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Lecture 1. Introduction to Microeconomics. Economic models.

1. The Economic problem.

1.1.Scarcity in economics.
1.2.Opportunity cost and allocation of resources.
1.3. Economic decision-makers. Microeconomics.
1.4. Households and firms: thr problem of coordination.
2. Economic model and its main elements.
2.1.Exogenous and endogenous variables, parameters.
2.2.Circular flow model.
2.3.Rationing devices. Systems of coordination

1. The Economic problem.

1.1. Every society - centrally planned, market oriented, or mixed - must make choice on utilization of its
scarce resources. Virtually all resources are scarce, meaning that there are not enough of them to satisfy
needs of everybody. Scarcity in economics differs from scarcity in physics: scarcity of economic resource is
not absolute, but relative feature. It means that at any moment the needed amount of this resource is
greater than its actual stock. There are two kinds of scarce resources in economy: 1) productive resources
used for production (inputs) of 2) goods for consumption (outputs).
Because of scarcity, no one can have everything he or she wants. Every society must develop some kind
of mechanism for allocating the output among its members. As a result, every society inescapably has to
answer three questions: What is to be produced? How is it to be produced? Who gets the output?
The two questions - What is to be produced? and How is it to be produced? - assume that there are the
alternatives sets of resources combinations in the processes of production and structures of output.
Economics - the study of how scarce resources are allocated among alternative uses.
Scarcity is the reason for the existence of price systems: as quantities of goods are limited, consumers
must bid for desired goods. Economic goods are scarce and limited in their quantity; therefore, their prices
are positive. Free goods are those which are not scarce. Their prices are zero because of their unlimited
quantity (air).

1.2. Resource scarcity leads us to an important concept in economics: opportunity cost. When more of
commodity X is produced, resources are used up. These resources could be used to produce alternative
commodities. The best of these foregone alternatives is the opportunity cost of X.
Good Y At any moment the society's productive possibility is
constrained by resources stocks and by productive
technologies. The production possibilities frontier (Fig.1.1)
F is a simple way to show that with limited resources and
YB given technology, the society could produce more of one
good X (ΔX) only by reducing the produced amount of
other good Y (-ΔY).
This frontier shows the various combinations of goods
C X and Y (points A, B, C, D) that can be produced
YC efficiently with given resources and technology. Point E
is less desirable than points B or C, because less output
is produced at this point. But because of unemployment
or inefficiency, society may wind up at point E. Point
ΔX outside the frontier, such as point F, are unattainable.
XB XC Good X
Fig. 1.1 Production Possibilities
Frontier (PPF).

1.3. The problem of scarce resources allocation can be solved by comparison of income received after
realization of concrete alternative and its opportunity cost, i.e. income obtained after realization of the best
alternative. The central principle of microeconomics is that decision makers - households and firms -
"optimize" - they do the best they can given their objectives and the constraints they face. Another principle
is that decision makers optimizing their behavior take into account all possible alternatives of resources
utilization - opportunity cost principle. These two principles found the basis of modern microeconomics.
Microeconomics - the study of public choices, business choices, and personal choices to understand how
the economy functions.
Or: Microeconomics - the study of the decisions of people and business, the interactions of those
decisions in markets, and the effect of government regulation and taxes on the prices and quantities of good
and services.

1.4. In any large economy there are millions of products, households and firms.
The firm is the economic unit responsible for decisions concerning what to produce, how it is produced,
and how much is produced. Firms operate on the principle of maximizing profits.
In economic theory, households are the consuming elements in the economy. They allocate their limited
incomes to purchase of goods and services in order to satisfy their needs. Households operate on the
principle of maximizing utility.
In a market system households and firms make their own decisions; and we have to understand how
these decisions are made and how they fit together. We can analyze these problems using circular flow and
supply and demand models.

2. Economic model and its main elements.

2.1.We study how economies work using models, which are descriptions of phenomena that abstract
from the details of reality. By "abstracting" from details we mean ignoring those details that are not directly
essential for understanding the phenomenon. All economic models express relationships among economic
variables. Models have two kinds of variables: exogenous variables and endogenous variables. Exogenous
variables come from outside the model - they are inputs into the model. Endogenous variables come from
inside the model - they are model's output. In other words, exogenous variables are fixed at the moment
they enter the model, whereas endogenous variables are determined within the model. The objective of
model construction is to describe exactly how exogenous variables determine endogenous variables.

2.2. It is useful to think of the economy as consisting of two sectors: households and firms. Households
own various productive resources - labor, capital, and land. Firms use these resources as inputs in the
production of goods and services. Households receive their incomes by supplying input to firms, and
purchase goods and services from business. In effect, then, economic activity is circular. The money that
households spend on goods and services comes back around to them in the form of income from the sales
of inputs.

M arkets of resources

Factors of production
Firm s Households
Consum er goods

M arkets of consum er goods

Fig. 1.2 Market mechanism of coordination. Circular flow model.

This is households sector who decides what to consume. These decisions would form business sector
plans what to produce. Business firms must coordinate their decisions about scarce resources utilization.
Finally, households should get the goods they planned to consume, i.e. coordinate their consumption
activity. Resource markets (input markets) and good markets (output markets) coordinate these activities in
a market society.
The circular flow model (Fig.1.2) indicates that markets somehow regulate the flows between the two
sectors. Households and businesses "meet" in the goods market; the outcome determines what goods are
produced. They "meet" again in the factor market; the outcome determines how the things are produced
(that is, what inputs are used). The supply and demand model describes how prices guide the behavior of
both producers and consumers. Supply-and-demand model defines goods (resources) quantity and their
prices when households and business interact at goods (resources) market.

There are two kinds of economic agents in both resource and goods markets: sellers and buyers.
Supply-and-demand model represents different needs of these economic agents. A demand curve is the
relationship between the market price of a good and the quantity demanded of that good during a given time
period, other things being the same. The supply curve is the relationship between the market price and the
amount of goods producers are willing to supply during a given period of time, ceteris paribus. We want to
find the price and output at which there is an equilibrium - a situation that will continue to persist because no
one has any incentive to change his or her behavior.
Prices are signals that contain all the information needed to ensure consistency in the decisions of
households and firms. For example, if flour becomes more expensive, no central directive is needed that
people consume less and firms produce more bread. As a result, an equilibrium situation at bread market is

2.3. Prices also ration scarce resources. Everyone who is willing to pay the equilibrium price gets the
good, and everyone who is not, does not. Finally, prices determine incomes: in a market system, money
income depends on the prices of the inputs supplied to the market.
The coordination problem in market system is resolved by market. Some behavior rules help to
coordinate economic activities in traditional societies. Under planned society state administration
coordinates economic activities. All coordination systems coexist at every moment of time. Every
coordination system has its positive and negative features. One of these features is costs needed for
coordination activity - so called transaction costs. There are many different kinds of transaction costs and
this fact creates different coordination systems. In some circumstances - in large economies where the
amount of information needed to coordinate different activities is enormous - market system is the most
efficient coordination system because it minimizes the cost of collecting and transferring information through
price mechanism.
Alongside with the problem of coordination, markets also solve the problem of synchronizing decisions
about consumption and production of different goods. This function is performed through "futures markets",
where future goods are bought and sold by speculators (from Latin word meaning reasoning about future).
The economic justification for speculative actions is their product - information about scarcity of goods in
future periods. It is important not to mix speculation with economically different activity - arbitrage.
Arbitrages are buying and selling a good which has at the moment different prices in different location. Thus
they perform a function of equalizing current prices for one particular good, providing the unambiguity of
price signal. The role of speculators is somehow different. Through their actions economic agents get
information about relative scarcity of goods in future. based on that information, they adjust their
consumption and production plans towards more coherent, synchronized path.

Key Terms
Scarcity. The imbalance between desires for goods and services and the means of satisfying those
Economics. The study of how scarce resources are allocated among alternative uses.
Microeconomics. The study of public choices, business choices, and personal choices to understand how
the economy functions.
Opportunity cost of a choice. The next best alternative use of resources sacrificed by making a choice.
Production possibility frontier (PPF). Shows the maximum amounts of production that can be obtained by
an economy, given the technological knowledge and quantity of inputs available. The PPF represents the
menu of choices available to society.
Economic model. A simplified way of expressing how some sector of the economy functions; consists of
assumptions that establish relationships among economic variables.
Circular flow model. A model that demonstrates how households and business firms are linked through
input and output markets and how expenditure on products generates revenue that business firms use to
pay for productive services.
Transaction costs. The value of the resources used in locating trading partners, negotiating terms of
trade, drawing up contracts, and enforcing the property rights acquired in a transaction.
Productive resources (inputs). Goods for consumption (outputs).
Allocation of resources
Economic goods. Free goods
Households. Firms
Exogenous variables. Endogenous variables
Market. Input markets. Output markets
1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.1.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.1.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.1.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.1,2.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.1-3.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.1-3.

Lecture 2. Supply and Demand. Functions and Graphs in Microeconomics.

1. Market of a good.
1.1.Sellers and buyers.
1.2.Prices and quantities. Total revenues of sellers or spending of consumers on a market.
2. Market demand.
2.1.Demand schedule and demand curve. Demand function. Inverse demand function.
2.2.Sketching graphs and investigating functions.
2.3.Different types of demand function. Linear and non-linear demand functions.
2.4.Change in demand and changes in quantity demanded. The ceteris paribus assumption.
2.5.Individual and market demand.
3. Supply.
3.1.Supply schedule and supply curve. Supply function.
3.2.Change in supply vs. change in quantity supplied.

1. Market of a good

1.1. In the circular flows model (fig.1.1) two types of markets were presented - of consumer goods
and production recourses. Two groups of participants interact at each market: sellers and buyers. At the
consumer goods market the role of buyers is played by households and the role of sellers - by firms. At
the production recourses markets they switch roles. Households are sellers of recourses (production
factors) whose owners they are. These recourses are bought by firms.
1.2. Price (P) of a good expresses a value of a good with the help of money. Prices are the measure
which is used by sellers and buyers to exchange various goods voluntarily. Prices function as a signal
for sellers and buyers in a sense that a price change forces participants to change their market behavior
- to buy or sell more or less. In this sense prices coordinate decisions of producers and consumers.
Quantity of good (Q) is one more indicator which is defined at the market as a result of interaction of
participants. As a result the market balances volume of goods which sellers are ready to sell and buyers
are ready to buy at each specific price.
The result of PxQ defines the total revenue (TR) of sellers which they receive after selling of Q
number of goods at a price of P per unit. Simultaneously the same number PxQ defines total
expenditures of consumers at the market.

2. Market demand

Modern economists are trying to expose their thoughts in a mostly formal and exact way, that is in
mathematical form. Thus, all assumptions and all steps in reasoning are explicitly stated. Usually such strict
form is preventing any logical error and "opens" a theory for development and new contributions by other
economists. The form in which economists are developing their ideas is called economic models.
Economic models express relationships of economic variables. These relationships are often expressed
as functions. A function is mathematical concept that shows the dependence of variables. It is said that the
function of one variable fx is defined, if a unique element y from set B corresponds to every element x from
set A according to a given rule.
An element (number) y corresponding to an element (number) x is denoted as f(x). It is called partial value
(or simply value) of function f, i.e. y = f(x). The variable x is called independent variable (or argument), the
variable y is called dependent variable.
2.1. For example, the functional dependence of demand for some commodity Q on its price P can be
defined by the following table:

P, $ 9 5 3
Q, units 1 5 7

This table shows that there is negative dependence between variables Q and P: when Q goes down, P
rises. The same dependence of Q on P can be represented by the diagram (Fig.2.1).

P($) The functional dependence of variables P and
slope =-b Q can also be defined analytically, i.e. by the
a/b=10 formula P = f(Q) (1) or by the formula Q= g(P) (2).
9 One of this functions (1) is called inverse to
D QD = a − bP another. In the example above the dependence
a 1 of Q on P can be expressed by the following
P = − Qp formulas:
6 b b
Q = 10-P or P = 10-Q 1
5 A Demand (D): The relationship between the
4 price of an item and the quantity buyers are
3 willing and the able to purchase.
Law of demand: The lower the price of an
item, the greater is the quantity demanded,
1 slope =-1/b
other things (non-price determinants) being
Q(Kg) equal.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a=10
Fig. 2.1 The Demand Curve.

Forms of the Functional dependence: a) schedule (table); b) graph (coordinate system, horizontal
axis - abscissa, vertical axis - ordinate, origin - zero point); c) analytical form (formula).
Demand schedule: A table showing how the quantity demanded of an item varies with the price of
the item.
Demand curve: A graph of the relationship between price and quantity demanded. The negative
(downward) slope of the demand curve illustrates the law of demand.
Demand function: A representation of how quantity demanded depends on price; a mathematical
way of expressing the law of demand
QD = f(P).
Inverse demand function: A representation of how price depends on quantity demanded
P = h(QD).
2.2. How can the graph of linear function be plotted according to the formula? Let us consider the
demand function QD = 200 - 5P (P is the commodity's price, QD is the quantity demanded). This function is
decreasing (the price P goes down as the quantity QD rises). Consumers would buy 200 units of commodity
proposed under the price P=0. The inverse demand function is the dependence of quantity on price: P = 40 -
0.2QD. The function's zero point is P=40: it is the price of commodity when consumers ever buy it (QD=0). As a
result, the graph crosses the coordinate axes in the following points (0, 200) and (40, 0). The function
considered is a linear function, so in order to sketch its graph we should connect these two points by a
straight line.
2.3. Different types of demand function:
a) Linear demand function
QD = a - bP,
a > 0, b > 0; a - Q-intercept; (-b) - slope.
P = c - dQD,
c > 0, d > 0; c - P-intercept, (-d) - slope.
Slope: The direction of a line on a graph. Shows the change in Q that results from a unit change in P
Q-intercept: The value of QD when P equals zero (= a).
P-intercept: The value of P when QD equals zero ( = b/a).
b) Nonlinear demand function
QD = aP-b => Log QD = a - b log P.
2.4. The changes in commodity's price (changes in quantity demanded) are presented by moving along
the demand curve (Fig.2.2).

P($) P($)

10 10

9 9
8 8
7 Slope = = −b < 0 7
PE 6 PE 6
PA 5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 ΔQ 1
D1 D2
Q(Kg) Q(Kg)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 2.2 Change in Quantity Demanded. Fig. 2.3 Change in Demand.

Quantity demanded (QD ): The amount of an item that would be purchased at a certain price given all
of the other influences on demand.
Change in quantity demanded: A change in the amount of an item buyers are willing and able to buy
in response to a change in its price (price changes).
Change in any factor except the price for the given good (in a price of another commodity, .aggregate
income, consumer's taste, etc.) induces a shift of demand curve (Fig.2.3). It is important to distinguish
moving along the demand curve (Fig.2.2) and the demand curve's shifts.
Change in demand: A change in the relationship between the price of an item and the quantity
demanded caused by a change in something other than the price of an item (non-price determinants
Non-price determinants:
- average income of buyers (I);
- population (the size of the market) - only for market demand;
- prices of related goods - substitutes (Ps) and complements (Pc);
- tastes or preferences (T);
- expectations of changes in future prices (E);
- special influences.
There is a single independent variable in a one-variable function. But as far as a function of two variables
is concerned, it contains two independent variables: y = f(x1, x2) is a function of two variables - x1 and x2. If
number of independent variables x1, ... , xn is equal to n (n > 1), we have a function of n variables y = f(x1, ... , xn).
It is often assumed in economic research that variables are non-negative, i.e. that x1 ≥ 0, ... , xn ≥ 0. We fix all
but one variables (the assumption "other things being the same", or Latin "ceteris paribus") to analyze the
influence of the rest variable.
Ceteris paribus assumption: other things (non-price determinants) being equal.
Multivariate demand function: A relationship among amounts of a good consumers will buy, its price,
and all other influences on the demand for the good:
Q = f(P, I, T, Ps, Pc, E, special influences).
2.5. In the beginning, we use comparative static analysis to derive the individual's demand curves. This
analysis examines the change in consumer behavior induced by a change in price of the given good, ceteris
paribus. The market demand - this is the total demand of a good or service by everyone in the population. It
is illustrated by the market demand curve. The market demand curve (D) is derived by horizontal summation
of individual demand curves - d1 and d2 (Fig.2.4): if the price P=PE than the market quantity demanded QE is
defines as QE = Q1 + Q2, Q1=d1(PE), Q2 = d2(P2).


d 2 ,D

P0 E0


d2 D

Q1 Q2 QE
Fig. 2.4 Market Demand (D) derived from individual demands (d1 and d2).

3. Supply.
Supply (S): A relationship between price and the quantity sellers are willing and able to sell.
Quantity supplied (QS ): The amount of an item that would be supplied at a certain price given all of
the other influences on supply.
The supply of commodity QS depends not only on the commodity's price P, but on many other factors
(Non-price determinants):
- the technology used (T): the rise of technology level shifts supply curve outward, because producer can
propose higher quantity of commodity produced under the same price but lower costs;
- the inputs' prices (Pi ): the rise of an input price shifts the supply curve inward, because producer can
propose lower quantity of commodity produced under the same price but higher costs);
- expectations of future changes in price (E),
- number of sellers (only for market supply): the growth of producers number shifts the supply curve
outward if producers do not diminish their supply when new producers occur;
- market organization (taxes and subsidies): the growth of taxes level decreases a good's supply and
thus shifts commodity's supply curve inward, the subsidies move it outward;
- special influences.
The Law of Supply says that as the price P goes up, the quantity supplied QS also goes up, ceteris
paribus (i.e. if the other factors considered above are constant).
3.1. Supply schedule: A table showing how the quantity supplied of an item varies with the price of
that item.

P($) Supply curve: A graph of the relationship

between price and quantity supplied (Fig.2.5).
The positive (upward) slope of the supply curve
9 S reflects the law of supply.
8 Supply function: A representation of how
quantity supplied depends on price; a
6 mathematical way of expressing the law of
1 supply
5 Slope = a 1
b P = − + Qs QS = f(P).
4 b b
The supply function shows the maximum
a Slope = b quantity of the commodity producer is willing to
− =2
b sell at any given price of the commodity P.
Inverse supply function: A representation of
a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 how price depends on quantity supplied
Fig. 2.5 The Supply Curve. P = h(QS).

Multivariate supply function: A relationship among amounts of a good sellers will sell, its price, and all
other influences on the supply for the good:
QS = f(P, T, Pi, E, special influences).
Examples of supply functions.
a) Linear supply function
QS = a + bP,
a > 0, b > 0; a - Q-intercept; b - positive slope.
P = c + dQS,
c > 0, d > 0; c - P-intercept, d - slope.
b) Nonlinear supply functions:
QS = aPb , a > 0, b > 0 => Log QS = a + b log P;
P = 0.3 QS2 - 4 QS + 15, QS > 10.

3.2. Changes in quantity supplied. Changes in supply.

Moving along the supply curve S is called change in quantity supplied (Fig.2.6). Change in quantity
supply: A change in the amount of an item offered for sale in response to a change in its price, other
things being equal. In this situation a change in price p is accompanied in general by a change in quantity q.
A shift of supply curve (it may be not a parallel shift) is called a change of supply (Fig.2.7). Change in
supply: A change in the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied that results
from a change in something other than the price of the good (non-price determinants changes).

P($) P($)

10 10
9 9
8 S2
PC 7 C 7
PE 6 ΔP E PE 6
5 ΔQ
Slope = =b>0 4
4 ΔP
1 ΔQ
Q(Kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 QE QB
Fig. 2.6 Change in Quantity Supplied. Fig. 2.7 Change in Supply.

Key Terms

Sellers Non-price determinants

Buyers Ceteris paribus assumption
Total revenue (TR) individual's demand curve
Demand (D) market demand
Quantity demanded (QD ) Supply (S)
Law of demand Quantity supplied (QS )
Demand schedule Law of Supply
Demand curve Supply schedule
Slope of the demand curve Supply curve
Demand function Supply function
Inverse demand function Changes in quantity supplied
Change in quantity demanded Changes in supply
Change in demand


1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.2.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.2.
3. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.3.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.4.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.4.

Lecture 3. Market Equilibrium Analysis

1. Market equilibrium. Equilibrium price and market clearing.

1.1.Competition between sellers and buyers. Law of uniform price.
1.2.Excess demand and excess supply.
1.3.Market equilibrium on a diagram. Algebra of supply-demand equilibrium in a linear case.
2. Demand, supply and equilibrium in a simple cobweb model.
3. Price controls and market mechanism.
3.1.Price ceilings and shortage.
3.2. Price floors and surplus.

1. Market equilibrium. Equilibrium price and market clearing.

1.1. The point where the demand curve and the supply curve cross each other at the demand-and-supply
diagram is the equilibrium point. Market equilibrium is the characteristic of market conditions - commodities
quantities and prices, when quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied. They are reflected in
information provided by market - commodities prices. Economic agents - both sellers and buyers - use this
information for decision making about their behavior. If initial market conditions are equilibrium conditions,
they would not be changed (would be the same) at the next step, ceteris paribus. As a result, the equilibrium
situation can be characterized as a realization of all decisions made.
The value PE is called equilibrium price, if the quantity of commodity demanded under this price is equal to
the quantity of commodity supplied. As figure 3.1 shows, the equilibrium point exists and it is unique for
demand-and-supply diagram. The demand curve DD and the supply curve SS at the figure 1 cross each
other at point E with coordinates (QE, PE).
Law of uniform (one) price: A homogeneous good trades at the same price no matter who buys it or
which firm sells it.

1.2. When a market price P deviates from equilibrium price PE (or a quantity of a good Q deviates
from equilibrium quantity QE) an excessive supply or excessive demand is formed at a market.
Shortage (or an excess demand): The difference between quantity demanded and quantity supplied
in a market when quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied (Fig. 3.2, P2<PE).
Surplus (or an excess supply): The difference between quantity supplied and quantity demanded
in a market when quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded (Fig.3.2, P1>PE).

S Surplus



Fig. 3.1 Market Equilibrium. Fig. 3.2 Surplus and Storage.

Changes in demand and supply in the market generate changes in equilibrium situation.
a) An increase in market demand (represented by an outward shift in the demand curve D0D0) increases
both the equilibrium price PE and equilibrium quantity QE. (Fig.3.3a)
b) If market demand falls (this is represented by inward shift in the demand curve D0D0), both equilibrium
price and equilibrium quantity fall. (Fig.3.3b)
c) If the market demand rises (the demand curve S0S0 moves outward), the equilibrium price falls and the
equilibrium quantity rises. (Fig.3.3c)

d) Decrease in market supply (represented by inward shift in the supply curve) moves the equilibrium
price up and equilibrium quantity down. (Fig.3.3d)
e) The simultaneous changes in demand and supply can move equilibrium price and quantity in various
directions, as figures above show.

P (а) P P P
(b) (с) S0 S1
(d) S2 S0
D0 D1 S D2 D0 S D D

E1 E E E2
E E2 E1 E

Fig. 3.3 Shifts in supply or demand change equilibrium price and quantity:
a) increase in demand; b) decrease in demand; c) increase in supply; d) decrease in supply.

1.3. Market equilibrium on a diagram (Fig.3.1-3.3).

Model of supply-demand equilibrium in a linear case:
QD = a - bP,
QS = c + fP,
QD - quantity demanded, QS - quantity supplied; a,b,f>0 - parameters.
A state of equilibrium (QE, PE) on fig.3.1 is a result of solving a system of equations:

QE =QD = QS = a-bP = c + fP;

PE= (a-c) / (b + f),
QE = (af + bc) / (b + f),
a>c, af>bc.

2.Demand, supply and equilibrium in a simple cobweb model.

