Healing Wings Ministries
Healing Wings Ministries
Healing Wings Ministries
Healing wings ministry is an evangelistic healing ministry commissioned by the Holy Spirit
Himself, which is founded and headed by Pastor Paul Bot Adeyemi in July, 2011. The
headquarters of the ministry is to be located in Singapore, established on a twenty acres piece of
land, which would also be the proposed site for the agricultural farm and group of schools.
The name of the ministry was coined out by God from the book of Malachi 4: 2-3 (but unto you
that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings). This was
given to the founder after a ministration. This verse of the scripture also stands as the ministrys
watchword. Healing is one major ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Since its inception in July, 2011, various departments have been set up for the effective and
effectual carrying out of the assignment that has been given to us. Amongst these departments
are the department of Outreach, handling all that has to do with outreaches or crusades or
ministrations in different locations of the world; the Music department, in charge of music and
concerts organized; the Media department, in charge of updating the ministrys website
(www.healingwings.com.ng), production of messages (audio and visual), publication of books,
video coverage of services, television and radio programs; the Teaching arm, which handles the
bible study; the Transport department, in charge of transportation, maintenance of vehicles; the
Library and Store, which is in charge of library services and sales of Christian and motivational
books and some more which are coming as the Lord increases His church.
We at healing wings ministry, believe in absolute life of holiness, total obedience to the voice of
God, standing upon the undiluted Word of God as our pillar of sustenance and maintenance,
coupled with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and also in the redemptive power in the blood of
Jesus Christ, which was shed upon the cross of Calvary, upon which the foundation of the
ministry is built. For this, is the symbolic representation of the ministrys logo (reference to the
logo page).
We have been instilled by a mission and driven by a vehicle of passion for the Great
The mandate has been given unto us to preach and teach the undiluted Word of God through the
revelational knowledge of the Holy Spirit coupled with the belief in the redemptive power in the
blood of Jesus, to fight as giants in the last days battle, thereby channeling in the second coming
of Christ Jesus; depopulating the kingdom of darkness; re-establishing the dominion of God on
earth; healing all nations from every satanic entanglements.
The ministry has been empowered through the anointing of the Holy Spirit to heal the broken
hearted, homes, marriages and relationships stemming from the instruction from Isaiah 61:1-3.
Also as part of its assignment is the establishment of group of schools, a farm whose produce
would be sold to the general public at a very subsidized rate affordable for all classes, thereby
fulfilling the commission to feed the people and other projects as the Lord gives go ahead.
Our vision and goal is to bring all nations to the foot of the cross through the healing power of
Christ in accordance to the Word of God in Phillipians 2:11 and that every tongues should
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father