also be used to purchase Supernatural Qualities.
not limited to the “canon” setting in existing cine-
matic games.

4 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Gifted in the Cinematic Unisystem
New Character Type: Gifted
Attributes: 15
Skills: 15
Qualities: 10
Drawbacks: up to 10
Metaphysics: 20
Drama Points: 10

The Mystic Hero

Call them superheroes, hedge wizards, latent
mages, whatever you like. Regardless, Mystic
Heroes possess abilities above and beyond those of
normal mortals. In practice, they are roughly equiv-
alent to Hero-level characters in the Cinematic
Unisystem core rulebooks, with fewer Drama Points
and a pool of points to spend on Metaphysical abili-
ties. Mystic Heroes may purchase Drama Points
with experience at the same cost as Heroes.
Although supernatural Qualities are allowed, Mystic
Hero Character Type may only be used to create
characters that possess Chi Techniques, not
Metaphysics as presented in existing Unisystem

New Character Type: Mystic Hero

Attributes: 20
Skills: 20
Qualities: 10
Drawbacks: up to 10
Metaphysics: 15
Drama Points: 10

Alternately, rather than using one of these two

Character Types, Directors may opt to use the
Gifted, Lesser Gifted, Shooter, and Martial Artist
Character Types from the various Unisystem books.
However, when using these characters, players must
purchase Drama Points during Character Creation,
using Quality or Metaphysics points, at a cost of 2
points per Drama Point. In addition, the starting pool
of Metaphysics points should be reduced by 5, as
there is no need to purchase the Gift Quality for
characters in a Cinematic Unisystem game.

Volume 3 5

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Gifted in the Cinematic Unisystem
Metaphysics Points
Metaphysics points are used to pur-
chase Qualities and Special Skills, such as
Chi Techniques, that are representative of
Metaphysics imported from other
Unisystem games. They may not be used
to purchase standard Qualities; however,
standard Quality points (and points
gained from Drawbacks) may be used to
purchase additional Metaphysics. Such
Qualities are hereafter referred to as
Metaphysical Qualities.

Chi Techniques
For obvious reasons, we can’t
include full power descriptions
here. If you want the range of Chi
Techniques and what they can add
to your game, we recommend
picking up a copy of Eden’s Enter
the Zombie sourcebook. Use the
section on advanced Martial Arts
rules and mystic powers to re-cre-
ate any Martial Arts-style charac-
ter, from Jackie Chan to Chow
Yun-Fat to Neo! So what are you
waiting for?

New Quality
Chi Mastery
Variable Supernatural Quality
All Chi Techniques work on the princi-
ple of Chi Mastery, a character’s ability to
channel her inner life force to achieve
astounding results. All Chi Techniques are
based on Willpower + Chi Mastery. Each
Ability has a Power Level, just like spells,
which must be achieved for the Ability to
function. Most Abilities can be used as
“free” actions; in other words, they don’t
use up one of the Cast Member’s standard
actions. However, there is a limit to how
many Focus Tests a character can make
per round of combat. In general, a charac-
ter gets one Focus Test every round, plus

6 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Gifted in the Cinematic Unisystem
Table: Chi Mastery Costs
Level Cost (initial) Cost (improve) Extra Attempts
1 2 n/a 0
2 2 3 0
3 2 3 0
4 2 4 0
5 2 5 1
6 5 6 1
7 5 7 2
8 5 8 2
9 5 9 3
10 5 10 3

one extra for every 2 levels of Chi Mastery he pos- Chi Techniques
sesses above 4 (rounded up), as shown on the cost Chi Techniques were introduced in the All Flesh
table. Must Be Eaten sourcebook, Enter the Zombie. They
For Example: Chiang-Lee, a Mystic Hero with a represent mystical Martial Arts and “Gun Fu”
Chi Mastery score of 5, wishes to use her Chi moves seen in Hong Kong Action Theater-style
Techniques. She automatically gets one free attempt films, television, and games. Chi Techniques (not to
to use a power, plus one extra Focus Test as shown be confused with Tao-Chi, presented in existing
below because her Chi Mastery is above 4. Now, if sourcebooks) allow your characters to play charac-
her first attempt fails, she gets a second shot at it. If ters that can go all Jackie Chan or John Woo with the
it succeeds, bonus! She can initiate (or try to, any- spinning and the guns and the flips, but without the
way) a second ability this round! wires and expensive special effects budgets.
Chi Mastery costs 2 points per level up to level 5, These guidelines seek to provide a means by which
and 5 points per level thereafter at character cre- Chi powers can be used in a Cinematic Unisystem
ation. After the game has begun, additional levels of campaign, based on the Metaphysics guidelines in
Chi Mastery cost the equivalent of the next level in existing sourcebooks. As such, the concept of
experience points, with a minimum of 3 (going from Essence is removed entirely, which results in minor
level 5 to 6 costs 6 experience points; going from “flavor” changes to the abilities; some become a bit
level 6 to 7 costs 7 experience points; but going more powerful for the lack of Essence Channeling,
from level 1 to 2 costs 3 experience points). The cost while all gain the possibility of a failure at some point
for each level must be paid in full: jumping from in time—particularly if and when the Role of Luck is
level 5 to 7 after the game begins would cost 13 imported into a Cinematic Unisystem game from a
experience points. At least one level of this Quality standard Unisystem book such as All Flesh Must Be
must be purchased at character creation, or the char- Eaten For details on the Role of Luck, readers are
acter may never use Chi Techniques. encouraged to check out the All Flesh Must Be Eaten
The Chi Master Costs table shows the costs to core rulebook, or the “Quick Start” rules found at
purchase levels of Chi Mastery at character creation, http://www.edenstudios.net/intropacks.html. If not
costs to improve the Quality with experience, and using the Role of Luck already, Directors may want
the number of extra uses of the Quality per round of to think about importing it along with the Chi
combat. Techniques, as the possibility of rolling a 1 can act as
an important power balance.

Volume 3 7

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Gifted in the Cinematic Unisystem
Using Chi Techniques Please note that for some abilities the time unit is
Now for the good part: the actual powers. Each as small as “1 attack,” while in others it is per round.
Chi Technique is a separate Metaphysical Quality. Some Chi Techniques do not deal with time units,
The power’s cost in Essence per time unit is the cost but with Attribute formulae per Essence cost. For
to purchase the Quality at character creation. After example, a power might cause Willpower damage
character creation, new Abilities cost double the per 2 Essence spent. In this case, the ability is still
Essence cost per time unit to acquire. Each ability’s Power Level 2, because it costs 2 Essence to acti-
function is self-explanatory; all variable values (i.e. vate, but each success level beyond the 2 required to
powers that require die rolls to determine the result) activate the ability does additional damage equal to
use the parenthetical value as a set score. Thus, a the user’s Willpower. So gaining 3 successes on a
power that deals an extra D4(2) x Willpower damage Focus task would inflict Willpower x 2 extra damage
in All Flesh Must Be Eaten will deal an extra 2 x (Willpower x 1 for the 2 success levels required to
Willpower in Cinematic Unisystem. activate the power, plus an additional Willpower x 1
for the third success level.)
Use of Chi Technique requires a Chi Mastery Test,
as described under that Quality. The Power Level of So, there you have it! Complete guidelines for
each Chi Technique is equal to its Essence Cost per adding new Metaphysical elements to your existing
use for a single time unit. A Cast Member attempt- Cinematic Unisystem game. The addition of these
ing to use a power must at least achieve Focus Test powers can enhance any game and add new dimen-
success levels equal to the power level of the ability sions to your campaign.
just to make it work. Thus, a Quality that would nor-
mally cost 2 Essence per turn is a Power Level 2
Ability. This means that the Mystic Hero must
achieve 2 success levels just to initiate the Quality.
For the majority of Chi Techniques, the cost listed
is “x Essence per y,” where x is equal to the Essence
cost and y is equal to the time unit that the ability
will remain active when x is paid. For example, a
Chi Technique’s cost might be listed as “2 Essence
per turn,” meaning that for each turn the Cast
Member wishes to maintain the power, he must pay
a cost of 2 Essence points. In a Cinematic
Unisystem game, each additional success level
above that required to activate the power adds an
additional time unit to the power’s duration before a
new Focus Test must be rolled.
In the example above, the ability in question
would be Power Level 2 (because it costs 2 Essence
to activate). A Focus Test that achieves 2 success
levels would activate the power for 1 round. Each
additional success level beyond 2 would maintain
the power for 1 extra round.

8 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
The Scalper
The Scalper
by Kyla Ward


Web Site of the Unexplained
You'll find this one very close to home, if you live anywhere in the Greater Metropolitan Region. The
Scalper is a nickname for the main storm drain that runs from the main sewers under the Central Business
District to the coast. That's about 500 yards, most of which is walkable if you know the access points, which
you WON’T find here—giving out that kind of information is illegal and besides, THIS IS REAL.
The route of the Scalper and the original sections that remain are about 200 years old and follow the line of
an original watercourse. Most of it was cut through solid rock and its name comes from the way the roof
keeps dipping a bit suddenly for most people's liking. There's been a lot of overbuilding and although there's
not supposed to be any connection with the actual sewage pipes, there are overflows, for all you who like to
take a dip every now and then. However, the real health hazard is that SOMETHING is living in there. This is
a Sandy-special kids—click http://www.tabula-rasa.info/Images/PawPrint1.jpg http://www.tabula-
rasa.info/Images/PawPrint2.jpg to see the photo of the paw print I found in the sand near the outflow. Looks
like someone tried to flush kitty down the john and it came back with a vengeance. Feral cats get big when
they're only eating the native fauna, what happens when it starts on what the corporations dump in our water-
ways? Mmm, nummy.
And that's not all it's eating either. Ask anyone who was involved in the Great Sewer Crawl of '92. Oh yes,
“Gandalf,” “Were$hark” and “P|x-l”—we made it out but our friends were not so lucky. Three people van-
ished that night, and no bodies were ever found. They're still registered as missing persons, but we know
WHEN and WHERE they went missing. And what about Buja Basmati? He died down there in 1999 and he
was a Sewage Authority employee! They got his body out and called it a “freak accident.” WHY, a reason-
able-minded person might ask, have these facts not been linked together and SOMETHING DONE? WHY
have they not appeared in the MAINSTREAM PRESS? THAT, my eager readers, IS THE POINT OF THIS
Email Sandy

Volume 3 9

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

The Scalper
Introduction who considered the area his turf had likewise van-
The fact that the main storm drain servicing the ished.
waterfront is large enough to walk through is not The Great Sewer Crawl of ’92 is not a matter of
common knowledge. It is not something the general record, but rather of university legend. The three stu-
public needs or wishes to know. Only those who are dents who disappeared are indeed missing persons,
not the general public, such as Sewage Authority but their last known location is listed as student
workers and thrill-seeking university students, call it housing, rather than a storm drain.
the Scalper. The death of Buja Basmati in 1999 during repairs
Above it, lies one of the more pleasant parts of to area C can be confirmed in newspaper archives
town. At its heart, cafes and shops front a tree-lined and a number of official sources, none of which have
plaza. Its large, granite-look tiles are interspersed anything to say about cannibals or giant feral cats. If
with large drainage grills. On pleasant Sundays, a the coroner’s report can be accessed, the cause of
farmer’s market is held, complete with a few games death is a broken neck occasioned by falling.
and kid’s rides. Apartments have overtaken most of Abrasions on the body are put down to dragging
the surrounding area, but there are still some quiet, along the surfaces of the sewer in the current. There
bohemian streets. It is widely regarded as “safe”— had been recent heavy rains.
free from the crime, drugs, and homeless that What Sandy doesn't know is that, in the midst of
plagues other neighborhoods. the general rebuilding, a “Certain Party” (to be pro-
To hear anything else, you would need connec- vided by the Chronicler as appropriate to his or her
tions with criminals, drug dealers, or people who campaign) was involved in an apartment develop-
were once thrill-seeking university students. Such ment on the site of the old Memorial Park. These
people might say vaguely that the sewer is “danger- apartments are now called “Blue Vista.” The new
ous.” People have died down there. Some have foundations supposedly filled in the open storm
heard it was a crazy homeless guy, who used to kill drain that used to run through the park. Actually, it
other homeless and eat the bodies. Some have heard was covered over and turned into a secret chamber.
that a black panther escaped from a circus and went Access from the apartment building above is highly
to ground down there. Of course, these same stories restricted and secured with locks and guards. Access
can be heard from local school children to whom the from the drains below was considered unlikely, but
Scalper is a vague rumor. just to make sure, this Certain Party imported Kitty.
Nevertheless, nice people don't go poking round
in sewers. To the nice people, this is a place to be Location
proud of, with lovely public spaces, quality housing A city or large town set very close to a large body
developments, and truly efficient drains. of water—ocean, river, or lake.
For game use, it is assumed that the Scalper runs
History from the edge of the city center out through a resi-
This has been written assuming a modern cam- dential, waterfront suburb. At area B (see maps for
paign setting. For an Armageddon campaign, adjust these locations), the Scalper passes directly under a
the dates appropriately. large plaza surrounded by shops and cafes. At area
The web site information provided by Sandy C, it lies below a relatively new apartment complex
Graves is accurate as far as it goes. Serious develop- built on an old park. In all, the sewer runs under
ment of the area began in the mid eighties, when the apartments buildings, roads, etc. until it reaches the
first apartments were built. This entailed substantial water at area E. This is all within a space of about
extension and renewal of the sewers, including the 500 yards.
Scalper. It was around this time that word got around Feel free to alter the topography of the Scalper to
that people who slept in or near the sewers tended suit your needs—a sewer is a sewer after all.
not to resurface the next day, and that a drug dealer

10 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
The Scalper
Entering the Scalper gutters and roadside drains reached the other end.
If the Cast Members get hold of a map of the If entered, the features of the pipe running from
Scalper or speak to Sandy, the best entrance is the city center resemble area A with the addition of
directly above the “intercept.” It is a Sewage indescribably disgusting deposits on all surfaces. It
Authority service hatch located in a quiet alley. The runs straight into the heart of the city and stops, pos-
hatch is metal, padlocked and about four-foot sibly at some other Sewer Authority hatch.
square. Beneath it is a five-foot shaft to the roof of The other pipe running into the intercept is con-
the intercept, with metal handholds that continue crete and about three feet in diameter. It joins the
down the wall to deposit the climber on the ledge drainage from the city center and exits via a five-
above the sewer flow. foot diameter concrete pipe, set so low that the
An alternative way in is through the drainage increased flow leaves virtually no headroom. In the
grills in the plaza. The only problem here is that the intercept itself, where the channel is open, the flow
plaza is very public and witnesses can readily sum- is about four feet deep with a strong current. It
mon the police or security personnel from the sur- should be obvious that investigating either of these
rounding shops. A sample security guard (Mike) is pipes is a stupid thing to do.
included in the Personalities section. See area B for At the time the Intercept was built, it was recog-
details of the grills. nized that during exceptionally heavy rain, the flow
As area E makes clear, the Scalper cannot readily of sewage could exceed the capacity of the new
be entered from the waterside. pipes. To handle this possibility, sluices were placed
The depth of flow given for the various pipes in the wall separating the sewer from the Scalper. If
applies to an average, dry day. Rainfall raises the the level of sewage ever rises this high, it would spill
level quickly enough for anyone in the Scalper to into the Scalper.
notice. Increased flow makes moving safely through Each sluice is effectively a crawlway about two
the Scalper more difficult and where Simple feet by three feet, placed 4 feet up from the floor.
Dexterity Tests are required, they should be changed They are the entrance to the Scalper.
to Difficult. It may also submerge the small tunnels Area A: The arched roof is modern and concrete.
in area D. Beneath the Cast Member's feet, however, is much
The only lighting available in the entire sewer area of the original brickwork. It is possible to move
is through the drainage grills in area B. A torch or along the one-foot ledges on either side of the flow,
suitable illumination magic is a must. Groping although this involves a certain amount of bending.
through the Scalper in the pitch dark also hinders Keeping footing on the ledges during combat or
movement and again, Simple Dexterity Tests should flight requires a Simple Dexterity Test under normal
be changed to Difficult. conditions. The flow is usually about one foot deep
The Scalper is a dangerous place. Although light with minimal current and people may wade along
may be lost as a result of the Cast Members' actions, the flow standing upright, with a Simple Dexterity
Chroniclers should only introduce flooding if the Test similarly required to keep footing during com-
party is notably powerful. bat or flight. The Chronicler may wish to impose a
fresh Test for each new lettered segment of the map.
The Intercept At intervals, one-foot diameter inflow pipes are
This entire area is concrete and smells appalling. set in the walls at ledge level. These run from gutters
Here, two sewer pipes meet on their unsavory way to and roadside drains above.
the treatment plant. Originally, the pipe from the city Area B: This is the drainage system for the
center continued straight on down the Scalper, plaza—square, concrete, and reasonably clean. The
releasing raw sewage into the ocean/river/lake. The entry points into the nearby area A are set at ledge
intercept was built to divert the sewage to the treat- level. Flow is minimal except on wet days and, apart
ment plant and ensure that only storm water from from not being able to stand upright, movement is

Volume 3 11

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

The Scalper
easy. Drainage grills are set at regular intervals in the The Memorial Park Drains
plaza, letting in daylight or lamplight. The grills are Before the development of the suburb in the late
bolted down. It is simple enough to remove them eighties, there was a large park on the surface at this
with the proper equipment and sufficient time. point, dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who
Without some serious Mindhands or Spirit Limbs fell in both World Wars. Its existence is well record-
action (minimum of Strength 6; higher Strength or a ed and any research into the history of the area will
special success will make it quicker), the bolts can turn up old photos, the controversy over its destruc-
only be removed from above. Releasing two bolts at tion and the exact location on old maps. Such records
one end will allow someone to dislodge the grill will mention the storm drain and the settling chamber.
from above or below with a Difficult Strength Test.
The Settling Chamber: The purpose of this area
Area C: This is the original construction of the was to catch large objects that were washed down
Scalper—small, dark bricks patched in places with the formerly open storm drain (now the Secret
concrete. At the entrance from area A, an irregular Room, see below) from the park, to prevent them
and low hanging portion of the roof forms one of the choking up the Scalper. With a vaulted dome sup-
head-threatening “scalpers” that give this place its ported on carven buttresses and elegant paving
name. Another is located about halfway along. around the central pool, it is a fine example of a
Although most people are able to stand upright in Gothic Revival public work. Although the place is
area C, it is only possible to move single file. The damp, footing on the pavement surrounding the pool
flow maintains its regular one-foot level, but the bot- is good. The pool is choked with long-dead branch-
tom of the drain is only one-foot wide. Although es and other debris, all slowly decaying under a coat-
originally flat, the bottom has suffered erosion. A ing of black slime. Footsteps and voices reverberate
Difficult Dexterity Test is required during combat or softly from the walls. Kitty has managed to catch a
flight and if someone goes sprawling they effective- few ambiance-seeking Goths over the years.
ly block the passage (unless his companions tread
The Secret Room: The inflow for the Settling
him underfoot, of course).
Chamber comes from a large, paved drain that was
Area D: These are the original drainage pipes, once open to the sky. Girders and concrete cover it
with the same vintage as area C. They once fed from now, forming an underground chamber.
houses and Memorial Park; now they are blocked off Incongruously, a prefab portable office trailer, like
and any flow is simply groundwater seepage. Three those usually found on building construction sites, is
feet in diameter, they are impossible to enter save by squeezed inside the room thus created. A small set of
crawling. The Sewer Authority doesn’t bother steps leads up to the front door of the construction
repairing them and one has collapsed entirely. Note trailer. Two large, metal pipes can be seen extending
that this area of old bricks and congealed mud does from the trailer to the ceiling of the Secret Room.
not stop Kitty, who can make her way through it in Those who listen closely may catch a soft, vibratory
about five minutes. hum. The concrete walls of the room are stained
Area E: This is another part of the original drain, with seepage and crumbling with age, but footing on
its eccentric shape cut through solid rock. The ceil- the floor of the drain is good overall.
ing immediately above the exit from the last seg- Investigation will determine that the door of the
ment of area A juts downwards, forming another construction trailer is not only locked, but seems to
“scalper.” The floor slopes more steadily until it is have some kind of airtight polymer seal. The lock
totally submerged. This is a direct connection with can be picked with a -2 penalty. The seal can be torn
the main body of water. The surface underfoot is off with a Difficult Strength Test, or takes 10 DC to
horrendously slippery, requiring a Difficult destroy.
Dexterity Test just to walk across in normal condi-
Inside, the construction trailer is cool and the air is
tions. If the Scalper is flooding, only ropes or magic
fresh. There is an air-conditioning unit, which, Cast
will stop anyone who has got this far from being
Members may deduce, connects to one of the large
swept out into the wild, wet yonder.
ceiling pipes. There are working electric lights. The