The demand and supply model is static model, because the values of all variables are fixed in time and
they represent economy's state at some fixed moment - i.e. at some year, month or day. We can introduce a
new variable in this simple model - the time variable - in order to design dynamic model.
Let us introduce in the demand and supply model the discrete time variable. (Time variable can also be
presented as continuous variable.) Let us assume that market price of commodity A at period of time t is
equal to Pt and it does not change during this period. The value of Pt can be equal (or not equal) to the
equilibrium price PE. Market price Pt describes model's state at time t, a set P1, P2,..., Pt describes a trajectory
of a dynamic model in time.
This dynamic model is called "cobweb" because its trajectories for the first and second alternatives look
like "web". Cobweb model: A model of price adjustment in which some trading takes place at
nonequilibrium prices.
For example, consider a dynamic version of the supply and demand model for one commodity. Let us
propose that supply and demand curves are fixed and that market demand QDt at time t is a function of price
at the same period t, but the market supply QSt depends on market price at previous period of time (t-1):
QDt = QSt,
QDt = a - bPt, a,b>0,
QSt = c + fPt-1, f>0.
Cobweb theorem: A simple dynamic model of price and output where the quantity supplied depends
on price in the previous period, and the quantity demanded depends on price in the current period:
Pt = (P0 - PE) (-f/b)-1 + PE ,
PE = (a-c) / (b+f) ,
P0 >0 - the initial price.
Three alternative trajectories of market price Pt for this model are possible:
1) the value of market price moves towards its equilibrium value: The first alternative is possible if the
slope of supply curve SS is greater than the slope of demand curve DD (1/f > 1/b, f/b <1).
Damped cobweb: This depicts a market that moves over a number of periods towards the equilibrium
price and quantity (converging cobweb): f < b.

2) The value of market price moves from its equilibrium value, and model "explodes": the second
alternative is possible in the inverse situation (1/f < 1/b, f/b >1).
Explosive cobweb: This depicts a market that moves over a number of periods away from the
equilibrium price and quantity (diverging cobweb): f > b.
3) market price trajectory turns around its equilibrium point, and market price Pt never achieves its
equilibrium value; the third alternative is possible if the slope of supply curve SS is equal to the slope of
demand curve DD (1/f = 1/b, f/b =1).
Uniform (perfect cobweb): f = b.

(a) S D (b) D (c)
P2 = P0

P2 E
P2 P0 E PE
P1 P1

1 1 1 1 1 1
c f b a c a c f a
Q f b Q b Q
Q2 QE Q1 Q2 QE Q1 Q2 QE Q1

Fig. 3.4 Cobweb model: a) covering cobweb; b) diverging cobweb; c) perfect cobweb.

The foreign currency exchange or the commodity exchange can be described by this dynamic model: the
demand is defined immediately by the exchange price, but the supply reacts on the price value with some
lag. We can forecast future prices' trajectories for some commodity or currency exchange analyzing their
past dynamic.

3. Price controls and market mechanism.

We can investigate consequences of various governmental prices regulation programs using the supply
and demand model.

3.1. Sometimes market prices are regulated by the government. For example, the government can
introduce the price ceiling for some commodity in order to support low-income consumers of this product.
The price PMAX is called the ceiling (or maximum) price if it is lower than equilibrium price PE and it is
prohibited to sell commodity by higher price. After introduction of maximum price the shortage of commodity
usually occurs. The government can equilibrate market demand and supply using its reserves (see point B
(PMAX, QD), Fig.3.5). Point A corresponds to the situation of the black market. The black market price PD
equilibrate demand and supply and it is greater than equilibrium price pPE. The equilibrium price in situation
like this is usually called "shadow price".

Scarcity of land and housing often is a reason for excessive growth of housing rent in towns. In
response authorities sometimes introduce housing rent control. The maximum rent at a level RMAX which
is lower than equilibrium price RE (fig. 3.6) leads to a situation when some portion of dwellers in the
amount of (QD - QS ) can not find housing. They are forced to bribe landlords or pay high advanced
payments to get an apartment. New construction is also hampered. Increase of maximum housing rent
reduces excessive demand.


Rent per square foot


E RE Shadow price

Shortage D
QS QE QD Square feet of housing per year
Fig. 3.5 Maximum price Pmax. Fig. 3.6 Rent Control: An Example of a Price Ceiling.

3.2. The government can also introduce price floor for some commodity in order to support producers of
this commodity. The price PMIN is called floor (or minimum) price if it is higher than equilibrium price PE (see
Fig.3.7) and it is prohibited to buy commodity for lower price. After introduction of minimum price commodity
surplus usually occur. The government tries to diminish supply in this situation by subsidizing producers'
output cuts. This situation is presented by the point A. The point C corresponds to the situation of illegal
sales of surplus at price PS , which is lower than shadow equilibrium price PE.
Sometimes authorities set up at a legislative level the minimum wage which is the minimum level of
payment for any work. Minimum wage at a level WMIN under condition of equilibrium wage WE leads to an
equilibrium in point A (fig. 3.8.) Too high wages lead to unemployment of a (LS - LD) size. Reduce of
WMIN increases employment.
Wages ($ per hour)




QD QE QS Labor hours per week
Fig. 3.8 Minimum Wages:
Fig. 3.7 Minimum price Pmin.
An Example of a Price Floor.

Key Terms
market equilibrium E (PE, QE ) explosive cobweb (diverging cobweb)
equilibrium price PE uniform (perfect cobweb)
equilibrium quantity QE can introduce the
law of uniform (one) price price ceiling (or maximum price)
shortage (or an excess demand) shadow price
surplus (or an excess supply) price floor (or minimum price)
cobweb model
damped cobweb (converging cobweb)


1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.2,4.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.2.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.10.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.3.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.4,5.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.4.

Lecture 4. Elasticity Concept. Elasticity of Demand and Supply.

1. Marginal analysis in Economics.

1.1.Increments and rates approaches to changes in Economics. Definition of derivative and its
geometrical interpretation.
1.2.The use of derivatives: introduction to optimization theory and its applications to economics.
2. Price elasticity in market equilibrium model.
2.1.Price elasticity of demand. Elastic and inelastic demand. Unit elasticity.
2.2.Linear demand curve and its price elasticity. Constant elasticity demand curve.
2.3.Elastic and inelastic supply.
2.4.Concept of cross-price elasticity.
3. Income elasticity.
3.1.Income elasticity of demand.
3.2.Engel curve and income elasticity.

1. Marginal analysis in Economics.

The main objective of modeling is to describe the relationship of economic variables in order to predict an
impact of a change in an economic variable on the others. To do it we develop a measure of the
responsiveness of one economic variable to the changes in the factors determining its value.

1.1.There are two approaches to measure the responsiveness of relationship y = f(x).

a) Increment approach: What is the effect of unit change of independent variable x on the value of function y.
This approach analyzes the following dependencies:
factor increment (Δx) ⇒ the change of analyzed variable (Δy).
Such a measure of "absolute" responsiveness can be called the rate of function's change. The value of this
responsiveness at a particular point ("instant speed") is called the derivative of the function.
b) Rate approach: What is a percent change of the function due to one percent change of independent
variable. This approach analyzes the following dependencies:
growth rate of a factor (%Δx) ⇒ growth rate of analyzed variable (%Δy)
Remind that the growth rate (a percent change) of the variable is its absolute change multiplied by 100
and divided by the initial value:

y Δx x 2 - x1
% Δx = ⋅ 100% = ⋅ 100%.
x x1
y2 f(x) The measure of "relative" responsiveness in called
elasticity of function.
Derivative is a more general concept than the elasticity,
Δy that is why we are dealing first with the derivatives. Let the
value of z change from a z1 (initial value) to z2 (final value). The
difference Δz = z2 - z1 is called the increment of value z.
Let us take the function y = f(x) and consider two values
of argument: x1 and x2. Corresponding values of the
Δx function are y1 = f(x1) and y2 = f(x2). The difference Δx = x2 -
x1 is called an increment of argument, and Δy = y2 - y1 = Δf =
f(x2) - f(x1) - increment of the function. The geometrical
x1 x2 x interpretation is given in the figure 4.1.
Fig. 4.1 The geometrical interpretation
of derivative.

We can measure the responsiveness of variable y to changes in variable x by the ratio Δy/Δx. The
disadvantage of such a measure is that the value of responsiveness depends not only on the initial point x0,
but also on the length of interval Δx. To avoid this ambiguity, the concept of derivative (the "local" rate of
change at the certain point) is introduced. To find this rate of change of the function, we bring the points x
and x0 together, reducing the interval Δx to zero. The rate of change of function f(x) at the point x0 is called the
value of derivative of f(x) at the point x0. Geometrically, this value is represented by the slope of tangent line
to the graph of function at the point x0.

df(x) dy
The derivative of function y=f(x) at point x is denoted as f ′(x) , y′x , 2, 3 . All these designations
dx dx
are correct. We find this value by taking the derivative of the function.

1.2. Economic agents are often trying to find an optimal way of using scarce (limited) resources. It could
be a firm or a household - in any case the rules of finding the best use of resources are basically the same
and these rules cam be reduced to the simple logical problem: find one variant among feasible outcomes, at
which the value of objective function is as big as possible (at which the objective function has a maximum).
The problem could be formulated in an opposite way: achieve a certain goal with minimum expenses. The
idea that these kinds of problems can be reduced to a sequence of basic steps made an epoch in the
development of economics. Such standard steps are described by optimization theory.
The point x0 is a point of local maximum (minimum) of the function y = f(x), if the value of function at all
points close to x0 is less (or bigger), than the value of function at point x0. The value of function at that point
f(x0) is called local maximum (local minimum) of the function y = f(x). If the point x0 - is a local maximum
(minimum) of function y = f(x), then the graph G of function y = f(x) looks like a hat (reversed hat) in the
neighborhood of this point.
Instead of two words - maximum and minimum - the single term is used - extremum. The necessary
condition that a certain point is local extremum for function y = f(x) is the following: the derivative of this
function at the point of extremum is equal to zero (we assume that the derivative at such point exists). 1
Let us use this techniques to solve a problem of defining the optimal consumption of the good distributed
for free. Evidently, a consumer will not have any benefit by increasing consumption of such a good beyond
the point where it reaches the maximum utility: additional units would only reduce his or her welfare.

U Marginal utility is the derivative of utility function; where

marginal utility is equal to zero (or the tangent line to utility
C graph is horizontal, see Fig.4.2), the total utility would be
B D maximized: at point C the amount of good is equal to x0 at the
graph, and MU = U′(x) = 0.
For a function f(x1, x2) of two variables x1 and x2 a point (x10,
x21) of local extremum has the similar definition as for the
function of one variable. By analogy with a function of one
A variable the necessary condition of local extremum of a
x function of several variables is that the derivatives of this
function with respect to each variable at that point are zero.
These derivatives of a function of several variables are called
Fig. 4.2 Local maximum point C of
partial derivatives and are denoted as ∂f(x1,...xn)/∂xi.
the utility function.

In the basic theory of local extremum there are no additional conditions (constraints) on the values of
independent variables. In practice the decision-making economic agent always encounters several
constraints. These are technological, financial, resource, ecological and other constraints. For example, a
consumer maximizes utility within his or her budget, a producer is constrained by given production capacity,
an exporter - by foreign market capacity and so on. Economic variables (output, consumption, prices and
others) are often required to be non-negative. It is formalized by inequalities xi ≥ 0. There are special methods
to solve various classes of conditional extremum problems: of the problems with inequality constraints, with
linear and non-linear objective functions and so on. They are based on the methods of search for
unconditional extremum. Although they are more complicated because an objective function is maximized
(minimized) under additional constraints which are not present in a problem of unconditional extremum. The
problems with equality constraints are easier to solve in comparison with the problems with inequality
constraints. For example, a variable in an equality constraint can be detached with respect to the rest ones.
Then it can be substituted into an objective function. It brings the problem to an ordinary problem of
Points where the derivative of an objective function turns to zero are called critical points of the function (by definition
x0 is a critical point of function y = f(x) if f′(x0) = 0 (either if f′(x0) = ∞ or f′(x0) does not exist). Local extremum are always critical
points, but the opposite is not correct - critical points are not sure to be extremum. To take this into account the sufficient
conditions of local maximum (minimum) are formulated: the critical point x0 is a point of maximum if the first derivative f′(x) is
changing its sign from plus to minus by crossing this point from left to right (the opposite is true for minimum); the same could
be written by using the second derivative (derivative of a derivative) in a point x0: if f′′(x0) > 0 (f′′(x0) < 0), then x0 is a local
minimum (maximum).

unconditional extremum. A number of more complicated methods are necessary to solve problems with
inequality constraints. These methods are called methods of mathematical programming.

2. Price elasticity in market equilibrium model.

In economics the derivative as a measure of responsiveness in a relationship is not convenient, since its
magnitude depends also on the units of measuring. For example, let us take a demand function for sugar
Q=f(P). The derivative of this function with respect to price P (measured in Rubles) depends on whether the
quantity demanded is measured in kilograms or centners. In the first case its value is measured in kg/R, in
the second - in c/R. As well, in economics not absolute but relative (in per cent) change of the variables is
usually important, but the derivative links absolute changes of independent and dependent variables. To
avoid this ambiguity in economics one often takes the changes of variables not in absolute terms but in
relative terms as percentage change.
The elasticity of function y=f(x) shows the relative change of the dependent variable y due to unit relative
change of the argument x.
The elasticity is dimensionless value which does not depend on the units in which prices or quantities are
measured. If we denote the elasticity of change in y with respect to the change in x as Ex(y), then using the
definition of elasticity we get
Δy Δx Δy x
E x (y) = : = ⋅ ⋅ 4
y x Δx y
Δy ∂y
Since under Δx→0 lim = , 5 (i.e. under small increments of the argument the increments' Δy and
Δx ∂x
Δx ratio converges to the derivative of y by x), we have:
∂y x x f’(x) f’(x) Mf
E x (y)= ⋅ =f ′(x) ⋅ = = = .
∂x y y y f(x) Af
x x
6 If we consider f(x) as total value (for example, total revenue), then Mf = f′(x) is the corresponding
marginal value (marginal revenue, or the revenue for additional unit of x), and Af is the average value of the
function (average revenue, or the revenue for the unit of x in average). So, the elasticity equals to the ratio
of the marginal and average values.
While using the real data to compute the elasticity we get an approximate elasticity value, and the
possible result is not unique as in exact formula. Let the value of x change from x1 to x2, and the value of y
change from y1 to y2. In such a case the following elasticities can be estimated:

y 2 - y1 ( y 2 - y1 )
y1 ( y1 + y 2 )/ 2
point elasticity arc elasticity E x (y) = ( - ) .
E x (y) = , x 2 x1
x 2 - x1
( x1 + x 2 )/ 2

The calculation of point elasticity is based on the initial values of x and y, and in arc elasticity formula the
means of the initial and final values of x and y are used.

2.1. The price elasticity of demand shows the per cent change of the demanded quantity due to one
percent price change. So the coefficient of price elasticity is the relative (percentage) change in quantity
divided by the relative (percentage) change in price:
ED = ( Δ QD /QD )/( Δ P/P), where QD is the quantity demanded, P is the price. Usually the price elasticity of
demand in negative: under the increase in price the quantity demanded decreases. For convenience the
negative sign is often omitted, so the elasticity is taken in absolute terms. Demand is classified as inelastic,
elastic or unit elastic depending on whether price elasticity's module is less than, greater than, or equal to 1.
Figure 4.3 illustrates the five cases of elasticities;
a) elastic demand (fig.4.3a): ED < -1, % Δ QD > % Δ P, P1Q1 < P2Q2;
b) inelastic demand (fig.4.3b): 0 > ED > -1, % Δ QD < % Δ P, P1Q1 > P2Q2;
c) unit elastic demand (fig.4.3c): ED = -1, % Δ QD = % Δ P, P1Q1 = P2Q2;
d) perfectly elastic demand (fig.4.3d): ED = -infinity;
e) perfectly inelastic demand (fig.4.3e): ED =0.


P1 P1

Q1 Q2 Q Q1 Q2 Q Q1 Q2 Q
Fig. 4.3а Elastic demand Fig. 4.3b Inelastic demand Fig. 4.3c Unit-elastic demand
|Ed|>1: %ΔQ>%ΔP. |Ed|<1: %ΔQ<%ΔP. |Ed|=1: %ΔQ=%ΔP





Q1 Q2 Q Q
Fig. 4.3d Perfectly elastic Fig. 4.3e Perfectly inelastic
demand |Ed|= ∞. demand |Ed|= 0.

2.2. Slope and elasticity are not the same thing. All points on the straight-line demand curve D (QD=a-bP)
have the same slope -b. But above the midpoint, demand is elastic; below it, demand is inelastic; at the
midpoint, demand is unit-elastic (fig.4.4).
Figure 4.5 illustrates the demand curve for a good whose price elasticity of demand is unitary at all
possible prices. This means that no matter what the price, total expenditure (PQ) by consumers is
always the same: P1Q1 = P2Q2 = k, k=const. The equation of the curve is PQD = k, or QD = kP-1
The more general case is QD = kP-a, a>0, this is the constant elasticity demand curve: ED = -a at all


F |ED|=1

P2 D
G Q0 C Q Q1 Q2
Fig. 4.4 Elasticity of straight line. Fig. 4.5 Constant elasticity demand curve.

2.3. Price elasticity of supply (ES) measures the sensitivity of changes in quantity supplied ( Δ QD) to
changes in price ( Δ P) as the percentage change in quantity supplied resulting from each 1 percent change
in market price: ES = ( Δ QS /QS )/( Δ P/P), or ES = % Δ QS / % Δ P.

The price elasticity of supply ranges from zero to infinity:
a) ES =0 - supply is perfectly inelastic,
b) 0 < ES < 1 - supply is inelastic,
c) ES = 1 - supply is unit elastic,
d) ES > 1 - supply is elastic,
e) ES = infinity - supply is perfectly elastic.
A linear supply curve S1 that intercepts the price axis is elastic at all prices (fig. 4.6a). A linear supply
curve S2 that intercepts the quantity axis is inelastic at all prices (fig. 4.6b). A linear supply curve S3 that goes
through the origin is unit elastic at all prices (fig. 4.6c). The vertical supply curve S4 showing perfectly
inelastic supply (fig. 4.6c). The horizontal supply curve S5 displaying perfectly elastic supply (fig. 4.6c).
The major factor influencing supply elasticity is the extent to which production in the industry can be
increased. Another important factor in supply elasticities is the time period under consideration.

P (а) P (b) P (c)

S1 ES = 0 ES = 1

S5 A

S3 S4
0 QA 0 QA 0 QA
Fig. 4.6 Price elasticity of supply:
a) S1 is elastic at all prices; b) S2 is inelastic at all prices; a) S3 is unit elastic at all prices.

2.4. Goods are related to other goods as either substitutes or complements. The relationship is measured
by the cross price elasticity, which is defined as the percentage change in quantity of one good divided by
the percentage change in the price of the other good. When goods are substitutes, the cross price elasticity
between them is positive. When goods as complements, the cross price elasticity between them is negative.
If the cross price elasticity between two goods is 0, the goods are said to be unrelated.

3. Income elasticity.

3.1.The effect of changes in income on quantity demanded is measured by the income elasticity of
demand. Like all elasticities it is the ratio of two percentage changes. In this case it is the percentage
change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income. Goods are classified as normal,
inferior, or luxury depending on the value of their income elasticity of demand. Normal goods have a positive
income elasticity. Inferior goods have negative income elasticity and luxury goods have income elasticities
greater than 1.

3.2. Engel curve relate the quantity of a good consumed to income. Figure 4.7a shows an upward-sloping
Engel curve applies to all normal goods: if income increases from $10 to $20 to $30 per month, the
consumption of good Q increases from 4 10 to 16 units.
In figure 4.7b good Q is a normal good for income less than $20 per month and an inferior good for
income greater than $20 per month.

I (a) I (b)

Income ($ per mounth)

Income ($ per mounth)

30 30

20 20


10 10

4 8 12 16 Q 5 10 Q
Fig. 4.7 Engel Curves: a) normal good; b) normal good if I<$20, inferior good, if I>$20.

Key Terms
constant elasticity demand curve price elasticity of supply
derivative of the function substitutes
elasticity complements
point elasticity cross price elasticity
arc elasticity income elasticity of demand
price elasticity of demand normal goods
elastic demand inferior goods
inelastic demand luxury goods
unit elastic demand Engel curve

1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.5.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.2.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.3.3.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.5.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.5.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.5.

Lecture 5. Elasticity of Demand and Supply: Applications.

1. Application of price elasticity.

1.1.Maximizing the sales revenue for a seller.
1.2.Elasticity and economic policy: example of revenues from sales taxes.
2. Application of income elasticity.
2.1.Forecasting demand for a good.
2.2.Demand for food: income elasticity and the share of food spending. Cross-countries

1. Application of price elasticity.

1.1. The coefficient of the price elasticity of demand could be used to predict the changes in sellers
revenue with changes in prices. This relationship is presented by a linear demand function q=a-bp (see the
P |Ed|=1 To investigate this relationship, we have to introduce the
A theory of optimization. 2
|Ed|>1 By the definition of elasticity,
q′p p -bp p BG BC
F B |Ed|=1 E q (p)= = = =− =− .7
q a-bp a AF AB
K −p
|Ed|<1 b
So, if the point B moves along the straight demand line
from the point A to the point C, the elasticity of demand
D decreases. It is negative, its module equals in each point to the
TR G Q0 C ratio of the lengths of BC and AB, and equals to one in the
middle point of AC. In the lower part of the figure the
TRMAX dependence of revenue on price is shown: TR = q⋅ p(q). This is
quadratic function having maximum in the middle point of the
interval OC. On the elastic segment of the demand curve (to
the left of the middle point) the revenue from sales is increasing
with increasing quantity and price cuts, on the inelastic part -
TR increases with an increase in price and fall in the quantity
0 Q0 C
Fig. 5.1 Maximizing the sales
revenue for a seller (TRmax).

1.2. So, if the demand is inelastic, the price change causes the revenue change in the same direction,
and the price rising is profitable for sellers. Under elastic demand the revenue changes in the reverse
direction to the price change, and sellers should decrease price to rise revenue.
For example, the farmers' revenue would decrease under good harvest since the elasticity of demand for
agricultural products is rather low. The price rising by state enterprises aiming at the increase of budget
revenue (for example, railway tickets prices) can cause the fall of budget revenues if the demand for
corresponding good or service is elastic. Similarly, the tax increase for the good with elastic demand leads to
the fall of the revenue from taxation.
Tax incidence in competitive markets.
We begin our analysis by considering a competitive market. The basic principles may be illustrated by
the demand-and-supply diagram for beer shown in Figure 5.2. The equilibrium before the imposition of
taxes is depicted by point E0. .
The tax shifts the supply curve up by the amount of tax t per unit. This lowers the quantity consumed
and raises the price paid by consumers. The new equilibrium price Pb is increased, but it does not
increase by t : Pb < P0 +t. The price received by the producer is thus PS = Pb- t, PS>P0-t.
In spite of the fact that the tax was nominally imposed on producers, consumers are forced to pay a
part of the increased cost resulting from increased taxes, through higher prices. The amount by which
the price rises depends on the shape of the demand and supply curves.

See appendix.
1) The more elastic the demand curve and the less elastic the supply curve, the more the tax is borne
by producers (Fig.5.2a).
2) The less elastic the demand curve and the more elastic the supply curve, the more of the tax will
be borne by consumers (Fig.5.2b).
The horizontal demand curve is infinitely elastic; and has zero elasticity. A vertical supply curve has
zero elasticity, while a horizontal supply curve has infinite elasticity.
3) Tax borne by consumers:
a) Perfectly inelastic demand (the vertical demand curve), the price rises by the full amount of the
tax; the entire burden of the tax is on the consumers (Fig.5.3a).
b) Perfectly elastic supply (horizontal supply curve), the price rises by the full amount of the tax; the
entire burden of the tax is on consumers (Fig.5.3b).
4) Tax borne by producers:
a) Perfectly elastic demand with a perfectly elastic (horizontal) demand curve, the price does not rise
at all; the entire burden of the tax is on producers (Fig.5.4a).
b) Perfectly inelastic supply curve with a perfectly inelastic (vertical) supply curve, the price does not
rise at all; the full burden of the tax is on producers (Fig.5.4b).


