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Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500

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Utilization of energy from waste potential in Turkey as distributed

secondary renewable energy source
Burhan Baran*, Mehmet Salih Mamis, Baris Baykant Alagoz
Inonu University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Running out of fossil fuels and rising of environmental issues pressurize energy policies in the direction
Received 5 June 2015 of increasing renewable energy utilization. As a part of full-recycling scheme, Municipal Solid Waste
Received in revised form (MSW) can be accounted as an alternative and prevalent source of renewable energy for smart grid
29 December 2015
applications. This study presents a case study investigating the future of dry combustion in Turkey and
Accepted 30 December 2015
gives some projections on Energy from Waste (EfW) utilization potentials as secondary local generators.
Available online 17 January 2016
EfW potential of MSW incineration plants is modeled depending on MSW mass function. An empirical
formula for prediction of EfW potential of Turkey is derived by curve fitting to yearly MSW data.
Energy from waste
Dependence of EfW potential on human population is modeled and thus spread of EfW potential over the
Municipal solid waste management territory of Anatolia landscape is illustrated. Analyses reveal that EfW has a potential to be local source of
Distributed renewable generation renewable energy for future smart grids due to the fact that EfW exhibits energy generation distribution
Smart grid correlated with city population. We concluded that EfW incineration plants can act on sustainable
development of Turkey by serving as a consistent, distributed, near-field generators integrated to waste
management systems of cities.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction manufacturing.
Fig. 1 illustrates a conceptual diagram of full-recycling paradigm.
Waste should not be considered as ‘‘anything rejected as Full-recycling paradigm suggests a complete reuse of compounds
worthless, or in excess of what is required’’ [1]. Bailie et al. gave and energy contained by the materials so that sustainable working
more relevant meaning for the waste term as “any material that of a system can be possible. This makes systems entirely self-
enters the waste-management system’’, for recycling, reuse, ma- supportive and renewable in a closed loop manner. For industry,
terial reclamation, composting and incineration [2]. The last defi- full-recycling scheme also makes possible the zero-carbon
nition is more pertinent for a sustainable development of manufacturing [3]. Full-recycling scheme should be a mandatory
civilizations. Because, if waste disposal systems are not improved to for sustainable development and eco-friendly living in the earth.
manage full recycling of waste materials, natural resources will be Otherwise, contamination of environment due to the human ac-
insufficient to meet demands of increasing population, and the tivity is unavoidable.
human race, sooner or later, faces contamination and insufficiency A habitable world in future depends on our capacity to use
of natural resources. The best solution for a sustainable world is to natural resources in a way of eco-friendly and efficient. In this
implement full-recycling schemes. One of the promising benefits of point, increasing the recycling and renewable energy utilization are
the waste management is also reuse of waste material for energy two key-points, which must be always taken into account when
harvesting. It is anticipated that “waste to energy” conversion may designing social, economical and manufacturing systems in the
help to get rid of problems of electricity scarcity and waste man- global scale. EfW policies should be an essential part of landfill
agement together. The full-recycling paradigm can be possible by diversion and climate change strategies [4].
recovery of the both energy consumed and materials used in the MSWs collected from urban areas should be disposed in way of
resulting in minimal environmental impacts. This objective can be
achievable by following full-recycling scheme that aims a complete
reuse of not only materials but also energy contained by the MSWs.
* Corresponding author. In this sense, EfW is recognized as renewable energy generated
E-mail address: (B. Baran).
0960-1481/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
494 B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500