12 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
The Scalper
internal partitions are thin, but reinforced with book- The Cellar: Once through the Locked Doors, the
shelves on which a large variety of volumes share Cast Members find themselves in a small, concrete
space with boxes. The final partition creates living chamber with a single, unlocked door. If the charac-
space, with a tiny kitchen, shower and chemical toi- ters open it, they enter a very large area holding
let, and a foldout bed against the wall. A spiral stair- cleaning carts, fire equipment, broken office furni-
way leads up through the roof into the other metal ture and an awful lot of pipes. In the same wall as the
pipe. Spectacular amounts of sealing can be noted at door through which the Cast Members have entered
the roof—pipe junction. is the door to a large, air-conditioning plant. Means
The Chronicler must determine the exact contents of egress from the cellar include a service elevator
of the shelves and whether this strange abode is and a set of stairs.
occupied. For suggestions, see Plot Hooks, below. Taking the stairs leads to a door that will be
unlocked during business hours and locked after
Blue Vista Apartments business hours. Through the door is the Site
If the Cast Members climb the spiral stairs, they Manager's Office.
will reach Blue Vista Apartments. For the most part, If Cast Members take the Service Elevator it stops
this is an utterly ordinary apartment block. Notable automatically on the level above, which is the Site
features and the rooms the Cast Members are most Manager's office. The service elevator contains a
likely to traverse on their way from the stairs to the security system whereby each floor requires a key to
exit are detailed below. “unlock” it. It can be picked by a successful
The Locked Doors: At the top of the stairs the Intelligence + Electronic Lockpicking/Electronic
Cast Members confront a metal door locked from Surveillance Task.
this side, which can be picked. However, once that is Site Manager’s Office: This is actually part of the
opened, they confront a metal door locked from the ground floor of the building. During business hours,
other side with no keyhole. To get through this it is occupied by clerical staff. There are two securi-
requires Gifted powers or welding equipment. On ty guards (Mike and his friend) about a minute away
neither door are the hinges visible. in the lobby and they will respond if the clerical staff

Volume 3 13

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

The Scalper
call for help—say, upon seeing a group of strange finds her way back in. It was as a result of one such
people covered in sewage emerge from the stairs or episode that Sandy found her paw-print.
the service elevator. After business hours, the office Kitty is very protective of her territory. Able to
is empty but the door to the lobby is locked and sense any living creature within forty feet, she is
alarmed. The alarm can be disengaged by a success- quite capable of planning an ambush. Her first pri-
ful Intelligence + Electronic Lockpicking/Electronic orities are anyone alone or at some distance from
Surveillance Task. their companions—volunteering to take care of the
The Lobby: A large, open area with a blue-car- concrete patching alone was Buja Basmati's fatal
peted floor and glass tile walls. There are two eleva- mistake. She attempts to strike silently and fatally,
tors leading up to the apartments above, fire stairs dragging the body to a side tunnel or spreading her-
that do the same, and large, glass doors opening out self over it to hide it. She is aware that she can
onto the street. As said, there are always two securi- smother people with this technique. If detected, she
ty guards on duty in a booth to one side of the door withdraws.
to the Site Manager's office. The lobby is covered by Kitty never needs to pass Dexterity Tests, no mat-
a security camera, which the guards operate and ter what the surface. She can fit up the one-foot
monitor in their booth. inflow pipes, although she cannot use them to circle
The real danger that exists in Blue Vista is that the behind her prey, only to hide. Her preference is to
"Certain Party" who created the Secret Room and lure people into the area D pipes where she basical-
Kitty may be alerted that the Cast Members have ly has every advantage. In combat, she generally
discovered what they were protecting. Especially if remains in her fluid form, except to chase a fleeing
the Cast Members didn't notice the security camera victim or once Cast Members reach the Settling
in the lobby, or think to secure the tape that has their Chamber and confrontation is inevitable. If brought
faces on it… below ten Life Points, Kitty attempts to flee by the
most expedient method—going fluid and dropping
Kitty down the slope in area E.
Kitty's vicious. Stuck down a sewer for twenty The reason Buja Basmati's body was retrieved is
years, wouldn't you be? that his friend, who heard his muffled cry, came to
She makes no sound, not even a splash. Her form investigate with an acetylene torch. Kitty retreats
approximates a large, black panther with a wet, glis- from intense sources of heat and light until she can
tening pelt. Only it doesn't look much like fur. More plot a way to disable them. She is perfectly capable
like slime, and by that point she's on you. of dropping bricks, or simply tripping people up.
Alternatively, maybe you don't get to see her panther Buja's friend was fortunate that his immediate
form at all. Maybe your first “warning” is the rip- response was to grab the body and run.
ping pain as the wall seemingly grows claws into
your leg, or the sensation of something dropping on Plot Hooks
you from a ceiling that was empty except for a coat- The most obvious reason for Cast Members to
ing of black slime. find themselves daring the Scalper is the rumor of
The Scalper is Kitty's territory and the pool in the Kitty. On the other hand, perhaps some unusual item
Settling Chamber is her nest. Whatever else may be scavenged from the outflow by Sandy and put up for
going on she doesn't know or care. She doesn't feed sale in the market has attracted their attention.
in any normal fashion so she doesn't need to hunt Alternatively, they have knowledge of the
and she loathes light and heat, which actually cause "Certain Party's" involvement in Blue Vista apart-
her damage. The only time she leaves the Scalper is ments and have heard rumors about a subterranean
when she is inadvertently washed out of area E dur- hidey-hole. The identity of the Certain Party is
ing heavy rains. Then she may prowl around the entirely up to the Chronicler, but the construction
beach and waterfront in the dead of night until she trailer would make a wonderful lair for a Vampyre

14 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
The Scalper
who uses the Scalper as a lightproof thoroughfare to degrees. The deaths of his friends influenced him
the city center. It would also be a good location for more deeply than anything he ever studied, but his
the secret archives of Golding Investment Brokers general knowledge is both wide and deep. He has
(see The Schriebach Estate Mystical Place on the contacts around the globe, and the world being what
Eden Studios website!). It can be a secret meeting it is nuggets of truth sometimes appear on his web
place, a nuclear/biohazard shelter or even a prison. It site. He is dedicated, thorough, and stubborn. In an
is, of course, not necessary that the conspiracy that Armageddon campaign, he is much better known
created the Secret Room still exists, Kitty and the and may even have become something of a political
contents of the construction trailer alone surviving. figure. He presents a reserved front to people who
Then again, they could have discovered a map of approach him out of the blue and start asking lead-
the Scalper in a previous adventure. It could turn up ing questions—to anyone who appears “official” he
amongst the valuable possessions of the cultist or may be downright rude.
gang boss they have just defeated. Something inter- What he isn’t, is willing to go back down the
esting just has to be there . . . or maybe it would be Scalper. Truth is, he doesn’t remember much about
the perfect base for the Cast Members to conduct that night, and given what he ingested beforehand
their campaign against the Church of Leviathan. In it’s not surprising. However, three of his friends did-
that case, Kitty is a Tainted monster. n’t make it out and even the chance to prove one of
his theories does not incline him to risk their fate.
Sandy Graves Sandy Graves
You can call Sandy many things. "Mad" is popu- Character Type Mundane (Potential Hero)
lar; so are "bum," "lay about" and "burned-out pot- Strength 2 Constitution 2
head." He's thirty going on seventeen and he knows
Dexterity 2 Intelligence 4
that the government suppressed transmissions from
the Mars Explorer that clearly showed a ruined city. Perception 3 Willpower 3
How? He has copies, goddamit! Where from? A LPS 26 Spd 8
highly confidential source. These UFO pictures are EPS 26 Essence 16
real as well, and did you know that there are more Qualities/Drawbacks: Addiction (Choose) -1,
eyewitness reports of the Gray Man of Ben Charisma 1, Contact (Drugs/Street) 2, Contact
MacDhui than of quarks? Sandy Graves is a man (e-buddy, ex-KGB archivist) 1, Contact (e-
open to possibility. buddy, a wandering eco-terrorist wanted in sev-
He wears shorts and a faded T-shirt, adding a eral countries) 1, Contact (e-buddy, actually a
sweater and tracksuit pants only in the severest Combine agent who finds feeding Sandy rub-
weather. He lives in a run-down bungalow on one of bish to be highly amusing) 1, Cowardly -1,
the remaining quiet streets. He shares the house with Obsession (Discover what's really going on) -2
his slightly deranged mother, and both of them live Skills: Computer Hacking 2, Computer
poorly off payments from his father’s life insurance Programming 3, Computers 3, Haggling 1,
policy. With few material ambitions, Sandy is free to Humanities (History) 2, Humanities (Catholic
pursue his sources, compile his theories, and spend theology—don't ask) 1, Language (Greek) 1,
hours down on the shore. He scours the sands with Language (Russian) 1, Lockpicking 1, Notice 3,
his metal detector and examines whatever the waves Occult Knowledge 1, Science (Physics) 1,
throw up. What he finds he either keeps or sells in an Research 3, Stealth 1, Streetwise 2, Swimming
intermittently appearing stall at the Sunday market. 2, Writing (Journalistic) 2
Despite appearances, Sandy is intelligent and
shrewd-minded. The Great Sewer Crawl of ’92
occurred during one of his four or so unfinished

Volume 3 15

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

The Scalper
So what is Kitty? A guardian beast created by combining a panther with an Undine (see Abomination
Codex, p. 139)? An urban legend incarnate? An especially disgusting zombie? Whatever the truth of it, she's
If the Secret Room is actively being used, there is every possibility that Kitty is “programmed” to not
attack certain people. Whether a Cast Members can exploit this, or somehow make friends with Kitty by
feeding her, is up to the Chronicler.

Monster Type Creature of Magic
Strength 5 Constitution 5
Dexterity 4 Intelligence 1
Perception 3 Willpower 3
LPS 30 Spd 30 (panther);
15 (fluid)
EPS n/a Essence 21
Skills: Brawling (bite D4 x 5 slashing damage)
(claws D6 x 5 slashing damage) 4, Dodge 3,
Stealth 5 (remember, she is very hard to see)

Special Abilities Regenerate: Each Turn, Kitty regenerates Life

Absorb Essence: Whenever an Invocation is Points equal to the number of Essence Points
cast upon Kitty she can try and absorb the sum- she currently has.
moned Essence before it is focused (even if it is Sensitive to Light/Heat: Outside the nice,
fire-based). A Resisted Simple Willpower Test moist Scalper, Kitty takes one point of damage
is resolved between her and the magician. If the per five minutes on a dry night and three points
magician wins, the Invocation works normally. on a sunny day. Even in the Scalper, a strong
If Kitty wins, the Invocation fails and Kitty adds torch or an open flame repels her. She tries to
Essence Points used in it to her current Essence stay out of direct contact by going underwater
Pool total. She can also absorb Essence by eat- until she can attack indirectly (as suggested
ing recently dead human flesh—this is why above). Application of an open flame or other
most of bodies are never found. heat source that is capable of causing damage
Acute Senses: Although not actually possess- (such as a flamethrower, see Abomination
ing eyes and such, Kitty feels vibration and tem- Codex, p. 25) discounts her natural armor. So
perature through her “skin.” This basically does a laser. If she can be kept in continuous
ensures she is aware of the precise location of contact with the heat source, the damage she
any living and/or moving creature within forty suffers doubles on the second Turn, triples on
feet. This does not work through walls or other the third Turn and so on.
obstructions, and each bend in the tunnel takes Shift Shape: Panther, blanket of slime, and any
ten feet off her range. degree between. Like a feral (see Abomination
Armor: Kitty’s non-rigid structure effectively Codex, p. 34), her transformation occurs as fast
grants her an Armor Value of D8 x 3 as thought and costs 10 Essence Points.

16 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
The Scalper
Kitty Mike the Security Guard
Monster Type Lesser Shaitan Mundane (Potential Hero)
Strength 5 Constitution 5 Strength 3 Constitution 3
Dexterity 4 Intelligence 1 Dexterity 2 Intelligence 2
Perception 3 Willpower 3 Perception 3 Willpower 2
LPS 30 Spd 30 (panther); LPS 37 Spd 10
15 (fluid) EPS 29 Essence 15
EPS n/a Taint 36 Qualities/Drawbacks: Addiction (Tobacco) -1,
Skills: Brawling (bite D4 x 5 slashing damage) Contacts (His friends) 2, Fast Reaction Time 2,
(claws D6 x 5 slashing damage) 4, Dodge 3, Hard to Kill 1, Humorless -1, Obligation
Infection 4, Stealth 5 (remember, she is very (Security professional) -1
hard to see) Skills: Dodge 3, Hand Weapon (Night stick) 3,
Intimidation 2, Martial Art (Judo) 2, Notice 3,
His other skills are unlikely to be relevant.
Special Abilities
Weapons: Night Stick (D6 x 3)
Absorb Essence: As above, but if she fails to
absorb an invocation that would normally drain
Essence, such as Soul Fire, she suffers the nor-
mal “explosive” effect of such attacks upon
Tainted creatures. She gains no Taint points
from using this quality.
Acute Senses: as above.
Armor: Her non-rigid structure effectively
grants her an armor value of 1D8 x 3
Sensitive to Light/Heat: as above.
Shift Shape: as above.
Taint: In this version, Kitty possesses Taint
Channeling 3, an Increased Taint Pool (+15
points) and the Taint Powers of Infection and
Tainted Touch.

Tasks and Tests:

(In addition to those listed under A - E and "Blue Vista")
All levels assume human characters.

Pick an Ordinary Lock - Lockpicking + Dexterity

Burst a drainage grill open from beneath with main strength - Difficult Strength Test
Spot one of the 'scalpers' in time - Simple Perception Test
Spot Kitty - Difficult Perception Test
Keep footing on Kitty - Difficult Dexterity Test

Volume 3 17

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

The Scalper


25 50 100






5’ x 7’ 3’ x 6’
4’ x 4’ 10’ x 5’
3’ x 3’

18 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
The Scalper





5’ 15’







Volume 3 19

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
The Court of Chimera
A Unisystem Campaign Setting
by Kyla Ward

Part One: Welcome to ating characters that fit into the chimerical setting.
Further installments will feature the workings of the
the Palace Court, sample adventures, and the secrets that lie
You have wandered far in many worlds and many behind the facade.
guises. You have fought evil, won riches and So welcome the Court of Chimera. We hope you
renown, overcome all the challenges that nature and gain as much from your stay as we do!
the unnatural have presented you. Perhaps you think
there are no real challenges left. The Chimerical Realm
Well, this is the Golden Palace. Wipe those feet! The Court of Chimera is the glory of the Chimera
Stand up straight! You can leave your weapons with family, who have ruled this realm for generations.
the Hosteller. This is the place where dwell those The Golden Palace is their hereditary seat. King
who rule this land. Here you will find people who do Calcidon has ruled for 5 years, since the death of his
not care what dangers you have overcome, but are mother, Queen Marcia. He and his consort, Princess
happy to use you to further their own schemes. Who Demara, preside over an assembly of dukes, mar-
know that a quick wit and willingness to gamble are quises, barons and knights (in descending order),
just as important as strength and good aim. Who are and the odd representative of a city or guild.
willing to have you murdered in your sleep for a per-
The power structure of the realm is that mix of
ceived insult. Here is power and influence, luxury
hereditary landowners (nobles), independent cities,
and intrigue, treachery, conspiracy and the chance to
and wealthy merchants which was current in Europe
fulfill your grandest dreams.
for so many centuries; not textbook feudalism but
This is the first of a series of articles covering the still a long way from democracy. The various bodies
Court of Chimera, a customizable setting that can be all owe obligations (and taxes) to the crown; the
the basis of an entire new Unisystem campaign or a crown owes them protection, governance, and has
change of pace for an existing one. It consists of an the actual ownership of all the land held by the
operational seat of government for a medieval/ren- nobility. The throne must officially recognize all
aissance-type realm, where the characters may inter- inheritances; theoretically, even a duke only holds
act with the powers of the world and, with luck and his family lands by the king's goodwill. The rights of
skill, among them. Please note, it is not a recon- an independent city (such as election of its own
struction of any historical Court or era, although his- mayor and payment of taxes directly to the crown,
torical material has been drawn upon. rather than an intermediary noble who takes his cut)
Chimerical games are principally games of high and of the merchant to freely conduct trade are also
stake intrigue. Characters are among the nobility or granted by the king. It is to be noted at this point that
gifted commoners with access to the throne. To achieve the crown maintains the realm's only professional
their goals, characters must be proactive in information army and is also responsible for minting the only
gathering, trickery, flattery, and every form of manipu- legal coinage. The Chimera family has a good record
lation. When combat takes place, it will often be clan- of managing the delicate balancing act between
destine, or in the situation of a tournament. allowing too much control to slip into other peoples'
hands and frustrating them so much that they rebel.
The material herein is principally for prospective
Chroniclers. It describes how to customize the set- Primogeniture (i.e.: inheritance by the first born
ting and the physical layout of the Golden Palace, male) is law. The exemplar duke, for instance, was
which starting characters should not, as a rule, have his father's eldest surviving son, and received his
knowledge of. The next article concentrates on cre- title and rulership of the family lands. His siblings

20 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
technically received nothing (although the duke is Technology
expected to support them). Although a roughly renaissance cap on technolo-
Although the majority of official positions are in gy is assumed, that still leaves some decisions to be
male hands and male military personnel are the rule, made.
women have the right to own land and property and Printing presses: these make an enormous dif-
inherit titles in the absence of male heirs. King ference to the general level of literacy and the speed
Calcidon's mother, for instance, ruled in her own of transmission of news and general information. If
right. The Duchess Delacey is a major powerbroker printing presses exist, all noble characters receive
at Court. There are successful female merchants and the Literate/Numerate Skill for free.
women can and do ascend to positions of power
Gunnery: this may exist or not in the Chimera
within the established religion.
setting, it's a matter of taste. By gunnery, what is
The economy is based on agriculture, although meant are cannon, muzzle-loading muskets and pis-
some cities specialize in manufactured goods such as tols; all single shot and requiring a lit fuse. A sword
cloth and glassware and others resell goods acquired is still the mark of a noble.
by merchants from foreign lands. Most merchants
Having said this, the Chimera setting could
live in independent cities to share in the tax benefits,
accommodate steampunk — zeppelins, steam-driv-
although some nobles do engage in trade.
en carts, and ridiculously elaborate hydraulic eleva-
Beyond that, there is substantial room for prefer- tors — with only moderate adjustments.
The Unisystem can handle most permutations of
technology. Additional material, including statistics
The Land for appropriate gunnery and medieval medicine, will
As the focus of the game is the Court itself, it is not be presented later in this series. Those seeking
necessary to detail every nook and cranny of the steampunk are directed to the Gadget rules of Pulp
realm. However, a decision should be made as to Zombies or the "Gadgets & Artifacts" chapter of the
about how large it is. Area impacts on how much land upcoming Beyond Human.
and therefore, very directly, what kind of wealth, is
owned by the crown direct and by the average duke, Magic
marquess, baron and knight (the proportions the
If so, how much and what kind? Magic is not
Chronicler should allow and the actual productivity
essential in the Chimera setting, but it can certainly
of land will be covered in a later installment). It
be accommodated. There is no reason that any of the
affects how many major cities exist in the realm.
Metaphysics from Witchcraft (Magic, the Sight,
More land definitely means more wealth and more
Necromancy and Divine Inspiration) wouldn’t fit,
cities, but also more bureaucracy and more independ-
although some of the Covenants are less appropriate
ence for anyone out of the crown's direct control.
than others (such as the Nomads, Pariahs and
These articles presume a more or less European Mockers). Exotic individuals will of necessity repre-
terrain and climate; winter snow in the north, but sent culturally specific Covenants such as the Order
mild enough to plant two crops a year in the south. of Shambala and the Storm Dragons, unless the set-
The wildest country is forested mountain, and ting is being modified substantially.
maybe a peat bog or two. If the Chronicler decides
Alternatively, a chimerical world might feature
to change this, she should bear in mind the conse-
magic as found in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer
quences on such things as dress, diet, and the
Roleplaying Game and the Angel Roleplaying
appearance of the grounds.
Game. There might still be arcane societies, but
Speaking of winter, the chimerical calendar is magic would overall be a much more individualistic
assumed to be the usual 12 months, 4 seasons. In affair.
these articles, dates will be given as day/month/sea-
The Chronicler must determine the general atti-
son, i.e.: the 23rd day of the 2nd month of spring.
tude to magic in the chimerical world. Magic may be
Feel free to create your own month names.