P (a) P (b)

E1 Pb E1
Pb A E0
S P0
A t B F t B
F E0

Q1 Q0 Q Q1 Q0 Q
Fig. 5.2 Impact of a tax depends on elasticies of demand:
a) demand is very inelastic; b) demand is very elastic.

P D (a) P
D (b)

E1 St
P1 P1
t A t
A E0 S

Q1 = Q0 Q Q1 Q0 Q
Fig. 5.3 Tax born by consumers: a) perfectly inelastic demand; d) perfectly elastic supply.

(a) D (b)
S= St

E1 E0 S
P1 = P0
E0 = E1
D P1 = P0

Q1 Q0 Q Q0 = Q1 Q
Fig. 5.4 Tax born by producers: a) perfectly elastic demand; b) perfectly inelastic supply.

2. Application of income elasticity.

2.1. Market experiments and consumer surveys are typically used by business firms to obtain
information on the responsiveness of quantities purchased to changes in price and other demand
Information obtained by asking existing customers questions about their income could be used to
concentrate advertising campaigns in the media watched, listened to, or read by the customers most
likely to buy particular goods.
A problem with the consumer survey is that there is no guarantee that the way consumers will actually
behave is correlated with the way they respond to a questionnaire. There are also problems in obtaining
a representative sample of consumers. If the sample is not representative of the consumers who actually
buy a good, the results will be of little use.
The most sophisticated techniques for estimating demand functions involve the use of statistical
The first step required to statistically estimate a demand function is to specify the variables and the
hypothesized relationships of cause and effect. For example, the researcher might specify that the
quantity of some good purchased, X, depends on its own price, P, the price of a complementary good,
PC , the price of a substitute, PS and average consumer income, /. After this has been done, it is
necessary to hypothesize the way the quantity of X purchased per person per year, Qx, depends on its
price and the other variables. The researcher may, for example, hypothesize a linear relationship. This
means that the demand function may be expressed as the following linear equation:
QX = a + bP + cPC + dPS + eI
The small letters b, c, d, and e are called the demand coefficients. They represent the amounts by
which the dependent variable Qx will change for each unit change of an independent variable. For
example, the coefficient of the variable I says that for each $1 change in the income, the quantity
purchased will change by e units.
When the coefficients have been estimated, hypotheses about their signs (positive or negative) can
be accepted or rejected.

2.2. Table 5.2 shows estimates of some income elasticities of demand in the United States.
Necessities such as food and clothing are income inelaistic, while luxuries such as airline and foreign
travel are income elastic.
Income elasticity of demand has three ranges of values. In part (a), income elasticity of demand is
greater than 1. In this case, as income increases, the quantity demanded increases but by a bigger
percentage than the increase in income. In part (b), income elasticity of demand is between zero and 1.
In this case, as income increases, the quantity demanded increases but by a smaller percentage than
the increase in income. In pare (c), the income elasticity of demand is positive at low incomes but
becomes negative as income increases above level m. Maximum consumption of this good occurs at the
income m.

Table 5.1 Some Real-World Income Elasticities of Demand

Good or Service Elasticity
Elastic Demand
Airline travel 5.82
Movies 3.41
Foreign travel 3.08
Housing services 2.45
Electricity 1.94
Restaurant meals 1.61
Local buses and trains 1.38
Gasoline and oil 1.36
Haircutting 1.36
Cars 1.07
Unit Elastic Demand
Dentists' services 1.00
Inelastic Demand
Shoes and other footwear 0.94
Tobacco 0.86
Shoe repairs 0.72
Alcoholic beverages 0.62
Furniture 0.53
Clothing 0.51
Newspapers and magazines 0.38
Telephone 0.32
Food 0.14

Sources: H.S. Houthakker and Lester D. Taylor, Consumer Demand in the United States (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970), and Henri Theil, Chins-Fan Chung, and James L.Scale, Jr.,
Advances in Econometrics, Supplement /, 1989), International Evidence on Consumption Patterns
(Greenwich, Conn: JAl Press Inc., 1989).

What is a necessity and what is a luxury depend on the level of income. For people with a low
income, food and clothing can be luxuries. So the level of income has a big effect on income elasticities
of demand. Figure 5.5 shows this effect on the income elasticity of demand for food in 20 countries. In
countries with low incomes, such as Tanzania and India, the income elasticity of demand for food is high
while in countries with high incomes, such as the United States, it is low. A 10 percent increase in
income leads to an increase in the demand for food of 7.5 percent in India and only 1.5 percent in the
United States. These numbers confirm that necessities have a lower income elasticity of demand than

Figure 5.5 Income Elasticities in 20 Countries 3

Country Income Income elasticity

(% of USA)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Tanzania 3.3
India 5.2
Nigeria 6.7
Indonesia 7.2
Bolivia 14.4
Korea 20.4
Peru 23.1
Chile 32.4
Brasil 36.8
Greece 41.3
Ireland 45.4
Israel 45.6
Spain 55.9
Japan 61.6
Italy 69.7
United Kingdom 71.7
France 81.1
Germany 85.0
Canada 99.2
United States 100

Key Terms

sellers revenue
tax incidence

1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.5.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.2.
3. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.5.
4. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
5. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.5.
6. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.5.

Source: Henri Theil, Ching-Fan Chung, and James L.Seale, Jr., Advances in Econometrics, Supplement 1, 1989,
International Evidence on Consumption Patterns (Greenwich, Conn: JAl Press Inc., 1989).
Lecture 6. Consumer Choice and Demand Function. Individual and Market Demand.

1. Basics of utility theory: Tastes, preferences and utility. Goods and bundles of goods. Utility function.
2. Introduction to consumer choice theory.
2.1.Indifference curves. Indifference map.
2.2.Budget constraint. Slope of budget constraint line.
2.3.Problem of consumer choice. Concept of consumer optimum (equilibrium). Geometrical
3. Demand function.
3.1. Price and income changes and budget constraint.
3.2.Dependence of demand on prices. "Price-consumption" curve and individual demand.
3.3. "Income-consumption" curve.
4. Price change and quantity demanded: substitution and income effects.
5. Consumer surplus
5.1.Concept of consumer welfare.
5.2.Taxation and consumer surplus. Deadweight losses.

1. Basics of utility theory

In the origin of the market demand we find decisions of individual consumers. This decisions are the
result of their desire to obtain maximum gain from their means. And the benefit for the consumer is the
effect that he/she achieves from various goods. This effect (increase in welfare or satisfaction of his/her
needs) is utility.
The good in consumption theory is any consumption object bringing definite (stable, predictable)
satisfaction to a consumer (rising his/her level of welfare). Usually goods are consumed in definite sets (or
bundles or baskets).
This lecture develops the standard theory of consumer choice. This theory assumes: consumers have
individual tastes and preferences; consumers are limited in satisfying their tastes and preferences by their
budget constraints; and consumers, given their budget constraints and their tastes and preferences, choose
bundles that make them as much satisfied as possible.
The analysis of consumer behavior needs strict description of his/her purposes, just dependence of the
utility level on the consumed goods bundle composition. This strict dependence is represented by utility
function. Utility function is the relationship between quantities of consumed goods and utility level achieved
in this case for consumer: U=f(x1;x2;...xn), when U is utility level, x1;x2;...xn are the amounts of goods
consumed. The utility function is a form of consumer preferences ranking. We have two hypotheses about
typical consumer preferences character:
Ordinal utility function delineates only order (arrangement, ranking) of the well-being degrees. The
consumer in this case always can say what bundle he/she prefers, but can not define how much is the utility
difference between two bundles.
Cardinal utility function shows the ranking of consumer satisfaction levels as well as valuation of
differences between these levels. It means that utility is measured in particular units.
Total utility (TU) is the satisfaction obtained from a given amount of good or bundle. When the
consumption of any one good is increasing (and the quantities of all other goods are the same - ceteris
paribus), the total utility is first rising, then achieving its maximum and afterwards decreasing. Using
cardinal utility function we can characterize not only total utility, but the marginal utility too. The marginal
utility (MU) is the additional amount of satisfaction from the consumption of one additional unit of good. So
marginal utility is a partial derivative of utility function. If we would generalize real situations of consumption,
we reveal that additional amounts of the good (ceteris paribus) shall give decreasing increments of welfare.
This property is named diminishing marginal utility.

2. Introduction to consumer choice theory.

Let us consider the problem of choosing the best consumption bundle. We reduce the number of goods
in the bundle to 2. It is not the strong simplification of the reality: we may represent each consumer choice as
a choice between given good and all other goods.

2.1. The graph 6.1 of utility function with two variables usually is like the hill getting more and more flat
(diminishing marginal utility). And it is more comfortable to work with level lines or isoquants of a function


q p
lq lq1
0 X1 0 X1
Fig. 6.1 The graph of utility function with two Fig. 6.2 Indifference curves and indifference
variables. map.

The isoquants lq of utility function U = f(X1, X2) are named indifference curves.
Thus tastes and preferences are represented by indifference curves and indifference maps. An
indifference curve is the locus of points expressing consumption bundles giving the consumer the same
satisfaction. The consumer is indifferent to any pair of bundles on a particular indifference curve.
The negative slope of an indifference curve is the consumer's marginal rate of substitution of good 2 for
good 1 (MRSX1X2)
MRSx1x2 = -ΔX2 /ΔX1 .
Its value shows the number of units of the good plotted on the vertical axis that the consumer is willing to
give up when compensated by one unit of the good plotted on the horizontal axis. For example, if hot dogs
are plotted on the vertical axis and books are plotted on the horizontal axis, then MRS of 3 means the
consumer is willing to give up three hot dogs in exchange for one book.
Standard indifference curves are convex. That is, they bow toward the origin reflecting the fact that MRS
diminishes. Perfect substitutes have straight-line indifference curves. Perfect complements have right-angled
indifference curves.

2.2. The next step is to introduce goods prices and consumer budget into the analysis. The prices of
goods (for example p1 and p2) reflect market conditions (demand and supply relation) and do not depend on
single consumer decisions, while consumer income (I) constraints his/her total purchases. The budget
constraint shows all of the combinations of goods that can be purchased with given income at given prices.
It is often written as
p1X1 + p2X2 ≤ I
meaning that the sum of expenditures for goods cannot be greater than income. Adding nonnegativity
conditions for X1 and X2 one obtains feasible area for consumer choice.

X2 Budget constraint line is the straight line p1X1 + p2X2 =

I I reflecting situations when income is spent completely
(Fig.6.3). In other case some money remains unspent
and utility does not reach its highest level. Budget line
intersects axes in points X1=I/p1 and X2=I/p2 showing
maximums of goods X1 and X2 which can be bought
under this income and these prices.
The negative slope of budget constraint is the price
ratio p1/p2 (=tgα ). It shows the number of units of the
good plotted on the vertical axis a consumer must give up
in order to afford a purchase of one additional unit of the
I good plotted on the horizontal axis. When the consumer
α p1
is a price taker, the budget constraint is a strait line.
Fig. 6.3 The budget constrain line.
But, in other cases, it may be kinked, or curved, or there may be more than one constraint (e.g. when the
consumer must satisfy both time constraint and budget constraint).

2.3. Analyzing the features of consumer choice problem and its solution, we build the ways to look at the
origins of the demand function. Thus we show how the market demand curves are formed and how the
consumer behavior model allows to describe demand fluctuations related to different economic shocks. We
will assume that what is correct for two goods is correct for any number of goods. So the consumer with the
given budget and given market prices of goods is trying to find an optimal combination of these two goods.
Let us present a geometrical interpretation of the problem's solution (Fig.6.4):

The triangle shows all feasible consumption baskets

X2 (X1,X2), but only one of these baskets (X10,X20)
Budget constrain p1 x1 + p2 x 2 = I maximizes the utility u(X1,X2). The point (X1 ,X20) is a

point of tangency between budget constraint

(x10 , x20) p1X1+p2X2=I and indifference curve. So we are picking
up the basket which gives the highest utility level (the
consumer is on the highest indifference curve
achievable with the given budget and prices). The
solution is thus the tangency point between the line
representing the constraint and the isoutility line of the
objective function.
At the point of consumer optimum (equilibrium) one
of the indifference curves (the highest at the given
(x1, x2 ) budget) is tangent to the budget constraint, therefore:
X1 MR S x 1 x 2 = .
0 p2
Fig. 6.4 Consumer choise problem and it

It means that the slope (derivative) of indifference curve (MRS) equals to the slope (derivative) of budget
constraint line (p1/p2).
It can be shown that the marginal rate of substitution equals to the ratio of marginal utilities of goods:
MU 1
MRS x 1,x 2 = .
MU 2

Then the condition of consumer equilibrium may be expressed as:

MU 1 p1
MRS x 1,x 2 = = .
MU 2 p2
Rearranging the last ratio, for n goods we obtain:
MU i MU j
= .
pi pj
In the point of consumer equilibrium the ratio of marginal utilities must be equal to the ratio of prices.
Expanding this condition at any amount of goods we get equimarginal principle: marginal utility generated by
the last monetary unit spent on each good must be the same. Otherwise the consumer can redistribute
money to the good with higher utility of last monetary unit spent for it.
In the two goods case, the consumer maximizes utility at an interior equilibrium by satisfying two
conditions simultaneously. The first condition is that the MRS between the goods equals the ratio of their
prices. The second condition is spending all the income. When MRS is everywhere greater or everywhere
less than the price ratio, the consumer maximizes utility by acquiring only one good. This is called a corner
solution. If the budget constraint is kinked, utility maximization may also occur at the kink.

3. Demand function.

The analytical solution of the consumer choice problem allows us to get the demand functions basing on
utility function, prices and equimarginal principle. Let us consider simple consumer choice problem with two
goods. The utility function is: U(x,y) = x1⋅x2. As we have revealed, the budget constraint in optimum point is
an equality.
Quantities of both goods should be non-negative because of zero utility in the case if one of them is not
consumed. Writing the optimum conditions (the equimarginal principle that the ratio of goods' marginal
utilities must be equal to the ratio of their prices, and the budget constraint as an equality), we get the system
of equations:
x2 p1
= ; p1 x1 + p2 x 2 = I. 8
x1 p2
It follows that spendings for both goods must be equal, i.e. x2⋅p2=x1⋅p1, and the demand functions are:
x1 = ; x2 = 9.
2 ⋅ p1 2 ⋅ p2 .
The expenditure on each good is the half of total consumer income. This relationship is not accidental: it
is determined by the parameters of utility function. 4

3.1. A change in income (with price unchanged) causes the budget line to shift parallel to the original line
MN (Fig.6.5a). When the income is increased, the budget line shifts outward to M1N1. If the income falls, the
line shifts inward to M2N2.
A change in the price of one good (with income unchanged) causes the budget line to rotate about one
intercept M (Fig.6.5b) or N (Fig.6.5c). When the price of good 1 falls, the budget line rotates outward from
MN to MN1 (Fig.6.5b). When the price of good 2 falls, the budget line rotates outward from MN to M1N
X2 (a) X2 (b) X2 (c)
M1 M1


M2 M

X1 X1 X1
N2 N N1 0 N N1 0 N
Fig. 6.5 The budget and prices: a) changes in income; b) a change in the price X1; c) a change in
the price X2 .

More general utility function has the form: u(x) = ∏ (x )α
→ max . Ошибка! Только основной документ.
Coefficients αi>0 characterize here relative "valuabilities" of goods for the consumer and at the same time they are
optimal shares of spending on each good in the consumer's budget. This implies constant elasticity of demand with
respect to prices and income.
3.2 This section shows how the
Y demand curve of an individual consumer
follows from the consumption choices that
a person makes when faced with a budget
curve constraint.
U4 A reduction in the price of good X, with
U1 U2 U3 (а) income and the price of good Y fixed,
K3 causes this consumer to choose a
K2 different market basket. In Fig.6.6a the
market basket that maximize utility for
various prices of good X (point K1, price
X PX1; K2,PX2; K3,PX3; K4,PX4) trace out the
0 X1 X2 X3 X4 price-consumption curve
PX Figure 6.6b. gives the individual
$ demand curve, which relates the price of
goo X to the quantity demanded: (PX1,X1),
(PX2,X2), (PX3,X3), (PX4,X4). Points A,B,C,D
% (b) correspond to points K1,K2,K3,K4.
& The demand curve relates the quantity
' od good X that the consumer will buy to
PX4 Demand the price PX of good X.
0 X1 X2 X3 X4

Fig. 6.6 Effect of price changes: а) the price-

consumption curve; b) the individual demand curve.

The effects of a change in income can be analyzed in much the same way as a price change . Figure 6.7
shows the consumption choices that a consumer would make when allocating a fixed income to good X and
good Y , when the price of good X is PX, and the price of good Y is PY.
Initially the consumer’s income is I1. The utility-maximization consumption choice is then at A, at which
consumer buys X1 units of good X and Y1 units of good Y.
An increase in their income, with the prices of all goods fixed, causes consumers to alter their choice of
market basket. In figure 6.7 the market baskets that maximize consumer satisfaction for various incomes
(point A, income I1, B,I2, C,I3) trace out the income-consumption curve.

Y3 C

Y2 B
Y1 A

X1 X2 X3
Fig. 6.7 Income-Consumption Curve.

4. Price change and quantity demanded: substitution and income effects.

To see what forces are set in motion when the price of a good changes, notice that two different things
happen to some consumer budget constraint when the price of the good A plotted on the horizontal axis (say
apples) decreases while holding constant the price of the good B plotted on the vertical axis (say oranges).

QB First, as his/her budget constraint swings out along the

good A axis some combinations of goods A and B that
were unaffordable before the price reduction are now
affordable. In essence, the price reduction has increased
his/her real income. With any given money income
he/she can now buy more good A and more good B than
E1 he/she could before the tall in price of good A.
E2 Second, his/her budget constraint is flatter. The
consumer must now give up fewer good B to afford each
additional unit B. The market trade-off between goods A
U2 and B has changed. In essence, the price reduction
makes it easier for him/her to substitute now cheaper
U1 good A for good B (Fig.6.8).
0 A1 A2
Fig. 6.8 Consumer choise, when the
price of a good A changes.

QB These two changes - in real income and

relative prices - are the heart of the income
effect and the substitution effect. Every price
change produces both effects because every
change in price changes both affordable choices
and the slope of the budget constraint.
E1 For measuring the substitution effect we draw
E2 additional budget line on the graph 6.9. Its slope
is defined by new price ratio, and its position on
E3 the graph - by constraint that it has to be tangent
U2 to the initial indifference curve (U1). After the
price reduction consumer welfare rises, then to
U1 hold it at the previous utility level it is necessary
QA to cut his/her income:
0 A1 A3 A2
Fig. 6.9 Income and sudstitution effects.

The shift of optimal amount of consumption from A1 to A2 is the sum of shifts A1 → A3 (substitution effect)
and A3 → A2 (income effect). In algebraic form this joint influence of substitution effect and income effect is
described by the Slutsky equation:
∂ xi ⎛ ∂ xi ⎞ ⎛ ∂ xi ⎞
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ - ⎜ ⎟ x j 17
∂ pj ⎝ ∂ p j ⎠ comp ⎝ ∂ I ⎠
The first component in the right hand side describes the substitution effect, and the second - the income
effect expressed in the same units of measuring (by multiplying at xj). The left hand side describes the total
influence of price change on the quantity demanded including changes in the demand structure a general
change in the level of real income.
The result of joint influence of substitution effect and income effect depends on their direction and
magnitudes. At the increase of this good price substitution effect is always negative. Income effect may
have negative or positive sign for a given good. If consumer decides that a good is inferior, and absolute
value of income effect exceeds substitution effect, this good is a Giffen good, and demand curve for that
good is positively sloped.
To isolate the substitution effect of a price change, we need to remove the income effect. That is, we
need to calculate the change in money income just necessary to offset the change in real income induced by
the price change. This amount is called the "compensating variation". To compensate means "to restore" or
"to reimburse", so the compensating variation is the change in money income necessary to restore the
consumer utility level he/she experienced before the price changed. The compensating variation measures
the change in utility at the new prices. Compensating variation is exact measure of changes in the cost of
living due to rise (or fall) of prices.
The concept of changes in quantity demanded produced by pure substitution effects leads to the
theoretical notion of the compensated demand curve. A compensated demand curve plots the relationship
between price and quantity demanded, net of the income effect. Whenever price changes along a
compensated demand curve, the consumer is provided with the appropriate compensating variation
necessary to restore the pre-price-change level of satisfaction. Thus, movements along a compensated
demand curve only reflect the substitution effect caused by the change in relative prices. They leave
unchanged the consumer's real income as measured by his/her level of utility. While a compensated
demand curve is an extremely useful theoretical construct, ordinary (or Marshallian) demand curves are the
demand curves observed in the real world.
In contrast to the compensated demand curve, movements along an uncompensated or ordinary demand
curve reflect the net result of both the income and the substitution effects as consumer respond to price
changes. While utility remains constant along a compensated demand curve, along an uncompensated
demand curve price decreases are associated with increases in utility and price increases are associated
with decreases in utility.
If to look at the whole economy the influence of price changes on the quantity demanded at every
particular market should usually be compensated by price changes on other markets. For example, if the
price of one good increases and as a result its quantity produced is reduced, resources earlier used in this
market should move to other industries, and relative prices of other goods should decrease, leading to
corresponding gains in welfare. These negative and positive influences at the real income could be equal,
and then the consumer could move along compensated demand curve.

5. Consumer surplus
P 5.1. The decision about optimal quantity of
good consumed is the result of cost-benefit
comparison. The cost of given quantity of this
A good is one unit's price PB multiplied by
D quantity of units QB (the area OPBBQB ). Area
under marginal utility curve is equal to total
B value (utility expressed in money) of the
amount of good (the area OABQB ). The effect
exceeds cost since the consumer was ready to
pay more for the first units of good. The
maximum excess of the effect over cost is
achieved at the point when marginal utility is
Q equal to the price (point B).
0 QB
Fig. 6.10 Consumer surplus.
As noted above, an important purpose of careful analysis of price changes is to derive a measure that
can be used to provide an economic evaluation of different public policies. Consumer surplus is such a
measure, and changes in consumer surplus reflect the effect of changes in prices induced by policies such
as taxes, tariffs, or trade barriers.
Consumer surplus is net addition to a consumer's welfare when consuming a good. It is the difference
between the maximum he/she would pay and what actually has to be paid. Consumer surplus (CS) is the
difference between what a consumer is willing to pay for a good and what the consumer actually pays when
buying it.
In geometric terms (Fig.5.10), consumer surplus is the area under the compensated demand curve
above AB the price PB (line BPB) paid for the good. Consumer surplus (or net benefit, NB) is the total benefit
(TB) from the consumption of product (the area OABQB ) net the total cost of purchasing it (TC= PB×QB, or
the area OPBBQB)
CS = NB = TB-TC.
The demand curve D is marginal benefit curve (marginal benefit, MB, is the extra benefit of one more
unit of good). In equlibrium consumers purchase goods up to the point B at which the marginal benefit
just equals the price PB:

The change in welfare produced by a change in price is just equal to the change in consumer surplus
produced by the price change. This change in consumer surplus is what economists typically try to measure
when evaluating the welfare effects of alternative public policies.
P 5.2. The unit tax t increasing the price from
P1 to P2, decreases its consumption from Q1 to
The loss of consumer welfare are equal the
E2 area A plus the area B. The area A are equal to
the consumer surplus loss transfered to
A t government revenues (=Q2×t). Net loss of
B E1
consumer welfare is the "deadweight loss" - since
nobody gets that part of wealth. By economic
meaning, deadweight loss is the price paid by
D society for intervining in the market mechanism
(area B on the Figure 6.11).