depending on population of the provinces. This well suits for local

distributed generation provisions of smart grids. As a distributed
resource, EfW presents benefits of generation consistency and
suspension. These properties significantly facilitate management of
renewable energy resources and make EfW a good candidate for
smart grid distributed generation applications so that it becomes an
easy-manageable and consistent source of renewable energy. EfW
is also suitable for CHP applications that increase energy efficiency
in generation systems. Environmental and economic advantages of
EfW integration to city-wide district energy network was discussed
in detail by Finney et al. [17].
This paper highlights that EfW promises a consistent distributed
generation potential for future smart grids. Many previous works
have been discussed methodologies developed for generation of
electricity and/or heat energy from waste materials: The directly
waste combustion, the bioconversion such as anaerobic digestion
or fermentation producing methane or alcohol, and the landfilling
producing a combustible fuel commodity, such as methane,
methanol, ethanol or synthetic fuels [18]. Assamoi et al. reported
that waste disposal by incineration was more beneficial in term of
environmental offset and electricity generation potential while
landfilling is preferable financially [19]. Industrial waste such as
Fig. 1. An illustration of full-recycling scheme. plastics, leather and rubber reduce the energy potential of landfill.
Whereas, increasing portion of plastics, leather and rubber wastes
enhances the energy potential of the incineration method [19].
from waste management system [5]. Integration of EfW systems to Numerous works associated with biomass [20e24] and biogass
electricity grid will be very beneficial when they are considered as [25e27] addressed energy recovery from wastes or residual ma-
distributed sources assembled to waste disposal systems of prov- terials to be a solution for sustainable development in many
inces. This integration becomes a major step toward the realization countries. For environment and climate point of view, a complete
of full-recycling paradigm. system engineering study was presented by So €derman for the en-
Waste disposal by waste incineration in open fields and/or ergy recovery from waste in Sweden [28]. So € derman suggested that
buried for landfill contains the risk of emissions of toxic contami- a preferable solution considering global warming implications
nants and heavy metals to nature [6]. After waste separation for should combine materials recovery and CHP from waste materials
material recycling (paper, glass, metals..etc), fully burning of non- [28]. In another study, Udomsri et al. gives an evaluation of MSW
recyclable and contaminant material under high temperature incineration for climate change mitigation and promotion of
combustion rooms integrated with effective fabric, ash and gas biomass-based electricity production in Thailand [20]. They re-
filters (gas cleaning techniques) can reduce contamination risks ported that MSW incineration can lessen environmental impacts
caused from waste disposal process, noticeably [6]. Today, heat associated with waste disposal and thus contributes to expanding
energy emerged from combustion of waste material can be used for biomass-based energy production in Thailand [20].
electricity generation via heat to electricity generation techniques. Longden et al. discussed distributed or centralized energy-from-
Modern waste combustion plants are more efficient in energy waste policies and suggested that decision of the right EfW stra-
generation and material disposal, which can reduce the volume of tegies can be possible by assessment and analysis local parameters,
the original waste by 95e96%, depending upon composition of social, financial and geographical conditions [4]. In literature, many
materials. Application of advanced material filters and combined studies are devoted to assessment and planning of EfW potentials
heat and power (CHP) methods [7,8] makes EfW more efficient and in country scales such as Delhi [29], Saudi Arabia [30], Brazil [31,32],
eco-friendly in term of energy generation. State-of-the-art EfW Jordan [33], Portugal [34]. All these case studies are very helpful for
incinerators, practicable recycling and composting process are the establishment of right EfW policies for their countries. All these
suggested to work together in an integrated waste management works motivate us to analyze current and future potential of EfW in
strategy [9]. EfW incineration is suggested as an integral part of Turkey and provide future projections for the roles of decentralized
environmentally responsible and sustainable waste management EfW in the prospective smart grid applications.
strategy [3,10,11]. There are efforts for the strategic municipal solid This paper presents a case study investigating EfW potential of
waste management in regional scales [12]. Turkey and gives an estimation of EfW potential in Turkey for near
Future smart grid technologies aim the realization of distributed future. Dependence of EfW potential to human population was
generation, distributed storage and demand side load management modeled for Turkey. Moreover, we demonstrate spread of EfW
for energy systems [13e16]. Thus, local distributed renewable potential over the territory of Anatolia landscape in a correlation
generation and electricity demand elasticity can be possible by with city population, and conclude that EfW incineration plants can
implementation of smart grid technologies, which in turn enhance serve as a consistent, distributed, near-field (local) generators
energy efficiency and sustainability in generation, distribution and around cities for the sustainable development of Turkey. Possible
consumption. Authors suggest that EfW systems should be benefits of EfW generation for a future smart grid installation in
accounted as distributed renewable energy generators for smart Turkey are discussed, briefly.
grids: The generation potential depends on MSW production of
cities. Hence, it presents advantageous of more steady and pre- 2. Fundamentals of EfW by dry combustion technology
dictable generation pattern comparing to generation profiles of
other renewable energy sources such as solar or wind energies. The combustion of solid organic materials is the most common
Another advantage of EfW is that generation potential of EfW varies EfW method, and particularly waste incineration combined with
B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500 495

practicable recycling and composting was viewed to be very high voltage discharges to collect the majority of small ash particles
effective strategy for waste management [9,10]. We focus on the remaining in the gas stream after passing from fabric filters. Fig. 3
combustion of dry biomass waste in our analyses. Because, it can shows a simplified schematic diagram of conventional EfW incin-
offer more energy potential from waste materials and works as a eration plants including CHP systems, pollution control process,
part of sustainable waste management strategy. The following MSW feeding and ash removal systems.
section is devoted to establish a technical background for the fun-
damentals of waste combustion technology.
2.2. Theoretical background for estimation of EfW potential from
MSW mass