Volume 3 21

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
considered a useful - if possibly dangerous resource System and Power Levels
or an abomination to be rooted out. If magic per sé All the Unisystem games are basically compati-
does not exist, some Supernatural Qualities and ble, and as demonstrated above, these articles call on
Drawbacks may still be available if the Chronicler whatever seems most appropriate from all of them.
so chooses. At this point, what it comes down to is how power-
Allowances will be made for magic and the lack ful in terms of Attributes, Skills and access to
of magic in these articles. In a magic-free world, Qualities are the characters when the Chimera cam-
there may be recourse to such things as mesmerism paign begins?
and ingenious clockwork mechanisms. In these articles, non-player characters are built as
Cinematic Unisystem cast members. It assumes
Religion that all starting characters are mid- to upper-level in
If the only form of magic in the chimerical world starting points. Bast, Feral, or Vampyre characters
is Divine Inspiration (and presumably its infernal (and the Witchcraft shape-shifters and blood-
opposite), then magic is religion. If, however, the drinkers are probably better suited to the setting than
dominant religion does not allow for miracles, the BtVS equivalents) are of compatible power. They
priests and magicians will likely find themselves at can be built with the Witchcraft rules but all charac-
loggerheads. ters must use Backgrounds and Skills as will be pre-
These articles assume that religion is not an over- sented in Part 2. If Witchcraft-style magicians are
ly powerful influence upon the Court. Queen required, build them as Gifted.
Demara is pious and maintains a chapel and a reli- When Witchcraft and cinematic characters are
gious advisor, but the religion has no established being used in the game:
role in the government. This could easily become a
point of contention, especially if people outside of
the Court have less liberal views. A more or less con- • anyone with Metaphysical Points does not
ventionally moral religion is suggested, such as a receive Drama Points
mild form of Protestant Christianity (that permits • Essence Points are calculated for cinematic char-
female deacons) or the Roman pantheon. acters by totaling their Attributes in the usual
Races & Monsters • Witchcraft characters may choose Combat
These articles assume human protagonists. Maneuvers freely
However, this isn’t set in stone. The Bast and the
Ferals from Witchcraft, able to appear as human,
would make very interesting additions and a If the game involves characters from a pre-exist-
Vampyre would also be manageable. Further possi- ing campaign entering the setting, adjustments may
bilities include making those of the royal bloodline have to be made to the non-player characters as pre-
Inheritors, as described in Armageddon, or the sented herein. Do not adjust Abilities; rather,
receptacle of some of the powers from Beyond increase Skill Levels and numbers of Skills to keep
Human. heavy-hitters such as Captain Gerard capable of con-
fronting the new arrivals.
Are there goblins and faeries in the woods?
Dragons and giants in the mountains? Whole nations In playtesting, cards were used rather than dice for
of brutish subhumans (who may or may not be ape- resolution, proving both successful and atmospheric.
related) on the borders? Or do people just believe Thus, all damage is given as flat numbers.
there are? A certain amount of the supernatural does
exist in the Chimera setting. Whether people believe
in them or not, ghosts and a number of things that
live on past death in their material bodies are quite

22 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Using Chimera in existing Unisystem Settings
You may not wish to start a new campaign, but the Court of Chimera has many potential uses. It is
an easy answer to what may reside beyond the gateway in Witchcraft or Armageddon. It would also
make a fine dream realm within the Sephiroth of Hod. With a gothic makeover and the substitution of
Essence for gold, it could be a Death Duchy in Geburah. Back on earth, it could be used as the head-
quarters of some vast organization, such as the Templars, or of one of the divine generals in
Of course, having the Golden Palace overrun by zombies would be easy to arrange (perhaps the
Army of Darkness setting is one of the northern provinces), and if you really, really want to have it pop-
ulated by apes, the "Apeopolis" scenario in Terra Primate is a natural.

The Golden Palace the crown and form the main source of supplies,
other than the luxuries brought in from the city.
Location The Golden Palace takes its name from the saffron
The Palace is set in walled grounds some distance glazed tiles of its roof and the honey-colored sand-
from the capital city, for reasons of both tradition stone of its facade. This is a comparatively recent
and prudence. Through the grounds runs a small development; the tiles, façade, and most of the west
river, the Chimera's Tongue, the tributary of a larger wing are only 50 years old. Before that a smaller but
flow that supplies the city. Backing onto the grounds much more utilitarian fortress occupied the site.
is a large area of woodland, preserved for hunting. Parts of it survive, principally in the east wing.
Most of the farmlands around are owned directly by


10 30 FEET






10. BARN




3 1
2 6 7 8 9
4 5

Volume 3 23

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
Grounds Key D houses the palace smithy. The roof is still acces-
Outer Wall: The wall runs the entire perimeter of sible, but the smith and his apprentice sleep there.
the grounds, part of the renovation and expansion of Sheds sprawl out from the tower proper, for storage
50 years ago. It is 8 feet high and 2 feet thick, made of charcoal and works in progress.
of weathered brick. At any one point it has an Armor E also houses the gardener, his two assistants, and
Value of 6 and takes 60 points of Damage to break their equipment.
through. The wall is only intermittently maintained F has been allowed to degrade into an ivy-covered
and parts may be weaker than this. In places it is and exceedingly picturesque "ruin," for the delecta-
covered with ivy. tion of those using the garden. It has a reputation as
Towers: Locations A-F are square brick towers, a meeting place for clandestine lovers.
12 feet high with the same AV and Damage Capacity
as the wall. Each has a lower floor with a wooden
Cinematic versus Not
door that can be barred (4 Success Levels to break,
For those running standard Unisystem rules,
ignore the first SL in any one roll, Barrier Value
not the cinematic variety, there is an easy way
total) and a flat roof accessible by wooden steps. The
to determine a character’s combat Skill scores.
roof is protected by battlements with a BV of 6 (to
Simply take the Score, subtract the appropriate
missile weapons, nothing else can actually reach).
Attribute + 6 and you’re all set. It’s just that
The lower floor of A was hastily converted a year simple.
ago into secure quarters for the gift brought by the
newly appointed eastern ambassador. The gift as a
whole consisted of a lion, a goat, and a python, but The Gate House: Another 2 square towers flank
the python escaped somewhere and the goat did not an impressive, bivalved gate. The decorative iron-
survive the initial accommodation mix-up. A locked work of the gate incorporates the Chimera arms. The
iron gate secures the door (AV 10, DC 70, BV 6). gates are opened and closed manually by liveried
Two unliveried servants have been given a raise and "gate-keepers," of which there are 2, plus the over-
appointed "lion keepers." seeing Hosteller and, at all times, 2 Golden Guard.
The pairs of B/C and E/F abut the inflow and out- When closed, a 10-foot iron bar, giving an effective
flow of the Tongue. Between them runs an ironwork AV of 15 secures the gate. The bar is shot into an
grill, reaching from the top of the tower to the usual enclosed channel, so cannot be "picked" by lifting it
water level. The grill is bolted securely to the brick- through the decorative ironwork. Otherwise, treat as
work (AV 10, DC 70, BV 6). The grills are main- another grill.
tained and protected against rust. At this point, the Below each tower is a single-story building. On
river runs through an excavated channel about 20 the west side, the Hosteller (who answers to both
feet wide and 10 feet deep. Steward and Chamberlain) has his office and living
B is generally unused, but acts as emergency quarters. The office is accessible through a heavy,
accommodation in the event that guests overflow barred door in the external wall (4 SL, ignore 1st,
from the palace proper. This is frequent during tour- BV total). The office's internal door grants egress to
naments. the palace grounds. It is equally solid but has a lock
to which the Hosteller keeps the key. It is here that
C & E are guard posts, with a pair of Golden
all visitors must present their credentials, from
Guards on duty at all hours of the day and night.
dukes and their entourages to carters hauling sup-
Lanterns light guard stations during the night and a
plies. The difference is that a noble will be invited
brazier is provided during winter. The lower floor of
into the office and served wine. Once they are ticked
C is used to store tourney and general martial equip-
off the Hosteller's list, or confirmation is obtained
ment; targets, barriers, etc.
from the Steward or Chamberlain that access may be
granted, the gate is opened.

24 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Typical Golden Guard
The 28 strong Golden Guard is legendary. Not usually men of noble birth, the guards are promoted from
the army. Conditions in the Guard are rigorous (to maintain their standards) but the pay and retirement
benefits are excellent and the status gratifying.
The Guard proper comprises 2 divisions of 14, each including a Lieutenant. The two divisions alternate
12-hour shifts at guard posts noted throughout the Palace key. The changing of the guard occurs at 6:00
AM/PM, as determined by the clock in the Armory.
Golden Guard uniform consists of half plate (metal breast plate, greaves, vambraces, and helmet) pro-
viding an armor value of 8 with Heavy encumbrance. Each breastplate bears the chimera arms in gold and
black enamel. Boots and assorted leatherwork are fawn with gold fittings, undertunics are white and
cloaks saffron yellow.
All Guards on duty carry small horns and flares with which to signal each other.
Attributes: Str 4 Dex 4 Con 5 Per 2 Int 2 Wil 3
Ability Scores: Muscle 14 Combat 17 Brains 10
Life Points: 46 Drama Points: 10
Combat Maneuvers
Name Score Damage Notes
Crossbow Shot 17 16 slash/stab Ranged attack modifiers apply
Dodge 17 — Avoid getting hit
Musket 17 17 bullet Ranged attack modifiers apply
Sword 17 16 slash/stab
Halberd 17 20 slash/stab
Punch 17 8 bash

On the west side, there is an actual hostel for the might provide cover enough to shoot someone tra-
accommodation of unranked visitors (musicians, versing the drive, but it is impossible to sight a use-
merchants and such). The dormitory-style accom- ful mark in the palace, or to use the trees to cross the
modation is a cut above most inns. The gatekeepers Tongue or scale the wall or any of the towers. The
clean the hostel and tend the guests with the assis- bridge over the Tongue is solid stone.
tance of the Hosteller's wife. The Tourney Field: The bridge leading to the
No non-noble may carry a weapon past the Gate field across the Tongue is wooden but solid. It regu-
House. Next to the Hosteller's office is an armory larly takes the weight of laden carts.
where a messenger's blade, etc. may be left. The Just to the left of the bridge is a kind of grove of
guards enforce this rule as necessary. fragrant shrubs. This is where the palace laundry is
Beyond the Gate House, a wide, graveled drive hung to dry. Both the laundry and the kitchen have
leads straight to the palace proper. Carts delivering direct access to the tourney field by stairs and, where
supplies to the kitchen follow an offshoot to the east. noted, steam and fumes rise from the kitchen and
The Lawns: On either side of the drive, up to the laundry vents.
banks of the Tongue, is a well-tended lawn spotted The tourney field itself is hard, sparsely grassed,
with huge, old trees. These trees have a "pie-plate" and marked with cart tracks. It hosts training by the
shape resulting from decades of trimming. They Golden Guard and the more athletic nobility, as well

Volume 3 25

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Volume 3
Master Alaun, the Hosteller
Alaun was a lieutenant in the Golden Guard before a leg injury forced his retirement 7 years ago. The
Captain (and a little crawling) secured him this position. He is now a petty-minded bureaucrat who
believes he is essential to palace security. He wears his official robes (black velvet with the Chimera arms
embroidered in gold), even in the summer's heat.
His virtues are his thoroughness and his total devotion to the Chimera family. Nothing untoward will
ever knowingly get past him into the grounds. Nevertheless, he has been known to hinder messengers who
arrive seeking lesser nobility by insisting upon confirmation of their identity, or refusing to send word to
their masters until it is "convenient." He makes musicians and other performers "audition" for him, and
routinely insults and delays scholars, priests and any other non-ranked persons who have been summoned
to the palace, all in the name of security. He bullies his gatekeepers, who loathe him, but his ties to the
guard keep him safe.
His wife is 10 years his junior and remarkably pretty and agreeable. Rumor accords her either the
patience of a saint, or affairs with the Smith, Steward, and half the Golden Guard.
White Hat
Attributes: Str 2 Dex 3 Con 4 Per 2 Int 2 Wil 2
Ability Scores: Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 10
Life Points: 34 Drama Points: 20
Combat Maneuvers
Name Score Damage Notes
Dodge 10 — Avoid getting hit
Pistol* 10 9 bullet Ranged attack modifiers apply
Sword 10 8 slash/stab
Punch 4 bash
* if applicable

as laundering and kitchen deliveries. When archery their lord or lady, musicians, or the unobtrusive gar-
practice is underway, the ringing of a bell, by order dening staff. Permanent residents include the fish in
of the Chamberlain after a regrettable incident that the ponds and 2 pairs of peacocks.
no one wants repeated, precedes the loosing of every The Stables and the Park Gate: The grass of the
volley. During off-hours, servants sometimes gather garden gradually gives way to trampled earth. This
for a game of kickball. entire area is for the convenience of the horses and
Of course, come a tournament, all of that changes. their attendants. It is here that any hunt assembles
The Gardens: The western side of the grounds is before proceeding out of the Park Gate.
very different. Here the Tongue spreads into a series Built of brick in a defensive style, the Park Gate
of large, shallow pools, crossed at their narrowest by has a heavy wood door with an eye slot and a bar (4
a wooden bridge, around which the turf grows lush SL, ignore 1st, BV 10).
and banks of flowers surround elegant gazebos. The stables have 19 permanent stalls. The
Planting is arranged so that something is always Stablemaster and grooms (liveried servants) sleep in
blooming. Corridors in the west wing open directly the loft; at the near end is the coach house contain-
onto the garden and it is a popular place for the ing the royal coach.
ladies in particular to spend their time. As a rule, any
servants found here are the personal attendants of

26 Eden Studios Presents

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Volume 3
1 1 1 13 14
N 2 2 11 12



4 17
16 15
WR S G G 18


Palace Key: Ground Floor (AV 10, DC 70, BV 6). The portcullis is controlled
Unless otherwise stated, all floors are stone flags from the Armory.
and all doors are wooden and close with a latch. Walls on all sides surround this square, graveled
Where locks are specified, doors are 4 SL, ignore 1st, space. All stonework is sandstone, all doors golden
BV total. The residents keep keys and a complete set oak. Directly opposite the entrance are the yellow-
is in located in the Steward's office. Ceilings are tiled stairs leading up to the double doors of the
wood, reinforced with beams. Windows are dia- Foyer, also topped with a carven chimera. These
mond-shaped lattices with heavy leading and are doors may be barred from the inside and are shut
(theoretically) unable to be opened. At any one point, ceremonially at sunset. Two Golden Guard flank the
the outer wall of the palace is 5 feet thick (AV 10, DC steps at all times.
80). Inner walls are 2 feet thick (AV 6, DC 60). Guests below the rank of Marquess are actually
The Palace does not have sewerage as such. Tiled received at the stairs to the west, also tiled but nar-
washrooms are provided for some residents, but rower and leading up to the offices of the Court offi-
these contain a chamber pot and a hipbath that must cials. A further set of stairs leads down into the
be filled by hand. Servants Hall. To the east, more stairs lead to the
The Courtyard: The drive runs through the front Guest Wing.
wall of the palace via a tunnel, just wide enough to The Courtyard is used for the changing of the
accommodate the royal coach. Above the entrance is guard. At 6:00 AM/PM, the new guard assembles,
carved the Chimera arms, fully 6 feet high in golden then disperses to individual posts. The old guard
sandstone. To either side hangs a large lantern. then returns to the Courtyard and assembles likewise
Beneath each is a guard post, manned day and night. before going off-duty. It is also sometimes used for
The tunnel can be closed at each end by a portcullis official greetings and farewells of important guests.