0 Q2 Q1
Fig. 6.11 Taxation and consumer welfare.

Key Terms
utility demand function
utility function “price-consumption” curve
consumer preferences “income-consumption” curve
ordinal utility function income effect
cardinal utility function substitution effect
total utility (TU) Slutsky equation
marginal utility (MU) Giffen good
diminishing marginal utility “compensating variation”
indifference curves a compensated demand curve
indifference maps consumer surplus (CS)
marginal rate of substitution (MRS) total benefit (TB)
budget constrain marginal benefit (MB)
consumer consumer’s welfare
equilibrium ”deadweight loss”
equimarginal principle

1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap. 3,4.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap. 3,4.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.2,3,4.
4. Fischer S., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.6.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.16.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.7,21.

Lecture 7. Production and Cost in Market Economy.

1. Firm in a market economy.

1.1. Firm: economic meaning. Types of firms in market economy.
1.2. Objectives of the firm. The problem of governance. The f0irm and the entrepreneur.
1.3. Production process. Inputs and outputs. Factors of production.
2. Production Function.
2.1. Output and factors: some empirical relationships.
2.2. The properties and types of production functions. Cobb-Douglas production function and
Leontieff production function.
2.3. Concept of returns to scale.
3. Cost.
3.1. Economic cost and accounting cost.
3.2. Fixed and variable costs. Total, marginal and average costs.
3.3. Typical cost functions and their graphs.

1. Firm in a market economy.

1.1. Firm is an institution of market economy aimed at coordination of the decisions made by the
production factors' owners. Oppositely to the market, the firm represents a planned or hierarchical system,
where all key decisions are made by the owner(s). The private and state owned firms should be
distinguished; there are few different types of ownership in private firms.
Entrepreneurial firm is the individual private enterprise, where owner buys in the market all the factors of
production. Evidently the objective of such a firm is to maximize the residual income (or economic profit) -
the revenue minus all payments for the factors of production. Capitalist firm is owned by proprietors of
capital. Their aim thus is to maximize residual income per unit of capital after all other factors (except their
capital) are paid on current market rates. Very often such firms have a corporate form and the role of
entrepreneur belongs to managers. Labor managed firm ("self-managed" enterprise) is maximizing the
revenue of labor.
Corporation (joint stock company), individually owned enterprise and partnership are the main types of
business organization in market economy. Corporation is the major type judging by its economic role; it
belongs to stockholders who bought a part of its capital in the form of shares. Stockholders are the
claimants for corporate incomes. Part of profit distributed between stockholders is called dividend. Other
part of profits are retained earnings. Ownership and management of the firm are clearly separated.
Managers are hired by corporation on behalf of stockholders.

1.2. Every firm must solve a number of problems: What and how much to produce? How to promote its
products? What price to charge? The answers to these and other questions can be found by assuming that
the goal of the firm is to maximize its profit.
Profit is the difference between the total revenue the firm receives from selling its products and the total
economic cost of the firm's production.
Other objectives of the firm: sales maximization; maximization of the revenue of labor.
The assumption of profit maximization provides the basis of the theory of firm development. However, the
divorce of ownership from control in the modern corporation opens the possibility that managers may not
seek to maximize profits on behalf of stockholders.
Stockholders (principals) may want their firms to maximize profits, but managers (agents) may find it in
their personal interest not to maximize profits. As in all "principle-agent" situations, the principal must take
care of structuring the situation to encourage the appropriate behavior on the part of the agent. In modern
corporation stockholders use both internal (corporate governance scheme, proxy fights, and performance-
based compensation schemes) and external (the market for corporate control, product market competition,
discipline form capital suppliers) mechanisms to encourage managers to maximize profits. This system of
control allows to use the profit maximizing hypothesis in most of the cases.

1.3. Production is a process through which resources and/or other products (inputs) are transformed
into different products either for final use or use in another production process (output).
Inputs are commodities or services used by firms in their production processes. An economy uses its
existing technology to combine inputs to produce outputs. Outputs (or total product, TP) are the various
useful goods or services that are either consumed or employed in futher production.
We classify inputs, or factors of production, into three broad categories: land, labor, and capital.
Land (or natural resources) - represents the gift of nature to our productive processes. Labor consists
of the human time spent in production. Land and labor are often called primary factors of production.
Capital (or capital goods) form the durable goods of an economy, produced in order to produce yet other
Production process characterizes by following indicators:
The short run for the firm is a time period when at least one of the production resources (factors) of the
firm is fixed. Usually this is fixed capital of the firm. In the short run a firm can change the intensity of using
fixed factor by varying the quantities of other, variable factors (in particular, labor).
The long run for the firm is a period when it can vary quantities of all resources it uses, including fixed
Total product of a variable input (TP) is the amount of output (Q) produced when a given amount of
that input is used along with fixed inputs.
Average product of a variable input (for example, labor - APL) is the total product of the variable input
divided by the amount of that input used:
Marginal product of a variable input (for example, labor - MPL) is the change in the total product of
that input corresponding to a 1-unit change in its use:
MPL = ∂ f(L,K)/ ∂ L, MPK =∂ f(L,K)/ ∂ K.

2. Production Function.

2.1. Production can be described in terms of production function.

Production function relates the quantities of inputs used in a production process to the output. Usually the
two-factor production functions are being used: Q = f(L,K), Q - is output, L and K labor and capital
(respectively) used in production. The flows and stocks of the resources used should be distinguished: the
whole capital stock used by firm is the factor of production function, but only its depreciation is included in the
output value. In the same time the labor is usually included in production function not as stock but as flow.
Symbol f is a characteristic of production system transforming resources into products. Here Q is the
maximum level of output that can be produced by using (L,K) units of input.
Production function describing input-output relationship at the firm (annual flows of inputs and output) as a
single productive system is a microeconomic production function. We may apply production function
concept to productive systems such as branch of economy, sector, horizontally and vertically integrated
complexes, and, finally, national economy. In the latter case we have a macroeconomic production function.

2.2. Isoquant I(Q) of the production function Q = f(L,K) connects the points where the output Q = f(L,K)
can be produced using different combinations of inputs (or different technologies). Different sets (L1,,K1) and
(L2,,K2) of the resources used belonging to the same isoquant I(Q) provide the same output Q. Isoquant
map is a set of isoquants that shows the maximum output attainable from any given combination of
inputs (Fig.7.1).
`The slope of isoquant, or marginal rate of substitution, similarly to the slope of indifference curve, shows
the technical ability to substitute one input for another. Marginal rate of technical substitution (of labor for
capital) is a measure of the amount of capital that each unit of labor can replace without increasing or
decreasing production:
In the two figures (7.1. and 7.2) isoquants of two main types of production functions are shown. First
(7.1), the Cobb-Douglas production function is non-linear (degree) function characterized by zero output in
case where one of the inputs is not used. Its formula is: y = a0LαKβ (usually α+β=1). Isoquant I(Q2) located
to "north west" from isoquant I(Q1) corresponds to higher output level (Q2>Q1). The degrees α and β in
Cobb-Douglas production function are the labor and capital elasticities of output. Hence in any starting point
the 1% increase of factor L leads to increase of output by α%, and 1% increase of factor K leads to increase
of output by β%.


K2 U3
I ( Q2 )

K1 I ( Q1 ) U2

I (Q ) U1

0 L2 L1 L 0 L
Fig. 7.1 Isoquant map Fig. 7.2 Isoquant map
(Cobb-Douglas production function). (Leontieff production function).

The second figure (7.2) represents isoquants of a typical linear production function for fixed proportion
technology. It is called Leontieff production function, its formula is: Q = min(α L, β K). Under sufficient
quantity of one resource the output here is proportional to the quantity of another (limiting) resource, and the
coefficients α and β are the resources' productivities. The using of factors in fixed proportion at microlevel is
often caused by the technology.

2.3. Concept of returns to scale.

Law of diminishing marginal returns: States that as more of variable input is used while other inputs
and technology are fixed, the marginal product of the variable input will eventually decline.
The measure of increased output associated with increases in all inputs is fundamental to the long-
run nature of the firm's production process. How does the output of the firm change as its inputs are
proportionately increased?
If output more than doubles when inputs are doubled, there are increasing returns to scale. This might
arise because the larger scale of operation allows managers and workers to specialize in their tasks and
make use of more sophisticated, large-scale factories and equipment.
A second possibility with respect to the scale of production is that output may double when inputs are
doubled. In this case, we say there are constant returns to scale. With constant returns to scale, the size
of the firm's operation does not affect the productivity of its factors. The average and marginal
productivity of the firm's inputs remains constant whether the plant is small or large.

K Finally, output may less than double when


all inputs double. This case of decreasing

returns to scale' is likely to apply to any firm
with large-scale operations. Eventually,
6 difficulties of management associated with
80 the complexities of organizing and running a
5 large-scale operation may lead to decreased
productivity of both labor and capital.
The presence or absence of returns to
scale is seen graphically in Figure 7.3. The
3 A
ray OB from the origin describes the various
60 combinations of labor and capital that can be
30 used to produce output when the input
1 proportions are kept constant. Increasing
10 returns to scale are shown by a movement
L from 0 to A along ray OB. Decreasing returns
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 hours to scale are shown by a move from A to B.
Fig. 7.3 Returns to scale.

The returns to scale are determined by production function that describes the physical relationship
between inputs and outputs. It shows the per cent change of output corresponding to one per cent growth of
all factors and is connected with the degree of homogeneity p (p>0) of the production function. If p>1 with
the increase in the scale of production process t times (t>1), output increases tp (>t) times, and we have
an increasing returns to scale. At p<1 an increase in scale leads to decreasing total productivity. At p=1
we have a constant returns to scale.
The presence of returns to scale is an important issue from a public policy perspective. If there are
increasing returns, then it is economically advantageous to have one large firm producing (at relatively
low cost) than to have many small firms (at relatively high cost). Because this large firm can control the
price that it sets, it may need to be regulated. For example, increasing returns in the provision of
electricity is one reason why we have large, regulated power companies.

3. Cost.

3.1. Total economic cost evaluate all the inputs to the production process at their opportunity cost. The
market price paid for inputs is often a good measure of opportunity cost. But when the inputs are not
purchased in the market, an imputed cost (at the appropriate opportunity cost) must be assigned. Examples
are the time of the owner, or when the building used by the business belongs to the owner.
Accounting costs include only explicit costs, representing payments for purchased input services.
Sunk cost represent the part of input's cost that has a zero opportunity cost; it should be omitted when
calculating an economic cost.

3.2. In the short run there are variable resources and fixed resources and there are two types of costs -
variable costs and fixed costs.
Variable cost (VC) is the cost of inputs that change with output.
Fixed cost (FC) is the cost of inputs that are independent of output (The common business term for
FC is overhead cost).
Total cost (TC) is the sum of the cost of all inputs used to produce a good. Total cost in the short run
are equal to the sum of variable and fixed costs at the given volume of output. All types of costs (excluding
fixed costs) depend on the output Q:
VC=g(Q), TC = c(Q) = FC + g(Q).
The typical graphs of the fixed, variable and total costs as functions of the output y are shown in the graph

Besides the total figures, the costs per unit of

production can be considered (in particular, average
$ and marginal costs).
Average cost (AC, ATC) is the total cost per unit
of output
AC = TC / Q.
VC Average variable cost (AVC) is the variable cost
α per unit of output
AVC = VC / Q.
Average fixed cost (AFC) is the fixed cost per unit
of output
AFC = FC / Q.
Average costs are evidently functions of output Q,
0 Q0 Q AVC=s(Q),
Fig. 7.4 The fixed, variable and total cost AC=t(Q).

Marginal cost (MC) is the change in total cost (ΔTC) that results from a change in output (ΔTC); the
extra cost incurred to produce another unit of output
MC = ΔTC / ΔQ;
The marginal fixed costs (MFC) and marginal variable costs (MVC) can be defined in a similar way, and it
is clear that MFC=0; MVC=MC. MC is the derivative of total cost function TC=c(Q) with respect to Q:
Q=Q0, MC=MC(Q0) = dc(Q0) / dQ.
In the long run for the firm all expenditures could be varied and so all costs are variable costs.
Hence the marginal costs can be interpreted graphically as a slope of the line tangent to the graph of
total (TC) or variable (VC) costs (tg α). In the same figure the variable costs TC0/Q0 can be interpreted as a
slope β of the crossing line which passes through the origin.
The typical cost curve has the following properties. If the output grows from zero, the marginal costs first
decrease (the positive returns to scale, fixed cost economy and approaching to the optimal technology take
place). Further the marginal costs start to grow when less effective resources and technologies should be
used to increase output.
The typical view and joint location of the graphs of average and marginal costs are shown in the figure

The distance between average total and

$ average variable costs curves equals to average
fixed costs. If MC<AC (MC<AVC) then AC
AC (AVC) increase; if MC>AC (MC>AVC) then AC
MC (AVC) increase (the reverse statement is also
AVC true). These statements mean that if the cost of
increasing output by unit is less than average
cost of output then adding of this unit will
increase the average costs (or increase it under
AFC MC>AC respectively). It follows from these
statements that MC curve intersects AC and AVC
curves at their minimum points.
AVC This rule reflects a general property: graphs of
MC average and marginal values always have an
AFC intersection at the extremal (minimum or
0 Q maximum) point of the average value function.
Fig. 7.5 The average and marginal cost curves.

3.3. A business that is expanding or contracting its operation needs to predict how costs will change
as output changes, estimates of future costs can be obtained from a cost function, which relates the cost
of production to the level of output and either variables that the firm can control.
To predict cost accurately, we need to determine the underlying relationship between variable cost
and output. Then, if a company expands its production, we can calculate what the associated cost is
likely to be.
One cost function that might be chosen is
TC = a + bQ.
This linear relationship between cost and output is easy to use but is applicable only if marginal cost
is constant (MC=b).
If we wish to allow for a U-shaped average cost curve and a marginal cost that is not constant, we
must use a more complex cost function. One possibility, shown in Figure 7.6, is the quadratic cost
TC = a + bQ + cQ2.
This implies a straight-line marginal cost curve of the form
MC = b + 2cQ,
Average cost, given by
AC = a/Q + b + cQ.
is U-shaped when c is positive.
If the marginal cost curve is not linear, we might use a cubic cost function:
TC = a + bQ + cQ2 + dQ3.
Figure 7.7 shows this cubic cost function. It implies U-shaped marginal as well as average cost
MC = b + 2cQ + 3cQ2,
AC=a/Q + b + cQ + dQ2.

$ $


Fig. 7.6 Quadratic cost function. Fig. 7.7 Cubic cost function.

Key Terms

firm Cobb-Douglas production function

profit Leontieff production function
"principle-agent" problem law of diminishing marginal returns
production increasing returns to scale
Inputs, or factors of production constant returns to scale
land (or natural resources) decreasing returns to scale
labor economic cost
capital (or capital goods) imputed cost
technology accounting costs
short run explicit costs
long run sunk cost
average product AP variable cost (VC)
marginal product MP fixed cost (FC)
outputs (or total product, TP) total cost (TC)
production function average cost (AC, ATC)
isoquant average variable cost (AVC)
isoquant map average fixed cost (AFC)
marginal rate of technical substitution (of marginal cost (MC)
labor for capital) MRTSLK

1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.7,8.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.6,7.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.7,8.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.7,8.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.7,8.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.13.

Lecture 8. Competitive Firm Supply. Firm and Industry in the Long Run.

1. Firms and markets.

1.1.Concept of market structure. The ideal of perfect competition.
1.2.Output, price, revenue and profit of a firm. Total, average and marginal revenue of a competitive
2. Competitive firm and market supply.
2.1.Profit maximization and output level. Marginal Output Rule. Break-even point.
2.2.Firm supply in the short run and shut-down decision.
2.3.Market supply in the short run
3. Firm and industry in the long run.
3.1.Long run average costs function.
3.2. Returns to scale in the long run.
3.3.Market equilibrium in the long run. Entry and exit of firms.
3.4.Industry long run supply. Factor prices changes and market supply.
4. Competitive market efficiency
4.1.Producer surplus.
4.2.Total (social) surplus and economic welfare. Market efficiency
4.3.Taxes and subsidies. Their influence on competitive firm supply.

1. Firms and markets.

1.1. In the theory of consumer choice we may assume that individual decisions are independent. In the
theory of firm we must take into account the firm's ability to influence the price and other market parameters.
For analyzing the economic processes in the industrial market an assumption on how firms are interacting is
necessary. This framework is called market structure. The simplest market structure for the analysis is
perfect competition - a situation where all decision-makers are independent and their behavior consists in
adjustment to competitive market equilibrium. Perfect competition is the model of market structure that relies
on some fundamental assumptions:
1) sellers are price takers;
2) entry into the market is free;
3) sellers do not behave strategically;
4) buyers are price takers;
5) each agent has perfect information on market variables.
In such a market all prices are set equal to marginal costs and producers earn zero economic profit in the
long run. If some market meets only four first assumptions then the market structure is called pure
competition. Imperfect competition is the structure where at least one of the major assumptions is not met.
The basic behavioral consequence of perfect competition is that firm cannot influence market price. Price
taker firm (competitive firm) is a firm that sells its output in a perfectly competitive market and thus
cannot influence the price of what it sells. Cases of imperfect competition are always the situations where
firm can determine or influence market price, i.e. act as a price maker.
The demand for the output of a competitive firm: It is infinitely elastic at the market price (horizontal

1.2. Total revenue (TR) is the price (P) of the good sold multiplied by the amount sold (Q):
TR = PQ.
Profit is the difference between the total revenue the firm receives from selling its products and the total
cost of the firm's production
Π = TR - TC.
Economic profit ( = profit) is the total revenue minus economic cost Accounting profit is the total
revenue minus accounting cost. Normal profit is the profit that the firm’s owners forgo by employing their
owner-supplied inputs within their own firm (opportunity cost of the of the owner-supplied inputs).
Accounting profit - Economic profit = normal profit.
Average revenue (AR) is the total revenue per unit of output
AR = TR/Q = P.
Marginal revenue (MR) is the change in revenue that results from selling an additional unit of output
MR = ΔTR / ΔQ;
TR = R(Q), MR = dR(Q)/ dQ = P.

MR = AR = P
2. Competitive firm supply.

2.1. In order to determine how a perfectly competitive firm will react to the changes in prices let us
consider a profit maximization problem П = Pr(Q)
Pr(Q) = R(Q) - C(Q) = P0Q -C(Q) → max
where Pr(Q) is the firm's profit, P0 is market price of output, and P0Q=R(Q) is the firm's revenue. As we
analyze perfect competition, firm is a price taker and price does not depend on the output Q.
Output level which maximizes firm's profit is Q0 18, such as
0 = d Pr(Q0) / dQ = P0 - C’(Q0) = P0 - MC(Q0)
(the partial derivative of the profit function is equal to zero). This necessary condition has a clear economic
interpretation: under perfect equilibrium optimal level of output is achieved when marginal cost is equal to
market price of output. The necessary condition does not guarantee the profit maximization: it can be
implemented as well in the point of minimum profit or in the point of maximum or minimum losses. The
sufficient condition of maximum for profit function Pr(Q) should be fulfilled, and this function should be
positive in maximum point.

P Equation P0=MC(Q0)19 is a special case of

a more general rule: MR(Q0) = MC(Q0)
(Fig.8.1). 20Regardless of the type of market
structure in which the firm operates, the
MC(Q) marginal output rule requires it to produce
that level of output where marginal cost
equals marginal revenue. Under perfect
P0 MR(Q) competition the maximum of profit is achieved
at the output level where MC curve intersects
the horizontal price line P=P0. The sufficient
condition of maximum means here that
MC(Q) function increases.
Putting together benefit and cost, a firm
0 Q1 Q0
Q whose goal is to maximize profit should follow
the marginal output rule and the shut down
Fig. 8.1 Profit maximization. rule.

The marginal output rule means that the firm should produce with equal marginal output and marginal
The shut-down rule tells the firm to shut down (go out of business) whenever economic profit is less that
zero at all levels of output.
These two rules are of universal character for the firm, they are correct for operating in the market of any
In the short run to make a shut-down (or continuing production) decision, the firm compares the revenue
with variable costs, not with the total ones. It is regarded that the fixed expenditures has been already done
and cannot be reduced even in the case of immediate stopping production. Hence the firm continues
production for some time if the revenue exceeds variable costs, even if the production is in total unprofitable.

2.2. Knowing firm's costs we may find its supply under different prices, and we may find the output and
price corresponding to break-even (zero economic profit) and shut-down.

Break-even point (point B,
$ Fig.8.2):
ATC PMIN = MC = min AC.
Shut-down point: The point A
MC (Fig.8.2) reached when price falls
AVC to a level P0 that just allows a firm
to cover the minimum possible
average variable cost of its output.
P0 = MC = min AVC.
The supply curve in the short
run is the line showing the quantity
P0 which firm is willing and able to
supply at each price. This curve
B coincides with the portion of the
PMIN short run marginal cost (MC) curve
of a competitive firm laying above
AFC the short run average variable cost
0 q (AVC) curve.
Fig. 8.2 The Break-even point (B) and shutdown point (A).

2.3. From firm's equilibrium we can move easily to market equilibrium in the short run. Perfectly
competitive market has a market supply curve S (Fig.8.4) which is the horizontal sum of all individual supply
curves s (Fig.8.3) (if all the decisions on how much to produce are independent).
Intersection of D and S curves gives us the market equilibrium price PE and corresponding quantity
supplied QE (see the fig. 8.4). As within the framework of perfect competition no firm can influence market
price, the demand curve d for an individual firm's output is horizontal. In the figure 8.3 the situation of positive
economic profit got by a typical firm is presented. Under the optimal output qE the profit is positive since
PE>AC(qE), and hence

E d
0 QE = ΣqE Q
0 qE q
Fig. 8.4 Market supply curve (S) end market
Fig. 8.3 The firm supply curve (s) in the short run.

If there would be such an equilibrium price PE that the curve d would cross the curve s in the point between
the lines AC and AVC then the loss minimization would be done. It would take place if the inequality
PE<AC(q) would be fulfilled under any output q. For even lower equilibrium price PE (if PE<AVC(q) under any
output q) the firm should minimize losses through immediate stopping production and exit from the market.
The market share of each firm is thus determined by its marginal cost - the more output the firm can
produce until its marginal cost will be equal to price, the higher would its market share and economic profit
be. The theory of market supply is built on the assumption of constant marginal cost curves of all firms in the
market. This assumption is true if and only if the resource prices and technology of production are constant.

3. Firm and industry in the long run.

In the long run the average cost value is of special importance (as it will be shown below). We shall
demonstrate first the process of the long-term average costs function formation.

3.1. Let the firm have the different short run cost curves AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5 corresponding to different
plant sizes. In the long run all the resources and hence all the costs are variable. The plant size is chosen to
maximize the profit, and it requires to minimize the total and average costs under given output. Hence the
graph of long-run average costs (LRAC) shows the minimal average costs of production of any given
quantity. In the figure 8.5 the bold line consisting of the connected segments of short-run average costs
curves SRAC (AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5) represents the long-run average costs curve AC.
In principle, a firm can change much more smoothly its capital, which signifies that even small changes in
the output demanded in the market lead firm to adjust its production possibilities. Thus average costs in the
long run would be an envelope of short run cost curve with a usual U shape (figure 8.6).

65 $&
$&  $& 


4 Q0 4
Fig. 8.5 Short run cost curves corresponding to Fig. 8.6 Long run average cost curve LRAC as
different plant sizes. an envelope curve.

3.2. The optimal size of a firm in a long run equilibrium is determined by the shape of long-run average
cost curve (AC). Usually U-shaped AC curve is considered: the average cost decrease till some point y0, and
then start to grow. There are positive returns to scale to the left from the point y0 and negative returns to
scale to the right from it.
Under the output expansion the positive returns to scale are observed if the output increases greater
number of times than the factors' inputs (and the average cost increase).
The positive returns to scale is the long-run decrease of average costs caused by firm's output increase.
It is also called the economies of scale.
Economies of scale: When a firm’s costs less than double in response to a doubling of output.
The negative returns to scale is the long-run increase of average costs caused by firm's output increase.
It is also called the diseconomies of scale.
Diseconomies of scale: When a firm’s costs more than double in response to a doubling of output.
The constant returns to scale mean the unchanged long-run average costs under firm's output increase.
Long-run causes of positive returns to scale are labor and management specialization, more effective
use of capital equipment and technologies, use of by-products. The diminishing returns to scale are
determined by difficulties of management and control of large enterprise, coordination failures etc.
The minimum efficient scale is the smallest volume of firm's output that could be produced at the
minimum long run average costs.