2.1. Waste-to-energy incineration plants with pollution control

The energy generation potentials of EfW incineration plants
strongly depend on amount of burning MSW mass. The energy
EfW incineration plants directly burn waste materials under
content of MSW was widely estimated using the modified Dulong
high temperatures. These plants mainly generate dense thermal
equation [18,36]. Dulong equation estimates thermal energy yiel-
energy from waste materials, and this energy is transformed to
ded from combustion of waste materials based on its C, H, O, N, S
electrical power by steam turbines or used as heat energy. Tem-
contents. By assuming approximate chemical formula of combus-
perature of combustion chamber reaches over 1000  C [18] and it
tibles as C6H10.98O3.54, Rouf suggested the following Dulong equa-
turns 95e96% of the original waste to very hot gas and ashes.
tion for an average heat energy potential,
Waste-to-energy generation mainly leaves bottom ashes and fly
ashes. The bottom ash contains large and moderate-sized burned HE½kJ=kg ¼ 337C þ 1428ðH  O=8Þ þ 9S (1)
and unburnable material remaining in the furnace or combustion
chamber, and it comprises 75e90% of all ashes produced by EfW where, C is amount of carbon percentage, H is amount of hydrogen
process depending on the technology employed. Fly ash is a pow- percentage, O is amount of oxygen percentage, and S is amount of
dery remaining that can fly in the hot gas streams [35]. In general, sulfur percentage. The approximate chemical formula of combus-
fly ashes are collected in the pollution control processes such as tibles does not considerably change for developing countries due to
scrubbers, spray dryer, fabric filters and electrostatic precipitator as similarity in composition of MSWs. By considering Equation (1), the
represented in Fig. 2. heat energy per kilogram of MSWs was calculated about
It is well known that burning MSW can produce a number of HE ¼ 214.24 kJ/kg [36]. Heat energy is converted to steam energy
dangerous pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, fine with about 30% loss. By considering 31.6% efficiency in average for
particles containing heavy metals and other toxic organic com- the steam energy to electricity conversion in turbine-generator
pounds. Reducing concentration of these pollutants released into system [37], the electrical energy generated per kilogram of
the air lessens negative effects of these pollutants on human health MSWs was estimated as UE ¼ 0.01316 kWh/kg. According to this
or environment. In this point, effectiveness of pollution control waste to energy conversion rates, one can write for total electrical
process in EfW incineration plants becomes a major concern for a energy generation for Ma kilogram waste as,
sustainable energy generation. To minimize environmental conta-
gion, a pollution control process in EfW utilities mainly includes P½kWh ¼ 0:01316Ma (2)
following cascaded processes [35]: A scrubbers and spray dryer
In practice, we assumed that 30% of electrical power generated
process cleans and dries the air emissions from the gas stream.
from MSW spent for maintenance and self consumption of EfW
Then, fabric filters, composed of a series of nearly two thousand
incineration plants and power requirements of waste management
heat-resistant fabric bags, removes remaining ashes and large
system, the electrical energy delivery from EfW incineration to grid
particles from the gas stream. Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP) use
per Ma kilogram waste can be estimated by,

Pn ½kWh ¼ 0:0092120Ma (3)

MSW PolluƟon Control
Bottom Furnace Spray Dryer Fly 2.3. Arithmetic modeling of EfW potential according to MSW mass
Ash Scrubber Ash

Hea By considering heat potential of MSW mass, electricity genera-

tion potential of EfW incineration system can be expressed in a
Steam Fabric Fly general form as,
Boiler Filters Ash
Pn ¼ cw ng HE Ma (4)
where, HE is the heat energy per kilogram of MSW (kJ/kg) and it can
Steam Electrostatic be calculated by Dulong equation depending on approximate
Turbine Precipitator
chemical formula of combustibles as explained in previous section.
The cw is unit conversion constant. For joule to watt conversion, it
takes the value of 2.7778.107 (kilowatt-hour). In Equation (4), one
Electricity can express mass to electricity conversion rate g¼cwngHE , which
Cleaned Hot
was calculated as roughly 0.0092120 kW hours per kilogram of
Energy GeneraƟon MSW in Equation (3). Here, the parameter ng2(0,1) is the average
Process generation efficiency of EfW incretion system. It can be expressed
depending on heat to electricity conversion rate (nc) and electricity
Fig. 2. Basic processes of EfW for sustainable energy generation. export rate (ne) of incineration plants as ng ¼ ncne. The heat to
496 B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500

Fig. 3. A schematic diagram of conventional EfW incineration plants.