Volume 3 27

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Volume 3
Otherwise, nobility and servants alike freely cross it. ranked attendants. The western gallery has lockable
At night, lanterns hung above each stairway light it. door to the Banquet Hall.
Foyer: The yellow tiles continue across an expan- When not in use, the throne room is closed.
sive room, carved sandstone arches around ornamental Banquet Hall: Another magnificent 2-storied
sandalwood panels and white drapes to a vaulted ceil- hall, with a not quite central row of columns to sup-
ing. A pair of oak doors carved with double chimeras port the vaulting, and clerestory windows along the
studded with gold lead into the throne room. These high south wall. There are two fireplaces in the east
doors may also be barred from the inside but general- wall and carved, bronze candelabrae. On the west
ly just stand shut. Furnishings consist of carved oak side of the columns stands a permanent wooden dais,
benches and small tables set along the walls, one of 4 feet high with central steps, above which hang two
which bears a large clock of carved ebony and gilt. bronze chandeliers. In a niche in the west wall, a
Huge, gilded candlesticks stand at intervals, and there dumbwaiter connects with the Sub-Kitchen.
are narrow windows in the south wall that do not open.
This room is seldom actually occupied. In the corridor between the dais and the south wall
are stairs leading down to the Sub-Kitchen. This cor-
The east and west doorways are covered with ridor also gives access to the underside of the dais,
drapes, generally tied back. Both side-chambers are where benches, trestles, and tabletops are stored. In
basically the same; furnished and decorated as the the north wall, stairs lead up to the first floor.
Foyer but with an eye to actual usage by nobles and
officials waiting on the royal family, and people On an average day, tables are set up near the fire-
wanting a comparatively formal place to sit and talk. places and on the dais, and noble guests and court
Business deals, marriage negotiations and really, officials may take their meals here (the privilege of
really high stake card games are conducted here. dining here is sometimes granted to unranked
guests, such as a visiting priest or a musician who
The door in the east chamber is lockable, as it was especially pleasing). It is also a place to talk and
leads to the Royal Apartments. A Golden Guard is play cards — off-duty Golden Guards may some-
always on duty. times be found here. During a banquet, the royal
Throne Room: This magnificent chamber rises table is set on the dais. After the meal, the lower
from polished yellow tiles 2 stories to carved fan floor is cleared and the dancing begins.
vaulting. The chamber has 3 sections; the central aisle The Guest Wing: In the west wing of the castle
is tiled and runs up to the black marble dais on which is accommodation for noble guests. Some, such as
stands the gilded throne of Chimera. Behind it hang Princess Demara's mother, the Duchess Delacey, and
golden-toned tapestries that utilize real gold and pre- the Marquess Mordue reside in these suites more or
cious stones, showing the eponymous ruler winning less permanently.
victories over various allegorical beasts. Above it is a
magnificent stained glass window, central motif the Throughout this section, the walls are covered in
golden chimera. Clerestory windows run the length of white plaster and ornamented with tapestries. Floors
the room at this level, providing light. There are also are covered in carpets. Palace servants tend the
golden candelabrae and 2 magnificent golden chan- rooms.
deliers (plain cartwheel style — no crystals). The large suites (Delacey's and Mordue's) have
Columns edge the central aisle, supporting the lockable doors. They are broken up by carved wood-
vaults. There is also a low, brass rail. Past this on en screens and include a fireplace, a tiled washroom,
either side, the floor level drops 3 feet and becomes and a closet bed for maid or valet. There are windows
polished, oak boards. Wooden steps join the central looking out onto the garden in the west wall. Each is
aisle on the south wall. The walls are decorated with furnished in extraordinary luxury. The Duchess has
ornamental sandalwood panels and white drapes and white carpets, a wooden limning of her late husband
are lined with cabinets containing trophies and an and fresh flowers brought daily from the garden in
impressive display of gold and silver plate. During priceless china vases. The Marquess has a stained
ceremonies, these galleries hold all but the highest- glass window of his family arms, has covered the

28 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
wall behind his bed in peacock feathers and uphol- This may be one reason they are currently, officially
stered everything that could be in black leather. unoccupied. They include a fireplace, a tiled wash-
There are 2 smaller apartments that are usually room, and a chamber for a valet. Calcidon keeps his
granted to couples and 3 single rooms whose win- favorite weapons and hunting equipment here,
dows overlook the Tongue. None of these have fire- together with a number of dogs. He frequently with-
places, so braziers are brought in during cold weath- draws to these rooms of an evening, usually with
er. They all have standard furnishings; beds, chests, friends and several bottles of wine. A door leads out
table and chairs, wooden candelabrae. into the Stable yard, and in lieu of a champion, a
Golden Guard is always posted there.
The cross-corridors all end in lockable doors giv-
ing access to the Garden. The Court Offices: In the east wing of the castle
are also the offices for the various arms of the
The Royal Apartments: Entrance is restricted to Chimerical government and housing for officials.
those who have accommodation within and their
guests. Throughout this area the walls are plastered, Housing consists of four small rooms with plas-
except for the south wall of the entrance corridor tered walls. Furnishings are bed, chest, desk and
that is covered in oak paneling. In this wall are con- chair and candelabra, but there are carpets on the
cealed 3 small chambers, which are servants' quar- floor, the coverlets are fur and the candelabrae silver
ters. The servants that sleep here are liveried ser- (except for the Steward — see below). Palace ser-
vants attending the royal complex. vants tend these rooms.
The Chamberlain, Sir Palomyne, and his wife Offices consist of rooms of varying sizes with
occupy a large suite with windows in the east wall plastered walls. The large offices — Bailiff and Tax
looking over the Tourney Field. It includes a fire- — are partitioned by wooden screens and quite lav-
place and a tiled washroom. Everything is rich but ishly furnished with desks, chairs, shelves, and car-
tasteful, including valuable tapestries, carved oak pets. The Tax Office is especially ornate. There are
and substantial amounts of gold plate. windows in the east wall of these offices. The Office
of the Herald and the Messenger's Room have win-
The Chamberlain is in charge of the Court proper, dows overlooking the Tongue. The clerks/appren-
including receipt of petitions, the guest list and tices of the Court officials usually sleep in the
access to the royal family. He is King Calcidon's offices on folding beds.
cousin, and second in line to inherit a duchy. His
wife is a Lady-in-Waiting to Princess Demara. The Steward is responsible for the day-to-day run-
ning of the palace.
The other 3 Ladies-in-Waiting, including the Lady
Leonie, occupy the other large suite. This suite also The Bailiff is responsible for the management of
contains a fireplace and a tiled washroom. The only the royal estates; that is, land owned directly by the
window breaks into the stairwell, where some illu- Chimera family.
mination is received from the skylight above, and the The Tax Master assesses and collates all taxes
door is usually left open to catch the same. The ladies from all over the realm and oversees the mechanism
still rely mainly on candles, amplified by mirrors and that collect them.
cut glass. With such effects, plentiful tapestries and The Master of Law is responsible for collating the
dainty carved furniture, the suite is very attractive. laws of the realm and their interpretations, and
The stairwell leads both up to the royal family's records the appointment of Magistrates.
actual quarters and down, rumor has it to the wine The Herald officiates at Court ceremonies and
cellar. Egress is by a thick, wooden door that is tourneys, but he is also responsible for the mainte-
always locked. nance of records of noble descent within the realm
On the far side of this is the so-called Champion's and their coats of arms. The current Herald is a
Chamber. Tradition allots these rooms to either the handsome woman – an ex-lawyer with a wonderful
Royal Champion or an adult heir. Calcidon himself voice.
occupied these rooms until ascending the throne.

Volume 3 29

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Volume 3
Master Shayne, the Steward
At 35, Shayne is tall and thin and already noticeably gray. He is the son of servants, chosen and trained
by his predecessor, who died last year of a winter chill. He has lived in the palace all his life and is com-
pletely devoted to his job. He may wear the black velvet robes with the golden chimera like his peers, but
his room is plain: he saves his money and keeps it in a locked chest under his bed. A regular amount goes
to his widowed mother, whom he arranged to have retired in comfort on a royal estate close by. He gen-
erally eats in the Servant's Hall.
His knowledge of the palace and what is going on at any one time is unparalleled. He knows all of the
servants by name as well as their current duties. He knows precisely what is in the stores and what has to
be ordered, when. He is so caught up in getting things done that visiting nobles and his fellow officials tend
to slip him private matters, such as clothing their personal servants or ensuring that a delivery reaches the
City docks, and he simply takes care of it. Servants with problems know to come to him because he always
takes them seriously. He is a wonderful negotiator and can generally resolve any household dispute.
He is unmarried, but a number of maids are trying desperately to catch his attention. He is also badly
in need of an apprentice.
White Hat
Attributes: Str 2 Dex 1 Con 2 Per 4 Int 4 Wil 2
Ability Scores: Muscle 10 Combat 7 Brains 15
Life Points: 26 Drama Points: 20
Special Abilities: Influence 1
Combat Maneuvers
Name Score Damage Notes
Dodge 7 — Avoid getting hit
Punch 7 4 bash

The 4 Royal Messengers share a well-appointed basement level of the Barracks. The halls and stairs
chamber at the south end of the west wing. They can be sealed off from the rest of the palace by 2
wear livery with riding leathers. All were chosen for amazing, sliding wooden doors (AC 15, DC 20, BV
a combination of looks and riding ability. They are 20). Made of thin panels reinforced with metal, they
on call 24 hours a day for errands that can range contain slots for missile weapons. When not locked
from finding the Chamberlain because the Steward across the end of the hall, they stand rolled up in a
needs to speak to him, to taking a letter to a city on niche. Pulling a door along metal-lined channels in
the south coast. Between times, they live it up the floor and roof and locking it into place is a mat-
shamelessly. ter of seconds. It is one of the innovations of the
The Barracks (ground floor): The 2 halls to the architect/ engineer/toy maker that supervised the
east and west of the courtyard entrance tunnel house palace's reconstruction 50 years ago.
7 Golden Guard each. They are severe stone cham- Each hall has a door into the Courtyard.
bers with a bed for each soldier, a chest standing at
the foot. The only signs of luxury are the glass win-
dows in the north and south walls. Each hall contains
a stairway leading up to the Armory and down to the

30 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
1 1 1 5 10

2 12





B 15

7 17
8 9


5 10 20 FEET 12. DEACON’S ROOM

Palace Key: First Floor lowering the portcullis are here, and there are 3 mur-
Unless otherwise stated, all floors and ceilings are der holes in the floor (usually covered). Gleaming
wooden, all doors are wooden and close with a latch. racks of well-tended weapons fill the rest of the
Where locks are specified, doors are 4 SL, ignore 1st, space, except for the large, centrally positioned
BV total. The residents keep keys and a complete set clock that dictates the changing of the guard.
is in located in the Steward's office (with the excep- Doors in the south wall lead onto the Roof Walk,
tion of the Treasury, of course). Windows are dia- a 5-foot ledge running along the west wing, the
mond-shaped lattices with heavy leading but close Armory, and the east wing. There is no railing. At
with a latch and are able to be opened. At any one the east end of the Walk, stairs lead up to the Tower.
point, the outer wall of the palace is 5 feet thick (AV Day and night, 2 Golden Guard patrol the Roof Walk
10, DC 80). Inner walls are wooden (AV 4, DC 30 ). and the Tower.
The Armory: The Armory proper and the The Tower: Comprises the flat roof of the royal
Captain's quarters occupy the area above the apartments and the actual battlemented tower that
entrance tunnel. Stonewalls are pierced with heavy, rises above them and all other parts of the Palace. It
lockable doors (AV 10, DC 15, BV 10) containing is here the Chimera banner is raised and lowered at
slots for missile weapons. Immediately outside each 6:00 AM/PM , to the sound of the horn that signals
end are the stairs from below, where a guard is the changing of the guard. The view is spectacular,
always stationed. but the only people who have access are the Golden
Windows line the north wall, set just above the Guard and the royal family. An amazingly large area
carved chimera, and provide a view all the way to of clear glass is set in the stonework, a skylight that
the gatehouse. The windows in the south wall com- illuminates the stairwell below. Accidents over the
mand the Courtyard. The controls for raising and years indicate this glass is unusually tough.

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Volume 3
Captain Gerard
At 46 years of age, Gerard has been Captain of the Golden Guard for 10 years. Though his hair is badg-
er-gray, he is still as broad and tall as any of his recruits and, rumor has it, stronger. Like most Golden
Guards he was a commoner, and has earned his position by merit. He has undertaken missions for the
crown in all parts of the realm and the King trusts his opinion on more than military matters. As Captain,
he wears a helm with gold trim.
The Captain appears terrifyingly gruff, and he is certainly hard. He is also scrupulously fair, devoted to
his men, and loyal to the crown. He is a good judge of character and has the knack of command — on
occasion, nobles have found themselves following his barked orders. His tactical sense is superb and he
knows every nook and cranny of the palace. He is often heard grumbling about what is needed to make
the place really secure.
The Captain is a widower. His much-loved wife was a lady-in-waiting (therefore of noble rank), and
died 3 years ago of a wasting disease. By special arrangement, his daughter (Lady Leonie) has her late
mother's rank and position. It is anticipated that when the Captain retires, he himself will be created Baron
and granted an estate.
Experienced Hero
Attributes: Str 5 Dex 4 Con 5 Per 4 Int 3 Wil 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 16 Combat 24 Brains 15
Life Points: 50 Drama Points: 20
Special Abilities: Influence 2, Resources 2
Combat Maneuvers
Name Score Damage Notes
Crossbow Shot 24 16 slash/stab Ranged attack modifiers apply
Dodge 24 — Avoid getting hit
Rifle* 24 17 bullet Ranged attack modifiers apply
Sword 20
Halberd 25
Punch 24 10 bash
* if applicable

The Captain's Room: The quarters occupied by Servants whisper of the strange and macabre con-
the Captain of the Golden Guard are more spacious, tents of the shelves. There is a tiled washroom
but scarcely more luxurious than those of his men. beyond the office and a short passage leads to his
They do include a desk with gold candlesticks, and a private chamber.
leather map of the realm on the wall. The Chapel: A short passage leads past the
The Doctor's Rooms: If magic is permitted, the Deacon's own room to the Chapel proper. There is a
Doctor may also be the Court Magician. Anyone of beautiful stained glass window in the east wall. The
noble rank or the Golden Guard may attend the candelabrae and religious fittings are gold. The walls
Doctor in his office; he frequently visits downstairs are hung with white and saffron curtains, and wood-
to tend the servants and has been known to make en limnings of religious subjects. The place is
"suite calls." always spotless.
The Doctor compounds his medicines in his The Deacon's small, windowless chamber is mod-
office. There are shelves, chests, and a large table. estly appointed but contains a desk and books, and a

32 Eden Studios Presents

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Volume 3
number of small tokens of the Queen's favor. The Princess Demara's suite is lit by clerestory win-
Deacon herself leads religious services and is the dows along the west wall, edging over the roof of the
official tutor to Princess Alida. Throne Room. It has a fireplace and a tiled wash-
The Reception Room: This magnificent chamber room. The colors tend to greens and blues. Much of
is used by the royal family to entertain official guests. the furniture, although rich, is very old. There are
The walls are carved oak hung with precious, histor- wooden limnings of a religious nature and some tap-
ical tapestries. A gilt chandelier hangs from the ceil- estries; nothing fancy.
ing, and the fireplace is golden marble. Magnificent In the stairwell, stairs lead up into this room (sur-
carved furniture stands on luxurious rugs, supporting rounded by a railing) and a further, narrow stair
elaborate gold plate and glassware. A virginal (key- leads to the roof of the tower (the door is usually
board instrument), card boxes, and chessboard all locked). In the roof is a massive, glass skylight,
conspire to amuse. On the main table sits an mar- scarcely supported by leading at all, providing
velous artifact, a jeweled statuette of a bird that excellent illumination.
moves its wings and head and sings a musical trill. It The door to the King's Suite leads off from the
is considered to be the work of the Architect. stairwell. These rooms are still very much as they
There are windows in the east wall. Sliding doors were when the late Queen occupied them; red, gold,
in the north wall lead to the Council Room and the lots of heavy, carved oak, and everywhere the image
Library. of the Chimera (whole and component parts). There
The Council Room: The sliding door is a mate to is a fireplace and a tiled washroom. His valet sleeps
those which protect the Barracks, although more in a closet in the wall.
ornate. The room may strike the entrant as smaller then The Solar: This room is used as a kind of private
it should be, and the atmosphere as strangely dead. lounge for the royal family, with a lockable door. By
Between the actual walls and the visible paneling is 5 day, the windows in the north wall provide illumina-
inches of solid cork. This room is used for discussions tion; for the night there are bronze candelabrae.
of policy, and features a round table inlaid with a map There are chairs and low tables here, often scattered
of the known world in semi-precious stones. with sewing work. Everything is good, but not
The Royal Library: The best private collection ornate. A lockable door leads to the Treasury.
of books in the realm is here, on handsome wooden The Treasury: Everyone knows what this cham-
shelves. Light comes from the windows in the east ber, marked on the outside by arrow slits instead of
wall and lanterns suspended from the ceiling to windows, contains: the innumerable chests holding
within inches of the reading tables. Fresh parchment the royal fortune. And that's all anyone except the
and inks are kept in the desks towards the south end, King, the Treasurer and the Treasurer's clerks knows.
as copying and correspondence takes place here, The acting Treasurer is the Marquess Mordue.
along with Princess Alida's lessons. The Upper Apartments: Throughout this sec-
The Royal Suites: A lockable door leads into the tion, the walls are covered in white plaster and orna-
Royal Suites. It leads to a chamber that doubles as mented with tapestries. There are windows in the
storage for gowns and linen and the quarters of the 2 west wall, providing a delightful view. Floors are
royal maids. The suites occupied by the Consort and covered in carpets. Palace servants tend the rooms.
the Princess are separated by a corridor that leads to One large suite accommodates Lord and Lady
the stairwell. Wenschlaas, the northern ambassadors. There is a
Princess Alida's suite is traditionally the royal fireplace, tiled washroom, and a small chamber for
nursery, and some of the finery looks a little worn. It their 2 servants. The furnishings are fairly standard,
has windows in the east wall, a fireplace, and a tiled although the place is crowded with memorabilia
washroom. There are pale carpets and drapes, and from their homeland and the various pelts, antlers
the wooden panels are carved with cats, monkeys, and heads the pair have taken in hunts during the 7
swans, and other animals. or so years of their tenure.

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Volume 3
The other large suite accommodates the eastern B is an engraved golden casket set on a plinth that,
ambassador, Sheik Ashaan. The Sheik only arrived when opened, emits a brisk breeze.
last year (with lion) and the suite has been substan- C is a life-sized dog of black metal with faceted
tially redecorated for him. The fireplace has been red stones for eyes. The dog responds to commands
boarded up and there are no chairs. Lavish pallets lie to "beg," "roll over," "fetch," and "heel" within the
on the floor and the room is divided up by hanging room. Upon the further command of "sing," it
veils. A small dais has been erected under the win- "sings" in a tone reminiscent of a deep woodwind
dows, where he sits to receive visitors. instrument.
The 3 other chambers are used for important D is an animated chair. It works like this: a new-
guests. They have windows in the north wall. None comer to the palace is persuaded to take a seat on the
have fireplaces, so braziers are brought in during red-velvet upholstery to admire the rest of the arti-
cold weather. They all have standard furnishings; facts. The arms then lock around him and the chair
beds, chests, table and chairs and bronze cande- perambulates about the room on its carved lions feet.
labrae. It responds to the captive's struggles by tilting back
The Toy Room: This spacious and completely and forth and rising and falling sharply. After com-
white chamber — walls, ceiling, and floor — hous- pleting a circuit, it releases him.
es a collection of curious devices. Cousins to the Palace servants clean the room and the devices,
singing bird in the Reception Room, they too are the but they appear to need no maintenance. After 50
work of the Architect. Subsequent additions include years, they all seem as good as new.
peculiar shells, eggs and a reputed unicorn's horn,
but the devices are the stars. Palace Key: Sub-Level
A is a sandalwood and ivory virginal that plays a Unless otherwise noted, walls and floors are
seemingly infinite repertoire of tunes by itself. stone; ceilings are stone. Doors, where they exist,

3 4




5 10 20 FEET



5 6 5 5 1 1

34 Eden Studios Presents

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Volume 3
are wooden and some are lockable (4 SL, ignore 1st, is near constantly busy, preparing meals for both the
BV total). Windows are all clerestory and some can high and low life of the palace. Bread is being baked
be opened. They are diamond-shaped lattices with before sunrise, pans are still being washed at mid-
heavy leading. The outer wall is solid earth sheathed night. There are five Cooks, each with 2 apprentices,
in stone. Inner walls are stone and 2 feet thick (AV and a varying number of children acting as scullions.
6, DC 60). The Cooks are entitled to wear livery, but only do so
The Servants Hall: It is in this huge, smoky, on formal occasions.
echoing vault that the majority of the palace servants Along the north wall are ranged the ovens. Along
eat, sleep and spend their leisure talking and playing the east wall, spits turn and cauldrons seethe over a
dice. It is reached by stairs from both the Tourney charcoal pit (the main source of heat for the entire
Field and the Courtyard. It is lit by some lanterns area). Above them, a massive copper duct channels
and also by clerestory windows on both sides. the fumes out through a vent in the Tourney Field.
Trestle tables and benches line the floor; after sun- Nor is this the only amenity. Running along from
set, pallets are rolled across them. Servants keep the Laundry to the tubs at the south end of the
their belongings in chests that line the walls. Kitchen, a huge copper pipe carries water, fresh
The Kitchen: This is not separated from the from the Tongue. This system is another of the inno-
Servants Hall by anything other than tradition and vations of the Architect.
terror of the Head Cook. That is enough. The kitchen