3.3. In the long-run equilibrium of industry the product price P0 equals to the minimum average costs of
the typical firm in industry. We consider that the average costs include some normal profit, and economic
profit equals zero since the alternative activities of the firm provide the same profit rate.
Suppose that the industry is in the long-run equilibrium, i.e.
P = P0 = AC(q0) = min AC(q) = MC(q0),
and the typical firm produces the output q0 (see Fig.8.7). In such a state the economic profit of typical firm
Pr(q) equals zero. The market price P0 is determined in industry as equilibrium price, when the demand and
supply are equal (Fig.8.8). The summation of the short-run supply curves of separate firms gives the market
supply curve S, and with the market demand curve D it determines the equilibrium price of industry market.
Each separate firm adjusts to this price (by setting such a production volume when the price equals to
marginal costs).

$ D S1


P0 P1

0 q0 q1 q 0 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q
Fig. 8.7 Fig. 8.8

If the market demand is increasing from D to D1, new short-run equilibrium will be achieved at the price P1
and firm's demand curve is shifting up from position MR0 to position MR1. The firm will get positive economic
profit, and it will get an incentive to increase its output till q1. But such increase can be done only in the short
run (and it will rise the industry output till Q1). Then the positive economic profit will attract new firms to that
market, which will shift the market supply curve to the right, from S to S1. As a result price will fall P1 to the
initial level p0, economic profit will be reduced back to zero and the entry of new firms discontinued. The
increase of the industrial output from Q0 to Q2 means that there are21 (Q2 - Q0)/ q0 new firms in the industry.
The entry of new firms or the exit of existing firms is the mechanism that moves an industry to a long run
equilibrium. Entry occurs when firms perceive they can make an economic profit. Exit occurs when existing
firms are unable to cover their long run average cost of production. Entry or exit continues until the marginal
firm is just making zero economic profit (breaking even). In long run equilibrium, firms maximize profits (that
is, they are in short run equilibrium), and there is no incentive for any firm to leave the industry or to enter the

3.4. So the changes in the output lead to the changes in the number of firms, but do not alter the
equilibrium price, that gravitates around minimum average cost AC of a typical firm. The long-run market
supply curve is horizontal and thus perfectly elastic with respect to price. This condition is true if the change
of firm's output does not influence the prices of resources the firm uses (the constant cost industry).
Increasing cost industries are characterized by upward sloping long run market supply curve and increasing
prices of inputs with the expansion of the industrial production. Decreasing cost industries are benefiting
from the large economies of scale since the inputs' prices decrease with output expansion, so the long run
market supply curve is downward sloping.
In the long run equilibrium firm is earning zero economic profit and produces at the minimal cost, i.e. the
most efficient technological combination is achieved. The condition P0=minLRAC also implies that
consumers are getting the demanded quantity at the lowest price possible in the long run. Thus, under
perfect competition the efficiency is guaranteed.

4. Competitive market efficiency

4.1. Producer surplus (PS) is the difference between a producer’s revenue and the opportunity cost of
production. It is calculated as the sum of the differences between price and the marginal cost of
production each unit of output. The area between the supply curve and price measures the producer
surplus (Fig.8.9).

4.2. When we add consumer (CS) and producer (PS) surplus together, we obtain total surplus (TS)
TS = CS +PS = Value to buyers - Cost of sellers.
Total surplus (or social surplus) in a market is the total value to buyers of the goods, as measured by
their willingness to pay, minus the costs to sellers of providing those goods.
If an allocation of resources maximizes total surplus, we say that the allocation exhibits efficiency. If
an allocation is not efficient, then some of the gains from trade among buyers and sellers are not being
Allocative efficiency occurs when no resources are wasted. To achieve allocative efficiency, three
conditions must be satisfied. There are:
1.Producer efficiency
2.Consumer efficiency
3.Exchange efficiency.
Producer efficiency occurs when firms are on their supply curve (P=MC). Consumer efficiency occurs
when consumers are on their demand curve (P=MB, marginal benefit). Exchange efficiency occurs,
P=MC=MB (market equilibrium).
The market equilibrium maximizes the total surplus (Fig.8.10).





0 QE Q 0 QE Q
Fig. 8.9 Producer surplus. Fig. 8.10 Total surplus.

4.3. The introduction of tax or subsidy for the supplier influences the supply curve of the firm in the short
run only if it changes the marginal costs curve. With an excise tax or value added tax the marginal cost
curve shifts up by a distance equal to tax per unit. As a result all firms in the market decrease their output.
So the industry supply curve SS will shift to the left, and equilibrium market price will increase. The measure
of price increase is determined here by the elasticities of market demand and market supply.

P S Consider the example illustrated in Figure

8.11. Assume initially the producer is
receiving the price P. Then a tax is imposed
P that lowers the amount he receives to P - t.
In the initial situation, his total profits
t (producer surplus) are given by the area
E ABC. Now, his profits are reduced to AGE.
P -t The change in his profits area is ECBC. But
of this change, part accrues to the
government as tax revenue—the rectangle
ECHG. The tax on producers has resulted
in producers' profits being reduced by more
A than government revenue has increased.
The difference between the two is the
Q deadweight loss associated with the tax. It
0 is simply the shaded area BGH.
Fig.1.1 The deadweight loss of tax on production.

Key Terms

market structure supply curve in the short run

perfect competition market supply curve
pure competition long-run average cost
price taker (competitive) firm positive returns to scale
total revenue (TR) economies of scale
economic profit ( = profit) negative returns to scale
accounting profit diseconomies of scale
normal profit constant returns to scale
average revenue (AR) constant cost industry
marginal revenue (MR) increasing cost industry
profit maximization problem decreasing cost industry
marginal output rule producer surplus (PS)
shut-down rule total surplus (or social surplus)
break-even point allocative efficiency
shut-down point

1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.9,10.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.8.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.9.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.9.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.9.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.14.

Fig. 1. Hiring rule Lecture 11. Inputs’ Markets and Resources
1. Demand for an input of firm and
competitive industry.
1.1. Concept of derived demand.
1.2. Marginal factor productivity. Input cost
for a competitive firm.
wage rate, w 1.3. Hiring rule.
1.4. Inputs substitutability.
MRPL=MPL ×P 1.5. Demand for an input.
1.6. Example: demand for capital.

Firm's demand L 2. Factor supply

for labor, L* 2.1. Opportunity cost of owner of an input.
2.2. Household supply of labor
2.3. Supply of capital.

3. Input’s market equilibrium.

3.1. Price of an input. Wage rate. Interest rate.
3.2. Income on factors. Labor and capital shares in market economies.
3.3. Institutional structure of labor markets. Formal and informal sector: basic facts.

1. Demand for an input of firm and competitive industry

1.1. The markets of inputs (labor, capital, land) is an essential part of market economy as well as
markets of the goods and services. As a rule, in the inputs’ markets households are suppliers and firms act
on the demand side.
Demand for factors of production is a derived one because it depends on demand for final goods. The
larger input is used by firm in production the larger output it produces.
A situation of perfect competition in the market of the factors of production exists when there is a
large number of sellers and buyers, and nobody has an opportunity to affect price. In this case firm is
price-taker and price of an input does not depend on quantity which is used by the firm.

1.2. The marginal product of an input (MP) is the change in output when usage of input is increased by
one unit. For example, firm's output grows by MPL units if the firm uses additional working hour. Most
technologies have the property of diminishing marginal product: if the amount of all other resources is
constant, the smaller marginal product of an extra unit of resource corresponds to the greater amount of this
resource. For example, each additional unit of labor in a bakery produces fewer additional loaves of bread
than the preceding units of labor due to increasing lack of equipment and working space.

1.3. When profit-maximizing firm in competitive market is deciding whether to hire one more unit of
labor, it considers how that decision affects profits. It therefore compares the extra revenue from the added
labor with the extra costs. Benefits from hiring additional unit of the input is an additional revenue
received by the firm (marginal revenue product or MRP):


Where MPL is marginal product of labor, MR is marginal revenue. At the competitive market the
marginal revenue is equal to the market price of a good.
Fig. 2. Isoquant map The cost of additional unit of the factor
(marginal input cost) does not depend on
Capital, K quantity of a resource employed by firm and is
equal to the market price of the input (in case of
labor it is wage rate):

MIC = w
Profits are maximized by hiring an input up
to the point at which its marginal revenue product
equals marginal cost. This occurs when (see Fig.
ΔL Labor, L

If market is competitive,

(MPL) (P) = w

We can write down it as:

MPL =w/P .

w/P is real price of a resource, (in our example – wage rate), i.e. price expressed in terms of production,
instead of money terms.
The curve MPL slopes downward because the MP diminishes as L increases. The firm hires labor up to
the point at which the real wage W/P equals MPL. Hence, the schedule is at the same time the firm's labor
demand curve.

1.4. The firm's profit-maximizing decision can be formulated as optimization of an inputs quantity to be
used in production process.
The solution of factors combination optimization problem looks graphically like the solution of
consumer choice problem. The production function shows the highest level of output that can be produced by
each combination of inputs K and L. It can be depicted by the isoquant map. An isoquant at the map shows
the set of input combinations that yield the particular level of output. The slope of isoquant shows the
substitution rate of one factor for another. The negative slope of the isoquant (that is derivative of the isoquant
as a function K of L) equals the marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS).
MTRS = − .
The substitution capability of resources or the marginal rate of substitution is equal to the ratio of the
marginal productivities of inputs:
MTRS = .
Isocost is a level line of cost function C=pLL+pKK. An isocost map shows the different input
combinations that can be purchased at each fixed level of expenditure. The negative slope (the derivative) of
an isocost is the ratio of the prices of inputs. By sketching the isocost map and the isoquant on the same
diagram, it is possible to determine the least-cost combination of inputs required to produce each output.
Isoquant is tangent to isocost at the point of optimal input structure. The slope of isoquant at the point
is equal to the slope of isocost. Hence, the marginal rate of substitution of the second input for the first one
equals their price ratio:

Fig. 4. Investment demand MPL p
MTRS = = L
MPK pk
r, i
We rearrange the proportion to get
= .
pL pk
Cost of
capital – It implies equal "productivities" on
market rate additional currency units spent for each
of interest, i i input. This is the necessary condition of
optimum in problem of determination of
Rate of return on firm's demand for factors. It is the
investment, r(I) consequence of condition which states that
marginal productivity of a resource equals its
Firm's investment Investment, I real price
demand, I* p p
MPK = k , MPL = L .

1.5. The factor hiring rule leads directly to the function of the firm's demand for a factor. Changes in
factor price lead to both a substitution effect and an output effect. The substitution effect gives incentive for
the firm to substitute relatively expensive inputs by relatively cheap ones. The output effect leads the firm to
produce more output when the price of an input falls and to produce less when it rises.
Analyzing the market of productive resources we sum the individual firms' demand functions. The
conditions of consumer goods market, the elasticity of demand in particular, directly influence dynamics of
demand for productive factors. The higher elasticity of demand for consumer goods corresponds to the higher
elasticity of demand for productive factors. When factor's price changes, the firm's behavior depends on
possibilities of technological substitution of productive factors as well. There is a difference between
individual firm's demand and aggregate demand for productive factors. Shift in aggregate demand for a
particular resource changes the resource's price. As a result, the magnitude of aggregate demand for resource
also depends on elasticities of the factor and its substitutes' supply.

1.6. Capital is durable input created for the purpose

Fig. 3. Optimal combination of inputs
of producing more goods and services. Examples of
physical capital inputs include buildings, machines,
Capital, K
equipment, industrial infrastructure etc. Human capital
consists of knowledge, experience and skills of the
Rate of return on the investment is the net increase
in profit resulting from the investment expressed as a
percentage of each dollar invested.

Increase in profit - Investment


The investment opportunities of firm, as a rule, are

limited, and the increase of volume of the investments Labor, L
results in decrease of the rate of return (the law of
diminishing returns). The dependence of the rate of return on the amount of invested funds determines
demand of firm for the financial resources for creation of the capital.
The cost of the investment is determined by the market interest rate, whether irrespective of the firm
uses own financial resources (in this case interest rate reflects opportunity costs of investment) or
borrowed funds. I.e. the market interest rate determines the supply of financial resources for separate firm.
The firm chooses such volume of the investments, when the marginal benefits are equal to marginal cost
(market interest rate і - see. Fig. 4).
Fig. 5.
6. Work-leisure
Rent choice
2. Factor supply
Income Supply of input
(opportunity cost)
2.1. The factors' (resources') supply
is defined by their owners' decisions. If the
market price of resource Pf is higher than
market opportunity incomes, the resource is sold
price of in this market. The surplus of incomes
input received over opportunity costs (incomes)
Rent В
А Industry demand is known as resource owner's rent. The
for an input opportunity costs of resource sellers
determine minimal resource's price in the
market. If the price level is lower than the
Quantity minimal price of supply, resource owners
Изменение предложения труда Leisure
prefer either to supply it in other markets
Эффект замещения or not to sell it at all. - That is why this price is
called "reservation price". The lower the
Эффект дохода elasticity of the resource supply is (i.e. the
"steeper" the supply curve is), the greater is the
share of rent in owner's incomes. The rent value
does not directly affect decisions on recourse supply in the market - that is a rent's specific feature. If
resource is quite mobile, its prices in different markets have a strong tendency to equality because the
resource markets are interdependent. If there are different initial wage rates in two sectoral labor markets
due to differences in demand for labor workers will leave the second sector trying to find a job in the first
sector. As a result, the labor supply curve of second market will shift inward, the supply curve of first market
will shift outward. Both supply curves' moving will stop when the wage rate in the first sector will be equal to
the wage rate in the second sector (w′).
In reality we do observe sufficient wage differentiation. Wage differentiation can be caused by several
reasons, for example by discrimination and compensation differences in wage rates. Any constraint for new
workers' entrance into branch is called discrimination.
Wage differences are often caused by diverse labor supply in various branch markets due to specifics of
working process. For example, woodcutter's job is more risky than woodworker's one. As a result, the
woodcutter's wage includes risk premium that is surplus to the woodworker's wage.

2.2. One can imagine that supply of productive factors in economy is fixed by their current stocks:
country's population, territory, productive assets. But there is a difference between factor's stock and its
market supply. Fundamental approach to labor and savings supply decisions applies the same analytical
apparatus that was developed to analyze household's role as a demander in commodities markets.
The first problem is a household's labor supply under different wage levels. These decisions define a
consumption level as well as labor supply in the economy. There is a choice between consumption which
draws back to wage level and leisure. To solve this problem, household maximizes its utility function, making
choice among various combinations of leisure and consumption that are available under some wage level. If
leisure is a normal good the income effect and substitution effect work in opposite directions. Wage growth
increases both real income and demand for leisure (income effect) though causes crowding out of some
leisure by working time along welfare isoquant line (substitution effect). As a result, consumers may either
decrease or increase their labor supply reacting on the wage rise. (see Fig. 6).
It should be noted that unemployment in this model is completely voluntary unemployment.
Individuals who are not satisfied with the current wage rate do not sell their labor at all and prefer leisure. It is
impossible to decrease the level of such unemployment. We can rise the wage level (for example, adopting
the Law on the Minimal Wage Rise) - but this will decrease firms' labor demand and result in real
unemployment. There will be people who try in vain to find a job under current wage rate.
The above model of labor supply skips time though the decisions on factors utilization yield long run
consequences. This implies intertemporal choice. For example, expenditures on education can raise future
Fig. 7. Intertemporal choice incomes. These costs are known as investment
Future in human capital. Steady differences in wages
consumption draw back as a rule to diverse human capital -
skills, education and experience. In this model
individual decides how much to invest in
human capital (for instance, in his education
and professional training) and how much to
consume. The capital market allows a
household to separate the two components of
income, Сf the problem. Household can first determine the
expenses on education and professional
training to obtain the highest level of income
throughout lifetime. Second, it can optimally
Current distribute income, savings and borrowing over
income, Сс Current
consumption the lifetime. Such a separation of two
decisions is made possible by the existence of
Saving capital markets.

2.3. The source of the investments in an economy is savings - part of the income which has been not
consumed by households in the current period. Thus, the supply of saving in the capital markets is
determined first of all by households. Quantity of goods the man postpones for the future consumption is
determined by his preferences over the current and future consumption (indifference curves in Fig. 8) and
the proportion in which he can exchange a part of the today's income for consumption in the future, i.e.
market interest rate (the slope of a straight line in Fig. 7 which is equal to (1 + i)).
Rational consumer will choose a point, where MRSFС (the marginal rate of time preference) is equal
(1 + i). The sum of the supply of the savings of all households forms the market supply of saving.

3. Input’s market equilibrium

3.1. The price of the factor of production (wage rate in the labor market or interest rate in the capital
market) in the competitive market is determined so that quantity demanded coincided with quantity
supplied. Thus, in the completely competitive market always there is a full employment of the inputs, and
any government intervention results in occurrence of an inefficiency.

3.2. If the production function is characterized by constant return to scale, the product is completely
distributed between the owners of the inputs:

Y = f ( K , L) = MPL × L + MPK × K .

For example, for the Cobb-Douglas production function

Y = f ( K , L) = AK α L1−α ,

where α and 1-α are the shares of the inputs in the final product

3.3. Labor markets are different from markets for commodities. The wages they set and the
employment conditions they determine profoundly affect the quality of life of workers and society as a whole.
Not surprisingly, societies, and the governments that represent them are heavily involved in labor market the
world over.
Societies intervene when unregulated labor markets fail to deliver the most efficient outcomes. Four
reasons are given for government interventions: ineven power of labor and firms in the labor contract,
discrimination, insufficient information and inadequate protection (insurance) against risk.

When workers find themselves in a weaker position, it leads usually to efficiency losses, since workers
who feel alienated and exploited become less likely to invest in firm-specific skills, which are crucial for the
improvement of labor productivity and thus to increase in the standards of living. Discrimination leads to
market outcomes that are not only inequitable, but inefficient: it limits the realization of potential
contribution of minorities to the economy at the benefit of few privileged groups. Inefficiencies arises when
workers and employers are poorly informed about health and safety standards, which could cost to society
more in terms of medical care than the product produced in these poor conditions. Finally, as incomes of
workers families depend on the steady employment, it is typically impossible to insure adequately the well-
being of large parts of society against the temporary income loss (for example due to structural adjustment),
disability or old age. The absence of such insurance may lead workers to demand higher wages than justified
by production fundamental in order to compensate themselves for bearing such risks and thus impose a heavy
weight on efficiency.
Government respond to these problems by setting standards. Near all governments set workplace
standards. Standards differ in their objectives, but almost everywhere are present
- Establishment and protection of workers' rights
- Protection for vulnerable
- Establishment of minimum compensation for work
- Assurance of decent working conditions
- Provision of income security
But not all legislated standards achieve their objectives, however. Some end up protecting a group of
relatively well-off workers at the cost of limiting employment in the modern "open" sector. Where standards
set are too high for the level of economic development, or they actually hinder the labor market flexibility, the
informal arrangements still present a dominant solution to labor market problems. The table shows the share
of informal market (not regulated by labor standards) in different groups of countries.

Informal sector employment (% to total employment), by sector and country income group

Sector Low-Income Middle-Income High-income

Agriculture 96.7 74.4 61.8
Industry 70.2 23.3 10.9
Services 53.6 31.8 14.4
All sectors 82.9 42.6 15.6
Source: Calculated form table 11.2, p. 72 of the World Bank 1995 World Development Report, "Workers in
an integrating world".


1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993.
2. PindyckR.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991 (accompanied with Workbook).
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992.
7. Mankiw N.G. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998.

Lecture 12. Market equilibrium and welfare

1. Market equilibrium. Concept of efficiency.

1.1. Partial vs. general equilibrium.
1.2. Concept of efficiency of resources allocation (Pareto optimality).

2. Efficiency in the exchange economy.

2.1. The concept of economic efficiency of allocation of goods.
2.2. Competitive equilibrium.
2.3. Efficiency of the perfect competition.
2.4. Welfare economics.

3. Production efficiency.
3.1. Efficient distribution of resources.
3.2. Production possibilities frontier.

4. Equilibrium and welfare.

4.1. First welfare theorem.
4.2. Market imperfections.
4.3. Concept of the shadow prices.

1. Market equilibrium. Concept of efficiency.

1.1. The markets of the goods, services, inputs are interconnected among themselves. In opposite to the
case of analysis of partial equilibrium studying laws of functioning of the separately taken markets, the
analysis of general equilibrium assumes research of interrelation of the prices and quantities in all
markets simultaneously taking into account feedback effects.
The purpose of this lecture is investigation how the market economy works as a whole, as far as
the resources in the competitive markets are effectively allocated.

1.2. First of all it is necessary to define what efficiency is. Allocative efficiency is a situation that prevails
when the resources are allocated among persons so that it is impossible to make any person better off
without harming another person. Productive efficiency exists when it is impossible to reallocate the use of
available input services to increase the output of one good without decreasing the output of any other

2. Efficiency in the exchange economy

2.1. Let's consider economy in which there is no production. The economic agents are allocated with
some quantities of goods total amount of which is limited and try maximize the utility entering in
exchange at the marketplace.
The distribution will be efficient (optimal) in the sense mentioned above if the marginal rates of
substitution are equal for all consumers.
Convenient model for elementary exchange economy of the Edgeworth diagram (Edgeworth box)
- Fig. 1, where two consumers, (A and B) and two goods (F and C, for example, meal and clothes) are
considered. Total amount of one good (F) is equal to length of a rectangular, amount of another is height.
Each point inside a rectangular determines one of possible variants of distribution of the goods between A
and B. Distribution determined by a point 1 in a Fig. 1 is inefficient, since the redistribution (for example,
transition to a point 2) is possible which will improve welfare of both consumers. The distribution 3 is
efficient, since there is no opportunity to redistribute the goods without damage one of the from the
consumers. The slope of a indifference curves of A is equal at this point to the slope of indifference curve
of B, i.e.:

Fig. 1. Edgeworth box

FВ (В's quantity of food)

(А's quantity 1
of clothing)

2 UА

(В's quantity
of clothing)
FA (А's quantity of food)


The set of all possible efficient distributions is called contract curve (Fig. 2a).

If on the diagram with consumers’ utility on the axes we show the points appropriate to all possible
efficient distributions, we shall receive utility possibility frontier – a curve that shows the greatest
possible utility level of one consumer given total amount of goods and utility levels of other consumers
(a Fig. 2b).

2.2. Competitive equilibrium is the set of relative prices which balance demand and supply in all markets.

2.3. If the markets are competitive, i.e. any of participants can not affect prices, prices will be changing
until equilibrium will be reached. If every consumer tries to maximize utility, i.e. to reach a rule
M RS FC = C ,
The equilibrium distribution is efficient
A B p
M RS FC = M RS FC = C .

2.4. The efficiency of distribution of the goods is not connected to concept of equity of distribution in any
way. In a Fig. 2b it is possible to consider distribution 3 as more fair than 5, however distribution 3 is
efficient but 5 is not. Achievement of efficient distribution (for example transition from a point 5 in a
point 4) can result in losses for separate groups in a society.

3. Production efficiency

3.1. Total amount of the factors of production available in the economy is limited, i.e. always there is a
resource constraint.
Production (distribution of the productive factors among industries) is efficient if the marginal rates
of technical substitution are identical to all industries:
3.2. The production possibility curve (Fig. 6) shows greatest possible volume of production of one goods
at the given quantities of other goods, resource restrictions and technology.