electricity conversion rate depends on the energy efficiency of 1994 and 2010 [38]. This data in million tons unit is illustrated in
steam-turbine-generator system, and it can be expressed with Fig. 4. We applied curve fitting to data given for the years between
respect to conversion loss rate lc2(0,1) as nc ¼ 1  lc. In addition, a 1994 and 2010 to estimate trend of waste production for the
portion of electricity energy generated is used for maintenance and following years. An empirical formula derived by fitting curve to
self consumption of EfW incretion plants and waste management the total MSW production data in Fig. 4 was obtained as,
facilities. The electricity export rate can be expressed with respect
to facility maintenance rate le2(0,1) as ne ¼ 1  le. These rates  
depend on technology of EfW incineration systems. In average, the Ma ðyÞ ¼ 7:6 1  eð0:8ðy1994ÞÞ þ 17:76 (6)
conversion loss rate can be taken lc ¼ 77.88% [37] and facility
maintenance rate can be taken about le ¼ 30%. where the parameter y denotes years. (See Appendix for details on
For the prediction of future potential of EfW, MSW mass func- empirical formulation of MSW mass function.)
tion (Ma(y)) can be obtained by applying curve fitting to yearly Yearly MSW estimation from MSW mass function (Equation (6))
MSW data. Details on the empirical formulation for yearly MSW
mass function are given in Appendix section.
MSW mass production from a landscape depends on the pop-
ulation size. It is useful to express the spatial distribution of overall
EfW potential with respect to population size as the following,

Pn ¼ g ma N (5)
Parameters ma and N denote average MSW production of a
person and the population size, respectively. The total MSW gen-
eration of an urban area can be written by Ma ¼ maN.

3. A case study for Turkey

3.1. EfW potential prediction in Turkey

Turkey is a developing country with about 74 million pop-

ulations in Western Asia and Southeastern Europe. Turkey has 81
cities and an estimated 75.5% of population lives in urban centers.
Turkey's yearly MSW production statistics are officially prepared by
Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI) for the sampled years between Fig. 4. Amount of MSW (Million Tons) versus years [38].
B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500 497

is illustrated in Fig. 5(a). After 2000, MSW mass of Turkey settles an

average level of 25.4 million tons because of decrease in migration
of rural population to cities and hence the stabilization trend of city
population in last decade. Yearly EfW electricity generation esti-
mation for Turkey can be obtained by using empirical yearly MSW
mass function (Equation (6)) in Equation (3) as:
Pn ðyÞ ¼ 0:0092120 7:6 1  eð0:8ðy1994ÞÞ þ 17:76 (7)

Fig. 5(b) indicates yearly 230 Gigawatt hours electricity gener-

ation potential of Turkey from MSW mass in the near future. On the
other hand, Turkey's yearly electrical consumption data provided
by TSI for the years between 1997 and 2011 is shown in Fig. 6 [38].
For the years following 2011, electricity consumption trend was
estimated by curve fitting to the consumption data in Fig. 6. The
empirical formula obtained for electricity consumption can be
written as,

Ec ðyÞ ¼ 170ðy  1997Þ2 þ 5000ðy  1997Þ þ 81885: (8)

Fig. 6. Yearly electrical consumption data (Gigawatt Hours) of Turkey [38].
Fig. 8 reveals the ratio of EfW potential to total electricity de-
mand (RE ¼ W/Ec) for Turkey. The figure indicates that RE is ex-
pected to decrease between 2012 and 2018. Because, MSW mass
estimation in Fig. 5(a) settles an average level after the year 2000
due to stabilization of city population. But, electricity consumption
of Turkey continuously increases in this period as shown in Fig. 7.
The electricity dependence of Turkish people increases as a result of
increase in technology utilization in their daily life. However, yearly
230 Gigawatt hours distributed electricity energy generation po-
tential is valuable for Turkey, in addition to benefits of eco-friendly
disposal of MSW mass. We foresee that an effective EfW utilization
in Turkey contributes to sustainable development of cities in near

3.2. A discussion on smart grid prospect of EfW in Turkey

Combining EfW incineration plants to the waste management

systems as an integral part of waste disposal task is not technically
difficult and financially expensive. All urban areas already estab-
lished their MSW management system, including the following Fig. 7. Estimation of electricity demand (Terawatt Hours) for Turkey according to the
fundamental stages: the garbage collection from streets, waste empirical formula given by Equation (8).
transportation to waste fields and disposal processes. Majority of
municipals in Turkey have established their waste management
infrastructures involving in these fundamental tasks. At this point, EfW.
EfW incineration plants and the waste separation processes can be Amount of MSW generated is strongly depended of human
added nearby waste fields. Furthermore, recent smart grid tech- population. That is why; the distribution of EfW generation in a
nologies facilitate the integration of EfW incineration plants to landscape shows a strong correlation with the population size
electricity distribution systems and enable to more efficient use of motif in urban areas. In order to estimate EfW distribution in