Typical Palace Servant

There are liveried and unliveried servants in the Palace. Liveried servants have permanent, often spe-
cialized jobs and their own accommodation. Livery comprises a brown doublet and hose, or gown, with
the Chimera arms embroidered in yellow and black. Women wear a white linen cap. Such garments are
provided and replaced as necessary by the palace.
There are about 30 unliveried palace servants, including the Cooks' apprentices and the Launderers.
Servants with no regular duty are assigned jobs on a daily basis, which may range from scrubbing down
the Banquet Hall to unloading carts, from chopping wood to sewing. A further 10 or so people who lodge
in the Servant's Hall are either children, or servants now too old for more than occasional duties.
Unliveried servants wear brown dresses, or doublets and hose, and calico aprons and caps. Those who
tend the rooms of nobles and wait at their meals wear spotless white aprons and caps. Such garments are
provided and replaced as necessary by the palace. Servants who perform exceptionally well are awarded
pewter pins of the Chimera badge, which they wear on duty.
Many servants, both liveried and unliveried, were born in the Palace to the previous generation of ser-
vants, and may have been outside it only seldom. As well as board and clothing, they receive a wage.
White Hat
Attributes: Str 3 Dex 3 Con 3 Per 2 Int 2 Wil 2
Ability Scores: Muscle 12 Combat 9 Brains 10
Life Points: 34 Drama Points: 20
Combat Maneuvers
Name Score Damage Notes
Dodge 9 — Avoid getting hit
Punch 9 6 bashing

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Volume 3
In the north wall is a door to which only the Cook The Butler sleeps here on a folding bed, as does
has the key, leading as it does to her own chamber, the Head Laundress and 4 of the more privileged
the spice cupboard and the wine cellar. The Cooks palace servants. These women clean silverware, wait
share a chamber further along the wall, at the start of at the royal table, and are notable seamstresses.
the Stores. Rumors about them and the Butler are rife.
The Laundry: At the far end of the Servants The Butler answers to the Steward. He is respon-
Hall, separated only by a general dislike for steam sible for maintaining order amongst the servants and
and funny smells — as well as washing, soap mak- setting their duties.
ing takes place here. The Head Laundress leads a The Barracks and Dungeon: The sub-level of
team of 5 female and 5 male Launderers. the Barracks matches the ground floor, save that
The Head Laundress controls the inflow of the between the rows of beds is a space with tables and
pipe from the river. There is also, at this end, a truly chairs for the Guards' leisure, and the sliding walls
amazing mechanism that allows dirty water from the are almost always kept closed. The place is lit and
tubs to be pumped back out. If the campaign ventilated by clerestory windows in the Courtyard.
involves magic, this is a likely place; otherwise, the Through the wall to the west lies the dungeon.
main task of the male Launderers is to operate a This does not see regular use. It consists of a central
huge treadmill. Either way, the incident with the passage lined with bare, stone cubicles with lockable
bright orange water and all the dead fish is bound to doors.
recur sooner or later.
The Stores: 2 long corridors connect the Kitchen Why Come to Court?
to the Sub-Kitchen. During mealtimes, these are a Chimerical campaigns generally begin with the
flurry of activity as servants manning small carts characters' first arrival at Court. So the first question
transport dishes to the Banquet Hall. Between times, is, why?
the cooks enter to retrieve supplies from the store-
rooms, or roll out a tun of ale from the barrel store. The answer to this question shapes the campaign.
A noble may arrive unheralded seeking an audience
Especially notable is the Cold Room, for which with the King (for which she may have to wait some
the Architect must again be thanked. If possible, this time), but all others must have some kind of invita-
is magical; if not, iron sheeting, straw insulation, and tion or summons. Is one character a noble, come to
snow renewed every winter maintain the freezing make some petition or resolve a dispute? Is one
temperatures. The door is lockable. On one side is character a merchant or other commoner, come to
the buttery, on the other fruit is mainly stored. try and bridge the gap between wealth and title? Is
However, not all the storerooms contain provisions. one character, even, a new servant seeking to rise in
Here and there, most often behind locked doors, are to the palace hierarchy, or with some darker, secret
be found such things as spare linen, the massive royal ambition? Each character should enter the game
tents, and the decorations that each Spring Festival with clear goals already in mind. In general, the
transform the Banqueting Hall into a forest glade. more vital and challenging the goal, the better.
The Sub-Kitchen: Contains stairs to the Banquet Taking a servant character is quite feasible, so
Hall and also a Dumb Waiter that serves the dais long as she is right kind of servant. A cook, who is
directly. Fairly spacious, it holds a line of stoves (to expected to remain in the Kitchen working for up to
keep things hot) and a cupboard of basic supplies — 18 hours a day, has little leisure to be pursuing per-
bread, ale, and fruit. Between meals, this is where the sonal schemes. Likewise, the duties of a Golden
nobles send their servants to obtain a quick snack. Guard are restrictive. But a maid tending the rooms
In the other cupboards is a large part of the of nobility and the personal servant of a noble have
Chimera cutlery — serving dishes, platters, wine a great deal of potential, and such a character would
jugs. Some of this stuff is silver and the cupboards be an asset to any group of conspirators.
are locked; the Butler holds the key.

36 Eden Studios Presents

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Volume 3
Nevertheless, nobles and servants do lead differ- position at Court such as Lady-in-Waiting, and the
ent lives. For that matter, it is likely that any two valet aspires to office. Add the Baron's marriageabil-
noble characters will have different interests, and the ity and a few personal secrets, and this is an ideal
game therefore at any moment may scatter to differ- foundation for a Chimerical campaign.
ent section of the palace. A certain amount of this is The Chronicler should discourage conflicting
inevitable and ways of handling it will be discussed goals amongst the player characters. Not everyone
in a later article. The important thing is to ensure the can marry the Princess Alida, and it is probably
characters are connected to begin with and have rea- unrealistic for everyone to gain a duchy; in any case,
son to keep rejoining each other throughout the a spread of ambitions, like skills and backgrounds,
game. The best way to achieve this, of course, is to allows the characters a broader collective influence.
ensure they have a goal in common as well as per- The Chronicler should also beware of characters
sonal ambitions. with goals including bringing down the monarchy
For example, a Baron who has just come into his and replacing it with a parliament or preparing the
title and his lady sister have arrived at Court in order way for an invasion, unless that is where she wants
that the King may recognize his inheritance. With the campaign to ultimately go.
them is his valet. During the process of getting Equally, the Chronicler should be careful about
through the gate, they meet a talented limner who forcing goals upon players to fit in with her vision of
has been summoned to assist the Herald (painting the campaign. The object is, of course, to come up
shields and such), who offers to paint the Baron's with a character that the player is happy to play.
portrait in hopes it will lead to a royal commission. Such things should be matters of delicate and
All of these characters share the goal of ensuring the respectful negotiation on both sides — bribes, flat-
Baron's investiture (which his cousin is naturally tery, and blackmail optional!
attempting to thwart). In addition, the limner has the
ambitions of her art, the sister seeks a permanent

Volume 3 37

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Volume 3
Putting the Cauldron on a High Boil
More Spells and Magic Items for use with
Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG
by John Snead and M. Alexander Jurkat

Summon Hyena Spirit

Source: 1.6 Pack
Canon Alert
Most of the spells shown on the TV show are Quick Cast: No
not named. For those, we labeled them as we Power Level: 6
saw fit (yep, we are a presumptuous bunch). Requirements: A pack of spiritually powerful
Only those marked with an asterisk (*) are taken hyenas, Masai ceremonial garb, a magic circle
directly from the show. drawn in blood, and an aggressive or predatory act
performed where the hyenas can see it.
Effect: Once the ritual has been performed, the
More Spells from Buffy hyena spirit possesses the first person or group of
the Vampire Slayer people who participate in a predatory or aggressive
act within the magic circle. A person possessed by
Season One Spells the spirit gains +1 to Strength, Constitution,
Dexterity, and Perception, becomes far more preda-
Making the Vessel tory, and generally behaves like a hyena with human
Source: 1.2 The Harvest intelligence. The physical changes happen immedi-
ately; the mental changes are fairly gradual and
Quick Cast: No often require up to two days to fully take effect.
Power Level: 4 Once these changes have taken place, the possessed
Requirements: Both the caster and the vessel develop a strong desire to hunt, kill, and eat people.
must be vampires. The vessel bites the caster’s Anyone with a Willpower 2 or less ends up acting in
wrist. The caster draws a three-pointed star on the a rather stupid and instinctual manner. Characters
vessel’s forehead with the blood from this bite. with above an average Willpower remain as smart
and cunning as ever, making them extremely dan-
Effect: Until dawn, all blood drunk by the vessel
gerous. Such people enjoy killing and preying on
nourishes the caster. The vessel gets no nourishment
the weak, but have enough sense to do so in a man-
from this blood and will be quite hungry by the end
ner that will keep their activities hidden from the
of the night. This spell is rarely cast—it is only use-
authorities. Regardless of Willpower, the possessed
ful for vampires who are unable to hunt or must
remember everything they did while the spirit inhab-
rebuild their strength.
ited them. The hyena spirit can be transferred from
Aspect Analysis: Caster must be vampire (-1), one person or group of people to another by simply
recitation (less than a couple minutes) (+1), notice- performing the same ritual in the presence of the
able scope (one target) (+1), target must be vampire people currently possessed by the spirit.
(-1), long duration (+1), no special ingredients (for
Aspect Analysis: Recitation (less than a couple
vampires) (+0), major effect (+3).
minutes) (+1), severe scope (2-10 people) (+2), per-
manent duration (+3), way-rare ingredients (-3),
major effect (+3).

38 Eden Studios Presents

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Volume 3
Season Two Spells
Vampiric Revivication
Source: 2.1 When She Was Bad
Quick Cast: No
Power Level: 7
Requirements: This spell can only be cast on
vampires who possess the Revivability Quality (see
Monster Smackdown, p. 19). The mortal who was
nearest to the vampire when it was destroyed must
be sacrificed and her blood poured on the vampire’s
Effect: This spell returns a revivable vampire who
has been destroyed to its previous state of undeath,
unharmed, and ready to rock.
Aspect Analysis: Ritual (couple of minutes) (+1),
noticeable scope (one being) (+1), limited to vam-
pires with Revivability Quality (-1), permanent
duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), awesome effect

Restore the Undead

Source: 2.10 What’s My Line? - Part Two
Quick Cast: No
Power Level: 5
Requirements: The caster must have the Du Lac
Cross or another similarly powerful and blasphe-
mously blessed dagger. The vampire being restored
must be tied on an altar with her sire, and the caster
must stab a knife through both of their hands while
invoking the demon-lord Eligor. If the two vampires
are separated, the spell ends before the subject is
fully healed.
Effect: This spell can restore a badly injured vam-
pire to full health, regardless of the injury or damage
suffered. This spell drains life from the sire to heal
the injured vampire—if used on a sufficiently dam-
aged vampire, the spell could kill the sire. If the
spell is ended early, the subject is partially healed;
this may allow her to recover more rapidly from the
remainder of her injuries. Ending the spell early also
ensures that the sire survives and recovers fully in a
day or two.

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Volume 3
Aspect Analysis: Recitation (less than half an Effect: This spell transforms the caster into a huge
hour) (+0), severe scope (two beings) (+2), only and deadly true demon (snake aspect may be option-
affects vampires (-1), permanent duration (+3), rare al). The transformation takes place 100 days after
ingredients (-2), major effect (+3). the Rite of Dedication, but during that time nothing
can harm the caster. Any damage taken is ignored
and all wounds heal within seconds. Even if the
Ending Diane’s Hunt caster is blown up with a bomb, within seconds, he
Source: 2.16 Bewitched, Bothered, and reforms out of the pieces his body was ripped into.
Bewildered Sometime during the 100 days of invulnerability, the
supplicant must devour a dozen of the deadly spider-
Quick Cast: No
like demons contained in the Box of Gavrok. Thank
Power Level: 3 god for invulnerability, no? If the caster does not eat
Requirements: A personal object of the target, a the requisite Gavrok demons before the 100 days
large symbol representing the sex of the target in red have elapsed, the spell fails and the caster once again
chalk, a candle with the target’s name written on it, becomes a normal human.
a boiling cauldron (or beaker) with herbs, a picture Aspect Analysis: Intermittent ritual (several min-
of the target, and a fifteen-minute ritual that calls utes spread over 100 days) (-1), noticeable scope
upon Diana, the goddess of the hunt. (one being) (+1), permanent duration (+3), way-
Effect: This spell reverses the effects of the restricted use (once a century) (-5), awesome effect
Passion of the Huntress spell, ending the target’s (+5).
obsession. Lots of Witches have gotten more money
or favors by offering to remove that spell than by
casting it in the first place. This spell won’t remove Protective Amulet
the target’s memory of being madly infatuated, and Source: 3.14 Bad Girls
she often blames the person she was infatuated with. Quick Cast: No
Love spells are bad news all around.
Power Level: 1
Aspect Analysis: Ritual (15 minutes) (+0),
noticeable scope (one being) (+1), instant duration Requirements: A small black pouch filled with
(+0), unusual ingredients (-1), severe effect (+3). herbs that have been set in the light of the full moon.
This spell can only be cast during the third day of the
full moon. Whoever wears this pouch gains the ben-
efits of this spell.
Season Three Spells
Effect: This is a more limited version of the secret
Spell of Demonic Ascension* protection spell. Each time the wearer is hit, the
Source: 3.14 Bad Girls, 3.19 Choices, & 3.22 charm absorbs two of the Life Points inflicted. The
Graduation Day - Part Two charm can absorb a number of Life Points equal to
the caster’s Willpower times the Success Level she
Quick Cast: No
rolls when casting this spell. For example, if the
Power Level: 3 caster’s Willpower is five and she rolls two Success
Requirements: This spell is formed of three parts. Levels, the charm can absorb ten Life Points of dam-
The first, the Rite of Dedication, requires the suppli- age (more specifically, two points from each of five
cant to recite while kneeling in an inverted pentagram attacks). Once the charm has absorbed its maximum
with five candles burning at each point. The second, number of points, it is useless.
the Ritual of Gavrok, requires the Box of Gavrok. Aspect Analysis: Ritual (a few minutes) (+0),
The last, the Ascension, occurs on the one-hundredth noticeable scope (one being) (+1), creates magical
day after the Rite of Dedication. This entire process item (+1), somewhat restricted use (-2), noticeable
can only be attempted once every century. effect (+1).

40 Eden Studios Presents

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Volume 3
Soul Reave Spell extent, they still recognize friends and enemies. A
Source: 3.17 Enemies beer-created Neanderthal likely wants to hurt her
Quick Cast: No enemies and stay near her friends. These effects last
until the character sobers up. Getting drunk on this
Power Level: 10 beer always results in a really nasty hangover (not to
Requirements: Throw a vial of blood that has mention the other baggage that comes alone with
been specially blessed on the target and say a short being Savage Girl). Enterprising magicians might
Arabic incantation. devise a version that works on other beverages (Jell-
Effect: This spell removes the soul from any vam- O Shots of Savagery?).
pire or other demon that managed to regain its soul. Aspect Analysis: Lengthy ritual (several hours) (-
This is extremely painful; the victim suffers a -10 1), noticeable scope (one being) (+1), creates magi-
penalty to all her actions during this time. The cal item (+1), long duration (until sober) (+1),
length of time that this takes is a number of Turns unusual ingredients (-1), severe effect (+2).
equal to the Power Level of the Spell minus the
Success Levels over ten (minimum of two Turns). If
this is done to an ensouled vampire, it reverts to its The Sacrifice of Three*
old mean and vicious self. If this is done to a human, Source: 4.11 Doomed
she gains a new mean and vicious self. This spell
does not work on humans or any other beings that Quick Cast: No
naturally have souls, only on creatures that have Power Level: 4
gained or regained their soul using magic or other Requirements: The bones of a child, a bottle of
supernatural means. man’s blood, and the Word of Valios. There must be
Aspect Analysis: Recitation (couple of minutes) three casters and three living sacrifices (which may
(+1), noticeable scope (one being) (+1), creates be one in the same).
magical object (+1), permanent duration (+3), Effect: When all three sacrifices have been made,
unusual ingredients (-1), awesome effect (+5). a nearby Hellmouth will open. The actual result of
that is pretty much up in the air. It’s a safe bet that
it would be very bad though.
Season Four Spells Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), ritual (less
than half a hour) (+0), severe scope (one Hellmouth)
Beer of Savagery
(+2), permanent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2),
Source: 4.5 Bad Beer
major effect (+3).
Power Level: 3
Requirements: A somewhat involved alchemical
process using typical weird beakers, tubes, and bub- True Shape Restored
bling liquids. Source: 4.12 A New Man
Effect: The enchanted beer becomes especially Quick Cast: No
potent—anyone who gets extremely drunk on it Power Level: 5
transforms into a Neanderthal-like semi-human sav-
age. Reduce the imbiber’s Intelligence and Requirements: Herbs, candles, and the person the
Willpower to one; increase her Strength, caster wants to help. This ritual takes about ten min-
Constitution, and Perception by one. The character utes.
is completely consumed with primal drives, like the Effect: Many spells can be found that transform
desire for food, sex, and of course, more beer. The people into everything from dogs to demons. This
savages produced by this spell are not particularly spell gives people back their rightful form. It can
violent, but if they are threatened or if someone gets only be cast by the person who performed the trans-
in their way, they may become so. Also, to an formation in the first place. If this spell works, the

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target is instantly restored. A variation of this spell her, while leaving the caster strictly alone. Finally,
might work if cast by someone other than the origi- after two weeks, it begins to stalk the caster and
nal transformer, but the Power Level would rise by attempts to attack her and any of her friends or asso-
three. ciates at any opportunity. The demon’s health is tied
Aspect Analysis: Recitation (ten minutes) (+1), to the spell. Each third of its Life Points lost
noticeable scope (one being) (+1), permanent dura- decreases the spell bonuses by the same amount
tion (+3), way-rare ingredients (original caster) (-3), (Attributes and skills decrease by one, Hard to Kill
major effect (+3). and Good Luck by two). If the demon is killed, the
spell immediately ends. Even worse, if the demon is
imprisoned, it sickens and dies within 24 hours—the
spell weakens as it sickens and ends when it is dead.
Become the Ultimate Paragon*
When the spell ends, all effects on the caster and
Source: 4.17 Superstar
everyone else instantly vanish. Over the next three
Quick Cast: No days, all memory that the caster was ever a celebrity
Power Level: 5 gradually fades. At the end of this time, she once
again is an ordinary person, bereft of both fame and
Requirements: A special magic bone and a four-
influence. Some people, especially other magicians,
hour ritual where the caster carefully draws a magi-
may retain some memory of the spell’s affects and
cal symbol on the ground in blue paint. The caster
will believe that the caster is a fraud and a poser,
can only cast this spell on herself—she can’t use it to
even if they don’t remember exactly why they
make someone else into a paragon. This spell can
believe this.
only be cast on February 1.
Aspect Analysis: Very lengthy ritual (four hours)
Effect: This spell transforms the caster into a
(-2), noticeable scope (one being) (+1), awesome
paragon of humanity and marks her body with the
scope (one city) (+5), very long duration (+2), rare
magical symbol she drew to cast the spell. Add +3
ingredients (-2), restricted use (-4), awesome effect
to all Attributes and skills. Also, the caster gains
Hard to Kill 6 and Good Luck 6 (which replenishes
each hour). The caster’s hometown is transformed.
Everyone in this region suddenly believes that the
caster is the most perfect person who has ever lived, Slayer’s Enjoining
and illusory evidence of her multi-talented prowess Source: 4.22 Primeval
abounds. Movie ads proclaim that she is a star, her Quick Cast: No
name is on everyone’s lips, and local newspapers Power Level: 2
and magazines regularly run features on her.
Everyone in the town also finds her to be unbeliev- Requirements: This spell requires the Slayer’s
ably charismatic. This spell can only be cast by Watcher and one to three other people who are emo-
ordinary humans; it automatically fails if cast by tionally close to the Slayer and who have fought
demons, half demons, or even Slayers. In the end, vampires at her side. This spell must be cast when
this spell is nothing more than an illusion and it lasts the Slayer is nearby and it cannot be cast more often
no more than a month. It also comes with a heavy than once every three years. Attempting to cast this
price—one full day after the spell is cast, a demon spell more often causes it to automatically fail—the
appears. This demon is marked on its forehead with spirit of the First Slayer doesn’t appreciate being
the same magical symbol, has Attributes and Life bothered too often.
Points equal to the caster’s, and level 7 in Effect: This spell calls upon the spirit of the First
Acrobatics, Getting Medieval, and Kung Fu. At Slayer to join the essence of the participants. Once
first, this monster simply terrorizes the town. For cast, each person involved adds half of her highest
the next week, it gets continually closer to the cast- Attribute and three of her skill levels (round down)
er, eventually terrorizing everyone who comes near to the Slayer’s Attributes and skills. Instead of pro-