Fig. 3. Production possibility frontier The marginal rate of transformation
(MRT) is a quantity of one good which is
Production of necessary to refuse when the resources used
food, F for its production are redistributed for
production of additional unit of another good:
MRTFC = − ,
Slope is MRT I.e. MRT represents the slope of the
production possibility curve.
It is possible to tell that MRT represents
ΔF the additional production cost of additional
unit of clothes (ΔC). I.e. quantity of food
which it is necessary to refuse (ΔF) is
alternative cost of increase of production of
If the markets of the factors of
production are competitive, i.e. any separately
Production of taken participant of the market does not
ΔC clothing, С
influence the prices, which are established
only according to a supply and demand, and
the firms maximizes profit, i.e.
then equilibrium at the markets of the productive factors gives efficient allocation of inputs:
4. Equilibrium and welfare

4.1. Under conditions of perfect competition the manufacturer which maximizes profit aspires the prices
were equaled to marginal cost:

pF = M C F
pC = M CC
= = M RT FC ,
I.e. the manufacturers of food and clothing independently from each other choose such volumes of
production, that the ratio of the prices of the goods is equal to marginal rate of transformation for the
given economy.

Each consumer which maximizes utility aspires to consume so much, that the marginal rate of
substitution was equaled to a ratio of the prices of goods:
pC A B
= M RS FC = M RS FC .
As the prices both for the consumers and for the producers are identical, the conclusion known as
the first general theorem of well-being is fair: the completely competitive markets make efficient
distribution of resources:

Fig. 4. General equilibrium = M RS FCA B
Production and Thus, major factors determining the
consumption of prices and volumes of production and
food, F consumption of the goods and services in the
competitive market, are the technological
opportunities and stocks of the inputs on the one
hand, both tastes and preferences of the
MRT = MRS = -pC / pF
consumers - with another. Thus the competitive
market results in efficient distribution of the
limited factors of production, goods and services
(see. Fig. 4).

4.2. The market failure is the situation, when an

Slope is relative exchange between the buyers and sellers in the
price f clothing unregulated market does not result in efficient
-pC / pF
distribution of resources. The reasons could be
presence of market power, state intervention,
Production and
incomplete and asymmetric information,
consumption of presence of externalities and public goods.
clothing, С
4.3. The market prices of resources not always
reflect valid opportunity cost of these resources
(relative production costs and at the same time relative utility for consumers - as in above mentioned
model of general equilibrium). The imperfections of the market result in price distortions. Therefore, for
example, in the economic analysis of the projects use of the real market prices frequently is not justified.
The shadow price is (opportunity) cost of a resource, good or service from the point of view of
economy as a whole, in absence of price distortions inherent in the real market.
In other words, shadow prices is a gain for public welfare from increase of quantity of the given
resource or good on one unit (marginal change of public welfare from marginal change of availability of
a resource). In ideal conditions of the perfect competition the shadow prices coincide with market prices.
One of the ways of definition of the shadow prices is use of the prices of international trade, which
reflect opportunity cost on the goods and services made inside the country (export) on the one hand, and
marginal cost of increasing of internal consumption of the goods and services (import) with another. This
approach is applicable to the goods and services involved in the foreign trade (tradable goods). Thus the
task of definition of the shadow prices for the goods which have been not involved in international trade
(non-tradable goods) is complicated.
If we consider a task of the most effective distribution of resources in economy as a problem of
finding of some economic optimum (maximum of economic criterion of optimality) in conditions of
resource and technological constraints (similarly to the Kantorovich model), the shadow prices, speaking
mathematical language are dual prices for resource and industrial constraints. I.e. at presence of a
hypothetical opportunity to construct the model of maximization of public well-being, the shadow prices
are determined from the optimum decision of the given model and reflect optimum price proportions for
economy (price of general equilibrium).
The practical methods of definition of the shadow prices for the economic analysis of the projects
proceed from definition of the price as marginal change of social welfare as a result of marginal change of
quantity of a resource in the economy.
The estimation of social welfare can depend not only on increase of well-being of a society as a
whole as a result of increase of quantity of a resource, but also from its distribution (between state and
private sector, between various social groups, etc.)


1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993.
2. PindyckR.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991 (accompanied with Workbook).
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992.
7. Mankiw N.G. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998.
8. Heyne P. Economic Way of Thinking, 5th ed., SRA, 1987.
9. Stiglitz J.E. Economics of the public sector.- 2nd ed. - W.W.Norton & Company, 1988.

Lecture 11. Imperfect Competition and Market Power

1. Monopoly and imperfect competition.

1.1. Concepts of market power and monopoly.
1.2. Demand curve for monopolistic producer.
1.3. Monopoly rents.
1.4. Monopsony.
1.5. Market dynamics: barriers to entry.
2. Imperfect competition and market structures.
2.1. Monopolistic competition.
2.2. Oligopoly.
2.3. Monopoly and perfect competition as extremes of oligopolistic market.

1. Monopoly and imperfect competition

1.1. Monopoly is a market structure in which a single firm is the seller of a commodity for which there are
no close substitutes. Thus, a monopolist faces the market demand curve. Because of the downward slope
of the market demand curve, a monopolist can influence market price by changing his output. The more
inelastic demand is (and accordingly the steeper the market demand curve is), the bigger is such an
influence and the market power of a monopolist. Thus a monopoly is constrained by the market demand.
Market power (or monopoly power) is the ability of a firm to affect the price of its product by varying
the quantity it is willing to sell.

P 1.2 A profit maximizing monopolist follows the same

rules as any other profit maximizing firm: produce with
marginal revenue equal to marginal cost and shut down
when average cost is greater than average revenue at all
MC levels of output.
When compared to a perfectly competitive industry
PM with the same costs, a monopolist produces less output
EC and charges higher price. The output of monopolist in the
AC figure 11.1 is equal to QM; the total output in similar
PB competitive industry would be determined by intersection
C of lines D and MC.
D Let us consider more closely the process of setting
monopoly price and quantity. The total revenue is equal
to the product of price and quantity sold TR=P(Q)⋅Q,
QM where P(Q) is inverse demand function (the decreasing
Fig. 11.1 dependence of price on output).

The marginal revenue MR is equal to the change in revenue from sales TR per unit of a small change in
quantity sold, or the derivative of TR with respect to Q:
dP (Q)
MR = TR ′ = ( P (Q) ⋅ Q) Q = P ′(Q) ⋅ Q + P (Q) ⋅ Q ′ = ⋅ Q + P (Q). 22
Recalling that the price elasticity of demand is equal to
dQ P dP(Q) P(Q)
ED = ⋅ , 23 we get ⋅Q = 24,
dP Q dQ ED
letting us to present the marginal revenue as
P(Q) 1
MR = + P(Q) = P(Q)(1+ ). 25
The demand function Q(P) is decreasing since the price elasticity of demand is negative. This implies that
on the inelastic part of the demand curve (-1<ED<0) the marginal revenue is less than zero. Thus the firm
with a market power under inelastic demand for its product cuts down output to increase the total revenue.
The point of maximum revenue (as well as the point of maximum profit) are "located" in an elastic segment
of demand curve for the product. Marginal revenue equals the marginal cost in the point of maximum of
monopoly's profit: MR=MC. We combine this equality with the condition PQ′<0, to get P(Q)>MC. Thus in

distinction to competitive market the price in monopolistic market exceeds the marginal cost. Suppose that
the cost of producing a commodity unit is constant (MC=AC=c0). It follows that the profit share in the price for
that firm would be equal to:
P(Q)-AC(Q) P(Q)-MC(Q) P(Q)-MR(Q) 1
= = =
P(Q) P(Q) P(Q) |E D|
As it is evident, the higher the elasticity of demand is, the lower is the monopolistic profit share in the

A monopolist can engage in price discrimination whenever it sells a product for which arbitrage is difficult
or impossible and when the monopolist can easily identify different consumers with different willingness to
pay. When these conditions are met, the monopolist divides the market into different segments and sells the
profit maximizing quantity to each segment.

1.3. The monopolistic market is an equilibrium market where monopoly finds an equilibrium pair "price-
quantity" that maximizes its profit, and consumers find in the market all the quantity demanded at that price.
Like all profit maximizing firms, a monopolist can be expected to be efficient in production since it minimizes
the cost of producing each quantity of output. However, we cannot call this market an efficient one as far as
allocation and social welfare effects is concerned. Social losses caused by monopoly are measured by
Deadweight Losses. The deadweight loss is a difference between the consumer loss caused by price growth
and output decline and the surplus of monopoly due to these effects. By producing too little of the
monopolized good and by selling it at too high a price (relative to marginal cost), the monopolist introduces
allocative inefficiencies into the economy.
The activity of searching out a monopoly from which an economic profit can be made is called rent
seeking. The term “rent seeking” is used because “rent” (or “economic rent”) is a general term that includes
consumer surplus, and economic profit. The pursuit of an economic profit by a monopolist is rent seeking. It
is the attempt to capture some consumer surplus.

1.4. Monopsony is a market structure where not sellers but buyers are the price makers. It can be
thought of as monopoly theory applied to factor market rather than to product markets. Monopolists exploit
their power by producing less of a commodity and charging higher price. Monopsonists exploit their power
by buying less of an input and paying less per unit of it.

1.5. An increase in the number of firms can only reduce the monopoly power of each incumbent firm.
An important aspect of competitive strategy is finding ways to create barriers to entry - conditions that
deter entry by new competitors.
Sometimes there are natural barriers to entry. For example, one firm may have a patent on the
technology needed to produce a particular product. This makes it impossible for other firms to enter the
market, at least until the patent expires 5 . Other legally created rights work in the same way - a copyright
can limit the sale of a book, music, or a computer software program to a single company, and the need
for a government license can prevent new firms from entering the market for telephone service,
television broadcasting, or interstate trucking.
Finally, economics of scale may make it too costly for more than a few firms to supply the entire
market. In some cases the economies of scale may be so large that it is most efficient for a single firm -
a natural monopoly - to supply the entire market.
In some oligopolistic markets, some or all of the firms earn substantial profits over the long run
because barriers to entry make it difficult or impossible for new firms to enter the market. An incumbent
firms may take strategic actions to deter entry. For example, they might threaten to flood the market and
drive prices down if entry occurs, and to make that threat credible, they can construct excess production

In the United States, patents last for 17 years.
2. Imperfect competition and market structures.

2.1. Monopolistic competition combines the elements of monopoly and perfect competition. Food stores,
grocery shops, gas stations and many other retail establishments fall into this category.
The essence of monopolistic competition is that each firm sells a product for which there are many close,
but not perfect substitutes. Thus, each firm faces a downward sloping firm-specific demand curve. Product
differentiation may be inherent in the product - different brands of beer, for example - or it may arise because
of differences in the special location.
Since entry is free, an important implication of the monopolistic competition is that whenever profits can
be made, firms selling similar products will enter the industry. Entry shifts all firms' firm-specific demand
curves toward the origin and continues until the each firm's profit is reduced to zero in the long run.

2.2. Several firms in the market form an oligopoly. Oligopoly is the type of market structure which is
mostly common in industrial markets. Even the threat of potential entry into a monopolized market forces a
monopolist to behave like an oligopolist. A new choice emerges: to collude and form a monopolistic
organization or to compete. The essence of oligopoly is an interdependence of all firms serving the same
market: each firm has to take into consideration possible reaction of competitors in its decision-making. With
different degrees of competition oligopoly can lead to different outcomes, ranging from "pure" monopoly to
perfect competition.
A cartel is an organization of independent firms formed to capture the benefits of acting like a monopolist.
Cartels coordinate the actions of their members in order to restrict output, rise the prices and thus capture
monopoly profits.
Cartels are subject to two types of pressures. First, when a cartel raises prices it raises each firm's
marginal revenue above each firm's marginal cost. This gives each firm an incentive to cheat on the cartel
by lowering price for its own product to increase sales and its own profit. Successful cartels must have
effective mechanisms for detecting and punishing members who cheat. Cartel profits can also suffer when
firms engage in nonprice competition (quality of services etc.) that raises costs and diminishes profits.
The second source of pressure arises because a successful cartel stimulates the entry of new firms by
high industry profits. A cartel's long run success depends on its ability to limit entry. If it cannot, than entry
takes place until the typical firm's long run profits converge to zero.

2.3. We will begin a simple model of duopoly - two firms competing with each other - first introduced by
A.Cournot in 1838. Suppose the firms produce a homogeneous good and know the market demand curve.
Each firm must decide how much to produce, and the two firms make their decisions at the same time. The
essence of the Cournot model is that each firm treats the output level of its competitor as fixed, and then
decides how much to produce.
Consider an industry consisting of n firms. Assume, that each firm is identical with cost function. If the
industry is competitive, when each firm will produce Qi units of output where P=MC (i.e. price = marginal

P Notice the following important point: In the general

outcome -1 model (n firms) as the number of firms gets large the
outcome gets closer and closer to the competitive
Competitive outcome. Thus the competitive model can be thought
outcome of as the limiting case of Cournot Competition as the
number of firms in the industry gets very big.
EM MC Note also that n becomes small then the Cournot
Outcome becomes nearer to the collusive outcome,
EC Predatory
where the firms act as a monopoly. Not surprisingly,
PC pricing
when n=1, these are the same thus we may think of
the Cournot Outcome as being between the monopoly
and competitive outcomes with the outcome
approaching competition for large n (Fig.11.2). Notice
MR that the deadweight loss decreases as we increase n,
Q which, suggests society might be better off with less
concentrated industries.

Key Terms

monopoly natural monopoly

market power (or monopoly power) monopolistic competition
price discrimination oligopoly
monopsony duopoly
barriers to entry


1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.11-
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.10-13.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.12-14.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.11-
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.10-11.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.15-17.

Lecture 12. Market Power and Welfare. Antitrust policy. Natural monopoly regulation.

1. Welfare losses of monopoly. Antitrust.

1.1.Empirical estimates of monopoly welfare losses.
1.2.Antitrust law: brief history.
1.3.Protection of competition on oligopolistic markets.
1.4.Measuring industry concentration. Herfindahl-Hirshmann index.
2. State regulation of monopolies.
2.1.Concept of natural monopoly. Natural monopoly regulation.
2.2.Pricing rules for natural monopoly. Marginal cost and average cost pricing rules. Price ceiling
2.3.Negative effects of monopoly price regulation.

1. Welfare losses of monopoly. Antitrust.

As we have seen in the previous lecture, imperfect competition leads to an inefficient resource allocation.
In the graph 12.1 below the possible surpluses and losses of producers, consumers and nation as a whole
due to monopolistic market power are shown.

P With linear demand function D and constant marginal

B cost MC (MC=AC=C0) the monopoly reduces output QM
by ΔQ compared with competitive level QC; the price PM is
higher than competitive price PC by ΔP. Under the perfect
Profit competition the economic profit of firms is zero, and the
consumer surplus is
PM Qc ( P0 - P c )
Deadweight 26.
Loss 2
(Graphically the latter is BECPC area). Under monopoly
PC MC the consumer surplus is reduced to
A Qm ( P0 - P m )
27(that is BPCPM area) but there arises the monopoly
Q surplus QM(PM-PC) (that is PCPMEMA area)..
Fig. 12.1 Monopoly versus competitive

Total consumer surplus is reallocated in favor of monopoly if monopoly succeeds in exercising full price
discrimination (area PMEMB) which makes the consumers pay maximal (equal to utility) price for a unit of
The difference between consumer losses and monopoly surplus is
W = 28 (that is AEMEC area, ΔQ=QC-QM, ΔP=PM-PC).
Such loss is the deadweight loss of monopoly, or social cost of monopoly. Social cost of monopoly is a
measure of the loss in net benefits that results from a monopoly’s control of output.
Let relative monopolistic "markup" dP = ΔP/PC be small. As far as elasticity is ED= (ΔQ/Q)/dP, we get
ΔQ=ED⋅ dP⋅QC. Deadweight loss of monopoly is W = (1/2)⋅PCQCEDdP 2, i.e. it is proportional to square of relative
deviation of monopolistic price from QC. The elasticity ED can not be considered as constant and equal to
actual elasticity of demand if dP is not small.

1.1.The empirical estimation of losses caused by monopoly.

P,C Arnold Harberger was the first to attempt
to estimate these losses in 1954. He
D=MB assumed the unit elasticity of demand.
Harberger has collected the data on
deviations of industry profits from the
average one to calculate dP . As a result he
calculated losses caused by monopoly for a
PM group of industries which produce 45% of
ΔP output in manufacturing sector of US
PC LRAC=LRMC economy (area AEMEC, fig.12.2)
A Extrapolating the evaluation for
aggregate industrial production in period
1924 - 1928 he estimated the welfare loss
ΔQ equal approximately to 6% of GNP. The
Q same computation for 1988 gives the
monopoly waste in US economy at the level
Fig.12.2 Empirical estimates of monopoly welfare of $4.8 bln. or not greater than $20 per
loses. capita.

1.2. Deadweight loss is not a sole form of imperfect competition inefficiency. Reduced pressure of
competition leads to a less strong imposition of cost minimization. The monopoly power can be a sort of
compensating mechanism for inefficiency in production. Such inefficiency, which is revealed by non-optimal
scale, obsolete technology or suboptimal factor combinations, is called X-inefficiency. It might have different
forms: too high expenditures on advertizing, excessive production capacities, inflated managerial staff and
so on. It is important that such a waste is a result of reduced competition, and not merely a product of bad
corporate management.
Many economists (among whom Austrian economist I.Schumpeter is the most prominent figure) have
argued that monopoly is not a pure wasteful economic phenomenon. They pointed out to (1) low empirical
estimation of deadweight losses; (2) at least ambivalence in influence of monopolization process on
Research and Development.
The economic argument against monopoly - deadweight loss due to misallocation of resources - was
not a direct cause of implementation of antitrust policies.
Antitrust policy is a set of laws designed to prevent firms from exercising market power by restricting
output, increasing prices or engaging in other anticompetitive behavior. The main objective of such policies is
to limit anticompetitive tendencies of oligopoly. Among antitrust devices conduct remedy is a government
order to a firm or an industry to alter its behavior in order to make it more competitive. Structural remedy is
an antitrust policy in which the structure of an industry is altered to make it more competitive. The breakup of
biggest firm in the industry is an example of a structural remedy.
Antitrust statutes is the statutes that seek to prevent unfair business practices that give rise to
monopoly power.

Competition (antitrust) Policy in Transition. So why do transition economics need competition

policy (i.e. explicit prohibitory rules)? They need competition, certainly, but the abolition of central
planning (and consequently the liberalization of prices and removal of quantitative output targets)
already represents a major stride in that direction. Why do more?
The liberalization of prices and markets may not be sufficient to ensure competition. The very nature
of transition may inhibit the development of competitive industry structures, because of high barriers to
entry. There are several reasons to believe that new or small firms may face barriers to entry or growth:
1. Credit to new firms is heavily restricted, not only by generally tight financial conditions, but more
specifically because existing large (and typically state-owned) firms receive priority access to available
funds, be it through deliberate policy or due to banks' desires to shore up their existing portfolios.
2. In the fragmented markets of transition economies, many of the scarce assets needed by new firms
if they are to mount a credible challenge to existing monopolists (such as land, premises or distribution
networks) are either unavailable or continue to be allocated in distorted ways that favour existing firms.
3. Imperfect enforcement of hard budget constraints on enterprises means that competition from new
entrants to an industry may be less likely to drive out existing monopolists than in a more mature market
economy; and knowing this, new entrants are less likely to mount a challenge to existing monopoly
power in the first place. [8]

1.3. Oligopoly is an important field of competitive policy. In the graph 11.2 (see lecture 11) below the
possible combinations of prices and quantities on the oligopolistic market are shown. Predatory pricing
along with cartel outcome are obvious targets for government intervention.
To screen the non-competitive markets many indices are used by the institutions which are responsible
for implementation of competitive policies.
The most important antitrust class of per se illegal conduct is agreements among competing firms to
fix prices, restrict output, or divide markets. Such actions have the effect of raising prices and lowering
output. Even the several critics of antitrust policy can find no redeeming virtue in price fixing.
Other forms of conduct are also limited by antitrust laws. These include:
• Retail price maintenance, where retailers agree not to sell below or above, a price specified by
• Predatory pricing, in which a firm sells its goods for less than production costs (usually interpreted
as marginal cost or average variable cost).
• Tying contracts or arrangements, whereby a firm will sell product A only if the purchaser buys
product B.
• Price discrimination, in which a firm sells the same product to different customers at different prices
for reasons not related to cost or meeting competition.
These practices relate to a firm's conduct. Whether committed by monopolies or small firms, it is the
acts that are illegal; the market power of the firm in question is not at issue.
Companies can gain market power through growth (plowing back earnings and building new plants).
But a much easier way to gain market share, or simply to get bigger, is to merge with another company.
Mergers are matters of concern in antitrust policy when they result in increasing market shares for the
merged firms.
Horizontal mergers—in which companies in the same industry combine—are forbidden under the
Clayton Act when the merger is likely to reduce competition in the industry substantially.
Vertical mergers occur when two firms at different stages of the production process come together.
A third kind of combination, called conglomerate mergers, joins together unrelated businesses. In a
conglomerate merger, a chemical or steel company might buy an oil company, or a firm that has many
lines of business (like ITT) might add yet more strings to its bow (hotels, rental cars, or whatever) .
Protection of competition on oligopolistic markets consist of mergers regulation as the mergers could
result a limit of competition, and support of contestable. Contestable market is a market in which entry is
free and exit is costless.

1.4. The concentration index (CR) is showing the share of biggest 4, 8 etc. firms in industry's sales.
Concentration ratio is the percentage of an industry’s total output accounted for by the largest firms. A
typical measure is the four-firm concentration ratio, which is the fraction of output accounted for by the
four largest firms.
The market share of a firm is the percentage of annual shipments to a market accounted for by the
Herfindahl-Hirshmann index (HHI) takes into account the concentration and relative power of firms
composing a market. It has a form:
HHI= ∑ si 2 ,
29 where si is the market share of i-th firm (in %). Maximum value of HHI is 10000 (100% monopoly).
Antitrust institutions are following developments in branches where it is higher than 1400.
2. State regulation of monopolies.
2.1. Their scope is much broader - to maintain competitive environment in a broader sense. There are
some branches of industry where monopolization is beneficial (so called natural monopoly) and where
government has to regulate prices and quantities to achieve efficiency. Natural monopolies are
characterized by large positive economies of scale. The examples are telecommunications and
Natural monopoly is a firm that can supply the entire market demand for a product at a lower average
cost than would be possible if two or more firms supplied exactly the same quantity of the product.
The Cost advantage of natural monopoly (figure 12.3): Increasing return to scale can result in lower
AC of production as a firm expands. These lower costs can contribute to be establishment of monopoly
power. For a natural monopoly, AC declines over the entire range of output for which the demand curve
lies above the LRAC curve. For example: the natural monopoly can produce QA at lower AC than can two
smaller firms, each supplying QA /2.
2.2. The decline of Average total cost with the expansion of output by the natural monopolist means that
one firm would always produce a quantity demanded by consumers at a lower cost than several firms.
Usually the state creates and defends a monopoly for such a market. But doing this, it should exercise price
control and thus assure that monopoly power is suppressed by appropriate competitive regulatory
mechanism. There are the following approaches to price control (Figure 12.4). Government uses the
marginal cost scheme by setting monopoly price equal marginal cost (PC = MC) and makes monopoly follow
this regulatory rule. The average cost scheme is to transfer to government the total monopoly profit
exceeding the normal one. (Price P1 = AC).



P1 K

Fig. 12.4 Marginal cost (MC) and average cost (AC)
Fig.12.3 Natural monopoly.
pricing rules.