Fig. 5. (a) Yearly MSW estimation (Million Tons) for Turkey. (b) EfW prediction (Terawatt Hours) according to amount of MSW given in (a).
498 B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500

populations. Equation (5) states an apparent correlation be-

tween the human population and EfW potential. This prop-
erty makes EfW a good candidate for distributed renewable
energy generation, which spreads over the landscape cor-
responding to the distribution pattern of urban population.
Fig. 9 illustrates the distribution of estimated 230 Gigawatt
hours yearly EfW potential in Turkey and indicates the
population-correlated distributed generation property of
EfW for Turkey.
(ii) EfW provides a near-field energy potential for human habi-
tation as a task of waste management system. This is an
important asset for energy accessibility and efficiency. The
near-field generators support local generation-consumption
strategy and thus reduce transmission losses.
(iii) Energy profile of EfW incineration plant is more stable and
controllable when compared to generation profiles of inter-
mittent renewable energy generators such as solar systems
and wind turbines. In this manner, it promises more
consistent distributed renewable energy generation poten-
tial for smart grids. Generation consistency is very important
Fig. 8. Yearly estimations for the ratio of EfW potential to total electricity demand in asset for energy management.
Turkey. (iv) EfW incineration plants can postpone their energy produc-
tion to meet possible excessive power demand in future. This
generation shifting (suspension) property will be very useful
Turkey, we calculated the following relation,
for dealing with local demand peaks in hourly consumption
profiles of provinces. MSW mass storage establishes an en-
Pn ½kWhz3:83N (9)
ergy reservoir for the future utilization. Our analyses indicate
The constant 3.83 in Equation (9) indicates yearly EfW potential yearly total 230 Gigawatt hours EfW reservoir for provinces
per capita and yearly average MSW mass production per capita was of Turkey.
calculated as ma ¼ 416.1 kg according to 2010 population data of TSI (v) Solar and wind energy generation is very conditional. EfW
[38]. Fig. 9 shows EfW potential distribution map of Turkey, esti- incineration plants can support solar and wind energy gen-
mated according to city populations. As seen in the figure, EfW eration at their inefficient hours. So, EfW can be backup
incineration plants can work as distributed power generators energy for the cases of instant solar and wind energy
spreading across territory of Turkey according to the population of deficiencies.
cities. As the population size increases, such as Izmir, Ankara and (vi) EfW can be considered eco-friendly energy due to the fact
Istanbul provinces, EfW potential rises due to increasing MSW mass that it is an integral part of waste disposal system. EfW be-
collection. Table 1 shows EfW potential of some big cities of Turkey. comes an important step towards to the realization of full-
Some important advantages of EfW incineration plants for smart recycling paradigm. It also contributes to dealing with
grid prospects can be summarized as. contamination caused from pollutant and reduces green-
house gases emission from spoiling wastes [20]. Combustion
(i) EfW is very suitable for distributed generation since energy of MSW over 1000  C can remarkably reduce the volume of
potential exhibits a strong dependence on urban the waste piles and therefore it facilitates storing and

Fig. 9. An estimation of EfW potential distribution in Turkey correlated with city populations.
B. Baran et al. / Renewable Energy 90 (2016) 493e500 499

Table 1
EfW Potential (GWh) for some provinces in Turkey.

Some provinces Population producing MSW for the year 2010 [38] EfW potential (GWh)

Adana 1,877,373 7.19

Ankara 4,672,162 17.89
Diyarbakir 1,124,305 4,31
Istanbul 13,120,596 50,25
Izmir 3,670,764 14,06
Malatya 610,823 2,34

sanitation of hazardous contaminants contained by wastes.  

As a consequence, EfW incineration plants can recover a  1
ðyyo Þ 
considerable portion of chemical energy contained by MSWs. Ma ðyÞ ¼ DM 1  e þ Mo (10)
Hence, as being a part of full-recycling scheme, EfW provides
renewable and near-field energy source for future smart where yo is the first year of MSW mass production data. The
grids. parameter Mo is the total MSW mass of the year yo. By fitting Ma(y)
to yearly total MSW data, DM and t parameters are calculated to
4. Conclusions obtain total MSW production formula. The parameter DM stands
for the magnitude of asymptotical increase in amount of mass, and
A future prediction of EfW potential in Turkey was presented the parameter t represents the time constant for the saturation of
according to yearly MSW mass data and the possible benefits of mass generation.
EfW utilization for smart grid installation of Turkey were discussed.
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