42 Eden Studios Presents

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viding one of these bonuses, a Witch or Warlock can a family who have normal memories of her being
instead temporarily give the Slayer half of her born and growing up, a birth certificate, teachers and
Sorcery Quality. Suddenly, the Slayer is a whole lot friends who know her, medical records, and even
stronger, faster, and smarter than before and she may bullies who remember picking on her in the third
even suddenly know how to use a rocket launcher, grade. Although the new person is completely real
speak Sumerian, or cast spells. This spell only lasts and human, these memories are ultimately illusory.
for a number of minutes equal to the Slayer’s Spells like Tirer La Couture (see MB p. 74) can see
Willpower (including any bonuses provided by this through the changes wrought by the spell to the true
spell). Still, for this short time, the Slayer becomes reality underneath. Insane people and the dying are
a being of unparalleled might. There’s pretty much able to sense that the person is unusual and not who
nothing that can stand in her way, especially if her she seems to be. Finally, the person is fully mortal
friends are pretty buff types. The only problem with and can be injured and die as easily as anyone else.
this spell is that it’s a rough ride at the end. Both the If the person dies, the enchanted item is destroyed
Slayer and the participants are completely exhausted and the spell is ended. All false memories and evi-
after it is over. All halve their Strength, dences of the person’s existence instantly vanish—it
Constitution, Dexterity, and Willpower levels until is as if this person never existed.
they’ve had a full meal and a good night’s sleep. Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), very
Minor mishaps with this spell can produce exceed- lengthy ritual (four hours) (-2), noticeable scope
ingly unusual effects, including dream visits from (one being) (+1), awesome scope (world) (+6), per-
the spirit of the First Slayer. manent duration (+3), way-rare ingredients (-3),
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), ritual (less awesome effect (+6).
than half an hour) (+0), severe scope (up to four par-
ticipants) (+2), medium duration (+0), unusual
ingredients (-1), restricted use (-4), awesome effect Create the Hunting Snake of Sobek
(+7). Source: 5.8 Shadow
Quick Cast: No
Power Level: 5
Season Five Spells
Requirements: Khul’s Amulet, a Sobekian
Embodied Transformation Bloodstone, a large container of ceramic or stone,
Source: 5.5 No Place Like Home and a snake of the kind specified by the bloodstone.
Quick Cast: No Place the snake and the bloodstone in the container
and chant an incantation while holding Khul’s
Power Level: 9
amulet over the mouth of the container.
Requirements: Three magicians must perform a
Effect: This spell transmogrifies a specific type of
four-hour ritual. Prior to the ritual, the casters must
snake into a large demonic servant. The snake
have written down information about the individual
demon is completely loyal to its creator (as long as
being created and their background. This ritual may
the caster doesn’t mess up the ritual – if she screws
only be performed on enchanted items of vast power
up, the snake will likely try to eat her) and possess-
(Power Level 6 or greater).
es keen supernatural senses. These snakes can sense
Effect: This spell transforms a powerful enchant- and locate supernatural manifestation unfindable by
ed item into an ordinary human. This transformation other means. The only limit on this spell is that a
is permanent although the item still possesses any given bloodstone can be used only once, and these
magical properties it previously possessed. This bloodstones are quite rare—Egyptian priests skilled
spell also creates memories, abilities, and a fully real in dark magics inscribed them all long ago. (For fur-
background for the item. In effect, this spell ther information on the Sobekite Spawn, see
reshapes the world so that the new person fits per- Monster Smackdown, p. 50).
fectly within it. This spell provides the person with

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Aspect Analysis: Recitation (a few minutes) (+1), hour) (+0), noticeable scope (one being) (+1), long
noticeable scope (one snake) (+1), limited target duration (+1), restricted use (-4), awesome effect
(only snake specified by stone) (-1), permanent (+5).
duration (+3), way-rare ingredients (-2), major effect
Season Six Spells
Slayer’s Quest* Silence
Source: 5.18 Intervention Source: 6.6 All The Way
Quick Cast: No Quick Cast: Yes
Power Level: 1 Power Level: 3
Requirements: Only a Watcher and a Slayer Requirements: Witches need merely say
working together can perform this ritual at noon in a “Silence.” Other magicians must perform a ritual
remote wilderness area far from any human habita- lasting two minutes.
tion. This spell cannot be cast more often than once Effect: The caster designates one or more targets
a year and it must be cast in the spring. The Watcher nearby. She and these targets can hear each other
must make a circle of twigs and shake a gourd that unusually clearly and none of them can hear any
has previously been prepared. The effect lasts other noises around them. The effect lasts for one
between three and six hours. minute per Success Level and can be dispelled with
Effect: This powerful and ancient ritual enables a a short incantation.
Slayer to contact the primordial spirit of the First Aspect Analysis: Recitation (two minutes) (+1),
Slayer. When cast by the Slayer’s Watcher, it calls a can be Quick Cast (+1), severe scope (up to ten
spirit guide. For the duration of this ritual, the beings) (+2), medium duration (+0), minor effect
Watcher is released from his vows and the guide is (+0).
charged with protecting and training the Slayer. The
spirit leads the Slayer into the spirit world. Once
there, the Slayer can ask questions of the First Quick Change
Slayer. As befits a being of ancient power, the First
Source: 6.8 Tabula Rasa
Slayer almost never answers with simple answers—
normally she speaks in metaphors and riddles. She Power Level: 3
is full of all manner of general advice about being a Quick Cast: Yes
Slayer. Asking specific advice about dealing with an Requirements: This spell is only useful to
individual problem can be more difficult though. Witches and Warlocks who only need to make a ges-
She cannot and will not tell a Slayer about the weak- ture and a word or two.
nesses of a particular demon. Slayers shouldn’t need
to ask for help about that sort of thing. She can say Effect: The caster can get dressed or change
if the Slayer is having any problems correctly clothes in an instant. Useful for putting on a police
embodying the spirit of the Slayer. Also, if any pre- uniform if the real cops are about to come in the
vious Slayers have encountered a particular problem room—assuming the caster has a police uniform
before, the First Slayer can summon the spirit of this handy.
previous Slayer. The spirit of this Slayer won’t Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
know anything more than she did when she was ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
alive, but she can at least relate the story of her (+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
encounter with this particular problem. manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
Aspect Analysis: Dual casters (-1), must be effect (+3).
Watcher and Slayer (-1), ritual (less than half an

44 Eden Studios Presents

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Volume 3
New Spells Skin Changing
Source: New
Quick Cast: Yes
Canon Alert
Power Level: 4
Nope, these aren’t actually from the show.
However, we feel (again being the presumptu- Requirements: The skin of a werewolf. The cast-
ous lot we are), that you will find plenty of use er puts on the skin and say a short incantation to
for these spells in your game. So, get to scrib- Fenris. The skin is destroyed when casting this
ing! spell, so a new skin must be used every time this
spell is cast. Both fresh and tanned skins work
equally well.
Health Stealing Effect: The is spell temporarily transform the
Source: New caster into a werewolf. She gain all of the benefits
of the 12-point Werewolf Quality (see BtVS
Quick Cast: Yes
Corebook, p. 51). The caster has all of the physical
Power Level: 3 benefits of being a big tough werewolf and is com-
Requirements: A short incantation while holding pletely in control of her behavior while she is a
the victim’s hand. The victim need not be willing or werewolf. She can remain a werewolf until the sun
even conscious during the ritual. However, the cast- next crosses the horizon, but can also transform back
er must wear a specially prepared ring set with an earlier if she wishes. The only limit on this power-
alectoris stone on her left hand. If this ritual is being ful spell is that it requires a steady supply of were-
used to transfer health from one person to another, wolf skins if the caster wishes to cast this spell reg-
then the caster must hold both people’s hands. ularly. Needless to say, werewolves are none to fond
of anyone who uses this spell. Also, real were-
Effect: This ritual is one of the few that can heal
wolves can instantly smell if another werewolf they
almost any medical condition. The only requirement
meet is a real werewolf or someone using this spell.
is that the caster must be touching a living person
who does not suffer from this condition. Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy rit-
ual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being) (+1),
After the spell is cast, any single injury, disease or
awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), permanent
other medical problem is transferred from the person
duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major effect (+3).
being healed to the victim. This ritual can be used to
cure everything from a broken arm to lung cancer or
even total paralysis or congenital blindness.
Unfortunately, the condition is not really cured - it is Ritual of Demonic Return
merely transferred to someone else. This medical Source: New
condition suddenly affects the victim of the spell just Quick Cast: No
as if he had developed it naturally. This transfer is
Power Level: 4
permanent and the condition can be treated normal-
ly with medicine. Health can only be stolen from Requirements: A sword or dagger with a gilded
humans, this spell does not work on vampires, blade or hilt. The caster must know the type of
demons or, half-demons. demon she is banishing and she must shout the name
of this type of demon (or the demon’s true name if it
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
is a unique and powerful demon) and then touch the
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
demon with the gilded weapon.
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major Effect: This spell instantly returns a demon to the
effect (+3). hell dimension from whence it came. Getting rid of
demons is a wonderful thing, but this spell has four
serious limits – the caster need to know the type of

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demon she is banishing, the caster or someone help- Life Stealing
ing her with the ritual must touch the demon with the Source: New
gilded sword, this spell is only useful on demons Quick Cast: No
who can’t travel dimensions on their own, and it will
not work on hellgods of other incredibly powerful Power Level: 6
demons. Since it only sends a demon home to the Requirements: A black pentagram with a white
hell dimension from whence it came, a demon that candle burning at each point. The victim (who must
can get to our world without being summoned can be younger than the person whose youth is being
simply come back, and will likely be annoyed at restored) must be tied down on the pentacle. The
having to make the extra trip. caster must say an extensive incantation to Chronos,
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy cut the target with a silver knife, drain a small
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being) amount of blood and then drink the blood. If this is
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per- being used to restore someone else’s youth, then that
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major person must drink the blood.
effect (+3). Effect: This spell is one of the few magical rituals
that allows the caster become young again or to
make someone else young again.
Elixir of Longevity The only problem with this spell is that to use it,
Source: New the caster must steal the youth from someone else.
Quick Cast: No This person must be in relatively good heath and
must be younger than the person whose youth is
Power Level: 5 being restored. This spell restores the recipient to
Requirements: One cup of human blood, one cup the prime of their youth (between 19 and 23 years
of vampire blood, and a golden bowl to mix them in. old) in an instant. However, all of the years that
The caster must mix the blood and perform an incan- have suddenly been subtracted off of her age are
tation and then drink the pint of mixed blood. suddenly added onto the age of the person whose
Effect: This spell restores whoever else drinks the youth is being stolen. If the number of years added
mixed blood to whatever age the drinker desires. to this person’s age would make them over 100 years
Someone who is 85 could look for feel 35 or even old, the spell kills her and all that is left is a withered
15. However, the effects of this spell only last one corpse. If the recipient ends up less than 100 years
month. Once the month is over, the effects fade over old, then she simply becomes old and decrepit, while
the course of a single day and by the end of that day, the recipient becomes suddenly young, vibrant and
the recipient will look and feel as old as she really is. full of life. This spell does not wear off, however,
Not only will suddenly being 85 make it harder to the recipient will continue to age normally. Anyone
get a hold of more vampire blood, but if the recipi- who wishes to be truly immortal must cast this spell
ent is more than 100, she dies of old age when the multiple times. Each time it is cast, the number of
spell runs out. The only way to avoid this is to cast years between present and when the spell was last
the spell again before the first one runs out. There cast are transferred to the person whose youth is
are rumors that a few rogue Watchers have been being stolen. Life can only be stolen from humans,
using this spell for several centuries. Fortunately, this spell does not work on vampires, demons or,
blood banks and the fact that some vampires store half-demons. If this spell goes wrong, it almost
human blood for snacks, now makes getting the always makes the person the spell is being cast on
human blood the easy part of doing this spell. many decades older and restores the victim to the
prime of life (if she isn’t already there).
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy rit-
ual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being) (+1), Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), permanent ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major effect (+3). (+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-

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manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
effect (+3).

Demon Portal
Source: New
Quick Cast: No
Power Level: 6
Requirements: A creature, object, or even a pinch
of dirt from the dimension the caster wishes to visit.
This spell can also only be cast at special dimen-
sional weak points. The caster also needs to draw a
circle with a pentacle inside on a wall or the ground.
Effect: When the spell is cast, a gateway to the
other dimension opens up inside this circle – the
pentacle vanishes, along with the portion of the
ground or wall inside the circle. It is replaced by a
glowing circle of light. Anyone walking through or
on the circle is instantly transported into the new
dimension. The portal only remains open for 30 sec-
onds, so once it’s open the caster will need to move
The hardest part of performing this spell is locat-
ing dimensional weak points. Other than trying this
spell at random locations, the best way to figure out
where such places are is to look for places where
weird events happen a lot. A vacant lot that has had
occasionally be the site of weird lights at night and
once experienced a rain of toads is a good candidate
for a dimensional weak point. Alternately, the cast-
er can ask a demon or a powerful magician where
the nearest dimensional weak point is.
Unfortunately, if the caster wants to get back home,
she will need to find another weak point and cast this
spell again. The place where the caster came
through into the new dimension may or may not be
a dimensional weak point in this new dimension, so
she may have a long search ahead of her. This spell
is a great way to visit everything from the nastiest
hell dimension to the dimension without shrimp –
however, getting home can take a bit of work.
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
effect (+3).

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Spontaneous Human Combustion Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
Source: New ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
Quick Cast: No (+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
Power Level: 6 effect (+3).
Requirements: A lock of hair, a small amount of
blood, or a bit of fingernail from the intended victim,
a doll and a low fire in a brass or gold cauldron. The Summon Gachnar
doll must be roasted over the fire from Noon to mid- Source: Fear Itself: 4.4
night. This spell can only be cast on a Sunday. Any
interruption in the ritual, at any time stops the Power Level: 2
process and saves the victim. Quick Cast: No
Effect: For the first 3 hours, victims simply feels Requirements: Draw the Mark of Gachnar in red
unusually warm, for the next three hours they run a and then spell blood on it. This spell must be cast
mild fever, which then becomes a serious fever. The inside a house or other small or moderate-sized
victim falls unconscious between 6PM and 8PM and building. This spell must be cast in daylight and it
will burn to death slowly between 11PM and mid- doesn’t take effect until after night falls.
night. This spell is the darkest form of black magic When cast normally, Gachnar does no physically
and requires the caster to chants the names of sever- appear. Instead, the entire dwelling comes tem-
al demons. It may only be cast upon living beings porarily under his sway. From the evening of the
with human blood in their veins. It works perfectly day the spell is cast, until the next morning, every-
well on normal humans, Slayers, or even half- one inside the house finds themselves surrounded by
demons, but will not work on demons, vampires, or their worst fears. These effects are purely illusory,
any other inhuman monsters. but are so real and complex that two people in the
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy same room can see entirely different scenes and can
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being) become lost from each other even though they are no
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per- more than a few feet apart. None of the illusions can
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major cause any physical harm, but they can mask physical
effect (+3). dangers and so can indirectly cause people to harm
themselves or each other. If someone has a gun and
suddenly sees their best friend transform into a
demon, things could get really messy.
Everyone who is in the house must periodically
Summon Machida make a doubled Willpower roll to resist the affects of
Source: Reptile Boy: 2.5 Gachnar’s influence. A failed roll means that the
Power Level: 3 character is immediately enmeshed in an illusion of
one of their worst fears. Cast members can make a
Quick Cast: No roll every half hour to recover from the fear. Each
Requirements: Three victims for Machida to feed failed roll means that the next roll is at -2. Failing two
on, lots of chanting, and a specially blessed sword Willpower rolls means that the cast member must
that has Machida’s symbol etched or engraved upon make the roll at -4 to regain her courage. However, if
it. she succeeds at a roll, she does not need to worry
Effects: This spell summons the large reptilian about making a roll for the next hour. Also, if some-
demon Machida. If it finds the three sacrifices to be one close to the cast member actively attempts to help
acceptable, then it will grant 5 levels of Good Luck her regain her courage, she can immediately make
to all members of its cult. For more information on another attempt to recover and may also add her
Machida, see Monster Smackdown, page XX. friend’s Willpower to her own for this roll.