P,C A shortage of (QD-Q2) pounds per year

exists at the ceiling price.
Besides there is a method of price ceiling
MC (Fig.12.5). Price ceilings is a one way to
regulate monopoly power; to be effective in
EM reducing price, the ceiling must be below the
price corresponding to the output at which MR
= MC. A price ceiling can cause a monopoly to
increase output. For example, the monopoly
PMAX MR 2 price is PM monopoly quantity = QM. Imposition
A of a ceiling of PMAX removes monopoly control
MR 1 of price. Marginal revenue is now MR2 (the
same as price) up to an output of QC. The
C QB monopoly equilibrium quantity increases from
Fig. 12.5 Monopoly reaction to a price ceiling. QM to QC.
2.3. Such regulation meets some difficulties: pricing scheme based on marginal cost leads to losses and
the necessity of state subsidies for monopolist (subsidies s = QF (ACF - PC ); average cost pricing rule is at
one hand suboptimal (marginal cost is lower that marginal utility: MC < MB, if P=P1, Q=Q1, so allocative
inefficiency of monopoly is partly reproduced), on the other hand it destroys incentives for monopolist to
minimize the costs, since all costs are compensated under such a rule.
Price ceiling usually causes shortages (= QB-QC, see Fig.12.5).
Part of the controversy centers on the complex question of accurately determining AC of production.
Another complex question concerns the incentives established by regulatory price rule (the AC -pricing
rule does not provide the utilities with any incentives to minimize their cost of production.

Key Terms

social cost of monopoly predatory pricing

antitrust policy tying contracts
conduct remedy horizontal mergers
structural remedy vertical mergers
antitrust statutes conglomerate mergers


1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.13.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.10.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.13,14.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.14.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.20.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.15.
8. Competition Policy and the Transformation of Central Europe/ J.Finglenton, E.Fox, D.Neven,
P.Seabright.- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1996.- 253 p.

Treaty establishing the European Community
(signed in Rome on 25 March 1957) 6 .


Section 1. Rules applying to undertakings

Article 85
1. The following shall be prohibited as incompatible with the common market: all agreements between
undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade
between Member States and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion
of competition within the common market, and in particular those which:
(a) directly or indirectly Fix purchase or selling prices or any other trading conditions,
(b) limit or control production, markets, technical development, or investment,
(c) share markets or sources of supply,
(d) apply dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties, thereby placing
them at a competitive disadvantage;
(e) make the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary
obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject
of such contracts.
2. Any agreements or decisions prohibited pursuant to this Article shall be automatically void.
3. The provisions of paragraph I may, however, be declared inapplicable in the case of:
- any agreement or category of agreements between undertakings;
- any decision or category of decisions by associations of undertakings;
- any concerted practice or category of concerted practices:

which contributes to improving the production or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or

economic progress, while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit, and which does not:
(a) impose on the undertakings concerned restrictions which are not indispensable to the attainment
of these objectives;
(b) afford such undertakings the possibility of eliminating competition in respect of a substantial part of
the products in question.

Article 86
Any abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position within the common market or in a
substantial part of it shall be prohibited as incompatible with the common market in so far as it may affect
trade between Member States.

Such abuse may, in particular, consist in:

(a) directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions;
(b) limiting production, markets or technical development to the prejudice of consumers:
(c) applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties, thereby placing
them at a competitive disadvantage;
(d) making the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary
obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject
of such contracts.

Section 3. Aids granted by States

Article 92
1. Save as otherwise provided in this Treaty, any aid granted by a Member State or through State
resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain
undertakings or the production of certain goods shall, in so far as it affects trade between Member
States, be incompatible with the common market.

European Union. Selected instruments taken from the Treaties. Book1, Volume 1. - Brussels-Luxemberg, 1993,
2. The following shall be compatible with the common market:
(a) aid having a social character, granted to individual consumers, provided that such aid is granted
without discrimination related to the origin of the products concerned,
(b) aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences,
(c) aid granted to the economy of certain areas of the Federal Republic of Germany affected by the
division of Germany, in so far as such aid is required in order to compensate for the economic
disadvantages caused by that division.
3. The following may be considered to be compatible with the common market:
(a) aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low
or where there is serious underemployment;
(b) aid to promote the execution of an important project of common European interest or to remedy a
serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State,
(c) aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas, where
such aid does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest.
However, the aids granted to shipbuilding as of I January 1957 shall, in so far as they serve only to
compensate for the absence of customs protection, be progressively reduced under the same conditions
as apply to the elimination of customs duties, subject to the provisions of this Treaty concerning common
commercial policy towards third countries,
(d) aid to promote culture and heritage conservation where such aid does not affect trading conditions
and competition in the Community to an extent that is contrary to the common interest;
(e) such other categories of aid as may be specified by decision of the Council acting by a qualified
majority on a proposal from the Commission.

Lecture 13. Externalities in Market Economy and Government Regulations.

1. Internal and external costs and benefits.

1.1.Introduction: problem of pollution. Economics of greenhouse effect.
1.2.Private and social costs and benefits.
1.3.Positive and negative externalities. Marginal costs and benefits: internal, external and social.
2. Externalities and property rights. Missing markets.
2.1.Responses to externalities: economic agents and private sector as a whole.
2.2.Government and externalities: administrative regulation, corrective taxes and subsidies, creating
markets of rights to pollute.

1. Internal and external costs and benefits.

1.1. Economies sometimes suffer market failures. For example, some firms pollute the air or dump
toxic wastes into the soil. Firm A dumps a toxic chemical into a stream and fouls the stream for people
who fish or swim downstream. Firm A has used the scarce, clean water without paying people whose
water is fouled.
In addition to public goods, we often see public "bads," which are public goods that impose costs
uniformly across a group. These are unintended by-products of consumption or production activities.
One critical externality is the "greenhouse effect," which results from the buildup of carbon dioxide and
other gases. Scientific studies indicate that in the coming decades these gases will cause the climate to
become warmer, oceans to rise, and monsoons to shift. Nobody is producing carbon dioxide in order to
change the climate. Rather, this externality results unintentionally from activities like the burning of fossil
In each case, market failure leads to inefficient production or consumption, and a firm has helped or
hurt people outside the market transactions. There is an economic transaction without an economic
payment. This type of inefficiency arises when there are spillovers or externalities.
Government can play a useful role in curing the disease. This is where governments come in.
Government regulations are designed to control externalities like air and water pollution. For example, if
it shown that CO2 emissions warm the globe and cause extensive damages, nations might levy pollution
taxes on CO2 emissions as a method of slowing global warming. Some European countries have already
imposed CO2 taxes.

1.2. Private (internal) cost characterize internal inputs for producers of a given good. External cost
describe inputs for the all third parties (i.e. nonsellers and nonbuyers of given good), associated with
production and consumption of a given good. Social (public) cost characterize joint cost of producers and all
third parties, associated with production and consumption of the good. Correspondingly marginal private cost
(MPC), marginal external cost (MEC) and marginal social cost (MSC) are increments of private, external and
social cost, associated with production and consumption of additional unit of the good.
Private (internal) benefit describe increase of welfare for direct consumers of given good. External benefit
characterize increase of welfare for the all third parties, associated with production and consumption of the
good. Social (public) benefit describe total increase of welfare for direct consumers and all third parties,
associated with production and consumption of the good. Marginal private benefit (MPB), marginal external
benefit (MEB) and marginal social benefit (MSB) are increments of private, external and social benefit,
associated with production and consumption of additional unit of the good.

1.3. Externalities (external effects) denote the influence of the third parties' actions (of those who have not
participated in transaction) on economic agents. An externality arises when the activity of one person or firm
directly effects the welfare of another person or firm without the intervention of a market. The effect is
external, "invisible" to any market. Therefore, externalities are not reflected in market mechanism operation
and lead to its failure and suboptimal allocation of goods in the economy.

P Negative externalities mean negative influence of
actions taken by the third parties on economic agents.
MSC Actually it signify hidden use of some resources
B without corresponding payments. (One of the useful
examples is the right to enjoy good environment -
ES fresh air, clean water etc.) It appears external for cost
PS MPC of production MEC (in the figure 13.1 presence of
MEC external cost and absence of external benefit are
P0 E0 The result of negative externality is
underestimation and overproduction of the product: Q0
instead of Qs and P0 instead of Ps. It causes an
MSB overconsumption of resources in production of the
Q good. It is important to emphasize that negative
QS Q0 externalities arise out of agents' rational decisions.
Fig. 13.1 A negative externality.

P Positive externalities imply advantageous

consequences of the third parties' actions for
MSC economic agents. Actually it signifies hidden use of
some goods without corresponding payments. It
MEB ES causes the appearance of external benefit from
PS production and consumption of the good (MEB).
The result of positive externality is underestimation
P0 E0 and underproduction of the good: Q0 instead of Qs and
P0 instead of Ps. It causes an underconsumption of
resources in production of the good. So both the
PA A positive and negative externalities lead to inefficient
use of resources in production. Either negative
MPB externalities leading to good's overproduction or
Q positive externalities leading to good's
Q0 QS underproduction display market failures.
Fig. 13.2 A positive externality.

2. Externalities and property rights. Missing markets.

These market failures habitually are associated with specific markets missing. It leads to free using of
specific resources and unpaid production of definite goods. And it leads for example to environment pollution
by mineral fertilizers production. Actions related with external effects (for example sulfates production) mean
in fact using the hidden rights to execute these actions. And it means the presence of property rights for
according resource or product (in our example clean air). But if these property rights are yet undiscovered
they can not be reflected in market transactions. Thus such property rights erosion may be an obstacle in
market mechanism effective operation and frequently causes different groups of economic agents' conflict of
interests. Therefore clear statement of property rights is one of important externalities problem solving
The essence of externalities problem is ineffective allocation and utilization of resources and products
because of divergence of private and social cost or private and social benefit. So the method of solving such
problems is to make marginal social cost equal to marginal social benefit. It is important to emphasize that
such external effects become the own costs and benefits of explicit parties of transactions, and market
mechanism operation changes prices and quantities of corresponding goods. It forces correctives in
resources and products allocation which becomes effective. At the same time it means that corresponding
external effects transform into internal effects. Thus the internalization of externalities occurs.

2.1. Private sector and externalities.

In private sector of economy the externalities problem may be solved in market mechanism operation
without external interference. It may be for example mergers: in that case it means combining the involved
parties, the source and the recipient of externality - for example, the creation of integrated firm, cooperative
society etc. In this way the effects formerly external automatically became internal and according demanded
quantities' and production technologies' corrective occurs.
The externalities problem is often being solved using social conventions - noneconomic ways of solving
economic problems, such as moral, traditions, customs etc., being implemented through bringing up, public
opinion (support of certain actions and blame for another) etc.
Property rights recognition and redistribution may result from bargaining. After the property rights for
resources and products distribution their holders may use them for production and consumption or sell it to
interested agents. In any case the goods formerly "invisible" for market mechanism receive monetary
evaluation and involve into market operations leading to resources and products redistribution and to their
effective allocation. The Coase theorem means: at zero transaction costs and clear property rights
statement, regardless of property rights distribution among economic agents, private cost is equal to social
cost. In other words, the effective resource allocation would be obtained regardless of property rights for
these resources distribution, just if the transaction costs were insignificant. As a result of that bargaining all
unconsidered resources get market evaluation, and the mostly benefited by them economic agents become
(or stay) their owners.
It is important to note that although property rights distribution does not influence the optimal resource
allocation, it is significant for economic agents' incomes. These two sides of property rights' significance for
externalities problem solving and for economic agents' welfare should not be mixed.
Thus in private sector externalities exist only temporarily, in period for market mechanism to reveal and to
eliminate the divergences between private and social costs and benefits.

2.2 Government responses to externalities.

Many externalities exist in economy for a long time. It means that transaction costs of property rights
clearing and redistribution are significant and can not be ignored. If such costs exceed bargaining benefit,
externalities wouldn't be removed. The same is the result of big number of agents involved in externalities
problem difficulties in concrete sources of externalities determination, asymmetric information about costs
and benefits of bargaining parties. When externalities are stable in the economy, the government should try
to solve this problem. In this case the following forms of government intervention are possible.
Administrative regulation. Usually it is related to establishment of pollution standards, maximum rates of
harmful influence etc. Such measures allow to reduce the size of externalities, but do not lead to an optimal
resource allocation because of ignoring individual differences between involved economic agents.
Corrective taxes and subsidies. Corrective tax (Pigouvian tax) levies on each unit of a producer's output
an amount just equal to the marginal external cost (t=MEC, figure 13.1).
Creating a markets of the rights to pollute. The important area of government activity is property rights
creation in cases where they are missing. It enables to involve market mechanism into externalities problem

Key Terms

greenhouse effect marginal external benefit (MEB)

private (internal) cost marginal social benefit (MSB)
social (public) cost negative externalities
marginal private cost (MPC) positive externalities
marginal external cost (MEC) property rights
marginal social cost (MSC) internalization of externalities
private (internal) benefit Coase theorem
social (public) benefit corrective subsidies
marginal private benefit (MPB) corrective tax (Pigouvian tax)


1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.18.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.18.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.16.1,16.2.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap.13.
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.18.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.10.

Lecture 14. Welfare State. Microeconomic Foundations of Social Policy.

1. Private and public goods.

1.1.Examples of pure and mixed public good. Education - public goods?
1.2.Free rider problem. Demand curve for public good. Market failure.
1.3.Government and provision of public goods.
2. Incomes in market economy and redistrubution.
2.1.Income distribution in market economies: review of data. Measuring inequality: Gini index.
2.2.Inequality and welfare.
3. Role of the state, the market and the family.
3.1.The concept of social safety net: State and society.
3.2.State social assistance. Social insurance.
4. Coherence of different policies: overview.
4.1.Redistribution of incomes: brief review of aims, instruments and results.
4.2.The effect of social policy.
4.3.Taxation: evaluating the social impact.
4.4.The aim of labor market policies.
4.5.Role of the State in education and health sectors.

1. Private and public goods.

1.1. Depending on the consumption specifics, the goods are divided into private goods and public goods.
The consumption of private good by any economic agent makes impossible the consumption of it by any
other agent. In other words, private goods have high rivalry in consumption. Unlike private goods public
goods have low rivalry in consumption. It means that consumption of public good by some economic agent
allows its consumption by other economic agents at the same time. The extreme, zero rivalry means that
marginal cost of any additional consumer (except of the first) equal zero. For example, one more citizen does
not increase national defense expenditures.
From the standpoint of property rights goods may be excludable goods and nonexcludable. Pure private
goods have high excludability. It signifies that economic agent holding the right of using some good is
capable to prohibit its consumption by other economic agent. Pure public goods have low excludability.
Otherwise, such goods may and are in fact consumed collectively as far as nobody may (or has enough
interest) to prevent their consumption by other economic agents.
There is extensive government intervention in education. This occurs to some extent because
education is a public good. But education is not a pure public good, nor do externalities provide a
persuasive justification for the role of the government. The major justification for public support of
elementary and secondary education is the belief that the quality of education obtained should not be
solely dependent on the resources of the child's parents.

1.2. Free rider problem appears when one economic agent may obtain the benefit from other agent
actions not paying for it. No potential consumers would pay for this consumption. Hence, pure public good is
just a kind of positive externality. Since no potential consumers would pay for good's consumption, the
problem of its production's financing arises. After all the consumer who paid for this nonexcludable good has
no privileges compared with not paid one. Thus the necessity in pure public goods puts before the economy
up two problems: how to achieve effective quantity produced and how to provide this production with free
riders existence.
The demand for public goods is not completely identical to the demand for private goods. First of all every
consumer can not change the quantity of public good being used, and he/she is forced to consume the
whole quantity. For example all citizens of the country use the same warships quantity defending them from
outward attack.
Evidently these individual quantities are equal for all consumers: QA=q1=q2=...=qn, where QA is the total
quantity supplied of the public good, qi is the quantity of the public good consumed by person i (i = 1, 2, ..., n).
Then all the consumers get certain benefit from the consumption of public good simultaneously.

P Consequently, the marginal social benefit from
the consumption of given additional amount of
public good is the sum of all marginal private
benefits from its consumption:
MSB = MB1 + MB2 + ... + MBn = Σ MBi,
A where MSB is the marginal social benefit from
PA = P1 + P2
consumption of public good, MBi is the marginal
benefit from consumption of public good for
consumer i (i = 1, 2, ..., n).
A1 Thus the resulting demand curve for public
P1 good may be obtained as vertical (not horizontal)
A2 sum of individual demand curves expressing
P2 D1 = MB1 individual willingness to pay for given amount of
public good according to individual benefit from this
D2 = MB2 good's consumption. In the figure 14.1.the total
demand curve D of the public good is obtained (in
simplest case) as a result of vertical summation of
Q two individual demand curves D1 and D2.
Fig. 14.1 The demand for a public Good (D).

Hence the price PA, which given community is ready to pay for given quantity QA, is assembled from
individual prices P1 and P2: PA = P1 + P2.
For effective allocation of resources the public good should be produced in the amount when marginal
social benefit from its consumption is equal to marginal cost of its output:
MSB = MSC (point E, fig.14.2).
So, there is some definite amount of public good ensuring maximum allocative efficiency. But
determination of this amount relies on exact knowledge of public preferences about this public good.
There are some reasons why the market alone can not allocate the resources effectively.
Among them there are competition imperfection in cases when market power exist, externalities, public
goods etc. All of them are sometimes named as "market failures".

1.3. When market is failing, the government may improve the results of its operation. But at the same time
there arise new problems.
Public choice theory proceeds from the supposition that when economic agents are engaged in politics,
participating in preparation and fulfillment of the government resolutions in economic sphere, they use
political institutions for their individual objectives achievement. This hypotheses about fundamental role of
individual interest in political activity is analogous to assumption about rationality of different agents behavior
in economic activity.
Political (public) decisions are passed by revealing the preferences of the citizens (members of the
society). Usually in modern society it presupposes voting. Widespread decision adoption principle in voting is
the rule of majority voting. But in this case it is possible to get the situation when the society can not
determine the priority of its preferences. It happens when the preferences of each voter are transitive, but the
preferences of the society as a whole are not.
Often public decisions passed by majority voting indicate the opinion of "median voter" whose
preferences are disposed in the middle of the scale (Fig.14.2). For example, some public good output
amount in this case would be close to its medium amount between maximum and minimum.
To illustrate political equilibrium under simple majority rule, assume that citizens must decide on the
quantity of a pure public good to produce. Given the average cost AC of producing the good, a tax-
sharing scheme is announced whereby each individual will pay the same tax per unit of the good. If the
good can be produced under conditions of constant costs and there are n individuals in the community,
each individual will pay a tax equal to AC/n per unit of the public good. Assuming five voters, Figure 5.2
shows the marginal benefit curves of the voters (MCA, MCB, MCM, MCC, MCF), the marginal (and
average) cost line for the public good (MC=AC=500), and the tax share per unit of the public good of
each of the voters (ti = AC/5 = 100).

$ In Figure 14.2, the voter with the
E MC=AC marginal benefit curve MBM is the
500 median voter. Political Equilibrium is
an agreement on the level of produc-
tion of one or more public goods,
given the specified rule for making the
collective choice and the distribution
of tax shares among individuals
If the interests of some agents
100 ti coincide, they may unite in special
MBA MBB MBM MBC MBF group. Then lobbyism is the activity
directed at the arrangement of public
0 1 2 3 4 5 Q verdicts adoption in this group
Fig. 14.2 Efficient public good provision. interests.
The consolidated group with special interests operating actively may obtain the public decisions favorable
for minority (if their opponents are dissociated, and for each of them individual gain is less than
corresponding costs).
The probability of public verdicts favorable only for minority adoption rises with consolidation of different
groups with special interests at the basis of logrolling: every lobbying group using logrolling votes for
favorable for another involved in logrolling group decision in exchange for similar assistance in beneficial for
this group decision making.
Rent seeking is the activity directed at the achievement or/and protection of certain economic benefits by
manipulating the political institutions. The goals of rent seeking usually are government subsidies,
government restrictions of the competition, other benefits distributed by the government leading to resources
redistribution in this rent seeking minority interests. The dissipation of rental incomes occurs when some
(may be almost all) rents is spend in the process of supporting and keeping up necessary privileges.
Together with appearance of rent seeking demand for privileges such privileges can be supplied by political
agents making decisions.
Generalizing all the above we can state that government economic performance itself is not the guaranty
of market failures overcoming and effective resource allocation. Government economic activity deficiencies
may become themselves the sources of economic inefficiency. Thus in selection of private or government
sector for some economic activity one should remember that each of them has its own pluses and minuses.
So it is necessary to compare advantages and disadvantages of market and government mechanisms both.

2. Incomes in market economy and redistrubution.

The kind of social order constructed on the basis of a market economy was from its beginnings hostile to
any political or social definition of distributive justice. Its basic premise is that a "fair" distribution of income is
determined by the prodictive input of individuals to the economy - "productive" as determined by the
marketplace. Specific talents, character traits, and just plain luck enter into the determination of such
productivity. Such society holds that this market-based distribution of income creates best economic
incentives that encourage production of goods and services. Production provides society's standard of
living, which is not necessary shared equally by all. And, this system may shape society in ways not
everyone likes. Historically, market-oriented societies have been reluctant to concede to any authority the
right to overrule the determination of income distribution provided by the marketplace.

