Baran 2016
Baran 2016
Baran 2016
Renewable Energy
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Article history: Running out of fossil fuels and rising of environmental issues pressurize energy policies in the direction
Received 5 June 2015 of increasing renewable energy utilization. As a part of full-recycling scheme, Municipal Solid Waste
Received in revised form (MSW) can be accounted as an alternative and prevalent source of renewable energy for smart grid
29 December 2015
applications. This study presents a case study investigating the future of dry combustion in Turkey and
Accepted 30 December 2015
gives some projections on Energy from Waste (EfW) utilization potentials as secondary local generators.
Available online 17 January 2016
EfW potential of MSW incineration plants is modeled depending on MSW mass function. An empirical
formula for prediction of EfW potential of Turkey is derived by curve fitting to yearly MSW data.
Energy from waste
Dependence of EfW potential on human population is modeled and thus spread of EfW potential over the
Municipal solid waste management territory of Anatolia landscape is illustrated. Analyses reveal that EfW has a potential to be local source of
Distributed renewable generation renewable energy for future smart grids due to the fact that EfW exhibits energy generation distribution
Smart grid correlated with city population. We concluded that EfW incineration plants can act on sustainable
development of Turkey by serving as a consistent, distributed, near-field generators integrated to waste
management systems of cities.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction manufacturing.
Fig. 1 illustrates a conceptual diagram of full-recycling paradigm.
Waste should not be considered as ‘‘anything rejected as Full-recycling paradigm suggests a complete reuse of compounds
worthless, or in excess of what is required’’ [1]. Bailie et al. gave and energy contained by the materials so that sustainable working
more relevant meaning for the waste term as “any material that of a system can be possible. This makes systems entirely self-
enters the waste-management system’’, for recycling, reuse, ma- supportive and renewable in a closed loop manner. For industry,
terial reclamation, composting and incineration [2]. The last defi- full-recycling scheme also makes possible the zero-carbon
nition is more pertinent for a sustainable development of manufacturing [3]. Full-recycling scheme should be a mandatory
civilizations. Because, if waste disposal systems are not improved to for sustainable development and eco-friendly living in the earth.
manage full recycling of waste materials, natural resources will be Otherwise, contamination of environment due to the human ac-
insufficient to meet demands of increasing population, and the tivity is unavoidable.
human race, sooner or later, faces contamination and insufficiency A habitable world in future depends on our capacity to use
of natural resources. The best solution for a sustainable world is to natural resources in a way of eco-friendly and efficient. In this
implement full-recycling schemes. One of the promising benefits of point, increasing the recycling and renewable energy utilization are
the waste management is also reuse of waste material for energy two key-points, which must be always taken into account when
harvesting. It is anticipated that “waste to energy” conversion may designing social, economical and manufacturing systems in the
help to get rid of problems of electricity scarcity and waste man- global scale. EfW policies should be an essential part of landfill
agement together. The full-recycling paradigm can be possible by diversion and climate change strategies [4].
recovery of the both energy consumed and materials used in the MSWs collected from urban areas should be disposed in way of
resulting in minimal environmental impacts. This objective can be
achievable by following full-recycling scheme that aims a complete
reuse of not only materials but also energy contained by the MSWs.
* Corresponding author. In this sense, EfW is recognized as renewable energy generated
E-mail address: (B. Baran).
0960-1481/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
494 B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500
practicable recycling and composting was viewed to be very high voltage discharges to collect the majority of small ash particles
effective strategy for waste management [9,10]. We focus on the remaining in the gas stream after passing from fabric filters. Fig. 3
combustion of dry biomass waste in our analyses. Because, it can shows a simplified schematic diagram of conventional EfW incin-
offer more energy potential from waste materials and works as a eration plants including CHP systems, pollution control process,
part of sustainable waste management strategy. The following MSW feeding and ash removal systems.
section is devoted to establish a technical background for the fun-
damentals of waste combustion technology.
2.2. Theoretical background for estimation of EfW potential from
MSW mass
electricity conversion rate depends on the energy efficiency of 1994 and 2010 [38]. This data in million tons unit is illustrated in
steam-turbine-generator system, and it can be expressed with Fig. 4. We applied curve fitting to data given for the years between
respect to conversion loss rate lc2(0,1) as nc ¼ 1 lc. In addition, a 1994 and 2010 to estimate trend of waste production for the
portion of electricity energy generated is used for maintenance and following years. An empirical formula derived by fitting curve to
self consumption of EfW incretion plants and waste management the total MSW production data in Fig. 4 was obtained as,
facilities. The electricity export rate can be expressed with respect
to facility maintenance rate le2(0,1) as ne ¼ 1 le. These rates
depend on technology of EfW incineration systems. In average, the Ma ðyÞ ¼ 7:6 1 eð0:8ðy1994ÞÞ þ 17:76 (6)
conversion loss rate can be taken lc ¼ 77.88% [37] and facility
maintenance rate can be taken about le ¼ 30%. where the parameter y denotes years. (See Appendix for details on
For the prediction of future potential of EfW, MSW mass func- empirical formulation of MSW mass function.)
tion (Ma(y)) can be obtained by applying curve fitting to yearly Yearly MSW estimation from MSW mass function (Equation (6))
MSW data. Details on the empirical formulation for yearly MSW
mass function are given in Appendix section.
MSW mass production from a landscape depends on the pop-
ulation size. It is useful to express the spatial distribution of overall
EfW potential with respect to population size as the following,
Pn ¼ g ma N (5)
Parameters ma and N denote average MSW production of a
person and the population size, respectively. The total MSW gen-
eration of an urban area can be written by Ma ¼ maN.
Fig. 5. (a) Yearly MSW estimation (Million Tons) for Turkey. (b) EfW prediction (Terawatt Hours) according to amount of MSW given in (a).
498 B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500
Fig. 9. An estimation of EfW potential distribution in Turkey correlated with city populations.
B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500 499
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