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To banish Gachnar, a cast member either needs to will raise anything dead within 1 mile. All of these
cast a counter spell that involves burning a special zombies will be drawn to the mask. If the mask is
banishing incense on the mark of Gachnar, or she worn, then the wearer can command the zombies as
can destroy the mark. Destroying his mark does not he wishes. If the mask is not being worn, then every
undo the spell, but it does cause Gachnar to appear zombie in the vicinity will attempt to put it on,
physically where his mark was. Fortunately, attacking any humans or other obstacles in their
Gachnar is only six inches tall and has only 5 Life path. If several zombies are close to it, they will
Points. He can be destroyed with a swift kick and fight over the mask. However, as soon as one of
once his physical form is destroyed the spell is bro- them puts it on, the mask will forever bind itself to
ken. the zombie’s face, and all of the other zombies will
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy rit- bow before the might of their new master.
ual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being) The wearer of the mask is possessed by the zom-
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per- bie demon Ovu Mobani – it gains an Intelligence
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major and Willpower of 5, and adds +2 to its Dexterity and
effect (+3). +1 to both Strength and Constitution. In addition,
this zombie demon can now command every zom-
bie created by the mask. The wearer also has com-
plete control over whether the mask animates new
More Enchanted and zombies and can choose to animate all zombies
Superscience Items within a mile radius, to animate no new zombies, or
to simply animate one zombie and leave any other
Ovu Mobani Mask nearby corpses quietly dead. Although animate
Source: 3.2 Dead Man’s Party zombies must be commanded verbally, animating
Power Level: 7 zombies requires no effort at all. In addition to
Requirements: This mask automatically raises these powers, the masks wearer can also mesmerize
the dead, however, the mask must be worn by a zom- humans and any other being that looks directly in its
bie or a necromancer who has dedicated himself to eyes. The mask’s wearer rolls a contest of
death to activate any of its other powers. Willpower with anyone it stares at, and if that per-
son fails, they are unable to move or act in any way
Appearance: This item is a carved wooden mask for the next full turn.
that looks African, it has small pieces of polished
bone set around the inside of its deeply inset carved While this mask is normally worn by zombies, it
eyes. When any of the mask’s powers are used, was initially created to be worn by a powerful mortal
these bones glow bright red, causing the mask’s eyes necromancer. Any magician who eats human flesh,
to glow red. says a special incantation in Swahili, and then puts on
the mask activates it. The mask will permanently
Effect: This mask has the zombie demon Ovu graft itself to his face. The wearer gains all of the
Mobani bound within it. Unless it is specially ward- physical advantages of being a zombie, adding +2 to
ed, it will cause any dead people or animals that are his Strength and +1 to his Constitution. However, the
near it to become animated. These zombies add +1 wearer is also partially possessed by the spirit of Ovu
to their strength, subtract one from their Dexterity Mobani and now has an overwhelming urge to ani-
and are mindless beings with Intelligence and mate zombies and lead its undead hordes on a mas-
Willpower scores of 1 and no skills other than Kung sive crusade against the living.
Fu and Notice.
To stop this process as any stage, all someone
Warding the mask means either covering its eyes needs to do is to do 10 or more Life Points of dam-
so that no light can touch them, or keeping it within age to the mask’s eyes. If the mask it hanging on the
a Circle of Binding. The first evening it is unward- wall, this is trivially easy to accomplish. If the mask
ed, it will turn any dead human or animal body with- is being worn, the then attacker must make an attack
in 20 yards into a zombie. On the next evening, it

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roll at -4 to successfully target the mask’s eyes. The Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
instant the eyes are destroyed, all zombies created by ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
the mask vanish, as does the wearer of the mask. (+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being) effect (+3).
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
effect (+3). Blessed Chicken Foot
Source: 3.13 The Zeppo
Power Level: 3
Vengeance Demon Pendant Appearance: This is a mummified chicken foot
Source: 3.9 The Wish with a black leather thong wound around the ankle.
Power Level: 7 Requirements: To make this item, the Enchanter
Requirements: The user must wear this pendant. must sacrifice a chicken to Uurthu on the first day of
If someone makes a wish in front of her, she can the new moon and cut off its left foot. The foot is
choose to grant it, but the wearer cannot grant her dried until the next new moon, and then wrapped in
own wishes. a specially prepared and inscribed piece of black
Appearance: Vengeance Demon pendants are leather. The user holds the chicken foot over a grave,
always jeweled pendants that appear to be old and invokes Uurthu, cuts her palm, and bleeds on the
ornate. grave. For corpses older than two weeks old, the
stars must be aligned with the Moon in Libra, while
Effect: This item contains the essence of a contacting both Saturn and the Sun (or something
Vengeance demon’s power. If taken from a like that).
Vengeance demon, then demon will stop at nothing
to get it back. Since Vengeance demons are strong, Effect: This item raises a corpse as a zombie. The
durable, and capable of teleportation - keeping such zombie has the same memories and same personali-
an item away from one of them can be extremely dif- ty as the deceased. Even so, zombies’ spirits are
ficult. However, anyone who wears this item can always touched with darkness and corruption—they
use it to grant wishes. The only problem is that have far less concern for human life or human rules
because this is an item of demonic power and is than they did when they were alive (assuming they
somewhat tricky to use, anyone who uses this items had much concern in life). Zombies do not need to
who is not a Vengeance Demon will have trouble eat, drink, or breathe. The damage or injury that
making the wishes they grant come out correctly. In killed them is not healed or repaired. Zombies gain
the hands of an amateur, pretty much anything that +3 to Constitution and +1 to Strength, they are inca-
can go wrong with a wish will do so, often in a par- pable of feeling pain, and they double the number of
ticularly disastrous fashion. If someone wishes for life points they would normally have. Also, most
lots of money, they may find a briefcase containing injuries don’t particularly hurt them – cutting off a
a million dollars, but the mob boss who originally zombie’s arm, merely produces an annoyed, one-
had this briefcase will be looking for it and will armed zombie. However, they continue to rot and
assume the current owner stole it. In general, these decay (although quite slowly if they have been
sorts of wishes are always more trouble than they embalmed) and they are incapable of healing any
could possibly be worth. If this pendant is injuries, so they will eventually simply fall apart. To
destroyed, then the vengeance demon instantly destroy a zombie a cast member either destroy or cut
becomes an ordinary human, and the effects of all off its head, smash it to a pulp (i.e.: do its new life
wishes granted by using this pendant are instantly points in damage).
and permanently reversed. Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)

50 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per- open all that can be seen inside is darkness and
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major uncountable thousands of dark crawlers.
effect (+3). Effect: The box of Gavrok is necessary to com-
plete the ritual of Demonic Ascension. However, it
can also be used on its own. The Box of Gavrok is
The Balthazar Amulet actually a portal to a dimension of endless night
Source: 3.14 Bad Girls where the dark crawlers dwell. This dimension is
Power Level: 3 full of literally billions of dark crawlers and when
the box is opened they have free access to our world.
Requirements: The Amulet must be worn by a
Immune to all control spells and no more intelligent
demon to be effective
than an insect, these horrors will devour all living
Appearance: This amulet is a palm sized some- beings in their path. Since they can also gradually
what ornate amulet of silver set with a large gem- chew through almost any obstacle, the only way to
stone. stop hordes of dark crawlers from invading our
Effect: This amulet was specially designed by for world is to place the lid back on the box. The owner
the demon Balthazar to greatly enhance his strength could perform discreet assassination by releasing a
and endurance. When worn it adds +3 to both his couple of these small monsters into someone’s bed-
Strength and Constitution and allows the normally room, or could create an impressive and deadly dis-
immobile Balthazar to move around normally. traction by simply opening the box and letting them
However, Balthazar is not the only one who can spill forth.
make use of it. Although it is of no use to either Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
humans or vampires, any demon or half demon that ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
wears this amulet gains +1 to both his Strength and (+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
Constitution scores as long as he is wearing the manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
amulet. These bonuses also increase the wearer’s effect (+3).
Life Points, and any damage comes off of these
additional life points first. However, as long as
Balthazar is still alive, the wearer of this amulet will The Box of Silence
have to contend with both him and with his servants, Source: 4.10 Hush
the deadly vampire duelists known as El Eliminati -
Balthazar will stop at nothing to regain this amulet. Power Level: 7
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy Requirements: Open the box to capture voices,
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being) open it again or break it to release the captured voic-
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per- es.
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major Appearance: A small brass and wooden box
effect (+3). approximately the size of a thick book.
Effect: When this box is opened it steals the voic-
es from everyone within a 5 mile radius. No one
Box of Gavrok who has been affected can speak or utter any sort of
Source: 3.19 Choices sound until their voices have been returned.
Power Level: 7 Fortunately, the box of silence cannot be used to
capture the voices of more than one town at a time.
Requirements: To complete the Demonic
As soon as the box is opened to capture the voices of
Ascension ritual the candidate for Ascension must
another town, the previous town’s voices escape.
devour several of the dark crawlers from the box.
Whenever the box is opened, it draws in the voic-
Appearance: The size of a large cubical hatbox, it
es of all humans, vampires, demons, and any other
is moderately heavy with tight-fitting lid. When
beings that can speak. However, it has no affect at

Volume 3 51

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
all on recordings or other artificial ways of making Jet Pack
noise. This box was made by an ancient demon- Source: 6.19 Seeing Red
smith for a group of predatory demons known only Power Level: 2
as “The Gentlemen”. Since human screams are
instantly lethal to “The Gentlemen”, they treasure Requirements: A variety of dangerous chemicals
this box above all other possessions, and will do and some complex pumps – these chemicals must be
anything to attempt to regain it. The box is relative- refilled after every use.
ly fragile - 10 points of damage from a blunt instru- Appearance: A pair of silvery tanks that strap
ment will destroy it. onto the user’s back that have large nozzles on them.
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy Effect: This item allows the user to briefly fly.
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being) When it is turned on the user rising into the air at
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per- more than 50 miles per hour. Unfortunately, jet
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major packs only carry enough fuel for 10 minutes of
effect (+3). flight, only allowing the user to travel a few miles
before she must land. Also, they are somewhat diffi-
cult to steer. If the user takes off near any tall obsta-
The Orbs of Nezzla’khan cles like buildings or power lines and fails to make
Source: 6.19 Seeing Red at least one Success level on a Dexterity + Acrobatic
roll, she will run into a wall or roof and fall to the
Power Level: 7 ground.
Requirements: These unique items are the prop- Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
erty of Nezzla demons and are stored in a special ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
chamber that can only be entered by Nezzla demons (+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
or by someone wearing the fresh skin of a Nezzla manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
demon – the Nezzla demons don’t advertise this par- effect (+3).
ticular loophole.
Appearance: a pair of small red glass orb, with
gold symbols drawn on them
Effect: This item confers both strength and invul-
nerability. Anyone who carries or wears them gains
+10 to both Strength and Constitution (these bonus-
es also increase the user’s Life Points) and the user
also gains an additional 100 Life Points on top of
these other bonuses. Unfortunately, the orbs them-
selves are not nearly so invulnerable. If someone
takes them away from the user or destroys them
(which takes a mere 5 points of damage) then the
user instantly loses all bonuses granted by the orbs.
Also, the user must have both orbs to gain these
bonuses, having only one provides no benefit.
Aspect Analysis: Multiple casters (-2), lengthy
ritual (one hour) (-1), noticeable scope (one being)
(+1), awesome scope (area of entire city) (+5), per-
manent duration (+3), rare ingredients (-2), major
effect (+3).

52 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
New Totem Animals

Volume 3
by Steve Darlington

The Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplaying game cally or literally) and forced against their better
supplement Slayer's Handbook only lists seven ani- judgment to stand and fight. This probably happens
mal spirits to infuse the Totem Warriors of Grizzly a lot to Totem Warriors.
Peak. This article supplies thirteen more beasts of
the field (and one bird of the air) from which to Buffalo
choose. These totems are not necessarily the most Buffaloes were once found everywhere across the
heroic of beasts, but even the smallest grants advan- plains of America, but now are limited to just a few
tages appropriate to their strengths. They can be small herds in the frozen north. Massive and woolly,
used for Cast Members, Supporting Cast, or even they are the biggest land animals found in the
Little Bads, either in a Grizzly Peak game or as a Americas. Don't be fooled by the wooliness or the
new twist in any other Buffy game. You could even size though—the horns are not there for decoration
include them in a game of Witchcraft or All Flesh and they certainly know how to use them.
Must Be Eaten, although you'll need to convert their
stats to the classic Unisystem rules. Attributes: Str +4, Con +4
You can use these animal spirits as models for the Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Hearing)
creation of your own Totem Warriors. After all, a Special Ability: Buffalo warriors get a +2 bonus
beaver is just like an otter with bigger teeth, and a when protecting the weak of the herd (or the Scooby
squirrel is pretty similar to a field mouse (again, gang) from great danger (no, a math test doesn't
except for the teeth thing). As always, though, check count).
with your Director before including any of these, or
variations upon them, on your character sheet. Of Crane
course, if you’re full shopping schedule leaves you Blue ones inhabit pastures, paper ones often pop
with little time to make up your own Cast, we pres- up in origami classes. These large, long-legged birds
ent eight of them ready to play —four Heroes and are found in wetlands where they scoop up bugs in
four White Hats—that make use of some of these their conical beaks. They are also graceful fliers and
creatures. They’re ready to go—just give them a often considered symbols of good luck. These stats
name and you can step right into Grizzly Peak and also work for wild geese, swans, or any other large
start laying waste to wendigos. waterbirds.
Remember that all Totem Warriors also receive Fast Attributes: Dex +3, Per +2, Wil +2
Reaction Time, three levels of Hard to Kill, and +1 to
Kung Fu. Also, Totem Warrior is a 12-point Quality. Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Vision)
Special Ability: Cranes have natural grace and
Badger poise. They gain a +2 bonus on rolls to impress with
visuals alone (i.e., without the making of the chit-
Both the U.S. and Britain have badgers—although
chat). Examples might be dancing, making a grand
different genus and species, they are both striped,
entrance to a party, or causing a distraction so your
fox-like insectivores who like to mark their territory
friend the wolverine can sneak up behind the pack of
with a lot of grunting (much like some frat boys we
wendigos and rip their heads off.
know). The gruff old man of the forest is also an
excellent tracker and a tough fighter.
Attributes: Str +2, Dex +1, Con +3, Wil +2
Elks are horned ungulates larger than deer, but
Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) smaller than moose. Males that are very aggressive,
Special Ability: Badger warriors gain a +1 bonus particularly when rutting. Their proud demeanor leads
whenever they're backed into a corner (metaphori- some to identify them as the royalty of the forest.

Volume 3 53

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Volume 3
Attributes: Str +4, Con +2, Per +2 Mouse or Rat
Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) This covers all small wild rodents, of which there
Special Ability: Elk warriors receive a +1 bonus are legion, across Europe and America. They need
to any roll when they are at the forefront of the their blinding speed and skill at disappearing quick-
herd—e.g., leadership, coaching a team, or just ly in order to survive, as owls and hawks are always
showing off (or attracting the ladies with your looking to turn them into a fly-by Happy Meal.
antlers, errr, moves) Attributes: Dex +4, Per +4
Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Smell/Taste)
Fox Special Ability: Most mice simply utilize this
This gregarious canine often appears smarter than bonus to sneak and stealth about while on foot with
the wolf, due its sheer inventiveness and use of the Crime Skill. Other, forward thinking Totem
clever tricks in hunting, breeding, and overcoming Warriors will use this bonus to help them tail wag-
whatever the environment throws at them. They ons while riding on horseback (or even escaping the
have certainly earned their reputation as the wagon while on horseback).
metonym for cunning itself.
Attributes: Str +1, Dex +2, Con +1, Per +2, Int Rabbit
+2 Digger. Runner. Master of the swift warning. Lord
Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) of the grass, prince of a thousand enemies. Go read
Special Ability: The fox loves a good puzzle. Watership Down or watch Night of the Lepus and
When faced with a purely mental problem which you'll begin to understand why Anya fears these
can't be solved through research (either with books masters of evasion and survival.
or on the net), the player can make an Intelligence Attributes: Dex +3, Int +1, Per +3, Wil +1
(not doubled) roll. If successful, the GM must offer Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Hearing)
a cunning solution.
Special Ability: Triple movement speed, both
walking and running. Also, characters receive a +1
Lizard bonus to rolls when running away and hiding (even
This cold-blooded insectivore is found wherever if this involves using a vehicle). Of course, using
there are tasty bugs to be eaten and warm rocks to be this power is not a great way to impress people or
covered. Although its scales are often camouflage, make friends.
making them invisible to their prey, other species are
brightly colored to drive off predators. Plus, the tail
thing is cool.
A small brindled mammal found all over the tem-
Attributes: Str +1, Dex +3, Con +3, Per +1. perate United States—or at least wherever food is
Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) easily found or stolen. Raccoons are insatiably curi-
Special Ability: The lizard is a solar-powered ous, highly intelligent, and profoundly devious scav-
beast. After four continuous hours outside in direct engers. If there’s a way in, around, or through, this
sunlight, lizard warriors receive a +1 bonus to all "little digger" will find it.
rolls for the subsequent four hours. During any sig- Attributes: Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Per +1
nificant exposure to a cold environment (such as Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Touch)
outdoors at night in most American climates), they
suffer a –1 penalty to all rolls. Coats don't help—the Special Ability: Raccoons are masters at finding
lizard needs the sun's rays to stay warm. ways into places they shouldn't be. They receive a
+2 bonus to Crime rolls involving breaking, enter-
ing, lockpicking, or any other sort of intrusion.

54 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Sea (or River) Otter Weasel
These large aquatic creatures are a triumph of evo- Weasels and their cousins the stoats are two of the
lution, perfectly designed for the coldest oceans. larger mustelids around (after the granddaddy, the
They typically feed by putting rocks on their stom- wolverine, of course). These sleek grassland hunters
ach and cracking oysters on them—but can also hunt have the highest metabolic rate of any mammal.
fish incredibly well with their hypersensitive They must eat their own weight in raw flesh every
whiskers day in order to maintain their hyperactivity and
Attributes: Str +1, Con +3, Per +4 lethal killing sprees. Plus, they're cute.
Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Touch) Attributes: Str +1, Dex +4, Per +1, Wil +2
Special Ability: An otter's finely tuned whiskers Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Vision)
can detect minute variations in air currents. The otter Special Ability: Weasel warriors (besides proba-
warrior lacks the whiskers but (on a successful bly wanting people not to call them that) are almost
Perception and Notice roll) can detect movement constantly hungry. After eating a meal, they receive
within fifty feet of their location without needing to +1 to all rolls involving anything remotely physical.
see or hear it. Unlike smell, it also has accuracy, However, after two hours (or a scene), they return to
meaning the character has fairly good radar. They normal. After another two hours/scene, they become
can tell approximately where the movement is com- weak from hunger and suffer a –1 penalty to all
ing from and how fast it is traveling. physical rolls until they eat another meal. It's up to
the GM what constitutes a meal, but chips and soda
Snake probably doesn’t count.
The snake is often associated with evil (the whole
Garden of Eden original sin thing hasn't been easy to Wolverine
shake off) and feared by mankind, but these legless Even tougher than badgers, these gigantic rodents
reptiles have never particularly cared about their bad combine tenacity with the savagery of the weasel.
press. They are patient hunters, big eaters, and Relentless hunters, they have been known to track
prevalent breeders. Some are venomous, some just wounded prey for weeks across winter snow, until the
bite and swallow, and some prefer the whole creature—typically of a size and power far beyond
“crushed to death in my mighty coils” approach. them—collapses from blood loss or infection.
Attributes: Str +2, Dex +3, Per +3 Attributes: Str +2, Con +4, Wil +2
Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) Enhanced Sense: Acute Sense (Smell/Taste)
Special Ability: Once per day, a snake warrior can Special Ability: Wolverine warriors gain two
escape a grapple hold by shedding his outer layer of extra levels of Hard to Kill for free (for a total of
skin. Their skin flakes off and they can slip from an five) to a maximum of seven levels. They also do not
attacker’s grasp, who is left holding only powder. suffer from negative die roll modifiers when their
Note that this doesn't work if the grappler is holding Life Points are low. Wolverines just keep on coming!
the warrior solely by his clothes—although even
then, a successful Dexterity roll may allow the snake
to wriggle out of his clothes. Using this power also
gives them a +2 bonus to any Crime rolls involving
escaping bonds or restraints, or entering or moving
through small, enclosed spaces.

Volume 3 55

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
Big Moose On Campus
Character Type Hero
Life Points 77 Drama Points 10
Str 7@ Int 3
Dex 4 Per 5*
Con 6* Wil 3
Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Attractiveness +4 (4)
Contacts (Townsfolk) (3)
Fast Reaction Time (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Hard to Kill 5 (3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality)
Totem Warrior (Elk) (12)

Covetous (Mild Conspicuousness) (1)
Honorable (Serious) (2)
Humorless (1)
Secret (Totem Warrior) (1)

Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computers 1
Crime 0
Doctor 1
Drive 2
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 1
Influence 5
Knowledge 3
Kung Fu 3 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 2
Notice 2
Occultism 0
Science 2
Sports 3
Wild Card 0

@ 4 levels from Totem Warrior Quality

* 2 levels from Totem Warrior Quality

56 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Background on the Big Moose On Campus
You know the problem with kids today? No sense of pride.
My mom and pop taught me to take pride in my town and myself, and it's served me right all my life.
They also taught me their values, about working hard, and doing what's right, and looking out for those less
fortunate. I try to live up to those ideals every day. Sure now, I was born big, but I didn’t neglect my brain.
I studied hard and got good grades. I also worked on the school paper and the school council. Nowadays,
I'm working on the Civic Pride Parade Committee, and I help out at the Mayor's office on weekends. I fig-
ure might go into politics some day.
Of course, now this ghost tells me I'm a spirit warrior, and that there's wendigos out there who want to
bring some trouble. Well, alright, I say. If I can help protect my town in any way, I'm ready and willing to
do my part.