2.1. There are two main frameworks to look at the distribution of income: distribution by sources of
income (factor shares) and size distribution of income. But whichever way we choose, it is always the case
that all economy's income is ultimately received by households. This happens because households are the
ultimate owners and suppliers of all resources (land, labor and capital) used to produce the economy's
Incomes of factors are determined on factor markets. What are the principles of market distribution
among factor owners? As we know, firms are paying factor owners the value of marginal products received
by firms while using those factors. The question is: could anything be left at the firm, not going to factor
The income that remains after the firm has paid for all the factors of production is the economic profit of
the owners of the firm. The Euler's theorem sets the rules for income allocation in perfectly competitive
markets. Its application to economics states that if we assume that the production function has the property
of constant returns to scale and if firm's payments to owners of resources equal to marginal productivities of
resources, economic profit must be zero. This surprising conclusion follows from the famous Euler's
theorem, which states that if the production function F(K,L) (where K is capital, L is labor) has constant
returns to scale, the total amount (or value) of output can be split with respect to contributing parts of labor
and capital inputs:
F(K,L) = (MPK⋅K) + (MPL⋅L).
These two parts correspond accordingly to capital and labor shares in income.
If economic profit is zero, how can we explain the existence of "profit" in the economy? The answer is that
the usually used term "profit" is different from economic profit. In the real world most firms own rather than
rent the capital they use. The term "profit" usually includes both economic profit and the return to capital. If
we call this alternative definition accounting profit, we can say that
Accounting Profit = Economic Profit + (MPK⋅K).
The formula shows the share of main types of incomes - labor income, capital income (interest and profit)
and land income (rent). Note that proprietors' income is a complex form - it contains labor income (small
businessman labor inputs in their firms), own capital and own land income.
The relatively clear distinction among 'classes" of society according to their main income sources which
existed in XIX century is now much more blurred. It is now common for any given individual to receive
income from ownership of at least two, and possibly all three factors.
How we can measure size inequality of income? Quintile and decile ratio can be used for measuring
differentiation. Quintile (decile) coefficient is the ratio of the wealth of 20% (10%) richest households to the
wealth of 20% (10%) poorest households. Quintile (decile) ratio is a quite imperfect measure of
differentiation, because it does not reflect the wealth distribution among the middle-wealth groups of
households. The more precise is Gini coefficient of wealth inequality, which is calculated as a sum of
absolute deviations of the actual distribution from uniform distribution. It is possible to set the bounds on
inequality of wealth distribution and its dynamics using Gini coefficient (or its growth rate). For example,
ascending (progressive) tax scale can be used in order to diminish inequality of wealth distribution.
The table 14.1-14.3, is reporting these indicators for different countries. For example, the Gini coefficient
in Russia for these data is equal to 48.0% and for US - 40.1%.
Based on this information, we construct a
100 A Lorenz curve (fig. 14.3), which gives us a clear
idea of how the Gini coefficient is measured
2.2. The inequality is not only important by
B itself, it is also important as a factor
determining a more acute problem than just
the concern about "fairness" - a problem of
58 C poverty. There are three approaches to
measure poverty: absolute (fixing the poverty
or minimum consumption basket line), relative
(what proportion of population is living below
50% of average incomes) and subjective (how
many people consider themselves as poor).
B None is absolutely right, but what is
important is the dynamics of poverty, structure
0 20 40 60 80 100 of poverty and its persistence, not just its level.
Percent of population
Fig. 14.3 The Lorenz curve (OBCA)
(example for Ukraine, 1997).
Table 14.1. Distribution of income (or consumption) 7

Survey Gini Percentage share of income (or consumption)

year Index Lowest Lowest Second Third Fourth Highest Highest
10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 10%
Australia 1989 c,d 33,7 2,5 7,0 12,2 16,6 23,3 40,9 24,8
Austria 1987 c,d 23,1 4,4 10,4 14,8 18,5 22,9 33,3 19,3
Belarus 1995 c,d 28,8 3,4 8,5 13,5 17,7 23,1 37,2 22,6
Belgium 1992 c,d 25,0 3,7 9,5 14,6 18,4 23,0 34,5 20,2
Brazil 1995 c,d 60,1 0,8 2,5 5,7 9,9 17,7 64,2 47,9

1999 The World Development Indicators, Bank
Bulgaria 1992 c,d 30,8 3,3 8,3 13,0 17,0 22,3 39,3 24,7
Canada 1994 c,d 31,5 2,8 7,5 12,9 17,2 23,0 39,3 23,8
China 1995 c,d 41,5 2,2 5,5 9,8 14,9 22,3 47,5 30,9
Colombia 1995 c,d 57,2 1,0 3,1 6,8 10,9 17,6 61,5 46,9
Czech Republic 1993 c,d 26,6 4,6 10,5 13,9 16,9 21,3 37,4 23,5
Denmark 1992 c,d 24,7 3,6 9,6 14,9 18,3 22,7 34,5 20,5
Dominican Republic 1989 c,d 50,5 1,6 4,2 7,9 12,5 19,7 55,7 39,6
Estonia 1995 c,d 35,4 2,2 6,2 12,0 17,0 23,1 41,8 26,2
Finland 1991 c,d 25,6 4,2 10,0 14,2 17.6 22,3 35,8 21,6
France 1989 c,d 32,7 2,5 7,2 12,7 17,1 22.8 40,1 24,9
Germany 1989 c,d 28,1 3,7 9,0 13,5 17,5 22,9 37,1 22,6
Hungary 1993 c,d 27,9 4,1 9,7 13,9 16,9 21,4 38,1 24,0
India 1994 29,7 4,1 9,2 13,0 16,8 21,7 39,3 25,0
Israel 1992 35,5 2,8 6,9 11,4 16,3 22,9 42,5 26,9
Italy 1991 c,d 31,2 2,9 7,6 12,9 17,3 23,2 38,9 23,7
Kazakhstan 1993 c,d 32,7 3,1 7,5 12,3 16,9 22,9 40,4 24,9
Kyrgyz Republic 1993 c,d 35,3 2,7 6,7 11,5 16,4 23,1 42,3 26,2
Latvia 1995 c,d 28,5 3,3 8,3 13,8 18,0 22,9 37,0 22,4
Lithuania 1993 c,d 33,6 3,4 8,1 12,3 16,2 21,3. 42,1 28,0
Luxembourg 1991 c,d 26,9 4,2 9,5 13,6 17,7 22,4 36,7 22,3
Mexico 1995 c,d 53,7 1,4 3,6 7,2 11,8 19,2 58,2 42,8
Moldova 1992 c,d 34,4 2,7 6,9 11,9 16,7 23,1 41,5 25,8
Mongolia 1995 33,2 2.9 7,3 12,2 16,6 23,0 40,9 24,5
Netherlands 1991 c,d 31,5 2,9 8,0 13,0 16,7 22,5 39,9 24,7
Norway 1991 c,d 25,2 4,1 10,0 14,3 17,9 22,4 35,3 21,2
Pakistan 1996 31,2 4,1 7,4 13,0 16,0 20,3 41,2 27,7
Panama 1995 c,d 57,1 0,7 2,3 6,2 11,3 19,8 60,4 43,8
Poland 1992a,b 27,2 4,0. 9,3 13,8 17,7 22,6 36,6 22,1
Romania 1994 c,d 28,2 3,7 8,9 13,6 17,6 22,6 37,3 22,7
Russian Federation 1996 48,0 1,4 4,2 8,8 13,6 20,7 52,8 37,4
Sierra Leone 1989 62,9 0,5 1,1 2,0 9,8 23,7 63,4 43,6
Slovak Republic 1992 c,d 19,5 5,1 11,9 15,8 18,8 22,2 31,4 18,2
Slovenia 1993 c,d 29,2 4,0 9,3 13,3 16,9 21,9 38,6 24,5
Spain 1990 c,d 32,5 2,8 7,5 12,6 17,0 22,6 40,3 25,2
Sweden 1992 c,d 25,0 3,7 9,6 14,5 18,1 23,2 34,5 20,1
Switzerland 1982 c,d 36,1 2,9 7,4 11,6 15,6 21,9 43,5 28,6
Turkmenistan 1993 c,d 35,8 2,7 6,7 11,4 16,3 22,8 42,8 26,9
Ukraine 1995 c,d 47,3 1,4 4,3 9,0 13,8 20,8 52,2 36,8
United Kingdom 1986 c,d 32,6 2,4 7,1 12,8 17,2 23,1 39,8 24,7
United States 1994 c,d 40,1 1,5 4,8 10,5 16,0 23,5 45,2 28,5
Vietnam 1993 35,7 3,5 7,8 11,4 15,4 21,4 44,0 29,0
a. Refers to expenditure shares by percentiles of population, b. Ranked by per capita expenditure, c. Refers to
income shares by percentiles of population, d. Ranked by per capita income.

Table 14.2. Inequality indicators 8 .

Quintile Decile GNP GNP PPP

Country Year
ratio ratio ($ per capita 1997) ($ per capita 1997)
Moldova 1992 6.01 9.56 460 1450
Kazakhstan 1993 5.39 8.03 1350 3530

Quintile ratio and decile ratio is calculated on the table 14.1.
Ukraine 1995 12.14 26.28 1040 2170
Belarus 1995 4.38 6.65 2150 4820
Russian F. 1995 12.57 26.71 2680 4280

Table 14.3. Russia and the Soviet Union; estimates of inequality, 1980-95. 9

Gini Decile ratio

Russia USSR Russia USSR
1980 0.24-0.29 3.25
1985 0.26-0.28 3.30
1988 0.26-0.28 0.29 3.32 3.53
1990 0.26-0.27 2.99
1991 0.26-0.27 3.24-5.40
1992 0.29 8.0
1993 0.40 11.2
1994 0.41 15.1
1995 0.38 13.5
Note: Quintile shares are calculated with total incomes for 1992; monetary incomes for later years. Source:

Table 14.4. Poverty 10

National poverty line International poverty line

Population below the Population
Survey Survey Poverty gap at
poverty line below
year % year $2 a day, % $2 a day, %
Azerbaijan 1995 68,1 .. ..
Belarus 1995 22,5 1993 6,4 0,8
Estonia 1994 8,9 1993 32,5 10,0
Kazakhstan 1996 34,6 1993 12,1 2,5
Kyrgyz Rep. 1993 40,0 1993 55,3 21,4
Lithuania .. 1993 18,9 4,1
Moldova .. 1992 30,6 9,7
Mongolia 1995 36,3 .. ..
Poland 1993 23,8 1993 15,1 7,7
Russian F. 1994 30,9 1993 10,9 2,3
Slovak Rep. .. 1992 85,1 27,5
Turkmenistan .. 1993 25,8 7,6
Ukraine 1995 31,7 .. ..
Vietnam 1993 50,9 .. ..

The mostly used index is the poverty headcount index - the share of population receiving an income less
than some poverty line. It is obvious that such an index is directly influenced by two factors: distribution of
incomes and the level at which poverty line is drawn.
National poverty rate (see table 14.4) is the percentage of the population living below the poverty line
deemed appropriate for the country by its authorities. National estimates are based on population-
weighted subgroup estimates from household surveys.
Population below $2 a day are the percentages of the population living on less than $2 a day at 1985
international prices, adjusted for purchasing power parity.
Poverty gap is the mean shortfall below the poverty line (counting the nonpoor as having zero
shortfall) expressed as a percentage of the poverty line. This measure reflects the depth of poverty as
well as its incidence.

3. Role of the state, the market and the family.

S. Commander, A. Tolstopiatenko, R. Yemtsov Channels of redistribution. Inequality and poverty in the Russian
transition. //Economics of Transition Volume 7 (2) 1999, 411-447.
1999 World Development Indicators, World Bank
3.1. Income inequality may be politically or ethically unacceptable. If a democratic society does not
like the distribution of income it can steps to change it. Let’s say that voters decide to reduce income
inequality. What tools could government use?
First, it can engage in progressive taxation. Second, because low tax rates cannot help those who
have no income at all, governments have built up a system of transfer payments, which are money
payments to people.
Such transfers include aid for the elderly, blind, and for those with dependent children, as well as
unemployment insurance for the jobless. This system of transfer payments provides a safety net to
protect the unfortunate from privation.
Government could strive to combat poverty as the most acute problem in different ways - by activity
supporting poor, creating adequate earning potential, investing in education and heath etc., or passively -
through transfers, income support programs (social assistance). The aims of these policies could be
achieved with maximum efficiency only when they are well targeted towards those who really need such
assistance. Sometimes government assistance just crowds-out private transfers, coping with income

3.2. There are two major categories of explicit redistribution programs: public assistance programs,
which provide benefits to those poor enough to qualify; and social insurance, which provides benefits to
the retired, disabled, unemployed, and sick.
Public assistance program (like social insurance programs) take two forms. Some provide cash, while
others provide payment only for specific services or commodities. The latter are referred as in-kind
Social insurance differs from public assistance I that an individual’s entitlements are partly dependent
on his contributions, which can be viewed as insurance premiums. To the extent that what the individual
receives is commensurate with his contributions, social insurance can be viewed as a government
“production activity” not a redistribution activity. But since what some receive is far in excess of what they
contribute, there is a large element of redistribution involved in government social insurance programs.
The market failures that give rise to the government provision of social insurance include the failure to
provide insurance for many of the most important risks facing individuals, the high transaction costs
associated with the private provision of insurance, the failure to provide insurance against social risks,
and the problem of adverse selection when markets cannot differentiate among individuals with different
The social security retirement program serves three functions: it is a forced savings program, an
insurance program, and a transfer program. The social security program has an effect on labor supply
(through its effect on early retirements) and on capital formation (through its effect on savings). There is
dispute about the significance of these effects.
Changes in birth rates and life expectancy, in labor force participation among the aged, and in the
rate of growth of productivity all contributed to recent financial crises facing the social security system in
the some countries.
The government affects the distribution of income also through the hidden redistribution programs -
the indirect effects of the tax system and other government program (subsidy programs and quotas).
Spending for goods and services also has its redistributive consequences; subsidies to urban bus
transport may help the poor.

4. Coherence of different policies: overview.

Equity The evaluation of a public policy often entails
balancing its consequences for economic
efficiency and the distribution of income (equity).
The trade-off between equity and efficiency is at
A the heart of many discussions of public policy.
Eq A
The trade-off is often represented as in Figure
14.4. To get more equity, some amount of
efficiency must be sacrificed.
Eq B B Two questions are debated. First, there is
disagreement about the nature of the trade-off.
To reduce inequality, how much efficiency do we
have to give up? Second, there are
disagreements on the relative value to be
0 Ef A Ef B Efficiency assigned to a decrease in inequality, compared to
Fig. 14.4 The equity-efficiency trade-off. decrease in efficiency.

Some people claim that the inequality is the central problem of society, and the society should simply
minimize the extent of inequality, regardless of the efficiency consequences. Others claim that efficiency
is the central issue.

4.1. Redistribution of income creates an equity-efficiency tradeoff, summarized in Okun's leaky bucket
analogy. The main leaks are administrative costs and the adverse incentive effects of higher taxes and
welfare programs themselves.
The equity-efficiency trade-off is inherent in the provision of welfare and transfer programs. Benefits
must fall sharply with increased income, or significant payments must be made to those who are not
poor. If benefits fall sharply, as they do in the current system, the poor may face higher marginal tax
rates than do the rich.
Public assistance provides cash and in-kind benefits to the poor.
The in-kind redistributive programs have several disadvantages: (a) They are administratively costly,
(b) In some cases, they have only an income effect (i.e., they have the same effect as a transfer of
cash); in other cases, they have a substitution effect, and in those cases, the government could make
the poor better off at less cost through a cash subsidy, (c) The effect of many eligibility standards is to
discourage work and, when compounded with payroll and state income taxes, can result in very high
marginal tax rates, (d) The structure of eligibility standards provides unintended results; for instance, the
food stamp program subsidizes the consumption of housing, (e) They are paternalistic.
Categorical (cash) programs have similar disadvantages: (a) They are administratively costly, (b)
They are viewed by some as inequitable, since individuals with the same income may be treated
differently, (c) They are sometimes distortionary, as individuals attempt to qualify for subsidies. However,
when groups differ in their labor-supply responses (or other responses) to government programs, the
government may be able to obtain a higher degree of redistribution, for the same loss of inefficiency, by
providing categorical aid.

4.2. The social welfare programs all

Percent of income

100 A have real disincentive effects on work and

on saving. Social Security, because it is
on a pay-as-you-go basis, reduces total
saving in the economy; its retirement
provisions encourage retirement at
particular ages. Welfare programs
encourage parents to stay single, may
C break up families or prevent their forming,
and may produce a culture of poverty in
B which people grow up learning to rely on
The transfer programs of the past two
decades in the many countries have
reduced the number of individuals in
0 20 40 60 80 100 poverty, and they have had some effect in
Percent of population reducing measures of overall inequality
Fig. 14.5 The Lorenz curve before taxes (OBA) and (fig.14.5). At the same time, however,
after taxes (OCA). there has been an increase in the extent
of before-tax/before-transfer inequality.

4.3. Principles of vertical and horizontal equity are used in designing and evaluating tax systems.
Horizontal equity says that equals should be treated equally. Vertical equity says that unequals
should he treated unequally. One view about how unequals should be treated is that people should pay
taxes according to their ability to pay. This suggests that the wealthier should pay more. If they pay
proportionately more than do the poor, i.e. pay a higher proportion of their income or wealth, the tax
system is progressive: it is regressive if they pay proportionately less.
Taxes on the scale levied in modern economies inevitably create distortions in the allocation of
resources. The taxes open up a wedge between buyers' and sellers' valuations of goods and factor
supplies. For instance, when wages are taxed, the value of the marginal product of labor is higher than
the take-home wage of the worker and therefore higher than tier valuation of leisure.
The tax wedge between buyers' and sellers' valuations leads the economy away from an undistorted
equilibrium and affects the allocation of resources. Taxation creates deadweight losses in that the cost of
taxation to the economy is greater than the amount of revenue raised by the government. The amount of
the deadweight loss increases with the elasticities of supply and demand in the market where the tax is
imposed. If either supply or demand is perfectly inelastic, there is no net loss. The total waste of taxation
is minimized by taxing relatively heavily those goods whose demand or supply is relatively inelastic.
A perennial issue in designing a tax system is whether to tax income or consumption. A consumption
tax does not tax saving and therefore tends to encourage it.

4.4. Virtually all government income maintenance programs - from welfare payments to
unemployment compensation - have work-incentive effects, and the direction and size of these effects
are often critical issues in constructing and enacting such programs. It is important to understand how
income maintenance programs can affect willingness to work.
Unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, and disability insurance might be called income
replacement programs. All three programs are intended to compensate workers for earnings lost owing
to their inability to work.
Income maintenance programs, more popularly known as "welfare" or "relief" programs, have the goal
of raising the income of the poor to some minimum acceptable level. They thus differ from income
replacement programs, which are aimed at restoring lost income. Because poverty is generally an
income-related concept, the benefits paid out under income maintenance programs generally are
affected by the level of the beneficiary's actual income.
But income-conditioned benefits inevitably reduce work incentives below what such incentives would
be with no income support system for the poor. They simultaneously increase income while reducing the
price of leisure (the wage rate), both of which should cause the demand for leisure to increase and the
supply of labor to fall. This fact is the root of much of the controversy welfare programs have generated
over the years.

4.5. Education is not a pure public good, nor do externalities provide a persuasive justification for the
role of the government. The major justification for public support of elementary and secondary education
is the belief that the quality of education obtained should not be solely dependent on the resources of the
child's parents. Imperfections of capital markets provide the main justification for public support for
higher education.
There may be important trade-offs between equity and efficiency in the provision of education.
Attempts to provide compensatory education, in which the government attempts to offset the
disadvantages that children from a poor background face, may reduce net national output. So long as
parents have the option of sending children to private schools, there is only a limited degree of equality
that can be obtained through the public school systems.
Though education is not the only determinant of an individual's future wages, there is a systematic
correlation between the level of education and wages; there is, however, controversy concerning the
explanation of this correlation. Some claim that it is primarily due to the increased skills that children
obtain at school (the human capital view), while others claim that it is due to the schools' identifying the
very able and differentiating them from the less able (the screening view).
The government has long played an active role in higher education, though its dominance is not as
great as at the elementary- and secondary-school levels. Some believe that government aid to higher
education is regressive in its effects, since those who benefit from college are likely to have higher
incomes. They believe that direct subsidies should be replaced by loan programs.

The health care industry is characterized by several market failures:

a) Uninformed consumers;
b) Limited competition;
c) Externalities, associated with contagious diseases; and
d) Non-profit-maximizing behavior.
Those who believe that the medical market is competitive believe that if individuals have to bear a
larger fraction of the costs, and if hospitals are reimbursed in a way that provides them with an incentive
to be efficient and to reduce costs, costs will be reduced.
Some of those who believe that the market is not competitive believe that costs should be controlled
by regulation. Most economists, however, are skeptical about the likely success of regulation in a market
as complex as that for medicine. Many believe that a change in the methods by which medicine is
delivered - in particular, the more extensive use of health maintenance organizations - is the most
hopeful way of reducing medical costs.
National expenditures on medical services, the prices of medical services, and public expenditures on
medicine have all risen rapidly in recent years. Many economists believe that the rapid increase in
medical costs arises from the extensive growth of private insurance plus government programs that
cover medical expenses.

Key Terms

private goods dissipation of rental incomes

public goods quintile ratio
rivalry in consumption decile ratio
excludable goods Gini coefficient
nonexcludable goods Lorenz curve
pure private goods problem of poverty
pure public goods poverty line
free ringer problem poverty gap
demand curve for public goods poverty headcount index
“market failures” transfer payments
median voter safety net
rule of majority voting in-kind benefits
political equilibrium trade-off between equity and efficiency
lobbyism horizontal equity
group with special interests vertical equity
logrolling tax wedge
rent seeking

1. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Applications, Third Ed., lrwin, 1993. Chap.18.
2. Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics.- 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995. Chap.18.
3. Katz M.L.and Rosen H.S. Microeconomics, IRWIN, 1991. Chap.16.3.
4. FischerS., Dombusch R. and Schmalensee R. Economics. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1988. Chap. 20-
5. McConnell C.R., Brue S.L. Economics: Principles, problems and policies. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
Chap. 33,37.
6. Samualson P.A., Nordhaus W.D.. Economics.- 14th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992. Chap.18,21.
7. N.Gregory Mankiw. Principles of economics.-The Dryden Press, 1998. Chap.11,20.
8. Stiglitz, Joseph E. Economics of the public sector. W.W.Norton & Company Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N.Y.10110 - 2nd. ed. Chap. 5,11,13-15.
9. Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Robert S. Smith Modern Labor Economics. Theory and Public Policy.
HarperCollins College Publishers, 1994.
10. P. Aghion, S. Commander On the dynamics of inequality in the transition //Economics of
Transition Volume 7 (2) 1999, 275-298.
11. S. Commander, A. Tolstopiatenko, R. Yemtsov Channels of redistribution. Inequality and poverty
in the Russian transition. //Economics of Transition Volume 7 (2) 1999, 411-447.


Initial conditions and channels for inequality 11

The erstwhile planned economies had a common objective in limiting the extent of inequality. With
assets concentrated in the hands of the state, with earnings dispersion in the dominant state sector
explicitly restricted and with tax and transfer policies designed to limit incentives and income
differentials, the overall outcome was a level of inequality that was generally significantly lower than in
OECD countries. Particularly notable was the way in which the planned economics combined relatively
high levels of human capital investment with extremely low returns to skills. Indeed, preferences under
the planned system imposed, if anything, a perverse set of returns to skills.
Given these starting points, it could be expected that transition would be associated with more
inequality, not least through greater earnings dispersion as a result of institutional changes, greater
diversity in income sources and larger regional variation. Without repression of inequality through public
policy, inequality might have been expected to jump toward levels observed in countries at roughly
equivalent levels of national income. This would, for example, be consistent with the original Kuznets
And, indeed, since the start of transition, matters have changed. Some sense of how inequality has
increased can be gained from Figure 1 which reports the change in the Gini coefficient for per capita
income since 1989 across & number (.if countries from both East and Central Europe (ECE) as well as
the Former Soviet Union (FSU). While there is evidence of significant differences in inequality ex ante
and an unambiguous increase in inequality across all the reported countries, the size of the increase
varies substantially and is notably larger in the countries of the FSLJ 12 .

Figure 1. Inequality in transition: Change in Gini; 1989-96


0.3 Georgia

Poland Russia
Hungary Armenia

Czech Pep



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

The principal drivers behind this shift in inequality have included;

• explicit asset redistributions, primarily through privatization, leading to greater wealth inequality;
• liberalization of prices and, in some contexts, redistributions engineered through inflation tax and
macroeconomics instability;
• liberalization of wage-setting, tolerance of unemployment and changes in labor market institutions;
• shifts in the level and structure of public spending, including on transfers, education and health;
• tax reforms - generally involving a decline in tax rates - aimed at raising incentives for both firms and
individuals; and
• trade liberalization, in turn exposing technological obsolescence and associated loss of skills among
Most of these policy measures associated with transition reveal an underlying preference for greater

P. Aghion, S. Commander On the dynamics of inequality in the transition //Economics of Transition Volume 7 (2)
1999, 275-298.
Note, however, the problems in measuring income inequality in a context of high informal sector participation and
de-monetization. An alternative measure could be inequality in consumption. For Georgia, Yemtsov (1998) also
finds the Gini for consumption on a rising trend but at a significantly lower level (0.36) than for income.
inequality. In the case of privatization, this has been justified by emphasizing capital market
imperfections and hence the need to concentrate wealth in order to finance projects. Given the scale of
desired restructuring, these financing costs have been assumed to be significant. The remaining
measures have largely been justified on incentive grounds, whether in terms of returns to skills or
taxation. In Section 3 below, we stylize a number of these major policy initiatives in the framework of a
general equilibrium model and show, among other results, the likely effects of different speeds of
privatization. However, as we argue in Section 4, an important source of increased inequality is likely to
come through changes in the share of public spending allocated to education and, more generally,
through similar factors to those that have driven the rise in wage inequality in OECD countries over the
past decade.
The degree and speed of implementation of the above mentioned reforms has, of course, varied
widely across countries. Further, disentangling the relative size of these effects remains empirically very
difficult, if not impossible. For instance, trade opening for an economy endowed with high skills and low
wages could, in principle, have positive implications for growth, although inappropriate configurations of
output and financing constraints - factors certainly present in most transition economies - might be
expected to offset any such positive effect. Moreover, quite what the size of these effects on inequality
will be will also critically depend on public policy. In Russia and other countries of the FSU, public
transfers have actually declined in progressivity since the start of transition, with both taxation and
transfers combined exerting a weak counteractive effect on other sources of inequality increase. By
contrast, in the core states of ECE, transfers and taxes have largely offset increased inequality in original

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