"I was raised to believe that you should give back to the community. Not eat it.”

Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Disarm 4 — Resisted by Parry
Dodge 7 — Defense action
Hunting Rifle 5 20 Bullet
Kick 6 16 Bash
Punch 7 14 Bash
Sweep Kick 6 7 Bash, knocks target down

Volume 3 57

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Volume 3
Buffalo Gal
Character Type White Hat
Life Points 85 Drama Points 20
Str 7* Int 2
Dex 2 Per 2
Con 8* Wil 2
Acute Sense (Hearing) (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Fast Reaction Time (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Hard to Kill 5 (3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality)
Natural Toughness (2)
Totem Warrior (Buffalo) (12)

Attractiveness –2 (2)
Emotional Problems (Depression) (2)
Misfit (2)

Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computers 2
Crime 0
Doctor 0
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 1
Gun Fu 3
Influence 0
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 2
Notice 0
Occultism 1
Science 2
Sports 0
Wild Card (Farm Life) 3

* 4 levels from Totem Warrior Quality

58 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Background on the Buffalo Gal
I know what you're thinking. Wide load? Miss Piggy? Or just plain “fatso”?
Go ahead. I've heard them all. And I don't care any more. It's not my fault; it's genetic. It’s probably
genetic for you, too—I mean, you can’t help it that your parents were related, right?
My whole life, I've been singled out as the fat girl. It didn't help that I grew up on a farm—never even
owned a dress until I was fourteen. Riding the range and keeping the cattle in line were all I ever thought
about. Out there, there's no jerks to call you names.
Now Dad says I have to go to college and there are jerks everywhere. Last week, one of them told me to
go back to the diary with the rest of the fat cows. I was as surprised as anyone when he went clear through
the window.
Nathaniel explained it to me: I've got super powers—I'm big and tough like a prairie buffalo, and I'm sup-
posed to use that to fight the wendigos. I even found some other super-powered types to hang with. Which
might be okay, unless they're another bunch of jerks.

"I may be fat but I can still kick your skinny ass"

Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 4 Defense action
Grapple 6 — Impairment varies
Hunting Rifle 5 20 Bullet
Kick 3 16 Bash
Punch 4 14 Bash
Slam-Tackle 7 14 Bash
Toss 10 7 Must grapple first

Volume 3 59

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Volume 3
Foxy Lady
Character Type Hero
Life Points 43 Drama Points 10
Str 3* Int 7#
Dex 6# Per 6#@
Con 3* Wil 2@
Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Artist (2)
Attractiveness +5 (5)
Fast Reaction Time (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Hard to Kill 3 (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Resources (Well Off) (4)
Totem Warrior (Fox) (12)

Covetous (Serious Conspicuousness) (2)
Emotional Problems (Narcissistic) (1)
Mental Problems (Mild Phobia— Icky Bugs) (1)
Mental Problems (Severe Obsession—Personal Beauty) (2)

Acrobatics 2
Art (Fashion) 4 (1 level from Artist Quality)
Computers 0
Crime 1
Doctor 0
Drive 0
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 0
Influence 5
Knowledge 2
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 1
Mr. Fix-It 0
Notice 3
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card (Personal Grooming) 5

* 1 level from Totem Warrior Quality

# 2 levels from Totem Warrior Quality
@ 1 level from Artist Quality

60 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Background on the Foxy Lady
It's a cliché, I know, but it really isn't easy being beautiful.
First of all, there's the regime—exercise, diet, skin care, hair care. Then there's the jealousy—people say
I get an unfair advantage, but I refuse to ignore my natural gifts simply because they are intimidated.
And use them I have. I've won May Queen and Miss Tri-County. I’m now heading towards Miss Oregon.
And that takes a lot more than just beauty and poise, let me tell you. Organization, training, preparation . .
. and ruthless cunning. If you want to win you have to be able to out-think and out-maneuver your oppo-
nent at every step. Putting your best foot forward is a dog-eat-dog game—and I play to win. After all, there's
a lot of money at stake, especially if I land a modeling contract.
Which is why I came out fighting when that thing grabbed me with its claws. My face is my future, and
nothing is going to mess that up. Luckily, it turns out I’ve got some animal spirit powers to help out with
that. Excellent.

"We lure it, we trap it, we kill it. Then I wear its fur as a stunning accessory to my Versacci evening

Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Crossbow 6 16 Slash/stab
Dodge 8 — Defense action
Head Butt 6 6 Miss hurts self
Kick 7 8 Bash
Punch 8 6 Bash

Volume 3 61

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Volume 3
The Great Mouse Detective
Character Type Whiter Hat
Life Points 35 Drama Points 20
Str 2* Int 4#
Dex 2 Per 8*#
Con 8* Wil 2
Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Fast Reaction Time (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Hard to Kill 3 (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Nerd (3)
Photographic Memory (2)
Totem Warrior (Mouse) (12)

Emotional Problems (Fear of Rejection) (1)
Mental Problems (Severe Delusion—My parents love
my sister and hate me) (2)
Misfit (2)
Obsession (Uncovering Secrets) (2)
Teenager (2)

Acrobatics 2
Art 0
Computers 2 (2 levels from Nerd Quality)
Crime 2
Doctor 0
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 0
Influence 0
Knowledge 2
Kung Fu 1 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 3
Notice 4
Occultism 2
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card (Bow) 2

* 4 levels from Totem Warrior Quality

# 1 level from Nerd Quality

62 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Background on the Scared Straight Vamp
My older sister is the special one. She got to be a cheerleader. She got the car. She got the big impres-
sive disease so mom and dad hover at her bedside all day and night. Me? I'm the other daughter. The bor-
ing one. I might as well be invisible.
So I became invisible. I learnt to hide, and blend in. It helps that I’m a kid—people say anything in front
of a teenager, they think I won’t hear or wouldn't understand. But I do. I know all the secrets of this town.
That's why I was the first person to see the wendigos. Got a photo on my spy camera too. I saw the Indian
ghost guy tell the others about their powers. Then he came and told me the same thing—how I was a cho-
sen warrior with the power to stop these things. But when I told the others, they laughed at me. Said I was
too young.
But I know where they go, and I know what they're hunting. So I'll follow them and prove I'm just as
good as they are. Then they’ll let me join their stupid club.

"Oh, you want to know where the wendigos are hiding out? Well, I know . . . but why should I tell you?"

Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Aiming 10 — Add Success Levels to shooting
Bowshot 10 8 Slash/stab
Dodge 8 — Defense action
Feint 5 — Add Success Levels to next action
Kick 7 6 Bash
Punch 8 4 Bash

Volume 3 63

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
Lounge Lizard
Character Type Whiter Hat
Life Points 59 Drama Points 20
Str 4* Int 2
Dex 5# Per 4*
Con 6# Wil 2
Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Attractiveness +2 (2)
Hard to Kill 3 (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Fast Reaction Time (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Resources (Middle Class) (2)
Totem Warrior (Lizard) (12)

Clown (1)
Covetous (Serious Conspicuousness) (2)
Love (2)
Mental Problems (Severe Recklessness) (2)
Minority (Latino) (1)

Acrobatics 0
Art (Singing) 2
Computers 2
Crime 1
Doctor 0
Driving 3
Getting Medieval 1
Gun Fu 0
Influence 2
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 1
Mr. Fix-It 1
Notice 1
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0

* 1 level from Totem Warrior Quality

# 3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality

64 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Background on the Lounge Lizard
Turn up the heat! Turn on the lights!
I was born and raised in Californ-aye-ay. I belong reclining on the sunny sands, not freezing my butt off
up here in Way-Too-Far-North-Of-Wherever. Not only do they not have a beach, there isn't a decent coffee
shop within a hundred miles. I tried to order a mochacino at the store the other day and they looked at me
like I was crazy.
But I'm not the only new kid in town—I met this really nice girl yesterday. It's not easy putting on the
moves encased in so many layers of fur, but I was giving it my best shot when transparent boy pops up and
tells me I'm the chosen one, with mighty lizard powers to fight the wendigos. I mean, so far, so very
Northern Exposure. Not my scene at all.
Then I found out that the wendigos are real, and really nasty, and one of them almost got my mom. And
turns out that new girl is here to fight them too. So now I got two reasons to stick around—but I really hope
we do most of our fighting indoors.

"Right now, I wouldn’t mind getting eaten. At least I’d be warm.”

Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Baseball Bat 6 16 Bash
Dodge 7 — Defense action
Feint 5 — Add Success Levels to next action
Kick 6 10 Bash
Punch 7 8 Bash
Thrown Objects 6 8 Bash

Volume 3 65

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
Magnanimous Otter
Character Type Hero
Life Points 58 Drama Points 10
Str 3* Int 1@
Dex 6 Per 6^@
Con 6# Wil 5
Acute Sense (Touch) (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Artist (2)
Good Luck 5 (5)
Fast Reaction Time (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Hard to Kill 4 (3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality)
Totem Warrior (Otter) (12)

Dependent (Grandfather) (2)
Impaired Sense (Hearing) (2)
Honorable (Serious) (2)
Obligation (Minimal—Church Attendance) (0)

Acrobatics 4
Art (Dance) 5 (1 level from Artist Quality)
Computers 1
Crime 0
Doctor 3
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 0
Influence 2
Knowledge 2
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 1
Mr. Fix-It 0
Notice 3
Occultism 1
Science 1
Sports 0
Wild Card (Religion) 3

* 1 level from Totem Warrior Quality

# 3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality
@ 1 level from Artist Quality
^4 level from Totem Warrior Quality

66 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Background on the Magnanimous Otter
Some people would say my life is pretty bad. I was born deaf and had to learn to lip read to get along.
My grampa who raised me is in a wheelchair, and I have to look after him all the time instead of being a
dancer. I have to work nights to pay for all the medicine and stuff. And gosh darnit, now my town is full
of monsters and I’m supposed to fight them.
But I believe that everything is part of God’s plan, and every day is a gift from Him. Yeah, my life can
be a drag, but I love my grampa, and lip reading sure can come in handy sometimes. And yeah, there are
wendigos here now, but He has given us the power to stop them. I feel so blessed that I can go out there and
make a difference. God chose me for this task because I am special in His sight—and how could anyone
complain about that?
Some people say I’m just too cheerful, but I can’t help it. In this world full of death and danger, every
moment we’re alive is a miracle. Doesn’t that make you want to smile?

“Hey, just because we’re trapped and surrounded doesn’t mean we have to be all mopey! How about a

Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 10 — Defense action
Feint 6 — Add Success Levels to next attack
Jump Kick 5 12 Bash
Kick 7 8 Bash
Punch 8 6 Bash
Spin Kick 6 10 Bash, looks cool
Sweep Kick 7 3 Bash, knockdown

Volume 3 67

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
Running Rabbit
Character Type Hero
Life Points 50 Drama Points 10
Str 3 Int 4#
Dex 7* Per 6*
Con 4 Wil 4#
Acute Sense (Hearing) (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Fast Reaction Time (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Hard to Kill 5 (3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality)
Resistance (Exposure) 4 (4)
Situational Awareness (2)
Totem Warrior (Rabbit) (12)

Adversary (Covert Military Group) (3)
Secret (Hunted By Covert Military Group) (1)
Paranoid (2)
Resources (Below Average) (2)

Acrobatics 2
Art 0
Computers 2
Crime 3
Doctor 2
Driving 2
Getting Medieval 2
Gun Fu 5
Influence 1
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 5 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 2
Notice 3
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0

* 3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality

# 1 level from Totem Warrior Quality

68 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Background on the Magnanimous Otter
The first time, I wasn’t ready. All I knew was I was running rings around my whole platoon at the acad-
emy, on any terrain. Then these guys turned up, said they worked for military intelligence, and wanted to
talk. They must have drugged the coffee, because I woke up inside a glass cage, trapped like an animal.
And then came the experiments.
I don't want to talk about what they did to me. But first time they took us outside, I decided I was better
off dead than going back there. Broke out of my restrains and just ran like hell to the fence—and then anoth-
er twenty miles through the snow until I found a town I could hide in. Died my hair, changed my name.
Wasn’t long though before some other people found me. They said I had spirit animal powers, just like
them. Sounded crazy, but if we were the same, maybe they knew who was after me. Maybe we could help
each other out.
For the moment, I'll stick here then. But first sign of trouble—zoom, I'm gone. Because I can't take the
chance of being sent back there.

"I don't know who's after me, but I know how to run, and I know how to hide. They won't catch me again."

Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Break Neck 8 12 Bash, special
Dodge 12 — Defense action
Grapple 14 — Impairment varies
Kick 11 8 Bash
Pistol 11 12 Bullet
Punch 12 6 Bash
Takedown 8 3 Bash, knocks down
Wrestling Hold 10 — –1 per Success Level

Volume 3 69

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Volume 3
Snake In The Grass
Character Type White Hat
Life Points 46 Drama Points 20
Str 4* Int 3@
Dex 6# Per 6#
Con 2 Wil 3
Acute Sense (Smell/Taste) (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Attractiveness +2 (2)
Contacts (Criminal) (1)
Criminal (2)
Fast Reaction Time (from Totem Warrior Quality)
Hard to Kill 4 (3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality)
Totem Warrior (Snake) (12)

Adversary (Local Law Enforcement) (1)
Addiction (Various) (3)
Love (2)
Mental Problems (Mild Cruelty) (1)
Obligation (Important—Drug Dealers) (1)

Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computers 2
Crime 5 (1 level from Criminal Quality)
Doctor 0
Driving 1
Getting Medieval 3
Gun Fu 1
Influence 3 (1 level from Criminal Quality)
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 2 (1 level from Totem Warrior Quality)
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-It 0
Notice 1
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0

* 2 levels from Totem Warrior Quality

# 3 levels from Totem Warrior Quality
@ 1 level from Criminal Quality

70 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Volume 3
Background on the Magnanimous Otter
I'm not really a bad guy, you know. I'm just a businessman. Yeah, I move some drugs. Yeah, I skim a bit
off the top. And yeah, the cops are always out to bust me for something—not that they ever will. I’m too
good for that.
Everything was going pretty sweet, until the night one of my customers turned up with these red eyes and
big claws. I cut him and ran like hell, but he was fast. I would have been dogmeat if those kids from the
college hadn't turned up. Turns out the guy was a wendigo, and there's a bunch of them moving into my
town. Also turns out, I got some cool super powers to fight them off. I'm the spirit of the snake, baby, all
slippery and smooth.
Of course, it sounded totally lame and not at all conducive to me selling more product. But I'm a busi-
nessman, and there's no business in people being dead or too scared to walk the streets. Somebody has to
keep this town safe, and it might as well be me.
And besides, you know that fox girl? MAJOR hottie.

"Hey, buddy, you've stolen the body of one of my best customers. That's not good for business. It's cer-
tainly not good for you."

Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 8 — Defense action
Kick 7 10 Bash
Kick to the groin 4 10 Ouch!
Punch 8 8 Bash
Switchblade 9 6 Slash/stab

Volume 3 71

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7

Volume 3
New Qualities and Drawbacks
by Jarrod Moschner

Demon Magnet reflect the time spent studying to be a priest and the
2-point Drawback secular text studied.
For some reason your character attracts the atten- Priests also have 4 levels of Good Luck. On the
tion of demons and other supernatural things. Your down side, religious devotion requires much of you
character is usually the first one they go after. Their and your time. Priests have the Drawback
particular interest in you will vary from demon to Obligation (minimal), as they are free to leave the
demon. You are just as likely to end up a demon’s cloth at any time they desire. They also have the
love toy, as you are their afternoon sacrifice. Honorable (rigid) Drawback resulted from their per-
sonal devotion to their path. The faith also teaches
Doesn’t Breathe that all the supernatural is evil and must be
2-point Quality destroyed. This is represented by the Delusion (All
You’re still alive, well as alive as a demon can be, Supernatural is Evil) Drawback.
just so happens you don’t require oxygen or any So, to list it all at once, Priests receive +2 Mental
other gases for that matter to survive. You cannot Attribute, +4 Good Luck, +1 to Knowledge,
drown or suffocate and gain +1 to resist air born tox- Language, and Occult. Yet, they suffer from –3
ins. The difficulty to notice the character is not Honorable and a –2 Delusion. Sitting in the middle
breathing is equal to the distance to the cast member, of all of this is their 0 level Obligation and their abil-
in feet. For example, if someone is two feet away ity to make holy water (we’ll call that a +1 perk).
they need two success levels on a Perception +
Notice roll to tell the character is not breathing. Practiced
3-point Quality
Hunter Hunted Magnet The character is highly practiced at a Skill. They
2-point Drawback get +2 to that Skill and gain +1 to the Attribute that
For some reason your demonic character attracts they plan to use the most alongside that Skill (for
the lowest of the low, humans. Your character is usu- humans the attribute has a max of 6). They also gain
ally the first one they go after. Some thing about just a 1-point Obsession associated with that Skill. If the
makes you get hunted first. Of course, if you’re real- Skill is combat related, they will use that Skill first
ly hurting for points, or want to give the Director even if it is not the most appropriate. They usually
extra ammo, feel free to take the Adversary try their Obsession-related Skill instead of others,
Drawback, as well. such as using Science when Occult should be used
and so forth.
Priest Quality
5-point Quality Speechless
High school students and elite military groups 2-point Drawback
aren’t the only ones who encounter demons. For You’re character cannot talk. For whatever reason,
centuries, Priests have done their part trying to keep they are incapable of verbal communication.
minions of hell at bay—weather by making holy Reasons can include a genetic defect, physical war
water or exercising demons. wound, or psychological trauma (perhaps caused by
As a priest you gain +1 to any two Mental Raul the hairdresser?).
Attributes (the max is still 6 for humans). This is to
reflect the mental discipline and time spent studying
to become a priest. Priests also gain + 1 to
Knowledge, +1 to Language (either Hebrew, Arabic,
Latin, or Greek), and +1 to Occult. This also is to

72 Eden Studios Presents

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Jason Wilcox (order #1328365) 7
Three time’s a charm – or it’s a kind of magic! Welcome to vol-
ume three of Eden Studios Presents. Of course, we’d know


you’d be here. We’ve got a great line up for you with plenty of
magical ideas for you to use.

Volume 3 of the ESP supplement series features:

• Background on the Shadefont from Charlie VonEschen.
• Crossover rules from Jason Vey furthering your Essence based magics
in a cinematic world.
• A short scenario for you cat lovers from Kyla Ward.
• A brand new setting for use with any Unisystem core book from Kyla
Ward. It’s the first in a series of articles on this setting.
• More spells from the Buffy TV show from John Snead and Alex Jurkat.
• More Totem Warriors to liven up your Buffy and Angel games from Steve
• New Qualities and Drawbacks.
• Cover by Sam Araya.

ESP is an ideal showcase for both new and known authors, giving everyone the potential
to be a part of the Eden team! Eden realizes there are a great many quality “unknowns”
out there and wants to give them the opportunity to shine. Veteran writers are also wel-
come, providing solid groundwork for gamers to use, spindle, and mutilate. Whether you
are a up-and-comer, an oldtimer, or just a fan, you'll find new and interesting Unisystem
material in each book.

So, what are you waiting for?


Visit www.edenstudios.net
$15.00 (U.S.)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer™ & © 2009, ANGEL™ & © 2009. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem™ Game System © 2009 CJ Carella. The Unisystem™ is used under exclusive license.

ISBN 1-891153-64-1
© 2009 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Jason Wilcox (order #1328365)

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